#i don't even have rayman mini but
jennyun-sooyun · 12 days
My Critique/Thoughts/Rant about Rayman
(Leading up to "Captain Laserhawk")
I know! Random…
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But this has been on my mind since I saw Captain Laserhawk, which I'm going to say off the bat that I don't like it but to each their own.
But that's not the focus. (Cyberpunk Edgerunners was miles better)
The focus is on the character, Rayman.
Now, I know what some of you are going to be thinking…I might be hearing comments like:
"You're just letting nostalgia blind you."
"Get over it, it was the right direction, you're just old!"
Yes, I've been playing Rayman since it came out on the PS1, then onward to Rayman: The Great Escape and Hoodlum Havoc. He is my all time favorite character growing up as a kid. I even played the stupid (misused) Rabbids idea of "Rayman 4" being robbed from us of the original concept -- and turned into a cheap party Wii mini game instead.
(I did not play Origins or Legends from here -- I did not like the direction personally)
But now on the direction of the character, I just felt it had all gone downhill since the Rabbids. I didn't mind the concept of the Rabbids existing, it's how they WROTE them in the same space with Rayman. I feel like they just made the Rabbids the main characters/protagonist(s), but not Rayman himself. Then reusing the character into the Captain Lazerhawk show that way…
I felt his character was just GREATLY disrespected, and the fans of Rayman (or what's left of us) were not given that respect either in a way for our limbless hero.
NOW! I am NOT against Rayman's ending where he turned into "Ramone" -- but it's HOW he got there.
Rayman…resorting to alcoholism, drugs, etc, and resorting to acting like a pathetic loser who wanted to be a desperate people pleaser? Say what you want but I feel that's just almost completely out of character for him. I feel like the writers just wanted to write him in a way for the sake of being edgy/modern -- or "Hey, this is what a lot of character nowadays are written like for the sake of making it an adult show!"
Listen, listen, that's just MY take on it, okay.
If it's any other character besides Rayman, I'd be totally fine with it -- because it'll just be another tragic character in another show.
First of all, Rayman was NEVER really a simp-y people pleaser in that sense. I wouldn't think he'd be the kind of character to be on TV for Eden to appeal to people, or even care to go up on stages for any other reason other than just messing around.
If anything, the character would've been relieved to hear that he could finally get some peace and sleep, because he kept being interrupted every time something happens. In many cases, he just wants it done and out and he could go back to sleeping in his favorite spots seen in Rayman 1-3. He was always dragged into the fray.
…But fine, let's go with the original plot of Laserhawk and do it anyway.
That's just the start of it.
As the story progresses, I felt the writing was really lackluster and the characters acting…like something from a typical teenage fanfiction instead of something people would do in that situation -- with the scene of Rayman losing his temper with Red. Or days when Rayman got depressed and became an alcoholic.
Rayman alone succumbing to addictions such as cocaine, alcohol and trying to bang a cow lady was just…extremely out of character for someone like him.
In all cases, Rayman was the type of character who didn't let that take him and always surmount the challenges despite how bleak things are -- like Rayman: The Great Escape.
This is coming from a guy who was kidnapped, enslaved and had seen his friends being tortured and trafficked while he could only watch.
Yet he was able to rise above the challenge and free his entire planet.
He always had the one mindset of just doing what he does and finding things to have fun with while he does it.
DON'T get me wrong, I like the direction of Rayman being taken advantaged of to further Eden's terrible plot, and I liked the idea of Rayman becoming "Ramone" to finish the job and save Bullfrog shooting up everyone there. He still cared and still ended as a hero despite everything -- I don't mind that at all.
That, I can sit with.
It's the fact of HOW he got there was just out of characters since the beginning, at least that's how it felt for me on that.
It'll be like seeing characters like Kirby/Spyro/Sonic/Crash Bandicoot suddenly becoming a coke snorting alcoholic who becomes a desperate people pleaser trying not to be forgotten. That's how off it looks. It's completely out of character. I get characters can shift and change over time depending on what happened to them -- but it still would defeat the purpose.
Characters listed above wouldn't have done that -- because they aren't supposedly like everyone else. The whole point is that they are PROTAGONISTS with stories centered on them on why they are the focus, people that rose above situations that average people can't. -- at least that's how I feel about the idea of these types of protagonists. They were heroes that did the impossible.
So, you're telling me Rayman, the man who had been through kidnapping, slavery, trafficking, and watching his friends get tortured in Rayman 2, ...was done in and went to drugs, sex and alcoholism over a fraud case, being framed, not getting attention, and media problems? AND just fell for some really gullbile bullshit that he got himself into uncharacteristically? Just saying. I get the context from Laserhawk but...really?
Listen, I like the end design. I like him going edgy. I like his Jakified transformation in some way. But the way he was written to get there is 90% what freaking matters.
I feel the use of Rayman was constantly been misunderstood as just a joke character -- but hey, it's Ubisoft.
Should I be surprised? Perhaps not.
Do I have the right to be disappointed as a fan? Yes.
Take it with a grain of salt.
This is just my thoughts about it. I'm not saying I'm right -- I'm just disagreeing with the direction of the character.
I just don't think Rayman himself would ever get himself in those situations, unless he was dragged in against his will.
I just feel Ubisoft just doesn't understand their characters…along with other things..
I'm just a girl who loves her limbless baby. Okay?
Someone made a good, clear point that the premise and point of "Captain Laserhawk that it's to "discard what was initially thought of the IPs, and have them wipe clean of any prior history and into clean slates to rewrite them."
(Thank you for pointing this out)
That's somehow even worse.
Sounds like a lazy plot convenience/tool to make it an excuse to write characters without honoring and looking up the source material indepth -- and fulfill a different view of what they want the character to be like despite how it's uncharacteristic of the character itself.
A lot of modern writers are doing this to existing characters alot nowadays, which is pretty sad.
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A "little" bit regarding Phantom
Here's the analysis I've wanted to do (for a long time, actually) about everyone's favourite bastard opera bunny.
Minor spoiler for The Last Spark Hunter!
TLTR in meme form:
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While my zero expectations to find the Phantom in this DLC were met (even if to be honest for more than a minute I tought Allegra's friend was going to be him, lol), I was hoping for another cameo. And Ubisoft delivered!
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Sailing around the Ruins you can find this very creepy... giant plush half buried in the sand? Is that a reference to the real life Phantom puppet? Did Phantom's megalomaniac ass commission this? Creepy factor aside, I love that he looks like he's wearing eyeliner! Phantom wears makeup canon yesdonteventrytofightmeonthis!
Anyway, I'm not the only one that thinks Beep-0's comment is highly sus. Even in the tone he's using sounds like the devs behind are being so proud of their troll. Maybe I'm just overthinking as usual and that dialogue is just Beep-0's seething hatred towards Phantom, but... That, paired with everything else going on... it doesn't convince me.
Phantom does have his fair amount of reasons he could make a real return song and all, there are a lot people wanting him back (not only in the fandom) and he's also Soliani's favourite boss who, let's not forget, waited 20 years to make a boss like him. It would be a wasted opportunity to only use him once. Since Donkey Kong Adventure featured Rabbid Kong, who was one of the two main bosses that did not unmerge after defeat (the Bwah Trio didn't unmerge too, but they were mini bosses), it wouldn't be so odd to see Phantom having a DLC too (after all a lot of people thought he was going to be the final boss of Kingdom Battle after his feature trailer). Let's not forget this time he has a juicy chance for another diss track. To Rayman and his decennary absence in the videogame scene. Another thing: we still don't know anything about the third DLC villain. This may be a bit of a stretch, but hear me out. When the posters for the three DLCs were published, Ubisoft gave us very little info about The Last Spark Hunter, but we knew there was a new enemy. The only thing they told us about the third DLC is that Rayman will be in it. Now they gave us a teaser, info about the general setting, but still no villain. This makes me think that there will not be a new villain, but someone we already met.
I don't think the cameos, the updates to his shenanigans, the grammophone sitting right there in the third DLC poster and the last almost blatant bit of foreshadowing in the Melodic Gardens were put there for nothing. And be honest, at this point who wouldn't want to see Beep-0's reaction to Phantom after all the hate he has been expressing towards him? All of this make a lot of sense. Almost too much sense to not see him return. The funny thing is if he shows up wearing Cursa's broken mask (a fan theory, but far too appropriate to rule out) it means they have been foreshadowing his return since Sparks of Hope released.
Personally I'd be happy even if he had a very minor role, like an NPC with a quest. Or even a little cameo in person, just to see him in Sparks of Hope style since he seems like he's changed a bit since Kingdom Battle (canonically he can remove the grammophone from his belly and apparently he wears makeup). I hope they'll keep his fourth wall breaking abilities even if it's just for advertising the DLC or to justifiy his appearence, as we know he's well aware of the developers (and, as expected, he sounds like he has a bit of beef with them as one of his unusued lines says "I'll have the art director's head for this", lol).
The thing that worries (and at the same time excites) me the most is the dubbing work they'd have to do for him. Since now all Rabbids are fully voiced (and in a lot of languages too) and assuming an hypotethical song will not be dubbed (as I think they'd do), I'm very curious about how they would manage Phantom as he has a very characteristic tone and accent and everyone knows his voice as he wasn't dubbed at all in Kingdom Battle. I do think it would be epic if they managed to get an actual singer for every language, but... it would be a bit too much in terms of everything, at Ubisoft they are madmen, but not like that, lol.
In all this there's still that one unusued idea where the Phantom was going to change music genre as his battle progressed. Who knows maybe it will be the right time we hear the metal song Soliani has been threatening Kirkhope with all this time, lol.
The only reason I can think of that makes everything crumble, would be if Beep-0's lines about Phantom's cameo were a result of an oversight, like it seems to have happened with Allegra (her memory states that she can change the colour of her skin depending on the "mood" of the planet, but it's never shown in game nor in her backstory). Or, perish the thought, it's just a placeholder as to say: "if we can make him appear again, good that was foreshadowing, if we cannot, we told you" to save thier buttcheeks in case they'll not bring him back. Even if I highly doubt Ubisoft would do such a thing after making everyone suspect a foreshadow.
Foreshadowing or not: if he will not appear in something like a poster, a teaser or a full on trailer, this doesn't mean he will not be there. Remember they pulled this thing too in Kingdom Battle where the devs said he was purposefully left out of the poster with the bosses as they didn't want to spoil him (even if then they released a feature trailer for him, but... idk, marketing shenanigans I assume, lol).
As a conclusion, take all of this infodump as a theory, there's no real evidence to definitively assume Phantom will return any time soon. I don't want to influence people to think he'll come back and then have them disappointed because he didn't. This is just my thoughts on the topic. And don't think I'll be disappointed if Phantom doesn't show up because, while I am biased, I'm not only looking forward to that.
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levy120 · 2 months
Different kinds of Nightmares in the Rayman Franchise (Headcanons)
I feel like rambling a bit about my headcanons concerning the different kind of Nightmares in the Rayman franchise.
While editing Reverb I came across a segment where this is touched upon, but I just don't have the time to spare to infodump all of those little nuances without interrupting the story at large, so I thought instead of rambling to the folk in Discord I could just take this here for once :D
In the Dreamcatcher Lore Nightmares are not created equal and there are definitive differences among them. There's a bit of a Hierarchy amongst these, too.
Examples include (in no particular order):
Shadowborn  Sentient Nightmares born from very strong negative feelings towards another individual. Jano (from Polokus) and Raymesis (from Rayman) are prominent examples of this. They usually are equally as powerful as their counterpart and inherit the dislike for the ‘original’ they spawned from.
Darkness Particularly Powerful Nightmares with mysterious origins. Usually shadowy creatures, sometimes amalgamations of multiple Nightmares.  As a raw force of nature they are usually driven by instinct and no more intelligent than an animal, with the exception of Mr. Dark. His intellect is what makes him particularly dangerous. Prominent Examples of this are (as stated above) Mr. Dark, the “Hades Hand” and “Dark Creatures” from Rayman Legends or “the Beast” from Dream Catcher (1). Arguably the Darkmess from Mario + Rabbids if we want to include this. 
Jano-Spawn Nightmares that were directly created by and from Jano; “the cute ones” - in his own words. These include the Mini Janos, the Psychlopses, the Antitoons. These can be used by Jano as scouts for him to scry and peer into the world without having to move from his spot by the Cave entrance. They usually sport an uncanny likeness to his own physique. Sometimes Minor Nightmares (like Boney Arms and Darkroots) are used for these purposes as well.
Magically Conjured Created with the purpose to be a living weapon. Not sentient, but highly dangerous and deadly to the touch. Notable examples include Bad Rayman from R1 and Shadow Rayman from the Haunted Paintings.
Corrupted Sentient beings that started out as regular dreamfolk but turned to “the dark side” at some point. Usually more powerful due to their broad experience and history. Prominent Examples include all the Bosses from Rayman 1 and Origins, Ales Mansay or Glombrox. Technically the Hoodlums if we want to stretch it, though Jano does not consider them part of his jurisdiction. (You do not mess with the Lums, the Lums are older than the Gods themselves).
Cave-Tethered Can be born off of anyone; any horrendous fear or bad dream in itself someone might have at night, may that be Polokus or your neighbor Teensy. These are born into and usually never leave the Cave of Bad Dreams and thus do not pose a threat to the Glade at large; but they are likely to cause trouble in the Cave itself and do not listen to anyone (not even Jano). Raymesis loves to “purge” them to let off steam. 
Flora E.g. Darkroots and Tulips. These are not sentient but are reactive to their surroundings. Those Nightmares are not usually created consciously and more so an effect of a Nightmare infestation to a plot of land (aka the ENTIRETY of the Land of the Livid Dead, the Cave of Bad Dreams). Not to be confused with the common Flora that just happens to be dangerous like the green darkroots or sea anemones.
The Livid Dead E.g. the toxic fumes with faces from R2, the Skeletal Arms from the Cave or the Tomb of Ancients, the Zombie Chickens or the inhabitants of the Land of the Livid Dead. What makes them exceptional is that they refuse to die (e.g. the First King) or are born undead (Zombie Chicken Eggs). These Nightmares have the means to repopulate naturally. Usually, they are content and peaceful if left alone, though they can be territorial or protective (of their nests or gardens e.g.). 
Minions Often confused for Nightmares this category encompasses anything that passes as regular Dreamfolk. The “Common Enemies” encountered in the games that are never seen redeemed and are actively out to cause trouble. E.g. the Lividstones and Hunters, less so territorial native wildlife, like the Piranha. Calling someone a "Nightmare" is a popular insult for people who are a nuisance (depending on the situation either used jokingly or as a legit slur).
Various Just because a character is an enemy doesn't strictly make them a Nightmare. The Knaaren are their own culture from their own god, and the Pirates were an outside force (which is why Polokus was willing to deal with them and Jano attempted to help by spreading rumors of a treasure hidden in his cave - but that's a headcanon for a different day :D)
Is all of this a shameless plug for my fic? Maybe :'D (you can find more about that here /cough). Is it me just wanting to Infodump? Also Yeah. I do it rarely enough here - and the Rayman Nightmares give me brainworms.
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pixies-and-poets · 10 months
In hindsight the Rabbids didn’t actually “steal” the Rayman series. As a kid I thought that but the actual answer is pretty mundane.
Every main Rayman game from Rayman 1 all the way to Rayman Legends has always been developed by Ubisoft Montpellier and Michel Ancel. Ubisoft Montpellier only developed 2 of the Rabbids games. Rayman Raving Rabbids and Rabbids Go Home. That’s only 2 entries in the Rabbids series which is nothing really. Keep in mind Rayman RR was originally Rayman 4 before they scrapped it.
Every other Rabbids game was made by Ubisoft Paris or other divisions of Ubisoft mainly by the studios who made the Just Dance series. Which makes sense cause most Rabbids games were mini game collection that were simple to create.
So what held Rayman up? From what I’ve seen nothing really tho the closest answer is likely that both Michel Ancel and Ubisoft Montpellier we’re busy on Beyond Good and Evil it was announced in 2008 and likely the entire team were focused on that. However if you know development trouble happened which held the studio up for quite some time. It was temporarily shelved which gave Ancel time to make Origins and Legends then he went back to BG&E 2 after Legends in 2017 where it was reintroduced but is now in development hell to this day.
Yep. I was young in an era when a major entry in my favorite game franchises could come out every year, or every other year. As I've gotten older, game dev has gotten more and more complex and lengthy due to a variety of factors. My awareness of that fact lagged behind the reality of it happening, but I am quite aware of it now, largely due to watching a lot of videos, reading a lot of articles and even having some friends at major studios.
I'm a Donkey Kong fan. Why has there been no new DK game in a decade? Has Nintendo totally given up on one of their major franchises? No, the rumors are that they leased it out to a third party studio, changed their minds, and started over in-house as they have a new vision for the DK series that they want to oversee. What's going on with Metroid Prime 4? Who knows. The game industry is such a mess I'm amazed we get any truly great passion projects out of major studios at all.
It's not as simple as "People want thing, make more of thing!" If fans want something, there are devs out there who want to make it too. Maybe even people for whom that series inspired them to get into the industry. But that doesn't mean it's going to end up happening. Still, it's why I think Rayman in the Phantom Show is so great, because the devs (at least a lot of the creative team) really did want to make it.
I feel like the idea that the Rabbids stole Rayman's franchise, and that Rayman died so the Rabbids could live, exists in that knowledge gap before understanding how complex everything is. Maybe it made sense for a time, but it really doesn't hold up to scrutiny now. Things aren't really a zero sum game like that, and so much has happened in the intervening years to contradict this idea.
It is funny, in my stream we were talking about how people don't really harp on this narrative so much anymore, with good reason... Only to have the most stereotypical "RABBIDS SUCK AND RAYMAN DESERVES BETTER" gamer show up like thirty minutes later, lol. Well, people will cling to the stories that help them make sense of the world, I suppose... Even if it makes them unhappy.
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gladesglo · 9 months
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affiliated with: @rayheroism / @pvachypessa & @l1mbless
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( carrd . promo . playlist
OTHER BLOGS INCLUDE: @moralpuppet, @funbonded, @bearlyloved , @yellowpuppet , @ursadolls
//dash bio & rules under the cut.
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MINI BIO / go to my carrd for more. verses etc 
GLOBOX is Rayman's scaredy toad best friend. He has abilities to create rainclouds to protect himself and his friends and family though mostly prefers to run and hide in the face of danger. Whether Globox is welcome to it or not somehow he always gets mixed up with the THREATS THAT PLAGUE WHERE HE RESIDES IN THE GLADE OF DREAMS. Be it through getting captured, or attacked by enemies. Globox in his mainverse lives in a large tree-based home with his 650 kids and wife Uglette.
/ please read my carrd for more information/muse bio
One. FIRST AND FOREMOST. General RP etiquette applies that's always a given. 
I don't always get things right but I will always try to be the best I can be. Be sure to inform me if I can improve on anything etc. I'm friendly and I'm here to have fun as are you.
My portrayal of Globox will lean heavily towards Rayman 2 & 3 though I shall be changing pieces from both accordingly since sometimes the former contradicts the latter due to the early 2000s - edge humor in 3 . I will have a verse for Legends & Origins because I loved those games too but for the most part this is heavily, HEAVILY BASED ON THE ORIGINAL RAYMAN TRILOGY SPECIFICALLY 2 & 3 in terms of characterisation and background story for my Globox !
That being said I don't support Ubisoft as a company . I'm simply here to focus on the silly big frog I grew up with .
Two. DNI / I don't engage with people who are problematic or present problematic behaviour such as proshipping/pedophilia/incest or you are a terf/ableist/racist/antisemitist or you show any kind of hate to anyone like that . If you see me interacting with someone problematic likely I haven't been informed yet and shall deal with it accordingly as soon as I am informed. I don't support anyone who does any of that nasty behavior and I never will and if you know you engage in such behaviors then please refrain from interacting with me. You're not welcome. Likewise don't bring drama onto my blog. If you see someone problematic here just message me privately. I won't be reblogging callouts.
Three.  FOLLOWING. I'm selective. If I haven't followed back please don't take it personally. If we are mutuals and you decide to unfollow then soft block please otherwise I will see you on my Dash and still think we are mutuals and I don't really want to have to browse a list of followers to check every time I go to interact.
Four. I don't mind variants or to word it better people who play the same character as me JUST DON'T STEAL MY HEADCANNONS.
Five.  TRIGGERS Warnings for you: This blog may feature some angsty themes at times. I also require you to be 18+ for this reason. Please do not follow if you're a minor even though I know Globox is a children's character it still doesn't sit right with me as I am over 21 myself. So no under 18s please.
Six. SHIPPING eeeh, IF IT FEELS RIGHT / Globox's wife only really showed up in Rayman 2 in every other game is almost like she's out of the picture . I'll be incredibly selective as my main verse is Rayman 2 but hey if there's chemistry it doesn't hurt to ask .Still no smut. Ever. It's really not for me.
˗ . CREDITS : some graphics are by Bel ( @_rayheroism ) , some are my own, art featured in icons belongs to earthgwee , clairiphi & pinweena_pin unless specified to be my own ! & the Globox icons used in some icons are from crestamorphs videos.
NOTE ON AFFILIATIONS: the concept to me means that if you’re affiliated with my muse and mine is affiliated with yours that means I consider your portrayal my main and will most likely consider our cannons intertwined. I do not do exclusives as I understand everyone’s portrayals are unique and I am happy to see my friends interact with people who play the same muse/s as me and vice versa!
Likewise if you want to be affiliated and these terms don't suit you , please don't hesitate to speak to me I'm open to discussion always ! Same with shipping and other connections !
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lonelimbless · 7 months
So in the Rayman series did they drop the whole “Only Rayman is a limbless being” thing after Origins?
Cause like a good chunk of the costumes and skins in Legends, Adventures, and Mini imply these are all separate and independent characters.
More likely, but it's more like a 50/50 answer and basically, my opinion.
Cause, there was a time where Tarayzan was going to be playable behind Origin's development and have him be Rayman's cousin (through unused dialogue) but sadly never made it into the final game. There's also "Raynette" from the PSVita version of Origins but I don't like to talk about the PSVita version nor Raynette in general because it may not be canon. Of course, I can't forget Raymesis too.
With that in mind, I wouldn't really say they dropped the idea but more like they made some contradictions with Origins and then dropped it during Legends and onwards. But that's only if you DO see the costumes and skins as separate characters and not... well, skins. And also think they can be canon characters as well.
I do really hope I'm making sense with this ,, I'm not 100% sure, even more so since this is Rayman after all.
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suuez · 2 years
Why is Rayman Backstorie so confusing?? Are them all different time-lines or smt??
Rayman 1 - Rayman is created by Betilla to beat Mr. Dark's ass
Rayman 2 - Rayman came to the glade of dreams inside a box. He's from the species "thing-a-ma-jig"
Rayman 3 - Same as Rayman 2. Like, there's a statue of Ly hidden in a level and damg, Rayman be so fine in this game
Rayman Origins - He's created by Betilla, but there's this weird "backstorie" of bald Rayman and like- is Rayman in fact a "thing-a-ma-jig"? Did Betilla created him or his species? Did she stole him from his "Wife/Mother"?
Rayman Legends - Rayman be sleepin' as his 3rd game, but now it's a continuation of Rayman Origins, even though we don't really see the fairies/nymphs. But we also have the antagonist who are those Mr. Dark Teensies but it doesn't make much sense since apparently Mr. Dark was never beaten by Rayman, so he's like, a Supervillain on his own? Rayman never met him?
Rayman Mini - Mr. Dark is here again, but I never played this so... Different time-lines???
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theevilmrdork · 2 years
Do you think that rayman would get refurbished game like Spyro and crash bandicoot?
as good as that sounds good on paper... no, and i also kinda hope not (at least not if it's Ubisoft doing it). here's my thoughts on why:
our most recent Rayman game was Rayman Mini in 2019, which was an Apple-only mobile game that basically recycled Rayman Legends' graphics into an... auto runner i think? something like that. Fiesta Run, which came out before Mini, is essentially the same thing.
Mr. Dark - bad guy of the first game and a gba game - has been reduced to a reference and a guy who inexplicably has his own mode in Rayman Mini
in general our most recent Rayman games aside from Mini and Fiesta Run were Rayman Origins and Rayman Legends, the former of the two having basically been a half-assed attempt at soft-rebooting the series' plot and direction.
this is very unfortunate because as much as i like Origins and Legends for their beautiful area designs and fun music i don't suuuuuper like the thought of Rayman continuing in that direction bjhbghjf- i like Rayman 2's vibes (and Rayman 3 by extension but i hate the writing i've seen so far) a lot more than what Origins and Legends did.
i'd take 3D over the weird speedrun-y two-health-only side scrolling ANY day
they wrote a story for Origins and cut it. great sign for how much they care about the plot.
Origins dumbed down all the supporting characters (minus Polokus, Betilla, and the Magician) into skins that are functionally the same as just playing as Rayman and then cut everyone else. ...aaand then Legends literally just decided to cut Betilla out of the picture entirely so it's Rayman and a bunch of recolors. GREAT sign for how much they care about the plot!!!!!
they then reused the guy who we don't actually fucking know is the Magician from Rayman 1 because the story was cut by copypasting him five times in Legends. we don't know why this happened. at all. not even a silly made-up explanation. i guess he kidnappecd some teensies for no reason. GREAT SIGN FOR HOW MUCH THEY CARE ABOUT THE PLO-
the Rabbids are from Rayman and had two games. Ubisoft then proceeded to shunt Rayman side for a throwaway antagonistic force and made him DLC instead of proper content. they do not care about him.
there are SO many good crossover options for him?????? off the top of my head K/irby and C/uphead would be really fun to cross with the Glade. but they won't go with any of them and wanna cross him over with HIS OWN FRANCHISE
so no, and even if they did it'd probably be plastic and sanitized and only barely hit the same vibes because Ubisoft decided to throw away all the NPCs and story elements that made the world interesting. it's literally what they did with the Rayman cartoon, except at least there were new side characters
...the answer would change a lot if they handed Rayman off to someone else though
i mean fuck, the series has a lot of potential considering how much stuff me and my friend have thought of, written, and drawn just by rewriting the plot a little for dark magician au
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sonicasura · 3 years
Top 5 Game Series That Need The N.Sane Treatment
Crash Bandicoot was a series that hadn't been seen for years until the Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy was revealed to the world. Thanks to this trilogy, not only was the franchise revitalized but we also got a sequel for Crash Warped in the form of Crash 4: It's About Time.
This is a recipe that could potentially bring games lost in obscurity back into the limelight but even a chance for new games to come. Here are some of my picks!
1. Jak and Daxter
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One of the games that seriously needs the N.Sane Trilogy treatment. Jak and Daxter was a game series made by Naughty Dog that would inspire many platforms after. It stars the Demolition Duo, Jak and his partner ottsel, Daxter, on incredible adventures that change in tone over each game. You begin with a goofy island adventure to a dark futuristic playground as new mechanics get introduced.
Out of the main trio which consists of Jak, Sly, and Ratchet, Jak was actually the first game I played amongst them. A series that needs a comeback especially with the Easter Eggs often seen in Ratchet and Clank games throughout the years.
Touch up the graphics into a different style depending on the game, the Precursor Legacy be a bit more cartoony in appearance like Crash 4, and then switch to a style similar to the N.Sane Trilogy for the darker games like Jak 2 and 3.
Adjust the controls to run smoother, change difficulty of certain games like lower the difficulty of Jak 2 a smidge and place an optional mode to play with the original difficulty.
This would lay down the groundwork for an actual proper sequel, Jak X feels more like a side game while Lost Frontier is a snore fest.
If Naughty Dog doesn't take this route and continues pushing out flavorless games, I suggest any decent company that can do should buy the rights to Jak and Daxter. This is a gold mine covered in dust that needs to come back!
2. Sly Cooper
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Yep! We're going to the other member of this once legendary trio, Sly Cooper. Sly Cooper was the second game series from Sucker Punch that I played, the first being Infamous series.
This game revolves around a group of thieves who steal from criminals and tend to get wrapped up in saving the world a few times or battling enemies out to end the bloodline of the main character, Sly Cooper, who comes from a legendary family of thieves.
Before the series disappeared into discontinuity, we had a total of 3 main games alongside one made by Sanzaru. Sanzaru's Thieves of Time was decent but midway World 3, the quality seriously declined and left fans with a very unsatisfied ending. Perfect for crossovers but terrible for the franchise.
Giving this game the N.Sane Trilogy treatment would not only give a more successful chance than attempts to make a movie, but it could to more proper sequel than Sanzaru's version. Use a design similar to Sanzaru's or go for a more rounded one like N.Sane Trilogy.
Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart even had an Easter Egg with Sly in it too! Insomniac acknowledges that these game series still exist by dropping these little nuggets of nostalgia, take the hint and bring back the Legendary Playstation Trio!
3. Spectrobes
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Nintendo's alternate version of Pokemon. Spectrobes is a trilogy game series that debuted on the DS and last game was made for the Wii.
This series revolves around Rallen and Jeena, two members of the Nanairo Patrol, as they search for the fossils of creatures of light known as Spectrobes to find the planet devouring darkness known as Krawl.
You travel through various planets to uncover different kinds of fossils and some very interesting or whacky but loveable characters. It has elements similar to Fossil Fighters where you have to dig up fossils before awakening them. Care for your Spectrobes to battle the Krawl.
The evolving battle system, new mechanics, various locales and the unique design of each Spectrobe were something I loved but pretty sure many would like too. It even had a book and a mini series on YouTube! The game's graphics could take a route similar to Rayman Legends or Dragonball FighterZ.
Don't go for Jump Force please. We need actual expression than stiff faces and aggravating screams.
This is game series worth bringing back even if it just gets a remake.
4. Golden Sun
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Another Nintendo franchise that needs return from obscurity. Golden Sun was a JRPG that came along systems like the Gameboy Advance during a severe lack of games for it. It revolves around different groups of people who use Psynergy, their version of alchemy, to battle evil as they travel the realm of Weyward.
A great game series enriched by its many characters, lore, growing battle system such as Djnn and Summons to turn the tide in battles, unique story and all sorts of areas to explore.
The biggest dent to the franchise was Dark Dawn because of its questionable ending that left many players confused or dissatisfied despite the incredible graphics, plot and character interactions. After that no one has heard a single word about any sequel.
The N.Sane Treatment would not only bring the franchise back for fans both new and old but can actually fix the questionable ending for Dark Dawn. Graphic style, um, I guess something similar to Dragon Quest or maybe Persona. Persona would be the better option considering how you choose how the main character responds to certain situations.
This series has been done dirty and deserves a second chance like this.
5. Kid Icarus
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A Nintendo franchise that shows bringing back old games can revitalize a lost series.
This game series is at the bottom for a decent reason actually. Masahiro Sakurai has been hearing requests about porting one of the games, Uprising, to the Switch. Something that he sounds like he wants to do but there is a problem as he admits it would be difficult.
How Uprising is made for the 3DS such as the dual screens, and specific use of the touch screen for combat. Something that can't easily be translated to something like the Switch without decent changes.
The game revolves around the angel Pit, who fights the evil forces of the Underworld with assistance from his Goddess Palutena. Each game changes the rules of battle with the greatest being Uprising as you combat various creatures and even bosses revolve mostly around Greek mythology.
I think the N. Sane Trilogy can work with this. The first Kid Icarus and the second Of Myth and Monsters might be what could provide the missing pieces for the Uprising Switch Port Situation.
Both games could be completely restyled in a format that could be similar to Zelda since in these games, your options of weapons are limited and you have to think smart for particular puzzles.
They can be used to lay down a format that can built on for an Uprising Remake since Land Battles are one half of the essential gameplay. The graphics can be Uprising since it's already a perfect that just needs to be brushed up a bit.
When it comes to Super Smash Brothers, Sakurai worked hard to make characters like Minecraft Steve or Fighting Game fighters such as Ryu and Kazuya fit into the gameplay even if it meant changing about every hitbox and aspect of the stages. A little help can go a long way.
That's what I've got for now. If I find anymore games that need the N. Sane Trilogy then I'll put em in a new list. Until next time folks!
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sonicasura · 3 years
Balan Wonderworld Review - Favorite Costumes Part 1
I have officially beat the game with every single Gold Balan Statue in every level, got the Balan Costume, got all the main game costumes and the latest section of the Tower of Tims that I need to unlock being the sixth section.
I had quite a ball playing the game despite Square Enix being backstabbers to Balan Company and the game. Now, this huge ass review will split into different categories and will have their own page. These categories are:
Favorite Costumes
Level Design and Level Music
Boss and Boss Music
Now, these picks will be my personal opinion. I'm starting with costumes because it's probably the hardest out of these to choose from since every costume has incredible designs to them.
There will be two picks for each Chapter: a Common Costume and a Rare Costume.
Common Costumes are those you can easily find in each act. If you can find them in multiple spots in one act or they can seen im both acts then they count as common.
Rare Costumes are ones you have to go the extra length to find. Some are hidden while others require certain costumes to get.
The Balan Costume isn't being counted for obvious reasons. It is the only costume found on the Isle of Tims and it's requirements are staggering.
How To Get Balan Costume
First you need to feed the Tim Statue on the isle a certain amount of Rainbow Drops. Once it's full, you need to get a white Crowned Tim. This very Tim can be acquired by getting Tims with three badges.
A Tim can get a badge for consuming the equivalent of 30 Tim Drops(3 large drops) in either blue, pink or red colors. You need at least 2 Tims with all 3 badges and then breed them together. It is trial and error so I suggest getting multiple Tims with badges but also exit the game if ya fail to get a white Crowned Tim.
Once you have the Tim, do a level and it should be the proper size to pick up. Throw it at the statue and it will become the Father Tim. That big Tim will fly you up to the costume so you can get. If ya lose the costume, then give the Father Tim more Rainbow Drops. Rainbow Drops can be given by redoing stages, bosses or Tim Statues scattered about the levels.
Now let's get started.
Chapter 1
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Common Costume: Tornado Wolf
An obvious choice for me. Wolves are one of my favorite animals and werewolves being one of my favorite mythological creatures. Tornado Wolf can be found in Act 1 and in the Boss Level. A simple jump engulfs the player in a mini tornado that can reflect wind projectiles and break blocks.
Powerful, agile and cute plus Tornado Wolf just gives me Werehog nostalgia since I'm a Sonic Unleashed fan.
Rare Costume: Jumping Jack
You can't just give me an adorable kangaroo and one of the better costumes when it's comes to movement. Jumping Jack can only be found in Act 1 so it's actually rare. This costume allows the player to do a flutter jump, great for getting extra air, reaching slightly far platforms and a decent recovery.
It's a costume I suggest stocking up on since you can't get the better mobility options until Chapter 6 Act 2. Also love there's a plushie in the pouch and the white patches of fur. Kangaroo are marsupials who do carry young in their pouches, and the silver tufts just add extra charm to the design.
Chapter 2
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Common Costume: Jelly Jolt
Very useful! The Jelly Jolt is the perfect costume when it comes to electric resistance and make enemies stay five feet away while you shock them to hell. Can be found in Act 1 and the Boss Act. First time seeing an adorable jellyfish that actually doesn't mean harm.
Jellicent, Frillish, and Healslimes don't count considering the former have a habit of wrecking ships and the latter is a pain in the ass in boss fights or tough opponents. Also, all of these attack you! Case in point.
Rare Costume: Double Jumper
Definite pick for many reasons. This costume can only be found in Act 2 and requires the Fixer Upper Costume in Chapter 12 or the Frost Fairy Costume in Chapter 8(harder difficulty for reaching it).
It allows you to double jump, a godsend when it comes to reaching Balan Statues, costumes, recovery and careful platforming. You can get some major air with this costume and makes backtracking for certain levels easier.
I love the demonic imp design too. Imps are agile and mischievous creatures after all. Just like the basis, this costume is difficult to grab like the imp.
Chapter 3
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Common Costume: Sickle Slicer
Slickle Slicer are one of your first go-to for fighting spiked enemies. This costume can be found in Act 2 and the Boss Act, it allows you to throw sickles that act like a boomerang. If you do a combo, these sickles can go farther than their already decent range.
The design is a very nice touch since the praying mantis can be considered a high level predator amongst insects. The costume is quite agile which helps in a pinch against fast opponents.
Rare Costume Itsy Bitsy Elf
A mini chinchilla perfect for tiny doors. Costume can only be found in Act 2 and takes some careful platforming to get. Suggest using the Jumping Jack costume if you don't want to wait for the better option in Chapter 6. This costume lets you enter tiny doors that often hold Balan Statues or Balan Bout inside. Very adorable, very fast (probably second fastest in the main story) and super fun.
Chapter 4
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Common Costume: Aero Acrobat
Holy Balloon Popping Batman! This costume can be found in Act 1, Act 2 and the Boss Act. It allows you to pop balloons and even jump kick enemies caught in the crosshair. Balloons are scattered about in various levels and this guy is a great option of transport to reach these specific areas.
The aviator outfit makes it even better and I love bats. Probably my favorite flying mammal of the bunch since I often have a bat ally in games like Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance, a Crobat for hunting escape happy Legendaries in Pokemon and Hidabat in Yokai Watch.
Rare Costume: Happy Horn
My first performing costume. It can be found in Act 2 and performs on special stage platforms scattered throughout chapters. A good way to gain some extra drops and hear a different version of stage clear. Not only is the costume charming, this is the first time I actually like listening to a marching band.
Chapter 5
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Common Costume: Guardian Bird
The first costume to find in Act 1, can also be found in Act 2 and the Boss Act. The Guardian Bird costume lets you throw a mini whirlwind in midair. A nice costume to have for hitting far off opponents and counter wind projectiles.
I love the purple and yellow of the feathers and that orange mimics the bandana and ponytail of the costume's human equivalent. This costume is quite quick and good for dodging, the ability can act as a last second recovery should the need arrives.
Rare Costume: Sickle Slayer
A much stronger version of the Sickle Slicer that can be found in Act 2. One of the early options for breaking iron blocks or fighting iron coated opponents. The extra bulk does slow down the player but the payoff is worth it.
The larger size, serrated sickles and the color palette proves that this is a costume you rightfully earned. A sign that you can handle the much stronger costumes that can be found in the game. The general amongst the Sickle race.
Chapter 6
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Common Costume: Pumpkin Puncher
The Fruity Boxer! A costume found in Act 1, 2 and the Boss! This costume lets you punch opponents from afar with straight Rayman equivalent punches. Doing a combo even extends the range. A faster hitter than the Sickle Costumes but also great at getting tons of Drops from Negati. If you take out tons of Negati in a single costume without changing or getting hit, the number of Drops they give increases.
I love the design since it's practically a scarecrow boxer. The outfit is cute, has a sort of fanciness you can only find in medieval periods in wealthy districts.
Rare Costume- Air Cat
The princess of platforming. This costume can only be found in Act 2 and allows the player to walk on air for a short amount of time. A perfect option for reaching far off areas, recovery and even avoiding ground hazards.
I've used this costume A LOT for most of my playthrough of the game. Even go back to Chapter 6 just to restock if I run out. This costume is that good. Very adorable too, just has this Artistocats nostalgia to it as well. Also I am a cat lover, literally got 5 cats at home and all are rescues as well.
That will be it for now. Part 2 of Favorite Costumes will be out sometime this week. I would've put the whole thing here but Tumblr limits how many pictures you can add to a post, 10 to be precise. Also, I don't want to make this too long for any fellow readers.
Until next time folks! See ya back in Wonderworld.
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