#i don't have it in me to hope for our longevity
rose-tinted-vision · 4 months
Yuan Lu's longevity braids:
Something that stood out to me about Yuan Lu's character styling in A journey to love is his hair, mainly because the other leads don't have small braids like his.
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But it didn't really occur to me that they might be longevity braids until i came across this Weibo post:
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OP: "a journey to love has killed me once again, I've only just noticed that nearing the end Yuan Lu's longevity braids have come loose. Longevity braids coming loose represent Yuan Lu's ending. Save me, a journey to love really knows how to knife someone."
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from these shots (ep 8), there's at least three braids on his right and one on his left
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and yet in these shots (ep 35), as op pointed out, there are no braids in his hair
And then I came across this Douyin about Yuan Lu:
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Douyin caption: "actually Yuan Lu has a few more braids called "longevity braids" than the others, something that elders would usually tie for frail children."
So I went to double check the cultural meanings behind longevity braids (it's a sort of platform like Quora/Reddit, so the answers are not 100% accurate, take with a grain of salt):
Question: Why do some boys keep a small braid at the back of their head?
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Community answer: if boys in the village have braids, it's largely for this reason: if the child is frail since young they will start tying a "life braid" once the child starts growing hair. They will only cut the braid after the child is five weeks, six weeks, or twelve weeks old.
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Community answer: The practice on our side is for the "more cherished"/younger son to keep a braid, there is no such thing as to keep it if the kid is sickly. But in the North there is such a thing as "longevity braids", to hope that kids can grow up healthy.
translations by me, apologies for any inaccuracies (I may have passed Chinese back in school but I won't claim to be fluent in it).
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To the lovely person who send a DNP message about Lover.
Hope you see this. Slight disclaimer, I also wasn’t on here in 2019 (actually checked out from TS all together when it became clear all the rainbows were leading to nothing and it got depressing) so can’t tell you how gaylor internet spaces perceived the song back then. But I’ve had my own thoughts on it since. Here's what I think:
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Lover is not a lovey dovey love song to me because it has definite signs of insecurity and uncertainty in it. If you compare it to the love songs on reputation, those had certainty and trust in the longevity of the relationship. 'I can take my time with you because I know how this is going to end', 'don't read the last page, but I stay', it might not all be rosey but I know that I'll be your endgame and we'll always clean up the mess together when the glitter fades so Call it what you want, because WE know what this is and where it's going.
Now, Lover expresses the exact opposite of that certainty. The word lover in itself is very generic and non-commital. It's not girlfriend, partner or wife, it's lover, which can be all or none of the above. It's just someone you love with no detail about the state or seriousness of the relationship. I saw a picture a while ago from the Lover rollout of Taylor with a lover straw that was an exact replication of the one Karlie had at her bridal shower that said 'bride'. So, very decidedly not a bride, not a wife, but a lover. (Especially in the bridge, where she uses the wedding ceremony wording 'I take this magnetic force of a man to be my....' you'd usually expect husband or wife to go there, but no, it's lover.) I think that's a choice. And in the chorus, the way she repeats the words 'You're my, my, my...' makes it seem like she's struggling to find the right word, eventually settling on lover, because she can't use any of the above labels. We can't call it what it is, and that's causing insecurity now. (Much like she can only marry this person with paper rings and not an actual wedding ring, and it's taking its toll.)
This uncertainty continues in the verses where she emphasises that they can make the rules for their home because 'it's our place', and admits how she doesn't like that 'everyone who sees you wants you' because she can't openly claim this person as her own. Because no wedding rings, no exact terminology. And the questions in the chorus (Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close?) seem sweet, but they are genuine questions filled with uncertainty. Can I actually go where you go in public or do we have to pretend in front of other people and not be as close as we actually are? It's still very much a 'forever and ever' situation, but a few years down the line it's clearly taking its toll not to call it what it is.
So, that's my two cents on why Lover (and song and the album as a whole) is not all sunshine and rainbows and has in fact quite a bit of denial about the reality of loving someone you cannot accurately label or introduce as your partner or spouse. Other people, feel free to add your interpretations!
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coyotefang1987 · 1 year
Flower Symbolism in Trigun
Okay so I've been going insane in the last few hours since the new episode of Stampede and I needed to share my very incoherent thoughts.
So here we go: (please excuse my grammar, I'm typing this up in an absolute craze)
Please note, there are major spoilers here
[Plant in context to Trigun will be capitalized btw]
I want to start off by pointing out the whole idea with calling the creatures that Vash and Knives are as 'Plants' and 'seeds' in the first place--that in itself is so much. Not to mention Noman's Land is a desert plant with little to no flora at all.
The idea and symbolism of life and rebirth presented with the idea of plants. Like how flora are usually the first type of lifeform to come back post mass extinction events. How plants are primary producers in the food chain, how life couldn't be sustained without plants giving up oxygen, food, and converting the sunlight into energy/sugar. Despite being giant moth flower humanoid creatures, the Plants in Trigun are doing essentially the same thing. Except they aren't renewable and they might also be sentient.
In addition to that, in media, seeds are usually a representation of hope. And in this case, a seed pod carrying the hope of humanity. I've been likening it to dandelion seeds. I don't think our group of guys were the only space-fairing fleet that was sent out from Earth.
I don't know how much of this symbolism is intentional and how much of it is completely accidental, but boy howdy is it there and am I going to eat it up.
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First off, the most obvious one is geraniums. The flower is very much thrown into our faces. What does it mean?
Okay so there's like 400 types of geraniums out there, they're not like a specific species- and when people say 'geraniums' it usually also includes pelargoniums which are a different genus. But you're not here for me to monologue about flower classification-
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Well, operating under the assumption they're using the most common type of red geranium, which, funnily enough is not a geranium but rather a pelargonium. Pelargonium x hortorum. Commonly known as zonal geraniums or garden geraniums. I don’t know if I even need to expand on the idea that Vash and his story (and the Plants in general) are represented by geraniums. If the red coat wasn’t already a giveaway, I think the newest episode definitely makes it very clear. Well, first off I think it's interesting that they’re not ‘true geraniums’ (different genus, same family). Like how Vash and Knives look human but aren’t ‘true humans’.  
(Did you know geraniums can reproduce asexually via their roots by just…sprouting a new plant? It’s called clonality. Anyways yeah, I’m too lazy to expand on it but there it is. You can probably see the connection I'm trying to draw here)
Furthermore, let’s look a little bit into what geraniums represent. So according to the vast knowledge of the interwebs (I will put the links I used at the bottom.) geraniums are “attributed the powers of love, peace, healing, elegance and spirituality. They mostly have desirable symbolizing meanings, including fertility, health, joy, protection, frustrations passing away, and true friendship.” Red geraniums in particular are attributed to protection and ward against evil., spiritual beings and saints. “The geranium flower was a symbol of prosperity in Egypt, longevity in Japan, and immortality in China”. *Stares at Vash and Knives*. Gods…immortality…saints. Alright Nightow, I see you.
Look, I’m not done here. DURING THE VICTORIAN ERA geranium took on a slightly more negative meaning. Envy, deceit, folly, foolishness and stupidity. Although they were also seen “as ‘horticultural bourgeoisie’ and a sign of ‘crudeness and thoughtlessness of taste’. Geranium became a symbol of industrial mass culture.” This was probably unintentional (and if it is intentional, holy fuck.) but the idea that Earth in Trigun was destroyed by the folly of humans because if mass industrialization? Hello???? OKAY.
There’s just so much history with geraniums. I’m STILL not done. Let’s talk a little about geraniums and Christianity, yeah? You know, the thing that Trigun is chock full of symbolism of.
So first off, tradition. (I am not Christian, nor do I know much about Christianity, I just did some research on the topic so feel free to correct me.) I do believe there is a tradition to buy and gift red geranium on Good Friday? (I can’t find a very credible source about this, just some blog posts so idk) And the red is to represent the blood that Jesus sacrificed for the people. How he was beaten and bloodied because of his love for the people. How…he was given a purple cloak that turned dark with blood while he was mocked. 
Sound familiar?
Do we want to talk about Vash’s red coat turning black in the latest episode? Or maybe how traditionally dying Plants are red and healthy ones are blue? But Vash keeps himself covered in red?
Now, here’s an interesting fact. Did you know, wild geraniums look very different from the ones people like to commonly grow in their gardens? This is the spotted cranesbill (Geranium maculatum), the most common wild geranium. Look, maybe I’m stretching it here, but cultivated Plants vs independent Plants, anybody?
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Anywho, not the point I was trying to make. Did you know another common wild geranium is called the Saint Robert’s Geranium? Robert’s? While no one really knows who the ‘Saint Robert’ the flower is named after, it has a very fun symbolism. Check this. The seed pod of this flower supposedly looks like the beak of a stork, which had people believe that they could help a couple who wish for children with fertility when used as an amulet and placed under the bed. cough Ep 11 pregnancy scene cough. Apparently, medicinally they’re also used to staunch blood flow from wounds. Despite that, in certain regions, it was seen as an ill-omen plant associated with death because snakes would often hide in its leaves. Snakes? Like…in Adam and Eve? Like as in temptation? As in Knives and Vash?
Okay last bit on geraniums. Just a little on the colors. In episode 11 of Stampede we see the giant plant root monster thing blooming flowers. I have assumed that they are black geraniums, aka Geranium Phaeum 
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aka mourning widows. Of course, I could be wildly wrong but the meaning of this is fun so hear me out. While there doesn’t seem to be a direct meaning for black geraniums, we can clearly draw some conclusions on the common name for this flower. Like seriously, mourning widow? They’re also known as dusky cranesbill and black widow. Obviously associated with death (and grief?) and apparently maybe marriage??? Doesn’t help that geraniums can be considered a traditional bridal flower too. I think they’re also associated with melancholy. Anyways, on the other hand, blue blooms usually symbolize calm and peace while purple blooms symbolize royalty, accomplishments and admiration. 
So in context to the blooms we see at the end of ep 11, grieving for the loss of someone (Rem, his memories), rising to his Plant roots (haha get it?) and being ‘at peace’. 
So I remember reading somewhere that he’s named after a singer or band or something but– His name is so close to dogwood that I could not pass it up.
Dogwood is a blooming tree that seems to have a representation in Christianity. There’s a legend about the tree and Easter. So apparently, the cross that Jesus was crucified on was made from Dogwood, because of such it was cursed and blessed. Cursed to be small so it can’t be used to make another cross but blessed to bloom beautiful flowers at Easter time.
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The flowers of the Dogwood trees always bloom with four petals, like a cross, the center like a crown of thorns. Each tip of the petal is indented like it's been pierced with a nail and discolored like it was stained with blood. So goes the story. 
I think it's interesting that Wolfwood’s name is so likened to this flower/plant and I don’t believe this is unintentional. LIke it’s right there. Cursed by the Eye of Michael to grow too fast, blessed to be strong and hard to kill. Is/bears the cross that brings Vash to Knives in the end. 
Lilies (and other Flowers)
So, I personally think the plants look a lot like lilies. And lilies are commonly attributed to the virgin Mary. They typically represent purity, innocence and rebirth. They are often gifted at mourning flowers as well and are one of the most popular flowers at funerals.
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Either that or the blue-eyed Mary flower, which has less meaning attributed to it other than its name.
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Anyways, that's all my thoughts for today. Thank you for reading all the way down here if you make it hehe
If people find more flower symbolism or have thoughts please let me know, I want to hear them!!!<3
Geranium history and meaning: https://www.pansymaiden.com/flowers/meaning/geranium/
Geranium and Christianity: http://www.whispersofhismovement.com/2012/04/05/geraniums/
Mourning Widows: https://gardenersapprentice.com/gardeningtips/mourning-widow/
Dogwood story: https://www.plantmegreen.com/blogs/news/easter-and-the-legend-of-the-dogwood-tree#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20story%2C%20it,cursed%20and%20blessed%20the%20tree.
Lily meaning: https://www.townandcountrymag.com/style/home-decor/a39982524/lily-flower-meaning/
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cotzucen · 5 months
Confessions at sunset
Bertholdt x fem!reader
a/n: Almost cried while making this, bertholdt has such a special place in my heart ilhsm
warnings: slight angst-fluff-heavier angst, (safe for angst dislikers like me), sfw, sort of ooc? Things go from 0 to 100 fast and like rereading this he's a bit ooc so sorry if it bothers you! 😭
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"And this one means longevity..." I traced the small line that crossed the top of his palm, ending as quick as it started. "Looks like you won't be living a long life." I playfully smiled, but when I turned around to look up at him, my smile faltered.
We were seated by the ledge of the cabin, my legs hanging off and his, firmly set on the ground. He was leaning back, hand supporting him. I say hand because his other was firmly grasped by mine, my fingers taking the chance to trace every plunge and curve of his palm.
"Bertholdt?" His face was stuck in place, brows un-furrowing at my call of his name. I blinked a few times, trying to erase the uneasiness by focusing my gaze on his palm, which started to curl inwards.
"Oh would you look at that..." He shuffled his head above my shoulder, as I showed him my right hand. "Mine is long." He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes, I coughed.
"And.. Uhm.." I took his left hand, placing my right on his pinky side, "The gaps.. we have the same gaps." his short line connected and continued onto mine, that stretched farther and darker than his.
"About the longevity thing.. I made it up.." I pursed my lips in an akward smile that he luckily, couldn't see. "My mom didn't teach me nearly as much as I told you she did." I noted how much warmer his palm was, and brought my other hand to hold his with.
"She didn't excatly.. live long enough for that. You know, with the whole collosal breaching the wall stuff.." I murmured out, looking at the spaces between our three defining lines. Furrowing my brows in thought.
What I didn't know, is that he did the same. What I didn't feel, was him tensing up, the way his teeth clenched. His right hand was placed by his knee, balled up, as his left one was held, trembling ever so slightly more than seconds ago.
"I'm sorry if I brought up any bad memories.. I tend to talk without thinking and–"
"It's okay."
Bertholdt wasn't the type to start things. He wasn't one to meddle in them, wasn't the type to end them either. He was an important piece that only had ears, it seemed like. Maybe that's what made him stand out to me.
I felt him nudge me softly as I sprung back to reality, a small smile and string of 'sorrys' leaving me with a turn to his attentive face.
"The space.. Between the lines." He muttered, eyes skimming over me. "You talked about them, what did you want to say?"
I looked at our hands. "Oh! It means heartbreak. The farther the lines are from eachother.. Signifies heartbreak." My tone died out as I finished the sentence, ending flatly, a silence ensuing.
Bertholdt's hand interlocked with mine, a small, breathy, shaky sigh leaving his lips. "Then I hope your mom's readings are wrong." My head turned to right, and I was met with his pink face averting mine. "Sorry."
Though.. I didn't get a good look. I turned away quickly too. "Don't be... I don't really believe in her readings. They've been proven false... Many times."
I kissed my teeth, remembering how she'd talk about what her life had in store for her. She was right. Life had one hell of a surprise for her. I wasn't sure she liked it though.
Bertholdt hummed, watching me as I let go of his hand, deciding bring myself in and hold on my legs.
"Only a fool would break your heart anyways." He murmured, but I heard him.
"I don't care about mine." I murmured back, but he heard me. He paused, and he stared at me. Well I didn't see him but god did I feel it.
"I.." I closed my eyes with a sigh, hoping he didn't notice the goosebumps on my arms. "How are you and Annie going? You manage to finally woo her?"
Silence ensued. I didn't want to turn around.. to look at him, though that pink face was nice to look at... It was a fluke. Only one person can make him blush like that.
It was still quiet. Did he not hear me? "H-"
My words got lodged in my throat as I felt his hand slither around my waist, pulling me back, next to him.. Also a bit closer. "I can't see your face if I'm behind you." My heart pumped, thundering against my ears.
"Did.. D-Did you hear my question?" I cringed at my stutter but he didn't make much of deal about it. I looked at him from the corners of my eye, but his face was pretty blurry. It faced down, away from me... It was hard to decipher his expression.
He was hard to decipher.
"I did."
I looked down. "Then why didn't you answer?"
"What were you going to say? Before you mentioned Annie." His tone was firm, unusual, but still overwhelmingly him.
"I'm not sure.. Forget about that just–"
His plea shut me up. And I only realised how frustrated I was when I felt a tear land on my thigh, another on my hand, that I fisted harder than what was considered to be normal.
His thumb wiped the tear off my knuckles, shuffled to face me.
He placed his hands on my cheeks and lifted my head, averting my eyes as he wiped the tears off my face, sliding his worn, thumbs under my eyes.
"I'm sorry." It was a tender, a barely heard apology. He didn't do anything wrong. Loving someone else wasn't a crime. I wanted to tell him. But the look on his face made me doubt that's what he was talking about.
It's not like I knew, anyway.
"You shouldn't be... I'm being dumb." I smiled and took his hands, placing them down infront of us. "I don't want your heart to get broken, because I know how it feels like, and it feels like shit." I paused. "That's what I was going to say."
"The present."
"You spoke in the present."
He was an important piece that only had ears.
"Yeah. I guess I did." It was tiring, keeping secrets from him. I didn't want him to know the hold he had on me but what was I to do when he noticed how I bended at his every word.
I let go of his hand and looked back infront of us, to the field where we stood in line and first met eachother. Well, first met Shadis. I still remember the beat down he gave me. Verbal of course, but it still felt very physical.
"Who's the guy?"
"You don't want to know." It was a sign for him to drop the subject. But it seemed like he just didn't want to.
"Why is that?"
I froze and turned my head, he stared down at the ground, not even lifting his head up for a second. I needed to find an excuse.
"You won't like him."
"Who is he?"
I didn't want to lash out, or raise my voice, but it was getting hard to stay patient with his constant prodding. He knew he was prying, but maybe he just didn't care. Maybe the answer was just that important.
"I'm not telling you."
"For fucks sake Hoover—Why won't you just drop it?" I didn't yell, my voice stayed the same, but my tone was a bit harsher than I meant it to be. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"Because I like you."
My words jumbled up together and flew out my mouth without being pronouced, giving place to my gaping jaw. I closed it quickly, and it opened it again, coughing up a small fit.
"What." It didn't sound like a question. It wasn't. Didn't stop him from responding.
"I like you."
"Say it again." I was the one to move from my spot, and turn to look at him this time. He was the one to avoid my gaze, clenching his fists while staring at the ground, face oddly blank.
"I like you." He was a bit louder with each reiteration of the short sentence, like he was confirming it for himself as much as me.
"I like you."
"Just one m—"
"Are you toying with me, Y/n?"
His glare transfered over to me, and I flinched, but in seeing that, he didn't hold it long. "Please don't. Please don't do that." A crack in his voice struck something within me.
"I'm not!" I rushed out, choosing my next words carefully.
"I like you. I'm in love with you. I like you romantically and I thought you liked Annie so that's why I lashed out earlier–and by the way, sorry about tha—"
"What." I focused on his face, and for once I could discern something. Confusion, mixed with shock, and... Something else.
"I thought you like Annie, so I lashe–"
He shook his head. "No.. The liking me part. Can you say it again?" His face was yet again, neutral, but his eyes held hope.
"No." His lips twitched to say something, but I cut him off with mine. On his.
I felt a push and I backed away, eyes wide. "Shit I'm sorry. I'm sorry Bertholdt I thought–I should've—"
He placed his hand on my waist and the other on my cheek, leaning in again to kiss me. It was a juvenile, quick, short, and confused kiss. A test, an introduction, the first kiss.
But then we kissed again, and it was longer, softer, deeper. And then again; we got warmer, and we took our time, breaking apart every few seconds to breathe and reconnect. We stopped, eventually. My lips tingled, like the butterflies that inhabited my stomach flew and landed on my lips,
as weird as that sounds.
His lips were swollen. Red, warm to the touch–I assumed. His cheeks were in the same boat. The tips of his ears as well. A couple seconds passed and I realized that his eyes were aswell. Tears starting to spill out, they were becoming red and puffy.
My hands stuttered and I brought his head to my shoulder, propping myself on my knees so that his back wouldn't ache.
Soft, almost soundless sobs left him, my shoulder getting damp. His hands clutched my white button down as he continued to cry, and I started to smile.
"Are you that happy?" It was presumptious of me to assume that he was crying of joy, but I pressed my lips shut and cupped his cheeks, wiping his tears like he did me.
"I'm... sorry." His voice whispered, and it wavered, and it might've been the weakest I've ever heard him. I leaned in and left a kiss on his forehead, nervously smiling.
"It's okay."
This didn't seem to satisfy him, as he looked to the ground. His soulders slumping forward, and hands clenching and opening up repetedly.
"I'm... Really, sorry. I'm sorry—I'm so, sorry.." It was like a chant that he repeated, each one quieter than the last. His body leaned into me, facing the floor. He was tired. Like he was bearing the whole world on his shoulders.
Something felt off with his apologies. Like they weren't for me. But if they weren't, who would they be for?
No, that wasn't the right question. I rested my chin on his head, and thread my hands through his hair, gently patting the unruly parts down.
The question, was what were they for. He hadn't done anything wrong. Yet he continued apologizing, under his breath. He paused.
You were right earlier, that he didn't want to know. He shouldn't have pushed it.
"Please... Don't hate me."
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zayne-snowman · 16 days
FLUFF PLS. Sickening fluff, tooth rotting, cavity creating fluff. Sweeter than our Doctor's macarons and Dawnbreaker's chocolates. MC returns feelings for all and is the girl we know and love. Zayne is actually able to have a happy ever after in at least one lifetime sheesh.
Doctor Zayne, what if you discover a cure for MC's protocore syndrome? This also coincides with a promotion where she's based in the office, instead of on the field. So the two main dangers of her life are either eliminated or drastically reduced. She returns your feelings
Dawnbreaker, what if you meet MC in your world? She completely understands and sympathises with you. She loves you and is able to pursue a relationship with you. Your dreams of the Doctor and his MC remain dreams but you have your own MC (adapted to your timeline) too. She's healthy and safe, no major issues with her health or longevity. Or yours either.
Foreseer, what if Astra gets laid once in his life and stops trying to make you an incel like him? Idk, for some reason he got curious what would happen if he actually left you and MC alone for just one life. One Jasmine in particular fully blooms, a sign of his blessing. She's cured of her Cryoriasis. You're free to stay or leave the Tower, truly up to you both. You're allowed to feel the touch (and way more) of the woman you love because Astra dgaf anymore. You can also keep your job because be fr who else is qualified for this position??? So all you need to do is deliver a prophecy once a century and the rest of your time is yours.
(Don't mind my last ask, I'll always be a Happy! Zayne/Zayne Fluff connoisseur)
I would ask her to marry me and move in together. I don't think I could be happier. I hope she's happy with this life, too, and doesn't mind the lack of action. I'll make sure to compensate that by taking her out for hiking dates often. I could certainly get used to the peace.
Could something like that really happen? I worry I would become... Clingy. I hope she doesn't mind. I want to spend as much time as I can with her, do everything together, be happy... Finally.
I would spend the rest of my life devoted to her instead. Free of worries, with nothing to hold me back, no unseen fear looming above us, I could feel the warmth again. Her warmth. Do the bare minimum to please Astra, spending the rest of my time doing whatever she feels like doing. Truly a blessing.
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jmdbjk · 1 year
Bangtan Weekly Report...
So a lot happening in here in the last 24 hours. Joon's appointment took everyone by surprise. Seems legit significant and I wondered if this will affect his military service... not in the fact that he would be exempt because of it... not implying that at all. What I'm wondering is after he completes his basic training, would he just go ahead and shift into some kind of position where he is also associated with this particular activity in the military? Stationed at whichever areas are doing this activity and such...
I think for sure it will definitely add to his future opportunities and influence in the public arena. It’s so exciting for him!
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Also: Yoongi headed to Japan. I love that shirt, vacation vibes. I hope he was able to rest a little bit and get something to ease his coughing though. I know he keeps saying don't worry, he's not sick, but something is up because you don't hack up a lung like that after walking a few hundred yards for nothing.
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Also today: Tae headed to Japan Spain! He looked dressed for an island party. It's been a while since we've seen him wear earrings. Or, I should say an earring since its only one. AND THE HAIR! I'm not a big fan of the frizzy perm but he is squeezing all he can out of his 20s before enlistment with the ash blonde hair moment again!
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How does he even see where he's going? How did anyone recognize him? That hat reminds me of a woven straw basket I used to have in my dining room.
TAKE TWO!!! A new OT7 song coming!!! Soooo excited!!! Maybe we'll get a teaser! Produced by Suga and written by RM and Hobi!!!!!
!!!!!!! NEW GROUP MUSIC!!!!!!!
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Also today: someone now pointing out that Kookie discreetly moved a small object out of camera view during his garbage disposer repairman live on Feb. 27 ...
How did I not notice him doing that when I watched the live... so now someone is saying it resembles a car key fob... for a Porsche...hmmm, who do we know that drives a Porsche? ... ummm.... I don't know... it could be, or not? It's got a reflective chrome button looking area on it. It's white and car key fob shaped...
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Of course, it could also be a vaper or his own car key fob or something else... a tube of lube (Kookie... please put stuff away after you use it, I know its handy there but still... TMI you know?) ... I need more visual info.
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Also today: I see people grumbling (outright bitching) about the commercialization of Festa/BTS... commercialization = selling out...
This is my take on all of that (and probably an unpopular opinion, but anyways...):
People are all for their "sold-out" king when a random t-shirt or shoes they are wearing or an insulated mug sells out, but our guys don't see a penny of that.
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And now you're saying official BTS merch would be somehow unsavory... a money grab... even though money from the sale of THAT DOES go into their pockets?... please think through what you are saying...
And commercialization in the form of sponsorships is not good? How is it not good?...Sponsorships are great!
Here's the deal... money makes the world go round... so that exact thing is what will help perpetuate the longevity of BTS, those sponsorships will give BTS a shit ton of money in return for licensing/promotion and underwriting big ticket projects.
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It keeps BTS alive in the public eye and keeps the income coming in order for them to do first class work and endeavor to promote themselves and give us great events. Fabulous purple fireworks shows are not free. Sponsors help underwrite the cost of that. And because these events are happening will also indirectly help the many small businesses in those areas because of the influx of visitors to these events.
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Turning the city purple creates excitement about BTS and reminds locals that BTS are global cultural ambassadors. Army should be hella proud of that.
What other kpop group is getting news coverage for their 10th anniversary? None.
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Deep pockets allow BTS to book stadium tours, so the more chance more of us can see them in-person.
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The day the money stops flowing will REALLY be the day BTS retires.
If we are who we say we are and intend to support BTS no matter what happens... IF WE ARE IN THIS BANGTAN SHIT FOR LIFE ... and what we are given right now is merch and purple corndogs, then I will buy a keychain or a book or eat purple tteokbokki, or whatever, along with whatever music is released. If you really are against it, then don't buy anything but don't act like what they are doing is disgusting.
Anyway, its been a full day. We are headed into Festa season for the next two weeks and beyond. The timeline seems focused on positive things. Or maybe that's my imagination. I am going to enjoy it while I can.
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indigoraysoflight · 7 months
I can't believe we're still having this discussion. But here we go again. This is where I stand.
Many Carylers have shown over and over again how much we value Melissa McBride's input on the show. We've shown how much we want compelling stories and a strong explicit canon. We want strong story arcs that honour Daryl and Carol as characters.
If they're even considering going for something that doesn't guarantee any of the above then I hope they understand the seriousness of gambling with their core audience that is hanging on by a thread. Many people are a single instance of shipbaiting away from leaving forever.
If they don't follow through with what fans have been anticipating from the show, then they risk losing a huge chunk of the audience (who won't be persuaded to come back). I say this because in my short time here, I've seen people leave the fandom because they got tired. Many have taken mental health breaks (including myself) because of how taxing it can be here. A TV show with your beloved characters should bring you joy, thrill, and excitement – not endless anxiety. It's not sustainable for many and I don't blame people for choosing their mental health over a show that doesn't guarantee solidarity and expected payoff.
Giving the audience what they have been anticipating (for years) inspires them to stick around because we get a story that's worth the wait. Viewerships skyrocket, the longevity of the show is preserved, and their ride-or-die audience is retained.
As a reminder, this is the audience that will continue to invest in the franchise (through conventions, merchandise, subscriptions etc). An audience that will continue to create content (edits, fan art, podcasts, articles) not to show their criticism for the show but to praise it and provide free promo to influence more audiences to tune in.
I say that as a Caryl podcast host. The only reason @kryptoniancape and I co-started the podcast was to bring hope because we thought we were headed towards greener pastures. We wanted to share our perspectives on the ship that deserved a story that honoured them. We wanted to promote a show that was finally showing up for their audience. We've been explicitly vocal about our hopes for this show's future, just like many Carylers.
So this sounds like a no brainer to me.
This is where @kryptoniancape and I stand – every show should be about creating a compelling narrative. It's not about who gets the most control, it's about equal contribution and autonomy of everyone who is involved. Most of all it's about respecting the talent, the stories and the audience. The fact that it also guarantees audience retention is just the cherry on the top.
There is no moving forward without that (for me personally anyway).
Creating a show that is solely focusing on the "vision" of a few people is going to create a show that they want. But it won't guarantee a strong run. Prioritizing the audience they can count on, however, will keep the show running for years.
Do the right thing.
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studentofshinto · 1 year
Regarding the Tsubaki Grand Shrine of America
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By now I think just about everyone in the American Shinto community is aware that the Tsubaki Grand Shrine of America is closing. From a post by Olivia Bernkastel on The Facebook group Shinto, Religion of the Forest, I got a little more of the story. The bottom line regarding Reverand Berrish is that his health is deteriorating. He will not be fully retiring but he is moving to Florida where he hopes to set up an independent shrine. If I were to dare to speculate, it seems to me the warm waters of Florida are far more preferable for Misogi than the Glacial waters of the Pacific Northwest. And if that's part of his reasoning I don't blame him one bit.
Now, it's important to note that if he wants to set up an independent shrine he can do that. From what I am to understand he is enshrining the entirety of the Earth rather than setting up a shrine for any of the more recognized Kami. One would think he'd stick with the Kami he has served. But that's his choice. He can do what he wants. In truth, historical examples of how shrines were started indicate that pretty much anyone can establish a shrine if they have the means to do so. Legitimacy comes with longevity.
In regards to the Tsubaki Grand Shrine of America, it's reported that there was a proposal put to the Board members of the shrine to look for a new priest. I do not know why they made the decision they did, but as we are all aware by now it was decided to close the facility and word is that they plan to sell the property. This does not mean that there will be no Tsubaki shrine in North America. In the future, the Shin Mei Spiritual Centre near Victoria, B.C., a branch of Tsubaki Grand Shrine Japan will be providing Shinto services, Ofuda, and Omamori. If I were to dare to speculate it might be that the Shintai at the Tsubaki Grand Shrine may be moved to this location along with other sacred items. (Seems to me the logical thing to do, but what do I know.) The downside is we've no way to know because there has been little information forthcoming.
The Tsubaki Grand Shrine of America Board of Directors has posted an open letter on their website, and while it is confirmation it leaves many questions unanswered.
Important Announcement
It is with heavy hearts that we announce that we will be closing Tsubaki Grand Shrine of America on June 30, 2023.
First, may we express our deepest gratitude to Rev. and Mrs. Barrish for their many years of dedication and for sharing the profound practice of Shinto with thousands of members and visitors for over 20 years. At this time, however, they will be retiring due to health reasons.
Next, we are so very grateful to the hundreds of volunteers who have helped support Tsubaki America shrine activities over the years. Please continue to keep the kamisama in your hearts and in your daily activities.
June 25, 2023 we will conduct Nagoshi no Oharahi (Mid Year Great Purification). This will be our final public ceremony at Tsubaki America, and we welcome all Members to attend this celebration.
Additionally, Shin Mei Spiritual Centre near Victoria, B.C., a branch of Tsubaki Grand Shrine Japan, is active and continues to welcome visitors (www.shinmei.ca) for gokitoh kigansai. Omamori and kamidana items from Tsubaki Grand Shrine Japan will continue to be available through Shin Mei.
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sjsmith56 · 1 month
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The Fae Elements, Part 5 - Battle
Summary: The safety of the sanctuary is breached setting up a deadly battle between Buck and Rumlow.
Length: 4.8 K
Characters: Buck, Sage, Rumlow, Thor, Hope
Warnings: Violence causing death, death of an adult child, grief.
Author notes: The images displayed in the banner above were created by the author using Microsoft Copilot app, in Designer mode.
<<Part 4
A thunderstorm came that night, along with a heavy rain. The flashes and booms frightened me, and I clutched at Buck, fearing that the cottage would be struck or that a tree would come crashing down upon us.
"Don't be afraid," he murmured, his warm body my only comfort. "Thor is sending thunderstorms to many places. Dark fae don't like the water in any form, but especially in one that flows. The rains from this storm will swell the rivers making it impossible for them to cross. They won't venture out in it, either."
His soft caresses and gentle kisses helped allay my fears enough for me to fall asleep. When I awoke in the morning it was still raining but it was a soft and comforting gentle rain; it's thrumming on the roof a reminder that I was safe in the arms of my lover. How I loved thinking of Buck in that way. The way our bodies were intertwined in the soft bed under the window was the stuff of fantasies. Almost as if he heard my thoughts Buck roused and opened his eyes, turning his head towards me.
"Good morning," he rumbled, before kissing my forehead and looking outside. "Looks like we get to stay in bed for a while."
"Was that something the fae king ordered?" I asked.
"Well, I might have let it slip that you accepted my proposal," he grinned. "My council were pretty sure you would."
"In all of the fantasy books I read I never heard of a fae king having a council. Is that an unusual thing?"
"I brought it up when I was first made fae king." He shifted to his side so that he could look at me while he played with my hair. "Having spent so long living in the mortal world with my father I wasn't sure I knew enough to rule by myself." I looked at him questioningly. "My mother asked my father to raise me and teach me how he lived. She was ... different, even among fae kind. I sometimes wonder if she had the "second sight," the ability to see into the future.  I spent my first 40 years with him until he died. Twenty-five years later I was called as a candidate. It was unprecedented for a half-fae and one so young to be chosen. I presented the thought of a council to advise me to the sacred tree, and it selected trustworthy fae to it. I've been told I'm a good king, a natural leader."
"Is she still alive?"
"No, she truly loved my father and followed him just a few years after his death. She was already over 400 years of age, considered old for many fae. Rulers draw power from the earth, sky and water so it lengthens our life span. Thor is the only one who is older than I am, as his bloodline has the gift of longevity. He has been part of my council since the beginning. Even Loki, as his brother, hasn't lived as long, as he is from a different bloodline, the Frost Giants. He was orphaned as a baby and adopted into Thor's family. You probably noticed his touch was cooler."
"Is everything alright between you two?" I asked. "I sensed some tension when he greeted me."
"That's just because he fancies himself as irresistible." He lowered his lips to mine to kiss me. "He's quite the flirt and has bedded many, both mortal and fae. I ... I was pleased to see you seemed immune to his charms."
"For a brief time, I thought he might be the Dark Overlord," I said. "Then he showed up at the beach and I realized I was wrong."
"I suspected Rumlow of being the one for some time," said Buck. He sighed. "We have a past. I knew him during the troubles. For a fae, he seemed remarkably unconcerned when several were accused of being in league with the dark one. He defended some individuals more than he defended others, including Daere's sister. It was obvious, in retrospect. All this time he's been rebuilding his powers and his personal wealth. You know I'm not really a billionaire. It all belongs to Gaia Life. I get a substantial salary as "CEO", but my actual worth is considerably less." He smiled. "Just in case you were marrying me for my money."
I smiled back at him as we kissed. "If you were a regular man, not a fae, what would you do?"
He took his time thinking of an answer as he shifted to look up at the ceiling of the bedroom, the sound of the gentle rain in the background.
"A carpenter," he finally said. "Not the type that builds houses, although I could do that and enjoy it. I would make furniture, creating something beautiful and functional out of wood. It's kind of how I relax now. I go into the forest and look for newly fallen trees, dragging them here and stripping them of their bark. After that I cut them into planks or lumber and let them dry. Once they've dried enough, I can build something out of it. I built this bed, the dressers, and cupboards and bookshelves downstairs."
Shifting so he was laying on his side he gazed at me, occasionally stroking my hair or arm. It didn't take long before he was hovering over me and I had the vision of him, the same one that I had after he asked me out to dinner. Except his hair was already loose, and I ran my hand through it just before he lowered his lips to mine. When his lips explored more of my body, it was uncanny how he knew what I liked. Every part of my being was alight with desire for him as he brought me closer to ecstasy. With the soft light of the grey skies falling on the bed, and the sound of the rain adding to the romantic ambience it felt like I was in the middle of a great love story. Here in his retreat in the middle of the forest, we were free to be our authentic selves, without the responsibility of our callings, or the fear of outside forces.
Even as we released our bodies to the bliss that we brought out of each other there was something that kept telling me it was all an enchantment, something fragile that could be lost before it ever had a chance to begin. The strangest part of it was that I was more afraid for Buck than I was for myself. He mentioned his mother having "second sight", a term I understood to mean a form of clairvoyance. Was I experiencing that for myself? Because somewhere, at the edge of my mind, at the perimeter of my thoughts was another vision of me hovering over Buck, as the colour drained from his face and his eyes lost their inner light. It was a vision that only came out after I saw Rumlow transform the night before. I never told Buck that I thought I had a vision of his death, which frightened me more than any thought of the Dark Overlord coming for me. I'm sure he knew because our lovemaking that morning was so gentle, yet so passionate it was like he was trying to convince me that I had nothing to worry about it.
Over the next while Buck schooled me in the ways of the fae, teaching me how to use my existing powers to listen to the life forces of my surroundings. I could hear the sound of wings high above me in the air, or the scratch of a mouse, as it dragged a nut into its den. It was all part of the unseen life around us in the forest. We did receive updates, either by thoughts shared between Buck and his council, or by the occasional nighttime visit of Sam, Steve, or Hope. I started getting up for those, joining Buck outside as he communed with the night, when the cycle of the moon waning was followed by the darkness of the new moon. They brought news of the preparations for our marriage ceremony. Hope told me more about my part in the ceremony and how my body would change in the 24 hours of that longest day and shortest night. In the evenings, our quiet time by the fireplace was followed by more passion in the bedroom, passion that I had always longed for before I met Buck.
There was one thing that hadn't yet happened but when I brought it up, Buck smiled and agreed that it was time. It was the week before we were to be married and he had yet to show me his true form. Standing in front of me, outside in the sun, shirtless, I watched as his tattoos and wings visibly changed in front of me. His wings changed first, into something more ethereal, with smaller finer feathers that were delicate in appearance. His tattoo changed to that of a single great tree, its textured roots extending below his navel, while the trunk extended up over his abdomen then spread into branches over his chest and shoulders, then down his arms. The raised texture of the tattoo pulsed as if the tree itself was living. Around us, the daylight had darkened, reminding me of a solar eclipse, and I could see stars behind him. A blue glow became visible in his eyes, tattoo and wings, pulsing with an otherworldly energy. His ears elongated taking the shape of those of an elf, followed by the sprouting of small branches from his head. It was beautiful, as it showed his love for the forest.
"This is my true self," he said, his blue eyes focused on me. "I am the spirit of the forest. It's safety and wellbeing are my greatest concern. Throughout the ages I have helped the mortals who respected this space, sharing its gifts with them, sheltering them under the thick canopies when they have been lost, hiding them when they were troubled. When the religion of the One came my ancestors were called pagan, yet they adapted some of our beliefs into their own because we worshipped creation as they did, at the beginning. Now they worship profit, sacrificing this world for their need for riches."
I came closer, tentatively touching his tree tattoo, watching as his face reacted to my touch. Then he smiled at me and pressed his lips into my neck, breathing his warmth into the place where my own pulse beat. Somehow, we were suddenly unclothed, and I was lying on a soft bed of moss, this otherworldly being of incredible beauty looking down on me, making me feel I was the centre of his existence. We made love in the middle of the forest, giving and taking pleasure with each other.
On the next day, a cloudy one, we hiked for a couple of hours, ending up at a natural hot spring, bubbling out of a rock formation. The water cascaded down into several levels of pools. Although it smelled of sulphur it was a more natural scent than the one that lingered in my apartment after the Horde were there. We undressed and sat in one of the warm pools for an hour, making love, then basking in its warmth before drying off and getting dressed again. Buck flew us back, taking the opportunity to share a bird's eye view of his haven. On our return he prepared to cut some more wood, so I took the opportunity to forage for mushrooms, greens, and nuts for our dinner. Just as I was satisfied with my haul, I began the return to the cottage, then stopped for I could smell the burnt sulphurous smell of the man who attacked me. At the same time, I heard a tortured cry from the direction of the cottage. Turning, I saw a pair of red eyes, only this time they were in the head of a wolf-like beast. It's low growl, deep from within its throat, struck a chord of fear in me.
"Buck," I thought. "Help. I'm in trouble."
"Beloved. I'm coming."
Slowly, I backed away from the beast, taking care not to stumble, for I was certain it would leap at me. It was slow going, as I didn't want to look away, afraid if I did it would attack. It was joined by two others, and they stalked me with an intent that was obvious. Just as I had reached a part of the forest where I would have to look elsewhere to step safely, I heard Buck's voice in my head.
"I'm coming in by wing. Leave the food."
The sound of his great wings flapping while he slowed to reach me, signalled me to drop the basket and I did so, as Buck grasped me around the waist and lifted me straight up in the air. Immediately, all three beasts launched themselves at us, and Buck shot up even higher, so we were out of their reach. Just as he was about to turn, a dark winged figure attacked him from above, and he almost dropped me.
"Hold on," he said, as he swooped away from the winged creature and flew towards a flowing river with an island in the middle. "Its beasts won't go into the water. I'm going to have to fight so as soon as I let you go, run for cover while I protect your retreat."
Several times he had to swerve to avoid the attack of the dark figure that flew with us. Then suddenly, we were over the island and Buck dropped me from a height of several feet, then turned to meet the attacker again. I ran for a hidden space in a rock formation, watching as the two of them grappled in the air. The creature, covered in thick leathery skin of a dark grey colour, with the addition of black feathers on parts of its wing, several horns sprouting from its head, long black hair, and claws for fingers was relentless in its assault on Buck. Whenever one of them slammed into the ground I could feel the reverberations through the terrain. It was both exhilarating and frightening at the same time.
The sounds of howls from across the river drew attention to the presence of the wolf-like beasts that had cornered me in the forest. As Buck said, they didn't try to cross the flowing water, but did transform into their human shape, revealing them to be part of the Horde, which meant the winged attacker was likely Rumlow. He answered his underlings, landing on the ground and facing Buck with his wings unfurled. A carved black weapon appeared in his hand, seeming to be part sword and part staff.
"Well, Barnes, I told your little slut that I would find a way into your haven," he sneered. "You thought your magic was strong enough to keep me out but my claim on her is stronger than yours."
Buck landed also, with a look of pure and desperate fury. I watched as his clothing transformed into battle gear. His arms and body were covered in chain mail, with a protective silver-grey metal armour adorned with beautiful symmetrical etchings, while his knees and shins were protected with coverings of the same metal. A sword magically appeared in his hand, looking remarkably comfortable in his grip.
"Your claim was thrown out years ago," he replied, in a voice that seethed with anger. "She has been under my protection since she was a child."
"She is the reincarnation of my bride!" Rumlow roared in anger. "I want her back."
"She was never your bride by choice," stated Buck, his blue eyes flashing. "You kidnapped her, forced her to eat your food to be beholden to you, then abused her until she took her own life. The sacred tree decreed it so."
"That's a lie!"
"You're the liar." Buck shifted so that he was blocking the path towards me. "You were supposed to perform 13 tasks to even be considered a suitor. Too much work for a dark fae so you broke the law and just took her against her will. The sacred hawthorn assigned me to be Sage's protector and I will do my duty to my last breath."
"So be it," answered Rumlow, leaping towards Buck with his weapon overhead. "You will die as easily as your spawn did."
The clash of metal on metal made a great sound that hurt my ears and I covered them with my hands, as the two men swung their weapons at each other over and over again. Rumlow was bigger and perhaps stronger, but Buck was quicker and more skilled as a fighter, drawing blood several times as he scored the arms and legs of the bigger fae. When the black-coloured ichor hit the ground, it sizzled and burned a hole in the grasses, an indicator of the toxicity that filled the dark fae. Several times they grappled together, punching each other with a force that probably could have shattered a great tree. Then one or the other would stagger back before regaining a foothold and trying to sweep the legs of the other out from under them, hoping to get the advantage by having them on the ground. At one point, I heard a distinct cracking sound emanate from Buck's left side and he winced in agony, as he went down on one knee, protecting that side with his bent arm. A cruel smile erupted on Rumlow's face, and he focussed on hitting Buck repeatedly in the same spot.
"NO!" I cried out and suddenly several rocks the size of my fist flew through the air, hitting Rumlow in the shoulder and head.
He roared at the distraction and stepped back, giving Buck an opening. He raised himself and thrust his sword into the other man's abdomen, burying it right up to the hilt. The black blood spurted out from the wound and Rumlow went down on one knee. Pulling the sword out, Buck thrust it in again, this time into the heart and a shriek like nothing I ever heard flew out of Rumlow's mouth.
"Sage, look away!"
I looked at Buck, at the fury in his face, and he commanded me again to look away. A terrible sound of flesh and bone being torn apart reached my ears and I covered them for it was a sound I never wanted to hear again. After a few moments, I dared to look and saw Buck standing over the body of Rumlow, black blood dripping from what looked like the heart he held in his hand. He dropped it and fell to one knee, just as a thunderbolt flew down from the sky, hitting the ground and revealing Thor, Sam, Steve and Hope. She came to me while the others went to Buck, immediately helping him to the river, where they physically removed his clothes and Thor carried him into the water.
"Why are they doing that?" I asked, suddenly afraid, recalling the vision I had of him dying.
"He needs cleansing from the kill," said Hope. "A dark fae's blood has evil properties that can infect him like a fever. Removing the heart is the only way to kill a dark fae overlord, which meant Buck had to reach inside Rumlow's body to get it. Flowing water is the only way to cleanse him of the effects of the blood." She looked across the river, seeing the bodies of the Horde. She made a small sign in the air with her hand that left a blue/green mark in the air. "Their souls have been released from their slavery. Each will face the creator before being allowed to move on. Come, we can return to the stronghold now. You will be safer there. My father needs to receive treatment in the healing pool."
While Steve and Sam covered Buck in a cloak, Thor raised a hammer to the sky and brought lightning down on the body of Rumlow, burning it into ash. Then he went across the river and did the same to the three bodies over there. Leaping back to the island, he looked kindly at me.
"I sense you have more questions," he said, sombrely. "Hold them for now until we take care of our king. He is weak from all that he was required to do to protect you and from the battle. You will have answers, I promise."
Hope led me closer to the others, with Sam and Steve supporting Buck between them. The three of them enclosed us with their wings, then Thor raised his hammer to the sky once more, bringing lightning down upon us. That enclosed us in a tunnel of light that we sped along for several long seconds, stopping on the same spot at the stronghold where we left several weeks before. Several attendants waited for us. A gurney was produced for Buck, and they wheeled him away, presumably to the healing pool, while I was led to a different room than where I was before. This one was larger, richly appointed, but still had that magnificent view of the valley.
"There are clothes in the closet for you, Lady Sage," said the attendant, a blonde woman I had never seen before. "When you have changed, I will be waiting to take you to the dining room where the council awaits your presence for dinner."
After quickly showering and getting dressed I opened the door and found her waiting. She smiled but said nothing as she led me down one of those hallways lit by the glowing walls, until we came to a large glass walled room with a large dining table. It looked out over the valley, making me wonder if every room in the stronghold looked out over it. I counted a dozen people waiting for me, none of them Buck, making me the 13th. I wondered if that was an omen for something bad.
"Lady Sage, please don't be alarmed," said Thor. "Our king is still healing in the pool but will be there for some time replenishing his energy. Join us and make our number equal the full council."
"But that's 13," I said. "It's an unlucky number."
"To the followers of the one god, yes," he replied. "To the fae, it isn't as it is a sacred number for many reasons."
"I don't understand," I replied.
"I know, but it is not unlucky to us. Please, sit and we will attempt to enlighten you."
As the meal was served, and the wine poured, I learned that 13 is considered lucky in many mythologies including pagan and Norse ones. Associated with the menstrual cycle of a woman, of which there were 13 cycles in a year, the same as lunar cycles, it symbolized fertility. Their council, since it followed the pagan way, had to be made up of 13 individuals, usually including the king. Also associated with fertility was the hawthorn tree, of which my last name was based on. It was connected to the source of my powers, as I wasn't just a descendant of Lilith, I was apparently a descendant of the first fae king, Hawthorn, who planted the tree and imbued it with the powers of the forest, then with his own spirit after his death. Even though I was mortal, I apparently had a stronger bloodline than many of the council.
"What does that all mean?" I asked. "Buck said during the fight with Rumlow that he was assigned to be my protector by the sacred hawthorn. He accused Rumlow of stealing an ancestor of mine and forcing her to be his wife."
"It's true," said Thor. "When the first fae king Hawthorn moved on, his spirit stayed with the tree. He has looked out for his descendants ever since. Each king vows to protect the descendants of that Hawthorn as part of their covenant with the light fae. Your father was a descendant of him, and so was protected by Buck. His cancer could not be healed in our healing pools but could by the laying on of the hands of the king. But to do so meant Buck's ability to protect you would be weakened. Your father declined the offer, sacrificing his life for you, Sage. He wanted to keep you safe above all else. Buck had already gifted you the pendant you wear, which was also a sacrifice, in a sense. It meant that your parents were agreeing to you becoming his wife; a protective bond as strong as any magic, even if you're not aware of it. Buck had little choice in the matter, as his powers were stretched thinly, protecting you, your family, the light fae, the stronghold, the sanctuaries he created, and many other areas he felt responsible for. He took so much on, more than we were aware. But he is at heart a protector and felt it was his duty. Even though the pendant gave him the right to claim you as his bride, it was always your choice. He would not have forced himself on you, unlike Rumlow."
"Rumlow presented himself as a suitor for an ancestor of yours," added Hope. "Each suitor was to perform 13 tasks as proof of their integrity. Instead, he secretly kidnapped her, took her to his home and didn't feed her hunger or her thirst for several days. When he finally offered her food, she took it, effectively giving herself to him willingly, even though it wasn't done honestly. He was not a good mate, and she tried many times to escape his reach, succeeding only when she killed herself. The sacred tree ruled he must be cast out and his powers removed as his crime made him a blight on our kind. That was likely when he offered himself to the Dark Overlord of the time. He lived as a mortal, his longevity being the only fae quality he retained. When Rumlow reappeared as the owner of HYDRA Mining in the 1950s Buck became more visible in the mortal world, concerned about the man's activities. When Buck found your mother, he was concerned about Rumlow trying to kidnap her to reacquire his powers. The realization of your father's bloodline made protecting you even more important. Rumlow would have stripped you of all your powers, keeping you as little more than a concubine, subject to his perversions."
It was frightening to consider what would have happened if Rumlow had taken me that night or had killed Buck during the battle. A cough from Loki brought my attention back to the council.
"You must tell her the rest," he said, solemnly. "It is her right to know, especially now that her powers have begun manifesting before the marriage ceremony and the Solstice rituals. Now that the king knows how Rumlow found them, she must be informed to provide him comfort." He looked at me. "We're aware you were able to hit Rumlow with rocks using your powers. It means your powers are considerable."
Hope swallowed noticeably. "My brother, Richard, the youngest of my father's children, was taken," she said, sadly. "Even though he gave up his fae powers to live as a mortal he still had a bond with my father. He was slain in a ritual that only a dark overlord could perform so that your location could be determined. Then the barrier to the sanctuary was breached with a single thought from another location. Although we thought Rumlow was the Dark Overlord, he was not, as he was already outside the sanctuary waiting for the breach while we searched for Richard before they harmed him. A dark fae prisoner told us Rumlow was a familiar, the overlord's champion. It means the Dark Overlord is someone else, but we don't know who, except that he still lives. I'm sorry, but you're still in danger."
My first thought was Buck, and I left the dining room, running through the hallways, trying to find the healing pool. No matter which way I turned I was led back to the room I left when I first arrived, so I entered the door, finding him curled up on the bed. His grief-stricken face showed that he knew about his son, and I laid next to him, covering him with my arms. As he wept for the loss of his mortal son, I held him, trying to soothe him to the best of my abilities. It was even more important that we go through with the Solstice ritual now. My life depended on it and so did his, I suspected.
Part 6>>
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stalactice · 4 months
The WIP Name Game
Tagged by the amazing @ally147writes, even though I write at a glacial pace. I guess these count as WIPs? Who knows? I certainly don't.
Will I finish any of these? I hope so or the shame will follow me for years :).
Some of these things have titles and others don't because I obsess a bit too much about having the Perfect Title.
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
Pinholes, Lithographs, Film
Heterochromia (subject to change)
A Shrine to Our Longevity
Rhodonea (subject to change)
untitled Sesskag mystery longfic
untitled Dramione post-war AU, non-European magic
There are probably others buried in other text documents, but these are the ones with already substantial word counts. (Of a sort?)
Tagging @nuri148 @chaosisbeauty23 @onwriting-hrarby @helena-thessaloniki or if you'd just like to try it, please consider yourself tagged. I'm so bad at this. I'm sorry.
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onewomancitadel · 3 months
If they had asked me I would've told them that trying to draw in an audience slash cash through crossover media and supplementary material was never going to work. To us fans it gave off the complete opposite impression (that they didn't give a fuck about the main material and were pandering to Beacon era) which made some of us quite anxious about our commitment but also that's not really how you draw people into a show? I can't think of a time I've ever seen something like that see a measure of success.
Obvs the issues are more fundamental and beyond RWBY proper (at this point I would be carousing upper management) and I also think RWBY proper has copped the RT financial strategy and if you're looking to wring as much money out of the next financial year to avoid, I don't know, being closed down completely, then you will make extremely stupid moves. I really don't understand sacrificing brand longevity (RWBY is basically the only notable property of RT outside of RVB) and I would take the loss on the nose for the long run incentive and put my entire strategy into trying to drum up audience interest in the interim until I know for sure I can renew it. It is extremely extremely extremely difficult to sell new shows (and new faces).
If you were to compare a a very similar situation (The Escapist) where the editor was trying to get new shows off the ground that weren't Yahtzee, it took a lot of dedication and a very selective hand and even that wasn't enough so they went and made their own company and now they have more cross-show viewer retention. So there is an example of this being done before and not good enough for the suits. The issue is I don't know what the intellectual property situation is with RWBY and there's much much more money involved than journalism/comedy.
As I remarked before I still think moving away from CR funding is going to be the wise move and from the beginning suggested desperation and/or mismanagement (we know they were quite a ways into V9 production - to the point of going well beyond writing, storyboarding, and animation - where the episodes were cut and presumably so was the deal). My hope would be is if RT strategy is improving (e.g. putting more hype on the ground for RVB/cutting RTX/trying to get more sponsorships) then you'd hope that bleeds into RWBY, and more importantly preserving RWBY, because brand and recognisable brand are everything. That people felt that brand was being diluted through crossovers is actually pretty telling, and of the people who saw those shows/read the manga etc., what of the minority is going to go and watch RWBY? Something isn't adding up about the furore V8 caused vs. the amount of people who actually paid to watch it (it was very easy to find pirated episodes) so I don't envy their position. But the cost of producing crossovers vs. the maximal effect on the show and the actual measure of revenue is not something I personally approve of and it sent the wrong message to the fanbase.
Of course it's easy for me to criticise, and the types of things I'm thinking that you can monetise surrounding the brand is made difficult by the relationship the fandom at large has with the show, but I also think knowing what audience you've got has a lot to do with it. If RWBY fandom is cult, monetising methods need to be cult.
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ae-neon · 1 year
You know amidst all the wonderful discussions we have had in our small corner of the acotar community, a thing that has been on my mind since I've first joined and got invested in all of this in back in 2021, is the thing about the Archeron sister's transformation into fae and the aftermath of it. And my deep disappointment that the author like many other things in her books overlooks or only once briefly touchs upon. Like maybe it's partly because I have read admittedly a lot of vampire turning stories on where they have to adjust to their new reality, but realistically I think that all of the sisters shouldn't have accepted their circumstances that quickly. Like, the humans grew up on stories and tales of the fae, the fae still terrorized the humans on the other side of the wall all this time until Book 1 and past that, their fears are absolutely justified (no matter how Miss Maas tries to tell us the opposite, because what the fuck???) and bc of the sisters involvement they get pulled into the mess eventually, Elain and Nesta get kidnapped, their house burned to the ground and imprisoned for hours until they get dragged into a eldritch sentient cauldron and forcibly/painfully turned for an fairy king's test experimentation, for some kind of sick spectacle. And obviously this is deeply scarring. But like they should have had a lot more difficulty in their healing journeys to come to terms with their loss of humanity. From everything they ever knew and were completely uprooted and ripped away from. And now they should be apparently grateful for that? they should just adapt to fae culture like nothing without any problems? and completely enstrange themselves from their human origins and own culture and customs because humans are lesser inferior beings? this is messed up like holy fuck and it makes me very angry.
Like there should have problems/conflict with body dysphoria, culture shock, cultural misunderstandings and difficulty to adapt* (*to faeness and immortality/longevity). Maybe even struggle with how they get perceived by fae for being born as humans, the good bad and ugly. What it truly means to be human, and eventually becoming comfortable with themselves once again and reluctantly reconciling both halfs and finding peace one day. And I mean as the characters are immortal this arc could span over decades and go slow. But SJM wants her cake without eating it, wants her characters to go from point A to Z without putting any effort at all into it. It makes me frustrated because it could have been so compelling and interesting.
Yeah this tirade got very long, but I hope it overall makes sense ~
Here's sjm eating the nonexistent cake: the sisters get a pinch traumatized but ultimately they should be grateful they can now be fucked (in both ways) for eternity. And adjusting? Don't worry about that there was no real distinction, besides magic, to begin with.
From the perspective of a Nesta fan
While reading this I realised all my ACOSF au snippets and headcanon include Nesta settling and adjusting to her own body and mind years after she leaves the NC.
Because they're short n sweet it's mostly physical from learning how to sleep without hyper-focusing on the sound of the ocean, to making a habit of walking and winnowing.
But can you imagine the mental adjustment? To immortality?? Sorry, but I'd take myself out if you know what I mean. I'm not doing 100 years or 500 years or eternity.
Now the reason this is all waved away is because Sarah Says so.
That's the rule to truly enjoying her books. Listen to what Sarah Says. Even when her own writing contradicts this - that's the fandom rule : Sarah Says.
This was way longer and turned into a Nessian Rant (PART 3 BABY!! WE'RE BACK) so I'll cut that and make it its own post.
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levyfiles · 1 year
Gettin back into the watcher scene (was super into them for a couple years then fell out of interest at the beginning of watcher and now the hyperfixation is back with a VENGANCE) and I just wanted to say I’m super glad you’re still around!!! You were always one of my favorite blogs and I remember so many people being so anti of your blog in particular, so I find it entertaining that their blogs are all down or abandoned and you’re the actual faithful fan that’s stuck w the boys since day one. Goes to show how much they just cared about policing people’s interests rather than supporting our boys. Much love!!!! (And I hope this message makes sense/isn’t an overstep. Feel free to ignore if it is!!!) :)))
Welcome back! I hope you're having as much fun the second time as it was the first.
I'm really actually very happy to see a few old faces make their return this year and very moved that you remember my old antics around the tag. I've slowed down some and been focusing more on being on discord with some good friends I've made since those days so I don't answer asks with quite as much diligence as I used to but I do appreciate a message like this now and then.
It is funny that all the big name antis of yore have kind of scuttled away, but then again yes, I agree because I've always held that anyone who spends their time in fanspaces attacking and policing what others are doing aren't really having that much fun with the medium; they're really sitting there hoping they'll be rewarded in fan heaven for being righteous and pure. You know? To be "the good fan" who never did fandom wrong according to the standards and practice of something someone made up and it's also usually because interacting with transformative content is vilified so terribly now that people would rather think of creative ways to bully and terrorise other fans than interact with fanfiction or fanart. That is also why the rest of the fanspace, if they choose to ignore and block people like that, has a better longevity.
Since the dawn of fandom, that's been the case. It's the authors and the artists carry the yoke of the creator's influence and you'd be surprised how many more people just like me who say "ship and let ship" are at the helm supporting Watcher because we grew up in a time where it was deeply embarrassing to make your whole presence online revolve around hating a specific thing. Mortifying behavior but anyways....
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 months
So I don’t think Audi was an odd choice for him. He even personally has Audi vehicles. Again, I have thoughts on why Jinx pulled the ad, and I’m sure others do as well. Clearly there is a reason. /
Is it because he is all "business now and no personal"? Which makes no sense to me. Because Dodger is honestly more loved in his own fandom than him. So using Dodger wouldn't be "personal" in my opinion. If he was all business now, whyd he post the random Dodger snow video on stories? He keeps going back and forth it seems, but thinking that he's going to build back or more of a genuine fanbase on cars...yikes.
I get he drove one, drives one, but the shift for him personality in Hollywood wise is rather odd and it leaves me scratching my head. And sad. Majorly sad. Because why gives personal details in GQ, only to yank the more profitable avenue longevity wise (Dodger, Dog Dad, kindness) and to go quick buck route that will fade in time?
I'm just trying to see anyone has any advice on how to grapple or explain this new Chris. Cuz he didn't change when dating Minka or Jenny, in fact, we took those days for granted. I don't care if he's married; he is different and that's a choice.
Dodger in conjunction with Jinx I would consider business. And he has removed most of his posts. He did have 101 posts and now he’s down to 7. Don’t ask me to figure out the thought process on what to delete because I’m confused on that one. Now the Dodger in the snow video…it’s funny how he sometimes wants to show exactly where he is. Even if it’s a few months later *ahem* golf photo *cough*. I think most of his fans recall him not knowing much about cars, so that recent interview was a choice.
As far as that GQ interview when everyone was saying that he was quitting or going to pull back in acting…he’s done this song and dance in the past. And I have said from the get go that 2022 most likely burned him out a bit. Filmed three movies, did voice over work, he did two huge press tours for Lightyear and TGM. You know how many times I say I’m ready to quit? That’s how that feels for me. He also said he wanted to do one movie a year and here he is with two projects, and…R1 is going to be a trip.
As far as the quick buck goes, listen for $3M+ I’d do a campaign for Audi, too.
And for advice we haven’t seen Chris publicly really since this time last year with Ghosted promo. We’ve seen the Pete Holmes podcast, but that was one day. I guess our next round of press will be R1 and we may see more of his personality. Never forget that Hollywood is a business first and foremost and he’s got a lot of bills and overhead to pay. He’s trying to maintain his way of living and I would assume he does enjoy acting. I hope his break gave him some clarity.
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felizusnavidad · 4 months
You are so sweet!!!! 🥺❤️ And thank you for believing in me, that really means a lot. Your advice honestly really helped and made my whole day!!
If I’m being totally honest, as much as I’d love to quit on the spot despite not having a job lined up, I need to start paying student loans soon on top of small monthly bills to pay. I’ve tons of money saved up, though… I guess, in this particular case, although I hate to admit it, it’s good I don’t have my own place yet. However, this would just expand the longevity of me living at home, and I’m seriously considering on moving out by the end of March or May. Anyways, that would only happen if I have a new job by then, but if not, then I still have this job! So.. I’m moving out regardless. I don’t remember if I already said this but it’s an MPS in fashion marketing! There’s little to no fashion in this city except for two well known brands (retail and a luxury designer carrier) whose headquarters are in my city. Anyways, there’s lots of pros and cons here. That’s just where my head is at.
Thank you again, Poppy ❤️ I’ll think about it. I’m still applying, so I hope someone cares enough to give me a chance before March or May ends. Wow, this was a long response.
(Btw, it’s the snow anon)
me connecting the dots: snow anon = new year's eve anon = you! 🫵 (we need to find a nickname for you 🤭)
i'm glad i could help to make you feel better, even if just a little bit! sometimes you just need someone to tell you that everything's going to be ok, it's so simple but it always helps me A LOT when i feel anxious & i'm worried about my future.
honestly, i think moving out would be an amazing idea. this is also such a huge step in life & i can tell you it's probably the best decision you could make, especially when you feel like it's finally the right time to do that. & from my experience, even if you have a shitty job, living alone is totally worth it lol. because, let's be honest, this job is only TEMPORARY & you can always change it. and i'm sure once you move out, you will feel so much better - i don't know about you but i'm a huge introvert & having my own space is something i need for my well-being. have you been thinking about moving to a different city tho? or just leaving your home? it's also something to consider i guess, unless you don't want to.
MPS in fashion marketing? wow, honestly that sounds awesome & super creative, no wonder you don't want to work in retail anymore. & that's good! aim higher! if this is what you really love, never give up on it, just try, try, try... & eventually you will succeed! cause after all, this is going to be our year, right?
& always at your service! 🫡
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juds2023 · 6 months
This article is an update on the cease-fire being terminated and the fighting continues. There are a few opinion-based sections but for the most part, the article is just a summary of what has happened, what is going on now, and what will likely occur. The article exclaims that Hamas broke the rules of a cease-fire and thus fighting continued. The article acknowledges that fighting continuing was inevitable and that there will be no permanent cease-fire unless Hamas loses military capability. Ultimately, the destruction is catastrophic and some say that Gaza might never fully recover.
I appreciate this article being honest about the situation. However, I do think it's important to recognize that both sides are claiming the other broke the terms of the cease-fire. It really doesn't matter who did it because, in the end, fighting was always going to occur. What really scares me about this situation is the longevity of this war. This will not end this month, nor next month, in fact I predict this conflict could go on for a year plus considering how spread out Hamas is and how battered Gaza is. This means hostages will take longer to be released, civilians will continue to die and we may not get a definitive result to this conflict. My biggest question is, how long will it take until outside parties enter this conflict directly. I doubt there will be any scenario in which the US joins in. Even with Presidential elections coming up, even with the chance that there is a new president, I don't see a world in which US troops are in Gaza fighting. Hopefully, the conflict stays between Hamas and Israel, the last thing anyone needs is for Iran to get involved.
With this being my last blog of the semester, I would like to thank all who read these weekly posts. I know some may have disagreed with me along the way and that's perfectly ok. Part of what's beautiful about our society is being able to live together with people who don't view the world the same as you. Unfortunately, that is harder to do nowadays. I hope one day we can get back to the point where we can disagree in a civilized manner, and not tear people down for sharing different beliefs. Most of all, I hope the people of Israel and Palestine get through this ordeal ok, and that maybe someday, they can find peace.
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