#i don't know if i can still incorporate roleplaying into my life but i really WANT to
gentlejack · 2 years
⚢    hello? is this thing on? does anyone still remember me
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Lesson 4: "Do Black People Blush?" Bringing brown complexions to life
Inspired by this ask
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So, do Black people blush?
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We are human beans 🤣! Blood rushes through our veins! This isn't just a nonblack misconception either; I know plenty of Black people who think we don't blush. Stop saying that shit. It's not true! If you thought this at any point, I'm glad you learned, TAKE THIS L IN SILENCE! I am sparing you the indignity of saying this out loud, ever! 🙏🏾
Jokes aside, the actual issue usually lies with the depiction or description. Depending on our skin tone, most of us aren’t going to turn ‘bright pink’ with a blush (if you write that in your y/n or roleplaying fics, that’s an easy way to negate a good amount of your potential Black audience). Think of a cherry coke- how you still see the tint of red in it, but it’s still brown? Like that.
One way to dodge this in writing is to say “flushed”, or “ears/cheeks became hot”. This is describing the physical action of blushing, without having to describe the color of someone’s face. If you’re really nervous about not writing us correctly via blushing… there you go!
Okay. So this is something I’ll likely do its own lesson on, because there’s no way I could encapsulate it into one little blurb and I’m not going to try! After asking the internet an admittedly confusing question 😅, one thing I was able to reaffirm is that people have different opinions on what ‘dark’/’darker’ skin tones mean. People recognize that different cultural upbringings and contexts will change what that means! And that’s good- that an important part of the larger conversation!
However, I want everyone to understand that you don’t have to be Black to be dark/’darker’ skinned- you can be Black and very pale! We discussed that in the last lesson! There’s no ‘singular point of brown-ness’ that designates a Black person as ‘Black’- there’s an entire sociological conversation behind that!
My point is, this isn’t a ‘oh Black people OVERALL aren’t depicted blushing properly’- because there are ‘lighter’ skinned Black people that wouldn’t suffer as much from this particular issue.
Blushes and Undertones
Three Links for Tips on Medium to Deep Skintones
Different complexions are going to require different colors, there's not a 'one fits all' option. However! What we want to do for deeper brown complexions is to focus on BOLDER, not lighter! Putting light pink or a white person’s ‘nude’ on our skin will often make us look ashy and undercolored. And we don’t like looking ashy.
"It looks like they're ashy!"
What do we mean when we say this about a piece? Well, worse case scenario, it looks like this:
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This was NOT one of KD’s better days, and he was thoroughly mocked for this. He got more than enough money for lotion! Anyway, when we say that your art looks ‘ashy’, it means that it feels like the skin of your Black character is gray, or dead. Like a corpse. We don’t look like that unless things are dire.
In fan and professional art, you can sometimes find people user a grey undertone for deeper shades of brown on Black people: NO! We are NOT grey! We are not pitch! Many skin shades of brown can be found based in the oranges and the reds. Based on lighting and depth of complexion, you might even have to go into the blues and purple to capture the brown you’re seeking.
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I’m begging us to stop desaturating the browns we use. We can see the difference. It’s usually one of those ‘White Man Painted Brown’ techniques I discussed before; an attempt to ‘make a character Black’ without really committing to it because the brown skin tone ‘doesn’t look good’ to the artist. Brown is beautiful! Commit to brown! Commit to the full design!
Put in the work to create the brown you need!
While this is a traditional art piece (follow Ellie Mandy Art, a Black creator), I want you to notice how she incorporated many colors to create the deep brown for her piece.
-8:05 for the list of paints
-8:05-17:29 for the process
She used black, yes, but it was nowhere near the base color. She incorporated blues and reds and other browns to capture that depth. It wasn’t ‘toss in a bunch of black or grey to get the brown darker’. (SKIP TO THE END TO SEE HOW GOOD THIS PIECE IS, BTW. I felt like I was in the presence of a master watching her do this, fr. We gotta pay artists more.)
I want to use this model as an example to show that while we might get very dark, we're still not 'pitch black'. You can see the flat of the black of their clothes versus their deep complexion. They're not the same!
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Even if your character's complexion is very deep brown into black, you still need to incorporate ‘life’ into them (if that makes sense). And you know what? Even if you want to describe your characters as having ‘black’ skin, that’s fine, but there are still other ways to do it- obsidian, the night sky, velvet. Find a way to romanticize our skin (there’s an entire conversation about how ‘black’ is used in a negative connotation in language and storytelling, and we’re ALSO going to have that conversation later!)
A Real Simple Way (i.e. how I do it)
I tried, but I cannot find my skin tones palette link anymore. I’m sorry! But, it’s been essential to my character design. If you don’t ever buy anything else, I would HIGHLY suggest investing in a skin tones palette for your art program.
Everyone say hello to Philia, my OC! I’m used to drawing her, so I’m going to use her as an example. Now remember, I am still an amateur! But this is how I do it!
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Admittedly, I do the one on the left when I'm feeling lazy, but more often I'll take the time to do the one on the right. Now here’s the thing- I’m not actually blending the red into the brown. This is on a whole different layer. What I’m actually doing is adding to and fading the color until it’s at a color that I feel is natural. There's definitely an easier, smarter way to do this, but that’s what I like to do- I like to see the stages slowly until I’m comfortable.
You have to mess around and practice; see what looks good and what doesn't. Go into the reds, the oranges, the pinks and observe how it looks- I may go through multiple before I settle on one. It’s really just a matter of getting used to drawing Black skin tones and how they look in different lighting. This one's not perfect for sure.
Here are some really good posts and Youtube videos on how both to paint skin, and to add blush tones. And remember, as per my usual, the best way to learn how the draw and paint Black people is to follow and learn from Black artists! Another good idea might be looking into Black makeup and Black SFX makeup artists. As people that work with skin on a regular basis, they would be a good place to study what colors can and should be used on different skin colors as a whole.
Likelihood Art
Tiara Anderson
Ross Draws
In summary, focus on bolder colors, be willing to test until you get what you need, and practice! All you can do to get better is to practice! And as always: it’s the thought that counts, but the action that delivers!
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rp-partnerfinder · 2 months
Hello! M here seeking F partner for slow-burn, story-based, plot-heavy, sweet but dramatic, romantic roleplays, with a healthy dash of spice when the time is right. As a result, all partners must be of legal age.
As a warning, I'm pretty vanilla, so if you're looking for a partner to engage your wild kinks, I'm probably not your guy. This is not to say I don't have kinks – I do – but even those kinks, I prefer to arise in the course of a sweet romantic story. You can, of course, ask if I'm interested in yours as long as you don't mind me being honest. And if you/we can find a way to incorporate such a kink into something rather sweet and romantic, well, awesome.
You can try to suggest a fandom, and you might turn out to hit just the right idea to make me geek out, but I'm mostly into non-fandom roleplays, modern setting, either 100% realistic or with some fantasy elements.
As for what I like, I dig age gap roleplays; on a related note, I'm going to be hard to convince to play someone younger than, say, 25 or so. I'm more comfortable playing between 30 and 45, really. I also dig my partner either playing pregnant to begin with, or ending up so in the course of the roleplay. And let’s not forget: forbidden love and/or taboo relationships are just *chef’s kiss* – as long as, see above, they’re still sweet and romantic. The rest of what I like would probably mean I need to mark this post, so if you’re interested, ask. I do NOT do bathroom stuff, cruelty, injury, or non-con/dub-con.
I'm not strict on literacy, as long as it moves the story forward, but I'm most comfortable in the 2-4 paragraph range. This is not to say that a single paragraph might not get all the plot motion done; it’s also not to say I won’t get carried away and write a freaking novel. Both have happened.
I'd prefer we end up on Discord, but if you want to hammer stuff out here then move over when we're about ready to start, that would be splendid.
And also, I do have a few prompts (and solo writing, and math nerdery) on my Tumblr, so if you want to take a look, please feel free.
Just so everyone knows: I'm not here for anything in real life. All I really need to know is, are you of legal age irl. Beyond that, I like being friends with my partners, chatting about random stuff, sharing funny memes, but there won't be a lot of identifiable information and there almost certainly won't be irl pics shared. I'm here to play, not be myself.
I think that's about it for now, so please feel free to message me for my Discord!
To be clear, putting the phrase "make sure you're of legal age" near the bottom of a lengthy post like this makes it extremely difficult for the mods to find your "minimum age" as per rule #1. In the future please include a number value (18+, 21+, 25+ etc.) or your ad might be deleted by mistake.
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findyourrp · 2 months
Hello! ❤️ M here seeking F partner for slow-burn, story-based, plot-heavy, sweet but dramatic, romantic roleplays, with a healthy dash of spice when the time is right. As a result, all partners must be of legal age.
As a warning, I'm pretty vanilla, so if you're looking for a partner to engage your wild kinks, I'm probably not your guy. This is not to say I don't have kinks – I do – but even those kinks, I prefer to arise in the course of a sweet romantic story. You can, of course, ask if I'm interested in yours as long as you don't mind me being honest. And if you/we can find a way to incorporate such a kink into something rather sweet and romantic, well, awesome. 
You can try to suggest a fandom, and you might turn out to hit just the right idea to make me geek out, but I'm mostly into non-fandom roleplays, modern setting, either 100% realistic or with some fantasy elements.
As for what I like, I dig age gap roleplays; on a related note, I'm going to be hard to convince to play someone younger than, say, 25 or so. I'm more comfortable playing between 30 and 45, really. I also dig my partner either playing pregnant to begin with, or ending up so in the course of the roleplay. And let’s not forget: forbidden love and/or taboo relationships are just *chef’s kiss* – as long as, see above, they’re still sweet and romantic. The rest of what I like would probably mean I need to mark this post, so if you’re interested, ask. I do NOT do bathroom stuff, cruelty, injury, or non-con/dub-con.
I'm not strict on literacy, as long as it moves the story forward, but I'm most comfortable in the 2-4 paragraph range. This is not to say that a single paragraph might not get all the plot motion done; it’s also not to say I won’t get carried away and write a freaking novel. Both have happened.
I'd prefer we end up on Discord, but if you want to hammer stuff out here then move over when we're about ready to start, that would be splendid.
And also, I do have a few prompts (and solo writing, and math nerdery) on my Tumblr, so if you want to take a look, please feel free.
Just so everyone knows: I'm not here for anything in real life. All I really need to know is, are you of legal age irl. Beyond that, I like being friends with my partners, chatting about random stuff, sharing funny memes, but there won't be a lot of identifiable information and there almost certainly won't be irl pics shared. I'm here to play, not be myself.
I think that's about it for now, so please feel free to message me for my Discord!
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crystalkleure · 1 month
I'm gonna be real for a minute, I should probably spit out the reason I've had such a hard time posting or interacting here for awhile.
I have DID. I made this blog before I knew I had DID, most of the people following me clicked that button before anyone knew I had DID, and the general public doesn't really know what DID is, much less that it's not anything like the "multiple personality disorder" in the movies.
My system has a huge number of introjects in it. I, me, the alter writing this right now, am an introject. This is actually pretty normal, especially for someone like me, because the nature of my abuse has meant that I have spent most of my life extremely isolated [very against my will], with far more exposure to media like TV shows and games than to real people. You know how the people in your dreams have the faces of real people you've seen at some point, because your brain isn't good at coming up with brand new faces on its own? It's a little like that. For the DID brain to incorporate a trait into an alter, it has to be aware that that trait can even exist, which means it has witnessed it somewhere before, and the deeper human subconscious is not super great at just instinctually telling the difference between a real person and a fabricated depiction of a person, so the DID can snatch traits it has witnessed in both real people and fake people all the same.
Sometimes the DID sees a lot of traits it registers as desirable, useful to survival somehow, etc., all in just one source, be it a real person or a depiction of a person. [Or it sees just ONE trait that it latches onto really hard, and splits an alter just to embody that specific trait it perceives as so important.] And so the system can end up splitting an alter that is nearly identical to the way they have perceived that singular source, meaning that alter can resemble that source person or character extremely closely. This is all done subconsciously and involuntarily, the system has zero control over it, alters have zero control over what they are made out of. An introject does not get to choose their source.
...And on a website full of fandom shit, if you post art you have drawn of yourself, an introject alter, people are going to think that art is depicting your source person/character. And if you say "Actually that's just me," they think you are a roleplayer. Because people don't know what DID is. Even if you say "I have DID, Dissociative Identity Disorder" they can just assume that's some kind of roleplayer lingo, or something irrelevant to the Obvious Roleplay that is happening, or some kind of condition the roleplayer is just choosing to write their played character to have, and won't bother to look it up.
And this causes some extremely unpleasant problems!
People squee-ing over you and talking about wanting to kiss or touch you or ship you with some character [or themself]
People trying to roleplay with you. Usually flirtatiously.
Oh this is a fun one. People thinking you are a roleplayer, and if your source is a character who is under 18 but YOU are an adult [I'm fucking 25 years old, for example, and I will act like it], they will call you a pedophile for "aging up" the character just to roleplay adult things with them. Even if you aren't doing anything sexual, the mere fact that you are being perceived as "aging up" a character will get you side-eyed, because people still think you're being dirty with the character and they figure they just haven't caught you at it.
This one just sucks and is nobody's fault. People who are fans of an introject's source may feel uncomfortable when interacting with that introject, because they worry all the fan shit on their blog will be taken personally by the alter and gross them out. Which, while that's not ever an issue with my system tmk, can kind of happen sometimes with some systems' introjects; even if an introject alter logically knows they aren't their source, they might have difficulties viscerally believing that on a deeper level, and either way it can still cause discomfort when you bump into depictions of someone who looks just like you doing things you would never want to do.
People understanding that you aren't roleplaying yet they still get way too excited and obsessive over you anyway, because they view you as "omg my favourite character...but REAL!!!1!" [Which is both incorrect, and VERY uncomfortable for the introject alter. I am not my source, I have never been my source, I am an entirely different person who happens to resemble my source. Don't try to get close to me based purely on the belief that I am somebody I am not, actually get to know me before you decide whether or not you like me.]
People screenshotting you and putting you on r/fakedisordercringe for everyone to mock and harass, because they don't understand how dissociative disorders actually work and think legitimate shit about them is too weird to possibly be real
People fakeclaiming you in general because "there's no way that's real, real things are not this bizarre" and/or "Yeaahhhh I think you're just schizophrenic/borderline/etc., nevermind that I am not a qualified medical professional, and if I AM, nevermind that you aren't my patient and I don't know enough about you based on your social media presence to actually be able to accurately diagnose you with anything, much less dismiss a diagnosis as insanely complex and covert as DID"
People generally treating you like a weird bug on the sidewalk that a group of middle school kids are taking turns poking with a stick. I don't mind answering respectful questions about dissociative disorders, but shit like "wtf why would you do that, I think that's weird and I am assuming it's intentional and it makes me uncomfy" and "Have you ever tried just Not being crazy?" are not respectful questions.
TL;DR introject alters in fandom spaces get sexually harassed, called pedophiles, and told they're doing something wrong and being inconsiderate for existing [which, again, existing the way they do was not their choice] because "you're weird and that makes me uncomfy :( Can't you just Not?? SURELY you can just Not. Be normal."
Shit sucks. I'm sick of my system getting weird and mean messages every time any of us are open about existing.
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findroleplay · 10 months
Hi everyone! :) I'm 21+ and looking for someone 21+ for an original vampire-themed MxM roleplay.
I'm very interested in a plot that involves one of the characters being the sire/maker of the other character but I'm also fine with a "normal" vampire x vampire or even vampire x human (maybe as a familiar/servant?) roleplay.
I don't have any concrete plot in mind so I'm hoping we can come up with something together, but I will include a couple of settings I personally "vibe" with (we do not need to use any of them, though! I'm definitely open to hearing whatever setting/plots you might be interested in).
At the moment I do have some interest in world building/creating lore but it doesn't have to be super in depth (although if you have any great ideas I'm definitely here to brainstorm together to add to them!).
I'm fine with smut but it's not a requirement! We can always fade to black if you prefer :)
If you do want to write smut I want to say that I don't enjoy it when characters "behave" a certain way just because they have certain bedroom preferences and I do not want to basically emulate straight gender norms just with two men (that doesn't mean that one of the characters can't be feminine, of course, just that two men in a relationship will relate to each other differently than a man and a woman).
I prefer 3rd person/past tense when writing. I'm not too picky when it comes to length, as long as replies are at least a couple of lines.
I tend to prefer characters that are a little more "mature", most of my human characters tend to be in their late 30s or 40s. (I know vampires don't have to visually look their age but I thought I'd mention here that I don't really enjoy characters that would make good YA novel protagonists or that would fit into a boy band - no offense to people who enjoy characters like that, of course, but I just generally don't find characters like that compelling).
Some "warnings" to consider before engaging with me: 1) I'm not a native speaker and still pretty new to roleplaying but I'll try my best to keep mistakes to a minimum! 2) I'm not always super available due to work and I live in Europe. Depending on the length of our posts I might reply a couple of times per day or once every two days. I will try to at least reply once a week at minimum!
Now, onto the scenarios/"vibes" I had in mind! (Once again, we don't need to use any of them, I just thought I'd try to give you an idea what sort of plots/settings I tend to enjoy):
New Orleans: I just adore how magical and mysterious New Orleans as a city appears to be. I was thinking this could take place in the 1920s or maybe the modern day. I would love to incorporate some other magical/occult things here (maybe our characters have to deal with witchcraft or other supernatural events). Keywords: mardi gras, bayou, French Quarter, night life, religious guilt, attempts to maintain humanity, alienation from society, voodoo, spirits, magical realism, urban fantasy
Mafia: I'm thinking of maybe one character being the boss and the other being his second in command? Keywords: modern day, penthouses, private jets, sleek sportscars, art galleries, casinos, night clubs, opposing powers, rival vampire gangs
18th century aristocracy: Maybe taking place in either Venice or at the French court. Keywords: masquerade balls, opera houses, palace gardens, political intrigues, Paris catacombs, gondolas
Dark Academia: My first idea was for this to take place sometime during the middle/end of the 19th century with our characters as university professors or researchers. Keywords: uncovering of truths, search for knowledge, secret socities, dark cults and the occult, scholars, traditional gothic horror
I prefer to roleplay on Discord but I'm also fine with trying a different method like e-mails or GDocs.
If you're interested please like this post and I will reach out to you :)
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storymaker14 · 1 year
Hello! M (35+) here seeking F (18+ required) partner for slow-burn, story-based, plot-heavy, sweet but dramatic, romantic roleplays, with a healthy dash of spice when the time is right. As a result, all partners and characters must be of legal age.
As a warning, I'm pretty vanilla, so if you're looking for a partner to engage your wild kinks, I'm probably not your guy. This is not to say I don't have kinks – I do – but even those kinks, I prefer to arise in the course of a sweet romantic story. You can, of course, ask if I'm interested in yours as long as you don't mind me being honest. And if you/we can find a way to incorporate such a kink into something rather sweet and romantic, well, awesome.
You can try to suggest a fandom, and you might turn out to hit just the right idea to make me geek out, but I'm mostly into non-fandom roleplays, modern setting, either 100% realistic or with some fantasy elements.
As for what I like, I dig age gap roleplays; on a related note, I'm going to be hard to convince to play someone younger than, say, 25 or so. I'm more comfortable playing between 30 and 45, really. I also dig my partner either playing pregnant to begin with, or ending up so in the course of the roleplay. And let’s not forget: forbidden love and/or taboo relationships are just *chef’s kiss* – as long as, see above, they’re still sweet and romantic. The rest of what I like would probably mean I need to mark this post, so if you’re interested, ask. I do NOT do bathroom stuff, cruelty, injury, or non-con/dub-con.
I'm not strict on literacy, as long as it moves the story forward, but I'm most comfortable in the 2-4 paragraph range. This is not to say that a single paragraph might not get all the plot motion done; it’s also not to say I won’t get carried away and write a freaking novel. Both have happened.
I'd prefer we end up on Discord, but if you want to hammer stuff out here then move over when we're about ready to start, that would be splendid.
And also, I do have a few prompts (and solo writing, and math nerdery) on my Tumblr, so if you want to take a look, please feel free.
Just so everyone knows: I'm not here for anything in real life. All I really need to know is, are you of legal age irl. Beyond that, I'm cool with being friends, chatting about random stuff, but there won't be a lot of identifiable information and there almost certainly won't be irl pics shared. I'm here to play, not be myself.
And speaking of real life, I have one. Occasionally I am busy, or just don't have the time, energy, or oomph for replies. Real life will always come first, and I have made the choice to not allow myself to stress about needing to reply immediately. I will reply, of course, just when I can. If that's going to be a problem, then I recommend not wasting your time or mine.
I think that's about it for now, so please feel free to message me! My Discord is:
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anotherrpfinder · 6 months
Hello! M here seeking F partner for slow-burn, story-based, plot-heavy, sweet but dramatic, romantic roleplays, with a healthy dash of spice when the time is right. As a result, all partners must be of legal age.
As a warning, I'm pretty vanilla, so if you're looking for a partner to engage your wild kinks, I'm probably not your guy. You can, of course, ask if I'm interested, as long as you don't mind me being honest. And if you/we can find a way to incorporate such a kink into something rather sweet and romantic, well, awesome.
You can try to suggest a fandom, and you might turn out to hit just the right idea to make me geek out, but I'm mostly into non-fandom roleplays, modern setting, either 100% realistic or with some fantasy elements.
As for what I like, I dig age gap roleplays; on a related note, I'm going to be hard to convince to play someone younger than, say, 25 or so. I'm more comfortable playing between 30 and 45, really. I also dig my partner either playing pregnant to begin with, or ending up so in the course of the roleplay. And let’s not forget: forbidden love and/or taboo relationships are just *chef’s kiss* – as long as, see above, they’re still sweet and romantic. The rest of what I like would probably mean I need to mark this post, so if you’re interested, ask. I do NOT do bathroom stuff, cruelty, injury, or non-con/dub-con.
I'm not strict on literacy, as long as it moves the story forward, but I'm most comfortable in the 2-4 paragraph range. This is not to say that a single paragraph might not get all the plot motion done; it’s also not to say I won’t get carried away and write a freaking novel. Both have happened.
I'd prefer we end up on Discord, but if you want to hammer stuff out here then move over when we're about ready to start, that would be splendid.
And also, I do have a few prompts (and solo writing, and math nerdery) on my Tumblr, so if you want to take a look, please feel free.
Just so everyone knows: I'm not here for anything in real life. All I really need to know is, are you of legal age irl. Beyond that, I like being friends with my partners, chatting about random stuff, sharing funny memes, but there won't be a lot of identifiable information and there almost certainly won't be irl pics shared. I'm here to play, not be myself.
I think that's about it for now, so please feel free to message me!
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TW : unsafe situations for minors, sexual trauma, rape, csa
Hello I wanted to send an ask to help me process something from my teen years. I think I mostly need to talk about it, but if it seems important to point something I missed, I'd love to read about that too.
There's so much more than that because I was so unsafe growing up, but right now I'm especially thinking about a friend I had in middle school.
We were some of the only queer kids to our knowledge, so of course we stuck together and we explored non-cishet themes. By exploring I mean we would discuss shipping, draw, talk about sexuality in general ect. This is pretty normal for teens and I believe it helped me find a reason to keep going at the time, given how terrible everything else was.
The thing that bothers me though, is that this person brought up rape a lot.
We used to roleplay as many teens do, and they would so often make their characters rape mine or tell my characters to rape another. It was a sort of trademark, I remember they had a nickname with "pervert" in it, so it became a sort of personality trait.
They were also joking about raping me once or twice, and I was a dissociated mess back then but I don't remember being terrified exactly. More confused than anything. Maybe I was actually scared, at least I think I was uncomfortable. I don't see any context where someone would hear another person joking about raping them and not be uncomfortable.
They never touched me in that way though, so I keep thinking it isn't that bad, but seeing how much denial I was in about my actual rape (unrelated), I'm not so sure I'm "fine".
For them I think rape was the main way in which they conceived sexual attraction, it was a joke we constantly saw in youtube videos at the time. And it was around 2014-2015, so most of the queer content available was yaoi with of course a lot of abuse and rape.
To me at the time, rape was this thing that was "technically bad", because I saw how the men in these youtube videos were making faces when implying someone was a rapist. Rape was clearly represented as a crime, but not a traumatizing thing for the victim - more like, don't do it or you will go to jail.
I knew it was something bad, but the culture in general (and my friend as well) did not address why. So in the end, because we joked about it a bunch, because it was just grouped with "regular sex", then it must've actually been kind of fine. That's the general narrative I remember.
I grew up very sheltered so I didn't really know what I was supposed to feel or do about this. I was also assaulted when I was very young, can't remember but the symptoms have always influenced my life heavily. There wasn't really anywhere I could've gone to have someone, or even something like a book tell me that rape was never okay. I know my friend was probably the same, and I can't help thinking they must have been struggling with sexuality / sexual trauma given their behavior.
And in the end, we did bond, and even if it was extremely unhealthy, it was my first time learning about my sexuality and exploring my queer identity.
Because of that, I'm not sure what to do about those memories.
Hi anon,
I'm sorry about what you went through.
I can definitely see how the queer content available at the time may have influenced the normalization of rape, and I also think just the culture around the early 2000s trivialized rape, especially by using it as a punchline (I just think about this). While I think, at least in America, that modern culture still has some work to do in terms of respecting the true gravity of rape, there has been a drastic improvement in how we approach the subject.
At the same time, I don't believe that this was really the only reason why they were heavily incorporating rape into their roleplay. However, I don't think it's necessary to speculate their motives, because it doesn't change the fact that their behavior was unacceptable.
While you say this experience wasn't "that bad" it's still apparent that this had a notable effect on you and I think that's worth highlighting. It's understandable that this bothers you, what happened was not okay. However you feel about these experiences is valid.
This is something that it sounds like you're actively processing, and so it's especially okay that you're not sure what to do about these memories. It's not necessarily my place to tell you what to do about them, but it may be helpful to start by figuring out how you want to name this experience, and going from there.
I hope I could help. Please let us know if you need anything.
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yetanotherrpfinder · 10 months
Hello! M here seeking F partner for slow-burn, story-based, plot-heavy, sweet but dramatic, romantic roleplays, with a healthy dash of spice when the time is right. As a result, all partners must be of legal age.
As a warning, I'm pretty vanilla, so if you're looking for a partner to engage your wild kinks, I'm probably not your guy. You can, of course, ask if I'm interested, as long as you don't mind me being honest. And if you/we can find a way to incorporate such a kink into something rather sweet and romantic, well, awesome.
You can try to suggest a fandom, and you might turn out to hit just the right idea to make me geek out, but I'm mostly into non-fandom roleplays, modern setting, either 100% realistic or with some fantasy elements.
As for what I like, I dig age gap roleplays; on a related note, I'm going to be hard to convince to play someone younger than, say, 25 or so. I'm more comfortable playing between 30 and 45, really. I also dig my partner either playing pregnant to begin with, or ending up so in the course of the roleplay. And let’s not forget: forbidden love and/or taboo relationships are just *chef’s kiss* – as long as, see above, they’re still sweet and romantic. The rest of what I like would probably mean I need to mark this post, so if you’re interested, ask. I do NOT do bathroom stuff, cruelty, injury, or non-con/dub-con.
I'm not strict on literacy, as long as it moves the story forward, but I'm most comfortable in the 2-4 paragraph range. This is not to say that a single paragraph might not get all the plot motion done; it’s also not to say I won’t get carried away and write a freaking novel. Both have happened.
I'd prefer we end up on Discord, but if you want to hammer stuff out here then move over when we're about ready to start, that would be splendid.
And also, I do have a few prompts (and solo writing, and math nerdery) on my Tumblr, so if you want to take a look, please feel free.
Just so everyone knows: I'm not here for anything in real life. All I really need to know is, are you of legal age irl. Beyond that, I like being friends with my partners, chatting about random stuff, sharing funny memes, but there won't be a lot of identifiable information and there almost certainly won't be irl pics shared. I'm here to play, not be myself.
I think that's about it for now, so please feel free to message me! My Discord is:
Like if interested!
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polyghostfacehours · 3 years
Alright, alright, alright! You said I should request something so here I am! Let me get ahhhh Poly!Ghostface fic obvi, Billy and Stu and the reader with some roleplay. I am thinking our two boys all in costume plan a scene, call the reader up while they are masturbating, dirty talk, the reader plays the part and tries to deny it, more teasing until what the reader doing cannot be mistaken, totally obvious. Then those boys "break in" and join them! Mutual masturbation ensues, maybe more? Bless XO
Ohohoho! Does it hurt carrying such a large fat galaxy brain? Because this is the *chef's kiss* good shit. I made this female reader so that I could make this super detailed and good for you. Fair warning: this got looooooooong lmao. I also incorporated squirting near the end, just because I wanted to try my hand at it adn wanted to write how I think the boys would react to it! If that's not your thing you can skip the last few paragraphs!
TW: NSFW, sex, voyeurism, attempted dub-con roleplay, brief knifeplay, brief slutshaming, squirting/female ejaculation.
It's been a little over a whole week since Billy and Stu had mentioned wanting to have another roleplay sesh, and the anticipation was getting to you. Normally, they did it within the week of discussing it. But they sure were taking their sweet ass time now. But then again, that was part of the fun, wasn't it? Make the plan, then live out your lives like normal until they decide it's time.
It was fun, it was sexy, and you were getting wet just thinking about it.
So wet, in fact, that you found yourself unable to sleep. With a huff, you kick off your blanket and panties and get to work. If they weren't going to be helping you out for god knows how long, what was the harm in relieving some tension? You knew that they forbid you from touching yourself in the days leading up to a session, but you couldn't help it, really. They'd been rebuffing almost all sexual contact with you the whole week, yet were just as affectionate with each other as always. It was torture to watch them heatedly make out on top of each other while Don't Look Now reran.
Sweet sweet torture.
The memory still fresh in your mind, you sigh as your fingers find your clit, alternating between rubbing tight circles and rapidly stroking up and down. Your other hand was rubbing and tugging your nipples over the thin tank top you wore, the fabric bringing a nice, silky feeling that shot straight down to your already dripping core.
After awhile of this, you were getting closer. So close. Almost there...and!-
Your hands paused and your eyes shot open. You scramble upwards to look for your phone, throwing the sheets off the bed in your scramble. Once you spotted it, you looked at the caller ID and blinked in confusion.
Unknown Number
You knew it couldn't be Billy and Stu, they weren't even home. just yesterday, they had driven out of state for their, ah, extracurricular activities, and had mentioned not being home for at least a couple of more days.
So whoever this was...wasn't them. No harm answering though, you supposed. As you were about to hit the pick up button, you paused, and a fucked up idea crossed your mind. What if you...kept touching yourself? But also picked up the phone? You wouldn't dirty talk with the stranger, of course, but just acting like you weren't fingering yourself as you spoke?
A shiver went through you at the sheer taboo of it, and a thought crossed your mind that the boys must've really fucked you up if you were even entertaining such a thought.
Your heart thumped in your chest as you leaned back against your pillows, hands going back to their original positions on your body, and before you could make better life decisions you hit the pick up button.
"Hello Y/N"
OH. Oh no.
If your heart wasn't pounding before, it for sure was now. There was no way they were home already. They had just left yesterday. You look over to your closed blinds, closed walk-in, and closed bedroom door. There's no way they could see you. You hadn't heard anyone come home and had made sure the front door was locked less than an hour ago.
You smirked. They must be calling from wherever they were on the road. It was probably Billy's idea too, to get you riled up and drive you crazy days before they could even get back.
Your hands started to move faster, this had went from taboo to a straight up opportunity. They had denied you all week, and you weren't even allowed to touch yourself. Yet here you were, doing just that. Getting yourself off against your boyfriends' wishes while they were none the wiser.
The thought alone almost had you moaning out loud. But you couldn't have that.
You fingers dipped into your pussy "Yes, this is her? Who is this?"
The voice chuckled. You couldn't tell if it was Billy or Stu, but you could tell that it was sexy. God you loved that stupid voice modulator.
"I think you already know the answer to that, baby. It's me, your favorite midnight stalker."
Your breathe almost hitched as your fingers rubbed a spot inside you and your palm grinded against your clit, but you held it in.
"Aaah, it's you! It's been awhile since I've heard from you. Sooo, how are the kids?"
"Not growing inside of you, unfortunately."
You bit your lip at that. You weren't sure if you had a breeding kink or not, but something about that statement had you arching your back.
"Mmmm, I see. And how about the missus? She doing well?"
"Oh, she's doing well. Almost too well."
Your hands briefly froze, before continuing their task. You had already established they weren't there. They were probably bluffing, hoping to convince you into having some steamy phone sex. It wouldn't be the first time. But you weren't going to give it to them. After the way they denied you all week, they didn't deserve it.
"She seems to be really enjoying herself right now, even though I explicitly told her not to."
"Aww, that seems like a real shame. But you shouldn't assume things. She's probably just watching reruns of The Fog."
You were proud of how steady your voice sounded, the phone now cradled between your shoulder and ear, freeing your hand to once again flick at your nipples.
"She isn't."
You almost chuckle.
"In fact..."
You were almost there. You close your eyes and tilt your head back, so lost in the feeling, the voice, the naughtiness...that you don't hear the sound of the walk-in closet opening.
"The little slut has been touching herself the entire time."
At the sound of the voice no longer coming from the phone, your eyes once again shot open and your body moved itself on it's elbows. And before you can mentally process anything, the bed dips on either side as the two masked figures you're so familiar with surround you.
Their cocks are already outside of their unzipped jeans. One, that you recognized as Stu's, was only half hard and the other, Billy's, was painfully hard; flushed, angry, and leaking, as if he had been rapidly stroking it just seconds prior from walking over to you.
You eyes glance down the length of your bed to see the closet door wide open, the insides of one of the doors coated in ropes of sticky white cum. You must have really been in the moment if you hadn't heard Stu's usual loud ass moans as he came. Or maybe Billy had put a hand over his mouth. It didn't matter either way now, as his dick was already hardening again. Stu's stamina truly was something of a marvel.
You go to reach up and help stroke them both, but the reality of the situation came crashing down when Billy tangles his fingers into your hair and pulls your head back. Suddenly, you have a knife to your throat, the steel frightening, yet familiar in it's coldness.
"Oh, no, no, no. Bad girls don't deserve to get what they want when they break the rules" Billy hisses. You know he's not actually angry angry, but if the way his dick pulses every other second in front of your face says anything, you can tell he's surely frustrated with you.
Stu's hand is now wrapped around his own cock, stroking at a languid pace. You hear his giggle cracking behind the modulator, and he joins in on the taunting.
"Yeah. It's pretty fucked up of you to break the rules like that babe. Here we were, ready to give the-nngh, the time of your life. Waiting all week, oh, to get you to scream. We even waited in the closet for the past 3 hours after you got changed-"
"So imagine our surprise Y/N-" Billy cut him off, trailing the knife from your neck down to your collarbone, leaving a thin cut beading with blood. "-when we see you spreading your legs, your pretty little cunt on display...dripping wet...-" he untangles his fingers from your hair and wraps his other hand around his painfully hard member, beginning long, quick strokes "-putting on a show for us, but breaking the rules. Well, poor Stu couldn't stop himself from cumming if he tried."
At this point, you're panting. You want nothing more than for them to stop talking and ravage you; to pound their cocks into your pussy, mouth, ass...anywhere they wanted.
Billy notices the hungry look in your eyes and drops the knife to the floor behind him in order to grab both your limp hands, roughly throwing them back onto your body.
"Go ahead." he says "You wanna touch yourself so bad without us?Then keep going."
You look up at him confused, didn't they want to fuck you? After all the waiting you've done this week, didn't you deserve it?
Billy gives a cruel laugh
"What? Don't tell me you thought we were actually gonna fuck you after that shit you tried to pull? Gotta say, your acting on the phone was good. If I didn't see you fingerfucking yourself with my own eyes, I might've believed your little charade." he sneers as the hand on his cock speeds up.
You look pleadingly up at Stu, your one remaining lifeline here. You spread your legs further, and pull up your tank top to display your breasts, nipples pebbled with arousal. Displaying yourself completely, you use your totally-dignified-absolutely not begging sluttiest voice possible.
"C-c'mon Stu. Don't you want treat me like the cumdump I am. I'll let you fill me up as much as you want..."
At your words, Stu's breath hitches behind the modulator (and you can hear Billy groan quietly behind his), but you suppose the fact that he already got to cum once hardened his resolve because he didn't budge an inch and just continued to stroke himself. You can practically feel his eyes dart between your breasts and sopping core.
"Oh babe, baby, darling, kitten...of cooourse I wanna use you as my personal cumdumpster! And I will, I promise I will! But bad girls who don't follow the rules don't get to be filled up, only covered up, sorry!" Stu grunts out out, and you can see that he's getting closer and closer.
Tears of delicious frustration prick at your eyes, but you now know that no amount of begging is going to get you what you want. So you resign yourself to your own hands, the touch still good and pleasurable, but nothing compared to theirs. You watch as they stroke themselves. Stu moans and groans as his hand twists and flicks around his length, periodically spitting in his palm, and then resuming. Billy's filthy dirty talk fills your ears, him having already procured and used the little bottle of lube he keeps in his pants at all times, his hand tight and tugging his cock roughly and rapidly.
Before long, and before you get to cum and keep enjoying the sight, Billy spills all over your chest, making sure to also get some on the cut on your neck because of course he does. Stu, overwhelmed by the sight of his boyfriend painting his girlfriend in his release, cums a few moments later, this time purposely aiming on your pussy.
For a moment, you feel like actually just stopping in frustration. You already had to only rely on your hands even though they were right there, but now you were also deprived of watching them too. Not to mention the torture they put you through this week.
With a deep sigh, you're just about to remove your hands and get up to clean, when suddenly the two rip off their masks and launch themselves at you.
One of Billy's hands wrap around your neck, as his other moves down to pinch and rub your cum-slicked clit in short, rapidly fast motions. Stu's between your legs in an instant, ignoring his own cum being spread by Billy's near vibrating fingers and alternating between sticking his long tongue and his own fingers inside of you, wiggling against the sensitive upper walls of your cunt. The hand not occupied with his tongue-finger tag team goes to move up behind your thighs, up the length of your body, and to your breast, playing with your nipple. Billy's hand around your throat squeezes at just pressure the you like.
It all happened so quick, you could've sworn they planned this position (and knowing them, they probably did). Your head thrashes back and you immediately start chanting and moaning their names like a prayer, no thoughts, only pleasure filling you.
You don't know how long you stayed this way for. 10 minutes? An hour? You couldn't say, but all you know is that once you feel Stu's fingers thrust upwards just so, his tongue licking the top of your entrance, and Billy's fingers move even more impossibly fast on your clit, you start to see white cloud your vision. Your orgasm rips through you, and it's one of the most intense you've had in a long, long time. You swear you hear them both chuckle, although you're not sure why.
You feel Billy pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. After a moment of catching your breath, you open the eyes you didn't even realize you had shut. You see Billy up already, removing his Ghostface garb and clothes, and heading to the bathroom. Stu is still in-between your legs, eyes closed and resting on your thighs. You reach down to affectionately card your fingers through his short hair, and if a man could purr you swear Stu was doing it.
You sit up just as Billy walks back in with a few damp and dry towels. He helps you clean yourself up, as Stu reluctantly moves off of you.
"Hey, get up, both of you. We have to change the sheets."
You look up at him with a questioning look. You were tired and it's not like you guys hadn't fallen asleep on a slightly soiled bed before. Billy smirks and nods at Stu.
You turn to Stu, who had already gotten up and derobed, and to your absolute mortification you realized his grinning, smug face was absolutely soaked. At first you thought the worst. But realizing it was not, in fact, an unwanted golden shower, you blushed. You look down on the bed below you and found a sizeable wet spot trailing from the back of your ass to where Stu's chest had been.
The look on your face had them chuckling again, and now you know why they did so earlier. Billy helped you up and Stu had the absolute gall to come over and high five Billy before making his way to the bathroom as well, most likely to wash off his face.
Wrapping his arms around you from behind, you feel Billy let out a content sigh as he buried his face in you. Trailing his lips over your shoulder, up your neck, and to you ear. You feel him give a small kiss and release you.
"I'll take care of the sheets. Get that wound taken care of."
You almost forgot about the cut on your neck and collarbone. Luckily Billy had wiped away his semen from the wound already, so it was just a matter of patching up. You walk to the bathroom to do just that and see Stu drying his face. Noticing you enter, he grins and leans back against the sink. You smile sheepishly at him.
"Sorry Stu. If I had known I would've warned you. I don't think I've ever squirted before."
He gives you an are-you-kidding-me look.
"What? Don't be sorry, babe. Shit was was so hot. Like, I mean...like you've came in my mouth before and all. But nothing like that." He sighed dreamily and you laughed, equal parts flattered and happy he wasn't mad.
"Still, I didn't wanna drown you in my pussy juice."
"Babe, if I could live in your pussy I would."
"Yeah, but what about Billy's dick?"
"Eh," he shrugs "I'm sure I'll see it in there enough. It'd cause earthquakes and destroy the little house I built in there every time you guys had sex though."
"Guys, what the fuck is this conversation."
You both turn to Billy, who had just walked in and who's 'what the fuck' expression was so good you and Stu couldn't help but laugh, your embarrassment at the situation all but gone.
With the sheets changed and wound dressed, the three of you settled into bed, curled up against one another, it being Stu's turn in the middle this time. As you're about to drift to sleep you hear Billy shift, presumably to look at Stu, and you almost die at his next words.
"It's my turn next time Stu."
"Yeah, no problem buddy."
PHEW okay. This was a behemoth (or at least I felt like it was) and Im actually really proud of it! I hope this is to your liking and did you justice bisexual-horror-fan!
Since this one was so long, and I tried my hand at writing mutual masturbation and squirting, I'd love any and all feedback from you guys! Requests are still open so lay em on me baby.
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findyourrp · 6 months
Hello! M here seeking F partner for slow-burn, story-based, plot-heavy, sweet but dramatic, romantic roleplays, with a healthy dash of spice when the time is right. As a result, all partners must be of legal age.
As a warning, I'm pretty vanilla, so if you're looking for a partner to engage your wild kinks, I'm probably not your guy. You can, of course, ask if I'm interested, as long as you don't mind me being honest. And if you/we can find a way to incorporate such a kink into something rather sweet and romantic, well, awesome.
You can try to suggest a fandom, and you might turn out to hit just the right idea to make me geek out, but I'm mostly into non-fandom roleplays, modern setting, either 100% realistic or with some fantasy elements.
As for what I like, I dig age gap roleplays; on a related note, I'm going to be hard to convince to play someone younger than, say, 25 or so. I'm more comfortable playing between 30 and 45, really. I also dig my partner either playing pregnant to begin with, or ending up so in the course of the roleplay. And let’s not forget: forbidden love and/or taboo relationships are just *chef’s kiss* – as long as, see above, they’re still sweet and romantic. The rest of what I like would probably mean I need to mark this post, so if you’re interested, ask. I do NOT do bathroom stuff, cruelty, injury, or non-con/dub-con.
I'm not strict on literacy, as long as it moves the story forward, but I'm most comfortable in the 2-4 paragraph range. This is not to say that a single paragraph might not get all the plot motion done; it’s also not to say I won’t get carried away and write a freaking novel. Both have happened.
I'd prefer we end up on Discord, but if you want to hammer stuff out here then move over when we're about ready to start, that would be splendid.
And also, I do have a few prompts (and solo writing, and math nerdery) on my Tumblr, so if you want to take a look, please feel free.
Just so everyone knows: I'm not here for anything in real life. All I really need to know is, are you of legal age irl. Beyond that, I like being friends with my partners, chatting about random stuff, sharing funny memes, but there won't be a lot of identifiable information and there almost certainly won't be irl pics shared. I'm here to play, not be myself.
I think that's about it for now, so please feel free to message me!
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autumnslance · 2 years
Hi Aeryn! What advice can you give in creating a backstory before 2.0? I don’t know the story of 1.0 or the lore that well, I want to make a good story for RPing or for writing. Any pointers are welcome!
Knowing the 1.0 lore can be handy, but honestly not too necessary, especially depending on your character. Are they from somewhere outside Eorzea? Then 1.0 really doesn't matter beyond the Calamity and the lore the character learns as the player does through ARR. If from Eorzea, even then a character really only needs the broad strokes (and anything specific to their home region/culture). Everything important from 1.0 is available in current lore info, so we don't need to sweat it too much. Besides, they also retconned/reworked a few details from 1.0 when creating ARR, and in the expacs since then, too. Some of that can be blamed IC on aetheric changes with the Rejoining, I guess, but mostly a decade later it doesn't really matter. The stuff that does matter has been brought up in current stories.
Some lore, some advice (or at least what works for me), some options for resources, below the cut, cuz I got this late at night at well, it's me.
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Think of it this way: How many details of local, national, or world events of the last 5 to 10 years do you actually remember in detail without looking it up? It all gets kinda hazy, don't it? Now how much history from your childhood, or before you were born? We remember some major things, a few weird or key details maybe, but overall, for many folks, most of it doesn't stick with us as much as our day to day lives, unless we make it a point to know it.
By necessity, a MMO game world is a compacted version of a setting; it shows some representations of key locations, but that's not nearly all there is (the towns are too small and missing key elements, there's not enough farmland, travel is wonky, etc), and no society, culture, etc is a monolith the way things are shorthanded in game. There's wiggle room to make stuff your own.
And it's not like the legacy game is around for anyone to fact check you by pulling up their quest logs. You can massage lore to fit how you like and what works for the character, all anyone--even 1.0 players!--are going to know or remember anymore are those broad strokes and what info can be found in a few preserved cutscene videos/screenshots, or old 1.0 maps and summaries scattered around the internet.
For Dark, as my first character, I kept her story very open and broad strokes. I knew nothing about the game or lore beyond the intro cinematic and my friends explaining how they incorporated 1.0's failure into the story to rebuild it. So she started with a simple, generic backstory that I filled the gaps in as I went. By the time I rolled C'oretta and Aeryn, I had a better grasp of the lore in general, knew how and where to go digging to see if more details about X thing existed or how Y worked, but still left some things open-ended. No character needs every second of their life, or all details of their family, friends, etc, pre-determined and set in stone before roleplay and/or fic writing starts.
I've also stayed flexible as new things are revealed with new expacs; Thavnair in EW means making some adjustments and changes to Aeryn's backstory, but I left spaces in there on purpose for this eventuality, so not hard to paper over. I made up some things about Aeryn's life in Thavnair to give myself wiggle room if things didn't quite mesh with lore once we got it. Most of the time, no one remembers the details but you, and folks really don't care about minor retcons/reworks, so long as it's not affecting their own characters.
The game itself, along with the short stories on the Lodestone, do a pretty good job of going over most of the lore one would need for RP. If wanting to delve more into the deeper world history, and more info on 1.0, a copy of Encyclopaedia Eorzea vol 1 is handy; they are reprinting those finally, and they can be pre-ordered on either the SE site or Amazon. There's also a PDF copy link floating around somewhere (it's likely in my EE tag actually).
@mirkemenagerie I will always recommend as a compilation of lore sources; game, supplementary material, and some interviews/panels with the devs. The blog info all covers 1.0 as well as 2.0, especially since for ARR the devs did go back and summarize or fill in notes of what came before.
YouTube is a good place to find videos about the original game intros and storylines, though they can be really confusing; the Echo sends the WoL back and forth in people's memories from the "present" (the game's start, before the Calamity), and to the time period of the Battle of Silvertear Skies 10 years before that--the one depicted in the initial 1.0 cinematic between the Empire and the Dragons that led to the creation of Keeper of the Lake and the assumed "death" of Midgardsormr.
The main thing in the 1.0 videos though is 1) it's the only time we ever see Actual Yda, in the Gridania flashbacks (and I'm pretty sure Lyse was a later addition/retcon); 2) Y'shtola's Limsa storyline has to do with losing an artifact to an Ascian possessing an elezen man--which comes back around in the Alexander raid storyline in HW, hence her involvement there; 3) Ul'dah's storyline is how Thancred, Minfilia(Ascilia), and F'lhaminn all met, against the backstory of F'lhaminn & friends and what happened to her lover Niellefresne, that's summarized and resolved in Shadowbringers for the main characters, and in Stormblood Alchemist for the side crew.
4) The WoL doesn't know at first they're bouncing back and forth in time/memories (and that wasn't clearly explained until Bozja's intro story and the solo duty into Cid's memory); the sound effect is different and there's no obvious visions. One moment you're with child Ascilia, the next adult Minfilia, but you don't initially know they're the same person. It's meant to be disorienting, but I don't think it was used very effectively and was merely confusing.
5) Urianger arrived later with Louoisoix as the Calamity story took over eventually, and Urianger let all sorts of wild rumors circulate about himself, and the Garleans created more, as he made himself public enemy #1 to distract the Empire from his comrades' activities. 6) Also, the Scions didn't exist yet; it was Minfilia's The Path of the Twelve, and Louisoix's Circle of Knowing. But that's all in the ARR short stories and current lore info.
Honestly, the current game's gotten pretty good at taking supplementary info from the short stories and lorebook and weaving it into the game itself, if not in MSQ then in various sidequests. I never played 1.0, I just spent time looking up old maps (as 1.0 the cities were different, and it had more regions of the world open...though it was all copy-paste-and-spun tiles...), looking through Sounsyy's lore pages, reading the Lodestone short stories, reading through the lore books, and checking on YouTube for FFXIV 1.0 cutscenes.
So don't sweat it too much; look at what's available, come up with some broad ideas to get the gist down, refine as you go and learn more, and be flexible with new lore/changes, and remember no place is a monolith and there can be exceptions to any and all rules, and your RP char will do just fine even if you don't know every detail.
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findroleplay · 6 months
Hello! M here seeking F partner for slow-burn, story-based, plot-heavy, sweet but dramatic, romantic roleplays, with a healthy dash of spice when the time is right. As a result, all partners must be of legal age.
As a warning, I'm pretty vanilla, so if you're looking for a partner to engage your wild kinks, I'm probably not your guy. You can, of course, ask if I'm interested, as long as you don't mind me being honest. And if you/we can find a way to incorporate such a kink into something rather sweet and romantic, well, awesome.
You can try to suggest a fandom, and you might turn out to hit just the right idea to make me geek out, but I'm mostly into non-fandom roleplays, modern setting, either 100% realistic or with some fantasy elements.
As for what I like, I dig age gap roleplays; on a related note, I'm going to be hard to convince to play someone younger than, say, 25 or so. I'm more comfortable playing between 30 and 45, really. I also dig my partner either playing pregnant to begin with, or ending up so in the course of the roleplay. And let’s not forget: forbidden love and/or taboo relationships are just *chef’s kiss* – as long as, see above, they’re still sweet and romantic. The rest of what I like would probably mean I need to mark this post, so if you’re interested, ask. I do NOT do bathroom stuff, cruelty, injury, or non-con/dub-con.
I'm not strict on literacy, as long as it moves the story forward, but I'm most comfortable in the 2-4 paragraph range. This is not to say that a single paragraph might not get all the plot motion done; it’s also not to say I won’t get carried away and write a freaking novel. Both have happened.
I'd prefer we end up on Discord, but if you want to hammer stuff out here then move over when we're about ready to start, that would be splendid.
And also, I do have a few prompts (and solo writing, and math nerdery) on my Tumblr, so if you want to take a look, please feel free.
Just so everyone knows: I'm not here for anything in real life. All I really need to know is, are you of legal age irl. Beyond that, I like being friends with my partners, chatting about random stuff, sharing funny memes, but there won't be a lot of identifiable information and there almost certainly won't be irl pics shared. I'm here to play, not be myself.
I think that's about it for now, so please feel free to message me!
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freakynct · 4 years
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「𝒂-𝒛 𝒂𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔」
— huang xuxi
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a; aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
he likes to hold you close to him right after having sex and press little kisses to your forehead and lips but he will get up after a while to bring you a warm towel to clean you up because he knows how much you need aftercare after he has fucked you and just brings you anything you need, including helping you walk to the bathroom if your legs feel too weak
b; body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
lucas is a very confident guy so he probably likes everything about himself but i think his favorite body part is his lips and hands. he loves how much bigger his hands are compared to yours and how small yours looks when he holds your hand. i honestly think lucas loves every little thing about you, if you asked him to choose just one thing he wouldn't be able to answer
c; cum (anything to do with cum basically)
he absolutely loves cumming inside you or in your mouth, he loves watching it drip from your little hole or from the corners of your mouth, he finds it so hot how you can take so much of his cum inside you. he's a bit messy and does cum quite a lot
d; dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he wants to try roleplay and has so many fantasies about it that sometimes he even dreams about it. and it's so vivid in his mind, you all dressed up as a cute school girl with your uniform on and he has his black dress shirt and pants on, his watch shining on his wrist as he leans back on his chair, watching you walking towards him. he dreams about calling you a bad little girl and having you straddle his lap, apologizing for not handing over your essay as his hands wander under your little skirt. and the way he gets to just pick you up and fuck into you standing because of how much smaller you are then him and he just ends up waking up painfully hard and that is if he doesn't wake up with his pants already covered in cum
e; experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he's quite experienced, probably lost his virginity pretty early and has had quite a good amount of partners since then so he definitely knows what he's doing and is very good at it, since he already had the opportunity to try out a lot of stuff and knows what works by now
f; favourite position (goes without saying)
just like in his fantasy, his favorite position is when he's standing up, picking you up, his arms under your legs and your arms around his neck and fucking into you this way. it displays how much bigger and stronger he is compared to you and he also gets to kiss you and listen to your moans and whimpers next to his ear
g; goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
it depends on the moment and what type of sex he's having with you. i see him as being quite serious most of the time but i also see him letting go of a little laugh and being more playful with you once in a while
h; hair (how well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
i think he doesn't shave everything but he's pretty neat with it and probably trims it very well
i; intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
i don't think lucas needs to be in a relationship to have sex even tho he does values sex a lot more when love is shared as well but he's pretty confident in himself and if he's horny and the person he wants is also interested then he will go for it. but when he makes love to his s/o he likes to be romantic and light up scented candles, dim the lights and have sexy music playing in the background as he fucks you slow and kisses your lips gently
j; jack off (masturbation headcanon)
i don't think he jerks off that much and specially while sharing dorms it's hard to find the opportunity. he might do it about 3 times a week and he likes doing it while he's showering because that's practically the only time he gets alone and is relaxed
k; kink (one or more of their kinks)
it goes without saying that he has a pretty big size kink and with his height it's not hard to find a partner with whom he can experience it with. he's also really into power play, roleplay, fingering, praise, oral, finger sucking, overstimulation and consequently to his size kink he also has a pretty big bulge kink
l; location (favourite places to do it)
i think he prefers doing it in the bedroom most of the time but he also really enjoys doing it while you're taking a bath. having you straddling his lap while he rests back on the tub and sees you carefully ride him. the splash of the water, how warm and cozy it is, the candles around you and the sound of your moans just drives him crazy
m; motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
he loves when you act all cute and needy when you're horny, wrapping your small arms around him and resting your chin on his chest as you look at him with doe eyes and whine, he just can't contain himself when you're begging for his cock so sweetly like that
n; no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
i think he wouldn't like to be dommed at all, i just don't think he would be turned on by it. he likes to be the dom when it comes to sex and he wants to keep it that way
o; oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
he likes giving and receiving oral so much but he has a special love for eating you out. wrapping his plump lips around your clit, feeling how wet you get from his tongue, licking it all up, how good you taste, having your body squirming under him and your hands in his hair, he could just spend the rest of his life between your legs and wouldn't complain once
p; pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he likes to incorporate both while he's fucking you. likes to start slow and sensual while you still get used to his size, watching your little pussy take his whole length and then start fucking you a little faster and rougher 
q; quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
he won't oppose to it but he prefers proper sex so much better. he likes to take his time with you and set the mood, likes all of the steps of sex and quickies just don't allow him to do everything he wants to do with you. he will only resort to it when he really really has to
r; risk (are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
public sex is not really his thing, he prefers fucking you behind the walls of your bedroom but he doesn't mind a little public teasing, in fact it gets him going a little bit. but he won't take the actual risk of someone potentially walking in on you
s; stamina (how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
this boy can last for a really long time and go for many rounds, you're probably the one who will struggle to keep up with him. like i said, he likes taking his time with you so sex will last a long time and he's not satisfied until you've cummed over 3 times and are begging for him to stop. your legs need to be shaking by the end of it otherwise he will feel like he didn't do enough
t; toy (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he won't use toys on you that much, he prefers to use his cock and fingers more than anything, but he won't say no to fucking you with a vibrator before he uses his actual cock once in a while. he likes the way your body squirms and how wet you get for him, it's a really good preparation for when you take his length. he won't use or let you use any toys on him at all tho
u; unfair (how much they like to tease)
he likes to tease you quite a lot but he does it in a very sensual way. brushes his lips against your neck or lips without actually kissing you, likes to tease you over your panties and his favorite way is when he inserts just the tip of his cock inside you and doesn't give you more than that until you're begging him to fuck you
v; volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
he lets out whatever he needs to let out. he groans, grunts and moans quite a lot but he's not super loud with it, he wants you to be the only person that listens to him
w; wild card (get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
you throw your head back into the pillows, a loud whimper leaving between your lips as you feel lucas cock hit deep inside you, brushing against all the little sensitive spots. your legs were on top of his shoulders as he pounded into you. "there you go baby. your tiny little pussy is taking my cock so well. my good girl." you whimpered at his words and you felt his big hand picking yours up, placing it over your stomach. "can you feel it baby? can you feel how deep i am? hm? you're so tiny that i can even see my cock poking through your belly." you clenched around him as you felt the tip of cock under your hand and you grabbed tightly at his wrist as you felt your orgasm approaching. "be a good little princess and cum all over my cock, baby."
x; x-ray (let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
he's big, i think we all know that. he's above average and uses it to his advantage. circumcised and he's more on the thicker side
y; yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
i think his sex drive is pretty average, he's not always horny but if you tease him the right way he will go absolutely crazy, so he'll have sex about 4 or 5 times a week
z; zzz (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
like i mentioned in the beginning he does care about aftercare quite a lot so he wouldn't fall asleep right away, he will take care of you first before cuddling with you and letting himself drown in a deep sleep
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findyourrp · 10 months
🧛 Hi everyone! :) I'm 21+ and looking for someone 21+ for an original vampire-themed MxM roleplay. I'm very interested in a plot that involves one of the characters being the sire/maker of the other character but I'm also fine with a "normal" vampire x vampire or even vampire x human (maybe as a familiar/servant?) roleplay.
I don't have any concrete plot in mind so I'm hoping we can come up with something together, but I will include a couple of settings I personally "vibe" with (we do not need to use any of them, though! I'm definitely open to hearing whatever setting/plots you might be interested in).
At the moment I do have some interest in world building/creating lore but it doesn't have to be super in depth (although if you have any great ideas I'm definitely here to brainstorm together to add to them!).
I'm fine with smut but it's not a requirement! We can always fade to black if you prefer :)
If you do want to write smut I want to say that I don't enjoy it when characters "behave" a certain way just because they have certain bedroom preferences and I do not want to basically emulate straight gender norms just with two men (that doesn't mean that one of the characters can't be feminine, of course, just that two men in a relationship will relate to each other differently than a man and a woman).
I prefer 3rd person/past tense when writing. I'm not too picky when it comes to length, as long as replies are at least a couple of lines.
I tend to prefer characters that are a little more "mature", most of my human characters tend to be in their late 30s or 40s. (I know vampires don't have to visually look their age but I thought I'd mention here that I don't really enjoy characters that would make good YA novel protagonists or that would fit into a boy band - no offense to people who enjoy characters like that, of course, but I just generally don't find characters like that compelling).
Some "warnings" to consider before engaging with me: 1) I'm not a native speaker and still pretty new to roleplaying but I'll try my best to keep mistakes to a minimum! 2) I'm not always super available due to work and I live in Europe. Depending on the length of our posts I might reply a couple of times per day or once every two days. I will try to at least reply once a week at minimum!
Now, onto the scenarios/"vibes" I had in mind! (Once again, we don't need to use any of them, I just thought I'd try to give you an idea what sort of plots/settings I tend to enjoy):
New Orleans: I just adore how magical and mysterious New Orleans as a city appears to be. I was thinking this could take place in the 1920s or maybe the modern day. I would love to incorporate some other magical/occult things here (maybe our characters have to deal with witchcraft or other supernatural events). Keywords: mardi gras, bayou, French Quarter, night life, religious guilt, attempts to maintain humanity, alienation from society, voodoo, spirits, magical realism, urban fantasy
Mafia: I'm thinking of maybe one character being the boss and the other being his second in command? Key words: modern day, penthouses, private jets, sleek sportscars, art galleries, casinos, night clubs, opposing powers, rival vampire gangs
18th century aristocracy: Maybe taking place in either Venice or at the French court. Keywords: masquerade balls, opera houses, palace gardens, political intrigues, Paris catacombs, gondolas
Dark Academia: My first idea was for this to take place sometime during the middle/end of the 19th century with our characters as university professors or researchers. Keywords: uncovering of truths, search for knowledge, secret socities, dark cults and the occult, scholars, traditional gothic horror
I prefer to roleplay on Discord but I'm also fine with trying a different method like e-mails or GDocs.
If you're interested please like this post and I will reach out to you :)
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