#i don't know much about P5D
mayonakano-archive · 2 years
im going to play the persona dancing games tomorrow im gonna play p3d specifically i think
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vashtijoy · 1 year
akechi + featherman
Ok so. My working theory re. Akechi’s awakening is that he awakens twice, like Yoshizawa—first to Robin Hood, and then later to Loki. I know there’s Word of God that he awakened to them both at the same time, but based on his third awakening sequence, if he did that, Robin Hood was first—note that Hereward is also, essentially, Dark Robin Hood, Batman to Robin’s Superman.
I don’t know if Akechi is a Featherman fan in canon (I can’t see him continuing to unironically enjoy tales of heroism and good triumphant, tbh), but he was one when he awakened, and in this post etc etc.
Here are the P5D Featherman costumes for Joker and Akechi. Note the very big, very obvious, very pointy gold wing motifs across the chest and on the belt buckle:
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Now here's the boy, looking smug in his white crow suit. Do you see the gold wings on his collar, inside the edging braid? It's the same motif.
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Now here's Robin Hood, being a whole lot less subtle about it. First, look at the gold feathers that form the bow. It's the same shape that forms the front of the Featherman suits. Second, zoom in a bit, and check out the feathered edging on the outsides of the R and H. Again, it's the same motif, the gold wings.
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Lastly, of course: what's his codename? The one he picked for himself, the one he almost certainly had chosen when he walked in? It's Crow. Just like all the Feathermen, he's named for a bird. Whether he makes it "Feather Crow" in his head is something we will never know.
I strongly suspect that, if Akechi did awaken to Robin Hood first, he must have been like fourteen—for various lore reasons like the Velvet Room being stolen, P4 puts a hard floor on when Akechi can awaken for P5, otherwise I'd put it even younger. The whole white crow ensemble—the costume, the persona, the toy weapons—it's all so much like a child's will of rebellion, don't you think? And then, at some point, he changes so much that he awakens again, to Loki.
It hurts to think about him awakening that young, already hiding hate and rejection and crushing loneliness behind his smiling good-boy mask, already obsessed with revenge, but relatively innocent and not beyond hope. I feel like his first awakening gives him a chance to do better—and he doesn't take it, or can't take it, or something happens that makes it impossible for him to take it.
Maybe the second awakening comes when he chooses to be a perpetrator and hurt others, rather than be a victim who gets hurt by others, but there are as many theories about Loki and Robin Hood as there are Akechi fans. And of course, if that theory stands up, then something must have happened to Akechi that finally killed his hope that people might one day want him, if he could only be good enough. Something that finally fixed his course, and sent him off to Shido prepared to do whatever was necessary.
And the rest we know.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 10 months
Question, why're you so hateful towards any and all things that has happened with persona games post p5?
What is the problem with p3reload? I literally cannot find any problems well apart from the well worn down complaints of the lack of femc and answer.
If this is about the Ken post, I think it's fair I'm a bit miffed that (SEA) Atlus posted that. TT0TT Otherwise, I'm going to be assuming this is just a reaction of seeing my other posts. XD
Now....hateful? P5.....most likely, I mean I went from loving it to....well... I felt betrayed (I've gone into my issues with P5 time and time again on this blog tbh TT0TT If you want more specifics I'll can go into it again but not atm for this post to save time ;w;). All in all P5 broke my sanity, I used to be very excited for it, but it turned sour when I actually saw how.....much it sucked.
P3 is salt. I'm pissy. I'm just angry at the choices made. It's something I love that's just.....it just has so many issues tied to it now (I do like some stuff, I do like the new singers voice BUT I hope they allow us to play OG tracks, but that goes for any remaster/remake). This broke me into going villain era ("you aren't making those posts anymore silly" I know I have other stuff outside the internet sadly ;w; orz if I wasn't wiped every day I would be showing my distain on every Atlus post but alas I can't I must pick and choose my battles and if it means bitching on here I'll at least take that orz)
Tbf to P5, I love Kamo's arc. I'll always stand by that. After that it gets complicated.
Spinoffs in general I really just don't like the......non direction the P5 spinoffs have had compared to P4. Arena/Q1/Ultimax were like a mini narrative. P4D was a send off. P5's are....aimless. But that's not hateful, that's just frustration with the direction. (I'm thinking it's cause the team got restructured so.....random events go I guess it's whatever). Like as burned out of P4 as people were for the P4 spinoffs (a bit unfair since 3/4ths were also P3 spinoffs TT0TT), they had some great writing highlights in the franchise and were released in a very natural way. (and the hype of announcing 3 games alongside P5's teaser? Oh god that was fun!)
P3/5D I'm.....very upset with how Atlus handled it. It's price gouging (wanting $60 for each game SEPARATELY), lacking content compared to the previous game P4D (less story and less songs, again P3/5D are counted as two separate games), and horrible timing. The latter is that....P3 didn't have a modern console for people to play on. Atlus screwed P3D over. They should've used this opportunity to funnel the new P5 fanbase into the older games, but instead of focusing on porting P3/P4 over ASAP within that year (which would come to hurt the next game), they pushed for P3/5D instead and didn't give it a fighting chance. Now P5D is screwed in a way that....P5D didn't have the best song selection, like P3/4 could pull from MULTIPLE games and animes, P5 only had P5 and an anime airing. P5D should've happened later, maybe as a send off like with P4. TT0TT (I think timing for P3/5D right now would've been great, considering it feels like we're ending the P5 era and P3R is coming out. I'm hoping they port P3/5D or give us a sequel/remake now would be the BEST time).
PQ2 I'm upset because the lore and how things work are fundamentally fucked over (only a minority may care or notice but it's there TT0TT), like it literally was "P5 broke me 2, electric boogaloo". And I hate how P5 focus it is....esp when I don't think they do much with the story that's meaningful. Love it has FeMC in it (one of the best highlights), love that Yosuke/Teddie are finally written closer to their original game counter parts (outside P4D). Sad that it feels like they game constantly licks P5's boot for some reason (it feels very one sided compared to the equal praise P3/4 did in it's era). I don't mind Hikari but I'm kinda......eh on the PQ2 story as a whole. Was excited to see Climax Theater again only for it to be....eh. The worlds felt eh compared to PQ1. It just felt like an all around downgrade in story compared to PQ1 (it def has better characterization, tho I want to attribute some of PQ1's flanderization to the translators, also to PQ1's benefit.....flanderizing was to help give all the cast members screen time, which PQ2 doesn't do well). I hate that FeMC and P3MC barely interact even tho that was a big freaking advertising point. TT0TT The cast is too bloated, I like to say PQ2 would be better without P5 (it would), but really we need to cut a team. If they wanna keep the FeMC/P3MC plot line then we gotta cut either P4 or P5 (if we gotta change some story/setting I'm fine with that too). Hell, I'm fine with a PQ2 game with just P4/5 and no P3. But the game is just too bloated atm. TT0TT Also Atlus screwed this one too, 1) by not having P3/4 ports available yet, but also 2) putting it on a dead console. orz they really had no fighting chances.
P5R it's.....unnecessary tbh. I like the 3rd semester, but Sumi/Maruki would've been better suited for a spinoff game. One were we could just focus on them and not have to slog through a game that barely anything changed. Also really? 3 years? And we need an updated release? AND IT'S NOT DLC??? Fuck, at least FES The Answer you had an option to get the updated version or buy the Answer itself at a lower price (basically the PS2 ver of DLC). And at least the portable ports of P1-4 were on a different console. P5R is doing this ON THE SAME DAMN CONSOLE. It's BS. Feels like a cash grab like P3/5D were. (I probs prefer vanilla more than Royal tbh, even tho I love Sumi and like Maruki).
P5S......I just....thought it was bad. Felt hollow, like not enough social stuff and too much focused only on gameplay (aka not enough balance, if you ignore the gameplay you're left with.....not a lot). There's issues with characterizations at time (not that P5 was consistent to begin with but still). Like P5 I'm fine with the premise of the story, I hate the execution. While playing I was like "Wow this game doesn't understand P5....I feel sorry for P5!" I was appalled at how they handled some of the villains. Gameplay is fine, just wish there was more to do outside the gameplay. Annoying P5R couldn't be more involved in this (timing is just all over the place with these games wtf atlus??? TT0TT), it lacking P5R isn't a break it for me I just find it to be VERY odd. Esp since they released it after P5R???? At organize it like you did with Arena and P4G, it'd be less strange. TT0TT
P5 anime fucked up Kamo's dungeon didn't want to touch it after that. I don't think I'm in the minority of people not liking the anime.
P5 manga, need to catch back up but I didn't mind the first two dungeons. Liked the new additions. I'm probs in the minority.
P5MM manga: it's ok. Love the artist. Story started off strong but ended up kinda meh at the end.
P5 Daybreakers OVA: I like it a lot. Wish we had more like it.
P5T: Nothing against it atm actually. TT0TT I'm liking the pink villain so far (so far she's being handled better than Alice! YAY!). I really like the new spinoff only chars of this game so far (I'm neutral/positive leaning on the other's but I don't LOVE them). Atlus' statements on the timeline of this game is confusing, and if it IS non-canon to the main timeline I find it very shitty of them to only say that AFTER people have bought the game. ;w; Other than that...uhhh DLC is my only other issue (which I haven't brought up a lot, barring P5S, and on the lower end of PQ1/2, DLC has been ASS with the P5 era games. Like P4D DLC was ass too ;w; And Arena/Ult/Q1 weren't great either, so it didn't start with P5, but it got worse with P5). It's not the WORST DLC practice they've done, but it's still not great. DX
P5X: Nothing to say here, we vibbing. Like what I see so far. Sad it's a gatcha but que sera sera I guess. Probs my fav overall P5 spinoff so far.
P3P/P4G ports: Eh audio this, AI background that. I'm just happy these mfers are finally ported. TT0TT Now do it again with P1/2!
Ultimax Port: Just happy it's ported tbh. Shame they couldn't add a new route (since this game's writing needed a bit more ironing out).
Now P3R.........I think people being upset about the lack of FeMC/Answer is completely valid and talked about for a good reason. Hear me out! A big reason me and a lot of other people have been clamoring for a P3 remake is because we wanted to FINALLY have a complete version of P3. Both Journeys and AT LEAST one Answer (two would be great, but the bar is in the GROUND right now, we're asking for the BARE MIN TT0TT). Then P3R is released and............nope we get another non complete version of P3. It's not just FeMC/Answer fans who are upset. It's the fact we can't have it all in one STILL. And it's not just "one complete game" It's about "One complete story" we lack being able to experience the full story of P3. ;w; *spoilers for key elements of the Answer below* (I just want all three journeys to be treated with respect, but Atlus cutting the FeMC and Aigis journeys....it just puts a bad taste in my mouth and causes issues in the fandom).
(hell the manga, movies, and stage plays NEVER made an Answer adaptation, and the manga/movies never pulled a P4tGA for FeMC either! If they were upset with how they first made The Answer they could always rewrite it at this point and keep the key elements which spoiler: Wild Card Aigis, Metis appears, Erebus fight, Liz leaves, and everyone grieving and then finding out the reason behind the Seal. Like I'm pissy as a FeMC fan first and foremost, but I'm very upset as a Metis fan about the lack of Metising I get to see TT0TT)
I also don't like the look, I hate the lighting and the new art style (I got into Persona cause of Soejima's art style tbh, so I'm vibbing more with ReFan and P5X) and (esp) models (I could overlook the art style if I didn't hate how the models look so much). They look plastic, the heads are overly round and it throws me off (like how Anne's head portrait go more circle in P5R compared to P5 vanilla/P5S), and their....facial features....it's probs cause I'm used to Soejima....but something abt them feels off like they're smooshed. I dunno. The environments outside Tartarus looks like shit with the shitty lighting. "Oh it's just the lighting" well it keeps taking me out of it along with everyone's plastic looking helmet hair.
I'm not the biggest fan of some of the UI. (did I ever finish that post? I don't think I did sigh I gotta dig it up if I didn't TT0TT).
I'm sad about certain gameplay changes (lack of tired system esp, but lack of splitting up and such as well). It was a big identity to P3 that I loved and it being gone now is.....sad ;w;
I'm happy about other gameplay changes (and aspects I've had on my wishlist have come true, such as expanding on P3MC's friendships w/male chars in these new eps or even expanding on Strega). But what I'm happy with so far is mostly the social gameplay additions/changes, not so much some of the combat/exploration changes.
I don't really care about the voice changes for the english version. I know other people are but I'm eh. I'm sad we're missing Yumi and have a new singer. I like the new singer, tho I'm eh on some of the covers (as long as we get the OG tracks to swap to I'm gucci, but I'm good regardless). Only issue with the new singer is they......hired ANOTHER new person??? I feel a bit bad for Mayumi (FeMC singer) and Shuhei (PTS, anime sequel to P3, and P3P op singer) who were already tied to P3 and were passed up on....ngl I would've loved more Shuhei. TT0TT Really drive the male vs female. Just....why did they pass up on them? Esp Shuhei? TT0TT
But I'd be able to overlook all these little things I hate about it......if they would JUST GIVE ME A COMPLETE VERSION OF P3. If they just gave me FeMC and Metis, I'd accept all the other stuff.
That being said, again I don't want to be gouged by DLC a fucking again. Which I fear is what WILL happen to FeMC/Answer...... but gd I'll choose the devil I like more and I'll take. I'll hate it but I'll freaking take it. But considering Atlus LOVES showing off day one DLC, and not a peep of FeMC/Answer anywhere....I'm feeling like we aren't going to get that even. orz.
And I know there's a tired counter "But that's extra work!" well consider this:
There's already a complete script (story wise, and planning wise)! P3R is working off an existing script, sure they've added stuff and tweaked other stuff, but it's not like they had to start from scratch. Same goes with FeMC/Answer, they have a baseline. They have assets they can work off of. (translators and new Eng VAs besides that)
Atlus already copied and pasted A LOT of the male events into the FeMC. Like the main story is nearly identical (maybe 20% has differences?) 14/22 SLs share the same people, with only 1 really being completely rewritten and the rest being nearly exactly the same outside a handful of dialogue. Music wise there's only 6 song differences and 1 additional new song. (tldr; they could totes be lazy and just copy and paste with slight differences I'll take it, small changes can still go a long way and it's something rather than nothing).
(related to point 2 but looping Answer in now) The dungeon and story beats are the same between male/female. So gameplay structure is the same. Answer's dungeon and areas is basically a copy and past assets (with some recolor) as well.
Atlus is a big boy studio, they aren't in financial straits like in the P4 era, they have big daddy Sega to help them. They can handle it. And it's been in development for a while, I'd rather they delay it and give me an actual full version like people voted for. (And yes, the votes included P3/FES/P when asked, not just P3 vanilla or male).
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megalomari · 2 years
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Pegoryu Week - Day 7: Free Day
The Inmate has taken a liking to visiting the Velvet Room for some reason...
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He's never gonna learn to behave like this...
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almightyrozenidiot · 2 years
Yusuke Kitagawa
Aw heck yeah (one of) my son(s)!
What I like about them: I have a lot of reasons why I like him but I just admire the fact that he feels like one of the PT who is most true to themselves even after going through various doubts both during the Madarame arc and during his confidant (or after getting brainwashed in the third semester).
What I dislike about them: The fact that he harrassed Ann got played for comedy and was never addressed ever again after the Madarame arc. I know I shouldn't expect too much from ATLUS but still...
Favourite moment: It's a tie between when he takes Joker to church and they loudly T-pose in front of Jesus Christ and the time he called that yakuza a feral pigeon to his face and lived to tell the tale.
Least favourite moment: I think I made that pretty clear in my what I dislike about him lmao
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more: Nothing in particular comes to mind but I would love to see where he ends up if he gets referenced in future Persona games.
An interesting AU for this character: Ok so I'm currently and intermittedly trying to cobble together a Control AU where Sumire is the protagonist and the PT are various employees of the FBC. I haven't fleshed out Yusuke's role yet but I want to make him the head supervisor of the Panopticon, which is this giant containment facility to stop paranormally altered items from going berserk because I think he and the character originally in charge of the Panopticon in OG Control (Langston) have some similarities.
A crossover: See above lol
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship) Shukita is my favourite ship involving him
Other ships? - Him and Akechi for that sweet rarepair
BROTP - Him and Ryuji. I have nothing against the ship but I don't really ship it because it's just not my cup of tea.
NOTP - Him and Ann because I hc them with incompatible orientations and his attraction to her is purely aesthetic.
An assortment of headcanons! Oh no I have instantly forgotten everything I think about Yusuke. I mean I think a commonly accepted headcanon is that he is autistic? Otherwise based on his room in P5D (which I have only seen screenshots of oops) I think he's more into cubism and abstract styles of art (at least to draw).
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You know what PQ2 and P5D don't have?
Scenes of the boys deciding to sexually harass the girls. It isn't a hard thing to do Persona 5 Scramble! You've shown a lot of promise, please try not to do this, okay?
On a side note: I assume ‘knight man’ is Japanese Tony Stark character, I really do love Sophia and Zenkichi, and I hope we get to see some interaction between them and the other PT's, aside from Joker, because the worst thing about Kasumi was that she has virtually no interaction with anyone but Joker. 
Admittedly the ‘we can only interact through Joker as proxy’ is one of my biggest annoyances with the character arcs, why Ann and Ryuji no doubt stand out for having so much interaction separate from Ren. Take a leaf from Fire Emblem's book and let me get bonding scenes with all the different characters!
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glaciemdraco · 5 years
I hate people saying its misogyny to not instantly be hyped for Kasumi (even tho most of the fandom loves her but people like to feel righteous for having a popular stance). I know Akechi's bad writing is never going to be fixed, I wish the other girls who got shafted (Ann and especially Haru) would get better writing and treatment. I don't want more new characters because I don't care about there being waifus if they're not written well. I want Atlus to fix what they already did.
Well, they might fix some of the writing..? I hope so, at least.
As for Kasumi, I do like her but I dislike her Phantom Thief outfit more and more. And Anne with better treatment? Never happening. P5D pretty much continued the same treatment for her character as the original game did - only now Futaba is even more creepy towards her and some of her dance moves are... yeah.... out of character, to put it that way.
Not much we can do except fanfiction, I guess :/
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 10 months
Soooooo, didja see the thing about P5T being confirmed to be non-canon?
Literally JUST woke up to it. TT0TT (link to those who wanna read) I....I'm....livid. I want my money back then! I literally said I buy these games for the lore/chars/story, which means it's gotta be canon.
*inhales* *exhales* You know what? I brought this on myself. Everyone was saying the game's char writing was much better. I thought to myself "oh god, am I....gonna actually ENJOY P5 for once??? Past Kamoshida??? This can't be. But even if the char writing is great for THIS, it still doesn't fix the shit I've had to deal with since then. Haha what if I just pretend this is an Alt timeline P5? :'D Yeah that'll help the cognitive dissonance haha" Oh wait I did post about it (for once I remembered to):
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Fuck me I guess (please excuse the poor photoshop. I only have MS paint in front of me).
You know what? Fuck the stages of grief! I ain't grieving! When life gives you lemon you fuck those lemons! I'M STILL GOING TO HAVE FUN!
THis story IS CANON!
"B-but Silly! The devs said-" I know what the devs said! They said it's not canon to the P5 storyline we KNOW! It's canon to it's own storyline! Aka, it's just a different continuity! ahahahahahha!
YOu see that Atlus? Haha you did something I wanted! For you to play with the different timelines????? Hahahahahaha I still win! I still get to play with where it could fall in that time frame! I still- *sobs*
Ok before I play with the timeline a bit, I want to say....it's INCREDIBLY SHITTY of Atlus not to warn people that it's an alt timeline (I'm viewing these timelines as kinda like the Pokemon Ash Anime vs the Pokemon I Choose You movie timelines, or just any of the Pokemon Manga)
It def would've fucked the sales over but it's just........it feels RUDE to the consumers. Esp since this is WORSE THAN A MEMORY WIPE! At least with Memory wipes (MW), MWs can at least be used in the narrative later. (such as how Arena/Q1/Ultimax work and are kind of a mini trilogy, Q1 explains how the P3/4 cast trust and get along so fast within less than a 24 hour timeframe, it's cause they already had Q1 to bond!)
But a completely separate canon? We need more context! I've been playing with the idea that the P3/4 casts (not including FeMC) are from a diff timeline as the P3/4 casts from PQ1. So in theory PQ1 and PQ2 can happen fairly close to each other, or they don't and the Q event that happens depends on a timeline. But that's something we kinda need to know.
Ok ok, so here's my updated timeline (ignoring P3R bc I just KNOW they are scorching the earth with that, you'll probs see some similarities with my prev Persona timelines as well as this one too, this one is more simplified down):
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Very sloppy and hurried in my defense. I'm half tempted to put P3R on it's own timeline. So to clarify, I'm not saying P5T and P5D parallel each other exactly, but it's a similar timeframe iirc. And I know P5D takes place DURING P5/R, but it was just easier to show in the timeline, so it's more of a list of "game order" rather than super specific times.
And I KNOW that versions can also vary, I already did a timeline like that linked above (more so the first link, note the 2nd link was more when we weren't 100% sure P5 took place in 2016). Maybe later I can make it super specific again but.....not right now.
Also P5X is more of a theory, but this whole timeline is a theory so eh!
Persona Trinity Soul was declared an Alt canon to the games, so it shouldn't really be on this game time timeline about the games.....but it makes it easier to showcase the different timelines and similar events. (in general movies/anime/manga/stage plays all have their own separate canon too, PTS just gets a liiiiitle special treatment since it was originally a sequel to P3 prior to P4's release. PTS is just in a similar boat as P5T, haha both have T in it, and maybe P3P tho we know 100% P3P is canon to the games we just see different continuities.)
Ok theorizing aside........ I guess I'm going to have to approach this game differently.......
Now do I go about it with a clean slate? Or do I just "assume the best possible actions/writing were taken into consideration prior to these events" (aka Makoto isn't an asshole and is better written in dungeon 3 and onwards, and Futaba totally did get her heart stolen, and we TOTALLY DID listen to the public about Oku and TOTALLY DIDN'T also do it for Haru yup 100% blame on the public and ourselves for listening >_>)....I'm pretty sure the game has lied to me a handful of times prior to the tutorial, do I just take those as new truths now?
Should I juggle it being a new slate AND also remembering what happened in the actual P5 so I can point out the lies-I MEAN ahem "differences"?
Well at least it'll give me an interesting way to approach it. "Do you still want your money back?" Yeah a bit wtf atlus you made a mess of everything with that interview. TT0TT
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 3 years
This is why I tend to stay away from the discussion side of persona fandom tbh. It feels like its just "shit on game and mock its fans". I don't know who made that struggle twitter but its really gross seeing them essentially be a point and laugh show most of the time
On one hand, I'm not infallible, I can get annoyed at times with some fans, even tho I don't think we should target fans (so I try to just distance myself from it when I can).
But yeah, even tho I follow the struggle accounts (at this point I dunno why I'm following them half the time, some just retweet fanart at this point which is fine, sometimes it's just news so that's probably why at this point, and one usually just shares "oops Atlus being Atlus look at that typo!" or someone submitting their own oopsies like "I was getting ready for this boss but I accidentally hit guard when I wanted to heal and my whole party got wiped! :(" which is def a oof struggle that I can get behind). But when it's like "oh look a Persona fan has an opinion on something not related to Persona >.>" I'm not vibbing with it. (tho I feel like some of them it feels like their pointing at the people making fun of persona fans cause they're persona fans....aka being on the side of Persona fans and saying that other people shouldn't be treating them poorly cause they are Persona fans....unless I'm misinterpreting the tweets klfjsdalkfja orz *sobs*)
But I'm picky choosy with discussions. Here it's the wild west go for it. Wanna debate if Ryuji has a pickle fetish? Sure let's go (I literally just made that up I don't think he actually has one fkldjaslkf). Back before I started posting my more negative P5 thoughts on here I was on a diff message board working my issues out with the narrative, and that was all in all an ok place (learned some things about the gameplay meta of all the games), haven't gone there in a bit but maybe for P6 or something who knows. When it comes to twitter it's mostly ppl I know and it's not usually revolving around something negative (because...............twitter is a hell scape when it comes to that....similar to tumblr from like 2012-2015 tbh).
I really wanna discuss the content when I discuss, I really don't want people to point and be like "Oh god look they're having fun with their content :/ Let's point and laugh" Maybe I wanna bitch about where P5 went wrong (and maybe how it could've avoided that issue) or maybe I wanna gush about how Mitsuru has so much potential and juicy story elements that go unexplored. Or why Metis is the best "positive shadow" representation yet and why she should be allowed to do what she wants (she shouldn't but I would let her). Or comparing/contrasting the P3 routes and the MCs. Or the really strong points of P4 as well as straightening out issues people had that....weren't issues (or were blown out of proportion thanks to the anime/misinfo).
That's stuff I'm interested in....but instead I gotta see: Makoto's ass so fat cake boss wants the recipe! *someone shows the P5D screenshot showing her ass flatter than a plank of wood* That's just a bad angle! Stan Kawamommy! Kawamommy? Good but not Bae Takemi! God Persona fans are so cringe...... This wouldn't happen with P1/2 ^_^ What's P1/2? I thought Persona started with P3? I hate all of you, this is why people hate us. BREAK FREE P5! P5 ON SWITCH! And there's a twitter "discussion" I will probs see at least 5 times in the next month
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 years
(this is late sorry) I hate to sound cynical, but honestly I don't think Atlus had a legit plan with the P5 spinoffs, especially given that P5D didn't have a story mode and how quickly the spinoffs came out (Especially following the Smash Bros hype), I think it's a case of "Atlus wanted to bank on P5 hard and quickly so they didn't bother with any kind of thematic sense around 'em" Sometimes it's not that deep
Oh no they probs didn’t, tho tbh I feel like they had more planned for PQ2, or at least the people working on it KINDA CARED (tho there are a few lines concerning P5′s events that made me go “I’m pretty sure that’s not how it went down XP” dunno what game they were playing, yes I’ll probs make a separate post about that later, no it’s not the lore issue). 
Yeah P5D def felt like “let’s see if we can just cash in on P5!” and well look how much that failed (with P3D feeling more like “well we promised people, and if we had other stuff we probably cut it for P5D” ;w;) 8U PQ2 is less of a failure and more of a “hey you know that did pretty well considering how dead the 3DS is,” the hype was def there for it....just not the console owners it seems. I can see that kinda doing decently with a port to the Switch (c’mon EO get a move on! ;w;)
But yeah, it’s def not that deep, I’m just.....boggled by their choices tho. I mean P4 was def racking in some of that cash and they did have some sort of plan in motion for that. So I’m kinda wondering when Atlus realized they can’t just coattail ride and has to actually have a plan, or if they are still on their BS.....probably Royal/Strikers being the beginning of the plan (unless my Hamuko/Kasumi thing is right 👀 you either give me an adult Hammy or you say Kasumi is her reincarnated it’s one or the other Atlus, at least TRY to tie PQ2 more into the timeline).
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 years
uhhh i moreso mean the folks who wanted P4D to have less plot and more waifus (aka main character waifus, which is likely why P3D/P5D were all about the main casts+the DLC packs, even if the practices were scummy) it could just be bc i hang out with more casual persona fans, but usually they either don't know/forgot P4D had a plot, or think it's non-canon since P3D/P5D aren't (The dream stuff is just a cheap way of sayin it aint canon imo)
030 Pfffftttt I’d say egg on my face, but you know, both ideas/reasons can coexist kfdslajfakjf; (edit: fyi I’m laughing at myself here, just want to make sure there’s no miscommunication DX) Yeah Atlus probably tried to go the “fluff/waifu/character exploitation” route (by exploitation, I mean just....using the chars to get people to buy the game regardless of quality), sadly either those people don’t make up a suuuuuper big part of the fanbase (like the uber lore people) or they just didn’t buy it cause it wasn’t worth it. (cause sales were abysmal compared to the rest of the franchise let’s be honest)
As for canon, if this helps. P3/5D are canon, just because they don’t remember doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Memory wipe isn’t new, P2 did it, PQ1 did it (and it played a part in the Arena games, in part that it completed a narrative and the other is that it helped make sense of how the P3/4 kids trusted each other so fast despite not knowing each other, as well as call backs/call forwards) and they all happened/weight on the franchise. Hell it ALMOST happened with P3′s ending and the Dark Hour (probably cause they were Persona users they remembered, lucky duckies). Do I think P3/5D will have a similar effect? I dunno, same with PQ2. 
Are memory wipes cheap? Yeah. Is there a good established reason in the universe? Yes, Persona users will rip the fabric of reality apart if they kept their memories (of obvie the events that involve meeting in diff timelines and stuff), because like a Chie Galactic punt or eating Aigis’ bullets.....it can happen. And this is both a good and bad thing, well if handled poorly it’s bad (the only other “bad” thing is it feeling cheap but eh). 
It’s good because it allows Atlus to explore A LOT of different ideas, try a lot of different genres, and see how different teams would interact with each other, and/or even foreshadow new events (mainline and sideline games alike). It’s bad when.......you know...they literally throw it away. The foreshadowing part remains to be seen with P5′s spinoffs, but they def don’t feel like they are exploring the potential they could be. I’m mostly aiming it at P3/5D, as much as I give PQ2 shit it is at least an attempt. *glances at P5S* you feel like a midway between P3/5D and PQ2. 
P3/5D needed to pick a lane: put a bit more story into both games, put a bit more gameplay into both games, or just say screw it and combine the two and sell them as one game. But in the end it felt like they just threw it away because they figured they could cash in on the waifu/character lovers, super lore nerds, and MAYBE rhythm game fans.....But they probably didn’t count on that the former two either aren’t that big oooooor those consumers smelled a fishy product, and the latter I don’t think Atlus has made a decent foothold in that genre to just rely on them yet. 
(.........sorry again if I missed your point again anon, and if I just went on a long rant again fdlksajfajfk;ajkf orz)
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