isabellaljanke · 2 years
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While jumping another shark.
If anyone who knows what Chris-Chan did but is not up-to-date, search “Isabella Loretta Janke” on Twitter to see the new layer of fuckery that’s happening. The reason KF is down may also be tied to that person.
Let’s just say it looks like Chris was recently being heavily manipulated by an actual sociopath.
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meansary · 1 year
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Partitio and Osvald wrestling shirtless commissioned by RattyMaple (@/scamp4949 on Twitter) 😌
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Yeah no this Chris Chan saga decided to jump the shark and then make the shark do a back flip over a pool on a skateboard
While jumping another shark.
If anyone who knows what Chris-Chan did but is not up-to-date, search “Isabella Loretta Janke” on Twitter to see the new layer of fuckery that’s happening. The reason KF is down may also be tied to that person.
Let’s just say it looks like Chris was recently being heavily manipulated by an actual sociopath.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 3 years
I. I have to know. Why play a game you actively dislike? That seems flawed.
I just went on a ramble but....... first... Do you mean P5 in general? Or just P5S?
P5? It depends. I played it for the story once (one for JPN and one for ENG playthroughs for BOTH Vanilla and Royal, so 4 times), the rest are for trophy hunting (so I don't have to pay attention to the story, tbh that's when I'm at my happiest playing P5, I do not mind mindlessly grinding tbh it's relaxing...tho I prefer P3/4's gameplay but P5's not bad I got my nitpicks but they aren't as scathing as my character/narrative/story ones). I plan on doing some sort of gameplay challenge but I def wouldn't be listening to the story.
That being said, I will replay/rewatch parts of P5 for when I want to make an argument.....because....you should be informed on the thing you wanna talk about. Positive OR negative imo. No one likes it when you blindly praise or rant on something. Lord knows people will hate it if you make a mistake. I wanna make sure I have my ducks in a row.
If it's about Scramble? Haha....haha....haaaaaa..... I didn't know. I was giving it the benefit of the doubt with my english playthrough (I knew the story but it's the execution I needed to see in my native language). I....didn't realize it was that bad. I'm really hoping it's the translation but.....so much was....oh god. I'm noticing a lot more issues since my JPN playthrough orz.
But here's the thing. I didn't know I was gonna dislike P5S. Let alone to the extent I do. I only know once I've played it. I can't just blindly hate P5S cause it's P5 related (esp with people talking it up). That's not fair to P5S. I should judge it by it's own merits.
Now after I'm done with the final boss? Probs gonna just turn the sound off and listen to something else as I grind for the plat.....on multiple versions.....I think there's 4 I can get. 030 "You have an addiction to trophy hunting" yes this isn't anything new.
Now am I gonna rewatch/listen to P5S at some point in the future? Probably....just to refresh myself when I go on an impromptu rant at 4 am. Again, I like to re-inform myself before I tear P5 a new one. It's only fair. But I'm not gonna torture myself. (tho I will admit, each new P5 related entry is slowly wittling away my will to play/keep up with Persona lore.....I'mma need a crossover game to get me invested, I can't take another PT only game)
tldr; I wanna judge something by it's own merits so I play it. I don't go in ready to hate it, but if I have a strong emotion (pos or neg) it's because of my experience while playing it. I also will rewatch stuff so I can make sure the point I wanna make isn't just a random fallacy my brain conjured up misremembering something because that's not fair to the game.
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jlongbone · 4 years
Its odd because its not like she was talking about systemic racism (though even then, the courts tend to be influenced by the economic and arguably sex of the person more than their race.) White people can and have been victims of hate crimes. Did people forget abiut the live stream torture on Facebook where some black teens tortured an older white man because he looker like a trump supporter
Or the time some black teens tortured a mentally handicapped boy, and yelled slurs at him 
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So I binged all the story bits in two weeks. And I just wanna say, this was honestly really cool. Like, SUPER cool and interesting a read. Its fascinating how you had these characters (and story and tone) develop overtime and managed to add new ones that felt like natural parts of the cast. Your insights into mental health also helped a lot honestly, the bits with Yuri really helped me realize how hard i was being on myself and how to better deal with anxiety. I hope you have a great day!
AAAAAAAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I tend to put my own feelings and things I learn about anxiety and the such into the story, so I’m really really happy it has helped you, that really makes me feel like I’ve accomplished what I set out to do with this story ❤️❤️
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So apparentlu the Assigned male comic artist is a diaper fetishist who uses IRL reference pics of babies to draw ger art. In other news, my day was ruinedbecausr of this news
As someone who has followed the trajectory of Assigned Male and its creator for a while now, I can't say I'm terribly surprised. One of the uneasiest qualities of AM was always that its main character was supposed to be a literal child discussing genitals, sexuality, and a vast array of hot-button social justice topics. Not surprising that there would be creepy reasons for this choice.
For anyone reading, please understand that I don't especially want to give out links to the evidence unless I really have to, but I'm researching it as I type this and everything I've found indicates that this accusation is true.
(looks like she's a diaperfur, to be specific, and ye gods I wish I didn't already know what that was)
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the-vanguard · 3 years
"What that mother Fucker did" I see what you did there lolol
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Its funny since breast is a gender neutral term. Men ALSO get breast cancer for example.
And if I WAS somehow breastfeeding (apparently there are fringe cases where men can do that, too?) I might feel weirdly feminine, but not because I called it breastfeeding instead of chestfeeding.
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sir-argues-a-lot · 4 years
Oh shit. Its been like, what? 2 years? How you've been?
I’m doing okay, having freed myself of Tumblr’s gravity and living a life of relative social media seclusion. Obviously, the past year has been kind of a shitshow, as it has been for everyone else, but I’d say I’m doing pretty well, for the most part.
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Hope you’re doing alright, too.
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ryouverua · 5 years
Do you ever have that charscter where you think "You know the fact that they killed you so soon is kinda bs." Because I feel this way towards Korekiyo every day because how do you kill someone off after a revelation like THAT about their charscter.
I... I can’t remember if I really got across during the original play-through how sad I was that Angie died when she did? I really, really wanted so much more from her. Out of everyone, she was the one who felt like she got cut off right before some sort of unexpected revelation, climax, fall from grace, revelation or.... whatever.
slkdjfsd man I wanted so much from Angie.......... game, why did you take her away from me so soon.....
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isabellaljanke · 2 years
Isabella Loretta Janke
While jumping another shark.
If anyone who knows what Chris-Chan did but is not up-to-date, search “Isabella Loretta Janke” on Twitter to see the new layer of fuckery that’s happening. The reason KF is down may also be tied to that person.
Let’s just say it looks like Chris was recently being heavily manipulated by an actual sociopath.
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meansary · 1 year
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Partitio and Osvald commissioned by RattyMaple (@/scamp4949 on Twitter) 😌
Thank you for commissioning me again☺️
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Its weird how some people act like Dobson's haters are on par with someone like say Chris Chan. Chris Chan had people legitimately publicly humiliate him, like the "prank" where a group got a girl to go out with him to only to have a guy in a pickle outfit "steal" her from him while they were on a date. Dobson's haters just talk shit about him and use him as a cautionary tale on how not to act online of your an artist.
Eh, everyone has their own set of morals and what they consider “crossing the line” is. I’m not gonna fault anyone if they feel Dobson got treated too badly online or anything like. For some, being trolled at all is considered “crossing the line”.
All I can really do is speak via my own morals and try to offer context for why things happened to Dobson. I’m not out to purposely shame anyone for their own opinions about Dobson and the internet’s response to him. I just may disagree with said opinions.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 3 years
I think Chile's general character and VA work can be blamed for that tbh. Ie, a character who's already a little aggressive has, after the og game, a va that makes her come off as very aggressive, whome the anime (both) ramps up certain traits of that. And unlike for P5, which occured after what i feel like is a shift towards scrutinizing anime if games, P4's anime was a lot of people's intro to it. Which creates an image of her that, while I dint think is unfair, isn't in lined with the game.
Of course bias be known, it might just be my circles being very vague but I do feel like P5, while for different reasons, gets the fandom punching bag bullshit to a worse degree. But that's also more or less because the internet's general culture in feel his shifted for the worse, so now you have stuff like twitter blogs dedicated to mocking fans who show passion in odd ways that ultimately don't hurt anyone. Or stuff like the struggle twitter.
No not Chile. DX jdklafsj; jk jk
Yeah, as much as I like Erin as a VA, I don't like her for Chie. Tracey!Chie just hits different and is A LOT more mellow. She still had energy but not like......a sugar hyped squirrel.
Ironically her aggression is always aimed at aggressors/oppressors (or just someone wronging someone else). Take the bullies in her SL. And even then it's mostly just her getting in your face. And she only gets in your face if......I guess you could say obvious injustice happening....like bullying (or you know.....forcibly signing her up for something she is forced to do). But yeah the anime took that....fairly human level character trait and RAMPED IT UP TO THE HEAVENS ....then brought it a back down to a more manageable level for the spinoffs (a better fate than her love for meat or Aki's protein shake now-trait u_u F in the chat for Fsteak orz).
I'd argue that the feelings towards games made into anime's weren't exactly positive during P4's anime time either. I remember a lot of people being worried because it already had a stigma. THAT BEING SAID, as an adaptation representing/reflecting/trying to be accurate to the game, P4's isn't great. As an adaptation that's making changes to attempt to tell a semblance of P4's story? Esp to someone who's never played P4? It does a decent job as an entry point for people who have never played. Like it's coherent enough. Does it change vital things? Yeah. Will newcomers notice? No. Will they at least get something that resembles competent media? To them yeah. To me? I still deal with the sins every day, it's my cross to bear. u_u
P5 got lucky that Persona became mainstream and it helped make it EVEN MORE mainstream, so when it's anime rolled around everyone was calling BS on it. Shame we couldn't have......something good come out of it. (If only Daybreakers was longer u_u)
I prefer to separate the characterizations. Like I don't mind multiple, but I wanna be fair to the char I wanna judge them base off of the original characterization. Like I've read the OG .hack books from Blackrose's perspective, so I sympathize with her. But I really should play the games so I can see her original characterization (without looking through her lens). I'm afraid I might not her as much (from what other's have said) but I can still maintain a separation of "I like the novel, but the OG source I don't like her from the outside perspective). So with Chie I'd rather people be like "I hated her in the anime, tho I know she's diff in the game and I'm glad for that, but at the same time I still have the negative association with the anime counterpart so I know it's that coloring my perspective....still not gonna like her tho." And that's fine. Just stop the smear campaign, I can't take it anymore! DX She didn't do anything wrong she just kicked shadows and saved my ass let her live! *sobs*
I do agree with the punching bag thing. I do see P5 becoming more and more of a punching bag..... I.... don't have any idea why (except "cringe" *eyeroll*). I know the reasons for P4 (and I do think that was....VERY unfair for P4). It feels more like people just want to mock P5 because it's popular. I don't like that the more I see it. Obviously I'm not a fan of P5, I'll tear it to shreds every chance I feel like (like on my own terms not like....cause someone's enjoying it, that's just rude). But what I won't do is shame someone for liking it (maybe IRL I'll say it as a joke with obvious joking inflection, and I'll clarify it's a joke, but that's it). You have every right to like P5, as I have every right to like P4. We also have every right to peel back and look into both games positively and negatively.
But yeah I feel like a lot of the punching stuff is....just being jerk to fans. P4 was misinfo being spread (same can be said about the FeMC, I swear I see one more brain dead take about her music on "fitting" I'm shoving a CD player up someone's ass and using their mouth as a gramophone). It feels more like people rag on P5 cause "fans like it" and "cringe." And????? Like????? There's a lot you can say that's wrong with P5......but why.....THAT? The fans did nothing wrong. And "cringe?" Fuck that. Embrace the cringe. What are we in middle school? Oh no can't like that, Timmy the "cool kid" with all his friends dictated that's not a cool thing to like. Well *gets in close to microphone* screw Timmy and his friends, like what you want. As long as you aren't hurting anyone it's fine. And last time I checked, liking P5 won't hurt anyone.
Narrator: She says, while in reality, every time someone states they like P5, her soul gets punched.
Jk jk. I do actually still recommend P5 to people (tho nowadays I really push to play P3/4 first if that's within reason for the person...... not cause I think they are better than P5, but 1) you appreciate the Igor twist more, 2) it's easier to so the combat going forward than backward so I'm thinking that's probs more helpful but that's just me thinking of the most optimal experience in enjoying all 3 games)
"But Silly, I still like the thing but I don't want people bothering me because it's deemed cringe!" Then be like me, make a separate account and vibe. I recently got back into a thing I liked back in middle school and it's 100% deemed as cringe....like wherever you go (I don't care it's a dumpster fire, it keeps me warm and happy....it's my dumpster fire uwu). And I just wanted to vibe and enjoy the content the renaissance was getting without 1) getting bs thrown at me for liking it, 2) not flooding my main blog which is def Persona (and Megaten) themed cause y'all wouldn't want to see that.)
You just gotta curate your experience on the internet. Do what best protects your sanity.
(was gonna end it there but omg it really is annoying, I keep seeing people just being jerks to fans cause they like the game and it's like sir....your on the negative side but do you even know the actual faults of the damn game? Or are you just being a jerk because you weren't hugged enough growing up? Cause that's not a P5/P5 fan problem, that something you should get checked out instead problem >_> Have a discussion not be a fucking dick god)
I....don't know if the internet culture has shifted to a worse degree. Maybe. I do think it's different but equally worse to Tumblr's mega hivemind at it's peak. But now it's less hivemind and more EXTREMELY divided. Both bad, just different. Can't say that each experience is the same on each platform. It feels different depending if you are on Tumblr, Twitter, Reddit, Gamefaqs, 4chan, yadda yadda
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jlongbone · 4 years
"Not a bad person, just a dick" describes cavillanches I imagine. Then again, as someone who is bi, I would probs just not interact with someone with that belief. We have the power. Its called the block button. Or just not interacting with her button.
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