#i don't know what the god of life and death wants with $300k
sageofanys · 1 year
[Secret Boss Spoilers for Octopath Traveler 2]
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Negotiate Schedule
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 months
M.I. here with part 2. We've gone into overtime and it's more than 3 chapters, now. (Swear to god, I'm going to cry if this ends up over 300k like that other thing) Still using the timeskip format, at least, so I don't have to revamp everything.
3 Months Later
As you and Tommy watch helplessly through the tv, Mr Alan Davis collapses at his desk; one hand clutching his heart. You whirl around in anger, slamming open the kitchen door because from the corner of your eye you could see the impish bastard responsible pop into existence. Perched criss-cross on the island, crunching an apple as if he hadn't a care in the world.
Tommy doesn't follow, conspicuously disappearing into the men's room. He always avoids you when you're angry, even if it's not directed at him so much these days. You don't particularly know or care where he goes to escape at this point.
"What are you, the devil or something?!"
"Or something," Blackie agrees vaguely, lightly spitting a seed across the room.
That doesn't ring entirely truthful. There's a name for him and he knows it, you're sure of that. He's just not going to share with the rest of the class.
And you're seriously debating whether or not to slap him with the dishtowel.
Alan -the wannabe Wall Street shark- was supposed to chose his family. Look back on his life and realize he was about to miss his final chance to leave them with any good memories. The heart attack was still going to happen, but he'd be at home instead of the office. He could apologize and they'd at least know he had regrets.
But that bonus Blackie held out was too good to pass up and the man literally worked himself to death.
Blackie's always doing things like that. Showing up to offer the worst possible temptations. And once again he's thwarted your efforts entirely. Alan Davis died alone and no prizes for guessing he'd spend eternity that way.
Fifth time you've lost one to that-that- gah!
You give in to the urge, snatching up the towel.
"You're such a jerk," you exclaim, striking him sharply on the arm.
"Hey, it was his cho- Ow! Stop it!"
The attack had continued during his infuriating defense, and after the third hit he gave up trying to bat you away. Glaring, he gives an abrupt click of his fingers. Snapping the towel into nothingness.
"You can have it back when you learn to play nice," he says.
Feeling even more helplessly frustrated, you settle for an aggressively huffed snarl. His own face twists in a childish, mocking imitation.
"I really don't like you," you seethe.
"Fifth time you've mentioned that."
He goes back to his apple.
Realizing he's not going to apologize and sick of being taunted for your failure, you storm back out of the kitchen.
"I'm going for a walk," you tell the ceiling on your way to the entrance.
But when you slam open that door, you're forced to take an abrupt step back. There's nothing out there but the vastness of space and one wrong move could have you lost forever in the cosmos.
"Really," you ask, looking up. "I can't leave? Fine."
You head for the ladies' room, instead, which immediately becomes the bedroom you've been calling your own since your arrival. An exact replica of the one you ran away from as a girl.
"No. No. I don't want to be trapped. I don't want to be here. I need out."
Just like that, you're on a playground next to a dock. Your favorite spot on the annual family trip. It's empty, free of kids and fisherman, which means you haven't actually left The Cafe. You claim a swing for yourself, trying not to shudder at the twilight-tinged copy of your memories. Eerie, but peaceful at the same time.
For awhile, you zip back and forth -free as a bird- until the tight feeling in your chest loosens. Anger giving way to sadness. The swing drifts to a stop and you settle into pushing yourself back and forth with your toes.
"It's not fair," you say, confident the building is still listening. "I worked so hard on this one. Tommy and I both did."
Because credit where it's due. You'd both tried your best.
"He should've gone home."
Meaning Mr Davis, not Tommy. Him, too, though.
You want to go home. But that's not a wish. Your mind is very clear on that. The idea of seeing your parents a decade older, knowing they'll continue aging while you're frozen in time...Besides, they would have been told about your death months ago, once your bodies were found and identified.
The Cafe is the only home you have left.
OHHHHH we h a t e him 😈 💌💥❤🖤 I cannot wait for this enemies to lovers arc here, omg XD I'm over the moon for this story, really XDD This is me, in the wild, getting an update from you:
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At least the cafe semi-listens to us <3 I love the cafe.
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infiwrites · 11 months
20 Fanfic Questions
Tagged by: @therev28
Tagging: @zinziinziiin aaaand whoever else wants to do this one!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
One hundred and thirty nine!
2. What's your total word count?
I currently have 245,166 published! What I have that's unpublished.... Ahahahahahah....... It's over 300k if the last time I counted a few months ago was anything to go by
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently: Vocaloid, Love Love (Aqours, sometimes Niji), D4DJ, Nikkiverse (Shining Nikki & Love Nikki)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
50 Ways I Say "I Love You" — KaiMei, Vocaloid; Dia-nial — DiaRiko, LLSIF; Inspiration — Dia, LLSIF; Ghosts In The Apartment — KaiMei, Vocaloid; O One — DiaRiko, LLSIF
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! I enjoy talking about my fics, so I'll usually respond. Some I don't answer though, either because I can't think of anything to say or because I'm unsure how I feel about the comment in the first place. Luckily, I can only count two people who fit the latter category, both of whom are blocked.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?Uhhhhh angstiest one that I've ever written involves a d4dj zombie apocalypse AU that features multiple deaths, which ends with some wildly unhealthy AoRika sacrifice. That fic is probably never getting finished, though, so. Rip. Angstiest that's been posted is probably Lavender Blue, a Love Nikki fic I wrote after reaching the part where Lunar died.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh god I don't even know which one to answer for this one. Proooooobably "Crumbs of the Whole?" At least out of my longfics, that's the happiest one.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not recently! I've never gotten a nasty comment on this account so far, but I've definitely gotten some flames in the past for writing characters they didn't like, and writing angst when they wanted a happy ending. Lmao.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sometimes! I mostly write F/F, though I've done F/M a couple times bc KaiMei.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don't normally write crossovers, though I do have a Sunshine/D4DJ one I'll get around to eventually. Craziest one was probably an unironic Vocaloid/Transformers one I wrote back in the day that I think I took down?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, but I wouldn't be surprised.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Unfortunately, no, but if anyone wants to give it a go, I've got blanket permissions for it on my profile!
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Yep! Excluding the 100k+ RPs I've done over the years, I've also written a fic with @zinziinziiin — "Road Tripping", an AyuKarin we wrote for IFHeaven's hunger games. I also co-wrote a Warriors fanfic on FFnet back around 2013-2014, but I don't remember what it was called or who I wrote it with. I believe it was taken down at some point, though, so it's a bit of a moot point.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
DiaRiko or KaiMei.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
"How It Feels", a future fic centered around Ruby navigating how different life is for Aqours when she returns to Numazu after going to school for tailoring and finding Dia in an unhappy marriage and the events of getting her out of it. It was a longfic that I kept thinking about, but never got around to writing out in full. I doubt I'll ever have the steam for it at this rate, especially since my focus is elsewhere these days.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Prose and internal narration, I think!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue and pacing are the biggest ones I struggle with.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
No real strong thoughts on it in itself—though if the POV narrator is supposed to understand it (and by extension, the reader) I'd at least like the meaning able to be gleaned from context so I don't have to scroll to the end for the author's note translation of the conversation before having to scroll back to where I was; if you want readers who do not speak the language to be able to follow along, that's really not a good way to go about it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Disney fairies fanfic when I was like. 8 or something. The first fandom I wrote for while consciously knowing what fanfic was? Proooooobably MLP??? It's been over ten years and I don't remember SHIT, lmao
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Even after all these years, it's still gotta be Dia-nial. It's a disaster, it's a shit show, it's a shitpost that sprouted an actual plot, but my god is it a delight to write and reread. It rides the line of taking itself seriously while also not; it's stupidly funny until it kicks your teeth in. It's not my most refined work—not by a long shot—but I really do think it's my most lively fic to date.
"The analogy and her problems were year-round." fucking gets me every time
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zerokogane · 3 years
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I need to scream about certain fics so here are some of my favorite persona 5 fanfics (be warned most of these of not all are going to be shuake and ongoing)
Pt 2 https://zerokogane.tumblr.com/post/652917516478349312/lappel-du-vide-xov-persona-5-archive-of-our
Ongoing, shuake, rated M, 300k+
What do you mean?” Ryuji tilted his head.
“It’s called Just Die. It reduces the SP needed for Insta kill skills like Mudoon or 'Please Die for Me' to zero.”
Ryuji and Ann blinked and blinked again trying to figure out what Morgana is trying to say. He watched as the gears churn in their head and they come to an epiphany, their faces growing horrified at the implications.
“Wait, you are saying. Joker can insta-kill literally everything in this palace. WITHOUT using SP at all?!” Ryuji clarified in astonishment because there is no way there isn’t a catch to this. “Without repercussion?!”
“Yes. That is exactly what I’m saying.”
Or the NG+ au where Akira knows more than he lets on, the Phantom Thieves start to suspect one of their own, and Akechi is in for a wild ride.
Series 6/7 completed, no ships, ratings vary per part. 700k+(all 7 parts)
Discerption or first part in series :Forewarned
When Akira Kurusu is ten years old, his parents die in an accident.
One year later, he comes to Inaba. He doesn't expect to find family there, and he doesn't expect to find a hidden world of monsters inside the TV.
He finds both.
Shuake, ongoing, rated T, 300k+
In the Present...
...Akira and Goro are the famed Detective Princes of Tokyo! They've solved countless crimes and brought justice across the city, gaining allies and confidants wherever they've roamed! As election season approaches in the distance, and ominous warnings are whispered into their ears, will they be able to weather the storm to come?
In the Past...
...two young boys, abandoned by society and family alike, find each other. Will they be able to handle everything else they find, in the years to come?
No ships, ongoing, rated T, crossover with bnha(sorta ? jokers in their universe but he doesn’t know why ) 280k+
“Foolish mortals!” Yaldabaoth’s shadow fell over them like a death shroud, “The sin of rebelling against a god is severe. As punishment, I banish you to other worlds unknown!”
Something changed in the air, like the snap charge of electricity after a thunder strike. No, this was more than that. The world shifted and changed and contorted, the weave of fate was unnaturally pulled by the God Of Control, creating fractals in the flow of time and space.
Joker’s teammates gasped as bizarre, otherworldly doors came into existence.
One, a pair of silver doors with alien markings, cracked open just a hair to reveal a large, terrifying eye. Another, a glowing paper door that would be at home in any vintage Japanese mansion. The third, a grand golden gate decorated with eyes and horned demons, bubbling black sludge dripped from its maw like tar. The final one was a fluctuating cloud of purple and black mist.
Shuake, ongoing, rated T, 250k+
From a young age, Akechi Goro was forced to accept that life is not fair. When the world is full of injustice and seems determined to throw that in your face at every chance it gets, what are you supposed to do? Sometimes you just need to tear the whole damn system down.
Meanwhile, Kurusu Akira just wants his friend back. He never meant to become a delinquent, much less the leader of the Phantom Thieves, but he supposes he’s never been very good at staying out of other people’s business.
(A soulmate au where writing gets transferred to each other’s skin. As a result, they become long-distance friends… until Akechi lets his jealousy and anger get the better of him, that is.)
( if you turned off by soulmate au’s trust me it’s good and it’s not as big part of the story as you would think, or not used in the “normal” way....idk your just gonna have to trust me one this one if the story sounds interesting cause it’s really good rant over)
Ongoing, shuake, rated M, 300k+
"Love is knowing your target, putting them in your targeting reticule, and together, achieving a singular purpose against statistically long odds."
In which Goro Akechi joins the team during Kaneshiro's palace arc instead of Makoto.
Ongoing, will be polythieves but we don’t know the specifics yet, rated M, 29k+
Yaldabaoth had been told of the Mythical Trickster. He had laid out the plans for his game expertly, all the pieces and threads in place, ready to pull the Trickster into the trial that would determine humanity's fate.
His plan, however, did not account for what he actually received: Twin Tricksters.
No matter... surely, this would not lead the game too astray. Would it?
Ongoing, no ships with Akira but there is ann/shiho, rated M, 44+k
When Suou Akira is arrested for a crime he didn't do and sent to Tokyo for probation, all he wants to do is live as quietly as possible and return to his family in Sumaru City. Of course, things don't work out the way he wants them to.
One-shot completed, shuake, rated T, 7k+
'Akechi takes back his initial thought about this being an absolute pleasure to watch as the man, who was only a few mere feet away from Akira, whips his hand and flinging the freshly brewed two hundred and five-degree boiling hot coffee straight into Akira’s face.
Directly hitting Akira’s Glassless bare face.'
Or the one where Akira deals with a nasty, entitled customer and Akechi is perpetually in denial.
(For Akeshuake Hurt Comfort Week, Day Three, prompt: Illness/Injury!)
One-shot completed, Shuake, rated T 21k
Discerption: Pretending is part of Goro's daily life, masks hiding his true intentions and feelings are things he uses very often.
However, the idea of lying about his relationship status never occurred to him.
Yet, now he is in a "relationship" with Leblanc's barista to trick his colleague and the therapist who doesn't know that they don't know each other.
And between medical appointments, dates, and his personal investigations, Goro must now manage the storm that is his emotions when it concerns Akira Kurusu.
Where is the line between pretended and true love after all?
A Fake dating couple therapy story where Goro and Akira use lame excuses to date.
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