#i don't know what's scarier
sciencebees · 1 year
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yabutsuba · 8 months
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A new part of you
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I'm thinking so much about how different Poll and Tequilla's life experiences are and how thats going to affect them both
Like, Poll was adopted WAY earlier than was intended. They had gone through all the tests when they were very young and then put on ice until they were needed for an adoption event, of which they never got to because their papa found them not even an hour after being thawed out! Then, living with Stardust, they traveled around the world for a while before being forced to settle down so it could take care of it's baby properly. Poll was raised in what was basically a nonverbal household with not much supervision, they barely even used signs when they were younger because it just wasn't necessary after a while.
Even more, Poll is VERY sheltered by egg standards. They've never experienced a death (anothers or their own), they've never been in a fight, or been in danger from the Federation. They've always lived away from all of that and had their papa to protect them.
Tequilla on the other hand? He never traveled from home much, having 4 doting parents to take care of him, but he DID experience the horrors of the island. He's even died! Sure he doesn't remember any of this, but it still happened. He has fighting instincts, poisonous color schemes. You can see dozens of signs littered through his childhood home, untouched. His parents protected him with everything they had and mourned him when he died.
Like I seriously didn't plan for such a perfect contrast between these kids but. it. WORKS.
Poll is a great talker but a bad writer, Tequilla is the opposite. Poll had one parent while Tequilla had four. Poll has their memories but is entirely unequiped to deal with what life is trying to throw their way, while Tequilla knows how to fight away the dangers but can no longer even remember what the dangers ARE. Poll who looks like themself, Tequilla who looks like his parents. Orange and blue, round and sharp, sun and moon, earth and stars.
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merakiui · 2 years
Now that we're on the topic of Kabukimono, do you think he has the potential to become yandere? I feel like his love for you could grow into an unhealthy obsession for sure, like he'd be so attached to you, trailing you everywhere like a lost puppy. But does he have it in him to get unreasonably jealous over you giving your attention to someone else? Could he hurt someone for you and twist it in a way that he believes he's protecting you? What are your thoughts on this?
He has so much potential! Kabukimono is seeing and experiencing the world for the very first time, so he's essentially a blank slate. He's growing and learning when he wanders from place to place, sometimes immersing himself in human civilization and other times straying from populated areas to walk along the outskirts of and within Tatarasuna. Everything—including the most mundane of human tasks—becomes fascinating to him, someone who has never known the world that lies beyond the confines of Shakkei Pavilion. So naturally the way he feels when he's around you is going to be interesting because it's so different compared to how he feels around other humans.
Kabukimono is best compared to a starry-eyed duckling or a lost puppy when he trails after you. He never offers much conversation, instead preferring to admire you as he follows from behind. He never leads; he only follows, and he seems to like following you the most. Your friends have remarked that he's awfully cute when he's hurrying to keep up with your quick, clipped pace. And he's always so willing to help you in any way that he can, whether that's by carrying things, gathering things, trying to learn how to cook for your sake. Kabukimono is, in every possible way, devoted to you and it's for the purest of reasons. He cares for you; it's so clear when he frets over the tiniest scrapes and bruises that mar your perfect body. Or when he stands guard outside while you sleep, even though the area you live is peaceful enough. You can't seem to shake him, even for a moment of privacy. He wants to follow and stay and be kept around.
Kabukimono does not understand the differences between healthy and unhealthy, much like how he can't quite fathom that what he feels for you might be love (or a very obsessive version of it). He just knows that he feels good when he's around you, when he helps you and you praise him, when you teach him new things and he struggles for a while, which means you'll help him patiently and he'll get to be closer to you. Kabukimono only knows 'good' and 'bad.' That weird water you and some friends were drinking is 'bad,' apparently. You told him he shouldn't drink too much of it. Following you to places where you require privacy is 'bad.' But doing the right thing is 'good.' Right things, Kabukimono has learned, are things like following rules, listening to others, being kind and forgiving, helping those in need, and so on. Kabukimono wants to do many good things so that you'll like him and continue to let him stay near you, so he often gets very distraught when he makes a mistake, fearing that it's a bad thing.
What Kabukimono isn't taught is that manipulation is bad, but he learns fairly quickly that lots of people dote on him because he's 'innocent' and 'cute.' Kabukimono doesn't entirely understand where those words stem from—what parts of him are cute or innocent—but he's noticed that you pay more attention to him when he does things like making 'innocent mistakes,' as you've described it, or when he struggles to write and read and so you slow down your speech and take it word by word; or you'll gently grab his hand to help him trace the characters. He wanted to learn how to spell and write your name first, which everyone had found so endearing. Kabukimono wants to do more endearing things so that you'll continue to look at him.
He's good at making mistakes and acting like he just can't grasp certain subjects because, while it was like that for a while, now he can just pretend. Pretending is more fun than he thought it'd be. It's not truly a lie because he does struggle at times, but you're always there to help him, and so Kabukimono has learned that when he struggles you help. And sometimes you'll spend hours helping him. So he'll struggle and make mistakes and pretend like he requires you to teach him more just so he can monopolize your time and subtly manipulate you into only ever spending time with him.
He won't feel jealousy when you're with others because you look so happy amongst them, and your happiness is his happiness. He only feels jealous if and when he stumbles upon you being intimate with another human. Kabukimono can't understand this sharp, stabbing envy, but he feels...sad. Sad and a little frustrated. All this time, all those smiles, all those praises you directed his way, and yet you smile in the same way at another in secret. He doesn't understand human intimacy or the fact that you might not ever see him in the way he sees you, but he does understand that what you're doing with that human is his version of a bad thing. Bad things—like seeing you be this way with another and hearing how happy you sound and knowing that he isn't the reason for this happiness—hurt. And he's learned that if you get rid of a bad thing there won't be anymore pain.
Kabukimono's intentions turn rather grim the deeper he falls into a feeling he can't even describe. And it all culminates in a confrontation that ends in bloodshed. He doesn't have an explanation for his behaviors or his actions, but he apologizes when you find him because that's the right thing to do. Right things are apologizing and owning up to mistakes. And right things always make you smile.
This time, when you spy the blood that dyes his white silks in crimson, there is no smile to be found on your face. Only raw horror.
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blackh0letempest · 3 months
To the kids currently going through abuse from their parents, keep pushing forward. You will get out. You will. It feels huge, it's a lot to think about. You will probably make mistakes. But there is not a single living independent adult that hasn't made mistakes in handling their finances, taking care of themselves, etc. The sooner you get out, the sooner you can start to learn who you are when you aren't being abused, and that self is deeply worth knowing. You are worth the effort.
#I don't say this lightly. I was homeless for a while. It was absolutely horrible.#But going homeless let me travel to the other side of the country in my car. I lost a lot but I've gained everything.#Research where you go next#What the cities are like and if there's support for you nearby#LGBT outreach or community mental health outreach programs are excellent#I don't advocate going homeless because being homeless and not knowing of you'll eat again is horrible.#But if it happens to you get to a library and see what outreach is in the area.#The hardest part is getting an apartment of your own cause shits expensive. And work is hard when you've got trauma#My tip for that#Is that you can qualify for more work than you think.#If retail feels like it's peeling your skin off then apply for office positions over and over again until something picks you up#It might take months. Don't lose heart if it does.#You deserve better. Keep pushing for things to be better#Being a young adult is hard. Being a kid is hard. Older folks can be really dismissive and unkind.#And im sorry for how people will underestimate you.#Try to get food stamps if your struggling financially. And Medicare. The state makes is horribly difficult to get on either thru#The sheer beurocracy of it#If the deny you#Appeal it.#Sometimes appealing is as simple as showing up#But it helps to have some key points written down in case you need to defend yourself.#It sounds scarier than it is.#If you have an anxiety disorder I know that's not much comfort#But as someone who has been an abused child and managed to navigate out of that awful situation#Despite the adversity you will likely face#You have a bright future ahead of you.#The healing will be the hardest part#But you are worth every moment#I sincerely wish the best for you.#And I hope you don't face as much adversity as I did.
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arttsuka · 3 months
how do you art so well
I don't really think I art very well but (not to sound super lame) practice. Wanting to make nice stuff to look at.
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I also started to color my drawings more idk
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thecrowstoes · 1 year
Love it when horrible eldritch monstrosities are given names that could be a character in a children's book. Fun little name for an incomprehensible horror I love you, you scare me so much
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agentark · 1 year
live look at me bringing Beckett to the coroner's office, failing the stat check to get the doctor talking, BUT getting whisperings of ass kicking B:
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vermillioncrown · 1 year
On BIL: Is Kagami just gonna go on continuing to normie the shit out of these Ball Sport Mad Idiots? Because I think he would. He would totally normie them all the way to his victory. He would normie so hard that this weirdo troupe Generation of Chuunibyous would completely go batshit crazy trying to "figure out" what his "special ability" is. Which by the way is actually just Kagami's (absolutely incomprehensible) ability of his to actually be Human OMG 🤯
to not normie is to go counter to the central premise of bil, thus he must. it's pretty logical and i'm not fond of pulling the rug from under people in a story
him pushing back against having a "special ability" like how they emphasize in canon is half kagami being kagami against all ball sport nonsense, and half his personality trait to never own up to anything ever -> and that comprises of another two parts (1. never let them know your next move 2. it's unhealthy to base your self-worth on One Thing You're Good At...for now)
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fernsnailz · 2 years
Okay so, in your shadow macNcheese comic, Shadow says something like "this is how I always make it". implying that he's made it that way before. possibly many, many times before.
how,,,,,how many times has he done this.....has he made mac n cheese for team dark before????? is this comic just about rouge finally finding out how shadow has been making mac n cheese for them?????
i. have so many questions, and too few answers ;-;
y'know i think it'll be infinitely funnier if i just leave these questions unanswered
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i-appear-misssing · 2 months
I just had the horrible thought that I need to fall in love because having devastating crushes on beautiful, competent, authoritative women that I desperately want to please is exhausting and I need it to stop
#this one is straight so there's no room for delusion which is good#but my burning need to be her most favorite is eating me from the inside#it IS making me better at my job though#.......i mean i think so but what the fuck do i know#on friday night amongst the grueling psychosexual chaos that ensued a very smart guy that I LOVE said to me#i have no doubts you're gonna be a great psychiatrist actually#i traded a month with him to have another month with her#he's a phenomenologist she's a psychodynamic....ist? rival theories#I don't like most of psychodynamic theory.......so far#but i love the way she works and i can see how well it fits with her manymanyMANY patients and goddamnit i love personality dosorders#so i made the choice to go with her yes and im very torn casue i LOVE that guy and i wish i could become his friend like my bff from my year#also.......kind of dumb of me since I'd only soend two days a week woth her and the other three with very scary ladies#but I've been in scarier situation i can manage#and god when she praises me (silently obv she's only been forward about my merit ONCE and i almost pissed myself like an overexcited dog)#the endorphin rush is........man#but yes i need to work on this.......idk how to define it. closest i can get to explaining it is professional sub space#with strong aspects of praise kink#pathetic is what it is really#but hey if it makes me study harder who fucking cares right#I'm gonna be the smartest most intuitive fucking bitch amongst my peers so if I can't have her (them) carnally then goddamnit#I'LL HAVE THEIR PRAISE AND RESPECT AND ADMIRATION AT LEAST#........I'll be normal again in a week or two i just need to get over these next couple of days of....idk. inflammation i guess#yeah it's just like an infected wound right now#angry red throbbing hot pain#i know the drill it'll be better in a couple of days you just need to not freak out and let it do its thing#it's nice to be mature-r about emotional impulsivity and the shame that comes after an episode of deregulation#it really doesn't have to be a big deal even while it still feels like it#it still hurts but it's like......hour three of a tattoo. it's a bitch but you know it's gonna be over eventually and wriggling won't work#the only thing left to do is enjoying it all while it's happening or trying to#I don't think I'm doing a great job but what're you gonna do right
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pirefyrelight · 3 months
Ive been riding my bike to work for the past week or so and I've noticed a few things. One, of the two major roads that have bike lanes, both of them are shit and I have simply found an alternative route that uses sidestreets with less traffic, and two, random children on parking garage rooftops wildly overestimate my abilities.
To go into more detail on that second point:
The last stretch going to my work is a just steep enough decline that I've never noticed before when walking or driving, but am able to sail down into a pleasant breeze for about 3 blocks (baring stoplights and pedestrians). The downside, or rather the going up side of this, is that after a long day of work I might as well be climing everest biking home those first few blocks.
And of course, another thing I've noticed, is that no matter which way you're going there's a headwind.
So picture me, last week. 9 hour shift. No sitting down since I got on my bike that morning. Hot as balls but in that way it *could* theoretically be worse? In black pants and t-shirt as is dress code and I haven't gotten into the habit of bring shorts to change into yet. At the start of the summer I haven't been on a bike in at least 5 years, probably closer to 10, I am so incredibly out of shape.
So this goddamn child, this hooligan hanging out on the top of a three story parking garage, sees me battling for my goddam life, going uphill into a headwind and sweating so bad he can probably smell it from up there, calls "do a wheelie" like sir the only wheelie that's imminent from me is being blown back down the hill in such a way the front tires get caught first. The only trick doable from me right now is getting to the top without falling over.
#Pire.txt#I'm not actually mad#I know *do a trick* is just something people say to people on bikes and skateboards#or in a location that looks like they know how to do a backflip#I am mad about the bike lanes though#Even if they weren't shit on their own they aren't even connected to each other#They take up space on the road and for what#One is just painted lines and cars regularly drive with a wheel over the line#And the other road has barriers protecting the bike lanes but the bike lanes are like two times to wide?#You don't need two lanes for bikes on this road#You go one street to the right and you have a more scenic route with a nice wide sidewalk#You go one street to the left and you're actually downtown where all the stores and destinations are#Meanwhile I don't even drive on this particular road anymore since they still allow parking on the side that doesn't have a bike lane#And the street feels so fukin narrow now#'We need to slow down traffic in [this city]' our mayor has apparently said#To that I say shut the fuck up#I know capitalism bad but if you want to tax businesses you have to have businesses#And lately all of them have been going over the boarder to the newer city two miles away#I remember when we used to have corner stores now they're all gone to a new residential district#I also know car bad but people with cars are the ones spending money to tax#Idk sorry this was suppose to be a positive post#I think I've already noticed I'm stronger#I didn't have to stop specifically to push off for momentum at all coming home today#And my leg hasn't shaken while coasting last night or today#I am still panting like a dog and finding intersections newly confusing since I know I'm supposed to stop at stop signs#But cars don't seem to know that and wait for me even though they stopped first and are scarier#I also understand now the stereotype that bikers are pretentious assholes who ignore traffic directions because momentum is everything#I ain't coming to a full stop when I can see from a distance that there aren't any cars coming#Also I don't know if the rules are different when I'm on the sidewalk or the road I should probably look up specifics#Ups and downs to this I guess
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thethingything · 1 year
we've just had one of the weird as fuck panic attacks we used to get as a teenager that feel really different to the ones we normally get now, but I don't think we've had one like this since maybe early 2016 so I have no idea what to make of us having one again now
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visdiefje · 1 year
it is VERY hard to figure out how I feel about apartments I visit when my initial thoughts after doing any visit are oughhhhhough I feel Bad (because it's a new thing) (has only ever lived in two houses) (and never away from my family)
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So not only is Miyao the loving Battler to Jayden's wasteful Beatrice, but Jayden is also the searching Battler to Meow's hidden heart Beatrice. These three's relationships with each other is becoming more and more complicated by the minute.
Also Meow being happy enough to cry because Jayden noticed her was really sweet. She probably doesn't get to do anything considering Miyao taking the lead as the "main" personality. Meow doesn't get to form any actual human connections, she can only peek in every now and again. The fact that Jayden recognized her efforts is probably something she's been dreaming of for years.
While Miyao was specifically designed to be a murder program with human emotions, we don't know exactly how Meow was created, or even if she's artificial at all. Miyao could have very well been implanted into Meow's body and took over as the main body, imprisoning Meow in her own head with nothing to do.
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sistermadlys · 9 months
i watched lost in translation and that movie permanently altered my brain chemistry because why am i living a low-budget bangkok version of this movie as we speak. like no one told me that sofia coppola made a movie about my life.
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