#i don't think i have any active followers so tagging for spoilers feels kind of
scarlettcryptid · 1 year
i know there’s some issues but i feel like the people who complain specifically about the villain trio and redemption are lacking reading comprehension since these topics/themes of corruption and hero society’s failings have been a part of the story since the beginning. they’re completely missing the point. what does it mean to be a hero? sure as heck not mercilessly killing villains, even if they are guilty of murder. 
i always found uraraka’s “who saves the heroes?” thing interesting because this series has shown the ugly and the good sides of heroes and villains, right? and then the togachako events of the 290s was frustrating to see because of uraraka’s response, but it still felt like there was still more that needed to happen for her to truly understand. the things toga was saying before she hopped off of gigantomachia made it feel like it would also swing in the other direction, a direction where villains could be seen in a human way.
ALSO do the people complaining not realize that the villain trio were literally affected by the quirk singularity. lmao?
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actual-changeling · 1 year
(please do not send any asks with fundraiser links)
Hi, you can call me Alex or whatever variation of my username you'd like. <3
I'm in my early twenties, use mainly they/them pronouns, and there is a lot wrong with my brain (both affectionately and in a decidedly not fun way). I have memory issues, so I can and will forget things, including replying to messages. You are ALWAYS invited to send me a reminder—please, please do, I will not be offended, pinky promise.
This blog is 90% fandom, 5% personal shit and 5% misc posts that I like. My inbox and DMs are open, so feel free to message me and interact however you like! If there's something you want me to see, I don't mind getting tagged in posts either.
Please don't be an asshole, and you can find my opinions/rules about discourse on my blog right here. I'm incredibly bad at judging my own tone, so if I come across as overly intense or upset, chances are I am actually not—I'm just passionate about the things I enjoy.
Mulder and Scully have taken over my brain and body, and I don't think they will leave me alone ever again.
I will be tagging spoilers for any newly released shows and episodes. If there is something you would like me to tag spoilers for, just shoot me an ask or dm!
Currently following and tagging for:
The X Files: alex watches x files
Doctor Who: alex watches doctor who, dw spoilers
(PJO The Series: pjo spoilers) show is on hiatus
The Magnus Protocols: alex listens to tmagp, tmagp spoilers
I write fanfiction both here on tumblr and on ao3 under actualchangeling. Requests or ideas are fine, though I cannot make any promises.
Wanna chat with other people about good omens? I have a discord you can join, mostly angelfish focused but we talk about all our beloved idiots.
My other misc current active special interests are Doctor Who and Good Omens, but I dabble in a lot of other fandoms, too. Among those are Marvel/Iron Man, Lucifer, TLOU, The Magnus Archives, Welcome to Night Vale, Prospect (2018), and many more.
My tag system for original posts applies to all fandoms I am currently actively engaging with and follows the same patterns. I tag spoilers when I remember to for about a week, so consider this blog to be very much NOT spoiler free.
alex talks x -> meta, analysis, interpretation, or opinion posts
alex writes x -> either self-promotion or tumblr specific ficlets, without any fandom addition it's original writing of some kind
Any personal posts that are not fandom related are tagged as following; feel free to block them if you're just here for the fandom madness!! I really do not mind.
alex yells at the void -> misc personal stuff
alex gets personal -> potentially triggering discussions of my trauma or mental health, vent posts
Last but not least, the tag for my queue is I’ll follow queue anywhere you go. It's a TLOU reference for those who are curious.
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half-blood-community · 4 months
Hot Take Discussions
Hi demigod and half-blood homies! It's Praetor Rose here with Hot Take Discussions, where every Wednesday a new Riordanverse Hot Topic will be released. Give your thoughts in the comments or through reblogs!
Just because this is your PJO opinions doesn't mean there aren't any rules, even Chiron has his limits. You will be expected to abide said rules at all times.
Keep it kind. These topics don't have objectively correct answers, and the people who oppose your opinion likely can't be budged on theirs, but you can explain to them why you think yours is the best. Personal attacks and aggressive behavior towards your fellow demigods will not be tolerated. If you feel like you're being targeted by unkind behavior, please Iris Message the moderators by tagging @half-blood-community
No racism/misogyny/homophobia/ableism/etc. will be tolerated. This falls under the umbrella of "keep it kind," but is worth reiterating. None of the debate topics are related to human rights issues per se, but some may be perceived as adjacent to these issues, so it's important to keep things respectful. Therefore, responses such as "I don't like Character A because they are LGBT-identifying" or "I don't like Actor B playing Character C because that's not how they look in the books" are unacceptable, as they do not facilitate a safe space for debate. The Riordanverse is a place that was made to represent and empower those belonging to minority groups, not to put them down. Remember, someone's identity is never debatable!
Explain your opinions! You're not being graded on this, but it's helpful to everyone if you explain why your answer is what it is. That way, it leaves an open-ended space for someone to reply to you. For example, if the debate topic asks, "Is The Lightning Thief a good book?" don't just say "yes." Tell us why you think it's a good book!
Give spoiler alerts. By this point, everyone knows who the lightning thief is, but not everyone has gotten to read the newest Riordanverse books, so if you think your response includes a major spoiler, it might be best to start with "Chalice of the Gods spoilers ahead!"
Dead debates may be awoken with Happy Meals. Any and all past debates are still considered "active" so if you didn't have anything to say about a topic from a while ago, but you do now, or if you're new around here, feel free to start it up again! We'd love to hear from you!
Iris Message the moderators if you need any support. If you feel like the debate is getting out of hand or becoming too aggressive, send an Iris Message to the moderators by tagging @half-blood-community and one of us will be there to de-escalate and/or offer support.
Oh, Fleecy, do us a solid. Please follow our PJO community, or reblog this post. Trust us, you won't want to miss out on any of the topics. Maybe the first one won't spark your interest, but that doesn't mean future ones won't! We also appreciate any likes you might be willing to give; numbers boost our views.
Yes, and... Afraid of confrontation? Maybe you're not ready to directly disagree with someone just yet, but did you know that agreeing with someone is always a viable option in a debate? Let's say someone says, "Yes, The Lightning Thief is a great book because it has the original trio in it" and you agree with that statement. What you can do is expand upon that idea by replying to that person. Say something along the lines of "I agree with you because it has platonic Percabeth and I love the way their friendship develops. My favorite part is when..." Bam. You just participated.
Respond to someone! Get the conversation started by responding directly to someone else's comment instead of just shouting into a void. Remember, you can agree or disagree with that person!
Don't be afraid to ask follow-up questions! Maybe someone responded to the prompt with "I don't like The Lightning Thief because I don't like Grover." That's a hot take. Ask them why they don't like Grover, and explain why you do.
Break the ice! So, you're early. Nobody has responded to the prompt yet. Maybe everyone else is just as nervous as you are, but you have the power here to steer the conversation in whatever direction you want! To reference our ongoing example, now you can explain what you did or didn't like about The Lightning Thief. Want to talk about how much you like Grover? Want to talk about how Procrustes is actually a good character and how much you love waterbeds? The floor is yours!
Start a new thread. Okay, so maybe the first person who replied wants to talk about Crusty and how awesome his waterbeds are, and that's just not your cup of tea. Maybe you're really excited to talk about Nancy Bobofit and how she was robbed of the chance to develop as a character. Start a new comment thread and invite people to reply!
Tag your friends! Maybe the conversation is really dry and a tumbleweed just flew across the comment section, but you know someone who would really love to talk about Crusty and his waterbeds with you. Let them know you're thinking of them by tagging them!
Play devil's advocate. Maybe the debate isn't really a debate, and it's just a bunch of people shouting into a void about how great The Lightning Thief is. You're craving a little spice. Sure, you might agree with them, but if you really want to see some debate, think of what a naysayer might say. Try commenting something like, "While I agree with the majority's opinion, it might be interesting to consider that someone might not like the expository nature of the book" or "I saw someone on Tumblr say they didn't like The Lightning Thief because they hate waterbeds. What do you guys think about that?"
if you have any Hot Topics you'd like us to cover give us a message! We'd love to hear it!
Here's a link to the most recent Hot Topic Discussion: https://www.tumblr.com/half-blood-community/750579837794648064/hot-topic-discussions-may-15th-2024?source=share
Tumblr media
MAIN POST: https://www.tumblr.com/half-blood-community/750311211309088768/hi-half-blood-homies-this-is-your-online-demigod?source=share
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aux-barricades · 2 years
Tips for Les Mis Daily readers who want to avoid spoilers
Are you planning to read Les misérables in 2023? That's awesomet! As someone who has been in the Les Mis fandom for several years and had a blast in 2022 during Dracula Daily, I'm looking forward to joining Les Mis Letters and seeing how all the new people react to things old fans are already accustomed to.
But a word of warning: the Les Mis fandom is huge and active, so if you come to Tumblr for your daily memes, it will probably be a challenge to avoid spoilers.
That's why I've decided to share some advice based on my Tumblr experience in this fandom. This may not be enough to avoid all the potential spoilers if you're here very often, but I hope it will at least help you dodge a good amount of them.
This post is for you if:
You've never read Les misérables.
You haven't seen the musical or any other adaptation (or you have but it was so long ago that you hardly remember anything or you have but you aren't sure how accurate the adaptations are, so whatever happens in the book will come as a surprise).
You will be checking Tumblr while taking part in Les Mis Daily.
You don't like spoilers.
Mute the "les mis spoilers", "les miz spoilers" and "les miserables spoilers" tags. This one is obvious, but it won't be enough, so please keep reading.
Mute the "les mis", "les miz" and "les miserables" tags. Les Mis fans regularly use them to post pics, fanart, fanfics, metas and all kind of spoiler content and they don't tag them as spoilers because it's just regular posting for them.
Don't follow Les Mis blogs that aren't joining Les Mis Daily unless they commit to tag spoilers during this event.
Avoid musical blogs in general, since they usually share pics that may or may not contain book spoilers.
Don't scroll down or search the archive of old Les Mis or musical blogs. Some of them (such as mine) will be spoiler-free or tag the spoilers during this event, but if you scroll down enough you'll inevitably find content you'd rather not see yet.
Don't check any character's tags. Again, people who aren't joining Les Mis Daily will be posting about them and you'll come across spoilers more likely than not.
Try to stick to the "les mis daily", "les mis letters" or other event-specific tags. That's where people will be posting the day-to-day memes, metas and stuff anyway, so those tags will be your safest place to find people who are reading the book at your same pace.
Be especially careful from the 1st to the 7th June. The fandom goes wild during that week, especially on the 5th and 6th June. Mute the "barricade day", "barricade days" and "barricade week" tags. Don't worry, you'll only have to wait a few months to know why and then you can always check the tags later.
That's all I can think of for now, but I'll update this post if something else comes to mind (and if any Les Mis fan happen to read this, feel free to add your advice!).
And don't worry if you end up seeing spoilers! One day I'll tell you how I spoiled myself with an internet search I was too curious to delay... but the thing is, even though I was sad to find out something I would have preferred to read in the book at the right time, it didn't really take away from the effect when I actually reached that point. Les misérables is a huge book (fans call it "the brick") and even if you come across some major spoiler, there'll still have hundreds of pages you know nothing about.
Good luck and see you in the Les Mis Daily tag! 😄
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grief-worn · 3 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫.
my name is addi! they/them please. i'm 25+ yrs of age. est timezone.
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬.
i do not want minors following or interacting please.
i write multi-para, one-liners, shitposts, whatever!
will only write with mutuals, but anyone is welcome to send asks.
personal or non-roleplay blogs are welcome to follow! but i will only follow back blogs i wish to write with.
i am crossover friendly and oc friendly. i will probably only write with crossovers that make sense with my character. (ie; other fantasy settings)
i don't have any problems interacting with duplicates! i would love to follow and chat with other sharts, but will respect your boundaries if you wish to avoid writing with a duplicate!
activity might be inconsistent! if we have a thread together i make it a point to reply often, but life might get busy :)
i am willing to write nsfw (gore, smut, etc) and will tag any content as such. if i need to add a tag for anyone please let me know!
if you've noticed i've unfollowed or you're randomly unfollowed it's 100% a glitch. i will hard-block if i no longer wish to interact!
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲.
i love plotting and will happily brainstorm an idea before we commit to any roleplay. but i can also improvise! tossing me a curve ball every now and then is lots of fun, too!
i am a hopeless romantic and adore shipping but i won't do so without chemistry and proper context between our characters. that being said, platonic relationships are incredibly fun to explore. (or antagonistic relationships!) i am willing to do all sorts of writing. let's have fun! :)
this character is set in the baldur's gate universe and story and thus will include lore and context specific to that series. i'm willing to write any number of timelines or plots related or unrelated to the main events of baldur's gate 3. (unfortunately i am sorely lacking in knowledge of the other games)
i do write on discord :) it will be available to people i end up consistently writing with.
boundaries are important! you are free to block or stop writing with me for any reason, but if there's something we can possibly discuss and work out then please just let me know :) i'm very open to communication over anything, nothing is too big or too small.
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫.
my portrayal of shadowheart will be a mix of fanon and canon interpretations. i wish to remain faithful to her character as seen in the game, but i may take small liberties with some details here and there.
i primarily write original characters, so writing a canon character is a bit out of my wheelhouse! i request a bit of patience as i navigate her portrayal!
i am OPEN to writing any number of shadowheart paths. dark justiciar, redeemed selunite, maybe something different. i'm super open-minded to plotting of any kind, just hmu!
i'm not sure if this needs to be added, but i'm not at all protective over any headcanons i have. if you see one you like and want to yoink it for your own uses, feel free.
i will not be tagging any story spoilers related to shadowheart or the game. please keep that in mind when interacting!
will add more rules as i think of them! thank you for reading.
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dcstinyscdgc · 4 months
Tumblr media
This is a multifandom, multimuse, and multiverse blog. It is also selective, mutuals only, but please message if you are a sideblog so I can follow you appropriately! This blog is also not spoiler-free, the only time I may be tagging spoilers if it's an episode by episode release of a currently airing show, so if this is a problem, this is not the place for you.
General roleplay rules apply here: don't godmod, don't steal and claim something as your own, don't be an asshole, please come directly to me if there is something I need to correct so I can fix the problem as soon as possible. Triggers will be tagged appropriately; my own trigger is excessively graphic gore. Personals, please don't interact with any of my content. Minors, please go hang out with others your age as entering the adult space at a young age isn't as fun as you think it is.
Those who are strictly unwelcome here: racists of any kind, people who think pansexually is biphobic, xenophobes, zionists, and antisemites.
Crossovers and OCs are my life blood, and are 100% welcome here! Even if I'm unfamiliar with the fandom, universe, or culture, please tell me all the details so we can get creative and mesh together the universes as roleplaying is a collaborative hobby meant to be shared and enjoyed. Please be patient with me when I ask questions or become confused, I'm doing my best and am just trying to understand.
Plotting of some kind is preferred when interacting, it doesn't need to be extensive but I may pop into your DMs to help get a feel or idea for memes or starters I owe you from time to time. This is just how I operate, if you have something you prefer, we can find what works for both of us. Also when it comes to interactions, as I have a lot of muses and that can become overwhelming, when you can please tell me who you want or otherwise I'll randomize.
I reserve the right to drop threads at any time. This does not mean I don't want to write with you, there is plenty of other reasons why a thread might be dropped. And I'm always open to having multipe threads at one time, I encourage it, it allows us to have a range of muse combinations and plot bunnies.
When it comes to shipping, I adore all forms of shipping. In cases of romantic and or sexual, I do ship based off chemistry. Even if that chemistry is the two of us thinking x character fits well with y character and making barbies kiss. If you think two (or more characters) work together well or you want to experiment with something, you are more than welcome to throw suggestions at me.
I'm Lins (26, she/her, central standard time), this blog will be low activity blog, however you can almost always find me if we're mutuals on discord. That is my primary form of contact over Tumblr IMs, but I will use those if that's what's comfortable for you. I'm neurodivergent, so my spoons and attention span are sometimes all over the place when I am online.
Many of the graphics on this blog have been made by the loml, @roscvcins, an absolute doll and I love her and what she makes so much.
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solavelyan · 1 year
It's a Dragon Age sideblog! My main blog is @bogunicorn, and I go by Bog (or any type of nickname you can wring out of "bog unicorn"). If you're looking for more info about me as a person, that'll all be over on my main.
This blog and my main are both 18+. Please do not follow me if you're under 18. I don't keep close track of my followers, but I do check out blogs that follow me because of the spambots, and I block minors on sight.
eta oct 2023: given The Bullshit happening at bioware following their mass layoffs and their leveraging of the next game against former employees' requests for proper severance pay, please assume that none of my posts or words are an implicit or explicit endorsement of the company itself. i mean, they already weren't, i just want you to imagine that all of my reblogs have an invisible "EA/BW execs fall off a cliff challenge" tacked onto them.
regarding the veilguard.
Yeah yeah yeah, who ever had "Bog sees one (1) trailer with Solas's face in it and rethinks their Veilguard policy on this blog" on their bingo card is one square closer to a line, okay? So, there will be SOME Veilguard posting here. However, I am personally sticking to looking at official sources only for my Veilguard info, or people or blogs directly quoting official sources. I will not be seeking our nor acknowledging any leaks, and will be generally avoiding any in-depth speculation or theories or whatnot, even ones that come from Veilguard promo. All of my Veilguard posts (including images of Solas or Varric that are from anytime after The Missing) will be tagged #datv, and anything I think might contain any kind of spoilers will be tagged #datv spoilers. It's mostly just gifs, shitposts, and pretty fanart of the new companions and stuff. For my own sake, I'm really making an effort not to pre-plan my new character or romance or speculate on what specifically the Inquisitor has been doing, and am doing my best to go in with a very open mind while still being excited, and I've found that sticking to what's officially shared in promotional material is about the speed I want to go here. My "no DA4 chatter" policy for this blog was because too much intense speculation and headcanoning and Fandom Anxiety (you know what I mean) gives me a lot of anxiety. I always also hesitant to engage with it too publicly out of respect for the laid-off developers and not wanting to be supportive of Bioware. However, as Mary Kirby herself feels comfortable getting ~hype~ for this game even with all of the context around it, I'm not going to be precious and defensive on their behalf about the whole thing and letting myself be excited. I'm very consistent with my tags, especially game-specific and spoilery ones, so this blog is still a safe spot for anyone who wants to go in 100% blind.
Still might blacklist the fandom entirely when the game launches if people are annoying, though.
what to expect here.
Gifsets, fanart, jokey jokes, and sometimes (reblogged) meta posts.
My own Dragon Age thoughts, feelings, theories, random whatevers. My original posts of all kinds are tagged #bog post.
A general positivity toward queer shit, weird shit, horny shit, and kinky shit.
My fanfic and my OCs. I don't post fic too often, at least not in the last few months, but I have a ton of OCs (roster TBA). I write notes and profiles and little ideas for them as a hobby even when I'm not actively writing fic. Anything relating to my own writing will be tagged #bogfic, anything involving my characters tagged #my ocs and then #character name (oc).
Generally, I'm a multishipper at heart and can find something to love about any given ship, PC choice, character, or type of storyline. Chances are if I'm spending my time talking about something or speculating on it, it's because I'm having fun or enjoying myself.
Commentary on fandom trends and behaviors (and, sometimes, common sense reminders not to be a dick to each other about fake stuff).
To get blocked if you put rude or annoying shit in my mentions, including using any of my posts to character bash or otherwise go off-topic in order to air your personal grievances underneath my stuff. I don't care if you don't like Solas, or if you have strong opinions about Anders vs. Fenris, or if you think "supporting" the mages/Templars/Chantry is good/bad, or if you feel like your personal favorite character/PC option/romance isn't represented by my posts and you feel your specific criticism is the exception. Do not cite the deep magic to me, witch, I was there when it was written (like 8+ years and two US presidents ago). Mind your manners and blacklist or scroll if you need to.
what not to expect.
Untagged Veilguard spoilers, or in-depth Veilguard speculation or guesses. All my Veilguard posts with potential spoilers will be tagged #datv spoilers or #veilguard spoilers, since the latter seems to be what people are using across multiple sites now.
Consistent character bashing or character hate. I simply do not spend a majority of my online time thinking about stuff I hate.
Anonymous asks. Anon is always turned off, both here, on my main, and on my AO3.
Real world politics and news, or general (as in, not-DA-specific) Disk Horse. Honestly, probably not even that much Dragon Age Discourse, either.
Equating in-game choices or fandom opinions with real life politics and morality. I don't "support" any group in Thedas because Thedas is fake. My politics and activism are for real people, not Wizard Politics or whatever.
Egg or cheese jokes.
the tag system (tm).
#timeless posts - Anything reblogged from the depths of @bogunicorn in the last 10 years. Usually queued.
#bog post - Any and all of my original posts.
#bogfic - Anything involving my writing or my OCs.
#my ocs - My OCs. Often accompanied by #[character name] (oc).
#spicy bog - Ye olde horny tag.
#bogcrit, #[character name] critical, #dragon age critical, #[game] critical, #fandom bs - These are my Complaining Tags. If you never want to see anything truly critical or negative, just blacklist #bogcrit. If you want to avoid grousing or critique of a specific character, the games in general, individual games, or the fandom itself, blacklist whatever listed tag is relevant to you.
#fic, #art - Fanfic and fanart that I didn't make.
#meta - Meta or speculation posts.
#da au - Any kind of alternate universe post.
#ask meme - Blanket tag for any put-it-in-the-tags posts, as well as actual ask memes.
Characters are tagged by their full names. Origins and Inquisition PCs are tagged #the warden or #the inquisitor, as well as by surname. Hawke is always just #hawke. I don't specify gender in my character tags, this system is already complicated enough.
Ships are tagged #[character] x [character] in alphabetical order, with the PCs just using their surnames. I also use the more portmanteaus (like Solavellan, Fenhawke, Adoribull, etc) because that's what people are inclined to click/search, but I would still slap "lavellan x solas" on a Solavellan post just for consistency.
complain to my manager
send me an ask
read my fic
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joeys-piano · 1 year
Trope Game
Tagged by my good man, @voxofthevoid. Who, in my egregious opinion, is the king for tropes I likely will never write for. I shall tag, if they humble accept, the following individuals: @somuchanemoia, @feu-eau, @bowties-are-cool3000, @fandomgirl394, @astralalmighty, @rebrandedbard, @flowercrown-bard, and any others!
Rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic?
-10 -> very dissuaded
0 -> don’t care either way
10 ->  very enticed
nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged.
Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional.
Spoiler alert: I'm neutral with a lot of the tropes presented in this game because I strongly believe that the strength of the writer is often more important than the tropes they're using to tell the story. If I can feel the writer's confidence and I vibe with what they're giving to me in the summary, hell yeah I'll click and read on it. Tropes are nice to haves; they are not the be-all and end-all of a story and they don't compensate for what I identify as weak writing.
Age gap   0/10
If it's there, it's there. That's all there is to it. It's not a selling point nor is it anything I actively look for. I think it's a funny coincidence that some of my favorite pairings have had vocal hatred from certain pockets of the internet because "age gaps" -- the phrase -- is thrown so vehemently that the words themselves sound like a dog whistle for a specific type of person who is not only immature, but who seemingly doesn't understand that the internet and is what you make of it through what you show yourself. And if something honestly bothers you and it doesn't hurt anybody IRL, you can just fuck off and enjoy the things you like instead of pulling shit out for something other people enjoy and think that an "age gap" is some sort of valid argument.
Codependency   0/10
Depends on the strength of the writer. Like with age gaps, if it's there it's there. I don't actively seek it out and nor is it a selling point for me.
Enemies to lovers   0/10
If it's there, it's there. This would also depend on the strength of the writer, too and what type of introspection is going into the work. Because I'm more interested in the realization and what the characters are going to do about it. And if I can vibe with what the writer is doing, cool. But again, it's not a selling point for me and I don't actively seek this one out.
Enemies with benefits   0/10
I'm starting to get the trend that I'm a really nonchalant reader who sticks around if I vibe with the writer's direction and strengths. I would have to see the accompanying tags to determine if this is something I want to read, and well -- the summary, too. But the tag, on its own, doesn't sway me either way.
Fake dating/relationship   0/10
Depends on the strength of the writer. I don't often read these kind of stories, mostly because the summaries I've seen for these kind of stories doesn't draw me in. Not the tag, itself. So if I see a strong writer doing something in this space, I'll check it out.
Found family   -5/10
It doesn't interest me. I'll still check it out if I look at the summary and am intrigued with the writer's direction/writing style/writing strength. But other than that, I have no real interest for this trope. I prefer it being in the background than as the main focus of the work. I think if personally, I identified with found family in my own life, my answer would be vastly different. But in this current reality, I don't. I can appreciate and respect that it provides a welcoming space for areas in the queer community who often can't be heard in the crowd. And that it gives a space for those writers to come in with their own flavor and build into the fandom jungle.
Friends to lovers   7/10
More often than not, when I'm writing a shippy fic or am itching to read one, this is on my mind. I don't actively seek out this tag because this concept can show up in pretty much any kind of story in some way that just clicks as to why the characters involved have such good chemistry with each other. I have a soft spot for this one, explicitly defined or not.
Friends with benefits   0/10
If it's there, it's there. I'm not actively seeking it out and nor is it a selling point. But if I think the story has a stronger writer who knows what they're doing, I'll give it a chance.
Hurt/comfort   8/10
You must be mistaken. I don't seek it out. Rather, it seeks for me. I'm particularly picky about how this trope is handled, so your summary and opening have got to be strong in my mind or I'll be backspacing sooner than later to preserve time for a story I'll like.
Love triangle   nope/10
Hell no.
Mistaken/hidden identity   9/10
Oof. It's not a tag I seek out, but when I see these pop up on AO3 and there is a strong writer handling the reins, how could I pass it up? The shit slaps, peep.
Monster fu… relationship   9/10
Yes, I'm a monsterfucker. Next question. But if you sprinkle cannibalism on top of that, I'll shove my schedule into the dirt to make time to read this thoroughly.
Obsession, possessiveness, etc   -3/10
This is the interesting case of it's fun to write, but not so fun to read. Because it heavily depends on the writer. And frankly, I've read things I don't vibe with that I've resorted to writing my own stuff because I know what my taste is.
Opposites (like grumpy×sunshine, etc)    0/10
Depends on the characters, honestly. If I don't care for the characters, I ain't here for it.
Poly   3/10
I like ships. I like ships with Character A with Character B, and C, and D, etc... And if they can all be in a big loving thing, that's great. It grabs my attention because it's not that hard to find on AO3 when you see all the relationship tags. It greatly depends on the writer if it'll be enjoyable to read.
pregnancy   0/10
If it's there, it's there. I'll backspace when I stop vibing with things.
Second chance   0/10
Depends very heavily on the writer and what the plot is. Because it can get nasty (backspace nasty) real quick.
Sex to feelings   10/10
Gets my seal of approval. There's introspection, vulnerability, the emotional intimacy, and it's just - it's such a nice package. Doesn't matter if it's angst-ridden or so fluffy it makes you have cavities. Oh, such a delight.
Slowburn   -7/10
Bruh, unless the plot is really that good and the writer is baller, I ain't got time to just sit there and wait 50,000 words before something happens. Nah, I've got limited energy as is. I'll just skip on along to established relationship or something to get my fix going.
Soulmates   fuck no/10
You have to be a very strong writer with a very strong plot to get me to sit down and actually read this kind of thing. And I can only name one writer who's broken through this strong wall I have against this trope.
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wclking-fire · 1 year
Tumblr media
This is a side blog to my main which is: @stxrving-scientist [Don't Starve]
I am new to the Trigun fandom, I have only seen the 2023 anime and I have fallen in love with this blonde cinnamon roll and now I am going to rp him.
I am just having fun with him and I may put my own twist on how I interpret him. I honestly just want to create a chill environment and have fun with this wet dog of a man.
There will be spoilers to the anime, so if you have not seen the series please be warned.
I usually come and say hi after a follow.
If you are a little nervous with interacting/talking to me, please feel free to browse the; -𝗈𝗉𝖾𝗇 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗂𝗇𝗍𝖾𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇- tag. They can be replied to by moots and non-moots.
This blog is going to double as an ask blog. Personal blogs can ask questions and follow if you wish just don't reblog any threads I have.
If you are a personal and are a bit unsure of what you can and can not reblog just ask. I won't be mad. I normally tag stuff 'okie to reblog'. I just want everyone to be happy and have fun on this blog.
This blog is 18+ because of the themes that will be present.
This blog is going to be semi-active. Sometimes I have massive burst of muse and will sometimes somewhat spam replies and banter. Then I disappear from this blog. Please know this is just me. I come and go every now and again.
Sometimes I just get forgetful or distracted by other things and I may be a bit slow with replies.
Saying this don't be scared to ask about replies after a week because chances are muse is just a bit low.
Shipping is more than welcome here, if you want that of course. It is never a must. If you want to explore every kind of dynamic, I am always down for that.
This blog is multi-verse and multi-ship.
Pre-established relationships are okay with me.
I support both oc x canon and canon x canon ships.
This blog is oc and canon friendly.
I am also duplicate friendly.
Please tell me about your original characters. I want to know everything about them.
This blog is au and crossover friendly.
If you want a spicy thread with Vash I am totally okay with that too, please know that I would prefer a bit of chemistry before hand.
On that note if there is any spicy writing on sunday I will make sure to tag it: 'lemon tw' and it will be placed beneath a 'read under'.
If there is spicy Sunday musings and aesthetics it will be tagged: 'suggestive tw'
Sunday is for the spicy threads, they will be more prioritised.
Triggers will be tagged: '????? tw'
If you need something tagged just say; 'hey bunny this makes me uncomfortable can you please tag this such and such'.
I am going to be a bit selective and private with this blog.
I don't mind if you reblog psa's or memes from me, just do not reblog things that say '/do not reblog'. That also goes for aesthetics and musings, feel free to reblog those.
Saying that, don't feel pressured to send anything in. Just do it when you want to.
For writing I tend to lean towards long thread, but I mix and match constantly. You do not have to match my length. I write because I enjoy it.
I think I covered most stuff. Don't be afraid to ask if you need anything. I promise I don't bite.
Icon credit: @crimsonicons [please go and check them out!!!]
Promo credit: stephysource
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bloodshowers · 3 months
temp pinned post.
rina. 26. she / her. okinawan / thai. private, selective, independent blog for cherry valla, warrior of light. this blog is friends only. do not follow me first, unless i have given you the url beforehand. even if we are mutuals on my other blogs! this blog has been remade several times, so i will be trying to re-gather my headcanons and rewrite them as needed, while exploring new lore, with a heavy focus on main / canonverse of final fantasy xiv, and secondary activities in modern / band / league of legends verses.
i am not interested in shipping cherry. i do have npcwolships that i enjoy, and if i do happen to have a friend(s) who write those particular npcs interested in shipping, i'm open to discussing things, but it's not a priority. unless we have a pre-established dynamic or ship that we've already been developing and discussing, i'm not interested! and while i do have a multi-wol friendly au and non-wol au, i'm not super interested in writing plots related to those at this time and would rather focus on cherry as the warrior of light due to this being an incredibly private and low-activity blog.
i am not caught up on dawntrail. i've only done up to the third trial. that being said, if i have any ffxiv mutuals, please tag your dawntrail spoilers. i don't care how you do it, i'll be blacklisting everything i can think of. i will be hardblocking anyone posting untagged spoilers.
if you've been softblocked, it's no hard feelings. i may follow back again in the future once i get comfortable on this blog again. it's simply that xiv + cherry has been kind of ruined for me for some time now, and i'm trying to run low-activity interactions with close friends only. thank you for the patience.
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twxins · 1 year
Mutual comfort between writing partners is very important to me, so here are a few pointers to make sure we’re all on the same page!<3
- This is a side blog. I follow back with @the-wittyfool.
- This blog will contain blog will contain major spoilers for both the Bullet Train book and movie. - This is a multimuse blog for both Lemon and Tangerine. I may use them together or individually. Sometimes, one muse may be used more than the other. If you have a preference, please specify. Otherwise, I'll just go with my gut.
- All kinds of muses are welcome! OC’s, crossovers, whatever. Hmu lovelies!<3
- Multiple threads with the same person are welcome!
- Pretty much game for any genre. Reply lengths from one-liners to paragraphs.
- This is a safe zone for everybody, regardless of race, religion, nationality, sexuality, gender, etc.
- I am not my muse. Mun and Muse are separate people. Please don’t conflate the two.
- Not interested in any kind of online drama. I’m here to have a good time out of love for both writing and the source material. Anyone trying to grill me about my interpretations or opinion on the story/ character, or what I will and won’t do with my muse, will be straight-up ignored, and persistence will meet with a hard block.
- I am multiship friendly.
- I will ship Muse x Chemistry. If we’ve interacted a few times and you’re feeling a spark between our muses, let’s talk!
- I will not ship Lemon x Tangerine. Blood-related or not, they are siblings. Please don't ask me for that, I beg...
- Muses are 25+ unless the verse specifically states otherwise. Mun is 25+.
- If any NSFW threads occur, they will be tagged and posted under a Keep Reading link.
- The above will also apply to particularly heavy/ triggering themes.
- I love me a bit of spicy nsfw! Sexuality is a subject I find very fascinating. From vanilla lovemaking to outlandish kinks, I love exploring what makes that vulnerable, visceral side of a muse tick. And if his partner is on the same page, Tangerine does love to get freaky in the boudoir (which may come as a shock to absolutely no one who knows of him lmao)! - That said, mutual comfort is top priority. I have certain limits on what I can and cannot write, as I'm sure you do, too. Therefore, any particularly kinky NSFW encounters will require pre-discussion<3
- I also ask, with all due respect, that you do not use my characters or writing (and by extension, me) as a way to live out your personal fantasies. I will not write my muse out of character to cater to your irl kinks. I have done far too much of this, and frankly, the feeling it leaves you with isn’t a good one. This is not why I write NSFW. If I or my muse has expressed to you that they are not into a certain thing, don’t insist, don’t try to lowkey push them towards it on the sly - please, please, please. If living out your fantasies is the only reason you want to write/ ship with me, then, with peace and love, I am not the ship partner for you.
- Other than that, bring me your NSFW headcanons and let’s see how our muses mesh! I am a very sex-positive person, so don’t be shy. Go nuts! Literally! 🤪
Triggers: - That leads me neatly onto triggers. The muses on this blog are two hitmen. Safe to say there will be triggers such as death, blood, guns, mild gore, etc. - I tag everything accordingly with trigger tw. If I've missed something, do let me know! Additionally, if you have a specific trigger that isn't currently being tagged, let me know, and I will begin tagging it for you<3
- I am very work-focused and often busy, so activity levels may vary.
- For the sake of my sanity, this blog is currently private and selective. This means it is mutuals only.
- However, if you stumble across this blog and think our muses would vibe, you are MORE than welcome to approach me! Screaming about plots, characters, and headcanons is one of my favourite things.
And the final but most important rule: just have a good time! I’m completely harmless, and it’s important to me that all my partners feel comfortable. So if you have any questions or concerns, just shoot me a message.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read through my rules. Now, with that out of the way, let’s enjoy~!
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floraltempcst · 2 years
floraltempcst / ind. Aerith Gainsborough from FFVII
 promo / lunafreya / komaeda / blog is a wip, please hang in there while we get sorted
Jenny, she/her, 25+. Semi-active. You can't prove I'm not actually three hamsters in a trenchcoat.
Completed Materials in the VII Universe:
   Basics: This blog is mutual only, selective, and not spoiler-free. I don’t typically tag spoilers, either, so please be mindful of this should you choose to follow. Blah blah standard rp etiquette stuff. Let’s not be terrible to one another.     Non-RP Blogs: Are welcome to follow and interact with me, my muse, or any guest muses in the ask box. That said, please don’t reblog posts or threads unless otherwise specified. If you’re ever curious, don’t be scared to ask!     Triggers: If it’s canon, it’ll likely be here at some point. I tag whatever I think to be default, but I will also tag upon request. Tags are formatted: “cw:trigger” so blacklist as needed.     Shipping: I’m always open to discussing all kinds of ships, be they romantic, platonic, familial, or something else altogether. That said: please don’t use me or my muse solely for shipping fodder. I’ve had...experiences, and it’s discouraging to say the least. I’ll usually only ship where I feel there’s potential and chemistry.     Ship Wars: For the love of all that is holy (heh) I have less than no desire to take part in the nightmare that is shipping discourse. I love Aerith, and Tifa, and Cloud, and Zack, and every combination thereof. Genuine, kind, and good-natured discussion is welcome - the uglier stuff that inevitably follows is not. We don't pit brilliant women against one another in this house. NSFW Content: I am well over 18. Adult content is permitted on this blog. However, I will only thread NSFW plots of any kind with muns and muses who are of age, and with whom I feel comfortable. Implied content will be tagged with “#lemon scented’ and more explicit content will be tagged with “#lemon” so please blacklist accordingly. Furthermore, I feel the need to firmly state that absolutely no romantic content will be threaded with muns who are under 18 or with whom I don’t feel comfortable, regardless of their muse.     Crossovers: Are welcome and encouraged!! Provided I know at least a little something about the other fandom and characters, and/or you’re willing to help me up to speed.     Formatting: I have a preferred format for replies, but it isn’t set in stone. If you have accessibility requirements, such as text size, please tell me and I’ll do my best to be accommodating.     Hard Lines: For personal reasons, I will not write any of the following: yandere, cheating, anything in which my muse intentionally mistreats her loved one/s in a way that’s out of character, custody/certain family disputes, explicit depictions of domestic abuse (with precious few exemptions), explicit depictions of animal abuse. Thank you for understanding.     New Interactions: If you’re wanting to interact with me and not sure where to start, the simple solution is just to scream in my DMs, or leave something in my inbox. Seriously, don’t ever feel unwelcome. Likewise, it’s always okay to continue inbox memes into new threads. I typically try to respond to things in a way that leaves room for further replies, so if that’s something you’re curious about, now you know. Once again: interactions are always welcome, even if I can be a little slow to respond. And that's it. I've tried to keep this list fairly brief and easy to follow, but if you have any further questions, I'll be only too happy to answer to the best of my ability.
more rules may be added or current ones altered if required. however, i'll make an announcement if/when such a thing occurs.
0 notes
thesarcasticside · 3 years
He could have been anything. When he looked inside his own mind, he dug through darkness. Memories like ashes, the particles filling his lungs were all that were familiar to him—and those only felt like nothing. No fragments, just a fine powder.
Janus is a cyborg who works for the Dragon Witch, a criminal mastermind who runs a company that designs cybernetics.
He meets Remus, a self-taught biomedical engineer, and a variety of other robotic and alien characters, all of whom are trying to convince him that he is more than just a cybernetic puppet.
But who is “Dee” if not an empty husk created only to be controlled?
General warnings
Psychological horror, body horror, cybernetics, missing limbs, artificial limbs, Non-consensual forced medical treatment, physical abuse, blood, violence, guns, mind control, permanent amnesia, manipulation, emotional abuse, gaslighting, nightmares, streams of consciousness, unreliable narration. Content that resembles depersonalization, derealization, or dissociation
More notes, links, and chapter text under the cut
AO3 Anything, AO3 series, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18
This is my story for the 2021 Storytime! Big Bang! @ts-storytime Thank you to @ben-phantomhive-trash, who is the artist I was partnered with for the event! They created this fantastic art!!!! I love it so much I can't even.
Thank you to PunkRock for helping me figure out the shorts characters and other plot things. Also thank you to AryaSkywalker, Thembo, and Carrotflowerking17 and the Big Bang 2021 discord for additional help!!!!
This fic is an alternative entry point to my (In Other Worlds) Series. This fic happens at the same time roughly as Millennia, a companion novel. You can read this fic and then check out the rest of the series, or check out the series and then read this.
Also, I don't use Janus's actual name throughout the fic for thematic and narrative reasons. You'll see. I hope that does not put you off too much. Consider it part of the angst.
Clarification of general warnings and pairings, minor spoilers
I added the tag unreliable narrator, but I will clarify that the narrator is not actively lying to the audience. This tag relates to Janus's memory issues and the uncertainty resulting from that. tbh I would not worry too much about the events being untrue, and more be concerned about these being Janus's imperfect recollection of events.
I think this fic is a bit more violent than Millennia at times, hence I added the archive warning for violence. I still feel like a teen would be fine reading this, so I am keeping the rating Teen and Up. This fic focuses the most on what I dub psychological horror (angst, mind control, memory issues, consciousness, nightmares, etc.). I also tagged this story with disassociation, and content in this fic may resemble derealization and depersonalization.
If you think I should warn/rate this fic differently, I am happy to hear feedback and reconsider.
I tagged this as Remus/Janus, but like, ya gotta squint. Mostly banter and being soft. I love romance, but I have a hard time writing it. Could be seen as platonic too.
HINT 2: "kind of" not "kinda"
NAME J. D. Dedrick ID 25:35--25:44 / 51:09 ALIENRACE Dūcesnaca OCCUPATION Robotics Researcher
Chapter Warnings cybernetics, missing/artificial limbs (eye, legs), forced medical treatment/experimentation, amnesia, depersonalization/derealization/dissociation, unreliable narration, psychological horror, swearing Chapter Characters Janus, the Dragon Witch, Virgil (not by name)
He could have been anything. When he looked inside his own mind, he dug through darkness. Memories like ashes, the particles filling his lungs were all that were familiar to him—and those only felt like nothing. No fragments, just a fine powder.
He woke up to yellow in his eyes, stinging and unfocused. Lights beyond the veil flickered. He saw a figure move; he looked small. After a brief glance into the world, he began to drown. He threw everything into the yellow encasement, and after an agonizing struggle, the rush of acceleration threw him to the ground.
When the air touched his face, black fireworks exploded in his hazy vision, and the first memory he had was gone.
He woke up again, like a corpse left in the stale air for vultures: beaks plucking out his skin piece by piece. His vision blurry and halved, he stared up at the birds breaking his body into bits.
Reports say he was involved in a huge space crash. DRACANA has generously sponsored his artificiality.
That sounded like a lie. That sort of blatant untruth where there was no connection to reality tied to it. Everything his senses told him felt unreal, everything except the pain that grounded him like a shot duck.
Whispers like gossip broke into his mind between droughts of consciousness. His senses were pieced together and broken apart, like pieces of clay in a kiln shattering. Memories of vultures and lab coats glued together by agony floated through space until eventually he was awake.
Probably just one of her business rivals
Dei’dra—he knew her name—loomed over him, to his right. He could see nothing to his left. The light stung, he squinted and blinked his eye. He could feel nothing on the left side of his face. Dei’dra smiled at him.
“Wake up, dollface. Didn’t think you’d make it, but you pulled through.”
He did not know where he was. He did not know who he was. All he knew was that this woman was Dei’dra, the Dragon Witch, and he hated her.
“Well, he seems to be doing well. Might as well put him under and move onto the next stage.”
He lived out his days creating sand sculptures in his mind. He saw himself running in place, downloading skills and targets and concepts. The sand would blow away each day, leaving him with nothing to remember them by.
Between bouts of black unconsciousness, he saw grey, and white, and pale pink, brown, and blue. Abstract shapes morphing into creatures that prodded at him. Cold metal seething, machines twisting his body together like crochet. He gave nonsense names for some, not even names consisting of words, just pure thoughts.
Slowly, he lost sight of the sand in his brain, yet the grains still dripped from his ears when he shook his head. He became a part of reality. Or perhaps he became part of a hellish dream.
Darkness huddled in the damp sides of his eyes, danger snapping at his bruised joints and soles. Deep inside his chest, his heart damned, words mixed with intuitive instincts, daring his body to live beyond the yellow veil.
Stage One of Project $DEE has been completed.
$DEE was not his name. It was what he was called. One of the words that would echo in his brain. Dee. Dee. Dee. Like a rhythm, like the beeping machines. Like the ringing of the heart monitor. It was embedded in his ears. Baby words jumping around, forming pictures, babbling him into nothing.
Dee, his brain still a desert, started to make better sense of this reality he lived in. He could control his body sometimes. He could move his arms. Or what was left of his limbs. Or what they had lent him.
The second picture in his brain, the one after the yellow veil: it was the artificial lights on Lab C’s ceiling. Grey illuminated by white, he stared up at the square tiles and textured glass, like undulating waves of melted sand.
With how long he was locked in place staring up at this picture, he memorized it. He could close his eyes at any moment and picture it in its exact detail again.
“Time to get up, Doll-face. It’s time for your first mission.”
He saw Dei’dra’s face again. He felt his restraints loosen and break away.
His first mission was not all that glorious. He was lanky, unused to moving in his body. He was a wall of meat. Disposable. He followed a trail like a zombie. He barely spoke to the team he was placed in. He remembered their orders regarding him.
“He’s still pretty out of it. Give him some good experience, but we’d like to keep working on him so bring him back in one piece.”
Dee felt like a puppet, simply put. Some machine inside him aimed his cannons and lasers. He stood in place, shooting at targets. He was guided by an invisible leash by the team he was assigned to. He saw sepia shapes. Blurs of bodies. All he could feel was the emotions in his gut telling him, repeatedly:
He was kept suspended in place while his body completed the mission. And then he was back in Lab C, mind clearer.
He was thinking in sentences now. He could monologue, like any great villain. That is what he had become, hadn’t he? Why a villain? Where had he learned that word? The more he sifted through the sand, the more words he could find he no longer remembered learning. They were just there, connected to nothing. No memory. No past life.
He kept thinking these words. And then he decided that since his jaw was not glued shut, he would give speaking a try. Garbled and slurred at first, he kept talking as much as they let him.
They made him run between ceilings of grey. They made him speak between illuminated square tiles. He practiced lines of a script. Subterfuge settled in his brain like a mirage in the distance between the settled sand.
He could walk on the unsteady ground once again. He could see. He could hear. He could experience the world around him. He gazed up at the ceiling but was interrupted by a splotch of dark violet.
Another blot. Another vulture. He stood there out of the corner of his artificial eye.
“What are you waiting for? Get on with the tests.” His voice sharp, cutting through his tongue.
This was an unusual time of day for tests. To say it was a time of day was generous. It was more like he would be experimented on for hours upon hours and then suddenly they would stop. Nothing to do but bask in the nothingness it brought.
At this point, Dee thought that he was done with most of the tests. He had his limbs. He had an eye, which he opened wider to get a better look at the violet blotch. Something about the blotch was connected to something else in his brain, but he could not quite place it.
“Well, whatever it is, get on with it, it certainly could not have waited until morning.”
It shuffled closer to him. Less of a blotch now. He could make out shapes. He could recognize his face now if he saw him again.
Air escaped his lungs, and then he said again, asking, “Whatever might you need from me today, doctor?”
The blotch was shaking. “If you are just here to sight-see, I am going back to sleep.” His eyes weighed heavily on his face, eyelids falling through his willpower.
“Are you… okay?”
No, I am not ‘okay’. I am ‘$DEE.’
“Do I LOOK okay? Yeah sure, I am right as rain, having a grand old time—feeling peachy, even.” At this point, the words just spiraled off his tongue and through his teeth. The blotch made a sound, and Dee’s frustration grew, the pain of today’s tests ricocheting in his body.
“If you aren’t here to run another one of your little tests, then just get out. Go tell your superior, or better yet, go tell Dei’dra to go fuck herself and leave me alone.”
And he left him alone. He wondered vaguely what that was all about. He then fell asleep.
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call-me-rucy · 3 years
HALLO ! (this is two-nipples-maybe-more, just on my hardly used main blog) sorry if i poke my head through your inbox, but i was wondering if you knew of any gif-maker in the fandom who made gifsets of the animated clips in the games? i tried searching through the fandom tags but came out with nothing but spoilers for the later series, so i thought I'd ask here since you've been super kind to me since i started liveblogging! ok, thank you for your time, have a wonderful day!
Hi! Thanks for the ask! Your live blogging has cheered me up a lot these days!
I don't think there's an active gif-maker as of now? Dear followers of mine, feel free to prove me wrong!!
The good thing about the games being old is that there's always fans from 5, 10 years ago who left us good things. Here's what i found :D
I hope these help, Idk if you want any scene in specific, I can search for it.
The bad thing of the game being old is that we dont always bother to tag the spoilers... sorry! >.<
Anyways, should you ever need anything from the main tags where you risk spoilers, feel free to send me an ask or even a private message; if it's Layton I'd be delighted to search or answer anything :D Seriously, it costs me nothing, I sleep better at night knowing you are safe from spoilers ^^
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mallowstep · 3 years
You mentioned that in your Seer Au sometimes the wrong kit is chosen. When it is figured out they aren't supposed to be a seer how does that discussion play out? "You aren't good enough? Starclan doesn't want you?" Or would they be relieved they don't have to leave? On that note, has there ever been a warrior apprentice that was found out to be the real seer kit later on? Being told you can't fight or have kits after all would be rough.
hello anon!
i can't remember where but i know i talked about this, or something similar before, and that's somewhere in the stolag tag.
but to answer your question:
first, if the wrong kit is chosen, it's usually noticed because they are extremely unhappy with the seer position because of their aptitude. to use some examples, compare cinderpaw and, let's say, a hypothetical seer brightpaw.
cinderpaw is unhappy as a seer, at first, but it's not about her ability/training. she's fine with memorizing herbs, treating patients, etc., she just doesn't want to leave her kin behind.
there's great satisfaction in being a seer for her, once she gets there.
because of this, it usually doesn't feel like a punishment. while seers have a lot of power, they also have to give up a lot, and they're not, like, better than your average warrior?
their life might be more valuable because there's only, like, eight in all the clans (out of 100 to 200-ish cats, i'm not sure, i have no concept of numbers), but all are equals in the eyes of starclan.
second, an already-apprenticed-warrior will never be chosen to be a seer. while i don't necessarily agree with everything here, warriors redux treats seers similarly (although ironically, they weren't my inspiration for this au, they're just a major influence on my worldbuilding as a whole), and you can check out the summary to get an idea.
basically, the logic is once a cat has started battle training, they're no longer "pure."
now, because it seems i have a psychological need to ramble about something people didn't ask me about every time i get an ask, i want to take a moment to discuss the difference between beliefs and reality, i.e., what does starclan think about all this?
in warriors, it is generally taken for granted that what the cats believe about starclan is true.
this is because in canon, it is.
for stolag's intents and purposes, the difference doesn't matter. the cats believe it, ipso facto, it is true. but i am a curious person who finds that dissatisfying.
things that could be considered spoilers for "in a faith-forgotten land" (mothwing's piece) below
i bring up spoilers because, to an extent, mothwing's fic is going to grapple with this, and while i don't plan on directly spoiling anything, if you'd like to wait to watch mothpaw grapple with all this, i'll still be here, waiting.
so anyway, let's, for a moment, pretend that starclan has no bearing on this. they can't affect anything. no omens, no dreams, no nada.
cats believe seers have to be raised from a young age with this expectation, otherwise it's too hard a transition
there's no actual way to choose who's going to be a good seer by their personality at birth. you can make an educated guess, but nothing more.
religion, in some sense, exists to explain the unexplainable.
being able to tell an apprentice seer their fate was laid out by the stars is hypothetically soothing, making it a good thing to say, since they may not actually be a good fit.
but by that token, if they're clearly never going to be a good fit, well, the stars certainly didn't make a mistake.
so therefore, the stars must send omens, which a seer must interpret.
which feeds into the system we have.
but missing a kit means the stars didn't send an omen
and they don't make mistakes
so that can never happen
so even without any input from starclan, we necessarily arrive at this conclusion.
we can see this cycle of patterning functional behavior for religious reasons in the entire concept of stolag:
sending year-old cats away from their birth clan means they have a strong tie there, but can still reintegrate
this means they're likely to advocate for peace with their home clan
so each clan has one to two clans they're unlikely to attack, and to have a rivalry, both clans need to be willing to attack each other
so sending seers away keeps the peace
now, you might be thinking, "but matthew! we know the cats are aware of this as a purpose. it's right there in the series description!"
to which i say, yes, but that's only because the cats are aware of the functional/religious patterning in this instance.
"No." Yellowstorm paused, indicating to Spottedpaw she should stop. "It is a scary thing, Spottedpaw, but remember you are leaving because you are ready. You will find your place — your true place — in RiverClan."
"I thought seers weren't supposed to have a place."
"We're not," Yellowstorm said. "But that doesn't mean we don't."
grieving for the living
so like, they're aware of it. buuuut in spottedleaf's piece, we get the following
"I wish I could stay longer," Spottedpaw said. "But Yellowstorm is right, even if I don't like it. It's time for me to go."
"How do you know?" Willowpaw asked.
The question startled Spottedpaw. Her sister had never taken interest in her training before.
"I just know," she said. "Like, uh..." She fished for an example from Redpaw or Willowpaw's training.
"Like how, when you catch something, you just know how to take the killing bite," she said. "I don't know how or why, but I know that I need to move on."
where the spirit meets the bones
so there's an implication here that it is a real change they experience, which suggests they do have a fundamentally different connection to the stars.
what's my point? my point is that belief is a powerful thing. i can't say terribly much more without really drifting hard into stuff i'm saving for "in a faith-forgotten land," but this is the kind of thing i think about.
spoilers over
also, as a bonus, while i use "stars" over "starclan" in general because i think it sounds better, i also specifically chose to avoid starclan in stolag as much as possible because i think it implies a very active role, and that's...definitely in doubt.
both yellowstorm and spottedleaf have two major omens/prophecies, and they're both speaking from their heart, after witnessing events.
the only omen cinderpelt gets that's shown is the pack, pack, kill, kill omen. why does she get it? well, for some backrooms information, she gets it to set up for tigerstar and her connection with the dogs.
but even still, she could have a bad feeling, a hunch, perhaps because tigerclaw is acting suspiciously, and that would guide her.
so anyway, this was more than you asked for, but i hope it answered your question?
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silver-wield · 4 years
If you don't yet have an analysis of when Cloud saves Tifa from the collapsing staircase, I'd like to hear it!
Sorry this one took awhile, Nonny, I was gonna do it yesterday, but I got super tired and then I was gonna do it earlier but I got pissed off and had to walk away from the internet before I threw my computer through a window.
So, the collapsing staircase aka the cloti hand grab. Bring it!
Ok, spoiler warning for ppl who haven’t played – do I still need to do this? Eh ok, (I tag FF7R spoilers as final fantasy 7 remake spoilers) and it’s gonna be long and awesome! Because I saw things and I have suspicions!
Also, this is one person’s interpretation of the scene, so if you disagree that’s cool and we’ll agree to disagree.
You’re also gonna have to excuse the janky quality on some of the screens, I’m grabbing them from Youtube and it’s frustrating af trying to get the exact moment I want.
Please check my master post to see if I've already covered your question, thanx
Let's mosey!
Recap time!
Let's backtrack a tiny bit first. Cloud's making his way up the pillar, had his bro moment with Biggs – damn you Square – and he's heading up to where Barret is on the top level.
Reno and Rude are in their chopper, throwing shade at Shinra while doing their jobs. I love how idgaf Reno is during this bit. Like, honey, you not even trying.
As Cloud comes into view on the staircase, Reno spots him and it's time for revenge! Nothing personal, bitch!
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Ok, nothing very special here. SOLDIER!Cloud taking a look about for whatever resources he has to hand – none – and we've got Reno in the background waiting for him to get in range. (Yall also almost ended up with my gif of Nyx Ulric loool he pretty but Cloud’s prettier)
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Reno's impatient. He fusses with the joy stick, drums his fingers, then puts his arms behind his head. The fact he's done this last move suggests he has no doubt he'll be gunning Cloud down sooner or later. We can see Rude keeping his eyes front – you can just catch the direction of his gaze behind the left lens of his sunglasses.
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HOLY SHIT! Rude blinked! Like several times in quick succession! (gotta slow the frames down to 0.25 to catch it btw) Now, this could be nothing since Rude is very hard to read and has even smaller micro-expressions than Cloud does, but when someone blinks like that it usually means they recognise the person they're looking at. He's seen Tifa running up the stairs. I don't know why he might recognise her, aside from having a headcanon about it, but I'm telling you, I saw him do several rapid blinks when he caught sight of her, then draw Reno's attention to her. His eyes behind those sunglasses are ever so slightly wider than usual btw. It's really hard to see, but there seems to be a definite look of “I know you” about him.
Reno shooting at her might have been a mistake on Rude’s part. He could have forgotten himself in that moment of recognition and didn't mean to direct Reno to a new target. That would explain why he pulled away from the attack and made up an excuse about his hand slipping.
This makes me excited to find out if Rude knows her and what the deal is with that OG crush. My headcanon? He's a former student of Zangan too and helped get Tifa to Midgar when she was injured. She doesn't remember it since she was at death's door for most of the trip. I saw a bit saying Zangan had to use a lot of healing materia on her and she stayed in the hospital too, so it's reasonable she wouldn't recall Rude. But, we don't know for sure yet, which is why headcanon.
Still exciting though!
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Cloud's heard footsteps on the stairwell, so turns to see who it is and you can just catch a glimpse of Tifa appearing through the metal slats. This is the first time Cloud spots her. The camera then pans up to the helicopter again where Reno prepares to shoot Tifa.
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I don't wanna say for sure that Rude's jaw clenched here. The lighting is suspect because of the angle it strikes his face. He did something. I noticed something, but it's so utterly subtle I can't tell what. He either clenched his jaw for a brief second or his lips firmed, again for a brief second. It's probably easier to catch if you slow the frames down then don't look at Rude and rely on your peripheral vision to see it. That's how I end up replaying things a million times because I saw something and then have to spend half an hour trying to find it again lol
Reno definitely smirked, I caught that no problem.
So yeah, moving on from Rude's super micro-expressions, before Reno's even finished speaking he's pulling the helicopter away from Tifa. Like, Reno's still saying “bullets” when it happens. That's a very snap decision, especially with how fast Reno talks usually. And the entire time Reno's speaking Rude is looking at Tifa. I mean, he's expressionless – he could give Cloud lessons – but there's also emotion coming from him. I kinda feel a bit sad looking at him in this screen.  
Guess we'll get more Rude backstory in part 2!
Reno bangs his head and I always laugh at that part. Get rekt!
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Cloud's all da fuq? since it's so very obvious Reno was lined up to shoot and then suddenly not. But there's no time to think about why because Tifa's still running up the stairs.
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Omg I'm so good I even impress myself sometimes! Check either side of the screen. Tifa at one edge and Cloud at the other, already in motion to save her as the first bullets from Reno's miss start destroying the staircase. You could not get closer to the start of this catch!
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Tifa's foot is on the second step here. That's not even a second after the last screen. Her sub isn't even fully solid that's how soon she yelled for Cloud. Going by common sense, the staircase is collapsing to her right and she needs to get up another 12 steps? In a couple of seconds? Yeah, she knew that wasn't happening. She needed him. I question how she knew he was there. She couldn't see him from where she was. Maybe she guessed the chopper was shooting at him, but it could've been anyone from Avalanche. She's not looking up the stairs, her eyes are at her feet.
I think she yelled for Cloud because that's who she wanted. Like Aerith said to follow her heart, Tifa's heart cried out for Cloud when she was in danger.
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Well, if that isn't a look of surprise right there. She really didn't expect him to be right there at that moment. She was screaming for him, hoping he'd save her and there he was. Her face goes from this tense “I'm about to die” look, to this wide eyed shock that there he is, right in front of her, reaching for her. Right when she needed him most. If he wasn't there she'd have been shot and the last thing she said would've been his name. That's how important it is that she screamed for him there. It wasn't that she knew he was waiting for her. She didn't know he was there at all. She just wanted him to be the one to save her so desperately and he came through.
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So I bet a lot of people have looked at this so romantically that he's reaching for her. Hell yeah in a way, but what makes it even better is when you remember you're looking at Cloud through Tifa's eyes. This is how she sees Cloud looking at her in this moment, all heroic and brave and just right there for her. That confident stance, totally out from behind any kind of cover, just waiting and reaching for her. It's funny she never calls him a hero in the game, except as a motivator at the end when he's dangling off a building, because he absolutely is pulling off the hero moment here. She called his name and he appeared to save her. It's exactly how she said during their promise.
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He is taking her hand. That's his fingers wrapping around hers, while hers lay open against his palm. She is the passive party in this hold, while Cloud is the active one. She could've mutually grabbed him, but she didn't. This is him saving her. This is not an equal grab. This is Cloud grabbing Tifa. Only after his fingers close over her hand do hers do the same back.
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Cloud backs up, dragging Tifa up the last of the stairs to safety, while keeping himself safe as well. There, he spins her around and puts his free hand on her back, while keeping hold of her other hand in his. He doesn't let her go at all during that move. In fact, you can also see that Tifa now has both hands on Cloud. The one he took is still holding his and she's put her other hand on his arm. She was likely very scared during that moment he saved her and she's holding onto him as an anchor to feel safe. Cloud saved her and she feels safe with him.
Cloud's expression is wary and alert, since he's focused on the danger, while Tifa's is scared. Just because she can fight, doesn't make her a fighter.
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Cloud lets got of Tifa's hand so he can lean out from behind their safe spot and check on the danger, but he's left his other hand on her back. During this moment, Tifa actually leans back which would increase that contact.
Her face is quite blurred since we're focusing on Cloud in the foreground, but her expression seems to hint at a “thank god I have you” look.
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Oh look, the camera refocused. Definitely a “thank god I have you” look, not to mention the tears in her eyes. She was terrified.
Also, that hand is still on her back.
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But, she can't be weak in front of Cloud. She wants to prove she's his equal, that she doesn't need a hero. She just wants him. I mean, before he turns to look at her, she's staring at him like he set the stars in the sky for her.
As he takes his hand off her back and pulls out his “what the hell?” line, which is clearly him mad at her for being so reckless and almost dying on him, she gives him a brave smile and puts on her own persona as someone who can totally handle all this chaos. Scared? Tifa? Noooo.
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She says “nice catch” all casual like she wasn't petrified and screaming his name less than thirty seconds ago and he is not impressed by this one bit. He's unconvinced Tifa's as blasé about this as she's acting, which is why he continues to challenge her. Which isn’t the first time he’s done it. He doesn’t let her bullshit him.
Basically, she's trying to be brave and support him, but he doesn't want her to put herself in danger because he wants to protect her. They're both trying to prove they're worthy of each other and doing stupid shit in the process.
This is actually a very good moment for them because we know Cloud pretty much does whatever Tifa wants because he wants to make her happy, but this shows he's not above arguing with her or challenging her when she's being reckless and endangering herself. He's not got her on a pedestal. She's not some unobtainable dream woman. She's real to him and he feels comfortable getting mad and showing negative emotions to her. That's why he can call her crazy without worrying it'll sour her opinion of him.
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Remember, Tifa is non-confrontational by nature. She doesn't like fighting and will usually agree or let things go for the sake of an easy life. But, she disagrees with Cloud or tells him off several times throughout the game. This shows she's comfortable having confrontations with him. She's not worried about upsetting him and being rejected during a typical interaction. She worries about scaring him away when she’s unsure he’ll stay, but once he’s said he’ll stick around she relaxes and doesn’t seem as worried about him leaving her. It was only when she tried to move their relationship from friendship to more during alone at last that she worried about rejection. 
Tifa accepts Cloud's feelings, even the negative ones and deals with them in a mature way. She doesn't dismiss him or ignore how he feels. She just relates her feelings to his and points out that he's still going up the pillar, so she will too. She wants to stay by his side. Her heart led her to him. If he's going, then so is she. Her expression is earnest here. There's nothing more than what she says. She's not leaving. Nothing can change her mind.
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He swallowed! His mouth tensed and he swallowed! Lips pulled down. Behind those sunglasses I caught movement. There's definitely something going on with Rude here and it's something that Reno doesn't know about since he doesn't recognise Tifa and he has no idea why Rude did that.
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Ok, one last quick shot of yet more unnecessary touching between Cloud and Tifa. Why is he doing that? Literally to keep her within arm's reach. She said she's not leaving, so he's gonna keep her safe no matter what. To do that, he needs to know exactly how far away from him she is. Also, he wants to touch her lol
Well, there was lots of good stuff hidden in there and I'm even more convinced that Rude knows Tifa after I caught some of his micro-expressions. I'm excited to see if it's true in part 2, but more so the fact that we're gonna get the Turks characters' fleshed out compared to OG. We've already learned that Reno while not giving a fuck, also actually really gives a fuck. I love him. He's such a snarky butt.
But, this was about Cloud and Tifa, not Rude.
Yeah, she literally couldn't see him at any point when she was running up that staircase. She screamed his name because that's who she wanted in that moment to appear and save her. The surprise on her face is genuine. She didn't know he was there. Cloud's in full “I must save Tifa” mode, so it's real!Cloud motivating SOLDIER!Cloud to do what he doesn't think he's capable of. They then have a lover's spat about Tifa being reckless and show the healthy disagreement side to their relationship by not screaming and shouting at each other or being sarcastic – like Cloud is with someone else. While Cloud might not like Tifa going with, he understands her need to. She's also put it in terms that he can understand, but part of him is very unhappy about it, which is why in that last shot we see him with his hand on her arm ready to protect her at a moment's notice. He's not letting her out of sight or arm's reach.
It's some damn good solid relationship building from them during a tense moment.
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