#i dont answer cus im shy sorry
psin-314 · 11 months
little smol information post abt little smol me
other platforms where you can find me: - twitter (not really active there) - fa (not really active there too...) - insta (im bitch ass dead there i won't even put a link) - vkontakte (only ru but i post there a lot more) - toyhouse (you can check out my 100+ ocs here) also you can repost my art, just don't claim it's yours and tag me.
no trades requests comms.
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 6 months
hi, im a mutual of yours who is too shy/on&off tumblr to interact, but i do look up to you; and your blog and way of seeing things helped me in the past when i was struggling quite a bit.
Lately I feel as if im lost in life, lost my passions and floating aimlessly without a real goal, detached from the future etc. Do you have any advice? I appreciate ur view on things, hope this isnt overstepping 🌦🌈
hi its ok no pressure too interact w me ona personal level just cus were mutuals i enjoy the ambient bonds that can form on this website its why i stay ^^ and no it's not overstepping at a;ll sorry it took me a lil while to respond i was trying to think of good advice since i often feel lost too---
well firs t n foremost to give credit where credit is due, this bjork reddit AMA response really gets to the bottom of it , ever since i first read this here on tumbr a few years ago it really rly stuck w me:
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the way this answer helped me is like, it helped me realize i dont need to be so regimented i dont need to put all this pressure on myself to create..All that does is feed into self inflicted guilt when i cant live up to my own expectations u.u you see for my whole life i've never been able to plan anything. yes i can think about the next steps i want to take, i can assemble a plan, i can see the logical way forward, but my moods. or like, idek. how to explain..
i cant force anything. if im not feeling it, i cant force it. ive STRUGGLED w this like i dont wanna be this way. because my feelings i cant predict. like for example i worked on music all winter because thats what i was feeling. then suddenly in march i just like, wasnt feeling it all of a sudden. As soon as it hit me i was like Fy767*T&UG*** because i didnt know when it was gonna come back. i still dont know!! im just trying to be patient waiting it out..in the mean time i have suddenly become enthused with drawing again after not ~feeling~ drawing for most of 2023. sometimes i go for weeks where i dont take a single photo and then suddenly it starts flowing again.. my website was also left untouched for most of 2023 until recently.
thats just one example of this repeating pattern in my life that i didnt understand for so long. theres years of my 20s where i couldnt feel passion for anything at all, looking back now i believe those times i was meant to be focusing on stuff in my psyche that needed healing to clear out some headspace for art. and this bjork quote put a lot into perspective it showed me how to reformulate my thinking to be more accomodating to my disposition. when i'm patient & kind w myself, take each day as it comes, let go of the imaginary pressure, let go of "the future", stuff starts to come thru easier.
and maube its gonna show up in ways you dont expect but its true that the mundane world offers so many ways to practice being creative & giving u stuff to weave into the art u want to create.. every water fall starts w a single drop its trueits true :] thats my advice i spose i really didnt meant to write this much but im boooored.. actually my nighttime boredom writing is one of those habits i never considered to b creative until very recently. there's so many small & automatic things we do that can lead to a meaningful life & purpose.
thanks for the question anon i hope this helps in some way , this is whats helped me but everyone's process is different. and i still have moments where im like WTFFF is happening but its easier to ride it out now. i wish the same for you just give it time <3 thanks again xPmd9
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imagines-mha · 3 years
◇ Haikyuu on Tinder ◇
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Daichi: so BORING. His pictures are all from the same awkward selfie angle and no matter what you ask him he gives you dull answers. “What are you up to?” “just sitting here : ) what about you?”
Suga: only goes on tinder when he needs validation cus he knows hes hot but in NO WAY is he ready to commit yet and he understands noone on tinder ever really is so he never feels guilty for it
Noya: uses the picture of him with the fish 🤢. Flirts like his life depends on it, but that doesnt mean hes good. “Woah you’re real???”. if you give him a chance his true personality rlly does come thru
Tanaka: makes parties his only personality trait. Always “on it” as he says, but like,,, what does tht mean get a hobby. Also hits you with the “holy shit you’re gorgeous , how come ive never seen you before? ;))” good for validation
Ennoshita: HES SO BAD AT FLIRTING. He’ll hit you up like “hi : )” and then proceed to have the dryest convo youve ever had in your life. Tells you nothing about himself and doesnt even try to save it when it falls flat
Tsukishima: definitely puts smth like “dont text me if you cant handle my complex mind and sarcastic humour” and definitely gaslights you.
Yamaguchi: he gets WAY TOO SHY and makes noya and tanaka do it all for him. Never really uses it unless he’s having a breakdown about his love life
Yachi: she uses it for validation like suga only refuses to admit that she does. Super popular on it cus of how cute she dresses but shes too nervous to text anyone back
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Kuroo: spends all his time talking to milfs and loses every inch of his dignity when someone asks to see his tinder profile
Kenma: nekoma tried to pay him to make tinder once and he refused, saying he would never sink that low. he actually downloaded it once and deleted it 15 minutes after incase anyone he knew found it
Lev: asks you if you have snapchat immediately. It’s a trap. He’ll definitely spam you every single day with “how are you today” “what are you doing rn”. Its sweet at first but when you wake up one morning with 54 unread messages from a tinder dude, you know its time to block
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Oikawa: gets it when his girlfriend breaks up with him solely to prove to himself he’s loveable but nothing works out because he NEVER messages back.
Iwa- gets it when hes bored and he’s GORGEOUS but talks about the gym way too muh in his bio like we get it you work out find another personality trait. Also can’t flirt
Makki: his bios been “taking a year off to live my life to the fullest and figure out my next big move” for 5 years straight
Kunimi- mattsun and makki set up a tinder for him as a joke and tried to make it as dark and emo as possible. “Welcome to my twisted mine” Hes surprisingly more popular on it than both of them combined
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Futakuchi: hes so BEAUTIFUL and everyone swipes for him. Unfortunately he knows he’s so beautiful and swipes for literally noone because he doesnt believe anyones good enough for him
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Bokuto: yeah hes a sweetiepie the second you message him. Seems so pure and honest and HE ISSS. “heyheyhey how are you doing wanna see a picture of a cat i saw today???” SO MUCH ENERGY IN HIS TEXTS and hes so funny too. mwah!!! ✨✨
Akaashi: his bio is “my friends made me make this” but all his pictures point to the evidence that actually, he himself made it, because noone puts that much effort into a bio they didnt want sorry babie
Konoha: pretends he’s a judge on americas next top model and everyone on tinder are the candidates. Never actually talks to people
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Ushijima: he has one tinder picture and its just a zoomed up picture half of his face. His bio just says “hello” because he doesnt know wtf hes doing. shiratorizawa’s favourite inside joke
Tendou: definitely has it ironically. All of his pictures are so cryptically edited to the point of no return. “Looking for a queen to send all my memes to”
Semi: he KNOWS how to work tinder. Pictures of his guitar, vinyls, aesthetic pics of him taken at night, the smoothest bio in the game. Only uses it to spread his music. Definitely a pretentious musician but one that EVERYONE wants to hear
Goshiki: “text me first im shy” um what x
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Kita: he’s so normal and honestly way too good for tinder. A horrible flirt, really, but its endearing how much he tries. Texts only one person at a time and has trust in everyone so immediately assumes they arent texting anyone else either
Atsumu: “MSBY black jackals 🤩 Wasting no time on anything but the grind 💪🏻 dont swipe if you cant keep up 😤” probably banned for life
Osamu: sends “you up?” texts ALL THE DAMN TIME LIKE OSAMU ITS 6PM OFC IM UP
Suna- hes CLEARLY here to fuck- no more no less. It aint no dating app to him and if you misinterpret all his mixed signals hes definitely gonna make you feel like a desperate idiot and ghost you. Will ruin ur self esteem.
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Terushima: the tinder fuckboy. You just KNOW he has tinder and uses it religiously, and honestly- youve probably hooked up before cus he knows how to flirt good
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ninliane · 5 years
Hey!! Good luck with your new Blog💕! May I request Nishinoya, Lev and Kenma with an russian s/o? Sometimes, she's switching between russian and japanese (and curses in russian) without even noticing it 😂? Thank you very much!!
Ahh! As a bilingual person myself I can tell you myself that usually this isn’t much of an issue, the real problem is when you know the word for a certain object but you forget that other languages dont use that word so its like “can you get my phone in the sala.” “the what-” “the sala” “???” “ah crapsdnfkjsndf tHE LIVING ROOM”
Oh also I used google translate for this so for anyone who can read/understand russian im so sorry if its wrong! (but i’ll leave it untranslated so you guys can see for yourself what you’re actually saying hehe)
s/o who speaks Russian and Japanese
Nishinoya Yu
As manager of Karasuno’s team, you were sitting down on the bench as your team played a practice match with Aoba Johsai
Pretty much everything was going well, the two teams were on par with Karasuno leading by a few points and everyone was in good competitive spirits 
But one by the name of Kyotani Kentaro took a bit too far-
He spiked the ball way too hard and the libero of Karsuno didn’t have enough time to react as it hit him right in the face
The ball flew off outside the court and Nishinoya was on the ground with a bloody nose 
“Oi Nishinoya are you okay!?” his teammates surrounded him, “Yeah yeah! I’m fine!” the libero got up with a smile, “I’ll just get this cleaned up and I’ll-”
The boys looked to their left and saw the manager standing up and walking towards the yellow haired player 
“Apologise to him.” she flatly said, staring him down
Stubborn as he his he looked away,
“He was in the way of my shot.”
And that’s what cued it.
“Что вы имеете в виду на пути вашего выстрела ?! Это волейбол в тупой зоне боевых действий !!! Ты тупой безрассудный придурок! Вот почему ваш сэмпай должен держать вас под контролем!” 
Their manager started firing what seemed to be Russian
Daichi walked up to her in concern and tried to stop her, “Hey (y/n)-”
“что?! ты хочешь быть следующим?” she turned to the captain and then back at the player “Я клянусь, что никто не ранит Ю и сходит с рук.”
Surprisingly it was Kageyama who held (y/n) back and dragged her outside 
Yu knew you spoke russain but he never heard you speak it, either way when you were yelling at Kyontani he sorta felt some pride there
When you two got home he’d probably ask you to speak more Russian to him even he if he understand you he found it very very attractive 
Lev Haiba 
Poor boy comes back from the groceries to see his classmate and sister talking in a language he’s supposed to know but never learned it
(y/n) had originally come to his house to work on a project and Lev went out to buy snacks
He was ecstatic as he had a cute little puppy crush on the girl (awwwe)
So he was really excited to spend time with her!
“это Левочка, когда он был маленький!” Alisa pointed to the album “он был таким хорошим мальчиком!” 
For some reason (y/n) squealed and cooed, “Лев такой милый в костюме! И его зачесанные волосы на спине такие милые
Even without understanding the language Lev knew that his sister was showing his pictures to (y/n)
Embarrassed, he grabbed (y/n)’s arm and went upstairs with her, “Stop embarrassing me sis..” he had an annoyed look on his face but he was definitely blushing, (y/n) was just laughing as he pulled her up the stairs
“But Lyovochka! She said you were cute!” Alisa called out
“Stop lying!” Lev stuttered, the red in his face being much more obvious now
“You were Lev!” (y/n) stopped him and held his arm “You looked so cute as a child!” (y/n) smiled at him. 
“I-uhm-I” Lev was at a loss for words and for the rest of the night he became more quiet and shy
He would never tell it to her but he was secretly happy that Alisa showed those pictures to (y/n)
Kenma Kozume
“Ah geez, Lev, can you help me with the bottles please?” 
The manager of Nekoma ran back and forth from the bus to the gym, loading in several items needed for the training camp, whether it was the water bottles, the ball basket, an extra net, and antennas etc.
The team, who just walked out of the club room saw their manager running back and forth carrying the items
Kenma saw that she was running out of breath and stepped forward to help her..though, he couldn’t really ask her to stop since she was running around 
“(y/n) do you need any help?” Kuroo thankfully asked her
“Oh! Yes please!”
Kenma and Kuroo walked to the gym and saw what had been left behind
The two boys heard the footsteps of (y/n) running back to the gym and getting the supplies, stopping for a bit she made eye contact with Kenma 
“О да! Спасибо! Просто положите те сзади, где остальные!”
Kuroo and Kenma just stared at her as (y/n) just stared at them, as if expecting an answer 
She cocked her head and frowned, “Я сказал положить их с остальными” 
“Japanese..” Kenma simply said
(y/n) widened her eyes and smacked her head, “Ah crap right sorry..put those in the back!” 
There was silence as she ran out
“So the Russians are your type, Kenma?” 
“Kuroo shut up.”
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Sugar Rush
Summary- Taylor x Y/N. Taylors birthday is on set, and you have a surprise for him. Smut. Messy Smut. 
Word Count- 2.2k
A/N- @official-and-unstable-satan​ I hope this is what you wanted to celebrate Kitsch’s birthday with. The best and improper way to enjoy cake. XD
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“Hey, you there?” One of the sets assistants, Jane asked as she knocked on the door to Taylors trailer, and you popped open the door, and ushered Jane inside, who had a rather large, over sized cake, swirls of green and purples in the frosting, Happy Birthday Taylor written across the whole span of it. You immediately popped open the top and sampled the frosting while stuffing candles all through it. 
“God I love the La Briouches bakery.” You say as Jane takes the candles from you and finishes placing them in a nice design. “He still has no idea right?” 
Jane nodded, and handed you a lighter, which you slipped into your pocket. “Clueless Y/N, hes finishing up on set and going straight into makeup. Hes going to be shocked.” 
Your mouth uplifts in a devious way, thinking that you finally were going to pull off the perfect surprise party for your boyfriend. He didnt even know you were on set today, or that the crew was setting up one of the sets unused for a party after filming today. Todays all about you Sir, you think to yourself. “Good, Im just gonna hang here then till you guys are already.” 
Jane checks her watch quickly. "Theres still 3 hours on set till you can go to stage 3" she sees you going for more frosting and swats your hand. "And stay out of the cake!" You wave her off and she leaves you to entertain yourself till they are done.
Taylor had been avoiding the Happy Birthdays singing fest all day, ducking off set as soon as cut was yelled, and not that he didnt appreciate the sentiment, but he really just wanted to be spending the day with his girl. Pulling out his phone as it was finally a break, his co stars went off there separate ways, and he needed five damn minutes to himself before he was shoved into a chair for makeup. He passed Jane in a rush, who whipped around and muttered ‘shit’ to herself, trying to find someplace to ditch the large box of scripts to chase after him. “HEY TAYLOR, wait!” 
Taylor though was lost in his phone, typing out a message telling you how much he missed you, and his long strides was taking him to his trailer. Jane finally just ditched the box, running after him. “Shitshitshitshit” Taylor didnt even pause, going in the trailer and almost soundlessly the door shut Jane out. There was no way for her to warn you.
Your phone buzz’s next to the cake, and you pick it up, your finger wanders back into the sweet sweet frosting, slicing it through the sugary fluff to bring to your lips when you hear someone clearing there throat. “Oh Jane, did you for-” Turning you see that it definitely is not Jane. 
Yet there is a amused Taylor, holding his phone, looking at you standing next to his surprise birthday cake, that you were just about to taste.... again. You give a shy smile, and a wave of your fingers before stuffing the frosting covered one in between your lips, and that he certainly perked at. 
“Eating my cake on my birthday Little Songbird?” He said with a hint of disbelief, moving in close to take a look at the cake, and then at you with an arched brow, waiting for an answer. Your finger comes out with a pop, and a dart of your tongue to clear the excess. 
He tilted his head, his eyes flashing in warning, your thighs squeezed together at that all to familiar look.
“Maybe Sir” 
“Dont you think you should perhaps share?” He still looked amused catching you like this. 
You reached behind you out of his sight and sunk your entire hand into the cakes corner, grasping a palm full, while his attention turned to the cake. “And how did you manage this Sweetness?” Distracted by what youve done, you smash the piece cake on the side of his face, cupping his face in your hands and turning him to look at you with a sly grin. 
“La Briouche special Sir you like?” Your giggling at the way he is looking at you, whisps of green and purple frosting all along his cheek, and up in his hair and eyebrows, he gave a growl and pulled you in close.
“Oh very much Songbird! But you've been pretty naughty...” He to had taken some and smeared it along your neck in retaliation, making you squeal and try to pull away, but there was no way Taylor was letting you escape that easily. Huffing as he tipped his head, running his tongue along the length of your neck, smacking his lips against your clean cheek.
“Well look at that, I get to have my cake and eat it to.” he bit your cheek playfully, softly as your laughing and tilting your head in to lick at the frosting by his ear, purring against him, and turning it into kisses, he twirls you around and sticks you to perch on the table next to his now destroyed birthday cake, and takes a bite of the treat. 
“You didnt just say that” you snicker and he claims your lips, the push of his tongue pushing pieces of cake between you two, and his sticky hands slid up under your shirt peeling it off, it was his birthday after all, you consider while wrapping your legs around his waist and you pushed yourself in against him. Messy Cake Sex it would be. You take a fistful of the frosting and smear it across your chest, smudging it in your bra when he yanked off your shirt. Sure enough he dragged his lips down your chin and dropped to nip down your collarbone chest to bite of the treat, placing heavy bruising kisses along the curve of your breasts as he yanked down the offending bra. 
“Your so messy Sweetness” he mutters as his mouth closes around a nipple, the grainy feeling of the sugar rough and smooth along the swirls of his tongue. Fuck! Your fingers bury into his hair, spiking it with dried confections, pressing his head in closer “Fuck yes!” You hiss and he chuckles with a bit of a rush, when he lifts and you both are going through a sugar rush, laughing as your mouths clash once more, and both your hands are at your pants, yanking on buckles, buttons, and zippers, getting them down, both pop open at the same time and yank down, he backs away to yank yours all the way away, your legs kicking out to get rid of the denim.
“I was all dolled up and waiting for you! Sir!” You enunciate his title as he stuffs more cake between your lips and nips at them with a smirk, yanking his pants down. 
“That should shut you up sweet little Songbird” he smirked as you moaned at the sugar rush once more.  
You mumble through the bite, and rub your smooth pussy against his groin and along the length of his erected cock pressing against his lower belly. Taylor cussed under his breath and place his hands against your ass cheeks and slide you forward. You smirk as you take your cleaner hand and line him up to fill you in that far more delicious way then any cake could ever be. Swallowing your bite and giving the most filthy moan as he filled you with his thick cock, his tongue swiping up your neck to bite that sweet spot behind your ear with a growl, bottoming inside of you. "What was that little one, so fucking tight around me today." He rutted sharply and you gasped, clutching your fists into his shirt. 
“You feel so good, deep inside me Sir.” You repeat yourself, still adjusting to feeling him pulsing inside you, He gave a roll of his hips, and your eyes flutter back, nodding. Your frosting smeared face was covered, your hair was had bits of cake streaked through it, and Taylor couldnt have had a better birthday gift. Then you purred at him in that way you do that spirals his blood to rush right into his groin, that ‘give it to me Sir’ noise of yours with the hooded gaze you locked your eyes on his, practically begging to be destroyed. That look. 
He grabbed your hips and started thrusting, your legs crash around him to hold on and you fall back against the table with a cry, feeling him just hit and crash into you over and over, your ass and back rubbing raw on the linoleum of the trailers table, the wobbling of it just adding momentum to the way he jerks you back to bury himself balls deep. 
You dragged Taylor down to crash over you, your hands ripping at his shirt as he fucked you hard enough for you to give sharp cries and bursts of screaming his name, oops to not calling him Sir, you just had to get to skin, touch, scratch, taste him and he let your hips go long enough get it off, falling back to his hard grip on your hips, crashing against your chest to claim your lips, a plunging of tongues sloppily tangling and bites against lips to inhale each others cries. The cake, that destroyed cake that the bakery sent over special for today, well that toppled off the table into the bench seat. 
“Fuck sorry?” Taylor grunts against your mouth, and your responding answer is nothing more then swiping your tongue back into his mouth and groaning, your hands clasping against his broad back and raking nails into long red welts down his back until your able to find a spot to grasp onto, those clenching ass cheeks, pushing him to crash into you, fluttering your core around him cause you were that damn close. 
“It was your cake Sir” you huff against his lips, and move to bury your face in his neck, nipping against the shell of his ear. Your lower back arching into the firmness of his chest, feeling the waves start to threaten to crash, the coil snap, all of it to take over. His hand slides into your hair, hard and sharp as it pulls you back so he can look down at you and change his angle, just slightly, since he knows you, he knows how to make you properly fall apart just for him, why hes Your Sir. 
“Give it to me Little One” and his cock rubs against that spot, that sweet unleash and you tighten, locking yourself around him as you release. Flooding yourself around him, he never slows himself, but rides your orgasm to chase his own, and deep, out of sync thrusts roughly claim your still tight channel, and his warmth spills, thick coating of cum being milked from him and you arch just from that sensation again, you could be reminded through the rest of the day from him sticky on your thighs, and well that was a gift all for you. 
“Mmmhhh, Happy Birthday Sir.” You nuzzle against his shoulder as hes experiencing his own high, deep breaths against your neck warmed you, and he lifted his head to look down at you, the corner of his eyes crinkled in his grin, this time his claiming kiss was not hard and demanding, but a teasing exchange. “Better birthday gift then I could have hoped for. If you got a chance to read my message Little One, it was saying how much I wanted this right here” He lifted to his elbows and ducked his head to lap off a bunch of crumbs and frosting that had wedged itself into your cleavage. 
You giggled as you tilted to watch him, arching your brows. “You wanted us to ruin your surprise birthday cake with impulse messy sex Sir?” 
“Well not exactly. This was just an added bonus.” Taylor chuckled around lapping off the frosting from around your nipple, making you whimper at the sensation, and finally he pulled back to slide from you and ease you back into a stand, looking down at the mess the two of you promptly made. The cake was completely ruined, leaving the both of you laughing. 
“the crew... they are gonna be disappointed.” You pout slightly, knowing how hard they worked to pull all this together, and Taylor already has a napkin to wipe his hands clean and dug out his phone, sending off a quick message to Jane. “We really know how to destroy a cake.” 
“Dont worry, I will make it up to them.” He grasped your chin and put a peck on your sugary lips. “Jane will go pick up another cake down the street, and they will be none the wiser that it wasnt the original one.” 
You swipe a finger along the center of his chest and looked between him and the small trailer shower. “What do you say we continue this cleaning up?” 
His hand snapped on your ass and growled “March baby, youve been filthy and Sir has to clean you up.” 
You hop with a giggle, still on your sugar rush, and the two of you go to tumble into the shower, washing away your sticky mess, and making a whole other one. BEST BIRTHDAY EVER! 
@official-and-unstable-satan​ and @kimisama1989​
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synthfolks · 6 years
1. how tall are you?
2. what is your body type?
i guess you’d call it athletic? or triangle idk? i have a small waist but my upper back and shoulders are rly big cus im muscular and my hips are a lot narrower than my upper body so things always fit rly funky
3. what is your favorite part about your body?
abs? lol
4. is your current hair color your natural hair color?
it’s mostly natural but i still got some blonde from when it was died and later touched up a bit
5. are you more outgoing or more shy?
sorry this is such a generic answer but it honestly varies a ton depending on environment. i like to think of myself as outgoing but i can be rly shy and awkward around ppl idk!
6.. are you more femme or butch?
i don’t really ID with either, I’m pretty androgynous I think? my presentation varies a lot but the more  masculine looks i have lean on the outdoorsy side and are less like.. refined butch looks that I often see
7. are you tol or smol?
extremely average
8. wine mom or vodka aunt?
vodka aunt
9. weird habit?
I think I have a lot of weird habits and ppl will point them out but i can’t think of one off the top of my head 
10. favorite meme?
idk if i would consider this my favorite but all that’s coming to mind is born to die world is s fuck 
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marktuanlogy-blog · 8 years
RECAP OF GOT7 FANMEET/CONCERT Sorry I'm still a bit hyped and excuse my language OMG HOW DO I EVEN START ON THIS SMH. GOT7 WAS SO FREAKING PERFECT UP ON STAGE ;-; WE CHEERED AND SCREAMED FOR EVERY THING THEY SAID CUS WHY NOT ... RETURN MY SOUL, LIFE, AND VOICE NOW .-. i recorded the entire 2hour thing with one arm smh give me my arm back too got7 First of all, we went to go get our merch (poster, jacket, shirt, and light stick) and got to our seats and all... and then we were just waiting for GOT7. Mark's family came exactly 16 minutes before the fanmeet started and we all went wild for a good 3 minutes. So I just went crazy on my Snapchat story and uh spammed it :O THEN it was 7pm and HARD CARRY started playing and we all were just screaming got7 got7 got7 got7 got7 GOT7 CAME OUT LIKE WTFWTFWT I WAS NOT READY i screamed so much with this girl next to me haha she's a jackson bias <3 IT GOT LIT AF. So they sang Let Me I SWEAR THEIR VOCALS ARE BETTER IN REAL LIFE OMG MY EARS GOT BLESSED MARKS RAPPING WAS SO FREAKING PURIFYING OHHHHHHHHHH YOUNGJAES VOCAL BLESSED MY LIFE LIKE WTF MAN They were sitting in the chairs from left to right: Jackson, Jinyoung, Mark, Jaebum, Youngjae, Bambam, and then Yugyeom. THEN THEY SANG Prove It I SWEAR JAEBUMMIES VOICE IS SO SEXYYY AND CHICCCCC X1000000 I LOVE BAMBAMS RAPS IN THIS SONG IDK WHY I JUST DO OK. AND MARKS OMG THOSE DEEP VOICES ARE JUST SE(ductive)XY AF. (NEW FAVORITE SONG IN TURBULENCE) hey all did self introductions (ALL IN ENGRISH YUS IM SO PROUD) and all seemed pretty shy at first OMG HOW COULD U BE SO CUTEEEEE Bambam (ATTEMPTED TO) get us lit but then it got awkward af. Like he told us to say Got7 everytime he says Ay and the third time he didnt even realize we said GOT7 and he just kept looking at us like SMH BOI SMH. idk their host was annoying af BUT I MEAN HE WAS THE ONE THAT ENCOURAGED THE SEXY DANCE FROM THE MEMBERS SO NO COMPLAINTS THERE. Q&A started .... Jackson's Question: What's your ideal type? Yugyeom: Sexy cutie IGOT7 (I swear I heard someone from the back saying ILL BE SEXY AND CUTIE FOR YOU YUGYEOM) it was super cute when the host was like raise your hand if your a sexy cutie IGOT7 :3 WE ALL RAISED OUR HANDS haha and yugyeom was like "so many heh *nervous laugh*" Bambam: a girl who is cute, but when you get to know her, she's sexy. I'd like a girl with a sexy side. BOI U NEED A GIRL TO DAB WITH U EVERY MORNING. Youngjae: ummm.. ummmm...... OKAY YOU *points to girl* *breaks everyone else's hearts in the crowd* "BECAUSE YOU ARE AN AHGASE" *HYPES UP CROWD MORE SCREAMING* -everyone else starts saying IGOT7/Ahgases- *Bambam trying to calm us down lmao no it didn't work because Youngjae basically just told us he loves us all* Jaebum: I don't really have an ideal type... (he was nervous af) Host: So you like all AHGASES? Jaebum: yeahhhh.... Host: YEAHHHHH... * I THINK I ACCIDENTALLY STOPPED RECORDING HERE OOPS * MARK: (MINDY IS MY IDEAL TYPE) YOU... I love all AHGASES (boi) Jinyoung: I love IGOT7s <3 Jackson: I love everyone, I love you, I love IGOT7 (love me jackson) Next question: Can the members do a sexy dance? Jackson: Yugyeom Yugyeom you first <3 Yugyeom does sexy dance to Prove It (inappropriate content pm me for those details :3) i will never think of that song the same way again. nope nope nope yugyeomie yah. Mark turns around like no i aint seeing this shit again (even though ur hyung man) Jackson looks down at Yugyeom doing his uh-sexy dance- and is very proud of his work. After Yugyeom was done with the sexy dance Jaebum reached out his hand and took it back and made Yugyeom fall again (savageee) but yes, he did help him up afterwards Yugyeoms face was like why am i even living rn Question: What inspires you in writing a song? Jaebum's: Experience and imagination (DEEP) Host: OH AND JAEBUM READS A LOT (JAEBUMBUMBUMBUM) and watches lots of movies... what kind of movies? -Jaebum's face: wtf is he saying...- Jaebum gets translation: La la land (what is that...) -sings a song from that movie SEXY AF VOICE- Question: What do you like the most of the MV music? Youngjae: i like the small parts and the really strong beat and you can bounce around to the music Question: You (meaning Bambam) and Yugyeom.. can you dance to (???some lit af american music which i clearly dont know of since i got into kpop but it was lit i mean yehhhhh...) music Bambam: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASYYYYYYYYYYY *Insert note: YUGYEOM IS SUCH A CUTE BABY OMG I WANNA ADOPT HIM* Question: If you were an American artist who would you be? Yugyeom: *asks crowd* Yugyeom: Kendrick Lamar? someone from crowd: DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP Bambam: oh? what are u guys saying *laughs* Bambam getting ready for a dab like its his routine DABDAB dabs* crowd goes wild* DABDAB IS VERY PROUD OF SELF* MOMMA JINYOUNG SHAKES HEAD* bambam ur ded. BOOM BOOM BOOM (BOOMX3) PLAYS* G7 TURN UP <33333333333 *me singing to the song but rly i probably pronounced everything WRONG BUT NO REGRETS) HIP THRUST DURING BOOM BOOM BOOM PART YUGYEOM AND BAMBAM CALM DOWNNNNNN When bambam sang "turn all the lights on" MARK LOOKED AT HIM AND NODDED AND WINKED WTF YO I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW GOOD THEIR VOICES ARE IT JUST SOUNDS SO GOOD LIKE UGHHHHHHHHHHAAAHHHHHH PARK JINYOUNG IS LIKE A FREAKING PRINCE IN THAT BLACK JACKET WITH SILVER LINING AND RED UNDERSHIRT OMG HE IS A TRUE PRINCE HIS PERM IS JUST HUKUHKHUHKUH then... JUST RIGHT PLAYS CROWD GOES CRAYCRAY AGAIN *MINDY'S NONSTOP SHAKING YO* THIS ENTIRE SONG IS SO WARMING I LOVE THE WORLD NOW lol thats funny. YOUNGJAE SWITCHING UP THOSE VOCALS MADE US DRUNK AF BAMBAM IS BEING EXTRA AF LET ME TELL U WITH THOSE LONG LEGS HE LOOKED LIKE HE WAS READY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD (JACKSON). IN HIS RAPPING PART JACKSON WAS very inappropro lets make this less inappropro and just say he was like "SAY OHHHH YEAHHH.... SAY OHHHHH YEAHHHHHHH... SAY OHHHHHH YEAHHHHHH. SAY OHHHHHH YEAHHHHH." BAMBAM: "SAY OHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (voice cracks* smh boi) SAY OHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHH (voice cracks again*) SAY OHHHHHHH YEAHHHHH (now imagine this in a deep deep voice) SAY OHHHHH YEAHHHHH (this was even deeper) ++++++++++++++++++++++++ GAMES ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Game #1: Guess the Song Game #2: Hacky Sack (each member from GOT7 plays with someone from the audience) Everyone chooses who they partner with MINDY WAS 2 NUMBERS AWAY FROM MARKS NUMBER SMH MARK MARK MARK IF YOU ONLY ADDED 2 TO THAT LAST DIGIT I WOULDVE GONE UP .-. you wouldve hugged meh <3 (that's for lataaa) mindy's heart breaks NO BUT I FEEL HAPPY FOR THOSE IGOT7 WHO WENT UP STAGE MAN NONE CRIED??? I WOULDVE FLIPPED HELL (sorry sab's natural habitat) GOT7'S COMPETITIVENESS IS CRAZY EVERY ONE WAS SCREAMING AND DYING AND KILLING EACHOTHER TO GET THE RIGHT ANSWER OMG But overall, Youngjae won the first round after guessing the most amount of songs correct <3 He even went on his knees for "Beggin' on My Knees" *lowkey feels like Jinyoung, Yugyeom, and Mark were pretty ignored... almost never got called on...* Game #2 begins and the people who were chosen gets up stage :D Every IGOT7 does their self introduction Yugyeom's partner: Amy, favorite GOT7 song is Fly Bambam's partner: Molly, 24 years old *PAUSE HERE FOR A SEC* Bambam: ohhh.... NOONA *continue* Bambam's partner: favorite GOT7 song is If You Do Youngjae's partner: Arianna Youngjae: Arianna, ah, yea, WOAWWWW Youngjae: How old are you? Arianna: Who's that Youngjae: I asked how old are you. Who I am? I'm Youngjae HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH Youngjae: What's your favorite song? Arianna: Who's That Youngjae: You don't like Home Run? Jaebum's partner: C(K?)at Jaebum: Cat? Oh wow oh oh uhhhhh okay What's your favorite song? Cat: Just Tonight Mark's partner: (mindy ;-; jk) Serena, favorite song is Fly Jinyoung's partner: Vivian, favorite song is Mayday Jackson: Sussy, from China, favorite GOT7 song is IDK because she doesn't understand engrish. and her favorite member is Jinyoung (BETRAYALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL) Jackson: Can you be more confident? *HUGS* (i need a man like jackson ;-;) JACKSON SAYS HIS PARTNER IS PRO AND WEARS HER COAT SO SHE CAN KICK THE THINGY JACKSON YOOOO GIRL WANNA TRADE (wait but mark) Scores for the second game: Youngjae team: 5 Jaebum team: *Jaebum trying to be calm but almost trips smh* 3 Bambam team: *STARTS MAKING SHIPS OF HIM AND HIS PARTNER* "Holly, Bambam... Hollybam.... Bamlly. Bamlly you go first" 4 Jinyoung team: *JINYOUNG IS SUPER GOOD AT THIS* 15 (Jinyoung made like 12 im so proud of this mother) MARK TEAM: (mark im so proud) gets 16 ---- PRAISES THE KICKY THINGY hugs the girl up in the air .... mindy is reminded that her last digit was only 2 numbers away sad face XD Yugyeom team: *hits his partner and she fake dies lol* 8 Jackson team: "She's pro" *CONFIDENT HES GONNA WIN* *TAKES OFF HER JACKET AND HOLDS IT FOR HER* *AFTER HIS PARTNER IS DONE PUTS JACKET BACK ON HER* 5 WINNER IS TEAM MARKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK the girl gets marks jacket LUCKYYYYYYYYY WE GOT TO SEE THE "SECRET" BEHIND THE SCENES OF THE MAKING OF HARD CARRY'S MV THEY ARE SO SEXY IN THEM. THEY START PERFORMING FLY JB IS BACK TO HIS EXTRA SELF AND THIS TIME ALSO BRINGS IN YUGYEOM SMH. MARKS RAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP HOW CAN MY HEART TAKE THIS LOL NO I DIDNT I DIED. JINYOUNG'S VOICE IS SO SOFT WTF MANNN even mark screaming at the end was sexy af everything got7 does is sexy af SMIRK FACE INSERTED NEXT THEY PERFORMED IF YOU DO THEIR PERFORMANCES ARE SO GOOD I FEEL LIKE IM REPEATING SO MUCH BUT ITS RLY RLY AMAZING IM SO PROUD OF THEM GAWD GOT7 IS SO AMOOZHING GOT7 say their thank yous and YUGYEOM WIPES HIS SWEAT uughgghhghghg and its sexy af THEY SAID THEY WILL COME BACK JINYOUNG SAID THEY WILL COME BACK THIS YEAR. JINYOUNG SAYS KCON JINYOUNG SAYS SO. *MINDY STARTS SAVING NEW YEARS MONEY THEY START PERFORMING HARD CARRY HARD CARRY HEH WOH HARD CARRY HEH *no jackson did not lift up his shirt like i expected* Jaebum wraps HIMSELF IN A HOODIE AND IT LOOKS SO DARK BUT SO CUTEEEEEE THEN THEY PERFORMED HOME RUN ONE OF MY FAVS <3 JINYOUNG AND HIS SASS OMG JINYOUNGGGGGGGGG BAMBAM TAKES SOMEONES PHONE AND RECORDS HIMSELF BAMBAM KNOWS HOW TO KILL FANS. BEWARE OF THE BAMBAM.. SO DOES JINYOUNG. BEWARE OF BOTH JINYOUNG AND BAMBAM. THEY SAID THEIR GOODBYES AND LEFT </3 -------------------------------------- overall this fanmeeting was a very very very amazing experience and I got to see GOT7 in real life, not through the screen bUT IN REAL LIFE ive been crying since 11 smh i need help it's so surreal I can't even believe it's already over like. HUKKKK. Got7 is probably at Mark's house right now and Mark finally gets to reunite with his parents that he hasn't seen since summer. got7 is probably resting up for their next comeback
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ultraviolet-vee · 7 years
Get to know me
Rules: answer the questions and then tag 10 other tumblrs (im not gonna tag ten maybe like 3 idk)
Name: River
Gender:  Nonbinary bean
Star sign: Capricorn 
Height: 5′6″/168ish cm
Middle name: Garnett, thats also technically my last name since i dropped my surname
Put your music on shuffle, what are the first six songs to pop up?
1. last of me-bts best of me sad ver. piano cover (i ripped this from youtube from smyang piano jsyk)
2. cliche-mxmtoon (also ripped from youtube)
3. i need u-bts
4. heathens-top
5. bubblegum bitch-marina and the diamonds
6. need to feel needed- amber liu (aka my future wife)
Grab the nearest book, turn to page 23 and write line 17
“tommy totally left her alone after that”
Last time you played air guitar?
when i was listening to i think shake that brass but i dont really remember
Celebrity crush?
Amber Liu and MinYoongi will rule my heart for fucking ever
What’s a sound that you hate/love?
when you cut into a soft sponge cake and you just here the knife slide through like butter 
Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
Yea, I believe in ghosts, i fucking see em for christ sake
Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
nahhh too terrified ill hit someone
What was the last book you read?
consent by nancy ohlin, i highly recommend it, its about a teacher student relationship but its amazing 
Do you like the smell of gasoline?
depends on how strong it is, for the most part yes
Last movie you saw?
the new IT
Worst injury you’ve ever had?
when i slit my wrists the long way, didnt stop bleeding for a few days
Any obsessions right now?
Kpop, obviously, and anything gay
Do you tend to hold grudges against people who’ve wronged you?
nah, lifes to short to give a fuck, so i just ignore those who fuck me over
In a relationship?
No, but hopefully soon
Appearance: 5′6″ish, black hair but naturally its like blondish brown, very pale. I have small green eyes with a bit of brown around the pupil, small pink lips, small nose. I have chubby cheeks, and chubby body, (Though i’m losing weight so not for long.) biiig ass like so big i dont think ill lose it no matter how thin i get.
Personality: I seem quiet and composed, like a mature person, but please know I’m just shy. I come off as intimidating or mean irl, but it’s just because I’m bad at social cues, so…. I’m just a soft, sensitive gay, and im a huuuge bitch when i hate you but if i love you im clingy and ill show how sad i am constantly and i just idk that’s me ig...
Ability: uhhhh im a really good cook and baker 
Hobbies: Kpop, reading, netflix(is netflix a hobby?)
Experiences: mostly shitty but my fave one was when i met my little sister for the first time
My Life: I’m 15, live in colorado, live with my Mom only but she sucks so i just pretend she doesnt exist, my friends love me but i hate 90% of em(sorry guys i dont mean to but yeah i hate all of you except carlee, alex, jewstin, and xavier)
Relationships: I dated a straight girl once technically we’re still together but since i havent talked to her i say we are very much so broken up, i had this one shitty long distance relationship where she almost always ignored me and cheated on me with the girl im now in love with, to clarify im not dating the girl im in love with cuz she practically hates me now...
Random Stuff: i fucking suck and im really boring
_____ THIRD VER.
Relationship status: Single, but lookin to hoe around :P(jk)
Fave color: white
Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick cus my lips are always chapped
Last song: mother-pink floyd
Last movie: Already said
Top 3 shows: shameless, friends, and run bts(does that count as a show, idc im counting it)
Top 3 ships: yoonseok, namjin, and taegi
I Tag: @carleexella @astralomeria @m1-y9 and any of my followers, thats it i dont know anyone else (If you’ve done the tag before, just ignore me!!)
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txtluvr · 7 years
redbean ice cream, milk tea, bubble tea 💌
omgnfhd sorry i took so long to answer this but: redbean ice cream: ideal partnermilk tea: current fashion obsessionbubble tea: fashion pet peeverbic: someone v outgoing n confident who’s persistent in getting to kno me since i can be v shy n closed off, funny, kind, patient, street smart n wise!!! (openminded of course)mt: lately ive been into silky fabrics n off the shoulder blouses but i just like looking at it cus it would never suit me 😔 n also im broke
bt: i dont rly have a fashion pet peeve since i dont like to judge others outfits but i hate neon colors on clothing so shsjsj
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