#i dont comics but the image in my head was so vivid
beliscary · 1 year
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something quick bc i couldn't get it out of my head... a fete at whitewyrm castle
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u3pxx · 6 months
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KIM KITSURAGI - “Is that. My kineema.”
COMPOSURE [Medium: Success] - Something in him is about to break, *big time*.
EMPATHY - And it’s not going to be pretty, do something!
- DRAMA [Formidable] - Everything is fine!
- “Sure is.”
DRAMA [Formidable: Failure] - Surely he’s aware that he’s not the *only* person in the world who owns a Kineema?
YOU - “Is it really *yours*? I mean, plenty of people have their own Kineemas, right? Like working men, government offices, uh, firefighters I guess, maybe even animal control people? Exactly! A million different people who could’ve driven it into the uh…”
DRAMA - Pause, my liege! Ixnay on the Ineemakay!
YOU - “It could even be our *mysterious* joyrider!”
KIM KITSURAGI - Your frenzied babbling falls deaf to the lieutenant's ears. Instead, he approaches the broken vehicle, sunken in the ice. He moves with a caution and gentleness you haven’t seen him display before.
INLAND EMPIRE - It must be cold and lonely down there, in the icy water. Maybe he could sense its sorrow, calling to him…
PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Easy: Success] - His hands, which are always stiffly placed behind his back, are trembling.
ENDURANCE - This is the shuffle of a tired, tired man.
HALF LIGHT - He’s going to do something drastic because of you. Oh god, terrible! You’re a terrible liar! You can’t look at this, you just can’t!
VOLITION [Formidable: Success] - It's not *you* who drove his kineema into the sea. You have plenty of faults, but this one is decidedly not yours.
KIM KITSURAGI - He kneels down with his head bowed, casting his face in shadow. He plants a hand on the ice to stabilize himself, squinting to get a better view of the motor carriage. “Detective, it says ‘57’ on it.”
YOU - Sweat drips down your brow, and you feel a terrible headache coming. “Maybe our joyrider has an affinity for that number?”
LOGIC - He's not stupid, he knows that it's not that.
YOU - “What about 57?”, you brace yourself.
KIM KITSURAGI - “Precinct 57.”
YOU - You wince. “Kim, look-”
KIM KITSURAGI - “When I woke up in the Whirling-in-Rags with no memory of what happened during the days before, I've taken note that something of mine has gone missing.” He grits his teeth. "A very. Important. Something."
He runs his hands over his face, messing his already unkempt hair in the process. Regret creeps up on his features. “God. Fuck. They’re going to fire me over this, they’re not going to hear me out.”
EMPATHY - Desperation settles in the lieutenant's tone. Sadly, you find yourself in agreement, even if you don’t want it to be the truth.
YOU - “People are more valuable than machines, Kim.”
KIM KITSURAGI - “Not people like me.” He rasps.
YOU - “…”
KIM KITSURAGI - Before you can say anything more, you fail to notice the lieutenant carefully walking onto the edge of the ice. He looks over the frigid water, a dizzying blue that mirrors and distorts his exhausted face back to him.
YOU - “Kim?”
KIM KITSURAGI - Seconds pass as he looks to be contemplating something. Out of nowhere, he casually takes another step where the ice ends and the sea begins. It happens all too quick for the lieutenant to even voice a call for help— if he even wanted to — his body plunging into the cold water before your eyes.
YOU - “KIM!!!!”
uhhh bonus stuff? sorry i have swap au brainworms pfttt
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(im not sure what skills kim has at the moment so rn he only has narration as his inner monologue ok whoops, i would like to keep harry as the guy who thinks in dialogue trees so im still figuring it out pfttt)
also, this was done bc i wanted to expand on these old scribbles of mine, just like an idea, i just think that he'd be having an even worse time wheezes
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turnipoddity · 6 months
This isn't an ask but I had a very vivid image stuck in my head last night drawn by you and I looked for it but I don't think you've drawn it? It was Adam and Lawrence kissing in the rain as Lawrence was falling over so I was really excited for it but it did not exist 😞
here anon its not a dream anymore (also hope u dont mind me adding a lil comic based on this tweet hehe)
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eggsploded · 1 year
Ishy for the character ask! :•)
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fish meal :)
initial impression: i thought she was kinda boring TBH.. her underlying insanity wasnt really prominent in the prologue when everyone else is so much stranger
current impression: projmoons hamster in the microwave. women described as being a wee lad. essential worker. banished to the yuri mines. ishy needy drinky. they atleast graced her with soupmael after these chapters of suffering. godspeed queen. anyway shes so fucking stressed its comical i think she has a lobotomy corp qliphoth counter in her head that drops to 0 the moment heath talks and all hell breaks loose. shes a true 'im the most normal person here everyones insane' delusional queen. you drink turpentine to get drunk girl!!!!!
favorite moment: weirdchamp moment with her and rodya forcing meemaw to bed went hard. also shes just so backhandedly mean to dante in the voicelines its crazy
story idea: in a way i dont want a story idea for her. i want her to sit down and nothing happens for her own peace of mind and safety alternatively i just had a vivid mental image of her devouring hardtack and it was really funny
favorite relationships: shes really a yuri messiah for the fanbase because shes mmmmaybe the most normal woman in the cast. ill be real i dont have any strong ships for her because deep down i yearn for someone to be the homoerotic sailor next to her equally leyendecker existence. ishdon has cute art and she makes a good knight. faumael popping off HARD rn and they def got potential but i feel like their unique insanity types kinda mellow out together instead of enhances making their relationship just regular toxic (lame..). my favorite yuritype is probably outishmael because they got some common ground and hate eachother at the same time. the intrinsic horror of having a crush on your coworker that also happens to be the overbearing old hag that yells indoors.. in a fun and thought provoking way. platonically i hope she and meur are on good terms as seat buddies. does she let him use her hair as a blanky? are they level 2 friendship enough to lean on eachother when tired?
favorite headcanon: shes built like a brick. atomically more dense than the average human. curvature in her frame exists only theoretically. i think she and meur weigh their bus seat down. the hair is a floatation device to counteract this effect when shes in water. scientists call this the ishmael buoyancy factor
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l-mop · 10 months
god i wanna do personal art for fun so bad. Like I have vivid images of the things I will draw and i REALLY REALLY wanna make em. but i been doing a ton of art for group projects and finals and im so. i just. cant i am beaming the image in my head directly into yours via mind hypnosis so i dont need to draw it. ooOOoo you totally see an lmop comic/artpiece ooOOOoo it's okay i guess oooooOOOOOOOOOoooooo (art will resume when im less overwhelmed i promise)
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magical-glimpse · 1 year
Hello, how are you doing?
I’ve read your dream interpretations, and I love how you analyze and interpret each dream. Could you take a look at my dreams and situation if it’s not too much trouble?
Sometimes, I feel some sort of energy shocking me in my dreams, and I always “see” vivid images after this happens. While I use the word “see,” my actual eyes are often closed, like I think I’ve woken up but actually I’m still lying in my bed sleeping. There had been occasions that I did open my eyes, but then the images get stuck in my sight no matter which way I looked or how hard I blinked my eyes. I wonder if you have any kind of explanation for this.
The last time this weird “seeing” thing happened was when I had a really disturbing nightmare. I felt like I was in a comic book story and I was trying to rescue someone while running away from this disgusting slimy octopus-like villain. In the dream, I was running in a sewer that was covered in black and red gooey stuff. I think it caught up with me because I knew that I’d failed the mission. Just then, I felt something pressing on my stomach (like my “real” stomach) so I woke up. I saw a big thing that looked like Mr. Potato Head from Toy Story, but when it started walking towards me, it turned into a gigantic orange with bloodshot eyes and a creepy smile. It handed out a flat rectangle pale pink box to me, but I was too afraid to get it. The creepy orange stayed there for about 30 seconds before it disappeared. I fell asleep again after that, and when I woke up in the next morning, I had a strong gut feeling that it was right of me to leave that box alone.
It’d be really nice to hear your insights! Thank you!
Okay, so you dont need to be alarmed, but i think you are a medium, and certain entities are starting to notice it.You have the right to bloxk it all off or to explore it,if you choose to explore it though, i suggest you take the time to connect with yojr guides and learn some protection and cleansing techniques.
I think the energy shocks are either your guides showing you things or you moving suddenly into the 5D.On a more scientific level, you may look into sleep apnea or other sleep disxorders.
Also, in general, dont accept gifts from things with creppy smiles.No really, aqking an entitiy to show their teeth is a great way to check if theyre good or not.If the teeth looks dirty, scary etc it is a sign they arent here for good things and you shouldtn accept gifts from them
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itzelart · 4 years
3-4 MONTHS??? jesus that takes so much dedication! i hope you’re proud of yourself! actually, i’d love if you’d talk more about what you’re most proud of with it! use this ask to brag on yourself, or at least maybe talk about some of the things you liked best? what’s your process for getting Reye’s vivid internal descriptions visually onto the page?
Hahaha yeah, i am so in love with this story that i want to get every detail right.
I am very proud, my style changed so much since the first comic pages and i love it, i just hope it gets better. I have an image in my head of how i want the characters to look, so far i havent met it, but im getting there.
Inking is my favorite part so far, its so satisfying. Coloring is hard for me, i dont know if im doing good or not, or if people like it.
My process for drawing reye's words... its everywhere... its very hard for me to understand what im reading because i have dyslexia. So i have to really analyze everything, its funny, everytime i read it i find new things and sometimes its not how i pictured it the first time, but i keep trying.
Also, i have a hard time knowing where the characters are, the locations, and the poses, its confusing to me.
Thats a little bit of my process. Thank you for asking 😄😁
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Recent Reads -- May 12, 2019
It turns out that I start to feel itchy if I don’t do a round-up of my various one-off recs every few months or so? Though there are some new recs on this list too (helloooo, Lix Storm). As usual, it’s a multifandom mix--DGHDA, Harry Potter, The Hour, and just a bit of Sherlock and The History Boys. Recs under the cut, so you don’t have to scroll unless you want to :)  Enjoy!
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency I'm So Queer I Can't Even Think Straight (But To Be Fair, You're Not Helping) - @dont-offend-the-bees - 2.2k, T, Dirk/Todd "'His mind was buzzing, his heart pounding, his lips tingling, even now five, ten, however many minutes later. But if nothing else, he’d got past the phase of the whole holy shit Dirk just kissed me thing going round and round in his head, stuck in there like a bad song. But holy shit Dirk just kissed him.' In which Todd shows his hand, and Dirk takes a leap." So funny and charming that I’m almost mad about it? The Comic happened, we all lost our minds, and Bees was there with fic on the SAME DAY.
A Thousand Butterflies Can't Be Wrong, (But I Think I Might Be.) - electricteatime | @kieren-fucking-walker - 6.2k, G, Dirk/Todd "It’s a lot, he knows it’s a lot, and he almost wishes he’d stopped to think about his answer before just blurting his feelings all over the place. But then he supposes he’s always been a little like that, and it hardly makes sense to change that now. If Todd feels the same he already knows what he’s signing up for. If. For two small letters, it really is a big word." OF COURSE post-s2 Dirk thinks that Todd and Farah will be together and leave him, because historically, that's how things go for him...bless his heart and his inability to cope with Todd's eyebrows.
Leave What's Heavy Behind - electricteatime - 5k, G, Dirk/Todd "A semi-poetic semi-character study of one Todd Brotzman, the lies he tells himself, and the truths Dirk Gently knows." So beautifully, painfully REAL?!? I may never stop having feelings about this fic.
song for the heartsick (better days are near) - embraidery - WIP, T, Bart & Suzie Boreton "Suzie Boreton, rescued from death at the hands of the Mage's goons by the dirtiest woman she's ever seen in her life, faces a question: would she like to go on a road trip with her savior? No, Suzie thinks, but when she opens her mouth, Yes comes out. And so begins the weirdest road trip ever." This is such a fascinating premise, I can't wait to see where it goes.
To sleep, perchance to dream - @flightinflame - 2.4k, G, Mona & friends "Mona is sick, and loses control of her abilities. She tries to hide it, but it becomes too much to ignore." This is? So soft?! And also quirky, and playful, and just plain heartwarming.
the intricacies of triangulation - reptilianraven | @actualbird - WIP, T, Farah/Dirk/Todd "'Todd. Us. Us and Todd. We need a plan for this,' Farah says. Or the one where Dirk and Farah get together (they’re surprised about it as well) and try their best to get Todd to date the both of them in the most roundabout ways possible." In just one chapter this fic had me HOWLING with laughter.
or make a home - reptilianraven - 6.6k, T, Dirk/Todd "Or Todd’s adventures in dating Dirk Gently, the mundanities of which unsurprisingly turning out to not be very mundane at all (featuring, among other things: intergalactic wormholes, regular periods of lying down on the floor, and several annoying habits that concern toothpaste and toothbrushes.)" With a combination of absurd humor and honest emotion, this fic absolutely nails the joys (and annoyances) of loving/supporting/living with another person.
put that baby back where it came from, or so help me - reptilianraven - 7.6k, T, Dirk/Todd "A case drops a telekinetic baby into the agency’s care and Dirk feels...overwhelmed whenever he sees Todd competently, wonderfully, lovingly taking care of a child." Tropey and ridiculous, but in the BEST WAY. My favorite line in this fic is ALL of them.
Though Your Breath Racks Your Ribs and You Throb with Pain; There's a Juice on My Lips for Each Purple Stain - @sexycoinkidicks - 7.4k, E, Dirk/Todd "In which Dirk shows Todd where it hurts. Angsty emotional smut, based loosely on a scene from the play Kiss of the Spider Woman (VERY loosely- no prior knowledge needed!)" Claustrophobic sadness and Extreme Emotional Intensity, with a slight edge of hope.
An Interlude; or, Compulsory Heterosexuality Made Me Do It - @teacupsandcyanide & @gallantrejoinder, - 1.6k, G, Farah & Todd "Farah and Todd did, in fact, make out while on the run. They also both realised some very important things about themselves. But not the things you might expect." Todd and Farah are glorious disasters, and I love them <3 This fic made me giggle from start to finish.
The Situation - teacupsandcyanide - 8.5k, M, Dirk/Todd "Todd raises his eyebrows at him. 'You gotta admit. We would get into this … situation.' 'What, the situation where we flee from the weekly hired goons into a badly aging knock-off of the Ritz, get shut in an empty room with no escape, and find ourselves compelled to make loud, gratuitous sex noises in order to put the aforementioned lackeys off the scent?'" In which Dirk and Todd have wildly different interpretations of Dirk's "coming out," and the only thing preventing them from getting together was their inability to have an honest damn conversation. Sensual and full of Big Emotions, as is only fitting for these two.
The Butterfly Effect (Love Is Love Is Love Is Love) - teacupsandcyanide - 7.2k, T, Dirk/Todd "Dirk kisses his best friend on their balcony in front of the Pride Parade. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Things escalate wildly into identity issues, old hang-ups, anguished declarations of love, and inopportune sabotage of the situation by their tiny bastard cat." This fic left me an incoherent, keysmashing mess. I might have actually clutched at my own heart after reading it.
Harry Potter Midday, Midnight - @aryastark-valarmorghulis - 8.5k, T, Remus/Sirius "During the summer of 1976, between fifth and sixth year at Hogwarts (and after The Prank), Remus goes outside the Lupin's cottage and he finds a big, black dog in his garden..." The character voice in this fic is so authentically teenager-y; Remus is so deep in his own head. I also enjoyed all of the sensory details, which create such a vivid image of the Lupin home, and the feel of a summer's day (and night).
Aural Gratification - birdsofshore - 10.9k, E, Harry/Draco "Harry's not gay – he just likes listening to exciting stories about Aurors. It's not his fault that the narrator's voice is so smooth, so expressive... and really rather hot." I know I’m waaaaay late to the party on this one (as I often am with Drarry fics), but worth it. As a person who listens to audiobooks for both fun and profit, I could not resist it :)
Letting Go - LuminousGloom - 6.1k, E, Remus/Sirius, Remus/Kingsley, Remus/OMC "A number of lusty, intimate encounters. Although for Remus, it's really only ever been about one person. And it's never quite right, until it's right." I love that each of Remus’ encounters is not only distinct and sexy, but also that each highlights different facets of him: forthright, secretive, curious, ashamed, conflicted, joyful, soft, rough, broken, and (eventually) unbroken.
like tea and knitwear - @songofwizardry - 2.4k, G, Remus/Sirius "There are probably easier and faster ways of showing one's affection than learning how to knit so one can make the object of said affections a jumper. Fortunately, Sirius has never been fond of picking the easy route." As soft and warm as a hand-knit jumper, but with just enough snarky humor that it still feels Marauders-y.
Sky Full of Song - @writcraft, read by semperfiona - 2k, 13min, T, Harry/Draco "Draco turns up at Harry's birthday party unexpectedly and Harry takes a leap of faith."  A wonderful blend of angst and humor and realistically messy emotions.
The History Boys Don't you know you're life itself? - Philipa_Moss - 5.5k, M, Scripps/Posner “Dakin thinks you’ll get bored of me,” Posner says, out of the blue, and Scripps says, automatic and habitual, “He doesn’t.” This fic feels so perfectly lived-in--all of the relationships (partnerships, friendships, whatever) are well-worn, complex, and shaped by choices in a way that rings true to life, and to the characters.
The Hour (Guess who watched all of The Hour this winter and was left wishing that there was another series entirely about Lix Storm?)
The Small Hours - deathorthetoypiano - 1k, T, Lix/Bel "Lix stayed at Freddie's funeral, despite her instincts - and old habits - telling her to leave. She stayed for Bel, because she might need rescuing or a shoulder to cry on, someone to make sure she was alright, or at least as alright as she could be, given the situation." A quiet, bittersweet coda.
My thought is not changeable - @lbmisscharlie - 1.5k, E, Lix/Bel "Freddie will return – sometime – he must – and Bel is never aimless when Freddie’s around, not like she is now, eyes intent on Lix’s mouth and one stockinged foot rubbing uncertainly against her calf and their smallest fingers just touching where their palms are braced on the floor." Sharp poignancy and tons of sensory--a perfect stolen moment.
Light gathered in you - lbmisscharlie - 1.4k, E, Lix/Bel "Bel looks at her, sidelong. Her lashes are long, mascaraed dark, and her mouth coral pink. “I did wonder,” she says. “If you were – a Sapphist.” She says the archaic word so delicately that Lix has to laugh, which makes Bel pink up and drop her gaze. “I’m – not fussy,” Lix says. She shifts her weight just so, her forearm brushing Bel’s elbow. Bel doesn’t look up, but takes a breath, lifts her glass to her mouth, and swallows her wine down." Everything about this--tone, dialogue, dynamics--feels spot-on.
The Most Marvellous Place to Get Lost - peninsulam - 8.5k, E, Lix/Bel "It is late spring in Tangier, and Bel feels as far from home as she has been in her life." Gorgeous, poignant, evocative. You know, just generally breathtaking.
Immoral Support - @thisbluespirit - 420 words, T, Lix/Bel "Bel winds up where she always does after a bad day; in the safest place she knows..." This is lovely, and manages to nail their dynamic in fewer than 500 words.
I'd like to explore you - rainbowsuomi - 604 words, unrated, Lix & Bel "Lix’s mind is already somewhere else when Bel tells her to think about it and exits the office, picturing herself in front of the camera, describing bars where girls had their hair cropped and styled with grease, smoking cigars and slipping their hands, elegant, long and white, under flowing, frilly skirts, caressing stockings and corrupting young ladies." A beautifully characterized slice of life (and Lix’s history).
Sherlock Roads, Not Shrouds - verdant_fire | @viridiandecisions - 3.4k, T, John/Sherlock "He's perfectly happy to live out the rest of his life in monastic devotion, feeding John and loving John and provoking John just enough to distract him from what Sherlock did to their kitchen table." Lovely and lyrical and heartfelt (without getting treacly).
Further fic recs | Fic bookmarks
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bellafadiploma · 6 years
UNIT 2: The Truth About Everything
To start off this project, we talked to local poet and performer Jonny Fluffypunk, who gave us our brief. We were sent the transcripts from conversations between Jonny and his team and the people of a residential home. I read through all of the transcripts individually and underlined certian quotes I really enjoyed. Most of these turned out to be from the resident Della. I thought she had very interesting memories and insights, especially into things I’m interested such as ghosts and gender and such. Here’s a selection of the quotes i particularly liked.
DELLA: My father had a rat up his trousers once.
DELLA: Yes. I used to say ‘sweet things come in small packets’. And my husband says ‘So does poison’
JULIEN: A rat is a pirate. A mouse is a civilised animal but a rat is a real pirate.
DELLA: ‘Did you often get in trouble?’ Not often. But I did do things I shouldn’t do. Climb trees for a start. I loved climbing trees. I remember lying on the branch of a tree, it must’ve been half an hour, before the policeman went. He came to the playing fields and was looking around and I don’t know why but he suddenly decided to stay around. So I lay along the branch and waited for him to go. It seemed an awful long time
DELLA: I’ve seen a ghost. In Long Sutton. A man in a grey mac. 
DELLA: My cousin did… but it turned out that it wasn’t a ghost. It was a goat. In those days the toilet was outside, and Fred went out and he saw this white thing, and he reckoned it was a ghost.
DELLA: I saw my husband, when he was at sea. I woke up, and I could see my husband standing at the end of the kids’ cot. He stood there, and I said What’s the matter, Eric? Oh don’t worry, he said, it’ll be alright. And then he vanished.
DELLA: Frankenstein never came to our church. But you just think; if spiders were bigger than what they are… Like a tarantula? No. If they were six foot. Six foot in length. They’d be scary then. Absolutely.
EDNA: I always thought I was more beautiful than anybody else. I wasn’t.
What Piece Of Advice Would You Give Us For Life? EDNA: Shut up.
DELLA: She used to pull me along the road on roller skates. Tie a scarf around my middle, say here y’are, give it to the dog, and she’d take off up the road, pull me along. I fell over a few times.
DELLA:Well, our dog Sandy always sat in front of the fire with a budgie on his head. Every day. He’d sit there for hours, asleep... But Sandy knew the time. He could tell the time.
JS: You’ve always dreamed a lot? DELLA: One of my first dreams was when I was tiny; [...] I put the purse in one of the draws in the bedroom, and in my dreams the drawer opened and the little elephant popped out, and I was so afraid I ran, and the elephant run after me. So by the time I was finished dreaming, I’d got the whole house waking up…
JS: Is there any places you would go? Well, in 1963, as a student I went to Lourdes, to the village of St Bernadette. I had acne rather badly. [...] but that day, when I was in Lourdes, there was a storm, I got drenched, then as I say, from that point on, the spots started to disappear. But I didn’t go back. 
DELLA: I can’t remember how old he was. He was in the navy, in one of the destroyers, the arctic convoys. It was so cold, if you touched any metal without your gloves, it took your skin off.
Here I have put the specific lines I liked in bold.
After deciding which resonated with me the most, I created some sketches
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I also had a risograph induction the same day, and tested one of my ideas, which was the image of Della being pulled along the road on her rollerblades. It was just a two colour print but I really enjoyed how it turned out. The vividness of the colours and the sweetness of the blue and pink really helps push the narrative of a childhood memory. 
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I decided after this that I wanted to do all of my pieces in risograph after a failed digital illustration attempt. I decided upon this after getting feedback that the story was not clear enough due to the composition of the policeman within the scene. I also think this piece didn’t work due to it looking to flat. I put everything in the foreground, giving the piece no sense of depth or space.
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I did some research into different graphic styles for each poster, the ‘policeman’ story, I took inspiration from Enid Blyton illustrations and Tintin. I really like the very cute style of drawing eyes in Tintin, and so I took that into my illustration. I also really liked the look of the callipgraphy pens, so part of the lines are thicker than others, which can be seen in both Blyton’s and Herge’s work. The risograph, I decided should be as many colours as I could do, which is blue, black, yellow and pink. I used gradients and opacity to mix new colours which i think was very effective in the end, especially the sunset sky. I also reflected on my earlier statements about my first attempt at this illustration and added things into the background to create a sense of space.
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For my ‘Poison’ piece, I took a lot of inspiration from comics and pop art obviously, but mostly I took inspiration from Roy Lichenstein, which is why i decided to use so much halftone in these pieces. From his work I also took the composition, where he often has a man and woman facing each other in profile. The colours I ended up using in the risograph were pink and blue again, as that combination is often used in reference to candy and other sweet things. The pink is almost sickly however, which adds that threatening dimension that the quote has. Also, my accident, the pink and blue could be said to reflect the energies of the male and female I suppose, if you ascribe to that idea.
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for the ‘Frankenstein’ piece, I looked into comics again, especially late 80′s/90s style, such as The Mask, which utilised thick black lines and almost neon colours. I also looked into pulp book covers and horror movie posters for the sort of composition I wanted to use. I ended up going with a classic low angle, low yellow lighting, very much reminiscent of vintage horror films; combined with the halftone to bring it back to that comic book style. I then have Della at the bottom with the quote, as I felt that this piece needed maybe a bit more context.
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I also designed another one to put through the risograph, but due to thinking it was a little too simple and not that readable, plus time constraints, I didn’t finish it.
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Just before the project came to end, I experimented with doing some more traditional hand coloured drawings and testing colour theories at the request of Alan, however, due to time, none of these really came to fruition. 
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Nonetheless, I am very pleased with the outcome of this project. I think the pieces are very striking and reflect the stories of Della faithfully, but still with a flair that means that they dont all necessarily need the context of the conversation and work as stand alone posters. I fell in love with the process of riso this project and would love to use it more in future if possible.
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tumblunni · 8 years
Man i cant stop thinking about that ‘tappy talk’ app post now... I know I’m able to talk but still I feel like using something like that would be incredibly helpful to me. I dunno if this is common to all autistic people but I kinda think in pictures and have to like.. translate my thoughts into english before I write them down? Its why i have a lot of trouble being coherant when I speak out loud as opposed to writing, its hard to mentally edit stuff without like... pausing for ages and getting stressed out that everyone thinks you’re dumb. And man like I dont even get the idea of an ‘inner voice’, the only ‘inner voice’ I have is how I sorta read my own dialogue out loud in my head to try and understand what i just said and convert it back to proper thoughts, to make sure I ‘translated’ correctly. I dont hear my own voice in my head unless I’m actually speaking or writing to somebody else. And god its just SO HARD sometimes to remember what the words are for a concept, or untangle a big abstract picture or emotion or sound or smell into a word that can explain it... But the problem is really that if I actually tried communicating with pictures then it’d be intuitive to *ME* but I dont think anyone else would understand it! It’d be like a code they’d have to puzzle out, and I guess at least they’d understand how english looks to me, lol. God, the idea of learning a second language is so impossible when ive spent my entire life ravenously reading and writing 90% of every day forever and I STILL stumble over speaking english! And dont even get me started on SPELLING and READING CURSIVE, gahhhhhh! I think maybe its even why I get attatched to characters that talk uniquely in videogames or books, cos i spend more time decoding their english and thus i focus more on them than the others? And pulling off a joke that relies on uncommon grammar rules is like MAGIC to me, I laugh SO MUCH when I finally get it, even if its something ridiculously minor like an egotistical character trying to hide their greedy plots through silly euphemisms. or, at least, thats the best excuse I have for why evil characters talking uniquely is even better? maybe just cos evil characters are more likely to have smart sassy jokes. And its SO FUN to try and write fanfics for them cos I have an excuse to practise learning to write in that unique speech style, which helps me figure out the rules and learn stuff that can improve my comprehension of regular english too! And GAHHH this is also why I love drawing but why its so easy for me to get demotivated and unconfident with drawing. I have very vivid pictures in my head of what I want to make, and then i get way too worked up when i lack the skill to recreate it on paper. And I suck at putting it in words so I can find reference images or tutorials. And it especially sucks when im trying to express an emotion that I cant express in words, cos i also suck at reading people’s faces thus i suck at DRAWING them! But maybe thats encouragement to be more creative, cos I like to find ways to express emotion through metaphor and actions rather than faces. Maybe its why i ended up gravitating towards games instead of comics? You can express so much through animation or through the choices you give a player! its a way to make someone get inside my head and finally hear the stuff I suck at saying!! also im sorry i always make super long posts, i think this is part of it too I suck at explaining what im trying to say, and i overcompensate by overexplaining, and my grasp of writing is bad so i cant tell when ive said the same thing twice with synonyms or if my grammar is hard to read GAHHHH basically i am just SORRY and also the guy who made that app is amazing and i hope it helps a lot of kids live happier lives and i think it could be very useful for people with anxiety problems or other cognitive difficulties even if they arent completely nonverbal it might be cool if it could expand into a full series of different variations geared towards different disabilities, maybe with some sort of customizeable functions to help crowdsource suggestions to add to the dictionary? (or just to customize it because not all pictures are universally understood the same in all cultures) MANNNN it makes me think so much about how powerful games can be in helping people with disabilities!! so many stuff on my dashboard all about this!! im so proud of indie developers using their power for good and just seriously i wish i could try this app, cos just seeing how it translates pictures to words might be able to help me learn better at some of the pitfalls i still have in grasping the english language even after 24 years of speaking it. And man if there was some sort of app that could teach me all the spelling variations that’d be awesome too, there’s a huge gap in my vocab where I can grasp a lot of unusual pronounciations and then it IMMEDIATELY stops as soon as we get to the stuff that wasnt given to us as a game or worksheet in school. and lol i can remember the grammar rules for the extra letters of the welsh alphabet even though i cant speak any more words of welsh and its totally useless in english! You’d think that “dydd is pronounced deeve” would be more difficult than figuring out if its thier or their! (I STILL CANNOT GET THAT RIGHT) (...also when im supposed to put the apostrophe in its) ... ANYWAY SORRY LONG POST
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