#i dont consider myself a writer but man do i love writing inuokko....
tunamayojazz · 1 year
26, 39 and 45 for InuOkko 💕
Oh my god guess who got carried away again....Hope this doesn't have too many mistakes but I had a great time writing this! Please enjoy ❤️ 26. What's one location that's important to them?
The school gardens! Toge's the permanent student gardener since no one wants to take something he loves doing from him. It's a peaceful and comforting job. When Yuta joins the team and offers to help him, Toge can't bring himself to decline. And perhaps it's so Yuta will feel like he's welcome here too.
As time passes, and Yuta doesn't cease his offers of help and instead adjusts gardening to part of his routine, it goes from being Toge's garden to his and Yuta's garden. He hadn't realized until Yuta had casually referred to it as "our garden", and he'd be lying if it hadn't felt like something warm had settled in his heart then.
Through all the seasons, they carry out their duties responsibly, working together so seamlessly it feels like it had always been the two of them from the start. From time to time, they'll meet there without meaning to. Late in the night when sleep escapes them and they seek comfort, their feet bring them to the same place, naturally gravitating towards where their hearts have cemented as safe. And so they make countless memories in that little space of theirs. Sometimes they'll have snacks as they talk about everything and nothing.
The night before Yuta has go overseas with no idea of when he'll return, he visits the garden one last time. Toge isn't there when he arrives late into the night, but instead of disappointment, he feels relief. He takes a seat by himself, nothing but silence in the chilly air. Then he speaks. He talks to the flowers he and Toge love so much, and he tells them everything. There's a slight breeze that comes and goes, and it makes the flowers sway in a way that tells Yuta they're listening. Soft spoken confessions begin to fill the air, words he feels he'll never gather the strength to say to who they're intended for. With his eyes closed and his mind wandering to his happiest moments here, he says again and again to the flowers: I love him, I love him, I love him
His confession stays with the flowers when he leaves. Toge continues to take care of them, and it's just like before Yuta came along, except it's not. There's a large absence now that won't be filled for awhile. On the nights his heart aches with a weight he can't shake off, he goes to the garden. He sits down, eyes misty more often not. Looking at the flowers he and Yuta cared for together, he mouths the words he doesn't dare to voice.
The flowers listen.
39. Describe their first kiss
It's a lazy afternoon, and Yuta spends it watching Toge play video games very intently. He's lying comfortably on his bed, eyes watching the character on screen climb a rather steep mountain. Yuta can't help but ask questions along the way, things like "Can you still climb if it's raining?", followed by a "Okaka. Konbu tuna mayo ikura. (No, he''ll just keep slipping)". Toge patiently quenches his curiosity, able to explain in detail while maintaining his focus in a battle. That's Toge for you.
The sun is setting outside, and there's a boss fight of sorts at one point There's a cutscene that comes after the evil has been defeated gets Yuta a little emotional despite not knowing enough about the game to understand what exactly was going on. He's sniffling and wiping away his tears before he knows it, prompting Toge to pause his game. "Yuda! Takana?", he puts down his console and turns to hold Yuta's teary face in his hands.
"I'm okay! I'm okay. It's just," and he sniffles again. "It's just so sad. She died without being able to say goodbye to her family. And when she turned to look at her home, I could feel the longing-" Toge can't help laugh a little, causing Yuta to groan and push his hands away. "You're making fun of me!!", he shrieks. Toge shakes his head at first, but puts his hands up in surrender with a sheepish smile. "Shake shake, Yuda." He signs his next words, "I can't help it because it's cute. You're such a softie, Yuta. And I guess I love that about you. I'm laughing out of endearment. Promise."
Yuta pouts, not really sure if that makes him feel much better. But what does throw his heart into a whirlwind of emotions is him saying "I love that about you". He feels his face warm, as the words sink in.
"Oh?" Toge says, teasing in his voice. "Takana, Yuda? Sujiko tuna tuna."
"My face is not turning red, shut up."
Before he can even process Toge letting out another laugh and climbing onto the bed, he feels palms on his face again and the soft press of lips against his forehead. The kiss itself is brief, much to Yuta's dismay. When Toge pulls back, he's smiling so warmly at him that he forgets how to breathe. The boy before him doesn't say anything, but Yuta looks at his eyes and knows what he's asking.
So he closes his eyes, and Toge leans in. 45. Give each character an element Sorry I can't help but put on my ATLA glasses for this HSDJKFHSKDJF 😭
Yuta is definitely a firebender, and Toge a waterbender! It was an easy pick for Yuta who loves so kindly yet so fiercely. Like how fire can keep someone warm but also has the power to hurt and kill. Wow I just visualized Yuta bending lighting and got goosebumps.....I need to draw that one day.
Toge who's mostly calm on the surface but can be deadly suits being a waterbender methinks. And of course the audience (me) would like to imagine him bloodbending!
I like the duality aha ❤️ my god why have not drawn ATLA au inuokko.................I need to correct that asap
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