#i didnt proofread this so apologies in advance if some parts are weird !
tunamayojazz ยท 1 year
26, 39 and 45 for InuOkko ๐Ÿ’•
Oh my god guess who got carried away again....Hope this doesn't have too many mistakes but I had a great time writing this! Please enjoy โค๏ธ 26. What's one location that's important to them?
The school gardens! Toge's the permanent student gardener since no one wants to take something he loves doing from him. It's a peaceful and comforting job. When Yuta joins the team and offers to help him, Toge can't bring himself to decline. And perhaps it's so Yuta will feel like he's welcome here too.
As time passes, and Yuta doesn't cease his offers of help and instead adjusts gardening to part of his routine, it goes from being Toge's garden to his and Yuta's garden. He hadn't realized until Yuta had casually referred to it as "our garden", and he'd be lying if it hadn't felt like something warm had settled in his heart then.
Through all the seasons, they carry out their duties responsibly, working together so seamlessly it feels like it had always been the two of them from the start. From time to time, they'll meet there without meaning to. Late in the night when sleep escapes them and they seek comfort, their feet bring them to the same place, naturally gravitating towards where their hearts have cemented as safe. And so they make countless memories in that little space of theirs. Sometimes they'll have snacks as they talk about everything and nothing.
The night before Yuta has go overseas with no idea of when he'll return, he visits the garden one last time. Toge isn't there when he arrives late into the night, but instead of disappointment, he feels relief. He takes a seat by himself, nothing but silence in the chilly air. Then he speaks. He talks to the flowers he and Toge love so much, and he tells them everything. There's a slight breeze that comes and goes, and it makes the flowers sway in a way that tells Yuta they're listening. Soft spoken confessions begin to fill the air, words he feels he'll never gather the strength to say to who they're intended for. With his eyes closed and his mind wandering to his happiest moments here, he says again and again to the flowers: I love him, I love him, I love him
His confession stays with the flowers when he leaves. Toge continues to take care of them, and it's just like before Yuta came along, except it's not. There's a large absence now that won't be filled for awhile. On the nights his heart aches with a weight he can't shake off, he goes to the garden. He sits down, eyes misty more often not. Looking at the flowers he and Yuta cared for together, he mouths the words he doesn't dare to voice.
The flowers listen.
39. Describe their first kiss
It's a lazy afternoon, and Yuta spends it watching Toge play video games very intently. He's lying comfortably on his bed, eyes watching the character on screen climb a rather steep mountain. Yuta can't help but ask questions along the way, things like "Can you still climb if it's raining?", followed by a "Okaka. Konbu tuna mayo ikura. (No, he''ll just keep slipping)". Toge patiently quenches his curiosity, able to explain in detail while maintaining his focus in a battle. That's Toge for you.
The sun is setting outside, and there's a boss fight of sorts at one point There's a cutscene that comes after the evil has been defeated gets Yuta a little emotional despite not knowing enough about the game to understand what exactly was going on. He's sniffling and wiping away his tears before he knows it, prompting Toge to pause his game. "Yuda! Takana?", he puts down his console and turns to hold Yuta's teary face in his hands.
"I'm okay! I'm okay. It's just," and he sniffles again. "It's just so sad. She died without being able to say goodbye to her family. And when she turned to look at her home, I could feel the longing-" Toge can't help laugh a little, causing Yuta to groan and push his hands away. "You're making fun of me!!", he shrieks. Toge shakes his head at first, but puts his hands up in surrender with a sheepish smile. "Shake shake, Yuda." He signs his next words, "I can't help it because it's cute. You're such a softie, Yuta. And I guess I love that about you. I'm laughing out of endearment. Promise."
Yuta pouts, not really sure if that makes him feel much better. But what does throw his heart into a whirlwind of emotions is him saying "I love that about you". He feels his face warm, as the words sink in.
"Oh?" Toge says, teasing in his voice. "Takana, Yuda? Sujiko tuna tuna."
"My face is not turning red, shut up."
Before he can even process Toge letting out another laugh and climbing onto the bed, he feels palms on his face again and the soft press of lips against his forehead. The kiss itself is brief, much to Yuta's dismay. When Toge pulls back, he's smiling so warmly at him that he forgets how to breathe. The boy before him doesn't say anything, but Yuta looks at his eyes and knows what he's asking.
So he closes his eyes, and Toge leans in. 45. Give each character an element Sorry I can't help but put on my ATLA glasses for this HSDJKFHSKDJF ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Yuta is definitely a firebender, and Toge a waterbender! It was an easy pick for Yuta who loves so kindly yet so fiercely. Like how fire can keep someone warm but also has the power to hurt and kill. Wow I just visualized Yuta bending lighting and got goosebumps.....I need to draw that one day.
Toge who's mostly calm on the surface but can be deadly suits being a waterbender methinks. And of course the audience (me) would like to imagine him bloodbending!
I like the duality aha โค๏ธ my god why have not drawn ATLA au inuokko.................I need to correct that asap
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toast-is-ticklish ยท 2 years
Dont Hate You.
Super fluffy not super proofread shadowpeaches fic lmao.
Sorry in advance for typos or weird sentences lol, I sorta wrote this on a whim.
Lee! Sun Wukong Ler!Macaque
Wukong is sort of out of character here just because hes super sleep deprived and irritable.
Hope somebody enjoys this! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–
Being immortal gives you a lot of things to have nightmares about.
This was especially true for Sun Wukong, who had a tendency to make stupid, half-baked plans leading to stupid, terrible, consequences for those he cared about and stupidly failed to protect.
All those mistakes he made were cemented in his mind, every failure branded into his memories with searing heat. They played over, and over, and over, more nights than most.
And so here he was again. Shooting up from his bed with a gasping breath, covered in sweat, lungs feeling empty and aching.
He grounded himself and gave his vision some time to unblur. Breath in, breath out, and then the usual routine.
Glass of water. Cold shower. Attempt to convince yourself to go back to sleep. Fail. Look at the night sky and wait for the sun to rise.
Not like immortals needed to sleep anyways.
The Monkey King slowly clambered off the bed, ready to begin his little mental itinerary. But upon his first step his thoughts were very rudely interrupted by a shrill squuuuueeeeaaaaaak of the floorboard beneath.
Damnit. He didnt have the floor memorized in this stupid air ship yet.
Not a big deal. Unless you're rooming with an extremely nosy six eared monkey.
Stopping himself from groaning in annoyance he looked over at his six eared companions bunk, waiting for a reaction.
A moment ticked by with no stirring or waking up.
Huh. Maybe he was just super lucky tonight.
"Mmh, Wukong? What're you doing?" the black furred monkey mumbled sleepily.
"Nothing, just grabbing a drink."
He didnt want to talk about his nightmare. Some part of Wukong wanted to be called out, just so he could feel like someone was concerned for him. But no. He had to resist that urge. He had to be strong.
Macaque lifted his head up and eyed Wukong suspiciously. "Bullshit," he broke into a yawn and stretched, "You had a nightmare."
"I didnt." The Monkey king didnt even know why he was lying right now. He was too tired to be able to convince anybody, especially not Macaque.
"Why are you denying it? Not to bruise your ego buddy but it's pretty damn obvious," he disappeared into the shadows and flipped up right in front of Wukong to look him in the eyes.
"I dont know what you're talking about. Maybe you need to get your eyes checked Mango," he said, averting eye contact.
He knew using old nicknames would just further provoke the other monkey so he had no idea why he was doing it. His mouth was just sort of. Going.
"Well, Peaches," Macaque snarled, "Let's take a look at you."
"You're drenched in sweat," he listed on his fingers, "your hands are shaking," were they? Wukong didnt even notice.
"Aaaand..." he drawled out, grabbing Wukong by the chin and turning his head, "Those eye bags are looking pretty atrocious."
Monkey king growled through his teeth. He shoved Macaque away, anger flaring up and face prickling. "Why the hell are you even talking to me right now?! To mock me? To piss me off?" he burst out, letting his anger get the best of him. Why was he getting so worked up about this?
Surprisingly, Macaque looked guilty. He smacked a hand on his forehead and dragged it down his face. "I- I just... ugh. This isn't what I wanted," he said with a sigh, "I want to help you Wukong." A moment passed. "I'm..." he ground out, "I'm sorry. You just pissed me off with that old nickname. I lost my cool."
What? Wukong was sure he was still asleep at this point. Mac, wanting to help? And apologizing? Not possible.
He was going to promptly ignore whatever development that was.
"Why and how would you ever help me? With anything. Ever," he crossed his arms, tail flicking anxiously.
Dodging any and all of the implications from that statement, Macaque smirked, "Well I have an idea. But you'll have to extend some trust to me your majesty," he saw the doubt in Wukongs face and continued, "Its something we did as kids."
Well. Wukong couldn't think of anything they did as kids that was harmful. And he was so, so, tired.
"Fine," he decided. Was this a terrible mistake leading to his demise? Probably.
"I knew you'd come to your senses sometime, Wukong," underneath macaques laid-back persona he was really excited, "Just lay back down and let me work my magic."
So here Monkey King sat, Great Sage Equal to Heaven, in a bunk on an airship, weaker than he ever had been, and with his childhood friend turned mortal enemy clambering on top of him to supposedly help him with nightmares. He hadn't felt this ridiculous in a while.
"Just tell me if you want me to stop," Macaque looked down at Wukong, "I will. I promise."
Wukongs distrustful eyes continued to follow Macs every movement, watching as his hands lowered towards the Monkey Kings ears.
"What're you do-" as Macaque started fluttering his fingers around the shell of Wukongs ear, suddenly everything relaxed. "Oh," he breathed out.
The tight coil of his irritation, anxiety, and stubbornness was being loosened and replaced with butterflies in his stomach and the urge to titter.
Macaque let out a snicker "Damn Wukong, I guess we called it your 'melt spot' for a reason. I forgot how much you like this," he smirked, testing the waters for teasing most likely. Suprised by the lack of verbal response on Wukongs end he continued, "You dont have anything to say about that?"
No Wukong did not. I mean think of what it looked like! Here he was desperately fighting a dorky smile off his face, squirming, and holding onto Macs wrists uselessly. And by the feeling of his face he was probably blushing too. Gods. He hadn't blushed in literally two hundred years.
So no. He had no comment. He just clamped his mouth shut and turned his head to the side so he didnt have to look at Macaques stupid smirking face.
"Wow. Never thought I'd see you speechless," he started with a grin and let it drop, "But you cant just leave me out to dry now Wukong! Laugh! Smile! Something!"
He was met only with silence and a then a shake of the head. Mac was too impatient for this. In his attempt to help he had apparently made Wukong take some kind of vow of silence or some shit. A playful one, but still annoying.
He knew Wukong liked having his ears touched, but Mac was getting bored. So he let his hands inch down to the other monkeys ribs and just lightly scratch scratch at the skin there. Giving a little pinch to his bottom rib for good measure, and being rewarded with actual laughter!
"Glad to see you're not a corpse."
"Eep! Mahac nohoho..." Wukong giggled out protest half heartedly and somewhat sleepily. Seems like now that he was a little more relaxed the lack of sleep was catching up with him. Macaque couldn't help but let out a snort at that. "Yeah you sound real torn up about it, bud. And was that an 'Eep'? Seriously?" he chuckled out.
"Shuhut ihit! Ihihit wahahsnt!" Wukong denied through his bubbling laughter, and being flustered made things tickle more, and thinking about that made him more flustered so he was sort of stuck here. And Macaque was barely even teasing him at all.
But this was kind of...nice? He hadn't felt this relaxed and, well, safe in a long time. And it was just so easy to sink into that feeling. Let someone else take care of things for once. Even if he didnt really deserve it.
"So you're telling me I can make Monkey King, Great Sage Equal to Heaven, Sun Wukong, squeak like a little mouse if I just do this?" he teased, giving Wukongs ribs another pinch.
And he was rewarded with another little squeak.
"Eep! Ohohoh mhyhy gohohod! Ihihim nhohot a mouhououse! Ihi- Ihih- Ihih!" Wukong decided to give up on talking and just fling his hands onto his face.
"Wow, you are really get worked up about this huh? Well, the goal was to make you relax, not die so I'll lay off a little bit. Chill."
Even though it's really cute.
Aaand why was Wukong looking at him like that. Oh. Oh you gotta be kidding. He accidentally said that out loud?
He looked at Monkey King, who had lowered his hands and was just. Staring.
Yeah he accidentally said that out loud. Shit shit shit. "Eheh. Sorry, I promise I'll lay off now," the black furred monkey said, ignoring the warmth growing on his own face.
In an attempt to distract from his little blunder, he brought his hands down to Wukongs stomach and lightly scribbled there.
And once again Monkey King was lost in giggles and titters and now he was actually feeling really sleepy.
"Feeling tired?" Macaque asked, seeing his companions blinks becoming slower and his giggles quieting down a little.
"Mmheheheh...nohoho," immediately followed by a yawn.
Macaque hadn't seen this side of Sun Wukong in a long time. He was childish, but never this way. He honestly looked more like some kind of puppy or cat than a monkey at this point. He knew it was just because of how incredibly sleep deprived Wukong was right now though. It was honestly kind of bittersweet, reminding him of all that he lost after he was left behind. Even though he was trying to fix things, he knew it would never be the same.
Suddenly he was pulled out of his thoughts by a steady thump thump thump on the bedsheets.
Wukongs tail was wagging.
He felt an involuntary grin spreading across his face at the sight.
Wukong was asleep, tail wagging, taking deep, slow breaths, with a smile on his face.
Macaque took in the result of his hard work and was about to dip into one of the shadows to get off of the sleeping monkey without waking him up when he felt a tug on his arm.
"Mmmno. Stay," he mumbled sleepily.
"Uuhm. I don't know if that's such a good idea Wukong...Woah!" Macaque yelped as he was tugged down to a laying position on the bed, monkey king wrapped around him like some kind of monkey-koala hybrid. "You're stayin," the other monkeys voice was distorted both from sleepiness and the fact that his face was mushed up against Macaques shoulder.
Oh well. They would figure everything out in the morning. For now, macaque would let himself enjoy the warm feeling nestling in his chest and climbing up his cheeks, while it lasted.
" ...don't hate you Mango," he heard murmered as he fell asleep.
"I dont hate you either, Peaches," he whispered back.
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