#i dont ever want to be a mak period lol
sexysilverstrider · 6 months
im thankful for everything but above all alhamdulillah im thankful for being childless 💕💕💕
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eyy i was tagged by @lancekoganee, @lovelylangst, and @fictionismynationality for the 92 truths thing so here it issss
LAST… [1] drink: dr pepper [2] phone call: uh well the last like 5 people to call me were spam numbers but the last i actually talked on was with my sister [3] text message: bff callie [4] song you listened to: just one yesterday by fall out boy [5] time you cried: a few hours ago when i remembered my characters name in the demi episode game that i played a year and a half ago was “whipe dat azz”
HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: unfortunately yes [7] been cheated on: no [8] kissed someone and regretted it: no [9] lost someone special: ?? im not sure bc there’s a lot of people who used to be special but the friendship either imploded or slowly died sooo [10] been depressed: no [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: no lol i am rather pure for my age lmao
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLORS: [12] dark green [13] pastel pink [14] that blue that looks really good in velvet
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: yeah! [16] fallen out of love: yes? im not sure if it was love to begin w sooo [17] laughed until you cried: bruh i did like 3 hours ago lol [18] found out someone was talking about you: yeah apparently im “famous” at best buy bc my coworker (who also works there) was telling his coworkers about shenanigans him and i get into  [19] met someone who changed you: yee [20] found out who your true friends are: yeah. ive cut out a lot of people but its for the better [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: not currently lol (my current bf isnt my friend on facebook lmao)
GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: most of them tbh, but i need to go through and clean out my friends list [23] do you have any pets: 3 cats and a doggo [24] do you want to change your name: nah but a nickname would be cool [25] what did you do for your last birthday: i didnt work  i saw Fantastic Beasts in the morn and had lunch w my bf, then hung out w my friends and had dinner w them and the fam, went home and played sims [26] what time did you wake up: 7-730ish am [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: coming home from work/starting precal hw [28] name something you cannot wait for: obviously voltron season 3 but i also want to jsut get thru the next few weeks bc work is going to be a   n i g h t m a r e  and i want my suffering to be over asap [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: 2 hours ago [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: honestly i would go back in time and tell little middle school me to try out for region (bc i honestly believe if i had just had a year or two more expirience auditioning, then i wouldve made the all state choir) and then go to junior yr me and say “stop being an angry ho and   c a l m   d o w n   . i wish i could go back a year from today and tell myself that the management position is not worth it. to find another job while i can. (however, i use my job as motivation to do well in school: “do well, keep up my gpa, get my degree. i dont want to be at the movie theater forever”) [31] what are you listening to right now: my klance playlist (death of a bachelor is currently playing) [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: ive talked to a tommy and someone whos last name is toms [33] something that is getting on your nerves: anything customer related/ “can an available manager come to the stand for an employee purchase” [34] most visited website: college homepage, math hw website, tumblr, gmail, netflix (recently made my friend watch voltron every MWF after out speech class lol) [35] elementary: my awkward acne/glasses/pre-braces/braces phase. also i wore training bras for 3 yrs bc i was so uncomfortable w my boobs that i couldnt tell my mom i needed an actual bra [36] high school: i can look at pictures and tell by my smile where i lost my childish innocence (halfway thru junior yr)  [37] college: community rn, but i plan on transfering to tamu and getting at least a bachelors in environmental science. i have to research into carriers to see if a masters/phd is worth it, but that is something im interested in [38] hair color: blonde when clean [39] long or short hair: the question of the century. i look good w a lob, but i also love braiding hair sooo [40] do you have a crush on someone: i mean i have a crush on my bf lance [41] what do you like about yourself: i guess im funny. i can sing the whole danny phantom theme song  [42] piercings: triples in each ear, helix and double forward helix in my right ear (planning on getting a faux snug in my left ear eventually. id like a nose ring, but work wont let me. i maybe want a belly button ring, if i decide to work out for it lol as if) [43]blood type: i dunno, but looking at it makes me queasy so [44] nickname: maycakers, big titty t, mak [45] relationship status: long term relationship (idk how many months now but its over 2 yrs so) [46] zodiac sign: scorpio [47] pronouns: she/her.  [48] fav tv show: voltron, avatar the last airbender (im laughing i typed “airbeder” at firs), the office, drake and josh [49] tattoos: never (ill stick w piercings) [50] right or left hand: right 
FIRST… [51] surgery: does having a wart dug out of my toe count [52] piercing: the standard single pair when i was 6 [53] best friend: aaliyah but once we got to middle school we didnt have classes together and i didnt see her much in highschool (i heard about her bc she broke a lot of sports records. shes gonna be an olympian in 2020 y’all. i can feel it) [54] sport: does drill team count [55] vacation: we went to the state capitol w my grandparents  [56] pair of trainers: wtf are trainers
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: nothing bc my stomach is currently revolting [58] drinking: grape powerade [59] i’m about to: take a nap gd im tired [60] listening to: euphoria by loreen [61] waiting for: sleep to take me [62] want: my period back ache to stop [63] get married: i want to get married so bad i want to be super domestic and have a bb and that kid is gonna recycle EVERYTHING and i will love them [64] career: ecologist? environmental researcher? environmental biologist? agricultural reformer? idk i just want to do something w the environment 
WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: hugs  [66] lips or eyes: eyes are pretty [67] shorter or taller: taller bc then ur head is in their chest when u hug. or u have to get on tippy toes to kiss. yes. [68] older or younger: older older older [70] nice arms or nice stomach: yknow stomaches are nice and all but u cant see them bc shirts. u can see arms tho ohmy [71] sensitive or loud: idk im loud so  [72] hook up or relationship: relationship ftw. hook ups sound...really gross to me (my ace ass cant fathom hookups lol) [73] troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? ew no [75] drank hard liquor? the only thing ive ever drank ever is a shot of cherry sake (i spit that back out it was gross) and a shot of goldschlager (which cleared sinuses i didnt know i had and made me reaaaalllly giggly) [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? lmao all the time [77] turned someone down: yeah  [78] sex on first date? no [79] broken someone’s heart? yes  [80] had your own heart broken? not really? i felt sad both times i broke up w my ex but i knew it was for the best [81] been arrested? no but ive had someone threaten me w calling the cops [82] cried when someone died? my granny, cat, hamster [83] fallen for a friend? i mean my bf was my friend before we dated so i guess
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? tbh i am super confident in my schoolwork and just... not at all at work [85] miracles? yeah but sometimes they fail me [86] love at first sight? no  [87] Santa Claus? rip [88] kiss on the first date? ehhh [89] angels? maybe
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: CALLIE [91] eye color: blue [92] favorite movie: oh fuq i love tangled and anastasia 
i dont know 20 people or whatever so imma tag @pierce-the-llama, @marcoandthebodts (you sent me one of these like 55245 years ago and i shall do it now lol), @connors-sweet-ass, and @justklance if y’all want to 
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weasterned · 7 years
Kim Yongsun.
1. Solar Unnie is so— sighs. Tumblr-ish outside but dagelan-ish inside. Would never get over that moodboard dare ;  _____  ; she looks like someone who always smile in order to not making everyone worried about her. And she did good at promoting Mamamoo ! 2. Nearly nothing ! She did very well on promoting Mamamoo and look just like the real Solar ♡ 3. Hewwo hewwo Unnie ! Christmas is neaar ! Uh I hope Mamamoo will release a christmas single ㅋㅋㅋ I wanted to get closer with Mamamoo rp-ers and that’s my bad, I’ll try to talk with you more ! ;  ___  ; I hope you will be having a gooood year on 2018 ! ♡
1-5 coin 8) 2. kurang-kurangin recehnya sekali-kali jadi dollar kek biar ada yang nyangkut 8) 3. unnie sering bikin aku ngakak diam-diam, thanks unnie, btw nggak usah dikurangin recehnya, aku bikin gitu supaya bisa ngisi no. 2 aja 8[
1. Sankpah, Sunkpiece, Meme collector saingand queㅡ kind, curhatinable, best adviser. 2. Noona, aku tuh suka khilaf kalo liat noona. Otak mendadak inget Renjun dan cerita tentang Goblin. Apakah Renjun dan Goblin jodoh? (Tidak). Sumpah ya males nulis pake english. Kita pake bahasa saja nde? Apa yang harus noona improve? Hm, apa ya? Mungkin kita harus memisahkan diri dengan cara mimikri karena semakin dekat kita semakin dekat pula jarak antara bulan dan laut hindia. Gug deh wanjy, , , , :D noona udah ngupil belum hari ini? Kalo belum, yuk challenge ngupil bersama? 3. Dear my Yongsun noona. The only Yongsun noona that exist on my timeline. I’m happy to meet you here. Mahunya ya ketemu sama Monbyul noona yang pecinta berondong jagung kaya aku, tapi ya ketemu noona juga gapapa. Hmm…. noona punya harapan untuk kita di 2018? Apakah noona berharap kita jodoh? Atau noona masih ingin mengharapkan yang lain lain? Noona, thank you so much for listen to my story. You’re such a good adviser. Nih orang2 yang butuh saran coba datang aja sama kimyongxun, sarannya jitu lebih dari dukun dan ki Kusumo. Noona, I love you.
1) Mature, so lady-like?, kind, fun and pretty! 2) Maybe she should talk to me more? 3) Yongsun unnie, hello! Wishing you a happy time with your family on holidays and happy new year. Have a great 2018! ❤ 4) Plus : I like just the way she is~ Minus : I can’t think of any. RT or Tweet more about MAMAMOO I’d like to see them!
#1 - Funny - So bright - Talk a lot - Really friendly - Kind #2 Keep being funny and loud eonni and bright up WST family’s mood! #3 Hi Solar eonni! I hope you’re doing well this past year. It’s really nice to meet you here. You’re so kind and so bright! I like it. But it seems like you’re starting to get busier. I hope we can talk again and being loud together💓
gloomy girl, good rper, savage, kind, friendly
1. Kind, warm, noona-vibes!, attractive, girlcrush! 2. Talk with me more often! I’d love to get more and more closer and closer to you! 3. Hello! I dont know Mamamoo that much, would you mind to introduce me to them? :( Anyway I often see your pictures and oh my- youre so adorableeeee! Let me be your cutie dongsaeng, unnie. Anyway, enjoy your xmas and new year!
1. funny, nice, goofy, laughs a lot, receh 2. i dont know about this, but i found that you always receh for my jokes im so thankful of that : D 3. Dear solar eonnie, we didnt talk that much but i found that youre easy going and receh as well so i think we could get a long more more more well later! !
1. Moonbyul’s girlfriend. Absurrrrddd. Crazyyyy. Weirrddd. Prettyyy. 2. Please be a normal girl eonni. 3. My messege for this end of 2017 is…. give Moonbyul oppa for me !1. Cute, kind, swag, on hiatus, know her chara well /lyke wgl? /slapped. 2. Havent talk much, no comment about it but you’re good! 3. Annyeong Yongsun! How was your 2017 so far? I hope lots of good things happen on 2017 and more to happen on 2018. We are rarely talk but we will, anyway. Lets talk after you done with your hiatus. Stay warm and stay health on winter, okay?
he’s good looking ofc because every man are good looking haha, interesting. let’s have a talk with me bruh
Yongsun nuna.. she’s nice and i’m your fans nuna!
1. Mommy vibe lol, kind, weirdo, nice yet pretty 2. pejuang WGL 2k17 ya noona haha, semoga cepet dapet jodohnya, kidding. just stay the way you are, okay! 3. let’s make another convo in the future, noona!
1. kind, pretty, friendly, sometimes hyper, sometimes random 2. i can’t really think about the improvement you should do since you did well, sorry sunbaenim hehe 3. hello sunbaenim!! you’re the first mamamoo and solar rper that i have, it’s amazing to see you around, and you’re portraying your chara well! i’m very happy to be able to meet you and i really want to be close with you. Please always be who you are right now! I hope you will have a nice day and keep healthy till 2017 comes to an end!I haven’t talked much with you
1. i rarely talk to her, so maybe i just can say she is a nice person 2. please talk more with me in the future! 3. hello, solar noona. idk what to say, seems we rarely talk nowadays- and i rarely see you too? i hope everything okay with you. lets have a good convo again!
1. Funny, funny, funny, funny, funny. 2. I hope she’ll be more active. 3. Hello, Solar-ie! Please enjoy the rest of 2017 happily.
1. kind and friendly i dont know why but mamamoo rper always give that gay feeling 2.lets get more closer 3. Marry christmas and happy new year, ah lets get more closer next year so we can have fun year together.
1. Intimidating, cool, elegant, nice, fun. 2. I forget if i ever had a conversation with you i hope i can talk to you and know you more 3. dear yongsun nuna, you look nice and friendly. I see you sometimes on my tl but i dont why its hard for us to talk. Maybe because of that i think youre a bit intimidating hahaha mianShe is nice, friendly, talk a lot, pretty, but sometimes a bit weird. Not that weird in a bad meaning but….sometimes she tweeted random things…ㅋㅋㅋㅋ but she is nice! And sometimes funny too. I talked a couple times with her and I enjoyed that. To Solar unnie, Hello unnie! It’s a bit early but happy new year! Hope next year will only be filled with good things. Let’s talk more next year too!
1. Coins, kind, fun, joha. 2. Nothing need to change from my MatSolar unnie! 3. hello, Solar unnie since 2017 almost over which mean new year will bring a new hope also. Please stay healthy because the weather is not so good lately, keep warm. Xx Loves♡
1. doremifaSOLA~ 2. Let’s talk more with me ㅎㅎㅎ 3. Happy New Year , solar ♡1. Kind, mommy able, unnie able, miss able, lovely 2. I! Miss! You! 3. I hope you will always be happy, lately I’ve been seeing you down and I don’t like the view of it. I hope 2018 will be your year later unnie, don’t lose hope and fighting!
1. Unnie is so polite, kind, has a really good personality, but she is not really online that often and we didnt have much time to talk more hehehhee 2. Online more unnie! And lets make a good convo with me 3. I hope next year we would hear the news about Mamamoo’s comeback. Maybe…. You will have a solo debut hahah but nah its just my wish since i support mamamoo a lot especially you 😂
1. - kind! - a bit byuntae - ambiguous - sexyyyy! - retjeh 2. i rarely see you know unnie, where are you? are you taking a hiatus? i miss seeing you on my timeline. please comeback soon, i hope we can talk more in the future! 3. [💌]  just wanna say, thank you for staying in WST. i’m happy that i have such a kind and caring members here. it might be pretty hard when you feel left out in agency, but i didn’t feel like this here. thank you ♡ thank you for being kind to me, let’s make another memorable memories in the future!
1) nice, kind, mature, funny, koin saram?? 2) no need to, i guess 3) let’s talk more in the future and get along well! + i hope 2018 will be much much better year for you!
✨Penyulingan chingu,  crazy,  funny,  so kind,  really 꿀 쨈. Penyulingan chingu.  Let’s not take our own oath just bcs of anime,  let’s get crazy together lol. aku belom pernah mentionan hehehe, dan jarang nongol juga (atau aku yg jarang nongol?😂) semoga ke depannya kita bisa lebih deket lagi. Messagenya: Semoga apa yang terjadi di tahun 2017 bisa menjadi pembelajaran buat diri kita masing2 dan kedepannya kita bisa selalu mengucap syukur dan selalu dilingkupi rasa bahagia♡ Mak Solaaaar ! hihihi 🙈 makasih loh moodboard ber-partai nya/? my mak is a calm and cool but zonkiee girl ! CAN YOU DO THIS ? ? ? Eonni ayo kita chatan yang puanjang kali lebuar/?
1. We. Never. Interact. To. Each. Other. I’m. Really. Sorry. 2. I STALKING YOUR PROFILE FOR A WHILE. I’M REALLY SORRY. Are you on hiatus period? I’m looking forward for our interactions in the future! 3. Happy new year! Santa claus is coming to town~ *chuckles* You should take a good care of yourself, keep smiling widely, and be happy as always.
1. pretty af, my bias! Lol, kinda talkative, (skip), (skip) ; 2. Can you reply my mention? ; 3. Solar noona, we rarely talk. Let’s talk more!
1. VERY VERY KINDLY! Noisy, crazy, fantastic, care to everyone, friendly. 2. Nothing! Eonni is an example IC rp of solar. and I think she do well all the time. Well, even though sometimes she want to talk as a writer of solar’s rp but its fine. she’s really kind and always appear in my timeline whenever I open my twitter hahaha. Just be yourself eonni and dont change your chara please! You’re the only one solar on my timeline ;;;;; 3. 2017 is coming to end and I hope eonni stay healty and success for whatever you do. Also I’m really anticipate your upcoming smstation with SJ sunbaenim! Let’s be good friends as we can do eonni. I know you are a nice person and definitely wont hurt others. SARANGHAEYOOO!
-1. MIA and not really active on timeline or dm, tho… so I don’t really know what to say. 2. Talk to me more, unnie! 3. I like Yongsun unnie so I wish we could talk more in the future! God bless you.
1. Jarang muncul(?) 2. A kind person I don’t really know how to say much about this noona since we don’t really talk a lot and she rarely appears nowadays…but I wanna get closer heheh It’s the New Year’s soon and we’re gonna pass the 2018 together I hope. With this sentence I hope we can be more closer in the future!
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