#i dont know anything about music genres i just channeled the emotions i feel when ppl try to explain it to me
d-stabilize · 4 years
Piers: in terms of music I make i tend to stick with punk and punk adjacent genres with the occasional rock influence since that's what i enjoy writing and producing the most plus thats what my fans expect. I'll put electric beats in the background and overlay different aspects of my songs when I want something fancier and when I'm in a silly mood ill open up my audio editing programs and edit the fuck out of my voice and music. Its fun and kinda relaxing but most importantly it reset my music pallet and helps me with artist block lol. As for stuff I like to listen to i tend to enjoy majority of genres but when it comes to pop i usually just listen to what marnie recommends because she knows what i like. I have a playlist of electrofunk and 8bit gaming music i listen to when I need to concentrate on paperwork tho marnie has been adding electric swing to my playlists lol and ill indulge in the occasional country tho that genre can be hit or miss for me but I find that if I stick to only woman country singers ill get more hits then misses. Also I like rap and hip hop when im in the mood for it
Piers: so what kind of music do you like?
N: I listen to the sounds of nature and palpitoad singing
N: what genre is the band "talking heads"
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leoprincess777 · 4 years
⚡ astrobservations p.2 ⚡♌
🌟 houses
*this is a new theory i came up with but we might experience the energy of the opposite of our houses. for example, as a 1h venus person you may act more like a 7h venus where you avoid confrontation and value keeping the peace. as a 7h venus, you may act more like a 1h venus where you give more appericiation to your appearance and be more aggressive and argumentative.
as a 6h sun, you may find it more difficult to accomplish tasks at hand and be productive and it may feel like a burden to you, but you may easily get in contact with the astral realm and embrace your higher self.as a 12h sun, you may easily be productive and finish tasks and chores but struggle with surrendering to the divine, diving deep into spirituality or struggle to accept your gifts.
*mercury in 7h love to debate other people and share their ideas with other people
*jupiter in 5th gives excellent stage presence and abundance of creativity, its the ultimate performer and creator placement. people with chart ruler in 5h jupiter are often destined to become a creator/performer which can even mean being a tourist guide or a youtuber
*mercury in 5th people are never boring and they are extremely pleasant people who will make everything 5x more fun than it is. school work, chores, everything is funner with them!
🌟 synastry
*be VERY careful when getting into a relationship with 8th house synastry, especially if you are the planet person because you will most likely form an extreme attachment and obsession to the house person that will last for a very long time and can go into unhealthy lenghts. because you are the planet person and this is 8th house synastry we are talking about, the house person has immense power over you and they know it. they can see right through you. as the planet person, you want to be their one and only and feel they empower you, which makes you crave to be with them more because they give you power and their presence helps you get through anything. you will never forget about them and they become embeded in your subconscious. the house person will feel disturbed and triggered by you psychologically. but they become fascinated with the planet person. this makes an extremely transformative relationship. they bring out your true personality (especially if your sun is in their 8th house) to the surface and you trigger the heck out of them.   the planet person usually finds the house person when the house person is at their rock bottom and sometimes vice versa. 
 *venus conjunct sun synastry has an effect where the venus person is widely known as the sun person’s sweetheart. the venus person becomes a magnefied and known person in the sun persons life, almost like a celebrity couple/duo while the sun person is known by the venus persons’ favorite people and inner circle mostly.
*12th house synastry is a BITCH i fucking hate it because it makes everything so blurry and unknown you have no idea wtf is going on but you also cant make your way out and you idealise the person a lot
6th house synastry is EXCELLENT because you’re involved in each others lives so much. more often than not, you spend majority of your time in a day together whether by hanging out or texting and the planet person usually reports the house person what are they doing during the day (like a random text of “im repairing a bike rn” or “im going to x, i’ll be back in awhile” etc) and you care about each other A LOT. the planet person can take a director role in the house persons life and they help each other a lot
mars conjunctions are wonderful synastries for sticking through thick and thin, it makes a very dynamic and sexy couple
with mercury in 7th house synastry, it’s IMPOSSIBLE for the love to remain as a secret if it’s a romance relationship. it will come out. one of you will admit it sooner or later
🌟 other
*wherever your mars is placed in, is where you’re not scared to take action or assert yourself. example: my pisces mars friends are not afraid of getting in dangerous waters likecliff diving, swimming in wild waves, going too deep in water etc. i, as a leo mars am not afraid of putting myself out there and performing
*sagittarius suns love to eat, while sagittarius moons have less appetite and desire to eat
*aries moons love themes of war, they have a warrior-like approach to most things
*aries-pisces people turn war and warriorhood into fantasy and make it dreamlike. (example: grimes’ (a pisces sun aries moon) WarNymph persona)
*i didnt observe this myself but read that mars opposite uranus people have deranges pasts with knives and it’s SO true.
*fire moons enjoy energetic and upbeat music, earth moons love chill music (like indie, lofi, can be r&b too maybe), air moons can enjoy techno music&rap, and i’m not sure about water moons cause i don’t have many water moons in my life but i’m thinking they would enjoy songs with lyrics or beats that make them feel something and songs with stories. i’ve seen that they tend to listen to music of all kinds. earth moons openly discriminate amongst genres and dgaf
*pisces placements have divine intelligence and are revolutionaries. this is rarely mentioned and pisces are often described as “airheads” which they are because of their giant imaginations and unique thought process but it’s a sign of intelligence. pisces people pick up on ANYTHING so quickly, absorb information like a sponge and analyze it themselves to form an opinion and understand it. their thoughts and opinions often dont make to other people or shock them. they will bring revolution and newness into whatever area they are working with. (example: einstein, rihanna, grimes (she’s literally trying to make the “ethereal techno” an official genre and creating avatars. revolution), billie eilish, kurt cobain (helllooo  grunge king), paul mccartney, copernicus, aamir khan, steve jobs are all either pisces suns or risings
*sagittarians are similar in the sense that they like to discover new paths. they have the star quality (walt disney, britney spears, brad pitt, nicki minaj)
*it makes sense that the world’s most famous celebrity right now is a leo (kylie jenner)
*sagittarius and gemini risings have thick and pretty hair. it’s well styled and you want to run your hand through it. they’re physically advantaged
*aries suns and moons will just create trouble if they cant find it cause they love to throw themselves in tricky and dangerous situation as they feed off of it
*cancer moons get fucking poetic and dramatic at the slightest conflict, argument or emotional moment like they fucking channel the spirit of shakespeare. shhtoppp
*air sun, moon, mercury & venus dont like sadness, depression or traumatic memories so they will often program themselves to forget about heartbreaks or traumatic events and move on like they never happened or change the story and tell people different stories about what happened to convince themselves and twist reality.
*moon-saturn often naturally restricts food intake
most socialists/communists have taurus and sagittarius placements it’s INCREDIBLE
leo ic people are inherently and naturally charming af, thats because they are usually SHOWERED with love and affection as a child, they are often the only child and the golden child which obviously feeds someone with confidence for their life later on
libra moons will judge you on the inside if you are ugly sjdljsdf they dont like to be in aesthetically unpleasent spaces
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curiousconch · 4 years
Sobering Truth
Chapter 10 of Ricochet (An Open Heart AU)
Catch up here: Series Masterlist
Chapter Synopsis: After the fallout of Rafael and Heather, what could this mean to Bryce and the recovering doctor? 
Pairing: Rafael Aveiro x MC (Dr. Heather Song) | Bryce Lahela x MC (Dr. Heather Song)
Words: 2.1k+ | Genre: Crime, Suspense/Thriller, Romance
Rating/Warnings: Mature (16+) / hints of past violent experience and sex
Author's Notes: Almost is Never Enough by Ariana Grande and Nathan Skyes was the perfect song for this chapter, the lyrics are very fitting. Also, watch out for a cameo from a PM character 😊
Thank you so much for taking time to read this series. Please let me know if you want me to include/remove you in the tags list. Also, disclaimer: Majority of the characters are owned by Pixelberry, except the main character Heather Song and an OC Jordan Anderson.
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Bryce found himself hunched alone in a bar stool downtown Boston. He swirled the brown liquid in his glass, brows furrowed in remembering the scene in the hospital room. 
His face contorted with the pain piercing through his chest, the possibility of losing Heather once again sinking like a sword. He racked his mind for an option, but it seems all is lost in that battle.
He thought back to their last outing together, and he was so certain that something was there. So why did she choose to stay with someone else instead of being with him?
His lips formed a thin line, his hand rubbing over his face in frustration. The emotions within turbulent and unnerving. Was he just too much of a fool when he thought he had a shot with her? 
This is exactly why Bryce Lahela didn't want to commit. It was far more easier for him to seek momentary connections rather than build permanent ones. He didn't want to relive the rejections-filled past from his adolescence, at the time of his parents' criminal convictions. 
Yet here he was again, suffering the same consequences of wanting something permanent in his life. Something that could bring him happiness. Something better than him being alone in the middle of a crowd of drunken patrons. 
He should've stayed in his own lane of hook-ups and one night stands instead of chasing for this relationship. 
So the first thing he did when he realized that that door is closing, was to go back to his old stomping grounds. 
But why can't he will himself to look around? 
As if on queue, an olive-skinned woman slid herself beside him, her sudden presence invading his thoughts. With a half-smirk and green catty eyes, the coils of dark hair loosely wrapping her head. The mere sight of her was mesmerizing. 
"I know you," she said, almost in a purr. 
Bryce looked back at her, and a long-forgotten heat warmed him up. And it wasn't because of the alcohol in his system.
"I guess my reputation is my charm," he replied, leaning forward. He loosened his tie whilst sipping from his glass. 
"Oh I know all about your reputation," her voice made him shiver, her fingers ever slowly trailing a path towards his arm. "You're the one with magic hands," she whispered, her brows dancing as she spoke. 
This commanding woman was pushing his buttons in all the right places, her sparkly black cocktail dress that clung on her body tightly wasn't making him feel suddenly parched. 
Her hand continued to venture up his arm, and eventually the side of his neck. As it followed the line of his jaw, Bryce couldn't help but lean closer. 
Nothing was stopping him at the moment. 
Miles away from being sober, his lips blew a short burst of air into the woman's bare neck, after which he got the chance to breathe in a whiff of her perfume. 
The jasmine scent was all too familiar. It conjured the image of the woman who Bryce fled away from tonight. 
Snapping out of the trance, he took a step back. Gone was the sexual tension that floated in the air mere seconds ago. Bryce only shook his head to the woman and paid his tab, before almost sprinting out into the cold rain that continued to flood the concrete pavement. 
He let the drops of water wash all over him until he was soaked. With it, the inevitable tears began to fall, which he didn't hold back. He also didn't mind how it easily reduced the numbing effect of the bottle of Jack Daniels that he just consumed. 
Like a thief in the night, the woman of his dreams snatched what was left of Bryce's vulnerable heart. He knew, deep down, that it would take a long time before he can get it back. 
"Breaking news. Declan Nash and Jordan Anderson pleads guilty as co-conspirators of the kidnapping of Senator Ed Farrugia and Edenbrook doctor Heather Song."
"This is following an intensive investigation by the joint special task force created as the public clamored to protect Massachusetts famed senator. 
"We are joined today by one of the victims, Senator Ed Farrugia, after he gave his testimony today at the Boston courthouse."
The video flicked from a female news anchor to the steps of the city's courthouse, where the politician was joined by Chief DA Tanaka. Heather's hazel eyes however wasn't on the prominent people in the screen, but instead drawn to the tall figure standing beside the older man, his intimidating stature made more pronounced by the sharp gray suit that contoured just enough to please.
Saying his name, even in her mind, made her involuntarily shudder with regret, aware that between them was an undeniable attraction that she just couldn't shake off. Ever since her kidnapping, she couldn't stop herself from thinking about what could've been. Was it just too late for them? Will it only remain a connection that can never be explored? Will it ever be something more? She knew, deep down, if she could change the world overnight, she wanted to try. If there was anything she could learn from her almost dying, it was the sobering truth that life was too short to be restrained by inaction.
But she hadn't been able to speak to him for a while now. He didn't answer his phone nor returned any of her texts or messages. She hoped to get the chance when she was scheduled for her recorded testimony. To her dismay, another ADA visited her and took her witness account. 
She thought he was just busy with the case, but she sensed that he was avoiding her altogether. Her free time provided her so many hours to rack her brain for the reason why. To this day, that question was left unanswered. 
Danny raised his gaze to Heather, as he felt her pulse beat faster than normal. He turned to the TV monitor in the hospital room, stifling a chuckle as he found the reason behind her palpitations.
"Let's try to do this again," Danny said, making Heather's attention swivel to him. 
"Why? Something wrong?" she asked, obviously confused. 
This time, Danny snickered, grabbing the remote from her and switched the channel. The gesture was enough to make her fluster as it dawned on her what the nurse was insinuating. 
"I can't put your last BPM on your chart, Heather. We dont want Dr. Ramsey to not sign off on your discharge papers today. Two weeks of him pestering us is enough torture to last a lifetime," he scoffed jokingly, referencing how the senior attending relentlessly chased the hospital staff to put her case on priority. 
She curtly nodded, her mentor's crass actions embarrassing her further. 
"Thanks, Danny." she sheepishly smiled, hoping the two words were enough to express her appreciation of how the hospital helped her get back on her feet during the roughest period of her life yet. 
Danny returned her gesture, before getting back to taking her pulse. Satisfied, he recorded it to the clipboard in his hand, as her friends thundered into the room. 
Sienna, Elijah, Jackie and Aurora all stepped inside, each carrying an assortment of food items. They moved their Sunday brunch to that day in celebration of Heather's discharge. The welcome noise warmed her heart, their usual banter flowing like music to her ears. 
The thundering of her deep-seated emotions momentarily toned down, as she enjoyed the company of the small family she found in Edenbrook. 
Outside, the weather was warm with no clouds threatening to dampen the surroundings. 
It was going to be a good day. 
As the last of the questions were addressed and the cameras were turned away, Bryce sighed in relief. 
With the news crews dispersed, Chief Tanaka left to head back to the DA's office, leaving him as second chair to wrap up all the remaining paperwork. He strutted into the courthouse, the ADA facade well in effect. 
It was an understatement to say that the past few weeks were hectic. 
Interviewing Declan Nash and Jordan Anderson was like being pulled into opposite poles. Their personalities were so polarizingly different that Bryce suspected that there was a more to the case than what appears. 
So he advised the special task force to dig into that angle. The FBI's investigation is still ongoing, and he is betting against it finishing soon. 
Today was a day of accomplishments, and Bryce's mood was better than it was ever since that night. Or so he thought. 
As his mind shifted back into the present, he caught the unwelcome sight of Agent Rafael Aveiro conversing with someone in the hallways. He managed to hear a glimpse of the conversation as they got into earshot. 
"You're background would be invaluable to us, Agent Rafael," the strange man in the tweed-colored jacket said. 
"This is such a timely offer that I couldn't refuse. I'll let you know as soon as I wrap up my last case." Bryce heard Raf say. 
"Of course. But please don't keep us in the Interpol on our toes, Agent." 
"Of course, Agent Nazario." 
Taken aback, he stopped, trying to understand what had just transpired. Why was Rafael taking a job with the interpol? 
Once Bryce saw that the special investigator was alone, he approached him, words blazing. 
"Interpol? Seriously, Raf, this soon?" 
Raf turned to face him, surprised at Bryce's sudden interjection. 
"I don't see the need to explain myself to you, ADA Lahela." He politely said as he begun to walk away. 
"But you just got back together! Why leave for an overseas job this soon when she needs you the most?" Bryce's voice rose, echoing into the nearly full hallway. He honestly didn't mind, weeks worth of bottled up frustration threatening to surface. 
A more puzzled expression filled Rafael's face, the line of interrogation making him turn around and stare back at the prosecutor. 
Rafael recognized the look on Bryce's face. It was a mirror of his own haunted reflection. Of a lost love, never to return. The confusion gave way to understanding. 
It made him soften his stance, and place a brotherly hand on the lawyer's shoulder. 
"Look, I don't know why you think that, but Heather and I..." he paused, taking a deep breath as he tried to bury the painful memory of their goodbye into the back of his mind. "We broke up. The same night that she was admitted to Edenbrook after her kidnapping, we talked and agreed to go our separate ways." 
Bryce couldn't believe what he was hearing, his knees weakening with the revelation. Amber eyes widened in shock and feeling like an idiot at the same time. 
He smiled despite himself, the nightmares of his imaginary rejection transformed into a wonderful dream. The door that he thought was closed is now unlocking, and he was determined to blow it wide open. 
With a hasty thank you and goodbye to Raf, he turned the soles of his leather shoes and raced to the door of the courthouse. 
Bryce didn't dare waste another minute to look back. 
Tags: @ramsey-lahela @eleanorbloom @openheartfanfics @choicesficwriterscreations
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theheroofherbook · 8 years
2016 Music Madness
Super super overdue but again I wanted to commemorate another good year in music and I definitely think there are some fantastic songs out there despite all the viral ones that only became famous because of challenges-memes. For those who read last year’s list you’d also notice I added new categories (signposted as ‘new’). Hope everyone will try to check out these songs just to get out of your comfort zone but also so that we can discuss them (and fangirl over the artists(!!))
Album of the Year Carly Rae Jensen - Side B
This was a tough one. I’m super biased because I almost awarded Emotion AotY in 2015 but it was beaten by Adele’s later release of 25. This year I was still happily listening to the songs in Emotion but around March Carly released the *songs that didn’t make the cut/didn’t make it to Emotion* and I was so f@*%ing ecstatic because I wanted more of her 80s synth-pop songs. Will be discussing my faves from Side B below.
The reason it was tough was because I also just discovered Alessia Cara’s Know-It-All (released late 2015) in 2016 and I really really like her songs too (pun intended). She is so refreshing not just with her non-pretentious MVs but it’s the first time since Taylor, Adele and Carly that I truly thought the lyrics were great and relatable and were written by a true artist (or maybe I’ve just not tried to discover that many artists in a hot minute). So I’m giving Know-It-All the runner-up award to Best Album of 2016 (even though technically it’s a 2015 album).
Best Comeback - None I can think of/that is notable
Most Surprising Album (in a good way) - Troye Sivan’s Blue Nieighbourhood and Charlie Puth’s Nine Track Mind
Don’t wish to belabor this but I just find it a recurring experience of mine that the first single off any album I almost always am annoyed by. Just like when I initially thought Adele’s Hello was annoyingly sombre when it first came out (because she said it was kind of a ‘revival’ album–of her coming to terms with everything that’s happened in her life so far, so I wasn’t expecting Hello to be the first single off 25, was expecting something more upbeat and revival-y). Anyhoo, Youth from Blue Neighbourhood and Marvin Gaye from Nine Track Mind annoyed the f%@# out of me too initially. Probably because they were always on the radio but I guess like Hello they were songs that just grew on you more than anything. And for the record I understand why the song was named Marvin Gaye but my goodness if he was gonna name a song after a classic artist I feel that the song should’ve at least channeled the artist’s style at the very least? It happened that it was only alluding to the mood that Marvin Gaye songs put people in which is such a waste because Marvin Gaye was a true thespian and master of his craft (listen to What’s Going On and you’ll know what I mean).
Fave New Artist (New) Zara Larsson
People are calling her the ‘White Rihanna’ which I think is unfair because although there are similarities in their music Rihanna is such a queen in her genre and Zara is just starting out (she’s only 19!! Omg I feel so unaccomplished) but I have confidence that this girl is gonna go far (not to say she’ll be Taylor Swift big but I think we haven’t seen much of her yet/she’s only just begun).
fave songs of 2016 (in no particular order) Carly Rae Jensen - Fever, Higher and Store Alessia Cara - I’m yours, Scars to your Beautiful and Overdose Troye Sivan- Wild (ft. Alessia Cara) and Heaven (ft. Betty Who) Charlie Puth - We Don’t Talk Anymore (ft. Selena Gomez), Marvin Gaye (ft. Meghan Trainor) Zara Larsson - Ain’t My Fault and I Would Like Flume - Never Be Like You Michael Posner - I took a pill in Ibiza James Arthur - Say You Won’t Let Go Little Mix - Shoutout to My Ex The Weeknd - I Feel It Coming Maroon 5 - I Dont Wanna Know Drake - One Dance and Too Good (ft. Rihanna) Middle - DJ Snake Chainsmokers - Closer (ft. Halsey) Cashmere Cat - Trust Nobody (ft. Selena Gomez) DNCE - Body Moves Neikd - Sexual Léon - Treasure Calvin Harris ft. Rihanna - This is what you came for
Honorable Mentions Chainsmokers - All We Know and Dont Let Me Down Charlie Puth - Dangerously Meghan Trainor - No Shawn Mendez - Treat You Better and Mercy Flume - Say It (ft. Tove Lo) The Veronicas - On Your Side The Weeknd - Starboy Demi Lovato - body Say Jonas Blue ft. JP Cooper - Perfect Strangers DNCE - Toothbrush Léon - Tired of Talking (remix) Jonas Blue - By Your Side Bad things - Machine gun Kelly ft. Camilla Cabello
DJ Snake ft. justin Bieber - Let Me Love You
Most Overrated Song (New) Side to Side - Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj
Im a fan of both artists (don’t judge but yes I listen to Nicki from time to time) but I just couldn’t with this song. I don’t know what the hype is all about.
Most Disappointing Song Release/Collaboration (New) Cold Water - Major Lazer and Justin Bieber
I enjoy some of Major Lazer's songs and as you know I selected Justin as best comeback of 2015 but even though this song went into the top 10 charts I was still disappointed. Not their best work tbh.
Artist with Potential (but needs to tweak his/her current Sound - New) Bebe Rexha - trying too hard to be edgy but I think she’ll shine with more ballads (In the Name of Love ft. G-Eazy was pretty good)
Annoying (but still OK) Can’t stop the feeling - Justin Timberlake Black Beatles - Rae Sremmurd
When Trolls came out, this. song. Was. Everywhere. All. The. Damned. Time. Black Beatles was slightly better because I didn’t mind it with the mannequin challenge–but really it was everywhere too😅 #annoyingaf
Best Animated Movie Song (New) How Far I’ll Go - both Auli'i Cravalho and Alessia Cara versions
Shoutout to Disney for finally getting a Pacific Islander Princess. Some problematic Orientalisms and slight cultural appropriation aside, I’m letting it slide because wtf at least Disney is trying and we all know diversity has to start somewhere. Moana was a good first step and as a Pacific Islander myself I really dont mind it. First time ever that I can 100% fully relate to a Disney Princess even down to the overprotective parents and amazing grandma😭😂😝 I cried watching. Twice (or maybe thrice oops).
Most Annoying Song (shouldn’t have been made) Juju on the Beat - Zay Hilfigerrr and Zayion McCall
Read up on this because it was such a WTF Song moment and what I found out was that these were two middle school boys who wanted to go viral on the internet. Yes, boys. Yes, because they wanted to be viral. Go figure why this song sucks 🙃
Album I recognise as a work of art but I just can’t get on the bandwagon (New) Lemonade - Beyoncé (maybe it’ll grow on me too but atm I still can’t and please don’t hate me I’m just being honest)
Indie Music I couldn’t stop listening to (New) A Place You Like - ISLAND Her and Drive - Glades Wake Up Where You Are - State of Sound
Spotify playlist most played (New) Today’s Top Hits Quiet Evening Throwback Thursday
Oldies but goodies/Old Songs I like and rediscovered in 2016 (New) Just the Way You Are - Billy Joel Fast Car - Tracy Chapman
Notable Cover Songs Shane Ericks - the Carpenter��s You cover and Love Me for What I Am cover Citizen Four - I Feel it Coming cover and Black Beatles cover (with Kurt Hugo Schneider) Alex Aiono and William Singe - Black Beatles and Confessions mashup Harvey and Samantha Harvey - We Don’t Talk Anymore and Perfect Strangers mashup Alex G and Sam Tsui - We Don’t Talk Anymore and I Don’t Wanna Know mashup The Three of Us - Middle cover Jonas Blue - Fast Car cover
The Good Riddance Award (New) Fifth Harmony - for axe-ing Camilla Cabello because she was so antithetical to the idea of a 5th harmony. She was always a diva (music-wise in that she ALWAYS sticks out and doesn’t even try to blend with the rest). I’m kinda over her tbh and that’s not to say I don’t think she’s good. I do think she’s a great singer. She just was never a girl-group player.
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10839346-blog · 6 years
The Mysterious Mr. Ocean
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Frank Ocean, a man who is talented enough to decline Kanye West's offer to help write one of his albums, was born October 28, 1987 in Long Beach California. Shortly after,  he moved to New Orleans and lived there till he was 18 years-old. His father left his family when Ocean was 6 years-old,  he was very close with his mother. Each of these elements have a definitive impact on his work. Ocean has built a career creating meaningful music full of raw and real emotion.  Unlike many current artists,  his focus has always been on his music and not on his public persona.  This divergence from what may be seen as the norm among popular artists has led to him often being labeled as being misleading and mysterious.  
Frank began his career composing for other people. He wrote songs for Justin Bieber, Beyonce, John Legend and many more.  After a while he became too comfortable with his life and decided to join a hip hop collective “Odd Future.”  This led to him getting his own contract with Def Jams Records.  Ocean released his first mixtape in 2011, it was titled Nostalgia Ultra. This album was Frank’s first big push to stardom. Rollings Stone wrote that he was a, “gifted avant-R&B smoothie”.  After Ocean toured with Odd Future, Def Jams wanted to re-release Nostalgia, Ultra as an EP.   The song “Novacane” was released  as a single, but the rest of the album was delayed, a common theme that has continued throughout Frank’s career. As Frank Ocean’s relationship with Def jams became rocky, they never released Nostalgia Ultra again. Because of this, the music from this album is not easily found and remains on the mixtape he released himself.  Throughout all of this turmoil,  Frank Ocean stayed out of the public eye. While it is commonplace for artists to publicly criticise record companies and their disputes with them, Ocean remained silent.  His absence from media causes him to be seen as rather mysterious,  yet this is simply because he cares about his music and he wants the focus directed on it and not on him.
In the few interviews  with which Frank Ocean has been involved,  he is often questioned about why people don't know much about him and why he stays out of the limelight. In his interview with Hot 97,  Angie Martinez asked  him,
“Why don't I know much about you Frank?” Frank: “I don’t know that’s just umm that's just my personality” Angie: “Is that on purpose, are you going for international man of mystery?” Frank: “I'm not even going for it it just kinda, kinda how it is” Angie: “You don’t really, I mean I know you live in LA but your vibes aren't giving me LA” Frank: “What are they giving you Angie” Angie: “I dont know it's very confusing to me its international man of mystery Frank Ocean”.  
Frank Ocean has been an artist who for the most part keeps to himself. In this day and age that doesn’t really happen and for many people it is  very confusing and odd to them. This makes Frank different, another thing Frank does that is different is how many times he has been misleading about new music. “Ocean announced he was working on a second album in 2013, but he's kept the music so deeply hidden that even Adele has expressed frustration. Yes, that Adele. "I'm just f***ing waiting for Frank f***ing Ocean to come out with his album," she told Rolling Stone in November 2015. "It's taking so f***ing long." Ocean's followers once found hope when a cryptic image of a library due date card appeared on his site. The date on the card was July 2016 with a photo caption that read "BOYS DON'T CRY #JULY 2016." Ocean's followers speculated on social media that the posting referred to the new album's title and release date.”  In the end an album named “Boys Don't Cry,” was never released, and nothing happened during July of 2016. This wasn't the last time Frank had been misleading about release dates and projects. The question people always ask is why?
Frank Ocean has talked about this feeling he gets when he makes the right music, and I don't think Frank will release anything if he doesn't feel right about it.  When talking about his music Frank once said, “They are just cords, just Melodys. I don't know what combinations of those objects make me feel how I need to feel but I know precisely the feeling that needs to happen” Frank Ocean knows this feeling he gets when he makes his music but I also think he knows the feelings that other people have when listening to his music. For example, there is a video of Frank singing “Self Control”,  one of his best and most beautiful songs, the video in 1 day already has 80.4K favs of twitter and 41.K retweets. The reason people like this video and this song so much is the feeling behind it. This songs gives people and I assume himself, that feeling that he talks about.  Frank Ocean isn’t willing to be pressured into releasing music simply because a date has been determined that the music should be ready. If Frank is missing the special feeling he gets from his music  he won't release it until l he feels  it's perfect. I don’t believe he is intentionally being misleading, rather he refuses to release music until he feels it is ready.
Another reason people speculate that Frank Ocean acts like he does is because he's following after the very popular artist, Prince. Frank Ocean has always been a huge fan of Prince, Ocean once said on his tumbler,
Because Frank Ocean is a bi-sexual black man,  he is part of the minority in his R&B genre of music.  Prince was a man who Frank really looked up to because he was always new, different are really himself. In an article written by Sean McPherson he said, “in Blonde I hear Frank walking around the space Prince created with a curiosity and detached, journalistic eye that can only come when someone else did the work of clearing the way”. But is this the only way Prince inspired Frank? After Prince’s death,  his friends and family began to find an abundance of  music that he never released, enough music for multiple albums, is Frank doing the same thing? Frank has had many times where he said he would release something but didn't. Some people think it’s because he just didn't make the music but I don’t think that’s the reasoning. I think that Frank did make all the music he said  he would, he just wont release it. But why? Frank Ocean might not have released this music because he wants what he puts out to the people to be perfect and he might not think this unreleased music is up to par with the rest.
Many people might say that the reason that Frank Ocean does what he does is because he just wants to troll his fans, that he really enjoys tricking them. That he loves the fact that not only his fans but also famous people just wait and wait and wait for his new music to come out. So is that why Frank Takes so long to release new music? Just to torture us? Of course not! Its because Frank Ocean is an artist who truly cares about the product he puts out. In each and everyone one of his songs there is so much detail, so much double meanings and it doesn't stop there. Every song is placed in a specific part of the album and every album has so much overlying meaning throughout the whole things. When talking about Franks music Trevor Noah said, “Frank Ocean makes me feel like my senses have been dulled all my life and only now I'm experiencing things for the first time. #Blonde”. Cole Cuchna, creator  of the “Dissect” podcasts, said when talking about Frank, “His meticulousness is pretty notorious in the industry and that really translates to his music. The stories that he’s telling on Channel Orange are so beautiful, deep and meaningful...and really thought through” I could add more quotes from people but you get the point, Oceans is an amazing artist who isn't here to troll his fans and the world, he just wants to make sure the music that he is giving the world is the best music that he can make.
In conclusion, Frank Ocean has a knack for music. He consistently creates and releases music that moves his listeners in positive and influential ways. Many artists nowadays make music that doesn’t have much meaning and they do it just for the money and stardom. Frank is different. He writes and performs his music from his heart and you can feel his emotion when you listen. It’s not just me that feels this way.  Many artists that have been at the top of the music industry for years now are constantly featuring Frank in their songs. Artists like Kanye West, Jay-Z, and many others. Many artists will release multiple albums in a year and the songs in the albums don’t have a lot of content in them. They release them because they want the money that comes with them. Frank isn’t like most artists. He takes his time to release top of-the-line music that really creates strong emotions to those that listen. He truly cares about his art and it shows. Frank was a huge fan of Prince. You can see the similarities in their style and tone. You might even say that Prince was an idol of Frank’s. Prince was a man that didn’t pay much attention to the opinions and thoughts of others. He did what he felt was right and didn’t let others influence his musical decisions. Frank took that lesson that he learned from Prince to heart and you can see that Frank has the same type of mindset. He lives the same way that Prince lived and you can see the same beliefs in his music. I think we can all take after Frank, he is unapologetically himself, something we could all work on. He takes his passions and magnifies it to the highest degree. He does what he wants to do and does not let the people or the industry around him affect how he lives his life. Cole Cuchna said, “I don’t know if he���s searching for perfection, but he’s searching for a level of perfection that is personal to him. He’s searching for a feeling and an emotion and he’s not going to compromise until it’s perfect to him” In life we should all be searching for our own personal perfection and in doing so I think we can all produce,  not just art but in all parts of our lives something that we are proud of.
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