#i dont know quite how to explain it
taikanyohou · 1 year
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“Ever since I was born up to my twenties, I’ve never bandaged anyone. Including myself. But I’ve done it for you twice already.” A BOSS AND A BABE (2023) - Episode 4.
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wis-art · 9 months
Women, so pretty, so shaped, i am so lesbian,,,
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daily-hanamura · 9 months
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#persona 4#p4#persona 4 magician manga#hanamura yosuke#yosuke hanamura#you know despite all the evidence i dont think yosuke actually realises that he's actually quite attractive and good looking#kou talks about girls coming over to check him out and sure maybe it's just the novelty of him being a new student#but his hometown friend katsuragi FOR SURE has a crush on him look at this classic shoujo scene where katsuragi sees a text from yosuke and#smiles in a way that has him being teased like ooooh is that from a girl#getting a text from yosuke makes katsuragi smile in a way like one would when they havr a crush OK I DONT HAVE TO EXPLAIN THIS FURTHER#ITS TOO OBVIOUS AND I LOVE IT BUT#this is a yosuke centric blog and all these to say.... i wonder if yosuke is actually just seriously oblivious#to when people are interested in him#i think it stems from a place of low self esteem like “oh who could possibly like me” even when hes actually quite a solid catch#yosuke probably receives letters of confession in his shoebox and thinks they were placed in the wrong box so he politely returns them#when they actually have his name on it he just laughs and says wow theres another yosuke/hanamura in this school?#or assumes its a prank by someone else#i swear this boy had the most OUT THERE mental gymnastics going on#yosuke talks endlessly about how he wants a girlfriend but i bet you if a girl asks him out his response will be “go where?”#“oh maybe later? i have a shift today but if it's a junes related issue you can find me at the grocery dept! seeya!”#theres the whole “disappointment the moment he opens his mouth” thing but come on#theres going to be at least some confessions from people who have only seen him from afar#not to mention that yosuke canonically likes fashion and always dresses well#honestly maybe yosuke's rizz lvl is so high that it just circles down into the negatives#only joking i think he does get interest but he doesnt realise#and because everytime he does attempt to flirt hes immediately rejected he thinks hes never had any interest#which i think is just not true#and i havent even started talking about yu lmao#anyway the magician manga was devastating for my mental health and i beseech all of you to resd it as well and then cry about it with me#he's good with his queue
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impostorsshow · 1 month
Gaze upon my ask Goldie anything au drawings
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The main basis of this au is that I'm fucking obsessed with ghosts and so I threw Evan/Crying Child in here - when the bite of whatever happens, Evan goes to the hospital and dies, and instead of like haunting his family or haunting the hospital he died in, he haunts the cause of his death, which happens to be a certain Goldie locked in the backrooms. And possessing said Goldie and causing alot of panic in between the two of them.
This *singular* au is actually 14 distinct daydreams with their own plotlines and stuff that I've been slowly working out to smash into one au - right now I've managed to combine most of them together, leaving 5 or so scenarios that aren't "canon", but as of right now anything is subject to change, so I'll just. Make more Tumblr posts as I get things nailed down I guess.
Either ill l try to make this into a comic?? Or anyone who wants to can just, leave asks? The plot I have down right now is that Goldie and Evan are basically best buds after 10 years since they had to get over the "I killed you/you are the reason I'm stuck in a rotting pizzeria and not able to leave", but as mentioned they have not been able to leave the old location of Freddy's Diner, even if they eventually found a way out of the backroom. Well, they have been able to leave, but both of them decided Goldie would probably get found and used for spare parts if they left [not that they were exactly safe from anyone who was brave enough to set foot into the abandoned place.]
And because I don't want this to get super long whoop de doo Goldie was taken from the old location to the new Freddy Fazbears yippee. Except y'know, the teleportation and general psychic powers Goldie has was distinctly Not There Before, and Freddy is incredibly suspicious, though he has no clue what could even be causing it. He asks his friends about it, and T-Bee [working nickname] and T-Chi pull a bit of a prank on the nightguard [Micheal, y'know Evans brother that Certainly Won't Be an Issue] to get access to his phone and look up how to deal with Goldie, and eventually land on a page telling the two about a classic "put a circle of salt around the ghost and hope it works" or whatever and put a line of salt infront of Goldie's door. And wait.
And then Goldie tries walking out of his room and Goldie and Evan both get kicked out of their body, leaving it to fall down on the floor lifelessly. Why? Simple answer because I'm tired is that since Evan is a ghost Goldie is a ghost I'm gonna go take a nap
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marc--chilton · 2 months
henlo yes i hate that you can't ask with side blogs but whatever just going to out myself to my entire following (/hj) but like. mgv.
What do you think their scents would be like? Also, for fanfic purposes, how quickly do you think House would go into pre-heat after meeting Wilson (for context, I have a headcanon that if an omega who's been alone for too many heats meets what their more primal part of their brain decrees a potential mate, they go into heat early)
given how often medical workers have to sanitize for the safety of their patients, house and wilson probably have a decent amount of Clean Sterile Smell that lingers on them -- the ducklings too to a lesser degree probably. it's part of their scents but it's just because of their job so if they took a vacation it would fade after a while.
i imagine wilson would be like.... citrus-y. idk why but i'm getting orange vibes. citrus, and warmth. like a candle. yeah.... (zones out for a long time)
house.... i was thinking about this earlier. his disability affects his mood, and mood affects scents, so sometimes he smells more appealing, but on bad days you can almost taste his distress if it gets bad enough. sour, bitter notes more on your tongue than anything. otherwise he's fairly earthy, like a dry summer day, a little woody.... like a jogging path in a park. maybe even a little like artificial strawberry sometimes if he's really been gnawing on some suckers at ppth.
wrt the next question + your headcanon: ummm yoink! canon 4 me now. what if that was part of house finding wilson "interesting"? that specific word is vague enough to mean nearly anything, yet kind of a key word in the life of greg house at the same time. what was interesting, exactly? what if it was that hindbrain at play? something about this adorable alpha twink kicked some of those squashed and atrophied omega instincts into gear without house even realizing at first. it doesn't hit him until they actually talk a bit way later after wilson got bailed out that, oh, right, that's a thing that happens.
50/50 on if house keeps it to himself or if he casually propositions wilson like right there. they're at whatever hotel was booked for the conference and house says right as wilson is taking a drink, "huh. i think i'm ovulating. wanna do it?" and wilson nearly chokes to death
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sugarandice3 · 4 months
Me, looking at a character I'm trying to create: Who are you?
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gangles-toybox · 4 months
Me, yesterday, just vibing in Hot Topic, with one of the employees that's really cool, Crybaby by Melanine Martinez and Everytime we Touch cover by a band and looking at the Scott Pilgrim & DHMIS shirts...
And then I see a motherfuckin Boyfriends(webtoon) shirt 💀
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aroaessidhe · 2 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
The Saint of Bright Doors
a surreal Sri Lankan fantasy about colonialism, revolution, mixing fantasy with the modern world
follows a man raised by his mother to kill his father, a god-like cult leader
but as an adult he puts aside his life of violence and moves to the city for a quiet life
he becomes fascinated with ‘bright doors’ around the city that never open and have no other side, and joins a group studying them to find out more
and a support group for those with divine heritage that becomes increasingly revolutionary, until the task he was made for reemerges and his life upends
#the Saint of Bright Doors#aroaessidhe 2024 reads#this is kind of hard to explain I dont know if I did a very good job here lol#it is weird and full of so many interesting elements. I’m still not entirely sure how I feel about it but?? I really liked it mostly???#It starts pretty small scale focused on the MC & slowly unravels the wider worldbuilding and narrative elements in a really interesting way#The first chapter or two I assumed it was typical high fantasy but then it’s like. oh this is a modern city. with emails and stuff.#The pacing is a bit weird - it’s quite meandering and also pivots significantly in the second half. tbh I’m still ????? about the ending lm#but also I am happy to float through on vibes.#and there’s some elements (like the doors that become….not that relevant) that I want to know more about. (as an aside - I saw someone say#that it’s a very clear retelling about Buddha’s son? which idk enough about but probably could give a deeper context to a lot of it)#writing style is kinda detached from the MC but also there is a reason for this that makes sense with the twist near the end!#which is a kind of twist i LOVE. Maybe I wish it had been emphasised a bit more over the story though? unsure.#I thought his mother's story was interesting also - you think she's an terrible parent just there for background context at the start but#then when she tells her story it's like ohh there's more context here.#also I hesitate to just say ‘if you like the spear cuts-- you should read this’ because I think the elements that are similar are done in a#kinda different way and might disappoint you if you’re expecting it to be the same as spear….but regardless the sort of dreamy writing#rich world; narrative with fantasy but also modern day elements; some of the writing style; mlm MC (tho not a romance)#idk. it will definitely not work for everyone but I enjoyed it overall#also it is full of queerness#bisexual books
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i know im not breaking new ground for saying legend of korra is disappointing but so much of the series is genuinely off putting to me. the setting, the tone, how the narrative tortures korra it feels like
which is a shame because I love korra as a character (even if her writing isn't The best at times). but there are so many aspects of the show I don't like. fuck there's so many characters in the show I dont even like either
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seokjinite · 4 months
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its just . harder and harder for my man to hide it
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wittyworm · 11 months
if you dont believe in spirituality and clairvoyance and all that just skippp
so i know it sounds crazy, but i already told my therapist, so idc anymore but does anyone know ANYTHING about mediums. or anyone to contact to help me figure this out. ive been going through a lot the past year but the one i couldnt talk about that was bothering me the most was that i seem to have some sort of clairvoyant.. ability?? that i have no control over. its just as if the universe wills that i know random things that will occur and they happen.
even my family is noticing that it isnt just me making shit up
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mchi22 · 3 hours
im going to actually injure myself trying to beat this song
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bunnihearted · 6 months
#i feel like im going insane and tonight it's esp bad so i need to.... vent :$#some time ago i had the fortune of a very very wonderful person entering my life. and since day one BOOM i think of them every single day#im not even exaggerating.. like every single day i just think and daydream of them. i've had sm extra inabiloty to focus -#bc i just need to constantly stop and think of them.....#there is so much abt them to adore and admire. so much!!!! i didnt know someone like them could exist..#i love talking to them and i just wanna kno everything there is to know abt them!!! everything regarding interests me#there's also the aspect of how i feel talking to them. i know they dont judge the same way as other ppl do so it's easier to talk to them#tho i still have avpd so i often start over explaining myself and get insecure etc etc. i need to get out of my head!!!!#idk.. idk... it has never been like this for me. so im also scared#what do i do.. how do i navigate this? i've never been here before and i feel lost even if it's def not a bad place to be in#every single day... i just wish that i could be with them more and more. this wish never calms down it just gets bigger#but. how? how do i break this loop and make it into reality? is it only gonna stay as a desire and a daydream? :(( i rlly dont want that#im scared too. bc what if i want and can make it my reality but it just wont happen? what if it just wont#im also not the only one in this equation that decides. what if... i have to face rejection.. what if im a disappointment. what if what if#i dont know!! i only know that i think of them all day every day. it gets more nd more intense each day.#i also get more sure that it's what i want...#anywayyyy. im actually.. driving myself insane with how obsessively i think of this#i cant quite put it into words but i had to get at least some of it off my chest#like how. do i express my feelings to them. how do i turn it into reality. how do i face that fear of the unknown and smth i've never done#but also how do i face that fear and prepare for the fact that even if i want smth dreams made into reality cant be certain.#there r so many life things that decide what happens too.... not just my will and desire#but as well as.. how do i prqepare myself to deal with the potential oh whoops maybe im the only one who rlly want this.#maybe this is onesided maybe my feelings just flew out of control nd idk how to reel them back in whoops.#like i dont know at all what could happen.. all i know is what i wish.. hmm gosh this is all just making my head spin every day.
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rxttenfish · 2 months
current progress on The Fic: i have reached the stage of "reading it aloud" and had to briefly stop because family came home. other than that, i only really have one paragraph left to polish up, and i've finished the author's notes.
i have decided to link my reference image for miranda's redesign and i'd like to do a reference image sometime for aaravi's redesign that i can link to as well. doing bellanda, amanda, laudanda, and the king are also some that i'd love to do (bellanda especially, since she plays a major part in this fic...) but these are more long-term goals.
likewise, if i can, i might make a small piece of either cover art or art for the first chapter that i can put into the fic and use to promote it, and for funsies i debated making a playlist for it.
this also means i can begin writing the second chapter though, so that's great!
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nickbutnodick · 7 days
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falled-over · 11 months
i am actually un diagnosing as autistic due to my proficiency at eye contact. i in fact have to remind myself to look away thats how good i am at it. i would get an A+ in eye contact
#for anyone outside of the know i will explain the joke because my sarcasm doesnt always read as such;#autistic people often struggle with disliking eye-contact and many have practiced rituals for the normal amount of eye contact which are so#distracting to perform correctly that they can lose focus on what the conversation is about#i personally was reprimanded for gazing off into space quite young so i have zero issue looking people in the eye when they talk#but i dont know what the appropriate amount is. so i do too much.#i seriously just stare at them intently for the entire time the both of us are speaking and have to manually look away when i speak (normal#way to act based on observation) and occasionally glance off around me#so the joke is i still struggle with eye contact. but most people wouldnt realise that because they think autism is the same for erryone#my overcompensation due to my natural awkwardness makes me struggle in the opposite way#its also a joke about how because people think all autism is the same many people dont get diagnosed. never been an issue for me personally#because i realised at an age at which support is no longer really offered so all it would get me is banned from entry into some countries#(autistic people are barred from becoming citizens in some countries due to perceived higher support needs)#also i once said to my dad i thought i had adhd and he said 'you dont have adhd. you know that'. and my mum regularly talks about autistic#people as a third party to me. and about how she works with them#to be fair to both of them my dad is 100% autistic and knows it (accepted this fact at51) and my mum is probably autistic but i dont want to#talk to her about it so shes just going to be weird forever#oversharing online is important because what if someone wanted to know that
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