#i dont like making axel the bad guy but it seemed fitting
emmyrosee · 5 years
Axel being jealous.... please.... I NEED (also I love you and your writing, you’re amazing 😭)
(Omg thank you so much... I’m about to cry holy-😩💕)
Jealous axel... Issa concept I need in my life smh.
*warning!! sorta kinda very mean axel. very... roman godfrey-ish, is how i’d describe this. As angsty as it is... it was strangely therapeutic lol
The party had gone great.
It was the first time you’d convinced Axel to come out and meet your childhood friends and family, despite his continued worry of them not liking him.
Which, of course, was just something for him to worry about. Everyone adored him, especially all the little kids who were fascinated with the tattoos he sported. 
The only person who didn’t seem to have fun? Axel. The whole ride home, his grip on the steering wheel was strong, so tight his knuckles paled in protest. You tried to reach out for him, truly. You tried to talk him down, asked him if he wanted to pull over for a shake at an old diner, if he wanted to stop for a nice bottle of wine to mark the end of a long day.
He was having none of it, and you hated being on the receiving end of your fights.
“Okay, what’s your deal?” you ask in annoyance, making his nostrils flare.
“That’s horseshit and you fucking know it,” you say flatly. “My family and friends loved you, the little kids didn’t harass you all day, you got to talk about cars with my uncle, what the hell is there to be pissy about?”
“It’s fucking nothing,” he spits, his voice harsh enough to make you jump. “Drop it.”
You swallowed thickly, fighting the slight hurt creeping up your spine. “I’m not going to fucking drop it! Talk to me like a fucking adult-”
You don’t get to finish your sentence before he slams his foot on his breaks, his beloved truck squealing in protest. He laughs manically, “you want me to talk to you like an adult?” He says in disbelief. “Okay, I’ll talk to you like an adult.”
“For a woman who wants me to talk to her like an adult, I think it’s childish you wore your little black ‘fuck me’ skirt and that shirt that’s so revealing, babies and infants three streets down could sense your tits popping out. Makeup caked on to only enhance the serious sex eyes you were sending Dylan.”
Your heart beat rapidly as your stomach burned with the acidic feeling of hurt. Never had Axel ever spoken to you with such vulgarity, such disrespect. 
“For Christ’s sake, I’ve never seen you in an outfit like this, but as soon as your friends told you Dylan was going to be there, you practically sprinted to your closet. Who the fuck is Dylan, babe? Like, do i have to be worried about something?” His face goes from angry to hurt, and your mouth goes dry in conflict.
He was jealous. He was really fucking jealous. You open your mouth to speak, but you stop yourself as he wipes his eyes free of gathering tears.
“I’m sorry, princess,” he says quietly, putting the car back in drive. “I... don’t know what just happened to me.”
“Axel, please-”
“I’m sorry,” he repeats, eyes locked with yours as it renders you speechless again. 
You turn yourself in your seat as he slows his truck down to light a cigarette, a habit you’ve unsuccessfully fought him tooth and nail to quit. 
The rest of the ride is in uncomfortable silence, the moon high in the sky being the only witness to the first serious fight you’ve ever found yourself in.
And come hell or high water, one way or another, you were determined to make it your last.
No matter what.
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rainy-knight · 6 years
100 pictures worth 1 word.
Characters: Axel / Roxas / Xion
Rated: E
Lea: "...Roxas."
Said boy was pacing in circles at high speed, mumbling to himself. Poor child was stress eating, biting into his sea salt ice-cream. Lea kicked his feet on the table and sighed, his little companion had been at this for hours.
Lea: "RO-xas."
Still no luck, he couldn't let his friend keep going on like this. That and he was sure he was going to burn a hole in the carpet of their new home.
Lea: "ROXAS!"
Roxas: "HUH? Oh...hey Axel, didn't see you there."
Lea: "Well I've seen you and you're giving ME anxiety just watching you pace about the place. Look, you Isa and I all care for Xion, but shes a big girl. Where ever shes flying to, she'll be fine. I wasnt lying when I said she was the old hands, the girls plenty strong."
Sadly all the words seem to bounce off the kid. It was understandable, even if their hearts remembered her their memories failed. Not only losing but forgetting Xion was a big blow to both of them. They tried to make up for lost time only for her to wander off into space alone. It wasnt helping either of the two, the very thought of losing her again crippled both of them.
Roxas: "I know I just..." Roxas reached into his pocket, rubbing a seashell with his thumb. "I want to make sure shes okay. Always."
Lea Smiled, getting up he walked around the table and stood in front of his long time friend. He placed a gentle hand on his shoulder and gave the soft smile.
Lea: "I know how you feel. But as her best friends it's up to us to believe in her. Believe and trust her to stay safe and make the right decisions." Lea grabbed the other ice-cream from Roxas hand, taking a big bite. "Sides. The girls trying to make something of herself, if she needs inspiration then who are we to stop her."
Roxas smiled, Axel was right, it was okay to worry but he was putting Xion in a bad light, making her look helpless. It WAS up to them to believe in her.
Roxas: "You're right, thanks Axel. Still, for that Scrooge guy to give her his old gummi ship. Arnt those expensive?"
Lea: "You're telling me, but with all the amazing ideas shes coming up with for the restaurant it's no surprise Xion conned the old money grabber into lending her what she needs. Little Chef can cook by the book, but when it comes to out of the box ideas Xion excels where no one else can."
Roxas: "Tell me about it, I think I ate fifty Moogle Puffs, I couldn't help myself. I had to fight off Hayner for the last one. Still. I wonder where Xion will go for her first world."
Both the boys blinked as their phones buzzed.
Lea: "Well speak of the creator extraordinaire and she shall appear, seems Xion uploaded a album to her profile."
Roxas logged in and bee lined right to Xions profile, the background being her food creations with soft filters over it. The boys opened up the first photo of the album. It was a yellow dog with big black floppy ears with a bone in its mouth. It was sporting a plain green collar.
Roxas: "Oh hey it's that dog! I remember even Saix said it was okay to have it around. Xion was on cloud nine after that. Remember how you actually needed a crowbar to seperate the two?"
Lea: "Dont remind me. I never want to remember that look of betrayal on her face ever again. What's this dogs name again?"
Roxas: "Bloopo I think. No it says here in the hashtag its Pluto! Wow it's such a nice shot too, I wonder what else she has in the album...huh?"
Lea: "Hm? What's wrong?"
Roxas scrunched his faces. Instead of answering he swiped again, and again. Soon he was scrolling at a high speed, confusion written all over his face.
Roxas: "I-Its Pluto!"
Lea: "Yeah I got that, what about the others?"
Roxas: "No! Its ALL Pluto, all one hundred pictures in the album are of this dog!"
Roxas: "Huh? She uploaded another album."
Lea: "Wait...dont tell me she-"
Roxas: "Yeah! Another one hundred picture album of the same dog! Shes even taking selfies with him. Wait. Dont tell me she planned all of this JUST to see this dog?"
Lea burst out laughing, of course she would. Xion to others may seem timid and shy but when that girl wanted something she could push planets. Even con a ship out of a penny pincher like Scrooge just to see a dog.
Lea: "Well as long as shes happy then what's the harm? Let her upload a hundred albums. Not like anyone was hurt in the process."
Roxas: "Axel no! You just jinxed u-"
Roxas: "Huh? It's from his majesty himself, Mickey never posts anything anymo-OH my sweet seashells!!"
It was a picture of Disney Castle, everything looked fine, but it was hard to miss the giant gummi ship crashed into the side of the building. Smoke and fire was coming off of it with enchanted brooms pouring buckets of water to calm the flames.
Mickey: "Hiya fellas, anyone know who's ship this is? Ps. I have lost my dog Pluto." #Disney Castle #mystery gummi #What a day!
Lea watched his friend sigh, only to pull up the call list.
Lea: "Who you calling?"
Roxas: "Riku. He has a gummi ship we can use to save Xion, if he throws a fit I'll cash in the guilt card I've been saving. And Axel."
Lea: "Yeah?"
Roxas: "Get the crowbar."
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poke-reads · 7 years
A Smol Guzma! A fic series! (Part 3: You're experienced, HALP!)
“Oh…..God…..Plumes?” the clothes on the floor shifted, a few sounds came from the clothes accompanied with the rattle of his chains.
“What the…?” She leaned in closer, eyes widening at what popped out. Bacter and Axel looked at each other, Axel squeaked,
“OH MY FRICKIN’ TAPU BOSS YOU’RE…you’re….ADORABLE!” boy was he right!
A little toddler sat there, big gray eyes, cute salt and pepper hair, scruffy with a heavy chain around his neck.His orbs shined as he blinked with curiosity.
“Ah…ma?” he tilted his head, suddenly realizing the feeling of his mom not being here, his eyes teared up, looking at you,
“M-mama? MAMA!” he wailed, balling his fists as tears ran down his face. His shrieks pierced the atmosphere, you finally levelled down to him.
“Guzma?” you tried not to fangirl over his cutness as you blushed intensely. You wrapped him up in his shirt and jacket. Plumeria garhered his other garments and accessories, giving them to Baxter and Axel.
“There, uh there, your safe now~ don’t cry.”
Guzma cries lessened to whimpers as he looked at you. His face red and tear stained, he muttered,
“Naw da Mama!” now he knew. He was a smart kid.
“I wanna hold da boss! Please!? I wanna see the baby boss!” Axel squealed excitedly.
“Hold on guys, we gotta go back home first. Plumes? You ok?” Plumeria was silent but uttered a few words
“Lets go home.”
The ride back felt long, you pondered of what to do, why did he turn out this way? Did Tapu Lele do this and why? Plumeria looked out to the sea, her own head filled with concerns. Baxter lounged back staring at Axel with sleepy eyes. Axel was having a ball with Guzma, booping his nose and playing peek-a-boo to keep him entertained.
It was late at the shady house, as you all entered the mansion you saw Grunts sleeping all around Nanu who remained seated with a newspaper and a cup of coffee. He took a sip of coffee as he looked at Axel’s arms. He choked on his coffee coughing harshly.
“What the fu*cough, cough* is that *cough*”
Guzma pulled on Axel’s lips and hair, Axel no longer amused,
“Yo, he was cute but now im pissed. GET HIM OFF ME!”
Nanu cleared his throat as he approached Guzma. Without a word he walked out the house.
“My payment is lunch for a month. Paid by you all.”
The night felt like eternity for you. Guzma wouldn’t stop crying and the boys wouldn’t stop waking you up for tips
“Hey (y/n) what do we feed the boss?”
“Try warm moo moo milk with chamomile or honey.”
“Oh, hey (y/n) how do we get the boss to stop crying?”
“He seems old enough, check if he has to use the bathroom or if he feels bad. Lemme SLEEP.”
“Ok. (Y/n)-”
“Language bitch! We got a kid here!”
Pushing the door open, you walked over to Baxter and Axel, grumpy and fumed you took the crying Toddler out of their hands. You inspected Guzma. Poor thing was red and teary, still had no proper clothes on, and had a ring of…Tapu cocoa? On his lips.
“Guys! He’s too young for Tapu cocoa! If anything that won’t help him sleep!” you sighed, taking him to his room which you occupied for the time being.
He wailed once more, sounding more like a hissy fit. “What it is Guz? You hungry? Sleepy? You gotta go?” He was very upset, but you couldn’t tell why. You felt like a failure, doubt setting in your mind.
‘I have no patience or experience with kids, we didn’t even buy crud for him. Man, what do i do.’ tears overflowed from your eyes. You broke down holding him close, both of you crying away. Plumeria walked in, sighing at the display.
“(y/n), calm down. Its ok-”
“No! Its not Plumeria! He’s hurting and i dont know what to do! He-h-he needs something and i just…can’t understand him or his blabbering gibberish!” she walked towards you and hugged you gently, trying hard to console your worries. She kissed the top of Guzma’s head as an attempt to soothe him.
“I called Nanu and explained everything. He told me he’s coming to get you and G. Get your stuff. Don’t need the rest of the grunts waking up to his noise.” you sniffled and nodded to her directions.
Giving her the fussy toddler, you gathered you belongings and some pokemon in case of anything. A few moments later a few knocks were heard at the door. Swiftly, you exited the mansion while bumping into Nanu in the process. He groaned,
“Alright, lets go. The sooner the better, he’s already becoming a thorn in my side with that repetitive annoying cry.” a short walk to the station, and you were surprised to see the interior of the station. Not what you expected.
“Nanu, did y-”
“Yes. I prepare for things kid. You learn with age.” He pushed you inside. The meowths greeted their master then you and Guzma. Without a word, Nanu grabbed Guzma out of your hands.
“Relax, he’s not really your kid. Besides you need my help right?”
He removed the baggy clothes be was wrapped in, revealing a dirty child. He tried to seem friendly, his eyes grew soft for a moment,
“Someone needs a bath. Come on you little litten,” he grabbed the teary eyed kid and dragged him to the bathroom.
“Grab some clothes will ya? Theres some boxes from the store. Don’t start slacking off and prepare something for him. Fridge is over there.” He speech lessened as he walked further away.
You were surpised still with the interior of the place. It still looked the same, but there was an actual bed across from his futon. Beside the bed was a crib. He sure did prepare, aww he does care. There were boxes of food formula and medical supplies, basic clothing, and a few toys. Boy time flies when you are observing…
“I thought i told you to get him clothes, and make him something to eat. Do i gotta do everything? Im old (y/n).” Nanu returned with a calm Guzma in his hands. Still red but no longer crying.
“Sorry! On it! Wait i gotta know, is he a toddler or a baby? Never had siblings before…or kids.”
“Baby. He’s seemed to be a toddler but still a baby. Not trained, and still unclear speech. He gettin’ there though…also he has a bad fever.” he touched Guzma’s forehead, and held him close as he fussed up again.
“Oh, i see.” you gathered some clothes and some diaper necessities. While the grumpy Kahuna diapered up the toddler and dressed him as well, you made some warm moo moo milk with alittle honey.
The moon was out of sight as the morning made way. You gazed at Nanu as he fed the skull boss. Your gaze made him nervous, he whispered
“You have a way with kids. Teach me!”
“Shh, and sure. Im not gonna continue doing this, just for the time being until we find a way to get him back to normal. Now tell me what happened.”
After explaining to Nanu how Guzma got this way, he sighed obnoxiously.
“Man, Olivia needs to take better care of her island for that Tapu. Its famous for healing and hurting, but not age regression or progression.”
He looked down to little Guzma, who had just finished his bottle. As he removed the bottle from Guzma he started to fuss again from his fever. Picking up the toddler, he walked about the station, lightly patting his back and calming him down.
“Get me the medicine.” you obeyed. Watching him try to give the toddler medicine
“Its not too bad pal. You’ll feel better. Look at me.” he pretended to take some.
“Mmm, see? i feel better. Come On, open.” he pushed his lips open with the measuring cap, Guzma surprisingly complied.
“Ahh- yum, see? Good boy.” he scruffed his hair after wiping his face. Sleepily, little Guzma lied his head on Nanu’s shoulder yawning with a small coo.
You asked a question, “So…you had kids once?”
“Three. All grown up now, all somewhere out​ there. Their life, not mine.” he swayed a bit side to side lulling the child to sleep.
“Good boy, time to sleep. Get the crib ready.” As the crib was prepared, he placed the sleepy toddler inside.
“He’s been crying alot and he has a terrible fever. We gotta keep an eye on him. He not trained so we gotta change him, and he’s gonna be fussy. Don’t cry about it, im sure it was just a 'new parent meltdown.’ You got this.” he stretched with a back breaking crack as he waltzed to his futon. All the meowths crowded his feet and sides.
“You’re gonna help me, right Nanu?” he huffed with a sleepy expression
“How could i say no to that face…Ugh fine. Go to bed.”
You went to the bed he had prepped for you and sighed at the comfort of it. You smiled sweetly and remarked,
“Thanks. See you guys in the morning.”
More in the next part :3
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