#i dont name drop these fics bc the titles make me cringe so hard
h0n3yk1tt3n · 6 months
4 7 11
4. What is the plot bunny you've been carrying around the longest? Optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven't written it and experience deep existential dread?
Jeremy's freshman year bisexuality crisis... those first two chapters are still on ao3 but gods the progress I lost... maybe one day I'll dig up the scraps I could salvage and piece it together. It actually inspired another user (whose name escapes me, but they did ask if they could write it in that comment section) to write a fic entitled "sophomore year" way back in 2018 so it's kind of funny how the spiritual successor got completed while the original died.
7. Tell us about the plot for the first fanfic you ever wrote.
Technically the first one was this self-insert youtuber thing when I was 13 that was highly wattpad-coded, but I didn't finish it and I was physically writing it on paper and didn't share it to the internet (or anyone. For good reason.) Like, I needed to be kidnapped bc [redacted youtubers] thought I was keeping "government secrets" but really it was just fanart of them bc i was a ✨️#fangirl lol✨️ It made. No sense. But I was 13 so of course it didn't.
As for the first one I posted, it was started a few weeks after I got into bmc - like I hadn't even listened to all the songs yet, I was banking off of boyfs fanart, animatics, the wiki synopsis, and then LATER the script when I got to the Halloween portion. It needlessly erased the fact that Jeremy was crushing on Christine and that she'd "known him since seventh grade" via AGTIKBI. Like she had just moved and Jeremy was trying (and failing) to project his feelings for Michael onto her bc he lied abt wanting to join the play "because of his crush" and just.. made up the name bc haha theres not a Christine Canigula at this school. And then he goes to rehearsal and Mr. Reyes is like "lol new student this is christine canigula" and jer is all "oh shit shes real and Michael is supposed to think i have a crush on her GUESS I HAVE TO GO FOR IT NOW."
It's like... not quiiite the Christine erasure that I thought it was now that i think abt it, but it was still needlessly wishy-washy about her importance to the story. It was basically "Be More Chill but Jeremy got squipped trying to get with Christine specifically to get over Michael" which is like,, prime 2017 cringefail bc I started it when I was 15. It was,, stupid.
11. What's something neat you've learned while doing research for something you were writing? Also, how much do you worry about research in general?
This is actually recent bc of smth I wanted to do with Tales From The Lagniappe!! So in L4D2 the military calls the Infected "Whiskey Delta" as code for "Walking Dead" (despite them not being dead but not the point.) And in The Sacrifice comic that bridges the gap between the first and second game, they call the Survivors "Tango Mikes." I didn't know what the "TM" could've been code for so I looked it up and it's in reference to Typhoid Mary, who as far as I can tell is the first (known) asymptomatic carrier of anything ever???
She was a cook for hire and most of the families she worked for mysteriously got typhoid fever bc she had it in her gallbladder and didn't practice proper hygiene while cooking (it was the 1900s so it was like, weird but not weird weird). She was quarantined for like 30 collective years throughout her life and,, knowing the lethality of the Green Flu and that the L4D military nicknamed the Survivors after her brings an even darker spin on their view on carriers, as if it wasn't dark enough that they (spoilers) later resorted to killing carriers instead of just imprisoning them.
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