#i dont remember the plot
onewingedangels · 2 years
yknow i just remembered that i actually never finished the outer worlds........
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jonny-b-meowborn · 1 year
Christ just remembering my dream today, I went to school for one of my speaking exams, and in the building there was a lot of cameramen and news reporters, so I got super stressed out like, are they gonna document the exams or something? Did something happen in the area? I went to one room that's full of pillows n shit (it's an actual room we have at school irl it's fun) to like, wait and prepare for my exam, but one of the reporters approached me as soon as she saw me, asking me a shit ton of questions about an event that I've never heard of, but apparently was heavily involved in. But it was weirdly Trial by Kafka-like, where I never learned what the actual crime was. Apparently instead of my exam I was supposed to give a big speech defending myself live on TV and no one would tell me what was even happening. My classmates were absent, or if I saw one of them they'd leave before I could speak to them, and if they realized that I noticed them they'd quickly walk away to avoid me. The teachers were at best super disappointed in me, at worst genuinely disgusted with me for what I've done, and of course wouldn't tell me what it was. I wasn't allowed to leave the building, I couldn't even leave the relax room without being swarmed by reporters asking me stuff I didn't understand. At some point I couldn't take the pressure and stress and started panicking, yelling at everyone to please let me out or explain what's going on, that I was innocent and confused and scared, I felt like an animal surrounded by hunters. During this fit I saw my class's head teacher, who's a great and lovely and supporting man irl, but I couldn't get to him through the reporters around me, so I yelled at him for help, I screamed that he knows me, he knows I haven't done anything, but he just looked at me with this soul crushing disappointment in his eyes and for a moment I believed maybe I did something truly horrible. And my entire meltdown was framed as if I was being aggressive and attacking the reporters, even though aside from the screaming and trying to push them away to escape I didn't do anything. Eventually the show I was supposed to be on started, and I was dragged out of the relax room to the lecture hall, in front of a bunch of cameras and a microphone. I just stood there, silently sobbing, still having no idea what's happening. Some people in the audience around me, reporters or just teachers I couldn't recognize, were speaking softly to me that I should calm down and confess and it'll all be okay as long as I do what's right. I couldn't say anything and the cameras kept rolling, waiting for me to do something, and then the dream ended. What in the holiest of fucks
#i wouldnt call that dream a nightmare but it certainly was terrifying as shit#i especially remember the moment when i had this huge meltdown#i tried to crawl out of the room but was held by the reporters and cameramen like a feral animal#i cant even remember how any of them looked like or what exactly did i say i just remember the pure panic i felt at that moment#bonkers#but also tonight i had a real cool dream about some weird game that i found#about like a found family of monsters#that adopted a young girl#and their relationship was very wholesome#but the game itself was super violent and full of gore#there were three monsters in this family#a straight up skeleton a grim reaper type of dude with a big trench coat and tentacles and some more animal like creature#i dont remember the exact designs#i mostly remember the reaper#i think you either played as him or you could choose which monster you play as and i just picked the reaper most of the time#he attached with these tentacles that would shoot out of his trench coat#and just pierce enemies and fuck them up completely turn them to puddles of blood and organs#i dont remember the plot#but i do remember that in one of the endings there's some flesh dimension thats a huge threat and the girl enters it#and destroys it from the inside and isnt able to escape#so she sacrifices herself to save her monster family and the world#like i said some weirdly wholesome and touching dynamics between them in a world full of gross shit#id play that honestly#maybe ill try to think of an actual plot and turn them into my ocs#i love it when i have cool dreams with cool characters that i can adopt later#weirdly enough im worse at coming up with ocs when i actually think about it but when they come to me in dreams they're like really cool#bee buzz
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meteorcrab · 1 year
Wild how I read a manga since the moment it began and read the new chapters every week for years and I can't remember shit about it
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bamsara · 9 months
"why would you read a fic with a scene or something you dont like in it" you see i have this ability called using my thumb to scroll down the phone screen really fast
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rhythmmortis · 1 month
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
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ema is so good in rfta i love kids who dont know what the hell theyre doing
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mamawasatesttube · 3 months
thinking abt the kon, bart, and cass (cain) trio again. guys who just never had any semblance of a childhood... i want them to go on a little adventure together. they're just like "we've never done kid stuff let's go be silly for a day!!!" and then kon realizes that out of the three of them, he's gonna be stuck being the closest thing they've got to impulse (haha) control. cass and bart would enable each other about all sorts of things and i need them to get up to shenanigans.
like, i need cass to steal one of bruce's cards so they can go to a theme park together. they're getting photos and kon calls cass "bat-babe" and she calls him "super-stud" and bart's like "i need one of these nicknames too hello??" and cass thinks really hard and goes "imp-ass?" and kon loses his shit. bart's like "that just sounds like impasse. no thanks." and kon looks at cass and says "imp passes," and then breaks into a gigglefit again. bart complains all of the roller coasters go too slow. bart and kon centrifuge poor cass on the teacup ride. she nearly throws up as soon as they get off and then demands to go again. bart challenges her to a candy eating contest and kon's like NO!!!!!!! DO NOT ACCEPT!!!!!!!! HES A SPEEDSTER!!!! so of course cass accepts. and then makes herself sick. bart's still impressed by how fast she can shove candy in her mouth for someone with no superspeed at all though.
also it would be fun if they stumbled upon a murder mystery or something in this theme park. i mean they would be like oh this is fucked up, but i would see it as enrichment in their enclosure or whatever. let cass be a noir detective with her two extremely op sillies as backup. idk. the vibes. you get me??
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mwagneto · 6 months
a thing about rtd's era that i really really love seeing again is how he will usually wrap up the plot 10 or even 20 minutes before the episode ends and then the rest of that time is just dedicated to the characters talking to each other and dealing with their emotions and situations. like instead of a last minute win and a two minute goodbye they always get these massive spans of time to really get into everything emotionally and it always makes the episodes hit even harder
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coolxatu · 9 months
last weekend i opened up avalon code for the ds for the first time in like 12 years and saw this note i left for myself
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i liked stakh/lara/vlad jr when i was a teen and i have 0 idea why or how. but anyway some possible dynamics ??
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coolnonsenseworld · 8 months
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Every Calendar pre-order gets the HEX sticker as well, so I'm posting it along with the introduction to the Universe to preface it. I've decided to put writing HEX as my priority for September/October, with the goal to publish the first chapter on AO3 exactly on Halloween - so here it is! Whatever happens it's gonna be there.
It has been stuck in my head like an earworm, so I can't wait.
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piosplayhouse · 2 years
Even after 3 straight years of being a scum villain stan the one thing that will never fail to surprise me is that sqq really tells binghe that if he was pregnant with him he wouldve also drank the poison and then circumvented all the effects away from fetalhe like . Why would you say that . Right when they're about to have sex too . Would love to dissect sqq's brain
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theyhitthepentagon · 10 months
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people have absolutely already made jokes like this but what ever what if raz was on tumblr and got bullied on his own posts
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pariskim · 8 months
Chip: got some straight gas 🔥😛 this strain is called “weed” 😳 you’ll be zonked out of your gourd 💯
Me: yeah whatever. I don’t feel shit.
5 minutes later: dude I swear I just saw a metal leviathan
My buddy Gillion pacing: the navy is lying to us
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ganondoodle · 10 months
is it too much of a reach to say that zelda being reduced to basically an object to farm items from in totk just kinda adds more salt to the wound of how badly shes treated?
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knbposting · 2 months
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why is he like this
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