#i dont think its working tho heehee <3
quuerbee · 11 months
Yeah yeah yeah everyone makes that post/analysis over how the burden of reviving Mount Hua coupled with the intense "survivors" guilt he carries shapes Chung Myung as a person and how he is so so so far away from the person he used to be but man. I've got to take a second everytime I think about it and just ponder.
Imagine waking up after witnessing the brutal killing of almost everyone you have ever met, including yourself, and immediately having to come up with a plan to save your home again. Imagine finding out that it's "your fault" (in all actuality we all know that none of what happened is Chung Myung's fault, but you know how bad his guilt complex is) that your home burned down after you passed. That the little disciples that you left behind, with the goal of protecting from the war, had to fight a different kind of war to protect their home. This doesn't even tap into a LOT of the stuff Chung Myung blames himself for throughout the novel.
How do you live with that? It's been said that Chung Myung lives only for Mount Hua. He lived for Mount Hua, died for Mount Hua, and now has to live for Mount Hua again, knowing that his past sacrifice did nothing to protect his home when it mattered.
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atherix · 2 years
EXCUSE ME?????????????
SCAR INVOKING SOMEONE NAMES TO LET HIM CONVINCE WILBUR TO LET SCAR KEEP TUBBO IM SADFGLHK I know its not the first time Scar has invoked a name in the series but everytime he does it it makes my brain melt and i BRAIN is already MELTED
Also oh my god poor tubbo - hes so scared 😭😭😭but he trusts scar and knows scar is going fix and even if scar doesnt fucking know if he can fix it i am adfldkfgdfs so normal about dad scar. I am So Normal.
I love too the tubbo's just like "they're leaving and i dont wanna go" and scar's resolve is right then and there
AND THEN????? AND THEN YOU DARE TO REMIND ME THE MAN IS DYING??????????? HOW DARE YOU - 'He thinks he can hold on long enough for tubbo to have a family' YEAH! YEAH HE CAN! I AM GONNA!!!! I AM!!!! SUPLEXING YOU FROM A DISTANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dgdslhxvfg this is so good. the girlies are eating dad scar for breakfast and thriving for it
Heehee <3
HJHDJKHFDSK YEA LMAO it might not be the first time in the series but it is the first time chronologically <3 I mean after you've invoked Some Guy(TM)'s name to convince him to let you keep the child his family has been responsible for invoking someone's name to convince them to leave the vicinity of danger seems so small <3
Tubbo is just. I wish to hold him in my hands jhfdhj he trusts Scar to help him <3 he doesn't wanna goooo hgjkdfjk and Scar succeeds I just hjgjfkd <3
Scar DID NOT hesitate. He KNEW there were other people willing to adopt Tubbo and he went for it anyway jkfdklsgjk
I MEAN I HAD TO MENTION IT EVENTUALLY LMAO <3 He's determined to survive to see Tubbo grow up and have a family of his own <3 Does this imply that Scar only lived this long because of Tubbo? Maybe.
HJKFSFSHJKFDKLS HE JUST LIKE "I KNOW THIS IS TOTALLY NOT MORALLY CORRECT BUT TUBBO DOESN'T WANT TO GO AND I CAN STOP IT." And it's a good thing it was Wilbur and not Phil because Scar's compulsion WOULD NOT HAVE WORKED ON PHIL. For reasons. If Wilbur's magic was more polished and practiced... but oh well, who has time to think of the what-ifs :) BUT YEAHHH HHJHJFSD he feels so conflicted about it he's such a Fae tho stealing a child thru magical means, honestly-
<3 I am thriving writing the dad!Scar I am. Thriving and dying I am-
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ars0nism · 3 years
ok ok exorcism thoughts after the cut because i have to talk about it so yeah! spoilers for the exorcism/last week of season of the lost
- saint bubble having functionality was something that delighted me so much. he put up the bubble and all six of us ran in just immediately. guardian instincts
- I ADORE working together like this. ive never raided so yk this was my first smaller setting 6 man activity and running around the hall fighting that massive boss felt so good
- mara with the knife mara with the knife ma-
- mara LAUGHED
- seeing saint. just there. he was so ready to beat up savathun and honestly good for him she is so fucked
- the way she just immediately left right after the exorcism was done girl what are you running from. us?? you should <3
- kinda wanted to see her tho
- that whole interaction with saint afterwards heehee im crying
- bungie please put osiris waking up in lore at least. please i want to read a fanfic-y lore piece i think we deserve it
- "perhaps one day i might joke that now we are even" YEAH THATS WHAT IVE BEEN SAYING
- kinda upset about the live cutscene tho bc like. yk. not everyone wants to seriously watch it and you have people emoting in the middle of it. not to sound like someone who takes videogames too seriously but i take videogames too seriously
- its been fun being stand-in warlock boyfriend i will now return to thirstposting about drifter
- grandpa this is indecent behavior stop this
- how am i possibly going to write this into my fic shit fuck
- i filmed all of it its about like 20 minutes of footage and ill chop it up soon enough but yk. i wanted the cutscene and maybe any fun lines
- mara <3
- can you tell this is a mara sov fanpage
- "she has never fought me before" king usually id agree but like take a deep breath and lets think about what we're going to do okay???
- if saint doesnt get to at least help in the field in wq ill be so upset
- let him fight bungie
- oh worm
- if we dont get sappy fluff lore i will be writing it. rip to bungie but i know what the masses (me) want
- mara i love you now give me the worm i want to keep it
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dazaaaai · 6 years
Can you tell me about your bsd ocs and how you met them? I really enjoy ics and self-inserts and this blog is one of my personal favorites.
Oh!!! Yes yes, of course, I would absolutely love to! You’re very sweet ;w; it’s always so hard for me to imagine that tho like wh?! You actually like other peoples’ characters, even ones based on themselves??? I thought everyone hated that- so that’s why it’s a blessing to have you around, heehee! I’m glad to be one of your favorites
So I take it you know me! I will introduce you to my friends (and enemies…)
Daniel Fenton is not an OC, he’s just straight-up based on Danny Phantom because I like cartoons and that’s my second biggest fandom. It just felt weird not having him here, and he really fits in! Here he’s come to Japan with his family for work reasons, and his ghost powers are an ability instead - Going Ghost. They’re more limited here - none of that green energy blast stuff, just floating and being spooky. He saved Dazai from drowning in a river a lot like Atsushi! So Dazai set up a staged entrance exam (where he saved yours truly!) and he joined because the boy super needed money.If you’d like to read the story about that, I can share it later on! Anyways, he’s kind of always running out on his own little adventures, coming back with all the bumps and bruises he doesn’t want to talk about… Cool thing is Yosano can heal him any time with a snap of her fingers because he’s already half dead as it is! He’s a little protective of me, even from Dazai, but ah! We have real-world emotional history, so his connection to me there is strong. 
Theodore Sadau is an OC I’ve had for a long time but he’s very different here. He’s ordinarily the greatest hero but here he’s the worst villain… A Guild member who’s deluded into thinking he’s a prince and deserves to be treated as such, though he steps over everyone else. I met him in a battle and he hurt me so badly… Dazai came to save me but it was Daniel who beat him into the ground after that. His ability is Prince of Shadows, and it works exactly the same way as Danny’s, to our horror. The singularity of the ability was something that Dazai had not heard of in a long time until that battle…
Celil Memmedquluzade has a long and strange name but he’s based on an author from my country of Azerbaijan, and I’ve read all his works. The Disappearance of the Donkey, despite its title is the most depressing thing I’ve ever read and is what his ability is based on. In perfect contrast to mine (which can bring anyone to me), his ability can send anyone and anything away to any place he’s been with just one touch… But he’ll never know where. It could be back to his home country or just across the street. He joined Fyodor out of desperation even though he hates him, and is always trying to pull me away from the Agency,  find a way to leave, insistent that we don’t belong here… But I belong more in Yokohama than he ever will with the Russians. I can’t ever go back there even if there’s nothing more in the world that he wants than to return.
I have many more OCs based on authors (check them out over here or here!) that I just haven’t met in the plot, so I’m not putting them here! But the rest of the OCs I’m gonna list are all my friends, real friends who made characters for the BSD universe alongside me and have allowed me to include them in my storyline! You can see more of them here! There are many of them as well but I will focus on the ones that show up or that I mention the most!
My best friend is my actual best friend, @bishamn! Ioanna is in-universe a Greek ability user. We met when she came to Yokohama for leisure but the Mafia tried to steal her away! The Agency saved her and she ended up staying mostly because Dazai decided I needed a friend. Her ability is The Third Chance, which can turn anyone invisible and intangible (rendering them useless in a fight) for a certain amount of time, but it only works the third time she tries to use it. 
@theartisticintrovert is the Junichirou to my Naomi in a MUCH less weird and possessive way, but seriously! My surrogate big brother is Tyler, a Korean-American come to Japan, his ability Grudge sends everyone into deep and sudden anxiety which gets worse the longer he stays quiet. We met in Yokohama International School, shared a creative writing class. Then one day his ability went off super badly, and, well! Junichirou and I were sent to investigate. We ended up roping him in and he adopted Q at some point. It’s great, send him an ask about it!
Miss Momo-chan, an American come to Japan for work and having found it at the Agency, she’s the person to go to who knows everything about where anything is and how to help you with your emotional problems - and is remarkably good at putting up with Kunikida’s, er, strictness! I wonder why… @moreroads​ worked at the Agency before I was there and helped me a lot through all of my troubles!
@musical-selfshipper​ is someone you’ll never forget, and neither will I. An emotion manipulator, ability by the name of Ganymede. Chinese-Taiwanese-American, she’s Poe’s girl and it’s a wonder, he’s so shy and she’s so not, but you gotta love their love! We met when she joined the Agency straight forward, sometime after the mess with the Guild, but details about her exam are a little sketchy for now. 
Shelby is an American non-ability user clerk for the Agency who’s kind of a cryptid and a huge conspiracy theorist. Resident Ranpo lover @shelf-insert is another victim I’ve roped into joining the Agency! Nobody’s really sure if she was always in the Agency or not, but she’s for certain one of my greatest friends, and always has the greatest advice!
Millie is another clerk for the Agency! Beautiful dark skinned American friend not sweet on @minty-selfships, oh no…! :3 We met because she joined a short while after I did, but didn’t talk much until I decided that she and Atsushi were even more of a hopeless oblivious mess than me and Dazai ever were…! So the matchmaking and a great friendship began.
Let’s not forget @selfshipstation, the source of Sylvia Plath (that’s not her real name, she just forgot it and chose that one instead). Ability by the name of Amnesia, she ends up with the Guild after wiping her own memory and goes on quite a few dates with Mark!
There are MANY, MANY more (Nicole, Nezumi, Annie, Andrea, Rhiannon, Rue, Dante, Brianna, Simon, Cherri) and they are all amazing friends and great people who are definitely part of my story as a whole but for one reason or another I won’t elaborate on them!! Some whose self-insert I don’t know, some who aren’t as into BSD despite having a character, and some who I just haven’t talked to recently enough… If you’d like more info and my full ability user list tho, here’s my !! pride and joy, a document of all of them!!!
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