#i dont think she got a good picture bc my dog kept barking and i kept moving trying to hide my face so i hope it didnt turn out
shvdowsdrowned · 6 months
Idc if this doesn't make sense I'm so fucking pissed rn: I was walking my dog and this lady in her car stopped next to us and she was like "aw he's so cute I gotta get a picture of this" and I'm like okay whatever so I tried to hide my face with my sweater and move away from my dog so I wouldn't get in the pic n she was like "it's your dog cmon stand by her" and I said "no I don't want my picture taken???". At this point my dog has been barking the whole time so the lady was like "can you tell him to stop?" and I said "no she just does that" and the lady goes "hey you work at McDonald's don't you?", I said "no i dont" n she's like "yes you do" as if I was lying (which I wasn't. I'm fucking unemployed) and idk if she got the picture or not but she was like "thank you god bless you" and drove off. Yeah if god fucking blessed me I wouldn't have ran into you thanks for ruining my day you fuck
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iamyelling · 5 years
ive made prolonged eye contact with two separate coyotes on two separate occasions this week. oh boy! 
on monday night right around dusk, like right before it was totally dark, i was taking solea outside. idk if i’ve posted pictures of what the yard area of our apartment looks like, but basically there’s a lil patch of grass where i was standing with solea. i’m bad at estimating size but maybe 25x20ft? and then a strip of bushes and stuff that’s pretty minimal because spring hasn’t started growing back yet for those bushes, and then there’s a big field which is almost always flooded to some degree. i’ve seen coyotes there before and we hear them make their weird yipping howling sounds all the time especially because we’re on a major road so there’s sirens frequently. one time last spring i saw a puddle of coyote pups in the morning, that was wild. anyways, i always look over at that field area to see if i can see any animals like a bunny or the pair of ducks that had been hanging out there or maybe even a coyote. and on monday night i heard something walking from my right towards us - definitely not just a bird rummaging around in the bushes and leaves. there’s a house over there so maybe they were walking around, although i have never seen them walk outside especially past their fence. maybe one of their dogs got out? there wasn’t a flashlight. then i saw the coyote! and it walked on by and there was a second one and that one stopped and just looked at me. luckily solea didn’t see it - she was too busy looking at the parking lot which is fair, that is a much more likely place for someone to appear from lol. eventually the coyote decided i was boring and kept going to catch up with its buddy. 
then yesterday i was over at my mom’s place and we were walking in the big forest/woods/park that we always walk in. solea loves it so much, she goes nuts when i ask if she wants to go to the forest :) we used to let her go with us off leash bc she stays with us and is generally good but there’s been reports of animals being killed by coyotes lately - dogs and cats and stuff - in that section of the forest and even in the neighborhood. so i keep her on leash lately there bc i have no idea what would happen. safety first! sorry bud you can run around at a safer park. so solea has never done the thing where she smells an animal and goes after it - not once. she’s seen bunnies and squirrels and chased them away lol but never the smell. and she did that yesterday! it was weird i was spooked like what is it?? i couldn’t see any animal or hear anything so it was unusual. but we brushed it off. i also notably saw a very big doggie print in the mud but it looked more like a large dog than a coyote - no nails and i dont think coyote feet are that big anyway!! coyotes are not big. anyways! we keep walking, look for the owl(s) that hang out in this one area. my mom walks in this forest every day and is very familiar with its inhabitants :) so we know what time the owl hoots and we walk around and try to find it but we failed to find it yesterday. we did see it last week though! so we walk on, etc. see some doggos and we get to one part that is like this big clear(ish) area of bike trails and jumps and stuff its a lot of open dirt in between the trees instead of plants and stuff. and there was a coyote standing on the other side of it just standing there!! watchin us! maybe like 100 150 feet away?? took solea a second to register it but she did not react like it was a dog, she knew it wasn’t. she did a low growl and some lil puffs but no barks (we have taught her to not bark and she is very polite) so idk if that was good to not rile the coyote up or what. and then the coyote starts like slowly stalking towards us. my mom gets a photo and some video real quick and then she does a big yell at it to get it to scamper off. looked like it went away. so we go the other way and continue on our way. we see a neighbor walking her two smaller dogs - one a lil fluffy white dog. the other barkin at us. poor solea was all on edge, as we all were. so we told the woman there was a coyote and she turned around and walked with us the way she came. we were all going and talking for a bit when she said ‘and there it is right behind you!’ and we turned around and it was like maybe 25, 30 feet away? it was just following us on the trail! not so cool. my mom did a big yell again and it barely hopped back 10 feet. so we kept going on the trail now. note it was following three people and three dogs, we were one group. we were all looking over our shoulders after that! solea especially, she was super freaked out being stalked by a coyote. we didn’t see it anymore after that. but later we found out that it went and followed the neighbor, when she was out of the woods she turned aroung and saw it standing at the trailhead watching her. geez!! from what we heard, its like mating time and puppies time for them approximately. so they’re more protective of their den, which must be near where we were in the forest. 
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