shvdowsdrowned · 6 months
Idc if this doesn't make sense I'm so fucking pissed rn: I was walking my dog and this lady in her car stopped next to us and she was like "aw he's so cute I gotta get a picture of this" and I'm like okay whatever so I tried to hide my face with my sweater and move away from my dog so I wouldn't get in the pic n she was like "it's your dog cmon stand by her" and I said "no I don't want my picture taken???". At this point my dog has been barking the whole time so the lady was like "can you tell him to stop?" and I said "no she just does that" and the lady goes "hey you work at McDonald's don't you?", I said "no i dont" n she's like "yes you do" as if I was lying (which I wasn't. I'm fucking unemployed) and idk if she got the picture or not but she was like "thank you god bless you" and drove off. Yeah if god fucking blessed me I wouldn't have ran into you thanks for ruining my day you fuck
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qqueenofhades · 11 months
i registered to vote for the first time ( i feel old) now that im an adult but my state has closed primary elections which i was wondering if you have an opinion about. my initial thought was that its bad because i had to register democrat (rather than my states green party which represents my beliefs more) just so i could vote between democrat candidates, which feels like being pressured into supporting the weird pseudo two party system we have. but then i looked it up and apparently a reason for this is so that people from opposing parties wont purposefully mess up the votes just so that their preferred candidates have an easier time winning, and i think that makes sense too. but is that actually the reason theyve closed it or is it just to force us dem/republican?? cause it feels strange
Okay, look. I respect the fact that you're a young person, and I appreciate that you have not only registered to vote, but plan to vote in the primaries, so I don't want to lecture you too much. That said: I am taking you out for coffee, I am sitting you down, I am looking into your eyes, and I am urgently telling you the following:
The Green Party is a scam. It is a scam. It has existed for decades in American politics as an empty shell corporation weaponizing the good intentions of young people like yourself, because all it theoretically stands for "it's good to save the planet maybe." Which is not something that any non-insane person seriously disagrees with, but there is no world in which that cause is actually furthered by registering/voting Green (you mentioned that you did vote for Democrats, which -- good, but listen to me here, youngun, okay?) It ran Jill Stein in 2016 to siphon more votes from HRC, and this election it plans to run Cornel West, a pro-Russian tankie who positively equated Bernie and Trump, as another spoiler candidate. It does not stand for "protecting the planet" or America in any real way. It has never elected a single senator or congressman, let alone a president. It stands for empty performance/grievance political theater by those people who feel too morally superior to vote for/affiliate with Democrats, often because the internet has told them that it's not Cool or Hip or Progressive enough.
If your main priority is climate/the environment, you're doing the right thing by registering as a Democrat and voting for Democrats. (Also: the adjectival form is Democratic. It is the Democratic party and Democratic candidates, otherwise you sound like the Fox News host who wrote a book literally entitled "The Democrat Party Hates America.") They are the only major party who has in fact passed major climate legislation and have made environmental justice a central tenet of their platform. As opposed to the Republicans, whose Project 2025, along with the rest of its nightmare fascist prescriptions, openly pledges to completely wreck existing climate protections and forbid any new ones, just because we weren't all dying fast enough under their death-cult rule already. That's the main logical fallacy I don't get among both the Online Leftists and the American electorate in general: "the Democrats aren't doing quite enough as I'd like, so I'll enable the active wrecking ball insane lunatics to get in power and ruin even the progress we HAVE managed to make!" Like. How does that even make sense?
On a federal level, the Greens have contributed nothing whatsoever of tangible value to American or international climate policy/legislation, environmental justice, or anything else, because as noted, they don't have any elected candidates and mostly focus on drawing voters away from Democrats. There might be plenty of good candidates on the local or city level, which -- great! Vote away for Greens if they're available, or the only other option is a Republican! But on the federal/primary level, please understand: once again, they are a scam. There is no point in affiliating yourself with them. You're welcome to register Green and vote Democratic, if that makes you feel better or if you prefer having another label next to your name, but once again, I'm telling you in my position as a salty Tumblr elder that they have done nothing but harm to the causes they claim to care about, because "environment" is such a nebulous priority and has demonstrably been hijacked to stop the American government entity, i.e. the Democrats, that is actually working to improve on it.
As for your question: nobody is "forcing" or "pressuring" you to vote in primaries. By your own admission, you made a conscious choice to register as a Democrat in order to vote for Democratic candidates. If you were just a regular registered voter of whatever party affiliation, you would vote in the general election for whatever candidate the primary process produced. But if you are sufficiently vested and committed to that process that you would like to have a say in who is running under that party label, it is not unreasonable that you would register as a member of that party. Nobody has twisted your arm behind your back and made you do so; you are taking a considerable level of initiative on your own. Likewise, open primaries can be both a good and bad thing. This falls under the "the political system we have is flawed, but we can't magically pretend it doesn't exist and act according to our own fantasyland versions of reality" thing that I keep saying over and over. So yes, if you want a role in shaping the Democratic candidates who emerge from a Democratic primary process, you will usually register as a Democrat, and nobody has forced you to do that. It's that simple.
Likewise as a general programming note: I'm trying to cut back on politics a bit right now, because I don't have the spoons/bandwidth/mental health to deal with it. I apologize. So if you've sent me a politics-related ask recently and haven't received a response, I'm not deliberately or maliciously ignoring you; I just am not able to handle it as much as usual and will have to put it on pause. However, I feel as if this is important enough to be worth saying, so, yeah.
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All I had - Mattheo Riddle x f!reader
Requested: No well I lowkey did
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x f!reader
Summary: After his girlfriend y/n is killed, Mattheo has to deal not only with pain and sorrow, but also cruel accusations (complete original prompt here)
Word count: long as hell 2.4K
Warnings: mentions of death, lost, and grief
A/N: When I had this idea a few weeks ago I didn't think it would actually be so hard to write and I hate it lol :) I can't remember for the life of me if people in universe know Voldemort wants to be immortal, so for this one be an angel and pretend they do :) Might write a part two with a certain someone if many people ask 👀. ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE.
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Hogwarts, 1997.
The two Aurors were walking right behind him, firmly holding his arms to prevent him from running. Run where? he thought. Not that he had somewhere to go. Snape, who had always looked at Mattheo and his brother with an annoying suspicion, was walking ahead of them, his robes floating behind him. Mattheo didn’t know where they were going, or why. Not that he actually cared. Even though the Auros were leading his movements, his legs still seemed to be carrying him on their own, and if he didn’t try to resist, protest or at least ask questions to the silent Aurors, it was only because he didn’t have any energy or will to do so. Everything, including his body, felt numb and his mind was clouded, not functioning properly at all, barely noticing or hearing what was happening around him, instead full of the events of the night, as if it was trying to look for a reason. The only thing he could feel was the grip of the Aurors on his upper arms, the painful dryness of his blurry eyes, his throat sore from crying, his still wet cheeks, and this feeling of unbearable pain, anguish and confusion inside his chest.
After walking through countless corridors, they finally arrived in a smaller corridor, where Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall were apparently expecting them. It often came as a surprise to those who didn’t know, but Mattheo actually held great respect for the old headmaster. How could he not? He was the only person his father had ever feared. Dumbledore was still the same as usual, looking calm and serene, while McGonagall looked at Mattheo with what seemed to be sadness. As they came closer, Mattheo saw a simple gray door on the right, which suddenly opened. 
“Mr. Riddle,” Dumbledore said with a calm, almost kind voice, and Mattheo only raised his eyes towards him for a quarter of a second before looking at the ground again, “I will have to ask you to sleep here tonight. If you are in need of anything, please feel free to ring the bell. But I assure you, everything will be alright.”
‘Alright’? Mattheo would have laughed if he could. Behind him, the Auror snigged. Mattheo didn’t speak a word, and when he turned to pass the door, he saw Snape give him a more suspicious look than before. He managed to enter the room, which was a rudimentary bedroom with a bed, two chairs around a small rounded table with a small golden bell on it, and a sink. No window whatsoever, only a few candles floating in the air and drawing shadows on the walls. 
“If you wish to turn the candles off, just ask them to sleep,” Dumbledore told him.
“We will be back in the morning,” one of the Aurors told the Headmaster, and then the door closed abruptly, leaving Mattheo completely alone with his thoughts and the cold silence of a cold room. 
After a long, boring day of classes, he had spent the evening in y/n’s dorm, talking and cuddling, enjoying the comfort and peace only her could make him feel. Then Theo texted him, asking him if he fancied a smoke. Mattheo initially wanted to refuse, not wanting to leave y/n’s embrace, but she told him to go, that she didn’t want to keep him away from his friends. And so Mattheo went, going to one of the darkest corners of the castle where he and Theo knew they wouldn’t be caught by any professors and especially Filch. But the smoke break lasted much longer than usual, and when Mattheo went back to y/n’s dorm, planning on continuing their night together and eventually falling asleep with her in his arms, he walked by the castle’s courtyard and, in the dark of the night, saw something strange on the courtyard’s ground. Frowning, he had hesitated before slowly walking towards it, curiosity leading his mind. The closer he got, the more the strange “thing” on the ground, the clearer the mass on the ground got, and soon it appeared to be a body. Despite the fear that it might be someone he knew, Mattheo had quickened his pace, and barely a few meters later, he recognized whose body it was.
Oh, God. No, no, please, no. Not this. Anything but this.
At the second he recognized y/n’s body, he ran towards it and fell beside her, immediately holding her to his chest, gently shaking her despite his panic which grew every quarter of a second. 
“y/n?! y/n, can you hear me? Baby?” 
But he didn’t get any answer, and when he checked her pulse, he had almost felt his heart break from the pain. 
“No, no, no, y/n, please! Fuck!”
Tears had started to feel, and he was now screaming. He didn’t know how long he spent here, holding her body as tight as he could, crying like he never thought he ever would and begging her to come back, to not leave him alone, but at one point, someone had seen him, had a loud gasp, and had ran to tell someone. Soon, Professor McGonnagall and two Aurors were here, and they tried to take her from him. He screamed and protested, not wanting to let her go, but they managed to separate them, and Mattheo was then led there, his entire being shattered in pieces and his mind unable to work knowing she was gone. 
Not caring to take off his shoes, Mattheo laid on the bed, and tears started to run down his cheeks. She’s gone, she’s gone, his mind kept screaming, and yet, it refused to accept it.
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This is just a nightmare. Just a nightmare. I’m gonna wake up soon. 
“Are you sure you don’t want anything to drink or eat, Mr Riddle? Professor Dumbledore insisted.” 
Mattheo barely looked at the Auror sitting on the other side of the metallic table, and kept silent. He could hardly keep his eyes open, too tired from not sleeping at all the night before - and yet not feeling sleepy at all. 
“Well,” the Auror continued, putting a long, thin black bow on the table. “I guess we can start, then. Mr Riddle, do you know why you’re here?” 
Mattheo shook his head. 
“Really?” the other Auror asked, sitting next to his colleague. “No clue? At all?” 
This time, Mattheo raised his eyes towards the two men for a few seconds, and tried not to find weird the way they were looking at him - with disdain, coldness, and something he couldn’t quite get yet - as, after all, a lot of people looked at the son of the Dark Lord with suspicious - Snape included - or even fear, and he got used to it. Why would their eyes matter, when y/n’s eyes looked at him with nothing but love?
And now I won’t ever see them again. Mattheo felt his eyes becoming watery, and tried to fight tears as much as he could. 
“Because y/n is gone,” he said, looking at the table. 
“You’re right,” the Auror on the left said. “But allow me to be more precise, Mr Riddle. Miss y/l/n is gone… because you killed her.”
Mattheo’s mind, still as cloudy as the night before, suddenly cleared up like and working like a machine being turned on. He looked at the two men, and suddenly understood the reason they had been looking at him like that ever since they came into the room a few minutes earlier. They think I’m guilty. 
This is a nightmare. This is a nightmare. This isn’t real. I’ll wake up any moment and see her sleeping next to me. 
Shock, anger, and a bit of panic and confusion came into him like a gigantic wave. “What? I didn’t kill her! Why the hell would I kill her?” 
This is a nightmare. This is a nightmare.
“Oh, you would be surprised at all the reasons why a man could kill his girlfriend. She caught him cheating, he caught her cheating, she saw something she shouldn’t have seen…” the Auror stopped, and looked at Mattheo with malice. “Or maybe he wants to prove himself to his father.”
If he could, Mattheo would have laughed. Here it is. The “son of the Dark Lord” bullshit. He ran his hand through his hair, and sighed.
“You think I killed y/n because my father asked me?” he asked, trying his absolute best to remain calm. “Why would I have accepted?” 
“Well, you’re the second son. The spare. Your father likely planned for your brother Tom to be his second in command, and, if he were to die, his heir, didn’t he? And then, what do you have left, Mr Riddle? At best, you remain the spare and then your brother’s second in command your whole life, and in the worst case… Nothing.” 
y/n. I would have y/n. 
“Dumbledore told us your father tried to contact you last summer,” the second Auror spoke. 
Mattheo felt annoyance growing inside of him, “and did he also tell you that I refused, and hid from him the whole time?” 
“Yes,” the first Auror admitted. “He did say you told him that. But how can we be sure you didn’t lie?” 
Mattheo closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. 
“So, you guys think I’m a murderer just because my father is? For no other reason than that?”
“Actually, Mr. Riddle, the main reason we do believe that, is because…of that.”
The Auror took the long, thin black bow he had put earlier on the table, and opened it before showing the inside to Mattheo, whose eyes opened in surprise. 
“My wand?” 
“Yes, Mr Riddle, we-”
“I lost it,” Mattheo interrupted with a louder voice, feeling his heart beat faster, “I lost it yesterday sometime after class. Where did you find it?!”
“You lost it?” the Auror asked while crossing his arms, sounding amused, “Well, did you tell anyone? Any teachers?”
“I went to tell Professor Snape,” Mattheo answered, “but he wasn’t in his office. I waited for him for almost an hour but he never came back. My friend Lorenzo saw me, I asked him if he knew where Snape was.”
The Auror shared a look that told Mattheo they already knew Lorenzo had seen him - and yet didn’t believe him.
“Now,” Mattheo continued, more annoyed by the second, “where did you find my wand?” 
“Why, near you, Mr Riddle. When we found you near your victim’s corpse,” the second Auror said as if it was obvious.
The dark-haired boy stared at them in disbelief. “What? No, you’re…You’re lying.”
“And when we used Prior Incantato, we saw that the last spell your wand used was the killing curse.”
“That’s why he brought you here, Mr Riddle”, the second Auror continued immediately. “If we didn’t find your wand near you, our theory wouldn’t be based on anything. We might even have believed you when you’re telling us you didn’t kill miss y/l/n.” 
“I did not kill her!” Mattheo screamed. 
The Auror sighed, “Mr Riddle, please. Out of respect for miss y/l/n and her family, do tell us the truth. They deserve justice.”
“You’re lucky, you know?” the second Auror went on, “If it wasn’t for Professor Dumbledore, you’d be in Azkaban, awaiting your trial.” 
“I’m innocent!” Mattheo yelled, feeling himself going mad. “I told you the truth!”
“Alright,” the Auror said with a loud voice, putting a clenched fist on the table. “If you didn’t do it, then who did?” 
“How would I know?” Mattheo snapped. “I found her body in the courtyard, and I didn’t see anybody else.”
“See? You can’t give us a second option. Our talks with teachers and students told us Miss y/l/n had no enemies, was loved by both classmates and teachers alike, and her parents are good people. No one had a reason to kill her, except for you.”
“We don’t need to know the reasons on why you did it, Mr Riddle,” the first Auror said in an almost kinder, more patient tone. “Even though we have some ideas about the ‘why’. Just admit you did it.”
“Admit you did it because either your father asked you to do it, or because, despite your best efforts to make people believe you’re different from him, the truth is, you’re just like him.”
“I didn’t do it!” Mattheo screamed. “How many do I have to tell you?! I didn’t kill y/n! Someone must have taken my wand and killed her! How can you not see that?!” 
The first Auror sighed, meanwhile the second clenched his jaw. 
“Mr Riddle, y/n-”
“DO NOT USE HER NAME!” Mattheo shrieked. 
But the Auror ignored him, closing his eyes for a second, “y/n had a family, friends, people who loved her, and a whole life with a bright future ahead of her.”
Yes. And all I had was her.
“You took enough from her. Do you take away from her grieving parents the satisfaction that their daughter’s killer is not in prison, paying for his crime.”
Mattheo put his face in his hands, feeling tears burn his eyes. 
“I want to see my brother.” 
“Your brother?” the first Auror asked, and this time he sounded genuinely surprised.   
“Well,” Mattheo spat, raising back his head to stare at the two men, “someone should find y/n’s killer if I’m going to be in Azkaban soon, don’t you think?”
“So you admit it? You killed her?”
“No! For fuck’s sake, no I didn’t kill fucking kill her!” 
They didn’t understand, Mattheo thought with desperation and frustration, putting his head back in his hands. Mattheo couldn’t even remember how life was before he fell in love with y/n during their third year. All he remembered is that two years ago, in their fifth year here, he finally gathered the courage to let her know how he felt, and, by some miracle, this beautiful, sweet witch with a heart of gold felt the same way about him. Ever since, all that was inside his mind was y/n, how his heart, life and soul belonged to her and her only, how she was the only one to not see him as Voldemort’s son but how he really was instead, how she was always there for him, especially when he started feeling anxious when his father came back after the Triwizard Tournament, and how their kisses, their hugs and cuddles and sleeping with her in his arms were the most important things to him. And now, he had lost it all. 
The two Aurors suddenly rose from their chairs, and left the room, leaving Mattheo alone with his broken heart and nonfunctioning mind. 
This is a nightmare, this is a nightmare.
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noellefan101 · 9 days
Adopting Child!Reader
Characters: Wriothesley, Nilou, Childe, Candace, Itto x Gn Child!reader(meaning this is all purely platonic)
Summary: They adopt you and you're now their child, what do they learn you to do and what do they like doing with you
Warnings: platonic, modern au for the most part, implied char x char in some(you can ignore it if you dont like the ship, or see them as friends), sigewinne is your sibling in wrios, arataki gang being the arataki gang
Note: this is one of those fics that i keep looking for but cant find, so i wrote it myself. i really like reading from a child's perspective but whenever i see a fic were a char has a child and its x reader, its always the reader being the mother which i hate. anyway, have fun reading, luv you.
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Sigewinne is his child, sorry, you cant tell me otherwise(especially when its modern au), so you and her would definitely play together. have a tea party, dress Wrio up in cute ribbons and stuff, kill all your dolls together after one cheated on the other. yk, normal kid things.
Wriothesley caries your bags whenever you need to get home from school, he hangs them over his shoulder while you both walk beside him.
If Sigewinne is a little older than you, instead of being the same age, she would try her best to help you learn stuff you maybe dont even have in school yet, but she just needed to help you with it anyway. she just wants you to be ready for it, and learns it better in the process as well.
He would invite his Boyfriend over for dinner once, and you thought Neuvillette's hair was pretty, though you were a little scared of the man. it turned out to be fine after a few other times of meeting him, and you warmed up to him quite quickly.
I dont imagine he's the best cook, but would definitely learn how to make something if you were sad and really wanted a specific dish. Will also make tea for you both a lot, making sure its just how you like it.
I love the idea of Nilou, the sweetheart of sumeru, adopting a child and taking care of it. like yeah, she totally would.
And if you showed any interest in dancing whatsoever, she would teach you some small easy steps. and show you a few of her dances made for shows, if you thought it was too hard. she has her own dancing room(?) at home, and she would happily practice a little with you in the room so you can watch.
She's very supportive of whatever you're interested in, but you will learn to respect everyone no matter what, she cant have you becoming like one of those scholars who want all the creative arts gone. But she would still support you in becoming a scholar if that is what you wanted to do anyway, just making sure you're a nice one instead of those other beings.
Loves to bake with you, and really wants to show you all the best recipes so you can make them on your own once your old enough. but of course she bakes the best cakes on your birthday, and it's decorated with something you like or her and you dancing via a messy drawing using buttercream.
Would make jewelry with you, and then wear some at one of her shows. So the people would see all her professionally made bracelets, and then this very vibrant and childish one shining trough.
She loves matching outfits with you, so she will try her very best to find a shirt in your size that matches one of her dresses, it would be very cute but she respects it if you dont really like it at times.
He seriously just wants to protect you, and probably ended up saving you before taking you in and caring for you when he learned of your reason for being out there all alone. (picture dark alleyway with cold snow and a few adults with weapons trying to get money out of you or smt)
Doesnt really like the idea of you knowing about his job, but he can't hide it from you the same way he hides it from his siblings, so you ended up knowing pretty quickly. But he assures you he won't let anything hurt you, not even himself.
He would have his parents take care of you when he had to go out for a mission, but you would have to promise to not mention what he was doing or he would just have to hire a caretaker next time.
But it was fun playing with his siblings, and the food was great. Plus it was way nicer to be able to play with other children at home, and not have to go out for it. Teucer also had really cool toys, so you and him play together a lot when you come over.
Doesn't let you near any of his weapons, and doesn't wan tyou near any weapon until your at least 13. He can't have you experience the same things as him, no matter how much he likes fighting, he doesnt want you to grow up like he did. So he won't teach you anything of that sorts, only when he thinks it a reasonable time for someone to learn that.
Cooks all your meals for the most part, and learns you how to cook as well, he can also have you help him cut the easy things like a cucumber. Plus you've been sent to school with what to a child looks like a three-course meal from a five-star restaurant. is also really good at getting you to eat your vegetables.
She's very good with children, but never expected to take in a child herself. She has both no idea what she's doing and knows everything about what she should do, so its a process for the both of you.
She is very loving and knows to let you warm up to her first, but she gets carried away at times and can end up hugging you a little to much for your comfort. But she makes sure to give you lots of your favorite sweets in return.
Loves dressing you up, and would pick your outfits for your when you had school, but of course you picked an item first and then she jsut picked out the rest. For example; you would pick out a cute shirt with a little red car on it, and she would find some matching socks and nice pair of pants or smt, give you a nice red hat if it was needed.
Goes shopping with Dehya often, so she would sometimes take you with her and will explain everything she's getting, and how to use this makeup and what not.
Dehya also comes over quite a lot, and they both do your makeup if you wanted, or let you decorate them in glitters and stickers if you pleased. You now have a special bag with all your little brushes, eyeshadows and all that stuff at home, just so you dont accidentally ruin theirs. (she would not let you put makeup on too much, only once or twice a week. but then there is also something to look forward too)
Is very chaotic and should not be taking care of a child, also because he gets in trouble so much. But he can't just leave you out there all alone, no one else wanted you clearly, but they are the perfect solution to that. (they are all basically unwanted as well, so you were just like them in a sense)
But Kuki is more of the parent than he is at times, but thats ok, she's basically the parent to all of them at this point.
Anyway, he loves beetle-fighting, so of course you are gonna learn too. He has spent hours with you outside, finding beetles and teaching you the perfect ways to win over anyone. it's only when Shinobu comes and tells you that its bed time for you that you stop for the day, but you have tomorrow to have fun as well.
It's hard to adapt to being with the Arataki gang, but it is better than being alone, so you can have your own little place to be alone in for a little bit, in a corner of whatever they're staying in(an old house that is really cheap i presume, or a really cheap apartment. maybe granny's place or smt).
Taking care of you honestly got the whole gang to stop their antics just a little, and they don't end up in prison for stupid things as much. Kuki is especially thankful for that, but is still concerned for the gang. They teached you how to depend on others, while you essentially teach them to be more careful of what they do, win-win.
You might have cried the first time they ended up in prison while you were there, Shinobu has now taught you how to bail someone out of jail. You will need this in the future.
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im thinking of making a taglist but im not sure, so tell me if you want to be tagged in smt
Thx for reading my lovelies, have a nice day, luv ya-Masterlist
You are welcome to reblog and like any of my posts, but you CAN NOT translate, copy or hate on anybody for liking my posts
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chubs-deuce · 6 months
Haaard agree on anti-Chaggie post (so sorry Chaggie shippers. We love you)
Alastor is known to steal the attention of people whenever he is on screen. But when he is with Charlie it makes it more interesting! They bounce off of each other in an entertaining way. Even if you don't ship them they are funny. Alastor is getting a kick out of just talking to Charlie. He finds her amusing (probably in a mean way lol). And Charlie while thinks he is an asshole, (cus he is!) she sees he tries to help her even with an obvious hidden ulterior motive.
They don't see eye to eye in their goals but at least they are both real characters with their own motivations and that makes them very dynamic with each other. Also they are both goofs, love 'em
Chaggie has fans within people that just want cute and non-dramatic relationships. Or just a queer couple that is wholesome without any dramatics. Valid!
It's just awkward that Vaggie is all about Charlie. This one thing puts me off. Considering my previous experience with it was in Steven Universe (Rose and Pearl, anyone?). But it's just personal thing. Sometimes things like that are funny like "they are obsessed with this person lololo" or "they are... Uncomfortably obsessed with this person"
[I think it depends on if the other person is on the same level? Charlie seemed somehow dismissive of Vaggie but it can be explained that the plot was just more focused on hotel than them (ugh 8eps. waiting for S2 to have fillers).]
Shipping is all about preferences and that's okay! My friend is a Chaggie shipper and I am a Charlastor shipper. I asked her to explain to me the appeal and she explained it as "a cute couple that has no conflict whatsoever. People like that exist and it's more common than very dramatic or action-driven couples". And I just like a bit fucked up dynamics where I watch someone in that dynamic go through some emotional turmoil (mostly Alastor<3) and also co-workers/housemates dynamic (when I need something cute and simple)
Some people just prefer down to earth things, especially if their life is a rollercoaster. What's important is to respect each other!
Sorry for a lil essay. I just think sometimes it's important to say "these are prefrences. We don't hate you for not liking your thing and the same goes in vice versa"
All fandoms have a group of people that is.... A bit too devoted to something. Respect others even if they don't like the same thing you do. Instead ask them to explain to you why they like it in a non-hostile manner or don't interact at all.
We're all tired of shipping wars, especially when some companies add oil to this fire to monetize more. I just want to get back to old fandom days when you both would be shopping different things and then end up in a make out session /j
Sorry for an essay again. Love your art, especially when you draw unhinged or going insane Alastor because Charlie makes him "feel". Thanks for all the content<3
This!!! So much this!!!
I hardly even need to add anything to this tbh, you already said everything that needs to be said perfectly!
I often like to think of shipping as the more adult version of playing with dolls, and that different people will play with their dolls differently! Some may prefer to follow the instructions on the packaging, playing with the toys exactly as intended, whereas others might find that boring and instead prefer to mix things up and do their own thing!
How I play with my set of dolls should have absolutely no impact on how you play with your own.
Thank you so much for writing out this ask, I'm honestly really glad to see that common sense and critical thinking skills within fandoms haven't completely died out yet lmfao
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nekropsii · 5 months
homestuck fandom circa 2012-14 was a nightmare fr. so many big art accs had a nsfw side accs dedicated almost exclusively to incest/pedo ships it was insane... but god forbid you made the striders black
Hell, half of the time shit wasn't even on a side account. Most of the time it wasn't even tagged. Not just as NSFW, but as the other shit that it was. No content warnings, nothing. Sometimes people would deliberately not even tag the ship so you couldn't filter it out without blocking either the main tag or a whole character - like, for example, not tagging BroDave as either "BroDave", "Stridercest", "[CW/TW] Incest", or "[CW/TW] Pedophilia", and instead just tagging it as "Bro Strider", "Dave Strider", and "Homestuck"... So in order to avoid seeing that, you'd have to either filter "Dave Strider", "Bro Strider", or "Homestuck", and that's just not fair.
It's weird when people act like CW/TW tagging has always been a thing that the Proship-type crowd have abided by, like, religiously, and that anyone complaining about shit not being tagged just isn't being careful enough, when... No, that's really not been my experience whatsoever. Hell, there's still untagged incest content in the Homestuck main tags now and then to this day. It's even weirder when people say that tagging incest and pedophilia is "a courtesy that no one has to abide by", and refer to it like a privilege that can easily be taken away, like a toy from a child. Like, god damn, so much for caring about victims, huh? So much for the whole motto about respecting people and their boundaries, right? So much for that defense that "no one can complain because everything is tagged". Man. What the fuck, lol.
At least nowadays you're way, way less likely to get flashbanged with Pedophilic Incest Porn spammed on your dash at random. Fandoms were so egregiously, violently, shamelessly fucking unsafe for kids back in the day. I hate the fact that people are nostalgic for that era - the behavior people were exhibiting was frankly just disgusting, and there was practically no barrier between "adult space" and "all ages space". The way fandoms behaved back then was wildly unchecked and fully fucking dangerous. That history of constantly exposing kids to porn of 13 year olds getting fucked by their adult parents/siblings is not something to be proud of. People should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. This is not a point of pride. So many kids were victimized and traumatized. Just abominable. Nightmare is right. Being a kid in the Homestuck fandom in the early 2010s was terrible.
Purposefully exposing kids to this fucking nightmare pornography is a point of pride, people loved doing it, but god forbid you drew anyone Black, or Fat. God forbid you were Black yourself. God forbid you were Disabled. God forbid you tried to critique the story in any way. God forbid you were Gay, or Trans, or Bi/Pan, or Nonbinary, or anything at all. God forbid you had headcanons that went against the status quo. God forbid you "drew the characters wrong" (e.g. Blonde Vriska). God forbid you "liked the wrong characters" (e.g. Vriska Serket, Mituna Captor). God forbid you "liked characters for the wrong reasons" (e.g. Nepeta Leijon, for being strong, mature, and emotionally intelligent, and Vriska Serket, for any reason at all). God forbid you critique the Fandom's Behavior, or Fanon. God forbid you breathe. God forbid you express any individuality at all. Nightmare dimension. Fuck.
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pinnithin · 1 year
enver gortash fascinates me from the perspective of his relationship with the dark urge because like, as far as i know his alliance with them is one of the very few he didn’t actively despise. the guy was sold into slavery by his own parents (who tried to justify it by saying their child was a hateful monster and anyone would have done the same) and spent his formative years employed by a devil who gets off on gratuitous levels of suffering and manipulation. and then once he's escaped that and built himself up so he can never be used and enslaved again he meets this bhaalspawn who also had to adapt and survive a violent and manipulative environment for years by becoming the monsters who raised them.
gortash sees how the dark urge has risen to command armies and slaughter hundreds in the same way he outfoxed raphael and ruthlessly controls the people in his employ, and after earning and owning his reputation as a tyrant heres another person who might actually have like, a shared lived experience. not exactly a friend, because people like them can't afford to have friends, but someone who at least understands. and he willingly works with them on this plan to enslave the sword coast and agrees to share power with them.
and then orin lobotomizes them, puts a tadpole in their head, and leaves them for dead at moonrise.
like, can you imagine. youre working with the first person you see eye to eye with and prooooobably arent plotting to actively sabotage (or, at least would hesitate to do so) and the rug just gets yanked out from under them by their own sister, and now you're stuck with her because the plan still has to move along. and as the days go by a group of adventurers start to screw up your plot right when baldur's gate is within your grasp, and you learn that among them is your old almost-friend who you actually liked and respected - and they have no memory of you whatsoever. oh, and on top of that they're rolling with people you've actively fucked over and want to kick your ass.
did it hurt for him to learn this? did he ever think about how things could have been different? did he think, you were supposed to be my ally, my friend, someone who actually understands that becoming a monster is the only way to keep yourself safe and in control. we were going to rule together. and now you're ride or die with this squad of people you've only known for a few weeks at best, and you want me dead. you don't even remember me. you don't even remember yourself.
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ladyluscinia · 9 months
With all due respect, maybe people feel like they’re not allowed to post about Izzy because people have argued that sharing the opinion that Izzy was not acting benevolently in Ed’s best interests during season 1 is “spreading izzy anti rhetoric” and should not be allowed in the #Izzy Hands tag.
Look I'm way too lightheaded to answer this with my usual thoroughness, but this is a... 20 month? ...old red herring that has been clarified as such on more occasions than I can count so I'm sure I can find some examples.
So here's the short and sweet version. And here's the multiple, extensive attempts by predominantly poc bloggers to draw attention to and reduce the massive harassment campaign in this fandom with methods that did include asking people to not tag character hate.
Your hypothetical S1 meta was never the problem we were complaining about, though tbh people insisted on being absurd about those too. Yes if you put a meta in the #Izzy Hands tag then people who like Izzy are going to see it and might, gasp, respond because that's kind of what tags are for. Yes tagging negative meta as #Izzy Critical is basic politeness for fans to filter and a logically better organization system if you want people who are interested in your meta to find it and have a tag to hang out in without "the canyon" (which pre-S2 meant everyone who talked about Izzy positively / had the wrong Edward takes). This is the logic behind #OFMD Critical as well. No I cannot guarantee you will never receive a single annoying comment for posting in a public forum but you have got to be real about how big a deal that is before declaring that you are bravely risking harassment by posting a broadly popular and fairly lukewarm take about Izzy being a shithead. 🙄
Also since this is presumably coming off this... If you genuinely think "the canyon" (pre-S2 era or current near-dead state) is a boogeyman mob who hate every single aspect of OFMD except the loser antagonist who they have woobified beyond measure and think is the main character and right in all things, and will relentlessly attack anyone who dares to suggest otherwise... yes, I do think you're pretty stupid. 🤷‍♀️ Like that is a pretty stupid thing to believe if you have any knowledge whatsoever of "the canyon" and a pretty stupid thing to say out loud if you are just taking others' word for it.
Learn to be normal about people having different interpretations of a tv show
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shadowwolfmemes · 4 months
I'm disappointed in you, @mean-bf777
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Okay, Mean, I'mma need you to start explaining right now. I don't give a shit on how old your reblog was, this is just SICKENING! Telling people to kill themselves just because they said something you don't like is just absolutely vile!
If I knew the type of person you currently are sooner, I would've never defended you from getting your precious little feelings hurt. But that's not all!
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You hate bad dramas and bullying, huh? That's funny considering that you're saying shit like this:
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I get that you're 12 years old, but there's no valid excuse for this disgusting behavior. If you come to me talkin' about "I was just feeling dEPreSseD", then this is a horrible way of venting!
You have NO IDEA what someone might be going through behind the screen! If you're going through a hard life as well, then I'm sorry, but you have no respect towards people whatsoever. You don't need to inflict your pain towards other people!
Not to mention this:
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And when I tried to talk to you maturely, you pull up with this bullshit:
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Oh wow, you got me quivering in my leather-made boots. What am I ever going to do? 😱
But seriously, you're not making this situation any better for yourself. I just have one genuine question for you, Mean-bf.
Are you feeling proud of yourself right now? I'm sure you do. If you want respect, you give respect.
I also want to mention one more thing before this rant post ends: @sillay-silly-blogz, I'm sorry for cussing you out on a post. I didn't realize the type of person @mean-bf777 was until now. I know I apologized to you in private, but I wanted to make it formal at least.
And as for you, bf, I don't feel a single ounce of empathy for you anymore. You lost every ounce of respect I had for you.
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lingering-42-long · 1 year
True self
König x f!reader
Apart of a new series I will be doing with all of the characters on this. Tell me witch one I should do next! Enjoy!
I named König, Alexander Herzog because I liked it. Another person had given him this name and I really like it.
Warnings: none, fluff
Horangi noticed his friend huddled in the meeting room, cradling his phone to his ear as he spoke quietly and in German to whoever was on the opposite end. It was not abnormal to see the feared mercenary Colonel making phone calls, but the way he was speaking was definitely different, unlike his usual manner in borderline yelling and cussing, with thrown German insults for flavor. König sounded like he was talking to someone dear to him. A relative perhaps? Horangi knew though. He and König were close friends, working together for many years.
König hung up the phone and slipped it into his pocket with a sigh. The big man seemed small at this point, as if the weight of everything was crushing him. After a few seconds, the man composed himself and noticed Horangi standing there. “Ja?” He asked forgetting to switch over to English, but Horangi knew what he ment. “Nothing sir, how’s the misses?” He looked at him behind his balaclava.
“She’s well.” He stated simply. Horangi nodded “Thats good.” He moved from where he was standing. “Come on there’s some inspections that need to be done on the humvees.” König nodded and followed the smaller man out to the grounds were the vehicles we’re getting checked on safety.
Everyone knew König as the infamous leader of Kortek, a proud Commander who sought out respect from his troops. He made sure to handpick every individual with the raw talent that could be tapped in. Everyone knew he was a beast on the battlefield, he had no care whatsoever when it came to methods of killing, some more gruesome than others. Many of the newer recruits feared him both in an awestruck and terrifying way. They were so grateful that they were on his side, because if they were not, it would not end well for anyone.
He could be borderline mean and menacing as well, mostly it was directed towards his captors or the unfortunate rookie who pissed him off one too many times. König has a long fuse but it could go 0-60 before you even knew what was going on. For those who did not know him well, they would think he was a controlling dictator with arrogance thrown in there, and a monstrous way of killing.
König never wanted this. He always wanted to be liked by people not be feared by them. He wanted people to be able to trust him and he with them, but after years of being betrayed and beaten, kicked, and tortured both on the playground at school and on the battlefield, he realized that no matter what, he would be seen just at face value. He did make a few friends in his career and those that have proven themselves were held at his highest value. Horangi was one of them. The South Korean man who had a gambling addiction. The two became like brothers and enjoyed one another’s company. König was happy that he had a friend that he could trust on.
König wanted his dream life, a sniper, with loving friends and a family he could call his own. When he got rejected for being a sniper, he was pissed, and crushed. His mind still loathing to this day on him proving to everyone that he was once again, not useful. Mainly because of his hight and his inability to stay still. He always hated his hight, but he did enjoy it when it did come to be useful. No one challenges a 6’10 Austrian man. He liked it that way.
Going back to the present, he was helping som of the new recruits with the inspections. It was boring and tedious. He hated this type of thing. He craved for action on the battlefield. He got to let his anger out and not give a dam.
After the day was done he would trudge up to his quarters and lay on his creaky old bed. He missed home. He missed you. Yes, the fights helped him forget and the meetings and mountains of paperwork were also great distractions, albeit not wanted, he, at the end of the day, still missed you. You brought familiarity and comfort to his overworked self. You brought stability when he had non. All it took was a simple touch, and the Colonel of a mercenary unit would be wrapped around your finger. He was a gentle soul deep down. He loved you and cared for you like no other. He worshiped the ground you walked on and basked in your presence. Somehow you were his achilles heel, but he could not care less. Right now all he wanted was you to cuddle up next to. To read to you and watch your beautiful tired eyes close as you drifted off to sleep. He lived for those simple moments. All he had now was a cold hard bed and no one to help him rewind for the night. With a frustrated sigh, he closed his eyes and tryed to sleep.
A few weeks had past now everyone was going home. It had been a long and rough mission that took a toll on everyone. A young scout had almost had his face blown off if it wasn’t for König to save them and get them and the others to safety. It was a miracle that he did not receive any major injuries.
König was at the airport now, looking around and seeing if he could find what he was looking for. He was tall so he stood out of the sea of people like a sore thumb. “Alexander!” A female voice called out. The giant man swiveled around to the sound and saw his beautiful wife running towards him. The biggest grin spread across his face as he made his way to you and picked you up as if you weighed nothing. “Ah mein Engel! I have missed you so so so much you have no idea.” He started to kiss you all over your face, ending it with your lips. “I don’t want to ever be separated from you ever again.” He was desperate for you. The man that everyone feared, was a big teddy bear to you.
“Hey big guy. I missed you too.” Your voice was music to his ears. “Come on let’s go get your things.” You stroked his chest as he carefully let you down but not letting go of your hand. The two of you walked towards baggage claim and he was asking so many questions about how you were, and what was going on in your friend group and how were your parents. He wanted to know everything that was going on in your life while you two were separated. By the time you two made it to the car, you could tell that the tiredness was starting to kick in now that the adrenaline and dopamine rush was leaving him. It wouldn’t be long before he would be passing out.
You try to get him to talk as much as possible so that he wouldn’t fall asleep. Once he was out, he would be out for quite some time anywhere between a day to three days of sleep. The bare minimum of what he actually needed. You were finally able to get him inside, and in some comfortable warm PJs before he slipped under the covers and passed out, happy to be back home with you, cuddling next to his spooning frame, protecting you even in his sleep. You were happy to have your gentle giant back as well, your husband always brought a smile to your face whenever he was acting himself, and now you too were also falling into dreamworld with your Alexander.
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doomsdaydicecascader · 7 months
What would you say was the thing that really shifted your opinion on postcanon stuff? I remember reading your long form posts about it and finding them pretty eloquent and interesting given the information I had (and I admit they did nudge me to me to end up not reading the epilogues along with the sheer length and my own squeamishness, though of course you also gave them their due when you felt it was fair)
if i'm being real, it's primarily interaction with other homestuck fans - my social media spaces tend to be pretty heavily curated, i basically only follow people i trust to be intelligent, since like. there is a level of comfort and complacency with social media? i don't like following new people, i don't like unfollowing old people. so i just dont branch out that much.
but i joined the mspfa discord in........ may of last year? while i really enjoy playing the role of like, i compared myself to solaire of astora once. guy who is there to help. i enjoy doing that, there is fun in that. i have spent many hours over the past months explaining homestuck plot points in ways that basically only i would and it is largely, pearls before swine, because the fact is that people dont want to understand post-canon, they don't want to like, pick at it critically, to understand why the decisions were made, they want to hate post-canon. and this is a very critical difference between me not liking post-canon and the majority of people hating post-canon.
and there is something to be said about experiencing homestuck as it is perceived by other people, to really solidify what i liked about homestuck post-canon, because there was stuff i liked to begin with. and seeing people who hate it without good reason frustrate me! genuinely, if you had to see the same "i heard jade has a dog penis" discussions every 2 weeks from some sprout who showed up only to be mad, you would start to defend it too.
like, i actually delayed that second blog post at the time because hatred for the team was flaring up again, for whatever reason, i don't even remember. but i remember putting it off because i didn't want to contribute to people who were blindly angry about homestuck^2
there are reasons to not like post-canon, lord knows there are plenty. i actually stand by basically everything i said about it not actually working and the times where it goes too far. in the second blog post, not the first one. but like, there is a total and all-encompassing difference in what the conversation is, "yeah, the meat and candy thing doesnt really work and dirks graphic suicide is ill-considered at best" doesnt matter at all when the level people are operating on is "say a plot point as a joke, make people mad, have fun circlejerking over how bad it is"
part of it is also that in the process of writing my own comic, it kind of comes with the territory to be less precious about the characters. like, team slime, my home discord server, watches movies every saturday. for a while, our theme was musicals, and eventually, we watched hamilton. and i realized that lin manuel miranda writes alexander hamilton in the exact way i am always afraid i am writing jane and vriska, like. just. truly relentlessly protective of them. and so being less precious about these characters means recognizing the flaws therein, not being afraid to write them just being kind of disasters. i still am pretty precious about them, but its a work in progress. you gotta get your hands dirty with them, and that puts it in context of respecting when others do the same
like, there are still a lot of really glaring flaws in post-canon, dont get me wrong, but theyre not insurmountable, and it helps to have spaces like burning down the house for me to express directly like. what i wanted out of homestuck. post-canon is not what i want it to be, but when has homestuck ever given anyone what they wanted without any complications whatsoever
and i think it is genuinely capable of being extremely good - this recent update (yiffy overlooking the rosemary drama) is extremely choice! i genuinely love how everyone involved is characterized, the panels are flashy, it puts to bed really stupid shit, like. its unbelievably fucking good how the problem kanaya has isnt "rose had another kid with jade in secret, our marriage is in shambles" but "jane knows about this kid", like. the absence of infidelity conflict is refreshing and says so much about everyone involved. and i have been thinking nonstop about how rose and jades daughters takes after caliborn of all characters. like. "you hope they eat each other alive" with the perspective of like, a caliborn grin is such an INSANE direction to take yiffy! holy shit! its awesome!!!!!!!!
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svechnikovvv · 2 years
birthday boys
andrei svechnikov x fem!reader , brady skjei x platonic!fem!reader
a/n: the two birthday boys needed an insta edit 🙏
masterlist: here
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liked by andrei_svechnikov37 and others
y/n.insta svech, drei, dimples, my love, my bestfriend, my lover all in one. i wish you nothing but the happiest of birthdays today 🫶🏻 я тебя люблю ❤️
see translation: i love you
(👤: andrei_svechnikov37)
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andrei_svechnikov37 i love you more and thank you ❤️
y/n.insta only the best for my personal rasputin
andrei_svechnikov37 😐
sebastianaho the man, the myth, the legend
y/n.insta he’s very much so not a myth, but the energy is appreciated seb!
user1 y/n giving us the andrei content we need 😫
user2 the second picture??? LETHAL
user3 andrei and y/n’s relationship is my favorite
bradyskjei where’s MY birthday post?
y/n.insta sitting in the drafts collecting dust 🥱
bradyskjei friendship -> gone
y/n.insta you can’t break the best friend contract or i’ll slash your tires ❤️
bradyskjei i can easily report your car for a hit and run
y/n.insta i’ll have you know the government loves me
bradyskjei and i’ll have you know i have bribery money
yourbestie so he’s your best friend now? 🤨
y/n.insta you’re my wife, i think this is fair
yourbestie raleigh women are outrageous 🙄
canes happy birthday svechy! ❤️🖤
liked by y/n.insta
pyotr_kochetkov с днем ​​рождения, брат! ❤️
see translation: happy birthday brother
liked by y/n.insta
canes and andrei_svechnikov37 added this post to their stories!
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liked by bradyskjei and others
y/n.insta happy birthday brady bunch. so glad you’re on the canes now, because you look hideous in blue 🥱 anyways, don’t party too hard because the local geriatrics center doesn’t accept walk-ins ❤️
(👤: bradyskjei)
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bradyskjei respect your elders
y/n.insta you’re not helping your case whatsoever
bradyskjei and fyi: i looked AMAZING in blue
y/n.insta crickets.
bradyskjei thank you anyways 🙄❤️
y/n.insta next year you’ll be dust! 😁
andrei_svechnikov37 for his next birthday, let’s put him in a home
y/n.insta this is why two brains are better than one
bradyskjei i hate you twos relationship.
user4 i agree, blue is not his color
liked by y/n.insta
user5 i love brady and y/n’s friendship
user6 andrei & y/n ganging up on brady >>>
sebastianaho happy birthday skjei!
bradyskjei thank you fishy! at least someone likes me
y/n.insta and he’s the only one, so get used to it bradyskjei
pyotr_kochetkov С днем ​​рождения старик
see translation: happy birthday old man
liked by y/n.insta
canes happy birthday skjei! ❤️🖤
yourbestie i think he broke my screen
bradyskjei i don’t like you ☺️
canes & bradyskjei added this post to their stories!
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liked by andrei_svechnikov37 , bradyskjei and others
y/n.insta the two birthday boys (on slide 1: see the most amazing boyfriend and man to ever roam the earth & on slide 2: see a try hard man who is growing greys in his twenties and is posing with his fish like every guy i went to middle school with) happy birthday you two! ❤️🖤
(👤: andrei_svechnikov37 , bradyskjei)
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user7 y/n is dragging brady through the mud today 💀
user8 he does look like a middle school boy
liked by y/n.insta
andrei_svechnikov37 you’ve made today one of the best birthdays ever 😘
y/n.insta anything for my drei 🫶🏻
bradyskjei do you want me to cry on my birthday?
y/n.insta make sure you send me a crying picture
bradyskjei this is why only a handful of people like you
y/n.insta i like to think that i’m just an acquired taste
bradyskjei good thing you don’t get paid for thinking
sebastianaho the two 🐐
y/n.insta i think i accidentally posted two pictures of andrei then
user9 just be glad brady didn’t have a pair of pit vipers on
y/n.insta you’re so right
canes it doesn’t get any better than these two 🔥
pyotr_kochetkov 🥳
y/n.insta a man of many words. i knew you were worth keeping
yourbestie tag yourself: i’m the fish
y/n.insta you poor fish
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tags: @liquidflyer 🫶🏻
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dumbdomb · 8 months
NO: lurkers, likes only, inactive, empty, or blank blogs. DO NOT "LIKE" MY CONTENT. DNI. ♥️
18 and 19 year olds get away from my blog now and block me forever. teenagers dni. leave my posts alone! be over twenty-five or block me!
my blog is NOT 18+ it is 25+ ONLY.
If your age range is between 18-22 years old: Do NOT Interact with me or anything on my blog. i am ageist against teenagers following me just bc i'm in my thirties - i'm not your older person fantasy. read this post for more information.
ReBlog My posts to show appreciation! Mutuals and Followers may "Like" posts as a social thing. Do not Re-Post anything as a "New Post" on your blog. I love reading your tags when you reblog My stuff! I love chatting, but I can be slow to respond. I love asks and anons always - as long as it's consensual and not hate mail. ♡ xoxo
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🫸 if you have any questions, ask or dm. 🫷
Men: Hard BLOCK ME right now if you're "mostly straight" or "attracted to women" or "like whatever you're into" (including "just posting stuff you like" and "posting whatever you want to" and other variations of this statement) and your blog is mostly about M/F relationships, thin white and nude women, unrealistically large ass and breasted women, female nudes, rule 34 underage cartoon anime girls in nude or sexual scenarios, or mostly just imagery of women, only going to like or reblog visuals of my body, or following my blog after liking or reblogging visual content of my body, don't know much of anything about gender and sexuality, pretend to not be an allocishet male by using inaccurate labels and keywords you don't even understand the definition of in order to hopefully avoid getting blocked or to receive nudes from people who clearly have boundaries against allo cis het men interacting with them (like i do), or if you have "women dni" in your description or pinned.
if you have "men dni" OR "women dni" on your blog, then do not like, reblog, follow, or interact with anything on my blog whatsoever. D N I .
Women: Hard BLOCK ME right now if you're "mostly straight" or a lesbian who doesn't like nonbinary people, bisexuality, queerness, if you have a problem with men, masculinity, butches, or only view me as either a man or a woman, have "men dni" in your description or pinned.
Sapphics with "men and minors dni" in their description or pinned: Do NOT Interact with me or anything on my blog. (see literally one line above this addressing women, right above this paragraph, literally, the block of text right there)
Blogs I block on sight: underage, no age, likes only, lurkers, spam likes without reblogging anything, no content on blog, not currently active, new blogs, people from other platforms, those with r/196, r/fems, febfems, and other gc people with iv> and ∆ and ∆⊝ and |⃤⃝ and other signifiers in their description, ALL conservatives and discourse blogs. i do not hate anyone for having different views and beliefs from mine, and i'm not here to change your mind. dni with me or my blog if your heart and mind are filled with hatred and negativity. my existence is not a punching bag for your own insecurities. i do not condone sending hate to anyone for any reason.
Do NOT Interact means Do NOT like, reblog, reply, comment, direct message (for anything other than polite and respectful clarification).
DNI: no/maps, loli, icky kink, "icky" blogs, "pro-para" (maps, incest, unspecified paraphilias like all the other generalized names i've listed here, rqc ☔️🍰 and other anti-trans people in the "para safe" community), unspecified "hard" kinks, unspecified "gross" kinks, unspecified "taboo" kinks, unspecified "dark" kinks, ddlg (specifically, doesn't apply to all cgl), older men / younger women, incest, forced fem, detrans kink, misgendering, misogyny, matriarchy, patriarchy, race fetish, fat fetish, feeder, gainer kink, dyke breaking, corrective rape, tradwifery, cucking, infidelity, cheating, hot wife, trophy wife or husband, cucking, pregnancy, alphas, sigmas, femcels, beastiality, zoophilia, allocishet "straight people" kinks and any conservative ideals romanticized or fetishized in kink play or in vanilla romantic and sexual relationships.
if you use afab/amab and tme/tma terms seriously and definitively, if you have an issue with "transandrophobia" or the experiences of transmasculine people, if you're prejudiced against butch, intersex, nonbinary, genderqueer, agender, or gender nonconforming (cisgender people included) then steer clear of my blog.
ℹ This is a personal blog. I do not conduct professional business here. All posts are lifestyle kink and thusly for Myself. The boundaries I have in place reflect these intentions and were written based on how people have treated me. I don't send anons, but love receiving them. I am very much against anyone sending hate for any reason whatsoever. Body and Kink Positive. 💝
Black ▪︎ grey-ace ▪︎ androgyne ▪︎ femme ▪︎ bi and queer ▪︎ intersex ▪︎ they/them ▪︎ neurodivergent
SoCal 🎃🦇
October '90
Dyke Fag QUEER
Femme Pillow Princess
I am NOT a "Soft Dom" ⚠️
Dominant Bottom (Sadist Top)
Sir, Mister, Miss, Daddy, Goddess
bro, babe, dude, pal, a friend 💕
✅ Turn ONS:
humiliating, degrading, and dehumanizing My partner(s). seeing them in zentai or a gimp suit. i like my chest, being spoiled and cared for, being treated gently, depravity, perversion, Cnc, omo, piss, sweat, drool, dacryphilia, medfet, gfd, fdom, blasphemy, denial, scent, primal, terato, sanguine, impact play, whump, fear play, leather, masks/hoods, snuff, necro, horror fantasies, weaponry, stockholm/lima, cute clowns (not scary), kawaii kink, tickling, feet, pegging from the bottom, hypnotism, forced masc (but only for the affirming celebration of masculinity, i don't like the forceful part), being overstimulated to cum multiple times until i'm catatonic and involuntarily convulsive or nearly passed out and totally limp (physically weak)...
❌ Turn OFFS:
being submissive, switching, topping, straight people, being praised, being called a good girl or good boy, being called mommy, breeding, ovi, impreg, cum, facials, lactation, hucow, Master/slave terms, diapers, scat, rape play, rough or forceful play, pussy slapping, tit torture, age gap, fauxcest, furries (ally, but personal squick), abo, sissies (tfem and not forcefem is ok), anal, the mainstream version of many popular kinks are often done in an unappealing way for me...
Do NOT talk to me about cnc intentionally being painful, emotionally or physically. don't talk to me about sadism being an act of anger, conflict, or otherwise unhealthy form of de-stressing or releasing frustration. i am NOT interested in kinks being misogynistic, dehumanizing, etc.
PSA: me not being interested in something you like is not a judgment of you or your interests - it just means that i am not interested in it myself. if you're upset that i don't get turned on or pay attention to something you enjoy, just block me or close the page. i don't exist as your "content."
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100% Dominant ❤️ 94% Sadist 🧡 92% Rigger 💛 75% Degrader 💚 74% Master/Mistress 🩵 70% Voyeur 💙 67% Boy/Girl 💜 62% Primal (Hunter) 🩷 results 🖤
i tag reblogs from other people and on my original posts. some warnings i use are: food mention, eye contact, weapons mention, religious mention, alcohol mention, drugs mention, smoking mention.
⬇️ posts: domb brain | pics: virtueldom ⬇️
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your-queer-dad · 2 months
hi dad,
I want to start by saying your blog is amazing and you help so many people, I hope you know that xx.
I'm in a bit of a situation and I hope you can give me some advice (no worries what so ever not, I'm sure you get a lot of these haha).
So, I really struggle making friends, but I've had one good friend for a couple of years, A. She's absolutely amazing, even with all the shit I put her through (I sh and I'm pretty sure I have an Ed and I'm autistic so I have no social skills whatsoever, sometimes it feels like she's more of a carer than a friend even though I try to keep that stuff from impacting her too much. It not her responsibility and I don't want her worrying) (I'm in therapy, so you shouldn't worry either)
Anyway A is just a bit too kind for her own good, one of our old friends she really didn't like and neither did I, but we just kinda stayed friends with her until we found out that she SA'd a girl, we talked to her about it asking if it was true and then she kinda dumped us. We were both relived. (Me doubly so, because if she'd done it to someone else it was less likely it was my fault, but that another (long) story). And I hate that it fulfills all of the stereotypes for trans girls, and all of the thing my very conservative family had warned me about.
And now A still has a friend called J, now I don't like J and A knows this even though I still respect their friendship and will chat with J when they sit with us. Lately A has been complaining to me about things J does that annoys her and even told me that she thinks they may be lying about an instance of SA they reported, which is HUGE. I'd considered that J might be exaggerating some details but outright lying.... And A and J have been friends for over a decade. It makes me really glad that I haven't told her about my own experiences. But it also makes my very uncomfortable because I worry that she doesn't really like me either and is just too nice to say, she invited J for a sleepover for her birthday same as me, so she could secretly hate me, and some of the things she's been complaining about I do too.
And to make matters worse, I feel she's been pulling away recently (she even forgot my birthday, which I said was fine, she was stressed and I didn't want to make a big deal of it and I din't invite her over of anything which in hindsight was probably a bit rude I just didn't have the energy to do anything that wasn't necessary, or even something that were, K haven't showered in way too long haha, but I'm still a bit hurt that she forgot.) ,and we've been sitting with a wider group of people, who have all been very nice and welcoming. But As made quick friends with K, which makes me really insecure about our friendship even though I know it shouldn't and A is allowed and deserves friends outside of me. And K been very nice to me too, but we're not really friends yet. I doesn't help that A and K are very allosexual and alloromantic witch is something they can bond over and a way to prove that trust each other. I am aroace and very closeted even though the whole friendship group and school really is really accepting. I'm still, ashamed I guess, my families conservative and ice never said it out loud and I don't feel ready to tell them. But their talking out crushes and deepening their relationship and I want in, and I don't want to appear standoffish, and I want to listen I want to be a part of this part of there lives even if I don't fully understand.
But A didn't tell me about her crush she told K, and when K started gossiping about her crushes she asked me if I liked men and I just shrugged ten she asked me if I like women I said I don't know and she didn't bring it up again. And then later when we were talking out her taste in men she said it felt like something she should be talking to A about and I asked her why. She asked me if I ever had thought like those (she was talking about wanting to rip men suits off, eww, haha) and I said no. I guess I just feel really excluded and insecure and I'm worried that they don't like me(I have no social skills, I'm pretty stupid, I don't hide my SH well enough and I'd do anything for a laugh or a little bit if attention even drink salt water) ( yes I'm mentally ill how could you tell? Haha)
But I don't want to do anything about it , I don't want to tell them I'm aroace and in worried about talking to them more (incase I'm annoying or they actually don't like me) or less (in case a sabotage the relationship, or they forget me, or they think I'm being standoffish)
I know Abby knows I appreciate her friendship but I'm worried that K doesn't, because I know I appear standoffish. I was thinking about inviting K to go rock climbing with me cause I love going and A doesn't and it would give me a chance to make propper friends with K maybe enough to forgive my quirks haha. But she was talking to A the other day and the exact approach I planned to use (I want to go rock climbing do you want to go with me) was thrown out as a way to ask for a date. So I don't want to do that any more in case it's read wrong, I know K likes girls too and add that asking her on a 'date' to the fact that in uncomfortable talking about her dating life I'm worried conclusions will be drawn.
But I don't know what else to do, short of just falling behind and letting the friendships fall apart. I already know A saw J outside of school without me. Idk, I just don't want to be alone.
Anyway sorry for the long ass rant, I hope you can give me some advice but no worries if not. Hope you have a good week 😊.
Bye dad.
(I have just realised how much I love brackets 🤣)
Hey kiddo! Thank you so much for reaching out! Honestly I think your plan to spend some one on one time with K and become better friends with her is a really good idea. I would also recommend maybe sharing your feelings about your friendship with Abby and communicating?
- dad x
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captain-joongz · 1 year
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Pairing: non-idol!Kim Hongjoong x Reader (it's Hongjoong's POV)
Genre: angst
Summary: Hongjoong attempts to navigate a posh party after his whole life has fallen apart, while what he wants the most is standing only a few metres away from him. It doesn't help that he knows you want him too.
Word count: 3.8k
Warnings: it's very angsty, drinking, post break-up, forced break-up, controlling parent (let me know if i should add anything)
A/N: this whole piece is inspired by the song Heroes by David Bowie, it's just the right amount of emotional damage :')) also, this is my first time posting here, so I apologise if the formating is still a little wonky, hopefully I'll work it out soon :))
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“Just… Don’t forget to be there tomorrow, okay?” Seonghwa’s voice rang out in my car and I sighed. “Don’t worry, I know I can’t afford to miss a gathering like that. Everyone that means something in this city is going to be there.” My answer didn’t seem to calm him down whatsoever, even if I couldn’t see him through my phone screen I knew as much. I stubbornly refused to address what he was talking about and instead started talking business. After a while of mindless chit-chat he tried again.
“She will be there tomorrow… I’m sure you know that. Please, Hongjoong, don’t do anything stupid.” I knew he was just trying to look out for me but I couldn’t help getting a little annoyed with him. Even after all this time, you were still a touchy subject. I sighed again, this time louder. “When have I ever done something like that?” I attempted at a joke and got a little chuckle from Seonghwa in return. “Don’t worry, my best friend turned business partner, I’ll be the picture of sainthood and patience.” Then I ended the call.
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Needless to say, I was not that. I got to the garden party about twenty minutes ago and was already agitated beyond belief. Seonghwa hasn’t got there yet and I was stuck drinking white wine in a corner of a room watching old rich men laughing at stories that only old rich men find funny. I could feel my lips turning into a scowl and barely managed to look respectable and approachable to the top society.
Just a few years back, I was nothing. A little boy from a poor background who only dreamed big, but deep down knew that a world like this would never let him achieve that. I didn’t come from money like most of these men, I didn’t have centuries of generational wealth at my beck and call. I was the one they laughed at and looked down on, the one who had to fight for every penny they dropped.
I started a little company with my best friend, originally hoping to make our own indie clothing line. Just something small to give us enough money to live normally. But we needed funds to take off and so we started chasing after the kind of people we both hated begging them to sponsor us. That’s when you came into my life. And everything changed.
Back then I hated these parties as much as I do now but I didn’t know how to hide it yet. Seonghwa was much better at looking pleasant and entertained, I usually stood next to him burning holes with my eyes into anyone who wanted to talk to me. You swooped in, all wide smiles and melodic laughs and gave me a once-over.
“You look exactly how I feel.” It came out of your mouth on a laugh and I felt myself relax. “Also here to charm these bastards into giving you a bit of money?” I gave you a flirty smile and took a sip from my glass. I didn’t even remember what I ordered.
“Actually no, I’m here because one of these bastards is my father.” I froze and I heard Seonghwa next to me choke on something. You looked serious for a moment and then burst out laughing. And then you spent the entire night introducing us to people and whispering little sassy comments into our ears. I never knew one could have so much fun here.
I realised pretty quickly you are someone I will fall in love with. It never felt like a hypothetical. Loving you was absolutely inevitable. And when I did, you were there holding my hand whispering how you love me too. It was the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You were the best thing that’s ever happened to me. And then you were gone.
You didn’t want to be, I knew that. It was your father. I met him a few times after you introduced us and he figured out pretty quickly that something was happening between us. And he didn’t like it. One day he called me into his office for lunch. When I came he only looked at me over his desk.
“My daughter will marry someone better.” That was all he said.
“Leave her alone.”
I didn’t.
We both agreed on continuing our relationship and that we would keep it a secret. Me and Seonghwa managed to sell our idea to a big wig that owned a few luxury hotels and he agreed to sponsor our humble beginnings. At this time Wooyoung and Yeosang joined us, after we hired them off an ad to model our clothes during the business meetings. Finally, our dream was taking off. It worked for a little while. You helped us a lot back then, helping us with ideas and even some sewing when we needed every hand we could get. The project was our baby, us five.
With time we grew tired of sneaking around. We became careless, too in love to think about the consequences of being seen together or getting caught by your father. And so one day we were.
Unfortunately, I don’t know the half of what happened, you didn’t want to talk about it too much. But I knew enough to understand you were leaving. I’ll always remember your teary sad eyes as you were walking out the door.
“He’ll sink your company if I don’t leave. I can’t do that to you Hongjoong, not after you worked so hard for it.”
After that I haven’t seen you again. I heard about you here and there, after all I was still in the same social circles as you. But I knew you weren’t allowed to talk to me. I would catch glimpses of you out of the corner of my eyes and then you would disappear into the crowd. That was all that was left of us.
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It’s already been three hours since I came here and I was officially tired of small talk. Everyone asked me the same questions, they all wanted to know the same things.
“Congratulations on your latest release, Mr. Kim. I heard it was a success,” said one of the men my benefactor brought over to my corner. I gave him a tight-lipped smile.
“It was a joint effort of the whole company,” I replied politely and looked over his shoulder to see Seonghwa laugh at something Yunho said. They came here together about 40 minutes after me due to having to solve some issues with a design we were currently working on.
“Speaking of company, I remember when it was just you and Mr. Park. It was a pleasant surprise to meet Mr. Jeong too,” said someone else, I wasn’t even paying attention to who.
“Yes, yes… There’s eight of us now, thanks to the endless support of Mr. Byun we were able to expand rather quickly,” I gestured at our sponsor and gave a business smile. “It’s a big relief as we now have enough hands on deck to work comfortably.” Conversation moved on for a little bit and I dissociated again, not listening to a single word until I felt Seonghwa move to my side. When I looked up at him he looked extremely nervous, but before I could ask one of the men directed the topic back to me.
“You know… I really wasn’t expecting you to show up. Considering…” he chuckled a little bit and I felt myself stiffen. There was a mean glint to his eyes and I knew they all will properly enjoy making me uncomfortable with this.
“Yes, considering…” someone else added with a smirk, “Have you met the host of tonight’s party yet?” Silence fell and everyone looked at me expectantly. The host of tonight's party, as in Mr. Lee – as in your father. Even though our relationship was never quite made public, it was a well-known matter. Just as our break-up, no matter how hard Mr. Lee tried to make it disappear. He was thoroughly embarrassed by his daughter entertaining the advances of such a low-born as me, but his desperation to keep this all under wraps was what made it even juicier for everyone to talk about. That’s how I found myself in this exact same position every time I chose to show my face at these events.
Before I could say something, Seonghwa stepped in with his gentle polite shut-down. “Yes, we’ve all said our hellos to him when we came here,” he said and smiled in that way me and Yunho knew meant he was two minutes from distributing slaps. It was a lie, but one said with such nonchalance that everyone believed this boring outcome to be true. They hoped for blood and instead got this. From there the conversation quickly moved on to different topics and no one brought it up again. Eventually the men saw someone more interesting and dispersed, leaving only me, Seonghwa and Yunho.
“Thanks, if I had to answer that one more time I’d murder someone,” I said to Seonghwa with what was supposed to be a laugh but instead came out as a bitter chuckle. My fingers tightened around my glass and I attempted to calm the swirling vortex of uncomfortable emotions currently wreaking havoc on my psyche. Admittedly, I was doing a pretty shit job at it.
“Man, these vultures really never change,” Yunho whispered with a smile and clasped his hand on my shoulder. He squeezed few times to give me courage and then let go. I smiled tiredly at him and clanked our glasses together. “That they never do…”
I was glad both of these men were here. Where Seonghwa was all cold and polite, Yunho came in with amusing stories and boyish charms. Once you started listening to him, he soon had you wrapped around his little finger and you found yourself hanging onto his every word. It was very useful at directing conversation and distracting people when they started asking stupid questions.
Seonghwa hasn’t said anything yet and when I looked at him, he was still watching me with that same sadness and nervousness from before. “You haven’t left this spot since you came, don’t you at least want to move into the garden for a little while?” he said finally and I realised he was in his full mothering mode. As I opened my mouth to give him a funny retort, my eyes flitted around the room and suddenly I was looking straight into your eyes. The words got stuck in my throat and instead came out a little strangled noise of surprise. You waved at me subtly and smiled a little. I awkwardly did the same. Then you turned around and walked out. My hand automatically reached for a fresh glass of wine and I drank it in almost a single gulp, which freaked out Seonghwa.
“Maybe we should go, we did what we came here to do anyway…” he said and reached for me but I refused. “If we leave now it will be considered in bad taste,” I retorted, “Don’t worry about me, go out there and make me proud. I’ll just stay here and keep myself out of everyone’s way.” Yunho laughed at my words but Seonghwa still looked concerned. In the end, he let himself be dragged out into the gardens. I stood there alone. Right, since you left, I was anyways.
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I kept myself occupied by drinking, which wasn’t really the best idea. When I looked out of the window again, it was already dark outside and most of the people moved back in. You were back in too. I heard you, heard your laugh as you held conversation with someone. It felt as close as if you were standing right next to me, laughing to something I said. As if on instinct I looked after the source of the sound and our eyes met for the second time that evening. You nodded. I did too. I felt Mr. Lee burning a hole into my side with his eyes just as I saw Seonghwa warningly shake his head. So I looked back down, right into my drink and wallowed in drunken self-pity.
I knew I should let it go. I should have let it go by now. It’s been months. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t make myself stop thinking about you, about us. How could I when you were so abruptly torn out of my life? Inappropriate relationship my ass. Embarrassment my ass. Everyone knew anyway. That I love you and you love me. I didn’t understand why it was a problem. I guess I just wasn’t good enough. Wasn’t wealthy enough. I would still take care of you, better than anyone could. I would give you anything, everything you asked for. So why? Why was it a problem?
I took another sip from another glass and looked at you again. I could feel Seonghwa’s disapproving energy from across the room but I ignored it. Things started blurring together, so I just stood around frowning and drank. When I could see clearly again you were gone. I lost you a long time ago and yet you still disappear.
The party was still in full swing, people now drunk enough to loosen up. All around me it was buzzing with laughter and small-talk, the men switching to joking about their wives while still pretending to talk business while the ladies emboldened by alcohol started making eyes at the young waiters. I made a disgusted face and prayed for these poor souls.
I couldn’t see Seonghwa nor Yunho anymore either and I was trying to persuade myself to move so I could find them and we could finally leave. But before I managed to move a single finger a voice tore me out of my thoughts. A sweet familiar voice.
“Hey…” It was you. You were standing on my right, close to the doors that led outside. I didn’t even notice you get there, too preoccupied with feeling sorry for myself. My heart was beating out of my chest. It was beating so hard I was afraid it was going to jump right out, right into your hands. That’s where it belonged anyway.
“Hi.” I croaked out and then embarrassedly cleared my throat. You laughed. God, how I missed that. I was just stuck looking at you with heart eyes, not even comprehending that this was really happening. Suddenly I realised that the room quieted down a little bit. The people that were present pretended to still have their conversations while straining their ears to listen to us. A fierce wave of anger ran through me but it died down as soon as I saw you gesturing to the open door.
“Do you maybe want…?” you didn’t even have to finish and I was already moving out with a scowl on my face aimed at everyone who was watching us with curious eyes. As soon as I came out panic hit me and I turned around. You must have seen the fear and laughed a little. “My father is currently in the saloon playing billiard and smoking cigars with the esteemed gentlemen, so it’s okay,” you said and sat down on of the chair on this little balcony. It was overlooking the prettily light up gardens. It was almost a romantic setting if the situation was different. I chuckled bitterly and sat down into the other chair.
I took the time to look at you properly. You were wearing a light pink dress. It was a very conservative cut, making you look almost like a happy housewife from the 50s. I let out another chuckle and you only raised an amused eyebrow at me. Your hair was longer too.
“I see that father has a say in your wardrobe too, now.” It wasn’t the best opening line. Definitely not something you say to someone you haven’t seen in months. The amusement was replaced by sadness and you looked really awkward for a moment. I wanted to slap myself for ever even opening my stupid mouth.
“You know, have to make the right impression…” you said quietly and silence took over. I hated it. I hated everything and most of all I hated your father.
“You realise that he’s going to hear about us talking anyway, right?” I asked you and took a sip. It was the last of wine I had, so I just set the glass on the table and instead nervously played with my fingers. Not holding anything allowed me to see just how much were my hands shaking. I looked over and you were also nervously smoothing out your dress over your thighs.
“Yeah, well, he’s going to kill us both but whatever,” came your response. You wanted it to sound nonchalant but we were both too anxious and running on pure adrenalin. But then you gave me a blinding smile and my heart almost broke all over again.
“Yeah, yolo or whatever,” I mumbled and looked into the garden. I heard you laugh and forbid myself from looking. My hands started to rise so I could drink but halfway through I remember I finished it already. So I let them down again. It was the middle of summer but thanks to the late hour, the weather became much more pleasant. I loosened my tie and made myself more comfortable in the chair.
The silence was slowly becoming oppressive as neither of us really knew what to say to the other. I gritted my teeth together and slowly counted the uncomfortably spent seconds slowly ticking away.
“I’m engaged.”
It felt as if the whole world was suddenly thrown askew. If I wasn’t sitting it would feel as if I was falling down the stairs. Slowly I turned to look at you. There were tears on your face. I realised that my eyes were also getting wet. Shit, either I’m too sober to have this conversation or I’m too drunk to not make a fool out of myself. My hand subconsciously moved to lay over my heart, as if to check if it was still beating. It felt as if it wasn’t, wouldn’t really surprise me.
“So this is why you wanted to talk outside…” I said slowly and suddenly my words were slurring more together. It was hard to speak over the emotions of my whole life crumbling to dust.
“Don’t you want to know with who?” you asked quietly. I could see you were too afraid to look at me properly, only glancing over from the corner of your eyes. I scoffed at your question.
“I can imagine with who. Your father has a clear type,” I said bitterly, “Probably with someone that can afford to golf with him in the country club.” You were silent and I knew you were crying. So I turned around again and looked into the garden, stubbornly ignoring the tears about to drop from my own eyes.
“We could run away together…” you whispered and I spun around again. “What!?” I almost screamed that and then checked if anyone inside heard. It seemed that no one noticed. I turned to you again. “What do you mean? Are you serious?” It was absolutely stupid idea. I started regretting not being more drunk. But then I looked at your face and saw your desperation and I realised. You mean it. You’re absolutely serious.
A lightning of hope flashed through me so strongly it almost jerked my whole body. But as soon as it appeared it was gone too. There was no way anything good would come out of that. Your father would cut you off and he’d make sure none of us ever found any respectable job. I couldn’t take everything away from you like this. I wouldn’t. Still I smiled at you and said yes. We both knew.
“We could, you could come to live with me and Seonghwa. He’d nag us all the time but all of us would have movie nights…” I whispered and finally felt the tears trickling down my face. I didn’t even bother to try and wipe them away. When I looked over you were crying too.
“We could just get up right now and leave and never come back,” you said. Neither of us made a move to get up. We just looked at each other. “I would help you with your company, I’d sew again…”
“We’d live off convenience store snacks and whatever Wooyoung brought over for us.” We laughed at that, remembering how he was always pretending to be mad at us for eating at his place too much.
“We’d be together forever… We’d win…” you whispered and I couldn’t hold back the sob that fought its way out. I had to turn away from you for a moment to try and compose myself, even though I heard you crying right next to me. We knew it was impossible, but for a few sweet moments we let ourselves imagine our life together. No one spoke then and after a little while I heard rustling of you getting up.
I didn’t want to look. I didn't want to see you leave and I didn't want you to see me cry. But I knew I’d never see you again and everything be damned, I wouldn’t waste my last chance to lay my eyes on you.
You smiled and even with your face all wet and red and puffed up from crying, you were the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen.
“I better go,” you whispered again and gestured to the door, “before my dad finds out.” I laughed at the irony of the words. And then I nodded. “Yeah… See you.” The hopeful tone I said those words in was completely against my will. I wouldn’t. But I wanted to believe. You didn’t reply to that and then you slipped inside, forever slipped out of my reach.
I don’t know how much time passed, but when Seonghwa found his way to the balcony, I was still numbly sitting in the chair looking out into the gardens with dried tears on my face. Within few seconds he was on me, holding my shoulder and looking at me with gentle sad eyes, asking me what happened. I was silent. When he was guiding me back inside, I was silent. When Yunho saw us and walked over with concern written all over his face, I was silent. When we were walking out, while we were driving back home, when we were standing in the elevator taking us up to our flat, I was silent. All I could do was wish. Wish we could be heroes, just for one day.
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A/N: hope you liked it! don't be shy ^^
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ac-liveblogs · 7 months
So if you want a real answer for went wrong in Boruto let me explain.
Boruto is pretty much written by people who really don't like Naruto as a series because it goes out of its way to shit on the Naruto series (taking away Naruto and Sasuke's power-ups at the first chance which basically reverted them to beginning of Naruto, Naruto and Sasuke). The editor for Boruto is apparently a simp for Sadara. They just really don't like Naruto as a series because:
He's apparently just a missing dad but you probably knew this already.
Absolutely no respect for Naruto characters whatsoever.
They hate ninjas because everything is now aliens and machinery in Boruto. Also, a lot of retconning Naruto stuff to be oh aliens are the reason this exists.
Orochimaru is just there and no one remembers he's not to be trusted.
There's apparently a dimension where one of the villains just has multiple ten-tails clones in there and its weird.
So yeah... I don't even want to know what the fuck happened. The kicker is that Kishimoto, from what I've heard has not been that active in Boruto. His editor pretty much runs the show is what I have heard a lot.
The most I've seen of Boruto was the movie, where Naruto being an absent parent was solved because Boruto just didn't realise how cool his dad was... I think. I just kinda left that movie gobsmacked. Don't you see how cool your dad is Boruto. And also 'jutsu in a can' is illegal in the Chuunin exams for some reason? Literally why, they're a tool you can use...
Thanks for the response, I appreciate the insight. I can see how some of these problems might have come around, like trying to balance Naruto and Sasuke's absolutely absurd power levels against literally any kind of threat, or coming up with an enemy for Konoha to fight that wouldn't leave a black mark on Naruto's reign as Hokage... and the inherent issue of 'no one is watching this for the new characters, they want to see the old ones, but this isn't about them' you'll inevitably get with a next-gen sequel.
No one watched Boruto the movie for Boruto. No one.
But like... why make a next-gen sequel for Naruto of all series? I get why from a 'we want money' sense, but I feel they could've just animated the light novels or fillers into eternity and people would've been happier with those.
"Here's 40 episodes of Kakashi and Itachi in ANBU" or something, I don't know. I'd watch 10 episodes of Sasori's descent into absolute madness.
Maybe the reason they went "ALIENS" is because of Kishimoto's failed sci-fi manga? But it's weird he's hands off given I thought he took over the manga from someone else...
Btw, to add onto what the anon that sent the I gave up on Boruto ask, its a bigger problem than it being the typical female characters don't matter still in Boruto. Its that no one matters in Boruto except Boruto and Kiwaki. Everyone else just gets shit on. Like imagine the old Naruto is x fanfics but actually made real. That's Boruto. He's got everything and he's the bestest and specialest boy.
:/ That sucks. Why bother forcing so many pairings to produce kids if you don't even wanna use 'em. Sasuke didn't deserve this. But also, how are you simultaneously a simp for Sarada and don't really use her? Just shove her in stupid outfits and call it a day...?
I still don't know anything about Kawaki!? He's a moon boy too, right? It feels so weird to neglect the rest of Boruto's team, though. What's the point.
Boruto does really feel like an edgy OC. He's got Byakugan+1 AND Sasuke is his teacher... honestly, Sasuke as a mentor to Naruto's kid is cute in theory, except for the part where he's also a deadbeat dad to a whole other child (his own).
I couldn't help reading TBV thinking "...why didn't they just do this kind of plot with Naruto himself or something". Though I guess they kind of? Did? With Road To Ninja? The opposite direction?
Btw, unless I'm mistaken I don't think Naruto actually forgave Orochimaru. I think he just forgot because Kishimoto forgot about a lot of what happened in part 1 of Naruto except Sasuke imo.
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