#i dont wanna organize another zine lol
funkle420 · 4 months
I really wanna contribute to a fanzine one day!!!
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actualbird · 2 years
So while Artem's card from the event is EVADING ME (🤬) My NXX Files: King arrived! Zak your story was so scandalous I was like "no fucking way Zak" the whole time because you're always lovingly clowning on him but painting him in this insidious light was so fantastically done that I could almost feel myself turning against him!!!
JKHVKJSHDF OMG i hope artem's card comes home to you soon 🙏
and wAAAAAAHH THANK YOU SO SO MUCH for reading my piece in The NXX Files: King zine :DDD
i am not permitted to mention any details or spoilers about this piece for now (so as not to spoil ppl who havent gotten their copy yet!!) but i am sSOSOSOO HAPPY U FELT THIS WAY READING IT!! writing it was so fucking fun exactly because that was my express purpose and goal, tryna convince the reader of just the wildest overly-nefarious sensationalist tabloid shit about marius. so this ask made me sosososo happy cuz hELL YEAH, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED >:DDD
im really excited for everybody else to get their copies!! aside from me wanting to see other ppl's reactions too (HAHA), every single piece of art and writing in there is phenomenal and ur sure to enjoy it all, it was such a joy to be a part of this project <3!!!
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