#i dont want my kid to end up burnt out and bored before middle school like i was
at the peds charlie was naming colors and singing letters and counting shit and generally doing the whole 'i love impressing strangers' bit, and doc was like "oh my god, holy fuck, this is crazy, christ alive" etc stuff and im sitting there like "yeah im a little concerned that charlie isn't really grasping the lowercase letters with the same ease as the uppercase letters and its been like 3 months since we introduced them" and the doc is like "HELLO????? THIS KID IS TWO????" and im all "is that. not normal." and doc was like "NO??????" so i think charlie might be one of those kids that picks shit up really quick.
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artificialqueens · 8 years
The Best Years Of Our Lives (Trixya/Pearlet) Ch. 6 - Athena
A/N: Hi guys! Sorry if you guys saw my melodramatic ask, I had a moment. I can be a little extra at times. But, I’m gonna keep writing this. Also, sorry for the lack of Pearlet, I promise you that it is coming in the next chapter
Trigger warning: Alcohol usage / Throwing up 
Once the girls made it back to the residence hall, Trixie heard several voices coming from the inside of her room. Violet, Pearl, Fame, and Kim were all sitting on the floor with a bottle of rum, a bottle of whiskey, and other various colorful liquids in different shaped bottles in the middle of them.
“Close the fucking door!” Pearl hissed.
“Wait, didn’t you hate a date tonight with a Tinder bro?” Kim questioned.
“Um, well, he was awful. I left without saying a word and went straight to Katya’s room. Anyway, this guy talked about his mom, and his Pomeranians—”
Katya interrupted. “Also, she said he was sweaty and smelled like feet.”
“Yup, smelled like feet, and asked me about how many children I wanted to have, and complimented my child-bearing hips.”
“Also, apparently, he talked about his ex, who left him because of his addiction to World of Warcraft, and lack of passion in the bedroom.”
“It was actually League of Legends.”
“Who cares, they’re both terrible,” Kim said.
Fame raised an eyebrow. “Wow. That’s… That’s… an experience.”
Katya and Trixie joined the circle on the floor.
Katya grabbed the bottle of vodka. “May I?”
“Of course,” Violet said. She handed Katya a bottle of cranberry juice. “Want a chaser?”
Katya chugged. “Please. I don’t do chasers.” Katya passed the bottle to Trixie.
“Why the hell not?” Trixie took a swig of the vodka and immediately regretted it. The alcohol was overwhelming, causing her to temporarily forgot how to swallow. Her throat burned as the liquid eventually made its way down her throat.
Trixie took a giant gulp of the juice that was handed to her. “Do people actually like the taste of alcohol?”
Fame laughed. “Nope. Most people just pretend to like it. But we have this, too if you wanna try it? It won’t taste like alcohol, not much anyway. It’s a good first drink to have.” She poured a bottle filled with blue liquid into a cup mixed with lemonade.
Trixie took a cup from Fame. She was right, she could vaguely feel the burn of alcohol, but to her, it tasted like blue popsicles. “This is great!”
“Pace yourself,” Violet warned. “The most dangerous drinks are the ones that taste good.”
“I have an idea!” Kim chimed in. “Let’s play never have I ever. I have nothing to lose because I haven’t done anything.”
“How do you play?”
“You put up ten fingers, and then you say something you haven’t done, like ‘never have I ever murdered a man in cold blood,’ and if you’ve done it, you put a finger down,” Katya explained.
“I’ll go first!” Kim said. “Never have I ever had a boyfriend.”
Pearl and Fame put a finger down.
“Okay, Violet you go.”
“Never have I ever… Hmm. Never have I ever—wait, nope, I’ve done that. Never have I ever been black-out drunk.”
Both Pearl and Katya put a finger down.
“Never have I ever… smoked weed.”
Pearl and Katya put a finger down.
“Never have I ever been tied up or tied someone up for sex.”
Violet put a finger down. “What? It’s fun. Maybe you should try it sometime.”
As the game progressed, Trixie felt the alcohol going to her head, and fast. She didn’t care. The alcohol made her whole body feel warm.  
 “Trixie, your turn.”
“Never have I ever been in a relationship.”
Everyone but Kim put a finger down.
“My turn again,” Kim said. “Never have I ever kissed a girl.”
Trixie hesitated as she put a finger down. She noticed that everyone but Kim put a finger down.
“Fame?” Katya questioned.
“There was a night where Violet and I got a little drunk. Pearl, you’re lucky. She’s a good kisser.”
“I know.”
“Trixie? Who?” Kim’s tone was skeptical.
Trixie hesitated as she looked at Katya. “I don’t kiss and tell.”  She looked over at Katya who made no reaction.
The game continued until Violet put her tenth finger down. Trixie was definitely past the buzzed stage, and was onto the full-on drunk stage. At this point, she wasn’t sure how many drinks she had. She knew it was more than two, but less than five. Everything was funny to her, and she laughed so hard that she had to lay down on the floor.
“Now what?” Violet asked.
Fame picked up an empty bottle of cranberry juice. “Spin the bottle?”
Katya snorted. “Please Fame, this isn’t high school.”
Trixie sat up. “I’m down.”
“I’m not. I’ll watch you guys,” Kim said moving to the bed.
“Vi, you go first!”
Violet spun. It landed on Fame.
“Hey, bae,” Fame said. They learned in for a peck on the lips. They both laughed and pulled back.
Fame went next. Katya.
“C’mere, baby,” Katya said jokingly.
As Trixie watched the two of them kiss, she felt a hint of jealousy. She pushed the feeling aside, knowing full well she had no right to be jealous.
Katya went next. It landed on Trixie, whose inhibitions were almost nonexistent. She looked at Katya with lust in her eyes as she pulled her in for a kiss. Trixie had never been so aggressive while making out with Katya, who kissed back with the same amount of passion. Eventually they broke away.
Everyone was staring at them.
“Whoa,” Pearl said.
“Someone’s had too much alcohol,” Katya said making an “Are you serious?” face at Trixie.
“Ew, did you get red lipstick on me?” Trixie questioned. “You know I hate that.”
“Wait. You guys have done this before?” Kim said getting up from the bed.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuckity fuck, Trixie thought.
“She means when I kiss her on the cheek! Right Trixie?”
“Yes! She always gets her lipstick on my cheek and it ruins my makeup. It’s the worst. Anyway, whose turn is it next?”
Violet looked at her and raised an eyebrow, which caused Trixie glare in return. She grabbed her phone, and had a very difficult time texting.
To: Vi Ill takl to u bout it in later
At this point, Trixie was so drunk that she couldn’t text. Violet waited a turn before texting her back.
From: Vi Jfc, that was kinda hot. Dont worry, you just looked like a sloppy drunk. Katya came thru with that save tho. Your Tinder date story was so extra
To: Vi It was fun thooooooo. Bsides im an extra person, yuo kno this. Lolololol. Atl east im not boring
From: Vi Whatever you say…
There was a knock at the door.
“Fuck,” Violet said, shoving as many bottles under the bed as possible.
“R.A.,” she heard Alyssa call.
“I forgot about their rounds,” Kim whispered, who was clearly panicking.
Pearl smacked her arm. “Don’t look guilty.”
Trixie put a bottle behind her back. “Just a sec!”
“I’m coming in!” Alyssa said opening the door.
She looked around the room. “Jesus, ladies could you be any louder? Manila said she could hear you from her end of the hall.” Alyssa looked around the room and locked eyes with a bottle that hadn’t made it under the bed and raised an eyebrow.
Panicked eyes shot amongst the girls. 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. You’re lucky it’s so late and I really don’t feel like filing six underage drinking reports for all of you. Don’t you dare get cute and try this again.” Alyssa shut the door.
The girls unanimously decided it’d be best to stop drinking, and eventually decided to watch a movie on Trixie’s laptop. During the movie, Violet and Pearl weren’t paying much attention. They were on the corner of Kim’s bed making out, whispering things in each other’s ear. Trixie could have sworn they took it further, since they both had a blanket over themselves. 
“Get a fucking room,” Katya said, shielding her eyes.
At this point, Trixie could barely unlock her phone. But, she attempted to text Violet, not noticing that she had sent the text the wrong person.
To: Fame viiiiiiii jfc ur goin harder than me ad katya we’re the other nite. its kidna hot tbh
Fame looked at her phone with wide eyes.
From: Fame this def isn’t vi. What? you and Katya? wtf??????
As she read the text, Trixie was mortified she put her hands over her mouth.
Shit. This is bad. Fuck. Goddammit. Why did I think drinking was such a good idea? At least Fame’s drunk too, maybe she’ll forget.
 To: Fame gurl pls, I ment like when we kissed
From: Fame I dont rly believe you but I guess ill just ignore this and forget I ever saw it. Deleting the texts now
Before Trixie could text back, she suddenly felt sick to her stomach. She ran into the bathroom that she shared with two girls she had never spoken to. The only communication with them was through messages written on dry erase markers on the bathroom mirror. As she ran into the bathroom, she hoped to God one of her suitemates wasn’t in the bathroom already.
Thankfully, there was no one, and Trixie made it to the toilet. Her throat burned as all the contents in her stomach came up. The alcohol burnt her throat and nose. As she was bent over the toilet, she felt someone pull her hair back. After she was finally done, Trixie noticed that the toilet was now a bright blue color. She wiped her mouth and flushed the toilet.
She looked up and saw Katya. Trixie laid down on the nice, cool floor.
Trixie groaned in response. Katya helped her get out of the bathroom. Once she was out of the bathroom, Trixie flopped onto her bed. 
“Katyaaaaa,” she whined. “Come cuddle with me.”
Katya hesitantly laid on the bed with Trixie and stroked her hair.
“I love you,” Trixie sat up from the bed. “Like I really love you. Katya, can we tell them? Can we, can we, can we?”
“I think we better wait until you’re not drunk off your ass. You’re gonna probably–”
“Tell us what?” Fame questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“Me and Katya had sex, and it was really good.”
This finally made Pearl and Violet stop. Pearl stared at Trixie for a few seconds before saying, “Well, shit.” 
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