#i dont want to hurt anyone anymore but my teeth are sharp and my claws forever out
parasiticallamb · 1 year
i wish i had a choice. i wish i could rot. i dont want to be alive. i dont want to be alive. i dont want to be alive. i dont want to be alive. why cant it ever be my choice
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memer-the-miner · 3 years
Dont Lie Dont Cry - a fanfiction by Memer-the-Miner
“‘Don’t lie dear, if you lie then the trickster will come take you for his games’
I thought it was some sort of hypocrisy. A trick; a lie parents tell their kids to make them tell the truth. But that was until I saw it happen.
I was 14 at the time, I remember the day vividly. Actually the day was normal. Me and my brother were messing around the farm. Just playing around as kids do and then…
It’s just…. He dared me to do it… if I hadn’t done it…. what did I do you ask… that doesn’t matter. The fallout is what matters.
Lets just say it ends with me breaking a window. Needless to say our dad was not pleased. He came out yelling asking who did it. There was a fury in his eyes, one associated with staying outside for the night. So my brother he said he did, with enough of a false proudness that our dad didn’t bother to check with me. A part of me was worried but I thought to myself it’s just one night outside for a lie. That he’ll be fine. Hell I even had a whole plan to bring food to him. And I did… he just didn’t get to eat it.
It was late and our dad was asleep, so it was time to enact my plan. I got a plate of leftovers from dinner and snuck out the back. My brother was sitting next to a shed. I was about to call out to him but then I was hit with an unease. At first I thought it was because a part of me knew our dad might wake up if I called out but I think I sensed… them. All I know is that I’m more than glad, hell, ecstatic even that I didn’t call out to my brother. Yeah that might have been selfish, but you would’ve done it too… anyone would’ve done it.
Anyway I stood to the side waiting for my brother to notice me and then there was this glimmer. As soon as I noticed it I ducked close to the house. Turns out I was right to do so…
Where the glimmer was, there was this man. He looked… valuable. Weird description I know. But he did. His face had diamonds for freckles, and his jewels… well let’s just say a tiny piece from his pinkie ring would set me for life. But I think most importantly we’re his eyes. The iris they weren’t irises… I mean they were but… look they were diamonds okay. And yet I could see the mischief in them. And at the same time there was no emotion in those eyes.
Anyway, the man looked at my brother gliding in place in front of him. He looked at him and said.
“You told a lie, but you have chance, chance to win millions and help everyone you know, so how about you turn this punishment into a profit.”
My brother didn’t say anything. Just stared. But he wasn’t staring at the man, but at the thing behind him. See the man didn’t appear alone. He had a demon, with long elongated arms and teeth. Pure white eyes and a halo that hurt to look at. But its claws were so sharp, its feet bent like an animals and it carried a pair of powerful wings on its back. The worst part is that it was staring at my house. Never moving just staring. And a part of me prayed to the gods that it wouldn’t hurt us.
The man sighed and touched the ground. Kneeling in front of my brother he breathed into his ears words I couldn’t hear. But I know they were bad because my brother paled. He finally turned to look at the diamond clad man and shakily nodded his head. And with a snap of his fingers the man and my brother disappeared. But just them.
That demon thing stayed and after they disappeared it lumbered into our house, I didn’t follow it…. But I heard it. I heard as it scraped through our house I heard it as it shoved something into our dad’s throat. And then it lumbered out side again. But it didn’t leave. It came back to the shed and sniffed. I don’t know at what point I realized, but that thing was looking for me.
As it neared my hiding spot I ducked into a barrel with a hole. I watched through the hole as the creature sniffed at my dropped plate. As it got closer to the barrel it stopped. It slowly went to open the top when… a snap. The man was there again.
“We have enough let’s go-“
“But Sk-“
“Let’s go Bad”
Another snap and they were both gone.
I didn’t leave the barrel until the morning hit. Even then I don’t known how long I sat there until I got out. When I did my dad was calling for me. In front of the house in tears there stood my dad… my dad who was alive. At the time I didn’t question anything and I ran to him. I buried my face into his chest as we both cried. He tried to ask where I was but I interrupted him. I said
“Dad they took him, they took him” I told him over and over that those things took my brother. And then my father’s next words practically killed me.
“Dear, you don’t have a brother, is that why you were out.. you were with an imaginary friend?”
He said he didn’t exist. Our dad said he didn’t exist. My brother who I watched get stolen away. I asked everybody in town, nobody remembered him. How could they all forget. He was my BROTHER. He was-is alive HE WAS REAL….
I don’t know what to do anymore. It’s been years but it still haunts me.
Please help me.”
The man who sat across from me adorned a dark hood and a pair of clean spectacles. He brushes his fluffy brown hair to the side and says, “wow what a story, I’d love to help you.”
I become elated, this hunter would help me catch the things that took my brother. “Really!?”
The man nods. “Of course- oh, also would you like a muffin.” He pulls up a basket that sat on the floor next to him. From inside he pulls out a blueberry muffin, the blueberries were especially shiny. I don’t really like muffins but I want to stay on this man’s good side.
So I grab it and take a bite of the muffin. Jeez my head feels a bit fuzzy maybe I should go home and rest. Wait what was I doing here? I look around at the hunter guild. Hunter guild? Our village doesn’t have a hunter guild. I don’t remember being here. There is a man in front of me.
“So you say your lost,” he says cheerily.
I snap back. I’m having a conversation with this man, I’m lost, he’ll take me home, to my dad whom is my only family.
“Yes can you help me go home?”
He smiles brightly, “of course you muffin head!”
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Gamzee: Get rid of her.
Gram was surprised he even slept for a single hour. Waking up, he didnt want to waste any time. He fed the dogs, fed the snake, fed the kitten. Got this and that done in the house, before getting ready to go to Alternia once again.
Can't be too careful, so he slips on full protective clothing. Nothing heavy, or anything. Just to cover his exposed skin enough, except his head. The sun wasn't up, that wasn't the issue, here. Though, he wishes he had some bulletproof vests or something. Oh, well. The boots are the last to go on, and he's out to the transportalizer, putting in the coordinates, and appearing in the nearest port closest to the palace.
Stepping off and making his way closer, his heart starts to race, knowing what hes going to be doing. Luckily, things don't seem horribly busy, but a few trolls keep noticing him and talking amongst themselves, pointing. The Empress may be alerted before he even goes there, not like she would hide, though. She has way too much pride to be hiding or stepping down in any way. Soon, that won't be even a thought.
Gram makes his way straight into the palace. Guards run up to him, not too many, but he is now in full focus. He shoves away guards, some he just ignores quick enough to not get hit or shot. He didn't want to wear himself down using his power already for just the guards, so hands are good enough. Some poor guards even suffer a large claw wound from him, which makes gram have to shake his hand off before entering the throneroom as quickly as possible. The clown runs straight in the large doors, kicking out the guards, punching them, tripping them, just so he can close the heavy doors and lock them. He had learned how when he was working under the Empress. So much gold on them, though. Was that reaaaaally a good idea? Anyway.
Once those are closed, there are about 6 guards in the room, and outside the other currently closed doors, and there she is, the Empress. She knows exactly who is here, she doesn't need to see him at all. She sits up a bit more, looking in the direction she hears him breathing in. "You came back?"
Gram glared at her, and spoke in a sarcastic tone. "Oh yeah, I missed ya real bad. Can't stay away."
He walked up toward her, which makes her guards stand in front of her throne. Stopping in front of them, he stares in their eyes, like needles he fries their eyes quickly with his power, just as similar to the empress, though they were easier, and they have a chance of healing. For now, they hold their faces, going to the small block in the palace through the side door, for medical emergencies. Since Gram's last incident, they thought to move all that much closer to the throneroom. The other guards step in now, though hesitant seeing what just happened, and seen others they work for get harmed by this clown. One of them steps back to where they were standing, the other comes up to Gram, then backs up again once he gives them a look.
"Thats fuckin right." he laughed.
The empress looked down in Gram's direction once again, having heard what just happened, but not bothering to step in to avoid those guards getting hurt. "Do you plan on killing me?" It was almost as if she had read his mind, maybe she did.
Gram glared again. "I don't know, how far can I get?" 
Without letting her speak up, he starts up his chucklevoodoo once again. Going straight for the brain. She screams and grabs her head, and immediately kicks him down with her sharp heel. This knocks him down and makes it stop, grunting at the impact on the hard floor. Things start quickly. The other guards that were hesitating before, point their weapons at Gram. One shoots him in the same leg that he was shot in before, making the clown growl in pain. He got up, though, attacking the guard and knocking that gun out of his hand. He goes right for the guards neck, biting a chunk out of it and spitting it away. They were too in shock to bother to try to make it to the medical block, as they were bleeding out quickly.
He was cut short, not by a guard, but by the Empress, who kicked him down once again, aiming her trident right at his torso.
"You wont get very far, your friend is just going to have to come back to save you again. You already took my eyes from me, I wont let you finish the job, you filth."
Gram laughed and looks up the gold trident, and then at her face. Still with a smile, though he will admit he is afraid of getting hurt beyond repair, or at least, wont be repaired easily.
"Ya won't, 'cuz you dont know anyone else like me. I know you wanna use me for somethin, don't you? that would be a damn shame."
"You think I won't?"
"Yeah, no, that would be a bad fuckin idea."
"You haven't taken me down yet, and you wont. I can easily replace you. Goodbye, Gamzee."
He grabs her trident above the points, just right at the handle, and shoves it away, right as she stabs down toward him. This stabs into the floor, JUST right below his armpit. He lets out a goofy laugh, at just barely missing that. He rolls to the side immediately. She realizes she missed him and raises the trident toward where she can hear his footsteps.
"Havin trouble motherfucker? lemme fix that." Once again he aims his chucklevoodoo at her, with all he can put out, stronger than ever, driven by his adrenaline. She screams once again, grabbing and scratching at her own head. She tries to fight back once again which makes the pain worse, but it shoots back to gram. This makes him wince, but he doesnt stop. Not until she is down and not fighting. So much for taking her brain, hes sure it'll be like soup in there once hes done. She swings her trident and stabs wildly to get him to stop. A few times, her trident cut into his arm, his side, and one point of the trident even stabbed into his left shoulder. He grunted in pain, gritting his teeth together, but he still kept going. She finally fell after a while, unable to keep herself up from the pain. She couldn't fight back anymore, not after the damage from the first time that the others at the palace could not repair a hundred percent. The Empress did however have new bionic eyes being made, but now that won't matter.
Gram heard the other guards that were left in the room that didn't run off, coming at his back. Only two. His powers were still going hard, he looked away from the Empress only for a moment to knock those two down, which wasn't hard as they didn't expect it. Not the smartest guards you have here, Ma'am. He then turns back to her, continuing to fry her, coming toward her as he does, picking up her trident she was frantically reaching for after she fell. His eyes glowed brightly and he could feel his own eyes getting tired, his brain was wearing out. Now was a good time as any. he stepped beside her, and raised the trident high above her writhing body, and stabbed right into her heart as hard as possible, til it went all the way through and hit the hard floor. Once again she screamed, and lost her voice immediately. Clawing and grabbing at the trident, she tried pulling it out, with what life she had left. How could she let someone so easily take her down? It's all so pathetic, and embarrassing. She won the throne, she worked hard for it.
Gram pulled the trident out, and stabbed again, twice, into her mess of a heart. This finally silenced her. She writhed still a bit longer. Gram watched silently, stopping the chucklevoodoo. His new rainbow drinker DNA, was screaming hungry. This is what he's been preparing for. No time to think. He pulls the trident out, putting it in his sylladex, and drops to her freshly dead body. He bit right into her, drinking as much as his body could take. Gotta make SURE she is dead. If the other guards were still in the room, they're out now. Gram can hear them faintly panicking outside the doors, but all that's in his mind, is that she taste delicious. He goes at this for a while, until he is just about too full. Part of him comes in behind, and goes right for biting and chewing her flesh. Ripping it all to pieces, some he spits out in the bloody mess on the floor. What a messy eater.
She's unrecognizable at this point, and grams body feels like he's drunk. But his energy is high and happy. He laughed, sitting up and taking out a knife, cutting up what was left, taking bones, and putting them in the sylladex, one after another, until she looked like animals had gotten to her. He had also filled up a few bottles with the leftover blood, putting that away too. He stood up again, and by the time he did, he looked over, and there were terrified guards, and people who worked in the palace, staring at him. The news had gotten out already. He felt he had somehow intensely colorful tunnel vision toward them. But he didnt say anything to them, he just walked ahead to the side door, moving straight to where he knew the prison was. His own blood, and her blood and meat, dripping off of him. One thing he had in mind after he would be successful - Release the prisoners. He makes his way down, still having those keys he was given. What a fool Empress, never asking for those back. He took them out, and started releasing them, one by one. He didnt bother to speak, his mind was just on autopilot. He felt floaty, and he's just going to silently enjoy this til he can think clearer.
After maybe 30+ prisoners were let free, a lot less than last time due to some being sadly killed off, he scanned the area for more, then headed back up. It didn't seem like anyone was mad at Gram. Maybe scared. Some of the higher up people next to the Empress seem to have come out to the palace aswell. Gram tried to avoid them as quickly as possible. He will return soon, but for right now, no talking, just leave. He quickly finds the nearest port again, and puts in his coordinates, stepping on straight to home. He had just barely avoided those older trolls.
As soon as he was home, he laid right down on the floor in there. Just for a little while. God hes so full, and his head is spinning, not terribly though but it is. His body wants to get up and move around, do more, but it also wants to just lay here for a long time. Staying here is good. He'll treat those wounds later. Well done, Gamzee. You caused chaos on Alternia. Hopefully for the better. He has many plans for when he heads back, hopefully he wont be greeted with anything horrible. He was very very proud of himself, though. What's best? He didn't get horribly disfigured. Time to rest.
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Angst 1 for Jason? I'm feeling like some sad lightning boi I dont know why but ye
Hello darling Anon! Thanks for the prompt and I hope I did you well🥺 dis is hella angsty
Jercy Masterlist
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Jason Grace doesn't have enough fingers to list how many things he's done wrong in the last month.
1. Losing his best friend
2.Losing his girlfriend
3.Being unable to help all the demigod's he's promised
4.Letting Reyna down by not coming back to SPQR
5.Dammit he can't even put on his fucking shirt the right way.
Holding in a scream he tugs it off and flips it so the tag is on the inside. He's proud of himself for not ditching clothing altogether, ditching life altogether. There is so much temptation in taking to the skies and floating for the rest of his days. It's not like anyone would miss him, would even notice he was gone. And maybe it's for the best. It certainly wouldn't be unexpected. For years he's wanted to be anonymous, just another one of the Campers. For years he's secretly rejected his titles as Son of Jupiter, Praetor of New Rome, Slayer of the Black Throne. He shouldn't complain now that he's ignored, unwanted.
There's a knock at his cabin that he pulls him out of his self-deprecating pity hour. Checking to make sure he has his pants and shirt on and his head firmly on his neck he grabs his sword and opens the door.
"Jason!" Will Solace gasps, "Please come it's Nico!"
His heart turns to stone, lungs become useless masses, "Let's go." He manages to breathe, "Brief me on the way."
They sprint through the camp, uncaring of the shouts and greetings coming from every side. They don't have time. It seems ever since they had defeated Kronos the clocks spin uncontrollably; hours are seconds and minutes only exist in the afternoon and nobody knows if one week is seven days or three blinks of an eye, if years are twelve months or a century.
"A breach at the west border. Monsters we've never seen before. They just snuck up on us. Nico's been raising the dead to fight but I'm afraid he's not strong enough yet. Not after the war. He'll burn out soon and they'll overwhelm him." Will gasps.
"How many?"
"Twenty maybe twenty five?"
"You call anyone else?"
The Son of Apollo shakes his head as they sprint around the corner, "Percy is in school he only arrives tomorrow. Clarisse is gone to visit her mom and there's so many Campers in the infirmary. The rest are the little ones."
"How fa—" Jason beholds the scene in front of him and every nerve in his body shut down.
There in the middle of skeletal warriors and black shadows is Nico Di Angelo. All around them are scaly four-legged vipers hissing and spitting. One opens its grossly enormous jaw and snaps it around a skeleton with a sickening crunch. Another skeleton pops up in the exact same place and with a rattling, he supposes is a scream, attacks the monster.
"NICO!" Will screams, trying to catch his boyfriend's attention.
The Son of Hades although dangerously powerful is grey and heaving as if the sheer force of his summonings are turning his own body to it's bony structure.
"Go!" Will shouts at him.
With a nod, Jason pulls his sword out and steps into the ring of the dead.
Gods these things are a hundred times more terrifying up close. Sharp teeth and poisoned spikes on their tales and oh gods jagged claws to top it all off. But he's fought armies before and survived. This will not deter him. So with the force of Zeus and the strategies of Jupiter flowing through his muscles he brings his sword down on the first creature.
It shrieks and his ears ring like a bell clanging in his skull. But the head thumps to the ground and the monster crumbles to dust.
Decapitation then.
He sidesteps the swish of a tail, chopping it off as it goes past. First mistake. Three tails grow back and he knows one drop of poison will be enough to end him. He vaults into the air using the wind to push him as high as possible and then he's slamming in the body of the creature and sawing at its head.
His foot slams into the ground as the monster powders underneath him. Second mistake. His ankle is broken and there's three more of these things advancing towards him.
He bites down a scream as he attempts to walk. It's no use. Stand here and fight it is. Summoning as much lightning as he can, blue eyes sparking maliciously, he looks directly into the first of them and slams five thousand volts of electricity into its brain. Before he knows it's dead he's onto the next. This time he bides his time, let's it come closer and when he can hear its ugly breathing and feel its lack of heat he stabs his sword into its neck and watches it bleed black.
The third monster is clever, it's learnt. But Jason doesn't know. So he gathers all his strength and waits for it to pounce. By now Nico is a few meters away, holding his own but pale beyond healthy. The monster shakes its body, scales rippling in the afternoon sun. It takes one step closer. Jason grips his sword, holds the power thrumming in his fingers. The monster moves again and he swears its smiling.
He turns to Nico, "You good?"
Third mistake. The monster let's out a vile screech and slams into them.
"NICO!" Someone screams. It sounds like Percy Jackson. But that can't be right. Percy is in school.
The creature's tail swipes at the Son of Hades.
Jason can't move as it's claws wrap around his throat.
I can't do anything right, he thinks. Those talons pierce his skin. The world goes black.
"He's a fucking idiot."
"Lay off. How was he supposed to know?"
"Maybe if he wasn't so caught up in trying to make friends he would have been able to do something."
"Leave him alone."
"Alright you lot, get out of here. I'll call you when he's awake."
Jason tries to open his eyes, tries to say something, anything. But he feels a prick in his neck and reality fades away.
"Is he awake?"
"How long does this take?"
"He had a broken ankle and a slit throat. Maybe a little patience is in order?"
"I still think we should send him back."
"That's enough! It wasn't his fault and we will stop acting like it.".
The Son of Jupiter groans, blinking into the world. Everything hurts. Everything. And the light above his head is blinding.
"What the hell happened?" He rasps.
"You almost got Nico killed is what!" Someone snaps.
He blinks trying to find the source of such bitterness. "I what?"
"What the fuck were you trying to do saying hi in the middle of battle?"
The room finally shifts into focus and he sees three faces staring at him intently, varying degrees of anger and relief in their expressions.
"Well?" Hazel looks at him, "What were you trying to accomplish? Were you actively trying to get him killed? I know you didn't trust him but trying to kill him Jason? I thought you got passed that after Cupid. Nico told me he trusted you."
"Hazel!" Percy Jackson glares at her.
"I'm—" He chokes, "I'm sorry. I just wanted to make sure he was okay. I— I didn't know the monster would try to get both of us." He's crying now, red hot tears spilling onto the white sheets of the infirmary bed.
"That's the problem Grace, you don't think." There is so much pain in her voice.
"Im sorry," He sobs, "Is he okay? Is he— is he—"
"He is fine Jason," Will says softly, "He managed to jump back before the tail swiped him. He's actually really worried about you. We all are."
He doesn't know what to say to that. He doesn't even know if he deserves that. Hazel is right. If he hadn't distracted Nico they wouldn't be in this situation. It was dumb luck that Nico managed to get out of the way. If he hadn't. Oh gods, Jason would have been responsible for killing his friend.
With that though he turns over in his bed and heaves straight into the trashcan.
"Everyone leave us." Percy's voice is soft, but there is an unmistakable command in it.
The buzzing of the infirmary hushes as people file out and Will gently clicks the door behind him.
"I didn't meant to distract him," Jason cries.
The Son of Poseidon clasps their hands together and looks into him, "I know Jase. I know."
He breaks down, sobs wracking his aching body. He can't even keep his head up. And the tears are ever flowing. He can't breathe, he can't breathe, he can't do this.
Percy hops onto the bed and takes him into his arms. They sit there for many moments, the sound of his crying disrupting every inch of the silence.
"I can't do this anymore Percy."
He feels the demigod stiffen and he's afraid he said too much, has pushed another person away. But then his head is being tilted up by a soft hand and he's looking into oceans.
"Tell me what's wrong."
"There is no-one left and I cannot do this alone."
Something sparks in those emerald green eyes.
"You have never been alone Jason Grace. When the world is dust and the gods can once again become mortal, you will find that only one thing still exists."
"What— what is that?" He hiccups.
"Love. You cannot be alone if you have love."
His eyes pool with tears, fall to the floor, "Lies. There is no love."
"You have forgotten my friend what it feels like. And that is no one's fault but ours. We should have been there. Should have helped you, seen the signs. I should have known."
"Why you?"
"Because I know what it's like to have everything you've never wanted and bear the burden anyway. And when I left I added to yours. I'm sorry for that. I got selfish, wanted to know what it was like to live. But that meant you suffered."
"It's not your fault. I just thought I was stronger than I am."
"You are strong. You are so strong because you are still here. You took the nature of the gods and made it your own. Took the burden of everyone in these camps and carried it on your shoulders."
"Thank you," He mumbles, getting lost in the seas, "For saying that. When did you get so philosophical and wise?"
Percy cracks a grin at that, "After Tartarus I started going to therapy. I think you should too."
He mulls it over, flips the idea around in his mind, "Okay."
"And maybe..." The black haired boy pauses, "Maybe you should come with me to Montauk for the winter holidays. I think you could use a break from all the hero stuff."
"Really?" His eyes widen, staring at his friend.
"Really. Annabeth is in Cali to spend time with her dad and my mom and Paul are just going to spend some time at home with Estelle. I could use company."
"Won't you dad like blast me for being in his territory?"
"I'll talk to him," He smirked.
"Okay. That would be great!"
Percy gives him another squeeze and then jumps to the floor.
"Rest easy Grace."
"Jackson," He stops the demigod in his tracks, "Thank you for this. I needed it."
"We are alive Grace, and we are enough." Those green eyes are intense, filled with emotion. "Remember that."
Jason nods and when he finally succumbs to sleep once more, his soul takes a deep breathe and exhales a new beginning.
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