#i dunno that just seems like the kind of slightly annoying design decision that a late 00s ds game would have made hsnbkjndhfhnjj
zosonils · 1 year
Wait, no, actually, tell me about the Scribblenauts timeline. I must be real... I like it too. I love unifying timelines where things seemingly just happen, tell us!
scribblenauts fans rise up >:] to be clear this isn't an attempt to sort out the canon timeline [although if you asked i'd guess unlimited > scribblenauts > super > unmasked based on the few splinters of plot we get] but rather taking inspiration from the scraps of story available to build something new and coherent, although at this stage 'coherent' isn't super accurate lmao it's just islands of solid ideas amidst a sea of autism nonsense
basically i'm deciding that the doppelganger's presence in 10-5 of super counts as a plot and slapping that on top of the more consistently defined world and lore of unlimited and onwards [so kind of what unmasked and the subsequent comic did but batman isn't there], with an added sprinkle of the 'scribblenauts being an actual organisation that maxwell is involved in' thing that never made it past background details in the first game. while unlimited arguably has the most iconic and/or existent plot and for sure i want lily to be a deutragonist i'm not sure how much of it i'll retain because 1. turning your daughter into stone is bad parenting 2. let her tag along and be an actual character instead of a literal rock you cowards and 3. the more super-inspired storyline i have in mind with the doppelganger is probably enough to carry the emotional intensity of a mostly lighthearted story by itself and i don't want to bog things down with too many subplots lol
i'm absolutely reading too deep into this kiddie game but i think the doppelganger as an antagonist of maxwell's own creation reflecting all his worst traits would be super interesting in an environment that puts more consistent and deliberate thought into character writing, so that's the idea i'm basing this autism-powered rehash on. i don't think it's ever actually specified but when i was a little sporelet playing scribblenauts unlimited for the first time i somehow got the impression that starites grant wishes? which is cute so i'm using that as maxwell's motivation to join the scribblenauts and seek them out, that he wants to collect enough to wish for something cool and superficial that a 12ish [?????] year old kid would want. but then after lots of adventures and character development when he's in the dramatic final confrontation with his doppelganger and has matured enough to see him as a distressed kid in uniquely terrifying circumstances rather than just an annoying knockoff he instead uses his wish on giving doppelganger the chance to be a normal kid with a normal life because he wants to make kind decisions now. then i guess they all go home and nobody dies in a scripted ufo explosion
this post is getting toooooo long so i'm gonna try and wrap it up now but god i already have so many ideas rattling around my head for an autism reawakening that could be over in a week lmao. now i'm even sadder that my computer is busted because i want to replay unlimited and refresh my lore so badly..... there's a fandom page [breezewiki sweep though] for the series which has helped refresh my memory but none of the sources are cited it's a nightmare. what do you mean maxwell and lily are twins for the love of god give me a single screenshot or manual scan that mentions this
also i didn't have a good place to insert this but even though edgar and julie having 42 kids is obviously a Silly Joke and excuse to give unlimited some unique characters i am choosing to interpret it as them being experienced foster carers. i don't care to sort through every single character and decide which if any are biologically related to each other lmao but adopted/foster families are swag as hell and there should be more of them in media! it also adds a nice layer to the doppelganger plot - maxwell is more willing to reach out to him because he's seen 'angry bitter kid who will only get better with kindness' in a lot of his brothers and maybe himself, and it gives doppelganger an easy place to go for his happy ending because maxwell's parents are experts at taking in kids like him. didn't want to end this post without mentioning this because i'm already suuuper attached to the concept
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murasaki-murasame · 4 years
On the one hand, we’re getting Ilia in the next banner as part of a prize showcase that’d be worth summoning on just for the extra rewards alone, but on the OTHER hand, I didn’t manage to get Gala Zena from any of the free summons, and then the worms in my brain went brrr and I think we all know what happened next :)
Also now that I’ve had time to experience the 2.0 update for a week or so, I’ve got a lot of thoughts on that to talk about too
First of all, I got absolutely no 5-stars of any kind from my free summons on the gala banner we got before the Zena banner, so that sucked, lol. I was genuinely tempted to at least go for a pity-break, but I decided against it, since that banner in general was so unappealing to me.
Then for the Zena banner I at least managed to sit back and see how the free summons went, and I got Meene and Midgard Zero off of them, which was nice. But of course that meant that I didn’t get Gala Zena, and I just couldn’t hold myself back from chasing her, lol.
Thankfully I managed to get her after an extra 70-ish summons, so I didn’t have to spend THAT much to get her, but I almost immediately got a dupe Meene from my ticket summons so that kinda hurt, lmao. I also got a dupe Andromeda [who’s now at 3UB], and I think those are the only 5-stars that I’ve gotten from these last two banners. The 5-star dragon ticket from the log-in bonus gave me a dupe Gilgamesh [who’s at 1UB now], though.
In general my summons were a bit more barren than I’d like, but I can’t really complain since most of them were free summons, and I managed to clear out the whole Zena banner, lol.
If I remember right, I had about 270 summons before this, and now I’m at around 200. We’ve still got some anniversary related wyrmite coming in the near future, though, on top of the free summons, so I might still be able to spark on the mid-month gala remix banner if I want to. But I’d probably only do that if Gala Alex is featured and I don’t get her from my free summons. She’s now the only gala unit I’m missing, so she’s a pretty high-priority spark target.
Which is also a big part of why I’m not really that interested in summoning on the Ilia banner, and by extension why I decided to go ahead and chase Zena now. I mean, that was still a dumb decision since if I ended up needing to spark her, that would have drained my entire stash, but still, lol. Ilia’s non-limited, and she seems to be the only new unit on the next banner, so if anything I’d mainly just be summoning for the extra rewards. Also I don’t really have any high-priority dream summon candidates anymore, since I got I-Nefaria and S-Mikoto a little while ago, and I got Meene from this banner, so I could just dream summon Ilia later on anyway.
But mainly I’m just kinda salty about how she’s basically a direct improvement over the new Joe alt, lol. I was hoping she’d at least be flame or wind or something, or even have a different mode type, but she’s literally just Joe but better, which is lame, since I really like Joe, and even if I got Ilia I dunno if I’d want to replace him on my light team. So that on it’s own kinda deflated a lot of the hype I had about Ilia.
Anyway, at this point my main priorities are to be able to get Gala Alex whenever she’s available again, and to hopefully get any new gala dragons when they come out. I’d also really like to go into the New Years banner with a spark saved up, just in case. Even though that’d probably require skipping Christmas. So we’ll just see how that pans out, lol.
All that aside, the 2.0 update has been out for a while now, and boy has that sure changed how the game feels, lmao. I think it’s an almost entirely good update, but there’s a lot of awkward growing pains going on as we have to adjust to all these new and changed systems.
I know that the new wyrmprint system gives us more flexbility than the old one, and that it at least gives a reason to want to use a lot of the 4-star prints, but I really hope they implement some sort of preset option soon, because having to keep setting up 4-5 wyrmprints on every single character is really awful. I’m also not a huge fan of how expensive it is to get extra copies of prints, but I get the logic behind it, and thankfully event prints are extremely cheap to get extra copies of. Which at least means that new players can pretty easily get four copies of Plunder Pals before eventually getting specialized skill damage prints, but I feel kinda bad for anyone who didn’t get all the Megaman event prints, since they cover basically every single important wyrmprint ability, lol. 
Also it’s kinda awkward how the change to having every print just give one ability means that a lot of prints got indirectly nerfed, like Fires of Hate and Resounding Rendition, or Chocolatiers now just being 50% skill prep. Not to mention how so many prints are almost identical, down to the fact that even the affinity bonuses for a lot of similar prints aren’t even different either. So that’s kinda weird. But ultimately I do think this was a good change for the game. I’m also thinking now that one type of new endgame progression they might add eventually is 6-star wyrmprints, since it seems really noteworthy to me that the new wyrmprint UI is a 2x3 grid with only five slots taken up, and the other just being empty space. So they might introduce 6-star wyrmprints to fill in that extra slot later to add even more flexibility to the system.
Then there’s all the changes they made to the weapon system, which I think are gonna take a fair while for me to feel truly familiar with. There’s a whole lot to take in, and even though I think it’s more streamlined and easy to understand at the end of the day, it’s such a huge change from what i was used to that it just feels kinda overwhelming and strange. But I think the only part of it that genuinely feels bad is how it’s now WAY more expensive to fully unbind Agito weapons than it was before, since you have to now buy all of the last four unbind levels, like with HDT weapons, instead of it just being a one-time upgrade cost that gives you an automatically MUB tier 2 weapon if you had a MUB tier 1 weapon. So that really sucks, and I think it really screws over anyone who was holding off on upgrading their flame and shadow Agito weapons until this update hit, since now it’s extremely expensive compared to before. But apparently it’s an intentional design choice and not just an oversight, so I guess we’ll just have to deal with it. I'm also kinda annoyed at myself for dismantling all my 5t3s before this update hit, since now they’re actually worth getting for the weapon bonus system, but that’s not as big of a deal.
And on that note, I know lots of people don’t like how expensive the weapon bonus system is, but I’m just viewing it as a super long-term, end-game grind that intentionally gives relatively minor stat upgrades that nothing in the game is actually balanced around. It’s basically just an extension of the weapon dojo system for people who want to have something to keep grinding for once they hit the end-game.
I do really like how they condensed all the niche void weapons into just one weapon per element/type combo, though, and how their unique weapon abilities are now passively applied to all similar weapons once you unlock them. It gives you a reason to care about getting them, and grinding void battles in general, without forcing you to use super weak weapons if you need their unique ability. I dunno how much I’ll actually grind Void Agni after this, but it feels really nice to just have the scorching air res ability on my Agito/HDT weapons, lol. It’s also really nice that they let you do the same thing with the HDT Bane abilities, since that makes it way easier to grind them, and this update gives us a whole lot of reasons to want to get back into grinding HDTs again.
HDTs are just way easier now than they used to be, which is great. I think Cygames has accepted that they just weren’t very fun or well-designed as endgame co-op raid type content, and that people just want to be able to farm them solo for their drops. And this whole update makes it way easier to do that. On top of the earlier change to nerfing their opening blasts and reducing the damage that AI characters take, it feels like they only slightly raised their stats to compensate for the huge balance patch update, which makes them feel way easier to beat than they used to be. And they also reworked the fights a bit so that they actually have purple indicators for [most] of their attacks, and some mechanics like HBH’s volcanoes now actually work properly in solo, so that’s neat.
The introduction of solo versions of endgame fights is really nice. I think at this point it means that you can go through the entire game’s progression system without touching co-op [outside of events, I guess], which is nice, since I know it’s always been off-putting to a lot of people that co-op is basically mandatory for endgame content.
We also now have PVP [kind of], which is something I never expected, and I ALSO never expected that it’d actually be . . . really fun and well-balanced? It’s genuinely shocking to me that they actually managed to pull off PVP properly in this type of game, lol. This has always felt like the most anti-PVP gacha game out there, if that makes sense, so I never thought PVP would work, but the whole battle royale set-up actually works really well. Mainly because everyone works off of the same blank slate, and your account progress outside of the battle royale mode has absolutely no impact on how strong you are in PVP. It’s more of a skill-based thing, where you’d have an edge over newer players just because you’re more familiar with how to move around in the game and do stuff. There’s also the fact that there’s barely any difference in the points you get between first and last place, so you don’t feel like you’re missing out on much if you keep losing. And most of the stuff you spend points on are just cosmetic skins for the character you play as, but there’s also some genuinely good rewards like sunstones and testaments that you can fairly easily get even if you just grind for it by dying as fast as possible every round. I really hope they keep the rewards the same for each season, since having a fairly consistent supply of 2 sunstones and 4 of each testament every five weeks or so would be really good.
The whole balance patch also happened, and that ended up being a lot more of a big deal than I thought it might be. Even though they only tweaked everyone’s damage mods and not any of their abilities or anything, basically all of the buffs feel like what you’d expect from a mana spiral. A pretty huge amount of characters got their damage mods doubled or even tripled, and then there’s cases like Gala Euden who effectively had both of his skill’s damage mods quadrupled, lol. I was wondering if they might use this as a chance to effectively give mana spirals to old gala units without actually giving them mana spirals, and that’s basically how this went. On top of Gala Euden now being even stronger than before, Gala Mym got basically all of her damage mods doubled, along with a new strength buff on her S1. Gala Sarisse also got her S2 improved so that it always gives a team strength buff instead of alternating effects. And Gala Ranzal got what seems to be a really big improvement to his damage in general, along with his gauges now being easier to fill, so now I think he might at least be on the same level as Leif, if not stronger, which he really deserved.
They even buffed a lot of the weaker shadow units, which I wasn’t expecting, but I’m glad about it. Obviously Norwin was one of the first units whose changes I looked into, and I’m glad that he’s better than he used to be, but it’s kinda awkward to me that he has poison punisher effects on his skills now, when they didn’t change the fact that he has a blind punisher ability, and another ability based around inflicting blind. I think he still needs a proper spiral to fully morph him into actually being about poison, but he’s a lot better than he was before. They also buffed S-Norwin’s S2 for some reason, even though he was really good before this update, lol.
Vice also now has the honor of being the first unit to get straight up nerfed in the game’s history, but even with the nerf, I think he’s still one of the strongest 3-stars in the whole game, and he’s still worth investing in as a low-budget DPS option. I also actually like the fact that he inflicts poison on his S1 now, since it makes him a more consistent source of poison, but it also means he’ll be constantly afflicting poison, which might not always be good. I think it’s a good balance change, though. At the very least I’m able to easily solo eHJP in like one and a half minutes while still using him as my main DPS unit, while also having everyone equipped with gold fafnirs. So he definitely still does his job just fine.
Anyway, we’ve also got the whole second anniversary event going on, and it sure is a doozy. I think I liked Fractured Futures more, but this is still a good event in it’s own way. It’s not as intense or depressing, but I like the focus on lore and world-building, and it’s also just really refreshing to get an entire event where Zethia’s the protagonist for once.
A lot of what the event’s gone over has felt sort of predictable, but it’s still nice to get all this stuff explicitly spelled out, and it also means we get to see Ilia as a socially inept punk biker with a giant rifle, so that alone makes the entire event worth it, lmao. I figured we were gonna get something like this from all the increasing glimpses at how ancient civilization used to be technologically advanced, but seeing it play out like this is still really fun.
It’s also interesting to get the origin story for Morsayati. It’s not quite as interesting as I would have hoped, since it turns out that the Other is just Mordecai’s disembodied hatred, but still. Mordecai’s a surprisingly adorable character, and for a free unit he also feels surprisingly strong, which is nice. Although it does suck that he just straight up outclasses Hanabusa, lol.
One of the more surprising things about this event is that we’re also getting new world-building about the fairy kingdom, which seems to be setting up for how they teased at the main story moving over there soon. It’s pretty clear that sometime after chapter 18 they’re going to release Notte as a playable character [either as a welfare unit or as a gala unit], and I think Meene is kinda like the template for how they’ll handle Notte as a playable character.
We also now know that we’re getting a free character from chapter 16, and like most people I think it’s probably going to be Leonidas as a flame gun unit going by the preview from the digest, but it’s possible that he’ll be the next gala adventurer instead. I also think they might do something with Chelle soon, since I think they teased her showing up in chapter 17, and we also know that she’s apparently the one who introduced manacasters to the world.
The latest This Month post also talked about how we’re getting a new Halloween event for the middle of the month, which is kinda surprising. I think we’re still getting a Halloween event at the end of the month, so I wonder how this upcoming one will go. My current guess is that, since they didn’t say anything about the banner that’ll be run along with it, they’ll just be rerunning the old Halloween banner for it, and the event itself will just be based around the second year Halloween units, since they didn’t get their own event last year. At least that way we’d get two new Halloween events without having to deal with the stress of getting two differently entirely new Halloween banners in one month. I’m also hoping that they make the old Halloween units non-limited like they did with the Valentines ones.
They’re also apparently going another rerun of Accursed Archives [plus the Akasha event], which is kinda surprising, since I thought they’d just add it to the compendium. But at least this means we’ll get an extra set of rewards once they add it to the compendium later, lol.
We didn’t hear anything about a new Halloween event/banner at the end of the month, but we’re probably getting one, and unless Gala Alex gets featured before it, that’ll probably be what I save my next spark for. I’m not sure exactly how they’ll work it now, but I’m hoping that they’ll bundle the new Halloween units into a gala banner that also introduces a new gala dragon, since that’s also something I want to get, so it’d be nice to knock out two birds with one stone.
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Marry Me (Part 4)
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Ricky Horror x Reader
Warnings: Language
You admire your ring where you sit at the desk in your shop. It sparkles, and is pretty noticeable on your finger, which you like.
He did good.
You purse your lips thoughtfully, wondering when the shit is really going to hit the fan. So far social media hasn't exploded, no one recognized Ricky at the restaurant, and none of your mechanics have made any comments about the rock on your finger.
You don't see how, you feel like it's huge, the first thing anyone will notice because it's so new.
You tilt your fingers as you look at it, letting the lights hit the diamonds. He probably paid a pretty penny for it, and that's more than what you expected; you almost figured he'd get a ring out of a vending machine as a joke.
So you're pretty pleased.
Hopefully he can still take it back when everything is over.
You glance over as your phone buzzes, and you sigh as you see his name. Hopefully he's calling with good news, like maybe you can actually move this wedding business along already.
"Hey." You shuffle, pressing the phone between your ear and shoulder as you pick up a pen, twirling it between your fingers.
"Hey. So I told Ryan."
Your chest clenches. "About last night?"
"And?" Can't he spit it out!? Does Ryan approve? You're sort of basing everyone's reaction on his, so you hope it was positive.
"I mean, he was pretty floored." Ricky sighs, sounding tired. "Didn't expect it. He thought I was just asking you out officially, not asking you to marry me."
"He asked if I was pregnant, right?"
"... maybe."
You chuckle, amused at the reluctance in his voice to admit you were right. "I told you that would be his first thought. So is he okay with it?"
"Doesn't really have a choice but to be, but I mean he didn't throw you under the bus or anything."
That's good. "Is he cool with being the best man?"
"Seems that way. You're gonna have a maid of honor right?"
"Well, I have one in mind. Do you think Devin looks good in purple?" You tease, and you can practically see Ricky roll his eyes over the phone.
"Hilarious. Truly. I'm dying." He mumbles sarcastically, which only makes you grin. "But I'm telling the guys all tonight, Devin is still in town because of Joshs grand opening, so I'm getting everyone together. Are you going to tell your family?"
Right, er, your family.
Your one aunt and cousins.
"I guess so. I was just waiting to see what you wanted to do. So you're telling the guys and then what? Do we just have a wedding?"
"Basically, I guess."
"You're not doing the social media thing?"
"I dunno. I don't want to overkill it, I guess. Make it seem like a show. If it gets out, then so be it. But I don't really want to post about it."
Fair enough, that doesn't really matter to you.
"Alright. So I can go ahead with the wedding plans?"
"... yeah."
"Don't sound so glum, Ricky, this is going to be fun."
"Why do women always say that?" He sighs dramatically. "Fun is equal to complete torture."
"Ahuh. Well suck it up. We have a lot to do in a month you know. I have to find a venue to get booked, find a dress and you a tux, go cake tasting ---."
"Cake... tasting?"
"Of course! We have to have a wedding cake!"
"Is that expensive?"
" I'm just kidding," he chuckles. "I told you you could do whatever. You wanted pigeons and rainbows and all that."
"Doves, Ricky, doves. Pay attention, would you? Do you need me to write you a list?"
"Uh, no."
You smirk, leaning back in your chair.
You're going to have so much fun with this.
"Anyhow. I've already called the bakery in town and they can get us in tomorrow at noon to taste cake." You twist the pen between your fingers thoughtfully, gazing at nothing in particular. "Don't bail, this is important. Piss me off and I'll make sure it's made of pizza."
You know he rolls his eyes this time.
Well, telling the guys was memorable. Ricky almost wishes he'd taken a picture at this point, just so he can never forget their faces. Everyone had been floored, and there was a full minute of awkward silence where everyone but Ryan waited for him to state it was a joke.
He wasn't joking.
Chris had actually seemed concerned, like Ricky wasn't making a completely rash decision out of stupidity. Ricky of course can't explain his reasoning, so he's given the lame you're just so in love with each other this is what you want excuse.
Honestly, he doesn't think the guys are buying it, but that's fine. When he gets fair custody of Chloe, he can explain what's going on to them, but he's not going to fuck everything up by saying anything just yet.
"Do you want white icing or what?"
"Huh?" Ricky blinks, brought out of his reverie by your excited voice. His head slowly swivels to where you're sitting beside him on the sofa, your legs criss-cross and a bunch of pamphlets open in your lap. You'd dropped by unexpectedly with an arm load and basically not given him a choice but to look at it.
Ryan isn't home, so Ricky can actually relax right now. He doesn't have to put on a show, force some affectionate gesture towards you or the like, you can just be normal again. He's glad it didn't get awkward after that impromptu kiss from the other night, especially since he hadn't even been prepped for it.
Of course, he's going to have to be, isn't he? Couples kiss, and it's not like your lips hadn't been soft and warm against his.
"White icing?" You flail a paper at him, and he reluctantly takes it, seeing different flavors of icing on the smooth paper, also displaying the different types of cakes. "Yes or no? Are you allergic to anything?"
"Not that I know of." He mumbles, the ink on his fingers seeming darker as he holds the papers. He squints slightly, blinking as you hand him more to read.
"Good. Now what kind of style cake do we want? Three tier? One big one? I kind of like the stacked look, we can even get one of those ironic bridegroom things on top!" You can't help the excitement in your voice, an image already in your head about how you want the cake to look. "And what about the catering? We could get the Italian restaurant for some, mainly the appetizers."
The more you speak, the more Ricky sees dollar signs.
By the time Ryan gets home, you have the pamphlets spread out all over their coffee table, you and Ricky sitting in the floor in front of it. You're talking, holding three in your hand and asking him to pick already, that those are the ones you need to call in the morning and let the baker know you're sampling.
Ricky looks torn between panicked and sick.
"I just --- I don't know," he shuffles uncomfortably. "You want strawberries, right?"
"Yes, it can be one of the desserts. But what do you want the cake to taste like?"
".... Cake?"
You groan in frustration, starting to get irritated. It's just a simple thing to pick!
"Uh, what happened to our living room?" Ryan blinks where he stands in the doorway, his hands slipping into his pockets. "What the hell are you guys doing?"
"I'm trying to decide on a cake," you say impatiently, twisting on your knees to look at him over your shoulder. "Chocolate or white?"
"For what?"
"For the type of cake!"
"Uh, white."
"Thank you!" you huff, tossing one pamphlet away completely. Now just two left. "Now, what do we want the cake to look like? Three tier, no cute bridal ornament ---," Ricky had vetoed that pretty immediately, something about "tacky." You feel the same so you’re not upset about it.  "How do you want it to look? I know you don't want just a white cake with all girly designs."
You're trying to be fair here.
Ricky sighs.
"Why don't we talk it over with the baker tomorrow, alright? We've decided the basics, haven't we?"
"Well, for the cake. But we haven't talked about the rest of the food, or even where we're going to have the wedding! And since it's so soon, we need to find out who can marry us, get the dress and you a tux, and ---." You stop, seeing the overwhelmed and slightly frightened look on your new fiance's face with a sigh.
So basically you're doing everything yourself, aren't you?
My life savings, is all Ricky thinks.
"Don't worry about it," you finally mutter, starting to gather all of your papers together. "I'll get it all figured out by myself, I guess."
"(Y/N) ---."
"No, no, don't worry about. If you had your way, I'm sure we'd just have coffee to drink and a fondu fountain of creamer," you huff, finally getting to your feet, your legs tingling from kneeling so long. You're a little annoyed he's not at least acting like he's interested --- he just looks completely freaked out! You're starting to wonder if you won't get to the day of the wedding and he'll not be there, that he'll embarrass you and leave you waiting at the altar.
You'll never forgive him if he does.
Ryan casually strolls his ass out of the line of fire.
"(Y/N), come on, don't be like that. I just... all of this is a little much, isn't it? I mean, I get the cake and all that, but there's so many... options." He looks around a little helplessly. "Why so many options?"
"Don't be a baby, it's just cake."
Cake that costs almost a hundred dollars!
"I know. But then what? Outfits?"
"Well, yes. I need a wedding dress, you need a tux --- and not one of your concert outfits either!"
Ricky looks miffed. He wouldn't use one of his outfits. "I know that."
"It's not like I'm asking a lot out of you, Ricky." You finally huff, crossing your arms indignantly as you glare at him. He asked you first, he involved you --- he can't be such a little bitch about it now! You have way too much you have to get done in a short amount of time, and you're already having to neglect your shop a little to do so! Your guys of course fervently congratulated you for your impending marriage --- if not all looking completely confused as hell.
And of course they're all coming to the wedding, although you haven't mentioned that fact to your future husband yet; it's not like you have a lot of family to sit in the pews.
Speaking of which.
"Do you want a church or the outdoors?" You ask after a moment, thoughtlessly changing topics as you tap the papers against your arm.
"A church?" The blue eyed man sends you a skeptical look. "I mean, a church? Neither of us are religious."
"But churches are pretty and it's not like you're going to burst into flames by just stepping into one. I know a cute one just out of town that will probably host us, and we can use their reception hall for afterwards." You say, brightening; that would make things easier! "I'm working on the pastors car this week, so maybe I can even get him to agree to marry us if I discount his repair!"
Oh jeez.
"Are you seriously going to bribe a priest?" Should Ricky be proud or horrified you'd go to that level?
You give him a grin. "I dunno, think if I throw in an extra fifty he'd wear the Frank N. Furter outfit?"
Fuck, you're both going to hell, aren't you?
The cake is disappointing.
You're not sure if it's because it's incredibly too dry, you're just not into tasting cake, or that Ricky fucking didn't show up! You sigh where you sit at the little white clothed table in the bakery, poking at your cake options with your fork. Your engagement ring is glittering on your finger, and although the baker is all bright and bubbly and waving a few more cake options in front of you, you're a little bummed.
You know Ricky had to pick Chloe up today since school was closing early, so he'd already mentioned he would be a few minutes late.
Well, now it's an hour.
"I'm sure he's going to show up, dear." Margerie the baker says, lightly sitting down in front of you. You don't know her, the town is large enough where no one knows everyone, which is one of the things you like about it. You just shrug your shoulders at her, picking at the tablecloth a little.
"I like the white cake the best," you say after a moment, nudging it with your fork. "But I'm not sure on the icing. His daughter is allergic to nuts, so I want to stay away from anything like that." Well, Chloe has a mild allergy, not so severe she'd die, but enough where she gets a hard time breathing and you don't want that. So, no peanut butter, or cashews, when that child is staying with you.
"Of course! Is there any design you're wanting?"
"The three tier, for sure." You bob your head, looking over at the book she has laid out on the table with pictures of her creations. "I definitely like how this one towers upward, but I want to make sure it's easy to cut so we don't mess it up."
"I can always do different colors, as well. Perhaps one side of the cake one design, the other something different?"
You purse your lips. Ricky might go for that.
Your head turns as you hear the bell above the door ding, and you relax a little.
"Hi, (Y/N!)" Chloe gasps as she bursts through the bakery door in a little white dress with red strawberries printed on it. You smile, opening your arms as she barrels into you, her eyes lighting immediately on the different flavors of cake. She boldly pulls herself up into your lap as if it's the most natural gesture in the world, looking at the different options before her.
Ricky trails behind her wearily, looking a little stressed and more than ready for the day to be over. He just mumbles an apology for being late as he sits down in the chair beside you, running a hand through his dark hair.
The baker raises a brow, but doesn't comment.
You know, you get it. You don't exactly match as a couple.
Ricky is all tats, and from his fingers to his toes he doesn't really look like someone you'd casually greet on the street, or to have a little girl holding his hand so happily. Chloe doesn't think twice about his appearance, to her, that's just her father, and you sort of admire how she doesn't place any bearings on appearances.
Although she is starting to get a little heavy in your lap.
"What's this one?" Chloe asks, taking up your fork and poking at the cake you'd been sampling.
"French vanilla," you lean back in your chair, not saying a word as the little girl samples it.
"Eh, it's so sweet! What's this one?"
"Honey cake." The baker says, looking amused.
At least Chloe is interested in cake sampling!
You glance at Ricky beneath your lashes, seeing his withdrawn expression. He usually only looks that way after he's had a fight with Claire, so you can only imagine what picking Chloe up must have been like. Did they have an argument? What's going on now? Surely news hasn't gotten back to his ex just yet?
It's only been a few days!
Has anyone told Chloe?
You wonder how she'll react.
"Okay, so what's your favorite?" You ask the little girl in your lap, shuffling slightly.
"I like the plain vanilla, but I like this icing!"
"It's whipped buttercream."
Lots of vanilla, huh? Lots of white.
"Ricky, try some and see what you think," you say after a moment, cutting your eyes at him; you'd viewed this going a little differently in your head, he could at least go along with it. He looks like he's going to decline, except Chloe turns with those bright, matching eyes of hers and offers him a nice sized bite of cake with a hopeful expression.
"Yeah, Daddy! Try it! This one is my favorite!"
He hesitates, but relents, mumbling an okay before obediently opening his lips. He makes an approving sound, but you know he's liking the chocolate torte cake more than anything else once he really starts trying them.
You relax a little, settling in your chair. Chloe seems perfectly content in your lap, seeming to enjoy herself a chat with the baker, who immediately has fallen head over heels for the small child; it's not a very hard thing to do.
You absently straighten the white bow in the back of her dark hair, she hardly noticing. She's used to you, very comfortable, so maybe that means that she'll be okay with you marrying her father? Will she even understand what that means? She's still so young, and there's no telling what she's going to overhear Claire start saying when the news really gets out.
You can only imagine the bomb that's going to be.
Hell, you're still not so sure about it yourself!
"So white cake with white frosting?" The baker asks after a moment as Chloe innocently declares this is the cake the two of you should get for your "party."
Oh jeez.
"That's good with me." You smile, and Ricky just nods his head; why is he so distracted, so quiet?
What happened?
"Chloe, why don't you go wash your hands, and we'll go get some non-sweet food, okay?" You say lightly as the baker begins gathering the plates. Chloe just chirps an okay before she starts for the bathroom, skipping her way towards it.
"Alright, asshole, what's going on?" You hiss softly under your breath, swiveling abruptly in your chair and glaring at the black haired man behind you so fervently he looks startled. "Why were you so late?"
"I ---." His eyes flick towards the half open bathroom door as the sink turns on. The baker has hastily departed towards the counter, turning her back so the two of you have at least the appearance of privacy. "I had to pick up Chloe from Claire, and she already knows about us."
"What!? How?" You're honestly not sure if you're surprised or not. But who told her?
"I honestly don't know." He runs a weary hand through his hair. "But she tore me a new asshole, that's for sure. I don't know how much of it Chloe heard."
What a bitch.
You huff, propping your chin in your hand. "What all did she say?"
"I'll tell you later. You coming over tonight?"
"I didn't really plan on it." You have to work this afternoon, you're going to be tired and covered in grease. You like a hot shower and time to relax after a day like that.
Ricky squirms. "I'll put Chloe to bed tonight and then slip over. I just don't want her overhearing."
Inviting himself to your place? You purse your lips, but he might as well; he might be backing out after the fight with Claire, so at least you'll know tonight before you really get started on the wedding business.
"Alright. But bring breadsticks."
"Ricky, you're making me nervous. What's going on?" You ask nervously. You're standing in your apartment above your shop. It's late, nearly midnight, you're tired and you've yet to have a shower. You'd stayed over several hours working on a car that your adventures with Ricky are putting you behind on, and the owner is expecting it by tomorrow afternoon!
Ricky sighs, finally stopping his pacing back and forth in front of your patched sofa. You look more like what he's used too, dressed in that awful, black-streaked jumpsuit with splotches of grease or something on your hands or arms. Your hair is in a knot on the back of your head, and you look as tired as you sounds, he almost feels guilty for coming over so late.
"So, I picked Chloe up from school today, from Claire."
"The evil witch of the west, yeah. And?"
"And she already knows we're getting married... soon. She was super fucking pissed at me because I didn't consult her first," he practically spits the word, as if it leaves a bad taste in his mouth. "Like she has any fucking say in what I do with my life now!"
"Did she pitch a fit?" How the hell did that woman know?
"A mild one compared to her usual. Chloe was already in my car, so Claire kept her voice down, but I'm not sure what she heard," he sounds as weary as you feel, slowly sinking down onto the edge of the sofa arm. "She was upset I didn't tell her first, as the mother of my child, like I owe her something."
"She is the one who broke up with you first, right? She kind of lost all claim then." you snort, your hands on your hips. "Just because she had a kid with you doesn't mean she owns you for the rest of your life."
"No, just a thousand more years."
"I mean, she was going to find out anyway," you offer after a moment, taking a few steps toward him.
Your apartment isn't huge, but it's a decent size. You enter through the office in the shop, go up a flight of stairs where you enter the kitchen. It has ancient, yellow tiles, but it's big enough where it doesn't feel cramped. The fridge is as old as you are, but it does its job, and it's not like you use anything other than it and the microwave on the counter beside it. Your table is old and a little scratched up, but it's got history, and your wallpaper is, admittedly, in need of a good... dusting. Still, it's your home, and you can't imagine it any other way; you're still not quite sure how you're going to feel with Ricky and Chloe both crashing in it sometimes.
What if Chloe doesn't like it? She's never been to your place.
"Yeah, but I didn't figure so soon."
"Well, it doesn't matter now. We're still having our wedding." You frown, crossing your arms. You're not exactly sure what you're supposed to say here. "Chloe can even be the flower girl. Or hell, she can be the maid of honor!" You don't care. "But, Ricky, it doesn't matter. Whatever Claire said to try to tear you down, it's just because she's an asshole."
Well, Ricky won't disagree there.
"She said she wasn't surprised, that she figured we'd been fucking around the entire time anyhow." He mumbles, and he sees you straighten slightly, as if you're offended. "I guess everyone sort of did anyway, huh?"
"Well, I don't know. But Claire's a bitch who tries to ruin everything, and her only good moments are when she's not around, so," you shrug your shoulders, refusing to let his ex ruin everything; you're already planning on getting your dress the upcoming weekend, so you're just a teeny bit excited about that. "I don't care what she said, and neither should you." You tap him lightly on the shoulder, his blue eyes finally flicking over to yours. "It's your life, isn't it? I know our wedding isn't as legit as everyone thinks it is, but if we were getting married under different circumstances, I would hope you still wouldn't have second thoughts just because of her."
"No, the only thoughts I have of her are regret." He mutters, looking down at his fingers. "I used to wish we hadn't had a kid together, just so we wouldn't be tied to each other. But I don't know what I would do if I didn't have Chloe now."
Having a kid changes everything, even the way you think about things.
"It's okay." You squeeze his shoulder, not quite sure what else you're supposed to do; when it gets to being all sentimental and emotional, you're not very good. You'd rather, well, change the subject.
"Ricky, there is something we need to talk about."
"Yeah?" He glances at you, and you can see his guard rising already; he doesn't have to look so apprehensive!
"Well," your hands return to your hips, which Ricky has learned is pretty much your "I'm about to tell you something you might not like to hear" pose. "You know we're going to have to start being more affectionate, right?"
"Oh, yeah, I figured. Nice kiss the other night. You made it seem pretty real."
"Thanks," you smile slightly, pleased. "I tried. But, that does mean we're going to have to start doing it in public. And you can't cringe."
"I don't cringe."
"You tense up." You quirk a brow at him, refusing to let him sulk or mumble his way out of the conversation. "You're not relaxed, and that makes it pretty obvious you don't want to be kissing me."
"It's not --- okay, don't say it like that," He sounds slightly exasperated as he pushes to his feet, flushing. "I was just surprised, okay? I didn't expect it."
"Well, it seemed like the most natural thing to do, don't you think?"
"Well, yeah." He awkwardly rubs the back of his head. "It was."
"So, I mean, we're going to have to kiss on our wedding day. Like, with our lips."
"I know that."
"So then don't be a little bitch about it! Kiss me."
"I will, I will!" He huffs, growing embarrassed; why are you making such a big deal out of this right now?
"No, Ricky, I'm serious. That's what's going to fuck up this entire thing. You, sir, definitely need to relax more." You poke his shoulder playfully, hoping to lighten the mood a little. "I'm not asking you to make out with me, and we only have to do it in public, but I do think I'm a pretty good kisser for the most part. Don't ruin my ego."
He doesn't disagree. "I won't, don't worry. I was just surprised."
"Ahuh. Well, I'm going to do it when you least expect it," you decide, reaching up to tug your hair free of its bindings. Ricky watches as it tumbles down around your shoulders absently, shifting as you walk past him towards the hallway. "I'll shock you and you better kiss me back."
He can't believe he's having this conversation with you, he feels foolish.
"I think you're making this out to be a bigger deal then what it really is."
"Yeah, I don't think so. You realize you look like you're about to faint any time we start talking about the wedding, right?" You've been meaning to bring this up but you haven't had the opportunity. You sit down in your arm chair, reaching down to unlace your shoes. "You get this sick, 'I'm gonna hurl' expression on your face each time."
"No I don't."
"Ricky. Seriously. What are you so worried about? I'm basically taking care of the planning, all you gotta do is show up."
"It's not the planning, it's --- it's the cost. I don't know how we're going to afford it."
You roll your eyes, kicking out of your shoes and leaving them in the floor as you hop back up. "I know it sounds like it's a ton of money, but it's not. We're going in halfsies, right?"
"That's what we agreed on."
"Then don't worry. I'm trying to be fair, it's your wedding too, so I want you involved," you shrug your shoulders, gazing at him from across the room. "I mean, it's a memory for both of us. I want it to be something we enjoy, not look back at and cringe."
Again with the cringing!
He doesn't cringe!
"Okay, I don't cringe. And I get it, I'm just... worried about Claire. What she's going to tell Chloe."
"Well, Chloe thinks we're just having a party, right?"
"I don't think she understands the concept of a wedding and what it means."
"She's a kid, it's fine."
"Yeah, but she's smart. She understands a lot more than what she should, and what about what Claire is saying to someone else about what's going on?"
"What does it matter what Claire's saying?" Now you're just annoyed at hearing her name; how many times can Ricky ruin a conversation by bringing his ex up?
"(Y/N), what Claire tells people, Chloe overhears. So if she's ---."
"Telling everyone I'm a big whore and we're only getting married because you're foolish and I'm a gold-digger, you think Chloe is going to... well, that it's going to affect her?" You hadn't really thought about that, but he has a point.
Chloe's opinion of you might change if she listens to her mother, huh?
"She shouldn't say anything like that around a kid."
"She might not mean too, but she's always had a loud mouth."
Welp, you agree with that.
You shrug your shoulders, deciding it's going to be what it's going to be.
"Well, I guess it doesn't matter in the long run, does it?" You say after a moment, reaching for the buttons holding your jumper together. Ricky stiffens slightly, almost confused as you start unbuttoning it. "This isn't a real marriage, and as soon as you get your custody of Chloe, we're getting a divorce, right? So what does her opinion of me matter?"
"It matters a lot. You're a good person, especially for doing this for me." Uh, should he avert his eyes or...? What the hell are you doing? Are you even wearing anything under that!? "This is a big deal."
"Yeah, but we're both getting something out of it. You custody, me a pretty wedding."
"But it..."
"Don't tell me it's not real, Ricky," you cut him off, huffing as you shirk out of the sleeves, letting it hang off your waist; you have a tank on underneath, and your jeans, you just wear the old jumpsuit of your fathers so you don't ruin your clothing. "Because I want to pretend it is."
"That wasn't what I was going to say." His brows furrow. "You want a real wedding, and that's what you're getting. I know I'm... it's just weird, because I know that we're just pretending."
"It's what you wanted, isn't it?"
"Yeah, I guess I just --- I never really thought it through, I never thought you'd agree."
"Well, you know how I am about surprising people." Your lips curve in amusement as you gaze at his flushed cheeks. "I know in the end we're just friends, but we do have to at least pretend we're having sex, you know that, right? I won't bite your hand off if you touch me or kiss me."
He flushes pink. You're always so blunt, even after all these years it catches him off guard.
"I know."
"Good. So get your act together. I expect full tongue on my wedding day, thank you very much."
Ricky snorts, relaxing when he feels the mood lighten. "Sure."
You grin, brazenly slipping over to him. You let  your fingers lightly rest against his arms, causing his cautious eyes to flick to yours immediately; you smell like a grease rag, which is normal, and somehow he finds the scent a little comforting. You're probably the best friend he has right now, the only one he can really be honest with, and he knows you undoubtedly have his back.
Isn't your spouse supposed to be your best friend anyway?
"So this weekend I'm shopping for my wedding dress, you need to find a tux." You lightly squeeze his arms. "I'll talk to the pastor tomorrow when he gets his car about marrying us and using the church."
"You were serious about the church?"
"Hey, if they'll let us use it relatively cheap, don't knock it. We don't have a lot of options on such short notice."
"Okay." Ricky shrugs, his eyes thoughtfully landing on your lips; even now they look soft and smooth, despite you have a bad tendency to bite them. "I'll get one. And the church is fine."
"Awesome." You brighten, pleased that he's agreeing and not flinching at the idea of it. "Now I'm going to take a shower and go to bed, I have an early morning."
Yeah, so does he. Chloe is an early bird, plus she has school.
"I'll see you later then."
"Yep. Don't let the door hit you on the way out!" You take a step back, the saying leaving your lips naturally; your dad used to say it all the time, and you'd just sort of picked it up as well. Doesn't really mean anything, just your way of saying goodbye.
Ricky starts to let you go, but ---- oh the opportunity.
He catches your hand last minute, tugging just enough to get you to turn around and look at him, expecting him to say something else. Instead, you find his hand cupping your cheek, tilting it upwards as his lips slip firmly over yours.
You blink in surprise, going still for several seconds before you snort, pulling away with a wry grin.
"Alright, asshole. Two points."
Ricky smirks, his fingers still curled through yours, your warm cheek against his palm. "You're right, I need to be more affectionate. Guess we're both in for ---."
"Just shut up and get out so I can take a shower."
Ricky laughs.
You don't hear him laugh often, especially not in recent years, so you relax as you hear the sound. He just grins at you, giving your fingers a squeeze before he starts for the door.
What are you going to do with this man?
Marry him, obviously.
But you just... does it always have to be fake?
Tags:  @ryansitkowskiswifey, @theoneandonlykymberlee,  maelloute,  musicsexandpizza69,  jojomiwbvb6
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siriuslyparker · 5 years
Reign of Artemis - Chapter 7
Pairing: Prince!Tom Holland x OC
Warnings: unedited
Words: 4212
A/N: this is v late and im so sorry, so i’ll post the next part as well tomorrow.
series masterlist; masterlist
To say Tom was nervous would be an understatement.
Harrison woke him up the morning they were set to leave for Baltia, a nervous grin on his face. And as Tom got ready, Harrison quizzed him on everything Baltia. From how to properly introduce himself to how Tom was to offer his arm anytime he walked with one of the Princesses or King's wife.
And before Tom went to leave his room to head to the carrier that was sent by Baltia, Sam and Alex showed up to his room, Tessa behind them. Tom grinned and knelt down to Tessa, scratching the dog behind her ear, "Wish I could take you, Tess, sure you would love Baltia," he said.
Alex laughs, "I don't think she'd like the ride over there very much," she comments. "I dunno, we took her on vacation one time year ago and she was okay," Sam commented. Tom rose to his feet, "Maybe another time," he said.
"So sure you'll be going to Baltia again?" Alex smirked, crossing her arms. Tom gave her an annoyed look as he grabbed his jacket off his bed, "I hear no denial, I think Tommy has a crush on Artemis," Alex said. Harrison chuckled, "You do technically need to be looking for a wife," he added.
Tom rolled his eyes as he pulled on the jacket, "Marrying Artemis would also make her the Queen of Thule," he muttered. Though his mother didn't have that much political involvement compared to his father, she still did a lot for the country. Even if Tom married Artemis, he would not only be giving her a husband and means of an heir, but also another country. And he was sure that would not go well with both his father and the country.
Alex sat down on the chair in front of his desk, Sam leaning against the back of it, "I mean, would that be a bad thing? It's no lie that a majority of the world, those of younger generations mostly, look to her. Look what she's done for her own country, she can do a lot for us," she said. Sam's eyebrows furrowed, his lips pursed before nodded, "She does have the political influence to push the bills that would help minorities," he confirmed.
"Course, her council would agree to it, they would technically hold the power of another country, right?" Alex asked. Harrison grimaced slightly, "Theoretically, they can suggest certain things to her, but in the end it would our side and the crown, to make a final decision," he said.
Tom cleared his throat, "You see, there are many issues here. For one, the possibility of us even marrying is slim to none. We have nothing but a title to offer her and some political power here; she can do more as a princess there than a queen here. Let's think realistically here," he said. Sam nodded an agreement, Alex mumbling something under her breath.
A knock at the open door catches all their attention, "It's time to leave, Your Highness," the guard said. Tom nods and pulls on his jacket, "Shall we?" he questioned the room. Harrison led them out of the room, the guard grabbing the two suitcases at the door and following behind the group.
When they reached the gardens where the carrier waited, General George and Sir Edmund stood waiting at the entrance. The guard went ahead to bring the luggage on the carrier as Tom and Harrison said their byes. Alex gave Tom a hug, "Show them who you truly are, eh?" she mumbled. Tom gave her a tight smile before Sam stepped up to him, "Prove dad wrong, yeah?" he said. "That's the plan," Tom sighed. Sam gave him a brief hug before him and Alex said bye to Harrison.
Tom knelt down again to say bye to Tessa before he followed Harrison to the carrier. General George and Edmund bowed as he passes before they follow up the ramp and into the large carrier.
Tom and Harrison take a seat further in the back of the carrier while General George and Edmund take one near the front. Tom and Harrison get straight into work, by going over details of the dinner, trip, and the Baltian Royal Family.
"I'm sure you've heard the rumors about Eris and Eden," Harrison said. Tom furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head. "Eris, she's the youngest of the family. A few months ago, she had gotten drunk at a party and someone recorded her saying she didn't support Artemis as Queen. Artemis and Samuel have been damage control while Eden and Eris went to Northern Baltia at their beach cottage," Harrison explained.
"Eden is the picture perfect definition of a storybook princess, at least to the media for the most part. Only found at balls, dinners, tea with Nobles, y'know? She's very flirty, despite being underage, but she doesn't look it. You have no real need to impress her, but be respectful of her nevertheless.
"Samuel, complete opposite. Two years older than Eden, three younger than Artemis. He's I guess the brains of the family, works with the scientists in the palace on new tech. He's the one that designed the machine coming over. He's really close to Artemis, so it'd be smart to get on his good side.
"Eris, wife to the King, that's it. She holds no power in politics, though she's rumored to try to persuade the council into overruling Artemis being first in line. It's no shocker to the world that Eden is her favorite child, she has practically said it in interviews. Word around the noble families is that she doesn't even love the king, only the title and money he's given her.
"Artemis, it's obvious you want her to be on your side. She was the one to approach her father and the council on the idea of helping us. She fought for it for some time, apparently, the council wasn't open on the idea of the possibility of new allies.
"Of course you know about Anthony, not much to say on him except he's very kind and openhearted. It's obvious to be kind and respectful towards him.
"But Aaron Dover. He's been Artemis's advisor since she was sixteen and personal guard not long after. If you want to be on anyone's good side, it's his. She values his opinion over anyone's, chance are if he doesn't like you, she won't. He hardly leaves her side, always close enough to listen and protect in case something happens. If you walk away from that dinner with anyone's respect, you better hope it is at least his."
Tom looks down at the tablet in his hands, it was a file of Aaron and Artemis. There were a handful of pictures from the two from when they were younger to just the other day. Him always being steps away from the princess. There was a video clip of them a few months ago when Artemis had visited another country. A citizen of that country charged at the princess, Aaron was quick to pull his sword out and pushing the princess behind him as the man ran up to them. Aaron had shoved him back harshly and guards swarmed, he turned to Artemis and quickly spoke with her as she gave him nods and shakes of her head.
He swipes to the next document and it was an article on how Aaron was promoted to the Head of Guardsmen at eighteen years old and he rumored to be in line for being Head of Military in his future when General Hawkings retired. "I thought they were dating," Tom mumbled. Harrison shrugged, "There are theories over it, but Royal Theorists have shut it down since Aaron doesn't have the proper titles to marry a royal," he said.
"If he's the Head of Guardsmen, then he's knighted, that's enough?" Tom furrowed his eyebrows as he continued swiping through the documents. Article after article about how close the Dover family was to the King before their passing and that Anthony has declared Aaron part of his protection. "Enough for their princesses, but not a Queen," Harrison said.
Tom set the tablet down on the table between them and looked at his best friend. "Then what is? For such a progressive country, they seem very selective," he asked. Harrison sighed, "Higher ranked nobles, other princes, princesses, kings, and queens. People that have something to offer. With Aaron's parents dead and no one knowing his next of kin, he has nothing to offer the family, except maybe his life, but it wouldn't be enough for the council," Harrison said.
Harrison looked out the window and realized they were beginning to descend. He motioned to the window and Tom leaned over to look out too. They watched as they passed over rural neighborhoods that slowly grew into cities, and then it grew into smaller buildings, large green trees, and then the grand Baltian Palace.
"Holy shit," Tom mumbled. Pictures and videos sure didn't do the palace any justice at all. The carrier circled the palace, giving them a whole view of the building. It was five stories, and if Tom had to put a name to it, it looked like what he pictured Olympus to look like. The front of the palace had the white columns, and from what he could tell at the height some had the Gods and Goddess statues on the front of them. White stairs led down to a large driveway that looped around a grand fountain, whom Tom assumed to be Zeus in the middle, and the stairs disappeared under the roof of the palace.
There was no set shape to the palace, instead, it looked like multiple different building pushed together and were led to one another by stone pathways. The country never experienced cold weather so it wasn't shocking that much of the palace was outdoors. The carrier flew towards the back end of the palace, where a pad was on one of the upper levels. Tom was just able to make out a large garden in the middle of the whole palace as the carrier lowered down to the pad.
Out of the window, Tom was able to see two lines of guards forming a pathway on the pad that lead towards the doors that led into the palace. And in the front of that line, in the middle of the pathway stood two people, Artemis and Aaron.
Suddenly, Tom felt even more nervous and nauseous, very nauseous. Tom wiped his hands on his pants as the carrier landed. He was able to see Artemis clearly, her dark hair was pulled into an elegant do, full of braids and twists, her paint done perfectly on her face. And she wore a soft, baby blue dress a silver band just under her chest that matched the silver crown on her head. The straps of the dress rested on her shoulders as waves of cloth connected to a band just above her elbow that connected to more fabric further down her dress.
Tom swallowed as Harrison nudged him to stand up. "Remember bow, let her move to shake your hand, Aaron will introduce us. And offer your arm as we go inside," Harrison spoke quickly as the neared the exit of the carrier.
The Thule guards that were seated in the front of the carrier were now exiting and stood at the end of the ramp. Tom looks over to Harrison, who gave him a nod of encouragement. The Thule Prince took a deep breath before ducking his head to exit the carrier and walked down the ramp. Harrison followed closely behind, with General George and Edmund following behind him.
Tom let out a breath as they approached Artemis and Aaron, and the closer they got the more Tom was ready to throw up. They slowed to a stop in front of the two and Tom couldn't help but stare at the princess. Her soft, green eyes met his, a shy smile grew on her face. Tom felt a tingling in his hand, burning from the silver ring on his middle finger. The four of them bow as they all reach her and Artemis gives them a respectful nod in return.
"Welcome to Baltia, my father apologizes that he couldn't be here to greet you himself but I'm sure you understand how busy Kings are," she says, a soft laugh following. "Thank you, Your Highness, it's an honor," Tom said. Artemis smiles at him and Aaron steps up, "Your Highness, may I introduce to you, Sir Edmund Hoffman and General George, officials of the Thule Government," Aaron began.
Artemis raised a slight eyebrow at General George's name and nods slowly, "General, I believe you know Count Hendel, he has spoken much of you since we heard you will be coming," she said tightly. "Ah yes, Your Highness, William and I were family friends growing up," General George said. Artemis pushed her shoulders back and twisted the ring around her finger, giving Aaron a glance.
"And Prince Thomas of Thule, alongside with Harrison Osterfield, his advisor," Aaron said. "Harrison, lovely to see you again," Artemis said. "You as well, Your Highness, I will never grow tired of that view coming in," he said. "You and me both," she agreed. Artemis looked back to Tom and he felt that tingle in his right hand again. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Thomas," he said. Artemis held out her left hand and Tom met it with his right, the tingling disappearing the second her skin touched his.
He bowed his head, "Pleasure is all mine, Your Highness, and please, call me Tom," he said. They dropped each other's hands and Artemis motioned to the palace, "Shall we?" she asked. "My guardsmen will make sure your things are taken to your rooms," Aaron said. He turned and gave a curt nod to the man behind them and a handful of guards headed towards the carrier.
Tom took a slight step forward and offered his arm to Artemis, which she gladly took. "I must ask, Your Highness, you have such a large, and beautiful, palace here, how much did it cost?" George questioned as they walked. Artemis glanced over her shoulder at him before looking forward again, "Nothing." she said. "Surely that can't be possible, much of royal families expenses come the people's taxes," George said.
Artemis glances over to Tom before responding, "That may be in your country, General, but our palace was built thousands of years ago when Zeus last walked our Earth. Since then it has been kept up by Royal Family, all of which comes from our private funds, costing our people nothing," she answered. "We don't believe in fining our people with taxes to find our own luxuries," she added.
"Zeus?" George echoed.
They entered the building and the workers stopped and moved to bow or salute as they passed. "Yes, please don't take this negatively, General, but I'm aware of your dislike of our religion and the disbelief in our Gods. But believe it or not, it was just over a thousand years ago since our Gods set foot on our lands. And the evidence is stone, if you wish to see it, I can set up a tour for you this weekend personally if that will please you?" Artemis questioned, stopped to look back at him in the middle of the hall.
George purses his lips and gave her a curt nod, "That would be wonderful, Your Highness," he pushed. Artemis looks over to Aaron and gives her a nod. She smiles before starting to walk again, "What do you recommend we must do during our visit here?" Tom asked.
She looks over at him as they stop in front of the elevator, "I do recommend at least walk through the Hall of Gods, gives you a better understanding of our culture, we'll be walking through it in a few minutes," she stated. "Sunday there is a market in town that shows our diversity, our gardens, a trip to the mountains if you are willing to hike a little," she listed as they enter the elevator.
Aaron presses the bottom number and the doors close. "What sort of things do you have at the market?" Edmund asked. "Anything you can think of, music, art, food, books, and culture. Any questions you have on that can be answered by your hand during your stay," Artemis answered.
The doors to the elevator open and four people that stood against the columns that led into the grand garden that Tom noticed before bowed. "Which here they are," Artemis said. The large group stepped out of the elevator and towards the four people. "Any questions you may have on our culture, religion, or even best place to get dinner in town they can answer," Artemis said.
Artemis waved for them to continue towards the gardens and reached down to pick up the ends of her dress not to get dirty. "This is the Hall of Gods, each statue is a God we either worship or is part of the main Twelve," she said. Tom looks to the left at the statue they passed of a woman touching her hair, at her feet read the name Hera. And underneath the thick block of stone, in the middle of the stone was a clear glass orb that was filled with what looked like a moving peacock.
"What is in those glass balls?" Tom asked. Artemis followed his gaze and smiled, "Gifts from the Gods and Goddess, in each glass for each God are gifts they left us to remember them by. Most are a symbol of what they represent," she explained. "Is that safe?" General George questioned as they passed the large statue in the middle a small lightning bolt in the glass glow brightly and a muffled sound of thunder followed.
Artemis laughed lightly, "Of course," she said. "The glasses are unbreakable, you'd have to be a God to break them," she adds. Tom looks around at the other statues that were spread around the gardens, stairs all around the garden leading to different parts of the palace. "I saw from the carrier much of your palace is outside, do you not experience any kind of bad weather?" Edmund asked.
Tom glanced at Artemis as she spoke, "Rain, thunderstorms here and there since we are in the tropics. But no cold weather like that. By chance we do have a hurricane, there are protocols to be followed," she said.
They reached the other end of the gardens and they went up the stairs to underneath the roof. "Your hands will take it from here and show you to your rooms," Artemis said. She dropped the ends of her dress and took a slight step away from Tom to stand by Aaron. A dark-skinned woman stepped forward, "I am Elyse, be follow me, General George." He was hesitant to follow before he took long strides to catch up with her up the stairs further and disappeared to the right, two Thule guards following.
A young boy stepped up next, "Sir Edmund, I'm Collin, right this way, please," he said. Edmund smiled brightly before following him and beginning to ask him several questions with two Thule guards following them. Next was two twins that introduced themselves as Evan and Eve, who would be Tom and Harrison's hands.
"Perhaps if you are interested, I can give you a deeper tour of the Gods if you wish? I could see that you held interest," Artemis offered to Tom. He smiled at her and nodded, "I'd love that," he said. "I'll meet you at your room in an hour?" she asked. "Perfect," Tom agreed. Artemis nods, "Well, I will see you then. And once again, welcome to Baltia, Tom," she said.
Her and Aaron, with two other Baltian guards, went up the stairs. Aaron reached down to pick up the ends of Artemis's dress as she continued on. They reached the top before turning left and disappearing from sight. Tom sighed and nodded to the twins who turned and headed up the stairs just as Artemis and General George had. Where the latter turned right, they turned left. They rounded the first corner of the garden before turning right further into the palace. After a few more turns, the twins opened a pair of doors and held them open from Tom and Harrison, the Thule guards standing outside the doors.
The room opened to a grand suite, a dining area to the left and a seating area to the right. Ahead of them were three sets of double doors that opened to a balcony that overlooked another garden, one that looked to have a small pond. According to Eve, to the left was the way to Harrison room and bathroom, and to the right was Tom's. Each had their own bedroom, bathroom, office area, and seating area as well.
Tom walked over to the doors that went to the balcony, his shoulder dropping. He could no longer remember when the last time he had a similar view out of his own bedroom window, much of it now was brown and dead.
"Mate, you so got a crush on her," Harrison said. Tom turned and watched as his best friend sat on the couch across from the fireplace that had a TV on top of it. "Dude!" Tom shouted.
"No worries, Your Highness, nothing you say we tell the Princess unless it's a risk to her person," Eve bowed her head. "A mere crush is nothing," Evan said. "How old are you?" Tom frowned. "Fourteen," Eve answered. Harrison raised an eyebrow, "You're what?" Tom echoed.
Eve spoke up, "We're here under an internship through our school. We are planning to work with foreign dignitaries that visit the palace in the future, and being your hand for your visit allows us to gain knowledge of other countries," she said. "It also allows us to use what we have learned about our own country to answer any of your questions," Evan added.
"So, like kids working for the crown is normal?" Harrison questioned. "Yes, Mr. Osterfield, nearly every citizen in Baltia works for the crown at some point in their life in some way." Eve nods. "Like what?" Tom asked. "Not many are given the honor with positions like us. Some shadow advisors, planners, people in our military, many work in the labs," Evan listed. "Most just work at a place under the crown, like a hospital, farm, lab," he trailed off.
Tom nods slowly, "When did that all start?" he asks. Eve furrows her eyebrows, "Um, it's always been around but didn't really take off until King Anthony declared that everyone shall be given equal opportunity to assist the crown. We don't pay many taxes, so this is our way of repaying the crown, but also having them assist us in the job field," she glances to her brother.
Harrison hums, "That's a cool thing, maybe bring it up to your father," he suggested. Tom looks over at Harrison with a frown, "As amazing as it is, it would never work. We have no means to be able to take on extra hands in the castle, we can't afford," Tom mumbles, lowering himself into the chair in the sitting area.
"We aren't being paid Your Highness, this is a mere opportunity, like any other internship one may have in university," Evan said. Harrison pointed at the boy, giving Tom a look. Tom sighed, "Perhaps I can try, I do like the idea, giving opportunities to our people to further their future. It will be difficult to convince the crown to allow it, security reasons," he said.
"If I may, Your Highness," Eve stepped forward. "You have a slight council with your crown as a head, yes?" she questioned. Tom nods. "I've had the honor of standing in a few meeting under a short apprenticeship with Princess Artemis, she advised to start with few before many," she said. "Maybe discuss with members of the council that you believe would be for it and then see if they can add it to the agenda of a meeting?" she asked.
Tom looks over at Harrison, who nodded several times, "Hoffman would be all for it. He practically worships what Baltia stands for, I can't see him being against this. I'd start with him," he said. Tom nods, "Can you make up a list of the order I should go in when I'm with Artemis?" he asked.
Harrison nods, "Speaking of Artemis," he smirked. Tom let out a groaned, "Dude, no," he said. "No, no, you totally have a crush on her, you were practically drooling walking up to her," he teased. "I wasn't, I was fucking nervous," Tom mumbled. "To see the pretty girl?" Harrison smiled. "You're a dick," Tom laughed.
"Oh c'mon, you can't tell me that the princess isn't beautiful," Harrison crossed his arms. Tom gave him a look and Harrison looks over to the twins for help, "She's often compared to Aphrodite herself," Eve confirms. "Some say her beauty rivals," Evan added. Harrison nods at Tom, "See," he waved his hand. "I'm not going to deny that she's beautiful, that's all I'm going to say," Tom mumbled.
"If it comforts you, Your Highness, Princess Artemis has voiced that she does find you attractive," Evan spoke up. Tom swallowed, his cheeks burning slightly. "Your blushing," Harrison laughed. "Shut up, div," Tom mumbled.
Tags: @loxbbg @elioelioeli0 @emilyt0314 @spidey-pal
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
… What better thing to do when you feel like absolute crap in the morning and it’s starting to get too hot again? DX
Watch Ryusoulger! ^^ Subbed! XD
In no order and w/ many typos bc I am a dumb who stayed up to late and I have a headache. Also it’s almost eighty degrees here and I hate everything:
Aw, Asuna is playing games for snacks. ^^ Definitely think she has a very high metabolism.
This super cute, too, the kids hanging out and playing carnival games. Asuna asking Melto for advice. XD Ah, my babies.
Aw, it’s sweet that everyone claps.
A year’s worth of snacks is that little? I think they might be underestimating Asuna’s eating speed. And mine.
Melto’s pouting bc he feels like his advice wasn’t needed. Aw, don’t feel bad, sweetie, she wouldn’t have asked if she didn’t want to hear it.
Okay, this is fine. Could have been… Hm, but Asuna clearly wasn’t afraid at all, and looked annoyed, which is in line w/ her character, and Mori jumped in very quickly—which is what I was hoping for, bc no way you can make me believe Asuna actually needed saving, but it makes sense that someone seeing the situation from the outside would want to assist someone they thought was in trouble. In fact, I’d say that Mori just saved those guys’ lives. Like, pretty sure she’d’ve cold cocked on herself if he had been a little slower. XD
And then he starts fighting them, and Asuna’s just like ‘oh, okay, I guess this is happening now. *shrug*’
Honestly, he didn’t seem to need help, so I don’t blame her.
She knows what boxing is? I mean, not the strangest thing.
Aaaaaand… Crayon the mushroom man makes another entrance.
Every time we watch the opening, I’m reminded that we still don’t know who hooded man is… I mean, they’ve got time, but I’d love some more hints. And while we’re at it… Actually, never mind. I think everyone knows where I was going there. XD
That scene where he approached the brothers is really getting at me, though… Like, not even Touwa has mentioned it? Which makes me very curious/suspicious.
Honestly, I like the troll Minusaur’s design…
Did you two try to call the others?
Kou, you doof! Though I guess he didn’t know Mori was there.
I really like that Crayon has trouble controlling the Minusaurs, it’s a nice touch and usually leads to funny hijinks.
I guess it was the force of the explosion that sent them rolling like that. That’s what I’m going w/. No way a Ryusoulger would get detransformed from rolling down a hill.
Aw, she’s so sweet. I’m love her.
I really like how she can be silly, but also a really cool, strong sort of ‘big sister’ at the same time. Anky Mom raised her well. ^^
Touwa, don’t be so defeatist!
Kou! DX Honestly though, that’s kind of in character for him to so… Hyper-focused, I guess?
Asuna’s face, though! Honey, just grab him by the ear and pull, okay? That’ll shut him up.
Not you, too, Melto! DX Asuna, grab both their ears! Just smack them!
I’m glad the point here is that they were wrong to ignore her.
I don’t so much blame Banba and Touwa there, bc they were just kinda… There? They could’ve called the other two on it and didn’t, though.
I am now going to hyper obsess about a single line in regards to my ‘Banba becomes everyone’s rock’ view. Bc he totally just kind of ‘reground’ the discussion there. XD
Touwa and Banba don’t even go here. XD It’s okay, I don’t think Banba plans on eating anything. He just got up bc everyone else did.
Aw, Tyramigo’s trying to comfort her! You’re right, sweetie. Good to try and be proactive. I say, like a bloody hypocrite.
It might have been wiser to go back in and smack them, but she’s justifiably annoyed at them so it makes sense she wouldn’t.
On the one hand, that drawing looks pretty good from where I’m sitting, on the other, I’m a perfectionist, too. And maybe the issue isn’t that it’s not ‘good,’ it’s that it’s not what he ‘wants’ it to be?
Asuna here w/ the very direct line of questioning.
Don’t tell him that! Though I do appreciate that the whole ‘she says the wrong thing/speaks too bluntly sometimes’ thing is more subtle. Like w/ what she said to Melto before and here. It’s not there all the time.
Other thing I like about this, is that it’s not ‘the girl can’t beat the Minusaur alone.’ It’s that ‘no one can beat the Minusaur.’ Yes, they fare a little better when there’s more of them, but it’s not bc Asuna is a ‘girl’ or at all ‘weaker.’ It’s that this Minusaur is quite strong. It wasted Kou and Melto before, too. Also the fact that it’s just reflecting their own power back at them (multiplied, too, I believe), means that it’s using their own strength against them. So the stronger the attack, the more damage the reflection does. After all, Asuna does absolutely fine on her own later, and even frightens the current General, and it takes three of them and the Kishiryu and some strategy to beat the Minusaur (and some of Asuna’s luck).
A plus mediation, Kou. You guys can discuss this later.
Crayon should really learn to watch his mouth w/ the Generals…
Wyzul’s incurable need for theatrics will become his undoing. By pissing off Asuna.
The fact that Banba does everything just slightly slower than the others, from drawing his sword to charging the Minusaur, just to be that much sexier is vexing and I love it.
Wonder what varsity jacket did to make Mori so pissed at him? Or… Is he a coach or something? If he’s a coach, he needs to be fired, though.
Wait, did art boy offer to punch a dude for Mori so that Mori could fight in an upcoming boxing match, but someone would still punch the dude? That’s so sweet, oh my god. DX
Nah, man, Asuna’s right. I think you’re overreacting a little. I say, like I don’t overreact every day of my life.
I’m sobbing. Anky Mom raised a good girl. Asuna is a princess and a damn wonderful big sis. She’s still dad friend of the trio, though.
Banba is dad friend of the whole team.
Melto is mom friend no matter where he is.
I feel like these three’s reactions are telling of their personalities. XD Kou just takes one to the face, Touwa dodges a bit the ducks for cover, and Banba blocks a little but stands his ground and somehow manages to avoid being hit by… I dunno, sheer power of sexiness?
I think I regret getting used to that word.
This is very much dramatic irony. It’s pretty obvious to the audience that it’s Wyzul—but Mori doesn’t know about Wyzul at all, or that he can shapeshift, Asuna knows about Wyzul and that he can shapeshift, but has no reason to think he’s here. I mean, sure, Minusaur, but Crayon has gotten left to his own devices before. And they haven’t seen him yet. Asuna isn’t the suspicious type, either.
Where they just letting Kou wail on it while they watched. I mean, I guess more eyes are likely to notice something, but it’s just funny.
Ah, it’s her injured wrist, that probably made things harder. It does seem like she makes conscious decisions when to put her whole strength into things, most of the time, w/ only the occasional slip ups.
Hey, not a bad plan, Kou. MistSoul is pretty noncombative.
Yeah, but not all the attacks went through his… You know what, I don’t care. In the positive way. I don’t care for positive reasons.
I love how they just let Kou wail on it again in Kishiryu Oh. Though I guess they couldn’t form anything w/out Asuna and Ankyrose.
Asuna here w/ the princess carry. True knight in shining armour. ^^
The new mecha suit actor is really good. The torch has been well passed. ^^
Also, pour one out for the miniature city set designers and builders! Technically physically possible, whatever! That was impressive! And how many times must they have had to build and test everything. And then there’s the effects. O_o I salute you, folks.
Oh, yeah, and… It’s HAMMER TIME!
Asuna for one of the best big sisters ever award. DX
I love Naohisa and his ‘ah! places!’ reaction to Asuna coming in. XD
They made a sign? And why is Ui wearing a helmet? I’m so confused. But this is so cute, gods love them.
Not all of them are smiling, dude. Banba has to keep glaring, it’s in his contract.
No it, it’s not. But he’s def not smiling yet. One day he is gonna smile, though, and I am going to implode.
 Okay, but has DimeVolcano just been wandering the forest giving deadly quiz shows? Is that what’s been happening?
Kinda like how the preview is like ‘yeah, new power next week!’ right off the bat instead of being all ‘mysterious’ about it or something. XD
Okay, who implemented a quiz into a Kishiryu? Why? Why does it rampage if you answer wrong? This seems like poor seal design, Ryusoul predecessors…
And apparently he can talk. They taught the Kishiryu to talk so that it could give quizzes. This seems like a lot of effort.
And the fact that the quiz thing is apparently such a thing that it’s featured in the historical writings that were found by palaeontologists.
Also they got my boys in the house again—I don’t know why I love that so much, but I do—and I just noticed Touwa is holding a mug. For some reason this is so important to mea, I will be including a picture at the bottom
Really curious as to how the quiz scene goes down, bc there’s shots of what seem to be Crayon and Myzul trying it, and shots of the trio trying it, but… What happened to the brothers? They’re there on approach, and there’s a shot in the online preview that seems to indicate they’re there in the scene where they’re talking to DimeVolcano, but they seem to disappear. Very curious what the actual scenario is.
That’s all, folks! Virtual fondu for anyone who read all that. I liked this episode very much, Asuna is wonderful and I love her to pieces. I was a little apprehensive when I first read the summary, but I think they handled it fine. Asuna did get to call the boys out for not listening to her/taking her seriously, which was nice. Sad we didn’t get Anky Mom, but there’s plenty of time for her to come back at some other point. Find it hilarious that Banba insists on sitting w/ his back to everyone during discussions. I am totally over obsessing over minor things, but I’m choosing to interpret that tiny moment (where he was like ‘but first, we need to figure out it’s weakness’) as something to indicate he’s becoming the ‘rock’ of the team. Kinda like Hikari? W/ the whole ‘anchor’ thing? He’s the most sort of… Like, ‘down to earth’? In a way? Like, they all absolutely can focus and be ‘serious’ and sensible about things, but they can also kinda ‘wander off’? Kou, Touwa, and Asuna will rush into things, each in their own way, Melto overthinks, so on and so on. Goodness knows what kind of nonsense Kanaro will get up to. And Banba can be the grumpy, stubborn, often taciturn rock that supports and anchors them. Did any of that make sense?
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Touwa holding a mug. Bc it’s somehow funny and cute to me and almost implies the boys came over for lunch or breakfast or something.
Have also remembered my random thought about the possibility of Wyzul masquerading as one of the team this ep. I feel like the new info makes it a little unlikely, but not impossible. They’ve got a hostage, yes, but Wyzul does like to be tricky—case in point, last time they had a hostage. So it’s not impossible.
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itscanonfellas · 6 years
You Could Call It Love
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tumblunni · 8 years
Rune Factory 4 why do you persist in having TOO MANY GOOD CHARACTERS I’ve narrowed it down to two but now i keep changing my damn mind again! I’ve decided I’m gonna see the marriages for the three characters I liked on different save files, but who should I marry first and go with for real on this save file?? i’ve run out of patience for waiting to pick a batchelor as the VERY LAST THING i do before I turn off the game, I need to do it now! I need to do it before I start this final bonus dungeon thing to rescue [spoilery dead character] from the afterlife. I WANT TO SHOW THEM MY CHILD WHEN THEY RETURN. And this game is SO LONG and cos of how semi random the skill levelling is, I dont think I’d have the patience to complete the same 20 so hours three times to complete all the savefiles, and it’d be really frustrating if I couldnt max out all the same skills on them :P SO YEAH GAHHH Need to FINALLY DECIDE between leon and dylas!
* Has the most romantic chemistry in my opinion, and also my favourite main character after Arthur. (Tho I ended up not really feeling that ship so even tho hhe’s my fave batchelor he’s not the one I wanted to marry??) * is really fucking awkward adorable which is MY FAVE kind of ship! * also his romance route is primarily about cheesy romance rather than like.. lots of lusty flirty sexual attraction type stuff that I’m not really capable of understanding. * HAs a load of great character development and seems like he’d be the most happy to be with you. * is the coolest of the monster people, even if im still salty he doesnt look more like his monster form. They coulda just given him a unicorn horn and it would have brought the whole design together! * Marrying him would make me feel less salty sad that there’s no way to get him and doug to hook up when they are CLEARLY CANONICALLY BISEXUAL GEEZ * A minor con is that this would mean I have to play the rest of the game with the postgame cheat mode gay marriage thing switched on. Which could get a bit annoying since its just a character model swap and its a bit glitchy sometimes, but I like both genders of protagonist equally much anyway. i just feel slightly guilty thinking im somehow being disloyal to the one I picked at the beginning, but then again i literally only picked the girl because you cant romance dylas unless you’re the girl and GAHHH I was so happy to know you could cheat and have cheat mode gay marriage so IMMA GONNA DO IT * seriously its an option so i cant NOT take it * make up for lack of doug x dylas route by doing dylas x male protag * also dylas was the one I wanted to pick since before i knew anything about the game, he was my fave based on design alone and then his personality in his first scene was amazing and aaaa * also dylas’s romance route is REALLY TERRIBLE which is maybe a pro and maybe a con?? like.. i wanna marry him cos he had no plot and i wanna make it up to him, but i also DONT wanna marry him cos his route wasnt my favourite plot and aaaa why does my brain not make sense * also a pro: PORCOLINE * i get to officially marry into the restaurant fam! * i have literally got porcoline in my party right now while im holding the engagement ring, he needs to be there to see me pop the question! i just love this dad so much, i have to marry one of his kids * also I can pretend that arthur is still my friend and he isnt mad that i picked his brother over him and we can all be the best family ever
* has the best and saddest romance route backstory thing that makes me feel so guilty if I dont marry him * is also my favourite design! like, dylas is the best monster but leon has the best human form design, i have no lil niggling complaints about how he looks like a wolf for no damn reason. * is the only bara character * ended up being surprisingly cute and genuine about his love and i actually really like the archetype of the flirty fake-playboy type guy who isnt the jerky playboy archetype but instead secretly adorable and shy when he falls in love for real! And its even better cos he’s a snarky overconfident trickster guy so its EVEN MORE CUTE when he drops his big facade and lets himself admit his emotions! * BUT admiteddly I still feel rather uncomfortable doing overly flirty innuendoy dating sims because I’m way too asexual to relate. I’ve had a few moments with leon where its just like... killed the moment kinda, and made me feel bad that im not the intended audience. This game makes me care about the characters so i feel just as awkward as when I’ve accidentally ‘led people on’ in real life in high school and had to super anxiously let them down. I just feel awkward even though I know that the character in-universe that I’m playing at probably isnt asexual, im still like ‘noooo i dont wanna trick him into a sexless marriage he wouldnt be happy aaaa’ * but also aaa he has the most chemistry with the female main character I think, he’s like the only one I think looks like a cuter couple with her, while I wanna ship dylas with the male mc. i just really liked a fanart I saw of them described as ‘fox and bunny’! thats totally it, her hairstyle just matches so well with an animal ears dude, and their colours have a good appeal together and stuff~ * Also i have more headcanons about what it would be like when they had kids and stuff! so thats a big appeal because getting to see the kid characters is the big reason i wanna marry a charrie * ALSO, its kinda... uhh... to put it lightly... well, Leon is literally the only dark skinned man in the entire world. SERIOUSLY. Rune Factory rarely ever has more than one character of a different race, and I just feel like if you’re gonna be so limited in your options I wanna pick that option like... maybe if they see they’re the popular ones then they’ll realise theyre making a dumb decision and add more racial diversity in future games?? or at least npcs?? seriously??? He’s not just the only dark skinned batchelor but THE ONLY CHARACTER IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. At least rune factory oceans had the whole dark elf race. (Tho that was weird that there’s apparantly no black humans in this world...)
GAHHH I DUNNO I JUST WANNA MAKE THESE DUMB BOYS HAPPY I wish i could have like a best friend option to select or something can I give a consolation prize... IM SORRY LEON OR DYLAS and IM SORRY ARTHUR and IM SORRY PORCOLINE IF I DONT MARRY YOUR SON
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