#i enjoy talking to people but my brain doesnt want to cooperate
spacestorms · 2 years
i have Got to stop self isolating
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sunshine-pup-fics · 5 years
S T U T T E R // Bakugo x Reader
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Request from @catsukibakugouu : Hello! May i request a Bakugo x reader where his s/o has a stuttering problem? I tend to talk fast but think faster so when trying to talk it sometimes gets hard to say certain words and i stutter or it comes out a big mess of words mixed together ?
Thank you for the request! Sorry about it being so short, I’m on school holidays and I’ve been out and about for the past week. (I’m actually posting this from my phone while I’m in the car. I’ll edit the post to format it nicer when I’m back home!)
It was interesting to write because I also naturally speak really fast. I have to restart sentences and articulate words a lot to make sure people understand me. I also can barely get words out when I get excited, so I resort to slapping my friends arm.
I hope you enjoy it! Please feel free to leave more requests if you like!
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The decision to confess my feelings to the unruly and chaotic blonde that was Bakugo, was beginning to seem like the worst decision I've ever made.
I'd thought about what I was going to say from the start. It would just be something simple and to the point. I'd quitely asked to speak with him before class started, and he'd agreed. All I had to do now was say it. I wasn’t nervous, we’d been basically flirting within the past month.
But staring into his ruby eyes suddenly made it very difficult.
"So uhm- Bakugo- right so...” I immediately knew where this was going. My brain and my mouth were not going to cooperate.
I took a deep breath. I just had to pick each word and say it.
“I just was wondering... agh, I was just wondering if mayhaps- uh maybe! You'd perhaps want to- uhm... to out go and... shit!"
I started to panic. I felt my heart start to beat faster, slamming itself against my chest. I refused to meet his gaze, eyes jumping from place to place, my fingers, the window, the door, his shoes, the ceiling. I tried to take a deep breath. Why could I not just say what was in my head? "Would you want to watch a movie together or... uhh... catch- I mean get- dinner? Or something?"
I forced a smile, but I could feel my lip quiver as I mentally smacked myself. I quickly waved my hands in front of me. "Not if you don't- like- want to or anything! I just sort of- of happentoreallylikeyouandwashopingyoudgoonadatewithme?” I took a sharp shaky breath. I’d said it. Sure I’d stuttered about a million times over, but I’d said it. I felt my pumping heart swell with a pride, just the smallest bit.
Until I noticed how Bakugo was looking at me. Eyebrows furrowed and ruby gaze piercing through me. I felt the panic bubble up my throat. I was about to get rejected, wasn’t I?
“Oh! Uh- again not if you don't want to... it-uhm- really doesnt matter! It's- it's not important.”
I was mentally screaming at myself.
I shifted my weight as I tried to think of something else to say. He looked confused, and possibly even mad and offended.
There was just silence, including the uncharacteristicly quiet 1A classroom.
"Shit this was freaking dumb. Why did I decide this was a good idea? Just what I said, uh, forget it- please.” My gaze fell to the floor, eyeing the scratches and scuffs on the tiles. He cleared his throat, and I stole a glance at him. His shoulders were slumped back, his hands in his pockets, a bored express plastered in his face.
I froze. I furrowed my eyebrows as my (e/c) eyes caught his red ones. He only continued to stare at me for a few seconds, before rolling his eyes.
“Yeah, lets go out.”
“Wait what.”
It wasn’t a surprise that the two hit it off. If someone had the guts to ask him out in the first place, chances are Bakugo already liked them.
From then on Bakugo would always listen to their rants and explanations, grinning to himself when they got so excited they couldn’t get a single coherent word out. Not to mention he’d defend them from any asshole who’d tell them to slow down. “Because fuck that, it’s cute and I can understand you, so other people fuckin can too.”
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roughentumble · 8 years
i watched a movie called Last Shift and it was Good
i went into it expecting low-grade garbage but it actually ended up being really good
the decision to keep everything in one building (literally every shot, there isnt a single other location featured in the film) and focus on one character meant that their small budget went MUCH farther than it usually would in the special effects department, and made the film just generally look head-and-shoulders better than some other comparable-budget films.
it occasionally had moments that felt exposition-y, or where the tension dropped a bit too much, or where our main character’s actions felt out of place(when she’s talking to officer pierce, for example, and right before this scene she was VERY shaken up and VERY determined to get other cops to fuckin Believe Her Already, so her lack of cooperation or willingness to share details with him and encouraging him to leave was all like... what? you are asking cops to come there and stay with you and now one will but you want him to...leave? what?)
another major flag is the ending. i wouldn’t call the ending a FLAW, but it is... hmm. it’s. well. hm.
it’s a plot twist that feels like it would’ve been new and inventive back in the 70s. but it’s ALSO handled with much greater care and quality and talent than this twist is usually given. the entire film takes time to really force you to question your perception of events, and the ending DEFINITELY makes you question what you think happened and how you interpret things...
but god it just didnt feel all that satisfying! plus it leaves me with questions. not with general perception questions but with logical, calculating, “what makes this world tick” type questions
why did she hear her father? was he genuinely contacting her to try and help her, was she hallucinating him, or were the other ghosts just putting on his voice to try and fuck with her and keep her in the station?
why did pierce ACT like that at the end? it was so taunting, so mocking, the way he put his fingers in his mouth and mimed blowing his brains out... only to actually blow out his brains as some spooky Ghost Effect. he literally repeated his earlier line “i’m not fuckin’ with you, i swear” as if HE was part of the grand reveal, but does this mean he was working with the ghosts(as in, somehow in death he realized they were right and joined them, or was just tortured into compliance or some such) or that his image was being worn around, but that’s NOT ACTUALLY HIM? is it maybe not his spirit/soul/whatever that we see, but instead another mirage sent to distress our leading lady?
why did they seem to be converting her/welcoming her into the family? why did they seem to have pulled the murdered girls into their fold as well? were they right all along, and not actually part of a cult but instead just... literally right and now others that die are realizing the same and joining them in death?
i understand that he said he “liked” loren’s father, that he said he would come back and take everything he loved. i even understand him coming back from hell to torment this girl. but then why act welcoming, and why would she begin singing their murder song in the final moments of her death?? unless the action wasn’t welcoming so much as simply claiming her... marking her in some fashion(or unless you believe she hallucinated the entire event, in which case the final scene probably IS her dying brain’s interpretation of “i have been claimed by these ghosts and am going to hell now and here is how they claim me, putting this sheet over my face to strip me of my identity”)
why did the Main Bad Dude say “just let me die”? is he suffering in hell too? is it not what he thought? why even come back in this specific manner, as this homeless man, why scream in fear when he sees his two dead family members as well as HIMSELF hanging in that isolation cell with bags on their heads? to get her attention? to scare her further?
did he come back ONLY to claim her in some fashion and bring the remaining living members of his family down for a road trip to hell?
WHEN DID ALL THIS TAKE PLACE????? because they say that monica young died A YEAR ago, which implies that the entire paymon police showdown only happened a year ago. but everybody ACTS like it’s been a long time, SHE acts like she last saw her father when she was young, why would she be so fuzzy about the details of a case that happened so recently(even if they didn’t tell the news everything)? plus, there needs to have been enough time for the paymons to get caught, commit suicide, people to start noticing the building being haunted, AND the police chief dude asking for a new building, AND for all his pleading to finally be heard, AND for the new building to be finished
and you’re tellin’ me they did that shit in ONE YEAR? but also marigold didn’t seem old enough to have been in isolation right next to the paymons if it had been a while ago(or at least like it’d be pushing it, age-wise) so it feels like NOTHING in this movie really tracks wrt timelines. the more i examine the timeline the less of a grip i have on it
was cohen evil or simply incompetent? was he in cahoots with the ghosts or was he simply a worthless human garbage sack who is literally responsible for the death of every single sanitation worker there and should be put on death row????? its one of those two. either hes evil cuz he works with ghosts or hes evil because he:
-learned that building was haunted
-pressured his superiors to get them a new building
-got MULTIPLE calls from his rookie(literally her first day on the job!!) stating that she was seeing things that werent there and that she wasn’t ok and she needed him to come down
-he responded with “ok well if i have to come down there Youre Fired”
-???? what. what did he fucking expect. her to Magically Stop Seeing Things(ghost-induced or not) through the Sheer Power of Fear Over Loosing Her Job????????????
i suppose it’s possible that the stuff about the building being haunted and the dude pressuring higher ups for a new one could’ve also not been a real conversation but he STILL got multiple calls from a rookie officer saying that she felt unsafe, wasn’t thinking clearly, needed help, and was seeing things(she literally said the words I’m Seeing Things) like dude. asshole. come the fuck on
and most importantly:: WHO WAS PHONE??????
i kid, i kid. all of this complaining aside, i genuinely enjoyed 99% of the film, and it even managed to scare me with a dollar store halloween mask on the back of a dude’s head. the ending is one that i cant honestly tell if i like or not, but i cant argue that it doesnt fit with the rest of the film. it was Good Movie i think maybe check it out sometime
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