#i fear for the future of steve atp
atorionsbelt · 1 year
recently had epiphany that royjamiekeeley arc is eerily similar to stoncy and then saw someone else say royjamie has similar vibes to wolfstar. everywhere i go my ghost ships of fandom’s past follow me
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georgiapeach30513 · 1 year
Your opinion is valid and yours but it’s unfair that every time someone doesn’t like Steve’s ending it’s to say he needs to be around for Sam and Bucky. Esp Bucky - who he did more than enough for to help him get his life back.
Steve is allowed to think for himself, and it’s unfair that he has to literally continue to live forward to stay around for everyone else and he’s not allowed to make choices just for him and nobody else. and it’s the unrealistic expectations that ppl, fans, and in the MCU, have given him, that infuriates me bc some of you don’t seem to understand his character.
He was a man out of time in the present. He never really belonged in the present, bc he was thrust into it accidentally. He sacrificed his life at the end of the first avenger bc he was hoping his death would be for the greater good. When he woke up in the present, he didn’t ask to be there. You can tell blatantly he never really got used to the present, and that’s not regressing, it’s just that he didn’t belong there.
He came to the future bc he had a job to do - save the world. He stayed and didn’t complain about it bc it was his fate and he accepted it. Once he did that, he was able to “go home” and finally stop fighting, and realize he could exist without a war. Aka his worst fear in age of ultron. He was afraid he wouldn’t able to exist happily, find a purpose, and be at peace without a war - bc b4 cap, he didn’t have anything really to live for. But the point of fighting a war is to end it so you can have peace. To keep fighting or always needing to look for a fight is both toxic and unnecessary. It would be worse if Steve never got to make peace with that fear.
I understand some of you not liking him going back to Peggy, but the point the Russo brothers made was basically encircling the theory he was always supposed to be Peggy’s husband. That’s why you don’t see any pics of Peggy’s husband, and there was never any real info on him throughout the MCU, bc they were implying he did go back to marry her and settle down. The execution and explanation of time travel gets messy which is why a lot of ppl are split on the ending, but that’s def a storyline issue more than whatever the characters are about.
Even if you don’t like it, that’s why they did it. And as for Bucky - how are you a grown ass man whose best friend broke a gazillion world rules for you and helped you find rehabilitation and fought thanos and helped reverse the snap to bring you and others back - unable to realize you don’t have to be butt buddies to be friends? I think it was more than implied that Steve had to live his life and Bucky had to live his own as well. Bucky clearly understood that and TBF, he needed to thank Steve for all he did and sacrificed for him - and it’s extremely unfair for Bucky fans to always expect Steve to live and exist only for him and no one else. When Bucky disappeared after TWS to find himself, and after he decided after the events of civil war he needed to go into rehabilitation in wakanda, and get rest and recovery, Steve obviously understood he needed this time for his own mental health and sanity. Why is it only ok if steve thinks for Bucky but if steve thinks for himself, it’s wrong? If Bucky thinks for himself and not Steve, his fans will be happy and think he needed to do it after all he’s been through. But what about what Steve’s been through? Also, These are grown ass, centurion aged men. They can live without each other for a bit and still be ok. Male friendships are different. You still don’t really know what happened in that alternate timeline and ATP it’s moot to argue about it.
Besides, the ultimate kicker here is that Steve’s character arc was ending and they didn’t want to kill him and Tony both off. It’s as simple as that and they wanted to give Steve a chance to live out his life as he deserved - that’s why they chose the ending they did. This was also a Segway into giving Sam the shield and for him to take on the legacy. Sure, it’s a struggle to see Sam dealing with the after effects of taking the shield, but remember that he gave it back at first - and that’s why they gave it to John walker. He didn’t want the mantle but then later on, after the events of falcon, he took on the mantle after realizing his destiny.
It’s really not that serious and y’all need to let this go.
I’m sorry if this is coming off harsh but i don’t like it when ppl speak on Steve without considering all the facts.
I have never said that anyone’s opinion on this matter isn’t valid, nor will I ever. I don’t like Steve’s ending. I think it is cheap and lazy. I don’t see Steve doing that. In Steve’s mind he saw Peggy had a family and kids. So he knew in going back he took her story away from her. As to saying I don’t understand the character, I’ll agree to disagree. He’s a man out of time more so by going back, because he lived his life in the present. He was adapting to the present, and went back, therefore even there he was a man out of time.
While Steve might not have wanted to be in the present, that is where his life led him. That was his life’s path, and by going back in time, you realize he knew what was going to come. So by saying he didn’t want a war what happened when he knew it was going to happen? He wasn’t going to fight it. So he easily could have chose not to fight it in the present. So this argument, while I see where you’re going with it to me isn’t valid. It’s all about chooses. i don’t think Steve could idly sit by knowing what was going on in Hydra. He knew where Bucky was, and also knew that PEGGY had a part in building Hydra back up.
Is it about being butt buddies here? Are we forgetting years of torture and of brainwashing with Bucky. Steve was on ice in a solid sleep. Bucky was brought out of sleep to be used as a weapon. He was forced to murder and fight a war that he had no choice or say in the matter. And as he was coming out of that, realizing what was going on they fried his brain again. So yeah, he’s a grown man, but he had actual abuse to him. What’s Steve’s excuse? I’m glad that Steve was able to take an easy out while Bucky is left to fight with his own demons. I’m not saying that Steve has to exist for Bucky. I’m saying give him a few months to cope and learn and for HIM to live in a modern world and not be controlled by someone. Remember Hydra? Yeah, Peggy and Howard chose not to lock Zola up, and they used him and his technology while he built Hydra back up.
It’s the abrupt leaving of Steve I have the issue with. He thrusts the power of Captain America on Sam who is struggling with his identity, the power that comes with Cap all with being a black man in a racist world. He left Bucky who is dealing with some HEAVY abuse all because of Peggy’s little accident. That doesn’t sit right with me. And Steve knew Howard and Peggy’s part in not killing/locking up Zola. SO yeah, they’re at fault for Bucky’s abuse.
If it’s really not that serious, why are you in my inbox with all your arguments? Yes, it’s fictional, but at the same time the ending hits people differently. By no means do I think Steve doesn’t deserve to be selfish because both him AND Bucky deserve that. Bucky more so than Steve because remember he was FORCED into the things he did. He knew he killed those people, he couldn’t stop it, but he remembers all of them.
So I’m going to say my peace as well, and I don’t expect someone to feel the same way. But I will speak up on it. And I will continue my argument that in Steve going back, he still remained a man out of time because his path was already in motion. Bucky is a grown ass man with a lot of trauma. Sam is a grown ass man with a lot of trauma, and he’s living in a white ran world while trying to be a leader. But no, it’s not that serious.
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thestobingirlie · 2 years
I am gonna be honest i have no idea what the writers are doing atp, but from the way they're approaching things and writing things it seems that they do not exactly know what they're doing (or rather are making flawed choices), bc i am not sure how to see some characters and situations here. They made Nancy emotionally cheat on Steve and physically cheat on him with Jonathan, and now they made her emotionally cheat on Jonathan with Steve too in S4? That just seems really ridiculous from a writing standpoint I'm sorry. If they were going for an actual character development Nancy would decide to stay single atp and pursue career and college life, Jonathan would move to NY to pursue his photography dreams, and Steve would definitely move on from Nancy to find a new dream to pursue for himself. That just seems more satisfactory to me.
i honestly find it kind of funny that the duffers keep making nancy cheat on her boyfriends.
it’s just weird that they make these flawed and interesting characters, and then do nothing with them. never acknowledge their flaws, and just write them in the blandest ways possible.
if i was writing st, unless there is an insane time jump, i would have the characters end the show single.
nancy needs therapy, desperately (though to be fair so do the boys), and her being in a relationship, i think, is just her trying to escape her barb trauma. so yeah, i think her ending the series single and working on herself is really the only ending that would work (again, assuming we’re not gonna time jump ten years into the future)
jonathan needs to prioritise himself, and i would love for him to end up at NYU, it’s been his dream since he was a kid! and now it’s not even an option, it’s just stay in cali, or go to college with nancy, and that is so sad. jonathan has always had to worry about everyone else and i would love for him to end the show doing something that made him happy. and i need joyce and will to be the ones to tell him to pursue his dreams. i need them to recognise how much jonathan was forced to sacrifice for them, and for them to tell him that he deserves to come first sometimes.
and i would have steve end the show leaving hawkins with robin (staying in touch with the kids, obviously) and verbally acknowledging that he is 18/19 and the time for true love and marriage and kids can wait. steve thinks his life is over and that he’ll never be anything because he didn’t get into college and doesn’t have a girlfriend! and i just need steve to end the show knowing that he is young, and he still has years left to make stupid mistakes, and decide what he wants his life to look like. (and i would also love it if we had steve acknowledging that the reason he is so desperate for kids and stability is because of his less than great childhood and desire for unconditional love (which is rooted in his fear that he’ll never make up for his mistakes and people will only ever see him as his worst moments))
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thisdaynews · 5 years
Premier League predictions: Lawro vs tennis star Andy Murray
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Premier League predictions: Lawro vs tennis star Andy Murray
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Liverpool took the local glory in Wednesday’s Merseyside derby but who will be celebrating when the red and blue halves of Manchester meet on Saturday?
“Manchester City are still a very good team – that has not changed just because they have had the odd bad result this season,” said BBC football expert Mark Lawrenson.
“They would love to beat United, and they are the better side – so that is what I think will happen.”
Lawro is making predictions for all 380 top-flight matches this season, against a variety of guests.
This week he is up againstformer tennis world number one Andy Murray.
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Murray predicts big win for Man City in derby
Murray’s grandad played for Hibs so he grew up as a fan of the Easter Road club.
“The whole family supports them so I used to go to a lot of games,” he told BBC Sport.
“It has always been difficult to watch them when I am travelling because the Scottish league is not on around the world, whereas with the Premier League you can see it anywhere.
“So I follow Arsenal now too a little bit but, yes, I am definitely into my football. I used to play a lot when I was younger, but I had to choose between football and tennis when I was 14 or 15.
“It is difficult to keep doing both and commit enough time to both of them, but there is a lot of stuff about football that I miss.
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Wimbledon and World Cup 2014: Murray’s amazing keepy-uppy skills
“I like the team element and playing alongside your friends, but at that age it was a lot easier for me – because they had a ranking system in tennis from the age of 12, I knew really what level I was at in terms of European standards.
“Whereas with football, I was all right in my team, but I was probably rubbish in the grand scheme of things so I am glad I made the choice to go for tennis.”
Murray could still have a future in football, however, if he follows up his past addiction to Football Manager by moving into the dug-out in real life.
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Andy Murray tells BBC Radio 5 Live about his injury, rehabilitation and return to tennis
He explained: “I played a lot of Football Manager growing up – it killed a lot of time on the road – but it also became a bit of an issue when I was staying up late to play it.
“I had to cut back a few years ago. When I was in Spain, myself and a friend would have two teams each – we were staying up until 3am, and we would start training at 8am, so I had to stop playing it.
“As far as football coaching goes, I have been asked if there were any other jobs I would be interested in doing, and I would like to do something in sport.
“Football is something that has always interested me and, it would be a fun thing to try.
“A lot of people think they could do a good job, and that they know what teams should be doing, but there is a lot more to it than that.”
‘Resurfacing’, the story of Murray’s return from major hip surgery at the start of 2019 to win an ATP title less than a year later, is available now to watch on Amazon Prime.
Premier League predictions – week 16 Result Lawro Andy SATURDAY Everton v Chelsea x-x 1-1 1-2 Bournemouth v Liverpool x-x 0-2 1-2 Tottenham v Burnley x-x 2-0 2-0 Watford v Crystal Palace x-x 1-1 1-1 Man City v Man Utd x-x 2-0 3-1 SUNDAY Aston Villa v Leicester x-x 1-1 1-2 Newcastle v Southampton x-x 2-1 1-1 Norwich v Sheff Utd x-x 1-1 1-2 Brighton v Wolves x-x 2-1 0-1 MONDAY West Ham v Arsenal x-x 2-0 1-1
A correct result (picking a win, draw or defeat) is worth10points. The exact score earns40points.
All kick-offs 15:00 GMT unless stated.
Everton v Chelsea (12:30 GMT)
Things just went from bad to worse for Marco Silva so it was no surprise to see him sacked by Everton on Thursday. Whatever he tried, it was just not working.
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Silva says pressure has led to his players making mistakes
Duncan Ferguson has been named as the Toffees’ temporary manager for this game and I think we will see a reaction from their players, just because there will be someone different in charge, even if it is not Silva’s permanent successor.
Chelsea are going well and picked up another three points against Aston Villa but, now they have made the change, I just fancy Everton to get something from this one.
Lawro’s prediction:1-1
Andy’s prediction:1-2
Bournemouth v Liverpool
In contrast to Everton, whatever Liverpool do at the moment just keeps on working out for them.
I was at Anfield for the Merseyside derby and my thoughts when I saw Jurgen Klopp’s much-changed side to face Everton can be summed up in one word – ‘gamble’.
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Jurgen Klopp pleased with ‘sensational’ Liverpool goals
It paid off though. I understand the players he brought in had been working extremely hard in training and Klopp just thought ‘fresh legs, give them a go’ and it could not have worked out any better for him.
Bournemouth, meanwhile, are struggling. They have lost four league games in a row, with their latest defeat coming against Crystal Palace’s 10 men on Tuesday – I don’t see them having any joy here, either.
Lawro’s prediction:0-2
Andy’s prediction:Liverpool have won a few tight ones lately. 1-2
Tottenham v Burnley
Burnley are another team to have hit the buffers a bit, suffering back-to-back home defeats against Crystal Palace and Manchester City.
Tottenham did not really get going at Old Trafford in midweek but I am expecting them to be far better this time. If so, they should win pretty comfortably.
Lawro’s prediction:2-0
Andy’s prediction:2-0
Watford v Crystal Palace
It looks like Watford’s interim manager Hayden Mullins will still be in charge for this game as the Hornets search for their third manager of the season.
This is a tough game for Mullins, because Crystal Palace are going great at the moment.
But Watford are at home, and the fact they are going to appoint someone soon might bring something extra out of their players. They might be wondering who is watching.
Lawro’s prediction:1-1
Andy’s prediction:1-1
Man City v Man Utd (17:30 GMT)
I know United played very well in their win over Tottenham on Wednesday, and that they have had some good results against the bigger clubs this season.
But from their wins over Chelsea and Spurs to their draw with Liverpool, those results have all come at Old Trafford, and they have still only won once away in the league – at Norwich.
City were impressive as they beat Burnley at Turf Moor on Tuesday night and for Gabriel Jesus to score twice was more good news for them.
Lawro’s prediction:2-0
Andy’s prediction:If Paul Pogba were to be back that would help United a little bit, but I am going with City. 3-1
Aston Villa v Leicester (14:00 GMT)
Leicester are on a fabulous run – they have won their past seven league games since losing at Anfield on 5 October.
But their results mean people are realising what a good side they are and they are reacting to the threat they pose by making plans for them.
I think teams will realise they cannot be open against the Foxes because they will undo you on the break.
If Villa do keep things tight, I think they will pick up a point.
Lawro’s prediction:1-1
Andy’s prediction:1-2
Newcastle v Southampton (14:00 GMT)
Saints are on a good little run with seven points from their past three games but I’ve been impressed by Newcastle recently too and they are starting to allay any fears of relegation.
Their home form was not great at first under Steve Bruce, but they have only lost once under him at St James’ Park and their results there will have helped him win the fans over.
The Magpies got a very good win against Sheffield United on Thursday night and I am backing them again on Sunday.
Lawro’s prediction:2-1
Andy’s prediction:1-1
Norwich v Sheff Utd (14:00 GMT)
Sheffield United slipped up at home to Newcastle in midweek but they are still unbeaten away in the league, although they have drawn six of their seven games on the road.
I am going to go for another draw for them here, although I am not really convinced by Norwich.
The Canaries looked like they were turning a corner until they went to Southampton and lost on Wednesday, and they really need to start building some form at home soon.
Lawro’s prediction:1-1
Andy’s prediction:Sheffield United have been on fire. 1-2
Brighton v Wolves (16:30 GMT)
Wolves have not lost in the Premier League since 14 September, and are clearly a very well-drilled side with a clever coach in Nuno Espirito Santo.
They have scored some important late goals in that time too, which is a useful habit to have, but I just have a feeling that their run will end here.
Brighton will cause them some problems – the Seagulls will have to work hard to hold out though.
Lawro’s prediction:2-1
Andy’s prediction:0-1
West Ham v Arsenal (20:00 GMT)
Both of these teams have got problems, but Arsenal’s away form is probably the biggest issue here.
The Gunners’ defending is not getting any better either and, if West Ham turn up for this one, I think they will win.
Until Arsenal appoint a manager, it is difficult to know what direction they are going in – but it appears to be downwards at the moment.
Their chances of securing Champions League football for next season by making the top four are starting to look remote.
Lawro’s prediction:2-0
Andy’s prediction:They are both struggling at the moment. Let’s go for a draw. 1-1
Lawro was speaking to BBC Sport’s Chris Bevan.
How did Lawro do last week?
From the midweek fixtures, Lawro got five correct results, including two exact scores for a total of110 points.
He beat University Challenge star Bobby Seagull, who got six correct results, but with one exact score, for a total of90 points.
+/- DENOTE POSITION DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LAWRO’S TABLE AND ACTUAL POSITION TEAM P W D L PTS +/- 1 Man City 15 14 0 1 42 +2 2 Liverpool 15 13 2 0 41 -1 3 Chelsea 15 11 2 2 35 +1 4 Tottenham 15 10 4 1 34 +4 5 Arsenal 15 9 4 2 31 +5 6 Leicester 15 8 3 4 27 -4 7 Man Utd 15 7 5 3 26 -1 8 Burnley 15 6 3 6 21 +4 9 Wolves 15 6 1 8 19 -4 =10 Aston Villa 15 5 3 7 18 +6 =10 Everton 15 5 3 7 18 +8 =12 Bournemouth 15 5 2 8 17 +2 =12 Watford 15 5 2 8 17 +8 =12 West Ham 15 5 2 8 17 +3 15 Newcastle 15 4 1 10 13 -4 16 Southampton 15 3 3 9 12 +1 17 Brighton 15 3 2 10 11 -4 =18 Crystal Palace 15 2 4 9 10 -11 =18 Sheff Utd 15 3 1 11 10 -9 20 Norwich 15 0 5 10 5 -1
Score Guest leaderboard 160 Gabriel Luna 140 Arnold Schwarzenegger 100 Adam Peaty 90 Helen Housby, Jo Harten, Bobby Seagull, Geraint Thomas 87 Lawro (average after 15 weeks) 80 Stephen Graham 70 Michael Johnson, Craig Mitch, Alex Scott 60 Sonny Bill Williams, Stefan Ratchford 50 Chelcee Grimes, Reece Parkinson, Sam Warburton 40 Stephen Fry, Neil Jones, Tommy O’Dell 30 Seth Rollins
Total scores after week 15 Lawro 1,310 Guests 1,100
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