#i feel like I should draw more of Chica Foxy and Roxy
joshbruh10x · 9 months
I drew this a week ago and just finished it now, but yes thank you for giving me gay robot brain worms
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Alt Version without the sign and just the Glamrocks
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Sorry canon GlamBonnie fans I'm never letting go of my purple rabbit boi, you can pry him off of me from my cold dead body.
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theinsanecrayonbox · 11 months
a couple Sister RElocation ideas
not in any real order i guess...
Roxy and Chica drag Lols and Bonnet to the salon for a girl's night. they talk about stuff, like "can you be haunted by a ghost you never met" when Lols comments about the cowboy Foxy cutouts and draws comparisons to the loss of Vixx at her old pizzaria. Bonnet is just thrilled to be included. inversely, Freddy goes and knocks on Monty's door with "so the girls are having a girls' night, i figured maybe we could-" and Monty just nopes and slams the door in his face.
Bonnet feeling lonely in Bonnie Bowl's diner, because no one comes to see her. she often sneaks out to the Daycare Theater and plays on the stage; Sunny starts to notice and gets her to talk about missing her brother and the others. he debates telling Lols about this, but eventually slips her a note, so she does go and sees Bonnet, and the two kinda bond a little.
Bon-Bon might get renamed to Bonneo...like a variant on Bonnet...maybe they first performed Romeo and Juliet at their theater (Punch and Judy styled maybe??) and thus they were named as such? kinda makes sense, since i've renamed most of the other Funrocks (Golddy being a Freddy, Vixx being Foxy, been referring to Baby as "Ell" recently...)
Lols and Bonnet having weird "sleep schedules" at first, because their internals are still set to GMT. mainly they're active with primary tasks at night, and are in a more passive mode during the day. it gets fixed, but it's one of the earlier Loligator moments when he catches Lols roaming at night and understands their restlessness.
also similarly, they both still have the EU criminal data base references installed in them...you know, like how the toys had facial recognition to catch criminals, surely the Glamrocks should too. anyways, one time Lols caught sight of some guy that was on the EU lists but not the American ones, and went into attack mode which caused a minor scandal cause the attack seemed "unprovoked' but once they figured out what caused it, a statement was released to the public explaining it and that they'd be upgrading their systems for international safety...but really this is what made the techs finally reset the Funrocks internals to US-standard settings fully.
Lols hates going to the Diner because of the Baby-bot; they go to see Bonnet, but usually doesn't stay long, getting her to leave quickly. (Bonnet also is unnerved by the bot to a degree). one visit though, after something particularly triggering happened, they go there and Bonnet isn't there, so they kind of snap and go feral on the Baby-bot. the commotion earns the attention of the security guard and several nearby animatronics, including Monty. gator boi is first on the scene, sees the carnage, and tells Lols to just go and he'll take the wrap for this, since they expect this from him and if they get caught there'll be real consequences.
Monty gets knocked off the catwalks right before a show and broken in half; this distresses Lols out because this is the first time it's happened since the Funrocks arrived to the Pizza Plex i guess. but what's more distressing is they shove the bass into their hands (since Monty had been giving bass lessons) and tells them to just mimic playing for the show tonight because it's too late to cancel it now. it works well enough. Lols is there in parts and service when Monty wakes up though and tells him everything.
(Lilbit section of the AU) Chica trying to feed Lilbit pizza; the kids being "you can't feed a baby pizza!" and Chica being "but babies love pizza" and yeah it's a robot baby, so debating that...Gregory waving the pizza slice around, so Lilbit chomps on it and his finger (all gator like heehee) and he yelps. finally Lols comes in and settles it going "no she shouldn't have pizza because she's too small for a proper filtration system to be installed". and Greg will be fine.
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factual-fantasy · 3 years
I gots 25 asks here🎶
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Not too great if I’m being honest. I’ve been getting a lot more art stolen lately which has totally killed my drive to draw anything. Which sucks because I had this comic I was really excited to post but now I’m really struggling to finish it.
My personal life has been stressful too, but that’s whatever. I’ve got some really good people around me to help me through it. 👍
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I’ve been asked this question a lot. And what it really boils down to is it makes me feel like my work was stolen. When I see fanart of my ideas/AUs/characters, I don’t go “Oh this person really likes what I made and made something really nice for me!” I go, “Oh wow.. so this person just kind’a.. took my ideas and drew them without my permission.. greaaat...” 
I know fanart isn’t “stealing”, I know that this view is pretty unreasonable, I know that fanart supposed to be a gift/compliment and that I should be flattered, I know that I’m basically the only artist on planet Earth who doesn't like fanart, I know that I’m too protective of my work, believe me, I know. I’m trying to work on it and be more lenient about fanart and stuff. But for now I just don’t like it and would prefer if no one drew fanart of my works.. 
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(Comic series in question)
I have intentions to expand on Foxy’s investigation into the past, I plan to expand on Gregory and his past plus his relationship with the other animatronics.. I wanna expand on the Glamrocks healing process and how Bonnie and Foxy support them through it.. and soon I want to bring the Daycare Attendant and DJ Music Man into the mix.
Especially the DJ, I’ve got big plans for him..  
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(In reference to this post)
Yes! Yes I did.
I drew TF2 for a very short time, and it was mostly just some odd OCs I made so there’s not many posts about them. But in case you wanna see em here’s the main post that connects to all the other TF2 stuff. :}
I used to be into Transformers: Prime as well! But again, it was mostly just OCs I made, :/ ..
And Octonauts? Yeah! I was into that for a little while actually. No OCs there! If you search the Octonauts tag in my search bar you’ll be sure to find some artwork of mine! :}
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Tank you :}} I wish the same for you!
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Maybe? Wasn’t his Moon form supposed to be a night patroller of sorts? If so, I think he might have some defense protocols that allow him to protect Fazbear Entertainments property in the case of an intruder.
..Their property being the animatronics.
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(Comic in question)
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XD Oh yeah, Foxy and Bonnie too. Especially them actually, the idea is that they’ve never really seen much of Endos. Which is why seeing Bonnies robotic innards was kind’a disturbing for Foxy.  😅
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Hmm.. maybe, haven’t really thought that part though yet.. This AU still needs a lot of work. Like all my AUs do honestly :/
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Well Bonnie wouldn’t do that thankfully. The night that they fixed him up, Gregory explained everything about his experience at the Pizzaplex and how the others went berserk.
Him and Foxy also thoroughly explained why its very important that no one knows about Gregory. Not Chica, not Monty, not Roxy, not security, no one can know. So Bonnie would be very aware and know better then to mention Gregory in front of the others.
Although if he did? Pff, Foxy would probably smack him upside the head before everything went down XD
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After the Afton virus was wiped from her system, the idea is that her faulty voice box was cleared and she will be able to sing again once the employees realize its functioning normally again. :}
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They.. cant really do that for a lot of reasons.
The two main reasons though is 1; chances are they’d get caught by cameras/emplyees/security/etc. And 2; Foxy and Bonnie are outdated by years.
There’s barely any spare parts left for them. And the big repair machine is fitted to Glamrocks and their special endoskeletons. If anything that big machine might just end up damaging them instead of helping them.
So all Bonnie, Gregory and Foxy can really do is scour the basement and hope they find the parts to get Bonnie back up on his feet..
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(Foxy’s existential crisis)
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That’s hilarious but also very flattering, thank you! XD
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Yeah, after Bonnie and Foxy really talk it out with the others.. they come to their senses and realize how foolish their tensions were.
In the end, they were all feeling the same pain, and they shut each other out to protect themselves. Now they’re on the road to tearing down their walls and supporting each other. Like they should have from the start.
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(Post in question)
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Well, realistically they shouldn't be able to. And normally I would pride myself in trying to make the characters realistic...
But uh... I mean.. tears bro... they’re. They’re so EXPRESSIVE, and fun to DRAW. Like, I cant draw characters bein upset and NOT have those bubbly tears leaking down their faces!
So I mean, the animatronics really shouldn’t be able to cry. I cant really see a reason why they’d be built with the ability to cry.. But I just LOVE drawing tears. For me, they’re really expressive and really convey the characters emotions a lot more clearly. 
Lets just pretend they can and there’s no logical explanation as to why.. <XD 
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Considering how backwards and crazy the lore for FNAF is right now, I actually believe that Gregory being a robot is 100% possible and likely to be the case.
FNAF is nuts, you never know what they’ll do next now’a days XD
As for the other animatronics.. for one I don’t know how they’d find out. And two, they might think that he’s a part of some new attraction that hasn’t been announced yet. There would be no other logical explanation in their eyes.
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Yeah, I felt that it was more kid friendly then what she was wearing before. Same with Chica, They’ve both got skirts now.
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Well, Bonnie and Foxy weren’t considered little back in the old days. All the animatronics used to be about the same size back then. Its when the others got converted into Glamrocks that they became about 2 feet taller or something.
But also, Bonnie has something making him look even shorter than he’s supposed to look. The fact that he’s missing a foot. With Bonnie’s missing foot, he has to stand on his flats. Making him basically a foot shorter. (Pff, a foot shorter, haha)
The designs in this picture are outdated, but it’ll show what I mean 👇
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See how his right foot is flat on the ground in the sketch VS in the other picture? Imagine how short he is now compared to the Glamrocks when he’s standing flat and bending his knees..
Now the reason why FOXY look’s so short is because although he was a bit shorter than the others to begin with.. he was ALSO standing on his flats to help Bonnie walk in the group shot.
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Even after all this is said though, Bonnie and Foxy were designed to walk on their tip toes. And even if the were, they’d still be miles shorter than everyone else XD
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Well Freddy isn’t shutting her out because of that night per se.. he knows they weren’t themselves.. He’s more of shutting the others out because he’s got a lot on his mind right now and he’s having a hard time processing it.
How is he going to protect Gregory? How is he going to feed Gregory? Bonnie and Foxy are alive. Bonnie is injured though, is he going to stay alive? Is there anything he can do to repair Bonnie? Will Vanessa find out about Bonnie and Foxy and have them scrapped? What happens if one of the other’s find Gregory? Will they call security? What if Gregory gets sick? What if Gregory gets hurt? What if people come to the Pizzaplex looking for Gregory??
There’s so much stress.. but I can see where you’re coming from with the Frozen reference XD
Chica: “Freddy? Do you wanna make a pizza~? :D“
Freddy, having a panic attack: “N-Not right now chica! I’m a bit tired today.. 😅”
Chica: “Okay byeee..(?) <:/ ”
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XD He probably would. If the others were scooping him up like a baby going “aaWWWWAawawee you’re so SMOLLL” He’d be like “No” and then scramble and kick like a mad man to get out of their grasp XD
But you know, if like.. Monty came up to him and just kind’a picked him up without saying anything? Foxy might assume he’s upset and then wouldn’t struggle.
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(Comic in question)
I’m glad you liked it! :D Also I do plan to make more for this AU. I have a lot of ideas brewing that I’m really excited to get around to.. I’m just uh.. taking a break for now I guess. These recent art thefts have kind’a killed my spirit for a bit. :/
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(My recent FNAF comic)
Aww thank you! I’m so glad you like my Refinedtale AU! :}}
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(Post in question)
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