#cuz I got cool character design ideas for em
joshbruh10x · 9 months
I drew this a week ago and just finished it now, but yes thank you for giving me gay robot brain worms
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Alt Version without the sign and just the Glamrocks
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Sorry canon GlamBonnie fans I'm never letting go of my purple rabbit boi, you can pry him off of me from my cold dead body.
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mayordea · 1 year
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Happy birthday to the number one princess in the world!! 💖
~from her biggest fans :)
ramble of my scattered thoughts on the piece under cut as usual cuz i love talking 😋
This has been an idea I've been cookin for a while, and it was so cluttered and unlike any other ensemble piece I've made... and I decided I oughta do it anyway. I love Miku, I love Vocaloid, and I wanted to do something really ambitious and crazy for her anniversary. Crazy that she's turning her "canon" age this year TwT
I had the idea floating around since like, May...? And then finally started acting on it around June 18. I'm terrible with deadlines, obvious with how I can never make a silly birthday post in time, so I started wayyyy ahead to make sure I have some room to be lazy lol, especially with an idea as ambitious as this.
This was finished on July 12! So I had to sit on this for an annoying amount of time. Very difficult for someone like me who just wants to talk about everything I'm working on to the masses. But at the very least, that gave me the time to work on the draft for this post.
Here's some ~behind the scenes~ scribbles leading up to the finished piece!
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Left is the chicken scratch plan i made in my handy dandy notebook (whenever things are getting real and ambitious, i always made a rough ROUGH plan in there. Usually I'd do a rough pass of the full thing, but this was too complicated for me to do traditionally. I majorly benefited from digital tools to make this possible). CyberDiva and CyberSongman were considered, but I ended up cutting them cuz I just didn't feel like drawing them sorry-- (just pretend they're off to the side. They gave Ruby and Clara the pizza lol). Right is the "final" completed sketch (before I decided to include Chika mid-way through coloring and VY1 and VY2 near the finish line). I started by drawing the main "groups" separated on a different canvas so I can plop them into the main canvas for easy rearranging and transforming. However I got lazy and ended up drawing everyone in the bottom right corner directly on the canvas since I liked seeing the big picture of everyone's positions. Y'know.
Almost excluded Chika! But I like her design so much that I just felt like including her last-minute. You win this time, Chika fans. VY1 and VY2 were very close to being cut! I added them when I began doing the banner and thought "eh why not". I figured their non-human designs would be pretty easy to include pushed back in the bg. Ik VY1 is more commonly associated with the fan design, but I referenced the hairpin cuz it was simpler and the fan looked very annoying to draw 😭
Sorry to the fans of many Vocaloids I had to cut because this composition was insane enough as is. I promise I wanted to include fellas like CUL, LUMi and Sachiko 😭 I will admit I was a little biased on who I wanted to include over others. Like, I don't normally care for Bruno and Clara, but I wanted to get some more international 'loids in the mix. Also wanted to stick in the realm of official designs and not fan-designs since, as much as I can appreciate those, are just a whole "wait who is that guy supposed to be" situation I didn't wanna deal with. I also did wanna include even more character references through the balloons, but they ended up being kind of ugly and overcomplicated the BG :,) (Oh, and while this was originally planned to be a Vocaloid-only piece, I did end up including Teto, Neru, and Haku 'cuz those are Miku's besties dude!!! They may not be Officially in the club but they're her girls and it would be criminal to not invite them to her birthday).
Anyway, this project marks the first time I've drawn a lot of Vocaloids. Lily, Piko, Rana, Yuki, Yukari, Miki, Maika, and many more lol. All of 'em I've heard or seen in passing, but now I actually drew them, and some have really cool and fun designs!! I got into a habit of drawing Merli after this since I just love her design for example. And I'll probably be drawing more lol!!
Oh and the last thing I'll add for now!! The cake is indeed made up of various song references!! I wanted to reference the "big four" producers, just absolute icons in Vocaloid history. The pink/black checkerboard is "World is Mine" (Ryo), the crescents on the side is "Rolling Girl" (Wowaka), the smiley faces is "Matryoshka" (Hachi), and the three hearts on the side is "The Vampire" (DECO*27, which is sort of a symbol of his whole Mannequin album tbh). I know "The Vampire" is a bit modern but I couldn't think of anything else off the top of my head. I'm a fake DECO fan I know 😔 "Matryoshka" was originally going to be referenced in the colors of the candles but believe me it looked like shit so I just went for something else last minute 😭
That's all I have to say!!! Hope you didn't mind the text wall if you made it here. I hope you like it as much as I do!!!! Happy freakin' birthday Miku!!!!
I have to deal with tagging all these characters now for my page,,, in the drafts my tags got cut off after a certain point so I think I'm massively breaching the tag limit 😭 um... I'll figure that out later...
not losing sleep that i can't tag everyone, even for page organization purposes because some characters have pretty generic names and some are a little hard to see in full yknow. If you're one of those people who tag every character in the art piece you reblog... I am very sorry.
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How would you rank the barians from least favorite to most favorite
OK SO. IVE BEEN SITTING ON THIS ASK FOR WEEKS CUZ I WAS WAITING UNTIL I HAD ACTUALLY SEEN ALL SEVEN BARIAN EMPERORS IN ACTION. and now well im done watching the series SO!! im glad I waited because over the course of the back chunk of zexal ii my opinions on all the emperors got jostled around so much AND I ENDED UP LIKING ALL OF THEM A LOT. so i guess caveat for this list: love all 7 of these guys so much, definitely one of my favorite "factions" of yugioh characters. my fuckign kids
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anyway, from 'least' to most favorite
7. Girag: THIS FEELS SO MEAN. SORRY GIRAG like I said i love 'em all but I guess he's the one I like the least, if only because his design is.... unfortunate. And his backstory is......................... unfortunate. They really said "this black character didn't actually do any of his supposed achievements; a literal tanuki did them for him" and called it a day huh HHFDGSDFG Yugioh Not Fantastic Moments but what can ya do. He's still fun. I love his dub voice I genuinely do wonder if it being a bit of a Rocky Balboa impression was a deliberate choice (since he's buddies with Alito Boxer Kiddo Extraordinare).
6. Dumon: AGAIN. A LITTLE MEAN. SORRY DUMON FDHGSG he's grown on me a BUNCH since I started z2 mostly because i lesbianpilled him in my brain but he's gotta be #6 because his Barian form is probably my LEAST favorite of the bunch. I'm not big on his very flat eyes but I do love the idea that they're because He Cant Fucking See. His human form is so fucking funny they really librarypilled this guy so hard. He's low on the list but still dear to me. Definite Zexal Real One.
5. Marin: GOD. RIOMARINMERAG. I LOVE HER. I REALLY DO. her Barian form's color palette is just gorgeous and she has an awesome ice motif and she's a COOL SPORTY JOCK and she LOVES HER BROTHER but my GOD she suffers from Girl in a Yugioh Series SO BAD. THIS POOR GIRL IS FRIDGED FOR LITERALLY OVER HALF THE SHOW!!!! she does 1-3 cool things and They Shred Like Hell but there's just barely enough of her in the show for her to really blossom into one of my top favs :( don't worry sweetheart im coming
4. Mizar: ok so now we're getting into the territory of where I Just Really Like These Guys. I didn't give a SHIT about MizarMizael until the Moon Duel, and then I proceeded to give SO many shits about him. What can I say.... sad kiddo YGO character backstory gets me every time. I love that he pulled an Aporia and face-turned and tried to take on the Big Bad but fumbled so fucking hard he died in one turn. His Barian form is ROUGH, THOUGH. HIS SHADES OF YELLOW ARE TOO FUCKING CLOSE TO EACH OTHER PUT SOME MORE GREEN AND RED IN THERE. Anyway. Been cooking a trans woman Mizar headcanon for a little while now. estrogen and hooves could have saved her.
3. Nasch: I. really like Shark. I'm still sorting out favorites in my mind but Shark is definitely in my Top Five and I like him as Nasch by extension. Definitely one of the coolest Yugioh Rivals by absolute far. His slow growth as Shark from Mean Bully to Guy Who Cares So Much About His Friends just GUTS me!! This is what ygo's all about babeyyy!!! And the sheer amount of AWFUL SHIT that happens to this kid, MY GOD. He loses his sister over and over again and ends up with SO MANY LIVES ON THE LINE it's a fucking wonder he didnt have a turbo emotional breakdown and collapse. Also I love when characters have species identity crisis and claim to throw their humanity away<3 I know that one <333 ALSO his color palette is really good, I wish his pants were dark though.
2. Alito: ALITOOOOOOOO ALITO MY BI ITALIAN REP. he is latino to me. as well. anyway Alito is also one of my Absolute Top Favorite Zexal Characters I fucking love him. I love Tough Guy Who Kids Love. I love his Battlin Boxers. I love his narrative parallels to Nistro (also one of my fav characters). I love both his forms!! His Barian color palette rocks. ALL OF HIS DUELS GO SO DAMN HARD ESPECIALLY THE MYTHIRIAN NUMBER ONE AND HIS 'CONTROLLED BY DON THOUSAN' DUEL. He's just so good!!! His dynamic with Yuma makes my brain spin around. I need to draw him for real so bad. I hope they put him in Duel Links soon I will whoop and cheer and clap.
cmon. gotta be basic here but you know it's VECTOR!!!!!!!!!!! God he might be. My most favorite Zexal character. He is certainly the one making me the Most insane. I feel like a version of me from a different dimension made this character in a lab just to psychologically torment me. He's BONKERS, he's FUNNY, he's SO OBSCENELY EXPRESSIVE IT'S INSANE, he LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE MY BESTIE'S BLORBO, he LOOKS LIKE MY ART STYLE. Absolute Dana Monster Perfect Storm thats destroyed my house and my brain. And then they had to go and make him SAD!!! JUST TAKE ME TO THE VET AND PUT ME DOWN, MAN!!! s-tier yugioh character. top tier favorites hall of famer. i love him to bits. half my screenshot folder looks like this now
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fefairys · 1 year
53 54 55 56 57 59 60 68 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 . lol i just want u to do all of them
ur crazy i love u so much <3 under the cut again
53. Alpha kids or Beta kids? grrrrr I LIKE THEM ALL!!!!! im gonna say alpha kids cuz theyre underrated and im an alpha kid lover, but i really love them all :/
54. Alpha trolls or Beta trolls? beta trolls.
55. Beforus or Alternia? beforus is really interesting to look at because its so nuanced, i think. alternia is fun too because violence and killing and murder and all the trauma that comes with that, but there's also the insidiousness of beforus being seen as a "utopia" but it actually sucks really bad also, just in more subtle ways. beforus, final answer.
56. Derse or Prospit? DERSE GANG BABEY!!!! I LIKE. PURBLE!!!!
57. The Felt or The Midnight Crew? oh man i really like all the funnie time powers of the felt. gonna go with them even tho i love the midnight crew dearly as well.
59. Red team or blue team? i think red team would be more fun to be on because of the drama of it all
60. Meat or candy? oouugugughhhhhh..... both. neither. certain aspects of each. throw it all in the garbage. reread it 10 times. AAAHHHH
68. already answered
70. Do you like your God Tier outfit? (maid of heart) yeah i think its alright. looks comfy 👍 a fun dress might be nice tho...
71. Ship headcanons? this is too vague im going to eat you.
72. Character headcanons? eating you again this is EVEN MORE VAGUE
73. Meteor trip headcanons? man i dunno. rose and vriska stumbling upon each other alone at one point and its really awkward at first because theyve never really talked and rose probably dislikes vriska from the things kanaya has said about her, but she is very intriguing isn't she? they get to talking, as light players do, and vriska thinks rose is super cool, maybe she even says "You know what, Lalonde? You're actually pretty alright." and rose... hmm... rose wants to keep her distance, karkat and kanaya have both told her so many accounts of vriska being just straight up fucking evil. rose would probably suspicious of her trying to befriend her. i don't know that's all i've got idk what happens next.
74. Earth C headcanons? big polycule.
75. already answered
76. Do you like kidswaps? Do you have a favorite? kidswaps i have found more intriguing than bloodswaps for some reason.. i really like dave lalonde and rose strider i think that is rife for some super interesting shit going on. but idk i dont really think about AUs like this very much!
77. Do you like speciesswaps? Do you have a favorite? again havent really thought about it. designing the kids as trolls is really fun, but haven't thought about the implications or anything!
78. Do you use quadrants IRL? yup. you know this, juice, my kismoirailsis lol... fun fact for anyone else reading this, me and juice started as kismesises, which tends to surprise people who know us irl because we seem like we're sooo in love (which we are) but yeah we are still kismesises under that :) real!
79. Do you like celebrating 4/13? hell fucking yeah brother its a high holy day for me
91. Favorite hemocaste? aw man idk. probably gold. cool powers and usually nerds, whats not to love!
92. Favorite typing quirk? typing quirks are so fun i like all of em!!! T3R3Z1'S 1S D3F1N1T3LY 4 F4VOR1T3 THOUGH!!!
93. Favorite MSPFA? i have never read one all the way through </3 vast error is pretty cool but i am NOT caught up on it at all. thats the only one i've gotten super far in :/ sowwy
94. What would your strife specibus be? hmmmm.... i've always liked the idea of umbrellakind theres so much u can do with that, that's why i gave it to my first fantroll ever! so yeah i'll go with that. umbrella.
95. already answered
96. What would your lusus be? i want it to be a kitty... idk tho my trollsona's lusus is dead i havent really thought about it!
97. What caste do you feel you’d belong to, regardless of your zodiac? definitely a low one, still. idk rust feels right!
98. What characters do you relate most to? well.
99. already answered
100. One popular HS opinion you agree with? uh idk davekat and rosemary good 👍 :)
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buddysunns · 2 years
Retcon post based on wiki stuff or missed things :
This post is also a wip since i gotta at least read the wiki until i can either buy or find the manga somewhere, and rewatch ace and take notes cuz wiki im using has legit stubs for info
(time to bust out the link i saved where the mangas sold or hunt ebay)
- Aibo academy (that got destroyed apparently?) Got a replica rebuilt at some point and is the sister school of WBA . It covers the earliest days of school (even has a day care) to middle school while WBA covers the rest
-ima assume that whatever time shenanigans that happened in the manga/side story eventually went back to normal and if it doesnt , my story will make it happen a la main character magic .
-I can redesign miko into a actual decent design now. Ill still post the og concept art and story , ive just now decided ill instead do somthing else , which youll see soon , since Ill be posting the og story for em still in case i decide otherwise or because some aspects are gonna be similar
only characters from manga ill actually need to account for at this time :
hikaru (sejis a model now and i have aspiring model in my next gen lineup too ! most of my ace cast is in the industry as well so hed prolly know seji as a rival ally , or w/e..... in typing this i might have him be who discovered seji ,along with {redacted } and have him be their mentor? )
kei : still runs the WBA as the headmaster.
New descriptions:
Miko Mikono [Now owns the cafe . Under heavy watch at times by dan and her GF due to a S/H attempt]
Eden [She bounced around a bit, started in nursing school and finished it even, but pursued a passion for business instead. Shes a certified accountant now , currently in business school . Shes working up thru the ranks and is dajis right hand man]
(This pairs gonna have like three grade school kids with one that was adopted in thats around the crews age , her kid with dans the oldest and is the cafe heir)
Haru Mikado [ that one cool uncle in his prime ,babysat for the ranga kid when he was little and visits at times.. either in college or just got out, and is studying abroad. hints toward a GF whod likely be a original character or generic brown hair lady thing they do for insert games]
characters thatll need a ace binge for me to decide their relevance to the story :
note (have a faint idea involving dan/seji but ill do a binge first) , kanesada, kazuma/sayaka
theres a meiru here and if hes in ace i may pair em with note? ( or may do it anywho imagine the edge on that kid?? lmao)
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seroothincs · 2 years
Hello... I saw your channel... but I never had an idea of what to ask...
Well... I have an idea about what to ask, but what do you think about Joey "The Scar", he's mobster with white hair and has a scar in his right cheek, he appeared more prominently in the earliest episodes with the mafia ("Bart The Murderer", "Homie The Clown") before Johnny took his place as a third minion of Fat Tony. Joey still appears in the newer episodes, but only in the background.
Joey! Awh, I love him so much! It's a real shame he never had any major roles in the mafia ever since "Bart the Murderer", what makes him so interesting to me is that he's just like any other side character, not that many voice lines and not that many information about him as a character. And that's a total shame, the guy's got a cool design but he practically is non-existent in Tony's mob. Though that makes it so fun at certain times, the lack of actual info on Joey leaves me to use my own creativity and come up with some for him. For example, Imma just drop a headcanon now 'cuz he is severely underappreciated. One thing I especially noticed was how he was the one who teached a class at Krusty's clown college when the mob took it over.
"You might consider robbin 'em" Ooh, very interesting, Joey. I seriously wanna know how and why Joey was teaching there. As if Tony just sat all his men down and was like "So, as you know, we have previously gotten the hands of Mr. Krusty's clown college, the only problem is we need someone to maintain it." Then Joey was like, slowly raising his hand, "I have a degree in criminal education and fraud, boss." Tony: "Good enough"
Maybe something along those lines, but I'm not sure. WHAT I AM SURE OF is that Joey could have possibly went to college to study to become a teacher, that's what I think. Like he wanted to become a real teacher, someone who could teach young students in real schools. Which is also why I think he works as a part-time teacher at Springfield Elementary. He's a smart man, I do believe that wholeheartedly, a passionate man who just wants to teach children. What I also wanna point out is that he and the other three goons along with him have appeared as background characters in several other mafia centered episodes. Though only really appeared as background characters who just stayed in the shadows of scenes.
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They were like briefly apart of the Calabresi's family and what I think could have happened was that they really were betraying Tony behind his back but once they heard that all three Calabresi's (Primo, Dante Sr. and Jr.) were poisoned by the D'amico's (They don't know that it was actually Michael who did it, they rather believe it was Tony) they soon noticed their mistake and quickly jumped back to Tony's gang.
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swimmingleo · 3 years
The Wizard of Oz: yet another conspiracy
It's about the infamous spinning around parallel, this one:
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Why... would they do this.
Point is I've gone too far, Harryween happened, I fell into a Wizard of Oz rabbithole and found this that for some reason I've missed all this time, which happens to be mf Pink Floyd related because why wouldn't it be.
I promise it kind of adds up in the end, but it's mostly me... clowning.
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The Dark Side of the Rainbow:
It's an old Pink Floyd theory and one of the most well-known in the band's lore: it started around the 80's with the popularization of videotapes. One day, someone just had the idea to mute the Wizard of Oz (1939) and play The Dark Side of the Moon (1973) over it right at the beginning of the movie (the third roar from the MGM lion). A scarily accurate synchronization resulted, to the point where one could ask themselves if the album was indeed produced as an alternate soundtrack to the film.
cut, im pouring mercy on the dash
Just your average fan theory, which really took off in the 90s and surprisingly received a lot of response. The album's audio engineer called it "eyewash" and an impossible thing to do with the technology they had back then. (which is. really not true. You could do it, it was just terribly impractical. then again if you're crazy enough..)
David Gilmour and Nick Mason, guitarist and drummer of the band, also vehemently denied the theory: total non sense and a waste of time.
basically everyone got real pressed for no reason lol it's a cute fan theory guys not gAy rUmOuRs cmon
HOWEVER, there is one person who never denied it and it's the guy who literally conceptualized the entire album. Indeed, Roger Waters found the theory "amusing" and had even referenced Over The Rainbow in later album The Wall (and seeing how frustrated he gets when the audience doesn't engage with their music the way he'd like, it almost feels like he was encouraging the theory but then again. pure assumption idk shit)
So yeah, make what you want of this dysfunctional band's response to the theory.
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Okay but does it really work ?
There have been psychological explanations of the phenomenon: the theory has been dismissed as the brain always finding connections and parallels between different elements: if you're looking for something, you find it. Yes, this explains various fan theories like the Beatles' ''Paul is dead'', or crispy audios we have around here (pReTtY uNfoRtUnaTe) where the perception is influenced by what we're told to hear or what we want to see. If you play any random music over any random movie, you will always find synchronized moments. But I think the Dark Side of The Rainbow goes beyond that: you can actually make out obvious interpretations and patterns that make sense with the rest of their discography or what they said about certain things/songs. The album actually matches the movie’s narration or the transitions between scenes. But once again, the theory has been associated with crazy delusional fans on acid who live on conspiracies so... (so larrie of em)
Here you have the full movie, with the album playing on loop over it (cuz it's an album designed to be played on loop). Most little moments feel like those funny coincidences I mentioned before, like a character moving, dancing or speaking on beat, but some others are like... too much for me to dismiss as coincidences, because they carry some deep PF-esque meaning. I won't get much into it here cuz we don't have time for that~ but if you're a PF fan interested by the topic feel free to send me an ask and we'll rant about it it's honestly so cool ffgeifzji
Still, I really recommend to watch this specific part:
There isn't any kind of edit to make it fit. It just naturally goes smooth like that.
Also the front and back cover of the album:
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...No colour > Colour > Back to no colour // Sepia > Technicolor > Back to sepia.
If you're wondering why Roger Pink Floyd would go this far to hint at a movie which had a massive impact on queer culture ever since WW2, and how it could be even more relevant to Larry, here <3
Do we know other weirdos with too much time on their hands who do weird shit with synchronization in their art yes we doooo.
So, the shot of them filmed by a camera spinning like a tornado, in an already spinning setting (twirling dancers) in MVs loaded with queer symbolism.
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last one just because... SOTT sounds a lot like The Great Gig in the Sky to me. Also he's flying passing by a rainbow at some point so.
The tornado scene is the core of the Dark Side of the Rainbow theory. The music and image go incredibly well together: the piano starting on the first gust of wind, the music gradually getting louder with the chaos on screen until it suddenly calms down when Dorothy’s unconscious in the eye of the tornado. Music ends when the tornado stops for good. But also the symbolism of that song and that scene combined: The Great Gig in The Sky is part of the transition between the first and the second part of the album and it evokes death. The tornado in Oz is the transition between sepia and technicolor, two different worlds and technically.. it's Dorothy's departure from earth to somewhere over the rainbow.
Meanwhile, TPWK is in black and white, Walls is colorized. Both songs represent a significant milestone in their respectives careers. That theme of "I used to feel bad, but I've made peace with myself and now I feel better".
The TPWK/Walls parallel starts at 1:41. Solely based on that film video I linked earlier, The Wizard of Oz is 1:41:47 long. So like. If they wanted to be little shits and choose a precise timestamp that would hint at the Oz synchronicity theory...
... I just like the idea of Harry and Louis scanning the internet for some rbb/sbb ideas, stumbling upon (or already knowing) the Dark Side of the Rainbow and being like.. aha, we could do that at some point. Because in the end, whether it's intentional or not, it's a pretty big pop culture fan theory, and they've both already hinted at PF and Oz.
All in all, the first person who had the idea to play Pink Floyd's album over the Wizard of Oz would have made an excellent delusional larrie and I wish they were here.
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euclydya · 3 years
actually i could go on abt our oc creation process (long rambles below)
oc!Rosie's sibs were created bc 10-11 yr old us was like "what if Rosie but evil :)" and that's how Alexander was born. Janus came a bit after. for the longest time tho Alexander was legit just Rosie but evil™ like think of sonic and shadow? yeah like that.
Janus was made to balance them out and their parents are vaguely based off my parents irl. fun fact Alex and Janus were originally called Darkness and Twilight bc i was uncreative and like 11
Allan became a thing bc of system bullshit, uhhhh. Like a LOT of our main ocs are just rehashes of our OG sysmates bc we were like "we can't write stories abt characters tht already exist in fiction that's FANfiction and it'd be crossover fanfic at that no." also bc of The Shitfuck Of April '19 (iykyk) caused the OG crew to go from fictive to post-fictive and we based the oc designs off them. But it was Allan who kickstarted it by literally dying in-sys JSJEJDFJFJ
I think my favourite oc design tht we have based off of That Mess Up There ^ is Midas simply bc his hair is g'envy as fuck NFJDKSKFK
And like I said in the tags we hallucinated a handful of our OCs too. not many but yeah.
A few of them are redesigns of childhood OCs. Ticky Tacky fr example is a redesign of our first ever OC/Fan character who was Also named Rosie and her gist was that she had a collar that let her use transform (she was a shiny Espeon for clarification sjakdkdkf) and Whoops she formed as a sysmate! And then! I (Rosie) split off her! And then ofc we had to create oc!Rosie and Welp! NFKFKSKDMFFK but yeah Ticky Tacky now is just a neon green fox thing. not a sparkledog as valid as they are tho they're just Like That™
A lot of our other ocs we adopted/got through design trades/etc. But if we're sticking to ocs we did design thennnnn hmm
My inspiration for Lennox was seeing a cool design fr sale on Amino that I couldn't afford fjekslwoeof so I was like. *yoinks the idea of a red demon with weird floppy ears*. My inspiration for his dad, Ziggy, was based mainly on my IRL dad lmao.
hmmmb. We got the design for Limbo down years ago back when we were active on C!3D. Their design was based off how we dressed at the time (striped long shirt, lots of bracelets) and the angel wings were added bc of kin reasonsKDNFKDKSKDFKFKFK. the horns were added bc Fun To Draw, same w the tail. Not sure where the idea for the glowy ahoge came from tho i think tht was added to make our artstyle unique ajskaksodof. We wanna remake our sona ofc but that takes,,, spoons </3 we have a design in mind tho we just gotta draw what Eureka looks like and we're done ajskakdkfk
And then there's,,, Ciar.... Who, get this,,,, was a sysmate first <3 Cir a fusion of me, Allan, and Eureka. Very alarming time that was cuz we worried it'd be permanent but nope JFKFFKDLFOG we need t draw them again honestly but their design is wack. Ce settled on it though bc Cir an ink demon with vague hints of royalty thus the fur-cape thing. But mainly they're just. an ink imp
SPEAKING OF IMPS I got the inspiration for our Dream Imps bc of @demonsthorn Necromites I saw she had a fuckton of cool demon ocs and I was like *gently holds*. I wanna make a species of demon ocs NDNDKSKSKEKRTK our Imps still have a fuckton of work to go into em tho rip
I THINK THAT'S ALL TBH bc the rest of our characters r again either adopted designs or designs we got thru trades n shit,
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beastenraged · 4 years
KHDR Chapter 3 thinks
My KHDR thoughts on the newest chapter! Under cut cuz long
-Xehanort walking through the Dark Corridor, saying how he feels the Darkness directed towards him by other Hearts...though that hasn’t happened yet. Confirms my idea that the Realm of Darkness (or certain parts of it) exist at all time at once. Time is certainly odd there. 
-I see your heavy hints in the “curiosity is bad” oyster story, Nomura. Along with the emphasis with how Eraqus and Xehanort are super curious and want to explore more about Darkness, I see ‘em real good. 
-Surprised me that Eraqus wanted to learn more too, I’d thought he would hate learning more about Darkness. 
-But he and Xehanort kinda have different motives, it’s interesting. They both want to learn more for sure, but Eraqus wants to know more to challenge the Darkness, fight it, while Xehanort...well, he says that he wants that too, but he’s really just curious more than anything else. Scholarly about it. 
-Is there anything more glorious than seeing Eraqus’ and Vor’s puzzled faces and Xehanort’s exasperation responding to everything Wonderland? So good. 
-Side note: I love Vor pulling up her sleeve to laugh behind at everyone else. 
-The Queen of Hearts, possessed by Darkness (like KHux style Darkness figures) or just her wrath? I’m leaning the later, but who knows. Cool Heartless design, though. And the armor! Love the armor!
-Nice to see what these generations of Keyblade Masters are really defining Darkness as in the classroom. Negative emotions, huh, or something that went around possessing people in the past...
-Xehanort, bringing up the idea of conflicting world orders again. What if a world is run by one who follows Darkness? Ruling by fear like the Queen of Hearts does? Do you do anything about that? The question has a point, considering how the rest of the apprentices surrendered to the Queen of Hearts right before a Heartless got unleashed in the last chapter. 
-Eraqus getting super pissy about Darkness, ah, we all know that character trait. Nice to see the roots of it pop up. 
-Eraqus’ grandfather, hm? Lost to Darkness...possibly Brain? We’ve all been theorizing Eraqus and Brain have been related forever, is that the case?
-Baldr! And he’s worried about his sister, who must be one of the missing students. 
-They’re sending out students for their Mark of Mastery...and if they come back, they’re Masters? If they come back. What. That’s...not good. 
-No, seriously. That’s not good. Are there enough Keyblade Wielders to be just...throwing them away like that? Not even allowing them to test again, like Sora potentially, or Terra? 
-That just reeks to me of attempting to get rid of anyone who might possibly fall to Darkness in the ranks. 
-For all of Eraqus’ faults, at least he didn’t throw his students to the wolves for their Mark of Mastery. And wanted Terra to get better, get rid of the Darkness in his Heart. 
-(Though he went about it all the wrong way.)
-I have a feeling that Adult Eraqus’ everything (well, almost) is in response to what the hell happened to him and Xehanort as students. Probably redundant saying such, really. 
-I want to know what happened to Scala Ad Caelum! Why is Eraqus at the Land of Departure in BbS, is there something special about it?
-Honestly, there is no fricking way anyone at Scala Ad Caelum knows that Xehanort used Darkness to get there. Eraqus would be throwing a fit and they might have killed him. 
-I might be over-exaggerating what SADC (as Scala Ad Caelum shall be for now on) will do about people with Darkness but...judging by BbS Eraqus’ response to Darkness, how Xehanort talked about people lying about their own Darkness in ReMind, the Mark of Mastery just sending out students like that....
-Something’s rotten. And that next chapter title is not giving me happy feelings. 
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motorcitizens · 4 years
ive never seen anywhere to watch motorcity with subs? so i went looking and found transcripts of most of the early mc episodes (available in a reply so tumblr doesnt kill the post) but theyre missing a few towards the end. i decided on my fourth rewatch that id transcribe episode 9! whether youre a hard of hearing fan or just want the reference, here you go! let me know if the initials are annoying, ill edit them out.
-I got you with the slash!
-You first.
-Why me?
-Cuz you're dead anyway.
-There's nothing down here!
-Philip? S- stop fooling around, man. I- I can hear you down there.
-The last time I bought anything from you, it took me a week to fumigate the kitchen!
-Okay, the reshcaps were a mistake, you're right about that. But today, I have something extra special...
D- ...then she says, 'that's why I can't eat the sandwich!'
[all laugh]
C- Wait, wait, I got one. Where does a snowman keep his money? In a snow bank! Eh? Get it? Come on, it's funny!
Th- We're searching for the Vanquisher, king of the realm?
T- Oh. I think they're talking about me.
M- Yeah, I have no idea who you're-
Th- There he is!
Burners- Chuck?!
T- [laughter]
R- Hey! You dare insult Lord Vanquisher? I should take your tongue and feed it to the birds.
T- Uh, you can't do that. I need my tongue.
C- Release him, Darkslayer.
R- ... Fortune smiles upon you today.
M- So, Chuck, you wanna introduce us to your... friends?
C- Guys, allow me to present: Thurman the Magnificent, and Ruby the Darkslayer!
Th: We are knights of the kingdom of Raymanthia.
C- It's called LARPing! [...] Live action role-playing? [...] Okay, I have a life outside of the Burners, you know!
D- Sure doesn't look like it.
T- Oh! I get it! Ahahaha!
Th- My Lord, a situation has arisen. The oracle awaits.
O- As you requested, Sam and Phillip were dispatched on a scouting mission early this morning. But we have not heard from them for many hours.
M- What do you mean you haven't heard from them?
O- I fear, Lord Vanquisher, they have gotten lost on the outskirts of the realm.
T- Texas is confused. Okay, now is this part of your little game or is this real?
D- We're standing behind some dude's van who calls himself the oracle. What do you think?
O- I demand silence!
J- I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm with Texas on this one.
O- Chuck! Make em stop.
C- Wait. Is this part of the game?
Th- No. Sam and Philip are really missing.
M- So, this is for real?
O- We need your help.
C- I vow to find our wayward kinsmen.
C- Guys, this is LARPing!
T- Woah. That's it?
C- Each weekend, teams battle for control of the realm. The rules are simple: First, once you step onto the field of battle, you must remain in character. Second, if you must be vanquished: do so with honor. It's neat, ain't it?!
J- The game's already started?
R- If by 'game' you mean a ferocious battle to the death for the crown of Raymanthia, then yes.
O- But we can't win unless we find our friends.
[at the same time]
C- I say we split up.
M- Let's split up.
M- No disrespect! Chuck- uh, I mean, Lord Chuck. What do you think we should do?
C- Ahem! If we split up, we'll cover more ground!
O/Th/R- As you say, Lord Vanquisher.
C- Okay guys. We'll check the warehouse near the old Renaissance center, you guys check the battlefield.
Th- I dunno where that is. Can somebody else drive?
M- So, King Chuck. How'd you win your crown?
O- It happened many weekends ago... Chuck stood as freedom's last hope against Mad Dog the Conqueror. If he were to fall, darkness would reign for yet another long weekend. Mad Dog summoned his dragon to finish off the Vanquisher once and for all, but fate had different plans. It was totally awesome!
C- Naw, it wasn't... that awesome.
D- Little dudes!
J- Sam! Phillip?
D- Where are you?
Guy- Huzzah!
R- Leave this to me!
Guy- The bards shall sing of this day... the day the Darkslayer fell!
R- Someone shall fall on this day... but it shall not be me.
[fighting noises]
Guy- Aha! Tsk, tsk. You've lost your sword!
T- hyah!
R- What are you doing! I had him right where I wanted him!
Guy- You're not playing by the rules.
T- These are Texas rules! [karate noises] Now. We need you to answer some questions.
D- We're looking for two missing kids, Sam and Phillip. Have you seen them?
Guy- I'd rather die a thousand deaths than help the likes of you.
J- Ahem! Forgive us, my liege, but we are but humble squires in search of our kinsmen. Can you help us?
Guy- I've never been one to refuse a lady, certainly not one as ravishing as you. Saw your kinsmen five hours ago, approaching the Dungeon of Anguish.
D- Neat trick.
Th- We're never gonna find them in time. Then the stupid Bardonians are gonna win, think they're all cool with their fancy mustaches.
C- Hey. Buck up there, camper! People said we'd never win the Battle Royale last Fall, but we did. Our friends are out there, and we'll find em! We just gotta keep-
M- Uh, sorry. Dutch just called. Your friends were seen someplace called the Dungeon Anguish?
Th- It's actually the Dungeon of Anguish.
C- It's, uh. Well, it's actually just in the basement right here.
C- Wah, ah! Get it off me, get it off me!
Th- This isn't part of the game!
M- Yeah, well, neither is this!
R- That was. Incredible!
D- What were those things?
M- Don't know. But I'm betting they have something to do with our missing friends. We have to move. [LARPers kneel] Uh, come on. Get up, guys, we don't have time for this.
O- From this day forth, you shall be known as "Mike, the Smiling Dragon."
Th- You just got a great name. Jealous!
C- For saving my life on the field of battle, I owe you a debt of life.
M- That's... really not necessary.
O- Actually, it's totally necessary. The king of the realm cannot rule while carrying a debt of life.
C- As such, I give the crown to the Smiling Dragon!
M- No. No, Please, look, I can't, I just- I was-
C- Mikey, you gotta!
J- Hey guys, check this out! I've never seen that symbol before.
D- That's really old.
M- Way before my time. Maybe Jacob can help.
Th- What if those... things have Sam and Phillip?
R- Never fear. We have the Smiling Dragon. As long as he's our king, we can't lose. Did you see his moves? They were just so- so-!
M- You okay, buddy? Look, if it's about what happened back there, I'm sorry man. I was just trying to help.
C- It's not that. It's just-
M- Just what?
C- Look, I tripped, okay?
M- Um... If that's some kind of LARPer slang, I have no idea what it means.
C- The story you heard. About how I earned my crown? That's not how it really... went down. It was my first real battle. I'd never held a real lance before. I was still getting my balance when Lord Mad Dog summoned his dragon... I ran forward but... I tripped. The lance fell and hit him by accident! I won my crown with a lie. Hey... it's better that you're king now. I was never fit for the post. I've been king for 48 consecutive weekends, and-
M- 48? Woah, you do play this game a lot.
C- Yeah, but... it took less than an hour of LARPing with you for the others to see me for what I truly am... a follower.
M- Hey, a follower couldn't have led his team to 48 consecutive victories. You can't fake that!
C- Mikey... Look, I appreciate your support but we both know I'm no leader. Not when I'm a Burner and not even when I'm here, playing make believe.
M- Here. Take the pin back.
C- You can't just give it to me! The only way I can get it back is to earn it by saving your life. And let's be honest. That ain't gonna happen.
Th- Never seen that tunnel before. You aren't planning on taking us down there, are you?
R- Well I'm going in!
Th- Do you know how much trouble I'll get in if my mom finds out I went down some crazy dark tunnel looking for killer robots?!
O- He's not joking. His mom is terrifying.
M- They're right. This isn't a game anymore. Texas will stay up here and keep you safe while we go get your friends.
T- What! Wait, why me?
M- Because you're the bravest warrior we've got.
T- Yeah, that's true, but come on! Don't leave me with the nerds!
D- What is this place?
O- Booyah! Mutant wolverine. I win!
Th- I could show you how to use that.
T- Save it. Not interested.
O- Why not? You're really good.
T- You really think so?
Th- Here, watch.
T- Hyah! Huh?
T- Mike, Julie! Incoming! We got trouble!
Th- Come on, I just got this!
O- Your mom is gonna be so mad.
J- This isn't working!
M- I'm open to suggestions!
R- A wizard!
Ja- Applesauce!
J- Jacob?
R- Aww!
Bot- The creator has returned!
M- Uh, Jacob? Care to fill us in?
Ja- It started back when Kane and I were partners- before there even was a Deluxe! I was designing our first ever Utility Bot. Its purpose was to make life in Detroit easier and safer. I equipped it with a new AI that would allow the bot to anticipate human commands, but I was the only one the bot seemed to listen to. But if it were ever to escape the lab, there's no telling the danger it could pose. I begged Kane to shut the program down! I always thought he did.
Bot: It began soon after you left us. Kane retrained us! We were instructed to capture enemies of the public and bring them back to Kane's new creation, an Interrogator. But the humans could not control it. Kane sealed the lab. Our new master told us every human was out to destroy us. As such, every human became our enemy. Disloyalty was severely punished. So we waited, until this door finally opened.
M- Our friends went missing this morning. Have you seen them?
Bot- Of course. We took them per our master's instructions.
J- We need to get them back!
Bot- Our master has awoken. If he discovers you here with us, he will destroy us.
M- Get the LARPers out of here!
C- I'm not leaving you guys!
R- Our place is here, with our King!
M- This isn't a game! Get your friends to safety.
C- Let's move!
D- Come on!
J- Look out!
[rubble collapses the door]
T- Mike!
D- Julie!
Both- Jacob!
D- We'll never move this stuff by ourselves!
T- Says who?
Th- What do we do?
C- I know a way to get through there! But I will require your van.
Ja- There used to be another exit!
J- Hey, look at this!
M- The kids have to be in one of those rooms. If we can find a way past that thing we can rescue them and get the heck out of here! Think you can buy us some time?
J- Do you even have to ask? Hey, ugly! Over here!
M- Sam! Phillip! Climb up here!
S- You're the new king of the realm?
M- You bet your butt I am. Lord Smiling Dragon, at your service. Now get up that rope, squire!
T- Okay, I admit. It's pretty cool.
C- But is it possible?
D- Sure. But there's no way the three of us can build it fast enough.
C- What if they helped?
D- I know you don't mean the little lunatics that just tried to kill us!
Bot- We cannot get involved. If our master were to find out-
C- He's not your master! You are in Raymanthia. And in Raymanthia, every man- or... freaky little Utiliton- is free! Free to stand up for yourselves. Free to fight back! And free to live! Our friends are down there, and I swear to you on the steel of my blade that even if I have to slay the beast itself, we! will! bring them back!
[utilitons cheering]
T- hwah! Nah, see, this ain't nerdy. This is a level 25 battle ax, okay? Twenty five. Think about it.
Ja- Maybe there wasn't another exit?
M- Stay here!
M- Way to go, Chuck!
S&P- The Vanquisher!
T- Make way for Texas!
C- The beast is absorbing the blasts!
[mike gets got]
C- Mike!
C- Drive! and when I say stop, stop fast! ...STOP!
M- Ha, oh yeah!
M- For saving my life on the field of battle, I owe you my life. My steel is yours to command, since a king cannot carry... I forget how the rest of it goes, here! All hail King Chuck, the Vanquisher!
R- This was the coolest game ever!
M- ... the game. Your win streak. You guys have to go defend your crown!
Th- We'll never be able to muster an attack in time.
T- What if we help.
M- We're yours to command, Lord Vanquisher.
C- For the glory of the realm!
[all yell]
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Survey #327
starting to run outta steam... haha.
What design is on your shower curtain? It doesn't have one. Did you get in trouble for cussing on accident when you were a kid? Ha ha yeah, for yelling "HOLY SHIT!" once, lmao. Ever made a snow angel? Yeah. Do you laugh at racial jokes? Absolutley not. What’s the highest you can count in a different language? 999, in German. How’s your flirting skills? I wouldn't know, ask those I've flirted with. Have you ever cried over a breakup? For a whole year and then some. I still have episodes. What does your dream life look like? Living isolated in the woods by a river and waterfall with a fantastic spouse, me being a very successful photographer and at least somewhat above *just* financially "stable," maybe having at least one poem published, lots of pets (mostly snakes), plenty of travel opportunities (mostly for photography), being free of my social anxiety and actually being reasonably confident, back in great physical shape... I'm really daydreaming now. What’s something you wish would happen, but know won’t? bleh Where did you meet your current or last significant other? YouTube, back when it was a much more social platform. Do you enjoy wine? No, it's way too bitter. What did you last ask your parents permission for? I asked Mom if I could snack on some chocolate chips she was saving for fudge (since Christmastime...). She was fine with it. Periods are fun. Do you get annoyed when you hear babies crying? I shouldn't, but I do. Me and babies just don't mix. Why were you in a waiting room the last time? I was at a doctor's appointment. What’s your lawyer’s name? I don’t have one. Do you own a lot of scarves? I don't think I own any... Would you ever get a face tattoo? I doubt it, but maybe something very small and subtle. Are your expecting anything in the mail? No. What would you like to see out of your window everyday instead of what you see now? Nature. The woods. Would you rather have a house exterior made from wood, brick, or stucco? Aesthetically, wood, but I don't support the continuation of wood housing in a society where we have many other options that don't harm the environment as much. So, realistically, brick. What is your favorite breakfast? Cinnamon rolls. Do you own a diamond ring? No. Have you ever stripped? No. Do you remember the last movie you saw while on a date? IT with Girt. Whose house did you last sleep over at? Sara's. Yes or no: foreplay? Lmao who the fuck does it w/o foreplay first. Would you ever record you having sex? No fucking way. Something nobody’d ever guess about you? I used to be in great shape. Would you like to be a journalist? I actually wouldn't mind it. It was almost my minor the last time I was in college, actually, but the required courses were a no-no for me. Last year for school, we had an assignment where we had to choose a popular song to write a story based on. What song would you’ve picked? I don't know popular songs, so I'm picking any song. Off the top of my head, given my love for dark and morbid shit, maybe "Voyeur" by Otep. That song is messed up as fuck. No, it's actually not about sex, 'cuz I ain't interested in writing about that. Did the vacuum scare you as a child? I don't think it did. Do you have a long driveway? No, it's actually very short. Have you ever begged someone to stay with you? Oh yes. Are you friends with anyone missing one of their five senses? Not to my knowledge. Are you good at Pac Man? I'm no better than anyone else. Do you have an embarrassing period story? If so, what is it? No. Have you ever gotten high off a prescription medication? No. Do you prefer tampons or pads? Tampons. Pads are mega uncomf. How old were you when your parents talked to you about puberty? I don't know, actually. What stereotype do you fit the most? Geek, maybe? Emo? Idk. If you’re a worshipper, how do you worship? I don't worship anything. What’s your favorite pain reliever? Advil. Do you have a lot of people blocked on Facebook? Not a lot, no. Does your father have facial hair? Yes. Have you ever had a hamster? Yeah, we went through a few. All of 'em were evil. Grape or strawberry jelly? Absolutely grape. What language would you most like to know fluently? German. Do you remember the last song you slow danced to? "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin. Do you plan on having alcohol at your wedding? I don't know. Do you have an idea of who you might kiss next? I know who I WANT to kiss next, but that doesn't mean it'll happen. I hate psychic questions. Who’s the most controlling person you know? She's not in my life anymore. Do you own a microphone? No. Do you enjoy trailers at the cinema? I do. Name a pet you definitely wouldn’t want. A centipede, to name one. I've gotten more into the idea of owning invertebrates, and centipedes are in that hobby, but they creep me the fuck out. They're cool to watch, but I don't want one in my house. Do you have a picture of you throwing up the peace sign? Yeah, it's actually one of my favorite pictures of me without makeup. Has a very "me" vibe. Do you enjoy romantic movies, even when they’re cliche? Ha, yeah. Can you tell the difference between a Scottish and an Irish accent? Nope. Can you read music? Probably not anymore. Ever sang someone to sleep? No. What is the movie that you have waited the longest for/which film do you remember anticipating the most/are still anticipating? Finding Dory takes the cake. What is something that an interested guy/girl could comment about you, that would make you instantly open to them (e.g., “That book you’re reading is from my favorite author”)? If you compliment my Markiplier tattoo because you get it, we are immediately family. Out of all your usernames for websites, which one is your favorite? Do you use it for more than one site? Ozzkat. I use it essentially everywhere. Have you ever spent the whole day (or multiple days) just looking up one thing on the internet (e.g., videos of your favorite band, how-to videos, quizzes, etc.)? HA, way more than once. Hyperfixation is a friend of mine. Bow ties on guys, dorky or adorable? C U T E ! ! ! What are your thoughts on mini-skirts or mini-dresses? ALSO C U T E ! ! ! Have you ever died in one of your dreams? Yes. What appliance in your kitchen do you use the most often? The microwave. Do you use Skype to talk to your friends? Sara, yes. And Sam once in a blue moon if we're playing WoW together. Are you allergic to any animals? No. Have you ever had to go to the police department? No. Have you ever been called bipolar? Well yes, because I am. Have you ever made fun of a handicapped person? Hell no, and fuck you if you ever have. If a necklace/ring gives you green marks, do you still wear it? No. Have you ever had food poisoning? I don't think so, no. Favorite emoticon? Probably c: Do any emoticons annoy you? No, but an excessive amount of them I find disruptive to whatever I'm reading. Do you think there will be a WWIII? Yup, someday. Has anyone ever asked you if you were emo? Yeah, back in high school. The most interesting thing that’s ever happened to you at a grocery store? I dunno. Probably running into someone unexpected. Do you have any good book ideas? Having written RP since I was 10 years old... I could by now write a dozen dictionary-sized novels encompassing what I think are the greatest storylines. I genuinely do believe there's some fantastic stuff we've got, but there's just too many horribly dark and twisted parts in the evil mobs that I am not comfortable publishing. Are you gonna see Cars 2? Well, this is old. I never even saw the first one. In all honesty, can a person be too nice? Yep. *points at Weed from GDW* Have you ever posted a video onto YouTube? Yeah, mostly "meerkat music videos," I guess you could say. Some tributes to certain MM characters, others just music with meerkat clips. How often do you compliment other people? I try to any time I have a sincere one. I am very much for complimenting people openly and often. The Legend of Zelda series: Twilight Princess or Ocarina of Time? I'm not a fan of the franchise, honestly. Never got the hype. Do you even game at all? Most certainly, but not nearly as much as I used to... You can only replay old games but so many times before you just can't anymore. And the "newest" console I have is the original Wii, so... I definitely don't have the modern equipment. Would you give Zumba dance lessons a try if presented the opportunity? Probably not. Definitely not while my legs are in such bad shape; the dancing is pretty intense and would seriously hurt. I could easily imagine myself fainting. Do you own a rosary? No, but I did in my Catholic-raised childhood. Do you like Adult Swim? No. Sorry excuses for humor everywhere. What’s the first thing you do when you get on the computer? Do a quick check on KM just to ensure everything's in order. What’s one thing that you just wish you could do all of your life? Not have to pay bills, haha. If someone asks for your honest opinion, do you give it? Yes, if they emphasize they really want honesty. When was the last time you felt uninformed or out of the loop? Apparently some politician (I think) died recently and people practically rejoiced on Facebook. I knew zip about him. When in a car, where do you like to sit? Passenger seat/shotgun. Have you ever fought with a good friend over something completely stupid? Oh, absolutely. There have been plenty of RP-related arguments with multiple people... In the big picture, it's laughable to fight over a game, but when you're so invested in your own creations, in the moment, it can seem like a big issue. Those drama days are long behind me now. Would you ever visit a third-world country? I don't think so, no. It would shatter my heart, especially seeing children in poverty. Are you the type that’s too ashamed to ask for or use directions? No. You overhear two people gossiping about you; what do you do? Probably call over something like, "I'm not deaf, you know." I highly doubt I'd sit there with my mouth shut. Have you ever felt manipulated? Yes. If you were homeless, how would you cope? If I was truly, entirely homeless, quite honestly, I'm almost positive I'd kill myself. Have you ever done something just to fit in? Yeah. When was the last time you tried to impress someone, for whatever reason? I'm not sure, but I've certainly done it at one point or another. Do you think that the world could function in a state of anarchy? Definitely not. How well do you know your U.S. [or your country’s] history? I mean, I know the bare bones of it, but I'm far from well-versed in history. It was one of my weak subjects in school. Would you ever wish to move to another country? I'm not kidding when I say if it weren't for family, I would probably move to Canada. What is something that you do that others might consider “nerdy”? The way I write, particularly for academic purposes. I'm very descriptive and have an exceptionally large vocabulary. Have you ever had anything expensive stolen from you? Not from me specifically, but our basketball hoop was stolen from my childhood home. I doubt it was very cheap. Do you understand/notice when someone’s using sarcasm? Usually, anyway. When was the last time you were fooled? HAHA there was this drama video suggested to me on YouTube that involved Mark in the title, and I was mega confused and inevitably clicked. Now it's basically a YouTube meme just how "perfect" Mark is, so there was no real drama; apparently some newer fans are just upset at him for playing the sequel to HuniePop, a very sexual puzzle/dating game that's honestly entertaining and can be really funny. Like... he's played the original and despite the discomfort of some scenes (which are censored, mind you), he still had fun, and it was a big hit on his channel. So him playing the sequel isn't surprising, but apparently some people got shit to say. What first Impression do you hope you make with other people? Something along the lines of "wow, she's very nice." Have you ever thought about how you make other people feel/think? Well of course. I think everyone should take time to consider this. What is your stance on getting revenge? A petty waste of time. Any wise/truthful/witty quotes that you live by? Ha, another Mark answer. He once gave the casual innuendo of, "Life's hard; shouldn't you be, too?" (this might have actually been in a HuniePop video!), but when you take the... uh... sexual theme out of it, it's a good way to look at life???? Have tough skin, unmoving willpower, y'know, that stuff. Who was the last person you sat beside at a restaurant? My sister Ashley. Spongebob or Patrick? Patrick is a whole-ass mood. Would you rather watch little kid’s cartoons, older kid’s cartoons, or adult cartoons? Hm. Probably little kid's, given my love for Pokemon. How about watching regular cartoons or anime? Anime. Who is the last person you spent money on? Myself. Do you own a copy of Roller Coaster Tycoon? No; I had SeaWold Tycoon instead. I loved that game. Do you have any birth marks in embarrassing places? No. Have you used Limewire before? Of course. Free music for the low price of a catastrophic virus. :^) When was the last time you required a band-aid? I think when I cut one of my toenails way too short. Are you afraid of snakes? Oh no! I adore them so, so very much. Not saying I'm gonna go scoop up the first copperhead I find herping or something, but I love and respect them so very much. They are such fascinating animals. If you believe in reincarnation, what animal would you want to become? I don't think I believe in reincarnation, but hypothetically, maybe a lioness. Who do you tell everything to? Pretty much whoever reads these surveys, haha. Did you have candles on your birthday cake? Not my most recent one. Exactly, how old are you? I just turned 25 years and one month old. Have you ever been bitten by anything? Besides bugs, I don't think so. I've had cats and dogs playfight with me, but none have ever seriously bitten me with actual effort. Do you wear hats? No. What was the last song you sang along to? "Lunchbox" by Marilyn Manson. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years time? I'd like to be, but idk if it's realistic.
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r41nbowrumpusp4rty · 4 years
this is not what yall signed up 4 when u made the mistake of following my blog, but i wanna talk bout some ideas i had about a new toy line so imma ramble into the internet void.
I like to keep up with toy lines that come out and in that vein i also like to trash talk blindboxes when theyre done wrong and praise them when done right. In an ideal world you could buy just one blind box and have fun with what you get, and minimal waste. theres also the want to be happy with what u get even if it wasent the ONE you wanted, I usually see this done best with quality in the product and every character being well designed. i once saw a doll line that had poofy scented hair and you could see what color hair u get through the packaging, which makes a ton of sense to me cus to a child the hair color on a hair centric doll is the most important thing.
all of this was context to talk about a new toy line ive been following where u unwind a ball of different yarns to find a cute plush animal and all the stuff u need to make a buncha crafts. now i can talk about what i think would be cool in the next series of this toy line,
1 i think it would be rad if the box it came in looked like a lil house and the window u see the yarn ball through looked like the window of the house.
2 I think the outer most yarn on the ball should indicate something about the pet, a lot of blindboxes will split their characters into themes like "fairy tale" or "desserts" and i think having a yarn color scheme for each theme would help in making sure that u get something u like. another idea in this vein would be having the box house from idea one have something on it to indicate what kinda animal u r getting like a horse box would look like a stable or a dog house has a dog bone outside.
3 they should switch up some of the crafts, rn we got pom poms, frienship bracelets, a pet collar and a bed. their social media also shows different methods to do each craft which is cool. I think some crafts they could have in the future are things like fingerknitting (maybe starting with a pet scarf and working up to sewing the scarves together into a blanket for your pet), sewing together a lil bag so u can take ur pet on adventures, if they dont make the box a cute reusable house they could make a cut out loom or a box weaving project where you cut slits n the box an weave the yarn to make it look like a basket. i also like the idea of making pet clothes and stuff too. maybe they could include a lil knitting spool in the center instead of the pom pom maker. another tool that could go in the middle is a friendship bracelet circle loom thingy and in the mold of these things they could make it look like a dinner table or somethin. it seems like theyre aiming the base craft at a younger audience and using the online videos to show more complex ways of doing it, which is good but kids are smarter than a lot of people give em credit for, they can do a lot more kinds of crafts. last note on this, the fluffy most "yarn" on the outside works great for pet bed stuffing but if theres no pet bed project you could change that outermost yarn to a bulky fuffy kind for finger knitting.
4 they outghta think through the yarn colors more, more different colors in each ball so each of ur diys look different, but also having the colors make sense for the pet (which is why splitting the pets into themed groups would be a good idea(another thought is to have one of each animal per theme)) and any charms they include could be better matched to the pet
5 how are there not any traditional yarn pets (sheep alpaca rabbit ect) ?! i know all the yarn is acrylic but it would be so cute. on the instructions there should be a "fluff your pet out" step on the instructions (just write it cuter like "give your new pal a few pats to smooth them out" or something) its not vital but i think it would add something nice.
6 the lil charms for friendship bracelet (if they redid that craft) would be cooler if they were a bit more pet accessory esq, like it could be a charm but it also is a comb (blunt and wide tooth to keep the yarn hair nice) or a pet toy charm like a little mouse or a
7 the youtube should expand to more accessible crafts 4 kids, i remember being a youngin and wanting to do crafts from a book but lacking all the supplies, with this u r only missing sisscors and you can take the knowledge from these crafts and use whatever yarn u want for them and re do most of them missing clips or charms. They could show how to knit with pencils or maybe even show some papercrafts like a simple origami drawer to hold your pets belongings.
final thoughts (if you made it this low i commend your fortitude though my poor grammar) I like this toy line and can see how it could be a toy that a child gets and treasures for many years, i also like the different ways to do each craft. I hope that this toy line dosent end up one of the more "collect them all!" types cuz while that might work well for the instagram moms with youtube channels where they get paid to review toys it dosent work as well for the kid whose been saving up their pocket money and wants to get something that they will have a ton of fun with.
just in case anyone up in the raveltales office sees this, i promise i can be more coherent, and i do have more nifty ideas ;)
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Hey! Could I get to know some of your headcanons about dickfigures/your designs for them? :D
ya ya sure!!!!
i already have my designs for them up if you havent seen, here they are!
as for headcanons idk how long this post will be so ill just add a read more for anyone who might not wanna scroll thru it all lol
his real name is rowan bc i thought it was cute, also it means “little red one” which is eVEN BETTER
he’s nonbinary masc and bisexual! the self projection is REAL
he has adhd
most of my headcanons kinda flow into my own version of dick figures because i’m not very Satisfied with canon NJSJDNSKM so like. for example red doesn’t just kill people or whatever. he gets into fights and has scars and wears bandaids a lot bc of them
he graduated college with blue, he got a bachelor’s degree in fine arts (honestly idk how college works bc im a grade 10 baby so if thats like totally wrong just let me know also im. canadian so idk how american school system works LOL)
red got suspended a lot in high school but never expelled. mostly bc he got in fights that were mainly him protecting stacey from shitty people (he sees her as his sister so he was rlly protective) and the school wasnt really sure what else to do so they just. you know. suspended him a bunch of times hoping itd do something but it didnt
he hates his dad! reason being is bc when he was born, his dad was actually an alien able to disguise himself as human, so he wanted to take red back to his home planet cuz red turned out to be more powerful than anything his dad had ever seen. but red’s mom was like Nope, so she snuck out with him and his plush cat (kitty amazing) and they were never found. red is very close with his mom and is scared of his dad coming back someday
we know he canonically likes rlly loud music so im just gonna project here and say he’s a metalhead. at least, some form of it. he likes the alt scene music and industrial rock. examples being deftones, nine inch nails, skinny puppy, rage against the machine, kittie and others. it keeps him focused and calm
we know blue was bullied as a kid but i dont wanna say red also bullied him bc i feel like thats just wrong to me? MAYBE ITS NOT ACTUALLY but it just makes me sad so like. lets say red, being as protective as he is, stood up for blue a lot cuz he was like “oh this kid cant fight” so he knew what to do
blue dated pink for awhile but they mutually agreed to break up after blue realized this wasnt what he wanted (he came to the conclusion that he was gay, well, he knew for awhile but it was Internalized Homophobia)
he grew up in a very conservative family so to see the world completely differently by meeting red, ems (lt), pink and stacey was a very good thing for him. unfortunately even tho his family did love him, it was conditional so they stopped talking to him after he came out. thankfully he’d already graduated high school by that point
despite being emotional blue isn’t very good at understanding how he’s an emotional person. he’s able to distinct one feeling from another and analyze them, but it’s just... hard for him to kind of. process WHY he feels a certain way? which is what’s led to a lot of his struggles in getting closer with ppl
he loooves reading and writing we already know this but i mean come on. he also got a bachelor’s degree in english/ela. so he’s able to become a teacher ig but he doesn’t really want to? at least not for awhile yet
blue was ems’ first friend. at first he couldn’t understand why they had tics but decided he shouldn’t get into someone else’s business. he didn’t find it weird, just cool!
he and red would always pair up for projects if they had classes together!!!!!! blue would do the writing/research and red would do the illustrations. they always turned out really good even if it ended with red cramming it at the last minute
surprisingly hates broseph more than red. well i mean its not surprising, because broseph was always a huge DICK to him
blue’s real name is wyatt!!!!! i forget the meaning but i felt the sound of it and the meaning fit him well
she’s still in college, getting her doctorate to be an astrophysicist!
pink is very very smart and will help anyone who’s struggling with something in school. she was basically the genius who always got in the honor roll every year. but, she actually was really anxious especially with exams
pink encourages stacey to go back to school, and sometimes stacey does, but she always ends up leaving again. it’s a little stressful but pink has hope for her
she’s never drank one sip of alcohol in her entire life. she smoked weed once, but it felt weird so she didn’t do it again
ever since she and blue broke up she’s been very supportive of him bc she herself is bisexual!!! so she sees nothing weird about it. in fact, about almost a year later she started dating stacey
pink’s real name is lily. when she became friends with blue she met red through him and she was like “can i join your nickname thing” and they said “sure” so they called her pink. stacey sometimes calls her pinky or just pink but mostly lily
pink helped red with academics. even tho he was sometimes insufferable to work with (/j thats a Joke i promise she’s a very patient person) she didn’t give up on him!!!! in return he helped her out with some fitness stuff cuz pink was always insecure about gym, and later when she graduated she actually got into exercising bc of red!
she loves travelling and going for walks. she owns a lot of houseplants and she’s given them all names and takes very good care of them! she also owns an albino ball python named Velvet
stacey is nOT actually all about sex this time ok. i don’t like that. i mean she did have some personality in canon but it wasn’t much? anyways she just really likes to express herself thru tight/”risque” clothing like fishnets and leather and pleated skirts and thigh-highs and platform boots, all of that. basically she’s a goth girl but doesn’t really “act” like one
she’s really intelligent when it comes to animals and insects and will tell you anything you need to know. when she goes back to college she gets a degree in environmental science
stacey can play the electric and bass guitars!!!! she was in a band back in high school but it never really went anywhere beyond performances at parties in someone’s garage. not that she didn’t like it, looking back on it makes her feel happy, but she wished it continued. probably why she has a hard time going back to college bc she’s not sure what she really wants
stacey is a trans woman btw!!!!! unfortunately it was a little difficult in high school to be who she was bc some kids were jerks, but there were a lot of others who supported her which is good
she views red as her brother as well and they still hang out a lot
i haven’t really had time to focus on stacey and make headcanons and stuff for her so i don’t have a lot but... let’s say, secretly, she’s a scifi nerd. and for the sake of debate, let’s say she’s a marvel fan. if you count being a fan of deadpool as being a fan of marvel
LOVES GIRLS.... loves pink!!!
has very similar music taste to red’s!!!!!
emssss!!!!!!! (lt)
instead of being a stereotype of ppl with tourette’s syndrome, it’s just a normal thing that isn’t focused on a whole lot. it doesn’t make ems swear but if they get really really frustrated they’ll curse while doing one of their tics
ems is agender, i’d say they’re also ageless but i don’t really want to make them too “nonhuman” because i feel like that’s dehumanizing to people with tourette’s. so let’s just say most laws of existence don’t apply to them
they’re very friendly!
they’re an aspiring musician, just like in canon
ems is also big into horror movies believe it or not. they’re pretty critical of them though like most horror movie fans, and only like specific ones (i’m not a horror movie fan myself so i can’t say what Specific Ones they like ajsdhbjn just imagine they have good taste okay)
they r very artsy too and like doing crafts cause it gives them something to focus on. it’s just a hobby though it’s not something they’re Professional at
they love nature and flowers and trees and all kinds of plants and animals!!! they like to document what they see when they travel thru nature and stuff so they bring a camera with them (and their phone, but, you know whatever)
ems was never really affected by things people said to them regarding their syndrome. to them it was something they were born with, so they couldn’t bother to feel bad about themselves. in certain situations theyre able to control it but 90% of the time they don’t care about what ppl think
aaaand there u go!!! as for minor characters like raccoon, jason/trollz0r, broseph, dingleberry, they all exist (raccoon isnt a racist stereotype tho), i just dont focus on them a whole lot. most of my hcs for stacey and ems here were thought up on the spot since i havent had time to lay out all my ideas for them but i hope what i have here is good !!!!
also, red and blue ARE dating, and pink and stacey ARE ALSO dating. gay rights
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no-no-no-ahhhh · 5 years
I'm having bad anxiety so I'm just going to answer these questions rn
Okay so when having anxiety I over think and I barely have any friends so I thought if using these questions to keep my mind off things and it kinda works it's also why some are long because I'm trying my best to think about other things then my stress. Maybe some of yall can try this if you want. Could help idk
Questions belong to @tr33-g1rl
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
Soda cans
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
I LOVE chocolate bro
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
Cotton candy because let's all be honest bubble gum doesn't even tast good so that just leaves texture and cotton candy dissolves abs you could always have normal gum
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
Some would say nice hard working smart and dyslexic but that's what they say not actually think
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
I've never really had the soda bottles but for now Ig soda cans because I feel like it keeps it fresher then the plastic and plastic is bad
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
Umm out of all these ig tomboy my style that I try to go for more rn is kinda like bille eyelash baddie style
7. earbuds or headphones?
Def earbuds cuz headphones if left on too long start hurting and squeezing my head
8. movies or tv shows?
TV shows 100% I cant consum media for long (my anxiety)so cartoons are the best for me because they're usually 11 minutes and light hearted
9. favorite smell in the summer?
Hmm this is good question in my head summer looks so good ahh but I've never really had a sent for it cuz the past few years I've been in my room but I love the sun oh and you know when your about to go in the pool and you can smell the Clorox mixed with the sun block and that smell just smells like a soft nice energy and there is this one tropical sent havent really smelt it in years I remember the one time I got to smell it was in middle school in the girls locker room so ig it was a perfume idk if it was really associated with summer or it was just tropical perfume my mom could spray on anytime of the year
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
Lol none I hated p.e I was also pretty tall at the time so people expected me to play but I just wanted to hide in the corner
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
Well I don't really like breakfast that much I think food in the morning makes me nauseous but I have to eat it cuz I can't eat school lunch food cuz that shit is nasty but breakfast school food is 😉 so I usually get banana bread and good ass duch chocolate milk
12. name of your favorite playlist?
Por Vida is one of my favorite albums if that counts
13. lanyard or key ring?
I hate things being around my neck so key ring
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
Mexican candy
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
The outsiders
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
Your butt relaxing ig and not hunched over idk how some people do their work not hunched over like how do you see what your working on
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
These white Adidas with 3 halo strips and tan boots
18. ideal weather?
To wear you can soak in the sun but not have it burn you right when you go outside and kinda breezy not a fan of the cold and whatever weather that isn't effected by global warming is the best
19. sleeping position?
I always try not to sleep on my back cuz then they say that the demons come for you
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
I have a lot of journals and books to write
21. obsession from childhood?
My little pet shops, barbies, fnaf, teen titans, monster high dolls, beanie babes, never brats or the ever after high dolls cuz I had a fear of big heads as a kid
22. role model?
Em their are not many people to look up to these days but Quenlin Blackwell is even though she struggles with depression and seasonal depression she still is a qween love her
23. strange habits?
24. favorite crystal?
Hmm maybe amethyst one of the only ones I have
25. first song you remember hearing?
No idea
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
Be in the sun
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
Not have the seasonal depression come for me
38. lemonade or tea?
Lemonade bro tea is kinda weak and for BrItish blocks , but today I did have a bunch of lemons and they got me sick cuz I dont have a healthy balanced diet if anybody knows simple healthy recipes that have little to no cooking pls share
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
I've never actually have had lemon pie but I have been thinking about making pie. I've had peacon pie and water burger apple pie and McDonald's apple pie and I think another fast food pie but I can't remember the flavor. I know the other flavor exist because my mom order a different pie flavor from me once and she said we can both try each others. Maybe it was lemon. I think lemon tast is quit forgettable thow idk I always put other things on my lemon and lemonade has all that sugar and speaking of Britain I think they carbonate their lemons . But I think I've only had lemon cake 2 times , so if the cake
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
School is lame and that's on period pooh
41. last person you texted?
Umm this girl I barely know and I'm going to leave it at that cuz this story makes me kinda sad and worried and I'm answering these questions to avoid that
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
Hmm good question , I think jacket because they are bigger and girl Jean's have the pockets different to make the booty look better and sometimes that leads to uncomfortable pockets and front pockets barely exit for girls and jackets sometimes have those secret pockets only you have assess too like the ones on the inside and jacket pockets are bigger
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
1. hoodies are good for when you dont have a bra on and they come with one BIG pocket and you dont need to worry about a shirt
2. Leather jackets are for cool kidz and carry a nice vibe and still thick enough to keep you warm , but you can't really get them wet I think so you can't wash em , but they can come with cool designs on the back but their better fitted on perfectly on a person and if you grow they just look odd on you then you have to buy another and that's not fun
3.Bomber jacket , it's a whole style but one I try to pull of but just cant do it well
4.Cardigans kinda umm not a fan but good if your wearing a dress that's shows your shoulders and you are insecure about that being shown. Remember when somewhere in the 2000s they told us that cardigans where so easy to put on and throw more into your outfit so people bought quit a few. I do
5.I feel like jeans jackets aren't warm enough maybe their more for the summer?
44. favorite scent for soap?
Hmm maybe something tropical or just those cool lavender ones that have oats that's cool I like oats in my soap
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
I hate sci-fi uhhhg and super hero kinda ties in with that so fantasy and when reading fan fic just sweet simple domestic fluff
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
Hmm not sure but the shirt has to be soft. I only experience soft shirts like that few times in my life
47. favorite type of cheese?
Mexican cheese and blue cheese uhg and mozzarella with that crust, yum🤤
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? Errrum maybe a watermelon cuz they are very hydrated. Oh and watermelon with the big black seeds is better then that soul less watermelon
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
None dawg I really need to find one but I do have a lot written down In a book
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
Omg my aunt had some funny looking ass dogs I couldn't stop laughing. One of her dogs hate me tho now
51. current stresses? I dont want to talk about it cuz I dont want to worry but I was crying for more then 6 hours probably 8 when I think about it and then today as well and it's so bad I'm not even going to school
52. favorite font? I like the one kali uchis uses in one of her albums I think it's called fairy tell or something
53. what is the current state of your hands?pretty dry cuz I wash them alot and kinda long nails cuz of genetics
54. what did you learn from your first job?
I havent had a first job
55. favorite fairy tale?
Hmmm something with the tooth fairy
56. favorite tradition?
Idk holidays cuz I get school off
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
Depression and I would say anxiety but no
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
I dont have any talents
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
Uuuuyg idk too stressed to really think that I dont even know what type of video game I would be in
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
nothing stressful maybe something calm like a farm anime, some light magic, pokemon things like that
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
I was never ment to live life like a sim - megan the stallion
62. seven characters you relate to?
Anybody with anxiety, kinda pearl from Steven universe, the nerdy part of dipper from gravity falls , Roman from sander sides if virgil too sense he has anxiety okay and that's all I can think of I think early I said I dont really watch media or stuff so yeah
63. five songs that would play in your club?
Gosolina kali uchis songs and bank account that's all I can think about rn
64. favorite website from your childhood?64. favorite website from your childhood?
Y8 brooo oh and there was Disney or Nickelodeon websites you know that show with the hands and they had the googly eyes they had a g as new for that loved it and for Disney they had zack and cody games on their website and it's not a website but the one thing on windows that would work without wifi you know and you could make cakes and give them faces and try matching the cards
65. any permanent scars?
One time a cat scratched me more the like 8 years ago and I can still faintly see the mark
66. favorite flower(s)?
The one that grows on the cactus
67. good luck charms?
I know a rabbits foot is one and 4 leaf clovers,and markipliers flannel. I sadly dont have any personal good luck charms
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
I don't want to talk about bad foods rn cut the cameras
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
idk I think I can vaguely remember every facts orgin that I know
70. left or right handed?
Basic right handed but my dad used to be left but then the school forced him to be right
71. least favorite pattern?
Anything 80s uhg that shit is disgusting and terrifying
72. worst subject?
Chemistry but I just got out of that so that's fun
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
People day hot cheetos and sour cream is odd but I like it . I would wat some rn but I think I got sick cuz of my poor diet so I'm not. Someone pls suggested simple easy foods for your girl who can cook
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
1 I am big baby
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
I dont know
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
Tater tots are good and fries
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
Idk no green thumb
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
Idk ig coffee
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
Jewel tones
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
Theirs a difference?
82. pc or console?
Console it's just simpler
83. writing or drawing?
Uhhheg ig drawing I'm bad at grammar
84. podcasts or talk radio?
Podcast, podcast are just more plans out then talk radio and talk radio is a morning thing and I'm not the biggest fan of mornings
85. fairy tales or mythology?
Fairy tales mythology kinda ruff ya know
86. cookies or cupcakes?
Cookies their just more sturdy and their is always normal cake
87. your greatest fear?
Tooo many things and I'm having an anxiety attack right now so like no
88. your greatest wish?
Well it's cute and all idk to live peacefully is one part the other parts a secret for now
X.o.x.o gossip girl ya know ya love me
89. who would you put before everyone else?
Umm maybe myself Idk
90. luckiest mistake?
One time my mom ordered a foam sord for my brother and a real one came. It was some anime sword
91. boxes or bags?
Bags cuz they look cute and you can take em every where with you. Disposable I would have to say boxes tho because its less damaging to the environment
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
Sunlight is so warm and it fills something inside of me makes me feel cozy
Lamps are great for when sleeping and your scared of the dark
Fairy lights are cute but are they neccessary
Overhead lights are good for when you just need light in your life
Am I the only one who gets sad and sometimes cant clean if it's dark in the house?
94. favorite season?
Summer I think. I know it's harder for me to function in the winter cuz depression but then summer is anxiety sometimes ya know
95. favorite app on your phone?
Littetly no idea I don't really love/like the things on my phone if their more distractions or time wasters but I do love how I can search up useful things on YouTube to try to calm down my anxiety and I was definitely not a fan of tumblr at all but I kind have made it my safe place a bit
96. desktop background?
Well the computers my dad's so it has deadpool on i
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
Barely 2 ,I am kinda a dummy sorry unggv
98. favorite historical era?
Well idk heehaww cowboys?
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whenimgoodandready · 5 years
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4 years ago, I heard about “Star vs. The Forces of Evil”. I didn’t think much of it, but I gave it a shot (it was like a childhood callback to my “Sailor Moon” phase when I was younger) to see how it was. I made a little review about it to let everyone know what I thought and after a couple of more episodes, I was drawn to it! A twist on the Magical Girl genre of the heroine open with her being magical and fighting villains while still going about an everyday life. Neat characters, funny dialogue, cool storylines, original music scores, plot twists and the shipping dramas! I was so obsessed I made fanart/animation, bought whatever merchandise there was of it! (Star and Marco’s Guide to Mastering Every Dimension (original and Stump Day Edition) and The Magic Book of Spells) and been having dreams of the show as well! My reviews have changed since the first season. It started out as just words, but then came frames and then later pictures and now, finally gifs! Writing is my passion. I just love writing down how I feel about things and having others see it and what I have to say about it as if I’m a voice to the people. Speaking of which, I gotta get to this finale review before I’m over my writing limit is up. Lol!
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We open with what we saw in the promo for finale. Star transforms in her golden Mewberty form getting ready to enter the portal to The Realm of Magic, say The Whispering Spell there and destroy all the magic. Despite the major drawback to the aftermath (No Starco😢). She turns down Eclipsa and Moons advice on taking on Mina all together and is just single minded on her plan. Star, maybe that would’ve been a better idea. You know, like the whole Total Annihilation Spell thing that Eclipsa used! That could still work! Huh!? HUH!? HUH!? C’mon!!! (are we not gonna call her out for making a hasty decision based on her impulsive anger from her Moms betrayal!?) Before that however, she didn’t tell Marco the bad news of her plan to save him from heartbreak and Hekapoo was cool with Star going forward with her plan. Uh, seriously Hekapoo!? YOU’RE GONNA DIE! WHO’S THIS CHILL ABOUT DYING!? Guess after literally everything she thought, “Eh, I lived a long life. Besides, magic sucks a**”. Okay, I mean, if that’s how she feels then.
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Marco goes with her and after getting one last back handed burning slap on the head (“Running with Scissors”), takes the wand from Moon and gives it the old “Marcos wand” look! (“Deep Dive”) Unknownst to Moon that he’s used it before. (the drawn on mole would’ve been a nice touch. I’m just sayin’). This is it! Their one last adventure before the whole things over. With that, they hold hands (Marco choosing the top arm of Stars left) and walk into the portal to destroy the magic. Oh God!
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They arrive in The Realm of Magic and Star tries to do The Whispering Spell while Marco eats pudding that Glossaryck left behind for him and Star. Unfortunately, Star starts to lose her memories and Marco realizes he’s still fine. He finds out it’s the pudding! The Pudding!? OMG! You mean to tell me this is why Glossaryck kept eating pudding the whole time!? Not just because it was delicious! WOW! Marco shoves some pudding in Star which help keep her memories and then they see..............
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Thomas Draconius Lucitor! Riding on the corrupted dark unicorn from “Mama Star”! Hey Tom! How you been!? Haven’t seen you since well, that episode I just mentioned! Last we checked, you were stuck in your demon form on fire and with that seatbelt still on!..............which you’re now wearing as a sash for some reason. Guess you never were sent back to Mewni, or the Underworld, or wherever else cuz no one bothered to mention what became of you. Tom, we can explain! A lot of sh*t happened in Mewni and it was all Mina (and Moons) fault! Also Starco is for finally canon and Stars gonna destroy the magic! Btw, why do you have glowing blank eyes like Stars real/fake ancestry?....................Tom, you’re scaring us............Tom, why are you charging at Starco!? Are you pissed that they forgot you!? TOM! TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!
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Back on Mewni, River and Eddie finally make it to the sanctuary to save Globgor and just before they could open it, Mina catches them and the two biggest idiots of Mewni accidentally blurt out what they’re gonna do! (face palms). No thanks to that, Mina now tries to get into the sanctuary.
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Over to The Realm of Magic again, Marco fights off Tom using the wand by blasting every bit of whimsical spell Star does and some with his own while Star finally does The Whispering Spell and for the finale, we actually hear what all that whispering was! “Break the bond, tear the fabric, cleave the stone, stop the magic” again and again. And it works! HOLY SH*T IT ACTUALLY WORKS! I didn’t think her plan would work by doing that, but it’s true! It’s freakin’ true!
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However, it still doesn’t work. I knew it, I mean, saying the Whispering Spell in The Realm of Magic to destroy all magic! Puh-leeze! It’s only for the wand! :P. Just then, Moon and Eclipsa w/ Meteora show up and decide to help. That’s the quickest moment of forgiving I’ve ever seen, after all what Moon did, Star just accepted her again! Marco finally stops Tom from killing him w/ the corrupted dark unicorn by feeding him pudding, but in the process, getting stabbed! Don! Don! Don! After Tom is cured, he and Marco head back to Star. 
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Star, Moon, Eclipsa and Meteora Dip Down in their Mewberty forms (the fandom gets their wish on seeing Eclipsa do that) and are joined by the Past Queens of Mewni (starting from Skywynne not the 26 before her cuz that’s all the queens the book mentioned cuz the staff didn’t have enough time to come up with designs, personalities, history, etc for them and also Skywynnes mother, Lyric, didn’t save the original Magic Book of Spells :P) in spiritual form assisting them with destroying magic. They still don’t talk as they didn’t have time to that and cuz it’s the last episode and we’re about wrapping up here, so :P to that.
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Mina finds The Realm of Magic and charges after Star, Moon, Eclipsa and Meteora, but gets distracted when she sees her queen, Solaria, and gets attacked by the dark corrupted unicorn. Mina calls out to her for help, but Solaria, the queen that created Mina, transformed her and thought of her as her answer to finishing off monsters, did nothing! Nada, ZIP! Sure she hated monsters, but did she hate monsters more than she loves her daughter!? Some things are just more important. 
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After he was done with Mina, the dark unicorn goes after the queens, but Marco f**king flips the horse! DAMN! Well, he’s fought monsters, did a bunch of cool sh*t in the Neverzone, helped save Mewni twice and punched Toffee right through him! So yeah! He can flip a horse! 
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Suddenly, the magic starts getting destroyed, the baby unicorns melt, the wand is no more and the realm prepares its destruction.
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The Queens start disappearing with Moon seeing her mother, Comet, one last time, Solaria accepting of Eclipsas monster love and her hybrid granddaughter and most of all, Glossaryck goin’in bye bye. Farewell Glossaryck, you were pretty annoying, but kinda right. It was nice knowin’ ya. 
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Star then tells Marco he needs to go up the waterfall to Earth, but doesn’t answer him on the bad news that they’ll never see each other again :’(. However, I think he figured it out from their tearful good-bye.
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 Everyone comes out the well, but Star makes a big sacrifice and decides to go to Earth to be with Marco. Turns out, Marco stayed behind in the destruction of The Realm of Magic cuz he too thought, with or without magic, ღ they belong together! ღ STARCO FOREVER! 
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With that, they hug for the very last time with their last bit of magic giving them their glowing cheek marks, unknown what will become of them during the destruction (possibly death) and then 💥BOOM!💥
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The sanctuary is now gone along with the magic, well dimension traveling, (the narwhal blasting) and most of all, no more signature cheek marks on Star or anyone else who had ‘em on the show! And Star floats a drift on an alligator where Moon finds her riding on another alligator like a jet ski.
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The new Solarian army falls apart and all the Monsters, like Buff Frog and his kids, are now finally safe from harm all thanks to Star. Destroying the magic actually did turn out to be the solution to fix everything (I personally didn’t think so cuz I would’ve preferred Star go with Eclipsa’s Total Annihilation Spell from the beginning) and Stars tapestry did predict the outcome of it:Magic gone, no more Glossaryck, Mina defeated, Monsters safe, Reconciled with Moon, Eclipsa and her family alive and well and the Monster Temple still standing, but still, no Starco 😢. However, Star was still happy all the monsters were okay, her family safe and even Eclipsa and her family safe.
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With the magic gone, Mina Loveberry has been brought down to normal and unfortunately, still coo coo! Now, with the other villains in the show, most of ‘em got redeemed (Ludo, Tom and Meteora) and others died (Toffee), but our final “Forces of Evil”, Mina, who can no longer transform into her Hulk-like warrior self, still remains mentally ill (there’s no cure for that). Moon tries to talk some final sense into her and help her out with her diseased mind, but Mina refuses her help cuz despite the fact that she’s depowered, she runs off continuing her goal on eliminating monsters cuz it “lingers to her”. Well, she’s a lost cause and no one really gives a sh*t about her anymore (except maybe Manfred), so good-luck to ya ya psycho b*tch!
Moon apologizes to Star for working along side with Mina and making the biggest f*ck up in history, but Star easily forgives her since she (Star) always f*cks up too. I guess the apple doesn’t really fall far from the tree after all, huh!? Star says it’s cuz all families f*ck up (some more so than others), but that what they need to do is just live and learn from it all. So yeah, it’s true. Star heads back to the infirmary to check up on her friends and since the magics gone, those Solarian fatal wounds have already disappeared and everyones okay. Like Pony Head and Rich Pigeon! Star tells Pony Head that destroying the magic was the only solution there was to defeat Mina and save everyone, but despite the fact that she’s happy all is well and done, the tragedy of it is there’s no more Marco Ubaldo Diaz! NO MORE STARCO! IT DIDN’T LAST! 😭 He’s just back on Earth with Janna cuz that’s where they belong much like how Kelly went back to Woolandia and Talon at that Dragon Spit bar thing and that she can’t deal with Pony Heads sassy character trait stuff right now! 
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Pony Head sees how heartbroken Star is and cheers her up by saying that Kelly is crying tears...........of joy! And happily goin’ on adventures with her “Battle Buddy” Jorby and that Talon is making up cool stories about his adventure to the bar taverns and it does in fact cheer Star up.
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From the magic gone, we learn what became of the MHC and that they were reduced to just junk. Omnitraxus Prime is now a lifeless skull like the ones you see stereotypically in the desert, Rhombulus is now a lifeless crystal which was originally his head and his free will snake arms are now just regular old snakes and Idk what happened to Hekapoo, but I’m assuming since she was a demoness, she must’ve just turned to a poof of smoke or something. Omnitraxus was so close to be mature, but sadly he failed to realize what Hekapoo saw. Still disappointed in how Rhombulous turned out (sigh) oh so disappointed. Oh! And uh, Sean just overfilled himself on pizza. He was never important. Whatever. 
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Just then, Tom shows up and he’s okay too! Pony Head didn’t mention that he was looking for Star after she decided to supposedly leave Mewni to live on Earth and I think it’s cuz she ships Starco now cuz we all know Tomstar failed not once, but twice! Hey! It’s the finale, so I’m tellin’ it like it so :P (third times not always the charm). Any way, Tom shows Star a portal that”s floating around in the distance and that it leads to Earth! (gasp)
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Speaking of Earth, since the The Realm of Magic was located under Britta’s Tacos, and is now gone, the restaurant is too. Oh great! 😒 First we lose The Bounce Lounge, then Quest Buy and now the taco place! (as if it wasn’t bad enough we don’t have Starco!). The whole destruction to them was known as an “earthquake”. 
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Marco is on a gurney, but he’s safe and healed now that the magics gone with that unicorn wound no longer there and his parents and baby sister are relived he’s okay. Sadly, much like Star, he's miserable without her. 
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Janna rolls in on her gurney attached to a heart rate monitor and she cheers up Marco by saying even though he lost Star, they still have each other as friends. Despite the fact that she drove him nuts most of the time, he did in fact consider her a friend and vice versa. Janna then tells Marco about a portal from a distance that leads to Mewni! (gasp). Janna then tells Marco that he should run for it while she fakes her death in 60 seconds to distract everyone. DAMN! RUN! DIAZ! RUN!
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So I’m guessing their last bit of magic together while embracing one last time was the result of that portal (no it’s not a “gas leak” from the “earthquake”), but how long is it gonna remain open!? Both our heroes run like Hell to see each again with a build up theme tune playing with Star punching her way through the Forest of Certain Death and Marco violating traffic laws cuz one thing is set on their minds, make Starco canon! 
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Marco uses Jackies skateboard to head faster while Star turns down a friendly game of basketball with Ludo and Dennis. So nice that we saw more of the minor characters again. sk8er girl Jackie with her new French mate, Chloe, starter villain Ludo fully redeemed and happy, those two guys that Daron never wanted to exist, Alfonzo and Ferguson, fangirl Starfan13, mean girl Brittany (well finally! Where was she!? Still wish we saw Jeremy though even if he was a little sh*t, I’d still would've liked to have seen him) we even saw that creepy woman and her new dog, “Willoughby”! (”Fetch”). 
Okay enough about them, let’s get back to Starco! They’re getting closer!........
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Wait! Are those dragoncylces? Flying across the Earth sky!? Holy Sh*t! They are! 
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And are those, mermaids!? Swimming in the aqueduct!? (was that a giant spider?).  
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Is that Rich Pigeon getting chased up a tree by Earth dogs!? 
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Did a helicopter just fly by the Cloud Kingdom over the Pony Head family!? 
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Whoa! Whoa!.....WHOA! Are you telling me, that Earth and Mewni have merged into one whole dimension and that it’s now Earthni!? Was it that last bit of Starco magic from the embrace that caused that portal to open and explode to do this!? WOW! Now I get it! “Cleaved”! Good one there, good one! Okay, so it’s a little hectic what with the two worlds becoming one thing, but maybe with time, everyone will get used to it (shrugs).
So if the two worlds merged then that means.............................
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STARCO AT LAST! The final unification! Better than the one from “Battle for Mewni”, not awkward like in “Lint Catcher” just pure unadulterated Starco and with their beautiful theme music playing once again to emphasize it. They meet, they smile, they walk towards each other and...............they say Hi. No big kiss or hug or even a silent stare, just plain old “Hey how ya doin’?”. It’s a little tame, but considering this is a children's show, it’s still sweet and more importantly, it was endgame ;). 
🎶 I wanna be your endgame,
I wanna be your first string,
I wanna be your A-Team,
I wanna be your endgame, endgame 🎶
Since Star Butterfly wasn’t there to do her closing inner monologue like how she did with her opening one in the pilot of the show, I’ll be doing it here. So the show ended with Starco like we all hoped for except with the unexpected twist that both their worlds, Earth and Mewni, collided together. Never in a millions years would we have thought this would happen! I’ve seen fan works of Starco either living together on Earth or living as royals in Mewni with their “Starco child(ren)”, but the fact that we got a best of both worlds finale was a huge surprise! Now the happy couple can still be with their families and friends and even have Meteora and Mariposa grow up together like they promised they would. If you ask me, this sounds more like a new beginning, like how are the Humans and Mewmens gonna adapt to their new surroundings and interactions among each other like it’s the start of a whole new season! But I guess that was left to the fans to use their imagination on how that’ll go cuz so many people already had left the show to pursue other things and that they needed to wrap it up quickly. However, we’re still left with some unanswered questions such as why we didn’t see the Septarian, Seth, and how he was the head honcho of the Septarian army cuz he was a big deal in The Magic Book of Spells and since that book was foreshadowing everything in the final season, I assumed we might’ve gotten a look at him and maybe have him make an appearance since it was last said he disappeared, but I guess like in the book, he’s history. Second, there’s Toffee, from the very beginning he wanted the magic destroyed such as having Star use The Whispering Spell in the Season 1 finale and then corrupting it in the tv movie and it wasn’t until near the end where Star realized he was right to do so after all the chaos that’s been goin’ on. Granted it wasn’t for the same reasons she wanted, but overall just doing away with it to not give anyone an advantage to use against someone. I actually thought (like some fans) that he’d come back again, cuz he was mentioned a lot and it was hinted in the final seasons episode premiere about the use of magic and that he might’ve, but after two seasons and a movie, I suppose it was enough and at least he got a cameo in one. Still, his actions were a big concern for Star. Thirdly, the rebel princesses, last we saw, Meteora blew up the whole school after finding out about her true background and we never saw what became of ‘em. Hopefully, they’re fine like Pony Head is and that our minds shouldn’t go into a dark place thinking about that. Speaking of darkness, monster arm, he looked to be hinted at coming back after his defeat, but instead he was just left as a scare gag and irrelevance to the plot. Lastly, the same goes for that mysterious sun/moon/star room in St.Olga’s. It looked to be a big plot point to bring up in a later episode, but alas, we got nothing out of it! We suspected it had something to do with The Blood Moon, but even that was all for nothing! Never did we find out what that room was supposed to mean and I guess it was never meant to have been pointed out in-universe cuz that was for us fans to see it as an up and coming big Starco moment like how the Blood Moon was never magic and that it was just a gimmick with the whole “soul binding” thing to spice up it’s appeal. The finale was good. Could’ve done it as an hour long special or tv movie to close it off, but since Daron and the staff kept goin’ through so many changes in episode plots (and believe me, I’ve seen plenty of “what-could’ve-been” plots like the original idea for the show with Star younger and non-magical annoying everyone around her with her big imagination of her being a magical girl princess), I kinda think maybe they rushed into it, but even so, it was a nice finale and it left a good memory for me. I found some nice people through this fandom and just to name a few there was that ever popular head cannon blog, @svtfoeheadcanons which than went onto @seddm. Thank you for your words and blog and answering some of my questions (even though it was kinda anon, but I think you might’ve recognized me from my writings) you are brilliant, @moringmark, your comics of the Starco/Jarco child clashing story were fun as well as your Starco Child Headquarters comic and I am now enjoying your “F.R.I.E.N.D.S” parody of the Past Queens of Mewni and also the Meteora and Mariposa comic, thank you for your comics, I always check on and comment on ‘em and last, but certainly not least, my good svtfoe friend, @agentpfangirl1997. Hey girl! I love how I found her and we chatted about what we thought about the show and checking each others reviews and fan arts of it. Her drawings are awesome! Glad I got to know such a great person. Even with the show, we still keep it alive through our love for it and will treasure it for years to come. Thank you, Daron Nefcy! @daronnefcy 
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salmonandsoup · 6 years
Can you tell us more about your Persona 4/5 AU? It sounds super interesting!
oh absolutely
the official name of this thing is “an unorthodox absolution” btw, just so y’all can check the tag for things when i eventually post em.  or not bc i forget but IT’S THERE!!!!  you can also check “the spectral redeemers au” or “spectral redeemers au”
but OK so this shit’s goin under a readmore cuz it might get Long and involves TONS of late-game spoilers for both p4 and p5
aight so.  i love villains.  a lot.  they’re bastards and bitches and they’re MY bastards and bitches.  it’s probably because i’ve always tried to be kind and helpful and i want to “save” them even though i know it’d never happen and they’d either laugh at me or kill me bUT A WOMAN CAN DREAM OF MAKING THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE
so i decided to make a villain redemption arc kind of au that would involve my favorite villains from persona 4 and 5 to be able to turn a new leaf and get personas and be a really cool antihero/antivillain kinda squad (grant it, some of the members aren’t bad guys at all, but due to interacting with the former bad guy squad and getting personas thanks to the former bad guy squad they join the former bad guy squad)
important things to note:
p4 takes place in 2011-2012, and p5 takes place in 2016-2017
p4 “ended” with the accomplice ending, and narukami was close enough to marie to get her to realize who she was and what she needed to do, so she killed herself to contain some of the fog.  inaba isn’t devoured by fog, and it actually left––well, more like it did something very interesting
there are a lot of holes surrounding a few characters cuz this is a wip au (for example: while i respect her and think she’d make a great pseudo-phantom thief, i don’t really love sae, so i haven’t done a lot of her stuff even though she’s the 4th member)
the palaces the PT go through are condensed, so okumura’s palace is actually some time in early august –– while i won’t go into it, you can imagine they’d fill the void that crunch time brings with other palaces while the spectral redeemers catch up
it all starts with okumura’s shadow fighting back against the black mask, figuring out his identity, and devising a plan to destroy the conspiracy from the inside out.  okumura fakes his death after starting to repair his relationship with haru (she knows he’s not actually dead so he can continue trying to mend the relationship) and lives under a false identity as he tries to accomplish this mission with akechi, and meets a few interesting people along the way, who end up becoming members of the squad in due time.  
he looks like this and i die because i have Things I Like and i poured them All into “ichirou matsuoka’s” design
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the first he meets is one tohru adachi, living it up and hating himself five years after inaba.  the two of them enter a dance of a relationship after a drunken tryst and keeping intrigue because they both know the other’s hiding SOMETHING from them.  eventually akechi and okumura figure out what adachi did, and decide to change his heart.
now, when haru goes missing is when things get fun for this story, and shit kicks into gear.
okumura knows his daughter’s a phantom thief––who else would be able to get close enough to him to change his heart?  fuckin nobody, babey; he kept that shit guarded as hell!  so he has an idea that this disappearance is phantom thief related.  and he panics a bit, cuz he was a horrible father but he’s not gonna be any longer so he decides to sneak behind akechi and into the metaverse when he finally pesters the kid enough to at least CHECK on them in whatever they’re doing (by this time, akechi is working alongside the phantom thieves and while they know he’s the traitor, something feels strange and they’re gonna Investigate this new air akechi’s got about him).  okumura steps into sugimura’s palace, because the bastard did NOT take the rescinding of the marriage contract well AT ALL.  shadow!sugimura isn’t tough, but he gets the drop on the PT and ambushes them
now, they could easily get out on their own, and were in the process of doing so as they got shadow!sugimura monologuing––but wouldn’t a distraction be perfect?  they get one with okumura staggering in and trying to tackle and beat shadow!sugimura into the fucking ground even though he’s literally bleeding out because he rushed in pellmell with akechi begrudgingly keeping the shadows at bay.  shadow!sugimura throws him off…
but then okumura hears a voice.  feels a cape manifest as he vows to never let anyone become a monster like him.  tears it off…
and behind him stands gilgamesh, his very own persona.
after defeating shadow!sugimura, taking his treasure, and escaping the palace, okumura and akechi decide to form a persona-user team of their own, and they call themselves the spectral redeemers––ghosts of villains past trying to make amends for their transgressions.
back to adachi.  you think the bitch don’t have a palace by now, after five years of this shit?  then you don’t know the bitch; he absolutely does.  and he’s the redeemers’ first target.  
now, unfortunately, okumura doesn’t really.  know how to send a calling card.  it turns into him backing adachi into a corner and screaming at him to tell him what he thinks of this goddamn world because they know the who, the where, and they just need the what
so uh.  okumura and akechi go into adachi’s palace blind and at 99% security with about four reapers in the damn palace, which is magatsu tokyo instead of magatsu inaba––shit tonna mazes and dead ends.  thank god there’s a flu going around in the police station so it’s flu season in adachi’s palace.
but you also don’t know the bitch if you don’t think tohru adachi wouldn’t do everything in his power to try and stop them, so he follows them in, too––watches them get the shit kicked out of them and still keep trudging, even making it to his shadow, which berates them and taunts them as they’re fighting.  and they’re making a dent!  they’re hitting it!  but when it starts getting bloodied is when it goes BERSERK.  and all they can do is heal each other.  then all they can do is revive.  and then adachi’s shadow gets an unfortunate critical hit––
and adachi steps between them, takes the hit for okumura.  and if you thought his shadow ripped into people before, adachi’s shadow tears his human self a new asshole.  every little insecurity, everything he hates, everything that pisses him off is thrown right in his face.  adachi goes from angry to despairing to grimly accepting as his shadow raises its weapon––
but okumura, barely conscious, reaches out with the last of his strength and takes adachi’s hand, gives him a warm smile.  he regrets nothing––he fell in love with this man and he’s wanted to die for years now.  if he’s a martyr, so be it.
but that little show of love makes both adachi and his shadow pause.  and then adachi gets up, even while bleeding––tells his shadow it’s right.  
it is him, and he is it.  and he doesn’t want to be that any longer.  he hates it.  he wants to change.  he’s done.  and he gains magatsu-izanagi, takes his own damn treasure, and heals both okumura and akechi and helps them out of the palace as it crumbles.
and thus begins the story.  i’m still working on sae’s stuff, but she’s the next member, and it most likely involves her figuring out what was going on with akechi and shido and deciding “y’know what?  actually, fuck this” and demanding a contract from her shadow.
if you’d like to see some more information, click here for a spreadsheet!  there’s a lot more to this au, especially involving a certain kohaku ueno (he’s an OC that @solivagantis and i created, and he lets the redemeers know of the prison of regression early––so they get to make a choice that could twist the tides of fate.)
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