#i feel like every few months i go through a phase where im done w genshin and then i get dragged back by something
azaisya · 5 months
sometimes i think too hard about yae miko and lose it. and there's never any outlet
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roguestarsailor · 4 years
You know what since we’re still in quarantine and i have nothing else better to do, i need to obsess over ACOTAR. I don't like a court of frost and starlight. For the longest time I couldn't figure out why I didn't like it. I aggressively read the book in maybe a day and I closed it feeling frustrated and annoyed. My version had A Court of Silver Flames preview so that definitely contributed to my annoyance greatly.
It's because it felt too perfect. Everything that had happened -- after the entire war was fought and won, they just go back to their normal lives? Yes there were hiccups and yes there were still aspects that made every IC character feel like their problems aren’t solved yet...but it didnt feel right. yes i enjoyed the snowball fight between the bat boys, feyre + rhys sexy time, and those little comfort moments too, the slice of life type things and seeing feyre accomplishing her goals and how hopeful the future seems BUT its too fast. the good parts of the book did not offset the bad parts of it.
Feyre literally accomplished pretty much every single goal she made back in ACOMAF just like that?? within a span of what a few months? a year?? She really came back from an entire war -- probably the first war of many since she's immortal and just like that, after her 21st birthday: she gets a whole entire estate, wants to start poppin babies, opens her art studio and starts teaching kids and then acting like she can rule an entire court?? the timeline is sooo short esp since its been brought up over and over again how everyone is literally 500 years old and have a super “messy” history and their changes seems to come super dupe slowly. but feyre, who has only lived 0.000000002% of her fae life, is out here thriving just fine???
the war devastated thousands of illyrian soldiers where its changing the politics of the illyrains and the faes, all of whom feyre has responsibilities over too as high lady. the mortal queens are still at large who left the humans on prythian to die which is why feyre was willing to go to war in the first place! what about the rest of hybern and their land and residents?? they wanted to enslave humans for social and economical reasons! then what about integrating humans w deep hatred and fear with deeply prejudice fae??? there’s also spring and summer court who are literally in ruins. thats literally so much. so idk how feyre is just chillin???? she gonna let rhys do all the hard work???
like feyre sit down. u should not be having a baby. esp since it took u literally a 700 pages to heal from those 3 months UTM. ur telling me shes gonna whole heartedly bring in a newborn in a war devastated world, with civil unrest (illyrains, other courts), with the messiness of human and fae integration, with trauma u and rhys will have to continue to overcome esp after THIS war??? even helping ur sisters w their traumas??
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this is a personal opinion on this subject (and maybe my thoughts will change on this later on; opened to other thoughts) but when i read the part about how that weaver/seamstress artist who made that dark quilt that feyre loved talked about how her mate of 300 years didn’t come back from the war and her biggest regret was that she didnt have a kid to remember him by i just thought ur kid isn’t some sort of memorabilia. don’t have a kid to keep the memory of ur mate alive; have a kid cuz u want a kid purely for the sake of having a kid. ur memories and photos and shit will keep their memory alive but its not having a kid. some primitive need to keep the genes alive maybe?? but the way it was phrased and then in turn how feyre was like oh i need  a baby pronto cuz rhys might die in the next war and regret not having a kid with him didn’t sit right with me. also the other couple were together for +300 years and have a rich life together, while shes been with rhys for literally two years THATS NOTHING IN FAE YEARS. thats still the honeymoon phase and also ur problems arent even close to being over!!!
everyone was shitty to nesta. in ACOMAF, we saw how much the IC went through and still did all they could to help feyre. what made them not think nesta deserve the same welcome? nesta is mean as a defense but did no one try to figure out what would help (amren got close but shes so under developed)??? feyre knows nesta feels too much and yet she continued to be shitty. continued to flaunt her wealth, her status, her familiarity/borderline know-it-all attitude about fae/night court, her ~estate~. forcing nest to the solstice party when nesta was literally like i dont belong, im looking at everyone through a window type of thing; the fire cracking triggering her, etc. what kind of power play was that when she made nesta come to her estate, where nesta could SEE how ~homey~ and how suscessful feyre is and fully see all the lovely paintings of everyone feyre loves that explicitly exclude her to tell her to fuck off to a war camp?? bro???? cas was a dick too and elaine was rude. i think a lot of his actions were meant to make her angry since anger keeps u fighting (as was the method of rhys for feyre in ACOMAF) but what he said was stupidly shitty and i demand that he apologize properly. elaine could have done more to help her sister but whatever. mor was definitely an ass too (and im upset for how little her character growth is). 
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Lucein. that man can’t catch a break tbh. im happy that hes w the band of exiles cuz he is whole heartedly accepted there. feyre was definitely an asshole to him even tho he helped as much as he could throughout the books. he tries so hard w elaine as well and it did hit my heart a bit when she was like gloves to work in my garden?? no ?? i use my bare hands see oNly aZiReL sEeS mE fOr WhO i Am. and at the same feyre is like flaunting her mate status to lucein which is mean as shit. its like this man can’t find love in prythain. then tamlin sending him his box of his things??? thats for sure brutral. tam was literally his partner through it all; savior of sorts even. no love from IC, no love from elaine, no love from feyre, no love from tamlin, no love from autumn court rejected everywhere! also HIS TRUE FATHER?? HEllo??? 
then on tamlin. i pity the guy! was i suppose to feel that way??? it felt like he is allowed to get a redemption arc and maybe i’ll even root for a redemption arc??? i was absolutely excited for freysand in ACOMAF but after ACOFAS, im like tamlin is....not completely bad??? his relationship w feyre was bad and the controlling parts were very much a no-no. i dont truly understand the dynamics of an abusive relationship but i can understand that it can be insidious and its the little things that hurt the victim. and i felt  feyre through ACOMAF and rooted for her to escape her abuser! but then it felt like i dont think he was doing any of those things out of malice. ill say tamlin is a bad leader and doesn’t know how to run a court outside of what he sees his father do. his understanding on everything is based on the traditions of the past which i think fueled most of the things he did i.e. not telling feyre she was in danger since maybe his mom didn’t do those war planning things. ACOTAR showed how he truly cared/loved and took good care of feyre and her family. he even talked about how he didn’t believe in the enslavement of humans! i think that tam wanted to preserve what he thought was the good (aka feyre + her love of painting) and get back a sense of control that he and his entire court lost while chained to amarantha. but at the same time, i think he truly thought feyre wasn’t safe. he knows rhys can crush minds and knows feyre can’t read/write so when he got that letter telling him shes safe of course hes gonna flip shit and made a deal w the devil (although those temper outbursts were DEFINITIVELY not ok!!!). he also didn’t listen and has sense of he knows best when feyre was not the type of person. but feyre destroyed his entire court. he lost all his sentries who literally went out to die for him during amarantha’s reign. he lost lucien too; his trusted right hand man. his people were cursed for 50 years and then continued to suffer UTM and was in the process of rebuilding too!  but just seeing spring court, WHO BORDERS THE HUMANS, be in ruins where his subjects left him, his people left him and hes all alone in the manson?? that was sooo sad. so im like why does what feyre did not feel satisfactory????? im mad that it didn’t feel right??? maybe there wasn’t a point where feyre talked to tamlin -- like really talked to him esp w her new found voice and power, etc. anyways, i dont hate tamlin and was like oh shit i think feyre fucked up a bit there.
rhys is a dick to nesta. which made me think, if feyre wasn’t his mate would he extend the same love and care to her???  i loved how he tried so hard to make sure feyre was ok. made sure she wasn’t breaking! all of it! but for nesta, he had the audacity to use his high lord voice and be an ass overall. even tho he can see how cas is fucken in love??? even just how he talks to cass feels off too. 
i’ll even go as far as to say because of how terrible ACOFAS was, it created this intense divide within the fandom. i remember reading the first three books and was absolutely 1) rooting for freysand  2) curious about the sister relationship and how it will be mended 3) i definitely didn’t hate nesta nor did i hate elaine either -- but i was adament about them talking it out with feyre for those tough times 4) saw a more realistic and charming healing arc 5) was rooting for feyre to be a stronger voice and grow into herself 6) love the dynamic of the inner circle + feyre
but after ACOFAS, I have this intense need to defend nesta and was super mad at how she was treated after the war and in turn a deep dislike for elaine for both her lack of agency, lack of grit that made all the other characters interesting, and lack of care for her sisters (who showed how much they would risk for her). i dont hate rhys but i was extremely not happy with him and his attitude and behavior. feyre became more arrogant and was acting like how asshole rhysand would act. like her life is perfect now and i was not rooting for her anymore. freysand didn’t feel like they have complimenting qualities that made them interesting in the first place but rather they are merging to become the same person but in a bad way. that mind reading thing was cute in the beginning but it became insufferable since all thoughts were shared so seamlessly it made reading feel weird. 
anyways those are my thoughts on ACOFAS. it was a 1/5 stars for me and im mad those events transpired. reading the other books made me excited to know what was gonna happen and i was truly ready to accept the characters as flawed and nuanced as they are. im not mad about character not liking each other but i am mad that everything felt off. ACOFAS just felt regressive in some parts and forced in other parts. i know not everything ends in a nice tied up bow but this book single handily ruined what i thought about these characters in the worse way possible. this book wasn’t suppose to wrap up all the problems that exists in the other books but it didn’t feel hopeful like i thought it would. it didn’t feel wrapped up and didn’t feel like i should be excited about the next books. theres so many missing pieces i feel that i think need explaining and at the same time, i think it introduced too many problems at once which made it feel like its jumping around everywhere. although im still excited for ACOSF because i love nesta, and nesta deserves so much better and i want to have hope that this bad ending will either make sense later on or it was just a blimp.
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aureumjeon · 5 years
while you’re at it (m) || pjm
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pairing; poolboy!jimin x noona!reader.
genre; smut, fluff, tiny angst.
summary; After finalizing your divorce papers, there was still one thing that had to be taken care of. That stupid swimming pool. Over there course of a few days, you ended up harboring feelings for one of your pool boys. Will things go as planned? Or will everything be flushed down the drain? 
warnings; brief mentions of divorce, infidelity and toxic relationship, sub!jimin, dom!reader, barely there bondage, exhibitionism, female masturbation, voyeurism, oral sex (both receiving), body worship, tit fucking, noona kink, praise kink(its jimin ofc), mild degradation, impreg kink, its basically jimin being a whiny soft baby for noona, unprotected sex, multiple orgasm, creampies, cum eating
word count;  11K+ (this was supposed to be around 7-8K only, iduno what happened really)
a/n; ahhhhhh! three minutes late but who careeees. im done, i want to sleep. the smut feels so rushed butill fix it... eventually... lmao, unedited as hell, dont mind the errors... will fix someday.  bye
@m0chilattae @ruinedbyjin <33 
Breaking away and cutting ties from your previous and definitely toxic marriage was the best decision you've made bar none. You could no longer stomach the abuse that your now ex-husband had put you through. It was a complete and utter living hell being bound to a man who wasn't who you initially thought he was. Having him crossed out of your life (legally, too) made it a million times easier. It has been exactly seven weeks since you chucked out all of his belongings through the front door. No regrets. And you still didn't want to take notice of the huge elephant in the room — or in the backyard per se. There it sat in the middle of the unkempt grassy area surrounded by leaves and trash, in all of its filthy, disgusting, bacteria and algae infested glory. Your dreaded swimming pool.
You had put-off cleaning it the first week after your separation, saying you're too busy doing this or too preoccupied taking care of that. When in all honesty, you just didn't want to deal with it. You had no goddamn idea how to maintain it. Heck, you didn't even know how to swim. Wonwoo was the main reason why the two of you bought a house that came with it after your wedding. He said he wanted to keep his hobby of swimming alive, understandable since that's where it all began. The two of you met at a university swim meet. You were the designated journalist for that event, assigned to interview all the winners after the competition for the school's paper. Wonwoo bagged the gold medal for the two hundred-meter freestyle, and you interviewed interviewed him and that's where it took off. Everything was running smoothly. One by one every item on your life's checklist got checked-off. After five years of dating, he proposed. A year later you got married and purchased a house together and planned on having children. You even put-off your job as a columnist writer for a high-end magazine company to play out the role of a perfect wife who'd soon take care of her children. You had the ideal life with the ideal husband in an ideal house that any married woman could wish for. You had everything, and in your own little world it was perfect. Until two years into your marriage, everything went into turmoil. Wonwoo suddenly grew cold and insensitive. He didn't answer your calls and text messages whenever he was away. He didn't make love to you the way he used to during your honeymoon phase. And sometimes he would just downright refuse, saying he's too tired and that he wants to sleep instead. You endured and tolerated his behavior for another year, giving him a chance to change his ways. But we all know what happens to second chances, they're wasted. One day, Jihyo sent you a picture of Wonwoo sucking faces with a female swim trainer at the city's public pool. You could not believe it at first, you refused to. Until she sent another image, this one clear as day. It was Wonwoo, positively Wonwoo. You called your older brother Yoongi and told him everything that had happened starting from the day your relationship spiraled into disaster. Like any brother would be; he was furious. He didn't kill the guy though, only gave him a black eye and a broken nose before you threw his belongings out on the pavement. To cut the story short, you found love beside a swimming pool and ultimately gotten your heart broken because of it. When people fall out of love, heart breaks are inevitable. All the more reason as to why you just shoved the idea of cleaning the pool under the rug like small particles of dust and dirt. You just wanted to forget about it, pretend like it didn't exist. If you could only haul that thing out of the ground and throw it out like you did to him, it'd be more painless for you. You took your phone out of your handbag and texted Namjoon. You asked if he still had the number to that all around cleaning service, to which he did, thank god. After saving the number, you called it immediately. Wanting no time to be wasted. "Hello, Good morning! This is Mr. Park of Mr. Park's Cleaning Service, how can we help you?" The bubbly old man chanted his spiel. "Ah, yes, um. This is Y/n Y/l/n, I was wondering if I can avail your services?" "Of course, ma'am!" He chimed, the sound of rustling papers can be heard in the background "What will we have the pleasure of cleaning for you, Ms. Y/l/n?" His tone never changed, still enthusiastic. "Well I have this pool..." You replied quite hesitantly, "And It's been sitting here uncleaned for almost two months." You let out a breathy laugh, fairly embarrassed at your confession. "No problem, Ms. Y/l/n! We've handled worse cases. Two months is nothing! Is it just the pool or would you like us to give your whole yard a fixer-upper?" You sighed in relief. "Y-yes, that would be great! My backyard could use the help, too." "Alrighty then! You don't need to worry about anything! Can I get your contact number and full address Ms. Y/l/n?" Mr. Park sounded like a charming old man, he never judged or asked unnecessary questions, only the ones that needed to be answered. "My number's xxx-xxx-xx and my full address is xxx street, corner xxx at xxx village. When can I expect you to visit, Mr. Park?" "I'll get the boys ready and will be there in about an hour or two to check on the conditions and come up with the most effective strategy. The duration of the process usually takes about three days to a week depending on the situation. It's always better to asses the area first. We'll do the best we can do, Ms. Y/l/n!" You can hear the smile in his voice, never have you encountered someone who's this passionate about his job as much as Mr. Park. "Great! That sounds excellent! Thank you so much Mr. Park! I'll see you later!" "Thank you, too, Ms. Y/l/n! Good bye!" The call ended and you checked the clock. It was a quarter to nine, still a lot of time left before they arrive. You decided to tidy up the place, picking up dirty laundry, washing the dishes, and anything that demanded to be put in its proper place. You accomplished everything in under an hour and decided to lounge around on your couch, still in your black silk nightwear dress that rested a good five inches above your knee. To be fair, you did wake up too early for your liking, and it made you thrice as sluggish than usual. 'Only ten minutes' you reminded yourself because you still needed to shower. Your eyelids felt heavy and the softness of the pillow you were resting your head on didn't help either. 'five more minutes, then it's time to shower, I swear.' Things didn't always go according to plan, of course. You fell asleep.
Your little nap was interrupted by the sound of your doorbell ringing multiple times, "Ms. Y/l/n?! Is anybody home? This is Mr.Park's Cleaning Service." The man on the other side of the door yelled. Oh shit oh shit oh shit. You scramble about you couch only to fall on the floor with a loud thud, "W-wait! Just a minute!" You squealed, heading out to the nearest bathroom to grab your bathrobe and wrap it around your frame. You chugged down and gargled a cup full of mouthwash before spitting it out. "Shit..." You hissed, taming out the fly-aways of your hair and tying it up in a loose bun. Your bangs rested messily on your forehead but you didn't have the pleasure of curling it. So you opted for just sweeping it to the side, making yourself more presentable. "I'm coming!" You yelped, treading to your front door and opening it. The three boys who stood at your doorstep gave you a courteous ninety degree bow. They were wearing those baggy grey work jumpsuits but the sleeveless kind. The boys looked fairly young, with glowing skin and youthful dispositions. They moved back to their upright position and the one in the center greeted, "Good day Ms.---" his eyes widened like saucers, he looked like he had encountered a ghost, and suddenly you were extremely conscious about your disheveled appearance, tucking in stray hairs that dangled around the frame of your face behind your ears. "Ms--" he knew what he wanted to say, it was waiting for its turn to spill out from his suddenly parched mouth. But he couldn't because he was too awe struck at the image of this lovely woman standing before him. They'd done this job a couple hundred times and it was all professional, but this was the first time his heart was completely enamored by a female client. His tongue was undoubtedly caught at the back of his throat and an elbow to his rib by his friend snapped him out of it and transferred him back to reality. "Y/l/n.." He continued, shades of pink trickling his face. "My name is Park Jimin..." "You're Mr. Park?" You giggled, the way your cheeks rounded when you smile matched with your cute dimple almost sent him into the ER due to a cardiac arrest, "You sounded older on the phone." "Uh.. That was my father. I'm just Jimin." He smiled, flustered like a little boy confessing his love for his crush. You beamed at him once more after discovering his name, eyes twinkling more that ever and he caught that. He freaking caught the way your eyes glimmered at him. "If you're just Jimin, then I'm just Y/n." What the hell was that?! You internally screamed at your choice of words, pulling out the non-existent life plug in your head because you wanted to shrivel up like a dehydrated grape desiring to be a raisin and just die. "O-okay, Ms. Y/n.." the way your name rolled so sweetly out of his lips made you shudder, a feeling you hadn't felt in a long, long time spark a flame in the deepest pit of your stomach. You shouldn't be experiencing this urgent sense of infatuation towards a person you only just met, not to mention to someone this young. You reckoned that he was likely five or six years your junior, probably even more. It was a weird sensation. You had no idea where it came from but you were kinda skeptical about the concept of it and where it might lead. Did you hate it? I mean, no, not at all. Were you confused? Most definitely. "This is Jungkook," he gestured to the lad on his left. Jet-black hair, doe eyes, piercings and tattoos, okaaay he's attractive "and this is Taehyung." Your gaze moved to the left, honey brown hair, sultry stare, sharp nose and a chiseled jaw, woah he's attractive too. No wonder Mr. Park's acquiring all the deals in town! His cleaning team is total eye candy. "My dad-- I mean Mr. Park's rheumatoid started acting up a little while ago, that's why he wasn't able to come with us. I hope that's alright with you, Ms. Y/n." There it is again, he said your name again but his voice a little softer this time. He was hoping his father's absence wouldn’t upset you too much. And didn't leave a bad first impression on you. Your name slipping past his lips sent another shock wave throughout your body, faintly stirring up your insides. It took you a good second to reply because you were too busy staring at the way his tongue prodded out of mouth to wet his pink and plump lips. Shit “I-it’s fine..” You gulped, drifting your gaze to your backyard assuming he didn’t see what you just did. “I hope your father feels well soon.” You stepped back a few feet letting the boys with their big tool kits in hand enter. “May we look at the pool, Ms. Y/l/n?” The black haired boy spoke, opening his box of tools and pulling out a smaller black container. “Taehyung and I will do the water testing and everything else while Jimin-hyung here will walk you through the whole process.” “The sooner we start, the sooner we’ll finish!” Taehyung beamed, boxy smile and all. They all did what they said they’d do. Jungkook and Taehyung were handling all sorts of gadgets and gizmo to test the pH balance, chlorine levels and whatever they need to test. Jimin explained everything in meticulous detail, from the tools that they were using to how they’d clean it. You tried listening intently. You really did! But the addictive saccharine tone of his voice had gotten you too worked up. “And that’s about it,” Jimin happily concluded. “We can start cleaning tomorrow if it’s okay with you,” “Y/n?” He asked reluctantly, watching you stare vacuously at him. “Ah-- Yes. You guys can start tomorrow.” You smiled, flustered and red on the face. He was worried for a moment, he thought you found everything he said was boring. Because all honestly, he knew it was. Jimin dropped out of college to support his father with their family business, being the sole son and successor. It was a gamble, most of his friends would say. "Why'd you give up having an education?" or "What if it goes bankrupt?". Those words were frequently thrown around, but he stuck to his gut. Jimin never wanted anything more than maintaining his father's legacy alive. The one that his father and late-mother created and grew from the ground up. "Great! Kook, Tae, how's everything going?" He hollered to his friends who were still tinkering with their devices at the edge of the pool. "Will be done soon! Give us a minute," Taehyung replied, signaling a thumbs-up to his hyung. "Ahhh! That reminds me," You teetered blithely straight to your equally neglected shed that Wonwoo kept all his tools in. "If you need any tools, feel free to--" You tried to pry the door handle open but it wouldn't budge. "Let me get that for you, Ms. Y/n." Jimin insisted, worrying you might hurt yourself. "I'm okay," You assured the boy, solidifying your grip on the handle, and giving one last firm pull that just might do the trick. Jimin was right. Because the moment you exerted more effort into opening the door, the slim strip of metal that was affixed on the wooden surface snapped off and sent you stumbling back a few steps. You shielded your eyes with your hand and just when you thought your sorry ass was about to hit the grass, you felt something or someone, cradle your fall. A small groan from behind startled you, "W-what?" You removed your hands from your face and saw Jimin lying beneath you, hold on to you by your waist."Oh shit!" You shrieked, promptly scooting away from his lap to check if he's hurt somewhere. "J-jimin! Are you okay?!" concern laced your voice. You scanned every inch of his body for any cuts or bruises. While your face unintentionally came too close to his, he felt your warm minty breath dancing on the tip of his cupid's bow, tickling his lips that were mere centimeters away from yours. And the way his left cheek was conveniently purchased in your hand made him feel the heat blossom under his skin, and presumably creep up to his ears too. Wide-eyed and totally red in the face, Jimin hurriedly stood up from where he was planted, not forgetting to help you as well stand up as well. “I’m fine, Ms. Y/n. You don’t have to worry about--” Before the boy could barely finish his sentence, you were already pulling him by the wrist and ushering him back inside the house. He was trying so hard to resist the blush that had been wanting to be set free. “Jungkook, Taehyung!” You waved, calling out their attention. “You can come inside if you’re finished. I’ll tend to Jimin and see if he has any injuries.” “Yes ma’am!” The two boys chuckled, giving Jimin a playful smirk. “Sit down. I’ll go get my first aid kit.” You spoke before scooting towards the direction of your bathroom. The moment you’ve found yourself looking in the mirror in what seems to be the safest place you could’ve been at this moment, you allow all the accumulated steam out. “F-fuck.” You breathe out a sigh of relief. Finally being able to inhale and exhale enough air with your lungs. Every single moment with Jimin feels like there’s something constricting your chest, blocking all possible airways and cutting off the oxygen in your body. “Get it together, Y/n” You scold yourself, looking at the reflection in the bathroom mirror “You are an adult. An adult who will not let a young man fracture the little sanity you have left.” 
On your tiptoes, you reached for the small plastic box on the shelf of your bathroom, taking one last determined look in the mirror and declaring, “You got this.”  With that, you step out of the enclosed space with your recovered confidence, not looking back. And there he is again, puppy dog eyes lighting up when he saw your figure reappear in his line of vision. “Ms. Y/n.” He smiled, and there you knew how truly fucked up you were. “God, give please give me the strength.”  You chanted in your head, “I got the first aid kit. Let’s get you cleaned up.” Was all that you could say. 
It has been exactly five days, eight hours and forty-five minutes since Jimin started working on your backyard. Why do you know that? Well, that boy with those galaxies induced eyes, impossible plump lips and unbelievable muscular body had been lurking and finding his way through the deep recesses of your mind, desperately searching for that imaginary finish line.
Every cell in your body was hyper-aware of your surroundings whenever he was near. You’d get chills when you feel his hot breath fanning against the skin of your nape when he’s behind you asking for some kind of permission. A jolt would run down your spine when he says your name like it’s the only name he’d known besides his. And the way an innocent stare from him would ignite a flame in your core, burning like coal inside a furnace during those cold winter nights. You know of his presence; you know how he makes you feel even when you don’t want it and that scares you.
And now you’re here with your overly eager friend who's  ready to lay down all her life savings and then some, just to see you finally get laid after that hideous tragedy.
“Gosh, what do I do?” You groaned, massaging your temples. The headache that you experienced the first time you encountered the boy only tripled in magnitude. It was like the soft tissues of your brain decided that it would be best to act like tectonic plates and tear each other apart. No matter how many pain killers you’ve ingested or how early you slept at night, it always comes back the next day, with a vengeance.
“Give in,” she shrugged, taking a sip from her warm cup of tea. “you’ve got nothing to lose.”
“The only thing I’m losing right now is my sanity.” You grovelled, wanting to pull out all of your hair from its follicles. “I–” You sighed, voice cracking and tear attempting to fall.“I honestly don’t know what to do.”
She offered you a sympathetic look, consoling you with a hand gently stroking your back. “I know, hun. Wonwoo was a douche bag and your divorce was the absolute worst. But… Look at the bright side,” She nudged you on the shoulder and points a finger westward.
“Now that he’s out of the picture, you’re a free woman now, y/n.” Your friend stated as-a-matter-of-fact, wriggling her perfectly done brows at you. She was right, though. There was nothing holding you back except yourself. The two of you looked beyond the glass sliding doors of your patio and watched the group of young men pull every bone and flex every inch of muscles in their bodies trying to make your backyard look like the way it was before.
“I don’t see anything wrong with flirting with your pool boy now that the ring on you finger is gone,” a small tug of her lips went unseen by you as your gaze was still attached to the blond haired boy whose dusting of sweat seemed to reflect and shimmer under the blazing sunlight like those vampire characters from that teen movie. God, how can someone look that ethereal while raking up the pile leaves in your backyard?
“While you’re at it, seeing that you’re too invested in watching him, play with piles of dead leaves,” your head snapped toward her direction as your cheeks turned pink from embarrassment, “might as well fuck him too.” she grins from ear to ear. 
Day eight came faster than you had imagined. The boiling of your insides has simmered down immensely since you've accepted all your feelings like the grown adult that you are. You didn't confess, though, there will be a time for that. Also, you can say you've gotten used to Jimin's presence in the short time you've spent with him. He was kind, sweet, caring and considerate to you 24/7 and you've considered every bit of it endearing. You friend was right. "Give in," she says, so you did and you hope everything will eventually fall into place at the right time. Like usual, jimin and his bunch were outside. They were eighty percent done with the pool and all that's left was the landscaping. One by one, bags of dirt, rocks, sand and all the likes were carried by unfamiliar faces to the back yard through your house. Trails of sand were left on the floor akin to a snail's. "We're really sorry for the mess, miss y/n. Don't worry, we'll clean it up." A new face stood beside Jimin. This one looked more mature than the three boys you're already acquainted with. This was your first time seeing him. Raven hair, brown eyes, a attractive face and shoulders broader than the horizon. Wow. Mr. Park's boys just keep getting hotter and hotter. But there's something oddly familiar about him. Maybe you've met him before? Casually crossed paths as strangers? You can't quite wrap a finger around it. "Y/n, this is Jin-hyung." The fair-haired boy stated. "He's Jungkook's older brother." You gasp, finally it connects "R-really?! No wonder you looked familiar!" You heard the boisterous laugh of the younger brother draw closer and then draped an arm around his brother's shoulder. You habitually thought Jungkook was the tallest in the bunch but now that you've seen his older brother and the way he stands a good two or three inches taller says otherwise. "Sooo, who's more good looking, Noona?" Jungkook asked cheerfully, arching his brows as if coaxing you to choose him. "Hmmm..." You hummed dramatically, crossing your arms with one hand cupping your chin. "I really can't say, Jungkook. Your hyung's pretty handsome." You teased. "Nooooona~!" The youngest whined, flailing his arms around like a child. If you hadn't known their ages, you'd assume that Jungkook's an eighteen year old boy with a baby's face attached to an adult man's body. +Flashback+ You learned that over the course of yesterday's dinner. That day marked the seventh day since the boys worked on you backyard. You decided to treat them to a special samgyupsal dinner since they had been working so hard all day and all afternoon. It was a quarter to five, and the boys were about to call it a day when you call them over enthusiastically. Gesturing them to come inside "Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook!" Their mouths hung wide open when their eyes met with the dining table. A dazzling array of meats, soups, vegetables and side dishes were gloriously scattered on the surface. "Wow, Ms. Y/n!" Taehyung beamed, his boxy smile seemed like it was engraved on his face. "What's the occasion?” "Well, since you boys have been working so hard I decided to arrange a little party for you guys. It's the least I can do." You smile. Taehyung and Jungkook looked like they were about to combust. The fragrance of the food delighted their every senses. You hear a faint growl in the background. "Sorry. That was me." Jungkook confessed, his stomach was now hungrier than before. You all laugh. "What are you waiting for? Dig in!" It was like a gun was shot and the race to eat the most food began. You watched them eat heartily, wishing that you had done this sooner to express your gratitude for all the effort the exert. "Aren't you gonna eat, y/n?" You were startled by Jimin voice. You turn to him and receive the look of concern on his face. "I've had my fair share while cooking, if I eat more I feel like I'll throw up." You softly giggled, a shade of pink dusting your cheeks. "And this is all for you." For every little thing he does whether it was deliberately or not, Jimin feels like he's simply digging his own grave. The sound of metal rutting against soil, just a few more digs and he's sure he'll be six feet under. "Ms. Y/n, Ms. Y/n!" Jungkook called, outstretching his hand like a student asking for his teacher's attention. "Yes, Jungkook? Oh, and you can call me y/n, by the way. No need for 'miss'." Jungkook scratched the back of his neck before answering, "Uhm, I dont think I'm in the position to call you that, ms. Y/n " "What about noona?" Taehyung who sits across Jungkook suggested. "Ms. Y/n really been nice to us, like a big sister. Always making sure we're okay." Sister. You practically forgot about your age gap with these kids. With the five-year difference for Jimin and Taehyung, seven for Jungkook, you really felt like an older sister. It wasn't bad, it was lovely actually. Knowing they see you more than just an ordinary client pinched at your heart. And you perceive them as little brother's you never had. One of them, you wished went beyond that. "Yeah!" The black haired boy exclaimed,"Can we call you noona, ms. y/n???" Jungkook looked like a dog, with his eyes all round and tail raised and wagging about. It must feel so great to be young. "Of-- Of course! You can call me noona!" The two boys cheered in unison. The only one quiet was jimin who sat parallel to you. 
"Are you okay jimin?" You asked meekly. "I'm fine." He didn't sound like he was fine. "Is there something wrong?" "Ahh, I--" he was stuttering, "Is it okay if I call you y/n instead?" Your eyes widened, you haven't even drank anything alcohol but your face already feels hotter. "S-sure, Jimin." You tried to change the topic by standing up walking over to the refrigerator. "Since all of you are of legal age." You gradually push open metal door and pull out bottles of soju. "You're the best, noona!" The youngest howled, eager to get his hands on the alcoholic drink. "Just promise me you guys won't drink too much. You still have work tomorrow" Like twins, Jungkook and Taehyung held their hands over their heart and recited, "We promise, noona!" With the magic liquid, conversation started flowing more naturally. You promised not to drink but they insisted, nothing worse than your friends peer-pressuring you. "So, noona, where do you work?" Taehyung questioned. He probably noticed you were always at home. "I'm a writer for Seoul Life Magazine, but I do all my work here at home. I rarely have to go to the office." "Really???!!!" His eyes blew up, Taehyung told you he was a fashion design graduate. You expected this reaction from him so you felt pride in telling him where you work. "Wow, noona!" Jungkook said, "My dad said only those who were absolutely good got to work there." "Stop flattering me," You shyly dismiss his praise. "I was an intern there during my concluding year of college. I worked for about three or four years before I got married." Taehyung did a spit take, spraying water all over poor Jungkook who almost choked on a lettuce leaf. Jimin just sat there, watching you laugh at the two comical boys. He didn't know how to react, his hands suddenly went clammy and he couldn't stop shaking his leg under the table. "M-married?" Jungkook said, still not believing what he's hearing "w-where the h-husband?" He felt out of breath due to that damn piece of leaf. "Are you really married, noona?" Taehyung poked, looking at your ringless finger. "I was," Your smile grew weaker, talking about something it always felt weighty. But they deserved to know, they're helping you heal by dealing with something you'd rather not face. "We got divorced." The room went silent. The sound of the crickets outside and leaves swaying with the wind that were previous white noise behind your chattering and laughter seemed like the were obscenely amplified by huge bass speakers. "Can I ask why, noo--" "Jungkook!" Jimin scolded his junior, and this was the first time you've heard/seen him raise his voice to anyone. "Apologize." He stated sternly, not breaking eye contact with Jungkook. "I'm sorry, noona." His head hung low, hair covering his eyes. "J-jimin, I'm sure Jungkook didn't meant to." You reached out to to hold his hand that was resting on the table. "I'm not mad or upset." You looked over Jungkook's direction and continued, "It's okay, I promise." Jimin squeezed your hand tighter, comforting you. "You don't have to talk about it if it makes you uncomfortable, y/n." "Y-yeah, noona." Taehyung added, "You don't have to. It's none of our business." Jungkook sat still, eyes glassy and mouth pouty. He absolutely looked like a puppy that had been punished for chewing up its human's shoe. "It's alright," You giggle, extremely touched. "It's been months, I can talk about it." "We met during sophomore year. I was a journalist for the university paper and he was on the swim team." The three boys listened intently, like toddlers during story time. "After five years of dating, he proposed. We got married a year later and moved in here. That," you pointed to the pool outside "belongs to him." "It was his idea to get a house with one, I agreed of course. Only two years after getting married, I found out he was cheating on me." Jimin's features softened at your words. He knows it wasn't easy for anyone to talk about their past heartbreak and traumas. He made sure you weren't alone, he took his free hand and placed it over your hand that he was already holding with the other. He held it tight. "It broke my heart, I really thought he was the one, you know? Almost eight years together thrown in the garbage disposal and shredded to pieces." "He doesn't deserve you, noona." Jungkook finally spoke. "He was an asshole and he doesnt deserve you." "Yeah!" Taehyung agreed, "I kinda don't want to finish the work now." Out of nowhere, you burst out laughing. An invisible weight, sort of a thick blanket was lifted and the atmosphere brightened. "No, no, no!" You can't stop your laughter at this point, what Taehyung said tickled a funny bone. "I still plan on living here, Taehyung! Even if I dislike the pool, it's still part of this home. And the make over was sort of a therapy, you know. Out with the old, in with the new, right?" You ended it with a smile, lips curved beautifully. It was a smile Jimin has seen never seen before. It was light and airy, bright and transparent. There was no pain or distress, just carefreeness. He wished you would smile like this more often, and he also wished he'd someday be the reason for it.
"Just kidding, Jungkook! You're the most handsome." You assured the boy, patting his back. "Sorry, Jin. Your brother's grown on me." "Kook one, Jin zero." The youngest boast over to his brother. "Alright, alright!" Jin interrupted, "Unlike you, some of us need to work. How 'bout you and Taehyung get the transport van back to the office and let Jimin, Hoseok, Yugyeom and I get things done, yeah?" Jungkook clicked his tongue, "Whatever." Their sibling banter has got you missing your brother, mentally reminding yourself to call him later. "Hey, Yugs." You hear Jungkook faintly speak. Two more new faces stood beside Jin. "This is Hoseok and Yugyeom. We'll be responsible for landscaping." Another attractive guy with a million-dollar smile on his face and a tall man with the physique of a runway model. Curse, Mr. Park!! Where does he get all these boys?! "Thank you for having us!" The pair recited. "Oh, no! Thank you for helping out with the renovation." "Ms. Y/n, The boys and I will be outside. We'll be mapping out a plan for the design," Jin announced. "Oh, sure." You answer back, "Take all the time that you need." "Great! We'll report to you once we've finished the draft design. So you can the necessary make changes and adjustments." He beamed, walking towards the back yard. Jimin stood silently beside you, "You do landscaping?" You randomly asked, seeing that Jimin was the only one left from their bunch. Jungkook and Taehyung had long gone. "No," he chuckled, "I just need to watch over these guys. Make sure everything goes well." "That's nice, you're very involved with the work you do." His cheeks blossomed pink, he didn't expect a compliment since he was just doing his job. "I try." He shyly replied, bowing then heading for the glass door. "If you need me, I'll be outside." You waved him goodbye and went about your own business. There were still some articles in your workload that needed to be finished and those emails weren't gonna answer themselves. ++ By the time you were done, it was half past two in the afternoon. You noticed as the days progressed, so did the temperature. You check your phone, only to see that today is the hottest reading yet. Since everything has been taken care of, you decided to take a shower. Appreciating the cold refreshing water on you warm skin. After that, you put on your favorite robe and wrapped it around your damp body. As you were about to step out of the bathroom, you noticed Jimin leaning against one of the pillars of your patio, shirtless. Have your eyes been deceived? They say that seeing believes, but you didn't expect Jimin to be this fit. You offered yourself some slack, since the only part of Jimin body's you've oh so graciously seen are his muscular arms. It wasn't as big as those of a body builder, but the amount of muscle in them has already got you mouth watering. But being blessed with the site of his bare skin and taut abdominal muscles has got you feeling wetter than being in the shower. You couldn't keep your gaze off of him. It was an image that you want to engrave at the back of your head. Your eyes roamed his entire body. Face, neck, shoulders, chest and abs. You wanted to memorize every detail. Every mole, every freckle, every scar that adorned his ivory skin. Just as you were taking your time scanning his entire figure, you were startled when you saw him looking at you staring at him. Your heart began to race inside your chest and you almost forgot you were standing in the middle of your house with only a robe covering your very naked body. You scanned around the area of the yard and Jin and the others we're not in plain sight. You assumed they were working on the farthest side of the lot, where your small garden used to be before you abandoned it all together with the pool. You lock eyes with Jimin again, but this time there was something odd at the way he ogles at you. His gaze was lustful and burning with flames devouring your entirety. His were pupils blown out at the display of your skin. He looked pained, his teeth biting harshly at his bottom lip as if he wanted to draw blood. At that point it dawned on you. You know why he seemed so agitated, squirming in his seat. He wanted to see more, see more of you. A wave of unknown confidence washed over you. You didn't know where the hell it came from. Maybe it was from his deadly stare, maybe it was just you. Either way, you were so totally taking advantage of it. Without breaking eye contact, you found purchase at the same seat from which you watched the boys worked while having a chat with your friend. Sensually lifting the hem of your robe up your thighs and spreading your legs open for Jimin to see. "F-fuck," He groaned, hands balling into fists. He glimpsed over to the other men who were still occupied with what they were accomplishing. His attention was back on you, giving you a small nod. The fervor that coursed through your body was incomparable to anything you've experienced before. The Adrenaline was starting to kick in, and you felt hot-blooded. You temperature went up ten degrees higher and you felt delirious. You knew there was a possibility that you were gonna get caught, but screw it. You've never felt like this in your whole twenty-nine year of life. You're gonna enjoy it, basked in it. Jimin's eyes were plastered at your dripping core, lump in his throat and completely mesmerized at its beauty. Your juices sinfully coating you slit. He swore if there wasn't anybody else around, he would have ravished you pussy like an animal. Since you're out here giving him a show that he'll never forget, might as well savour it. He thought things couldn't get any better with you sex on display for him, you open up your legs even more in a whole new different angle. Putting all those gymnastics training to good use. He can virtually see your pink walls with the position your in. He couldn't stop imagining him burying his hard cock inside your tight cunt. Sucking him in when every thrust he made. You left hand slithered its way down to your soaked core, playfully stroking your folds. If Jimin was beside you, he could no doubt hear the way your cream coated skin squelched with every motion you made. Your idle hand managed to loosen the knot of your robe, allowing it fall from your shoulders exposing your round, supple breasts. Nipples instantly hardening at the sudden exposure to the air. Shit, he'd kill just to have his lips around those perky little nipples, sucking on then voraciously until you moan out his name. You could not take all this self-teasing anymore. Jimin's eyes gauges out of its socket as you dip a finger into your damp hole. Jimin thought the heat from the sun was bearable. He'd worked for long hours under it and never complain. But this, you fingering yourself with one hand while the other pulls and twists on your abused nipple was unbearable! The ache between his legs was excruciating he had to casually palm himself. Slightly shifting and bending this leg so that he wasn't noticeable. Another finger goes in, and he's cupping himself harder. He observed your face contort with pleasure at the way you're plunging and curling your two fingers inside of you. Your arousal spilling at the edge of you battered hole, streaming down and accumulating just above your puckered hole. That should be him, he mumbled to himself. Your slender fingers wouldn't be able to satisfy you, unlike his throbbing cock caged inside his boxers, wanting to be set free. Jimin's practically squeezing his dick at this point now, he just wants nothing but to release his ropes cum on you breast while you pleasure yourself. You felt your walls clench around your digits, signalling you that you were nearing climax. You gotta make this quick, Jin, Hoseok or Yugyeom can walk in on you anytime. Adding one last finger, hoping the stretch will help you jump over the edge, you pummeled your cunt with all the strength that you had left. A small moan left your lips and your release came squirting. Coating the marble floor beneath you. Jimim was just as wrecked as you were. His chest was heaving heavily up and down. The only difference was you reached climax, and he didn't, he couldn't. You were steadying you breathing just when you hear Jin yell, "Yo! Jimin! I need you to--" his voice was getting louder and closer. Wide-eyed, you look at Jimin. Mouthing him "Do something!" While you pull yourself together and grab a piece of tissue to wipe your juices off the floor. When you looked up, Jimim wasn't there anymore. He somehow managed to stop Jin from coming any closer to the house from how faintly you hear his voice outside. You sighed and went back to your room. “We’ve done everything we could do today, Ms. Y/n,” Jin happily announces, standing in front of you with his million dollar smile adorning his equally valued face. “We’ll continue everything tomorrow!” “G-great!’ You croaked, substantially tilting your head to see what’s going on behind the tall man’s back. Hoping to catch a glimpse of Jimin. “Ms. Y/n?” he waved his hand in your face, snapping you out of it. “Are you okay?” “Yeah.” You barely reply. Before he could turn his back on you, you managed to pull on his sleeve. “W-where’s Jimin by the way?” He looked surprised, pondering why you’re asking for the boy. “He went back first,” Jin witnessed your facial expression drop, “He said he wasn’t feeling too good.” “O-oh,” you frowned once more, your browns knitting together at the center of your forehead. “Please tell him to get well soon.” “Of course,” He bowed and bid farewell.
Tomorrow comes and Jimin was nowhere to be seen. Jin said Jimin was still feeling under the weather and took the whole day off from work. While that may seem plausible, it didn’t sit well in your gut. You felt like there was something off with Jimin. Never has he been absent since the first day he worked for you. What is that little stunt you pulled off yesterday, you thought to yourself. Were you really that repulsive to the point that it had gotten him sick? Did you ruin your chances of having something more than just a short time fling with the most charming boy you’ve ever met? What if he never wanted to see you anymore, what would you do then. Those kinds of thoughts were inevitable, of course. It was all you could think of the entire day. So that night, you decided to send him a text message, the first one too. From you: Hi Jimin. Jin told me that you fell ill. Try not to over work yourself next time. I hope you get well soon. -yn Jimin stared stupidly at the screen. Thinking of what to reply or if he should reply at all. Several words typed then deleted. He genuinely didn’t know what to say to you. He was ashamed of what he’s shown and with his lack of self-control. He felt appalled with himself.  How could he disrespect you like that? You were a client. A client and worker relationship weren’t prohibited, not at all. It was just his work ethics that wanted everything to be strictly professional, he knew how important your role is to their business. The last thing he wanted was to tarnish what his father built from the ground up with a scandal. So he decided to not let his personal life get involved with his work life. It just makes things complicated, like it is right now. The ‘can’t go to work, feeling sick’ wasn’t wholly a lie. The pain wasn’t physical, it was abstract. And no medicine can induce the pain go away, until he saw your following message. From you: Also, I wanted to talk to you about something. It doesn’t have to be right away, you should rest first and get your health back up. Just message me whenever. Goodnight, Jimin. 
There really was no way out, huh. The next day comes and still no Jimin. That was when you confirmed it. You’ve completely and utterly ruined everything. He did not reply to your messages and didn't even want to see your face. It felt like the ground underneath you cracked opened and devoured you whole. That was the very first time in your life that you’ve acted so venturesomely, look what is has cost you. You blame yourself because there was no one else you could point a finger at. Things wouldn't end up the way they are now if you just stayed in your fucking lane. All of this was your fault. You looked back at all the events that happened to you and realized, maybe it was inevitably your fault. Wonwoo wouldn’t have you left if he saw a reason not to. Jimin wouldn’t be ignoring you if he had a reason no to. The course of the entire day was spent with you cooped up inside your room, wallowing away in your own self-pity. You politely told Jin that you needed some time to be alone and he can decide whatever is best for the landscaping. It was around seven in the evening, Jin bid farewell and suggested that if you needed anything, you could call him up. That was extremely thoughtful of him, you think. Another hour passed and the doorbell rings. You weren't expecting anyone though, so you were quite puzzled as to who it might be. The front door open and you see Jimin. He was wearing a navy blue dress shirt that was folded up to his elbows, wow. Sleek black slacks for pants that cinched his slim waist and leather dress shoes to put everything together. What's the occasion, you thought. "Oh, Jimin" you hid the nervous of your voice by pulling him into a hug "I-its good to see you again, what brings you here? Are you feeling better?" "Ah, yes. I'm sorry for being absent these past few days." His head was hanging low and his eyes were looking elsewhere just to avoid yours. "I wanted to apologize." He finally looked at you with his brown orbs that were displaying sincerity. You ushered him to come inside and take a seat on your couch. "Apologize?" You asked, a little bit perplexed "For what exactly?" "For what I did," his voice grew feebler "I shouldn't have done what I did. I shouldn't have disrespected you like that. I shouldn't have taken advantage of you just because I felt the heat of that moment. I'm sorry, y/n. I swear I'm better than that." "Oh, Jimin." You smiled tenderly, cupping his plump cheeks with your hand. "I think it's the other way around. I should be the one apologizing. Back then, I couldn't control myself when I should have. After seeing you, all the emotions I've put aside unexpectedly erupted." With your unoccupied hand, you tightly held his. "The truth is, you really have grown on me in all the best way possible. Initially, I thought it was just the backlash of my divorce egging me. I thought maybe my mind was looking for a rebound to dull the ache. But..."  Your eyes started becoming glassy. You felt him clutch you hand tighten spurring you to continue "I think that's not it. I know it isn't. You've been nothing but a blessing to me, Jimin. An absolute angel. You're sweet, kind, caring, understanding, ugh--" You mocked frustratingly, letting out a small giggle. "You're perfect. I couldn't see anyone that wouldn't fall for you like I have." Jimin's face reflected what he felt at that moment, relief. This wasn't what he was expecting, hence why he averted the confrontation as best as he could. You were the one who was perfect and completely out of his league. You were a beautiful and capable independent woman that any man would kill for. Your ex-husband was beyond stupid to play with your feelings like he did, he knows. But if it wasn't for your ex's stupidity, he wouldn't be here facing the only woman he'd want to be with for the rest of his life. "I thought you wouldn't like me since I was older--." "Stop." He interrupted, stroking his fingers through your locks while gazing at your gorgeous features. The staring contest ended with the both of you smacking lips, eager to taste what has been endured for so long. Impatient longing was evident in every kiss, lick, bite and tug.  You kissed him so fervently that his back was digging against the backrest of the sofa. One of your legs seemed to have a mind of its own and positioned itself to straddle him. "Are you sure you want me?" You queried the boy beneath you, your tone much mischievous from before, it was like there was a flipped switch somewhere. The noticeable change in the atmosphere has got him simply nodding, excited to know there was this side of you that he has not witnessed before. He watched you as you steadily unravel your blouse's satin belt and started to gently caress his wrist. "Would you mind if I tie up these pretty hands of yours?" You hummed, pulling on his hand up to you face and sucking on his middle finger and ring finger. The sensation of your wet mouth around his digits caused his brain to send signals down there. He could already feel himself get rock hard inside his jeans, thinking about how tight your mouth would be if he shoved his dick down you throat. But he'll save that for another day because right now he just wants to let you do what you want to do with him. Right now, he is yours for the taking. You urged him to lean a little closer to you. His face now between the valley of your breast as you meticulously tie his hands behind his back. You pushed him back to his previous position and inquired, "Do you want me to cover your eyes as well?" He shook his head in protest and said, "N-no. I want to see you." There was a pause as he manages to catch his breath, "I-I wanna see you while you make me feel good." You nodded, brushing his hair out of his sweat slicked forehead. From his head, your hand slid lazily down to his neck, to his chest, to his stomach and finally to the growing bulge inside his pants. You palm him unhurriedly, taking your time. Tracing your fingertips over the curve of his caged penis. "Y-y/n.." Jimin griped, observing your hand press against his erection. Somehow enduring the excruciating pain, your teasing had sown. "Can I ask you one last favor?" You purred, peppering his neck with kisses and sucking purple bruises here and there. "W-what is it?" he managed to reply, reveling in the way your teeth nipped against his delicate skin. "Call me noona," Jimin was silent, somewhat waiting for an explanation. When you told him the first time, he met you that he can call you by your first made him feel special because only he could do that. The other workers call you 'Miss' and Jungkook and Taehyung declared you as 'our noona'. "N-noona-" Jimin whined, bucking his hips harder against you hand. He saw your pupils dilate as the word escaped your lips, inflaming something inside you. "Jimin," you growled, squeezing his around his girth ferociously. Buttons were unfastened one after the other, exposing his refined chest and taut muscles. Out of nowhere, you felt raunchy. The tips of your fingernail slowly dragged themselves across his torso, leaving streaks of red in its track. He flung his head back, enjoying the sting that danced on his skin. Jimin squirmed as he felt your weight suddenly leave his lap. His neck snapped back to your direction and damn, what a sight to see. You tucked between his legs and unzipping his pants exposing his angry red-tipped cock oozing out beads of pre-cum. He smirked as he saw you involuntary lick your lips. "You like what you see, noona?" "God, yes." You exhaled, wrapping both your hands around his shaft not because you wanted to, but because it was necessary. Your tiny, little hand could barely encompass his circumference. "Noona's gonna me you feel good, baby." You felt Jimin's dick twitch by the given pet name. "Noona," he groaned, thrusting his member in your grip just to feel any sort of friction. Sensually, you undid your bloused and hurled it somewhere on the floor followed by your bra, exposing your bare chest to the boy. Jimin jerked in his seat, wanting to grab and knead you breast with his own hands. It looked even better up close. The skin smooth and flawless, nipples pert and hard due to the frosty air. "Fuck" he hissed through his teeth, if he could get his mouth on those buds he'd suck them dry and pull it between his teeth making you cry out. "Behave." You scolded him, eyes staring daggers. He stayed in place once again, not wanting to vex you in any way. 
You ran the flat of you tongue on the underside of his length, feeling his skin pulse at contact. Salaciously making your way to its head, you began circling his narrow slit with the tip of your tongue. Feeble moans were the only things escaping his pretty mouth. You seized this moment to swallow him whole down to the hilt, fighting your gag reflex. Your mouth has never felt this stuffed as you moan in satisfaction. Jimin felt the vibration of your throat around his cock, tightening around it. You languidly started bobbing your head up and down, bottoming out with every stroke. With a lewd pop, you tried pulling your mouth off his cock. Strings of saliva dribbled from your lips connecting to his tip. You push yourself up slight and proceeded painting your nipples with the concoction of you saliva and his pre-cum that was coating the tip of his penis. "How does this feel?" You cooed, sandwiching his hard member between your two breasts, erotically pumping the tender flesh up and down his length. "So so gooood, noona" Jimin wheezed blissfully. The sensation of his cock wholly enveloped by your soft mounds is inclining him over the edge. "Noona," he wailed shutting his eyes, the urgency of wanting to release washing over him. By the look of things, you guess he's close. You quicken the pace, feeling the skin of you breast chafe due to friction but you don't care. You clamped your hand on your boobs harder to tighten its hold around his cock and pump faster and faster and faster until he's cumming on you tits. "Shit, noona," Jimin stressed, his breaths labored. You watched as his chest heaved up and down, supplying him with the oxygen he needs after such an intense climax. "Oh no. Look at the mess you made, Jimin." You shook your head, pointing to your breast painted with his milky liquid. "I don't like messes," You sing-song, pushing yourself back up to straddle him once more. You clasped your finger under his chin and commanded, "clean it." His heart stammered in his chest. This is it. This is what he desired. Your perky nipples snug between his lips while your back arches in euphoria. He aggressively lapped up his juices from the skin of your chest with his tongue, leaving no trace of the substance behind. Up and down, left and right, there was no area left untouched by his wet greedy muscles. If he could only see the contorted position he put himself in just to taste you. He doesn't give a shit anymore, he'll gladly eat his cum out of you asshole if you asked. He obscenely sucked you left nipple first, earning the tiniest moan from you. Alternating between light nips and starved slurps, abusing your bud. He then moves to your right nipple, the more sensitive one that has you immediately grinding your clothed core against his semi-hard on. "Let me make you feel good, noona." He desperately whined, concealing his face in the nook of your neck inhaling your fragrant scent. You quirked a brow and asked while weaving you digits through his sweat-damped hair. "What does my baby have in mind?" "Let me.." he croaked. "Louder. I can't hear you." "Let me eat you out, noona. Let me make you feel good." He begged with pleading eyes , fidgeting his hands that were behind his back, trying to untie the belt that was restraining him. "I can make you--" "If you take those off I am kicking you out." You threateningly glared at him, voice deadly like venom. Jimin was scared shitless. He could do nothing but sit silently and obey. "I-I'm sorry, noona. I didn't mean to make you mad." This boy. It may seem like you're the one in control but it is you who are actually wrapped around his little finger. Giving in to what he wants. "It's okay, baby." you massaged his tensed shoulders, soothing him down. "I'll still let you eat me out if you promise not to take off your restraint." You sounded so sweet, the exact opposite of what you were minutes ago. Not wanting to piss you off more, Jimin nodded. You helped him lay down the sofa, propping his head underneath a throw pillow. You stepped to the side and shimmied your pants off. His eyes trailed the article of clothing peeling off your body. When the pair of jeans were long gone, his gaze was attached to your still clothed core. A small wet patch sticking to your folds in the middle was visible. You prop a leg over him, climbing on top of his chest, finding purchase when his face is below your pussy. He could smell the scent of you arousal. Filling up his nostrils and intoxicating his entire nervous system like it's some kind of poison. This by far was the best angle he's seen you in. Seeing it up close, he wished he could at least touch you… You moved into a considerably better position, if you buck your hips the slightest bit, if will directly collide with his mouth. "This what you want baby boy?" You teased, lowering you center on the tip of his nose. Overpowering him even more. "Yes, yes, yes!" He cries out, "I want nothing but your pussy, noona!" You snickered at how desperate he has become, "Who knew you were such a little bitch, Jimin. Loving the way you hands are tied up and thirsting over my pussy." "Yes! I want to taste you, noona. I want to make you feel good until you're squirting all over my face like you did before on the floor. Then I'll eat you up so good, so clean." "Good boy." You thrummed, ultimately taking off your underwear. Letting him marvel at the sight of your woman hood. Clean Shaven, baby smooth, and tulip pink. Without warning, you hastily maneuver yourself, grinding your core against his face. "Put your filthy mouth to good use and make me cum." The sounds he was making were borderline pornographic as hell. His slurps and moans blessing your ears, making your insides rut. He'd occasionally prod his muscles inside your hole then flick on your clit relentlessly. The tensed coil finally snapped and you chase you high by grinding against his face. He's devouring you out like a man starved, sucking out and drinking all the juice your pussy was providing him. Wanting nothing but to be selfish, and have you for himself. He licked you clean, not wasting a single drop of your delicious cum. "I didn't know you were such a disgusting slut for pussy, Jimin." "I, I only want your pussy noona… no one else's." He confessed. "On your knees." You demand. "H-huh?" "I said on you knees. You slut." Jimin dropped down on the floor waiting for your next command like the slut he is. "Tell me how much you want to fuck me." "I-I.." He stuttered with his words, and it made you infuriated. "I said. Tell me how much you want to fuck this tight pussy of mine."  You bellowed, your words bouncing off the walls of your living you. "I want to fuck you so much, noona! I want to bury my cock so deep inside your pussy until I reach your cervix then I'll fuck you some more. I want nothing but to fill you up with my seed and put a baby in you, noona! I'll fuck you so good that you'll want to you pussy filled by me every day!" He cried, plunging his head on the floor in a begging for your life bow. "Please, please, please!" Jimin was hysterical at this point, screaming and begging you to let him fuck you. "Noona, please. I'll fuck you so good that you'll forget about all your problems." You shiver at his submission and once again, he's got you eating at the palm of his hands. You freed his wrist and he lunges at you, hustling you up against the wall. "Noona," he breathed in the smell of your shampoo, steadying his hands on your hips fingers digging into your skin. "You don't know how much I wanted to put my hands on you. I can't take it anymore, noona."  he pressed his erection against your slick folds "I need to be inside you." "Then show noona what that dirty cock can do." you smirked, challenging the boy. He gripped both of your thighs and carried you to the dinner table. Laying you down before spreading your legs open for him. He aligned his cock to your entrance, pushing gradually, inch by inch until he bottomed out. The stretch was incredible, you were already dripping wet but there was still the sting that lingered from his size. Your walls were trying resisting the force, convulsing around his length spontaneously. "You're tighter than I've imagined, noona." You did kegels around him, eliciting a sharp groan from the boy. "Fuck, Noona. You were made for my cock." You hummed in agreement, relishing the sensation of him pushing in and out of your tight hole. "Baby.." You moaned wantonly, elevating you butt so that he could have a better angle while penetrating you ruthlessly. "Your thick long cock is the best I've ever had. Better than my ex-husband's pathetic excuse for a dick." His ego doubled at your praise, pride blooming in his chest. "More, noona.. please tell me how great my cock is for you.." "Ahhh-- ahh. Jimin!" You bit your lip, clenching around him. "You're taking remarkably good care of noona. Fucking your noona so good. I love your cock so much. I want you to fill me up with you cum. Yeah? Hmmmm. Make your noona the happiest by cumming inside my pussy." There was the push he needed, he was plunging further into you. He felt the barrier of your cervix and broken through it before spilling all his seed into your womb. You quickly followed when you felt the warmth of his juices flowing into you. Your velvet walls convulsed around his cock, milking him for all his worth. Silence fell on the both of you, only the south of your panting and harsh breath resonated. You supported yourself up with you elbows as Jimin pull out his now flaccid penis. You felt the trickle of both of your releases slobber out of your sore hole. "Baby, do noona a favor and clean up the mess you've made with your mouth." Jimin without hesitation obeyed and dove right in. Making sure to get every last drop of yours and his cum with his tongue. He lifted his head, mouth glistening from your juices. You pulled him closer to pet his held. "You were such a good boy for noona. Bring me to bed." He obliged, carrying you bridal style to your room. His muscles rippling under your stripped body. "Noona?" He questioned while his face was still cuddling your tummy. "Hmm?" "Did I make you feel good?" You lifted up his face and said, "You made me feel so good, baby." You assured, loving the way his eyes turn into crescent moons endearing when he smiles. "Can we do that again? But this time I want the blindfolds." He flashed a cheeky grin. You smirked at his innocence, placing a kiss on his temple. "Of course, baby. We have all the time in the world." ++ The sound of knocking on your front door wakes you up, seems like this is will be a regular thing now. You managed to put on an oversized shirt and underwear on before heading to the source of the noise. You opened the doors at was bet by Jungkook and Taehyung. "Good morning, boys." You yawned, gesturing them to come in. "Uhm. Good morning, noona" Jungkook croaked, pushing his senior to speak on his behalf. "See, we haven't heard from Jimin since last night so uh-- it's just jungkook and I that'll be finishing up work today." Taehyung stated. "About that…." 
You heard the door of your room creak open and out comes Jimin with nothing but this boxers on and hickeys all over his neck and chest. The two boys looked at each other dumbfoundedly and once they've put two and two together, huge grins were plastered on their faces. End
tell me what u think pls 
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grapesodatozier · 4 years
I don't know if this has been done before ( though I feel like it hasn't cuz I ain't seen it anywhere yet) but virgin Mike with experienced Richie? That would be HOT and sweet and intense
oh man!! you are so right anon, this is super hot and super sweet!! this one is a whole novel lmao so under the cut again
oooooookay so i was gonna make this a fic bc i love this idea so much but i decided that i have so many thoughts that im just gonna talk about it SO. first of all. this is so gd sweet bc like?? the trust here?? like mike being 22 and hes never done anything more than hand stuff, meanwhile richie had a slut phase his sophomore and junior years of college so hes seen a lot lol. so for mike to open up to richie and tell him that hes never done this before?? to not be embarrassed or scared that he'll be bad at it?? to trust that richie will take care of him and wont judge him?? to make himself that vulnerable and feel comfortable and safe?? that just really gets me emotional okay that is beautiful
so here's what im picturing:
friends to lovers ofc bc friends to lovers is that trope!! so mike and richie meet in college, and they've been friends for a few years when one night mike stays later in richies dorm room than everyone else and they stay up til like two just talking, and theyre both a little sleepy but they dont want the night to end, and they've drifted closer together until their breaths are mingling and their noses are just brushing against one another, and mike leans forward and closes the distance bc he cant take the way his heart is racing, and richie is giving him this look thats driving him wild, and he needs to know if richies lips are as soft as they look, and hes so tired and richie is so warm and everything is so quiet it almost feels like a dream. and then richie is kissing him back, soft and intentional at first, but then hes laying mike down and the kiss gets so much deeper it has mikes entire body glowing.
they stay up until 4:30 just kissing and talking and touching each other so gently, just stroking each others cheeks and running knuckles over each others sides, taking in that this is all real. then richie ofc is like "mike youre sleepy i dont want you walking across campus by yourself at 4am and also i dont want you to leave" so mike stays over, and sleeping in richies arms is the best sleep hes gotten since he got to college
so they're a couple, and theyre hooking up, but they're about a month in now and they havent done anything past hand stuff. and richie is super patient, he doesn't wanna rush anything, but he thinks maybe mikes just nervous about being the one to intitiate going further?? so one time when theyre grinding into each other, basically just dry humping on richies bed, richie murmurs in mike's ear, "fuck, baby, wanna get my mouth on that pretty cock of yours so fucking bad" but then mike stiffens, his movements stopping completely, so obviously richies like shit im sorry did i do something wrong?? and then mike is blushing super hard and explains that he's never done anything more than hand stuff and hes really nervous, and richie is so soft for mike, he adores him, and hes just kissing all over his face like "baby, why didn't you tell me? you know i'll take such good care of you" and mike m e l t s and then he gets a little coy like "will you... show me?" all biting his lip and batting his eyes as if he hasn't been jerking off to the thought of asking richie that question for over a year now. and richies response is just what mike wants, he can see his eyes getting darker, and mike is thrilled. and richie kisses him so deeply and passionately like "fuck yes baby, i've got you, i'll show you, baby"
and then clothes are coming off and richies blowing mike bc he insists on going first bc hes so excited to give mike his first blowjob and absolutely blow his mind. and honestly, he doesnt tell mike this until a few weeks later when they've settled into things more, but knowing that he was the only one to ever make mike feel that good made richie feel so warm, and also made his skin burn in the most amazing way, and the whole time mike was moaning and squirming beneath him richie couldnt help but think mineminemine, only mine, and he murmurs things like "my sweet baby" into mikes hip, almost low enough for mike not to hear it, but he does and he absolutely loves it
and then richie is guiding mike through blowing him, and its both so hot and so sweet?? like mikes teeth keep catching every now and then, and like yeah it hurts a bit but its also endearing?? like?? richie loves him so much and this is such an intimate thing and mikes trusting him with this moment in his life?? richie has to keep himself from blurting out his first "i love you" while mikes blushing and apologizing and richies just like "thats okay baby, you're doing so good" bc of course mike wants to be good at this, and then mike says "wanna make you feel good" all shy and a little bit sad and embarrassed and richies like nonono baby you make me feel so good you have no idea, and he cups mikes face and mike nuzzles into his palm bc richie is so warm and he makes mike feel so safe and loved bc he is!!
when they first have penetrative sex (or fuck or make love or what have you) (theres no cute or hot way to say that im sorry i tried lol) mike is on top. richie fingers himself open, then guides mikes fingers into him, and mike gets the hang of that p quickly, his eyes wide in wonder and glued to where his fingers and richies hole come together. richie cannot believe how beautiful mike is and how lucky richie himself is. by this time i imagine they've said "i love you" already, so when mikes sinking into richie he's breathing hard and burying his face in richies neck and just moaning "i love you i love you i love you" while he fucks richie slow and deep, the sensation is so new and so intense for him
and then after getting used to that, a week or two later richie is finally fingering mike open, so carefully and intentionally, taking such good care of him. and mike makes the prettiest faces when richie first sinks into him. and its new, there's a stretch, but it doesn't hurt. in fact, it feels fucking amazing, and thats how mike learns that hes a switch but its like 80/20 in favor of bottoming, its like hes discovered a new level of consciousness or enlightenment lmao and thats just missionary, richie pressing sweet kisses all over mikes face, telling him how beautiful and amazing he is, how good he feels
once they start getting more hot and heavy with it mike is ready to ask richie to fuck him from behind. and mike was a whimperer before, letting out these pretty little moans that richie fucking drank in. but as soon as mikes on all fours and richies fucking into him mike is fucking screaming, like he never understood how people could scream during sex until that moment. in this position richie gets so fucking deep, its insdescribable, and mike is speechless pretty much off the bat, just screaming yesyesyesfuckmefuckmefuckme when he can manage to say actual words. and it catches richie off guard but fuck is it hot to know that mike is literally screaming for his cock, not even caring that other students on that floor can definitely hear it, like could not possibly miss it, and mikes just way too blissed out and fucked out to care bc wow it feels so good its like a whole new thing. mike even bites the pillow the second time they do it, but hes still super loud even then. but the image of mike face down ass up is possibly one of the hottest things richie has ever seen in his life, and he’s absolutely covering mike in kisses once they both come down
wow they're in love i adore them sm!!
so yeah im v on board w this idea lol v sweet, v hot, thank you sm for sending me this!!
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
Girl nextdoor
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"Thomas! Go help your mother with the washing!" My dad yelled as I sat in my room playing London racer, some little game I picked up cheap where you race a classic mini around the London eye
"Uhhh dad! I'm busy!" I yelled back
"Now!" He ordered so I sighed pausing my game and going down into the garden to help my mum while Ava ran around doing something im not sure what?
"Why do I have to help and Ava doesn't?" I complain
"Thomas!" He warns leaning in the patio door "don't get smart with me, else I'm taking your TV"
"But it's not fair!" I complain
"Thomas go to your room!" He ordered
"Thank you" i smiled going to go but he grabbed my shirt
"I'm taking your TV, and your playstation" he says going upstairs but I ran up to my room as fast as I could but he was already unplugging it
"Dad! That's not fair!" I yelled
"I warned you, I understand your going through some kind of teen angsty phase Thomas but enough of it, your grounded until you sort out this attitude problem" he says as he left the room with my TV and my games consoles so I slammed my bedroom door and laid on my bed, until
"Hello?" A little voice giggled from my window
"I'm not in the mood y/n!" I tell her
"I brought you mashmellows" she giggled
"You can leave them on the desk" I sighed but I heard steps and felt her poke my arm "what?" I groan "what do you want y/n?" I ask turning to see her
Whoa! What in holy hell happened to her!
I hadn't seen her since I came home from my last shoot, i- I was only gone three months!
Her hair had been cut off to a pixie almost, her thick glasses still perched on her nose as normal hiding the little freckles there, she had a little shirt with some graphic thing in it I could see her white bra strap where the shirt had slipped away, speaking of which, they where huge! They went exactly little when I left!, and a little short leatherette skirt with blue leggings hugging he thick things close
"Something the matter Thomas?" She asks confused why I had just frozen looking at her
"Wh wh wha wha what happened to you!" I ask in shock
"Ohh? Puberty I guess, yeah, I kinda missed it all" she blushed
"Yeah... I missed it" I nodded blushing hard
"You look nice though" she smiled sitting on my bed with me fixing a stay bit of her hair
"Thank you, but... As much as I want to see you y/n, I'm grounded" I told her
"Ohh I see" she giggled "it's okay, I'll sneak you food and things to do, here you can borrow my ds" she smiled pulling it out her top
"Y- you can fit a whole ds down your bra now?" I ask and she nods handing it to me giving me a hug and climbing out my window and back to her house I sat shocked a while I couldn't stop thinking about her I put her ds on my bedside table unable to think straight, what the hell is happening to me?
I laid laying y/n's ds, for a while mostly just play germ buster on brain training with the sound only in my earbuds till I yawned so I turned it off getting cosy in my bed to get some sleep, I hugged my pillow tightly, I just felt so happy and cosy in my bed Tonight I heard a giggle which made me jump I looked to my window and nothing, she wouldn't be coming over this late anyway so I put a blanket over me trying to fall asleep...
"Ohh Thomas" that sweet voice called to me, I have a thousand memories of that voice of hers but I loved hearing it tonight "heheheh Tommy"
"Umm y/n" I smirked falling deeper into my sleep,
When I woke I could hear the birds tweeting in the garden and I yawned having a stretch but I felt weird
"Hahahaha Thomas was sexy dreaming!" Ava laughed as she stood in my room "ohhh y/n, ohh Thomas!" She laughs
"Ava! Get out of my room!" I yelled throwing a pillow at her and she ran off out my bedroom I sighed going to get out of bed but I felt awful I pulled my covers back and - oh fuck!
I quickly jumped out of bed, best I could given I had some serious morning wood quickly getting my boxers off and getting a clean pair on ohh how the hell am I gonna deal with my bedsheets? Maybe If I completely strip the bed and tell my mum I changed it maybe she won't ask questions and won't look at the sheet
"Thomas?" A gigglely voice asks so I threw my boxers into the bed and climbed back in hidding everything as she climbed in the window "hi" she smiled
"Hi" I smiled
"You okay?" She asks
"Uhh yeah, yeah you uhh you woke me up that's all" I blush
"Heheheh relax Thomas, I've seen you in bed before, we use to have sleepovers remember" she laughs as she came sitting in the bed with me "are you okay? You seem... distant from me?" She asks
"Hu? Why would you think that?" I ask
"You've been acting odd since you came back, I get it, don't exactly wanna be hanging around with some stupid girl now your all grown up" she says
"No no y/n, it's not that" I tell her holding her hand
"Then what?" She asks
"It's... It's hard to explain" I told her "I don't really understand all of it right now but I promise, it's not that I don't want to spend time with you" I told her
"Yay!" She smiled Hugging my chest so I hugged her too she smiled leaving me some more games and heading off home I breathed alittle now she's gone, that didn't help the morning wood! A beautiful sexy girl climbing in my window at half ten in the morning
I hummed as I pegged my clothes on the line luckily I had managed to sneak anything I didn't want my parents to find away in my own laundry so they wouldn't find it currently doing a whole bunch I my boxers including the ones from the other morning
"Hi Thomas?" A little voice giggled I looked at the fence and saw y/n
"Y/n! Hi! Uhhhh hello" I blushed trying to cover up my underwear
"Relax Thomas, nothing I haven't seen before" she giggled winking at me and Running off.
I sighed sitting in my bed I got my stuff back so I was sat playing some games in the dark, I out of boredom during a loading screen I looked out my window spotting the little light next door I got up and looked, out of curiosity but when I did, I saw y/n stood in her room in just her bra and panties I felt like I was gonna explode she looked beautiful, sexy, irresistible like I'd give the word to get my hands on her I hid myself away shutting my curtians and trying to not think about what I saw shutting my game off and trying to get some sleep but I knew I couldn't it hurt! It pulsed and ached! I don't know what to do! I normally just wait for it to go down, but I can't fall asleep like this even if I did I'm just going to repeat the other week, I thought for ages trying to make it go down, but I felt my hand slip down my stomach and into my boxers not sure why I only really do that if my hands are cold, but I gripped the hard shaft and my eyes rolled back it felt so good I instantly Ran my hand up and down it feeling amazing I couldn't stop my hand working on its own, my head only thinking about one thing... About my pretty little y/n, how amazing she looks now how badly I wanted my hands on her pretty body, how badly I I I want to kiss her and touch her, "uuuhhh y/n!" I groan trying to stop myself from being nosy so my parents and sister won't hear me "uumm uuummmm Y/n..." I wanted her more then I ever have before my beautiful sexy y/n just have her climb in my room in those little dresses and skirts I knew I should stop but I couldn't make myself no Matter how hard I tried to stop "oooh y/n.... Uhh uuuhh" I groaned rolling my head on my pillow when a sudden overwhelming Wave of pleasure washed over me it twinged in my cock but flowed to my head and the tip my toes I couldn't breathe I couldn't think it felt so so good till it stopped. I was eaughsted laid on my bed catching my breath I couldn't even get the strength to open my eyes or move my hand I smirked happy with my little secret and turning over to get some sleep.
I yawned as I stretched getting out of my bed it's been a few weeks since my...  Humm my first time doing it, and I'm not gonna lie I might have a problem. Every night before I go to sleep, every morning before I get dressed, every one I have a bath, any time I'm alone, my hands in my pants I couldn't help it it just feels so nice I didn't want to stop I sat on my bed checking my phone nothing important so I went down getting a drink and noticed the house was empty, they had all gone out they'll be back later so a note said so I shrugged and got dressed sitting in bed watching TV having my hand down my jeans, not even to play with myself I just kinda like having my hand down my pants
"Hello?" She giggled so I quickly took my hand out and did my jeans back up
"Hey" I smiled as she climbed in the window "my parents aren't here y/n, you could have used the door" I laughed
"Now you tell me" she sighed coming and sitting on the other side of my bed "hi"
"Hi" I blushed it was strange having her sat on my bed given everything I've been... doing in my bed lately,
"I brought a movie" she says handing me a dvd box so I had a look
"Why did you bring a nature documentary?" I ask
"Looked interesting could learn something Thomas" she laughs getting up and going to sort my TV I got up and had a stretch walking past her
"I guess so, alright.. you do that I will make popcorn" I told her giving her cheek a kiss as I went past, wait... What the hell did i kiss her for! I froze realizing what I had done
"Uhhh okay," she laughs blushing a little "what was that for?" She asks
"I uhhhhh I ummm I umm well I uhgg" I stutter unable to form any words of any sort of excuse for why the bloody hell I kissed her
"Hehe Don't worry about it Tommy, well talk about it later" she smiled giving my cheek a kiss I blushed hard it feeling like burning where she kissed me I quickly ran downstairs to avoid her eyes making some popcorn and getting some other snacks for us even a bottle of fizzy pop and taking it all up to my room, once I got there she had pulled my curtains and the light was off, all but my little lamp on my bedside table and the light from the TV she was sat against the headboard on my side of my bed where I normally sleep Hugging one of my pillows close to her I smiled blushing hard looking at her in my bed we sorted all the snacks out at the end of the bed so they weren't in the way and she smiled patting the space beside her
"Uhhhh y/n, I just, just give me a minute I have to go do something" I tell her
"Okay" she nods giving my cheek another kiss I blushed just as hard as before I not more I went to go but she grabbed my arm "Don't I got a kissy too?" She giggled as she pulled so I sat on the edge of my bed
"Uhh yeah, sorry I uhh" I blushed
"Don't you want to kiss me?" She asks interwining our fingers so I held her hand
"No no no! Of course I do" I said to her "I'm just... Not the best with people, you know that y/n" I told her giving her cheek a kiss "five minutes I promise" I reasure her kissing her hand so she would let me go and she did so I went to my door and she looked upset "five minutes, and I'll be back y/n" I smiled
"Okay" she giggled tucking herself in my bed and blowing me a kiss so I blew her a kiss too before I left my room the second I shut the door I bolted down the corridor to the bathroom ohh my fucking god I kissed her! And she's kissing me! Could I actually get a kiss of y/n? Or maybe even something better!  I didn't know what to do to calm down so I brushed my teeth I already did this morning but if our kisses get more serious then I don't want to be worried about it, I didn't know what to do about...the obvious jeans problem, I'm my bed I'll be so tempted to just stick my hands down them, so I undid my jeans quickly Rubbing going as fast as I could thinking of those heavenly kisses umm I want those sexy lips all over me
"Thomas you okay?" She asks from the other side of the door
"Yeah! I'm fine!" I force out trying to keep going hearing her voice helped alot
"Alright, I'm gonna start an episode okay" she says
"Okay, just give me a couple more minutes" I answered just as I "ummmmmm!" I bit m mouth hard to stop myself screaming as I finished into the sink and crashed into the waves of pleasure I smirked and sorted myself out, washing my hands and face as well as putting alot more deodorant and Body spray and fixing my hair so I looked good for her calming down and going back to my room "what did I miss?" I ask sitting on my bed with her
"Uhh the into, and something about lions" she says eating popcorn
"Fun" I laughed quickly getting some popcorn before she ate it all watching the show a while, they where talking about sloths, y/n likes sloths, not sure why... She finds them cute
"Thomas look it's you" she says pointing to the sloth
"Why is it me?" I asked
"Because your lazy, cute and fluffy" she says resting her head on my shoulder
"Aww... Thanks y/n" I smiled resting my head on hers while she was watching I took her hand again making her smile a little more giving my cheek another kiss I blushed hard looking at her nuzzled on my shoulder I smiled and gave her nose a tiny kiss making her giggle like crazy she smiled looking at me I couldn't help blushing harder looking into her eyes I wanted to kiss her to really kiss her and I think she wanted to as well I went to lean In but -
My phone went off so I grabbed it, it was my mum, y/n moved away a little when I answered
"Hi?" I ask
"Hello, were popping into the store after this did you need anything?" She asks
"Uhh no I'm good" I answered after a few more little things she hung up so I sighed putting my phone away "sorry" I told her
"It's okay" she shrugs watching the TV hardly looking at me we sat quietly for a while till I got an idea I yawned and stretched putting my arm around her making her laugh "really? The old yawn arm around Thomas? That's as old as the hills" she laughs
"It worked didn't it?" I shurg and she nods moving to wrap her arms around my neck so I wrapped my other arm around her waist sitting my hands on her waist she smiled licking her bottom lip as she looked at me I froze unsure really what to do but she moved forward pressing her soft lips against mine, it was like heaven to kiss her, her lips soft and smooth perfectly warm and just wet enough I kissed back best I could and she pulled me closer our kiss deepening as she tilted her head a little moving her lips against my own I kissed her back trying my best to keep up with her till we got into a slow and sweet rythum we kept like this for what felt like forever I never wanted to stop just then her tongue licked across my bottom lip I froze unsure how to respond I slightly opened my mouth letting her tongue slip in she played and toyed with my own so I did it a little to her too, she tasted like honey and apple juice and a little of the salt from the popcorn we had even eating till she moved it away so I slipped my tongue in her mouth and she played and toyed with me still even slightly sucking on my tounge which is what made me pull away
"Something wrong Thomas?" She asks
"Wrong? Ohh no, I just uhh need to get breath back honey" I tell her making her giggle more
"Your a good kisser Thomas" shs smiled
"Thanks, your a great kisser y/n" I told her "in fact could I uhh... Could I kiss you again?" I ask and she nods so I pulled her back and kissed her again still losing myself in everything about her I shifted a little in bed slightly uncomfortable when I felt it so I pulled away and moved away from her arms
"Thomas what's wrong?" She asks
"Ohhh uhhh.... Nothing" I blushed trying to hide it with my arms but I think by her face I think she might have known
"It's alright Thomas I know" she laughs "it has been poking my leg the last half hour"
"It has?" I ask and she nods "I'm sorry honey I didn't mean to-"
"Thomas it's alright, your a boy, I'm not surprised it happened I mean it was some pretty serious kissing" she smiled "I was expecting you to its alright"
"Your sure?" I ask and she nods
"I mean, you could always play around with me while we're kissing if you wanted" she smiled
"I I I I I could?" I stutter
"If you like to" she smiled "and maybe if you did I would play too and sort any problems that arise" she smirked
"Uhhh okay" I nod blushing very hard giving her another kiss she giggled giving me a kiss too soon enough we where back to making out I was about to move my hands and -
The door opened and my bedroom light clicked on so I quickly pulled away putting some distance between me and y/n
"What where you to doing up here?" My dad asks
"Nothing" i answered
"In your room? in the dark? In bed?" He asks
"Watching TV" she smiled
"Alright, you should head home now y/n, your parents will be worried" he said leaving my room and we sighed
"That was close" i blushed
"Indeed it was, my house tomorrow, we can lock the door" she winked getting her stuff
"Uhhh y/n, before you go... I- I really do like you, and if we're gonna keep kissing an stuff I I'd really like us to... Be something" I explain and she giggled at me
"Of course Thomas" she smiled kissing me "see you Tomorrow, my sweet boyfriend" she smiled
"Tomorrow, my beautiful girlfriend" I smiled giving her one more kiss before she went off home.
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annashipper · 5 years
JT Anon
Ok so this is going to be a wildly unpopular opinion that you will wholeheartedly disagree w Anna, but here goes
I kinda hope they phase BC out of the MCU. Im not one of these fans that wants him to fail or to vanish forever or will never see another project until he leaves sophie (i don’t think thats ever going to happen). I just don’t think he fits w the MCU anymore and he is kinda, to me, a bummer stain on an otherwise fun experience.
The actors in the MCU are literally the only actors I’ve ever taken a mild interest in outside of their movie roles. Meaning i won’t immediately change the channel if they are on late night, or I might flip through a mag if they are in there, or im actually interested in their thoughts on their char.
The actors in the MCU, for the most part, are super engaging. They engage the fan base in  a really great way. Now granted, I get it, lots of that is coaching etc, I get that. However, the actors all engage w the material and the fanbase in a really great way. they have lovable personalities, they all seem humble and grateful and excited to be there. Even RDJ who plays on this kinda ego centric char he has is totally endearing and everyone gets it. They make the fan base feel like they are all a part of something, everyone is in it together, they genuinely want everyone to have a great time, they get how much these stories can mean to a lot of people.
Now im sure someone can pull up an anecdote here or there where MCU actors have not been their best selves, but for the most part, MCU actors make the fanbase feel loved and valued. MCU fans are not talked down to by them. Each actor has a unique and lovable personality that is engaging
BC sticks out like a sore thumb. He isn’t delivering DRS and MCU toys to hospitals, he doesn’t have social media, so he isn’t engaging w elements of the fanbase that does charity work. He doesn’t talk excitedly about DRS and MCU projects, he doesn’t comment on fan art and projects in a respectful way (ignoring the freakier ones). Now i know the dusted actors were not doing the rounds media wise, but still
Ben just comes off as someone who thinks he is above all that. All i see and think about when i think about BC and MCU fans is a guy who is just so sick of fans. Fans are all obsessed w him and won’t they go away. anyone who doesn’t worship him and dares to chat in a neg way about what he is putting out is a stalker, florals, they are all so tiring! poor, poor women who lost themselves when he married, your uteruses still have use w out him! he just seems like he doesn’t want to be there and is delusional about how much people care about him beyond gossip and riling each other up for fun
To me BC is in a totally different category from the other main MCU actors. BC is running around to the MET gala acting a fool, Ben is running around too busy trying to sell every single stitch of clothing on his body. ben is too busy branding and selling his family. ben is trying to wring every last red cent out of every move he makes.
And before anyone jumps down my throat w a long list of products MCU actors sell, I KNOW. its about the feel of it.
Ben these days comes off as a stuck up, toffy snob who doesn’t want to be there. Ben comes off as someone who has disdain for his fans, and while he def wants them to keep him and his wife in expensive vegan clothing and millionaire status, they need to just shut the fuck  up and hand over the cash. Ben comes off as someone who is entitled to fame and attention, but on his terms. Ben comes off as someone desperate to merch and brand himself. Ben comes off as someone waaaay more concerned at the moment w selling every single article of clothing he and his wife has, every single life event he can get a sponsor for.
His image is a bummer ink stain on the MCU. He is like the stuck up boring cousin at the fun family reunion who spends his whole time pouting on his phone. the only time he engages is when he is the absolute centre of attention, and he has to be making cash money off of it or he isn’t interested. he is like that one person at school who won’t shut up about how many haters they have and how jealous everyone is of them, and how he just wants to do him, meanwhile no one is actually thinking about him like that.
Think of any MCU actor and you can think of cute, funny, humble, joyful, REAL feeling fan engagement.
W BC you just get a grown ass man whining, pouting, doesn’t want to be there, would rather be selling shoes and shirts and hats
as a fan i have absolutely no interest in him as an MCU actor. I don’t want to sit there and have my eyes roll out of my head while he either sells me some product or makes some delusional comment about how obsessed, OBSESSED EVERYONE is w him and his family and WHY WON’T THEY JUST LEEEAAAVE HIM AND HIS WIIIFE ALONE (ps please buy these shoes, please buy sophies dress, please check out this vendor that sponsored our wedding, please look at the menu of the person making vegan food for us, please buy the pictures of our kids please please please)
he  has moved on from depressing to why don’t you just leave then? honestly?you would rather be throwing yourself all over a red carpet and selling clothing and jewellery and cars and vegan shoes  and talking about how hard it is to be you because youre so famous, then go do that. go do period piece after period piece in between selling washing machines. i might even see one.
BC is like getting together w your fav cousins and your mom say you have to take the annoying one along too, and he just ruins your day by complaining about being tired all the time and talking about all the expensive shit his dad in another state buys him
just let us check out fan theory and make memes and talk shit and watch interviews in peace. STFU about the stuff you have for sale. STFU about how obsessed everyone is. go to the met gala, go arrange paps for attention. just GO live the fame life you clearly think you have. let people enjoy MCU shit w out you popping in every few months to remind us that youre here too and SO SO FAMOUS
its getting to kinda ruin MCU shit to me. If i know BC will be involved, im not interested.
I just don’t want to hear him whine, and i don’t want to have another fucking thing sold to me, and thats all he’s got
J got sooooo many haters T anon
Well, you’re right in one regard JT.  I wholeheartedly disagree with all of the above.  Not because I’m contrary and a SkeptoNanny (which of course I am), but because you’re wrong  :P
Ben didn’t do ANY promo for Endgame, so if we’re going to talk about him being a killjoy during promo for MCU projects, we have to revisit what he’s done during Doctor Strange and Infinity War promo.
And while, yes, he did make a faux pas (a pretty major one) with that incredibly stupid quote on his Vanity Fair cover interview where he thought it wise to casually mention his wife and child are not a PR stunt, other than that, his promo tour for Doctor Strange was pretty much the same as any other promo for a standalone superhero movie within the MCU.  
And then there was Infinity War promo, which was more about promoting the MCU than it was about promoting himself.  I would argue that he actually did a stellar job with that.  He even brought quite a bit of DorkyBatch out to play:
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I mean...
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So yeah.  If we’re going to have a serious conversation, we have to be very precise about the timing of what Ben says and does; especially when it comes to MCU promo.
Meanwhile, since you brought up charity projects linked to the MCU, let me remind you that Ben has been involved with those multiple times, through Omaze, and he even did it for Endgame (which he supposedly would have no part in and didn’t really have to do, because his character had already been dusted out of existence).
By the way, the shoes he’s selling are not always vegan.  Not the ones he wore to the MET Gala (LINK) anyway  :P
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bananadineapple · 6 years
Distraction >> phase 2
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PROMPT: It's Y/N's birthday. In the Avengers tower where Bucky was set to distract Y/N from a party, she was already distracted herself while walking back. It didn't help as well when she sees Bucky with his bare arms and toned body sitting in the middle of the couch.
PAIRING: Bucky x slightlyOCD!Reader
WARNINGS: Language, a bit of NSFW (just a teensy bit)
A/N: IM BACK GUYS and Im so sorry this took reaaal long, I had to make sure every detail was perfect. And it actually too reeeeal long to write, surprisingly. But at last, I have delivered! And so will Bucky soon if you continue to read on nyeheheheh ;))
 I hope you guys like it!
  Phase one >> Phase two
Y/N has just come home from a long and exhausting briefing, one that to her distaste fell on her birthday. After that alarming surprise mission that knocked all the energy out of the Avengers, Y/N was more than worried for her own state of wellbeing. So all the while she stood their explaining every detail of the mission to Fury, she was absent-mindedly thinking if the rest of the team was still up for a night out in a resto bar, laughing and celebrating the night away while trying to endure everyone else's corny half-drunk birthday messages.
It was a huge breath of air when Fury does the weirdest thing he’s ever done; hug her and wish her a happy birthday along with a short but well-meant ‘thank-you’  for her undying loyalty and service to SHIELD and the Avengers. With a short nod from his head he dismisses her, and she went bolting right out of the building, a bit ignorant of the passing greetings coming from her co-workers and friends, and hopped right in her car while mentally laying out the plan for tonight such as which resto bar would be nice enough, the budget Tony would be willing to allot, how much alcohol would Steve be willing to allow, and what to wear and all the basic fiddle-faddles of a night out.
Oddly, she found her train of thoughts faltering when she had imagined a certain someone's smile she'd want to see all night long. Maybe his piercing blue eyes crinkling with his heartfelt laughter and his warm aura that made her feel safe was on the list of things Y/N so desperately wanted to see to complete her birthday night out. Even if he just sat there quietly, not bothering to talk more than a few words with her other than ‘Happy Birthday’ or ‘You look nice tonight’, it’d be enough.
“Does he hate me or something?”
Clint makes one of the most shocked faces Y/N has ever seen her best friend make.
“Y/N” He quickly makes his way beside her, “You and I both know you’re way to kindhearted for anyone in the Avengers team to hate.”
“But…I have no idea why he won’t talk to me.”  Clint noticed the way Y/N’s voice trails off into a whisper, as if he didn’t notice the fact that Y/N was completely interested in Bucky.
“And I have no idea why you won’t talk to him.”
Her eyes widened with realization when she looked at Clint’s knowing face. And she feared that beneath that look was a reason why the silent air between her and Bucky remained untouched throughout the months.
“It’s 2018, for God’s sake Y/N.” Despite the annoying chuckle from her close friend, she nods slowly, “It doesn’t matter who goes first. What matters is how long will you let the silence last. Don't complain about something you can fix yourself."
Y/N remained silent. And that’s when Clint knew she knew he was right.
“You think he’ll like me back?”
“Everyone does, and so does he. Just give it a go, maybe tomorrow’s you’re lucky day.”
Despite the image from the surface of Bucky Barnes as the soldier he is with his undeniably attractive frame, she wanted to see that man she fell in love with over the few words and interactions they’ve had for months.
She was clueless to whatever was the reason behind Bucky's shy nature. From all that action she sees of him on the field; strapping, ruthless and fierce with every move he makes, he just suddenly turns into a big ball of awkwardness around her. Y/N tried many times to figure out if it was her morning breath or something on her face that was bothering Bucky to not even have a normal conversation with her. To this, she just painful got accustomed to, thinking that in no ways would it ever change. Even during the past couple birthdays all he would do is mutter a greeting with a compressed smile she awkwardly reciprocates.
And it became a silent agreement all of a sudden. Nods, silent glances, very small talks that would last for only seconds even if she wanted it to last for hours. A 'safe' distance, as she put it, Y/N thought it was best that they kept it that way, because she was slowly giving into the thought that he just doesn't feel the same way and that's really just how the real world works.
So yes, it was pretty surprising that he was suddenly right there in the middle of the living room, just suddenly taking interest in actually looking back at her eyes.
"Hey Y/N." He spoke in a tone softer than from the raspier one she often hears.
"Uh...” She had no idea what to say so Y/N gives off an awkward wave of her hand, “…h-hey Bucky.”
“You’re here early?”
The words and the way he said it was different.
Too different that she tried gathering her thoughts to figure out if this was real, of just another one of her birthday fantasies. But when Bucky puts on that signature, million-dollar smile on his face, just once, and the entire view of his gorgeous, sculpted body pressing against the tight fabrics of his clothes began to seethe through Y/N sense of focus. The moment she felt the rising heat in her cheeks threatening to ruin her composure she clears her throat and tore her gaze from Bucky before her eyes began to travel down further.
“Uh  yeah yeah I-uh…” The habit of denying the words Y/N was dying to say to him stuck to her like a leech, and she didn’t bother to take it off especially with him around looking like such a fucking god, “Fury gave me an ‘early dismissal’ as his birthday present to me.”
When Y/N’s eyes weren’t looking where he wanted them to be, Bucky was knocked ever so slightly out of focus out of a distant feeling of uncertainty of the plan working.
“You okay Y/N? Did whatever that incident I heard a while ago still bother you?”
At Bucky’s decision to stand up from where he was seated, Y/N found herself awkwardly shifting her stance while rubbing the back of her neck nervously. Because she still couldn’t imagine managing to stay alive under his towering stature dangerously close to her.
Shit Y/N stop it.
“No no it’s just that…” You’re too hot to look at damn it. “…FRIDAY was acting real weird with the keypad and everything and Tony-“
When Y/N too suddenly pauses, so did Bucky. Because it looked like she had realized something real big, and Bucky was mentally hoping that she had it all figured out. But it wasn’t the surprise she figured out, but a ticket out of this thickly awkward air between them, that could still eventually lead to the sabotage of the Avengers’ plan.
“TONY!” Bucky was startled at the way her body jolted and her finger pointed at him. “Yes, uh Tony! I-I need to look for Tony.”
Safe distance. Safe distance, Y/N, she tells to herself like a mantra.
Y/N’s feet began to shift as she tried to figure out where to walk around and way way far from Bucky. But at every shift to her left or to her right Bucky quickly blocks her to it. She stops for a moment to make sure she wasn’t being fooled by her playful imagination. And she was certain with the way he had oddly locked his gaze into hers as if he was observing every movement she made. Again, odd. And extremely hot enough to form a lump in her throat she could not manage to swallow.
Bucky had stepped closer to his right to block Y/N off just a subtle bit so as not to give it all away.
“I-It’s my birthday and-“
Another step to her left, was mirrored suit by Bucky.
“H-Happy Birthday by the way.”
By then he was already a few inches away from her, and Y/N was too engrossed with trying to pry her way out of the sheer bashfulness she was feeling so near around Bucky. Despite the fact that he was still a bit rusty, Bucky had liked the way he was already making her feel; he could practically feel the radiating heat from her flushed cheeks without even nearing the touch of her skin. It was pretty much enough to give him the right leverage to do more than just distract Y/N.
“Thaaanks…” Her lips were barely carrying the smooth, nonchalant laughter she intended that it came out rather nervous and squeaky, and Bucky found it so amusing to hear, “…u-uh Buck…c-can you excuse me for a moment?”
Y/N got herself cornered looking back into those alluring eyes of his.
“W-well I uh-you see it’s like-yeah uhm…” Now Y/N was even confused herself if the system lock was malfunctioning, or every single part of her common sense, “…t-the party-n-no I mean tonight-I-I need to talk to-A-Avengerss….”
Bucky didn’t realize how adorable Y/N looked so flustered up like that. It sent his lips curling into a smile went he let his imagination dance around his head with the thought of having Y/N melt in his touch, and it led him everywhere he wanted his hands to be on hers, and it soon had him bursting with a newfound confidence to shake off every ounce of awkwardness left in his bones.
“They’re not here.” He takes a pretending look around, with a slow shrug of his shoulders, making sure that his eyes land back on hers, “It’s just you and me.”
Both her eyes and mouth widened when realizing that he was right. But it was worth one more push to pry him off of her.
“W-where did they go?” She tried to pull the conversation back to a casual one, but the way he just looked at her differently, she knew she was losing to whatever Bucky was playing on her.
“Off to buy you some presents.” Bucky grins, while leaning his arm beside the wall to rest his body just close enough to lock her in her place.
Because it was a bit odd that all of them except Bucky would be running off to buy her presents. But the more she tried to wire her brain to fire back up her skills in exemplary focus, she just couldn’t with having Bucky Barnes too close for her to even function properly with standing up straight.
“Why not?” Now Y/N was beginning to feel her heart thump too loudly when he began to take closer steps towards her, that she panicked and automatically strode backwards and found herself not being able to take her gaze off of his trance, “Why wouldn’t they lavish the special birthday girl with gifts that she deserves?”
This man was acting suspiciously out of character around her. And Y/N tried to find every reason she could think of to answer why but how her brain was juggling two thoughts all at once was knocking out every ounce of her well-trained skill.
“Y-you?” She was almost too speechless, but Bucky had picked it up.
“I already have mine.”
At the last word that rolled off his lips she felt the cool surface of the wall suppress her from walking back any further, and to her fear, had her right where Bucky wanted her.
Bucky watched Y/N heave out a breath in surrender. There was nowhere else to go, and Bucky made sure that she had a good and close view of him when she slowly lifted her eyes to look back at him.
Heaven be damned at such a gorgeous view Y/N had of Bucky Barnes, the closest she has even gotten to in months. And she marveled at how better his entire frame looked so damn close. The way his ocean blue eyes traced down every part of her frame, strands of his hair delicately sweeping at the side of his flushed cheeks that couldn’t beat the shade his smirked lips were showered with. This time Y/N let her eyes feast on a view lower, but ever so slowly enough to take in his breathtaking, massive form. She felt her breath hitch at the sight of part of his bare chest peeking from the fitted shirt that was barely able to hold back the shape of every curves of his muscular torso, and she could barely keep her sudden crave at bay. In every single detail she had grown to love so damn much, Bucky had never made her feel so captivated without even saying anything.
Despite the blush in her cheeks creeping slowly everywhere on her face, Y/N was admittedly loving Bucky’s alluring display at a distance just in hand’s reach.  
“You look beautiful, Y/N.” He was so close, she could feel his breathe tickling on her skin that began to heat in longing for his against it.
Even Bucky himself was so perplexed at how he underestimated the beauty of this gorgeous woman. How delicate her bashfulness made her look, how prettily she blushed like that. But one look at her skin that showed only a portion from her neck down, he bit his lip at the thought of having every inch of her all on him, and it could be in a matter of seconds if Y/N didn’t stop looking so fucking irresistible to his taste, so he bit his lip to try and keep his desire controlled.
Bucky felt a deep craving for her, something that he was trying so hard to avoid over the past few months he only had her at his sight. And to think, all it took was one small mishap of a scheduled package to have her right where he wanted her that he was longing for months. Thank you, T’Challa.
“Bucky…” She breathes out a whimper, dangerously aware of him closing in, but could do nothing but helplessly look at his nearing lips, “… Y-you’re acting so weird today…”
"Y-you.." Y/N couldn't find where to place her hands so it began having a mind of its own and just went pointing at every inch of Bucky, "..y-you're talking to me."
For a moment Bucky blinked, "Yeah uh…I am?"
"Right I just um.." Y/N could only squint to Bucky's eyes staring her down, so to be careful not to get lost in them. "…you-me…we never talk like this."
He lets a deep chuckle rumble from his chest, and Y/N swore it sounded more like a growl enough for her to automatically bite her lip in suspense. Bucky was aware of the surprising amount of confidence he had all of a sudden, and it was only because he knew the truth that still had Y/N denying it through her pursed lips.
“Well I…” There it was. It was about to happen. "It's your birthday, Y/N."
"Aand? W-What's the difference today from the others?"
Another grin emerges from the corners of his lips. He did find the newfound confidence in him to be completely out of the silent character he had Y/N be used to. Bucky was beginning to like this new attitude he realized only Y/N was able to bring out of him.
"Well, I uh…" His gaze simmers down to a softer tone, "…I found out something today…"
It took Y/N less than seconds to know what he meant. His oddly sexy demeanor today, right on her birthday, made sense of it all. But what had Y/N hold her breath was he found it out, and she knew he was a bit dense to figure it out himself. Someone told him. Another feeling she tried to keep controlled was the sudden urge to open her mouth at a probable suspect such as Clint.
"Mmm?" Y/N hummed, trying to look cool when her whole body was already heating up.
"A little bird told me something that you've been hiding from me all these months we never talked."
Right. Shit. Clint was soo getting a clean knock on his head later.
"H-hiding? Me?" She tried to look innocent, but had the rest of her words tumbling down, "N-nooo I- what would I hide from-"
"Try hiding all you want; bat those pretty lashes of yours, keep telling me lies,"
Bucky paused, and it was to find the right words to say to her. Because that moment was it, it was happening. The one thing he could only dream of but never get a chance to actually do. This was the chance.
“Your trick may be working on me, but I already know the truth.”
His body was practically magnetizing hers, and she was almost too close to giving in. The suspense was slowly driving Bucky mad, but he knew it was what had Y/N holding onto every quick breath she took.
"Y/N…" The way her name slips off his mouth sounded gentler this time, letting a few quiet seconds pass while slowly pulling her hips closer, and the soft gasp she exhales drove him wild.
"Bucky…" He took the first move to slowly close the inches of a gap between his lips and hers. "…I-I…am completely confused right now…"
"Don't worry, doll." The way Bucky purred had Y/N completely entranced, "I have the answer to your problem."
It's really happening. Y/N couldn't find the urge to retaliate anymore, because Bucky himself was pulling her closer. It was beginning to be clear that Clint was right all along. So Y/N slowly begins to lean in as well, giving into her fast beating heart that screamed and craved to having him pressed against her in what was just about to be in seconds apart. She closes her eyes ever so slowly, raising her chin against his hot, fanning breath tickling her aching lips.
Right, until..
A loud noise, followed by a voice broke throughout the entire room, bouncing right off the walls and breaking in between the two's momentary trance. Y/N’s eyes shot right open at Bucky’s bewildered ones. It was until the few remaining echoes of whatever made the noise began to process in both their heads. Not a good thing, though, for Y/N to instantly recognize what, who, and where it came from.
“Was…” At first she was uncertain, but still asked him nonetheless, “…w-was that Sam?”
Sam? Even Bucky had the same look of confusion knocking every last bit of that distractingly attractive look on his face. Until Sam’s voice replayed in his memory, and all too quickly, came in remembering the string of thoughts of the surprise birthday party bursting in with the sense of panic surging through his body. He was trying his best not to show it through his eyes so he blinked rather a bit too fast to still make it obvious enough for someone with Y/N skills in deducting.
“U-uh…no?” And Bucky had made the mistake of asking rather than answering.
Something didn’t click in Y/N’s head.  The bat of her lashes along with the nagging thought of not figuring out the hell of what happened began to loosen the grip Bucky had once had around her.
“No Buck, don’t play me for a fool.” She pauses, “I know how Sam shouts when he drops something.”
Now Y/N had Bucky into a muttering mess, as he struggled to find the words to try and say to cover up the obvious sabotage to the entire plan, and his own plan of finally being able to pursue Y/N. He didn’t even know how to stop Y/N’s head for trying to make sense of the oddly misplaced mishap of hearing something she wasn’t supposed to hear.
Empty. With the circular sound of a bowl, probably plastic from the emanating sound not likewise to the sound of glass. And a voice from a man which seems out of place for an empty room?
“A-and I know what he dropped, and where he is.” Bucky, for once, hated how smart Y/N was and for not listening to Thor enough to not underestimate this woman’s intelligence.
He also hated how Sam, though not surprisingly, has ruined practically everything.
“I better check that out.”
Bucky had not realized that Y/N already had slipped from under his arms and making her way slowly towards the hallway, but he instinctively glid in front of her, which took her aback.
“I-I don’t think you should.” Y/N at first could vaguely make out of his nervous grin
“Bucky…” She raised her brows questioningly, “…why are you blocking me?”
Fuck. Bucky knew that he was the one on the hot seat right at that moment. He could do nothing but shrug sheepishly, something that one doesn’t usually see out of a mysterious assassin like him.
“I-I uh it well…” He was beginning to feel sweaty when Y/N crossed her arms in suspicion, “…I-It could be an…intruder! Yeah uhm, an intruder that sounds like Sam!”
Now Bucky was beginning to sound so silly. This had Y/N remembering that one time he broke one of Tony’s extremely fragile coffee machines that was just freshly manufactured out of his own hands. She could see every lie grow sillier and sillier each time it passes through his quivering lips. The same manner she was seeing right in front of her.
It finally clicked in her head.
“Ohhhh…you’re not hiding something, are you?” A grin began creeping up her lips, “On my birthday?”
“Noooo…” Bucky’s voice trailed off into a whisper with a tilt of his head to the right. Lie.
“You are. I’m checking whatever you hid down there right now.”
The surprise was officially 90% ruined.
By then Bucky’s adrenaline response dialed up to 11. As Y/N abruptly turned her body away from him, in a split second his metal arm jerked to grab Y/N by her wrist, earning a loud pained gasp from her, and the rest began to happen in a quick blur.
She wasn’t even able to let a curse slip through her lips when Bucky had tugged her arm towards him and had her body colliding on his and his lips landing right on hers. Y/N was extremely startled at what just happened, but when it began to sink into her that she was being kissed by Bucky Barnes, having to feel his lips that was surprisingly so soft and warm, she soon felt her tensed body instantly ease into his arms tracing its way to take all over her frame.  
Bucky had made it sure to move his lips in a pace enough for her to slowly fall into a trance. He too, soon began to realize he was kissing Y/N. At first his movements were hastened, still wanting to make sure that she wasn’t too startled or uncomfortable. Until he felt her returning the kiss with a long moan vibrating against his lips, and Bucky loved it.
In moments, he soon had his arms wrapped tightly around her waist, feeling his cheeks flush at the feeling of her body pulled closer and moving against his. And the way she was responding with hitched breaths and moans drove him to deliver as much as he can to keep his growing crave for more of her intoxicating touch.
“Buck…” her shaky breath could barely mutter at the uncontrollable feeling of falling back into his lip-lock.
“Sshhh…” He whispered against her mouth, as his still ached for more to kiss her back again.
At each second that passed they both felt the immense heat rising between them and they could both hardly keep it at bay. Just as Y/N was about to push him over the edge and tackle him down, he clung onto her body and let the spur of the moment drive her back against the wall with a loud thud. He felt her shudder when he deepens the kiss while grazing his tongue on her lips,  and had her chasing him back in a silent beg to never leave them. And damn how he tasted so good.
It wasn’t until he could sense her arms wrapping around his neck with a few grips of his locks here and there when he kissed her just right to make a deep growl of content rumble right through his chest and onto hers. He chuckles softly and responds with his hands gliding down to reach for her legs and had her lifted with ease, earning another low moan of his name at his has tracing every curve of her thigh. Bucky was practically melting into this tight embrace of deep endearment between them, and he wished Y/N was just as pleased as she should be on her special day.
This was different. Not because he completely forgot that this was all a distraction plan, but because by then he could only feel the pure, raw feeling both of them had for each other in this sweet chase of ecstasy between them that had his heart thumping fast against hers, and he could hear their heartbeats as one. It wasn’t a distraction plan, it was real.
Midway into the moment escalating, he felt his lungs gasp for air and only then was able to pry himself away from her, but just ever so slightly still near enough to see the way her flushed lips puffed from all that irresistible kissing.
“Y/N…” He wasn’t sure if what had him breathless was either the kiss or her lovely features glowing in a way he hasn’t seen before.
“Damn…” She whispered as she tried to catch her breath, looking at Bucky in that way that had his mouth tickling with a growing smile, “…you hid that from me all this time? Where was I a few months ago?”
“I-I thought you didn’t like me.” He grinned sheepishly having only that excuse to say.
A loud, almost too scandalized gasp escapes her agape mouth to which Bucky found too amusing to suppress his heartfelt laughter, “Not like you?! Especially now that I know you kiss like that? Lies!”
Bucky’s laughter, once it filled her ears sounding like sweet music, it had her contagiously doing the same. And man, could he listen to her delight all day. As the laughter died down, his eyes simmered back lovingly in a gaze that admired that smile of hers, and knowing it was because of him had the same smile that felt like warm sunshine on her.  
“Oh Bucky…” She coos softly, cupping his cheeks in her hands while letting her thumbs softly brush against his skin, “…I…I do like you. Hell, I think I’m falling in love with you.”
Bucky let out a breathy gasp at feeling his heart dance around the words it wished to hear. “You do?”
“So much.”  She whispers back with every word coated with endearment, “I had no idea you felt the same way. I was beginning to think you didn’t.”
“God I do love you.” His voice grows deeper in a way Y/N knew he meant what he said.
“I was just having a hard time to accept the fact that I was flustering head over heels for you. I just didn’t know what to say. I thought I wasn’t good enough for you. So I tried to keep my distance, and you just seemed to agree to it, so I went along with it. But fuck, you were just too beautiful with your pretty little eyes, your enchanting laughter, your bright smile, your gorgeous figure; I-I  tried so many damn times to break the barrier, because I could barely stand the thought that you were slipping away from my hands. But this…”
He gently tucks away a strand of her hair behind her ear, to get a better view of those dazzling eyes that was the first thing that drew him to believe he had a crush on her, “…you. Right here in my arms. I wish I could’ve done something earlier to get this lovely view of you near me sooner. Seeing every single bit of who you are this close, it just, it takes my breath away.”
Y/N felt so touched with his genuine endearment, it had her barely struggling to find the words that could amount to his poetic lines.
“I still can’t believe that someone so amazing like you would love someone like me back.” Bucky shakes his head affectionately with a warm smile, but Y/N felt the trail of doubt leaving from his mouth.
“Do I have to kiss you again to convince you that I do?” She wiggled her brows at him suggestively, and he liked the way she did that.
“Oddly, I’m tempted doll.” Y/N giggles at the touch of his nose on hers.
She takes a moment to pause and just savor at that man’s gorgeous features. It was radiating with a calmer aura, something she found herself feeling at home at. And she grew fond of the way his smile was adoring her, getting one for the take and press a quick gentle kiss on to steal it from his. It was still her birthday anyway, might as well take more than just a taste.
“So all this.” She says as she pulls away, “All this was some sort of a distraction plan?”
There was actually no more point to argue for Bucky, since it wasn’t his fault she had it figured out. “Yeah yeah…I uh, actually didn’t expect it to work too well.”
“For a moment, you did get me with that hot bod of yours.” Y/N admitted with a playful bite of her lip. “And that was Sam I heard?”
“I think the entire team’s pissed off at him right now, let’s just leave him be.”
“So it was a surprise party!”
He blinked at her smart guess. “Y-Yeah, you got us.”
“And the entire team is in here!”
And oddly, he loved the way she was so proud and giddy of her achievement in finding out herself. Damn, a confident Y/N close to him was better than a bashful one from afar.  “I didn’t know you were this enigmatic.”
“And I didn’t know you didn’t know that I knew and blah blah blah blah…” To this Bucky chuckled at. There were too many words apart from Y/N and Bucky’s lips that she decided to dismiss all the talk and press her lips once more onto his, missing the way it felt so good a while ago.
This one was a sweeter version of what they shared from before. It was a sort of deep acknowledgement between them, now that all confusion was gone and nothing but deep affection for each other was blossoming in their chest and through their lips. To which Y/N hummed in delight to, since she finally got that only present she’s been wanting all day long, that whatever party she or the team had planned wasn’t at the top of her priority list for the day.
Because all she had her head wrapped around was all on him. All on him.
“Oh wait, that reminds me.” A thought pops up in his head when she pulls away momentarily, “You should still go in that room and see what the team has prepared for you. Pretend to act surprised for Sam’s sake.”
“Awww do I have to?” She whines with a pout of her lips like a child would on her birthday, “Can’t that wait until later? It’s my birthday anyway and I get to choose what I want to doooo…”
“Why? Do you have something important to do?”
Y/N was amused at Bucky’s cluelessness to her small hints. She lets out a small giggle before biting her lip to give him a head start. “You, you silly idiot.”
The moment Bucky gets it he bites his lips playfully as well, scrunching his nose at Y/N’s smooth line. He was glad to grant the birthday girl’s wish at the sight of another door leading to a spare bedroom. And how he was turned on by the way Y/N looked right at him that sent his mind wandering to intimate thoughts shared with her body all over his. He couldn’t careless of the initial plan and had his impatience drove his arms to swiftly carry her towards the said room.
“Well then, wait until you unwrap my present to you.” He purrs against her ear, giving it a little nudge before pressing her back against the door. “Fuck, I love you Y/N.”
“I love you to Bucky…” Y/N felt a shiver run down her spine at the sound of his raspy voice, grinning to herself at the thought of such a surprising gift, “…Happy fucking birthday to me.”
And just like that, Bucky did not waste his time with her any longer and had his hand grasping for the doorknob as the other quickly pulls her in for a hungrier kiss she finds herself sinking back into. And they let themselves fall into each other’s embrace, their thoughts playing into reality with intimate touches at the close of the door.
--- BONUS: ---
“Took him damn long enough.” Sam chuckles at finding out that their friend finally made his move.
"If it wasn't for you fucking it all up with that popcorn bowl you ‘accidentally’ dropped." Tony rolls his eyes, something that Sam dismisses annoyingly at. “Wanda clearly warned you to duck.”
"What's the word on the lovebirds Wanda?" Clint leans in closer to Wanda, who had her thoughts linked to hear both Y/N's and Bucky's.
She only gasps with a cheeky grin on her face as a response. To this the whole team had known what was spiraling down from the sound of the door across theirs slamming shut.
"Lucky punk." Steve shakes his head, to which Bruce gives an acknowledging pat on his back with a chuckle.
"So much for the package." Tony sighs. "And the party."
"I taught him well." Natasha helped herself to a smug grin.
"Lady Y/L/N's fantasies finally came true." Thor wriggles his eyebrows in agreement to Natasha.
"Are we still pushing through with this party?" Wanda could barely suppress her amused giggles, shutting off her powers to give the two enraptured lovers their privacy. "They seem very engrossed in whatever they're doing."
"Welp, seems like this party's postponed." He knew that look on Wanda's face, Clint knew. "The distraction plan did work but their having a little party of their own now."
Heeyyy guys!! So wow, this one had a whopping 5k+ words. It really took a long LONG process to finally have my head click with the right words and plot. But again, I’m so happy with the overwhelming response to the first part. THANK YOU as well for reading this imagine and for the support. Here’s to more imagines! <333
TAGLIST (for this fic) (permanent ones are still OPEN)
@hottrashformarvel @captainam-erika-trash @marvelandothers @karmezii @5-seconds-of-sarcasmm @hippieballs @totorosbooty @wisestydia-15 @faakelanadelrey
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thisnerdsadventures · 5 years
Hey so there’s this initiative called Weekends@MIT here that sponsors fun, on-campus substance free events (quidditch actually just got a $500 grant to do an event coming soon in March through the program). Thought I’d talk a bit about what we do outside of classes on the weekends here! because the overcommitment does not stop for the weekend!
First weekend of the semester was our house government retreat! This year instead of going to the alumni house out in the woods for the day, we went to Cape Cod for an overnight trip :D It was my first overnight retreat, and it was tons of fun! Even though it was hella cold, we all got pretty good beach pics too.
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Basically what people do on retreats are talk about semester plans and do ice breakers and get to know one another, so we talked for a bit about event planning and budgets, and then literally all the upperclassmen gathered in a room and watched the bee movie and national treasure while psetting, so that was that
Our motto for the year is “I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it” so that’s a thing. Last year it was “Anarchy” so maybe we just need some sleep lol
That weekend I also chaired for MIT Model UN! They let me come back and chair this year for some reason :D Last year I chaired with my friend on the UNSC committee and this year I helped out with the DISEC committee. I feel like I know parliamentary procedure a lot better this time around as I did a lot more of the talking, and it was still a lot of fun seeing what people discussed. Also have a lot of friends on Secretariat, so it was great to spend the night with them!
Last weekend was a long weekend, so my friend and I took advantage of it and went to New York! We saw Chuck Schumer at the Chinatown Lunar New Year Parade and took a picture with a random Knicks player we didn’t know. We went to the Met two days in a row and ate all the food, so I’d say it was a success all around.
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This weekend was a lot more chill - I had a friend come from BU and we got dinner at Simmons with some friends there, and afterwards, we went to a party where I proceeded to see everyone I have ever met in my life, including seven subsets of friends, past TA’s, and even someone from my high school I haven’t talked to in five years who’s now doing a PhD here. I got dim sum with some friends I haven’t been out with in forever and got boba with some freshmen on my floor. This morning, I was initiated into our chapter of Tau Beta Pi, which is our engineering honor society and got brunch with fellow initiates afterwards. Ran a bit over a mile at the gym at a nine minute pace, graded for an algorithms class, emailed my professor back, had conversations about on-campus housing, and I’d say that I’m t h r i v i n g so far this semester.
Looking forward to next weekend, there’s a design exercise about on-campus housing and room assignment that admin is holding with dorm representatives (which should, honestly, be a time) and IM basketball spring season is starting! No rest for the weary, it seems :D Also super excited for this Friday, where there’s probably gonna be a super exciting post with me screaming in incomprehensible text and hyperlinks all over the place ;)
Goals for this semester...? Not sure if I’ve posted this anywhere, but i do have a few really concrete goals for this semester, so I’ll post it now, w/ updates
1) connect with people I’ve lost contact with - doing pretty well so far, I had dinner and dished about random stuff with one of my friends I haven’t seen much this semester. I planned two (2) dinners for next week with people who live elsewhere (aka not within two buildings of dorm row lol), who I don’t really hang out with outside clubs/classes, so I’m excited!! And I saw that random guy from my high school, and texted another guy who said he’s coming to visit in April. I’m also trying to put more effort into hanging out with the other people on my floor and the floor above because they seem cool ~~
2) Exercise more - I’ve actually been doing really well on this, i’ve worked out nearly every day this semester so far (like 6/7 days a week). In general, I’ve been taking care of myself and I’ve gotten around 7 or 8 hours of sleep every night and have been trying to go to bed around 12:30 or 1 and wake up earlier. I briefly went on a coffee phase, but it really wrecked my sleep for a couple days, so I think I’m going to stick with decaf from now on rather than developing a habit like last semester. (It got pretty bad, I had to detox for like a month) I’ve done my laundry once a week, every week, and my room is like 8/10 clean at all times
3) Be more open and do more fun things and be more chill! Just super random stuff like playing poker with my area director or saying yes to people wanting to go out more and being more involved and talking more, about things I care about, in class, whatever it may be. Doing kind things, like sleeping on the floor so a frosh can have the bed, and laughing more and being more relaxed about stuff. I think my grades might dip a little honestly since I’m being more chill, but you know what? it’s worth it if i’m waking up and feeling good about my day right off the bat
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tribeoftrolls · 6 years
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A big shout out thanks to a friend name Xu Xu! I could of NOT done this without’em as people are too dang strict about AOTC only. Like I get it, it’s so it ensures players KNOW the fight. But even though I lacked AOTC doesn’t mean I do not know the fight. We one shot Heroic Argus in one go with 3 mins to spare before Argus berserks. Argus is BARELY any different from normal, but people act like it’s the most difficult boss when all he does is hit hella harder. It’s not like I wasn’t in the ilvl to even take on Argus either. I do not know if Xu Xu has tumblr buuuut the name of the bird is totally a shout out to Xu. Thank you so much for lending a hand and finally got the mount and the achievement for it. 
Got a bit of a story below here...
Sooooo I been working on getting AOTC for months. I do not got the time or resources to create my own raid team, so all I got are pugs to join in if I got the time. After all that’s kinda the reason blizz created these ques to allow people to still be able to enjoy the game content. I learned ALL the fights, spent months gathering the gear so im at the ilvl needed for a Argus kill. But alas, people want only AOTC and yes I get it. It’s to ensure that the fight will be a 1 shot. Buuuut let’s be real here. In my experiences even people with AOTC, it does NOT guarantee that the raid will go smoothly. I rather be with people who may not have AOTC but have put the research to know all boss fights and gained the gear to take down Argus then a bunch of AOTC salty assholes.
What do I mean? Well the first group my friend helped me get in, so ALL these people got AOTC right? But as soon as the  fight starts, things are going smooth for like 1 min into the fight. I’m doing at least 2 mil dps cause I pop everything at beginning so I’m hitting as hard as possible to get Argus to 70% to get passed 1 phase. But guess what, these people with AOTC...they kept dropping blight RIGHT in the stack group. I had to keep moving out of the sudden dot of doom PLUS argus doing his extra heroic aoe move and to move again because cone of death. I avoided all the cone of deaths it was the dang blights that was causing an issue. I’m poping my defenses to survive which was going fine but these AOTC players (and me at the time did not have AOTC) kept dropping blights (like 2-3) right in the stack group. (And even if some didn’t have AOTC, still does not excuse to not know what to do with blight wheeenn normal does the same move.)
So I get blight. Now I’m already moving to get out of a blight that is dropped right in melee. So I got blight and displacer(blink) way to the back of the group as that is where blight is to be dropped. But my hp was already low due to all the damage from argus and these players sloppily dropping blights. I die because I ran outa defenses to pop and argus did his aoe move just as I dropped my blight down. It’s not the healers fault, just dps that apparently want to get everyone killed so now my dps drops because I’m dead. A few other players are dead due to the same issue (or had caused it.) So I’m just all..welp, I just know it I’m gonna get kicked because of other players messing up. But I’m watching. 
We still had plenty of people still up, they get passed 2nd phase no problem and then theres the 3rd one with the adds. And hardly ANYONE was interrupting cosmic beacon. My friend who went as a healer was getting annoyed and she being top heals, shes completely outa mana trying to save everyones ass. They managed to get passed that phase even though I saw another cosmic beacon go off. Now last phase. And guess what. The suppose all super strong aotc tanks just LEFT argus in the middle. The only thing that argus did was kept spinning around as now im trying to stay behind him and raid is yelling for tanks to move it to skull mark. Argus kills me and half the raid because of his swipe finally tanks position him to skull. But since so many kept dieing, tree was now gone and it was a complete wipe.
And yet this dumb ass raid leader kicks me out of group? When I had not done ANY of the huge mistakes, barely got a chance to do much because of other people screwing up. So my friend leaves and we can tell that group was just going to be shit. So we join another Argus group. This one was more chill, a good RL that is carefully picking and gathering to get a team set up. So I’m hoping we can one shot with this group, still feeling hopeful. 
I’ve been in bad pugs before, sometimes you get in really good ones and other times really bad ones. It’s expected when you go for pugs. But this one....THIS ONE tops the CAKE! So once again, AOTC is the ONLY way to get a one shot kill huh? Lol.
WELL, the RL gets the team all set up. We are just about ready and summoning people in when all of a sudden. This asshole DH tank name Activedh from Area 52 began dissing and just being HUGELY salty about the other tank. Just kept going on and on and on about how horrible of a tank he is and that if RL doesn’t kick the supposed “bad tank” that he wants to be kicked out. I mean this DH kept it up but in the end. This DH tank just proved to everyone in the raid how much of a HORRIBLE tank he is because this story gets better. Ohhhh does it get better. I cannot MAKE this up. So RL tell’s the DH if he doesn’t like that the other tank is staying then he can just leave. So this DH is sooooo vengeful and angry over something so stupid he does end up leaving but also PULLS ARGUS! Does the biggest dick move all because he was having a shit fest over nothing? Now this is an AOTC I’m a bad ass and I know everything kind of player cause he also done mythic or whatever. But he’s blaming this other tank name moose that he’s a bad tank. But he just had a 2 yr old tantrum over nothing and pulled the boss to get everyone killed. Yet Moose is the bad tank? Does that make ANY sense at all?
So we all die but w/e NO ONE leaves, we all stay and we just get a new tank. RL just gets a few more dps and we’re back to summoning players in. And we all didn’t know but that SAME player logged on his monk. He qued up and got invited in only to pull boss on us AGAIN and then leave. He got us good on that, I got to hand it to him there. We totally did not expect it. But RL wised up to it as he was using something as he can tell that it was the same player. It’s not that hard to find out as you can go to the armory and just see the pets etc. I do not know what is used to find out but I’m just glad we had a smart RL.
Now for someone who was boasting and giving the other tank a hard time over nothing, we didn’t even begin and he sank so low of a level to log on another character just to try to troll us and get us killed again. Like yanno what, no one got mad really. We found it hilarious that someone would stoop to such a pathetic level of a tantrum, no one left still. The RL saw he signed up again but now he’s on a warlock and we’re like WAIT don’t invite him but wait until after we beat Argus then invite him so he can see we one shot the boss. :D
So RL leaves the list up, doesn’t invite anymore. We get to fighting argus, everything was going hella smoothly. Tanks did not do bad AT all like this AOTC asshole was dictating how much moose sucked. Hardly anyone died. Only just 2 people. But no one was making mistakes, people were on it. Phase 3 I got onto an add to make sure it doesn't cosmic beacon and gone through that phase no problem. We get to last phase, module orbs are getting smacked down every time they pop up. We are all on it. We kill Argus with like 3 mins to spare on his berserk. I get my mount FINALLY thanks to Xu and being so kind to get me in.
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And the only tid bit of the screen shots I took of the chat. Lol. Not making up this story at all. This is after we killed the boss and what raid chat began talking on lol. He never got invited back in, I figured he unlisted cause he figured it out lol. In the end we proved his dumb ass wrong and everyone in the pug raid got Argus down and that was that. 
I may have been struggling to try and get AOTC before BFA drops, to get the mount before it goes away. It ended up being an adventure and a good story that will never be forgotten. This is my sort of luck and it shows why I been struggling for so long but I got it done and it’s all thanks to Xu!
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i have so many thoughts!!!! i just need to vent ok ignore this!!!
i think im a rlly toxic person and i have the urge to cut contact w everyone that i talk to hmsldfjsdflkds i have no redeeming qualities whatsoever i’m a genuinely negative, pessimistic, selfish person and i just drag everybody down. i’ve lost 4 people who i considered best friends bc of the way i acted and treated them theres no excuse for that im so done trying to blame it on them nonono it was all me bc all i do!! is ruin everything!!!! i want everybody to forget about me omfg im 1000000000% positive everyone’s lives would just b so much better without me i dont positively impact anybody’s life. i feel so fucking sorry for the things i’ve done to my mom she doesn’t deserve to have a daughter like me. i know she wishes i was prettier and more outgoing and popular shes wanted that daughter since before i was born and all ive done is let her down and b the opposite of what she wants. ill never ever make my family proud all i do is drain them. the few friends i have would b so much fuckng better off without me. so many ppl have told my best friend not to be friends w me bc everybody knows im toxic and not good for her but she stays and i dont know y. i was rlly upset when she decided for that month to not b friends with me but i also knew that eventually she would realize how much better off she is without me. i just want all of my friends to cut ties with me omfg when the fuck will they realize that im bringing them down!?!?!? i dont deserve to b alive i rlly rlly dont. my life isnt bad at all honestly anybody else would feel so happy and grateful to live in my position and yet all i do is sit here and complain and its bc im selfish and ungrateful and a brat and dfsdfsdflskdjflsd i just hate myself so fucking much and not in the ‘omg im so ugly!!’ but in an ‘omg im a fundamentally terrible person and i want to change every single aspect of myself’. everything about me, physically n mentally, is disgusting omfg i have no good qualities?!!??!  like??????????????? everybody is supposed to have like that 1 thing that just makes them stand out and its the reason people like them but i genuinely dont have that omfg. i hate myself i hate myself so fucking much i wantt o die i rlly rlly do!! im not scared of dying im just rlly scared of what comes after. i go through phases where i either feel everything like rn and i just feel like one big ball of anxiety or i feel nothing and im just numb all the time and i hate my numb phases bc they scare me and i think thats what death is like, just nothingness and numbnes and i hate it i hate itsdfsdf i dont know what to do i feel like its the right thing to do to just??? die? like i rlly dont have anything to live for i guarantee i am not going to impact the world or even one person’s life like im completely irrelevant im not smart or talented or anything i have nothing to offer. rn im just a drain on everyone’s resources and i genuinely feel like it would b the right thing for me to do to just die and not exist anymore. i wish i had never existed!! i rlly do i rlly rlly rlly do i just want to go sleep one day and never wake up just keep sleeping and not having to exist and communicate and be around ppl and bring everyone down. my anxiety has been so fucking bad lately everything sets me off and everything makes me nervous and i cant sit still and my heart never stops racing i just want it to stopppppp!!! nothing good ever lasts!!! if i ever look forward to anything even the tiniest stupid thing, something will go wrong and ill end up disappointed and now im realizing that its pointless to ever b excited about anything bc itll just end up being messed up. i feel like i have ruined my entire life i would give anything to go back in time and just start my entire life over again. ive missed so many opportunities and i justds fsdfsdfsdfs im crying and i cant stop im so so so tired of crying every night i just want this to stop holy shit i acnt keep doing it i rlly cant!!! i wish i was happy and pretty and skinny and nice and one of those people who just radiated positivity and u want to be around them and i want to make the ppl around me happy and i dont want to keep just fucking dragging them down god holy shit just kill me
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ablackchicnolalife · 4 years
Should I visit New Orleans during the Coronavirus Pandemic?
More than ever now, people are asking me, “Hello. I wanted to ask you about New Orleans right now how is it with all this COVID 19 stuff. I was thinking about a vacation down there, but trying to see if it’s even worth it?” My initial response is, “It depends on what you want to experience.” And more often than not, the person would end our conversation with, “I hope I get to meet you when I’m there.” I found myself repeating myself daily, so I decided I would blog about it.
As I mentioned, it really depends on the what’s and why’s of your visit. What type of New Orleans experience did you plan on having? And why are you traveling to New Orleans?
Laissez less bons temps rouler???
The good news is if you are like me and absolutely love everything about New Orleans and want to dig deep into the heart and soul of New Orleans, I say, “Laissez les bons temps rouler.”
I’ll be straight up with you; New Orleans is not the Party City USA; it was before Coronavirus. We are currently in Phase 2 and staying until the end of August. Phase took looks like this; NO PARTYING, NO Nightlife, absolutely NO walking down Bourbon St or thru the French Quarter with a Hurricane or Daiquiri. There’s a restriction on all ToGo Cups, meaning you can not go into any bar or daiquiri shop and walk out with a drink. If you want to drink, you must stay inside that establishment, and many are closed or have a cap on how many customers they can serve. Therefore, if you were planning to party, club hop down Frenchmen to hear a live band, walk down a jammed pack drunken crowd down Bourbon or show off your footwork at a New Orleans Secondline, I suggest you postpone your trip.
The time is now!
Right now is a perfect time to Experience New Orleans! If you ever been here, especially during the festival season, you know to allot for drivetime and waiting in line during your stay. It’s hard to believe that there are no crowds, no wait, and no traffic in New Orleans at this moment. Imagine making reservations at one of New Orleans’s top restaurants and being seated as soon as you arrive. I went to the Country Club a few times, and we had the entire courtyard to ourselves, including the pool and jacuzzi! Restaurants are sending out the freshest, hottest, and tastiest food than ever. I was given 5-star treatment at the Hilton riverside during my weekend staycation, and parking was free!
I can go on about feeling like a Diva while Being a Tourist in New Orleans, but the reality of it all is all this fabulous treatment means businesses are losing money, and our tourism industry is at risk. I think…And this is why I say come to those of you who want to get to know my city.
Come get lost in New Orleans.
The city will open up to revealing all of her joys, secrets, and treasures. As you walk down our beautiful old streets, you will realize that you made the right choice to visit. New Orleans has a rich history and culture that you can explore, be it on a walking tour or going to a museum.
Redecouvrez $3,000.00 – $5,000.00 Redecouvrez is a French word meaning “to rediscover.” For many New Orleanians, the task of rebuilding has been a process of rediscovering a great city. The artist cleverly tells the Katrina story using only four houses. Giclee measures 23.5 x 44 and is signed.
I believe the only way to experience New Orleans is on foot. I do not drive in the city. I either walk it out or bus it, and I love it as it allows me to truly enjoy the perks of living in such a vibrant town. I always discover things that are hidden in plain view. The architecture of the city, the small intricate details that had to been done with a tried aching hand, or retracing my playful childhood steps makes for the perfect day. Plus, while I’m out, I’m always taking pictures, and I get to look back and see just how beautiful New Orleans is. So, make sure to snap as you go through the city and pay attention, search high and low as you will discover the true meaning of New Orleans.
Cemeteries are big with tourist, I grew up with them being on my block and do not understand why someone would want to visit a tomb of someone they do not know, but I know how they can pull you in. I spent my childhood using the exits as shortcuts, and the cemetery was the backdrop for Spooky Hide in Seek. There are cemeteries you can visit for free, but everyone flocks to St. Louis #1 Cemetery because Marie Laveau and other NOLA Icons are buried there.
Befriend a local
New Orleans is only what she is because of the locals, so if you have a friend here, you’re good! New Orleanians makes New Orleans come alive, we give her a heartbeat, a soul and a voice. Nothing compares to visiting  New Orleans and being greeted by a thick accent welcoming you to the city, and sadly this is what you will miss. To Experience New Orleans, you need a local to shine the way. Interacting with the locals is what makes New Orleans one of the top traveled cities in the world. It doesn’t matter if you do not know anyone personally. Still, engaging with the hotel housekeeper, taxi driver, bartender, and all those who are working to make your trip sooo New Orleans is crucial to your vacation. I highly recommend joining a NOLA social media group, be a follow a blogger and New Orleans fueled hashtags and engage in the conversation. I have befriended several people. Actually, I have a few good friends through sharing my NOLA experiences on social media.
Be a Foodie
If, by chance, you are reading this between Saturday, August 1 – Sunday, September 13, 2020, you will be pleased to hear that the annual Coolinary New Orleans Restaurant month is happening now. Coolinary New Orleans, the yearly summer dining promotion, returns at a time when restaurants need help the most.
But even if the date has passed and you are a foodie, it’s your time to eat your way through New Orleans! Find small local, family-owned restaurants, eateries, snowball stands, and bars is a great way to help these small business owners keep their doors open. There’s no going wrong with eating in New Orleans, besides a few pounds, but embrace the NOLA weight! It means you were having the time of your life!
  Restaurant Review of the Desire Oyster Bar coming soon
Enter a caption
  Stay and Shop Local
If you follow me, you know, I’m anti-Airbnb, but some New Orleans homeowners have been able to benefit from the business, but not as many as those who live out of town even as far as overseas! By staying in the community, you will have the feeling of living like a local, but you have to really want to experience that lifestyle. It makes no sense to book an Airbnb in an urban community and go from the car to the door and repeat. Venture out, if only sitting on the porch and speak to your temporary neighbors. New Orleanians typically lookout for those on their block and may have a relationship with the owner, which is great for you, so speak. A simple smile, wave, and hello will do. Hospitality is a must in New Orleans. We give it and love it in return.
After you did your research about the neighborhood, I suggest you venture out to the cornerstone, a local boutique, nail salon, or neighborhood bar. Many small businesses may not have popped up on your internet search, and the only way to find them is to go out or ask a local. New Orleans has Kid ran businesses, and they would love your patronage! There may be a Pop Up Shop where you can find everything New Orleans from crafts to tasty pralines. You may have a day where you want to relax in the backyard or porch, listening to our local radio station. On those days, you may want to walk to the corner store, which is actually part liquor store. Every New Orleans neighborhood has a cornerstone or gas station where you can get you some delicious cheap eats, including $1.99 breakfast platters, seafood po’boys, and other local favorites.
$1.99 #nolabreakfast: Grits, scrambled eggs & hot sausage patty. I had to get a donut & Im counting my #pineapplebigshot as juice 🤔😂 To all yall tourist, you can get this at any corner store, there’s the Basin St. Market right off Canal.
Support your local corner store!! Yall want a meat special, chicken wings, pig lip? Come holla at me lmao.
  NOLA is Family Friendly
It’s also a great time to bring the kids. Bourbon Street is clean enough to eat on, and it’s basically sin-free. All of the Audubon Institutes are open, such as Audubon Zoo and The Aquarium of America, but reservations are needed. Museums are open, and so are the parks. City Park is open but not Storyland, which is my favorite, but you can do outdoor activities like canoeing, paddle boating, and bike riding.
My Baby Girl enjoyed walking down Bourbon Street! The few times I brought her down Bourbon Street were usually during parade season, and we would walk so fast all she remembers was walking on beads and a thick crowd, but this time she was able to leisurely stroll down the street, and she made sure to walk smack dead in the middle of the street. She danced to the beat of the teen boy drumming his bucket, and she proudly gave him a tip 💵 Yes, she is definitely a #nolakid 🥰⚜️🎭🥁✨
<iframe src=”https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fthenolachic%2Fvideos%2F355119605486405%2F&show_text=0&width=254&#8243; width=”254″ height=”476″ style=”border:none;overflow:hidden” scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ allowTransparency=”true” allowFullScreen=”true”></iframe>
New Orleans and COVID-19
Lastly and most importantly is that you follow all of the Corovirus guidelines from the CDC and for our city. Our mayor, Mayor Latoya Cantrell, is not playing about the safety of all her citizens and visitors. She will shut it down and bring up back to Phase 1 if the numbers increase. Research is essential here, because we may not be in the same phase as your town. Bring a mask, a few masks to be precise, as masks are required inside every building. Make sure to practice social distancing and proper and frequent handwashing, and all will be fine.
Make sure to visit the City of New Orleans’s website at https://ready.nola.gov/home/ for the latest Coronavirus information. And remember, we are in Phase Two through August 2020.
 Phase Two: Safer at Home
Continue to stay home except for essential needs and other permitted activities on a limited basis.
Everyone must wear a mask or face covering when performing activities in public.
Practice social distancing, wash hands often, and frequently disinfect surfaces.
Let me add that from my own experience as well as in hearing, the airlines require a mask, but social distancing is not put in place as we were told. Planes are at capacity flying into the city more than out I here I was traveling with my family so having someone in the middle seat was ok, but I do not know how I would feel if it wasn’t my family. I’m going to Chicago, so I’ll let yall know if I had an anxiety attack.
As always, practice personal safety.
If you practice safety awareness, you will have the upper hand no matter what city you live in or the towns you visit. Really, it all comes down to this. If you feel like you’re somewhere, you shouldn’t be, then leave. Don’t carry cash or show off, aka flaunt your stuff.
Here’s a short video of me speaking on safety here in New Orleans, as well as things happening on my block today.
New Orleans is full of incredible life adventures outside of what you see during the Mardi Gras season. So, come on down and get drunk off New Orleans without indulging in liquor! Yes, come on down, let the essence of the city intoxicate you! Come get drunk in love off the spirit of New Orleans as you take in all that she is. Bring your significant other it will make for the perfect romantic vacation!
<iframe src=”https://me.me/embed/i/d49c6386c0a3440aa769f493bf53aca9&#8243; width=”500″ height=”525″ frameBorder=”0″ class=”meme-embed” style=”max-width:100%;margin:0 auto;” allowFullScreen></iframe><p>via <a href=”https://me.me”>MEME</a></p&gt;
  Should you visit New Orleans during COVID-19 Pandemic? Advice from a New Orleanian Should I visit New Orleans during the Coronavirus Pandemic? More than ever now, people are asking me, "Hello.
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ablackchicnolalife · 4 years
Should I visit New Orleans during the Coronavirus Pandemic?
More than ever now, people are asking me, “Hello. I wanted to ask you about New Orleans right now how is it with all this COVID 19 stuff. I was thinking about a vacation down there, but trying to see if it’s even worth it?” My initial response is, “It depends on what you want to experience.” And more often than not, the person would end our conversation with, “I hope I get to meet you when I’m there.” I found myself repeating myself daily, so I decided I would blog about it.
As I mentioned, it really depends on the what’s and why’s of your visit. What type of New Orleans experience did you plan on having? And why are you traveling to New Orleans?
Laissez less bons temps rouler???
The good news is if you are like me and absolutely love everything about New Orleans and want to dig deep into the heart and soul of New Orleans, I say, “Laissez les bons temps rouler.”
I’ll be straight up with you; New Orleans is not the Party City USA; it was before Coronavirus. We are currently in Phase 2 and staying until the end of August. Phase took looks like this; NO PARTYING, NO Nightlife, absolutely NO walking down Bourbon St or thru the French Quarter with a Hurricane or Daiquiri. There’s a restriction on all ToGo Cups, meaning you can not go into any bar or daiquiri shop and walk out with a drink. If you want to drink, you must stay inside that establishment, and many are closed or have a cap on how many customers they can serve. Therefore, if you were planning to party, club hop down Frenchmen to hear a live band, walk down a jammed pack drunken crowd down Bourbon or show off your footwork at a New Orleans Secondline, I suggest you postpone your trip.
The time is now!
Right now is a perfect time to Experience New Orleans! If you ever been here, especially during the festival season, you know to allot for drivetime and waiting in line during your stay. It’s hard to believe that there are no crowds, no wait, and no traffic in New Orleans at this moment. Imagine making reservations at one of New Orleans’s top restaurants and being seated as soon as you arrive. I went to the Country Club a few times, and we had the entire courtyard to ourselves, including the pool and jacuzzi! Restaurants are sending out the freshest, hottest, and tastiest food than ever. I was given 5-star treatment at the Hilton riverside during my weekend staycation, and parking was free!
I can go on about feeling like a Diva while Being a Tourist in New Orleans, but the reality of it all is all this fabulous treatment means businesses are losing money, and our tourism industry is at risk. I think…And this is why I say come to those of you who want to get to know my city.
Come get lost in New Orleans.
The city will open up to revealing all of her joys, secrets, and treasures. As you walk down our beautiful old streets, you will realize that you made the right choice to visit. New Orleans has a rich history and culture that you can explore, be it on a walking tour or going to a museum.
Redecouvrez $3,000.00 – $5,000.00 Redecouvrez is a French word meaning “to rediscover.” For many New Orleanians, the task of rebuilding has been a process of rediscovering a great city. The artist cleverly tells the Katrina story using only four houses. Giclee measures 23.5 x 44 and is signed.
I believe the only way to experience New Orleans is on foot. I do not drive in the city. I either walk it out or bus it, and I love it as it allows me to truly enjoy the perks of living in such a vibrant town. I always discover things that are hidden in plain view. The architecture of the city, the small intricate details that had to been done with a tried aching hand, or retracing my playful childhood steps makes for the perfect day. Plus, while I’m out, I’m always taking pictures, and I get to look back and see just how beautiful New Orleans is. So, make sure to snap as you go through the city and pay attention, search high and low as you will discover the true meaning of New Orleans.
Cemeteries are big with tourist, I grew up with them being on my block and do not understand why someone would want to visit a tomb of someone they do not know, but I know how they can pull you in. I spent my childhood using the exits as shortcuts, and the cemetery was the backdrop for Spooky Hide in Seek. There are cemeteries you can visit for free, but everyone flocks to St. Louis #1 Cemetery because Marie Laveau and other NOLA Icons are buried there.
Befriend a local
New Orleans is only what she is because of the locals, so if you have a friend here, you’re good! New Orleanians makes New Orleans come alive, we give her a heartbeat, a soul and a voice. Nothing compares to visiting  New Orleans and being greeted by a thick accent welcoming you to the city, and sadly this is what you will miss. To Experience New Orleans, you need a local to shine the way. Interacting with the locals is what makes New Orleans one of the top traveled cities in the world. It doesn’t matter if you do not know anyone personally. Still, engaging with the hotel housekeeper, taxi driver, bartender, and all those who are working to make your trip sooo New Orleans is crucial to your vacation. I highly recommend joining a NOLA social media group, be a follow a blogger and New Orleans fueled hashtags and engage in the conversation. I have befriended several people. Actually, I have a few good friends through sharing my NOLA experiences on social media.
Be a Foodie
If, by chance, you are reading this between Saturday, August 1 – Sunday, September 13, 2020, you will be pleased to hear that the annual Coolinary New Orleans Restaurant month is happening now. Coolinary New Orleans, the yearly summer dining promotion, returns at a time when restaurants need help the most.
But even if the date has passed and you are a foodie, it’s your time to eat your way through New Orleans! Find small local, family-owned restaurants, eateries, snowball stands, and bars is a great way to help these small business owners keep their doors open. There’s no going wrong with eating in New Orleans, besides a few pounds, but embrace the NOLA weight! It means you were having the time of your life!
  Restaurant Review of the Desire Oyster Bar coming soon
Enter a caption
  Stay and Shop Local
If you follow me, you know, I’m anti-Airbnb, but some New Orleans homeowners have been able to benefit from the business, but not as many as those who live out of town even as far as overseas! By staying in the community, you will have the feeling of living like a local, but you have to really want to experience that lifestyle. It makes no sense to book an Airbnb in an urban community and go from the car to the door and repeat. Venture out, if only sitting on the porch and speak to your temporary neighbors. New Orleanians typically lookout for those on their block and may have a relationship with the owner, which is great for you, so speak. A simple smile, wave, and hello will do. Hospitality is a must in New Orleans. We give it and love it in return.
After you did your research about the neighborhood, I suggest you venture out to the cornerstone, a local boutique, nail salon, or neighborhood bar. Many small businesses may not have popped up on your internet search, and the only way to find them is to go out or ask a local. New Orleans has Kid ran businesses, and they would love your patronage! There may be a Pop Up Shop where you can find everything New Orleans from crafts to tasty pralines. You may have a day where you want to relax in the backyard or porch, listening to our local radio station. On those days, you may want to walk to the corner store, which is actually part liquor store. Every New Orleans neighborhood has a cornerstone or gas station where you can get you some delicious cheap eats, including $1.99 breakfast platters, seafood po’boys, and other local favorites.
$1.99 #nolabreakfast: Grits, scrambled eggs & hot sausage patty. I had to get a donut & Im counting my #pineapplebigshot as juice 🤔😂 To all yall tourist, you can get this at any corner store, there’s the Basin St. Market right off Canal.
Support your local corner store!! Yall want a meat special, chicken wings, pig lip? Come holla at me lmao.
  NOLA is Family Friendly
It’s also a great time to bring the kids. Bourbon Street is clean enough to eat on, and it’s basically sin-free. All of the Audubon Institutes are open, such as Audubon Zoo and The Aquarium of America, but reservations are needed. Museums are open, and so are the parks. City Park is open but not Storyland, which is my favorite, but you can do outdoor activities like canoeing, paddle boating, and bike riding.
  My Baby Girl enjoyed walking down Bourbon Street! The few times I brought her down Bourbon Street were usually during parade season, and we would walk so fast all she remembers was walking on beads and a thick crowd, but this time she was able to leisurely stroll down the street, and she made sure to walk smack dead in the middle of the street. She danced to the beat of the teen boy drumming his bucket, and she proudly gave him a tip 💵 Yes, she is definitely a #nolakid 🥰⚜️🎭🥁✨
<iframe src=”https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fthenolachic%2Fvideos%2F355119605486405%2F&show_text=0&width=254&#8243; width=”254″ height=”476″ style=”border:none;overflow:hidden” scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ allowTransparency=”true” allowFullScreen=”true”></iframe>
New Orleans and COVID-19
Lastly and most importantly is that you follow all of the Corovirus guidelines from the CDC and for our city. Our mayor, Mayor Latoya Cantrell, is not playing about the safety of all her citizens and visitors. She will shut it down and bring up back to Phase 1 if the numbers increase. Research is essential here, because we may not be in the same phase as your town. Bring a mask, a few masks to be precise, as masks are required inside every building. Make sure to practice social distancing and proper and frequent handwashing, and all will be fine.
Make sure to visit the City of New Orleans’s website at https://ready.nola.gov/home/ for the latest Coronavirus information. And remember, we are in Phase Two through August 2020.
 Phase Two: Safer at Home
Continue to stay home except for essential needs and other permitted activities on a limited basis.
Everyone must wear a mask or face covering when performing activities in public.
Practice social distancing, wash hands often, and frequently disinfect surfaces.
Let me add that from my own experience as well as in hearing, the airlines require a mask, but social distancing is not put in place as we were told. Planes are at capacity flying into the city more than out I here I was traveling with my family so having someone in the middle seat was ok, but I do not know how I would feel if it wasn’t my family. I’m going to Chicago, so I’ll let yall know if I had an anxiety attack.
As always, practice personal safety.
If you practice safety awareness, you will have the upper hand no matter what city you live in or the towns you visit. Really, it all comes down to this. If you feel like you’re somewhere, you shouldn’t be, then leave. Don’t carry cash or show off, aka flaunt your stuff.
Here’s a short video of me speaking on safety here in New Orleans, as well as things happening on my block today.
    New Orleans is full of incredible life adventures outside of what you see during the Mardi Gras season. So, come on down and get drunk off New Orleans without indulging in liquor! Yes, come on down, let the essence of the city intoxicate you! Come get drunk in love off the spirit of New Orleans as you take in all that she is. Bring your significant other it will make for the perfect romantic vacation!
  Should you visit New Orleans during COVID-19 Pandemic? Advice from a New Orleanian Should I visit New Orleans during the Coronavirus Pandemic? More than ever now, people are asking me, "Hello.
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