#i feel like i cheated but finding a total of 10 things is Hard okay
ben-learns-smth · 1 year
When you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)✨!
that I can use my extrovert skills to get coffee for free or to relieve my introvert friends from performative extrovert duties
my bread baking skills
that I have a very high threshold for embarrassment (e.g. idc if anyone's watching if the song is good I'll do a silly little dance in public)
my (monthly) lists of happiness/happy things
that I inherited my grandma's joy for baking and cooking experiments
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mermaidsirennikita · 4 months
ARC REVIEW: Honey Cut by Sierra Simone
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5/5. Releases 6/18/24.
vibes: WEAPONIZED LONGING, the perfect angst recipe, the man Lana Del Rey was singing about but much better, We Can't Discuss Our Feelings Because My Feelings Are Hard
Heat Index: 10/10
Isolde Laurence is in a bind (literally, at points). She's about to marry Mark Trevena (the cold, dangerous man who deflowered her and promptly crushed her heart) in an arrangement that will enable her to seduce him and offer his secrets to her uncle, a high-ranking cardinal. However, on her way to do so, she's fallen in love with Mark's romantic, pining bodyguard Tristan. And Tristan--who very much loves her back--is also in love with Mark, thanks to a preexisting whirlwind affair he put a stop to upon finding out about the engagement. Isolde is determined to, if nothing else, guard her heart against her new husband. And, for personal and practical reasons, honor the agreement they made years ago: once they exchange vows, they'll be faithful to each other.
Easier said than done.
But Isolde herself is deadlier than she seems, and in the midst of a thorny triangle, she may end up crushing not only Tristan's heart, but her own... and maybe even Mark's. If he has one.
Well, this was my most-anticipated release of the year, and BY GOD did it live up to expectations. This is an ongoing series (you must read Salt Kiss before starting this one, and in my opinion? You should ABSOLUTELY also read the prequel novella, Salt in the Wound, as it lays the groundwork for Mark and Isolde's relationship) and of course, I don't want to count chickens before they hatch, but... If Sierra pulls the ending off--which I totally believe she will; she's yet to let me down--this could end up being her best series yet. And that is a LOT coming from me, someone who worships at the altar of New Camelot (and Thornchapel, for that matter).
The thing about the way Sierra writes triads--and nobody does it better--is that they all feel unique. You might think that Mark, Isolde, and Tristan would have a lot in common with New Camelot's Ash, Greer, and Embry. They're MMF, they're based on Arthurian myth, these people literally know each other (Sierra: I owe you my life for that cameo). But the dynamic is completely different--and in this installment especially, quite darker. I didn't see Mark's darkness as much in Salt Kiss (Salt in the Wound... perhaps more so, which gives you some insight into the differences between his individual dynamics with Isolde versus Tristan) but here? Um. She portrayed the conflict within him and his ruthlessness perfectly... While also letting us even further into the vulnerability she hinted at in Salt Kiss.
Mark can be a difficult character for readers to humanize, I think, because we haven't had his POV yet. It's easy to sort of dismiss him as this frosty, stern alpha who doles out pain while also dealing with plenty of his own (on the inside, because Mark is clearly very uncomfortable with feeling a feeling). Where she makes it brilliant is through these moments of BOYISHNESS. We got sneak peeks of boyish Mark in Salt Kiss, but here? Oh my god. The grins, the poking at Tristan, the GOOFY HOT FACETIME SEX WITH ISOLDE??? It's so human, and dropping those sneak peeks in makes his pain even more palatable.
And the thing is that you do get that pain. Because Sierra also doesn't shy away from the agony of a love triangle and, yes, cheating in this book. I often find that MMF is used in a sort of like... "Why choose? Heehee it's all okay because everyone wants each other" get out of jail free card. Sierra really doesn't do that ever, but this is the hardest she's gone in on "these people are cheating, and it HURTS the person they're cheating on, and it HURTS them". No punches are pulled here. This is one of the angstiest books I've read, and as an angst hound, I loved every second of it.
The ending? I am going to be in actual PAIN until Bitter Burn (out early next year, SHIT). There was a moment in the last few pages of this book that made me gasp. In part because I really didn't think she'd go there on multiple levels. This is a book of huge swings, and for me, every single one worked.
Quick Takes:
--I have been very vocal about how much the one time Mark called Tristan "puppy" in a cut scene (Beg Me, which you should absolutely read if you can--I think it's on Sierra's website) has not left my head since. Guess what? It's just a regular nickname now. He says it SEVERAL times in this book, in prime moments. And I was extremely happy.
--You can for sure read this series on its own, but I will say that this book in particular "spoils" a good bit of New Camelot. In the same way that any romance in the same universe or series of standalones sort of spoils others, but if you want to read chronologically without any giveaways, you should read that series first. And in general, read it even if you do read Lyonesse first. Because it's gorgeous.
--I can't emphasize enough how happy Isolde and Mark's dirty Facetime calls made me. Like. At the end of the day, Mark is just like any other man with a hot young wife, desperately trying to get a peek over his phone. While someone else peeks, perhaps.
--Isolde's such a fantastic heroine. Broken and devoted to God and maybe lowkey a zealot, while also craving physical and emotional pain and release and Tristan's soft heart and Mark's cold one all at once. She's the kind of heroine we very rarely get to read about in romance. If I'm being honest, I was a little worried about how the dynamics would balance here, as so much of the last book was Mark and Tristan on their own, and then the remainder was Tristan and Isolde on their own. (Which is another reason why you should read Salt in the Wound first, in my opinion.) But God. The dynamic of the three, the dynamic between Mark and Isolde, just blew me away. Two black cats circling each other, Mark perhaps a little more reticent to open up to Isolde than Tristan because he recognizes something of himself in her.
While at the same time, I found that Tristan and Isolde's relationship deepened. I always fully believed in their agonized love for Mark, and their desire to stay loyal to him. Yet I also completely believed that they couldn't possibly stay away from each other, not permanently.
--Mark's backstory? I foresaw some surface level stuff, but not the parts that mattered. Those kind of blew my mind.
The Sex:
I mean, it's Sierra Simone, so it's creative and very much a part of the character development. One of the sex scenes in this book was so... it was really one of the best she's ever written. But also? DEVIOUS. Sierra, you did not have to do us like that. However, I'm glad you did.
There are so many different "flavors" of sex in this book--super kinky, kinda vanilla (or as vanilla as these people can get), happy, angsty, sad, passionate, light, funny.
You can expect, among other things: restraints, impact play, cum play, breeding, biting, public sex (a lot of that), car sex, edging, voyeurism, pain play, cum licking.......... all that shit. And more!
Look, dude. Read this book if you've read the other books. If you haven't read the other books, read those and then read this book. I can't recommend it enough. This is angsty, passionate, heady romance at its best. Hot and emotionally complex and well-written. Sierra's prose! It's what romance should be; she sets the pace, and we all must chase it.
Thanks to Candi Kane PR for providing me with a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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runningfrom2am · 7 months
“After the games, it would be so easy to point the finger at you and call you dangerous and insane.” MY GIRL IS THE LEAST DANGEROUS ONE IN DISTRICT 12- HOW DARE THEY!! (unless she has “salt”, i can’t really blame her)
“you didn’t have much of a choice if you wanted to live.” hmm, isn’t that just the best?
i mean this in the most affectionate way possible, i love seeing coryo blaming himself for things that happened to her when he was only partially responsible.
she went from treating coryo as coriolanus to treating herself as coriolanus and i love that.
she really has all the plays memorised, hasn’t she?
sejanus, my beloved <3 he will never get the jokes and the quotes but that’s okay. in his defense, how was he supposed to know that referencing and talking about plays help her?
“Okay, now, this is the hard part.” [that “what do you mean?!” jennifer lawrence video]
“Political Science” disappointed but not surprised.
on one hand i know lennox learning that his sister is leaving for capitol with coryo would be a problem even though he’s more likely to understand the reason why, on the other he didn’t get to say goodbye 🥲🥲.
she didn’t include cole to her thoughts about mayfair and billy taupe- i seriously need to know what happened with him.
lucy gray crying for billy taupe is making me emotional for some reason. she didn’t deserve that.
coryo, for the love of god, please stop progressing the games in moments of panic. please.
well, money solves everything.
hiiii bestie i’ve missed you!! (sorry again ab your phone btw omg)
1. SHE’S LITERALLY THE SWEETEST LIKE THEY WOULDNT DARE (but commander hoff absolutely would if they couldn’t find anyone else to blame, it would either be coryo and spruce bc fingerprints or HER, and coryo couldn’t have either as an option)
2. story of her damn life at this point 🥲
3. no bc ME TOO. he keeps flipping on it too bc he’s like “yeah i kinda ruined your life but now at least we have each other, right?” and it’s the sweetest and scariest thing (for both of them). once again, i feel bad for him 😔
4. SHE TOTALLY HAS OH MY GODDD. like babe pls for just a moment consider that things you can’t control are not your fault 🥺
5. literally and apparently i have such a thing for writing r with a near photographic memory, i.e ‘in this life or the next’, the entire concept of this series too,,, omg idk what it is i just love it it’s so fun
6. sejanus is just trying his best HAHAHA. he’s like “okay so as far as i know we’re in a bit of a rush… why are we telling confusing jokes?”
he’ll get it someday, just that day is not today hahaha
8. yeah 😔 my apologies but he literally only has one goal in life and when coryo sees something he wants, he’s gonna have it.
listen,, i had a large internal battle about whether or not he would wake up this was SO hard to decide, but i do think he literally would have put himself in the way of her getting on that train and it would have ended very badly for all of them. but don’t worry, she’ll write them every day :) (will he respond? that’s another question. i feel like it will take him a while to not be angry)
10. the good news is you’ll find out in the next part 🤪
11. okay thank you bc i can’t honestly see lucy gray being like “im done with his cheating ass fr” and then being genuinely unmoved by his death. she talked a big game, but even when she said that r knew that it wasn’t true. he was so much more than an ex to her and i think that’s a little glossed over in the movie
12. THE WORST PART IS HES SO GOOD AT IT LMAO. he literally does it again in a future chapter i’ve already written lol
13. sejanus is like *sigh* “if it works, it works.”
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beezusvreeland · 10 months
a very good idea - chapter 10
summary: After your boyfriend cheats on you at a party, you break up with him, who tells you nobody else is willing to be with you like him. You decide to prove him wrong, with a little help from a new friend.
ship: miguel o'hara x f!reader
Chapter 10
“Thanks for coming”, Miguel said when you sat by his side. You made a point to keep a distance, not sure how things would play out. You spent a few hours deciding whether or not to meet him at the park, but ultimately put on some sweats, sneakers and left the house before you could change your mind. 
It’s a windy sunday, and you have to twist your hair and put it inside your hoodie to keep it from flying all over the place. There were a few people around, mostly walking with their dogs. You and Miguel were the only ones sitting in the grass. You braced yourself, watching the pets and the leaves falling, Miguel had his elbow on top of his raised knee, hand messing with his hair. You can feel his gaze searching for you and then looking away. But if he wanted to say something, he would have to initiate it, you decided. You already went through the trouble of leaving a party in the middle of the night and your cozy bed on a cold afternoon.
Miguel let out a breath. 
“Last night took a weird turn”, he started. 
“To say the least.”
“I hm…I was way out of line…And I’m sorry for that.”
You turned to the side, your eyes finally meeting his. Miguel didn’t look too good. Still a beautiful boy carved in marble, but tired, with puffy eyes and very messy hair. He was wearing dark jeans pants, a black sweatshirt and a very distressed pair of red Chucks. His eyebrows were furrowed, he looked like he was trying really hard to understand something. 
“I guess I’m just confused. Out of nowhere you break up with your boyfriend and ask me if I can pretend to be your boyfriend for some undisclosed reason and that never actually happened, but we got closer and I thought we were becoming friends, and then at the party in one moment…”, Miguel was speaking so fast you had a hard time keeping up with him. “You know when…during the concert…shit, things seemed good, like, really good and then I left for a moment and came back to find you chatting with your ex, the one I thought you hated, but apparently not so much. I just…fuck!”
There was no way of pinpointing only one of the emotions that were going through your head. Your blood was boiling full of anger, confusion and so many other things you couldn’t identify. 
“Well, I did ask you to be my fake boyfriend, which in highsight was really stupid and a total impulse after a break up, and I’m sorry for that, I guess, even though you said yes”, your tone was pure frustration. “You didn’t know why I asked you, we weren’t friends before or anything and you knew I had just broken up with someone, and you said yes! It was just a stupid proposition, you could’ve changed your mind, told me to fuck off at any point or stopped hanging out with me. It’s not like you haven’t done it before.”
“You know, Miguel, I get your confusion and I’m sorry if I caused any harm, okay? But I’m fucking confused too. About all the above and also why you keep acting like you had no idea about my loneliness and what I’ve been through before high school. You were there! You saw the whole thing happening!” The next part, you said in a lower voice, refusing to cry one more time: “And you didn’t do anything. You watched as your friends and even girlfriends bullied me and did nothing.”
And there it was. Your main frustration with Miguel, one that never left you, even as you started to develop feelings for him. Maybe it was the whole reason why you picked him of all people to be your pretend boyfriend. In some twisted way, you wanted to understand what he did — rather, what he didn’t do —, you felt like he owed you for turning his back on you so many times. Harry had told you no one was ever going to want you or stand you. Your ex used words, Miguel acted like it. 
“I guess I resent you for it.” That was the most you ever said to him, definitely the most you’ve ever spoken, to anyone, about your middle school years and the deep scars you were left with. 
Miguel looked surprised, sadness taking over his teary eyes. You didn’t know what you expected to find, but tears were not it. He looked ahead for a few moments before speaking again. 
“You are right…God, I was such a stupid kid. I was just scared, you know? The whole time.”
“But you always looked so confident. People were drawn to you because of it.”
“And I was convinced that if I didn’t follow what they were saying or doing, they would find out the truth, that I had no idea of who I was. It was easier being who they wanted me to be”, Miguel said, he almost sounded…ashamed. He turned to you. “I admired you, you know?”
“Sure”, you scoffed. “Come on now.”
“No, really! You have always been yourself, in spite of anyone or anything”, his intensity said he was telling you the truth. “I knew people weren’t very nice to you, but I had no idea of how bad it actually was. Hey, look at me”, Miguel grabbed your hand. “I only learned that wasn’t normal behavior once I started hanging out with Pete and the guys. If I knew then what I know now…God, I would have never looked away, I would have stayed by your side, I swear.”
It was a lot to process. His words were sweet and you really wanted to believe them. 
“I should’ve done that as soon as you landed me a pen for the first time”, he said quietly, squeezing your hand. 
“Do you remember that?” You had assumed he had just forgotten it, given the way he acted during the years after that.
“Are you kidding?”, Miguel let out a soft chuckle. “A little boy was devastated that day, having just discovered that his parents decided to divorce each other and that his dad was going away. He was so sad he barely packed his things for school. A teacher shamed him for it, but this little girl, the one with the glasses and the desk organized with a notebook with beautiful handwriting and supplies, was kind to him and made his day less horrible. He never forgot about that.”
Still holding his hand, you watched as tears fell from his eyes. Your heart ached a bit less and you felt a massive weight being lifted from your shoulders. 
“Well…you’re welcome”, you said, a timid smile on your face. 
Miguel laughed, looking at you with an expression you could only describe as tender. His thumb started circling your knuckles. Both of you shifted your gaze to your hands holding each other. 
“Do you forgive me?”, he whispered. 
“I do”, you whispered back. 
“What now?”
“What do you mean?”
“Is your proposition still on?”
“No, I think we already established it was very stupid.”
“Oh”, he sounded disappointed.
“We could try to get to know each other, since we’ve never actually been friends”, you suggested.
“No more pretending?”
“No more pretending.”
“I’d like that”, he squeezed your hand once more.
On monday, after school, you go to a coffee shop with Jess and Gwen to catch up. Sitting at the edge of her chair, the blonde girl beamed as she recalled what happened at the party.
“I was talking to some people when Miles, all of the sudden, showed up and asked me to dance”, she said with excitement. “And I was like ‘this isn’t a dancing song’, there was a terrible playlist on the speakers, so he went away for a second and all of the sudden, In da Club, by 50 cent, started playing…It was so silly, but so fun.”
“Honestly, it looked like everyone at the party woke up from a trance. People came to the living room and started dancing”, Jess took a sip from her iced latte. “It was one of those moments where I look around and think: ‘God, so this is the whole enjoy being young thing is about’”.
“Are you sure it was the dancing or all the kissing you did while dancing?”, Gwen raised an eyebrow.
“What?”, you gasped. “How am I hearing about this just now? How was it? Who was the guy?”
“Well, honey, I don’t kiss and tell”, Jess teased.
“Okay, I guess blondie is telling, then.”
Gwen looked at Jess, then turned to you, giving you a mischievous smile.
“Ben O’Reilly.”
“Jessica!”, your sudden scream makes the baristas roll their eyes and say something like ‘My God, I hate teenagers’. 
Jess used her hands to hide her face, while Gwen couldn’t stop laughing. 
“I don’t even know where to start…Jessica, my love, this is so random!”
“I know, I know”, she uncovered her flushed face. “I don’t know what you want me to say.”
“I mean…why him of all people?”
“Well, he is really hot.”
“I guess we have to agree with that.”
“What did you even talk about? I know he is a bad guy, but I can’t stand him for more than a few minutes. He just loves himself so much”, Gwen shook her head.
“Oh, blondie, we did very little talking”, Jess laughed, looking at her coffee. “Let’s just say that he is very good at expressing himself without words. Like, very good.”
You were happy, amused even, to see your dearest friend enjoy herself so much. Jess’ standards for dating had always been so high, you couldn’t have imagined a party hookup with Ben O’Reilly. 
“Now that we told you our party experiences, wanna tell us what happened to you, honey?”, she turned to you, her expression turning serious. 
“Miles told me you weren’t feeling well and that your sister picked up. I was really worried”, Gwen said.
You looked at your friends, trying to think of a way of telling them where you were at without giving too much away. There was so much you still wanted to figure out.
“I don’t feel comfortable talking in depth about it right now…”
Gwen and Jess nodded. 
“We understand”, Gwen pats your knee.
“What I can say is that Miguel and I had a fight and after that I was just so drawn out, I decided to go home.”
“You could’ve reached out to us at the party, we would go with you in a heartbeat”, Gwen said. 
“I know that, blondie. But if I did, you wouldn’t have experienced all these beautiful memories you just told me about.”
Gwen sighed. 
“But, honey, and it’s okay if you don’t want to go further, you and Miguel seemed to be doing well during the concert. You looked like…like a couple in love.”
You shifted in your chair. Was that what it looked like? Because you felt like it, there was no point in denying it anymore, but you thought maybe Miguel didn’t feel the same way. You still aren’t sure about it. 
Even though the deal was off, you decided that you’d still help Miguel with his english grades. You had avoided him during the start of the week, not feeling ready to talk again after the conversation you had at the park. 
There was someone seated at your usual tutoring table outside, but it wasn’t Miguel. It was Peter.
“You are in need of assistance with your english grades too?”, you elbowed him softly. 
He chuckled, shaking his head. 
“I hear you are a great teacher, so I just might accept the offer.”
“Where did you hear that?”
“Oh, you know, the streets”, Peter seemed down compared to his high energy self. Still, he would not let the opportunity to banter pass him by, no matter at what cost. 
“Are these streets tall and beautiful?”, you seated in front of him.
“Yes, exactly those ones”, he remained quiet for a few moments, then looked up at you. “It’s not my business what you two have been up to or what your relationship status is. However, I do care about Miguel’s happiness.”
You gulped. Deep inside, you felt the need to be liked by Peter. Not only because he was great and had been nothing but the nicest to you, but because he was Miguel’s best friend. He obviously had a huge impact on him, like Miguel told you.
“I think you are good for him, you bring up his brighter sides. It’s nice to see that”, he gave you a soft smile. “I guess what I want is to ask you to please be careful with his heart.”
“What do you mean?”
“Don’t give him false hopes just to let him down. He likes you a whole lot.”
“I like him too, Pete.”
“No, buddy, Miguel doesn’t just like you. He has had feelings for you ever since I met him. Probably even before that.”
<< chapter 9
>> chapter 11
all chapters
a very good idea playlist
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thoughtsbyharu · 2 years
Webtoon Review: Operation: True Love
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It’s hard dating someone who won’t give you the time of day. Su-ae Shim knows that better than anyone, having dated her indifferent boyfriend, Minu Kang, for years. She sometimes wishes she could be more like her charismatic stepsister, Ra-im, who seems to have it all. But life takes a turn for the weird when Su-ae discovers Jellypop, a sentient flip phone, in her locker. Jellypop has a lot to say about her love life, especially as Su-ae drifts further away from Minu and finds herself running into Minu’s friend, Eunhyeok. Add to the mix a growing suspicion that Minu and Ra-im might be more than friends, and Su-ae might need a miracle to navigate the ups and downs of high school romance!
Source: Webtoon
Status: Ongoing
Genre: Drama, Supernatural, Romance, Slice Of Life
CHAPTER 1-27 Review
I first stumbled upon this web comic on Webtoon. My interest was piqued the moment I laid my eyes upon the cover art because the artstyle is totally my type.
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Source: Pinterest
The story starts off in quite an interesting note. The female lead, Su-ae, is in possession of a device where she can see how much love a person will receive and give in their lifetime. If you watched Death Note, she kinda has shinigami eyes but with a cupid filter.
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Source: anigliscans
The problem is, she can also see her own love meters but to her shock and confusion, both the love she will receive and give in her lifetime is 0.
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Source: anigliscans.com
The premise is very intriguing and promising and the art is absolutely, a solid 10/10, however, the characters are very unlikeable and the story telling is a bit all over the place.
This comic is full of tea, like, there's cheating, jealousy, betrayal, scheming.  The drama in its tag is that kind of drama.
The characters just do a lot of questionable and dumb things that make either my blood boil, my head hurt or make me go "wtf?"
Spoiler warning, the female lead is very frustrating because she tolerates her emotionally abusive boyfriend too much. I mean yes I get it, they've been in a long-term relationship and it is hard to let that go but girl, think twice if everyone around you is saying your boyfriend is shit and you need to break up with him. Literally the whole school is aware of their toxic relationship and she still refuses to listeeeen.
It's such a headache when she still manages to forgive him even though he's a straight up asshole. SHE EVEN FORGAVE HIM DESPITE CHEATING ON HER WITH HER OWN BEST FRIEND/SISTER.
I---I am just loss with words.
When she FINALLY broke it up with his boyfriend (now ex), this is where she and the other male lead (EunHyuk) got closer to each other. He is a sweetheart but he's quite rude to her sometimes so I'm a bit neutral about him. Then when it seems like Eunhyuk is developing feelings for her, do you know what Su-ae does?? SHE GOT BACK WITH HER EX.
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She got back with him because her then 0 heart stats suddenly increased because her ex got jealous of her and Eunhyuk's closeness. She then realized that whenever her ex gets jealous, her hearts increases AND THEREFORE, she cooked up a plan to have an affair with Eunhyuk to make her ex more jealous and thus, increase her hearts.
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Source:coffee manga
And at this point in the story I was SO done with her. WHY 👏 ARE 👏 YOU 👏USING 👏EUNHYUK. I am just so mad and frustrated that I gave up reading this comic and went on to rant about it to my boyfriend.
The supernatural stuff was interesting but it was overshadowed by the drama that its introduction was kinda awkward and out of place. Latest chapters were very confusing that it felt like I skipped some chapters when I didn't.
Overall, first few chapters were okay but it gets more and more annoying as you read it. It's an ongoing series but will I continue reading it? Probably not.
Overall Rating: 2.5/5
Reading Status: Dropped
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vienrose · 11 months
I'm gonna be mean.... all the horrible questions for Jisoo 😘
@lunaxriax you better read all of these
01: Accomplishyou have a good relationship with your parents? - I did until they decided to marry me off to some guy. They didn't take it too well when I left the house; 02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? - Cho Hyungsik; 03: Do you regret anything? - Not answering my sisters call that day... 04: Are you insecure? - I don't think I am. Had to learn not to be in my field of work; 05: What is your relationship status? - Taken; 06: How do you want to die? - In my sleep; 07: What did you last eat? - Nacho chips; 08: Played any sports? - Played a little volleyball in high school; 09: Do you bite your nails? - Nope; 10: When was your last physical fight? - In my childhood? I was maybe 8 years old, had a fight over a barbie doll with my sister; 11: Do you like someone? - Very much yes; 12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? - More than I should; 13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? - No; 14: Do you miss someone? - Yes; 15: Have any pets? - Sadly no; 16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? - Hungry; 17: Ever made out in the bathroom? - Had that experience, yes; 18: Are you scared of spiders? - No, I think they are cute; 19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? - I would. For one day; 20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? - My kitchen; 21: What are your plans for this weekend? - Glass of wine, a good movie, some cuddling maybe? 22: Do you want to have kids? How many? - Yes. Two max; 23: Do you have piercings? How many? - I have. 5 in total; 24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? - History and math; 25: Do you miss anyone from your past? - No; 26: What are you craving right now? - Sweet potatoes; 27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? - I don't think so? 28: Have you ever been cheated on? - Not that I was aware. Would say no; 29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? - Not in front of my face; 30: What’s irritating you right now? - That I have to go to the store; 31: Does somebody love you? - I hope so; 32: What is your favourite color? - Black and red; 33: Do you have trust issues? - Sometimes; 34: Who/what was your last dream about? - My last case. That one was intense; 35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? - My sister; 36: Do you give out second chances too easily? - I do; 37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? - Forgive; 38: Is this year the best year of your life? - I would say, yes; 39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? - 17; 40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? - God no, that's against law; 51: Favourite food? - Fried chicken; 52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? - Yes; 53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? - Read a book; 54: Is cheating ever okay? - Nope; 55: Are you mean? - Not at all; 56: How many people have you fist fought? - None; 57: Do you believe in true love? - Yes; 58: Favourite weather? - Winter, snowy days; 59: Do you like the snow? - Very much; 60: Do you wanna get married? - I do; 61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? - I love it; 62: What makes you happy? - Hugs, compliments; 63: Would you change your name? - No; 64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? - Not at all, could kiss him for hours; 65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? - Wish them to find someone else; 66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? - Of course; 67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? - My boss... 68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? - My sister; 69: Do you believe in soulmates? - Yes; 70: Is there anyone you would die for? - My sister and the person I love.
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jerzwriter · 2 years
This isn’t related to OH, your pairings, choices or even fanfiction.
But I could really use an advice and I feel like you’re someone with a lot of experience in human relationships and I really admire your views about life. But feel free to ignore if this is too weird :) I totally get it.
We are a group of best friends for 10+ years. One of them has a bf, they have the most chaotic relationship, nothing "too big" but they have broken up and gotten back together a lot of times. 👈🏻Unrelated to those times...
One time he touched one of our friends inappropriately ( 👋🏻 on the 🍑 ) while dancing, “cause he was drunk”, after this happened they broke up but got back together and my friend (the gf) vowed to never force us to be around him then he cheated on her “cause he was drunk”, my friend didn’t tell us (shame I guess?) rinse and repeat (broke up then took him back). My other friends from the group and I were so disgusted by the first situation but suddenly they seemed to forget? Eventually they started to be friendly with him again, I just couldn’t. After the cheating, it was the same, some sort of “we hate him” until they didn’t. Now he’s asking us for help to propose to my friend. And they’re so excited. And I’m so confused.
Is this okay? Am I wrong for being so freaking perplexed by the situation? Like guys what are we doing how is this ok I just…
But at the same time I feel like I’m wrong? Because if the “offended” part is fine with it, shouldn’t we all be too? I mean he didn’t cheat on me. But the idea of helping him propose it’s not appealing at all. But I don’t want to miss this part of my bff’s life. And I don’t want to lose my friends by making a bigger deal out of it. They all have this view of "friends support each other" and if being with him is what she wants...
But also feel like “oh well, I guess if someone touched me like that against my will, I won’t count on you? Because it’s not a big deal to you?”. I hope I made sense, and this isn’t too much, I just don’t know what to do. My bf agrees with me and we don’t hang out with them when is all the couples. Just when it’s me seeing my friends. But I guess eventually I will have to?
Hey there. First, I want to say I wish I could give you a hug. It literally pained me to read this because I remember these situations when I was younger, I have the benefit of seeing how they turned out (SPOILER: NEVER good), and I am now seeing them happen with younger people in my family. I'm going to be honest, it's harder to watch it now because I want to shake them and say, "Can you not learn from this, this, and this?" But sadly, we don't always learn from other people's experiences.
I'd love others to chime in too. My opinion is just that, and it doesn't make it right. But after living and seeing a lot, I assure you, it's also not wrong.
I hate to see this. The other word for "touching a friend inappropriately" is sexual assault, and being drunk is no excuse. I've been drunk in my life. Most people I know have been. How many times have I assaulted someone? None. "Being drunk" is a classic excuse that abusers love to use. And here's a 411. If he can't handle his alcohol to that extent, then he should stop drinking. But to then cheat and once again blame it on the alcohol, sorry, this guy is a piece of shit, and I feel bad for your friend. She's about to sign on to a lifetime of pain.
What do friends do in these situations? It's such a hard thing to say, but I will always err on the side of trying to get through to them, knowing damn well it may backfire on me. But having grown up in a home where there was abuse and having worked with domestic violence survivors for years, I can honestly say we should never aid and abet someone trying to find a reason to stay with an abuser. Helping plan the proposal? Honestly, that's not aiding and abetting; that's celebrating and giving blessings to. I don't blame you for not wanting to be involved.
Knowing the little I do, I would tell you don't do anything your conscience is telling you not to do. Your other friends may see things differently, but I don't believe we "support" bad choices. If your friend had an addiction, would you "support" her? It's very possible this man is an addiction of sorts.
The sad part is, it is likely others will see you as the problem. But that doesn't mean they're right. If there is one lesson I wish I could have learned younger, it would be to do what I BELIEVE is the right thing and not be led by others because anytime I've gone against my gut, I've lived to regret it.
I really don't envy the position you're in. But I assure you, this will not end well for your friend - and I shudder to think they may bring children into it as well. Men like that don't change.
If you ever want to chat, my DMs are open, and I won't share your identity. I wish you the best in a difficult situation, and I will manifest for your friend to find clarity. ❤❤❤
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twinklelilstarkey · 4 years
Stopping You - Michael Gray [Part 11]
Words: 10.8k+
Summary: Y/N and Michael finally decide to talk about what happened.
Warnings: Female!Reader. 18+. Smut, unprotected sex [pls use a condom]. Cheating! Overthinking. A very slight mention of blood.
Prologue    Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4    Part 5     Part 6    Part 7   Part 8    Part 9    Part 10    Part 11
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“Oh, shut up!” You laugh out loud.
Finn laughs from beside you, laying on his back over Polly’s carpet as you lay on her couch on your stomach, looking down at the youngest Shelby brother.
“I would never do such thing.” You defend yourself, “Is that what you really think of me, Finn?”
Finn laughs with you as he stares up at you, hands resting on his chest, as he continues to assume how possible it is for you scare any girl that he’s interested in, away.
“Oh, please.” He says with a playful look on his face, “You would probably make her so many questions about her life choices that she would just run off.”
“Well, sorry if I continuously look out for you.”
The front door of Polly’s home swings open and almost makes you and Finn sit up by how high you two jumped from how it startled you.
You had been so focused on the conversation that you didn’t even hear the motor of a car outside. And now you two are acting as if you were caught talking about something you shouldn’t have been.
Polly walks inside the house, dark cigarette over her lips, and soon walks in Michael, following her every step.
“But why would he transfer the money if he didn’t need it?” He asks his mother, frown over his face as he closes the door behind him.
Polly shrugs at his words and takes off her furry jacket, leaving it by the hanger before taking the cigarette from her lips and exhaling a large cloud of smoke out of her lungs.
Her eyes move off her son, who has most of his back turned to you and Finn, and Polly finds you, almost falling off the couch from the strange position.
“Why are you on the ground?” She asks Finn, gaining a smile from the two of you.
“It’s comfortable.” He answers.
Michael looks over his shoulder and his eyes meet yours right away. Finn’s answer is able to manipulate a slight grin on his face, which hovers over his lips. There is no vocal answer on his part, just silence and a look of amusement.
It’s been almost a week since your nightmare, a total of 5 days to be exact. And Michael has been in Polly’s house for most of those days, mainly surrounded by work and nothing else.
You’ve questioned Polly about it after he left for the hotel and all you got as an answer was that he was trying to prove to Tommy that he can be forgiven. Quite odd, but who are you to question that?
At least 3 of the nights of those 5 days, Michael slept over at Polly’s. For a reason you do not know why, but it surely has to with Gina. You didn’t ask Polly about it, assuming she wouldn’t know, but honestly because it sounded wrong just to imagine yourself questioning such a thing.
Like said before, he had been working for most of his time over at the house, hidden in Polly’s office or seated at the dinner table, surrounded by papers while holding a cigarette between his fingers or lips as a way to lift off his stress.
You two didn’t talk much, but most of your conversations were in the mornings. Like the one after the night of the nightmare. They would end when his mind was somewhere lost in the papers and you two fell into the natural silence between sentences. You never disturbed him to keep the exchange of words alive, therefore, the talking of the day was done.
Michael and Polly continue their conversation soon after taking their eyes off Finn and you and, slowly, start making their way to the kitchen, where most silence of the house resides.
Their voices are low, but you can tell that they’re talking about work - something you’ve been forcefully pulled away for these past few days.
You look back at Finn once they’re out of your field of view and he’s staring at the ceiling, deep in thought.
“Who’s occupying your mind, uh?” You tease him, poking his chest.
He snaps back to reality and looks over at you, playful smile on his lips as he adjusts his head on the tall pillow.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” He says back.
Your eyes widen at his words and a shocked expression twitches your features.
“So, there is someone in your mind?” You ask in a squeak, not controlling your vocal cords in a such exciting moment, “Finn Shelby, I cannot believe you.”
He stays silent, his smile just grows at your shocked and squeaky words.
“What’s her name?!” You ask in almost a scream, overly excited.
“I’m not telling you that,” He says, lifting and turning his head to the side on the pillow, “It’s none of your business.”
“Oh, Finn, come on!” You drag out your words for dramatization, “Can you just tell me if you two are dating or not?”
He thinks for a second and you just stare at him as he does it.
Seconds later, he’s still silent, slowly getting on your nerves over playing with your excited emotions like that.
“I swear I won’t look into it, just please answer my question.” You plead.
Finn sighs, slowly giving up.
“Okay…” He breathes out, “I am not telling you her name. But…” You hold yourself up with your elbow in excitement, “We are dating.”
A loud gasp escapes your mouth, and you hold in another shriek of excitement over his words.
His smile is just enough for you to believe that he likes the girl too much to sell any more information about her to you, but you honestly couldn’t feel any happier.
“For how long?” You ask, holding yourself up to sit up, unable to contain your emotions.
“I’ve known her for a bit. Been dating for like… 2 weeks?”
Your jaw almost hits the floor, but before you could even ask why he didn’t tell you before, you got yourself the answer. You would’ve gone all inspector mode to try and find any girl in Birmingham that is overly happy about a certain event.
Nothing he wouldn’t do for you too. Plus… You were in a hospital not that long ago-
“Wow.” You sigh, falling back to lay on the couch, “You were seeing someone while I was dying?”
A loud laugh escapes Finn’s mouth and bite in your smile to continue your acting.
“No! God, I was seeing her before you got shot.” He tells you, “Good to know that’s what shocked you the most about my whole confession.”
“I have to have my priorities.”
He continues to smile up at you, finding your words so amusing that he’s finding it hard to hold his chuckles every time you open your mouth to speak.
“Does Polly know?” You ask him.
Before he could have finished saying the simple word you’re already out of the couch and running to the kitchen.
Sure, it hurt a little to do that movement so quickly, but you’ve got a great mission up ahead… Tell Polly the big news: Finn has finally stopped having sex with everyone that has a pair of legs.
Finn laughs at your excitement yet doesn’t stop you. Polly will know now or later anyway.
Either you tell her now or someone will, in the future. Or worse, her second sight might let her know of the news when they’re in an argument.
A wave of chills runs through Finn’s spine at the thought, and he shivers absurdly as a reaction.
Thank god he told you first.
You run in the kitchen and Michael continues his conversation, not finding any problem with you hearing anything he’s saying.
You wait beside them for the conversation to end, hands behind your back, swaying back and forth on the heels of your feet like a child waiting for her parents’ permission to go play outside.
Michael finishes and Polly gives him a quick answer. You don’t care enough to hear them. You just want to dump out the news at the center of the table.
“Do you have that on paper?” She asks Michael and he nods, “Go get it.”
Michael nods again and leaves the room, leaving you to stare back at Polly with a huge smile.
“What do you want?” She asks.
She looks down at the ashtray as she dips the tip of her cigarette down, yet you see her hiding a playful smile, probably finding yours contagious.
“Finn just told me that…” You pause to add some suspense, “… he has a girlfriend!”
Polly, right on that second, looks up at you with widen eyes.
She stares at you, analyzing every small bit of your face, trying to see if you’re joking in anyway, but she finds nothing.
“He has a fucking what?” She whispers in shock.
It has been a few hours. All of you had lunch together, which was filled with a whole bunch of teasing Finn while he tried to hide behind his hands and act like he only wants to stare down at his food.
And, of course, while that happened, you tried not to choke in your water or water while laughing so hard.
Now, Finn is sitting beside Polly on the couch as she tries to squeeze out of him as much information as possible. Michael is standing by the couches, packing his stuff up to leave.
You make your way down the stairs, just returning from the bathroom, and Michael looks over his shoulder at you.
“Are you leaving already?” You ask him, curious.
“Yeah. Need to go take care of something.” He says, being careful with his words. Polly has been too careful with pulling you away from work, Michael doesn’t want to be the one to break that lack of information.
He looks back to what is in front of him, and you notice three boxes of what you believe is paperwork related to the family’s business.
Polly and Finn are still siting, deep into their whispers, probably hiding any kind of potentially important information about his girlfriend from you.
Before you can even tease them for their antics, Michael says something.
“Could you help me carry this one?” He asks.
You nod right away. It’s one of the smaller boxes, the emptiest too. It won’t even make you blink an eye with any possible discomfort.
He piles the two bigger, and fuller, boxes and grabs them, their height only reaching up to his chest. You grab the smaller one, holding it on your hip. You help Michael with the door and leave it slightly open before following him to his car.
The silence between you is not by any means uncomfortable. It’s quite comforting, actually.
Michael opens the backseat door open with some difficulty and turns back for you to give him the other box. You do it and as you’re about to turn and leave, he says something.
“Wait.” He says, making you look at him, “I have something for you.”
“For me?” You ask confused.
He doesn’t answer. He closes the door and walks over to the front seats, opening the passenger seat door, hiding whatever is in front of him with his body.
Michael turns and you have to bite your tongue to not say anything.
It’s a small bouquet of flowers, most of them being wildflowers, your favorite. The exact same ones that have quite a history when it comes to the two of you.
You and Michael didn’t argue in your relationship, but when it did happen, and when he would be the main reason behind those same fights, he would give you flowers.
It was a rare occasion for you to receive them, but this type of bouquet is Michael’s apologetic bouquet. Always has been. It has all your favorite flowers arranged just like you loved, always in the same way to show off their vibrant colors.
“What are you apologizing for?” You ask and a small grin forms on his lips.
You remember them.
“The same thing as I’ve been apologizing for the past few weeks.”
You extend your hand and take the bouquet from his hand, ignoring how your hand rested right above his for some good few splits of a second.
You bring the flowers close to you, hiding any kind of positive expression, as you admire them silently.
“There’s a note inside. But you can read it later.” He lets you know.
“I will.” You say, looking back up at him, but this time, with a small grin.
He nods, small smile prominent on his lips as he does it. He looks relieved, probably because you accepted his flowers in the first place, but, also, nervous, almost like those same flowers are a ticking bomb of some sort.
“I’ll see you later, then.” You decide to say, breaking the intense stare down.
“Yeah,” He exhales, “I’ll see you later.”
To escape any possibility of another stare down, you turn on your heels and start walking towards the house. As you stand up the porch, you steal a glance over your shoulder, already finding Michael looking straight at you.
You offer him a small smile, different from the grin, and finally step into Polly’s home.
The sound of Polly’s and Finn’s voices fill your ears, and you close the door behind you, trying not to look back at Michael, who is still standing by his car.
The front door closes, slowly, and Polly lifts her gaze to meet yours, finding the slow motion and lack of slamming of her door so unlike you. You step aside into view and a gasp escapes her lips.
“Are my eyes deceiving me?” She says out loud.
“I’m afraid not.” You answer, eyebrows lifted, trying to show that you’re as shocked as she is.
She stands from beside Finn, who is as shocked, and walks towards you. She takes the flowers from your hands and analyzes them.
“Let me guess.” She says with a playful tone, “Another apology?”
You chuckle at her and she smiles brightly at you.
“You’re correct.” You announce, stealing a look at Finn, who looks amused, “Might have to write this one down as the official thousandth one.”
“I’m glad you’re keeping count.” Polly jokes with you making you smile.
She walks back to the kitchen to get a vase and you follow right behind her. Finn stands from the couch and does the same as you.
Polly sets them over the kitchen counter gently and looks around for the perfect vase, one you can later take to your own home, when you’re healed.
Finn walks up to the flowers and analyzes them silently, just like Polly. He brings up his hand and carefully pulls something out, a small envelope.
“I’m sure this is for you.” He says, handing the envelope to you.
You take it into your hands and hold it carefully close to you.
Polly starts filling the vase with water and looks back at you, staring down at the small paper, just the size of your hand.
“Well, open it!”
You smile at her tone and you do as told. Finn looks at you questioningly as you undo the top and Polly stops the water from running.
You take the small note from inside the envelope and put down it down. You unfold it, careful with making it face you and you only, and as the word meets your eyes, Polly swears she sees them brighten.
Meet me behind the barns tomorrow at 3.               – M
With both Polly and Finn at work, possibly at a meeting, you’re left to stay home alone until 3. You’ve taken your time to get ready. You’ve done your make-up, nothing too intense, just your normal light look, and have gotten dressed.
A floral green dress hugs your body, nothing unlike your usual style. Not a suit, but something you would wear when out with Polly at your day’s off. And on top of that, a long dark coat, which covers your body from any cold wind.
What even is going to happen today?
You step out of Polly’s home, keys in hand and coat closed enough to protect you from the harsh wind meeting you as soon as you make your presence to the outside world.
You climb in your car. Poor thing as been sitting there by the front of the house for days now, quite sad.
As you make your way to the familiar location, Michael is standing by his car.
He didn’t expect the day to be so cold and windy, but like any other place close to Small Heath, the weather is just unpredictable.
He shakes his cigarette, letting the white and bright red ashes fly with the wind as they burn at the tip of the poisonous, yet addicting and calming, stick. His eyes are stuck on the gravel under his feet, heart ponding against his chest and with his hands shaking.
It’s like taking you on your first date all over again.
He’s just a nervous and anxious wreck.
The sound of a car door closing in the distance makes him snap back from his thoughts and look over his shoulder. You’re right there, just a few meters away from him. Your jacket is open, falling by your sides, as its material and your thin dress move with the, now, calmer wind.
“Sorry for being a little late.” You apologize and he shakes his head.
“No worries.”
He leans away from his car and walks to stand beside you. Your hands are stuffed in the pockets of your jacket, shielding them from the cold, and with that he takes your outfit in, finding the flowers in the fabric somewhat familiar to his gaze.
“Should we start walking?” You break his trance.
“Uh- Yeah, yeah.” He nods.
The abandoned barn stands tall beside the two of you as you walk by it. This is just outside of Small Heath. A small barn where Tommy used to have some of his horses, ones that weren’t exactly for racing. Maybe family horses… Can you even call them that?
Right behind the old structure, is a vast field. One, that for you to meet its true beauty, you have to walk for some good few minutes or well… get yourself a horse and ride for not even 3 minutes.
The green fields meet your eyes and for a second, you feel like you’ve lost your ability to breathe. The air is clearer where you stand then from whatever corner you stand in the whole Birmingham, but god, it’s breathtaking.
No sight of pollution, of smoke or even of people. Just peaceful green, tall wild grass, trees scattered through each curve of the irregular grounds.
It’s as calm as nature can be.
You walk beside Michael, both of you admiring the familiar grounds you step on, yet not opening your mouths to break such a comforting silence.
The sounds surrounding you are nothing but the patter of your feet on top of the grass, which is so tall it comes close to your upper thighs, the wind hitting the tall leaves and making them hit your legs, the branches of the trees moving and making the leaves collide with one another, and simply the wind over your ears.
Everything so silent it even makes your ears seem to vibrate.
“God, Michael, you are unbelievable.” You tell the man behind you without even looking over your shoulder.
“You were the one that had the idea!”
“And you went with it!” You say in a louder tone at him, “You’re supposed to be the one with the brains in this relationship, not me.”
The man chuckles from behind you, each of you riding your own horses as the sun shines on the two of you, marking and showing nothing but its natural beauty of the season.
“We can still go back.” He says, reigns resting by his legs, letting the horse move on its own.
“And say what?” You ask with a smile, “Yeah, sorry, Polly. The party was the most boring idea ever, and we had to walk out?”
“Something like that.”
You exhale out a chuckle and shake your head.
“Why did she even let the neighbor plan out the party?” You ask him.
You look over your shoulder to stare at your boyfriend and he’s already looking at you.
“She said something about wanting to give the woman a chance.” He shrugs, “Did you expect any less from her? She has been apologizing to my mom for the past year, this party was the least she could’ve done.”
“A cake would’ve done it.”
Michael smiles in amusement at you and you continue to look at him.
“You really think you can buy your way to my mom’s heart with a cake?”
“I did.” You say and he rolls his eyes. “And it worked.”
“It worked because you were already part of the family. And hitting my mom’s side of the car is not the same as what you did.” He says defensively.
“I think what I did was quite horrid, if you ask me.”
“I thought it was funny.” He smiles.
“Yeah, well, that’s because you like seeing your crazy family in distress and me in trouble.” You defend yourself, checking the field in front of you to see if you’re close to your destination, “Seriously, Michael, you worry me sometimes.”
A loud cackle of disbelief escapes Michael’s lips and you grin at the sound.
“You broke a vase of flowers on my cousin’s head! You didn’t destroy a whole side of a car!” He tells you and you turn back to him.
“Yeah! I know! But it still made me almost pee myself in fear when it happened.” You confess, finding it almost impossible not to laugh, “I could’ve had nightmares with what could’ve been my consequence.”
“God, you’re dramatic.”
You smile and stop the horse, finally standing by the usual area.
“No, I’m just realistic.” You tell him, “Finn could’ve gotten hurt, and if he did… I could’ve been dead by now.”
“Wow!” Michael chuckles. “You’re just… out of this world.”
“Oh, thank you.” You say, finding his words, out of context, funny. “But still… I feel bad for leaving.”
“Don’t.” He says as you jump down off your horse, “My mom won’t care, and Finn left like 2 hours ago. Nobody cared.”
“Still… It’s your birthday Michael.” You tell him, “You should be celebrating it.”
Michael jumps out of his horse and brings the reigns to the front, walking over to you with the horse just a meter behind him.
As he lets go of the reigns, like any other time here, he stands tall in front of you, not caring that the horse is moving away to go eat the perfect patch of green grass not too far away. You look up at him and wait for him to say something.
“And I am.” He says, “I prefer to stay here with you, then eat whatever was on that table.”
He presses a kiss over your lips, and you gasp.
“That is mean, Michael!” You say defensively, “That woman worked very hard…! And all night!”
He thinks of what to say next for a bit.
“And you still gave the idea to leave.”
Your mouth opens in disbelief at his words.
“You’re heartless, Y/N.” He says, amusement thick on his tone, lips twitching to smile again.
You scowl and smack his chest, hard.
“You little bitch.” You curse him out, making him laugh and take a step back from you.
The silence stays thick between the two of you, yet as soon as the wind lifts off ever so slightly, Michael finds himself being curious. He steals a look your away and notices you’re walking while staring down at the grass.
“You’re quiet.” Michael comments out loud, snapping you back to reality.
You blink your thoughts away and quickly lift your head ever so slightly, not enough to stare at him but enough to see how much you still have to walk.
“So are you.” You whisper back at him, soft grin on your lips, “I was just thinking.”
“About what?”
You look over at him, ignoring your overthinking mind that hesitates so much to do it, and to your surprise, he’s already looking at you.
“About…” You sigh stretching out the word in your lips, shifting your gaze forward once more, finding his eyes intrusive for some reason, “Old times?” You answer as a question, unsure. “The past few days have made me kind of stuck in memories, I guess.”
He nods, even though you’re not looking at him anymore, and also brings his gaze away from you to stare at the greenery at his front.
“That makes two of us.” He confesses.
“Really?” You ask, surprised.
“Yeah” He nods, again.
You nod, pursing your lips while saying to yourself mentally ‘who would’ve thought you’re not the only crazy one’, and, in a quick decision, you decide to blur out whatever is on your mind.
“Mine were actually about, uhm…” You hesitate, catching yourself and your urges midsentence, and Michael notices, bringing his gaze back to you, “That one time we both came here-” You sigh when lost for words and you shake your head slightly with a scowl.
Your discomfort over your own troubling thoughts doesn’t go unnoticed by Michael, and he decides to ease up some of it with his words.
“One time? Out of the thousand times we came here?”
You look back at him and feel yourself relax at his playful tone.
“Yeah. It was a quite special day, actually.” You add.
A full-on smile appears on the man’s face, pearly white teeth out to show amusement at your words.
“Again. Which one out of the hundreds of days like that?”
Your heart tightens at his words and you welcome them with a smile, shaking your head at his comment. Your hand lifts and lays over his arm, pushing him away from you as playful push for him to shup up such nonsense.
Michael looks down as the smile on his face stretches and a chuckle escape both of your mouths.
Your playful touch had been missed, and his body made it obvious to him. The way it warmed up and boiled after so many years of pure and utter cold.
Your hand falls back to your side as you two continue to walk in silence, eyes focusing on the path ahead.
In a simple matter of seconds, you find yourselves looking at each other, silently. Almost as if admiring one another.
“It was your birthday.” You admit, “The year before you left.”
“Why that one?”
You shrug, checking if you’re still too far from your destination.
“I don’t know. It just came to me for some reason.”
He nods and you steal a glance at his smiling self.
“Was it the amazing food that we loved so much that we had to run off?” He starts, “Or was it the amazing entertainment it was given to us throughout the evening?”
A laugh escapes your lips, and a weight lifts off Michael’s shoulders. How relaxing it feels.
“God, don’t remind me of that.” You say to him.
“Why? Is the awfully well decorated cake hunting your mind?”
Another chuckle leaves you and you roll your eyes.
“I see that you’re just as mean as before when it comes to analyzing other people’s hard work.” You joke with him and he smiles down at you.
“Guess so.”
Silence falls back in between you and you two walk calmly again, nothing rushing you to leave and get to the usual spot any quicker.
“What about you? What memories of the old times have been hunting you?” You jokingly ask.
“There have been a lot of them.”
“What was the last one you thought off?” You ask, trying to ease the question for him.
“Our first date.”
You snap your head at him, not expecting him to also confess that he was thinking of two of you, and he smiles at your reaction.
“I was shitting my pants before coming in here. Was scared you would bail on me. Just like I felt in our first date.” He confesses and you scowl.
There’s a silence of a few seconds before you decide to break it with your curiosity.
“Why would I bail on you?”
He scoffs.
“We both know the answer to that question.”
Back to complete and utter silence, yet this time. It’s not as comfortable.
The sweet and loving conversation has died down with the slight indirect mention of how your relationship came to an end.
The patter of your feet is all you hear but also all you prefer to look at in this moment.
Michael steals a glance at you and notices the way you hesitate to look up.
He curses himself in his head and his smile is back down, dead, with no reason to come back so soon.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“No.” You cut him off, “Don’t worry about that.” You stuff your hands back in the pockets of your jacket. “We had to talk about that sooner or later.”
He nods and you look up, seeing him do it.
“We’re getting close.” He announces, making you look up.
Oh God, you missed this.
The fields look the same, just as green and still with small specks of color from the wildflowers. The trees seem to have gotten bigger and fluffier in a way, but they’re still standing tall and creating the perfect little hidden spot between them.
Exactly where you and Michael used always sit.
Michael notices that you had stopped walking after taking a few steps alone, and when he looks back over his shoulder at you.
Memories and all types of emotions erupt through your body harshly. You breathe in deeply, eyes showing the slightest bit of tears of which you can not tell if it’s either sadness or happiness to be back after so long.
Michael notices your different mood, yet he doesn’t understand what is going on. He turns to you completely, having his back to the familiar fields to check on you and his eyes are stuck.
Your eyes are filled with emotion, a soft scowl is written over your face, decorating it. Your body seems to shake slightly at the wind that seems to love to come back at unfortunate moments, and you’re just there. Standing and staring.
You break from your trance as something in front of you appears. You look down to see Michael extending his hand to you, face soft with a comforting expression.
You lay your hand over his, taking it out of your warm pocket and Michael pulls you in further to take steps closer to your destination.
You do as he does while your hands fall connected by your sides. Your eyes are focused on them, staring down as if to check if it’s real or just like in your nightmares, realistic, yet so far deep in your mind that it will bring you great terror in a space of seconds.
Slowly, you get closer to the scenery you had just stared in the distance, and you start to notice small details. There are not as many flowers since autumn is still very much present in this day, yet the place is just as warm and welcoming, still shielding you from most of the cold wind.
Your hand stays connected with Michael’s even when you stand between the familiar trees, neither of you feeling capable enough to pull away yet. Your other hand reaches and touches the trunk of the tree you used to always sit next to.
It feels so unreal that you almost have to pinch yourself.
“Feels weird to stand here.” You confess.
Michael steps closer to you and nods.
“It’s been a long time.”
“A bit too long, maybe.” You add and he agrees again with a nod, “We used to almost come here everyday before winter. I missed it.”
You look up to meet Michael’s eyes and their icy blue color meets your gaze right away. They’re soft, familiar, and comforting.
“Want to sit?” He asks you, eyes still connected.
You nod and he lets go of your hand, for your (big) disappointment.
Michael takes a seat next to the tree and lays his back against it, and you’re quick to follow him, sitting by him, legs to your side as you adjust the thin fabric of your dress.
Michael sighs and your eyes find him again, he looks nervous. More than you.
“I should be the one to start talking.” He whispers, making you tilt your head as if to signalize that you’re listening, “I… Uhm… I-I don’t even know where to start.”
“The beginning would be great.” You joke, gaining a playfully annoyed look from him, “Okay… Uhm…”
You think for a second. Would it be too harsh id you just asked it?
“Why did you do it?”
Michael holds in a gasp at your sudden and direct question, and you continue to stare at him. He notices how you’re analyzing his face, from hair to chin, from ear to ear.
You’re studying him intensely, trying to find the answer yourself in his features.
“It’s stupid.” He says to you.
“I don’t care.” You admit, “I just want to know why.”
He has said, weeks prior, that he did not know why he had done it, which did lead you to scream at him and throw a plate at his head.
But you didn’t believe him, not even a bit. And the fact that he is hesitating to say it out loud now, it’s just a clear reason that good things surely aren’t going to come from his mouth.
“I did it be- because… Fuck.” He comments mid-sentence, shaking his head, finding his nerves ridiculous, “I did it because I couldn’t focus at work.” He licks his lips, eyes still focused on you, “Every time you called was awful. I felt helpless when you would tell me that you missed me and that you were worried about me.”
He sighs and you look at him confused.
“I just couldn’t deal with it anymore. I couldn’t hear you tell me to be careful anymore. I knew I was going to get hurt at one point- It’s bad, I know it is, but I- I just couldn’t deal with your calls… They just made me want to come back home every time, and I… I knew couldn’t.” He confesses, stressed with his own words.
What the fuck is he saying?
“I started to worry about myself. I-I would panic because I was scared that I wouldn’t come back at one point… If I got too hurt or- you know.”
You stay silent.
“I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.” He tells you.
Silent is set between you two again, and you, honestly, just want to hit him.
“You’re such a fucking idiot.” You curse at him.
He doesn’t say anything back, yet his mind is filled with questions: did I say enough? Did I say too much? Do I look or sound as much of an asshole as I feel like I do?
God, his words sounded so much better in his mind. Now it just all sounds like… He’s stupid, that’s what he sounds like.
You can’t believe him for a few good seconds.
For so long, you made yourself think so many awful things about yourself, and now you know you weren’t even the exact cause of the problem.
He didn’t break up with you because were too clingy or too annoying over the phone, it was because you were making him… be careful?
“What did you want from that one call?” You question, “And be honest.” You sound calm, surprisingly. “Just me to stop calling?”
“No.” He scowls at you, “I expected you to move along with your life. Find someone else.”
Oh, and the urge to punch him intensifies.
“I knew it would take time, but… I wanted you to find someone better, to just live your life.” He says sincerely and you continue to stare at him. “God, this sounds dumb but… It would be better for you to have someone in case I would never come back…” He sighs, “Does that even make sense?”
You don’t answer him, so he continues.
“When you stopped calling. I thought that’s what had happened.”
Calling after his final call, he means.
“God, Michael...” You exhale, looking away from him and shaking your head.
“It’s stupid of me, I know.” He comments to you, “I’m really sorry.”
His voice is small in the middle of your silence. It’s thick with emotion and you just know that he is beating himself for it still. For everything that he has done and stopped doing for the past few months.
His thoughts are degrading in every way possible. Michael can’t see a reason why they shouldn’t be. He knows you went through really rough few months because of him, now. Thoughts like his shouldn’t even be compared to something as small as a pinch.
You look back at him, yet your eyes don’t meet his. His gaze is focused on something in the distance, mind completely filled with thoughts you’re sure that you’re too familiar with.
“I’m going to forgive you. Not now, but I will.” You confess, “It will just take a bit of time on my part.”
Michael clenches his jaw, not really believing you for a second.
Is it bad that he doesn’t feel like he deserves it? He just gave you the most half assed justification and apology, yet you are still thinking about forgiving him?
Like, what the fuck?
“My ego is just too big for me to forgive you so soon.” You crack up a joke.
The slightest of curve appears over Michael’s lips, but his eyes still don’t go to you. You scratch the side of your neck and without him noticing, you shift to sit closer to him.
You look back at him before starting to talk again.
“Just so you know.” You start, “Your plan didn’t really work… I didn’t move on after… After you ended things.” You whisper.
His head snaps back at you and you hold a comforting look to welcome his eyes back to your own.
You don’t want him to feel worse, you really don’t want to. What’s done is done. Both of you can’t go back in time to change anything.
“You didn’t?”
“No.” You chuckle.
“Why not?”
“Fucking Birmingham men are disgusting.” You justify with a disgusted look on your face. “And I was already working for your family when I was feeling more… okay, so, I had to stay here, stuck with the sight of either saggy old men or just way too cocky younger men.”
He grins slightly at your distaste for the locals, and you offer him a smile.
“I am, supposedly, from Birmingham” He says, trying to sound offended, “And you dated me just fine.”
“Yeah, well…” You comment with a cringe and his grin grows, “You’re still three quarters a country boy, so you don’t really count.”
He rolls your eyes at you and you hit your shoulder with his playfully, swaying to force his stiff body to move a bit.
But, even with the playful mood and slight grin, he still looks hesitant.
“What’s done is done, Michael. The best thing we can do now is learn from it.” You tell him with a soft voice.
He just stares down at you.
“And just so you know, I should be upset at you. I feel like I should. And don’t get me wrong, I want to beat you up for being this stupid.” You confess, “God, you were supposed to be the smart one in all of this.” You add, exhaling your words.
He doesn’t say anything.
“And the reason why I’m not mad is that it has been a long time. I took a long time to heal and grow as a person.” You continue, “I just feel like all of that would’ve gone to waste if I became upset over the reason why it all happened.”
Still nothing from him.
“Blaming and hating ourselves doesn’t get us nowhere, you know?” You ask, “Especially hating other people. It’s just so stupid. Life is fucking shit. It is, but-” You sigh. “I don’t have to hate you for it, or… blame you for it.”
Where the hell are you going with this? Michael asks himself.
“You moved on, right?” You ask rhetorically, “Maybe it was meant to be.” You shrug, “Sure, it was a little harsh, but you found Gina. If you hadn’t made that last call to end…” You move your finger around to point at the two of you, “this… You would’ve been still dating me and not been able to be with her.”
Your words sort of hurt Michael. It is the truth, everything is true. If it weren’t for that last call, he wouldn’t have looked or thought of any other women but you.
No Gina, no nobody. Just you.
But is that supposed to sound like a bad thing?
His heart still beats for you, he knows he still feels for you. Every day that passes, it gets more and more intense. The same way his love for Gina disappears, yours grow.
It’s like his heart is pushing Gina away and open back the space that you once used to own and rule.
“What?” You question when noticing that Michael has been staring down at you and hasn’t said a thing.
“I still feel like I would’ve taken back what I did.” He confesses.
“And what about Gina?”
He shakes his head dismissively.
“She would’ve been fine without me.”
There’s a silence between you two again, and you’re just registering what has said and trying not to take it in a certain very biased way. All of that while he just stares at nothing.
“Where is she, by the way?” You ask curiously, “You’ve barely spent any time at the hotel lately.”
Michael scowls at thought about the fight they had in Polly’s kitchen.
“Yeah… We’re going through a rough patch, right now.”
“Really?” You ask and he nods, “God, you guys went from happily engaged to this in what…? A month and a half?”
He sends you a slight glare.
“What? It’s true.”
“What happened to not hate others? And that that will get you nowhere?” He comments and a smile grows on your face.
“Yeah, well…” You chuckle, “I don’t hate her. I just… dislike her. She was rude to me.” You smile at him, “But, seriously, I really don’t like her. At all. Like god damnit, Michael, I’m sorry to say, but you sure don’t know how to pick them.”
A big chuckle escapes Michael and you smile at him triumphantly. He shakes his head at you and brings his gaze back to yours.
“I picked you. For years.”
“Yeah, and that’s why that’s obviously the highlight of your life.” You say nodding at him, and his lips finally stretch into a smile.
Who knew insulting him would’ve fixed his sad mood?
You bring your hand up and hesitatingly, you lay it over his, letting your fingers find their way to the space between his thumb and his pointer finger, sliding into his palm and giving it a squeeze.
Michael’s eyes move to your hands and you hold your breath, scared that he will pull away.
His eyes slowly come back up to you and they’re as soft as you’ve ever seen them. He holds your fingers and brings your hand up to his lips, kissing the back of your hand softly.
You give him a small smile and he exchanges hands, connecting your left hand with his right so it’s more comfortable to him.
He intertwines your fingers, slowly, and his movements are the slowest you’ve ever seen them, yet they’re sweet. Letting your fingers slide and fall themselves in between his or yours.
“I missed you.” He whispers under his breath, making you look up at him again. “A lot.”
You grin at him and give his hand a squeeze as your answer.
You don’t know it, but Michael is biting his tongue to not apologize to you again. The urge to do it is stronger than him.
It’s like if he repeats it for as many times possible, you will eventually forget what he did.
He doesn’t want you do forgive him. He wants you to just forget it. Act as if everything as always been perfect.
“I substituted you with Finn, so I can’t say the same.” You say playfully, making his lips pull up again.
“I noticed. Weirdest fucking pair, I swear.” He scoffs.
“Jealousy is a serious disease, Michael.” You comment back, nodding.
“Could say the same thing about you.”
“Excuse me?” You ask confused, yet still smiling.
“You’ve barely had a full conversation with Gina, but you just told me you ‘dislike’ her.” He says, amused tone, “Sounds like jealousy to me.”
You laugh at him and shake your head.
“Wow! You really are crazy.” You say, making him smile, “Must have been the air in New York. Probably messed your brain up.”
“Stop” He pokes your leg with his other hand, “Insulting.” Another poke, “Me.” Another poke. “It’s not funny.”
“Then why are you smiling so brightly at me, hey?” You ask with as just as big of a smile.
You two stare at each other with the smiles on your faces and your heart quickens at the sudden change of atmosphere. Everything seems so perfect between you two. Gina doesn’t seem like a barrier between you two anymore.
It’s like old times.
“Are you still marrying Gina?” You catch yourself asking.
His eyes widen slightly at your sudden question and your smile falls slightly. You’re embarrassed at the sudden slip of words but it’s already too late.
“I’m not sure.” He answers.
You react shocked at his answer. What is happening?
Both of your hearts are almost coming out of your chests, it’s like they’re going to explode if a specific confession escapes both your lips.
“Why?” You whisper, your voice failing you.
“I don’t-” He thinks for a second, “I don’t think I love her anymore.”
You hold in a sigh and continue to listen to him.
“I’ve been telling myself that she has changed ever since we got here, but…” He pauses, searching your face for any hesitation, “I think she has been like this all along. And all that has changed as been that-” He suddenly stops.
“That what?” You whisper, almost feeling out of breath.
“I can’t stop thinking about you.” He confesses, “I can’t stop comparing her to you. Or look at her and just… wish that she’s you.”
Your breathing is heavy, almost like you’re fighting the weight of a thousand stones on your chest. Everything is going on too quickly, but all you feel is relief.
“What are you saying, Michael?” You ask, voice falling into a whisper again.
He stays silent, almost as if rethinking about what he’s about to say.
Your eyes unconsciously lower to Michael’s lips and his smile as fallen as well. He’s serious. Your breathing has gotten quicker without you even realizing, and when your eyes go back to Michael’s, you find him doing the same thing.
“I love you.”
You stop breathing, shock erupting through your system.
“I never stopped loving you. Never. I’ve been lying to myself for all this time, trying to make myself believe that I was happy with Gina but I’m not.” He says, “I’m not happy with anyone else but you. Because I can only love you. Only you. Nobody else.”
He said it.
He said everything that has been troubling his mind for so long. He finally said it.
He said what you have been dreaming that he would say for the longest time. You almost can’t believe this is reality. Your body has gone numb, your heart is beating at an insane speed.
It all just feels so unreal.
Michael’s mind is going at miles a second, overthinking ever curve of emotion in your face. Every twitch, every slight movement in your hand still holding his, now more loosely than before.
What if he spoke too soon? What if he just… destroyed everything you two could’ve still shared. You probably don’t even think about him in that way anymore. All that could’ve been shared as just friends was all destroyed now with his confession.
The confession you have waited for so long and expected it to never be real. The confession of his love for you.
You take a deep breath, feeling Michael tense up next to you at what seems like a way to compose yourself into talking again, and suddenly you let go of his hand.
Michael almost gasps at the lack of your natural warmth against his palm and his heart begins to break, threatening to shatter with just a simple movement.
And then, you just bring your hand behind his neck and pull him towards you, letting your lips connect like the old times. Like the old times you have been visiting lately in your mind for this long and painful time.
It all feels like fireworks are erupting through your body, pinching your muscles and making them rise awake to reality.
You and Michael don’t move for a few quick seconds, but as soon as his lips move and his head tilted slightly to the side, you felt like you could cry.
His nose scrapes your cheek as you kiss sweetly and slowly, and Michael’s hands find their way to you. You gasp against his lips as his hands touch your waist and the thin, almost see-through, fabric of your dress does you no justice.
You bring both of your hands to his face and cup it close to you as he pulls you in to him with his hands. You sit on your knees, rising and your lips disconnect with the sudden movement.
You meet his eyes before you move any further and you feel like you’ve fallen in love all over again.
Michael pulls you in and you move to straddle his lap, his eyes run through your body, eyeing every bit of skin his eyes can lay on as you move, and your jacket opens naturally. You lean your lips to his again and he is the one to begin the kiss this time. His fingers dig deliciously into the ribs by your waist and your hands go up to his hair.
His hands drag from your waist to your hips and down your legs, rising your dress to finally touch your skin. Its warmth is so familiar and so calming that Michael feels like he could pass out right in that second.
You gasp as his grip on your upper thighs intensifies and you pull away slightly. There is absolutely no regret or shame in both of your stares, absolutely nothing. Michael brings his hands up and slides the jacket off your shoulders.
You let him take it off and he lays it by his side, a hand comes to rest over your back and in the matter of a second, you’re laying on your back on the cold but dry ground while Michael is hovering over you.
Michael connects your lips again and you smile into the kiss. His lips as just as soft as you remember them, and he still kisses in the same way. You feel like you’re in a dream all over again.
He pushes away and before you could even open your eyes, his mouth starts pressing soft and wet kisses all over your neck. Your hand moves back to his hair and he slowly leaves a trail down your jaw and neck down to your exposed chest, savoring absolutely every bit of soft exposed skin.
You pull down the collar of his blazer and he seems to get the hint, because he lifts off you, making your body erupt into shivers from the cold. He takes off his jacket and throws it next to you, and as his hands work down his waistcoat, your lips find their way to him again.
A soft inhale of air escapes Michael’s mouth at the feeling of your lips and he’s quick to take off another layer of his suit, not caring if he rips a button or not. He lays you back down and follows you to the ground, holding himself up by his arms and laying right in the middle of your legs.
You two smile at each other as soon as your noses touch and the sound of a soft peck interrupts the silence.
Michael is completely lost in the bliss of the moment, just savoring every single second of it. While you still believe you’re in shock with whatever is going on.
Months prior to this you would’ve passed out with just the idea of seeing Michael again, and probably even punch yourself if you knew what would happen later on, or now. But, god, you couldn’t care less, now.
With only an arm holding him up, Michael squeezes the soft skin of your thigh and starts layering the skin close to your neck with kisses all over again. You, impatient as one can be, lay your hand over his and pull it further towards you.
The dress falls to your hips and exposes your skin to the cold evening. Both of your hands play with the buttons on Michael’s shirt before being able to pull it off him and expose his chest to you.
He presses a kiss onto your lips again and sits up on his knees, pulling away from the kiss and staring as if to make sure this isn’t his mind playing tricks on him and it’s really you.
He discards his shirt to one of his sides, not really caring if it will fly with the wind and it will lose it forever.
“What do you mean ‘okay’, Michael?” You ask, confused, staring at the plain wall in front of you.
“I’m agreeing with what you said. Maybe it is true.” He says through the phone, “You keep on calling me every day-”
“What?” You ask, scowling, “I haven’t called in so long… You-you haven’t picked up any of my calls… Michael, I just want to check on you.”
“I am fucking working, Y/N- God. It’s always the same thing. You’re always fucking checking on me. I. Am. Fine.” He says with the most arrogant and angry tone you’ve ever heard him with.
“How am I supposed to know that? You’re almost across the world, Michael, the only thing I can do is call you.” You defend yourself, shaking your head in confusion, “We haven’t talked in months.”
“I just. I just want you to stop it, okay?” He questions. “I am so done with this. With you making everything seem like such a big and dangerous thing when it never is. You just keep on distracting me all the time. I need to work.”
“You did it just now. I went to work today, like any other day. Stayed on my office, did what I was supposed to do. What Tommy ordered me to do. I just told you that I had someone on my office, and you got all fucking worried- like Jesus, Y/N.” He takes a deep breath, “This is my job. I need to do this-”
“I know.”
“You don’t seem like you do.” He continues, “You’re constantly asking and-”
“That’s not true-”
“But it is. Every time you call, it’s always this same thing… I’m tired.” He sighs his words at the end.
You stay silent for a few seconds, letting his words sink in.
“I’m… just worried about you.” You whisper and he sighs, “I- I didn’t mean to-to interrupt you or to make you mad.”
“I’m not mad.”
Tears well up at your eyes and a small shaky breath escapes your mouth, yet it isn’t picked up by the phone.
Michael stays silent as well, making your heart ache more by each second.
You blink your tears away and look up at the window beside you, letting the streetlights shine into your cold and lonely room.
Your bed is still made. The wind of the winter is still hitting the old windows harshly, making them whistle as they hold themselves together. But that is all you have, their whistle and the soft lighting.
Other than that, is you and your silence.
“Well, if I’m such a burden to you then maybe it’s better if we stop talking to each other.” You let the hurtful words escape your mouth before you could even catch them. Too late to take them back.
You don’t hear anything from the other side of the call. For a few seconds you believe that Michael had ended the call before you even said anything else, but his voice comes back.
His voice comes back and shatters the silence with the bitter truth.
And after that, all Michael heard was the small and weak beeps signalizing the end of the call. Signalizing the end of you and him ever being together. Signalizing the end of your long relationship.
And the supposed end of your love for him and his love for you. Just… the end.
You tilt your head to the side as Michael continues to kiss down your neck and you close your eyes. Your hand is lost on his hair as you get lost in thought. Why does the memory need to come back now?
Michael lifts his head and looks down at you. The look on your eyes confused him and he pulls back to look at you.
“Is everything okay?” He asks, fearing the worst.
You don’t answer, yet your hand moves to cup the side of his face. He leans closer to your palm and your heart tightens.
He’s sorry. He apologized. He regrets it. He wants to take it back. Michael. Your Michael wants to take it back.
You pull him closer to you and you reconnect your lips with his. The kiss is soft all over again and the feeling is enough to push all those awful memories and thoughts away.
Your hands travel down his cheeks to his neck and lightly travel down to his chest and his stomach. Your feather like touch makes Michael’s skin erupt into chills from how soft and light it is.
“I love you.” You whisper into his lips.
He looks at you in the eyes and whispers his answer back.
“And I love you.”
Your fingers fidget with the button of his pants and soon unbutton it with a quick movement. Michael looks down at your hands and smiles, looking back up and presses a kiss onto your jaw.
He pulls away, and without wasting any more time or feeding more into your impatience, he takes a hold of your dress and pulls it up, exposing your underwear and your stomach. Michael takes a hold of the sides of your undergarments and pulls them down your smooth legs.
The cold air and the sight steal small, almost inaudible, gasps from the two of you. Another piece of clothing flies off to the side, which makes you chuckle slightly, and Michael smiles at the sound of your laughter.
You stare up at the tree above you for a second and you soon feel soft kisses being pressed at the bottom of your stomach. It has been long enough since you’ve felt something like this, yet it feels familiar, which makes sense.
It is still Michael. It has just been a long time.
“Michael,” You call out of him, holding yourself up by your elbows, “There’s no time for this, please.”
You didn’t have to say twice, because Michael quickly rose his body back up and pressed a kiss into your lips again.
There’s the sound of his zipper and soon the shifting of fabric and while lost in the kiss, Michael lays you back on the ground comfortably. His hand grabs into your leg and squeezes it softly, feeling himself lost for a second as your soft hands travel through his skin.
You gasp into the kiss as you feel him press into your entrance and Michael clenches his jaw at the sudden warmth touching him. You pull him close to you and Michael’s spear hand almost digs into the ground as he hides his head on your neck.
His other hand aligns him and slowly, he moves his hips towards yours. You groan lowly at the intrusion and he stops, giving you time as he doesn’t you to feel any kind of discomfort.
Your hand, that holds the back of Michael’s head, closes and he moves slightly again, moving in closer and closer to you, taking your movements as a hint for him to keep going. His cock slowly sliding into you, inch by inch, letting your warmth and wetness envelop him into its familiar hold that he so missed.
You gasp and he holds himself steady right as your take him all in. He lifts his head to check on you and his lips pepper your skin with soft kisses, some lost in his uneven breathing as he does so.
“You can move.” You whisper at him.
He doesn’t say anything, he lifts a few inches away from you and his hand comes back to your thigh. His movements start and they soon become thrusts.
Your soft gasps evolve into moans and Michael swears he’s dreaming. Your sounds are complete music to his ears, making them vibrate at the sweetness they carry, and, god, he had missed this.
Slowly, his thrusts start to accelerate, and your eyes force themselves closed. The way Michael’s hips hit yours and the way you squeeze him is driving the both of you insane. Your nails are digging into his arm as a small ball of pleasure starts to build up at the end of your stomach.
Michael lifts his arm and lays his hand beside your head. He eyes your body, still covered by the almost see-through fabric.
His breathing his loud and the sound of your bodies colliding with each other is all that fills your ears. His hand lets go of your leg and goes to your waist, his eyes analyzing your chest.
Michael presses a kiss on your sternum, over your dress and you arch your back at the feeling of his soft and warm lips. He clenches his jaw as the fabric stretches and exposes your chest to him, braless, nipples peeking through and appearing noticeable.
A shear layer of sweat covers the top of Michael’s forehead as the wind cools the warmth the both of you are creating. He lowers his head again and kisses you over the fabric of your dress that hugs your body so beautifully.
He looks down at where the two of you connect and a groan escapes his lips.
He, without any warning, grabs into your leg again and pulls up to your chest, letting another soft moan escape your mouth.
“Fuck, Michael…” You whisper at him.
He lifts off you and brings his other hand to your other leg. Still thrusting into your pussy, the sight as just improved to Michael, while you are lost at the difference it made to just rise your legs.
“God, you’re so perfect.” He mumbles at you, voice almost breaking into a whisper from his heavy breathing.
You throw your head back as his movements speed up and the pleasure in you intensifies.
After so long, it almost feels unreal to feel such emotion. It is more than pleasure, it’s an explosion of emotions.
All of those same emotions have been bottled up at the back of your mind and long forgotten, almost as if you had dismissed them because you didn’t believe you would ever feel them ever again.
But they are back and you’re feeling them at such a rate that you feel like tears are starting to well up in your eyes, blurring your vision.
You’ve probably thought this a thousand times, but, god, it feels like you’re dreaming. You pray that this won’t end in any way close to how your dreams usually do, but in a way, you’re not worried.
You don’t fear a bad ending in this, you don’t feel scared or anxious. You feel good. You feel happy and loved. Loved by someone who has shown way more love to you than any other person.
Someone you would vow to never stop loving if it meant that he will never leave your side. Someone that has never belonged to someone the same way he has belonged to you. No matter who has or will come in between you, you know the truth and you believe that it is the truth.
He loves you. He hurt you, but he loves you. He showed he was sorry, he apologized- Jesus, he saved your life. He didn’t let you die in his arms. He cried and feared your death right when you were bleeding a puddle into the ground.
Michael belongs to you and nobody else. He knows it, and he has told that himself that many times before. Now more than ever.
He belongs to you and you belong to him. And that is just how it is, and how it always will be.
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A/N.: I am not going to lie... I cried when proofreading Michael’s confession about his feelings. I’m such a cry baby, god.
[Sorry that the apology part was so shit. I, myself, struggled with justify that shit and got myself annoyed with it.]
Taglist: @ohhersheybars @woodland-mist @onlythechicagoway @soleil-dor @finn-shelbys-bulldog @oh-theres-a-woman @peakyxtommy @ms-reader @beautycinders @lovemissyhoneybee @graceedwards @jadesbabylon @marvelismylifffe @a-dorky-book-keeper @peakascum @shanetoo @hufflemendes @cherrytop02 @http-cherries @burnitup @livingforbarnes @iccyyyybitch @ravennaofasgar @carezzesuigraffi @fernweh-fangirl @hufflepeople @huskyhunny @desertgremlin @fireawayxx @lemur46 @sugarcoated-lame @i-sneeze-to-appease @gabytodd @cococola-cocaine @namelesslosers @dibs-on-mikey​ @lreincarnationl @lil-hungryy @7shadesofharold @sh4desofsadness @fairyofvoid @kennastyles 
If you’d like to be apart of the taglist, let me know.
Hope you enjoyed this! If would like to make any questions about the characters or when the next part will be available. My ask box is always open.
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
Third Wheeling
CEO!Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Strangers to Lovers!AU, Angst, Fluff, Smut
Chapter 10.
Warnings (Updating Still): Smut, Cheating, Unexpected Pregnancy, Unfaithful, Emotional Damage, Love,
Warnings In This Chapter: Heart To Heart, Fluff, Infidelity, Sera Is A Cunt, Triggering Moments (I.E): Hearing Infidelity, Making Light Of Other's Trauma, Mentions of Cigarette Burns, General Rudeness
A/N: This chapter is early because I’m hungover. Always a shoutout to @ppersonna, @xjoonchildx, @ladyartemesia​. Enjoy! 
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The smell of blooming flowers is something you never thought you'd become fond of. It's never been something that you've even considered. But you find yourself so often these days finding small delights in simplistic things.
Sitting in front of the large fountain that has been hidden behind clean cut hedges and tall rose bushes, you let the gentle breeze wash over you.
You can hear Baeksoo quietly speaking to the plants as she waters them. It's calming in fact, to hear her speak words of praise.
You've thought long and hard about this evening. Which is astounding since it's just dinner. But, you don't know simple things about Yoongi.
You think to ask Maya but you want to do this by yourself.
"I thought I'd find you here," the voice draws your attention and suddenly you're misty eyed.
Just the way she walks and the tilt of her gorgeous face is enough to make you weep.
"Leena!" you cry out.
Jumping up from the bench, your arms spread wide as you feel relief flood over you.
"Hey, Miss Thing!" she cheers, pulling you into her arms.
You begin to feel as if you could breathe again.
"You look so great! I missed you so much!" she whines loudly, squeezing you tightly to her slim body.
"What're you doing here?!" you ask, pulling away to look at her pretty face.
She grabs your wrist, tugging you over to the bench you were just sitting on.
"Taehyung needed to bring Yoongi some documents for a mall or something before we're off to France, so I made sure I was able to come and see you."
You watch as she demurely crosses her legs and you make a mental note of it. She went to many etiquette classes when she was younger and you’ve always admired how graceful she is. It’s the way she moves so effortlessly and with such confidence. You’ve always wished to be like her.
The floral fragrance seems to enrapture you once more as you sit together. Flipping her hair over her shoulder, your best friend makes it a point to continue to hold you.
“How is he treating you? I swear to God, if you tell me that you’re being treated like the help I’m going to fucking flip.” your best friend asks.
You sigh gently, looking up at the clear cerulean sky.
“He’s treating me normally, I guess. One minute he’s so cold with me and the next he’s just being so sweet. I don’t know what the fuck to feel. Last night, we went at it and he came to apologize to me.” you reply as the breeze blows through your hair.
“Excuse me? Min Yoongi apologized to you?” she sounds dumbfounded and all you can do is nod in agreement.
“Oh my God, he’s so fucking whipped! That’s amazing.” you snort at her excitement, rolling your eyes before looking back over to her.
“I think he’s just being civil. We’ll see, we’re having dinner tonight.” your confession hits her like a stack of bricks and she squeals loudly, gripping your hands tightly.
“I’m gonna drop dead on this expensive gravel beneath my feet. YOU and YOONGI are having dinner tonight?! Like, eating in the presence of one another civilly?!” her blue contacted eyes go wide and her mouth drops open while you nod.
“Yeah. I’m cooking dinner,” you say, confusion enrapturing your tone.
She guffaws loudly, her head lolling back as she gasps for breath. “You’re so insane! This is amazing! He totally fucking likes you!”
“Well… I don’t know about that but-” your voice is cut off by hers.
“Shush! Silence! I’ve said what I’ve said! And it’s the law!” she cries out, pressing her perfectly manicured finger to your lips.
“Sexy girl! Let’s go!” you hear Taehyung scream.
Leena turns her head to the voice before pouting. “You better call me with all the details of your date. I want to know how he looks at you, how he eats his food with you around, how he fucking sneezes. I want the whole laundry list of things that happen tonight!”
You giggle at her enthusiasm before nodding. “Yes ma’am. A laundry list of all the things Min Yoongi does to make me mad.”
She rolls her eyes before kissing your cheek happily.
“Love you, Miss Thing!”
“Love you, too!”
Standing tall, she fixes her long dress. She looks around the garden impressed before folding her arms.
“I’m really happy for you, by the way. I think things are really going to work out here.” she calls to you, starting to walk away.
“Bye Yoongi!” she yells up to the house and your eyes follow hers.
He stands on his large balcony, a cup of coffee in hand staring at you. He bows his head to her, a smirk present on his lips before looking back at you.
“Little dove, good morning.” you hear him say as he retreats back into his room.
How long was he standing there? How much had he heard?
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Listening to Frederic drone on about food is something you don’t think you could ever get tired of. He makes the French cook stereotype feel so alive. You’ve been in the kitchen plenty of times, have gone through the cabinets many, many times throughout the nights when staff and the chef were sleeping. But, to hear him feeling the need to explain it all to you as you both take small steps around the gigantic kitchen is humorous and you let him do his thing.
“Now this, this is a sieve. You can strain things through it,” Frederic says, picking up the large strainer.
You hum playfully as you lean down on the island counter.
“I have made my own food before y’know,” you quip to him as he unbuttons his chef’s jacket.
He tuts his tongue as he brushes some hair back behind your ear. “Ah oui, bien sûr Madame. I know, I just want to make sure you know where everything is.”
You smile at his kindness, it must be difficult to relinquish your kitchen to others especially after being in charge for so long.
“I promise I won’t make anything dirty and I promise, cross my heart, that I will take good care of your kitchen,” you swear to him as he throws his chef’s jacket over his shoulder.
He presses both of his hands to either side of your face, wiggling them slightly with a smile.
“Merci, Madame. You are in every word parfaite. I cannot be happier to make you food in this home,” he whispers as you tilt your head with a giggle.
“Go have a good day off, have fun,” you insist as he drifts his hand over the marble countertop, as if he’s finding it hard to say goodbye.
“Oui, bien entendu. I’ll have a drink in your honor, Madame,” he says with a sigh.
You give him a wink as he exits the kitchen and you watch him slowly leave to the maid’s quarter. Your lips sputter as you look around the large, empty kitchen before sighing.
“Okay, let’s do this.”
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He should be working. He opened up his computer, he grabbed all the necessary documents from both Taehyung and his office but he just can’t seem to focus.
Yoongi can smell the aroma of food coming from the kitchen and it makes him curious. What are you making? How do you even know what he likes? Do you even know how to cook?
He wants to know more about you, or try to learn more anyway.
Recalling just this morning, he can hear you so clearly -- “He’s treating me normally, I guess. One minute he’s so cold with me and the next he’s just being so sweet. I don’t know what the fuck to feel. Last night, we went at it and he came to apologize to me.”
You think he’s cold and you’re absolutely right. He always has been and it’s gotten worse these last couple of years.
He doesn’t know who he even is anymore. At least he doesn’t think he does.
Then you mentioned that he came to apologize. It must have meant a lot to you. It was weird for him to feel that aching in his chest, to feel like he fucked up. Even in the past when he’s done and said horrible things -- he never had such an ache.
Something about you just… sends him reeling.
Then he remembers what Leena said, “You better call me with all the details of your date.”
Was this a date? He didn’t even think of it in that way. It’s just two people eating… right?
Just a man and the… mother… of… his… child.
“I need whisky,” he mumbles to himself, standing up.
He hasn’t been on a date in God knows how long. He hasn’t spoken to a woman, truly spoken to one, in what feels like a millennia.
Picking up the empty bottle of whisky from the small bar caddy, he curses to himself.
He decides it’s in his best interest to go all the way to the kitchen to get a bottle. Even though his bedroom is just a floor down.
But, it certainly isn’t because you’re in the kitchen cooking. No. Not at all.
As he gets closer to the kitchen, he can smell different types of herbs and delicious meats cooking. He can smell raw peppers and onions and it makes his mouth water.
Yoongi watches you from afar for a minute, just standing on the last step of the stairwell. You’re humming, the song is sweet and calm. You have on a cute apron around your waist, with small smears of what seem to be a sauce of some kind on it.
He can feel his heart lightening at the simple sight of you. You look so… beautiful. So fucking domestic. And, he feels like he doesn’t even need the alcohol anymore because just watching you makes him drunk.
How bizarre.
“What’re we doing?” Maya whispers from next to the stairwell.
Yoongi practically jumps out of his skin at the sight of her, pressing his hand to his heart.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he whispers fiercely, trying to calm his erratic heartbeat.
He hears the older woman giggle and he rolls his eyes at her giddiness.
“I’m just getting whisky,” he mumbles aloud, still trying to keep quiet in case it would disturb you.
“Oh. I see. I can get it for you, Sir.” she replies and he grabs her wrist gently as she tries to walk away.
“No, no! I got it. It’s okay. I was just…” he can’t even complete his sentence.
What was he doing? Checking you out? He was just watching you, feeling so serene.
“You were being sweet, like I raised you. You were entranced by her.” Maya says.
He grimaces at her. “No! I was just… waiting to see if she burned down the kitchen or not.”
Maya giggles to herself before bowing her head. “Of course, Sir. I see that now.”
He rolls his eyes as she takes off to the maid’s quarter.
He watches you wave to Maya with a shy smile on your face.
“Goddammit,” he mutters, combing his fingers through his hair.
He takes small steps, trying his hardest not to disturb you as he walks by the long bar.
“Oh, hey Yoongi!”
Your voice is so sweet. Especially when you say his name.
“Smells good,” he calls to you, walking through the small hallway before appearing in the kitchen.
“Thanks! I hope you like it,” you reply happily as you stir something in the pot.
As he takes in your face, he snorts gently at a small stain by your cheek.
“I think you’re a messy cook,” he teases, walking towards you.
“Huh?” you ask confused.
Stepping in front of you, he taps his index finger to the underside of your chin.
“Look at me,” he instructs.
As you look up at him, he can feel himself falling into your eyes. You’re so doe-like and precious even when you don’t know it. It’s kind of miraculous.
Wiping his thumb over your cheek, he snorts gently. Your breath hitches in your throat as he strokes his thumb over you.
“What’re you making for dinner?” he asks, trying to distract himself from how soft your skin is.
“Well, I made a lot of things.” you reply, pulling your face away from him to look down at the pot.
He hums inquisitively, grabbing a glass off of a rack and pulling out the whisky.
“Do tell, little dove. You’re making me hungry,” he jeers, pouring himself a large portion of the alcohol.
“Well for the appetizer, I made brussel sprouts with parmesan and bacon and a small salad. For the soup, I made a soybean sprout soup. And, the main course is veal with lemon butter sauce and glazed carrots.” you tell him proudly.
He begins to smirk at how pleased you are with yourself.
“Sounds good, I’m excited,” he replies, lifting his glass.
You giggle gently, turning off the burner underneath the pot.
Leaning down on the marble island across from him, you rub your hands together.
“I hope you like it,” you whisper.
You sound shy now and it peeks his interest. You’re like a frail flower. It’s so difficult to get a read on you or put you in a category. But, maybe that’s how it should be. You shouldn’t just be one specific way, you should be well rounded. And he thinks you’ve got that.
“I’m sure I will. Although, didn’t I put in the contract that you shouldn’t be eating so much?”
Finally for once it doesn’t come out as gruff and angry, it was meant to be a joke. Luckily for him, it came out that way.
You find yourself smiling, almost having the urge to stick your tongue out at him playfully.
“I haven’t been able to cook in a long time, this feels nice. Eating a lot once in a while isn’t so bad,” you counter good-naturedly.
He raises his glass at your words. “Touche. Little dove, touche.”
You lean your head on your shoulder, your fingers skimming over each other as you look down at the marble beneath you. For once, the silence isn’t awkward or uncomfortable. It’s pleasant.
“Was it nice to see Leena this morning?” he knows the answer, but he wants to see you smile wider.
And so you do. Brimming from ear to ear, you nod.
“So nice! I’m so happy that I got to see her,” you admit, looking up at him.
“Well, she can come over whenever she wants. It’s in the contract,” he suggests.
“I didn’t know if I wanted her to come over yet, y’know. With Sera around and stuff…” your answer falls flat as Yoongi chuckles across from you.
“That’d be like putting two piranhas in a tank and seeing who wins,” he chuckles.
You snort gently, pointing at him. “Exactly.”
He watches you fix things up around the kitchen, cleaning as you go.
And finally he speaks after some time. “What can I do to help?”
Humming you shrug with a smirk. "I got it. Why don't you go relax for a while?" you suggest.
As you go to lift the pot, Yoongi whistles loudly as if to tell you to stop.
"I read that pregnant women shouldn't be lifting anything heavy. Don't even think about it. I got it," he insists, waving his hand for you to move.
"You read something?" your voice is wrapped with humor as you move over.
"Very funny, little dove. Go set up the table," he instructs with an ever present smirk on his face.
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Yoongi leans back in his seat, his stomach was full of delicious food by now but he can't stop picking at his plate. A true testament to how great of a cook you are.
"Damn." he whispers, wiping his mouth with his napkin.
You smirk across the table, your arms folding with pride.
"Good?" you ask softly, grabbing your drink.
"Very good. I'm impressed," he says as he slings his arm over the top of his chair.
You giggle gently, your head lolling back to look at the clear night sky.
"Who taught you how to cook?" he asks, watching as you count the stars.
So here it is. Will he be as truthful as you? Will he talk to you?
"My parents. My dad always liked cooking more than my mother. She was sick a lot when I was young. Always in the hospital. So my dad got comfort from making her food and I used to take it to her," you answer, looking back down at him.
Yoongi nods gently, it's starting to click in his mind. "That's why you hate hospitals?"
"That's why I hate hospitals. There was a time when she was admitted for a bad stomach ache and she got worse in the hospital because the bedding and the nurses weren't clean." you reply breathlessly.
The father of your child cringes at the thought, taking a sip of his whisky.
Yoongi takes a deep, slow breath. He stares at your face and the task at hand is daunting. If people didn't already know him, he didn't open up. But, he should open up to you.
Or he thinks so anyway. You're having his child, you should know about him. And maybe if he speaks his history then it will break the cycle. Then he won't turn into his parents, he won't have a fucked up kid like himself.
"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," you say quickly.
You can see him wrought with nervousness. Just the prospect of letting things out must terrify him.
"No, I should talk about them. If not with you then surely a therapist," he jokes out of worry.
But, then he looks at your face. He feels that sense of dizzying calm once more. Like everything is going to be okay.
He chugs the rest of his whisky, his mouth watering and grimacing.
"No, I don't know how to cook. I'm not even sure my parents know how to cook-" he lets out a breath, letting the warm fire of the alcohol in his belly keep him going, "-they never took care of me. I was born and they were relieved to have a boy so they didn't have to try again."
You hum sadly at his words, tucking your legs beneath you as he runs his hand over his face.
"Maya has always taken care of me. She's always loved and cared for me. She's my mother by all accounts, if I'm being honest. My father was a very big disciplinarian… if that's what you want to call it. Most people would say abusive," he says, pouring himself another glass of whisky.
"Kneeling on rice, getting hit with sharp objects, burning cigarettes out. Things like that," he waves off the notion with his hand, shivering while even speaking the words.
Your heart breaks for him, thinking of how painful that must have been when he was a child.
"I haven't seen my parents in… four years now, since I got married. I hate them." he spits at the ground beneath his feet.
You can see the emotional turmoil he's reliving. You can't imagine how difficult that is.
"I'm sorry," you whisper and he shakes his head fiercely.
Picking up his fork, he taps it gently to the fine china as he thinks.
"So I grew up hating authority because of them and the teachers at Sairmount. They always said I should be doing better because of my position and what I would grow into. I hated that. Even when I tried my best I received no praise, and if I made one mistake it was like the end of the world. So I ended up just kind of… becoming a shell."
You nod to his words, your index finger swirling around the rim of your glass.
"What else, little dove?" he asks softly.
As he tilts his head, you take in his handsome features. He's just a product of his environment. You wonder what he would be like if he could thrive.
"I heard that you go to BDSM clubs and stuff, is that because you feel the need to put people in pain like you were when you were younger?" you ask, trying to be considerate of his feelings.
He takes a sharp breath through his teeth almost as if you've burned him.
"Jesus. You might as well be my therapist," he mumbles, running his hand over his face.
But, he doesn't feel awkward talking to you. He likes this. He appreciates how you listen. How your eyes stay soft and you don't judge him.
"When I was younger -- I was probably sixteen when I developed a taste for it. I was getting angry and violent. I was breaking shit and I needed to funnel that into something. So I started going to a club and learned how to be a dom. It was about the comfort of being in charge. I would have a sub and tell them to jump. They would say how high. I thrived off of being in charge. Thrived off people doing my bidding sexually. It just felt right for me to tell someone what to do and have them want to do it for me. I was in charge, people listened to me, I didn't have to do things others wanted. People did what I wanted them to do. I've toned it down since then."
"You were pretty dominating with me," you offer softly.
He chuckles at how innocent you look, his index finger swiping slowly over his lower lip. "That's because you're so sweet. I wanted to wreck you."
With a gentle giggle, you put your elbow on the table before resting your head on your hand.
"You kind of did," you reply, putting your hand on your stomach.
His eyes follow your hand and he begins to smirk above his glass.
"Clearly," he whispers, his eyes slowly drifting up your body to your swollen tits.
He licks his lips slowly, his teeth tugging at his bottom lip gently.
He never understood the attraction to pregnant women like his friend Jimin. The younger man was obsessed with the notion of it and Yoongi couldn't possibly begin to grasp it. But now, with you sitting here before him, he might be beginning to understand.
Averting his eyes from you, he tries to keep his rampant thoughts at bay.
"What else do you want to know, little dove?" he asks, trying to distract himself.
Your cheeks puff out as you think, your fingers combing through your hair gently.
"Sera? What's with her. If you hate her so much why did you get married to her?" you whisper.
Well, that's something to kill the sexual mood he was starting to feel.
He spits on the ground at the simple name of her. He stares far off into the distance, his eyes lingering on a grove of trees Baeksoo has so kindly planted.
"Sera…" he mumbles, stretching out his legs.
You might as well know. You aren't going anywhere in his life.
"Jesus, I think about it everyday and it still makes me mad," he chuckles to himself, the sound bitter and full of resentment.
You watch his face contort in pain, just the simple memory making it hard to withstand.
Without a second thought you're moving your chair. The sound is loud as you move the heavy metal and he watches you with amused eyes. Finally, your seat is next to him and you huff out gently.
"What?" he asks gently as you plop back down.
You grab his hand, intertwining your fingers to bring him peace. His head lolls back against the chair, his eyes fluttering shut at the simple move. It's a simple thing to hold hands but it feels powerful when it's you.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," you say to him.
His thumb drifts over the back of your hand, his eyes opening to the numerous stars that hang brightly in the sky.
"Everyone knows I hate her but no one truly knows why. Maya, Joon, Hoseok, they know. Hell, Hoseok dives deep into her bitter cunt at night and he knows." he shakes his head gently, his eyes flitting from star to star.
You begin to bite your lip nervously as he squeezes your hand tighter.
"I didn't always hate her. I loved her once. I loved the prospect of her anyway," he breathes out, his hand gripping tighter at yours, "I was engaged at fourteen. It was mandatory, the leech's parents were friends with my parents. Their company was going down the drain, they almost had to declare bankruptcy. So this was the easiest thing for both parties. It's very normal in the high profile life to be engaged to someone else for money. It didn't bother me at all that I was engaged, so were the people around me. I thought I was going to have a life like Namjoon."
He snorts at the simple thought and mindlessly he tugs your hand with his over your stomach.
Just the thought of his baby inside of you brings him peace.
With a gentle sigh, he continues. "She didn't go to school with us and I had only seen her a few times at balls and galas. She was annoying back then and she was always brisk with people. But I liked that, I guess. Because I was the same way. I had a childish crush on her for so long and it kept growing as we got older."
He stops talking only to down another glass of whiskey. He closes his eyes as you run your hand comfortingly over his. "When I moved into this house, I had it renovated to please her. I did anything and everything to make her happy. And I was so… excited to have someone that was mine. Someone to spend the rest of my life with. I didn't want our marriage to be like my parents. And, now it's worse."
You find how sad he is depressing. Frowning, you click your teeth softly.
"I'm so sorry," you whisper.
Shaking his head, Yoongi looks at you. He gives you a sad smile. It's heart wrenching to look at his handsome face so distraught.
Even if he can be an asshole sometimes, you can understand him better now. That's all you wanted. You just wanted to be able to connect the dots.
"It was the night of our wedding, that's when I became aware of how awful of a person Sera is." he says, staring off into the distance.
He couldn't understand why she wanted to get married on New Years. It's freezing cold but if it makes her happy then he should do it. It'll be his duty as a husband anyhow.
"Come!" Taehyung whines to him as he sits in the booth.
"I'm not having sex with a woman the day before I'm getting married. That'd be such a dickish thing to do," he counters as Taehyung wraps his arms around the stripper beside him.
"You've been celibate for a year or some shit. You abstaining for the Lord or for the sake of your new bride is not going to make you a born again virgin, okay?" the younger man asks with a laugh, running his hand over the stripper's pert backside.
Rolling his eyes, the Kisung CEO takes a sip from his drink.
"It's not about being a born again virgin, you moron. It's about fidelity. It's about trust. She and I agreed that we would just be for each other." Yoongi barks out gruffly.
Taehyung grimaces at the simple thought. "Fine. Well whatever pact you have with your blushing new bride is depressing me. I'm going to get my dick wet with… Luna. That's your name, right?" the hotel CEO asks the woman on his arm.
She giggles loudly, the sound frightening and way too forced. "Laura, silly!"
"Yeah. That. Bye Hyung. Try to cheer the fuck up or something." Tae calls, picking the stripper up with his strong arms before swinging her over his shoulder.
Yoongi snorts loudly, his eyes flitting from here to there in the large strip club. This wasn't for him anymore. He would be married now. To a woman all his.
He's been living in this fantasy. Waking up on weekend mornings next to his wife, eating breakfast together. Having a few kids. Being able to enjoy each other's company.
He loves the idea of that. He's gone through so much terrible pain in his lifetime. Maybe, fate is telling him he deserves a reward now.
Standing up, he finishes the rest of his drink. He tosses a few hundred bucks onto the table before heading out.
He knows it's not customary to see his bride the night before the wedding but, maybe he can just have a talk with her. He's dying to see her.
For once, Yoongi let someone else take the penthouse besides him. Sera should be fully comfortable before her big day.
They bought out the whole hotel. She wanted to be married in Italy on New Years. She wanted diamonds dripping from the fucking ceiling and she would have it. She would have it all.
The walk from the strip club to the hotel wasn't far. Yoongi can see the lights on in the penthouse and his heart begins to hammer in delight at the thought of seeing her.
She's so fucking beautiful. Albeit, she can be a little irritating at times but who isn't? She's almost godly in his eyes.
He's been waiting for this day since he was fourteen. He can remember when Namjoon got engaged. How fucking against it he was.
Joon always wanted to do things his way. He wanted to pick who he was with, he wanted to be happy on his own. He despised Yoona for years before their big day a year ago. Then he found out how similar they are. He fell in love with everything she's in love with.
Yoongi hopes it'll be the same.
The ride up the elevator to the penthouse is quiet. Gentle muzak plays that seems to lull him into a false sense of security.
Sera might be really big on traditions. She might have him sit in the living room for them just to talk but that's okay too. Whatever she wants.
The elevator opens silently and Yoongi fixes his blazer in the hallway mirror. He smiles to himself softly, looking like nothing can bring him down from this cloud.
Until he hears it. Until he hears the gentle groaning of a man in his sexual pleasure.
"Oh fuck, Sera. Do it again, you filthy slut." he hears and his world comes crashing down around him.
"Yeah, fuck. You like that? Your cock is so much bigger than Yoongi's. I want you to come play with me during the week while he's at work," she sounds breathless.
The CEO's eyes flutter shut and he grips onto the table before him to keep him steady.
"Yeah. I'd bet you'd fucking like that. I bet you love the idea of me fucking your little cunt while your husband is away at work. Let me cum in your pussy before the cuck gets home. You'll let him in this pussy with my cum inside of you," the voice is that of Sera's driver. The one man Yoongi never even gave any thought to.
His hand feels for the wall. His legs are shaking by now and he slowly slides down the gold wall, pressing his hand over his mouth.
"Cum on my cock, you fucking slut."
The sound of her orgasming will never leave his brain. He can hear how pleased she is.
Yoongi in his past has had sex with others too. But, they promised to be faithful to one another. He believed her.
He can feel his eyes welling up with tears as he squeezes them shut tighter.
He thought fate was giving him a helping hand. He was going to be happy! What has he done so wrong in his life for misery to consistently stay?!
Heavy breathing is heard throughout the silent penthouse.
"Why did you promise that stupid fuck you would be only for him?" Jungmo, the driver, asks breathlessly.
Sera giggles, a sound once so adorable it brought Yoongi to his knees.
"Because I want his fucking money. There's no prenup if he thinks I'm all for him. He genuinely thinks that I love him. He thinks I care about whatever the fuck has happened in his miserable past. Do you know that he told me that his dad used to burn cigarettes out on his skin? I was supposed to feel sorry for him." Jungmo and Sera laugh along with one another.
Yoongi's mouth opens at the sheer atrocity he's listening to. She's so fucking cruel. How did he never see this? How could he have this happen to him?
"You were supposed to feel sorry for that billionaire while you're only sitting barely comfortable at seven million!?"
"I know, right?! The fucking nerve! Like, he doesn't even understand that my life has been so much worse! I had to almost go fucking bankrupt! Who gives a fuck about your sad past? What about me?"
The CEO tugs at the blazer fabric situated above his heart. He clamps his hand tighter over his mouth to stifle the sob raring to break free from his throat.
"I can't wait to take all his fucking money and leave him with only his sad little memories."
Crawling over to the elevator, he pushes the button softly. Praying to God that it doesn't make any noise when it opens.
She's such a cruel bitch. So fucking vile.
He stands up on shaky legs as the door opens without a sound. Pushing the button for the floor below him, he waits until the door closes.
He waits until he is safe in his room.
He wails loudly, falling onto the carpeted flooring of the hotel room. He gasps for air, hands digging and pulling at his hair.
He cries for an hour, maybe more. Time seemingly stops in his distraught state.
When he calms himself down, he pulls out his phone. He crawls over to the bar caddy, wiping viciously at the tears he's spilled for the woman upstairs.
Yoongi doesn't even grab a glass, he just pulls the bottle of whisky down to the floor.
Sitting back against the long bar of the room, he dials the only number he can right now.
The sound of the phone ringing is so loud, it makes him want to weep all over again.
"Yoongi? It's two in the morning, what the fuck?" Namjoon calls blearily, through the phone.
"Joon… Please come to my room." his voice cracks and breaks as he picks up the bottle of whisky.
"Jesus, are you okay?" his best friend asks quickly.
"I need… I need a prenup. Please. Come." Yoongi begs, lifting the bottle to his lips.
"I'm coming! Hold on!" Joon calls to him before the line goes dead.
He gulps down the whisky at a ferocious speed, the liquor swirling and settling in his guts. The fire flaming and goading him on to no avail.
"YOU FUCKING WHORE!" he screams at the top of his lungs.
Yoongi launches the bottle across the room, burying his face into his knees as the sound of glass echoes all around him.
"Oh Yoongi. I'm so sorry," you whisper, clutching tighter to his hand.
Yoongi finds himself laughing at the memory now. He was so blind back then. So lovestruck.
"Nothing that isn't fixed now, little dove. Now we're both trapped in this marriage." his voice is devoid of emotion as he picks up the liquor bottle.
You can see how hurt he is even now. How reliving the memory is something akin to death to him.
You lean in towards his body. You press your lips to his cheek and he grabs you tighter at the feeling.
"Maybe that's why I liked you in the club? Because you seemed so completely opposite of the whore that lives in my house," he says finally as you pull away.
He turns his face to you, your lips just mere inches apart.
Yoongi lifts his hand, placing it gently on your cheek.
"You're a good girl, Y/N. You're so kind and sweet. Fucking understanding. You're going to be a great mother. I'm so sorry that you have to deal with me. Deal with an asshole every day. It isn't fair to you," he whispers, his thumb grazing over the apple of your cheek.
His hand is so warm against your skin, so soft. He's being so gentle.
"You're not an asshole. Not truly." you reply softly.
With a snort, he rolls his eyes. "See. You're almost too kind."
You giggle as his hand drifts down the column of your neck, his thumb rubbing over your jawline.
"I'm serious. You can be an asshole, for sure. But it's because of all the terrible things that have happened to you. If you were happy, really and truly happy. You might flourish. You might be able to find yourself again." you reply.
It comes out as a suggestion but it's really a wish. No one should ever be put through what he has had happen to him.
He tilts his head unsurely, pulling away from you.
"You're going to be a great dad. I won't let you be anything but a good dad to your child. No one is perfect, Yoongi. We can do this together." you say, earnestly.
The word makes his heart rate pick up speed.
You're pretty perfect in his eyes.
He can tell as you sit with one another, how heavy your eyelids are getting.
"You're tired," he observes.
"No, I'm okay!" you reply quickly to him.
He clicks his teeth, eyes narrowing at you. "We're going to be truthful with each other from here on in. Are you tired?"
With a hesitant hum, you nod. "A little. The baby makes me tired a lot these days."
"Okay." Yoongi whispers finitely.
Standing up, he moved your chair for you. With a simple grunt, he picks you up in his arms bridal style.
"I can walk!" you whine, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"So can I." he jeers cutely.
Wading with sure steps through the house, you find how easy it is for him to look down at you. His eyes are soft when they look upon you now. Like telling you about his life has taken a huge weight off of his shoulders.
He kicks open your bedroom door with a smirk.
"There would have been a time I would have died to bring you up here to ravage you," he says, goodnaturedly.
"You still can." you sing softly as he lays you down on your bed.
"We'll see, hmm?" he whispers as he lifts the covers for you.
"Stay," you mumble, arranging the pillows to your liking.
"You want me to sleep with you?!" Yoongi feels frightened at the notion.
"Yeah… just stay. Don't leave me," you whisper as you close your eyes.
He hesitantly walks around to the other side of the bed. He fumbles with his pants and his shirt almost embarrassingly so.
Yoongi hasn't laid with anyone in years. He hasn't thought about doing so in ages.
"Did you leave?" your voice is just above a whisper.
He watches you for a second, how pretty and serene you look with your hair splayed over the pillow.
"No, little dove. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere," he replies, laying down beside you.
Swallowing thickly, he gets comfortable under the same covers as you.
This is bizarre.
Tiredly, you pull his hand. His eyes go wide as you situate it over your stomach.
"It's not a big deal, Yoongi. Just sleep." You mumble as you turn onto your back.
He can feel the tiny bump developing under his hand.
It is a big deal.
To him.
He brushes some hair out of your face gently.
Maybe Sera wasn't his start to a new life. Maybe it's you.
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Next Chapter ---->
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nhlandotherimagines · 4 years
Everything About You- Mitch Marner
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@natbarzal @anastasiyaigorevnadobrodevskaya @jonnytoews19 
And they blurbs continue! Here is number 10 of the Up All Night series, with the one and only Mitch Marnie ❤️
I had a lot of fun writing this one, but just a heads up it contains a lot of crying, infidelity (not by Mitch or Y/n but still), anxiety/panic attacks, loss of a loved one, and of course some friends to lovers fluff in there too! I hope you all enjoy it ❤️❤️❤️
You know I've always got your back, girl, so let me be the one you come running to, running to, running
Today has not been your day at all. Work totally kicked your ass, and now this! “Isaac what the hell?” Your voice cracks a little, but you can’t bring yourself to be embarrassed. All you feel at this moment is rage, because your boyfriend of two years is sitting in your shared living room with some other girls’ tongue down his throat.
“Y/n! You’re home early!” He practically pushes the girl to the floor in an attempt to look innocent.
“Oh I’m sorry! Was that inconvenient for you? Please ignore me and go back to business, I’ll just be in OUR bedroom!” You’re yelling now, moving with purpose towards your bedroom. Slamming the door behind you, you pull your phone out of your pocket. Eyes filling with tears, you press on his contact as fast as you can trying to keep your composure.
“Hey Y/n! What’s up?” Mitch’s voice is sing-songy like it always is, but today it does little to make you feel better.
“I need you to come get me...” your voice trails off as your whole body begins trembling. “Isaac c-cheated and I just, I need to go. Please.” You’re crying now. So much so that you don’t register much of Mitch’s response, aside from him promising he’d be there soon.
“Where is she?” Mitch is angry, you can hear it from down the hall. Mitch doesn’t get angry though, and you quickly realize this might become a much bigger problem very quickly.
“Get lost Mitch.” Isaac spits at him, and your breath hitches in your throat. You don’t make out the words that leave Mitch’s mouth next, but you do hear a crash as your feet carry you towards the front door as fast as they can move.
“Mitch don’t!” The words leave your mouth faster than you have time to take in the scene before you. Mitch is gripping the collar of Isaac’s hoodie, and has him pushed up against the wall. Both men turn to you when they hear your voice, and you’re thankful, because it looked as though Mitch was ready to swing. “Please let’s just go.” Your voice and eyes plead with Mitch, and it has his heart breaking. He lets go of Isaac, but not without giving him a shove first.
“You’re not going with him.” Isaac announces, sending Mitch a dirty look.
“Watch me,” you shoot back at him before turning to Mitch. “Can you come help grab my bags please?”
And he does. The whole while Isaac cursing and swearing under his breath, and you easily ignore him. That is until you’re slipping your jacket and shoes on. “I don’t see what your fucking problem is! You’re the one whoring around with the entire leafs roster.” His words have you seeing red, and thankfully Mitch can read you like a book. He wraps a hand gently around your bicep, but hard enough that in your attempt to lunge at Isaac he holds you back.
“For the record asshole, Y/n hasn’t so much as looked at anyone on the team in a suggestive way. So some time in between being a dipshit, get your facts straight.” Mitch’s voice is cool and collected, and it eases your mind as he pulls you and your bags out of the apartment.
As you make your way to Mitch’s car, you feel numb. The whole situation runs through your brain over and over, but somehow you remain emotionless. Slipping into the front seat, you wait as Mitch loads your things into the back. You’re so in your head, you barely notice him get in and start the car.
“I’m sorry I called you, but I didn’t know what else to do.” Your voice is hardly above a whisper, but Mitch hears you loud and clear. He immediately pulls the car back into the spot he just pulled out of, slamming the car right back into park causing your body to jerk forward slightly.
“Do not apologize to me, are you serious?” You turn to him, and he sends you a sad smile taking your hands in his. “I am so happy you called me! I want to be the person you call when you need something. Anything! I will come running anytime anywhere if you need me! Do you understand?”
The emotions that you hadn’t been able to find just moments ago find you now in full force. Tears steadily stream down your face, and all you can do is nod as Mitch pulls you awkwardly into his chest. The centre console digs into your ribs, but the pain doesn’t compare to the ache in your heart. Besides, in the comfort of your best friend’s arms, you’ve never felt more safe.
I see it's just a matter of fact, girl. You just call my name, I'll be coming through, coming through, I'll keep coming.
Living with Mitch was the easiest, yet hardest, thing you’ve ever done. Your plan was to move back home to your parents place, but Mitch pouted and complained about not being able to see you. So after hours of lighthearted arguments, you decided to stay. You fit well with Mitch, but there is one thing that is starting to become an issue. His teammates.
“Where’s your girlfriend?” Will chirps the moment Mitch and a few of his teammates arrive to pregame before going out for drinks. Somehow Mitch’s place always gets offered up as a place to host these get togethers. Sure, you love all the guys, and they are your friends too, but the whole ‘girlfriend’ chirp was getting old fast.
“Still not his girlfriend!” You call out, peaking around the corner to let the boys know you’re in the kitchen. You got a head start on the drinking, and are currently pouring yourself a hefty glass of wine.
“Great, so you’re free to go on a date with me then.” Will winks at you as he leans against the counter beside you.
“Absolutely not!” Mitch pipes in before you even can formulate a response. Everyone’s head snaps towards Mitch, and his cheeks seem to turn a shade darker. “I’m not letting her date any of you, she could do a million times better! No offence Willy.”
“Oh none taken.” Will manages to get out while stifling a laugh.
The bar was packed, you knew it would be. You had insisted you would just stay home, because it was the boys night to celebrate their win, but Mitch wasn’t having it. So here you were trying to find your way to the bar for another drink. Bodies all around you, bumping into you, spilling drinks, and it felt hard to breath.
As your hands start to shake, you abandon the idea of another drink and instead turn to head back towards the group. Your breath hitches in your throat as you turn to see a sea of people. You try and push your way through, but with every step you begin to feel smaller. Your entire body begins to shake, every small brush of a limb against you has your head spinning. Panic sets into your bones, as your heart begins to race. Your eyes frantically scan the crowd looking for Mitch, as you begin wringing your hands together anxiously.
“Shit. Shit. Shit. Where is Mitch?” You begin muttering to yourself. Obsessively repeating his name to yourself as if you’d forget who it was you were looking for if you stop. Of course you had to ask him to hold onto your cellphone for you!
Tears sting your eyes, and the anxiety wracking your body manifests itself into fear now. It feels as though everyone is staring at you like you’re crazy, and you don’t feel safe here. Unable to find your bearings in a room that seems to be spinning around you, you do the only thing you know how to. You call out for Mitch.
His name falls from your lips, and you know how pathetic it sounds, but you don’t care. You’re just praying that he hears you, so you call out for him again. “Mitch! Where are you?!” People are definitely staring now, but you feel like you’re moments away from passing out.
A hand grips your shoulder causing you to jump back. As you whip your head around to see who grabbed you, your eyes are met by a very concerned Mitch. You fall against his chest, and he holds you close as you try to not fall apart.
You barely register the fact that Mitch is leading you through the crowd, aside from the fact your feet are moving. You still have your face pressed into his chest as the two of you step out of the bar.
“Hey what’s wrong?” His voice is soft as he runs a hand through your hair softly. You can’t respond with words. Instead you squeeze your fists tighter in his shirt, as your body begins to tremble against him. The tears, mixed with your makeup, will surely stain his shirt, but you can’t stop. “Woah! Shh don’t cry, it’s okay I’m here.” Mitch rubs your back in slow circles as you desperately cling to him. You stay like that for awhile, but soon enough you come to your senses and feel like a total idiot. You pull away from Mitch abruptly, and turn away from him aggressively wiping at your face. “God I’m sorry Mitch! I’m such a baby!” You groan. You’re angry at yourself, and super embarrassed. So much so, that if it weren’t for the fact your phone was still in Mitch’s pocket, you would have just ran away.
“Y/n?” His voice sounds so unsure, yet so soft. You can’t bring yourself to look at him just yet, but you do turn back towards him. “I shouldn’t have let you go to the bar alone, I’m sorry. Did someone hurt you? Because I swear to god I will go in there and fight for you no questions asked.” He adds a little chuckle at the end, but his tone gives away the fact he’s telling the truth. You have no doubts Mitch would fight for you, it’s why you love him.
Holy shit. You love Mitch!
“N-no one hurt me Mitch I just, I don’t know. I got overwhelmed, and scared. I didn’t have my phone, and I couldn’t find you a-and I just shut down. God I’m so stupid! I’m an adult and I can’t even get a drink for myself.” You stare at your feet, willing the tears away that once again threaten to fall down your cheeks. In a moment, Mitch has your face in his hands tilting your head up, forcing you to look in his eyes.
“Stop that.” His eyes are looking into yours like he’s trying to read your mind. “You are so far from stupid! I’m sorry I didn’t find you faster, I’m sorry I let you go alone. You’re okay now though alright? Let’s go home yeah?” You nod, but neither of you dare to move. His face is only inches from yours, and you use this moment to just take him in. He’s absolutely beautiful. His hair falling over his forehead, his perfect skin, his blue eyes, his lips. He’s perfect. You realize you’ve been staring at his lips a beat too long when he licks his lip. The action pulls you from your daze, and you let your eyes wander back up to his, which are focused on your own lips. Your breath catches in your throat as his eyes meet yours again.
“We should go.” You awkwardly clear your throat, completely ruining whatever that was. Mitch slowly drops his hands back to his sides, shaking his head lightly.
“Yeah let’s go.”
On the other side of the world, it don't matter, I'll be there in two, I'll be there in two, I'll be there in two
Loss is something that everyone will experience at least once in their life. You have had your fair share, but none to date hurt quite like this one. Losing someone so close to your heart, and being completely alone. Your family all in a completely different province, your best friend is in a completely different country playing hockey, and you are laying completely still. Unable to move from the spot you collapsed into after the conversation with your mom.
Death wasn’t new to you, but being alone certainly was. So all you could do was cry.
You only lift your head from the pillow when your phone rings. A picture of you and Mitch flashes on the screen, letting you know he wants to FaceTime.
“Hey Mitch, how was the game?” You ask after accepting the call, but keeping your camera off.
“The game was good... did you not watch it?” He asks, rightfully confused, because you had told him you’d watch it.
“Oh well uh- something came up I’m sorry.” Your excuse is poor, but not entirely untrue. Mitch might have even let you away with it, if it weren’t for the small sniffle you let out at the end.
“Y/n are you crying?” You see the concern written on his face, as a fresh batch of tears start falling. “Please turn the camera on.”
You listen to him, no energy left in you to argue. As you see your face pop up on the screen you immediately regret it. You look awful, and Mitch’s eyes soften when he sees you. “I’m fine Mitch I just- Mom called me, and I’m just having a rough night. It just sucks being alone.”
“Is everything okay?” He questions, but you can tell he’s trying not to be pushy. All you can do is shake your head, more tears falling down your face. Mitch feels his heart break in two as he watches you fall apart on his phone screen. “I’m coming home.”
“I know you’ll be home tomorrow night, I’ll be okay. I’m sorry I’m such a mess.” You aren’t sure how you manage to string coherent sentences together, but you do. You feel silly telling Mitch you don’t like being alone, it’s not his fault he has to travel so much for work.
“No I’m coming home now. I’ll be there in 4 hours okay? Just hang in there for me alright?” You look at the screen and realize Mitch is frantically throwing things into his suitcase. After he manages to stuff everything into the suitcase he zips it up and looks back at his screen. You still haven’t responded, so he speaks again. “4 hours, and I’ll be there. I promise.”
And he kept his promise. 3 hours and 56 minutes later he crawls into your bed and holds you until you fell asleep.
I still feel it every time, it's just something that you do. Now ask me why I want to.
“Wow he’s really smitten with you isn’t he?” Audrey, Justin Holl’s wife gushes. You had just filled her and the other WAGs in on why Mitch had flown home for you just over a month ago.
“He’s a really great friend.” You smile shyly, eyes searching for the topic of conversation himself. When you find him, he’s smiling at you, him and Justin leaning against a wall both sipping beers. You send him a small wave, and he winks back at you.
“Oh come on! A ‘really good friend’ doesn’t pack up a work trip on a moments notice and fly home to you like that. This boy is totally gone for you! Honestly I assumed you two would have gotten together by now.” Audrey gestures between the two of you dramatically, and your cheeks heat up.
“He doesn’t like me like that.” You insist. If they could feel how fast your heart is racing though, they’d know just how badly you wanted what they were saying to be true.
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” Mitch asks as he closes the apartment door behind him. You have just gotten back from Justin and Audrey’s and you’ve hardly spoken a word to him.
“Just thinking.” You mutter, hanging up your jacket and throwing your keys on the desk.
“Care to share with the class?” He chirps, smiling widely as he hangs his coat on the hook next to yours. The moment is so incredibly domestic, and your stomach is doing somersaults at the thought of it.
“Just something Audrey said.” You pause for a moment unsure if you really want to tell Mitch what’s really going through your head. “Can I ask you something?” You flop down onto the couch, watching him over the back of the couch as he grabs you both a beer from the fridge.
“Shoot!” He grins, handing you a beer and taking a seat right next to you. He pops open his beer, and leans back against the couch throwing an arm around your shoulders. He looks at you expectantly as he takes a sip of his drink.
“Why are you so nice to me?” His brows knit together in confusion, so you choose to elaborate. “Like I get that we are friends, best friends even, but you go out of your way to always be there for me. Stepping out on work to fly home to me because I’m sad, isn’t really something a best friend does. So why are you so nice? I don’t need you to take pity on me if that’s what this is. I don’t want to be a charity case.”
Mitch sits forward on the couch now. His arm no longer around you, instead both elbows are planted on his knees. He’s picking at the label on his beer like it’s the most interesting thing in the world. This isn’t a side of him you see often. Mitch Marner is nervous.
“It’s not like that at all! You aren’t a charity case!” He still hasn’t looked at you, and the distance he’s putting between you has you panicking.
“So tell me what it’s like. Come on Mitch, what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” You tease, bumping his shoulder playfully with your own. Your attempt to lighten the mood even just a little works momentarily, as a small smile breaks out on Mitch’s face.
“You really want to know why I do all of that stuff for you?” His eyes search yours now, hoping he finds the answer he’s looking for. He’s hoping that you are ready to hear what he has to say, and when you place your hand on his arm with a smile he knows it’s going to be okay. “It’s because I love you.”
It's everything about you, everything that you do. From the way that we touch, baby, to the way that you kiss on me. It's everything about you, the way you make it feel, new. Like every party is just us two, and there's nothin' I could point to. It's everything about you.
“Mitch-“ your voice is a warning. Or maybe it’s a plea. Even you aren’t sure, because your heart is in your throat right now.
“I’m serious. I love you. I think I always have, I mean what isn’t there to love? You always make me feel important, like no one else matters and I’ve been trying so hard to make you feel the same way. To make you feel like you’re worth it, because you are so worth it. I love everything about you. I love how funny, sweet, strong, and caring you are. I love how you are just so you. There is not one single thing that made me love you, it was everything. I’m sorry if this is weird for you, but I’m just being honest.” His whole body seems to relax a bit after he finishes speaking. It is almost as if you can see the weight lifting from his shoulders. A weight you hadn’t realized he carried with him, and you want so badly to apologize to him. Tell him you’re sorry for not realizing sooner, and that you wish he hadn’t carried that weight for you. You want to tell him you’re not perfect, and that he has you all wrong. Mostly though, you just want to tell him you love him too.
The only way you know how to tell Mitch exactly how you feel about him isn’t by telling him all of those things with simple words, you have to show him. So, taking a deep breath, you lift your hand from Mitch’s arm, and place gently on the back of his neck. You gently dance your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck, and you feel a shiver pass through him. He slowly lifts his eyes to yours again, and without another second of hesitation you’re pulling him into you.
When his lips reach yours, you kiss him with all you have. You pour yourself into him in hopes of showing him how grateful you are for him, and how much you love him. He smiles against your lips, as he pulls you into his lap. He hugs your body to his own, and you grip his hair like you’re scared to let go.
After kissing for what feels like forever, but also not nearly long enough, you pull away to catch your breath. Your foreheads are pressed together, both of you breathing heavily, and both sporting mile wide grin.
“Wow.” Mitch breathes out, causing you to giggle. “Add that to the list.”
“List?” You ask curiously, sitting back in his lap to get a better look at him. His hair is messy, lips swollen and red, and his eyes have never looked more blue.
“The list of things I love about you. The way you kiss me, I can add that to the list of everything.” The happiness you feel in this moment has you feeling warm. Sure, maybe the way you found Mitch wasn’t conventional, but there was a reason you called him all those months ago. However it happened, you’ve never been more happy to call someone yours.
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thequeenofsastiel · 2 years
KinnPorsche Episode 12 Review-A Bit Much
I have mixed feelings about this episode. I loved the VegasPete parts, but I feel like the parts with Kinn and Porsche were a bit of a mess.
I didn't love Porsche getting randomly paranoid about the fact that he couldn't get ahold of Kinn, assuming that Kinn was cheating, and spying on him. Admittedly it's not entirely out of character, he did the same thing with Tawan, but Tawan was clearly plotting something. Porsche reacting this way felt rather contrived. The goal was clearly to have Porsche find out that he had been manipulated into working for the main family, but I feel like the show could have done that in a way that didn't make Porsche look like he entirely distrusted Kinn. It rather destroyed what their relationship had been built up to be in ep 11. A relationship in which there is lack of trust and spying is not a healthy one.
I do feel like Porsche's reaction to the revelation made sense, though. I'm glad that he left the main family entirely. While a part of me liked that Kinn followed him, because of how sweet they were together in prior eps, Porsche's behavior at the beginning of the ep shook my love of it, and I don't like that the show didn't bother showing us Porsche and Kinn reconciling. It went from Porsche being furious with Kinn to him smiling softly at him. I get why he didn't blame Kinn, but the transition was too abrupt. There was a scene missing.
I like that Porsche didn't end up killing the guy who hit his parents, but I feel like the show didn't do enough to build up emotion on his part for the scene to have any real weight. Yes, Kim had been investigating it, but Porsche wasn't shown to be dwelling on who killed his parents. He seemed to have moved on. So him deciding to kill the person who accidentally killed his parents felt abrupt. And then there was his confrontation with his uncle who had a picture of his parents with Korn.
I think the show tried to cram too much drama in the parts with Kinn and Porsche into this episode. We got Porsche being paranoid and distrusting of Kinn, a huge red flag, then him finding out about being manipulated into working for the main family, then learning who killed his parents, deciding to kill the man, then deciding not to, and then we had drama with his uncle. It was just too much. All of those things deserved more time than they were given, and because they weren't, they all felt rather meaningless.
The Porchay and Kim parts I didn't love either. I can totally buy Porchay engaging in self destructive behavior after everything that happened with Kim. What I don't understand is Kim's behavior. He goes to the effort of tracking down Porchay, fighting his friends, and dragging him away, but as soon as Porchay pushes back even a little, Kim gives up and leaves, as if he's the one who has a right to be mad. I don't approve of him showing up and being violent, but it doesn't make any sense for him to have emotions that powerful, showing such an intense desire to control Porchay, and then abruptly giving up. I would expect him to try harder. Again, not that I approve of being controlling like that, it's just that his behavior doesn't make sense.
Now, the VegasPete parts I did enjoy. I loved seeing Vegas's soft side. Dgmw, I don't think that makes him a good person, he's still someone who enjoys torturing and killing people, but I do like that he's multidimensional. Seeing him cry over his hedgehog was heartbreaking, because that animal was adorable and I loved all of his moments with it.
I also couldn't help but love how hard Pete fell for him. That he gave into his kink desires. They were beautiful together. I also like that Vegas didn't force himself on Pete, despite the fact that he did sexually assault Pete at the beginning of ep 11. I was able to actually enjoy them together and feel okay about it.
The VegasPete parts get a 10/10. The rest of it gets a 5/10.
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ri-ahhh · 4 years
hi can you write about spending a valentine’s day with gray pls?
valentine’s day smut w/ gray? + more haha sorry couldn’t put them all in
A/N: I’m sorry this is a day late. It was supposed to be 90% smut but somehow it took on a mind of its own and turned into this monster.
warnings: smut, extremely cheesy, way too long
It should be a given understanding that Valentine’s Day is the dumbest, most antiquated, overrated holiday that’s ever existed. That had always been your take on it, even as a little kid — the worry of spelling your classmates’ names correctly on cards imprinted with cheesy Scooby Doo and Spongebob puns; the expectation to dress up nice in the hopes you would get asked to be someone’s Valentine in the hallways of middle school; the potential embarrassment of being the only person in class who didn’t get bought one of those stupid roses from a ‘secret admirer’ in high school.
There’s simply too much pressure surrounding the idea of professing your love or even your mere fondness for anyone and everyone in your life. The fear of rejection if you do, and the judgement if you don’t. It had always made you anxious, whether you had someone to share the day with or not.
But this Valentine’s Day, as a young twenty-something, you were actually (secretly) looking forward to it. Conner was your first adult relationship, with the title of ‘boyfriend’ and ‘girlfriend’ and labels and commitment. He’s cute and smart and charming and yours. So, sue you if you were quietly anticipating wearing that SavageXFenty set beneath a brand new dress while you went to dinner after being greeted at the door with roses and a box of chocolates.
And yet here you are, on February 14th, hood of your sweater drawn over your head as you rummage through your freezer with a clear target in your mind. Your eyes are blurry and swollen, but you find the pint of birthday cake Nada Moo with ease, and you slam the freezer door closed a little harder than you really mean to as soon as it’s in your grasp.
You’ve just popped the lid off when your phone buzzes on the kitchen counter where you’ve plopped down to eat your depression snack in a more acceptable place than your bed or the couch.
You see Grayson’s name accompanied by a goofy, up-close picture of him smiling filling the screen, and hesitate. He’s one of your best friends, and clearly done nothing wrong, but you’re not sure you’re capable of handling anyone of the male species right now after...everything.
At the end of the day, though, it’s Grayson. He knows heartbreak almost better than anyone, and you’ve coached him through it on more than one occasion. Maybe he can spew back some of your own advice if it comes to that.
You swipe the bar at the bottom of the screen, and your ceiling suddenly replaces the image of his silly, handsome face. “Sup?”
“Yo. Am I interrupting anything? Sorry, just remembered what day it is.”
You swallow. “Uh no, you’re not.”
“What’s wrong?”
You bite your lip hard, digging your spoon into the softened ice cream. Was it that obvious just from your voice that you had been upset? Or does he just know you that well?
“You sound like you’ve been crying.”
“I’m fine.”
“Don’t lie. Let me see your face.”
There’s a beat of silence, and you concede. “No. I’ve been crying.”
He’s quiet, and you can’t bring yourself to look at his own face in the corner of the screen. You shove the chunk of ice cream past your lips, and after a moment he says with a softer tone, “Crying on Valentine’s Day is never a good sign.”
You’re glad that you’ve gotten so much of your tears out already, because you feel the inevitable prickle behind your eyes that would have been full-blown waterworks a few hours ago. You scoop another bite. “Conner cheated on me — has been, cheating on me. I found out last night.”
Grayson sighs your name, and something about the genuine sympathy in his voice makes you even more emotional. “Fuck. I’m so sorry. What a piece of shit.”
You shrug even though he can’t see, and sniffle past the lump in your throat. “It’s whatever. I’m still in shock more than anything. Hurts like hell, though, still. I let him have it when I saw the texts and he hasn’t tried to call me once. No texts. Nothing.”
He’s silent, but it’s that raging silence you know oh so well from him. It doesn’t happen often, but anyone who knows Grayson Dolan knows that when his volume comes down, he means business. A loud and obnoxious Grayson is a happy one, but a brooding and quiet one means serious business.
“Do you want me to go beat his ass? I’ll do it.”
A smile cracks your scowl before you know it, and you shake your head. “No thanks, Gray. As much as I’d love to see that happen, I like your face the way it is. And not on a mugshot.”
He chuckles a little, and you feel your chest lift some just hearing the familiar depth of it. “Well, do you at least want me to come over later? I totally get if you need to be alone, but I know from experience sometimes what helps the most is having good friends around.”
You’re a little surprised. “You don’t have a date?”
“No one from the roster hitting you up?”
“I don’t have a roster,” he argues playfully, but you both know that’s a lie, if not at least a stretch of the truth. “And even if I did, you’re more important. Always.”
You sigh and take another bite. His words make your neck tingle and your toes wiggle, but you ignore it; your brain is full of confusion as it is. “That makes one man in my life who thinks so, I guess.”
You finally prop your phone up against the fruit basket sitting in the middle of your bar so he can see you. Grayson takes in your image, which admittedly must look kind of pathetic, and you watch his jaw clench and release in a way that you can’t deny is utterly sexy.
“Is an hour okay? Tell Vanessa to come, too.”
“Benito took her to Tulum for the weekend,” you say, referring to your best friend and her boyfriend. “She did threaten to get on a plane and come home early for me, though.”
Grayson grins crookedly, but his jaw is still tight. “Well, tell her you’re in good hands. See you in an hour?”
You give it one last quick consideration; you already feel this much better just talking to him on the phone. Nothing bad could come from him being in your apartment, and you trust him. “Yeah, that’s fine. But just so you know, I’m already at the stage of eating ice cream at 10:30 AM.”
“Did you forget you’re talking to the emotional ice cream eating champion? No judgement here.”
You finally let out a giggle, your spirits officially lifted. “I’ll see you soon.”
True to his word, Grayson arrives at your door about an hour later, his arms laden with milkshakes from Monty’s, a gift bag decorated all over with sparkly hearts, and a gorgeous bouquet of flowers.
You’re stunned. The only thing you’d managed to do in the time it took him to get here was take a quick shower in attempts to rid your face of some of the puffiness, throw on some shorts this time with a fresh hoodie, and toss the used tissues scattered around your place into the garbage.
Before you can say anything, he holds out the flowers. “They were out of roses. But I know you like pink.”
You reach out for them slowly, eyes wide, your fingers brushing his when you grasp the plastic wrapping. His cheeks are a similar color to the petals, and it makes both your heart and your lips smile.
“Peonies are my favorite,” you say truthfully. “And yes, especially pink ones. Thank you, Gray.”
“You’re welcome,” he says, sounding relieved.
As he crosses the threshold of your door, he leans down to kiss your cheek, and you can’t help but hum quietly and pull him in for a hug. “That gift better not be for me, either,” you mumble into his chest.
Grayson pulls back, his eyes sparkling, but keeps you close with an arm wrapped loosely around your shoulders. “Oh, this? No, this is for my other best friend I’m trying to cheer up on Valentine’s Day.”
You slap his arm playfully, and lead him into your kitchen, pulling out a vase from the cabinet beneath your sink for the flowers.
The bag has a few gifts in it: a new Comfy (“I remembered you ruined yours when that ketchup bottle exploded all over you the other day”); a huge bag of watermelon sour patch kids (“I know they’re your favorite. Also ice cream gives you brain freeze after the first pint or so, trust me”); and a heart shaped box of your favorite chocolates (“you can eat them or burn them, I wasn’t sure which you’d appreciate more but either is fine with me.”)
You appreciated all of it, more than he would ever understand. All you can do is fling yourself at him weakly, completely overwhelmed. “Fuck you, you’re gonna make me cry all over again.”
Grayson envelops you in those huge, muscular arms, cooing behind that laugh you love so much. “Is that a really backwards way of saying thank you?”
You grunt in affirmation, and with you still wrapped up in his arms, he starts waddling the two of you back the short distance into your living room.
“Here,” he says, coaxing you down into the blanket nest you had created on the couch. “You chill and find a movie. I’ll make popcorn.”
You do, and he does, and the next few hours are spent lounging about in your apartment. Having him here with you is doing wonders from keeping your mind from going down the paths you’d been spiraling towards ever since you saw the messages between Conner and no less than four other girls on Snapchat. You don’t believe in snooping, but finding the first one had been an accident when he received the snap while you had his phone, and your finger happened to press the icon at just the right moment. 
In your eyes, though, the image of one pair of tits that weren’t your own was enough justification to see what else you could find. 
“I hate to admit it, but I’m kind of relieved,” you told Grayson a while later, Shrek playing on the TV quietly. He’s sitting next to you, far enough apart for there to be couch space between the two of you, but close enough to share the oversized blanket thrown over your laps. “Obviously what he did is so fucking shitty and I’m not justifying it in any way, but I can be honest with myself now and realize I wasn’t in that relationship for the right reasons. There wasn’t anything there emotionally at the end of the day.”
“You still have every right to feel hurt by what he did, though. It’s a huge violation of trust,” Grayson assures, reaching out and squeezing your hand gently.  
You squeeze back and grimace at him. “Yeah.” You let out a little mirthless laugh and shake your head, heat flooding your cheeks. “It’s so embarrassing, too. And finding out the day before Valentine’s, no less. Like, I just wanted to look cute, have a nice dinner, have some nice sex, and just... I don’t know. Have an actual Valentine’s day for once. No pressure or anxiety or anything.”
Grayson stares at you in that way he does — so intense and almost intimidating if there wasn’t a genuine warmth behind it. You’re suddenly aware of his thumb brushing the back of your hand slowly. He squeezes your fingers again. 
“So, let’s do it, then. You and me.”
You arch a brow at him, smiling at the rosiness in his cheeks when he realizes what he might have implied. “The dinner part, I mean. And the dressing up. Even though I think you look plenty cute right now.”
You roll your eyes, but for the countless time that day, your heart flutters happily. Looking back, you can’t remember the last time Conner had complimented your appearance, let alone after hours of crying and lazing around in sweats, sugar crystals stuck to the corner of your lip. 
“That would be great, except there’s no way we’re getting into any restaurant at this point,” you remind him. “Probably no delivery, either.”
“I’ll cook for you,” he counters, throwing the blanket off his legs and standing up with a groan. He stops to stretch, and the way his arms go over his head makes his shirt ride up at the bottom, exposing a chunk of hard muscles and golden skin. 
You swallow, eyes trailing up the rest of his torso appreciatively. “I don’t have much.”
He’s already rummaging through your pantry, though, and pulls out a half-full box of pasta, a jar of marinara sauce, and a leftover chunk of sourdough bread. “You got salad stuff?”
You nod, and he opens the fridge to find some lettuce, peppers, and other salad fixings before setting them with the pasta ingredients on the counter. “Go get dressed, look as cute or not cute as you want. I’ll take care of this.”
He’s absolutely unreal. “Gray-”
Grayson holds up his hand. “Ah, no, I’m doing this. You deserve it. Also, I’m hungry. It’s a win-win.”
Your stomach growls as well, and that’s all the convincing you need. While he gets busy in the kitchen, you tidy up the living area some before heading to your room. You feel a little silly, making your third outfit change of the day, but you also like the giddiness in the pit of your belly at the thought of Grayson doing all of this for you. You might as well take advantage of having someone like him in your life. Show him some Valentine’s appreciation of your own.
You forgo the slinky red number you had planned to wear to the restaurant with Conner, and opt instead for a rather unsuspecting blouse-jeans combo, which happen to both respectively frame your tits and ass perfectly.
The lacy, bright pink set in the back of your closet might have made it beneath your clothes, though. The prettiness of it made you feel that much better, even if no one else was going to see it.
Padding back into your kitchen after running a flat iron through your hair and throwing on some concealer, mascara, and lip gloss, you find Grayson draining the pasta into a colander in the sink. 
Grayson does a double-take when he sees you standing there admiring the flex of his bicep as he holds the pot. “Hey! You look amazing.”
“If you say so,” you joke, bumping his hip with yours as. You pass him to pull plates and bowls out of the cabinet.
“I do,” he insists quietly.
Arm outstretched mid-reach, you look over at him, locking eyes with his hazel ones. He looks a little surprised by the words that left his mouth, like he meant for them to stay inside his head. There must be some kind of challenge in your gaze, daring him to elaborate.
He busies himself with the pasta again hastily, his voice low. “Conner is a fucking idiot. To do that to you. To let you go. You don’t deserve that. Especially not today.”
Plates in hand, you rest them gently on the counter with your lower lip caught between your teeth, and peer over at this handsome man you’re so proud and lucky to call your best friend. He’s everything you thought Conner was — cute and smart and charming — but so much more — beautiful and good and kind.
And he’s been right here in front of you the whole time.
You reach out and touch his elbow softly. The hairs on his forearm are crisp but soft, and you follow them down to that gleaming watch on his wrist.
“You know,” you start quietly, fingers tracing the links of the band before flipping his hand over to trace the lines of his palm, “you keep talking about what I deserve today. But you deserve all that and more. You deserve someone’s love that matches your own.”
He watches your delicate fingers on his large, calloused palm, then trails his eyes up to yours when he feels their attention on his face. A piece of hair flops into his eyes, and you reach up without thinking or any hesitation to push it away again with a little smile playing on your glossy lips.
You look down and lay your palm flat against his, admiring the difference in size between your hands for a moment before interlocking your fingers with his.
“I love you.”
Your eyes flit up to his in surprise; he beat you to the words.
“In case that wasn’t obvious,” Grayson continues, turning towards you. “And I hope that’s not too much for you to handle, with everything you’ve had hap-”
“I love you too, Gray,” you interrupt, stepping that much closer to him so you’re nearly chest-to-chest with him.
“Yeah?” He sounds almost boyish in his astonishment, and it makes you want to hold him tight and never let go.
“Yeah,” you giggle. “A lot. I’m sorry it took me getting dumped to realize it.”
He shakes his head, his hand resting on your cheek gently. “Can I kiss you?”
You nod once before he’s swiftly ducking down to claim your lips with his. They’re soft and pliable, and you feel their effects from the nerves in your scalp all the way down to your bare toes.
“Grayson,” you breathe, lashes fluttering open as he pulls back just enough to look at you concernedly.
You smile, bigger and brighter than you have all day, and cup his stubbled cheeks with your hands, scratching your nails gently against his jaw. “I just wanted to say your name.”
Grayson grins now, too. He kisses you more insistently now that he’s got the taste of you on his tongue, which he flicks against the underside of your top lip as he breaks the kiss. “Say it again.”
“Make me,” you challenege, voice breathy and excited, eyes closed as you savor his sweet breath against your lips. “In my room.” You feel him tense up a bit, and you open your eyes to meet his questioning gaze, biting back a smile at the inevitable hope also shining there. “I’m sure.”
With that, Grayson hauls you up into his arms, and you wrap your legs around his waist with a squeal as he buries his face into your neck. He starts making the way to your bedroom, cooked food left long forgotten in the kitchen behind you.
“Are you wearing my signature scent?” he asks, inhaling your skin deeply.
“Mmhm,” you hum, threading your fingers through the back of his thick hair. It’s so long again, and you give the dark strands a sharp tug that makes him grunt. “Part one of my gift to you. Since you got so many for me today.”
“Part one, huh?” he says, crossing the threshold of your room. “What’s part two?”
“What I’m wearing underneath this,” you whisper in his ear, giggling loudly when he lies you down on the bed with more of a toss than he might have intended. “If you want it, that is.”
He looks at you like you’ve lost your mind at the mere suggestion that he wouldn’t, and you take that as enough encouragement to tug at the bow tying your forest green silk wrap blouse together.
The folds part open and expose your chest, clad in that pink lace demi-cup bra with the cage detailing over the tops of your breasts. Grayson moans and dips down to nuzzle your cleavage, breathing in the scent of your warm skin. His hands trail up your sides, from your hips to your rib cage, until they settle in the dips of your waist. His touch ignites you, makes your back arch and your hips grind up against his thigh between your legs, just from the sensation of his hands on these new parts of your body.
“Grayson,” you sigh, and he smirks up at you with his chin on your tits when he realizes that’s all it took for you to say his name again.
You grab his cheeks and kiss that smugness away, shifting your legs so they’re wrapped around his waist once again, pushing down on the small of his back to get your centers to meet.
Both of you gasp into each other’s mouths when his erection rubs against your pussy, even through all the layers of clothing still on your bodies. You reach down blindly, still attacking his mouth with yours, and feel around for his belt.
His pants come off, followed by yours, and he sits you up enough to push your blouse off your shoulders rather gently considering the intensity of everything. Once the garment is tossed over his shoulder, you’re down to nothing but that pretty lingerie and he in his boxer briefs.
There’s a moment of pause and clarity for the two of you, staring into one another’s eyes as the reality hits of what you’re about to do. What it means to both of you. Grayson stares down at you, and places a hand over your rapidly thumping heart.
“Beautiful,” he says quietly, dragging his hand up your chest, over your throat, until he’s cupping you’re cheek and stroking your lip with his thumb.
You smile in return, then part your lips with your eyes locked on his, encouraging him silently to slip that digit in your mouth.
Grayson’s eyes darken, and he offers you his pointer finger instead, swallowing hard when you suck and swirl your soft, wet tongue around it.
Suddenly, he’s rolling the two of you over, switching positions so he’s on his back and you straddle him. You smile happily, taking your turn to duck down and attach your lips to the pulse point his neck, grinding down on his cock with a slow, steady rhythm.
“You’re so amazing, Gray,” you tell him, nipping at the lobe of his ear before kissing the underside of his chin. “Can’t believe you’re all mine now.”
“Can’t believe you’re mine,” he growls back, cursing when you trail your kisses down the center of his body, giving each one of those moon’s their own special attention before continuing down.
When you get to the waistband of his underwear, you trail your tongue on the edge of the elastic and watch his abs contract with each shaky breath he takes. One little move of your hands, and you’ll finally get to see what he’s really packing.
But before you can even hook your fingers there to pull down, he’s tugging on your hair. “Fuck, fuck, c’mere. Please.”
You pout, but follow his lead, licking back up his muscular torso until he’s able to drag you to him for a deep, wet kiss.
“Sit on my face,” he demands, shuffling down on the pillow to make more room for you.
That takes you off guard. “But—”
“Do it. Please. I fucking have to taste you.”
Your body must be working ahead of your brain, because before you know it, you’re straddling Grayson’s face, his tongue is sweeping through the wetness in your slit, and his dark eyes are peering up at you from between your thighs.
“Oh... oh!” you cry out when his tongue starts flicking against your clit. He goes back to swiping up all your arousal, then suctions his lips around your clit. He’s using one hand to hold the lace of your thong aside, and the other dips first one finger, then two inside of you. “Oh, fuck, that’s so good...”
Grayson moans, the vibrations erupting around your clit and sending you right to the edge already. You reach back and palm his cock, rock hard in his underwear still, and squeeze as he makes you cum all over his mouth.
He gets his fill of your cum as he groans and keeps up the motion of his fingers, the pressure of his lips, the softness of his tongue as your pussy pulses with each contraction of your orgasm. You wait for him to start letting up, but something about the way he’s working you just makes those waves stay steady rather than die down again. Maybe that’s his intention, because when you drop your head down to look at him with your mouth wet and agape, there’s a sparkling mischief in his eyes has he eats you out like his last meal.
Your hips grind against his face of their own accord, and you delve one hand in his hair while the other supports you on the headboard. You gasp out a quivering, breathless laugh as it all becomes just too much, and you try to lift off his mouth.
Grayson isn’t having it, though. He wraps his arms around your thighs and holds you down, reveling in the moans and whimpers and squeals as he makes you cum again.
“Oh my god — enough, enough, I can’t...” you whine, shoving on his forehead until he releases you and drops his head to the pillow. You could already see it by the crinkles in the corners of his eyes, but he’s smirking wide, chest heaving as you slink your way down his body.
You collapse next to him in a daze, and he rolls on top of you smoothly, peppering little kisses to your cheeks, your jaw, your nose. When you’re back in your right mind, you nudge blindly at his face so his lips find yours. He tastes like your pussy, and you sigh happily as you lift your heavy arms to wrap around his neck while his scoop beneath you, holding you close.
You continue to indulge in each other for a while, in the kisses you hadn’t been allowed to share until now. There’s something exciting about his familiarity and yet also this strange newness that has you absolutely desperate for him in every way.
“This is crazy,” you say when you pull back for air, studying his face hovering right above yours. You push back that stubborn chunk of hair that keeps falling into his eyes with a soft smile. “How did we end up here?”
Grayson turns his head to press his lips to your palm. “I don’t know. Is it too much? Should we stop?”
You shake your head vehemently, and he grins. “No, please. I think I just have to grasp that you’re really... mine now.”
He chuckles. “How do you think I felt watching you with that loser for five months?”
The mention of Conner makes you feel nothing — nothing other than gratitude for Grayson, that is. You slide your hands down his back, over his ribs, across his abs until your hand cups his dick.
His hips thrust into your touch, and you grin up at him demurely as you finally delve your hand past his waistband until you’ve got his length completely in your grasp.
He’s hot and hard and thick, and you start stroking him just to gauge the reaction in his face. He doesn’t disappoint, his jaw gaping open slightly, his breaths picking up, a flush rising to the apples of his cheeks.
Without warning, he reaches down and grasps your wrist. You pout, but he asks hastily. “Are we gonna have sex?”
You smirk. “Hell yeah.”
Grayson grins and shakes his head. “Alright, then you gotta stop.”
“Already?” you tease, letting him sit back and hook his fingers in the tiny string of your thong at your hips.
He gives you a look as he pulls the scrap of lace down your legs, then stands to push down his own underwear. Your mouth waters at the sight of him, and you wish he’d let you blow him some before you hit the main event, but he says, “I’ve wanted you for too long to take any chances about screwing up the first time.”
You melt a little, reaching for him as he climbs back on the bed. “There should be some condoms in the drawer there. Just to be safe after... you know.”
He nods and dips down to kiss you before leaning over to riffle through the top drawer of your nightstand. He comes back with a purple square, which you take from him.
“Gotta practice an activity safely,” you wink, tearing open the condom and rolling it down his shaft quickly.
“Shut up.” Grayson rolls his eyes, but smiles softly as he settles between your legs just right. “I love you.”
“I love you,” you whisper, gasping as he starts to sink inside you.
“Oh, fuck,” he whimpers as your walls suck him in and grip him tight.
He goes slow for a couple of minutes, allowing both of you time to adjust to each other. He stretches you out so much better than anyone you’ve ever been with, and you can’t help but clench around him when you see those tattoos and smell his cologne and hear his voice — all things that remind you that this is Grayson fucking you.
He growls the first time you do it, then sits up hastily, pulling his face out of your neck when you do it again. He tucks his knees beneath him, sits on his heels, and hauls your hips into his lap as the speed of his thrusts picks up incrementally. Until he’s fucking you for real, and your tits bounce in your bra with every upstroke.
You shove an arm beneath your pillow, enunciating the curves of your body, and watch his expressions as he fights to hold back. His hair is disheveled, lip caught tight between his teeth and muffling his deep, satisfied sounds that mingle with your open higher-pitched ones. He catches your eye and his hands on your hips grip you so tight for a moment that you’re sure little bruises will be there in the morning — not that you mind.
“Fuck,” he whispers harshly before slowing his hips and shifting down to give you a deep, sloppy kiss. “Turn over.”
You moan into his mouth, then follow his order, rolling onto your front as soon as he pulls out. You expect him to haul your hips up into the air, but he moves your hair off your neck and trails sweet kisses from shoulder to shoulder, his hand sweeping down the subtle curve of your back until he’s gripping your ass.
Grayson’s hand moves down your thigh and pushes it up and out once he’s cupping the back of your knee. The angle encourages you to twist your upper half until you have sight of him once again in all his angled, sweaty, muscular glory.
“Fuck me, baby,” you beg him, already anticipating the fullness inside you again. Needing it.
“Want me to fuck you?” he asks needlessly, pushing into your pussy once again. You moan loudly, either in confirmation or from pure pleasure, it doesn’t matter. The angle is tighter, the tip of his dick hitting a spot so perfectly accurate inside of you that you can’t concentrate on anything other than how good he’s making you feel. “Yeah. So fucking sexy. So beautiful...”
“Gray.. oh fuck yes, right there,” you whimper, catching onto his arm as he leans over you and gives you those hard, steady strokes.
“Open your eyes, baby, lemme see them when you cum,” he growls out.
You open them as much as you can, your vision blurry, but you can still make out those handsome features soaking in the pleasure on your face. Watching and waiting for you to get yours so he can get his.
As soon as you’re clenching like a vice around him, Grayson is letting go into the condom. You can vaguely feel the throb of him as he cums in spurts, the sound of his masculine, drawn-out groans making you shiver and tense up even more on his dick. If it’s possible for anyone to sound as sexy as they look, Grayson achieves that in spades.
He collapses on the bed next to you, and you have just enough strength to roll over until he’s got you gathered in his arms. You nuzzle into his chest and try to process everything. You had been hoping for nice sex today, and instead you got the best sex of your life.
After a few minutes of comfortable silence while you both catch your breath, after he pulls and ties off the condom, you smile into his cooling skin with a satisfied sigh.
“Thank you for making this the best Valentine’s Day of my life. Especially after it was starting to look like the worst.”
“You made this the best day of my life, period,” he says, kissing your forehead. “Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetheart.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Gray.”
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hee4won · 4 years
snow days w/ en- !
requested: no. (requests are open! see rules)
a/n: long time no see besties, a gift from me to you 😈 (all jokes aside i hope you like this okay i think fluff is needed rn, heart you all)
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this boy loves snow
i am solely basing hee’s off of that one pic of him in the really nice coat out in the snow
bc i’m madly in love with him
anyway HE is the one to excitedly tell you about the snow first
he seems like the type to facetime at night and hang up in the morning (like a virtual sleepover)
continuation under the cut!
esp if he’s too busy to meet with you
and if he wakes up first and you’re still in the call he’ll be like
“baby 🥺 baby 🥺”
😧 you are SLUMPED
and THAT gets you up ofc bc he was yelling super loud 😇
so now that you’re up you have approximately hmm let’s see
oh! heeseung is at your door rn.
“good morning baby, it’s time to go to my favorite cafe :]”
“the one you said was perfect for snow days?”
“of course! now get ready” who needs small talk ig
you’re still tired but oh my goodness how could you say no to him
so you wash up and come back out to see hee on the couch looking out the window watching the snow fall
he’s adorable, you’re a simp. simple 😄 (see what i did there)
after the cafe date you guys just do some walking around and take cute pics of and with each other
so lovely <3
jay will use any excuse he can to go shopping
and spoil you ;)
“oh, jay, look it’s snowing!”
he’ll admire the sight with you for a while until a little 💡 goes off in this man’s head
“what material is your coat?” oh boy
“uhhh, idk why?”
“do you think if we take a walk outside you’ll get cold?”
“i mean. . . yeah” AND OFF TO THE MALL U GO!
apparently you need cotton material on the inside and leather on the outside to ensure that your body stays warm
Okay Jay.
so you guys are like, shopping for hours and hours on end
hes making you try things on
after the items have been inspected by the clothing genius ofc
and after 5 hours of shopping you’re like
“jay, i just wanted to make snow ducks but now i think i’m gonna drop dead 🙁”
“okay fine we can check out”
you left with like 10 new additions to your closet and jay left with the pride of feeling like boyfriend of the year
which he is! good for him
oh and you did get to make your snow ducks, okay turn that frown upside down baby
oh my goodness
jake loves snow days for THREE reasons:
cuddle by the fireplace, hot coco, and movies w his baby
you already know that once you see snow falling down you should alr be making your way to jake’s place
he’ll make the boys clear out so he can make a cute little blanket fort
and you bring the marshmallows (or whatever you like in your hot chocolate)
the moment you open the door you’re greeted with a cute jake sitting in front of the fort
he gives you his signature wide smile with a few giggles as he stands up to hug you
a jake sim please and thank you ❤️
you are 100% without a DOUBT watching the wondeful polar express
btw jake is afraid of that one puppet scene (so am i, it’s awful)
so pls hold him super tight
you’ll most likely fall asleep in that position
and of course the boys got pics of it
okay. you guys are finding a skating rink (@hooniee hehe hi bb)
even though it doesn’t have to be cold in order to go to one
he says it just, “feels right”
and if you can’t skate he will most definitely teach you
tries his best to let you go on your own but every time he lets go you go *plop*
he does indeed laugh okay and you can hear him but once you get back up and look at him he’s like
“😐 what” “remember when you said you didn’t need my help”
gosh he’s so annoying but don’t get me wrong
he finds your independence and clumsiness very cute
if you just can’t seem to get the hang of it he’ll take you outside
and you two will just start dancing in the snow
this time both of you end up on your butts
and sunghoon wouldn’t have it any other way
he strikes me as the type to go out to eat then go home and cuddle all day
i really don’t think cold weather is his thing so it’ll be a cute date and comfy clothes
so you guys will definitely be going to a bakery to get some sweets
“sunoo, i couldve made us some cookies instead of spending money”
uh. . . whos gonna tell you
“i wanted only the best sweets for my sweet 😊”
very good save, sunoo, very good save
he has matching pajamas for when you get to spend a snow day together
naps naps naps
my goodness someone would think you two haven’t slept in ages the way you’re in that bad
so many cuddles oh wow he’s so warm
best. snow day. ever.
you two are jumping like KIDS
which yes once again you kinda are but anyway.
you’re on the way to the store
getting ready to bake some cookies!
playing in the snow on the way
occasionally throwing little snowballs at each other and making snowmen on the sidewalk
“y/n, look! i made a little snow you!”
he even gave it a snow scarf so snow you wouldn’t be cold
HES SO CUTE someone help me
once you guys are back from the store it is time to get your baking on
🧑‍🍳🧑‍🍳 this you?
now i won’t say it was a total disaster
for some odd reason you two did not think about going by the recipe 🤔
“just wing it! it can’t be that bad”
it was definitely that bad.
but you two had fun nonetheless and THAT is what matters 🙏
i hope we’re all on the same page when i say
you two are having a snowball fight
any sort of competition thag involves throwing things
it is happening.
snow duel, which the other boys have to call to make sure there is no cheating
snow soccer(?)
the real competition is making sure your snowball is hard enough to withstand being kicked without falling apart
you two are very creative i must say
“all is fair in love and war.”
“yeah war, NOT snowball fights 😐”
the boys are laughing so hard at the both of you it’s crazy
jake and sunghoon are just sitting and talking like old men saying
“i remember when i was that young”
you guys are barely 20 let’s slow it down okay
overall, super eventful day and you are both passed out in the living room afterwards
how cute
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storiesungaa · 3 years
mobile rules & information
about: this is an indie mutuals only rp blog for a multimuse with various fandoms from tv shows, movies, anime, and video games. mun is 25+, genderfluid lesbian, goes by he/him pronouns (but i am genderfluid so i don’t mind she/her pronouns, most just call me he/him) online and name Jay. Previously known as Ares and Snow.
Callout culture: Do not involve me in this. Period. I want no part of it and will block as soon as I see it, tagged or not. I believe it does more harm than good and something like tha is extremely harmful..
content: there will be some pretty heavy material featured here. such as suicidal thoughts, mentions of rape, incest, and anything else I want to write. I will not tolerate hate being sent to me about this and I will block anyone who tries to police me. The only hard limit i have and absolutely refuse to write is pedophilia.
Don’t ever be afraid to ask me to tag something!
side note: if you believe fiction equals reality, please don’t follow me.
discord: is open to those who follow me. simply ask for it. i do not write on discord though. ooc contact is highly encouraged!
disclaimer: i'm in no way affiliated with any of the actors, fandoms, or characters on this blog.  Banners, promos, and icons belong to me. Theme was made by inkfated.  all screencaps used to turn into icons on this blog are not mine and belong to their rightful owners. Lara Croft screencaps come from soulcluster. tsunade icons belong to hellspath. rectangle tsunade icons belong to me. Some psds are not mine. Credit to iconholic for Red Velvet psd. Credit to plutocommissions for psd 183 - wild. some psds used are made by rivercraze
Drama: There won’t be any. I’m too old for tumblr’s drama, if you try to start something, make me choose, or drag me into drama - you will be blocked.
DNI’s will get you blocked. I don’t agree with making people choose between people when there are things like blacklist and tumblr’s own filtering system to help you avoid a person
Hate: Character hate, show hate, etc will get you unfollowed. I don’t have time for that negativity, pls tag it so I can filter it out, thank you.
IMs: pls refrain from sending me multiple messages all at once as I’m autistic and it sends me into sensory overloads!!
follow/unfollowing: i usually follow back pretty quick. if i don't follow within a week, i'm probably not going to follow back. 9/10 i do follow back. i will not follow if i see vaguing, callouts, or any sort of drama on blogs. i also will not follow any under the age of 18.
if i’ve been following you for a month and you don’t interact with me within that time limit, I’m unfollowing. I won’t soft block because I’m totally okay with people still following me but I don’t see the point in following if we’re not gonna write.
If I do not follow you back, do not message me asking to write or become mutuals - you will be blocked.
If I block you, do not come to me asking why. It will only get you blocked all over again. Do not ask why i’ve unfollowed you, either.
side note: if you’re the type to blindly believe a callout because that’s what everyone else is doing  save yourself the trouble and don’t follow me.
Memes: Send as many as you want for as many muses as you want just be sure to specify muse or they’ll get deleted! Always feel free to turn meme answers into threads, too.
Do not use me as a meme resource. Send something in or reblog from the source, please.
note:  if you send memes multiple times and there’s clearly a way to continue them, ESPECIALLY if we’ve never interacted before, and you keep sending memes but have NO INTENTIONS on replying to them, I will be less likely to respond to them. memes, in my eyes, are used as alternatives to starters. if you don’t respond to them after i’ve responded to quite a few, that’s me putting work into it for no reason really, so yeah.
My triggers: Sharks. That’s it. Just tag pictures of sharks for me please
nsfw: smut will be present here. i can not play the dominant party in smut, please don't ask me too. if you don't feel comfortable with it, we can fade to black, easy peasy. i won't make myself uncomfortable for some smut. All muses involved in smut or ships are 18+. If you think that aging them up is pedophila, do me a favor and get off my blog. Smut may happen with aged up characters but that does not mean it was done specifically for smut. Do not assume.
OCS: I love them. Send them my way, please!
OOC:  I post ooc, sometimes quite a bit, sometimes rarely. I am human and I will act as such. I will not tag ooc posts mostly bc i’ll forget. Sorry if that bugs people but like i said, I’m human and I like to write things down and share things with the dash.
OOC note: please do not flirt with me or ask me to date you, thank you!
Shipping: all muses are LGBT+ in some shape or form so if you want to ship, just let me know. They’re pretty open to anyone, though gay and lesbian muses will stay gay and lesbian. I ship toxic pairings and incest so if that’s your cup of tea, just lemme know, and we can work something out if not? That’s alright too!!
As previously stated, all ships and smut scenes are involved with characters 18+. I will never under any circumstance write something with underage characters. Characters, however, can be aged up but are never simply just for the sake of smut. Smut may happen with aged up characters but that does not mean it was done specifically for smut. Do not assume.
wait time: sometimes i can take months, sometimes seconds, sometimes days. I’m not a fast rper, please respect this.
writing: i generally prefer writing multi-para or novella. one-liners or one-paragraphs usually end up getting dropped or made into much longer threads as i have absolutely no chill. 
edit: from now on any drafts that are below three paras will be deleted, i don’t have muse for short things.
End note: Do me a favor and like this post if you’ve read my rules. Not needed but deeply appreciated. Also below you’ll find important links:
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jaehyunspeachparty · 4 years
daddy jaehyun
iv.xlviii. Jaehyun’s working day (a)
a/n: Hey, I’m back. After a break I feel now better to write again and let me say one thing I MISSED YOU GUYS ❤ the last weeks were pretty hard for me and I no room in my head to write. But now I had a new idea and I want to be back. And I’m also thinking about to make a discord channel to talk with you guys about the story and other Jaehyun things (for example his dramas). What do you think about it? ❤
4 am For Jaehyun, work was on his plan and the filming for the new drama started again. He always had to leave early and didn't come home until very late. In the morning the twins were still with you because you had to breastfeed Kiwoo. Most of the time you pick them up at 4 a.m. and they were with you for a while. Jaehyun especially enjoyed this time. Kiwoo was on his chest and he knew he had to go. Every time it was a struggle for him to leave the house. He wanted to put his youngest son with you very slowly but he immediately began to cry. Kiwoo already knew that his father would go and he knew that he would not see him for a very long time. "Don't cry, I'll try to be back soon." He knew it was a lie. The work took longer and longer and he felt guilty. "Kiwoo please ..." When he took the boy back to himself, he calmed down again. Jaehyun was torn, he was already too late for work. But as soon as he moved away from his son, Kiwoo began to cry again. At some point you notice this back and forth and you turn to him sleepily. "Hey, give him to me." You stretch out your arms and lay your boy on your chest. Kiwoo was now calm again and looked at you excitedly. "Thank you. I love you," he said, kissed you and quickly left the house.
6 am It was really difficult for Jaehyun to work without his children. He hated being gone for so long and had the guilty conscience of failing as a father. "Hey, are you okay?", Minu, his co-actress, asked him and smiled gently. She noticed that he was absent and could hardly be spoken to. "Yeah .... Kiwoo just lies with me every morning and he cries every time I leave him .... It's really not easy every morning right now." Jaehyun sighed and took a sip of his coffee. "Kiwoo is your youngest son, isn't he?" She asked and Jaehyun nodded. "Yeah, actually it's Geon, but they are twins. Kiwoo came first, half an hour later Geon." He had to smile when he thought of the time when they were so little. They were so tiny and looked so inhuman when they were born. Still, they had grown so well and he always wondered how these two boys had room in your belly. "Wow, your wife must have done a lot," said Minu and smiled. "Yes, she really gave everything with all of our children." It hit Jaehyun even more that he cannot be with you. The weather was so nice and he would have loved to go out with Miga and Sunoh and they could have romped around at the playground. "I would really like to get to know her and your family," Minu says, but Jaehyun didn't find the idea that exciting. "Minu, that's not personal, but we're playing a couple in the drama and my wife doesn't think it's great that we kiss several times. I really want to separate my professional and private life." Jaehyun looked at her a little worried, but Minu nodded. "No problem, is understandable." But she got up immediately and left the room.
9 am During his first break, Jaehyun called you right away. He wanted to know whether Kiwoo was happy again and whether everyone else was fine. "We're having breakfast," you say, and put the iPad on the table so that Jaehyun could see everyone on video. "Mummyyyyy .... juice!" Sunoh stretched out his arms and you got him something to drink. "What do we say when we want something?" You look at your son admonishingly. "Pleaseeeeee." Sunoh's eyes widened and Jaehyun had to laugh. He was happy, if only digitally, to be a part of it. "Have you already filmed?" You ask him and now sit down at the table. "No, I was only in the mask so far. I'll wait that they call me." Jaehyun glanced to the side and made sure that he still had time. "Dada?" Geon suddenly looked up at you, recognizing his father's voice. "Yes! There is Dada!" You point to the screen where Jaehyun waved. "Good morning Geon." When the boy heard his father's voice, he began to squeak with joy. "Yes, you are happy." You brush his hair aside and smile. "And how is Kiwoo doing?" Jaehyun still felt guilty from the morning. "Kiwoo is fine. He's taking a nap. Don't worry." You knew he was sad because Jaehyun struggled with it every morning. "I just want to be with you." Jaehyun was really sad because he knew that there would be a few more days of shooting. "You'll be back with us very soon. We can do it." You also try to be positive, even if it was difficult for you too. "Jaehyun, you have to get to the set now." One of the staff came into his room and Jaehyun had to leave. "Okay, I have to work. I love you all," he said quickly before hanging up.
12 am Jaehyun didn't like the scene he was supposed to play today. It was a romantic scene where he and Minu were comfortably sitting on the couch, arm in arm. But it felt so wrong that the woman in his arms and chest wasn't you. "Yes, because I love you," Jaehyun acted, trying his best, but the team wasn't happy. "What's going on today? Jaehyun, every potato could show more love than you do today," said the director and sighed. "I know, I know ... let's do it again." Jaehyun sat up and put his arm around Minu again. She snuggled up against him and he was amazed at how well she was acting because it felt so real with her. "Yes, because I love you." He looked down at her and she looked at him with wide eyes. "Yes?" "Yes!" He stared at her and her face slowly came closer. It wasn't a kissing scene yet, he knew that, but he already felt like he was cheating on you. "Am I bothering you with something?" The third actress was added, who played Minu's roommate. "And CUT!" The director then shouted and rolled his eyes. "Jaehyun! That was a disaster. With music and light we can still manage it, but I hope the next scenes will be better." Jaehyun felt bad on both sides now. "I'm sorry. I'll do better." He bowed his head and hoped the day would pass quickly.
3 pm When Jaehyun later looked at his phone, he saw a few photos Miga sent him from your phone. He had to laugh because Miga was having a lot of fun with her brothers and he also knew that you must be angry that she wasn't doing her homework. "The twins already look so big," said the hairdresser, who often accompanied Jaehyun for shows or dramas. "Yes, I can watch them grow." Jaehyun laughed and looked at the photos. "When my son was born, it seemed to me that every time I slept, he just grew two inches." The hairdresser smiled and showed then also a photo of her son. But before Jaehyun could say anything, Minu came in. "Hey Jaehyun." She sat down on the table in front of him and grinned. "Hi Minu, is there anything?", Jaehyun asked surprised, but she shook her head. "No, I'm on break right now." She grinned and slowly rocked her legs. "Oh ... okay. Have you already eaten?", He asked surprised and Minu started to giggle. "You care about me! Yes, I've already eaten." Jaehyun was a bit surprised by her statement and her suddenly childlike behavior, so that he was quite embarrassed. "Um ... very good ..." he stuttered, but the hairdresser can no longer listen to it. "I have to blow dry Mr. Jung now." And before Minu could say anything, she switched on the loud hair dryer. Minu looked at her in surprise and waited a little longer, but the hairdresser took her time, so that Jaehyun's scalp burned a little. At some point Minu understood that it would take even longer and left the room again. "I know, I'll be the last to say that ..." The hairdresser switched off the hairdryer and gave Jaehyun a serious look. "But this girl is the devil." She sighed and hoped she had no regrets. "What?" Asked Jaehyun and was quite surprised. "Just that she's not that nice otherwise ..." She pressed her lips together and then quickly ran away.
8pm When Jaehyun looked at his phone, he saw that Sunoh and Miga had already wished him good night. He had missed their calls again because the filming had taken much longer. His feelings of guilt grew to infinity and he didn't know how long he could endure it. He packed his things and hoped that he would make it home in time, that he could at least talk to you a little longer. "Jaehyun." Minu suddenly jumped in front of him and grinned. Jaehyun was just tired and wanted to go home. He didn't mean to be rude, but Minu was particularly stressful today. "Minu?" He asked surprised and held his car key tight. "Me and some of the grew going to have another drink. Would you like to come with us?" "I'm sorry, I'm hardly home and I have to drive home for at least an hour." "You can sleep at my place. I have a guest room", she suggested and Jaehyun stroked his forehead. "Minu, I'm really sorry. But I have babies at home who don't have a sleep schedule and a woman I would still like to see, unfortunately I don't have time for that." Jaehyun sounded stricter than expected, but he was tired, stressed, and plagued with guilt. "I'm ... so-so sorry." Her eyes were glassy and she looked like she was about to cry. "Minu ... it wasn't meant badly. The day was hard today ... I'm sorry ..." Jaehyun tried to clarify everything, because he didn't need any stress at work either. "No, I'm sorry. Have a nice evening with your wife." She then suddenly smiled and then turned around. Jaehyun was totally surprised for a moment, but he didn't want to waste any more thought. He got into his car and drove off.
10 pm You sleep already, but only lightly because you could never sleep well if Jaehyun was not with you. The TV light was still flickering because you needed some kind of noise that was in the background. But then the door opened and Jaehyun finally came to you. "I'm sorry I was so late. It was a construction site on the freeway and then a traffic jam ... I'll take another route tomorrow." He looked at you sadly, but you don't say anything and just kiss him. You were just happy to have him with you, to feel him, to smell him. You hug him as tightly as you could and never wanted to let go of him. "I missed you so much ..." he mumbled into your neck. But something about his voice worried you. You look at him and see how his eyes were red and glassy. "Jaehyun ... is everything okay?", You ask him worried and stroke his cheek. "No ..." He bowed his head because he didn't want you to see him like that. He didn't want you to have to worry about him too. "Jaehyun ... I can see that you are not doing well." But the few hours that he had with you he didn't want to talk to you about all of this. "Can we just lie there and just cuddle?" He asked, looking at you with puppy eyes. You weren't sure because you don't want him to suppress his feelings. But he looked so exhausted and talking about his feelings can be very exhausting. "Okay ..." you say gently and stroke his back.
daddy jaehyun masterlist
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youwontlikethisblog · 3 years
Nicolas Mora, un Amigo.
This scene is probably one of my favorite in the sequence of writing the romance of Armando and Betty and Betty isn't even involved in it(too much).
Here we are, two days before the new collection is launched, the day that the establishment of commercial pledge (I used google translate for that so I could be wrong but it's el establecimiento de prenda de comercio) over Eco Moda is let known to the banks. The night before Armando said he had a night of dogs, didn't sleep well and it was a terrible one. He told that to Betty without her even asking, all she asked is if he was alright.
As the day progresses Armando is seen in a slump, not his overly erratic and neurotic self but just down, one could say feeling the blues. Marcela picks up on this when she enters the office to let him know that she's on her way to pick up his parents from the airport and asks him if he's alright he smiles and tells her everything is fine.
The camera work then shows her leaving and Armando telling Mario that it pains him to know he is letting her down, in the background Betty's office is in view, we can see her sitting at her desk paying attention to what's going on. Armando continuedly stands in front of her office or beside it. Something I've noticed as the episodes go on. Almost as if he's trying to stay close to her, maybe it's because his desk is right next to her office and I'm reading too much into the cinemograph lol. But for the sake of this post lets say I'm not reading too much into this and that is in fact the reason they show us this. Not only because it gives us the sense that Armando's subconscious is trying to stay as close to Betty as possible without alerting him or the others in the room, but as established in a previous post, Betty offers comfort and brightness in otherwise cold and uncomfortable situations to him. It also allows us to see that Betty was very well aware of the situation, relationship, and feelings Armando has towards Marcela. She's aware, that though they have their ups and downs and that he cheats on her, that Armando does care for Marcela. She doesn't go into that relationship naïve and unaware of Armando's feelings.
Now Betty receives a call to let her know that Nicolas is downstairs waiting for her and she leaves the office. She isn't a part of this scene so much as just the beginning. Armando was waiting for her so they could leave to the banks when she tells him she's got to get the papers and he agrees.
This shows us the paranoia that Mario truly has and how manipulative he becomes towards his best friend, Armando. We get a very clear image of how and what Armando thinks of Nicolas up to this point.
Mario stops Betty from leaving and asks "Who brought them?" and Betty without hesitation, indicating that she has no reason to lie or withhold truth tells him "Nicolas, my friend." and Mario's paranoia shoots out of his eyes.
Betty and Armando had spoken about Nicolas before. Armando was aware of who Nicolas was, aware of his role in Betty's life and Terra Moda. He had no reason to be doubtful or mistrusting of him or Betty and that's what is so important to note from this scene because he wasn't paranoid. He wasn't mistrusting or afraid that Betty could take the company away from him. In this scene was see someone who is and the only one that is is Mario Calderon.
Mario then goes on to question Armando about Nicolas and Armando even defends him. He goes to say that he[Nicolas] is trust worthy, that he's always brought them the paper work and that Betty collaborates that. Mario's body language is uncomfortable, shifting on his feet, and eyes are very alert, studying Armando.
While Armando's manipulation is very noticeable, Mario's manipulation is very subtle because unlike Armando who doesn't really study people to exploit them, Mario does. He silently pays attention to peoples behavior, which makes him seem like he's detail oriented and caring but he uses this ability to find weaknesses in people and exploit them through paranoia and tactic. In other words, he's a true manipulator.
[Someone wrote a more detailed post about Mario's manipulation but I forgot who it was. ]
Now Armando's body language is really telling us he doesn't care and finds the conversations unnecessary but he's being defensive about Mario's questioning. Even his tone of voice and facial expressions lets us know that he isn't worried about Betty or Nicolas taking away his precious company, much less that that's even a thought in his head.
The following scenes are of Betty outside with Nicolas, the cuartel de feas and then Betty in Armando's office handing him the papers. Mario is sitting upright, not slouching like he normally does, his finger tips or on the edge of the desk as if holding onto it for dear life and Armando is contemplating the papers, his tone of voice is somber and defeated. The phone starts to ring and he glances once, twice, at his phone and then yells at Betty at the third ring "Are you going to pick that up?" and she rushes to her office.
This outburst once again lets us know that Armando wasn't worried, wasn't mistrusting, wasn't paranoid and wasn't even considering the idea that Betty could take the company away. Which lets us know once more who the paranoid individual was in that room. Armando was sure of the woman he was entrusting his company to. He had an unwavering trust in Betty and this needs to be noted for the following days because though Armando on his own had been working on his temper as we see that he doesn't yell at Betty as much as before, Armando has had moments of blurring lines of work and personal in a split of a second all of that changes.
His best friend then tells him that he should watch his tone and no longer yell at Betty because she is the proper owner of Eco Moda. Armando has this look of shock and disbelief, because it hits him that Betty is the company's owner and that neither him or his family are the proper owners of Eco Moda anymore. Which is a big deal to him as he mentioned just minutes before, that it pained him to let Marcela down and along with that it's letting his parents down and being a failure, which I've talked about him and failure before.
Once Betty returns to the office she lets them know it was a bank confirming their meeting and the camera shows us Mario standing up, with Armando in the background still contemplating the paper, as if he needed to study them to make sure they were in fact in his hands, and Betty following Mario's order so he can question her. He proceeds to ask her about the meeting she had with the lawyer. He asks if he[lawyer] recognized her or something, she tells him not at all. The frame shows us Betty in focus while Armando is the background blurry, still engrossed in the papers of the suit against Eco Moda until Betty mentions what the lawyer wanted to be paid(which is 10% of whatever the embrago is) and he finally looks up and seems more worried and concerned over that than anything Mario has insinuated and then we return to seeing a somber and sad Armando in the background because his precious is no longer his. Mario's behavior was shocked at first when he heard what the lawyer was asking but then calm and composed.
Betty then proceeds to inform them that the only problem is that now the process has begun and that at any moment the secretary of the jury was going to go to take inventory of everything Eco Moda has and Armando, as always, yells at her, then lowers his voice and talks at her, angerly so, but Mario stands there observing them. He watched then closely, as he has done in the past(which is why he often mocked and joked that there was love between Armando and Betty) and as Betty leaves, respectful but annoyed at Armando for raising his voice at her and treating her as if she were a fool, Mario tells him that what she said was true and that there was nothing they could do about it but the most important thing was for him not to yell at her and Armando's face and body language indicates that he is unfazed by that, or truly bothered by it.
He is more preoccupied with the seizure against Eco Moda than he is about yelling at Betty and his best friend telling him not to.
Armando then proceeds to go into Betty's office to talk to her and he has a heart to heart where he tells Betty that it was going to be a hard period for him and that she understood more than anyone what it meant to him and how hard of a decision it was for him to make and do what he was doing. The music is somber and intense, often used for Armando's heart to hearts. Betty tells him she understand his dedication to the company.
Armando starts to open up to her. He doesn't even do that with his best friend of his girlfriend. He begins to let her in, once more my boy is blurring them lines. As he is leaving her office Betty stops him and tells him that she knows he was giving her his company but she wanted him to know that it was in good hands and Armando's response is "I know, I know that Betty"(Just in case this isn't part of her day dream I want to add that this signifies that Armando does in fact truly trust Betty with the company and isn't paranoid and worried that she'll take it away. It lets us know that Armando has total complete faith and trust in her).
The next scene is a daydream of Betty's(tbh I'm a bit confused as I write this because what lets us know that it's a day dream is the change in music and Armando's over the top behavior but as the day dream ends and the music fades Betty is back behind her desk where she was as Armando was leaving her office).
Why did I say that these scenes were important to the plot of Betty and Armando's romance?
Because if you focus well Armando displays total trust in Betty and Nicolas. He displays no paranoia towards them and the only one that does is Mario who slowly begins to feed his paranoia to Armando.
As he tells him "Don't yell at her, treat her better, she's the owner now." and ect ect. THIS explains why Armando was easily manipulated but most of all that his behavior towards Nicolas and his mistrust towards him isn't based on the company but Betty.
What does this mean?
Though to some degree Armando is paranoid over the company because of Mario, his biggest fear isn't Nicolas taking the company but subconsciously, his biggest fear is Nicolas taking away Betty as the next day he finds out that Nicolas is Betty's platonic love that's when his behavior has a definitive change towards Nicolas and Betty.
Why does he have a change of heart by simply finding out that Betty could be in love with Nicolas? How does that affect Eco Moda? Mario doesn't feed the idea that Nicolas will take the company away and I'll do a post breaking down that scene once I get to it but I think it's important to note the change of heart Armando has by simply finding out that Nicolas could be Betty's boyfriend/love because before he wasn't worried or mistrusting of them.
Nicolas Mora, after all, was a friend of hers.
PS. Later Armando interrogates Betty against his will because of Mario and his paranoia and though he does become heated during the interrogation, you can tell by his body language that he didn't want to be questioning Betty's loyalty and trust and feels bad over it. Do with this information what you'd like :)
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