hello! has anyone ever told you how gender your little aroace guy is? bc like. thats a gender i wanna eat. just a pocket sized person. the coziness in the pullover is 10/10.
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I enjoy your comics, thank you for making them! I hope you are having a great day!
Aww, thank you!! That look is actually based off a nonbinary character design I came up with in 2020 for fun, which in turn, as it turns out, has most likely accidentally been based off how my partner looks in real life... And yeah I can confirm they ARE very gender, and very cosy in sweaters. So I guess that just happened 🙈
PS: hgjfklgdf I'm so goddamn rude but - I hope you're having a great day as well! <3
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notgreengardens · 4 months
lets hear your positive hot takes about a deep sea creature of your choosing? 👀👀👀
Ok...so....the giant squid. The biggest known specimen is 13 meters long but we actually know relatively little about them, including their usual size, because we have observed few live ones so far (first time capturing one on camera was in 2006). We don't even know for sure how many species are actually giant squids.
What we do know is that they have donut shaped brains and their esophagus goes right through it. Also they have THE largest eyes on earth and are exceptionally good at detecting light, and scientists think the reason is that their main predator casts a large shadow...cause it's the sperm whale! Some sperm whales have been found with squid "battle scars" or with squid parts in their digestive system. Unfortunately, no one has ever witnessed a fight between a sperm whale and a giant squid even though it must be the coolest thing ever :(
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romancerepulsed · 11 months
hi! #4 for the aromantic ask game?
ask game
"4. what is something you wish was more well known about being arospec?"
god, uh, everything? everything. we have no visibility, like, at all. but if i had to pick one thing, i wish more people knew that aromanticism and asexuality are two entirely different things. i think a loooot of people who arent super acquainted with aspec terms just think that aromanticism is a branch of asexuality, which sucks because there are soooo many aros who are allosexual. i think an increase in visibility for aroallos could do a lot of good for the aroallos themselves obviously, but also for destigmatizing sex on a broader scale. sex without love is unthinkable to a lot of people, even evil to others... so i wish more people knew that there are people out there who dont love romantically and still feel sexual attraction and have sex, and that its fine to do that. to be that. even within the aspec community there are a wild amount of people who cant separate aro from ace, which leads to a lot of feelings of isolation/judgement and sometimes the perpetuation of sex negativity. people still tag posts explicitly about just asexuality as aro. it sucks!
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stormsbreadth · 6 months
boop boop boop!
Have a picture of my cat smelling the chicken from christmas dinner
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ambivartence · 8 months
top three kpop boys you havent drawn yet but want to? 👀
wooooahhhh what a question omg lemme think lemme thinkkkkkkk
1. riize sungchan ! i've been saving some pretty photos of him but haven't gotten around to it yet :( 2. sf9 jaeyoon :) as of this week i've become a jaeyoon stan hehe so i'll definitely be drawing him sometime soon^^ 3. zb1 hao or bnd sungho! they're both so cute hehe
> Ask me my top 3 anything, kpop edition <
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not-a-hawk · 1 month
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
woah a wild february friday!!!
[Entire Crane Wives discography here] No but in actuality Steady, Steady
[Amazing Devil here] That Unwanted Animal holds a special place in my heart
Ashland by Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Monet Issues by Chase Petra
I'll Cover You from Rent
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asexualbookbird · 2 months
I love your bone season commentary because i only know the books via my friend who loves them, so the cognitive dissonance between "ah yes, these books my friend really likes and loses their mind about" and you yelling "WHAT THE FUCK" is endlessly amusing shshdjd
this was one of the series booklr couldnt stop talking about in the heyday and WHY!!!!!! Even if you like Master/Slave tropes IT WASN'T EVEN A GOOD ONE!!!!!!!!!! The magic system is the strong point and it was tossed aside for the stupid evil aliens and no one?? seemed to care?????? and okay maybe i, the asexual who is not into men, am not the best judge here but WARDEN ISN'T EVEN SWOON WORTHY! HE SUCKS! THE REPHS ALL SUCK!!!!!
Even the Pure Evil ones, like Suhail and Kraz, are just bland because we don't see them outside of Humans Are Bugs We Must Squash. Even Nashira seems flat! Her personality is just Evil™️. And we're supposed to lkike Warden because......he gives Paige a bed?? and doesn't beat her?? gives her one (1) meal if she asks???? I'm purposefully ignoring the first rebellion because Paige starts to feel for him before she learns about that. And I just. Don't care. He sucks. Everyone sucks.
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bubmyg · 1 year
okay, so, like, do you have a picture of the hotteok cake? or a link? I'm neither on insta nor on twitter (sometimes i get my kpop news from your posts and then I have to figure out wtf I'd going on) but the concept of yoongi building a cake and carving little faces into it just hit my brain like a baseball bat, I would like to see it! [spoken through gritted teeth bc im so normal about him rn]
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jimin said he met w yoongi last night and this is what he brought him 😔
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seonghwasblr · 3 months
what are your must-listen B.A.P songs for the uninitiated? 👀
My absolute MUST listen to are 'Warrior', 'Power' and 'One shot' aka my golden trilogy 💛
Honestly, all of their titles tracks are sooo worth listening to.
My personal favourite non-titles are 'Voice message' and 'It's All Lies' and 'Unbreakable'!!
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strhwaberries · 5 months
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i don't listen to onewe but this dashboard poetry just now made me go look up the song and ive got full body goosebumps shdhdhfh
oh !!! and yes the song is great, onewe's music in general is awesome, i highly recommend <3
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sprachgefuehle · 10 months
4 and 24 for the book asks? 👀
4. Did you discover any new authors that you love this year?
A few! I loved The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern and Piranesi by Susanne Clarke even though those weren't really "new" discoveries. I also read through Caitlin Doughtys entire (small) bibliography.
24. Did you DNF anything? Why?
I "DNF" books all the time. As soon as I don't care anymore, I put a book away and forget about it immediately. One book that really disappointed me was A Desolation Called Peace. The first book was okay even though it wasn't living up to its own promises but the second one was just a hot boring mess.
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jisungshotfirst · 11 months
hello! may I request my current cause of brainrot: xu minghao and seo changbin?
boy delivery!!!
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u have fantastic taste omg. a changbin stan??? I hope u know ur better than all of us
Tell me who your ult bias is (can be multiple), and I'll go and find a photo of them that I really like
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notgreengardens · 4 months
6 and 22 for the song ask game? 👀
6. A song that makes me feel like i could kill god
Extremely high on my workout playlist!
22. A song that reminds me of a character
Now this is a Harrier Du Bois song if I have ever seen one
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ben-learns-smth · 1 year
When you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)✨!
that I can use my extrovert skills to get coffee for free or to relieve my introvert friends from performative extrovert duties
my bread baking skills
that I have a very high threshold for embarrassment (e.g. idc if anyone's watching if the song is good I'll do a silly little dance in public)
my (monthly) lists of happiness/happy things
that I inherited my grandma's joy for baking and cooking experiments
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la-galaxie-langblr · 1 year
6 and 7? ^^
Mo beloved thanks for the ask :D
6. Favourite movie in your target language
I've only seen like 3 French films, out of those 'Manon des sources' was definitely my favourite :)
7. Favourite food from a country that speaks your target language
I do love a good pain du chocolat, and as for Ireland it's fifteens beloved <333 (dough made of crushed digestives, glacé cherries and marshmallows, binded with condensed milk, shaped into a log and covered in dessicated coconut) yes I have a sweet tooth skdhskdhsksv
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caffrey-coffee · 2 years
5, 17 and 76? 👀
5: ‘I’m the coolest person there is 😎’ aka Charmer by Skz lmao
17: Obsession, and make it kinda horny aka Red Lights also by Skz
76: ‘Fuck yes i’m queer no matter how much you hate me’ aka Strange Girl by Halestorm
Send me a number from 1 - 100 and i’ll try to summarize the corresponding song in one sentence
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