#i feel like i get it and then i close the tab and then it doesn't make sense again
blackberries45 · 3 days
A Helpful Bath
Beetlejuice x fem reader (could picture Lydia or whoever)
Word count : ~900
Warnings : he gets her off 🤷🏼‍♀️
Notes: she needed a bath and he helped 😆 sorry about misspellings or grammar errors. I word vomit occasionally but suck at it. This is just for me to have fun.
It was just a simple bath to calm her down. She was over everything and just wanted to lay in the warm water and relax. But one thing led to another and she thought there might be a way to be a tab bit more relaxed.
Scooting down so her head was comfortably on her bath pillow she closed her eyes and took a long slow breath. Now who to think of. Well, there was that guy in the new book she just started. No, she didn’t know enough about him yet. Maybe he was a creep. There was that cute guy at the store today. Fuck! What if he was a creep too??
She figured she should start before her bath water became cold and someone would just come to mind. Taking another deep breath and slowly letting it go, she moved her hand across her hip. Gently she found where she needed and started to make the circle motions she had made many times before. Her other hand came up to softly tug at one of her nipples. A soft sigh escaped her lips.
Several faces started to come in and out of thought when suddenly, the creep of ALL creeps popped up. Her eyes opened wide as her hands dropped back to her sides making a loud splash. This can’t be happening. How in the world could she think of him of all people while getting off?? After a few seconds though she started to give in. What difference would it make? She wasn’t summoning him, only thinking of him. And his roughness. And is need to prove a point. What a jackass. Oddly it was making her horny again.
She let her eyes close and her hands moved back to their positions. She breathed through the thoughts of him putting her in her place. His wicked laughter and…she laid dead still. She was instantly aware she wasn't alone. Before she could open her eyes though, a hand covered them and a rough voice demanded for her to keep them shut. A slight nod is all she could give for she felt she was in no position to argue.
What felt like ages went by of her thinking about what he must be doing. Was he examining her? Did he think she looked fat or gross? Was he disappointed? Wait, why did she care if he was disappointed or not?? Just when she was about to speak, she felt him lean down next to her ear and ask quietly, “Would you like some help honey?” once again all she could do was slightly nod while biting her lip.
She could tell he was in his suit by the way his sleeve touched her stomach as he replaced her hand with his on her clit. The angle was better with him next to the tub but she tried to focus on the feeling and not wondering if his suit was getting wet. As he started making small slow circles, she calmly grabbed his wrist to hold onto. She could feel him start to lean next to her face again. Like some puppy, he nuzzled his way between her jaw bone and shoulder. Picking up the pace slightly, he worked a moan out of her. He couldn't help himself and lightly bit that soft spot on her neck which caused another breathy moan. This time a dark chuckle escaped him in response. She felt herself starting to clench down to it. Fuck.
Beetlejuice decided he wanted a better angle. He wouldn't go further himself tonight with her, but he'd be sure she'd be satisfied. She could feel when he shifted and was getting into the tub over her. He didn't stop his circles as he bent down, his knees on either side of her legs. She could hear his boots squeak against the side of the tub where the soles rubbed above the water line. He must be soaking wet now. Why would he get into the water with his suit and boots?? Shit! Focus!!
Using both hands now, one to keep her legs just barely a jar since there was a lack of room, and one still circling, she felt him once again right in front of her face. “Breathe” he finally had to remind her. Giving her about two breaths to relax again, he couldn't help himself any longer. He circled her hard and as she opened to moan again he leaned forward and kissed her. She almost protested but at the same moment he had slipped the other hand from keeping her apart, to putting two fingers inside her. She couldn't help but give in.
Her arms that had been still at her sides automatically reached up around his neck, causing the kisses to deepen as her head was tilted back against the cold tile. Long ago her pillow slipped down but all cares had disappeared. She was so close but she started to think again, now about it ending too soon. She was fulling enjoying the sensations and making out with him. “Cum for me honey” Beetlejuice said in a demanding voice as he put his forehead against hers. It was all she needed, his commanding and cool skin against her hot head and she was gone. Crash after crash she clenched down on his fingers. He gave her mouth space to curse and moan until he started slowing down his movements and gently kissed her once more.
Thank you she whispered feeling him starting to back up. His smug and satisfied laugh echoed in the tub though it has a tone of sympathy somehow. Suddenly as he had appeared, she knew he was gone. She opened one eye and then the other. No sign of him to be seen. She pulled herself up in the tub and held her knees. Maybe she was dreaming. The only sign would be the next day when an almost undetectable bite mark in the scoop between her neck and shoulder would appear.
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destinationtrekk · 7 hours
young wesker who gets drunk and giggly with reader. at first he had been so... cold, so expressionless and absolutely cluelessly bone-dry on how to go about doing anything but a daylight two-step move-his-arms-a-little to the dance music blaring from somewhere, but that's okay, reader can show him.
and he enjoys it... and he's laughing, and his face is flushed, and the scent of vodka is deep on his tongue, and he has severely miscalculated his drink, but that's okay, because reader keeps him safe and happy and distracted the entire time.
at the end, as he begins to sober up, they can't seem to get out of him where he's supposed to go to now (perhaps he is trying to revel in it, this one normalcy, just one event he took on to learn how to behave like everyone else and got taught more about himself and his own interests than he'd ever planned, a snapshot of a life he could have lived if only--) so they take him back to their house and snuggle him up in a blanket burrito on the couch, making him drink water, take an advil, a tylenol.
and as he gets back to himself and they smoke a cig, talking about life as he gets rather quiet and inward again (for he cannot share, he has nothing positive or appropriate to), they do something unexpected and yet wholly welcome, a gift to close out the night: they give him a quick, brief and fleeting shotgun kiss, hand warm on his cheek, before they send him off for a nap, telling him to stay the night so he'll be well and sober the next day to depart. free breakfast if he's still around by then, otherwise, they take no offense.
he has no way of telling them the truth of this fragile matter. he has no way of divulging his life, which would undoubtedly ruin whatever scrapbook memory he is currently creating, and certainly no way to hold onto this awfully pleasant being who he can, apparently, trust in his total ineptitude with heavy inebriance. and he can't keep seeing them again after this. and his view on how ruthless and manipulative human beings are when faced with vulnerability has been shaken to its' core, and he can't say it, and he wants to, but...
instead he asks them to stay a little while he falls asleep (just one final, little test, he muses to himself), and they oblige. he's laid on the couch, head in their lap, his (admittedly not quite so soft after all the gel has hardened) hair being carded through by soft, ever-eager, sleepy fingers. he will never get a moment like this again and he pushes himself to take it in, revel in every second that passes, commit to absolute memory (no matter what he had earlier in the day) every detail of this sightly, sweetly saint's face.
he ends up falling asleep feeling cherished. he will remember this day forever. years to come he will still have tabs on this person, and their life will still be unexpectedly, oddly lucky.
maybe one day he'll find it in him to thank them properly, face-to-face...
nshtn can i say i love you? because i love you and every time you come in my inbox i get so excited
first and foremost i don't think he even would dance at a party. he very much is the kind of guy to find a spot and linger there with a group he's only half listening to. once he meets you though his night gets much much more interesting
he's never really had chances to drink, except maybe whiskey or something expensive with Spencer during their talks about Umbrella and the future, so when you start handing him all kinds of seltzers and mixed drinks and straight shots of vodka, he is very overwhelmed
he can't show it though! so he dutifully takes most of what you hand him, a few drinks are two sweet for him, and he is very quickly wasted tbh. you're so nice though, and you drag him in the middle of everyone dancing and show him a few easy things and soon enough he's bouncing around with everyone else
every time he starts to think about what's going to happen tomorrow you're immediately there to distract him. it's almost like you can read his mind - you know just the right things to say and how to push people out of the way and he just thinks you're perfect under the flashing lights
finally when it's time to go home, he knows for a fact he can't show up at his place looking messed up as he is - what if Spencer or Birkin or some nameless Umbrella employee saw him and ratted him out? so he takes your offer to go to your house gracefully as he can this drunk
he knows now that you're a party expert, you immediately make him drink water and wash his face and take preemptive tylenol for the hangover. your fleeting kiss and warm hands on his sweaty skin are so sweet he can't bear to think about it longer than he has to. he knows he should leave before you wake up tomorrow and forget this wonderful night ever happened (he'll never forget you, not even on his deathbed)
you give him every courtesy and kindness you can offer and he decides to take just one more, one last sweet touch to take with him into the night. you smile sleepily and open your arms for him to fall into - the blanket covering his shoulders is a little too hot and you both smell like beer and liquor and sweat but your lap is so soft, it makes the ache in his back and shoulders from carrying the world lessen a bit, and your fingers in his hair send him into a beautiful and silent sleep
the next morning it physically pains him to untangle from your body on the couch. he stands and watches you for a moment, his heart clenching and pounding in his chest, until he forces himself out the door before you can feel his absence.
when he meets you again, what feels like a thousand years later, his heart pounds just the same. you recognize him, his twisted dark smirk and deep eyes, and when you smile and say his name he's suddenly twenty-something all over again and dizzy and drunk in your arms - he never wants to leave you again
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squareofshape · 9 months
not in school anymore so i don't get to cathartically close a bunch of open tabs when i turn in a paper BUT every year around new year's i get to close all the tabs on the free crochet pattern websites once i've finished & wrapped all my gifts
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damnprecious · 1 month
setting up a new computer be like 'what the heck was that password again; yes yes yes it was I who logged into this account, no need to confirm it literally four times; oh look at that, I only have eight tabs open; oh god no what is this new keyboard I keep hitting the wrong key'
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gay-yosuke · 4 months
managed to finish making adjustments to my naoto cosplay in about 2 hours... unfortunately doing so meant that i abandoned playing terraria in the middle of building another secret lab (this time in the brimstone crags)
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plateauofmemories · 6 months
Me, playing Dream Drop Distance 12 years ago: okay yeah, I think I get this "power of waking" thing
Me now, crying with a Google tab open: no, wait, what the fuck was the power of waking supposed to be???
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keeps-ache · 8 months
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homeosloven · 9 months
got myself a new phone bc my old xiaomi was rapidly deteriorating
after setting up all the apps i realized that i was able to transfer everything BUT my open browser tabs.... hundreds upon hundreds of valuable (and maybe less valuable) tabs lost like that :(
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barely got through a fourth of the most boring flat beige hater review of the torchwood characters i have ever come across, you can only say you support women's wrongs you can't even handle morally light grey characters unless they are some cis white man from your fantasy romance get out of here
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
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" over and over again, i sink my teeth into my weakly self because in this world riddled with mistakes, i want to make sure you can smile. i don't want to lose anyone anymore. "
pg. 3/∞
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disaster-fruit · 2 years
this is just personal taste i guess but i find it impossible to read smut featuring trans people using the opposite words (calling clits dicks and dicks clits etc). I guess for some people the real words can cause dysphoria but for me it just sounds patronizing and uninspiring and completely throws me off of it
why am i saying this? because any absolute rule you see on the internet about how to write trans people is not absolute at all.
Sometimes what one random trans stranger on the internet says is the best way to do it its the same thing that will make another random trans stranger on the internet immediately close the tab. And that's fine, none of them are wrong except by trying to force one standard or the other. So follow your instincts and make good art. that's the only rule.
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youngpettyqueen · 1 year
ive tried a few times now and I gotta say it. BJ Goes to Maine as a concept- the way ive seen it executed the most- really just doesnt work for me
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pyrrhiccomedy · 10 months
so judging by how astonished people are by it every time we explain it to anybody, it seems like my wife and I might really be onto something here
during the pandemic, we invented something we call "astronaut time."
when it's astronaut time, it's like we are two astronauts wearing the big helmets, moving around the station on totally separate tasks. one of us is outside the space station and one of us is inside the space station. our radios do not work and we have no way of communicating with each other. we might see each other through the lil porthole windows, but we ignore each other because we both have different things to do.
"astronaut time" is how we get total privacy when we live in the same apartment. I will pretend you don't exist. You will pretend I don't exist. we have a nonverbal, zero-contact signal for when astronaut time is over (usually "I'll draw a smiley-face on the whiteboard in the kitchen when I'm done"). No talking, stay out of each other's line of sight, we are actively avoiding each other, unless you are currently experiencing a medical emergency goodbye.
it has been. a godsend. imagine living with your partner and being able to close every single tab in your brain related to social interaction. no fear of being interrupted by a "hey, quick question--" or "sorry to bother you, but do you know where the scissors are?" or "did you want something to eat, too?" Once or twice a month, we look at each other lovingly, hold hands, and say "baby I think I need some astronaut time tonight," and the other person goes "okay cool. bye! have a nice night!" and nobody's feelings are hurt and we both go and have a lovely evening completely by ourselves.
like idk it's a small thing but it's made our lives so much nicer, so if you and your partner/roommate are both people who sometimes need total privacy in order to recharge, maybe try it
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raksh-writes · 6 days
Feeling so tired and lazy I might just indulge myself and take these last couple days of my freedom to do absolutely nothing. I think a deserve it. As a treat
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idontdrinkgatorade · 2 months
back to the glory days i guess (binged an entire season of anime today)
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cum-allergy · 3 months
#I'm so tired#i napped for like 2 hours yesterday and then slept for like 8#it's like I'm just exhausted and can't get out of it#i just want to sleep#sleepy#might just sleep for another 30 mins before work#something about writing these puts me right to bed#thinking about one of my coworkers saying how I'm always the most positive one#and just like. lol#thanks#I've had so much practice putting on another face#i hate it when customers waste my time#i feel like most of my job is just having my time wasted#that's most jobs though#i don't think I'm built to be alive (job version this time)#thinking about job setups that would accommodate me and just nothing really really does it#post of the irrational anger rn but. I'm so frustrated with my partner for saying something about how my job is bad for me like i don't know#it's like yeah i know but I'm actively trying to not think about it#because i just need this position for a year i just need it for a year#I'm trying to avoid thinking about it like this cause now it's triggered a spiral#and like. whatever#idrk#i don't want to eat i don't want to sleep i just want to be dead#I'm just so fucking annoyed cause once i open a ten like this with my emotions it's so hard to close it#so it's like. thanks for opening that tab right as I'm having an incredibly busy week#it's very busy at work I'm helping my other partner move and i have a family gathering in like 4 days#it's just all so much#i haven't really eaten in so long#and now since I'm traveling with them i have to make amends even though i don't want to#i don't even see a resolution to this I'm just being a brat i just want to be left alone and i just want to not do anything
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