#i feel like my obsession with tyzula will never go
reddstuff · 7 months
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hyacinths-in-a-storm · 9 months
Stolen Crowns and Blue Flames
Tyzula Week: Day 4 Role Reversal
You can read it here on archive of our own as well
A/N: I put off editing this for so long.
The Royal Family of the Fire Nation was said to be blessed by Agni’s light. Ever since the creation of firebenders, they were given the mandate that stated that they had divine right to rule.
Ty Lee didn’t quite believe that. If her family was truly blessed, then all seven of the Firelord’s children would be firebenders, not five of them. It was a sore point among the family, that Ty Lee and Ty Lat were as ordinary as the common man, nothing interesting about them. They were to be political pawns, to be married off to the highest bidder. Ty Lat had accepted her fate, spending her days in the river swimming, and making friends with the servants and the turtle-ducks.
Ty Lee refused. Instead she chose to spend her days pouring over every single piece of information she could get her hands on. She spent nights looking through historical sources, looking for anything, anything that could be used to have the upperhand, or at least level the playing ground against benders.
Finally her studying paid off. Chi-blocking, the skill of disrupting the bodies’ chakras, paralyzing people, and in benders, blocking their ability to bend. For the first time in her life, her Father looked at her instead of through her. The first time she demonstrated it properly, he even called her a prodigy.
He sent her to the Royal Fire Academy for Girls, to nurture her gift, and to help her form bonds with the daughters of other high-ranking officials.
That’s when Ty Lee met Azula.
“I hear that another one of the princesses is joining us, I think she’s even going to be in our class.” Azula remarks as she grabs another tree limb, trying and failing to climb higher,
“Oh yeah I know that.” Mai answers impassively,
“You could at least pretend to act surprised, it took a lot of listening to figure that much out.” Azula says, glaring from her spot in the tree,
“You mean eavesdropping.” Mai corrects,
“Same thing. Besides, how did you figure it out?” Azula asked, holding onto the trunk of the tree as she inches to a standing position,
“My uncle told me father, my father told me.” Mai picked up a rock, testing its weight,
“Where did your uncle get the news from?” Azula asks, readjusting her weight so she could stand without the support of the trunk,
“He made the decision himself.” Mai aimed the rock at Azula’s forehead,
“What do you mean?” Azula noticed the projectile and crouched down preparing to jump down from her perch,
“He’s the Firelord and you shouldn’t jump down from there you’ll break your legs.” Mai answered calmly, as if she were commenting on the weather,
“What?!” Azula yelled in disbelief, she jumped down anyways, nearly crushing Mai, “Your uncle is the Firelord and you never thought to bring it up?”
“It never really came up.” Mai shrugs, readjusting her aim, and within the blink of an eye she throws it aiming for Azula’s left eyebrow, Azula who was used to this dodged it without missing a beat.
Ty Lee, who was eavesdropping, was not. It hit her square on the temple. She let out a cry of pain, attracting the attention of two girls.
“Mai!” Azula yells as she runs over to Ty Lee’s side, “I told you that your throwing obsession would get us in trouble!”
“Says the person who likes to set flowers on fire for fun.” Mai responds dryly,
“Only the old ones!” she protests,
Ty Lee feels a presence beside her. She looked up to see a girl staring down at her, her face merely a few inches from Ty Lee. Her heart beats faster for some unknown reason. She was so close that Ty Lee could count each of her individual eyelashes if she wanted to.
“I’m alright.” Ty Lee states, proud that her voice didn’t falter, 
“Sorry about that, it’s just someone,” Azula pauses to glare at Mai, “doesn’t watch where they’re throwing things.” Ty Lee actually laughs at that, and is about to respond when a voice calls her,
“Ty Lee, come on! It’s your first day and you’re going to make us late.” it was Ty Woo who was towering over them, Ty Lee stood up so fast she got dizzy,
“Sorry Ty Woo, I’m coming right now.” Ty Lee knew her sister would be reporting every mishap to their father, and Ty Lee wasn’t going to risk falling out of her father’s favor so soon after she’d earned it,
“Hurry up.” Ty Woo added unhelpfully before walking away, Ty Lee scrambled after her sister before remembering the whole purpose she was sent to school,
“See you around?” she asks the girls, hoping her voice sounds inviting, and not like her only social interactions had been servants and her family members. Azula waved and flashed a bright smile that had Ty Lee’s heart racing again.
Ty Woo put a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it hard, nearly dragging her away,
“Associating with the governor’s daughter? I hear she’s a talented fire-bender.” she says, smirking, she squeezes harder “Something you could never be.”
“Shut up.” Ty Lee responds, and the light fluttering in her stomach sours to dark, heavy rage.
Ty Lee watched with glee as Azula crumbled to the ground with a loud oof! Ty Lee gracefully bent backwards and slowly, deliberately got to her feet.
“You don’t have to look so happy.” Azula says as she climbs to her feet,
“It’s the fifth time I won.” Ty Lee answers smugly,
“That’s because you’ve been practicing handstands for years, I only learned last week.” Azula pouts, “Besides, can you do this?”
Azula opens her palm and a large red flame ignites, flickering and sparking. Azula’s firebending is nothing like Ty Lee has ever seen before. It’s red, but small blue embers run up the length of the flame, which promise a prodigy, as if Azula wasn't already classified as one.
Ty Lee should feel jealousy stir in her stomach. A reminder that benders will always be stronger than non-benders, will always have the upper ground, an unfair advantage. But she feels nothing but excitement and a growing sense of admiration even. It flutters in her chest like a dragonfly, trying to break out of her chest. The feeling scares her. It scares her that one person, that one girl can completely throw off any control she had over her feelings.
"Earth to Ty Lee. Earth to Ty Lee. Are you there?" Azula says booping her on the nose,
"Yeah, I'm here." Ty Lee answers, snapping out of her thoughts,
“Good, I’m pretty sure the chef made some mochi, let’s go see if we can steal some.” Azula responds, taking Ty Lee’s hand in hers. She could feel her heartbeat along her palm, where her palm was pressed against Azula’s. Almost as if her heart was trapped in-between them. It wasn’t an unwelcome feeling.
Two years later, in the middle of the night Lady Azula and Lord Zuko, the children of General Ozai and his wife Lady Ursa went missing. The official story is that they were kidnapped, despite the dozens of guards, despite the hundreds of safety features, they were taken from the beds in the middle of the night. They disappeared, seemingly without a trace.
Ty Lee wouldn’t see her again for two more years.
Ty Lee steps foot out of her palanquin and into the recently captured Earth Kingdom territory. She stretches out, wondering how the hell anyone can stay in that cramped if gilded cell for hours on end. The town she was staying the night in was very quiet, even the children seemed muted, though this is most likely due to the tall Fire Nation flags that whipped in the wind behind her. It was the closest town to Omashu without actually being in Earth Kingdom territory. Still, this town set her on edge, maybe if she scoped out the area, she would feel better. She motioned to the nearest servant and informed them of her plans, and they bowed leaving her to her devices.
The town was silent. Any person she came across would scramble back in fear. Parents would grab children and usher them inside, girls would glare at her, if they had the guts to even look at her, and boys mostly looked at her in disgust, except for the brave few who decided it was appropriate to look at her with lust. She scoffed, glaring at one of the offenders, and his face paled,
One boy stood out, for instead of fear or disgust, he looked at her with something akin to recognition. He put down the tea kettle he was holding and bolted into the building behind him. Strange.
Ty Lee brushed it off and made her lap around the town, when she came back she found that the servants had already set up. One of them handed her a letter. She ripped it open, scanning over the contents, it was a generic report from a general about how Omashu would fall any day, and that they would be honored to have her-
“Ty Lee?” she stiffened, her entire body tensing as swore that she could recognize that voice. She turned around coming face to face with someone she hadn’t seen in years. She whispered, so quietly she could barely hear herself,
A/N: This has to be by far my favorite prompt, and I’ll probably do more little snippets for this AU in the future.
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tosskah · 5 years
Pom Pom and Votes Chapter 5
Tyzula High School AU
Tfw your gf is a super genius, acrobat, and actress, or just really cute
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4
“Ugh!!!” Azula groans in the darkness of her room. Why did I ask to kiss her? Why didn’t I just go for it? Ty Lee never asks to touch me, she just does it. Maybe that’s the key to her success. Maybe if I take charge, she won’t have the opportunity to outplay me…..
The girl tosses yet again on her bed, too preoccupied to sleep. It’s like the after effects of her dream, but worse! She keeps reliving the sensations ad nauseam, searing every second into her memory. The feeling of their palms touching. The way the space between them became so expectant when Ty Lee leaned in. Her smouldering smile when she agreed to be kissed. And why shouldn’t she have revelled in her victory? I can’t believe I asked permission. Gave her that power. She must be absolutely giddy with it…
Her thoughts run in circles for hours, chastising herself for her weakness before drifting back to their kiss, remembering the delicate pressure of their lips finally meeting. Finally, as the sky is starting to lighten, her exhausted mind finally succumbs to sleep.
It feels like her eyes have only been closed for a moment when her alarm wrenches her awake. Azula sighs, silences it, and rolls out of bed to start her day. 
I wonder how things will change now that we’ve…. Now that I’ve kissed her, she ponders on the drive to school, Will things change? Will other people be able to tell? Her mind wanders, wondering if there is some sort of secret signal that might alert the other students to what has happened. After all, she hasn’t bothered to really pay attention to that kind of thing before. The minutiae of high school dating has never interested her. Until now. Will Ty Lee tell people that we….? Do I want her to tell people? Do I want people to know? It’s not like I care what they think. If anything, I’m sure they will just be envious.  This idea soothes her, and she feels the anxious knot in her stomach relax. Let them be envious!
Despite her tiredness, she arrives at school with her usual self-assured confidence. She notices a pink figure approaching the door ahead of her, and recognizes Ty Lee. Azula quickens her pace to close the distance, but not before some idiot boy trips over himself to hold the door open for the cheer captain. When the other girl thanks him so genuinely, with a big bright smile, Azula feels a hot coal of anger start to burn in her chest. He slips inside before she can make it to the entryway, and he is gone before she can corner him. 
“Damn,” she mutters, scanning the crowd of students without luck. What am I doing? She catches herself. Would I rather that he didn’t hold the door for her? Made her open the door for herself? Or worse– what if he slammed it in her face? Just the idea makes her anger flare sharply again. She breathes deeply, subduing it. Instead, she shifts her focus to try and find Ty Lee. 
The cheer captain is not too far away. It looks like she got caught up talking to a friend. Curiosity overtakes Azula, and she ducks into a break between a bank of lockers so she can listen in.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” the friend asks. From her hiding place, Azula sees her put a comforting hand on Ty Lee’s shoulder. A jolt of panic lances through her before she realizes the touch is platonic, and she calms when she sees Ty Lee nodding.
“Yeah! I’m just…tired. Cheer practice was really tough last night, and– I went on another date with Azula-”
“You WHAT?!” The friend yelps, earning some turned heads. Azula listens intently, wondering if this is where she will disclose the kiss. “No wonder you’re tired! But-!! Why would you go on a second date with her? You already proved your point. You asked her out, you had your date- why not ask out someone worth your time?” 
Azula frowns. What does that even mean?
“Azula is worth my time,” Ty Lee insists, “And it’s not about ‘proving a point,’ or whatever!-”
“Oh really?” The friend oozes sarcasm, and Azula feels her hands clench into fists. “You’re really telling me you didn’t want to ask her out, just to see if you could get the meanest girl– meanest person, probably, in the whole school to go out with you? Everyone thinks you’re cute. You could have anyone you want. So why not go for someone that can actually appreciate you? Like Chan! Ooh- I know Ruon-Jian has been thinking about asking you out!! He’s so hot-”
“Azula is nice!” Ty Lee interjects, impatient, “We went to a movie and I actually got to watch it, instead of fending off someone trying to feel me up the whole time-”
“Probably because Azula doesn’t know what to do-” The friend scoffs, but she is quickly cut off.
“Stop it!!” Ty Lee pleads, and her friend at least has the decency to look ashamed. “You’re my friend, I know you’re looking out for me,” she soothes, tone softening, “but maybe you could just… be happy for me?”
“Sorry,” the friend mutters, looking sheepish.
“I appreciate you looking out for me,” Ty Lee assures her, darting in for a quick hug. “I’ll see you at lunch, okay?”
Ty Lee takes her leave, moving through the thickening throng of students. Rather than follow her, Azula finds herself preoccupied. Who is Ruon-Jian? He’s an athlete, she’s pretty sure, but other than that, she doesn’t know anything about him. This will take some digging.  
At lunch, Azula makes a beeline for someone she knows she can trust: Mai. The dark-haired girl is quiet, but observant, and has a general disdain for most other students that makes her opinions unflinchingly honest. Azula sets her lunch down next to her and wastes no time in getting down to business.
“Ruon-Jian?” Mai echoes flatly when Azula asks about him. “Lots of people think he’s hot, but anything more intelligent than running back and forth is beyond him. Half the cheer team is obsessed with him, no surprise. He’s an idiot, but he thinks he’s hot shit because he has a fan club cheering him on at every game.” Assessment complete, she takes a bite of her lunch and chews with a bored expression while Azula ponders the information. 
The student body president finds her appetite has evaporated. Instead, a cold lump of fear has filled her stomach. Half the cheer team? And if Ty Lee isn’t interested, why didn’t she say as much to her friend this morning? She didn’t dispute that he is hot, either. 
“Ruon-Jian isn’t anyone you need to worry about, unless you’re trying to join a sports team,” Mai adds, eyebrows raised. “You’re not… are you?”
“No!” Azula snaps, then adds, “I… was just curious about him. Heard some people talking about him this morning.”
“Whatever,” Mai sighs, poking at her food, “I wouldn’t waste my time worrying about a loser like him, but it’s your life.” 
Azula nods, and picks her lunch up again. After a moment, she disposes of it. She can eat later. For now, she needs to formulate a plan to get rid of the competition. 
The teenager hardly has time to piece together a plan of action before the familiar sound of Ty Lee’s giggle cuts through the dull roar of lunch conversations. Azula finds her easily in the crowd, and the other students around provide excellent cover for another eavesdropping session. Ty Lee is chatting with someone different from this morning, though this friend is looking just as concerned as the first one.
“Yeah, you can borrow my notes, but what’s up? Did your pen run out in class or something?” she asks.
“It’s pretty embarrassing,” Ty Lee replies, giggling, “But I fell asleep in class and missed the last half of the notes!” The friend gasps in horror and claps her hands over her mouth. 
“Are you feeling okay?” she asks, reaching up to feel the cheer captain’s forehead. Azula’s anger blazes at the familiar touch. No one should be touching her face like that!! She almost steps in, but controls herself. No need to be brash.
“I’m fine! Honest,” Ty Lee assures her, “Just tired. I was out late last night with Azula, and then I had to finish that essay- I guess it really took it out of me!” Despite her weariness, she flashes a wide smile.
“Again?! You’ll have to give me the details later, I gotta go eat. Here,” the friend offers, rummaging in her bag and removing a few pages of paper. As she hands them to Ty Lee, however, their hands brush, and Azula’s resolve snaps. She pushes roughly past the students she had been using for cover, with her eyes solely trained on Ty Lee.
“You’re the best!” Ty Lee gushes, waving bye to her friend. Then she spots Azula barreling toward her, but she doesn’t seem disturbed. “Hey Azula!! Long time no see!”
Azula plants herself close to the other girl, blocking anyone else from catching Ty Lee’s eye. Her companion doesn’t seem to mind the proximity, but her expression becomes tinged with concern as she realizes Azula is taking a steadying breath before speaking. Whatever Ty Lee is preparing to ask is overridden by a sharp interjection.
“Do you think Ruon-Jian is hot?” Azula blurts. The cheerleader looks dumbfounded before bursting into giggles. She must be laughing because only a fool wouldn’t know that she likes him. I never should have let myself kiss her, this was a mistake,  Azula reasons, her face tightening into a glare as her cheeks burn with embarrassment. Ty Lee manages to answer before Azula launches a cruel comeback.
“Ruon-Jian is boooring,” she replies, still a little breathless from laughter. “Boys like him don’t interest me at all. Besides,” she continues, lacing her fingers through Azula’s, “You’re hotter. So intense! I love how focused you get! And I love looking in your eyes– they’re so beautiful!! I could stare at them forever!” 
At this, Azula wrenches her gaze away. Why is she doing this? If she was trying to throw me off the scent, a simple ‘no’ would have sufficed. Her face seems to be even more flushed, now, for some reason. As much as she tries, her eyes remain firmly trained on the floor tiles, and she can’t think of what to say. Ty Lee bends slightly, and angles her head so that her face is once more in Azula’s view. 
“Hey,” she says, her voice gentle. Kind. “I”m sorry if that was too much– but just know it’s true, kay? I asked you out because you’re the one I want to go on dates with, not anyone else. I really did have the best time last night! I loved seeing that movie with you!! Oops, sorry, too much again.”
“But you fell asleep in class. That’s hardly anything to get excited about,” Azula says flatly. She startles slightly when Ty Lee squeezes her hand reassuringly, as she has forgotten their hands were still together.
“It’s no big deal,” Ty Lee chirps, waving her unoccupied hand dismissively. “I can copy the notes and I’ll just go to bed early tonight! Speaking of tonight….” she pauses, chewing her lip thoughtfully. Azula has no memory of her eyes drifting there, but she is fixated on the sight now. “Would you wanna drive me home from cheer practice? Only if you want! I know we already spent a lot of time together–”
“What time?” Azula interrupts. 
“Um– Five?” Ty Lee says, her expression hopeful.
“I could do that,” Azula replies, careful to sound aloof. Every drive with the cheerleader so far has been a blur of good memories, but she doesn’t want to let on how much she might be looking forward to it. Ty Lee still has too much of an advantage with her frequent touching and the way she makes Azula’s mind go blank when she smiles at her.
“You’re the BEST!” Ty Lee squeals, jumping with excitement, “Thank you thank you!! I need to go get some lunch, but I’ll see you in the gym at five!! Can’t wait!!” She dashes off, leaving Azula alone in her confusion.
Did she say I was hot? She wonders, dazed.
As much as she doesn’t want to admit it, she finds herself looking forward to the end of the day. It is a welcome distraction to think about all the compliments Ty Lee was heaping on her, and what she might have meant by them, instead of obsessing over the kiss or Ruon-Jian. Azula attends her afternoon classes on autopilot, and feels her excitement surge when the dismissal bell rings. 
She has time to kill before the cheer practice is over, so she sets up shop in the student council meeting room and picks away at some homework. It is slow going. Her mind is much more eager to focus on how it felt when Ty Lee was squeezing her hand earlier. How her hair was swaying when she bent down to catch her eye. That huge, beaming smile when Azula agreed to pick her up from practice…. Azula checks the time, for the hundredth time, and lets out a huff of frustration to find hardly any time has passed at all. It’s still only 4:30.
Surely, she reasons, It wouldn’t be a problem if I was there a few minutes early. Maybe seeing the practice will give me some insight – an advantage. Just the thought puts a smug smile on her lips. Azula jots down one final sentence on her neglected homework and packs it all up, taking care not to hurry too much. If she gets there too early, it will look desperate.
By the time she leisurely strolls into the gym, it is 4:45. She can feel her pulse quicken at the prospect of the opportunity awaiting her. She enters unnoticed, as the girls are in the middle of rehearsing some routine. The music thumps loudly, too loudly, in the otherwise empty gym, but at least it masks her approach. It takes her a moment to spot Ty Lee as she emerges from the crowd of cheerleaders, being hoisted above all of them.
Fitting, Azula thinks, grinning as she leans against the wall. She gasps, however, when the cheer captain’s eyes find her instantly. The girl pauses at the top of the formation and flashes the briefest look that could be described as mischievous. Azula’s heartbeat escalates further. The music cues Ty Lee to drop, and she does so gracefully into the waiting arms of the girls gathered around her. On the next beat however, she is airborne, impossibly high, dangerously high– and beaming, as she flips effortlessly and returns to the cheerleaders on the ground. Azula releases the breath she didn’t know she was holding.
The crowd of girls seethes into a new formation, and Ty Lee is out front. There is some frivolous posturing with arms no doubt intended to be holding pom poms, but when the captain locks eyes with Azula, she feels in her gut that she is about to be outplayed. It’s clear from Ty Lee’s smile that she has something special in store. Azula’s body tenses as the other girl launches from a cartwheel, to a round off, to a series of impossibly fast backflips, with her hands and feet springing off the mats in perfect synchronisation to the music. As it crescendos, she twists through the air a final time and glides through the landing into perfect splits. The devastating blow, however, is how her eyes immediately fall on Azula.
Azula finds herself aware, once again, that she is being observed, rather than being the observer. It was ethereal watching Ty Lee at work, and now she is suddenly aware of her own body again. Somehow during the course of the routine, her own face has grown warm. All of her feels too warm, actually. Her cheeks are blazing and she feels a strange warmth pooling in her stomach. 
Oh spirits, she thinks to herself, barely stifling a groan. Ty Lee springs to her feet and congratulates the other cheerleaders on a good practice. The crowd slowly disperses as girls pick up their things and gradually flow to the locker room to get changed. Their captain, however, does not join them. She gravitates instead to Azula, and her smile is coy. 
“Thanks for coming to pick me up!” she gushes, “I’ll just get changed and then we can go, ‘kay?” Azula cannot quite remember how to form words, but manages a stiff nod.
While she waits, she feels her mind haltingly return to its full function. She did this on purpose, she realizes, Asked me to come pick her up so she could show off. Just the memory of the routine threatens to derail her once more, so she brusquely pushes the thoughts aside. She knew I would show up early, too, that little sneak! Despite the sharp flare of indignation, Azula must admit she is impressed.
Ty Lee emerges soon, surprisingly energetic even after her remarkable acrobatic display. Azula is not so distracted that she fails to note the other cheerleaders staring at the pair of them. 
Ty Lee doesn’t seem to notice, and immediately resumes thanking her.
“Sorry to keep you waiting!! I hope you weren’t too bored or anything-”
The weight of their gazes causes Azula’s confidence to surge, and she slips her hand into Ty Lee’s. At this, the cheerleader drops her gaze to their clasped hands and stutters for a moment, but recovers with, “–um- I think our routine is really coming along!” 
The two of them walk out together, as if being seen together, holding hands, is the most natural thing. Azula doesn’t spare their onlookers a glance on their way out, but she is certain a few of them are fuming. 
They finally separate as they approach the car. She catches herself hurrying the last few steps so she can sit next to Ty Lee more quickly, and admonishes herself for it. There’s no need to turn on the radio because Ty Lee has seen fit to fill every bit of silence with remarks about her day, and how practice went. Azula nods and ‘mhms’ at the appropriate times, content to listen. Everything she hears is potential fodder, a chance to finally finally turn the tables on her. 
As they drive, she realizes with a jolt that the last time they were in the car together was when they kissed. Azula feels herself blushing at the memory and tries to focus on traffic instead. Ty Lee doesn’t seem to notice, as she is laying out the particulars of how she plans to help the cheer team do well in their next competition. Too soon, they arrive at Ty Lee’s. The driveway is packed with cars, and a few more have taken the spots on the street. 
“Oh!” Ty Lee exclaims, pressing a fingertip to the window as she points to one of the vehicles, “I forgot Lin was having people over tonight. Looks like Liu invited some over, too, oh my gosh….” Her whole body sags, defeatedly, as she pulls her backpack onto her lap. Before opening the door, she pieces together a smile. “Thanks for driving me!! I really appreciate it-”
“Why don’t you come to my place instead?” Azula interrupts. Her eyes are glittering
“What?” Ty Lee replies, doing an immaculate impression of being surprised.
“Your place looks busy. There’s no way you can get your homework done with that much going on. Come to my place instead,” she explains, fighting a smirk. As if Ty Lee didn’t lay this trap herself. ‘Drive me home, ohhh nooo my place is so busy!’ How long has she been planning this? Azula is once again impressed. She hasn’t had this much fun in ages! Ty Lee is clearly a brilliant strategist.
“You sure?? I don’t want to impose or anything!” The girl bites her lip nervously. Of course she would ask that while making sure she looks as cute as possible… Azula marvels. 
“I’m sure,” Azula insists, finally letting her lips curl into a knowing smile and putting the car back into gear.
Her home is starkly devoid of any of the bustle they just witnessed at Ty Lee’s. The only car in the driveway is Azula’s as she pulls in. There are a few lights on in the windows, but no one can be seen moving around within. Azula unlocks the front door, and Ty Lee begins gushing while the two of them remove their shoes.
“THIS is your house?? This is a mansion!! Everything is so beautiful!! These ceilings are like– a hundred feet high!! Everything is so clean and nice! Do you really live here?? This looks like a magazine!”
“Thanks,” is all Azula responds, shrugging her shoulders. It looks like a magazine because the household staff keep it ready for a photo op at any moment, but there’s no need to tell Ty Lee that.
“Who all lives here?” Ty Lee wonders aloud, still taking in the space with wide eyes.
“Just Father and I,” Azula says nonchalantly, “My brother lives out with my uncle so he can go to some reform school and Mom left a few years ago.” She sets her backpack down by the couch and turns to see that her companion has stopped walking, and has her hands clapped over her mouth.
“Oh!! I’m so sorry!! I didn’t mean to pry- I just thought– I’m so sorry!” Ty Lee’s voice quavers. She is doing an excellent job of looking choked up, with tears shimmering in her eyes.
“It’s no big deal,” Azula assures her, shrugging again. She starts to pull books out of her backpack. “Want to do our work here? I’ll go get us something to eat.”
“Um– I– sure!” Ty Lee recovers, approaching at last. Azula moves to the kitchen and waits patiently while their chef prepares a couple plates of light faire. Several kinds of fruit, as well as a few simple sandwiches and glasses of water serve well enough as an after school snack, which she is quick to set on a tray and return to the living room.
She supposes the room is grand in its own way. The ceilings are tall, and the wall of floor-to-ceiling windows allows them to enjoy the last of the day’s sunlight. The dark hardwood floors are expertly accented with textured rugs, and the impressive sectional could likely seat the group currently entertaining at Ty Lee’s. For the two of them, however, it just means plenty of room for their homework materials. She gently sets the tray on the coffee table, plucking a piece of fruit from one plate and gesturing for her guest to help herself to the other. 
“Wow! That’s so much!! Thank you!!” Ty Lee picks up a piece of fruit from her plate and rests back on the couch, nibbling. “So, what does your dad do to afford a place like this?”
“He’s the mayor,” Azula answers, eyebrows raising. As if she doesn’t already know. Someone this cunning must have done some digging. Ty Lee, however, chokes on her bite and starts coughing.
“THAT’S your dad??!” She wheezes when she is able.
“Yeah,” Azula answers, unmoved. She is a remarkable actress, she thinks, studying the other girl and moving in to offer her one of the glasses of water.
“That’s crazy!!!!” Ty Lee responds hoarsely, accepting the glass with a grateful smile. She sips the water and recovers. “Guess that’s why you’re such a natural for student body president, huh?”
“You could say that,” Azula concedes, feeling a grin overtake her. Silence falls between them, and she suddenly realizes that, despite the massive amount of space available, she has placed herself within arm’s reach of her guest. They could have put their materials anywhere, but now their books are laid out just so, and here they are, practically touching. The idea of touching Ty Lee reminds her of her dream from the other night, and she blurts, “So!! Homework?”
Ty Lee giggles and turns to look at the packet of paper closest to her. The sound makes Azula’s heart flutter, despite her attempts to steady it. “Oh yeah! I got distracted!! Guess we should get some work done, huh?”
Azula hums an affirmative reply and cracks open a textbook. Her eyes trail over the words on the page but do not absorb them. Instead of facts, her mind returns to the dazzling acrobatic display she saw after school. How easily Ty Lee flew through the air, so graceful, but powerful too-
“-’Zula?” Her companion prompts, startling her.
“Hmm?” she replies.
“Uh, I just asked if I could use the bathroom?” Ty Lee looks amused. 
“Oh- yeah. Down the hall,” Azula gestures in the correct direction. As soon as the other girl is out of sight, Azula releases a long sigh. 
After she returns, the pair of them work in silence for awhile. It’s surprisingly pleasant, although there is a certain tenses that emerges every time they happen to make eye contact. It grows darker and darker outside, until Azula checks the time while stifling a yawn.
“Oh! It’s late. I didn’t realize. I should take you home,” she says, closing her book. As she turns, though, she sees Ty Lee has stretched out over the papers, sound asleep. She looks so content. Her face is so relaxed, her breathing is gentle and measured…. It almost seems wrong to wake her. But she has to go home. Azula takes a deep breath and lightly shakes the girl’s shoulder. 
“Hey– we need to get going,” she says, not bothering to soften her voice. It’s time to wake up, after all! Instead of rousing, though, Ty Lee sleepily nuzzles into her hand, which Azula instantly yanks back as if scalded. The sharp movement finally makes her eyes open. 
“Oh…” Ty Lee says, her voice still thick with sleep, “Sorry…didn’t realize…I fell asleep.”
“We better get going,” Azula says, returning her homework materials to her backpack. The other girl nods in agreement and stretches her arms over her head. It’s impossible to miss the inches of exposed, toned midriff. Luckily, Azula manages to look away before she is caught staring.
Ty Lee is still mostly asleep on the drive home. She leans heavily against the window, eyes closed, and can barely make conversation. She must really be worn out, Azula thinks, and lets her be. 
Ty Lee’s eyelids flicker open as they pull up to her house. The other cars are still there. She straightens in her seat and gathers her things. Azula’s heart leaps into her throat, realizing this is an opportunity– the opportunity to kiss her goodnight. Considering she was just asleep, maybe she won’t be interested… she worries. 
It seems the other girl is remembering the same situation, because she hasn’t opened her door yet, and says, “I liked that you asked to kiss me.”
“So you want me to kiss you again.” It is not a question, but a statement. Azula is already leaning in, her mouth curved in a pleased smile. Ty Lee’s reply is to help close the distance, and finally their lips meet. Their kiss makes a wonderful, delicate sound that Azula wants to hear more of. Tipping her head slightly, she captures another kiss. It, too, is exquisitely soft and just as enticing as the first. Before she can claim a third, though, Ty Lee is pulling back.
 “I, um– need to-” 
“Of course,” Azula says, trying to remember anything other than her overpowering desire to keep kissing her. 
“Tonight was really fun,” Ty Lee assures her, exiting the car at last. She pauses before shutting her door and adds, “You’re a really good kisser, by the way.”
41 notes · View notes
reddstuff · 10 months
Ty lee:Are we fighting or flirting?
Azula:I could literally kill you with a single twist of my wrist
Ty lee:This is not an answer
122 notes · View notes
reddstuff · 1 year
Azula:I hate you.
Ty lee:You love me.
Ty lee:...
Azula:.....Okay you're right.
77 notes · View notes