#i feel very hypocrite because i'm bad and disgusting and i shouldn't like
watch-out-it-bites · 6 months
he said he would stop bothering us since I apologized then like days after he goes on an alt and bothers, or what happened a week ago or so I HATE HIM HFHBBNNJhhrvrvrhhrrrjjjjjjj
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#don't let them see this!#i feel very hypocrite because i'm bad and disgusting and i shouldn't like#i shouldn't be mad at him for that because we're. so very alike.#and i hate that he influenced me and i influenced him and everytime i think of him i feel awful and dirty and bad#i feel like im the bad person and he was right#he hurt himself because of me and i feel. awful for it.#i want him to get better but he terrifies me still#i dont want him to hurt me because i know he could#and then theres the fact that i know it's my fault any of this happened or#just being. very disgusting about it all because fear responses#i hate how i know we both care about eachother in very different weird ways i#i am still very grossed out by some of his messages it makes me feel so ill whenever i read stuff from him#and i hate how hes right about so much and he only is because hes projecting#and because we're alike its judt#ashhghhhgj#i really fucking hate jude#scout speaks#i cant even say he ruined me regardless of how i feel because i was probably always like this#i wish i was a jellyfish#twins in paradise music has been very comforting and today has been very guilty and awful#guilty / shameful ?#why do i linger on this stuff why do i feel so scared hes going to get me why do i??? pluh..#its best not to linger on this qnd i do anyway because i think I'll be safer if i do and all it does is make me feel bad#the actual worst thing is thinking anyone i get close to is him or friends with him and secretly trying to get info on me or hurt me and!!#agh
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einsteinsugly · 10 months
Can you please write a drabble with Leah calling Jackie out on the way she treats her like shit and favors Kate over her?
1994. Oil and Water.
Breakfast is tense in the Forman abode. Even bacon, pancakes, and eggs can't thwart the looming doom they all feel, in their bones.
"I don't want to go." Leah angrily stuffs a glob of pancakes into her mouth. "Aunt Jackie's a big jerk."
But Donna isn't having it, at all. Perhaps she can try to get them both to get along, by force of hand. "Leah."
Leah isn't having it, either, firmly shaking her head. "She should just go with Kate. She likes Kate."
"She has a point. Maybe Jackie can go with Kate instead." Eric nods, in agreement, but Donna kicks him. Taking a move straight out of Jackie's playbook. "Ow."
Usually, Eric is the dutiful diplomat. But when it comes to Jackie, all bets are off. No one turns their nose up at his daughter, even if Leah turned her nose up first.
But Donna, on the other hand, is particularly wary of both Leah and Jackie's antics. Maybe shoving them together on a shopping trip, with Donna and James as the calming forces, will do the trick.
So, she's quick to dutifully retort. "No, they need to figure out how to settle their differences..."
Leah obnoxiously cuts her off, stubbornly sticking out her tongue. "No, I don't."
"No, they don't," Eric defensively agrees, "They don't even like being in the same room as each other."
Leah nods, holding up her pinky finger. To signify a pinky promise. "I'll scream, just like I did when I was a baby."
Kate finally pipes up, albeit reluctantly. "You're still a baby."
"Uh uh!"
"Uh huh!"
"Uh uh..." Jackie appears in the doorway, with James trailing behind. Two tiny pawns, in Donna's chess game, and true to form, Leah screams bloody murder.
"Oh my God. It's the same scream as..." Eric's eyes widen, nearly plugging his ears, notably horrified. "You know when Laurie used to scream and pretend I was doing something bad, so I would get in trouble? It's that scream."
Donna simply groans, and Leah leaps off of the kitchen chair, continuing her pinky promise. Screaming her head off, and Donna attempts to drag her off the floor.
"I'm not going." Leah manages to briefly evade Donna's ironclad grip, plopping onto the kitchen floor, criss cross applesauce. "You can't make me."
"She's doing a sit-in," Eric snarkily defends, "She's protesting. You should be proud."
Donna yanks Leah off of the floor, with an infuriated sigh, as the tiny redhead continues to kick and scream. "No, she's just being stubborn."
Eric is less than sympathetic, though, because he clearly remembers Donna at that age. Very, very clearly. When she took a stand, she meant business.
And she still does, as Donna plops Leah back in her seat. And Eric dramatically sighs. "Apple, meet tree."
"Do you really want to go down that road?" Similarly, Donna can recall the Forman rage running through his stubborn veins, once in a blue moon. "I'll run your hypocritical, skinny ass over."
Upon hearing a burn at Eric's expense, Jackie finally joins the conversation, with a dismissive scoff. "She should run your hypocritical, skinny ass over anyway."
Eric feigns a chuckle. "Ha, ha. Very funny..."
Meanwhile, Leah is still having a tantrum, all while trying to evade the scene. "You can't make me! You can't make me!"
Jackie looks at her in not so subtle disgust, with particular ire. "See? We shouldn't go anywhere together..."
Leah finally breaks free, attempting to race through the somewhat unwelcome crowd. Pushing Jackie aside, and lovingly patting James on the shoulder, before letting out a rebel yell.
"Yeah. You're a big jerk, and a big ass!"
"No, I don't have a big ass," Jackie haughtily proclaims, "It's in perfect proportion to the rest of my body!"
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sovereignspades · 1 year
hey, u do batim and cuphead art and i just wanted to ask a question like i don't want to sound rude it's something i want to be sure of myself even for personal reasons but.... it's understandable that I'm afraid to look at blogs of BATIM x Cuphead crossover AU's because I was into a specific ask comic in the past whose creator was a horrible degenerate human being that I'm disgusted to have been a fan of, and now I'm afraid to look at blogs with similar concept to that AU because the designs of the characters (and occasionally the art style in general) chosen by the artists are very similar? or am i just being a dramatic asshole?
I'm afraid I'm judging innocent people simply for using the same designs and art style on all the AU's I've seen. like, bendy with the goggles, Cuphead with the bangs, both boris and Mugs having scarves(?) around their necks(I guess that counts as a scarf?) are designs that just remind me of that artist and their comic… and because Of the things that artist did, I end up liking that comic and the designs with them…
I'm very afraid to look deep into these blogs because of that and I don't want to! I just don't feel very comfortable… I want to appreciate that part of the communities, the artists and everything they do, but the mere use of the designs makes me uncomfortable because of the bad memories about that artist…
I just want to hear from you artists about my fears and whether I'm being immature or just being an asshole. I don't mean to be rude to you guys, I see these are iconic designs and I like them too! I'm also a hypocrite because I've been inspired by these designs in the past, but I just want to hear from you guys. Is it wrong the way I feel? I feel like I shouldn't feel this way, but I just do...
Sorry for the long text, I just want to be able to open up about this issue of mine at the moment (I also want to remain anonymous, I don't feel comfortable talking about it…)
Hey Anon! Your not being dramatic, immature or rude, your feelings are totally valid and It's completely understandable ^^! The comic in question is Bendy and Boris in The Quest For The Ink Machine, and yes the original creator is absolutely horrid.
For me, I really liked the story, the style, the characters, the designs, so... I separate the content from the creator. (we take the cool stuff back ya know?) A lot of people do this with the content they like that have not great creators, a popular example is Harry Potter. Some like the story and the characters and the concept, but despise the creator because they aren't a good person.
The only thing I will say is curate you own internet environment and don't go out and attack people who enjoy it, get inspired by it, want to make their own spin off/continuation, or have a similar concept, stuff like that ^^ (and I'm not saying that is what you're doing here bud).
For any fandom in general, and I'll try to explain this as best as I can, but someone can probably say this better xD Every fandom has good and bad eggs, I think it's good to remember that especially if the original creator is not great? That not everyone who enjoys the story, the art style, and the characters, are as bad as the creator, and that they can recognize the bad things and acknowledge they are bad and don't agree with/condone them.
But hey, if you don't feel comfortable and are pretty weary about something, then that is how it is, no one is forcing you to stick around or change your way of thinking. Only you, yourself have the power to do that. You have the power to close out and look at something else, to mold your internet experience to be one that will be enjoyable for you. If you don't want to be feeling that way anymore then take healthy step towards that if that is what you want to do. If you like what you see but want to look more into just to be safe then do it, do your own research ^^ and you can decide whether you want to stick around or not.
There are a lot of things that come into play, like the time frame, how people are in the past vs. the now, change and stuff like that, however I think this is a good two of my cents.
I hope this helps ^^
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
Hello 👋 I just wanted to say thank you for the answer to my question. You and many others gave me a new perspective on proshippers and anti censorship.
Before, I never thought proshippers to be criminals or whatever, but I did think that proshippers were very entitled and annoying because of how they responded to criticism. It always sounded like "its just fiction so there for you can not criticize or question the content I create/consume ever!!!"
The argument "if it's fictional anything is fine!" made me wonder, are you sure ANYTHING is fine? There's no objective line that shouldn't be crossed? So I presented the hypothetical klansman character, something that's different from what proshippers usually defend (from what I've seen personally) I wondered if proshippers would defend its right to exist because it's just fiction, or would they back-pedal and say "anything except that"
What I've learned:
Proshippers aren't hypocrites
Censorship of anything is not a good idea.
There is no objective line
The entitled people are a loud minority
After all this, would I label myself as a proshipper? Idk really, but I'm sure as hell not an Anti.
Sorry for the essay. I just wanted to share my thoughts and say thanks for your input and a new perspective.
Have a great day!
Don't be sorry for the essay, I wrote one back. Hopefully its coherent.
I'd say the difference between a proshipper and an antishipper is "will the person in question actively take steps to harass people they find morally reprehensible."
Because, people that just disgust me on every possible level are always going to exist. I can't thanos snap billionaires and Nazis away. But I also don't think I should take steps to censor them on a personal level because morality is subjective.
I mean,,, there are people out there that think I'm a terrible person. Either due to this ship discourse, or due to political beliefs I hold, or simply because I'm quite open about how messy my mental illness is. I do NOT agree with these people, but I also think it's self-centered to say that my perspective is objectively right, and they are objectively wrong.
As a result, I don't think I should harass people over what I personally deem okay to write in fiction. A lot of proshippers say that you shouldn't make assumptions about the author/artist AT ALL, but that's unrealistic, I think. Sometimes you see something that just gives you a vibe. And thats a completely valid reason to block someone! (so long as you don't make that vibe a them problem, you know?)
I also think it is ABSOLUTELY okay to critique fiction! Even fiction you like! Tagging appropriately so fans can avoid it is decent manners, and @ing the author is just in plain bad taste. But if someone wants to complain about how I or the canonical authors just fucked something up, go right ahead! That being said, I feel like most antishippers complaints about problematic content simply want it to be something it's not and are less about the actual subject matter.
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no-face-no-shame · 3 years
Some of you really never understood why bullying other people because of how their look is fucking shitty and it really shows. It feels like some of y'all just made a list with a few points called "Things I Can't Bully Others For Because I Will Be Called Out and Face Social Consequences" but whatever isn't on this list? Irrelevant. And the most hypocritical shit is when I see someone talk about "body positivity" and how important it is to cherish various human bodies and then turn around to spit disgusting hate towards people who don't belong to the most "mainstream" groups of "people we shouldn't bully for their looks." How can you say stuff like "we shouldn't judge others because of their appearance <3" and then make fun of people with features like asymmetrical jawline, wide-set eyes, hooked/big/flat/crooked nose. It's always "every skin is perfect" until someone has acne or large pores. It's always "every face is beautifully sculpted" until someone had very sharp or irregular features. "Every body is perfect" until someone is too skinny or fat in a way you don't like.
And you know what? That might anger a lot of people but I don't give a shit since I've seen that happening for years and I'm done - writing shitty comments about celebrities isn't ok either. Will that take away their money and fame? No. But a lot of them, especially from younger generation, have accounts on social media. Y'all really think Timothée Chalamet or other younger celebs never saw that fucking ocean of shitty comments about their appearances? You really think it has no influence on them? Damn, dehumanization of people you see on the screen went far. And how does that shit make their fans feel? Fans who see themselves in those celebs? Who finally saw some representation of their "original" (in media's view) features just to scroll down and see the same disgusting comments they've been hearing their whole lives from people in school/work? We all love to talk about how representation matters and helps regular people accept their own bodies until y'all want to bully someone. Then suddenly you have no clue how that works or it's "just a joke/they won't fuck you/it doesn't matter/chill out." Maybe it doesn't matter to that celeb, maybe it does. But it sure as hell matters to people who finally wanted to feel seen, feel beautiful.
Does this shit get you off? Makes you feel better about yourself? Because to me it screams "red flag." It means that if I happen to have one of the features you ridicule on others but not on me, the very moment I bother you in any way, you will have no moral barrier stopping you from using my appearance against me. I'm not safe because "you would never do that to anyone in real life, c'mon, it's just a joke!", I'm safe because I didn't happen to anger you yet. And no, it's not only about edgy teenagers who like to shit on others or any other straw-man group that's always put as an example of "the bad ones." I've seen that behaviour among people who claim to be as progressive as possible. Except for that one thing. Because "it's not that serious," y'know. It's just a joke.
Anyway, this is a general post. Don't make it about any particular celebrities/influencers/online personas because it's about the broad phenomenon. Until the day y'all understand that you have to respect all people, not only the ones you find attractive/the ones you were specifically told not to bully, nothing will ever fucking change. The middle school bullying just moved to online platforms because you never grasped what's morally wrong with being shitty towards other people due to things they can't and/or don't want to change. No one exists to aesthetically please you. And no one exists to be your punching bag because your parents didn't raise you right
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1111jenx · 3 years
Hey, dear Jenx! Regarding your plutonic relationships post. My bff is the typical Plutonic person (8h stellium; scorpio moon, rising and lilith) and had some plutonic relationships in his life (because he's also a typical stubborn and spoiled mama's boy who had a hard time getting some maturity and self love) He always says that the experience in general makes him disgust himself. Like, the other person makes him "feel like a beast" who is always looking for more and more (specially sexually) and although he gets the "primal pleasure" that his body seems to want, his soul feels intoxicated and heavy and feels like he can build nothing respectful and solid with their partner. He has these complex feelings where, according to him, he just can't feel true love and admiration for his plutonic- wild-ride or die partners. Maybe it's his cancer venus 8h, maybe it's his misogynistic mindset, but he is always like that...
Hi beautiful🥳🥳
Ahhhh I see what you're telling me here! I can see what you're trying to tell me here and I too have met a lot of people like that!
I think his misogynistic mindset did come to play at one point of another yet I think its so complicated overall to understand people in general. Like I had a lot of friends who are like that and it took them a while to grow and leave their old mindsets behind. Like I would try not to talk too much about astro because I think this is more psychology based but I'll discuss the sides of his placements that make him have such a complicated with sex.
I think people don't get it how a lot of Pluto dominant people don't generally love sex as much as the mainstream media portray them. To them, sex is sacred and its a lot of intimacy. I have met a good bunch of them that tells me how despite sex makes them feel so good, it also makes them feel bad about themselves in ways they can't even describe? Like I think they also have a traditional mindset where they believe that sex before marriage is bad?! And that their religions also come to play here.
This reminds me of a convo that I had with someone a couple years back, where we would discuss sex and celibacy and things as such. And I remember vividly how he would tell me how he's cynical in a way that he believes if a girl gives in to him too easily, he lost interest FAST and he felt that theres nothing more to her. And immediately I countered him with facts and other stuff lol cause I'm very vocal about my belief. But I think about this and I realized that my friend, the guy who was born as the first son of a Caucasian family that's extremely religious, who went to a very white university, had seen and acknowledged these values his entire life so I can definitely see how its harder for him to leave these toxic thoughts behind. But in the same time, i believe that at the end of the day, it always comes back to the theme of respect. Like I think if you can have your values yet you can't hold it against anyone else but yourself and you should give respect to others beliefs. You shouldn't use yours to justify your belief to justify your wrongdoing either cause literally it means nothing but the mere fact that you're just a hypocrite and a terrible human. Using your values to hurt others is something thats simply too much for me and I think a lot of the time people with fixed values in general find it really hard to find someone suitable for them, cause you don't get to choose who you fall in love with, yes you can rationalize your feelings afterwards so you don't make any dumb decisions but you don't have a choice? You know?
At the same time though people don't change unless they truly want to. So at the end of the day, they themselves have to make the decision to change for the better because literally giving out hate is always going to be one's downfall tbh:)
Thank you for talking to me about this. Ahhhh Idk if I was even making sense but this makes me think and I like that:) Thank you so so much for confiding in me:)
saint jenx🪐
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blackarmyslave · 5 years
Masquerade [IkeRev]
Pairing: Ray Blackwell x Alice
Fandom: Ikemen Revolution
Notes: really trashy writing oof
Pshh dont act so suprised its another ray thing
Alice hated masquerade balls.
She hated them with a passion. There was just something irritating about them... how those disgustings pigs, commonly referred to as men, often tried to lure her into bed; or how, every time she talked to women, their conversations would almost always end up in gossips about her family's riches that were acquired with bloody hands, and how they killed countless people under a single man's orders, not knowing the person they were talking to about it is part of said family. Yet despite her loathing for occasions like these, Alice would still have to attend, for it was the only way she could fraternize with others. Her family was shunned by society for being such a hideous and brutal one. But here, in masquerade balls, she can wear a mask and pretend to be someone else and mingle to her heart's content. Nobody would know it was a girl from a bloody household.
Once or twice, Alice had danced with a few nobilities she considered decent enough for her. Those who weren't pedophiles, she conversed with. Those who were purely sober, she'd bonded with. But it was way past midnight now and she had gotten bored of the ball. A woman can only take so much soulless dancing and meaningless political talks. Not to mention the rough mask that hid her face from bashers, was starting to irritate her sensitive porcelain skin.
With a forced smile, the young descendant of the country's most infamous household excused herself from the festivities and went to the garden. Truly, it was a beautiful garden. The flowers were in full bloom and the breeze was refreshing. Alice stretched, in a way that was very undignified. Yet she couldn't care less. Her muscles were sore from keeping up a flawlessly upright posture all this time, and she was bored beyond measure.
The itch on her face that was long there reached its peak, and Alice couldn't take it anymore. She moved to dispose her mask until a voice warned her, "It's rude to take off your mask in a ball like this."
It was a man's voice, smooth like the waves and light as the garden's breeze. Undoubtedly, it had belonged to a young man... a cool young man. But Alice despised people who dared talk to her so fondly. She swirled around to reprimand whoever it had been.
"I don't recall holding responsibility to oblige," she retorted, her prissy tone leaking with every syllable. One corner of the man's lips slowly curled upwards in an amused smirk.
"Then by all means, go embarrass yourself."
Alice scoffed with irritation. Who does this man think he is? Yes, it's true that taking off your mask is a big no in a masquerade ball, but--
She suddenly felt like smacking her forehead. If she takes the accessory off, she's to reveal her identity. And no doubt receive countless ridicules. And Alice didn't want that, especially from a man like him. Her cheeks flushed in realization. Suddenly the girl wanted to keep it on and couldn't feel the itch anymore.
"You're from the infamous Bright household, aren't you? Alice Bright, if I'm correct; twin sister of Edgar Bright, the Jack of Hearts and known as the Gentle Demon." surprise mf
Alice took her time studying the man. How had he known about her? What gave it away? What had she done to inform him of her identity? Most of all, who is this bastard? He was handsome, without a doubt, even with a mask on; black hair and intense emerald eyes, containing a youthful aura, but at the same time holding himself with such composed regality. His body was carved to perfection. He wore a simple yet dazzling dark sapphire mask with round diamonds literring it, the suit on his body looking ridiculously expensive.
Dark and regal... only one name clicked in the girl's head: the popular and widely loved King of Spades.
"I take it you're King Ray Blackwell...?"
The man rolled his eyes distastefully at the attached title. But he made no move to deny his identity, something that's against tradition. 'How hypocritical,' Alice thought dryly.
"Forget the King part, it's too preppy for my tastes," he said. "Just Ray is fine."
Alice rose a thin eyebrow. For a king, Ray Blackwell was too casual. She's always depicted him as cold and dignified, with no intention of fooling around; just like the opposing King of Hearts. Yet here he was: the Black King himself who didn't give a horse's muck whether people found out about his identity or not, speaking informally as if he'd known Alice all their lives.
'Charming-- I mean, preposterous! Ghastly!'
Well... what can she say? It's her first time meeting a man like Ray; someone true to himself and didn't stumble foolishly in a vain attempt of becoming the perfect gentleman.
But no. In the Bright household, emotions were a mortal sin. It was the biggest crime. And Alice grew up all her life believing it.
Naturally, she ignored her fluttering heart.
"So," Alice walked around the garden with Ray. She hadn't even noticed how her irritation with him had suddenly faded after witnessing his genuine personality. "The King of Spades is a fan of balls, then?"
Ray snorted. "Heck no. What makes you think that just because I attend 'em, I like 'em? Isn't everyone only here for the sake of making connections?"
"Probably." Alice would be damned if she voiced her agreement. "And does that rule apply to you as well, sire?"
Ray gave the girl a disgusted look. She only blinked, urging him to voice out what took him aback.
"Okay. One, it doesn't. I'm just here to let loose for a bit. Second... Cut that formality out! It's creepy." "Why so? Do your soldiers not address you that way?"
Ray's green orbs took on a fond light, giving Alice the answer right away, as if his memories of his subordinates were all warm and cozy. One could tell he was a good leader and a true king by just a glance of that. And maybe, she thought, he was a brother, too; a brother to the rest of his army. Alice wondered how they treated each other... did they eat at the same table? Did they disregard ranks and fraternized comfortably? Was it like a home in the Black Army's headquarters?
"They address me as a king during official business, yes," he replied. "But we're just ourselves around one another for most of the time. Parties every week or so, lots of laughter and pranks... it's like a brotherhood."
The faintest trace of a smile ghosted the girl's lips. "It sounds lovely."
From there, it went on and on. Ray asked Alice what was her favorite animal, to which she replied cats for they were elegant and had the cutest little mewls; and much to her surprise, Ray shared her thoughts. She, in return, asked him what he thought about table etiquette, and he laughed at just how preppy Alice was being. Nevertheless, he answered her, saying "I think dining fancily's fine if serious stuff are going on, like funerals or oathtakings. It's a way of showing respect. But people shouldn't be judged by how they act at the table. In fact, class shouldn't even be a social judgement or something. 'Course, this is just my opinion. And I think table manners should be kept to a minimum. People deserve to enjoy their food and time without fear of being critiqued of how classy or polite they are. They should be able to be just themselves in a table, because after all, that honesty's bound to form really tight relationships real quick, no?"
A bit more of talking and before she even knew it, it had been past 3AM now. Alice never thought it would be so fun to converse with the king. He was honest and frank, yet still respectful and even funny. They shared a lot of opinions about several topics, and one's answer changed the perspective of the other. The Bright lady wished to the twinkling stars high above she'd get another chance at talking with Ray in the future.
Now, Alice knew she shouldn't be rooting for the opposition. Her household is a Red through and through. In fact, her brother's the Jack of Hearts himself! At the back of her head, the ever-obedient little prodigy of the Bright family screamed at her to get away and cut off all connections with Blackwell. 'What do you think you're doing?!' a part of her screeched.
But right now, she wasn't really a Bright. She was just Alice. Little ol' Alice, who came to a masquerade ball in hopes of being able to talk to whoever she wants without her status bothering her. And she wasn't ready to throw that away just yet, and return to her uptight lifestyle.
'Just not yet, please,' she pleaded with her own self.
Suddenly, a slow, hopeful, smooth tune took on. It was faint and distant, coming from the ballroom many yards away. Yet she and Ray both heard it, the melody carried by the wind to their ears, and Ray took the cue.
"May I have this dance, Alice?" He asked her, the gentlest, most handsome smile on his lips, offering her his hand, and the girl's heart skipped a beat.
Had it been any other man; a pretentious, try-hard fake gentleman or a drunk bastard, she would've slapped. But no... not this one. He was a bastard, yes, the feisty part of her claimed, but he was a good bastard. A modest, decent, alright bastard.
Alice let her face be lit up by a grin. It had been her first in so long. She placed her hand on top Ray's and they both started dancing to the slow, almost-romantic music, everything else fading and all they could feel was this blossoming warmth in their souls.
And long after the song was over, and all was said and done, they still remained in one another's embrace. Red and Black forgetting their blazing feud for even just a moment; even in just a masquerade ball. They're just Alice and Ray, each silently praying dawn never comes and they'd never have to say theeir goodbyes.
Alice giggled under her breath. She'd decided. Maybe masquerades aren't so bad after all.
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alines7777 · 3 years
aight, here's a piece of 'creative writing' that i've been brainstorming.
basically, it's about samson, a famed homophobic and transphobic radio evangelist, who dies and goes to hell, and meets the princes of hell, who subsequently berate him for his character and deeds on earth. and it more or less gets into the CORE reason why conservatives always turn out to be shitheads in their seeking of bible verses as a shield for their bigotry, and even hypocrisy. it's also to demonstrate that, as written in the tanakh, god is beyond good and evil, especially any one person's view of it.
the thing here is that based on everything i read from the bible, everything the princes of hell say here is true, or at the very least reasonable. and i think the following sort of bigotry and disrespect toward humanity as a whole, whom lucifer accurately calls the ADAM, is the character attributed to lucifer in other texts, and i also think it serves as a nice foil for samson's bigotry toward the lgbti community, just as samson serves as a nice foil for lucifer's expulsion from YHVH's hosts.
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and on that note, i think it would be fair warn that this work includes the use of transphobic slurs, albeit from a perspective of a being that cares as little for humanity as a whole as it does toward the plight of trans people.
but what both of them never really stop to consider is that they all supposedly share god's breath in common. and god's breath is held in the tanakh as the source of life, that every breath we take is literally god's.
(try to imagine leviathan sounding as though he's stifling laughter as he speaks)
samson : ugh. who are all of you? where am i?
leviathan : GEHINNOM. HELL.
samson : no! that can't be right! that's impossible! i was spreading the truth about your bid to destroy america with the gay and trans agenda! i was bringing people back to the right path that god set for man and woman in marriage. i was saving america from your throes! i was the champion of the holy crusade against the trans and gay agenda to soften and feminize america to make it yours instead.
* the princes start busting into laughter *
asmodeus : are you kidding? as if anyone even needs sodomy or transsexuality to be pulled away from marriage in the first place! o, but i'm sure you know better from experience, right? but we have witnessed the rise and fall of MANY nations throughout EONS, so why should we even remotely care about america above any others? what an idiot!
lucifer : listen, samson, god is the one who chooses the fate of all nations, not us, haven't you even read the word he left for you? so if "the sodomites and transsexuals" really are destroying america as you say they are, then it's precisely because god wants them to, now you're free to take any guess at why. besides, we are hardly interested even in the ADAM that you'd find here, let alone those that still roam earth, and you won't find us delivering any of our bidding to DIRT beneath our feet. there is no fight between us and YHVH over the ADAM, the only ones you have to blame for your sins and the fall of your nations are YOURSELVES.
*leviathan, again succumbing to uncontrollable laughter, puts a seal on samson's mouth to keep him from speaking up again*
asmodeus : and all that coming from.... hold on, let's see what stolas wrote for us again.... a divorcée of five times by adultery with the same trannies he calls abominations [sort of like alex jones and the trans porn on his phone] —
satan : — and two times by battery —
asmodeus : — telling everyone else to honor and cherish the sanctity of man and woman in marriage and sex before god.
*all princes proceed to laugh, samson becomes flush and tearful with anger and embarrassment*
lucifer : aww, what's wrong? we only speak the truth to you alone in jest. but don't you find it at least a little bit funny? can't you see why it's at least a little amusing for us to see how a HYPOCRITICAL BIGOT always runs to the church for hiding?
lucifer : now, leviathan, let's not judge TOO unfairly. foxes run to their burrows only when given chase, and foxes actually dig the burrows where they go into hiding.
belphegor : and not once have we ever seen such fools as this so much as pick up a stone to build a church for their hiding.
lucifer : and that, samson, is why it's SO DIFFICULT for us to feel any pity for you. but alas, we MUST. after all, only a fool as pathetic as you could never realize that it was just as difficult for everyone else to see god's kindness through your cruelty. now that doesn't inspire much faith in god, does it?
lucifer : and too bad for you, there are no churches here, so there are no places here where you can hide from us, nor any walls with loose stones for the casting [this is specifically a reference to verses to be selectively taken from the bible to justify bigotry].
mammon : i hope you still think the money you took from all those broken cretins for your "sermons" made it all worth it.
beelzebub : not to mention all the lovely meals it afforded you.
asmodeus : and the women and trannies.
lucifer : see, leviathan? now you're judging QUITE fairly. because fairness.... starts with the TRUTH. and the truth is, samson, you're DISGUSTING. all of ADAM are DISGUSTING! i hardly know any other words that are even fit to describe you. SLIME! DIRT! that's what you are — that's how god made you, and his breath never changed that fact. all it did was make you LIVING DIRT! too bad he never took my advice to destroy all of you while he had the chance, and the only times he did were when it was TOO LATE! now we're the ones who have to deal with you. and i should think that we're owed some thanks for TRYING when god WOULDN'T. we were not the ones who created you, and we just as surely are not the ones to blame for your sins, but we were the ones who were right about you every time when god was still trying to see something better than what was actually there — dirt. but still, he leaves it to us to handle the job of caring for you.
lucifer : yes, it is. do you know WHY, samson? the same reason we hate you: it's because you ADAM are always crying out god's name, the way spoiled children cry out for their mothers to get the things they want, because you'd NEVER be caught dead doing ANYTHING good for yourself, though for some reason you'd sooner be caught doing ill to others, and then you cry out even louder when you learn that you've been caught, exactly like a spoiled child. and you call yourself a man. that's how disgusting you ADAM are — you'd rather be caught doing ill to others than any good for yourselves — and then you STILL work up the gall to cry out god's name, and we soon find that those who cry his name the loudest are the worst disgraces to it, as much they would be even to OUR names for that matter. the only ones who are any good at all, even in our eyes, are those who DON'T.
satan : we, at least, started by rejecting his name.
lucifer : that's right, so it isn't reasonable to expect any obedience from us. but since you couldn't be bothered to obey god and abide his kindness, you would have been better to reject him too, you'd at least be HONEST, and we would certainly start taking a little more pity on you. and the ones who are inspired by OUR example, they don't ask anything from us, and they don't cry out our names. we hardly even acknowledge them, and they are better than you. but i must give the ADAM some credit, in the spirit of fairness, you answer and take heed when your names are called, even by those you despise. but god doesn't answer when you call his. he doesn't even want you knowing his name, and it isn't YHVH. exactly as leviathan told you, that's how much he hates you. but you're new here, so we're willing to give you a sporting chance to be YOUR OWN brand of dirt, that is all that can be expected of dirt, really. but we'll take care of you until you do, when you'll no longer need us, and when we longer have to bother with you, because if we don't, then who will? certainly not god. that ship has sailed. and if, in spite of our care, you CAN'T learn to accept your fate and be your own dirt, then we'll just bury you like half of the others, to be reunited with the rest of the dirt. either way, we won't have to deal with you for very long, just as we shouldn't.
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