#i wish i was a jellyfish
daz4i · 2 months
i feel like. a lot of people talking about horror miss the true horror factor in many stories and esp in body horror. the horrifying part is what's happening to the characters, yes, but when you sit down and think about it... the implications, if that's the right word, are scarier
take smth like a werewolf transformation. it has to be painful, even if you get used to it eventually, the unnatural changes to your body have got to hurt, and you don't recognize yourself by the end of it
the horror isn't the mere transformation, but the physical pain, and the psychological aspect
now take stories like i have no mouth and i must scream, or long dream, or the jaunt. yes, they all have their own horrifying aspects, but also elements that others might not consider horrifying - in particular, a long life, or even immortality. some people truly strive for that. yet, here they are presented as horrifying. and i think that's for the same reason
i think. the true horror in most horror media. isn't the monster itself or the killer or the machine etc. it's consciousness
think about it. why does a slow death sound horrifying? it's your awareness of the pain you're going through, as well as the knowledge that you're about to cease to exist. the actual death is normally considered a mercy in these situations, because your suffering stops. your suffering stops once your consciousness stops.
and! this idea is true about both in-universe and on a meta level. a lot of horror relies on keeping things juuuust out of sight to get your mind going and scare itself better than any sfx or verbal descriptions ever could. your own brain working against you, the same way it works against the characters in the story.
the common thread between any horror that i, at least, find scary, is the human brain itself
and it's scarier, bc this is real. this is smth you experience every day. you wake up and think thoughts and are generally aware of what's going on for most of the day, for better or worse. this same level of awareness can be applied to the most horrific situations, and so, bam you've got yourself quality horror. and you're always just one accident or one mistake away from it, too. you just try not to think about it, because, well, your own brain is scarier than any monster it can conjure.
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the-casbah-way · 10 months
started crying over the music on the jellyfish sensory video i fear i'm overdue a new and exciting diagnosis
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watch-out-it-bites · 6 months
he said he would stop bothering us since I apologized then like days after he goes on an alt and bothers, or what happened a week ago or so I HATE HIM HFHBBNNJhhrvrvrhhrrrjjjjjjj
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#don't let them see this!#i feel very hypocrite because i'm bad and disgusting and i shouldn't like#i shouldn't be mad at him for that because we're. so very alike.#and i hate that he influenced me and i influenced him and everytime i think of him i feel awful and dirty and bad#i feel like im the bad person and he was right#he hurt himself because of me and i feel. awful for it.#i want him to get better but he terrifies me still#i dont want him to hurt me because i know he could#and then theres the fact that i know it's my fault any of this happened or#just being. very disgusting about it all because fear responses#i hate how i know we both care about eachother in very different weird ways i#i am still very grossed out by some of his messages it makes me feel so ill whenever i read stuff from him#and i hate how hes right about so much and he only is because hes projecting#and because we're alike its judt#ashhghhhgj#i really fucking hate jude#scout speaks#i cant even say he ruined me regardless of how i feel because i was probably always like this#i wish i was a jellyfish#twins in paradise music has been very comforting and today has been very guilty and awful#guilty / shameful ?#why do i linger on this stuff why do i feel so scared hes going to get me why do i??? pluh..#its best not to linger on this qnd i do anyway because i think I'll be safer if i do and all it does is make me feel bad#the actual worst thing is thinking anyone i get close to is him or friends with him and secretly trying to get info on me or hurt me and!!#agh
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crow-n-tell · 1 year
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Welcome to part 2!
So I was going to do a previous / next thing for navigation - but! you cannot edit posts with polls! therefore I will now be linking the Tiding Over Masterpost and telling you what part this is.
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iz-star · 4 months
"The person you're destined to be with is... stoic and not very affectionate"
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Full version
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bibibbon · 2 months
Have you ever noticed that the female characters with Mutant quirks are… not as exaggerated compared to the male characters?
Like Tsu is meant to be a frog but she barely resembles one side from a few subtle hints, and then there’s Mirko, who only has the ears to indicate that she’s a rabbit. The most with Bubble Girl is that she’s blue.
And when you compare them to the male characters with mutant quirks, it’s obvious that Hori’s sexism is once again showing since he doesn’t want any of his female characters to be considered “ugly” with one.
Hi @theloganator101 👋
No I actually haven't noticed that and thank you for pointing it out.
Now the more that I think about what you said the weirder my train of thought becomes.
Majority of the mutant female characters have minor mutations and if they do have major mutations they aren't as present or exaggerated like the male characters.
Class 1A is a good example of this. Look at the mutant male characters who all have a very expressed mutant like shoji, tokoyami and koda. Now compare this with the 1A mutant girls like mina and asui. The only male character in 1A that doesn't have an exaggerated mutation is ojirou mashiro.
The pro heroes also show a major difference take miriko, bubble girl and compare them to gang orca, nedzu, centipede (the hero who works in nighteye's agency) and kamui woods.
There seems to be a lack of female mutants and major female characters in general which is a shame and also weird.
Now that isn't saying that there aren't less shown mutants who are male like hawks and ojirou but they are incredibly few.
Also when it comes to the female mutants who have a very expressive mutant quirk I can only think of asui's middle school friend but she isn't even present within the main story so does that even count. I mean I think you can include the woman who called Izuku a crybaby hero in the vigilante arc but after that who else is there.
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I really would of enjoyed seeing other types of mutants and having our current mutant characters get some of their animal or whatever their mutant type quirk is characteristics. For example, I love the idea that miriko acts a bit like a rabbit and has super hearing or that asui's legs are naturally flexible and can help her body.
I also think that seeing other types of mutant characters like a jellyfish mutant (jellyfish are flexible, almost immortal and some poisonous so you can do so much with that as a quirk) or someone with a spider mutation (eight legs, many eyes around the body and also maybe even poison and can spin webs around). I don't know I just think it's wasted potential to not have characters like this and it might even add to the underbaked plot line of mutant discrimination or you can make it more nuanced by having something of "pretty /societally acceptable" looking mutants like hawks and miriko compared to the other mutants who have much more of an expressive and exaggerated mutation like tokoyami, spinner, shoji and chimera.
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donuts4evry1 · 4 months
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He is my everything
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eddieintheocean · 1 year
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Truly terrifying!
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lilacs-stars · 19 days
In no way is this me trying to rush you I’m just curious to know when your next hook fic is coming out? 😁💕
hi there!
I know I've been dead for a while on here, I'm super sorry 😭 I've honestly been so tied down with responsibilities lately that I haven't found the time to have a solid writing session and get words down on the page. this makes me really sad, as I truly do love writing, but even though I ache to write I just can't seem to get in the flow recently (seriously why do I have to do stuff and be responsible, why can't I just spend all my time in my room writing my silly little fanfics I swear)
I really am trying my very best to get back into writing more regularly, so I'm super sorry if it takes me a while to post new content 😭 to answer your question, I don't think I really have an exact time frame as of right now. I definitely have loads of ideas for my next fics, especially for hook, but my problem is actually getting those ideas written instead of just having them all in my head
I know this whole thing seemed like one big apology, but truly, I am sorry for my lack of activity recently. I'm trying to write again, but it's been difficult to manage everything lately, so please bear with me. I will let you guys know when I plan to post something, once the time comes! 🫶
love you all so so soo much,
lilac <33
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wishtale-blogs · 6 months
Jellyfish are so silly
Just movin around
No thoughts, just blub
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bestbonnist · 8 months
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@spectacular-supernova it's your girl!!
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comfied-chriterature · 3 months
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fish-eyes-png · 1 year
I want to be a jellyfish so bad
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guess-i-do-art · 2 months
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Anyone else have multiple art styles? Because I do
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oqkto · 2 years
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newlacesleeves · 2 months
in the meantime, booking a flight to see my dad in september for a weekend which also means i get to book with my tattoo artist 😈
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