#i felt like it was always dragging me into combos that i didn't wanna be in. and i just don't have the hand dexterity to do all those
front-facing-pokemon · 6 months
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ari4nee · 5 months
long ass chapter but i love reading long ones so i’m sorry! i wanted to set up a bit of gojo cuz i wanna do a plot with gojo, sukuna, and reader (get a bit of sukuna jealousy going). i’m gunna post the rest of the chapters i have on ao3 here as well.
also i’m trying to stay true to sukuna being not a great person at first. i love the soft sukuna fics but i just know this man would be an annoyance with a questionable attitude before opening up😭
Curse Me
Chapter 2:
Friday had rolled around faster than you wanted it to. You had dreaded the idea of going to the party suggested by Nobara earlier in the week. It wasn't so much the environment that stressed you as it was the thought of being around a bunch of college upperclassmen. Frankly the college party reputation wasn't a good one.
When lecture had ended, you hurried back to your apartment to stressfully put together an outfit. It had been months since you last had agreed to go out with everyone but you honestly liked your hermit lifestyle. I mean... You didn't know... maybe you were just trying to force yourself to enjoy the solitude. After all, you always did have a lot of fun when Yuji and Nobara managed to drag you out.
Your closet was filled with hoodies, leggings, sweats, and absolutely nothing you could excuse well enough to wear to a house party. The frustration appearing as a bead of sweat came across your forehead. 'This can not be this hard' you scolded yourself, ultimately deciding to leave the outfit as a later issue and begin doing your hair and make up.
Just as you found your focus - "your roommate is so much better than her weirdo twin" - a sudden voice startled you. Dropping your eyeliner pen with a scream, you to whip around to be face to face with Nobara.
"You're too spacey for your own good... someone might kidnap you one of these days", she adds wriggling her fingers and contorting her face into something odd looking. Before you say anything, Nobara reveals a cute black dress from her bag and lays it on your bed. You thank her, appreciating that she always manages to help you with fashion dilemmas.
You catch a glance at the clock behind her, 8pm it says. 'Damn it's getting late' you think looking back to see that Nobara is already heading out of your bedroom to wait for you in the living room.
"I'm going tell Maki to stop letting you in!" you yell, to which she replies, "yeah yeah put the dress on we gotta go."
The car ride took about 25 minutes from your apartment and during the small commute, it had already gotten dark outside. Nobara and Maki sat on either side of you. The girl on the left wore a black dress similar to yours with her brown hair tucked behind one of her ears. The girl on the right opted for black jeans and a cute tank top. Her green hair hung beautifully along her back as opposed to her normal ponytail and glasses combo. The three of you looked good and definitely felt good.
As the car pulled up to the already packed house, Maki put her hand on top of your anxious one as if to ease you. She was confident, and much like Megumi always took note of things that the others might miss.
Your roommate guided you and Nobara to the front door where the three of you were hastily greeted by an overexcited Yuji, an already unamused Megumi, and Satoru looming over the both of them like some lanky string bean. You exchanged greetings with your friends and turned to Satoru who you admittedly had not seen in a while.
Before you have time to react, the tall figure is pulling you in for a hug. "It's been so long since I've seen you" he says muffled while swaying you side to side. His tone screamed that Megumi was most likely mad at him and he was trying to get some sort of positive approval.
You glance to the scowling raven haired boy as he says, "he pretended he was my boyfriend when a girl asked me where the bathroom was". "Don't be so mean Megumiiiii I was trying to help, you seemed so stressed", Satoru slurred, already intoxicated despite everyone in the group agreeing that he should probably quit drinking. Megumi's face turns red, "You called her a HOMEWRECKER and I'm stressed because of you, Gojo". All you can let out is a hearty laugh as Satoru lets you go and cowardly stumbles into the next room. Hopefully with Satoru distracted Megumi can wind down and have some fun.
Peering around you notice that the house is crowded. There are a lot more unfamiliar people than you expected but you push the thought away because tonight was about having fun.
Wasting no time, Yuji and Nobara had dragged you over to the drinks and begun their own competition of sort. Everytime Megumi scowls at Satoru, you have to take a shot. (This will end in someone passed out on the floor). "You know he's not always miserable, you guys are going to give him premature grey hairs". The liquid courage had finally caught up to you as you down another drink.
After a few hours had passed and Nobara had dared Yuji to yet another drinking game, you decided to slip away. "Hey I have to use the washroom I'll be back", you shouted to your three friends and turned to maneuver your way through people towards the bathroom.
The flashing lights and boom of the music was overstimulating for your now slightly intoxicated state, but you were happy to finally be able to let some of your shyness disappear for the night.
Making your way upstairs, you kept your eyes embarrassingly low to the floor. There were couples making out all over the place and you didn't want to accidentally catch something that would make you uncomfortable.
That's when you came to a firm halt against someone's body as they exited the room you intended to head into. "Ow", you said stepping back looking up to make contact with the last person you had expected to see here. "Do you ever watch where your going or do you enjoy making yourself an inconvenience?" Sukuna grumbled, taking his right hand to slick his hair out of his face while gazing at you in disgust.
"You're the one that keeps hurting me you know", you say bolder than you intended. The height difference between you two made it feel like he was burning holes in the top of your skull.
"Oh so you do speak. I was beginning to think you were slow with how you could only speak to my brat of a brother", he growled.
It was weird seeing him outside of their house where he normally sported just sweats and lean muscles. He was dressed in a black hoodie that was just perfectly oversized sporting a logo you had never heard of. His tattoo's peaked through the collar and wrist bands of his hoodie as he moved his arm away from his hair. He wore black jeans with a rip in the knee that only slightly hugged his muscular legs, a silver chain that draped down his right thigh and battered pair of white shoes on his feet. The outfit was simple but screamed of obnoxiousness.
"Why are you here?" you drunkenly blurt out in response to his rude comment but immediately turn red.
You've barely ever spoken to him since you guys got older and this wasn't even your party to be asking him such a daring question. Come to think of it, Yuji did mention Sukuna went to college but you never knew where. This could have been his party for all you knew. Shit.
At this point you couldn't tell if the man before you would kill you for how you spoke to him. You were his bratty little brothers friend but considering how you'd fall into yourself with shyness anytime he so much as gazed in your direction, you thought maybe he'd excuse it. You really didn't want to have your own personal story about Sukuna emotionally terrorizing you too. Yuji was stronger than you in that regard.
Sukuna let his eyes trace your body before scoffing, "God you're fucking annoying". With one swift movement he harshly shoved past you to rejoin his friends. "He's such a fucking asshole", you murmur under your breath before using the bathroom and then going back to scout out your group.
Yuji and Nobara were continuing to drink each other to death. Satoru had himself placed in between a group of people, once again muttering on about 'kfc' and 'why Suguru couldn't just pick him'. Much to your surprise Megumi was sitting on the floor beside Maki and some of her friends. His cheeks as flushed as cherries laughing at Satoru's inability to move on from his ex. You mentally noted that Megumi seemed lighter - happier.
"I just saw your demon of a brother. I never thought he was willing enough to get off his throne and converse with us mere humans", you say approaching Yuji and his eyes widen thinking of whatever poor interaction could have happened with his moody brother and his best friend.
"Ugh yeah, I'm sorry, he comes to these parties a lot. He's friends with some of the older students as well... but I'm surprised he's here while Satoru is. Sukuna despises the fact that he always comes in second to that guy in all of their classes." You don't know why but you were surprised to hear that Sukuna went to the same college as everyone else, and even more so that he was so good at his studies; considering everything about him that seemed so delinquent-like. "Ughhhhh" he groans louder, "he usually brings girls home and I swear he's loud with them on purpose".
From where you're standing in the kitchen, both you and Yuji notice Sukuna in a room parallel to Satoru, with his hands ever so possessively wrapped around a girl.
A weird feeling shot through your body. There was something odd about having a crush on your friends older brother for years, and then when you finally talk to him, he's an asshole. But it's not like you didn't know he was an asshole, just some delusional fantasy of yours hoped he'd at least choke out something nice; but he barely does that even for Yuji anymore.
"I told you it's like he lives in my head and tries to do anything to gross me out. It's so traumatic", Yuji quickly flips him off before his brother notices and goes back to the game of beer pong he's playing with Nobara.
Your eyes stayed locked on the older Itadori brother as he towered over the smaller girl, eventually leaning in to kiss her. His jawline was sharp and every movement towards her seemed like it was routine. You wondered what it would feel like if you were in her place. If somehow, he walked up to you and confessed that all this time, he had noticed your growing body along with his. Confessed that when you weren't looking, he stole glances of the way your clothes fit you just right. That the reason he never joined you and Yuji in your endeavours was because he was too nervous and couldn't bring himself to confess to you. You let your mind wander, thinking about what Yuji said about the girls being loud and what it would feel like to be devoured by him.
But that was just fantasy.
You grabbed a shot that was waiting patiently on the counter that Yuji had poured for himself and swallowed it fast. 'I can't be thinking about that kind of stuff. He's your best friend that's weird', you thought hoping that the liquid would numb your mind of Sukuna.
Yuji wasn't stupid but he was none the wiser to your on and off crush on his brother. Thankfully, Sukuna's appearances in front of the both of you where he actually interacted saved you most of the time; so Yuji always chalked your awkwardness in front of him to your usual lack of social interest.
You couldn't help turn around to catch one more glance before you joined Megumi and the others. After all, it was weird seeing him in the wild. "He's an asshole-' your thoughts cut off when you notice Sukuna's eyes locked with yours, his hands paused dangerously close to being completely underneath the girls shirt.
'Time to go', you interjected yourself spinning around and rushing into the living room where Satoru held everyone's attention (this was his goal).
Satoru sported a pair of circular sunglasses that he rarely took off, unless of course, when he was purposefully trying to show off his ocean blue eyes and beautifully long white eyelashes. You weren't close enough with him to know if he was fibbing about having sensitive eyes but Megumi never teased him about it, so you settled that it wasn't him just being weird.
His shaggy white hair fell gracefully just above his eyes; Satoru was attractive in his own right.
He stood at 6'3 and his limbs, while lanky, carried firm muscles that you could only assume he'd been carving for years. His face was chiseled but soft at the same time - he never seemed to get angry. If Sukuna was a demon, Satoru was an angel.
The white haired boy cooed your name as you entered the room, shuffling on the couch to make room for you to sit. "What's going on over here?", you asked cutely while taking your spot beside the older boy. Megumi with flushed cheeks began to giggle, surprised as if he had meant to hold it in and keep his calm and cool composure. "Suguru is here" he mouthed at you pointing behind him to a crowd of people. Ahhh that's why Satoru was drunkenly blubbering. You chose not to say anything as to not trigger anymore emotional responses from the boy you sat beside, but instead placed your head on his shoulder as a sign of comfort. He played with your hair in response. Satoru was quite easy to get comfortable with.
Yuji and Nobara had soon followed you into the crowded living room where only your group sat in the midst of the intoxicated dancing. If you were sober you'd realize how silly it all looked but as of right now, you were impressed that everyone was suddenly so good.
"You guys are bumming me out get upppppp", Nobara whined grabbing Maki's hand pulling her upright, followed by Megumi, then Toge, then you, and last Satoru.
You danced for a while until your head grew hot and you couldn't help but wonder if Sukuna had already left with that girl.
Satoru had found himself entangled with some classmate, dumping his emotional constipation into making out with her against a wall. Megumi once told you that despite seeming like a player, Satoru rarely ever had others over. As much as they joked, the breakup left him with a lot of scars that even he struggled to pull from his mentor.
The others seemed distracted enough that you could slip away unnoticed for some fresh air. The back door wasn't far from the living room so you carefully stepped outside to be greeted by two people smoking, one passed out on the ground, and none other than Yuji's older brother sprawled out on a lawn chair like an entitled cat scrolling through his phone.
'He's still here?' you questioned to yourself, contemplating turning back into the house. 'He's usually peacocking around places like he owns it, why is he chilling here?'. Just as you grabbed the sliding door handle, Sukuna called your name without looking up from the device. You didn't move closer to him and you didn't respond. The alcohol in your system had begun to disappear and with that, came the resurgence of your social anxiety.
"Would you fucking come here", he added with a sigh. The couple smoking giving you a concerned look before disappearing into the party once again. You moved towards him and sat down on the lawn chair across from his tall body. You felt awkward to say the least - although you really shouldn't. There was a time where he didn't cause you to lose your words or blush when you saw his bare chest as he exited the shower. There was a time where he was just Yuji's brother.
"Caught you staring at me earlier" he said deadpan. You sat silently watching his hands enter his pocket and pull out a cigarette. His long, slender fingers held the smoke in front of his mouth as he slowly ran his tongue over his lips to moisten them.
"I was just surprised to see you here, nothing else", quietly implying that you had no interest in the conversation at hand, or his antics with the girl. He smirked and lit the cigarette drawing in a long inhale of smoke.
You couldn't help but notice how attractive he was in the moonlight. Something always seemed so dangerously off limits about him but your anxiety and the fact that your best friend would kill you, always halted you in your tracks whenever you thought about him like this.
"This is my school and my friends party, why wouldn't I be here, sweetheart?", his words were kinder than before yet he still spoke to you like you were a bother to him. Like the great King Sukuna had better things to be doing even though he was the one to call you over after you ran into him. He took another long drag of the cigarette before it had run out completely.
Little to your knowledge, he had always known you to be like this - never saying more than you needed to him and blushing whenever he looked at you to say hi. He had caught you multiple times staring at his body like an excited school girl when he strutted out of the shower knowing you were watching. As you got older, he took note of how skittish you were around him. Partially because of his own carelessness with his reputation and also because he knew you had begun to notice him.
He didn't care too much to do anything because he knew he wasn't secretly in love with you or something stupid like that, but seeing that bastard Gojo with his hand in your hair angered him. You had been coming around his house for the longest time and were friends with his brother. Therefore by extension, you were his, even if he had no intention of ever caring about you.
"Like what you saw?", he teased referencing to what he was doing when you were eyeing him earlier that night. You felt your cheeks burn but you didn't reply and a sly grin tugged at his lips, "how cute".
His pink hair seemed softer in this lighting but his facial features remained hard as ever. He licked his plump lips again as he grabbed your jaw harshly, "you really do look good tonight". His eyes watched for your reaction to the sudden display that was so out of character for his usual mean self. However, he was still being mean, just in a way you weren't used to.
You just wanted to go back inside, maybe take some more shots with the others, and sink into the couch to disappear from his gaze. You always much preferred when you were able to admire him from afar or where his attention wasn't solely directed onto you. Your frustration built up in your face as the person you had grown up with humiliated you so easily.
"What's got you acting so kind? Weren't you just giving me shit upstairs you ass", you asked with a rather snarky tone.
"Watch yourself", he squeezed your jaw a little harder eyeing you as if he was studying your face for the first time ever. Something in his eyes gave away that he was pleased. A ding erupted from his phone and his gaze lowered to see that the girl from earlier had been rapidly texting him that she was ready to leave.
Sukuna stood up and walked to the door of the house, "don't stutter yourself to death trying to act like you can have an attitude with me just because you know me". He brushed his shaggy pink hair hair out of his face with a scowl and then left.
You joined your friends once again, checking the clock to see that it was only 1:30am and sighing because these parties usually lasted a lot longer.
Plopping yourself down on the couch, you took note of how the cushions hugged around your body. The few shots you had just taken warmed you up from being outside in a dress but the goosebumps on your legs persisted.
Gritting your teeth, you wanted to tell Yuji his brother was a freak and that you hated him so much; but at the same time you had been so drawn to him that the way he gripped your jaw made you feel good.
It didn't take long for Nobara to pull you off the cushions drunkenly mumbling about how it was a party and you couldn't just sit on the couch all night. Yuji was dancing so horrendously bad it made Megumi laugh the most genuine laugh you had heard from him in a while. Grabbing Nobara's hand, you joined in on the dancing and allowed your mind to be free of whatever the hell that was.
At some point while you were gone, Satoru had pried himself away from the girl he was with and stumbled back over to Megumi. His cheeks flushed vibrantly contrasting his pale skin and white hair. Sunglasses laying a top his head, occasionally having to pick them back up whenever they'd fall because of the aggressiveness of his dancing.
You searched for more familiar faces but deduced that Maki had probably went home with Toge. Those two never had a desire to stick around late the way the others did. This was confirmed when you noticed a text 30 minutes ago from Maki that said "see you later. get home safe xo".
When it was objectively late enough, the group left the party and made their way back to Yuji's as he was the closest to your current location. The walk was filled with laughter, stupid attempts to trip one another, and horrible outbursts of their favourite songs. You were sure the neighbours would complain.
About halfway there, Satoru slipped away to go home but insisted Megumi not worry about him and go have fun with the rest of us. He waved his phone implying that if anyone needed anything, you could always call. Normally, Megumi would protest at Satoru's clumsiness or likeliness to get himself into trouble and head home as well. But this time, Megumi caught a familiar sad glimpse in Satoru's face that meant he wanted to be alone and that he was ok. You caught this as well but decided not to ask about the relationship that seemed to damage this otherwise carefree person so badly.
Emotionally and academically, he was the strongest of all of you, but something behind his angel complexion and gentle eyes screamed that he was hurting. You chuckled to yourself thinking about how everyone in this little group of yours had some pain they couldn't escape from. Maybe that's why we all found it so easy to be around each other? In a morbid way, you all understood how truly fucked up life was.
The silence of Yuji's house was broken by four drunk college students laughing and whispering in a way that was actually yelling. You were the first to make yourself a snack, screaming at Yuji to make his own when he took the food from you. Nobara laughed and punched his arm as he followed in pursuit of Megumi who was busy setting up a sleeping spot for you all in the basement. Leaving you and Nobara smiling to each other in the kitchen while you made another meal.
You hugged her and smiled, "I'm glad I came out". She gave you a few thanks for joining them and complimented how 'stunning you looked in that dress all night'. After exchanging a few words and changing into some clothes Yuji set out, Nobara tiredly joined the boys in the basement to crash.
You stayed sitting at the kitchen island for a moment thinking about everything that had happened until the voices from downstairs faded into nothing but an occasional snore.
The house was dark enough that you didn't notice Sukuna creep up behind you, let alone even leave his room. His tall figure was leaned up against the kitchen island staring at you intently until you noticed his presence. As you turned around, you let out a yelp, heart pounding out of your chest from being startled, "will I ever run into you in a peaceful way?".
His hair fell over his forehead still damp from the shower he had taken. Even with no shirt on, he smelled strongly of clean laundry, soap, and spice. His sweats complimented the way his waist tapered inwards just to expand again at the muscle of his legs. 'He definitely developed more muscles this year', you thought to yourself keeping your gaze from meeting his firm chest and the slightly protruding abs on his stomach. He tapped the counter with his index finger chucking to himself at the way you avoided looking at his body.
"Are you allergic to shirts?", you ask while he looks down at himself, satisfied with the work he had put into looking like this. “I have nothing to hide why would I care?"
‘God he's so cocky it's obnoxious.’
You didn't reply. You already knew how he thought of himself as some Greek God waiting to be worshipped. How he genuinely felt no shame in the way he thought he was better than everyone else. A comment from you would just stroke his already enormous ego. While a part of it irked you, it would be a lie to say you didn't find his unapologetic narcissism attractive. He never had a second thought about doing whatever he wanted to.
Sukuna’s glowing red eyes travelled up and down your body; eyeing the curves emphasized by the dress you had on. You could tell he shamelessly enjoyed this image in comparison to the overly large clothes you normally wear when coming over.
"Don't you have that girl to go bother?" Your voice was quiet. You wanted to collapse into yourself because he was blocking the exit to the kitchen and your only escape back to the comfort of your friends. You thought maybe you screwed up somehow? This amount of attention from Yuji's older brother was unheard of, especially regarding you. What did you do to get so high on his radar? Why was he all of the sudden looking at you with an unfamiliar hunger?
"Kicked her out hours ago", he shrugged glancing to his room where a soft light was glowing from underneath the door, taunting you. He turned back to you with a stupid smirk, "wanna see?". Sukuna didn’t move for a moment while watching you mentally squirm under his words.
"I'm okay", you said while trying to hide the faint shade of pink creep along your cheeks. Unsure of how to navigate these new interactions, you aired on the side of caution while talking to him. He seemed more menacing than usual tonight, which said a lot, and your thoughts consistently bounced between intimidated and the crush you once had. (Maybe still had). The eery glow coming from his room and the way his large body casted a shadow on the ground unsettled you, yet the silence continued. His eyes watched you carefully, possibly offended by your refusal but too proud to let it show.
With most girls, if Sukuna had sensed any sort of hesitation in their ‘no’, or saw their eyes sheepishly dart to his bedroom, he would have already pushed himself against them and begun to take what he knew was already his. He’d usually make those girls regret trying to suppress the fleeting look of desire for him that left their face as quickly as it appeared; the same look you had just given him. All consensual, just some needed a little reassurance that he wouldn’t break their heart, which he’d eventually do anyway just from getting bored.
He contemplated what would happen if he did it now. Not giving you enough to pleasure you but enough to tease you until you were hot and gave into his request. Following him into his room like a drooling puppy all too willing to get her treat. But he wanted to savour this one, it was more fun to watch them crumble over time anyways. And you being a family friend made his usual playboy manners towards women more difficult.
Sukuna scoffed and turned around to head back towards his room, leaving you confused at his sudden displays of attention. You watched him open the door and his frame become engulfed in a soft red LED light. You couldn’t see inside but you wondered how much his space had changed since you last saw it as children? He didn’t face you again before closing the door and muttering, "call me if you can't sleep, sweetheart”.
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galagaorbit · 4 years
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[im bad @ setting scenes >:[ the first part takes place @ the fountain]
Hajime couldn't focus on his game, how could he? Chiaki's had her head laid in his lap, concentrating on her game trying to beat her previous high score. Hajime's eyes kept shifting towards her, her occasional sniffles made him smile. He wanted this moment to last forever but it was getting late, they'd be kicked off of school grounds soon. "H-hey Nanami, I found this pretty cool cafe in Akihabara, would you, maybe, like to go with me?" he chuckled softly rubbing the nape of his neck. Chiaki hummed quietly, "It doubles as an arcade." Once she heard that she quickly turned her head to look up at him with stars in her eyes, "Really? I'd love to go, when! When! When!" She squirmed in his lap and giggled "Well we can go now but I doubt you'd want to go in your uniform, we should go home and change then meet up... If that's okay with you." Hajime's ears had turned red, maybe if she hadn't moved around so much in his lap he would've been able to keep it together. Chiaki shot up from his lap almost hitting him in the chin and turned to face him "I've never been very good at dating sims but I'll try my hardest to gain relationship points!"
"R-relationship points?! Wh-what are you talking about?"
"Well in every dating sim you get relationship points from dates you go on, I must've already raised enough friendship flags to start gaining relationship points." She gasps. "Unless there's actually a zombie apocalypse and this is just the filler! Now that I can handle."
"I have no idea what we're talking about right now."
"C'mon, we've got no time to lose."
She grabbed Hajime's hand and raced towards the school gate, relationship points? Dating sims? Hajime couldn't help it, he blushed at the thought of going on a date with Chiaki, what would he wear? What would he say? Should he bring flowers? His stomach churned, he was nervous.
They were outside of school property now, Hajime caught his breath "So, should I come pick you up? Or should we meet at the train station?"
"Let's meet at the station, it'll be more efficient that way. Bye now." She waved at him and started walking home, taking her DS out and walking, how does she not run into stuff? It's a mystery to him, he waved and watched her walk until she was too far to see, he pivoted and went home.
She threw her bag onto her bed and paused her game. She put her hands on her heart & blushed like mad, what would she wear? All she had was her uniform, merchandise and cosplay, what would normal girls wear? She thought about texting her classmates but then decided to trust what's dearest to her, video games. She booted up Kitty Powers' Matchmaker and Hunie pop on two monitors and started to play, after about 20 minutes she knew exactly what to do.
Once he got home he flopped onto his bed, his mind was racing, what to do, what to do. He took off his uniform then stopped, he stared at his binder, would she mind? Would she care? Would she understand? He quickly put on a red long sleeve shirt, he felt plain in it so he put on a horde shirt on top, Chiaki probably plays The Horde...Right? He put on some loose jeans and as he was tucking his shirt in he remembered all those Tumblr posts about bisexual people tucking their shirts in, whatever, it doesn't matter. He finished cuffing his jeans and put on some converse, he tried sticking that one piece of hair down but no matter what he did it always shot back up.
Hajime: im walking to the station now
Chiaki: oki doki!! cant w8! >-< im omw 2!!
Soon enough he reached the station, he assumed she'd take a long time to get there but to his surprise she showed up two minutes later. Hajime's heart started racing, her cat thigh highs, her frilly skirt, her Resident Evil shirt, he felt as if his heart would explode and it almost did, Chiaki's hair was tied into two low pigtails, he didn't think she could get any cuter but there she is. Her jacket perfectly framed her breasts, he tried not to stare but his blush gave it all away. "H-hinata-kun? Do I look bad?" His staring must've made her self-conscious, he rushes to her side & hesitantly puts his hands on her shoulders. "I think you look perfect, not perfect like you're a god or something, BUT YOU'RE NOT UGLY, I've never seen you as ugly. Not that others do! I just think that- I'll s-stop talking." She giggled, "I understand, now let's go, my fingers are aching to play." She wiggled her fingers in Hajime's face.
Soon enough their train came, of course it was full, afterall it is a train to Akihabara, it's bound to be full. Hajime held the pole and held Chiaki close, she took out her handheld, muted it and played til they reached their destination.
(a/n: its considered rude to talk/make loud noise in trains in japan)
Hajime sighed a sigh of relief as he stepped off the train, having Chiaki pressed up against him drove him crazy. She turned to him "Lead the way Master Cheif!" She was beaming with excitment, Hajime chuckled and started walking towards the cafe before he audibly gasped, Chiaki intertwined their hands, she looked up at him and smiled, her smile was his kryptonite, he quickly turned away from her and sped up. "H-hey Hinata! Slow down! I can't keep up" Chiaki was tripping over her own feet and the cracks in the side walk, she puffed her cheeks at Hajime, which in his opinion only made her cuter. "I'm sorry Nanami, I just want to get there before they close yknow?"
"I get it, just slow down a bit." She chuckled and tilted her head at him.
They continued on, they didn't need to speak, just having each other around was enough. As they reached their destination Chiaki's eyes went wide, she could see all the games from the window, she bounced "Let's go Hinata-kun!" Chiaki dragged Hajime inside and once she stepped in her jaw dropped, she felt as if she was in a dream, she spun around, getting a good look at everything around her. She jumped onto Hajime "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Hajime hugged her tightly "I knew you'd like it here." "Like it? I love it? Let's go, c'mon" Chiaki dragged Hajime to the nearest game, he chuckled to himself, she's so quiet and reserved but when it comes to games, she's a completely different person. He thought to himself. Chiaki couldn't take her eyes off the screen, she was so focused that she had her tongue sticking out a bit in between her lips, Hajime wanted to poke it, but why? He had no reason to, he stared at her, he could barely focus on his own screen plus she was doing just fine without him, the flashing lights hitting Chiaki's soft skin made her seem unreal, the reflection of her screen in her eyes, the noises she'd make, it all made Hajime's heart flutter. "I'm gonna go get us some boba, what flavour do you want?" She stayed silent for a bit "Strawberry...probably." Her eyes didn't leave the screen, Hajime walked off to go get their boba. Once Hajime left, Chiaki felt lonely, why? He's still there, he just left to get some boba. Even though Hajime didn't do well with the game she still enjoyed his company, even if he was just standing their, but Chiaki didn't feel lonely for long, she soon felt two hands cover her eyes "Guess who?" She giggled and turned around, not caring about the game, Hajime handed her the boba and sipped on his "Wow, the games are great and so are the drinks" Chiaki held her cup with two hands and took a large sip. Hajime laughed to himself and leaned against the machine behind him, "I found DDR on the other side of the cafe, wanna have a competition?"
She gulped. "I'll wipe the floor with you!"
"Bring it on!"
They rushed to the DDR machine and discarded their empty cups, obviously Chiaki picked the hardest difficulty, Paranoia Survivor Max, hijinks ensued; Chiaki was getting a perfect score as always so Hajime decided to tickle her, it worked, she lost her combo & Hajime continued. Chiaki puffed her cheeks "Hajime, someone's stealing your phone!" Hajime quickly turned around and looked for his phone, Chiaki laughed as she continued to play, they decided to focus on their game however Hajime isn't the most graceful when it comes to DDR. Hajime ended up tripping on his shoelace and landed on top of Chiaki with a thud, he's seen enough anime to know that he's probably touching her breast or his face is in between her legs but no, this wasn't an anime. Even with Hajime on top of her Chiaki couldn't help but laugh, Hajime slowly lifted himself off the laughing girl. His hands were near her head, he was still on top of her but he didn't want to move, he's never heard her laugh like that, he bursted into laughter, he didn't care if people were staring, he was having fun, she was having fun. Chiaki started to snort, she tried stopping but the more she did the more she snorted, Hajime thought it was the most beautiful noise, cuter than her giggles, cuter than her hmph's, cuter than her sniffles, her unrestrained laughter was music to his ears. Once they both calmed down they got up off the floor and smiled at each other, they couldn't help it, it was so natural to them.
"I'm sleepy... Let's go home." She giggled softly as she grabbed Hajime's hand and laid her head on his shoulder. He put an arm around her and hugged her close, in that moment, he felt perfect, no need for a talent, no need to be an ultimate, no insecurities, no doubts, he felt perfect... With her.
hhhh i hope u liek it! im not a writer but i tried my best!
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thisislila · 6 years
so since it's pat, aaron, jane, madeline, ethan and fahad's last semester, i decided to tag along for prom
okay i didn't decide that, they kinda dragged me
and i came to my uni so unprepared like i didn't bring any dress and flats and heels or any other nice clothing heck i even forgot to bring my futsal shoes but anyway
so since i didn't have anything, i went shopping with pat mad aaron and jane right and god they were??? already planned on what i should get???? and like hahh idk it's so funny seeing them all hyped up and all
but anyway i went with them with a "simple black dress" in mind like:
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y'all i honestly don't mind i always wonder how I'll look/if i can pull off THAT big dick energy look but my broke student ass cannot afford the "high-class-i-will-ram-you-onto-the-bed-like-the-dirty-slut-you-are-and-treat-you-like-a-prince/princess-after-that" look
and the girly girl inside of me lowkey wanna look feminine (the little princess inside of me jumped out - it's a good excuse for an event like this) so i was kinda strolling around the dresses area (after trying 100+ blazers/suit otfit combo) BUT THEN jane and madeline came with a jumpsuit and their second outfit/attire choice for me was that anyway and in my head i was like "okay maybe i could roll with this it's the perfect combo of a suit and a dress" and on top of that jumpsuit look so bloody hell comfy and girls wearing them always look so amazing like
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BUT i was a bit sceptical at first but tried it on anyway and???? holy fuck it's so fucking comfortable i can fully on squat and high kick and sit however the fuck i want and i don't feel awkward at all and the best thing about it is thay my wallet can handle it omfg god bless to whoever came up with this concept/design
BUT i still couldn't let go @ one of the black dress that i chose cause i thought i look way better in it like idk the jumpsuit/playsuit is comfy asf but i wasnt confident in it? like i had mix feelings about it because it felt so right yet idk if i look good? but my friends that went with me started hollering (they're being extra istg but i love them for that my self confidence is close to non-existant when it comes to formal event like this so that helped me like hella a lot) and i sent all the outfit that i tried to ethan fahad shannon and mbak nadia (so weird calling her mbak nadia, i usually adress her as mbak e but i know a lot of nadia so im just gonna write her here with a "mbak") as well
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i'm not gonna lie
i'm lowkey keen for prom
cause i know i'll be surrounded by the people i love and care the most. idk i've been overwhelmed by positive and warm feeling lately - im not saying im constantly happy and never feel sad/have a bad day anymore but idk i just
am very much thankful for a lot of things. and it's a bit hard to process that they all will be leaving soon.
so i'll party with them like it's our last time.
so yeah.
alexa, play we'll all be by the maine
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