#i finally remembered my loggin information!
dreamteamgiggles · 1 year
(Do you mind a RP? It’s ok if you don’t)
Blue was walking around and let out an annoyed sighed, she couldn’t understand how someone in all green and a white mask could be so hard to find. Blue didn’t want to give up on finding the man but it was near impossible for her right now. In all honesty she was about to sit down and give into defeat until she saw Sapnap, the man was dreams best friend! He had to know where he was, “Hey Sapnap! Do you know where Dream is?” She asked
(- @blueblade-2222 )
"Blue!" Sapnap’s was surprised to see her, they hardly ever run into each other. "Not at the moment, I just came back from the Nether, if you can't find him anywhere then he's probably with XD"
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fenricken · 6 months
You Keep Slipping From My Grasp 3/7
Ship: Spirit Halloween
“The elusive Black Pirate has finally met his match… at Blackbeard’s hands!” He stumbled over from the force of the kick to his head, trying to grip the sand.
He was trying to remember something… what was it? The man who kicked him continued to rant about pirates and treasure, but all he could think about was the images flashing through his mind of a boy in animal skin, a woman who smiled at him, a man in dark leather armor with blinding white hair, and more that filtered through his brain like the sand through his fingers.
He was lost in his thoughts, as the other man droned on and on, and they were only broken by the sound of sniggering. He looked up to see a green-eyed man trying to hold back chuckles, despite the cutlass aimed at his back.
“What’s so funny?” Blackbeard asked.
The man’s giggles quieted down, but his grin still stretched wide across his face. “You speak of him as a ghost as though he’s not clearly flesh and blood. I found it amusing that Blackbeard has been chasing children’s bedtime stories.”
“You think I’m chasing stories? I’m chasing treasure! I’ll claim the Black Pirate’s treasure and be king of these seas!” Blackbeard spat. He whirled on the nameless man.
“You will lead us through your caves, and to your treasure, or else you’ll watch us carve your crewmates into little pieces!” On his signal, Blackbeard’s men raise their swords and guns at the green-eyed man and a boy next to him.
“Let them go. I’ll find your treasure, nobody has to be hurt.” the nameless man said.
The boy interjected “I’m 15 years old! And my name is Jack Loggins!”
Blackbeard ignored him, “Let them go? I say we let them join us, and you can be responsible for their lives. Lead on.”
Danny had been here a while, making sure to infiltrate the Black Pirate’s crew as Clockwork advised so he’d be in the right place at the right time. He had to admit, it was a lot of fun. Of course, he knew who the real Black Pirate was, but he was having fun playing the mildly-simpering cabin boy and like hell was Danny going to ruin his fun.
“...when the pilgrims came, the last of the deer tribe retreated to these caves to join the bat-people or ghost-people, so the local lore says at least.” Jack had been filling the silence with information on the history of the cave. Danny had been keeping an eye on Batman, hoping that he might recognize any of this information. He was, after all, the bat-people’s progenitor.
For what it was worth, Batman certainly seemed deep in thought about something.
“Well-spoken and knows his history! Tell me Loggins, what would your family pay in return for your safety?” Blackbeard asked, clearly sizing up Jack’s ransom value. 
“Look closely and you’ll see his clothes are soiled and not new. His heels are worn and his buckles scuffed. His hands are too calloused to belong to a rich man. Jack is of a family fallen on hard times.” Batman cut in.
Danny felt himself swoon a little at how accurate the observation was. Dangerous and whip-smart was always his type.
The group made their way through the caves, stopping every once in a while for Batman to trigger or disable traps so none of them would be caught. Finally they came upon a set of stairs that lead to piles and piles of human remains.
“Perhaps there is a real ghost, sire. They do say the Black Pirate died nearly a hundred years ago. What else would have killed those men?” Jack started. Danny snorted, before he got his giggles under control. There sure was a real ghost in these caves, alright.
Blackbeard shot him a glare, before turning to Batman.
“You seem to be thinking awfully hard.”
Batman turned to them. “Those are bat droppings. The methane will choke us. That’s what killed those men. We’ll have to put out our torches, as the gas is highly flammable.”
Jack cut in, “Certain stones are not level. Could it be another layer to the trap?”
Batman nodded. “Probably. Everyone should stick close to me, and step where I step.”
Blackbeard pushed Danny forward. “Come on then, since this is a joke to you, you can go first.”
Danny stuck close to Batman’s back, making sure to hold his breath and not step on any of the raised stones. Jack and Blackbeard followed close behind Danny, with the rest of the pirates following close behind.
They were almost to the end, when Danny heard rock grinding against rock, as someone behind had misstepped. Electricity arced across the floor, igniting the gas, and Batman grabbed Danny and rushed them forward to safety, Jack, Blackbeard and a few more pirates managing to escape the flames and follow along.
Danny sat on a rock to catch his breath, keeping an eye on Blackbeard checking on his pirates, while Jack made his way to where Bruce and Danny rested.
The boy, Jack, pulled him side, with only a brief glance at the green-eyed man. 
“Sir, I know. I know you’re not the Black Pirate, and we have little time…”
He was distracted though, staring at the green-eyed man. Now that they were closer, he could see white hairs falling out from under the green-eyed man’s bandana, and his memory was tickled. 
“The year is 1718, but yesterday it was 1640…something…and before…I can barely remember the fever. I’m racing through time to some unknown end… I wasn’t on that ship. But you were.”
At this Jack smiled slightly. “Sir, I was captain of that ship. My name is not Loggins, but Valor, and I am the grandson of the first Black Pirate. I followed his lead.”
Jack pulled out a cape, and pushed it into his hands. “We’ll need to frighten Blackbeard away. He cannot take over the caves the bat people have made a home out of.”
He took the bundle from Jack, quickly moving it behind his back as he saw Blackbeard approaching.
“What’s all the whisperin?!” He roared as he approached.
“The boy’s just afraid you’ll kill him. He only has us to confide in us.” Blackbeard continued to approach him, and he backed away toward the edge.
“Please, let’s all calm down, we can talk this out–”, when he ran out of cliff, he let himself fall into the river beneath.
He quickly swam down the river, before crawling out of the bank nearby a bone bridge he knew Jack would lead Blackbeard to. He donned the cape, obscuring his face before he clambered up and onto the bridge.
He could see Blackbeard approaching, with Jack and the green-eyed man in front of him.
“I fear you’ve woken the Curse of the Black Pirate, Commodore Blackbeard. His ghost will come to pressgang us all to Hell’s service.” Jack stated, a wide grin on his face that was mirrored by the green-eyed man who was bouncing in glee.
Blackbeard drew his pistols, and began shooting.
“He’s no more ghost than you or I!”
He ducked and weaved his way through Blackbeard and his pirates, knocking them over with well-placed kicks and punches, and felt more and more in his element.
When he saw that Jack and the green-eyed man had safely crossed the bone bridge, he cut the ropes keeping it stable, watching as the pirates and Blackbeard fell into the river and were swept out of the caves and back to the ocean.
“Well that was fun.” The green-eyed man said, still watching the pirates drift away.
There was a shuffling behind them, and when they turned they saw themselves surrounded by men and women with bat markings painted on their faces.
“They’re the last of the Miagani,” Jack said. “They’ve permitted me to hide in their caves for many years.
He turned to face a man-shaped rock they were standing near.
“That’s their god. Part man, part bat. They call him ‘Lord of the Night and the Dark Sun’.” They won’t allow me to follow beyond that point, but they say that they recognize you.”
He turned to face the men and women who stood by the rock and silently beckoned him to follow. They led him to a shrine, with a familiar bat-eared cape displayed on the rocks, and a yellow belt beneath. Above, they had painted an eclipse.
He knelt before their shrine.
“I wore this. Me…Man of Bats…”
When Batman returned, Danny knew something was up. The energy around Batman had changed, so Danny took the time to focus, and–there. More energy had woven itself around Batman, and it must’ve come from the shrine. All other increases in the temporal energy around Batman only occurred when he made a jump.
Batman nodded at Danny, but changed direction when Jack took him aside.
It might not be right to intrude on a private, sacred shrine, but Danny knew he had to find what was there that caused the energy around Batman to change. He glanced up at the sky, noting that the eclipse was close to its zenith, and that he would not see Batman in this time again. 
He glanced back to Batman and Jack, to see that Batman was looking back at him while Jack gestured animatedly. Danny smiled at him, before slipping away.
Turning invisible, he crept towards the shrine, and there he saw it.
They had Batman’s original mantle displayed above various other trinkets that must’ve come with Batman during his original jump. Danny knelt down to take a reading, hoping this might help them come to a solution later.
When he returned to Jack, Batman was gone.
“Curious man, he was,” Jack said, looking out at the sea. “What do you intend to do after this, Danny?”
“Same as I told you when I joined your crew. I have to continue following after my friend in the hopes I can assure his safety.”
“An honorable cause.”
“What about you, Valor?”
“I may have no ship, but the fight continues. There are more men like Blackbeard than the world deserves. You could join me, if you’d like. Perhaps we’d come by your friend on our way.”
Danny inclines his head, “I’m honored you’d think of me. But my friend’s journey lies elsewhere. I wish you luck and victory in your fight.”
Jack smiled at him then. “Odd that I seem to have been surrounded by two mysterious individuals, but that is life I suppose. Farewell, Danny.”
At this, Danny smiled, before turning to leave. He walked far enough along the shore to be sure he was out of sight before opening a portal back to Clockwork’s lair.
There, he’s greeted by the nervous faces of his parents.
“What happened?” Danny asks, rushing forward.
Maddie starts, “It’s about Batman, and the odd energy you detected around him. It’s something called ‘Omega Energy’, and it seems to be steadily building up in his body as he travels through time.”
“What happens if it keeps building up? Will he be alright?” Danny asks, worried.
“At the rate he’s going, he’s only going to be able to handle a few more jumps before…”
“He’ll end up carrying enough energy to rip apart that universe’s reality, Dann-o” Jack finished.
Danny feels crest-fallen. So far, he’s been just watching and waiting, and now it seems just gently prodding Batman back to his time will spell disaster.
“We might have an idea though! “ Jack says, perking up. “Your mom and I are working on the design for a machine we can use to siphon the Omega Energy out of him. Unfortunately, the way things are going it seems like they might be more complicated.
“Specifically, we think we might need an anchor point to control where Batman ends up when he jumps, both so we can catch him in time, and also to act as a focus point for when we siphon the Omega Energy out of him. If it has a bit of Omega Energy too, that’d be great, like how water likes to stick to water!” Maddie finishes.
Danny perks up. “I might know just the thing. He made his first jump with his cape, but none of the jumps afterwards. If we can find it in his time, we could use that as the anchor point. Unless it loses the Omega Energy, it can also act as the focus point that would help draw out the excess from Batman’s body.”
“Ah, you’ll be happy to hear that your daughter can help with that.” Clockwork said as he floated up. “I’ve taken the liberty of sending her among the Justice League from Batman’s present time, to help them prepare for his return and assure them of his safety. I can task her with finding where Batman’s cape is, so we have it ready for when it is time.”
Danny relaxes, beaming, “I’m glad you found some way for her to help. She’s been upset at missing out on seeing Batman. With all of us working together, I’m sure we can figure out how to save Batman.”
A/N: RIP it was long enough since I had time to work on this that I got confused by my outline.
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Paul Bill Jr “Y.O.U. For Christmas”
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The contemporary gospel/worship artist & Detroit native Paul Bill Jr. has been writing, recording and producing a sound that is fresh and energetic. The Road to Salvation: While previously living a secular lifestyle; Paul first encountered the love of God at the age of 21. “I can still remember the sound of the car slamming into the guard rail on the highway.” Paul says. “It was as if in that moment, God was giving me a wake-up call to turn my life around. But the realization didn’t hit me until driving the highway again. I found out I had fallen asleep at the only place a guard rail would prevent me from driving off the road. Or worse. Hitting oncoming traffic.” In that moment, Paul realized that it was only God who was guarding and protecting him. That day, Paul made the decision to turn his life to God and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. Music Career: In the of Fall 2021, after independently releasing two studio albums; Paul released his Debut single titled “Move” which released on internet radio and received nominations for Song of the Year with: The Rhythm of Gospel Awards, Gospel Choice Music Awards, and Voices of Gospel Music Awards. Continuing to create and produce, Paul would go on to release the E.P. “Alive in the Room” with MSR. Paul has shared some of Gospel Music’s biggest platforms with artists such as; Todd Dulaney, Tasha Cobbs Leonard, Jonathan McReynolds, Isaac Carree, Vincent Bohannon, Rich Tolbert and many more. What makes Paul unique, is that he has had the opportunity to minister for every audience imaginable. He has sung for small churches and conferences, to audiences of thousands. What’s Next: Daily, Paul is working to create fresh and energetic music that can remind the next generation of how exciting it can be to worship! Recently teaming with DrGlobal and GME, Paul’s next release is titled “Forever” which tells the story of why we worship, because of who God is. The song is a modern, dynamic and a vibrant sound that belongs in your praise and worship playlist! With the help of his team, the love and support of his wife Rahab, the drive for his 2 children, and a passion for doing things with excellence, there is no telling how far the ministry of Paul Bill Jr. can reach. Finally, he adds. “My mission is to use this platform as a vehicle to introduce the lost, hurting and broken to the same love of God that found me. My desire is that everyone would have a unique encounter with Jesus through worship. I am dedicated to sharing the gospel, working hard and creating music. I believe with this dedication, I can impact lives, inspire hope and leave a legacy to last a lifetime.” Additional Artist/Song Information: Artist Name: Paul Bill Jr. Song Title: Y.O.U. For Christmas Publishing: Publishing Affiliation: Album Title: Y.O.U. For Christmas Record Label: Global Music Enterprises Radio Promotion: Loggins Promotion Paul Loggins 310-325-2800 Contact Loggins Promotion Publicity/PR: Loggins Promotion Paul Loggins 310-325-2800 Contact Loggins Promotion Read the full article
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