#i finished watching mysterious lotus casebook last night
dramagifs · 10 months
when you finished watching the most exquisite drama and now nothing can pique your interest anymore
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sarah-yyy · 9 months
What are your top 5 dramas that you've watched this year? I'm trying to get back into watching them.
HMMM this year?? let's see:
meet yourself - if you're in need of a light, v therapeutic watch, this is the show for you, stars li xian and liu yifei (who are both so so so pretty)
destined - let's just work off the premise that everything bai jingting is in is excellent and go from there. arranged marriage period cdrama, a little like new life begins but nlb is a lot lighter.
till the end of the moon - do......i even talk about this, or can i assume y'all know how unhinged i am over tantai jin already
mysterious lotus casebook - jianghu period cdrama, excellent characters, super fun time
west out of yumen - ni ni + bai yu + desert adventure thriller?? literally what is there not to like. i just finished this last night!!
uhhh shout out also to the blood of youth (would enjoy if you enjoyed mlc), here we meet again (cute romcom i just binged over the weekend), the road to ordinary (this post reminded me i never finished the show because i got too busy, so it's back on my watchlist, the eps i did watch were excellent!), the pledge of allegiance (casefic period cdrama, dragged at times but was overall v interesting), a league of nobleman (also casefic period cdrama; meh about song weilong but everyone else in this was excellent).
wanted to like but never got into, but might be a me problem rather than a problem with the show: road home, under the microscope
i've done rec posts for some of them before, so i've just link those, otherwise i've linked the mdl page so y'all can read about the show before starting!
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seventh-fantasy · 4 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
Tagged by @howdaretrashships thank you!! <3
3 Ships You Like: "like" hm. "three" only hmm. :( anyway I'll limit these to dramas AND one ship one drama only: 1) dihua from 莲花楼 mysterious lotus casebook; 2) xiao dingquan and xu changping from 鹤唳华亭 royal nirvana; 3) anran and mu ze from 覆流年 lost track of time
First Ship Ever: um. pretty sure it's a pairing from a Channel 8 (local sg) drama I watched as a kid.
Last Song You Heard: oh.. I was just listening to the newly released OST of the upcoming DJT series, so I'm now on my Thai playlist. the last play is Violette Wautier's Kam Welah ข้ามเวลา from Prom Likit OST <3
Favorite Childhood Book: I was not an avid reader as a child like the majority of tunglr dot com seem to be, regrettably... but I loved Horrible Histories
Currently Reading: main ones in the current routine are my slow but steady reread of 中国哲学史 - very close to the end, and also very close to the end of Kate Buford's Burt Lancaster biography after a looong time. (I just read extremely slow.)
Currently Watching: trying to finish up the last quarter of The Starry Love 星落凝成糖 - hopefully very soon so I can move on from it lol. on top of the regular movies routine, have been taking my time with first full rewatch of Royal Nirvana, and recently started my first full rewatch of Mysterious Lotus Casebook (I very rarely do full drama rewatches so this is just a special time in my life lol)
Currently Consuming: ribena
Currently Craving: a new satisfying lakorn (i was replaying a Ratee Luang OST last night and now desperately need lakorns back in my life again!!! - you've caught me right in my lakorn mood)
Tagging (the usual note about consider yourself tagged if you see this etc etc): @bocje-ce-ustu @redemption-revenge @angryundies @seeorseem @mademoiselle-red @tytangfei @bemybabymp3 @karinyosa @valancystirling48 (also bonus tags @markiafc @ananeiah @dtriad)
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eirenical · 4 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better:
Tagged by @merinnan. Thanks! ^_^
3 Ships You Like: FeiHua, PingXie, Yan Dan X Ying Yuan x Yu Mo (started an Immortal Samsara rewatch last night, so sue me. At least I know @slangerogkatter will appreciate that one ;D)
First Ship Ever: ...I have distinct memories of constantly telling @tirrasae when we were in high school that "Captain Kirk and Uhura should get marriiiiiied." But I'm honestly not sure if that was 1) even genuinely a ship and 2) if it was, if it was my first one. I'm pretty sure it wasn't. XD
Last Song You Heard: (Side note: very much approve of your listening choices, merrinan ^_^) Also uh... it was probably whatever my last morning alarm was, which means it was something from the MLCB OST. Probably... 一壶莲花醉 by Hu Xia. ^_^
Oh, also whatever the Hangzhou City background music is on the DMBJ game that's been playing nonstop because I have the game open on my phone next to me. XD
Favourite Childhood Book: I'm not sure what really counts as "childhood" for the purposes of this question, but probably the answer either way is Snow Dog by Jim Kjelgaard. I was OBSESSED with that book for a decent chunk of elementary school. Misty of Chincoteague by Marguerite Henry was was up there, too.
Currently Reading: NOTHING REALLY. Everything I started reading I Have since stalled out on. I was able to read again for like... TWO WEEKS and then the ability to focus on reading left me again. *sobs aggressively* But if it ever returns, the books I was in the middle of when I stalled where Into the West by Mercedes Lackey and The King's Avatar/QZGS (全职高手) by Butterfly Blue (蝴碟蓝).
Currently watching: AHAHAHA. I'm watching too many things and almost all of them are rewatches. Nothing new. Things I'm rewatching with watchalong friends: The King's Avatar with @buriedbybooks and @thearchivisttheprime), Mysterious Lotus Casebook with @elenothar, South Wind Knows with @kalypartemis. Things I'm rewatching on my own: Immortal Samsara and I just finished up Leverage and and moving on to Leverage Redemption. Also just recently finished rewatching all of The West Wing. ^_^
Currently consuming: Nothing at the moment but my tummy is a-grumbling, so maybe I should fix that. XD To anyone following my MCAS saga, though, I am happy to report that most of my sense of taste has finally returned from the war! So that's exciting. ;D
Currently craving: A break <-- ...omg, merinnan that is such a mood. TT^TT But also these curry puffs with cucumber salad that the Thai place in town used to serve. Unfortunately, they're closed and will never serve them again. TT^TT
Tagging: if you've been tagged in this post, consider yourself tagged to do it ^_^, also if you just see this post and want to do it, please feel free ^_^, and specifically: @bbcphile, @difeisheng, @fixaidea, @takethewatch, @adorablecrab, @sephstones, @doh-rae-me, @ anyone who I'm forgetting because my brain just went splat. XD
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2023 Writing Roundup
Thanks @inexplicablymine for the tag! This was a lot of fun to do
Satisfied (Never Have Been, Never Will Be) — RWRB, T, 833
Or, a rewrite of the lyrics of "Satisfied" from Hamilton set at the beginning of Philip and Martha's wedding, except Alex is a little flirtier and a little less repressed, told from Henry's pov.
Some Element of Mystery — RWRB, M, 4k
Or, five times that Alex thought Henry was a stripper, plus one time Henry corrected him. Written for the informal stripper!Henry fest.
Was working on finishing my master's thesis instead of fic for the most part, though I did write a few drabbles and make progress on my reincarnation au (see November)
Burn (They're Watching Us/I Hope That They) — RWRB, T, 295
Or, a rewrite of the lyrics of "Burn" from Hamilton, set immediately after the email leak, told from Alex's pov.
Graduated/finished my master's 🎉🎉 while also writing more of my reincarnation au (see November), including some major revisions
Got sick for part of the month, then spent the rest of it furiously working on my brownstone anniversary exchange fic (see July) doing tons of (probably unnecessary) research about Saturday Night Live and royal weddings.
SNL | Season 45 Episode 2 | HRH Prince Henry & FSOTUS Alex Claremont-Diaz — RWRB, M, 9k
Or, the fic in which I said bet and sent firstprince onto Saturday Night Live instead of having Alex go to London for a weekend. Written for the Brownstone Anniversary Fic Exchange.
Spent the month trying to make a lot of progress on reincarnation au (see November) and finally got some betas
Had a bad case of writer's block for most of the month, then went insane and wrote something for firstprince week (see October) despite promising myself I wasn't going to participate
Not a Day I Don't Miss (Those Rude Interruptions) — RWRB, T, 2k
Or, a Henry character study set during the week following Henry running from the lake house, loosely inspired by Taylor Swift's "Last Kiss". Written for firstprince week.
Red, White, and Royal Switcheroo — RWRB, T, 6k
Or, a body swap au set during Alex's "make nice" trip to England in which Alex and Henry have to play at being each other, and Alex discovers Henry's role is, in fact, very much not much easier to play. Written for Halloween, Huh?
Every Time My Heart Swings Back to You — RWRB, M, ~90k (ongoing)
Or, a reincarnation au set mostly in the modern era with college students Alex and Henry trying to piece together the story of their past lives as a knight and a prince through a series of non-linear flashbacks.
Trying my best to finish reincarnation au while also plotting out a very ambitious fic for a new fandom (mysterious lotus casebook) that I'll be trying to tackle in 2024. Also the month I got super into cdramas/c-ent.
Wow, compiling all this made me realize I wrote a whole lot more than I thought: posting 9 stories and writing around 50k new words! I also participated in a lot more fan events than ever before and finally begin sharing the story that's been living in my brain and docs only for almost three years. All in all, a very satisfying year for me while also looking forward to new projects in 2024~
I'm probably one of the last wants to get to this but tagging a few others who I don't think have done this (let me know though if you have) @14carrotghoul @formorewishes @affectionatelyrs @anincompletelist @celaestis1 @celeritas2997 @cricketnationrise, plus open tag because I'd love to see anyone else's writing year in review~
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Tag someone you want to know better
tagged by @asterdust ! thank you~!
Favourite color: purple and blue
Last song: 《繁华》 by 肖顺尧 & 康佳欢
Last movie: either Nimona or Barbie, i think
Currently watching:
【异人之下】 I Am Nobody (2023)
【九义人】 Faithful (2023)
わたしの幸せな結婚 My Happy Marriage (2023, anime)
Other stuff I've watched this year (i added this for my own records 😆):
【云之羽】 My Journey to You (2023, 24 eps)
【灼灼风流】 The Legend of Zhuohua (2023, 40 eps)
【长相思 第一季】 Lost You Forever - Season 1 (2023, 39 eps)
【莲花楼】 Mysterious Lotus Casebook (2023, 40 eps)
【安乐传】 The Legend of Anle (2023, 39 eps)
【追光的日子】 Ray of Light (2023, 30 eps)
【长风渡】 Destined (2023, 40 eps)
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (2022, film)
【满江红】 Full River Red (2023, film)
【护心】 Back from the Brink (2023, 40 eps)
【不良执念清除师】 Oh No! Here Comes Trouble (2023, 12 eps)
【��眠之境】 Desire Catcher (2023, 30 eps)
【东栏雪】 Dong Lan Xue (2023, 30 eps)
【长公主在上】 Her Royal Highness (2022, 27 eps)
【光渊】 Justice in the Dark (2023) 😭 (all 8 episodes...)
【猎罪图鉴】 Under the Skin (2022, 20 eps)
Shows I dropped this year/didn't finish (also added for my own records):
【玉骨遥】 The Longest Promise (2023)
【古相思曲】 An Ancient Love Song (2023)
【九霄寒夜暖】 Warm on a Cold Night (2023)
【君子盟】 A League of Nobleman (2023)
【月歌行】 Song of the Moon (2023)
【浮图缘】 Unchained Love (2023)
Currently reading: 杀破狼 by priest (VERY VERY SLOWLY) but mostly academic papers
Currently working on: 70% research; 30% translations + fic
Current obsession: 【莲花楼】、【猎罪图鉴】、【异人之下】、M.I.C (MIC男团) - and the people involved 😆
tagging @elenothar, @ruiconteur, @willowcatkinblossom, @angryteapott, @cloudravine, @difeisheng, @rongzhi, literally anyone else who wants to/hasn't done this already 💜💜💜
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asterdust · 9 months
Tag someone you want to know better
I've been tagged by @wuxia-vanlifer ! Thank youuu 💖
Favourite color: i love all colors but the absence of it the most. lol black 😅 and gray? and swamp green. and orange.
Last song: i have no idea why but im currently obsessed with memorising Over You by Daughtry so i can belt this out on karaoke soon
Last movie: Marry My Dead Body! such a campy movie lol
Currently watching: I'm calling this my LAMLCB (Life After Mysterious Lotus Casebook)... Heroes (which was on pause while i wait for my good friend @ninja-mullet to finish mlcb so we can continue), Only Friends Series (which is becoming my new religion), Kiseki: Dear To Me (the only bad thing about it is the eps are too short), Why R U SK (here only for the vibes), Dangerous Romance (blame perthchimon for all of these, i wasn't really interested with the plot in the first place but here we are), I Feel You Linger In The Air (NONKUUUUUUL), South Wind Knows My Mood (which i just started today?)
and I just finished One Piece LA!!! so so good. and of course rewatching my favorite scenes in MLCB (aly why are u at ep 30 again)
Currently reading: Thriller Night Talk by 吕吉吉 and Criminal Psychology by 长洱 (we're so back!!!)
Currently working on: um i have no idea right now. im lost because mlcb inspires me to continue my OCs while there are still fanfic drafts on my docs hahaahah just swinging it these days. oh wait, is attending an online course about how to build ur own speaker system counted? and learning to read mandarin? yeah yeah yeah
Current obsession: obviously it's mlcb. not a single day i don't think about difanghua :( and a little bit of sandray. WAIT LET ME ADD DMBJ.
tagging @ninja-mullet @tunnelofdusk @extraordinarilyextreme @returning-spring @fanghuas @redemption-revenge @difeisheng @byk23 @mejomonster @maibpenrai @missjudge-me @queersouthasian @tokyoflavor @basementfordreams @combeferret @catboyjosten @pizzaqueen I CAN'T REMEMBER EVERYBODY SO ANYBODY WHO SEES THIS CAN DO THIS ✨
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difeisheng · 9 months
tag someone you want to get to know better
i was tagged by @tavina-writes, thank you!!!
Favourite colour: purples of most shades, and teal + turquoise. also shoutout to black given that it makes up the vast majority of my wardrobe lmao
Last song: according to spotify it's your ex-lover is dead, by stars
Last movie: uhhhh it was probably to catch a killer, starring shailene woodley. my parents yanked me into watching it with them when i was still at home before the school term
Currently watching: technically it's 使徒行者 3 (line walker 3: bull fight), and also i started blood of youth a while back. but my brain is so full of mysterious lotus casebook right now and i might start a rewatch of that so to those other shows, i apologize 😔
Currently reading: i'm still in dmbj land hehe. started reading whichever volume merebear is currently translating last night
Currently working on: my di feisheng/fang duobing post-canon grieving fic. it's intended to be a multichap but god i haven't attempted that in several years and never actually finished one, so we'll see how that goes. need to finish the first chapter still tho Orz
Current obsession: very, very much mysterious lotus casebook. i'm still playing around with some dmbj things in the background, too
Tagging @pastelcheckereddreams, @angryteapott, @xinxiaojie
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pastelcheckereddreams · 3 months
Get to know you better - tag game
Thank you for the tag @korre! 😊💛
Last song I listened to: I've been addicted to playing Beatstar lately, so I've been going through a lot of songs 😅 The last song I actually pulled up to listen to was FOB - So Much for Stardust (and the rest of that album) while cooking the other night. Currently watching: Yet another cdrama - Stand By Me. I just finished A Journey to Love and was missing watching Cheng Yi lol I'm enjoying seeing a lot of the Love and Redemption cast reappear, as well as Xuan Lu, but I've got no strong feelings on it yet. (I'm only on ep 2.) Currently obsessed with: It's still Mysterious Lotus Casebook 😅Difanghua brainrot is still going STRONG. Tagging: @bbcphile, @aelfwyn, @redemption-revenge, @rynfinity, @cptnflints, and anyone else who'd like to tell me about themselves. No pressure to participate, as always 💛
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measured-words · 4 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better:
Tagged by @fealiniel - Is this because I took you to the faerie hill 🤔 Thanks though :D
3 ships I like: Okay I am a multi-shipper there are SO MANY ships I like, give me one blorbo and I can give you a whole set of this for them, for good and ill. But for variety, here are three I have been enjoying lately: Hua Cheng and Xie Lian (TGCF/Heaven Official's Blessing), Any combination of Li Lianhua/Di Feisheng/Fang Duobing from Mysterious Lotus Casebook, and because I was just falling into a mild reblog spree when I noticed this tag, Damen/Laurent from Captive Prince.
First ship ever: Uhhhh, hmm, I think this will explain a lot about me (at least, that I am Old) but the oldest thing I remember shipping is Kain/Rosa (but in a sad way, see) from Final Fantasy II/IV. yeah >.>
Last song I heard: WELL I'm not sure. Do you count my youngest nephew yelling some Gorilla Tag rap thing incessantly at dinner? Before that it was… whatever song my sister was listening to when she was cooking/cleaning earlier which was a banger playlist but I don't remember the exact song.
Favorite childhood book: uuuh. How childhood are we talking? Like... The Pokey Little Puppy childhood? Let's go with that :V We used to have a record of it. (I did mention old...)
Currently reading: Moby Dick, slowly, via Whale Weekly, having ErHa (The Husky and his White Cat Shizun) read to me also slowly but less slowly), and re-reading TGCF.
Currently watching: Actaully just finished watching a couple of series (Kinnporsche and True Detective: Night Country) and haven't started anything new yet!
Currently consuming: I just finished a cherry vanilla doughnut, which was delicious :)
Currently craving: Well I Had been craving doughnuts… I'm good at the moment though!
Tagging: hmmm... @kyrstin @thatwomanwithglasses @starbuck-7 @leavethepuddle @sakoku-decree @ailurinae @goldturnedgray @katenepveu @stormsongandsword If you feel inclined!
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littleragondin · 10 months
Tagged by @troubled-mind thank you! („• ᴗ •„)
Current time: about 8 pm as I start
Current activity: drinking tea and pretending to write
Currently thinking about: if there are fun stuffs to do in Salt Lake City (most probably), and the logistics of this year Going Home Trip.
Current favourite song:
That's actually an old favorite but I have been falling asleep with it for the last few days so I think I will go with 最初と最後の空へ by Saito Takumi
It's one of the very first songs of his I heard (after watching him in Tenimyu) and it always does something to me. It's on one of the very first japanese album I bought on the net!
(ok and just bc I am obsessed with it, the music playing during the museum scene in Ferris Bueller's Day Off)
Currently reading:
"Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation" by Kristin Kobes du Mez, "Queer Korea' edited by Todd A. Henry, and "Flux" by Jinwoo Chong. I uh, am also making my way through the Neil/Nick chapters of book 1 and 2 of Love Syndrome.
Currently watching:
I am finally back to actually watching things so my active watchlist includes > Laws of Attraction, I Feel You Linger in the Air, Love Class 2, Mysterious Lotus Casebook, Kiseki dear to me, and Love in Translation. If everything go well, I will add My Personal Weatherman to the list for my evening, and given the way the obsession is going, there is a high risk of a rewatch of Love Syndrome III over the week end (yes I just finished it two days ago, yes, i know, well. I'm not the one in charge here i'm afraid.)
Current favorite character:
Oh boy. That changes by the minute so uh... alright I've been (mostly) good with the songs so I'll cheat here I guess lol
Nick (& Neil but Nick most of all) from Love Syndrome III who lives rent free in my head right now
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and I am absolutely charmed by Tag in Love in Translation look at that little ray of sunshine
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Current WIP:
As always, those may forever be wip but I am trying to write/finish the two different ideas I had for what Thee and Tanthai did between episode 6 and 7, and I am trying to draw Mr Ruthless Night of the Horny (for stupid purposes obviously) (can you guess who is affected with incurable LoA brainrot)
If you feel so inclined, I will tag @scienceoftheidiot @benkaaoi @petrichoraline @howdydowdy and @gillianthecat
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lasenbyphoenix · 9 months
Tag someone you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @wuxia-vanlifer thank you!
Favourite Colour
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Purple! (Also silver and green, but purple first and foremost)
Last Song
Last Movie
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I saw an early release of A Haunting in Venice just last night! A story by Agatha Christie, a séance in a haunted house on Halloween, and a murder or two just to make things interesting. I loved the cinematography and the mood. Kenneth Branagh and Michelle Yeoh were great as Hercule Poirot and the medium he was trying to discredit. Tina Fey and Jamie Dornan were good in their roles too but I did find them too recognisable which distracted from their performances.
Currently Watching
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2 weeks ago I binged 25 episodes of Mysterious Lotus Casebook in 2 days because it was so good, but I've actually gone back to rewatch it from the beginning at a slower pace so that I can really enjoy it. I'm back to about episode 17 I think.
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I'm also halfway through Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 which I started watching with my sister while we were waiting for her to go into labour. 6 weeks and a whole baby later, we're still trying to find a time to sit and continue it.
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And for when my brain can't fully focus on subtitles and I need to watch something in English, I'm up to season 2 of The X Files. This is my first time watching and I'm really enjoying it. Scully and Mulder are just so good together!
Currently Reading
I'm not actively reading anything right now, I haven't picked up a book in about a year and I'm only reading short fics that I can finish quickly. I dont know if it's not having the brain space or the time, but I've really gotten out of the habit of sitting down with anything longer to read.
Currently Working On
Artwork for the WIP Bing Bang, a lovely angsty action FuBa fic by @tenillypo
Current Obsession
Being an uncle! But if my new nephew doesn't count, then it would have to be Mysterious Lotus Casebook.
Tagging @tazzy-ace @dual-domination @stupid-lemon-eater @scaredysap only if you want to!
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smittenskitten · 11 months
I have been catching up on so many things since last night.
Can finally finish watching Mysterious Lotus Casebook 🥳🥳🥳
Watched one episode of Love you Seven Times. Gotta catch up with that
There are so many gifs of Red White and Royal Blue, I feel like I already watched the movie without even watching the movie
There is also Be My Favorite finale tonight
Wanted to catch up with Laws of Attraction since last week, by the looks of things not sure if I can catch up even this week
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nct-oli · 3 months
it’s been a long while since i’ve been on here. i’m only logging on because i just finished mysterious lotus casebook and i needed a space to AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
okay anyway for my own purposes. my updates are:
- yes, just finished mysterious lotus casebook last night and i feel physically ill from my emotional distraught
- still watching bls/gls but not as frequently as before… not feeling as connected to everything right now
- i unbiased my kpop ult a few months ago and i will provide no further comment on that
- i’m on a personal kpop strike so i actually haven’t listened to or interacted with any official content in 2 months
- i’m listening to some filipino pop these days
- i’m laid off and several months still unemployed
- i’ve grown a lot politically over the past 6 months
- free 🍉🍉🍉
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certainpancake · 9 months
I watched quite a lot of shows this year and there are shows that I thought would be a major hit but didnt last, there are shows I started with quite a lot of doubts but actually finished them and loved them and there are shows that I put currently on hold becuz I am not quite sure where the show is going. As of 15/9/2023 these are shows I loved and these are shows dropped and there are shows I put on hold
Shows I watched with major doubts but finished them and loved a lot
Lost you forever - Just watched the show becuz I was curious who is xiangliu but the story telling and the way the actors carried the show was spectacular. Just realized how I like the stories to be told. Zhang wanyi accent was spectacular. Every character is interesting and I was still thinking about the show weeks after I marathoned.
Stay with me - Another show I clicked becuz I saw it on tiktok. A show I picked solely just to spend time but I was pleasantly surprised by the family content. I am quite used to the fan service of thailand that this took me by surprise. I loved every relation and that made the show somehow more heartwarming than any show I ever watched. I love it when I have to actively search for clues that these two people love each other. Was hangover for a week lollll
My school president - Also another show I picked just becuz I was free on friday night. I was quite positive that this show is spectacular when first episode ended and they would achieve a position in the gmmtv fixed bl pairs but never knew they would hit this big lollll. I think I forgot the ecstasy when I watched it but I am looking forward for all of their projects
Moonlight chicken - A controversial show for me becuz the adults are not giving, atleast for me. Heartliming ate and this is sad becuz I would love jimwen's part a lot more if they were done justice.
A league of nobleman - A show I expected a lot but it was quite a chore to get it done but around ep 15-ish I can see that all of these are connected and became more enjoyable. They cut the episodes from 40 down to ep 29 but the story still run smooth. What would have they cut? The romance?? we will never know... p.s the goth elements in this... *chef's kiss*
Shows I anticipated a lot but was not giving what I want so I dropped
Legend of anle - It was announced when WOH ended and I lowkey finished watching the long ballad and was lowkey obsessed with three main casts in general. But It felt like the show is just going round with di ziyuan acting questionable so I dropped it.. I might pick it up one day but not for noe
The longest promise - It was announced not long after the untamed so I was looking forward to it but I normally am not a fan of xianxia so yeahhhhh
Shows that I am currently watching and is GIVING
Destined with you - Picked becuz I wanted to watch rowoon ( love him since extraordinary you days) . I do check his shows from time to time but didnt manage to finish most of them. Just tuned in becuz I wanted to watch rowoon rocking long coats and was sure that I would drop it around ep 4 ish. Currently 8 episode in and obsessed! One thing about rowoon is he is gonna get a hit half modern and half joseon dramas (extraordinary you)
Shows that are currently on hold
Mysterious lotus casebook and the blood of youth - watching two at the same time was a mistake lol. I keep confusing between the two. Also some says the plot of tboy became boring in the last few episodes so i lost motivation to finish them. MIght pick them back up when I feel like I could process some plot
My lovely liar - I somehow knew that I would not love this and I am sometimes right. I still will pick it someday but not near in the future
my journey to you - I am the type of person who loves to see a story flow, Not just people randomly happening to be an assasin member. But I like seeing yu shuxin in new light and I am waiting for zeng shunxi in costumes that shows him in a new light.. MIght pick it up again when I feel like ziyu is strong enough to be a sword wielder
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