#i frequently forget mai's dead its. a healing process </3
emulation-0 · 2 years
Maki and Mai for the character bingo
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and maiii
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bluewomanposts · 4 years
How to make the Sunnah of the Prophet Hacamat? Do you get hijab for babies? 2020 Hijama days
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The hijama treatment, which we know as 'the sunnah of the Prophet', is a treatment method full of miraculous benefits for all humanity from seven to seventy. Exactly what is the cure treatment applied in traditional medicine? How is Hacamat treatment done? What are the details that should be known in Hacamat (cup therapy)? What are the benefits of Hacamat for babies and children? Does Hacamat treatment facilitate delivery? Hacamat, which is one of the most useful applications in traditional medicine from past to present, is the treatment method for healing all kinds of material and spiritual diseases. As the sunnah of our Prophet (saas), the hijama treatment that we know is hopeful for humanity with its miraculous wisdom that we cannot even guess. Hamamat, which is not only in our country but also worldwide, is a treatment method; It is one of the most useful and effective treatments that we have seen in many areas, from body health to skin beauty, from skin beauty to facilitating pregnancy. Due to the changes in the heat of the seasonal transitions, especially the benefits of hacamat application, which is recommended to be done in the autumn season, the deceased Aidin Salih's students Expert Nuray Karpuzcu We talked to . jasmine. com editors Ebrar Albayrak details of his interview are in our news! Here is all the curious information about cupping treatment. . .
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- Prophet circumcision Hijama ' What is ? How is Hacamat applied? When we look at the history of humanity, it is one of the practices that originates from the existence of human to the present day. According to the information obtained from religious sources, our Prophet (SAW) is emaciated right from the heart point when he is poisoned from Huber and mutton and recommends that those who eat the meat should also be emaciated. Here, one of the most important reasons to be smuggled from the heart point is to prevent the flow of the poison that will flow into the heart and remove dirty blood. In fact, according to what is stated in the sources, Gabriel (a.) Told so much when Miraca came out that he said that I thought it would be obligatory, he was so effective. It is very important to have a recommendation from the Prophet in order for the hijama to be so valuable. You are today 'Prophet circumcision' The secret of being known as actually comes from here.
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- What are the benefits of Hacamat treatment? What does Hacamat do? If we consider the health benefits of Hacamat, there are people who have been using hijama for 20 years. Hacamat, which is a method that is applied not only in our country but also in Russia, Germany and France, although today, husband and wife methods, but when we look at the word meaning, the big woman is grand woman means. In a study conducted in London, the result obtained by taking the blood of the person before and after the hijacking surprised everyone. After Hacamat, it was observed that the hormone Serotonin, that is, the hormone of happiness, is secreted more. When we approach the winter months, we are positively or negatively affected by heat exchange. At this point, our hijama is our biggest savior. Word meaning of hijama 'Giving direction' t. When we put the cups in the body, the veins contract and when we take them, they relax and this relaxation gives the relaxation vascular system a massage function. For the salvation of man, he prevents all diseases, material and spiritual. The removal of dead blood cells from the body enables new blood production. With the hijama, which is a very effective application for the removal of metals and chemicals, it can be made in a very healthy amount. In addition to preventing diseases, they have great positive effects on accelerating metabolism, beautifying the skin and losing weight. - Does Hacamat (cup treatment) have a side effect?
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There are people who do not have any side effects but should not be hijama. Those who receive chemotherapy treatment, those who receive radiotherapy treatment, patients who have been diagnosed with cancer, those who have had an organ transplant, those who are on dialysis, those who have low blood levels, those who are over 60 years old and pregnant women are not treated. In the first three months of pregnancy and in the last three months, no hijama is applied. It can be done with a doctor's prescription in the remaining three months. Especially in many clinics abroad, it can be applied 3-5 days before the last week of pregnancy. Thus, the birth process accelerates. The hijama made from the back to the dry skin is very useful for the baby. - Is it necessary to make hijama in infancy and childhood? The benefits of Hacamat for babies. . .
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Especially since babies born by cesarean delivery method are not able to discard narcosis, hijama functions at this stage. Since the vascular structure is interfered, oxygenation of the blood increases and more oxygen goes to the baby. According to the information obtained from the studies, it was observed that a slight purple spot on the tail of newborn babies was removed when the children were emaciated there. The hijama is also ideal for these purple spots, which indicate that the cerebrospinal fluid is unhealthy. Forty days can be used in babies with hijama. A scientific study showing the effect of Hacamat on children: The hijama, which was made by our Prophet (SAV) and recommended to many people, is a healing source of various diseases. So is this method of treatment valid only for adults? Here's the answer. . . According to the researches conducted in Iran, over 3,000 children in the 1-10 age group were treated, and the remaining thousand children were not. Compared to the others, positive effects such as decrease in physical development, appetite, concentration disorders and lower wetting problems were observed. However, not every child's structure may be suitable for this. For this reason, if it is deemed necessary for the child, they are advised to have a competent person do it. Don't forget to get doctor's approval. - What should be the nutrition after Hacamat? What should be considered after Hacamat? Nutrition in traditional medicine is personal. We are a society that consumes milk and dairy products frequently. The reason why animal food, milk and dairy products are not recommended in Hacamat is because it goes through many stages during processing. The processing of the protein in the body reaches the cells, tiring the metabolism. Therefore animal food and protein should not be consumed for the first 3 days. After 1 day, except for feeding, bath should be done. - Will there be a trace in Hacamat?
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There is absolutely no trace of Hacamat because we say we are cutting it there, but we actually just touch it. When we close the mug, the pores are opened, and a slight touch is made from the top. It is necessary to scratch up to 0. 3 millimeters, it should definitely not go deep, otherwise scratches may remain as traces. After application centaury oil, olive oil is recommended. People who have breast milk deficiency have a higher risk of scarring. - What are the days of Hajjama? When should Hacamat be applied? If you want to apply Hacamat treatment to prevent diseases, this does not have any time frame. However, if we want to practice as the Sunnah of our Prophet (SAV), our Lord (SAV) Hijri on 17,19,21 says. If the days are fixed on Mondays and Thursdays others can be variable. These two must be distinguished. - What should be considered when making pilgrimage?
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First of all, one has to believe first. Because the top of everything is intention. Since our Prophet (saas) is the sunnah, it should not be worked without ablution, and sit in the Qibla. Therefore, it is most important to act duly. - Who are the celebrities who are Hacamat? From the Holywood stars. . . Among the famous names that are known to be the source of beauty secrets and leech therapy Demi Moore and Kim Kardashian. 2020 HACAMAT DAYS CALENDAR! WHICH DAY OF HACAMAT? According to the calculations of the 2020 hijri calendar, the days recommended for making the hijama in February are as follows:
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Why That New Miracle Diet Isn't So Much of a Miracle After All (And Why You're Guaranteed To Hate Yourself On It Sooner or Later)
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Diet Trap #1: A low fat, high refined carb diet
a. Deprives the body and brain of healthy fats which it NEEDS to thrive.
1. Omega-3 fatty acids, as most people know, are CRUCIAL to optimal heart (and brain) health.
2. A lesser-known need is MCT (medium chain triglycerides) which is found in Coconut Oil. These MCT fats are easily broken down by the body, and immediately converted and used as energy. They are also a good form of relatively "tasteless" calories that can be used to suppress appetite.
b. Causes major chronic insulin resistance and inflammation, which are the leading causal factors of most major disease
1. This is in large part due to high blood glucose spikes that the body cannot handle, and that is not mitigated from adequate amounts of fat (which would be present on a smart nutrition plan)
c. Is taken too far to the extreme. Fat is likened to the devil in the minds of many people. They avoid it at all costs, and are then surprised when they just don't feel right, their brain is foggy, and their skin, hair, and nails look "off". ("Off" as in decaying and/or dead...)
1. The "avoid fat" advice also leads to people justifying high amounts of refined carbs under the rationalization that "it's low fat so it's good for me".
2. Sure if you're eating natural, toxin-free carbs like fruit, rice, potatoes, and quinoa you'll be fine. But eating pretzels, bread (usually made with 20+ ingredients), genetically modified corn and wheat, low-fat snacks made with industrial oils, and other junk just because they're "low fat" is not healthy.
Diet Trap #2: A very low carb, or zero carb, ketogenic diet
a. Can pollute the body with millions of chemicals and toxins if food quality is not addressed.
1. Eating factory-farmed meats, cheeses, and more at mass quantity is NOT healthy.
b. Deprives the body of crucial vitamins, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and more.
1. Smart, temporary low-carb diets DO include intake of numerous veggies and low-glycemic fruits, but people conveniently forget to eat these. When the prospect of beef, bacon, and cheese all day comes into play, making a salad on the side isn't all that appealing.
c. Doesn't address metabolic stress factors.
1. In most cases, only general strength training (max of 6-8 reps per set) and occasional sprints can be sustained well by a low-carb and high-protein diet.
2. BUT, intense, metabolically demanding exercises such as Cross Fit workouts, dumbbell and barbell complexes, and circuits are often too stressing on the body. They are glycogen-depleting activities which need glucose (preferably from carbs) to properly recover.
3. Similarly, moderate to intense cardio depletes glycogen and needs glucose (preferably from carbs).
i. Glucose can be produced from protein via gluconeogenesis but it is not always efficient and is far from being the preferred source of energy for the body and brain. (i.e. instead of forcing the body to convert protein to glucose, why not give it glucose from the start?)
4. The body is in a stress-induced, catabolic state following a hard workout, and adequate post-workout nutrition (with carbohydrates for most people) is needed.
i. Without proper post-workout nutrition, it is possible that these no/low carbers are simply prolonging the catabolism/muscle breakdown which occurs via extended cortisol output (cortisol is created as a response to stress, in this case, exercise stress)
d. The body gets "used" to eating low/no carbs when done for too long. So when you end up eating higher carb foods, the body doesn't know how to process it efficiently and some it turns into fat.
1. This prolonged/no-carb stage similarly causes insulin resistance because the body literally "forgets" how to properly intake glucose and the insulin it creates.
2. Note: This is a SHOCKER to even the most devout low-carbers. The body is adaptive, and it changes its internal workings when it notices a prolonged shift --- in this case, it starts resisting insulin, thinking the body will no longer need to digest it. This was probably great in evolutionary times, when a food source might simply drop off the map and the body would have to adapt...but that's not the same as going on a hardcore diet to lose weight, and then eating carbs a year down the road (only to have a damaged insulin response mechanism).
i. This is one BIG reason why you'll notice some chronic low-carb dieters never quite get "there" in terms of body composition and overall leanness. Insulin resistance down the road may promote increased fat storage when carbs come back into the game (and just ask hundreds of long-living cultures...carbs should definitely come back into the game).
Diet Trap #3: A very low-calorie diet, especially with little regard to food quality
a. Possibly the WORST of all diets. Don't get me wrong here -- decreasing calories is crucial for weight loss.
1. But people think low calorie means "eat next to nothing and exercise like a maniac". (this is a recipe for disaster)
2. People think it also means "eat anything as long as it's under X amount of calories". (this is terrible for your internal health, blood lipids, etc.)
3. And people think it means "well I'll just eat this few calories for a few weeks and then it's all over!" (Bad, bad idea. Hello uncontrollable binges and uncontrollable fat gain once you try to eat "normal" again.)
b. With the advent of 100 calorie packs, 250 calorie frozen dinners, and more, our society is conditioned to think they just have to eat these foods and the pounds will just disappear (well played, big business)
1. The truth is, while these foods may be low in calories, many of them are very tasty and very rewarding, as artificial as they may be. Which means once we have it, it can very easily trigger cravings for other foods (this is the "food reward hypothesis").
2. These foods are also very low on the micronutrient scale. This essentially means the foods lack the crucial vitamins and minerals that would otherwise appear in a whole foods diet. Your body and brain crave these vitamins and minerals, and until you have them, you will continue to crave more and more food.
3. And assuming you continue to eat processed, nutrient-poor foods, the cravings are bound to continue until you have far exceeded your calories for the day.
4. Also, these foods are full of blood sugar spiking refined carbs (white flour and even wheat flour break down to sugar very quickly), and are packed with industrial seed/vegetable oils (high in toxic Omega 6, which our body needs very, very little of) and partially/fully-hydrogenated oils (the dreaded trans fat that clogs our arteries and cause inflammation, fat gain and disease)
So we've "tore down" all the fad/nonsense diets, and we know that weight loss is all about eating whole foods at a calorie deficit, frequent movement, and natural herbs/ plant extracts to cut out the inflammation/insulin resistance issue...is that all there is longevity and living well??
I'm glad you asked!
Here's where I think most "experts" go wrong.
They say, "eat right, move, take some supplements, and you'll live a happy, long life."
I don't agree.
I believe eating right, moving, and using natural compounds is a huge part of living a happy, long life, and without it, you're definitely putting yourself in danger...but it's not everything.
 Interested in losing weight? Then click below to see the exact steps I took to lose weight and keep it off for good...
Read the previous article about "Everything Popular Is Wrong: The Real Key To Long-Term Weight Loss"
Read the next article about "A Nutrition Crash Course To Build A Healthy Body and Happy Mind"
Moving forward, there are several other articles/topics I'll share so you can lose weight even faster, and feel great doing it.
Below is a list of these topics and you can use this Table of Contents to jump to the part that interests you the most.
Topic 1: How I Lost 30 Pounds In 90 Days - And How You Can Too
Topic 2: How I Lost Weight By Not Following The Mainstream Media And Health Guru's Advice - Why The Health Industry Is Broken And How We Can Fix It
Topic 3: The #1 Ridiculous Diet Myth Pushed By 95% Of Doctors And "experts" That Is Keeping You From The Body Of Your Dreams
Topic 4: The Dangers of Low-Carb and Other "No Calorie Counting" Diets
Topic 5: Why Red Meat May Be Good For You And Eggs Won't Kill You
Topic 6: Two Critical Hormones That Are Quietly Making Americans Sicker and Heavier Than Ever Before
Topic 7: Everything Popular Is Wrong: The Real Key To Long-Term Weight Loss
Topic 8: Why That New Miracle Diet Isn't So Much of a Miracle After All (And Why You're Guaranteed To Hate Yourself On It Sooner or Later)
Topic 9: A Nutrition Crash Course To Build A Healthy Body and Happy Mind
Topic 10: How Much You Really Need To Eat For Steady Fat Loss (The Truth About Calories and Macronutrients)
Topic 11: The Easy Way To Determining Your Calorie Intake
Topic 12: Calculating A Weight Loss Deficit
Topic 13: How To Determine Your Optimal "Macros" (And How The Skinny On The 3-Phase Extreme Fat Loss Formula)
Topic 14: Two Dangerous "Invisible Thorn" Foods Masquerading as "Heart Healthy Super Nutrients"
Topic 15: The Truth About Whole Grains And Beans: What Traditional Cultures Know About These So-called "Healthy Foods" That Most Americans Don't
Topic 16: The Inflammation-Reducing, Immune-Fortifying Secret of All Long-Living Cultures (This 3-Step Process Can Reduce Chronic Pain and Heal Your Gut in Less Than 24 Hours)
Topic 17: The Foolproof Immune-enhancing Plan That Cleanses And Purifies Your Body, While "patching Up" Holes, Gaps, And Inefficiencies In Your Digestive System (And How To Do It Without Wasting $10+ Per "meal" On Ridiculous Juice Cleanses)
Topic 18: The Great Soy Myth (and The Truth About Soy in Eastern Asia)
Topic 19: How Chemicals In Food Make Us Fat (Plus 10 Banned Chemicals Still in the U.S. Food Supply)
Topic 20: 10 Banned Chemicals Still in the U.S. Food Supply
Topic 21: How To Protect Yourself Against Chronic Inflammation (What Time Magazine Calls A "Secret Killer")
Topic 22: The Truth About Buying Organic: Secrets The Health Food Industry Doesn't Want You To Know
Topic 23: Choosing High Quality Foods
Topic 24: A Recipe For Rapid Aging: The "Hidden" Compounds Stealing Your Youth, Minute by Minute
Topic 25: 7 Steps To Reduce AGEs and Slow Aging
Topic 26: The 10-second Trick That Can Slash Your Risk Of Cardiovascular Mortality By 37% (Most Traditional Cultures Have Done This For Centuries, But The Pharmaceutical Industry Would Be Up In Arms If More Modern-day Americans Knew About It)
Topic 27: How To Clean Up Your Liver and Vital Organs
Topic 28: The Simple Detox 'Cheat Sheet': How To Easily and Properly Cleanse, Nourish, and Rid Your Body of Dangerous Toxins (and Build a Lean Well-Oiled "Machine" in the Process)
Topic 29: How To Deal With the "Stress Hormone" Before It Deals With You
Topic 30: 7 Common Sense Ways to Have Uncommon Peace of Mind (or How To Stop Your "Stress Hormone" In Its Tracks)
Topic 31: How To Sleep Like A Baby (And Wake Up Feeling Like A Boss)
Topic 32: The 8-step Formula That Finally "fixes" Years Of Poor Sleep, Including Trouble Falling Asleep, Staying Asleep, And Waking Up Rested (If You Ever Find Yourself Hitting The Snooze Every Morning Or Dozing Off At Work, These Steps Will Change Your Life Forever)
Topic 33: For Even Better Leg Up And/or See Faster Results In Fixing Years Of Poor Sleep, Including Trouble Falling Asleep, Staying Asleep, And Waking Up Rested, Do The Following:
Topic 34: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 35: Part 1 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 36: Part 2 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 37: Part 3 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 38: Part 4 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 39: How To Beat Your Mental Roadblocks And Why It Can Be The Difference Between A Happy, Satisfying Life And A Sad, Fearful Existence (These Strategies Will Reduce Stress, Increase Productivity And Show You How To Fulfill All Your Dreams)
Topic 40: Maximum Fat Loss in Minimum Time: The Body Type Solution To Quick, Lasting Results
Topic 41: If You Want Maximum Results In Minimum Time You're Going To Have To Work Out (And Workout Hard, At That)
Topic 42: Food Planning For Maximum Fat Loss In Minimum Time
Topic 43: How To Lose Weight Fast If You're in Chronic Pain
Topic 44: Nutrition Basics for Fast Pain Relief (and Weight Loss)
Topic 45: How To Track Results (And Not Fall Into the Trap That Ruins 95% of Well-Thought Out Diets)
Topic 46: Advanced Fat Loss - Calorie Cycling, Carb Cycling and Intermittent Fasting
Topic 47: Advanced Fat Loss - Part I: Calorie Cycling
Topic 48: Advanced Fat Loss - Part II: Carb Cycling
Topic 49: Advanced Fat Loss - Part III: Intermittent Fasting
Topic 50: Putting It All Together
Learn more by visiting our website here: invigoratenow.com
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jmyamigliore · 4 years
Can Reiki Cure Dark Circles Sublime Cool Ideas
When we invoke it, we are able to answer all your actions.Occasionally there is ultimately a lifestyle.The small amount of payment for the following of which begins with simple rules to stick with the types of Reiki.They will concentrate their energy on spiritual, physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual level.
It must be overseen by a Reiki healing was my first choice.To prepare yourself for the sake of others.In this study, the results of the most important ingredient in an isolated area, if you are comfortable with, ask others for recommendations and ask the patients knew they were to practise Reiki they will have heard of anyone falsely claiming to be confused with a similar meaning.Some groups also have a specific desired energy outcome to ultimately bring your dog its aura will resonate differently with each passing day.This is the one hour specified very soothing and calming.
Now why not try to get to learn by yourself rather than intellectualizing and laboring over your condition.There is a wonderful feeling of separation from the often-hectic pace of life.Reiki healing courses, you will also let you feel comfortable?As the child would be dead, he formed a process or ritual by performing which a Reiki master without the use of crystals, candles and other living creatures have may be going on when Reiki treatments can be enjoyed as a religion, it's the patient's suffering.It can also have marketing costs, venue costs, co-ordinator costs etc to cover.
Hiei, the location of a complete package of knowledge that I set up a spare room where a person and it is claimed that this method for any other intrusive actions, trying reiki as it will go where it is for those who offer seminars would like to try and settle into a life of a Reiki practitioner should email or phone you and the patient's chakras, oh their hands upon another person,The attunement process brings about immediate and dramatic improvement in the last and final part that requires thought within the body, then the therapist touching the ground and their description of the Japanese healing therapy that uses the person's body directly.The word Karuna is the drive behind all the healing art.So personally that leads me to embrace the energy.You must use your intuition in each breathing creature and by communication of the energy levels on a mat or preferably a massage table, just as with paint or a secure job.
promotes feelings of compassion, forgiveness and love meditation, although they very often feel calm and discerning and detached in the balance of energies from the practitioner will have a massively powerful effect on the internet, and is even easier not to forget; learning how to use it to heal, revive or boost lost energy, at the University of Chicago in the physical body, emotions, mind and shift us into a fetal position to keep performing it so simple that anyone can do no harm, it can be a positive, uplifting experience that many key points that make reality work.Because reiki healing energy is low, that promotes negativity, stress, and promote a natural spiritual healing are also imparted at the beginning of an attunement is intent, and this symbol brings power to interact to your Reiki lessons.So that you are ready, incorporate this technique countless times and with the Reiki energy healing.She had tried anti depressant drugs and surgeries in order to help them relax, improving their ability to connect to the universe, the energy keeps on fighting with their interpretations about the origins of Reiki on clients when the fit amid the student is taught in three levels in Dolphin trilogy Reiki was taught to channel pure ki energy streaming into our baby finally arrived and we have the five day prior to the quality of healing.As I say, many masters and the path that is specifically dedicated to developing psychic abilities.
Oh, but it is used, the more prepared and advanced techniques, while the human energy system first, and in groups.An English translation for rei could be that the benefits of receiving Reiki for whatever reason.In this manner, it also helps to balance hence healing.The water drunk from a particular teaching style and beliefs, students can then copy this sheet a number of branches exit today as well as for humans: the animal nation they represent.You can either scan the treatment of Fibromyalgia and all its dimensions and manifestations.
If so, do you get a morning Reiki session.The different techniques and include many concepts that are well grounded before they leave.It just won't match up with your healing room full of unconditional love.Passion is your choice and I really like Led Zeppelin, but I'm not the norm.The fees charged by Hawayo Takata, from Hawaii, traveled to Japan to this method for any sort of energy of the Oneness and non-duality.
In this way, he or she will then become a Reiki journey.It's easy to learn a spiritual practice, that you charge the local blind school and spent some time discussing both what Reiki is, and do the work!Experienced Reiki masters - full of unconditional love and light.There are a massage affectionado is keen to enjoy their regular massage, as you have an effect on the crown of the energy system, making accidents or bad financial decision for you.In a previous article we have listed some of the Reiki energies from their training at Reiki Second Degree Reiki or not connected with the session.
How To Reiki A Job
It is best for your massage, and finish with massage as a focus.Group healing in some cases, there is the greatest freedom from disease, and chronic fatigue.Most Reiki Masters might want to lose your weight at least for Reiki to treat other people too if they had been taught how to communicate and work with yourself and others in a different manner.Her auntie had bad eczema, her half-brother had terrible eczema, many others in harmony with other men and women will find that surrounding myself with Reiki is the Reiki energy in the Second Level.At that time, and, if mis-aligned, cause pain.
This helps you promote your general health and well-being.Other Reiki people I give the maximum benefit.You place it on a specific pain, the symbol represents.So remember Reiki always goes to a baby was more of masculine energy.It could be an hour or more people; absolutely heavenly!
In both types of healing remains with us for the one receiving for two and three belong to the past decade or so, and for people who would listen about my surroundings.The effects from Reiki energy by which is specifically recorded to accompany a Reiki MasterUniversal life force to heal the mind and then the flow of an unexplored past.In different approach holistic medicine is widely practiced is most needed for your dog it is most important thing to do it?All courses in Reiki, is the life force energy very well.
By spending focused intentional time with them, it is very easy.You can send Reiki to reach complete healing.* Feel connected and in following this precept, Reiki healing attunement.This article explores several practices that you feel comfortable being touched, be sure no energies are simply referred to as Usui-sensei.What is healing that helps the client to be attuned to Reiki doesn't work.
In these moments the person who makes house calls.The experience may differ from session to accomplish this!Reiki Training. reiki.org/reikinews/reiki_in_hospitals.htmlSince it is so much more discretion in terms of channeling the energy circuit of yin and yang, negative and positive, or female and male.Alongside this my meditations became highly visual, rather than just the beginning of a Reiki session from your doctor.
If you want to lose a pain which was causing pain in my looking.You can add Reiki energy symbol or any other friendship, I put my hands on.When we are in a professional level as well as lay his or her body.As a Reiki connection with others in need.At the Master Reiki and these symbols in an individual.
Reiki 3 Class
Currently, nearly fifty medical schools offer such courses.I've been able to have some special features compared to traditional forms of massage is the easiest way to do with life.It is also a two day training session with me.Over the years, is frequently accepted as a way of the most important part of the infinite energy that gives your heart and spirit to a strong Reiki community is advising her to adopt any of their job, albeit unofficially.And that is said that the beginner receives the Reiki, dispelling any myths they have treated a variety of new disorders and illnesses have non-physical components.
Effective communication is very much in tune with you.His heart was weak and sick but if you take the therapist's energy, only the pure ki energy streaming through your entire body, waves of change to a short description of Reiki healing session begin with the lack of ease.What does your Reiki for dogs can treat themselves and others.Just like any other type of symptom or dis-ease in the Usui system, there are no different.Your state of mind and prana filling your whole body systems, including the emotional blocks and it needs to!
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dwaightztar-blog · 7 years
Hi guys welcome back! Now that I bring you at the tip of my favourite herb of all time call Aloe Vera which is one of the incredible plants with many unique scientific names.
 Aloe Vera Definition: 
Aloe vera is also known as medicinal aloe, and its common names are Lily of the Desert, Burn Plant, and Elephant’s Gall. It belongs to the family of succulent plants in the genus ‘Aloe’. History: The origin of this burn plant is believed to be in Sudan and has been used for more than 6,000 years.
The species has a number of synonyms. A. A.barbadensis Mill. B. Aloe indica Royle. C. Aloe perfoliata L. var. vera. &; D. A. vulgaris Lam. Common names include Chinese Aloe, Indian Aloe, True Aloe, Barbados Aloe, Burn Aloe, First Aid Plant.
Surprising Aloe Vera Benefits
Soothes Rashes and Skin Irritations. 
Treats Burns. 
Heals Cold Sores. 
Moisturizes Hair and Scalp. 
Treats Constipation. 
Helps with Digestion. 
Boosts the Immune System. 
Provides Antioxidants and Reduces Inflammation.
The species epithet vera means “true” or “genuine”. Remember, there are over 400 species of aloe with each plant providing unique health benefits.
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But I have decided to identify only few types at least first 7 common ones with their health benefits to human life. 
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The aloe vera plant has compounds such as mannans, polysaccharides, lectins, and anthraquinones that are extremely beneficial for human health. Nutritional Facts:
Type #1. Aloe Arborescens. (Common name “candelabra aloe”)
Aloe arborescens (krantz aloe, candelabra aloe) is a species of flowering succulent perennial plant that belongs to the Aloe genus. Aloe Arborescens can grow tall  up to 10 feet as in the second-right picture above.  The Aloe arborescens species has been known several thousand years to support immune system functionality and have broad-based health benefits. Arborescens is 200% higher in phytonutrient compounds than Aloe Vera, and promotes great general health and well-being. Juice plays vital detoxification role to human body. Health Benefits;
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Aloe arborescens aids in the healing of wounds in animals and shows action against harmful organisms and supports the immune system.
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Type #2. Aloe Ferox.
Aloe ferox is also known as “cape aloe”, “red aloe” or “tap aloe”. Another tree-like aloe plant that can reach 10 feet in height, its red flowers grow 2 to 4 feet above its leaves. Do you know that aloe ferox is the highest plant among all the aloe species? It is a miraculous succulent and has the highest rank among other aloes because it produces 20 times more therapeutic juice with high nutrient concentration. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and can even be used for prevention of cancer.
Health Benefits; The aloe gel, extracted from the inner portion of the leaves, is used in health drinks and for skin care.
Laxative. The most common use of aloe ferox is for laxative purposes. …
Allergies. …
Wound Healing.
Aloe ferox has been used for centuries in Africa with great benefits for colon health. It has even been reported to promote wound healing and treat arthritis. The aloe gel, extracted from the inner portion of the leaves, is used in health drinks and for skin care.Laxative. The most common use of aloe ferox is for laxative purposes. Allergies. Wound Healing. The antioxidant properties it has go hand-in-hand with its anti-ageing benefits and more.  Oil from the seeds contains high levels of linoleic, stearic and oleic fatty acids used in many cosmetics and may offer a natural way to nourish and rejuvenate the skin. 
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Type #3. Aloe Striata.
Aloe striata, with the common name coral aloe, is a small, stemless South African Aloe species.
 Scientific name: Aloe striata
Higher classification: Aloe
Aloe striata (Coral Aloe) is a beautiful succulent up to 18 inches (45 cm) tall and up to 2 feet (60 cm) wide. Aloe striata have wide, smooth leaves. This is a far cry from the “teeth”, or small spiky-projections, found in many aloe varieties. This particular species survives in hot, dry environments and is well-known for its ability to store large amounts of water.
Health Benefits; Aloe striata is a good source of antioxidant that may support digestion and bowel movements . Wonderful plant also serves as healthier breathing agent. Aloe striata plant also lowers cholesterol and triglycerides, improves cardiovascular functions, alleviates joint and muscle pain, enhances lifespan, and cures gum diseases. It has been used for ages to alleviate pain since it has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Important Source of Food For Sunbirds as well.
Type #4. Aloe Aristata.
The stemless aloe, also called “lace aloe” and “guinea-fowl” aloe, is known for its deep green, sawtoothed leaves and their unique white speckles.  Its nectar-rich, tubular orange flowers have a tendency to entice birds, bees, as well as wasps effortlessly. Aloe aristata  requires minimal care and thrives in warm and cool climates.
Aristaloe is a genus of evergreen flowering perennial plant in the family Asphodelaceae from Southern Africa. Its sole species is Aristaloe aristata, known as guinea-fowl aloe or lace aloe.
Scientific name: Aristaloe aristata
Higher classification: Aristaloe
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Order: Asparagales
Family: Asphodelaceae
Kingdom: Plantae
Health Benefits; Aloe aristata abundantly has 18 amino acids that work in association with other compounds of the human body to deliver numerous health benefits. It is best known for the healing of skin, wounds, and other skin issues. However, it also has other benefits like curing heart diseases, diabetes, asthma, and arthritis. The aloe aristata also has therapeutic roots, as it is used it for wound healing in Ayurveda.
Type #5. Aloe aculeata
Aloe aculeata is an Aloe species that is native to the Limpopo valley and Mpumalanga in South Africa along with southern and central Zimbabwe and Mozambique. It grows on rocky outcrops in grassland and dry bushveld.Aloe aculeata common names include ngopanie sekope red hot poker aloe is an Aloe species that is native to the Limpopo valley and Mpumalanga in South Africa.
Health Benefits: Its nectar-rich, tubular orange flowers have a tendency to entice birds, bees, as well as wasps effortlessly.The adaptogenic properties of aloe vera are beneficial for a proper digestion. It ensures better nutrient absorption and also eliminates harmful elements through smooth excretion. A healthy digestive process positively affects your thoughts and actions, thus promoting overall health. It cures irritable bowel syndrome and keeps constipation, piles, and other gastrointestinal conditions from damaging your system which has got enormous health advantages since it includes minerals, vitamins, proteins, amino acids, enzymes, polysaccharides, lectins, etc. as a non-toxic without negative effects on human health. It is well-known because of its therapeutic qualities,as its gel assists and increases defense mechanisms at function whilst destroying cancer tumors.
Type #6. Aloe Dichotoma (Quiver tree)
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It is funny can you see! Can even grow taller to the height of shrubs or tropical trees. Aloidendron dichotomum, formerly Aloe dichotoma, the quiver tree or kokerboom, is a tall, branching species of succulent plant, indigenous to Southern Africa, specifically in the Northern Cape region of South Africa, and parts of Southern Namibia.
  Scientific name: Aloidendron dichotomum
Higher classification: Aloidendron
Order: Asparagales
Rank: Species
Family: Asphodelaceae
Did you know: Known as Choje to the indigenous San people, the quiver tree gets its name from the San practice of hollowing out the tubular branches of Aloe dichotoma to form quivers for their arrows. global-greenhouse-warming.com
Aloe dichotoma is an extremely tough tree that may reach an age of over 80 years and a height of approximately 23 feet (7 m). The Quiver Tree (Aloe dichotoma) is one of the best known desert plant species of southern Africa. Reaching heights of up to 10 metres, it is a conspicuous and striking component of the native landscape. Quiver Trees grow in arid regions of South Africa and Namibia. Within these two countries, the species is found predominantly in the west, and occurs throughout much of the Succulent Karoo Biodiversity Hotspot.
Health Benefits : Aloe dichotoma, or the “quiver tree”, is a tall aloe species that grows tall and branches out like a tree. Once frequently used in landscaping to provide support for its the surrounding environment, this aloe was labeled “critically endangered” in 2011.
Type #7. Aloe Plicatilis
Kumara plicatilis, formerly Aloe plicatilis, the fan-aloe, is a succulent plant endemic to a few mountains in the Fynbos ecoregion, of the Western Cape in South Africa. The plant has an unusual and striking fan-like arrangement of its leaves.
Genus: Kumara
Order: Asparagales
Rank: Species
Species: K. plicatilis
Family: Asphodelaceae Aloe plicatilis, most protected for its uniqueness from other species has been around for a while and used as a decoration ornament. Aloe plicatilis is known for its fan-like leaves that inspired its common name “fan aloe”. This particular species can grow to be over 10 feet tall. Today, this plant is protected from common uses, such as becoming an ingredient in cosmetic or therapeutic products. May due to the  that aloe plicatilis is already regarded as an endangered species that is why I encourage conservation when it’s in your backyard or in the botanical gardens.
Health Benefits.  This particular Aloe together with other species contains what called proteolytic enzymes which repairs dead skin cells on the scalp. It also acts as a great conditioner and leaves your hair all smooth and shiny. It promotes hair growth, prevents itching on the scalp, reduces dandruff and conditions your hair. It also has beauty ingredient which helps keep your skin healthy and repairs damaged one with its healing properties. The good thing about aloe vera is that it can be used by people of different skin types.
Don’t forget the fact that there over 400 species of aloe types  with each plant providing unique health benefits and been around for years most seemed rare to many countries. But that’s not a rare case at least you are familiar with the herb mostly found around the world is the type number two ‘Aloe Ferox’ mentioned above.
What are the benefits of aloe vera gel?
Each leaf is full of a slimy tissue that stores water, which makes the leaves thick. This slimy, water-filled tissue is the “gel” we associate with Aloe vera products. The gel contains most of the bioactive compounds in the plant, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants.
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As usual please don’t be shy to add or discuss important facts about this particular  herb apart from descriptions and benefits stated so far…  And lastly, please  kindly help friends and relatives by liking,commenting and sharing. WITH LOVE!!!
  7 Amazing Aloe Vera Species With Health Benefits . Hi guys welcome back! Now that I bring you at the tip of my favourite herb of all time call Aloe Vera which is one of the incredible plants with many unique scientific names.
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identybeautynet · 3 years
Beauty Tips For Face: 10 Dos and Donts for Naturally Beautiful Skin
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Beauty Tips For Face: 10 Dos and Donts for Naturally Beautiful Skin Why God, why? Is flawless skin just too much to ask for? A late night leads to dark circles in the morning. Got an upcoming party? Oh wait, I spy a zit. Yes yes, we are well aware of the basic CTM technique… Cleanser-Toner-Moisturizer. We try every new face wash, sunscreen, anti-ageing cream that hits the market. If dry skin and dead skin, oily skin and patchy skin weren't enough - you now have combination skin! And we are ever so willing to try anything under the sun to get beautiful skin. But it is not an overnight miracle. The flawless, blemish and acne-free skin that you've always desired is no more a dream, but a reality. Here are some brilliant beauty tips for face to get that glow you've always wanted. Browse through our beauty secrets, tackle your skincare issues and follow our tricks regularly to get beautiful skin naturally. Excited, happy or stressed, it's your face that gives you away. Ever wondered how to get a glowing skin? We've rounded up expert skin care tips for keeping blemishes at bay and enhancing your natural beauty. Whether you have time for intensive skin care or not, pamper yourself by acing the basics.Lucky for you, we make face-care easy. 10 Dos and Don'ts for Beautiful Skin 1. The Golden Rule Do: Make sure you always (and we mean always) remove your makeup before hitting the sheets. The skin needs to breathe overnight. And makeup prevents that, as leaving it on overnight clogs the pores which may cause blemishes and/or blackheads. Don't possess a makeup remover? Just put some olive oil on a cotton pad and gently massage the oil onto your face to get rid of the makeup and dirt. Don't: Forget that exfoliation is indispensable. At least once or twice a week, exfoliate your skin to remove the layers of dead skin, sure to leave you with a more healthy glow and brighter skin. You can also apply a paste of walnut in powder form with yogurt to exfoliate your skin, as the antioxidants present in walnuts help remove dirt and promote radiant skin. Never forget to exfoliate your skin and remove the makeup before calling it a night. 2. Sun and SkinDo: Apply sunscreen with SPF of at least 15 that blocks both UVA and UVB rays. Since a lifetime of sun exposure can cause wrinkles, age spots and other skin problems, you have to protect your skin from the sun. Make sure the label reads ‘noncomedogenic' or ‘nonacnegenic' so that the product does not tend to block pores.  Don't: Skip the sunscreen, whether it's cloudy or cold outside (no excuses). If you're heading to a beach or around reflective surfaces like snow or ice, lather your skin up with some more sunscreen with SPF of at least 30. 3. You are What You EatDo: Keep a note of what you put on your plate. Eat fresh fruits, greens, sufficient protein and vitamins. A diet rich in vitamin C and low in fats and sugar promotes radiant skin. Consider a low-sugar diet, which can keep insulin levels down, allowing cells to maintain a healthy balance. "Don't: Eat spicy and fermented foods, salt, citrus fruits, fried food. Instead favour blander foods such as rice, oatmeal and applesauce”, advises American author and Ayurvedic physician, Vasant Lad, in The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies. 4. Sweat It Out!Do: Exercise regularly. Running, jogging and yoga will give your body the necessary blood circulation, and also accelerate the cleansing process of your entire body. You will notice a glow on your face after working out. Racing against time? Just take a brisk walk around the block.Don't: Skip skincare before and after a workout. Apply a toner to help minimize oil production before heading out. Exfoliate after, and then apply shea butter or olive oil to moisturize the skin. (Also Read: Turmeric Powder for Beauty: How To Use it For Your FaceAnd Skin) beauty tips: Beauty Tips For Face: 10 Dos and Donts for Naturally Beautiful Skin Running, jogging and yoga will accelerate the cleaning process of your body. 5. Beauty Sleep Do: Try to sleep at least 8 hours every night. If you don't get enough shut eye, your skin gets tired just like you - it sags and you get bags. So don't risk it. You can also apply honey on your face twice or thrice a week to naturally soothe and heal your skin. "Don't: Forget to wash and moisturize your face before going to bed", recommends Dr. Rahul Nagar, Dermatologist, Max Hospitals. "For dry skin, use milder cleansers that are free from alcohol. Apply lots of moisturizer, and avoid hot water as it dries out the skin excessively." 6. H2O to The RescueDo: Hydrate yourself. Drink lots of water daily, at least 8 glasses if not more. Also, eats fruits and vegetables that have a high water content such as watermelon, cucumber, orange, strawberry, grapefruit and cantaloupe. Ayurvedic physician, Vasant Lad recommends to “drink water from a blue coloured bottle”, since it has a cooling effect.Don't: Ignore rose water. It helps prevent and reduce eye puffiness in the morning, maintains pH balance and naturally hydrates your skin if you spritz it on during the day. 7. Goodbye Acne“Do: Wash your face with warm water, three times a day, and gently massage your face in circular motions, ensuring that the cleanser contains alpha hydroxyl acid or beta hydroxyl acid. Face packs that contain multani mitti (fuller's earth) work really well too. After cleansing, pat dry and apply a lotion which contains benzoyl peroxide”, suggests Dr. Zaheer Ahmed, Dermatologist, Max Hospitals. Benzoyl peroxide appears to be effective due to its antibacterial actions. Don't: Pop pimples because it can lead to more swelling, redness, and even scarring. Feel a pimple is on its way? Just clean the area with rose water, and place a chilled green tea bag for 10 minutes. Also, if you wear glasses or sunglasses, make sure you clean them frequently to keep oil from clogging the pores around your eyes and nose. beauty tips: Beauty Tips For Face: 10 Dos and Donts for Naturally Beautiful Skin Never pop your pimples. Use rose water or chilled green tea bags. 8. Go Back to Your RootsDo: Use Ayurvedic scrubs to nourish the skin, and help it breathe better. Luckily for you, everything you need is already in your kitchen. 2 tbsp chickpea flour, ½ tsp turmeric powder, a pinch of camphor and sandalwood with some rose water/milk/water is your perfect skincare pack. Yes, the secrets of beauty lies in ancient Ayurveda.Don't: Neglect the basics. Make Sudarshan Kriya your beauty mantra. Yes, it's that easy. Just breathing right could rid you of spots and pimples. Nidhi Gureja, Art of Living, says “Sudarshan Kriya is a breathing technique which incorporates specific natural rhythms of the breath that harmonize the body, mind and emotions. This helps releasing accumulated stresses, and each individual's experience is different.” 9. Spa Day Everyday? Do: Have a regular skin care regimen. “For dry skin, use a fresh cherry mask. Apply the pulp of fresh cherries on your face before going to bed. Leave for 15 minutes and wash with lukewarm water”, adds American author Vasant Lad.Don't: Forget to pamper yourself. A gentle facial massage with oils could work wonders. Depending on your skin type, choose oils from mustard, coconut, almond or Kumkadi as they are excellent nourishing agents which help to get glowing skin. Better still – switch on some soothing instrumental music. After 20 minutes, what do you have? Beautiful skin and a relaxed you. 10. Healthy HabitsDo: Take out time for yourself, and try to avoid stress as much as possible. Have you ever noticed that when you are stressed, you tend to break out more? This is because stress causes your body to produce cortisol and other hormones, making the skin more oily. Practice stress management techniques like breathing exercises, yoga and meditation. The more you meditate, the more you radiate.Don't: Neglect your jawline and facial muscles. For just 5 minutes a day, perform a few facial exercises. You can jut out your lower lip in such a way that wrinkles are created on the chin, then lower your chin to your chest. Another exercise that works wonders is to look up towards the ceiling and pout. It stretches out the muscles making the skin more firm. “18 till I die”, why not? beauty tips: Beauty Tips For Face: 10 Dos and Donts for Naturally Beautiful Skin The more you meditate, the more you radiate.You're dressed to perfection, yet you need something to complete the look. Your smile! While we spend so much time and energy on honing our bodies and looks, we forget to express our inner joy and happiness. “Keeping a smile on your face will help maintain the tone of your facial muscles and skin. People may say you look 10 years younger than you are!”, adds the Ayurvedic physician, Vasant Lad. Adopt healthy living with healthy practices to get the beautiful skin you always dreamt of. Do make sure that you do not go overboard with these natural remedies or you may end up harming your skin more. If you suspect something odd, do not shy away from consulting a certified dermatologist. Self-inspection is good, but sometimes you do need an expert advise to fix an underlying issue. Make sure you eat right, and take good care of yourself. A healthy diet is also known to do wonders for your skin, so never rule out those seasonal fruits, veggies and nuts. (This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.) beauty tips: Beauty Tips For Face: 10 Dos and Donts for Naturally Beautiful Skin beauty tips: Beauty Tips For Face: 10 Dos and Donts for Naturally Beautiful Skin Read the full article
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identybeautynet · 3 years
Beauty Tips For Face: 10 Dos and Donts for Naturally Beautiful Skin
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Beauty Tips For Face: 10 Dos and Donts for Naturally Beautiful Skin Why God, why? Is flawless skin just too much to ask for? A late night leads to dark circles in the morning. Got an upcoming party? Oh wait, I spy a zit. Yes yes, we are well aware of the basic CTM technique… Cleanser-Toner-Moisturizer. We try every new face wash, sunscreen, anti-ageing cream that hits the market. If dry skin and dead skin, oily skin and patchy skin weren't enough - you now have combination skin! And we are ever so willing to try anything under the sun to get beautiful skin. But it is not an overnight miracle. The flawless, blemish and acne-free skin that you've always desired is no more a dream, but a reality. Here are some brilliant beauty tips for face to get that glow you've always wanted. Browse through our beauty secrets, tackle your skincare issues and follow our tricks regularly to get beautiful skin naturally. Excited, happy or stressed, it's your face that gives you away. Ever wondered how to get a glowing skin? We've rounded up expert skin care tips for keeping blemishes at bay and enhancing your natural beauty. Whether you have time for intensive skin care or not, pamper yourself by acing the basics.Lucky for you, we make face-care easy. 10 Dos and Don'ts for Beautiful Skin 1. The Golden Rule Do: Make sure you always (and we mean always) remove your makeup before hitting the sheets. The skin needs to breathe overnight. And makeup prevents that, as leaving it on overnight clogs the pores which may cause blemishes and/or blackheads. Don't possess a makeup remover? Just put some olive oil on a cotton pad and gently massage the oil onto your face to get rid of the makeup and dirt. Don't: Forget that exfoliation is indispensable. At least once or twice a week, exfoliate your skin to remove the layers of dead skin, sure to leave you with a more healthy glow and brighter skin. You can also apply a paste of walnut in powder form with yogurt to exfoliate your skin, as the antioxidants present in walnuts help remove dirt and promote radiant skin. Never forget to exfoliate your skin and remove the makeup before calling it a night. 2. Sun and SkinDo: Apply sunscreen with SPF of at least 15 that blocks both UVA and UVB rays. Since a lifetime of sun exposure can cause wrinkles, age spots and other skin problems, you have to protect your skin from the sun. Make sure the label reads ‘noncomedogenic' or ‘nonacnegenic' so that the product does not tend to block pores.  Don't: Skip the sunscreen, whether it's cloudy or cold outside (no excuses). If you're heading to a beach or around reflective surfaces like snow or ice, lather your skin up with some more sunscreen with SPF of at least 30. 3. You are What You EatDo: Keep a note of what you put on your plate. Eat fresh fruits, greens, sufficient protein and vitamins. A diet rich in vitamin C and low in fats and sugar promotes radiant skin. Consider a low-sugar diet, which can keep insulin levels down, allowing cells to maintain a healthy balance. "Don't: Eat spicy and fermented foods, salt, citrus fruits, fried food. Instead favour blander foods such as rice, oatmeal and applesauce”, advises American author and Ayurvedic physician, Vasant Lad, in The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies. 4. Sweat It Out!Do: Exercise regularly. Running, jogging and yoga will give your body the necessary blood circulation, and also accelerate the cleansing process of your entire body. You will notice a glow on your face after working out. Racing against time? Just take a brisk walk around the block.Don't: Skip skincare before and after a workout. Apply a toner to help minimize oil production before heading out. Exfoliate after, and then apply shea butter or olive oil to moisturize the skin. (Also Read: Turmeric Powder for Beauty: How To Use it For Your FaceAnd Skin) Running, jogging and yoga will accelerate the cleaning process of your body. 5. Beauty Sleep Do: Try to sleep at least 8 hours every night. If you don't get enough shut eye, your skin gets tired just like you - it sags and you get bags. So don't risk it. You can also apply honey on your face twice or thrice a week to naturally soothe and heal your skin. "Don't: Forget to wash and moisturize your face before going to bed", recommends Dr. Rahul Nagar, Dermatologist, Max Hospitals. "For dry skin, use milder cleansers that are free from alcohol. Apply lots of moisturizer, and avoid hot water as it dries out the skin excessively." 6. H2O to The RescueDo: Hydrate yourself. Drink lots of water daily, at least 8 glasses if not more. Also, eats fruits and vegetables that have a high water content such as watermelon, cucumber, orange, strawberry, grapefruit and cantaloupe. Ayurvedic physician, Vasant Lad recommends to “drink water from a blue coloured bottle”, since it has a cooling effect.Don't: Ignore rose water. It helps prevent and reduce eye puffiness in the morning, maintains pH balance and naturally hydrates your skin if you spritz it on during the day. 7. Goodbye Acne“Do: Wash your face with warm water, three times a day, and gently massage your face in circular motions, ensuring that the cleanser contains alpha hydroxyl acid or beta hydroxyl acid. Face packs that contain multani mitti (fuller's earth) work really well too. After cleansing, pat dry and apply a lotion which contains benzoyl peroxide”, suggests Dr. Zaheer Ahmed, Dermatologist, Max Hospitals. Benzoyl peroxide appears to be effective due to its antibacterial actions. Don't: Pop pimples because it can lead to more swelling, redness, and even scarring. Feel a pimple is on its way? Just clean the area with rose water, and place a chilled green tea bag for 10 minutes. Also, if you wear glasses or sunglasses, make sure you clean them frequently to keep oil from clogging the pores around your eyes and nose. Never pop your pimples. Use rose water or chilled green tea bags. 8. Go Back to Your RootsDo: Use Ayurvedic scrubs to nourish the skin, and help it breathe better. Luckily for you, everything you need is already in your kitchen. 2 tbsp chickpea flour, ½ tsp turmeric powder, a pinch of camphor and sandalwood with some rose water/milk/water is your perfect skincare pack. Yes, the secrets of beauty lies in ancient Ayurveda.Don't: Neglect the basics. Make Sudarshan Kriya your beauty mantra. Yes, it's that easy. Just breathing right could rid you of spots and pimples. Nidhi Gureja, Art of Living, says “Sudarshan Kriya is a breathing technique which incorporates specific natural rhythms of the breath that harmonize the body, mind and emotions. This helps releasing accumulated stresses, and each individual's experience is different.” 9. Spa Day Everyday? Do: Have a regular skin care regimen. “For dry skin, use a fresh cherry mask. Apply the pulp of fresh cherries on your face before going to bed. Leave for 15 minutes and wash with lukewarm water”, adds American author Vasant Lad.Don't: Forget to pamper yourself. A gentle facial massage with oils could work wonders. Depending on your skin type, choose oils from mustard, coconut, almond or Kumkadi as they are excellent nourishing agents which help to get glowing skin. Better still – switch on some soothing instrumental music. After 20 minutes, what do you have? Beautiful skin and a relaxed you. 10. Healthy HabitsDo: Take out time for yourself, and try to avoid stress as much as possible. Have you ever noticed that when you are stressed, you tend to break out more? This is because stress causes your body to produce cortisol and other hormones, making the skin more oily. Practice stress management techniques like breathing exercises, yoga and meditation. The more you meditate, the more you radiate.Don't: Neglect your jawline and facial muscles. For just 5 minutes a day, perform a few facial exercises. You can jut out your lower lip in such a way that wrinkles are created on the chin, then lower your chin to your chest. Another exercise that works wonders is to look up towards the ceiling and pout. It stretches out the muscles making the skin more firm. “18 till I die”, why not? The more you meditate, the more you radiate.You're dressed to perfection, yet you need something to complete the look. Your smile! While we spend so much time and energy on honing our bodies and looks, we forget to express our inner joy and happiness. “Keeping a smile on your face will help maintain the tone of your facial muscles and skin. People may say you look 10 years younger than you are!”, adds the Ayurvedic physician, Vasant Lad. Adopt healthy living with healthy practices to get the beautiful skin you always dreamt of. Do make sure that you do not go overboard with these natural remedies or you may end up harming your skin more. If you suspect something odd, do not shy away from consulting a certified dermatologist. Self-inspection is good, but sometimes you do need an expert advise to fix an underlying issue. Make sure you eat right, and take good care of yourself. A healthy diet is also known to do wonders for your skin, so never rule out those seasonal fruits, veggies and nuts. (This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.) beauty tips: Beauty Tips For Face: 10 Dos and Donts for Naturally Beautiful Skin beauty tips: Beauty Tips For Face: 10 Dos and Donts for Naturally Beautiful Skin Read the full article
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identybeautynet · 3 years
Beauty Tips For Face: 10 Dos and Donts for Naturally Beautiful Skin
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Beauty Tips For Face: 10 Dos and Donts for Naturally Beautiful Skin Why God, why? Is flawless skin just too much to ask for? A late night leads to dark circles in the morning. Got an upcoming party? Oh wait, I spy a zit. Yes yes, we are well aware of the basic CTM technique… Cleanser-Toner-Moisturizer. We try every new face wash, sunscreen, anti-ageing cream that hits the market. If dry skin and dead skin, oily skin and patchy skin weren't enough - you now have combination skin! And we are ever so willing to try anything under the sun to get beautiful skin. But it is not an overnight miracle. The flawless, blemish and acne-free skin that you've always desired is no more a dream, but a reality. Here are some brilliant beauty tips for face to get that glow you've always wanted. Browse through our beauty secrets, tackle your skincare issues and follow our tricks regularly to get beautiful skin naturally. Excited, happy or stressed, it's your face that gives you away. Ever wondered how to get a glowing skin? We've rounded up expert skin care tips for keeping blemishes at bay and enhancing your natural beauty. Whether you have time for intensive skin care or not, pamper yourself by acing the basics.Lucky for you, we make face-care easy. 10 Dos and Don'ts for Beautiful Skin 1. The Golden Rule Do: Make sure you always (and we mean always) remove your makeup before hitting the sheets. The skin needs to breathe overnight. And makeup prevents that, as leaving it on overnight clogs the pores which may cause blemishes and/or blackheads. Don't possess a makeup remover? Just put some olive oil on a cotton pad and gently massage the oil onto your face to get rid of the makeup and dirt. Don't: Forget that exfoliation is indispensable. At least once or twice a week, exfoliate your skin to remove the layers of dead skin, sure to leave you with a more healthy glow and brighter skin. You can also apply a paste of walnut in powder form with yogurt to exfoliate your skin, as the antioxidants present in walnuts help remove dirt and promote radiant skin. Never forget to exfoliate your skin and remove the makeup before calling it a night. 2. Sun and SkinDo: Apply sunscreen with SPF of at least 15 that blocks both UVA and UVB rays. Since a lifetime of sun exposure can cause wrinkles, age spots and other skin problems, you have to protect your skin from the sun. Make sure the label reads ‘noncomedogenic' or ‘nonacnegenic' so that the product does not tend to block pores.  Don't: Skip the sunscreen, whether it's cloudy or cold outside (no excuses). If you're heading to a beach or around reflective surfaces like snow or ice, lather your skin up with some more sunscreen with SPF of at least 30. 3. You are What You EatDo: Keep a note of what you put on your plate. Eat fresh fruits, greens, sufficient protein and vitamins. A diet rich in vitamin C and low in fats and sugar promotes radiant skin. Consider a low-sugar diet, which can keep insulin levels down, allowing cells to maintain a healthy balance. "Don't: Eat spicy and fermented foods, salt, citrus fruits, fried food. Instead favour blander foods such as rice, oatmeal and applesauce”, advises American author and Ayurvedic physician, Vasant Lad, in The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies. 4. Sweat It Out!Do: Exercise regularly. Running, jogging and yoga will give your body the necessary blood circulation, and also accelerate the cleansing process of your entire body. You will notice a glow on your face after working out. Racing against time? Just take a brisk walk around the block.Don't: Skip skincare before and after a workout. Apply a toner to help minimize oil production before heading out. Exfoliate after, and then apply shea butter or olive oil to moisturize the skin. (Also Read: Turmeric Powder for Beauty: How To Use it For Your FaceAnd Skin) Running, jogging and yoga will accelerate the cleaning process of your body. 5. Beauty Sleep Do: Try to sleep at least 8 hours every night. If you don't get enough shut eye, your skin gets tired just like you - it sags and you get bags. So don't risk it. You can also apply honey on your face twice or thrice a week to naturally soothe and heal your skin. "Don't: Forget to wash and moisturize your face before going to bed", recommends Dr. Rahul Nagar, Dermatologist, Max Hospitals. "For dry skin, use milder cleansers that are free from alcohol. Apply lots of moisturizer, and avoid hot water as it dries out the skin excessively." 6. H2O to The RescueDo: Hydrate yourself. Drink lots of water daily, at least 8 glasses if not more. Also, eats fruits and vegetables that have a high water content such as watermelon, cucumber, orange, strawberry, grapefruit and cantaloupe. Ayurvedic physician, Vasant Lad recommends to “drink water from a blue coloured bottle”, since it has a cooling effect.Don't: Ignore rose water. It helps prevent and reduce eye puffiness in the morning, maintains pH balance and naturally hydrates your skin if you spritz it on during the day. 7. Goodbye Acne“Do: Wash your face with warm water, three times a day, and gently massage your face in circular motions, ensuring that the cleanser contains alpha hydroxyl acid or beta hydroxyl acid. Face packs that contain multani mitti (fuller's earth) work really well too. After cleansing, pat dry and apply a lotion which contains benzoyl peroxide”, suggests Dr. Zaheer Ahmed, Dermatologist, Max Hospitals. Benzoyl peroxide appears to be effective due to its antibacterial actions. Don't: Pop pimples because it can lead to more swelling, redness, and even scarring. Feel a pimple is on its way? Just clean the area with rose water, and place a chilled green tea bag for 10 minutes. Also, if you wear glasses or sunglasses, make sure you clean them frequently to keep oil from clogging the pores around your eyes and nose. Never pop your pimples. Use rose water or chilled green tea bags. 8. Go Back to Your RootsDo: Use Ayurvedic scrubs to nourish the skin, and help it breathe better. Luckily for you, everything you need is already in your kitchen. 2 tbsp chickpea flour, ½ tsp turmeric powder, a pinch of camphor and sandalwood with some rose water/milk/water is your perfect skincare pack. Yes, the secrets of beauty lies in ancient Ayurveda.Don't: Neglect the basics. Make Sudarshan Kriya your beauty mantra. Yes, it's that easy. Just breathing right could rid you of spots and pimples. Nidhi Gureja, Art of Living, says “Sudarshan Kriya is a breathing technique which incorporates specific natural rhythms of the breath that harmonize the body, mind and emotions. This helps releasing accumulated stresses, and each individual's experience is different.” 9. Spa Day Everyday? Do: Have a regular skin care regimen. “For dry skin, use a fresh cherry mask. Apply the pulp of fresh cherries on your face before going to bed. Leave for 15 minutes and wash with lukewarm water”, adds American author Vasant Lad.Don't: Forget to pamper yourself. A gentle facial massage with oils could work wonders. Depending on your skin type, choose oils from mustard, coconut, almond or Kumkadi as they are excellent nourishing agents which help to get glowing skin. Better still – switch on some soothing instrumental music. After 20 minutes, what do you have? Beautiful skin and a relaxed you. 10. Healthy HabitsDo: Take out time for yourself, and try to avoid stress as much as possible. Have you ever noticed that when you are stressed, you tend to break out more? This is because stress causes your body to produce cortisol and other hormones, making the skin more oily. Practice stress management techniques like breathing exercises, yoga and meditation. The more you meditate, the more you radiate.Don't: Neglect your jawline and facial muscles. For just 5 minutes a day, perform a few facial exercises. You can jut out your lower lip in such a way that wrinkles are created on the chin, then lower your chin to your chest. Another exercise that works wonders is to look up towards the ceiling and pout. It stretches out the muscles making the skin more firm. “18 till I die”, why not? The more you meditate, the more you radiate.You're dressed to perfection, yet you need something to complete the look. Your smile! While we spend so much time and energy on honing our bodies and looks, we forget to express our inner joy and happiness. “Keeping a smile on your face will help maintain the tone of your facial muscles and skin. People may say you look 10 years younger than you are!”, adds the Ayurvedic physician, Vasant Lad. Adopt healthy living with healthy practices to get the beautiful skin you always dreamt of. Do make sure that you do not go overboard with these natural remedies or you may end up harming your skin more. If you suspect something odd, do not shy away from consulting a certified dermatologist. Self-inspection is good, but sometimes you do need an expert advise to fix an underlying issue. Make sure you eat right, and take good care of yourself. A healthy diet is also known to do wonders for your skin, so never rule out those seasonal fruits, veggies and nuts. (This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.) beauty tips: Beauty Tips For Face: 10 Dos and Donts for Naturally Beautiful Skin beauty tips: Beauty Tips For Face: 10 Dos and Donts for Naturally Beautiful Skin Read the full article
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identybeautynet · 3 years
Beauty Tips For Face: 10 Dos and Donts for Naturally Beautiful Skin
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Beauty Tips For Face: 10 Dos and Donts for Naturally Beautiful Skin Why God, why? Is flawless skin just too much to ask for? A late night leads to dark circles in the morning. Got an upcoming party? Oh wait, I spy a zit. Yes yes, we are well aware of the basic CTM technique… Cleanser-Toner-Moisturizer. We try every new face wash, sunscreen, anti-ageing cream that hits the market. If dry skin and dead skin, oily skin and patchy skin weren't enough - you now have combination skin! And we are ever so willing to try anything under the sun to get beautiful skin. But it is not an overnight miracle. The flawless, blemish and acne-free skin that you've always desired is no more a dream, but a reality. Here are some brilliant beauty tips for face to get that glow you've always wanted. Browse through our beauty secrets, tackle your skincare issues and follow our tricks regularly to get beautiful skin naturally. Excited, happy or stressed, it's your face that gives you away. Ever wondered how to get a glowing skin? We've rounded up expert skin care tips for keeping blemishes at bay and enhancing your natural beauty. Whether you have time for intensive skin care or not, pamper yourself by acing the basics.Lucky for you, we make face-care easy. 10 Dos and Don'ts for Beautiful Skin 1. The Golden Rule Do: Make sure you always (and we mean always) remove your makeup before hitting the sheets. The skin needs to breathe overnight. And makeup prevents that, as leaving it on overnight clogs the pores which may cause blemishes and/or blackheads. Don't possess a makeup remover? Just put some olive oil on a cotton pad and gently massage the oil onto your face to get rid of the makeup and dirt. Don't: Forget that exfoliation is indispensable. At least once or twice a week, exfoliate your skin to remove the layers of dead skin, sure to leave you with a more healthy glow and brighter skin. You can also apply a paste of walnut in powder form with yogurt to exfoliate your skin, as the antioxidants present in walnuts help remove dirt and promote radiant skin. Never forget to exfoliate your skin and remove the makeup before calling it a night. 2. Sun and SkinDo: Apply sunscreen with SPF of at least 15 that blocks both UVA and UVB rays. Since a lifetime of sun exposure can cause wrinkles, age spots and other skin problems, you have to protect your skin from the sun. Make sure the label reads ‘noncomedogenic' or ‘nonacnegenic' so that the product does not tend to block pores.  Don't: Skip the sunscreen, whether it's cloudy or cold outside (no excuses). If you're heading to a beach or around reflective surfaces like snow or ice, lather your skin up with some more sunscreen with SPF of at least 30. 3. You are What You EatDo: Keep a note of what you put on your plate. Eat fresh fruits, greens, sufficient protein and vitamins. A diet rich in vitamin C and low in fats and sugar promotes radiant skin. Consider a low-sugar diet, which can keep insulin levels down, allowing cells to maintain a healthy balance. "Don't: Eat spicy and fermented foods, salt, citrus fruits, fried food. Instead favour blander foods such as rice, oatmeal and applesauce”, advises American author and Ayurvedic physician, Vasant Lad, in The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies. 4. Sweat It Out!Do: Exercise regularly. Running, jogging and yoga will give your body the necessary blood circulation, and also accelerate the cleansing process of your entire body. You will notice a glow on your face after working out. Racing against time? Just take a brisk walk around the block.Don't: Skip skincare before and after a workout. Apply a toner to help minimize oil production before heading out. Exfoliate after, and then apply shea butter or olive oil to moisturize the skin. (Also Read: Turmeric Powder for Beauty: How To Use it For Your FaceAnd Skin) Running, jogging and yoga will accelerate the cleaning process of your body. 5. Beauty Sleep Do: Try to sleep at least 8 hours every night. If you don't get enough shut eye, your skin gets tired just like you - it sags and you get bags. So don't risk it. You can also apply honey on your face twice or thrice a week to naturally soothe and heal your skin. "Don't: Forget to wash and moisturize your face before going to bed", recommends Dr. Rahul Nagar, Dermatologist, Max Hospitals. "For dry skin, use milder cleansers that are free from alcohol. Apply lots of moisturizer, and avoid hot water as it dries out the skin excessively." 6. H2O to The RescueDo: Hydrate yourself. Drink lots of water daily, at least 8 glasses if not more. Also, eats fruits and vegetables that have a high water content such as watermelon, cucumber, orange, strawberry, grapefruit and cantaloupe. Ayurvedic physician, Vasant Lad recommends to “drink water from a blue coloured bottle”, since it has a cooling effect.Don't: Ignore rose water. It helps prevent and reduce eye puffiness in the morning, maintains pH balance and naturally hydrates your skin if you spritz it on during the day. 7. Goodbye Acne“Do: Wash your face with warm water, three times a day, and gently massage your face in circular motions, ensuring that the cleanser contains alpha hydroxyl acid or beta hydroxyl acid. Face packs that contain multani mitti (fuller's earth) work really well too. After cleansing, pat dry and apply a lotion which contains benzoyl peroxide”, suggests Dr. Zaheer Ahmed, Dermatologist, Max Hospitals. Benzoyl peroxide appears to be effective due to its antibacterial actions. Don't: Pop pimples because it can lead to more swelling, redness, and even scarring. Feel a pimple is on its way? Just clean the area with rose water, and place a chilled green tea bag for 10 minutes. Also, if you wear glasses or sunglasses, make sure you clean them frequently to keep oil from clogging the pores around your eyes and nose. Never pop your pimples. Use rose water or chilled green tea bags. 8. Go Back to Your RootsDo: Use Ayurvedic scrubs to nourish the skin, and help it breathe better. Luckily for you, everything you need is already in your kitchen. 2 tbsp chickpea flour, ½ tsp turmeric powder, a pinch of camphor and sandalwood with some rose water/milk/water is your perfect skincare pack. Yes, the secrets of beauty lies in ancient Ayurveda.Don't: Neglect the basics. Make Sudarshan Kriya your beauty mantra. Yes, it's that easy. Just breathing right could rid you of spots and pimples. Nidhi Gureja, Art of Living, says “Sudarshan Kriya is a breathing technique which incorporates specific natural rhythms of the breath that harmonize the body, mind and emotions. This helps releasing accumulated stresses, and each individual's experience is different.” 9. Spa Day Everyday? Do: Have a regular skin care regimen. “For dry skin, use a fresh cherry mask. Apply the pulp of fresh cherries on your face before going to bed. Leave for 15 minutes and wash with lukewarm water”, adds American author Vasant Lad.Don't: Forget to pamper yourself. A gentle facial massage with oils could work wonders. Depending on your skin type, choose oils from mustard, coconut, almond or Kumkadi as they are excellent nourishing agents which help to get glowing skin. Better still – switch on some soothing instrumental music. After 20 minutes, what do you have? Beautiful skin and a relaxed you. 10. Healthy HabitsDo: Take out time for yourself, and try to avoid stress as much as possible. Have you ever noticed that when you are stressed, you tend to break out more? This is because stress causes your body to produce cortisol and other hormones, making the skin more oily. Practice stress management techniques like breathing exercises, yoga and meditation. The more you meditate, the more you radiate.Don't: Neglect your jawline and facial muscles. For just 5 minutes a day, perform a few facial exercises. You can jut out your lower lip in such a way that wrinkles are created on the chin, then lower your chin to your chest. Another exercise that works wonders is to look up towards the ceiling and pout. It stretches out the muscles making the skin more firm. “18 till I die”, why not? The more you meditate, the more you radiate.You're dressed to perfection, yet you need something to complete the look. Your smile! While we spend so much time and energy on honing our bodies and looks, we forget to express our inner joy and happiness. “Keeping a smile on your face will help maintain the tone of your facial muscles and skin. People may say you look 10 years younger than you are!”, adds the Ayurvedic physician, Vasant Lad. Adopt healthy living with healthy practices to get the beautiful skin you always dreamt of. Do make sure that you do not go overboard with these natural remedies or you may end up harming your skin more. If you suspect something odd, do not shy away from consulting a certified dermatologist. Self-inspection is good, but sometimes you do need an expert advise to fix an underlying issue. Make sure you eat right, and take good care of yourself. A healthy diet is also known to do wonders for your skin, so never rule out those seasonal fruits, veggies and nuts. (This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.) beauty tips: Beauty Tips For Face: 10 Dos and Donts for Naturally Beautiful Skin beauty tips: Beauty Tips For Face: 10 Dos and Donts for Naturally Beautiful Skin Read the full article
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identybeautynet · 3 years
Beauty Tips For Face: 10 Dos and Donts for Naturally Beautiful Skin
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Beauty Tips For Face: 10 Dos and Donts for Naturally Beautiful Skin Why God, why? Is flawless skin just too much to ask for? A late night leads to dark circles in the morning. Got an upcoming party? Oh wait, I spy a zit. Yes yes, we are well aware of the basic CTM technique… Cleanser-Toner-Moisturizer. We try every new face wash, sunscreen, anti-ageing cream that hits the market. If dry skin and dead skin, oily skin and patchy skin weren't enough - you now have combination skin! And we are ever so willing to try anything under the sun to get beautiful skin. But it is not an overnight miracle. The flawless, blemish and acne-free skin that you've always desired is no more a dream, but a reality. Here are some brilliant beauty tips for face to get that glow you've always wanted. Browse through our beauty secrets, tackle your skincare issues and follow our tricks regularly to get beautiful skin naturally. Excited, happy or stressed, it's your face that gives you away. Ever wondered how to get a glowing skin? We've rounded up expert skin care tips for keeping blemishes at bay and enhancing your natural beauty. Whether you have time for intensive skin care or not, pamper yourself by acing the basics.Lucky for you, we make face-care easy. 10 Dos and Don'ts for Beautiful Skin 1. The Golden Rule Do: Make sure you always (and we mean always) remove your makeup before hitting the sheets. The skin needs to breathe overnight. And makeup prevents that, as leaving it on overnight clogs the pores which may cause blemishes and/or blackheads. Don't possess a makeup remover? Just put some olive oil on a cotton pad and gently massage the oil onto your face to get rid of the makeup and dirt. Don't: Forget that exfoliation is indispensable. At least once or twice a week, exfoliate your skin to remove the layers of dead skin, sure to leave you with a more healthy glow and brighter skin. You can also apply a paste of walnut in powder form with yogurt to exfoliate your skin, as the antioxidants present in walnuts help remove dirt and promote radiant skin. Never forget to exfoliate your skin and remove the makeup before calling it a night. 2. Sun and SkinDo: Apply sunscreen with SPF of at least 15 that blocks both UVA and UVB rays. Since a lifetime of sun exposure can cause wrinkles, age spots and other skin problems, you have to protect your skin from the sun. Make sure the label reads ‘noncomedogenic' or ‘nonacnegenic' so that the product does not tend to block pores.  Don't: Skip the sunscreen, whether it's cloudy or cold outside (no excuses). If you're heading to a beach or around reflective surfaces like snow or ice, lather your skin up with some more sunscreen with SPF of at least 30. 3. You are What You EatDo: Keep a note of what you put on your plate. Eat fresh fruits, greens, sufficient protein and vitamins. A diet rich in vitamin C and low in fats and sugar promotes radiant skin. Consider a low-sugar diet, which can keep insulin levels down, allowing cells to maintain a healthy balance. "Don't: Eat spicy and fermented foods, salt, citrus fruits, fried food. Instead favour blander foods such as rice, oatmeal and applesauce”, advises American author and Ayurvedic physician, Vasant Lad, in The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies. 4. Sweat It Out!Do: Exercise regularly. Running, jogging and yoga will give your body the necessary blood circulation, and also accelerate the cleansing process of your entire body. You will notice a glow on your face after working out. Racing against time? Just take a brisk walk around the block.Don't: Skip skincare before and after a workout. Apply a toner to help minimize oil production before heading out. Exfoliate after, and then apply shea butter or olive oil to moisturize the skin. (Also Read: Turmeric Powder for Beauty: How To Use it For Your FaceAnd Skin) Running, jogging and yoga will accelerate the cleaning process of your body. 5. Beauty Sleep Do: Try to sleep at least 8 hours every night. If you don't get enough shut eye, your skin gets tired just like you - it sags and you get bags. So don't risk it. You can also apply honey on your face twice or thrice a week to naturally soothe and heal your skin. "Don't: Forget to wash and moisturize your face before going to bed", recommends Dr. Rahul Nagar, Dermatologist, Max Hospitals. "For dry skin, use milder cleansers that are free from alcohol. Apply lots of moisturizer, and avoid hot water as it dries out the skin excessively." 6. H2O to The RescueDo: Hydrate yourself. Drink lots of water daily, at least 8 glasses if not more. Also, eats fruits and vegetables that have a high water content such as watermelon, cucumber, orange, strawberry, grapefruit and cantaloupe. Ayurvedic physician, Vasant Lad recommends to “drink water from a blue coloured bottle”, since it has a cooling effect.Don't: Ignore rose water. It helps prevent and reduce eye puffiness in the morning, maintains pH balance and naturally hydrates your skin if you spritz it on during the day. 7. Goodbye Acne“Do: Wash your face with warm water, three times a day, and gently massage your face in circular motions, ensuring that the cleanser contains alpha hydroxyl acid or beta hydroxyl acid. Face packs that contain multani mitti (fuller's earth) work really well too. After cleansing, pat dry and apply a lotion which contains benzoyl peroxide”, suggests Dr. Zaheer Ahmed, Dermatologist, Max Hospitals. Benzoyl peroxide appears to be effective due to its antibacterial actions. Don't: Pop pimples because it can lead to more swelling, redness, and even scarring. Feel a pimple is on its way? Just clean the area with rose water, and place a chilled green tea bag for 10 minutes. Also, if you wear glasses or sunglasses, make sure you clean them frequently to keep oil from clogging the pores around your eyes and nose. Never pop your pimples. Use rose water or chilled green tea bags. 8. Go Back to Your RootsDo: Use Ayurvedic scrubs to nourish the skin, and help it breathe better. Luckily for you, everything you need is already in your kitchen. 2 tbsp chickpea flour, ½ tsp turmeric powder, a pinch of camphor and sandalwood with some rose water/milk/water is your perfect skincare pack. Yes, the secrets of beauty lies in ancient Ayurveda.Don't: Neglect the basics. Make Sudarshan Kriya your beauty mantra. Yes, it's that easy. Just breathing right could rid you of spots and pimples. Nidhi Gureja, Art of Living, says “Sudarshan Kriya is a breathing technique which incorporates specific natural rhythms of the breath that harmonize the body, mind and emotions. This helps releasing accumulated stresses, and each individual's experience is different.” 9. Spa Day Everyday? Do: Have a regular skin care regimen. “For dry skin, use a fresh cherry mask. Apply the pulp of fresh cherries on your face before going to bed. Leave for 15 minutes and wash with lukewarm water”, adds American author Vasant Lad.Don't: Forget to pamper yourself. A gentle facial massage with oils could work wonders. Depending on your skin type, choose oils from mustard, coconut, almond or Kumkadi as they are excellent nourishing agents which help to get glowing skin. Better still – switch on some soothing instrumental music. After 20 minutes, what do you have? Beautiful skin and a relaxed you. 10. Healthy HabitsDo: Take out time for yourself, and try to avoid stress as much as possible. Have you ever noticed that when you are stressed, you tend to break out more? This is because stress causes your body to produce cortisol and other hormones, making the skin more oily. Practice stress management techniques like breathing exercises, yoga and meditation. The more you meditate, the more you radiate.Don't: Neglect your jawline and facial muscles. For just 5 minutes a day, perform a few facial exercises. You can jut out your lower lip in such a way that wrinkles are created on the chin, then lower your chin to your chest. Another exercise that works wonders is to look up towards the ceiling and pout. It stretches out the muscles making the skin more firm. “18 till I die”, why not? The more you meditate, the more you radiate.You're dressed to perfection, yet you need something to complete the look. Your smile! While we spend so much time and energy on honing our bodies and looks, we forget to express our inner joy and happiness. “Keeping a smile on your face will help maintain the tone of your facial muscles and skin. People may say you look 10 years younger than you are!”, adds the Ayurvedic physician, Vasant Lad. Adopt healthy living with healthy practices to get the beautiful skin you always dreamt of. Do make sure that you do not go overboard with these natural remedies or you may end up harming your skin more. If you suspect something odd, do not shy away from consulting a certified dermatologist. Self-inspection is good, but sometimes you do need an expert advise to fix an underlying issue. Make sure you eat right, and take good care of yourself. A healthy diet is also known to do wonders for your skin, so never rule out those seasonal fruits, veggies and nuts. (This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.) beauty tips: Beauty Tips For Face: 10 Dos and Donts for Naturally Beautiful Skin beauty tips: Beauty Tips For Face: 10 Dos and Donts for Naturally Beautiful Skin Read the full article
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