#i fucking hate monica
thirstyvampyr · 5 months
fuck it im putting it on 1.5x speed season 2 is terrible lol
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I can't find the post, but a user said their headcanon Lip was jealous of Ian because of his relationship with Monica, the “closeness" they had, earning the title of the favorite kid by Monica standards, something something. That 1x10 scene with Lip and Monica tells you everything you need to know about his feelings towards her. He wants to love her but refuses, understandably so. And it's obvious Helene is ominously written to fill that motherly void Lip has. But I just constantly think of the line "I want to surround myself with minds like Youens and Runyon."
I'm rambling and not making sense but, I honestly believe Lip was Frank's favorite out of the boys. He hated Ian, only used Carl for personal gain and liked him for it, was too I'll to genuinely "value" Liam. Not to say that being Frank's favorite is ok 💀 Lip was obviously Youens favorite student, as fucky as their relationship was, and here comes Helene. He was Helene's "special student." What a way to feel like a favorite student by two professors that only feed the void your parents created.
Youens will always be an alcoholic no matter how much you wish he cared for you. His own daughter resented him. You're reliving what Frank created. And Helene, you want her to be with you, you nurture you cause your mom never could and she found a new kid to emotionally manipulate. Even if she had good intentions with him in S5, she took advantage of a vulnerable teenager. ANYWAY, back to Lip.
Really, wanting to be your professor's favorite student to see if it somehow fills that parental void. Only for both your biological father and "chosen" father to die, alcohol related deaths by the way. Then there's your biological mom who died and you never rebuilt your relationship with her because why would you. Not only did you find a mommy you could slide your dick in, the bitch groomed you, left you high and dry, just like Monica, and then you relapsed. You thought you could fill that Monica hole with her, but, just like with your "dads," you ended up with no mom either. I'm rambling, ate a lot of sugar and this is the result, I'm thinking about Lip again.
Lip I'm so sorry. You're a tragic fuck. I love you.
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kandyzee · 26 days
Thinking about Frank and fionas relationship again( you should so read my metas on them). Specifically I'm thinking about how it was probably Frank who gave her the middle name 'Monica'. It's just so crule to me.
Fiona spends most of her life being used as Monica's placeholder. She's used by Frank over and over again to fill the gaps she's left. Years of her life are spent trying to make something of herself that isn't 'daughter that stepped up', but the name stays. Frank sees fiona as nothing but a replacement for the woman he loves. He couldn't even let her have her own name.
Fiona isn't really Frank's favourite daughter. She's just the next best thing.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 9 months
the only main character on shameless who deserves to be universally hated is frank
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bedforddanes75 · 1 month
"i dont like brat because the lyricism is shit" are you being for real. are you fucking with me. are you genuinely asking to be shot. do you wish for death daily. do you want to FUCKING KILL YOURSELF
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countlessofvoids · 3 months
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Started NG+ for that black bear armor for taking photos of Kratos only to be hit with the waterfall/geyser puzzles
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honestly I really like the fact we don't know shit about Laura Milkovich cause neither Mickey or Mandy knows shit about Monica and they haven't met her either it seems fair
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maxiwaxipads · 4 months
Tuxam Who Visits Bad Badtz-Maru Kingdom!
Badobarm - “Hahah!—When I read your letter, I couldn’t believe the contents and thought someone wrote in your name.” Badobarm - “‘Course. I had to see for myself.” “So, you’re having trouble and need my help?” Tuxam - “D—Don’t speak loudly! You’re the first person I thought could help me.” “I find you sensible, and those skills might have helped me!” Badobarm - “I see. I see.” “So you can’t relax at all?” Tuxam - “M…Mhm.” Badobarm - “Then spend time with me, Tuxam.” “Let’s find something to do.” Tuxam - “J…Just like that?” “No planning at all?” Badobarm - “First lesson, Tuxam.” “Sometimes the unexpected is equally good as the expected.” Badobarm - “Now, let’s go—shall we?” Tuxam - “Y…Yes!” [Extra 1] - “Heading out for the day, Badobarm?” Badobarm - “You bet I am.” [Extra 2] - “A friend of yours?—Please, have fun around the kingdom!” Badobarm - “Yes. We’ll do.” Tuxam - “(It’s almost impressive how happy everyone here is… I haven’t even seen a single frown.)” Badobarm - “Now… What should we start with today…?” “You hungry, Tuxam? To neglect food is to neglect yourself.” Tuxam - “No, I already ate—” (stomach rumbles) Badobarm - “Then that’s that. Let’s find somewhere to eat!” Badobarm - “Anything in mind? Want me to pick?” Tuxam - “I trust in your judgment, Badobarm—let’s go whichever seems best.” Badobarm - “Got it. Got it. Anything I have in mind—Ah! I got it.” “You’re going to love this place.” Badobarm - “Lesson number two. Good food is also good fun.” Tuxam - “…Good food is—good fun.” Badobarm - “Oi, Tuxam.” Tuxam - “Yes?” Badobarm - “Having fun means having fun in the moment, so you don’t always have to write what I’m saying down.” Badobarm - “But you’re earnest, Tuxam—And I find that admirable.” Tuxam - “W—Where is this coming from…!?” “You don’t need to compliment me.” Badobarm - “Then write this down as well—compliments are also something fun to receive.” Tuxam - “Badobarm… There’s something I’m confused about…” Badobarm - “?” Tuxam - “Isn’t this definition of fun… Too broad?” Badobarm - “Broad?” “That’s exactly what it means to have fun.” Tuxam - “Fun…” Badobarm - “Relax. Don’t think about it too much.” “Fun is anything that makes you smile.”
(Walking into a dark alleyway, where even the walls touch both shoulders)  (Graffiti covers the wall, but the trash is surprisingly tidy and organized minus a puddle of mud or glass bottles by the side) (A weak light blinks to reveal a door)
Badobarm - “We’re here now.” Tuxam - “…” Tuxam - “Doesn’t it look a little… Shady?” Badobarm - “Everything looks shady here in Bad Badtz-Maru Kingdom.” “But—Don’t just a book by it’s cover, right?” Tuxam - “Got it.” Badobarm - “Oh.” “Let me do the talking though. Keep your head down. Don’t make eye contact, and don’t look around until I say we’re there.” Tuxam - “…Is this really a restaurant?” Badobarm - “Eh. Sorta.” “…Partially?” Tuxam - “…Badobarm.” “Is it really safe?” Badobarm - “Of course it is.” “I wouldn’t take you somewhere dangerous, now—would I?”
(A plain white door smudged with a few scratches and unknown stains) (Somewhat elevated by two-stairs)  (The light blinks a few times)
Badobarm - “Could you stay right here? I’ll be back, it won’t take too long.”
(Badobarm enters, leaving the door partially closed) (Tuxam overhears racket and a few exchanged words) (A loud pang…!)
Tuxam - “Badobarm, are you—” Badobarm - “Don’t worry about it! I’m coming right now.” (Badobarm who arrives with a cartoonish head bump) Badobarm - “I’m back, Tuxam.” “Hold my hand. We’ll be climbing a fleet of stairs.” Tuxam - “…If you say so.”
(Entering a building, Tuxam looks down—a clean floor that’s kept tidy)
Badobarm - “I’ll walk slowly.”
(Climbing up a fleet of stairs)
Badobarm - “You’re free to look around.”
(Lightbulbs light the dim corners of the room, but morning from the outside overwhelmingly pours) (There are empty tables and chairs) (It’s clean but lacks decoration) (They sit by a table with a window view)
Tuxam - “…I have to ask, Badobarm. Am I allowed to know where we are?” Badobarm - “The 2nd floor of a barber shop.” “We entered through a staff-only exit.” Tuxam - “The view here—it’s quite nice.” (Blueness above—making a drab building glazed with opulence. Rooftops akin to stepping stones that helped in tracing the skies and followed the alignment of clouds.) (Nonchalance became a spectacle, as thousands swayed to the melodic chimes of everyday life.) (I couldn't indent...) Badobarm - “I know right?” “The owner is a little eccentric—but if you look past that, the food here is great.” […] - “Who are you calling eccentric?” […] - “Betrayer. Scoundrel. Fool. Arrogant.” “You came here out of your volition just to bother me. Wow~ What a bully.”
(It’s a person wearing a blue turtle shell on their head with a waiter’s outfit on.) (You can’t really see their face, but there’s a hole where you can kind of see an eye.)
[…] - “Should I even feed you in the first place? Perhaps even poison your food? Do you prefer opioids or stimulants?” Badobarm - “Thank you. But can we have a menu?” […] - “Sure. I was just thinking about that.” […] - “I’ll leave you to it.” Tuxam - “If my assumptions are correct, that’s the chef?” Badobarm - “Yup.” Tuxam - “I’m more curious… How did you find a place like this anyway?” Badobarm - “I was actually mugged.” Tuxam - “M…Mugged!?” Badobarm - “More or less.” “But the owner here offered food, so I thought to myself—hell, why not?” Tuxam - “I’m glad you fed yourself that moment, but you should be more careful than that next time…” Tuxam - “Wait—Did you even know what was in this food…!?” Badobarm - “M-More or less…” Tuxam - “B—Badobarm!” “Be more careful next time.” Badobarm - “…But they did also give me a menu—with all the listed ingredients like this one. Look—still the same as I first saw it.” […] - “You told him that story…” “It was so embarrassing…” […]- “…Eh.hhhhhh. You even scolded me on my posture…” Badobarm - “But it’s true—“ […] - “Nope! Nope!” “LaLaLa! I can’t hear you!” Tuxam - “I presume you’re here for our orders?” “I’ll take the [Food Item #1] and [Drink #1]” […] - “Ah… I almost forgot.” Badobarm - “Then I’ll take the [Food Item#2], and the same drink as him.” […] - “I’ll prepare it 30 minutes tops.”
(“[…]” leaves) (A little time skip because I’m not writing a 30-minute conversation) (Woah...!! It was so moving and uplifting that suddenly 30 minutes passed!!!)
Badobarm - “There are many people in Bad Badtz-Maru Kingdom who are like that—good or bad.” “So, Tuxam! Elevate your expectations to the highest level!” Badobarm - “You have nothing to expect here, only the greatest experience that I can give to you.” Badobarm - “And the food here will be great as well.” Tuxam - “I’m quite sure your statements contradicted each other—but please take care of me!” “I’ll trust you with my life for just today.” Badobarm - “Hahah! You’ve chosen greatly.” Badobarm - “Following me will bring the greatest of fortunes—never a disadvantage!”
(Badobarm receives a forehead fling from the turtle-head assailant.)
[…] - “Keep quiet, you.” […] - “If I can hear you in the kitchen, so will others.” “—(Sigh). The food is prepared.” Badobarm - “That reminds me.” “For a chef, you didn’t even introduce yourself.” […] - “Nnnhhhh…” “But I don’t want to?” Badobarm - “Don’t be lazy.” “Just say your name.” […] - “(Whispers)” Badobarm - “A bit louder.” […] - “(k…)” […] - “(…ae)” […] - “Badobarm… Do I have to?” “People… Y’know?” Badobarm - “Tuxam is a friend of mine.” “He’s a bit… Critical—but if you’re trying your hardest, no matter how bad, even he’ll praise you.” Tuxam - “Hm.” “If you’re too shy to introduce yourself, why not I introduce myself to you?” Tuxam - “I am Tuxam. I came all this way here from Tuxedo Sam Kingdom.” Tuxam - “If you follow my example, even conquering shyness will become easier.” Kae - “I am Kae.” “A chef.” Tuxam - “An excellent introduction.” “I give it a C-.” Kae - “…A grade!?” “Maybe I shouldn’t have introduced myself in the first place…” Badobarm - “But isn't a C- still passing? If you raised your voice, even that could be a B like in Badobarm.” Kae - “If that were the case, I wouldn’t want a B if it meant associating with you.” Badobarm - “Ouch.” Tuxam - “Ahem.” “It only means you have a long way to go. If you talked as you did earlier, and maybe a little more friendlier… I think it would be passing.” Tuxam - “If this were my hometown, it would have been admonished as a D until perfection.” Kae - “…Huh!?” “Are you a tyrant!?” Tuxam - “No!” “Even better—” Tuxam - “A gentleman!”
Badobarm - “That makes me think…” “What exactly is a gentleman to you, Tuxam?” Tuxam - “As his Lord Sam defines it, ‘someone who uplifts and inspires the people around them!’” Badobarm - “(So like an idol?)” Kae - “(An idol…?)” Kae - “I’ll… I’ll take my leave now.” “I don’t want the meal to get cold and mediocre.” Kae - “Please. Enjoy.” Badobarm - “Let’s dig in.”
Tuxam - “Yes!” Tuxam - “…!” Badobarm - “Any thoughts, Tuxam?” Tuxam - “I…It’s good!” “A single bite and I want more…!” Badobarm - “Great!” “Say more as if you’re a food critic—I want Kae to bear the overwhelming end of compliments and praise.” Tuxam - “Then how about this?” “I’ll make sure to write a letter with my full thoughts about the food I had the moment I return home.” Badobarm - “Sounds great.” Badobarm - “(But I get this overwhelming feeling it’ll be more than a single page…)”
Badobarm - “Ah. That’s right. Even the view here is only a glimpse of Bad Badtz-Maru Kingdom.” Badobarm - “There are more between the corners and alleyways.” “I’ll take you to places where no one even knows.” Badobarm - “Full already?” Tuxam - “Finished. The meal was superb.” Badobarm - “I’m glad.” Badobarm - “Take my hand, Tuxam.” “We’ll do the same procedure as we entered.”
Additional Information/Tangents -
Kae (Knight of Fragaria to Lord Kahme) -
An anti-social knight who dreams of opening his own restaurant and desires to cook for his lord every day for breakfast, lunch, brunch, and dinner.
Kae doesn’t appear to understand social and societal norms.
Kae - “I hate Badobarm but I tolerate strangers.” “There’s a difference. and it should be known.”
I wanted to insert this somehow but I couldn't.
I don't know if I'll be able to write the middle portion but it'll basically be Tuxam who asks Badobarm if he can shop clothes for him. Badobarm agrees. I might or might not write it? It depends on my mood, really.
(But I'll probably describe the "mood" of the outfit rather than intently describing the details) (I'm hesitant because I don't want to describe an entire outfit ; w ;)
(if i never finish this, ill probably post the ending portion without tagging)
(I'll likely keep the top half but not the part where badobarm and tuxam buy outfits for each other) (embarrassingly, i have a reason to not consider this...) That One Draft I Have #1 -
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if you dont know what quotev is I'm happy for you i know its a silly reason but I can't get it out of mind and it haunts me?? or maybe im just tired?
(the images are related to the concept but are at different points in time) I Really Like This And I Kinda Want To Write a Hangyon-Tuxam Sleepover That Isn't Related To That One Thing I Wrote Draft #2 -
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ichi is chip's knight of fragaria, he is dead
Hangyon - “Don’t you remember Tuxam?”
Hangyon - “The night we had together?”
(Tuxam who lightly whacks Hangyon’s head with his ice cream stick)
Tuxam - “Don’t say it in a way that misunderstands others.”
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edit 1: sometimes you write something for a month and realize you forgot to detail the setting AND AT THE START OF THE STORY AS WELL so basically: tuxam meets badobarm at his office and then they go out (probably implied well as text but I needed to add necessary detail </3) i already submitted this and i will live with this pain… it’s like early in the morning and i am weak without willpower
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i don’t wish i was catholic but i wish i knew more about catholicism/christianity for the sole purpose of being slightly more insane about lapsed-catholic gallaghers
#truly an untapped treasure trove of Thoughts that i unfortunately cannot comprehend as a cultural hindu/theologic atheist#thankfully i have catholic friends whose knowledge i can mine >:)#and friends of other denominations shout out to my methodist buddy i love u my methodist buddy#faery-berry-blast my beloved <3#anyways i think fiona and lip are both atheists#lip is annoying about it though. aka he is the kind of atheist who make fun of theists for their beliefs#fiona does not give a fuck#she just doesn’t believe in a higher power#ian is religious (ik the gay jesus storyline was a manic ep but i do think it stems from genuine belief)#he is specifically catholic#debbie is vaguely christian but not really#as in she doesn’t like how going to church makes her feel but she’s dabbled in a bunch of other religions#and christianity feels right#i can also see her just being generally spiritual w/o a specific religion#carl and liam are both agnostic#they don’t rly know what’s going on up there [gestures vaguely to the sky] but they think there might be a higher power#who knows. to them god is like aliens: probably out there! we just don’t know what they’re like#humanoid or bacteria??? not sure. do they exist? yes#idc about frank all he ever did was look for different ways to be forgiven thru religion i hate him#monica and her fam were probably catholic though#this has gotten out of hand sorry#anyways. religion#i’m a staunch atheist but i love love love thinking about religion#i treat every religious text like a work of literature i’m tasked with writing english essays about and it’s so fun#shameless#shameless meta#gallagher siblings#fiona and her kids#sorry for these fuckass tags
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windrunner · 21 days
seeing people “blaming” certain pride flags on gen alpha “tiktok teenagers”on here is hilarious because every time i’ve seen it it’s always been for flags that were made by either millennial or gen z bloggers (gay man flag, pan flag, agender flag, etc.) right on Tumblr
like. girl. you have BEEN at the devil’s sacrament. shut up
( worth noting that i don’t know a single flag in widespread use which was made and published on tt originally, but this site tends to pump them out once every 2-4 years on average)
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rosesvioletshardy · 2 years
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pizzaboat · 2 months
Oh my god. Richard was SO creepy. I don't even give a fuck about the buts and what's
He dated a woman he changed the diaper of when she was a baby. Dated the child of his best friend. Dated the woman who used to use his pool when she was 9 years old. Tried to swoop in and steal this same woman when she was having relationship problems years after she broke up with him (All the same woman!)
Kept a porn video titled with Monica's name that just so happened to have a woman in it that sounded like Monica and could've been mistaken to be her from what was described
It was bad enough thinking he kept a video of Mon from when they were dating (you don't do that shit. You don't keep videos and photos of exs. Jesus.)
But the implication the show skipped over was just so EW. That man had issues
What the fuck even was his character??
Friends could be so fucked up-
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germygilbert · 1 year
like I seriously cannot stop thinking about this. we could talk all day long about what the title "Love Songs (in the Key of Gallagher)" means and how it ties into everyone's storylines throughout the episode. It's all about the repetition of toxic cycles set out for the kids by Frank and Monica
Fiona being unable to feel comfort in security. Lip's inability to open himself up to a genuine relationship. Ian's resistance to treatment ultimately being the thing that destroys his relationship with Mickey. Debbie being unable to separate love and manipulation/codependency.
These are all patterns that one or both parents are well familiar with, and we in fact see them echoed in their [Frank and Monica's] storylines throughout the episode as well. Monica being involved with an implicitly violent meth dealer. Frank being involved in an ill- fated romance with Bianca, an impulsive terminally ill woman (you could easily draw parallels between Bianca in season five and Monica in season seven)
There is love here; real love in each storyline, but it's out of reach. This isn't just reflected in the romance of the show, either:
Ian and Monica love each other, but neither one of them can help each other. Fiona loves her little sister, but it isn't enough to keep Debbie from making poor decisions for herself.
Because love alone is never enough. And as long as they keep repeating these self-destructive cycles, a love song in the key of Gallagher will always end on a sour note.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 year
i wonder what the response would’ve been from the fandom if mickey had been the one to not sign the marriage license in 10x08🤷‍♀️ i feel like people often give mickey the benefit of the doubt, but never ian. ian was open about the fact that he did it because of his parents, so i wonder if mickey had said that people would’ve sided with him. i feel like people don’t acknowledge what frank and monica did to ian as abuse that often, because it’s always compared to what terry did to mickey. it’s really not a competition even if terry’s actions were more horrific and extreme
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writingonthemoon · 4 months
Love when you gotta take a sidequest while writing a book to segment out and mentally stage an entire shakespeare play purely because The Idea™ was too good and now the second half of the book is entirely different from how you planned it
Anyways, Hamlet played by a set of twins and Ophelia and Horatio being played by their friends that they have homoerotic tension with throughout the entire narrative. And the final duel being the Hamlet that split off from the original until he is killed, when he is replaced by the real Hamlet (the Only Hamlet, if you think about it) and then our survivor being ignored, left alone on the stage to bow separate from the others, not returning at curtains because he simply never existed... Just a thought
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whimsicalcotton · 7 months
"poor little deer. it's not enough to kill you, they have to display your head."
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