#i fucking hate this country
mossflower · 2 years
i love living in england! i’m especially loving the way the entire country has to grind to a halt for one (1) old lady’s funeral! because clearly people don’t need operations or food when they can live off patriotism alone right!
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jageshemashftw · 6 months
I…. would love to vote third party. Oh, sweet Jesus in heaven, you guys have no idea how much I would love to vote third party.
But the Electoral College still exists.
And as long as the Electoral College still exists, in ANY campaign where Trump is running, I am very much in the ‘Vote Blue No Matter Who’ camp.
I want a Third Party president so much. But the Electoral College are the one’s in charge of who gets to be in the big chair, and they will never, ever, ever allow a Third Party president. It’s just not going to happen.
At least, at the very fucking least, if I keep voting Democrat, that allows for a bigger Democratic base to build up for the next election and the next election, which would in turn give the people who actually want to abolish the Electoral College a larger platform.
Democrats may not be for abolishing the Electoral College, but they at least don’t try to suppress voter advocacy for abolishment. Unlike Republicans who will do everything in their power to keep the Electoral College around for as long as possible.
I’m not happy about it. Matter of fact, I’m pretty damned pissed about it, and you can be damned sure that I am going to do everything in my power to make sure Congress knows how pissed I am. This ‘lesser of two evils’ bullshit will never go away unless we get the fuck rid of the Electoral College.
But, as of right now, that is a fight for another day.
I can’t do another four years of Trump. I can’t.
I can’t.
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lovedeluxe92 · 2 months
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but you’ll approve tax payer money be spent on bombing innocent people millions of miles away from us. but god forbid tax payer money go to helping the disabled or elderly
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swagging-back-to · 4 months
got denied for the credit card bc my w-2 doesnt show my full social security number and capital one thinks it's realistic at all to expect paystubs to have your full uncensored social security number WHEN NOT EVEN YOUR TAX FORMS DO!
had to apply for a new social security card. had to sign up for a website. which theyre sending the activation code to me BY MAIL FOR. literally fucking the mail. and then i have to activate that and ONLY THEN will they consider ssenidng me a new card---which will take ANOTHER WEEK to get here at least. and then i have to MAIL the card to capital one so they'll continue my credit application.
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neon-d0rk · 8 months
The US is ready to spend $14 BILLION to fund a genocide but doesn’t have the money to slow down inflation?
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There is way too much blue in the EU parliament for my comfort. And Macron dissolved the National Assembly so now the far right is going to have even more power on a national scale.
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calhaspam · 16 days
> want to try new thing
> thing takes effort
> thats ok ill do it because thing is cool
> job takes all my time except weekends
> try to make time for thing on weekends
> get exhausted and sad from job
> need comfort and rest on weekends plus responsibilities
> effort takes energy i dont have
> cant do new thing
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flowersbian · 3 months
i literally have to put in earbuds during history right now because hearing the voice of Joe Biden will send me into a blind rage.
god FUCKING damn it i hate this man and all these mother-fucking politicians. a room of white men who look the fucking same. entitled pieces of shits sitting high and mighty with their money, supporting one genocide outside the country and several more inside it. i mean, fucking come ON.
i love that there’s poor people all around this country and we’re using our money to instead commit mass genocide. and don’t forget the money going to the military! and the rich people! guys didn’t you know the rich people need more money :(
the republican party is awful, the democratic party is awful, every fucking person in charge is awful. Isn’t it fantastic, knowing your country wants you dead, while watching it commit atrocities elsewhere in the world?
what about the democratic part of democracy? ‘cause the people i’m being “represented” by are rich white fuckheads who think being transgender is a mental illness. and that definitely doesn’t represent ME.
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revacholianrobot · 1 month
how are you supposed to get mental health care when you're losing your fucking mind from not having mental health care
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cats-depression-diary · 4 months
I kind of hate this mental health system, I'm in a mental hospital to get better and I had therapy for 3 times so far, in 5 weeks like b1tch I'm not getting better by beeing locked away, I need help
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trulyunknowable · 1 year
I can't even ironically praise this country at this point.
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crabs-cycle · 7 months
If you vote for Genocide Joe in next year's elections just to keep Trump out, I don't like it, but I get it.
If you actually believe in that piece of human shit, kindly unfollow and block me at once
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vrisik · 10 months
why is testosterone so expensive /:
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thatwashhingmashine · 8 months
My week has been like looping Disenchanted by My Chemical Romance in the worst way
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spillways-mp3 · 1 year
oh fucking wonderful the EHRC swinging at trans rights
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thatheathen · 2 years
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Oh of course. When science wants to play cop and snitch. As we slowly legalize cannabis state by state, now we’re inventing ways to punish cannabis smokers even further. I can guarantee you, I work better stoned. I function better stoned. I feel “normal”, whatever that means. My chronic depression dissipates. My anxiety isn’t so bad to deal with. My bipolar disorder becomes almost nonexistent thanks to cannabis. It’s a fucking medicine. It’s my medicine. What’s next? Tobacco breathalyzers? Caffeine breathalyzers? This country is a joke. I hate it here.
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