#i gave kaede a camera
spectralreplica · 1 year
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Uhhhhhhhh Sburb AU!! This was more of an excuse to classpect and make sprites, so don’t ask me questions about plot details because I put like zero thought into it. Tsumugi probably had something to do with setting up the session, and she’s hiding her real title and the fact it’s not her first session. Baby Kiibo is a robot baby because I thought that was the funniest option.
Drawing with anti-aliasing off really brings me back...
Classpect thoughts under the cut if you really want:
Immediate caveat: I mention speculative stuff here like unconfirmed active/passive class pairs and inversion theory. If you don’t like those things or otherwise disagree with the titles I gave people that’s fine but just know I’m not super interested in debating about it and won’t reply.
So, to start out with I wanted to make the 8 of them a session, so I needed no overlaps in class or aspect and one Time + one Space. I also wanted to have Kaito and Kokichi as opposing aspects. In general, I think of a Title as kind of the end of your assigned character arc, so depending on your level of maturity/introspection at the start, it can seem either really obvious or really unintuitive. I tried to base them off of the hypothetical chapter 6/survivor versions of characters, since those (plus maybe the chapter 5 deaths) of the ones that get a full arc in DR canon.
Immediately Tsumugi seemed like a deadringer for Space, not so much because of the literal physics-related stuff but because of its associations with creation/narratives and setting things up for other people to act. I made her Sylph of Space here, but that's a facade. She's actually a Muse of Space who participated in past session(s) and wants to watch how things play out.
Based on the Extended Zodiac description, Kaito or Kaede has to be time, but Kokichi CANNOT be Space by any stretch of the imagination. I made her Heir of Time with the interpretation of Heir as someone who invites change/influences of/through their aspect. Time is also associated with music and death, which is both fitting and a little mean. (I can also see Kaede as Breath outside of having to have someone be Time.)
So moving onto Kaito and Kokichi, I was considering Hope vs Rage (belief vs doubt, possibility vs restrictions), but 1) Rage is defined partially by hatred of lies despite otherwise sounding Kokichi-ish (that alone could be interesting, with the possibility of a negative/reverse title or else giving him Hope and Kaito Rage for the unexpected swerve........) 2) I really wanted to give Hope to Kiibo. So instead I went with Heart and Mind (emotion vs logic, intuition vs planning, identity/motivation vs action/decisiveness).
Kokichi is Thief of Mind for taking away other people's decisions for his own purposes but also for generally "stealing" things (e.g., the Mastermind Role, narrative importance in general, along with literal items) through his own cleverness. Vs Kaito, a Knight of Heart, who uses his constructed identity as a weapon to face challenges. I'm also a fan of inversion theory, so I think at low points they'd both trend towards Page of Heart (grows powerful late in the narrative based on his own ego/identity) and Rogue of Mind (taking choices/agency/logic away from people for their own good), respectively.
I always wanted Kiibo to be Hope since 1) Ult. Hope Robot 2) big on possibilities/faith but can be a little self-centered. I went with Bard at least partially to make a "guess we know whether he has a dick or not now!" joke, but I also think "inviting destruction through Hope, inviting destruction of (false) hope" is pretty spot on for chapter 6 Kiibo. Like, as the camera/audience surrogate, he's been forced into passively leading the others to despair, not to mention how the audience takes him over to destroy the hope of ending the show. But Kiibo ends up reversing this and helping destroy the audience's faith in Danganronpa, destroying the whole academy in accordance with the vote. (Sidenote: I wonder if Kiibo gets taken over by Horrorterrors and goes grimdark? Or if he's just really, really susceptible to orders from his Exile)
Shuichi, Page of Void, was another one that immediately came to mind. Like, "starts off weak but becomes really strong/important by the end" is Shuichi's thing! Also, counterpart to Kaito's Knight. And Void is all about secrets, mystery, etc. From the Extended Zodiac: "Where others might be compelled to go out and seek answers, the Void-bound lean more toward casting doubt on what is already considered understood. They don't take much on faith and would rather live in a state of confusion- than believe something that might be untrue or bow to intellectual authority... At their best, Void-bound are wise, intuitive, and vibrant. At their worst, they can be dismissive, indecisive and apathetic." 
I had considering Light, for seeking out knowledge/truth, but Shuichi's character arc ends on "fuck you, I refuse to play. You all get nothing more from us" and learning to live with ambiguity, so I think he's way more Void. But, again, inversion would be Thief of Light, so selfishly taking away knowledge/importance from others.
Speaking of Light, I made Miu Mage of Light. Mage is like, active Seer, seeking out knowledge for yourself (vs advising others) and Light is luck, knowledge, and also importance/plot relevance. As an inventor, Miu keeps innovating and figuring things out, plus she's very motivated by her own importance to the world. She wants to be seen more than anything else and loves being smarter than those around her. Also: "At their best, the Light-bound are resourceful and driven. At their worst they can be fussy, pedantic, and insensitive." Inversion is Heir of Void, so "inviting change via hiding things" or "changing what's kept secret", which suits Miu when plotting murder.
Finally, Maki is Prince of Blood. Blood is trust, bonds, relationships, stubbornness, duty, obligation (vs freedom, change, choices) so "someone who breaks bonds/destroys relationships" but also "someone who destroys using/motivated by duty/relationships". Like, Maki is inherently a fracture point in the group because of her talent and then directly breaks the group apart and sabotages her relationships with the others in chapter 5, but also she's deeply motivated by her bonds to others in all of her destructive actions (protectiveness for orphanage/friend, love for Kaito). This sound super negative, but I think this is also the Maki who commits to destroying the institution of Danganronpa in chapter 6. Sometimes you have to be decisive and cut bad relationships out of your life.
Inversion would be Sylph of Breath, so "healing via change" or "encouraging growth towards freedom", which you can argue is sort of the way Kaito wants her to go? But she just doesn't. Idk, for better or worse, I think Maki is very aware of who she is and how people related to her, so even at her worst she's true to herself, vs, say, Kaito or Kokichi, who act "ooc".
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sunflower-author · 9 months
Hello 😁🤚🏻
I hope you are in good health and have a full spirit 💖
I'm having trouble getting in a writing mood and reading others story always make me happy. I've never really sent request before so this would be my frist, I hope it's not much trouble, and if you can't find inspiration for it, I'll understand if you can't or don't want to do it.
I was hoping you could write a yandere assassination classroom, the entire class of 3-E or just a few like Karma, Nagisa, Itona (anyone really) with a reader that couldn't care less about their yandere nature, and someone blurts out (do to feeling guilty) that they have been stalking them home and had taking some of their stuff (the class thinking reader will get mad) but reader just shrugged and say they already knew and that they need to work on their stalking because she figured them out on day 2. Gender doesn't matter, but if you do gender fluid that be nice if not anything else is good.
If you don't wish to write it, please say no◇
Please have a good day/night. ♡
SO SORRY!! This took much longer than I anticipated for!!
I really hope you like it!! If not please lmk on things I can fix!!!
Also, somehow this was a bit rushed too sorry!
"Hey Ritsu, are you connected?" Tomohito asks, sitting down at a desk beside her.
"Yes, the girls put the cameras in, there are no blind spots," Ritsu answers.
"Wait, no blind spots? Wouldn't that be... I don't know..." Kaede says worried.
"The cameras are only in their living room, we didn't put any cameras in anything else if that was what you were thinking," Tomohito says reassuring Kaede.
"Well we did put some listening devices, in some of the plushies we gave them, isn't that right? Itona?" Rio asks, putting an arm around him. 
"Making them was a bit tricky, but it was a lot easier to make than the cameras," Itona says, playing with his remote car.
"You guys are seriously trying too hard," Karma says, in a mocking tone having his dumb smirk, plastered on his face.
"Really now? and what do you suggest we do differently?" Ryoma asks, clearly annoyed.
"You all a bunch of babies, if you really loved Y/N you'll skip this boring stalking thing, and just take things into your own hands," Karma says, with a statistic smile.
"If we were to do that Y/N would hate us forever," Nagisa counters back.
"Really?, Because I think that if we keep them long enough, they will eventually fall for us, I mean humans are social creatures, needing contact in order to survive, with us being their only contact they will eventually fall for us, right?" Karma says explaining.
"Even if that were to happen, if we keep them isolated they might break, losing themselves then loving us, I don't want that to happen," Nagisa says seriously, looking up at Karma.
"A small price that might be paid," Karma says, shrugging "But if it were just me, they wouldn't break, but now that I am sharing the chances would be higher," he says as if the class were all just a nuisance.
"Guys! Shut Up! Y/N just walked into the building!" Hinata says, panting a bit as she just ran into the room.
With that, the room goes silent...
"Takuya I'm sorry, but I'm busy after school today how about tomorrow?" you say walking in the room. All eyes are on you, ".....Um.. Hey guys?" you say unsurely. 
The tension in the room faded, and they all started talking like nothing happened. It was a bit scary how the mood can change like a flip of a switch. 
"Hey Y/N! What were you talking about with Takuya?" Manami asks, in her usual timid voice.
"Oh just if I was able to hand out at the ramen place later on today, but I'm hanging out with Rinka and Ryunosuke later," you say casually.
"Heh, sorry Takuya but there are already three of us, maybe next time we'll invite you," Rinka says teasingly.
"Hey Y/N,  do you wanna come with me to the teacher's lounge? Korosensei just came back from Germany yesterday," Kaede asks, popping her head out the door. "Sounds fun and good, I'm in," you say excitedly, as you head out the door.
Takuya waits for your footsteps to become gone before saying "You just want more pictures of Y/N that's the only reason you and Ryunosuke, are taking them out," clearly annoyed.
"Oh whatever, you always like looking at the pictures in the end, just like everyone else," Ryunosuke says rolling his eyes.
"I.. just make sure they're good," Takuya says embarrassed.
"Your talking to the best snippers in class 3-E, we always have good visuals on our target," Rinka says, hearing the pride in her voice.
"I thought you guys said that Rinka and Ryunosuke stopped taking pictures of Y/N?" Manami asks worried.
"I... well... it's complicated," Hiroto says, trying to explain it to her, as he was the one who told Manami that they stopped taking pictures of Y/N.
"He obviously lied to you," Karma says blankly. "Your too empathic, we needed you to stop worrying over Y/N, knowing that you would break, telling them everything... well ruining everything for all of us," Karma says explaining.
"I admit that I'm not the best actor, but you guys didn't have to lie about Y/N, I care about them, just as much as any of you guys, I even made the drugs you asked for," Manami says, as he holds up a bag of different bottles.
"Wait... what drugs?" Nagisa asks, confused and curious.
"You know the the drugs, I made my own chloroform, something that calms the mind, something that weakens muscles, and lastly something that can make them sleepy," Manami says explaining.
"We didn't... Karma!" Nagisa says, angry by the thought Karma would do such a thing.
"So what if I was, I promise I won't do it alright, especially now that you know," Karma says as he puts his hands up.
"Hey guys! We're back," Kaede says, walking through the door. Signaling to everyone that you are nearby, it became a habit sometimes when they talk they become so engaged in the conversation, that they lose track of anything else, including your presence.
"Ah Y/N, just the person I wanted to see," Karma says, with a sweet smile. You know something is up when he smiles like that, just when does he normally smile sweetly?
"Karma... what do you want?" You ask hesitantly, staying cautious. 
"You know, we barely spend time with each other, most of the time you just hang out with everyone else... it seems like your avoiding me," he says hurt, clearly acting.
"Karma you know that's not true, everyone just makes plans with me every single second of the day, you know this, so what's your point?" you ask, wondering what he is trying to say.
"It's just that...don't you think it's a bit odd... that every day you have someone that wants to hang out with you, it's a bit abnormal behavior? Ever noticed how everyone treats you slightly differently? Or the fact that they know small details about you, that you've never shared before? Do you wonder why is that?" Karma says still smiling, but with a mischievous face.
"Karma..." Nagisa says, with a dark look, warning Karma.
"You messed up my plan, I'm just returning the favor," Karma says looking at Nagisa, then turns to you.
"Well, don't you?" Karma says in a smug tone.
"... I wonder why, on my first day of school, Rinka and Ryunosuke were following me home, I wonder why Kotaro somehow knows when I'm going to mess up on things, I wonder why Nagisa has a whole notebook dedicated to me, and lastly I wonder why you act so innocent when you are the worst one out of everyone, do seriously think I don't know that you hurt people that I talk to that is not in this class? And a whole lot more things of you and the rest of the class," You say, calm and collected.
"You knew this whole time?..." Nagisa asks with wide eyes.
"Anyone would have been able to see and know what you all were planning," You say turning to look back at him. (Any normal person would be oblivious to it all)
"Heh, I knew I couldn't fall in love with just any normal person, turns out you truly are unique," Karma says proud that you were conscious of what they were doing.
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sappy-detective · 11 months
i have a certain PG AU in my head where danganronpa is a actual show you can audition for and the fans are EXACTLY like fans irl. pregame shuichi and ouma are huge like theater, film and horror nerds okay, and they made a small horror ARG (would it be an ARG?? idk..) just for funnies with rantaro kaede and a bunch of other people and post it online.
basically it was like. all that toxic saiouma stuff of shuichi being a weirdo, kaito bullying ouma and kaede being a bitch. BUT ALL FOR FILM. they just thought it would cool to make one and ouma is a good actor and shuichi has a big interests in indie horror films.
ouma, shuichi and rantaro worked on the script and scenes and kaede would help with makeup and stuff. basically it was framed like if shuichi record himself stalking ouma and just taking and raving to the camera about how much he knows about ouma. explaining oumas whole personal life to the camera and showing everyone his massive wall of pictures, items and just weird stuff he took of/from ouma.
it ends with either them having a really toxic relationship and it’s just documenting a really manipulative and toxic relationship, and shuichi ruining oumas relationships with other people to keep ouma to himself. and he explains it all to the camera. or you know the usual kidnap stuff. or a really open ending to it. i
it’s definitely NOT a romantic kinda thing. it’s supposed to be a horror ARG. like killing stalking when it’s clearly a horror manga and people made it out to be a BL lolz. anyway i’m the beginning it shows shuichi just taking a few pictures of ouma because he looks cute all the way to the end of doing some horrific stuff like kidnapping him and shit.
danganronpa fans found it after they where got into the show/game and just went with it. making it out like shuichi just filmed himself stalking ouma for fun and posting it. definitely not getting it was an ARG/art project made by them for fun.
i’m thinking they didn’t really expect anyone to see it so they labeled it something ominous and gave it little to no description because.. well they didn’t wanna break the atmosphere!!
they’re weird, not crazy.
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plaindangan · 4 months
Aoi had invited some of the girls to enjoy the sun and swim in the pool. However, unaware of the water that has been tainted by Junko. They are unaware of the fact that they slowly turning into hyper bimbo sluts. I am picturing Celeste would be the first to change into her other side of Taeko that she tries to hide so much. Maki becoming a true ass-assassin and Kaede noticing that her biniki top is so tight around her. (This prompt is more about the girls being unaware of them changing but feel free to change/add whoever is there!)
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not view!
In truth, Junko wasn't particularly aiming for a set person or people with her latest 'sexy summer prank' - a pool filled with Seiko's stolen 'bimbo making juice' (seriously, why make something like this if you're just gonna get it stolen so easily~) Instead, it was more of an eventual 'if you get hit, you get hit, sort of deal that she had a hidden camera established in case it got someone or something interesting.
...And it very much did~
The trip of the quartet ladies was made because both Hina and Kaede had wanted to get closer to the frosty ladies of their class - and what better than by swimming together.
"Seeeeee?! Isn't this nice guys?" Hina said, wearing an aqua two piece that was just tight around her dark chest. Smiling at her was Kaede, in a frilly two-piece that highlighted her curvy, slightly, chubby body as well.
"Yeah!! Can't believe we got the pool all to ourselves." she commented and leaned back into the water, eyes expectantly at their two more reserved friends.
"...Hmph, well, I suppose this has been an...adequate trip so far. But nothing to write home about." Celeste said, only for Maki to roll her eyes at her dramatics. The gambler was wearing a black one piece for her attire of choice, though as one can expect it wasn't doing much to protect her pale glutes from peeking out.
"Save it, you were the first one to jump into the water. You clearly wanted to be in on this more than you care to admit." Maki pointed out, causing both Hina and Kaede to giggle, whilst Celes glared at Maki indignantly. The assassin was wearing a red top with a pair of black swim trunks that would have gotten anyone to notice how fit she was.
Trying to recover from being the butt of a joke, Celeste gave a remark filled her usual wit...and ending with something off about it. "Hmph, and if I seem to recall you were the first person to accept their little offer, you the one who seems so keen to do everything by herself in your own year and threatening fools for the lightest of reasons. Perhaps we can take that as as a sign you're outgrowing your, ah what is Gundham afflicted with, right, 'chuunibyou phase', was it? Our dear Maki is finally growing up~" she said, which was fine on it's own...but then "But, like, speakin' of growth and shit, after this we should totes call up some cuties to suck on their 'growths', get it?~ Lawl~"
Growling, Maki glared at Celeste. "Okay, do you want to die? Because I can...wait...huh?" What did Celeste just say? That didn't seem right...heck, actually was Celeste always looking like that. With her dark hair seeming longer than usual, eyes looking pretty vacant and lips...fuller now? Not to mention where the Hell was usually keeping those knockers, they were huge and seemed bursting with milk.
"Like, Maw-Maw, what's gotten your tits in a twist? Tee-hee~ It's just me! Everyone's fave gam...gam? Er, dicey, chance gamer - sexier than that other big boobed gamer - Taeko!!" Taeko...who the fuck was Taeko??? Celeste's was Celestia Ludenberg...right? Even if Taeko is her real name, Celeste was adamant of always going by her alias. Something that got Maki into high gear towards her other two friends.
"Hey...guys. Something's off with, Celeste?" whispered the assassin as she turned around...and looked annoyed at what she saw.
"Oh, for fucks sake." In front of her was both Kaede and Hina - both were already on the cover side, so you can imagine when Maki looked at both, she was easily able to tell from thier new oversized busts, that they were under a similar affliction like Celeste. For the latter, Hina's chest had expanded to the point where her bra snapped and she was flashing all three her sexy brown nipples without a care in the world. As for Kaede, her top was slightly stronger, but even Maki could see how it was just about a minute or so from breaking, and it couldn't even hide half of her tits, let alone some of it.
"Teeheeeheeeheeheee~ I don't see what's the problem! Taeko is just being Taeko! I think you need the water to...um...like, kinda, sorta, just...feel you up a bit more, 'Kiki~"
"Don't call me that. Ever" shot Maki, only for Kaede, with a pink face, wade over to the assassin, bashful.
"Say, 'Kiki, couldja, maybe, help me out? This top is just so tiiiight! Could you help me take it off?~" Kaede said with a flirtatious undertone that had Maki seriously consider the offer...only to shake her head. Help, these guys needed help from the others, not anything lewd...
Anything like...Maki fondling both of these airheads until the pool turned white with milk. Or suckling on their tits themselves (because why should water and chlor-something, get something so sweet!). Or Maki soaking herself for a bit more, because its her friggin' day off and Kiki needs time to unwind. 'Kiki...that's a cute nickname they gave her. Way cuter than Maki...maybe she'll stick around with it. What Taeko said was pretty fun...maybe they'll call up some dead sexy hunks, like that Kaito in her class, and Kiki could really show him what her bratty mouth can d-!!!!!!!!!!
""Gaaaaaaaah!!! Sh-shiiiit!!" with her mind getting incredibly fuzzy, Kiki waded towards the edge of the pool and tried to climb out of it. While her upper body made the trip fine...her lower body was causing issues. Heavy...so heavy...was Kiki carrying something heavy back there? It's a pool just what could be....oh. What she was 'carrying' was her on alteration - a absolute dumptruck for a peach that had ripped through her shorts and her bare tushy just holding her down from leaving the water.
Taeko noticed Kiki's difficult and giggled. "Heeey, girls~ Looks like Kiki is tryin' to skip out on us! Dummy so thicc, she can't even leave~ Hey, why don't we teach her a lesson on tryin' to leave her gal pals behind?"
"Oooh, lets teach Miss Big Booty a lesson!!"
"Here we come 'Kiki~"
"H-huh?! H-h-hey!! Get off me!! D-damn it, like...fuckin' stop!! We need one of those smarty-pants he-ohhhhh~" Kiki moaned as the three other bimbos had pinned her down easy and had began to take turns giving firm slaps to her vulnerable target of an ass and even going so far as to pinch and squeeze it in-between smacks. An ass-ault that had knocked out the last bit of sense in the ass-ssassin...
And had her sink back into the water, deliberately mooning her friends into continuing such a treatment for her own, brainless, pleasure. At least, up until one of these vapid girls remembered to get to calling up some of their guy friends...
Then they could really get down to having some good, dirty, fun that Junko would be very much to capitalize on~
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oiladgivememoney99 · 11 days
Danganronpa V3: Despair's Last Legs. Chapter 1, Day 1
Kaede let out a long sigh as she rose from her slumber, she looked around her room and confirmed that what happened yesterday was, in fact not just a bad dream born from staying up too late practising for a concert.
The Warriors of Hope appeared on the monitor in her room, sitting together on a couch.
“Hey, you bastards! It’s 8 AM now! Get up and go get breakfast or our Exisals will rip you to shreds!” Masaru yelled.
“There’s no actual rule against not eating, but did you know that not eating for weeks on end has many weight loss benefits?” Kotoko turned her head.
Masaru pouted. “No fair, you’re not meant to tell them when I’m being blatantly wrong,”
“We literally are,” Nagisa deadpanned. “Please ignore most of what Masaru says, everyone,”
“Have a good day everyone!” Monaca smiled into the camera, a complete lack of light in her soulless, green eyes.
“Uh, yeah right!” Masaru gave a thumbs up. “Get killing soon!”
The monitor shut off.
Kaede looked both frustrated and confused at the Teacher’s antics… any further thoughts were interrupted by her stomach grumbling. She decided to head down to the Dining Hall.
Kaede didn’t encounter anyone her way there, as it turns out literally everyone had the same idea to head to the Dining Hall at the same time.
Most of the people were calmly eating, some were doing other things though: Angie was praying, Tenko was fawning over Himiko’s existence, Kokichi was talking to (bullying) Keebo in a corner. Everyone seemed to have something to do!
“Kaede, you’re finally here!” Kaito smiled widely as the Pianist looked around.
Kaede chuckled. “Well, I kinda have to eat, y’know?”
“I know that, but that means that everyone’s in the Dining Hall now,”
“Ah, yeah,” Shuichi spoke up as he walked next to Kaede. “I uh… only just noticed that,”
“Only now?” Kokichi turned his head curiously. “For the Ultimate Detective you sure aren’t very observant,”
“A-Ah, sorry…”
“Kokichi!” Kaede scolded. “Shuichi you don’t need to apologise,”
Kirumi sighed. “Please behave yourself, Oma,”
“Ooooooo, you’re calling me by my last name! That means you hate me!” Kokichi suddenly began to violently cry. “WAHHHHHHHHHHH, KIRUMI HATES ME!”
Everyone ignored the Supreme Leader as he basically instantly stopped crying.
“So, now that everyone’s here, I guess we can discuss the events from yesterday,” Rantaro said, a calm smile still on his face as he put his hands on the table in front of him.
“Yes, yes!” Angie smiled widely. “There’s much to discuss!”
“Nyehhhh… talking is a pain…” Himiko complained.
Tenko patted the witch on the shoulders. “Don’t worry Himiko, just wh-whisper in my ears and I’ll tell them what you wanna say!” She drooled a little, which Himiko noticed and seemed to be just a bit uncomfortable about.
“What’s there to talk about? We already know none of us are gonna fall for this Killing Game shit,” Kaito said.
“Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure…” Kokichi smirked. “I mean, we’re all pretty on edge, aren’t we?”
“Well-” Tsumugi mumbled.
“What are you getting at, Kokichi?” Kirumi quirked an eyebrow.
Kokichi’s face went back to that of a child’s. “Getting at? I’m not getting at anything, just stating what’s obvious,”
The Dining Hall quickly fell silent.
“He’s got a point,” Ryoma broke the silence. “It’s not like we know each other very well, I personally don’t got much out there to kill for, but if someone else here does then…” The former Tennis Pro trailed off.
“Then what?” Kaede interrupted. “Are we all just gonna give up and kill each other, because some stupid bear told us to?”
The group stared at Kaede most looked confused, while a few looked at the woman with admiration.
“Ugh… I’m not great at speeches, admittedly, if it were up to me I’d be playing an inspiring song for us all. March of the Valkyries would do wonders for all of our spirits!” Kaede proudly declared. “But besides that, fragmenting off, and letting ourselves start to mistrust each other is only going to lead to us doing what Monokuma wants!”
“I guess that’s plain to see…” Tsumugi mumbled.
“Took the words right outta my mouth,” Kaito chuckled.
“No she didn’t,” Maki chided the Astronaut, who sweated and chuckled uncomfortably in response. “Still, I guess it did instill a bit of hope in me…”
“Weeelll, I guess it’s better to work together… for now, nishishi!” Kokichi chuckled.
“I agree, and so does Himiko!” Tenko shouted.
“I didn’t even say anything, but I guess so…”
“Nyahahaha, what a divine hope that has filled us,” Angie held her hands together in prayer. “I wish for Atua’s luck to rain upon all of us!”
“I guess you gotta make up for that flat chest somehow…” Miu mumbled, Kaede elected to take that as a compliment.
“Gonta do his best to help us escape!”
Rantaro walked up to the Pianist with the same calm smile still on his face. “For someone who’s said they aren’t good at speeches, you’ve sure managed to rile us up,”
Kaede smiled. “I’m glad, we need to work together to escape this place,”
“Th-That’s right!” Shuichi adjusted his hat to look Kaede in the eyes. “We’ll need to find something soon,”
“That’s right, Shuichi,” Kaede nodded. “I can feel everyone’s heart beating together as one, as long as we work together, we’ll have no problem getting out of this Killing Game!”
“Ah… cooperation, the thing that’s let humanity survive this long…” Korekiyo whispered. “So beautiful!”
“You have a distinctly creepy way of saying it, but I like your attitude!” Kaede smiled, Korekiyo probably did too under that mask.
“Kehehe, I’m glad to be apart of this cooperation, it’ll be so interesting to watch…”
“I’ll do my best to help!” Keebo declared.
Kokichi looked at his hand. “And it’ll still not be enough,”
Kaede shook away the urge to scold Kokichi, and cleared her throat. “Well, if no one has any objections, then I guess we’ll start working on-”
“I have one,” Maki said, menacing yet monotone as ever. “We have no starting point,”
“A-Ah, well-”
“Actually Gonta think he find something that could be exit,” The large man spoke up. “Gonta go to back of school last night looking for bugs, but only find manhole cover instead. Maybe it’s way out?”
“That’s… actually very smart of you Gonta!” Tsumugi smiled.
Kaede smiled. “Yeah Gonta, we should head there. It’s our best bet for escaping this place!”
“Aww, it nothing everyperson, Gonta just being gentleman!”
“It would’ve been gentlemanly to mention it beforehand,” Maki muttered under her breath.
Kokichi gave Maki a quick smirk and then turned his head to Gonta. “It is kinda weird that you didn’t mention it before, but that sounds like a super fun idea!”
“Well, what are we waitin’ for?” Kaito clapped his hands. “Let’s get going!”
And so all sixteen students headed out into the courtyard, and towards the back of the school into a small, open area.
Gonta lead the students to the middle, and showed them the manhole cover.
“Here it is, now how do we open it?” Kaede looked deep in thought.
“Ooooo, Kee-boy should use a super robo rocket kick or something to kick it open!” Kokichi went wide eyed at the robot.
“He can do that?” Tsumugi looked equally fangirly.
Keebo shrugged awkwardly. “Actually… I don’t have that function, Professor Ibadashi only gave me the strength of an above average elderly person,”
“Really?” Kokichi looked dissappointed. “Keebo, why are you always so lame?”
“I’ll have you know that I have studied over 100 years worth of entertainment! It’s scientifically impossible for me to be lame!”
It would’ve probably been easier to just… watch any TV Show, or movie, or… anything.
Ignoring those thoughts, Kaede continued to ponder at the Manhole cover until.
“Up you go!” Gonta said casually as he lifted the 200 pound manhole cover, holding it between two fingers like a frisbee.
“Jeez, that’s some strength you got there, big guy!” Kaito chuckled.
“Thanks Kaito!”
“Where do you plan to put that, Gonta?” Kirumi asked.
Gonta shrugged. “Gonta put it over there,” He said as he tossed the easily 100 kilogram metal frisbee at a wall, it flew a good 10 metres before it hit the floor.
“Grrr… degenerate males always being so careless!” Tenko complained.
“Gonta, please be more careful with that sort of thing,”
Gonta looked down sadly. “Gonta sorry,”
“Don’t worry about it for now!” Kaede patted the big guy on the back. “Let’s head down this manhole cover, check for an exit!”
“Yes ma’am!” Kokichi sarcastically saluted as he climbed down, the rest of the gang quickly followed suit.
The manhole led to a pretty dreary room, cramped and nearly featureless except for a large tunnel at one end, and a sign pointing to it that said
“Well that’s convenient,” Kokichi chuckled.
“Almost a little too convenient,” Ryoma said.
Maki, ever the pessimist chimed in too. “Yeah, it’s a wonder that Monokuma hasn’t interrupted us yet, this seems to easy,”
“Are you saying that this is a trap?” Kirumi asked.
“Kehehe, it would be quite malicious of our captors,” Korekiyo whispered. “Get our hopes up to maximise our despair,”
“Hey,” Kaede called out. “Don’t let Monokuma get to you, I’m sure we found this on our own. We’re gonna use this to get out of here, and then… I think we should all remain friends,”
“Friends…?” Maki quirked an eyebrow.
“Well, yeah; we don’t know each other very well, but we’ve been through a lot together,” Kaede smiled brightly. “So I think when we get out of here, we should all be friends!”
“Nyahaha, what a divine idea Kaede!” Angie somehow beamed brighter than the Pianist. “And then you can give me that pint of your blood once your anemia clears up!”
“Um… that’s not how anemia works,” Tsumugi said.
Kaito spoke up. “That sounds like a great idea, Kaede, now gimme a hug!”
“What, we’re friends,” Kaito chuckled uncomfortably.
“Classic degenerate male,” Tenko made a weird face, the offense/confusion one again. “Trying to get a woman to press her breasts up to you,”
“Wh-Wha no, it’s not like that at all!” Kaito waved his hands around.
“You say that like you were thinking about it…” Himiko mumbled.
“Wha-Wha-What? N-No, it’s not like that at all!” Tenko waved her hands around in the exact same manner as Kaito.
Shuichi tapped Kaede on the shoulder, the Pianist turned around to look at her friend.
“I like the idea of staying friends once this is over,”
“Thanks Shuichi, that’s why I came up with it!” Kaede smiled.
Tsumugi walked near the Pianist too. “I’d also wanna be your friend, by the way… if you want that,”
“Of course, everyone means everyone!”
“Well, I guess that settles it,” Kirumi said. “We should head in,”
“We’ll have each other’s backs!” Kaede declared brightly.
“I’ll do my best!” Keebo smiled.
Kokichi smiled back. “This is the only time I actually believe that!”
“I could totally invent a way outta this, but taking the scenic route’s prolly more fun or some shit,” Miu shrugged.
“Hopefully this works,” Rantaro said.
That was that, the sixteen Ultimate students entered the tunnel into the Death Road of Despair together as a unit.
If only they knew the tragedy that would befall them next.
The Death Road of Despair was a distinctly painful, cruel trap designed to wear down the hope of the Ultimate students.
The weakest members had to leave first, covered in scratches, scrapes and bruises, and already tired from the traps that lay within.
The stronger students soon fell one by one, passing out from sheer exhaustion and pain from the tunnel, but worst of all was the fact that no matter how far they went; they still felt no closer to an exit, no indication of progress. It was torture.
Kaede felt herself pass out…
“Ugh… wh-what happened?” Kaede mumbled as she woke from her slumber, limbs still sore from her attempted escape, she looked around the room.
Each and every student, once bright eyed and confident were sitting around in utter despair and exhaustion: wincing, stumbling, and on the verge of tears.
“Oh h-hey, you finally woke up,” Shuichi mumbled as he wearily helped Kaede to her feet.
“Wh-What happened?”
“Your plan failed, that’s what happened,” Maki said.
“Or perhaps we’ve fallen into Monokuma’s trap… get our hopes up about an exit, and then…” Korekiyo chuckled.
“How… horrible,” Tsumugi groaned as she laid down on the floor.
“B-B-Bingo!” The group heard the grating voice of the bear as it appeared in front of them, alongside the Warriors of Hope.
“You totally fell for our totally awesome trap!” Masaru shouted.
“Too many totallies,” Kotoko criticised. “But yeah, this entire thing was a trap,”
“I made the traps, if you need another reason to hate me…” Jataro smiled.
“I was surprised you feel for this stuff,” Nagisa chided. “I expected more of them,”
“As did I, puhuhu,” Monokuma laughed before he and his teachers left the room.
“Th-This whole escape route was a trap?” Kaede mumbled.
“Gonta get tricked?”
Kokichi stood up with a surprising amount of energy. “It’d make sense, the people running this game wouldn’t let us just end the fun so easily?”
“What are you *khh* getting at you degenerate?” Tenko shouted as she winced.
“Nyehhh… pain… agony, even…”
“Don’t worry Himiko! I’ll get you healed up soon!”
“Nyahahaha, I am in untold agony!” Angie said, still somehow smiling.
Kaede’s knees buckled a little as she stood up. “C-C’mon guys, we need to try again soon. We can’t-”
“Didn’t you heard Monokuma? That thing’s a trap,” Kokichi turned his head. “And you completely and utterly fell for it,”
“K-Kokichi…” Shuichi mumbled, extremely out of breath.
“I’m right, aren’t I?” Kokichi let out a breathy chuckle. “If you wanna go in there, you can go ahead, but you can’t force the rest of us to go along!”
“I agree, I’m gonna be going to my dorm,” Maki sighed. “Thanks for wasting my time, Kaede,”
“I wanna take a nap, Tenko carry me…”
“Kyah! Of course Himiko!” Tenko beamed.
“Count me out,” Ryoma said.
“If everyone else is leaving then I shall too, sorry Kaede,” Kirumi made a small bow.
Kaito looked around the room, tired anger clear on his face. “You’re all giving up that easily?”
“You call it whatever you want, we are not going through that again,” Maki said, conviction clear in her voice.
“I-I need my beauty sleep anyway, so I don’t end up lookin’ as bad as Cowtits,” Miu weakly laughed.
Kaede’s fists clenched in anger, she wanted to say something back but… let it go, she let out a frustrated sigh as one by one the majority of the students left the area. The only remaining students within the room were Kaede, Shuichi, Kaito, Tsumugi, Rantaro and Gonta.
“Cowards…” Kaito mumbled under his breath.
“Gonta sorry for leading everyone to dead end…” The large man looked down like a child being scolded, poor guy.
“I-It’s nothing, d-don’t worry,” Kaede mumbled.
Tsumugi patted Kaede on the back, equally as tired as her. “D-Don’t beat yourself up Kaede, it’s plain to see that you tried your best,”
“Yeah,” Rantaro nodded calmly. “Only a couple of them are mad at you, most are just mad that the escape didn’t work,”
“Doesn’t make it right to take it out on Kaede!” Kaito shouted.
“Y-Yeah, sorry about what everyone said, Kaede,”
“Y-You don’t have to apologise, I messed up by getting everyone’s hopes up…”
“Don’t say that, man,” Kaito patted the Pianist on the back. “You were only doing what you thought was good for the group, there’s no shame in that,”
Kaede looked up at the man and smiled. “Thanks…”
“You’re welcome,” Kaito said as he yawned. “We should probably all hit the hay now, we’ll work together better if we’re well rested,”
“Gonta agree!”
“I’m just plain exhausted,” Tsumugi sighed. “Gonta, can you carry me?”
“Gonta is glad to!” He smiled as he picked up the woman and climbed up the ladder.
The rest of the group climb out of the room, Kaede looked up into the night sky, pitch black and filled with pretty stars.
“Jeez, I kept you guys down there for pretty long, huh?” Kaede said as she turned to Shuichi, who she was leaning on for support. “Thanks for helping me up by the way, you’re pretty handy when it counts, Shuichi,”
“A-Ah, it’s nothing Kaede,” Shuichi sighed.
“Shuichi, it’s really helpful of you,” The woman chuckled. “Don’t discount yourself, okay?”
“I-I’m sorry,”
“And don’t apologise for stuff that isn’t your fault either, ugh,” Kaede rolled her eyes as she was lead back to her dorms.
Kaede collapsed onto her bed the instant she entered the room, not even bothering to lock the door.
Tomorrow was another day.
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Your ask was kind of long so I decided to make a separate post, I hope you don't mind @idiotcauseitsfun
This is a part of 3x Valentines event (All slots are taken)
Cw: character death, major v3 spoilers
Unsent confession letter from Rantaro to mastermind reader
You realized that you might've gave him a bit too much room to roam around and investigate. As much as you hated to admit, it was obvious that he was getting suspicious.
He avoided you more and you knew when he was lying to you about what he was up to. After all, you had the cameras to prove it. Perhaps he wanted to test you, but you weren't dumb enough to fall for his baits.
It was dangerous to keep him around, so you only waited for the right opportunity to get rid of him. Honestly, you had no idea why you'd use him for a killing game again considering how well he did it the first time.
Maybe some of his memories were coming back? Or maybe it was a gut feeling but he definitely was weary of you.
How perfect it was that Kaede had her plan, it gave you the perfect opportunity to get rid of him before it was too late.
You didn't have a lot of time so you took whatever you could just in case he had some evidence on himself that linked you to being a mastermind.
When you took them into your room and started looking through the things. A piece of paper caught your attention.
Dear Y/N
I figured it'd be best if I write this down just in case something happened to me before I get to tell you directly. As much as I hate to admit it, I think you might be the mastermind, at the same time I try to make excuses for you in my head because I've fallen in love with you. I don't know how did it happen so soon, but maybe before the memory loss I've already felt something for you and it stayed with me. I'm honestly not sure of what to think about all of this. It's really getting to me. Because I can't imagine you being behind all this and yet everything I've gathered so far points at you. It drives me even more insane that I think that while being in love with you. But since you're reading this, I don't think my struggle of understanding it matters. It's sad really, I probably died without knowing the truth and if I'm wrong about all this my final words to you are just accusing you. So it's time to switch things around a little.
No matter what happens, remember that you're special to me. I don't remember much, and we haven't had the chance to spend so much time together either. But if you managed to make me fall in love in this short amount of time it only shows how charming you are, no? Your attitude and strong personality is like a magnet that always made me want to be around you. Just make sure you always stay yourself, no matter what others may think or say.
I guess that's my final goodbye then,
Looking through it you were surprised... Although you suspected that he had feelings for you doing your previous run of the game, you were sure that he'd given up on it and end up forgetting it anyways.
But in the end what he felt about you doesn't really matter. You can't respond to a corpse.
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laylamvart · 2 years
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Finally, the first spreadsheet for my Talentswap AU, Ultimate Wheelspin! I spun a wheel to change the death order, talents, story roles (Protag, Antag, etc.), and then I essentially said “fuck it” and made a bunch of manual decisions/respun multiple times.
Sayaka Maizono, Ultimate Photographer: The protagonist! Her dad gifted her a camera when she was six, and she would take pictures in the backyard and show them to him when he came home. It helped them bond, and photography’s been a comfort to her ever since. Leader type with a heart of gold; Think Kaede, but more logically oriented.
Makoto Naegi, Ultimate Moral Compass: I took some creative liberties, and now he’s basically an activist. Had his hope/despair epiphany at a much younger age, and now dedicates his life to making the world a safer, kinder place. Soft boi who believes in everyone, especially if they don’t believe in themselves. Sayaka’s childhood friend and ally/love interest! I love naezono so goddamn much—
Yasuhiro Hagakure, Former Ultimate Detective: Hiroko landed in debt when he was still in school, so he took up scamming to support her. Long story short, he conned the mafia don’s daughter, one thing led to another, he uncovered an underground conspiracy and Hope’s Peak scouted him. He joins Chisa’s friend group, and they all graduate and come back to the school as teachers a few years later. The cool teacher who cracks jokes and lets you do your own thing as long as nothing gets set on fire. Acts as a secondary ally (because if you think about it, every game has two allies—Sayaka/Kyoko, Chiaki/Nagito if you squint, Kaito/Maki).
Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Ultimate Clairvoyant: The incident with Toranosuke led to him having an identity crisis, which led to him getting super into spiritualism as a way to make sense of it all. He’s mellowed out (a bit), but thinks he’s more chill than he actually is. Occasionally slips back into being loud and intense. Autistic.
Mondo Owada, Ultimate Cook: Retired from the gang after Daiya’s accident and decided to get his life together, learned to cook for himself and something clicked. Eventually, he opened up a diner…and then his old gang started visiting regularly, causing him to question his decisions. Like Taka, he’s less intense now, but still aloof and insecure. Takes an anger management class.
Hifumi Yamada, Ultimate Mechanic: Played with legos as a kid, kept practicing until it morphed into general tinkering. Plans to realize mechs upon graduation. Makes significantly less perverted comments than canon. Never seen Pudgy Princess Piggles (and doesn’t care to). Also autistic.
Mukuro Ikusaba, Ultimate Team Manager: When she and Junko were younger, they were disowned by their parents and thrown onto the streets. They found a flyer for a tennis tournament with a grand cash prize and decided Junko would compete with Mukuro as her coach. They won, and the rest is history. Mukuro wears the pants here, but is as overprotective and clingy as ever. She’s also the antagonist, defying her talent and hyper-focusing on protecting Junko from everyone else. (Also last-minute retcon pretend that’s a 16 on her jacket)
Junko Enoshima, Ultimate Tennis Pro: Born with instantaneous reaction time, processes everything faster than the average person. Suffers from existential boredom and a lack of empathy, but her sister gives her a reason to try. If only she would stop smothering her…and acting out during class trials so Junko could carry them.
Sakura Ogami, Ultimate Traditional Dancer: Retired from martial arts with Kenshiro’s and her family’s blessing and shifted her focus to dancing. The internet gave her a lot of shit for it, deeming her “Cherry Blossom Ogre”. When Kenshiro fell ill, she decided she would go back into martial arts upon enrolling in Hope’s Peak. Pretty much the same, but more in touch with her feminine side.
Chihiro Fujisaki, Ultimate Adventurer: Took up hiking to get stronger. It gave Chihiro a good sense of perspective and finally they were like, “You know what? Fuck gender roles!” and are currently exploring themself, defaulting to they/them in the meantime. Still has low self esteem, but working on it.
Kyoko Kirigiri, Ultimate Cosplayer: Saw through Fuhito’s bullshit and started feigning incompetence at detective work so he’d let her see her father more…until she actually burned her hands mishandling evidence. Jin took her back and they never saw the fuckstick again. Kyoko got really into sci-fi and fantasy growing up, because the characters who outsmarted the villains and conquered their scars reminded her of herself and her dad, and she liked to dress up to feel more like these characters. When Jin took over Hope’s Peak, Kyoko decided to become an Ultimate to prove to Fuhito they were both better off without him, and started cosplaying professionally. Sassy and confident, loves the spotlight. Constantly name-drops her dad. Aroace.
Aoi Asahina, Ultimate Lucky Student: A lot of passion and energy, nowhere to channel it. Actively signed up for the raffle for a chance to challenge herself and figure out where she belongs. Pure bean who would die for you. Has ADHD.
Toko Fukawa/Mahou Syo, Ultimate Magician: Family was a theatre troupe, forced Toko to participate. They created Syo as her stage presence, and she became Toko’s alter and host. They write in a journal to fill in the blanks when they switch, and also to simp for Byakuya together. Syo believes her magic is real. All-mighty agent of chaos and merriment, self-proclaimed. Basically Spinel from Steven Universe. With Syo’s support, Toko is more susceptible to the idea that someone could love her.
Byakuya Togami, Ultimate Fashionista: Togami Corp is a fashion company. That’s. The only change. But as a result, this Byakuya wasn’t exposed to true crime stories at a young age, so he has the normal human reaction to seeing a dead body. On top of that, he’s more sociable and hedonistic, but he still puts a lot of effort into his designs and modeling work. Totally people-watches. Also aroace.
Taeko Yasuhiro, Ultimate Programmer: Wins quick money by hacking into the accounts of big-name companies. Makes her presence known online as ♦️♦️Queen-of-Hackers♦️♦️. Envies and loathes the rich, hypocritically shit-talks them at every opportunity. No filter in general; the only person she can convincingly lie to is herself.
Leon Kuwata, Ultimate Artist: Couldn’t go back to baseball, music was a bust, so finally he settled on painting and sculptures to express himself. Dense as hell, but strongly opinionated. Has ADHD.
As for the traitor and mastermind, I’m gonna keep that a secret for now~. ;) I’ll make the other classes eventually!
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rozmariflowers · 2 years
wip from my story for jennifer <33
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here you go, a wip!!!! don't pay any mind to grammatical errors or bad flow, it's a wip and 90% of it has been written on 3-4 hours of sleep and a can of energy drink
theres no warnings here, since its the first part of the story, like pre-florecne ehe)
word count: 751
the full wip has 1012 words, but give or take because of my notes
Tonight, Kaede had yet again managed to get us to join in on her ghost hunting stuff. I think we were all very tired, but we were in a good mood. None of us except Kaede were particularly interested in this ghost hunting stuff, but it was kinda fun. Besides, it made her super happy when we joined in and it’s always fun to do something together as a friend group.
The atmosphere was lively. Naomi had brought a CD she had burned herself, so we had some good music on during the whole ride. Kaede had filled us in a bit on where we were going before we left, a large, old house at the outskirts of town, abandoned around the 1930’s. Kaede looked like see could barely contain her excitement, but since she was our driver she had to stay at least a little bit calm and focused. She filled me a bit more in on where we were going, since I sat in the passenger seat next to her.
“I’m 100% sure it’s actually gonna be haunted this time!” Kaede exclaimed. Her excitement made her talk almost too fast for me to understand. She said the same thing last time. And the time before that. Basically every time we go out and do this stuff. And she’s wrong each time.
“And why are you so 100% sure this time?” I asked playfully, less because I was genuinely curious, but more because it’s fun to tease her a bit.
“Because,” Kaede dragged her words to add emphasis. “This time someone, like, actually died there! Not just died, but murdered! Murdered spirits are bound to stay on earth!”
“You’re… excited someone got murdered?” I feigned suspiciousness.
“No, no! Obviously not!” She sounded almost offended. “It’s just exciting to think I might actually catch a ghost this time! Nothing to do with-”
“I’m just joking.” I interrupted and laughed. She looked even more offended, but in a joking manner I’ll assume.
We talked the rest of the drive, not that it’s a long one. The towns quite small so of course it wouldn’t take long to get to the outskirts. I never quite realised how pretty it was outside at night, the stars were truly a sight. Such simple things as this gave me an appreciation for life. These late night drives with my friends, the stars shining brightly… so simple yet so beautiful. I drifted a bit into my own thoughts and I didn’t notice we had parked the car.
“Hello? Earth to Jennifer?” Inaya laughed and waved her in front of my face, I must’ve completely zoned out. I grabbed my backpack and got out the car. The house was rather large, but the wear of years gone by was clear. Rotten wood and plants climbing up any possible wall. Most of the glass windows had been broken a long time ago. It didn’t seem unsafe to walk inside, I doubt anything would fall or break too much, but it was certainly beyond the point of being habitable. It probably used to be really pretty. An asymmetrical facade, overhanging eaves and a polygonal tower. Probably built before 1910. The colours had long since faded by now but it was still blue.
“Okay, okay!” Kaede beamed. She couldn’t contain her excitement anymore and she was quite hyper now. “You’ve all got your flashlights, right? And the cameras? Wouldn’t wanna miss anything!”
“Yeah, we kinda double checked everything before we left.” Andrew sighed, I think Kaede’s excitement might’ve been overwhelming to him. Still, his voice showed no annoyance, only playfulness. He’d never be outright rude to Kaede, she’s literally his girlfriend. “You’re taking this a bit too seriously, don’t you think?”
“Hm… Maybe! But it’s more fun that way!”
As we walked into the house, Andrew and Kaede kept throwing jabs at each other. Their laughter kept the creepy vibes of the house from getting to me. We ended up splitting up, the house was quite large and it would take forever if we all went together. Inaya and I would take the second floor and Kaede, Naomi and Andrew would take the first floor. The stairs were safe to use, a bit run down but no danger of collapse. I turned on my flashlight when we got upstairs and looked around a bit. Some miscellaneous decorations and a few photos of various people here and there. The photos were mostly of the same 4-5 people, I’m assuming they were family.
*cue cutoff because i became lazy and wanted to write something more fun ehe*
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vespertin-y · 2 years
it’s liveblog o’clock babeee!! this time from the beginning of ch1′s trial to The Switch :’)
-”ah-haha, oh man, i haven’t been in a trial in, like, forever!” “oh, so you have experience with trials...?” tsumugi is using her sweating sprite here, too...adding this to my ‘kokichi was season 52′s second sacrifice’ conspiracy corkboard.
-the mechanical podiums in v3 are fucking SICK. i especially love the way they yank prime suspects into the middle of the trial circle. the standardized size is funny though, poor gonta and korekiyo look so awkward. at least they gave ryoma a stool....
-the monokubs are talking about the fastest class trial to date, and they say: “he was like...a leaf on the wind.” “oh yeah...i guess now he’s one with the wind.” “yeah, i think about him this time of year too.” “the way he soared through the enemy fleet all badass, just to die like a li’l punk!” it seems like the guy was a military aviator(?) who either killed someone right in front of the others, or confessed immediately. sucks for him, but a good basis for an oc...hmmm....
-it’s childish, but seeing two dr characters on the screen with a giant CONSENT!!! between them never fails to make me laugh. in an ideal world they put these in the love hotels.
-the way kokichi’s voice wobbles up and down during his fake crying continues to be hilarious, and ryoma’s amused little “...cool your jets, kid.” is great also.
-oh, i just realized they all call gonta by his first name! i though it was just kokichi that did that, but it seems like he just drops his usual -chan.
-korekiyo suggests they torture those who went to the basement for information, but shouldn’t he know that’s a useless way to interrogate people...? and no one even comments on it, either??? they just let it slide and move on!
-”if the culprit is among that group, then wouldn’t maki be the most suspicious? just look at her - she could definitely kill someone.” lines like this make me inclined to believe kokichi wasn’t lying when he says he’s known about maki for ages in ch2. was he just waiting for the proof the motive videos provided? or maybe he knows literally nothing and is just dicking around here. that’s always an option!
-watching shuichi be suspected for forgetting about the camera intervals shatters my heart. but hearing miu call him kaede’s boytoy with zero pushback from either of them puts it back together.
-i wonder what the intermissions are, in-universe? i hope they’re bathroom breaks...standing in one spot for that many hours would be awful.
-shuichi’s panic spiral is definitely not helped by being moved to the middle where he’s surrounded by eyes from all angles 😬 i’d clam up too!
-the pulsing scribbly eyes during perjury are SO cool-looking,,,
-kaede’s JP VA is absolutely INSANE. the fact that i can hear her smiling AND tearing up, at the same time, across a language barrier????
-that’s all for now...i’ll be back with the next part of the trial sometime soon, for now i just need to lay down......(இ﹏இ`。)
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agstudio9 · 4 years
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The new event is super fun, got carried away and did a bunch of sketches for it
I also made some changes to the swimsuits because... um, yeah. (What were they thinking???????)
I made a part 2 for this! You can see it here
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Event: Reboot - Reset
While you were watching TV, your program is all of a sudden interrupted by static. It didn't take too long before you the TV came back on.
And a certain, monochrome bear appeared on the screen.
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"Testing! Testing! Can anyone hear me? Are we rolling?"
Monokuma took the time to polish the camera lenses before speaking yet again.
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"Attention aaaaall Danganronpa Fans! You're favorite adorable bear Monokuma is BACK! And here to give you exciting news! As you all know, *Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony* had to be cancelled due all of our contestants, as well as nearly all our special guests that you voted to come back by demand!"
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"And then you all get mad and us for it! How were we supposed to know that they'd all successfully make it through the Deathroad to Despair when it wasn't even part of the script?! I mean sure, I let them leave, but it's only natural that I reward them for making it through the road!"
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Monokuma cleared his throat as he calmed himself.
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"The original plan for after the series cancellation was for allow the our escapees to suffer in the outside world and drown in Despair until either the day they died or the day we hunted them down and gave them their punishments. They would've died neither knowing the truth, nor regaining any of their lost memories. However, it appears that a select few of you, and I am NOT going name who..."
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"...decided NOT the keep their mouths shut... If you get my drift..."
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"Buuuuuuuuut thanks to all that, we decided NOT to cancel V3 after all. Instead we are just going to REBOOT the season! Start from scratch! Make it much better than it was before!"
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"We have successfully captured our dear fugitives so that they may once again patriciate in our latest Killing Game! Soon, we'll reset their memories, give them a fresh new lease in life, and they'll reintroduce themselves at the start of the school year again."
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"Danganronpa is far from finished, folks! Get ready for more lore! More killings! More excitement! More insane humor! More Hope(I guess...) And more importantly, more DESPAIR!"
The bear laughs both cheerfully and fiendishly, before the the TV just cuts off.
Sounds like your Makoto, Hajime, Kaede and the others are in trouble! You will need to locate the Ultimate Academy and save them before it's too late!
( Hope you all enjoy this special 100 followers event! Anyone who isn't tagged can also interact)
@chaoticblogofmuses @optimistic-hope @ultimate-swimmer-asahina @kyoko-investigates @yui-samidare-returns @human-monokuma @shsl-sacrifice @unknown-ultimates @werewolf-makoto-naegi @slimemakotonaegi @ghost-makoto @leftover-naegis @restoringhopeau (any of your muses will do honestly) @twilight-blonde-beauty @special-encounters @japanese-ultimateautism
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Part 2 of kotetsu/Barnaby romance head canons!
-Barnaby hated being called bunny in the beginning as he believed kotetsu was mocking him and not taking him seriously. But as kotetsu kept calling him bunny and refers how he’s cute like one, Barnaby started to become less irritated by the nickname, and even went as far as to tell others that only kotetsu is allowed to call him bunny.
- if some people criticize kotetsu as tiger saying he’s too old, preachy and that he’s useless as a hero, Barnaby would be pissed and tell them that insulting wild tiger is insult him. Kotetsu had to pull Barnaby off of a semeritan who called wild tiger the most useless hero who never should have came out of retirement.
-their teammates often wondered if either kotetsu and Barnaby were a top or bottom. In the changing nathan saw they both had nail marks on their backs and discovered they’re switches.
-when tiger and bunny announced their relationship, Agnes wanted to do a documentary on their relationship. The boys were unsure at first as Barnaby didn’t want others to see the most private and vulnerable moments of his life besides his childhood being with his lover. Kotetsu helped ease him by being silly for most of the documentary and keeping the intimate parts private, which annoyed Agnes. But when a villain tries to kidnap a woman who rejected him, Agnes gave kotetsu her camera to document the rescue (while chastising kotetsu and Barnaby to showcase their love) Barnaby thanked kotetsu for respecting his wishes so far and kotetsu responds “of course bunny! You’re my partner and my boyfriend. That’s what a relationship is, teamwork, friendship and compromise, and I love you, no matter how much of a pain we can be together at times!” After rescuing the girl and beating the villain and giving back Agnes camera, Barnaby took kotetsus hands and got on one knee and asked kotetsu to marry him, leaving kotetsu flustered and happy. Not realizing Agnes secretly recorded the proposal and kotetsu and Barnaby kissing and leaving quickly for home.
- when kaede enters the next academy at fourteen, kotetsu and Barnaby help her with combat training and using the simulation room. Of course it leads to some spats between kotetsu and Barnaby on what techniques teach kaede( kotetsu out of fear for her safety if she hurts herself and Barnaby because he wants kaede to protect herself) this lead to kaede making an intervention with the other hero’s to help her parents see they’re both valid.
-when Barnaby and kotetsu were about to tell their teammates they’re engaged, there was already an engagement party ready for them thanks to Nathan and Agnes. Barnaby and kotetsu were annoyed that Agnes recorded their proposal on the documentary, but everyone gave their congratulations, while kerina was heartbroken a bit because she liked kotetsu.
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kamyru · 3 years
Online classes (Kasumi & His child)
Summary: High school students may be obnoxious, but their curiosity and cuteness when the kid of their special guest appeared in the middle of an online lesson melt the Overlord's heart.
Word counting: 828
One of Kasumi's former classmates from the UK contacted him to ask if he could teach the chapter about heart anatomy to his advanced biology class.
Of course, the cardiologist accepted the offer. Though, it was thanks to his wife.
MC said that he had to be a monster to deny smart kids the possibility to learn from the world's top specialists.
Though, they both were nerds in school, so she didn't have to be so harsh.
Anyway, he accepted.
In the previous lessons, his three-year-old child sat either with MC or with his uncles Hosho, Ekuni, Sen, or Takado, depending on who had a free day.
Though, the day when every 'babysitter' was at the hospital arrived.
Besides the fact that the students knew that he was a fantastic doctor who learned from top specialists, was half-English, half-Japanese, and married (he didn't mention it, they just saw the wedding band on his left ring finger), none of them had any idea about his personal life.
Dr. Kasumi did his best to explain the electrical activity of the heart while making sure that his son, who was asleep near him, didn't wake up.
Everything was fine till the little kid didn't start to shiver. The boy curled into a ball and squeezed the little penguin toy Uncle Kaede gave him.
"And if you want to know, ventricular depolarization is represented by the QRS..." the cardiologist's voice became quieter and slower as he kept an eye on his son.
Kasumi took a deep breath and excused himself. Without muting his mic, he reached towards his son and touched him gently.
The little kid didn't expect to be woken up like this. He nearly started crying.
Though, his dad's smile prevented it.
"Hey, sweetheart, if you're cold, come here," Kasumi said and stretched out his hands towards the toddler.
Without being asked twice, the kid ran in his dad's hands and cuddled against his chest.
With a soft move, Kasumi hugged his child and returned to the students.
Though, he was met by a notification about the meeting's chat.
"Is there anyone who knows Japanese? What did he say?" "I think he was talking with his kid. He asked them if they are cold and to come to them."
The cardiologist chuckled for the first time in front of the students.
Without giving any explanations, he continued teaching. Though, from time to time, he was checking the treasure in his hands to make sure that the boy was alright and sleeping.
Kasumi's voice was so smooth and calm that it didn't bother his child.
"Do you have any questions?" the cardiologist finally said, intending to end the meeting and give his kid all the attention he needed.
"Is this your son?" a boy asked, with a big grin on his face, giggling.
"Yes," was everything Kasumi said. Though, a soft smile appeared on his face. He was always soft when he talked about his family.
"Does he know both English and Japanese?" asked the girl who translated his dialogue with his son.
"Yes," confirmed the cardiologist.
These two questions helped other students to gather their courage and dig a little bit into their handsome teacher's personal life.
"How old is he?"
"What is his name?"
"Is he as smart as you?"
"He is such a cute baby."
"Are you a single dad?"
This was the question that caught Kasumi's attention. He sighed and put his ring finger closer to the camera.
"No. I'm married. Though my wife now performs surgery. That's why my son is with me."
So he had a wife, everyone was thinking. Even if some of them already guessed it.
Though, now they had more personal stuff to dig in.
"Do you have other kids?"
"How old is your wife?"
"How long are you married?"
"Do you want more kids?"
"She is three months pregnant at the moment," answered Kasumi, while supporting his son to stand on his feet because he woke up after the chaos caused by the kids.
"Hey, little boy, how are you?" the girl who knew Japanese said and waited till the kid looked at the camera.
Little Kasumi was confused. On the one hand, he knew that it was addressed to him. On the other hand, he was too shy to turn towards the online group of people.
So, he just buried his head in Kasumi's shoulder, looking from time to time at the screen for a few seconds and turning away again.
Kasumi smiled at his childish antics.
After everyone asked what they wanted, the cardiologist finished the lesson and closed his laptop.
Now, his son had Kasumi's attention only for him.
Dr. Kasumi looked at the boy with hearts in his eyes. He couldn't believe that he was so lucky to have a perfect family.
Booping his son's nose, he lifted him in his hands and went towards the kitchen.
The day would be a full one, full of happiness.
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charlotteswriting · 4 years
hi! i saw that your requests are open and i came running. do you think you could write shuichi, rantaro, hajime, kaede, and mahiru (if you write for them) with the ultimate actress who uses her talent in more way than one, like covering up her emotions. for example, she always seem happy, calm, and willing to help anyone, but really a kind of broken person because she's been through a lot. thanks 💜
welcome, anon (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ it’s been a while since you sent me this request but i’m only writing now, i’m so sorry 🥺
w/n: i used they/them pronouns because i didn’t want to exclude anyone!! also this might have slight angst i’m not sure
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Shuichi Saihara
okay but you melt his heart with your kindess. always helping those who around you, showing so much kindness and love to them, being caring with them, always offering help and constantly checking on them,, he thinks you are an angel
of course you are no different to him, and he’s very grateful
after spending more time with you and getting to know you better, he’s able to read you well
he could see how sad you actually are, always putting yourself aside and taking care of others, but getting nothing in return
it’s not like you asked something in return. nobody could ask you how are you feeling, and that felt kind of lonely to him.
you deserved love, too, even if you’re the ultimate actress/actor
so just like you did it with him, he’ll try to break your shell
he’s a bit nervous and shy about offering his help, but he wants to solve this. he wants to see you happy, in a real way
if you feel like avoiding him, he will leave you alone for that second, because he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable
but after seeing how much this means to him, you invite him over and you two talk a bit about you
you can see how much interested he is and it feels?? kind of weird?? ugh
don’t cry.
“it’s okay, Y/n, you don’t need to hide your emotions, w...we are all cheering for you and willing to see you happy, so don’t you feel like a burden when talking about yourself.”
you didn’t expect that coming from him but you can see how much he can relate to you and how much he means this
it melts your heart tbh, the fact that he’s trying is enough to make you cry
Rantaro Amami
to be honest he knew it for a while but didn’t know how to approach you
he might have tried to get you talk about it but you always managed to dodge the question
so he let it slide.
you looked so nice and caring when offering your help, listening to your friends’ problems and giving them advice, always being there for them,, you were truly an angel
the one who anyone needed
but also the one who didn’t have anyone
people told you your acting skills were really something
but who could have guessed you weren’t acting at all?
he could see how lonely you are
and mostly how desperate you are to have someone listen to you
it was breaking his heart, you were the reason of everyone’s smile but you had no one. so you just predicted. predicted like a happy person
because you didn’t want to become a burden or pressure anyone
you just wanted someone. someone that could walk up to you and ask you that question you haven’t heard in so long
“Y/n, do you want to walk together?” it was Rantaro who offered you this time
your eyes sparkled in joy as he waited for your response, you immediately nodded
as you two take a walk, he tried to start a conversation, he didn’t want to talk about himself at all. he wanted you to let it all out, and relax
it was hard for you, but when you did, he smiled and gave you a hug
“you matter, Y/n. your feelings matter no matter what, you don’t have to hide them or anything, nor you have to help everyone... we care for you, always.”
he patted your back kindly, showing you the affection nobody has ever done.
“you don’t have to hide anything, okay?”
your lips curl up to a smile as you return his hug
Hajime Hinata
he basically admired you for being such a warmhearted person
you were ready to do anything for the ones in need without hesitating, and you always carried a smile!!
it was like you are an iron wall, nothing could ruin your day and your hope, that’s what he admired the most about you
“Y/n, aside from your talent, you’re such a kind person,” Hajime told you
“do you think so? thanks, Hajime...” you’d say and leave immediately
has he said something wrong...?
after spending more time with you, something started bothering him
it was you
the way you actually never smiled
yes, you were kind and the best friend someone can ever have, and many people liked this about you
but was this the real you?
he wanted to talk to you. unlike others, he wanted to talk to you about you, not for a problem of his for you to solve
he wanted to fix if there’s anything troubling you
“Hajime? welcome,” you let him in, “did you need anything?”
“Y/n, aren’t you using your talent more than you should?”
e h h ?
so you were found out. don’t you dare playing dumb, Y/n
you were so surprised that someone actually suspected this side of yours, but aside from that, you were so happy. so happy that someone finally noticed
after realising he sounded rude, he awkwardly apologized and asked the same question,, in a kinder way? yeah, that’s it
and you started sniffing. eyes getting watery and your hands go up to wipe your tears away
he thought he did something wrong until you smiled. you were thankful.
“it-it’s okay, Y/n, i got you, you can tell me,... it’s fine, i won’t judge or pressure you, i just want you to be yourself,” he calms you down
seeing how he was willing to listen to you reminded you of yourself. you always did this with others but you were never shown affection, you can’t help but feel like crying to the thought of he’s willing to listen to you
“it’s not only me, i’m sure everyone here would appreciate if you opened up. we’re willing to help you because that’s what you always do, right? so... don’t predict anymore, please.”
but it’s just like he said, he got you.
Kaede Akamatsu
you were everyone’s joy, everyone could trust you in the blink of an eye and you’d always make their day
Kaede adored this side of you, you were so soft and a nice person
whenever you and her talked, she could tell you about her day and would play piano to you, it kind of relaxed you and she knew it
you were smiling to the sound of everyone having fun, but you were standing there alone
her eyes met yours, and you quickly turned your head
she thought you were just shy and invited you to hangout with others
but you said it was fine, and left
the thought of you didn’t leave her head ever since then
you were down to listen to anyone having troubles and find them solutions, giving them best advice and helping them in the slightest things. but you were never letting people approach you, avoiding them with a smile, making it seem like you’re okay with it
but she knew it wasn’t
she wanted to ask if anything’s wrong, she knew that might be because of your talent but still you looked so lonely to her and if anything’s bothering you, be there for you
when she said she’s willing to talk to you, you were touched so deeply that your heart skipped a beat. but you just couldn’t let her worry about you
“it’s ok! no need to worry for me!” you let out a giggle
“but... is it really okay, Y/n?”
no matter how hard you tried to convince her everything is alright... your eyes said otherwise.
“hey... we’re friends, you know? i care for you... you’re always hiding your true self behind your talent but the truth is you’re just torturing yourself. so don’t hide your true feelings, if we are really your friends, let us get to know you.”
you wanted to cry right there, but you held back instead
but this time, you didn’t refuse her words, which she knew were right already
“okay, but don’t judge, okay? you asked for it.” you let her inside, hesitating a little.
“never!” she said determinatedly. she won’t let that go to waste. because she cares for you and she’s willing to do anything for you, just like you with everyone.
Mahiru Koizumi
you were one of the nicest people she knew!
everything that comes from you would lighten up everyone’s day
if everyone is having a bad day... bam! you fix it.
she thought you were really a nice person for helping anyone at anything.
“Mahiru? mind if i carry your camera for you?”
yeah, you were like that.
but for some reason, you didn’t like to be on the spot light at all, you always came up with excuses and left when you were asked questions
which Mahiru found indeed weird, seeing you like this got her worried
she asked Hiyoko about it, but Hiyoko was really chill about it, she said she didn’t think there’s anything wrong with you
but Mahiru could say by looking in your eyes, you were kind of a lonely person who seeked some love? yes.
making her way to your cottage, she thought everything she wanted to talk to you, but she forgot as soon as she saw you standing beside the door
“Mahiru? did you need anything?”
then everything comes back to her mind and she remembers it. but she kind of messes up telling you because of how nervous she is asking you that.
“i think your talent is amazing, Y/n, but i think you m-mustn’t use it all the time...” ah, god, she sounded so wrong
you were confused
so was she
“i didn’t mean it in a bad way! i mean... do you really smile when you smile? do you mean it?”
that’s when she got you
she said she was worried that the person in front of her was actually not you and some stranger
you let her in since it’s dark and cold outside and talk to her, telling her you’ve been through a lot. you can tell how sorry she feels for you from the look on her face
“Y/n, i’m... i’m so sorry,” she puts her hand on yours, “but that’s all in the past now, isn’t it? nobody here is going to judge you for that... so feel free to open up to me or your friends any time, okay? i care for you and i don’t want to like you for your talent, i want to like you for who you really are.”
Mahiru, you are so sweet, i am gonna cry-
hey, everyone! i’m back writing my requests and i’m willing to finish them ASAP... soo, uhh, i know it’s hard talking about your feelings but if you’re having a hard time, i’m willing to listen to you so feel free to text me anytime :) i might not reply fast but i’ll reply no matter what... you matter and it’s all true, i love you all 💗
also as a writer (i’ve been writing since 9 but my writing still sucks-) i’ve been writing whole weekend since my step siblings are gone lol also i was exercising and studying,, my schedule was full. 😩 anyways it feels nice to get back even though i was gone for 2 days-
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plaindangan · 9 hours
There are rumors in the academy that Kirumi has incredibly weak stamina in bed. She can't even last 5 minutes, her maximum is only 160 seconds. Kirumi was very unhappy with these rumors and intends to find out which bastard is spreading such slander. After a while, it turned out that Shuichi and Miu, as well as Kaede, had spread rumors. Kirumi was furious, so she decided to arrange a 24-hour marathon without interruptions for sex with these bitches. At first they were defiant, but with each passing hour their pleas for forgiveness grew louder, and they even tried to escape, but all in vain. Kirumi caught up with them and doubled the marathon time over and over again. No one dares to underestimate kirumi, much less spread such rumors
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not view!
"I hope you realize you had brought this all on yourselves." Kirumi said, voice strict and cold and oh-so horny. She had easily managed to subdue all three and currently had them tied to chairs in Miu's lab. Naked and very prone.
"...For the record, this was all Miu's idea." Kaede said quickly, with Shuichi being right on her heels.
"Y-y-yeah, Miu's the one that spread the rumors!!" the inventor gasped at this bus throwing.
"Y-you cowardly shits!!! You gave me lines to post!!!"
All three went silent as Kirumi's voice roared and glared down at her partners. "All three of you had some part to blame in this and all three of you will be punished. Punished and shown clearly that my stamina..." She bowed forward, a rare look of sadism plastered right on her face.
"Exceeds yours completely~" Turning on her heels, she looked right at the camera she set up and bowed. "Time stamps will be in the video, so make sure to skip to whichever hour you want.
Skip to 1 hour in?
When you jump to this time period, you saw Kirumi working over Shuichi still trapped in his chair. Kirumi had stripped over clothing at this point and her body was clearly oiled up something fierce. Why? Simple!! It's to make it easier for her to plap onto Shuichi's poor, sensitive, cock, with utter ease with her big, MILFy, booty.
"K-K-K-Kiiiiiiiiiruuuuuuuumiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! S-s-s-sooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!"
"You're an Ultimate Detective, yet couldn't see this coming?!! We're only 15 minutes into the hour...you still have a lot to go, young man!!!" Kirumi declared speeding up until her twerkcake was a blurr that rippling and crushing on his sensitive cock with passion that had Shuichi squealing and cumming in seconds - but even then Kirumi didn't stop.
All the while, both Miu and Kaede were gagged and blindfolded - dreading their turn.
Skip to 3 hours in?
"W-w-waiiiiiiit, s-s-sso tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggggh-!!!!!!! OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!"
The scene has changed to where Kaede in bed. Ass in the air and ankles ties to bed posts. Grabbing at her hips and fucking her with a strap-on was a very determined Kirumi, not stopping for even a second and making each slap of her hips into a powerful blow that had Kaede reeling in pleasure.
"What's the matter?? 'Kirumi wouldn't know how to plow a field' was quite the rumor I've heard all day...and from Miu's cries that came from you wasn't it?~ Shameful, to think you'd stoop to her level!!! I'll show you the consequences!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"KIIIIIIIIIIIRUUUUUUUUUUMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!" But even as she orgasmed, those fierce slams didn't stop~
Skip to nine hours in?
"That's right....keep sucking me off down there~" SMACK! SMACK! Kirumi raised her riding crop and struck down onto the reddened fat ass of Miu. Causing her to lap up Kirumi's pussy with each fierce strike, as well give the viewers and enticingly long look at her sexy ass. On that note, it was also plainly obvious that were two vibrators wedged up there.
"I know it was you. It was obvious from the start! Only someone as brash as you would dare even consider doing such a thing and slandering me like that! So...how does it feel? Feel knowing that, despite all of your attempts with that foul-mouthed tongue of yours that you still can't get me to break. That you made an enemy out of nothing~ Was it worth it?...." SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!!! SMACK! "Weeeeeelll?!!!!"
"GYAAAAAAAAH!!! N-n-n-noooooooooo!! I-It w-waaaasn't worth it Mistress Tojoooooooo~" moaned out Miu, make-up running and mind practically swirling with emotions as Kirumi struck her ass again with the riding crop.
"That's right...now back to licking~" SMACK!!! Whimpering Miu continued onwards.
Skip to 13 hours in?
Footage instead cut to a naked Shuichi, Kaede and Miu all running for their lives throughout the facility...and the heavy footsteps of something behind them.
"Miu!! How the fuck do you get lost in your own facility?!!!" Kaede said incredulously as they ran.
"Bitch, shut the fuck up and help look for the exit!!!"
"G-g-guys, she's gaining on us!!!" Shuichi cried, which caused Miu to make the easiest decision of your life.
"...More like gaining on you!! SCATTER!!!!!!!!!!" With that she booked it into the opposite direction, causing Kaede to swerve and take another direction.
Leaving Shuichi with no choice but to quickly fling himself into another room. A supply closet with nowhere to go.
"O-oh, shit!!" He turned to leave...only to run smackdab into Kirumi's milky boobs blocking him. As soon as he hit those, her strong arms wrapped around him tightly.
"Thought you could escape me so easily? Fufufufu, how foolish!! But not that I have you in my grasp, perhaps I can sink in home just how much of a mistake it was to flee from me?~"
Skip to 15 hours in?
For his punishment, you watched as Shuichi's cock was hardened again to fuck Kirumi repeatedly against the wall of the supply closet. He was doing his best, that's for certain, but she merely looked amused at his attempts to fuck her...and then came her fingers~
Invasive, prodding and oh-so slipper due to lubing up prior to her chase. She easily slid them between his fatty cheeks and began to finger him like she would a pussy. While Shuichi couldn't make a dent in her defense, Kirumi was having quite a lot of luck in causing him to moan like a girl~
"A-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" he bellowed, as Kirumi just kept massaging and pressing at his g-spot.
"See the power gap between us? How, even after all this time, you can't win? How all it takes is to just use my fingers to get you to melt?~" As soon as Kirumi began to speed up her thrusts, it was all over. Shuichi came into her before fainting completely.
As she let his body gently hit the floor, she trodded off. Still have two more escapees to snatch up.
Skip to 19 hours in?
This was embarrassing. Of all the places to hide, Kaede was deep in Miu's giant laundry basket. A place fill with her used, sweaty, bras and panties...with the occasional sex toy tossed about.
Would Kirumi even come in here? But, Kaede can't stay here forever, lest Miu's sweaty clothes do her in first....
She should at least take a peak.
Slowly, Kaede lifted her head to take a look outside. Where was Kiru-...
She was right in front of Kaede - whose eyes met her wet crotch first.
"Such a filthy little girl...let's see if I can't clean you up first~"
Skip to 20 hours in?
The shower of Miu's was hot and steaming, and with it Kirumi was determined to make use of such facilities.
Kaede's body had become lathered in soap, a personal job from Kirumi who saw fit to trail her hands all over the pianist's naughty body. Her boobs, her ass, her thighs, her back, her neck, her face, everywhere on Kaede's body was soaped up.
Meaning there was a lot for Kirumi to wash - and the maid had a lot of washing to do~ With quite the drenched washrag, Kirumi briskly and thoroughly, got to work. Rubbing and fondling Kaede in her most sensitive of areas. Driving Kaede crazy with her touches~
"A-a-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! Mmmmmmm~~ I-I'm cleaaaaan, I'm cleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!"
"Oh? Is that so...let's test that claim then!!!" Reaching for a vibrator, Kirumi saw fit to massage Kaede's pussy with it using one hand, while the other massaged her fat breasts. Add together Kirumi kissing Kaede, from her neck, all the way to her sensitive ears...
And, well, you can clearly imagine it didn't take long for Kaede to orgasm again. Leaving Kirumi to repeat her cleaning.
Again...and again...and again~
Skip to 23 hours in?
"...Man, this sucks."
After being unable to find a way out of her own damn lab for so long now, Miu opted to take another route while Kirumi was distracted fucking Shuichi and Kaede.
How to do that was simple!! All it required Miu to do was shimmy out of a window (in this case a bathroom window) and she was home free...
Unfortunately, her own big boobs meant that she was kind of stuck half way in and out. Her own thiccness has doomed her!!! Well, kind of. At least Kirumi wasn't here to-
"...And now the naughtiest of the bunch. I was wondering what happened to you. But, how fitting. First to spread such asinine lies, and last to be fully corrected. on them..."
Something poked at her sore ass. Something long, something girthy, something slick and something very, very, very, hard~
"I saved this particular strapon - this foot long 'correctional tool' - only for the brattiest of clients in need of it...and rest assured." A hand reached out to grab at Miu's ass, clenching it and causing the inventor to moan out into the night.
"You very much deserve it~"
What you witnessed was rather unreal. While Kirumi could go quite fast and hard as well onto her targets, at the moment, she was reaching speeds you thought was unheard of and with a force that would make any slut or masochist give up in seconds. Yet...
"MMMMMMMMMOOOOOOMMMMYYYY!!!! CUMMMIIIIIIIIINGG!!! CUMMING MOMMMYYYYY!!! MOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMYYYYYYY!!!" Miu screamed out into the night, face practically soaked in tears of bliss and contoring into lustful submission to nothing but the ebony night itself.
But Kirumi didn't stop.
She can't stop!
A lesson needed to be learned, and she was determined to teach it.
Her perfectionist record as a maid was damaged because of these three - because of Miu!!!
As such, she dedicated every last bit of time, every last bit of minutes and seconds, to anally fucking Miu.
Until the inventor's mind was filled with nothing but thoughts of submission towards Kirumi...and until she could think of nothing of being rammed by her again!!!!!
Skip to 24 hours later?
"--And that concludes the videos I hope that not only has such rumors of my 'inadequate stamina' in bed has been quelled...but I have perfectly demonstrated the futility in daring to even suggest such a thing" Kirumi chuckled in a ladylike fashion. Something that contrasted her standing in a room filled with sweat and cum, the latter of which had covered her body.
And if that didn't do it, then three mind broken Ultimates kissing at her thighs or hugging it might clue you in on how serious she fully was.
Don't mess with Kirumi~
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stalksbyakuyatogami · 3 years
Oh my god, successfully summoning an ancestor with the V3 boys was amazing! Thank you so much! Could you do the same thing with the V3 Girls (exept Kaede because she is in your Blacklist)?
Summoning An Ancestor With V3 Girls!
aaaaaaaaaaa!! thank you anon!! im glad you liked it :))
warning: might be a long read
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Himiko Yumeno
•You thought you'd excite her? The opposite. Sure, she always bragged about her magic, but she's actually all bark no bite. Just when you thought her magic would finally be put into use. She even refused doing it when she heard the ancestor part. There's no way in hell that she'd want to witness a phantom in this school. Especially at the third floor. But by some miracle and bribery, you managed to drag her in.
•She was slightly quivering just by the ambience of the room. It was a bit dark, just lit up by a few candles that barely even did their job. Although, she was curious of all the things that you had laid out. She would take a few glances on it every second, not sure if to feel fear or curiousity.
•When the spirit appeared, all she could do was tearfully and fearfully watch the ascending spirit. She was frozen in place. She might be fearing it, but she also thought that it was awesome. If she was a mage, she could do this all the time.
•She just stood there the whole time you talked to your ancestor. She ahd questions of her own, but she's just trying to bottle them all up, hoping that you'd miraculously ask them. As if channeling her thoughts you.
•After you were done, she was speechless. She was trying to process everything that just happened. She asked you if she can ask some questions too next time. Let her ask please xD.
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Kirumi Tojo
•She's intrigued. It's the first time that she's having this request... but it's more like a favor. Same thing right? She'd like to see a spirit too. She might use this information someday, who knows. She agreed.
•She looked at all the things you had on the floor. Very dangerous. So she would guide you on how to use it properly. You might mess something up, but she's there to help.
•She was on alert when you started chanting unfamiliar words, but she remained calm and rational. Her hand will be ready to grab yours in case you had to flee. Your ancestor appeared earlier than you expected. She took just a step back when the spirit emerged. Intimidated by the spirit, she suggested that you two get out. But when the spirit spoke that you two can stay, she calmed down, but of course she's still on guard.
•While you conversed with your ancestor, she was observing it. Trying to identify which century they came from. She was trying to figure out if she would know how to serve them if they were still alive. Disregarding that, she's behaved and formal towards the spirit. She kept quiet the whole time and had her hands on top of the other, listening to the whole conversation.
•When you ended the session, she exhaled a breath of relief and congratulated you for doing a great job handling the spirit. There was something bugging her mind and you couldn't figure out what that was. But she reassured you that it was nothing. She agreed to come again the next time you perform another summoning.
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Angie Yonaga
•This actually piqued her interest. She might  be an artist, but she also takes interest in occult. So obviously, she's agree with you right away. She's excited, to be honest. But first, you'd hold a prayer to Atua. Pray for it to be successful. You couldn't escape her, so you just joined her, or you waited until she finished.
•She was humming while you two were heading for the room. When she saw your materials, her interest shot up. She even asked you if you needed a pint of blood because she'll get it right away. You tell her that a pint is not needed. In fact, you didn't need anything that was out of this room. Everything necessary is already here.
•She was a bit disappointed when no spirit appeared 8 seconds after you called it. And she presumed that maybe Atua didn't like this time and day fir the summoning. She would take her words back when it finally appeared. Amazement was glossing her eyes. How amazing Atua is.
•She was the one to ask questions first. What can you do? She's hella curious! The phantom was overwhelmed with the questions and eventually stopped answering them. She promised to keep quiet while you asked for advice but only if you'll let her ask more questions when you finish. She hummed while you communicated so it was kinda distracting. She's just excited give her a break xD.
•When you two were finished, she gave you her insight and told you that it was an amazing experience! She would love to do it with you again. She might just summon Atua next time!
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Maki Harukawa
•Maki gave you a questioning look. What? A summoning? You seriously believe in that? That's nothing but a wishful thinking. But seeing that you insist so bad, she had no choice but to come with you. She just wants your mouth to shut up, so she agreed.
•The materials you had were pretty unfamiliar to her considering she's an assassin. She thinks this is all just bullshitry, nothing more. She has to put up with it though. She actually helped you do the methods, correcting whenever you get something wrong.
•Maki got tired of waiting after 10 seconds. "I already told you. This is not working." Which she'd immediately take back. The phantom loomed over you two. She creased her eyebrows. She still can't believe. But she had no choice but to suck it up. She nervously swallowed and grabbed something that wasn't there; a weapon.
•She stood there, despising the phantom a bit, but still listened to what it said. She didn't have her personal questions; regarding the killing game that is. She had all the questions on her mind. Who? What? Why? How? HOW?! She was making a weird face that slightly disturbed the spirit.
•When you finished the session, she told you how weird that experience was. But she's relieved that you got some advice from them. Might not go with you the next time. Not because she's terrified of the ghost. She thinks it's hella weird and it sends a shiver up her spine.
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Tenko Chabashira
•"S-s-summoning?! Thats kinda... new..." She's a bit creeped out. Just the thought of seeing a ghost is enough to make her cringe. She asks you if you're sure. Just in case you change your mind, she'd still be supporting you.
•You led her up to the third floor of the school. She was a bit fidgety and she always asks you if you'd change your mind right now. She was shocked of all thr items in the room. She was alarmed and posed defensively. She had no idea how all of these work, so she read the instructions on the book and helped you even just a little bit.
•She was actually relieved that your ancestor didn't appear... yet. The relief immediately went away when the translucent spirit came to... life. How ironic. She was actually terrified of the spirit now. She hidea behind your back, promising to defend you if anything happens.
•She was behind you the whole time you talked. She wouldn't dare utter a word. But maybe she'll sneak her catchphrase in when your ancestor is male. She watched the spirit with anxious and confused eyes.
•She was extremely relieved when you were done. It was like getting rid of the thorn on her side. She felt easy again. I doubt that she'd go with you the next time... That was terrifying. Who knew spirits were real?
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Miu Iruma
•She's quite disgusted of the thought. You still believe in those things at your age? Pathetic. Believe in technology instead! Now come here and let me test this new invention of mine! Its functions are—! She agreed to join you. But just for research purposes and future references. Decided to make an impromptu camera to tape the summoned spirit. That might just be a breakthrough.
•She was full of complaints during your trip. She held her camera to where all the necessary objects for the ritual was placed. Istg she might be doing a documentary. Bad commentator I would say. She dissed all the objects that you had laid out. What the hell, man? She didn't help you. She just picked these up and observed it through the camera. She filmed your process.
•She was impatiently waiting for the ghost to appear. She was about to turn her camera off when she heard the phantom's booming voice. She cowered in fear, almost dropping her camera. She hid behind your back, whimpering.
•She watched your ancestor fearfully while you asked questions. She would mutter unholy things under her breath and you would be distracted by that. Like, do souls have pps or something of the sort.
•She only filmed half of the thing. Let's just hope that that ghost and the audio show up in the recordings. She wouldn't accompany you ever again. That shit was terrifying.
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Tsumugi Shirogane
•She was excited. But of vourse, she evaluated everything before she agreed with you. Summoning was both heart-throbbing and curious for her. So obviously, she wouldn't back out.
•She was quiet during the trip to the third floor. But she certainly had a smile on her face and stars for eyes. She was intrigued with all thr object you had laid out. She even grabbed one and tried to run it across her skin. But for safety purposes, yo told her to stop as it would ruin the ritual. She gladly obliged. She still observed the objects very closely though.
•She was starting to sigh as 8 seconds rolled by and nothing came out of your ritual. Just as she was about to leave, she squeaked at the spirit's frightening voice. She went back to her place and quietly apologized while she had her head down.
•She was just there... with her sparkling eyes boring into the summoned soul. She had all sorts of questions, and her face was turning pink. Probably from excitement. She had to bottle up all those questions too.
•After the session, she was too awestruck to utter a single word. She had sparkles in her eyes and her hands were merged together. She grabbed yours and enthusiastically said, "Let's do it again next time, S/O!"
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I'll fix the errors later. Thank you for requesting, anon.
-Mod Toko [Maki Shift]♡
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