#also sorry for my crappy handwriting
kinerxy · 1 year
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monster oc artdump
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angrybatart · 3 months
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Trying to shake myself out of burnout, so have a quick doodle, wip of a funny encounter my friend had with Ares in Hades. Dionysus WAS supposed to be in it too, but I took one look at his design and decided I don't have the energy for it. Tonight at least.
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novawuv-hazbinhotel · 3 months
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*Vaggie is injured but her wonders are superficial* HybridMemoAU [I Found Something] ((Part15-17)) END Previous - Chapter1's Epilogue Main Acc: @nova2cosmos
sorry for my crappy Handwriting, from now on I will add some dialogues XD
in the next arc we will also see more characters
there is an epilogue of what Luci and Al were doing when Charlie was with Vaggie :P
HOPE YOU ENJOYED see you soon✨💜
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nobieka · 5 months
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oooohhhh to get a piggyback ride from the one and only qiu lin (blue jacket kid is my mc Asher Bellint!) also sorry if my handwriting is so crappy i wrote it with my finger
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vorrentis · 1 year
Reader x Jihyo - Looking Out For You (Part 1)
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I can't believe I haven't put this up yet lol.
Just in time for Jihyo's solo so let's say it was planned.
One of my first chapters ever so if it's crappy, I'm sorry.
WORDS: 6314
It was early as usual, and you were the first one in class, since you had nothing else to do.
You walked into class, ready for the boring lecture set for today, but today had a surprise for you.
Behind your seat, was a girl you've never seen before. 
She was sitting there looking at her phone. 
You went towards the teacher who was at her desk.
"Um, Ms. (teacher)?"
"Hmm," You used your eyes to motion to the girl. "Oh, she's a new transfer student. It's her first day here. That's also her new seat by the way."
"Ahh, okay. Thanks." The teacher nodded and you went towards your seat, which was in front of hers.
She looked up and you waved your hand. She was really cute.
"Hey. My name is (YN). I'm guessing you're new here?" You asked.
"Jihyo, sorry, my English...not so good." She said with a bit of trouble.
"It's fine," You then looked down to see her handwriting, it was in Korean, "Korean right?"
"Yeah. How'd you know?" She nodded a bit surprised.
"Mannaseo Bangawoyo" (It's nice to meet you)
"You know Korean as well?" She said in her language.
"Yeah, my dad's side is actually Korean so I know Korean." You said in Korean.
(You're speaking Korean to her from here on out.)
"Hey, do you need someone to help you out? I'll show you around and everything, I can even teach you English if you want."
Her face looked surprised.
"Sorry, I know it's sudden, but I don't want you to be lost or anything."
"Oh no no, it's just that I don't want to waste your time though, and no offense, but you don't even know me." She said.
"Well, I know your name so that's good enough for me. Besides, it's much easier with a person translating than the machine you have." You said pointing at her translator, which was a mini laptop that she typed into to get her translation.
She looked back and forth at you and the mini laptop. Then she closed the laptop and put it away.
"Then (YN), I'll take your offer." She said smiling as you smiled back.
That was the start of a new friendship...
Throughout the next couple of months, she was by your side whenever you both had classes. You did not mind one bit though. You were helping her with her assignments, notes and even teaching her the basics of English.
She was learning pretty quickly, but she said that she was learning lessons at home to, so it was no wonder she was learning quickly.
By this time she was getting used to the language and soon was able to understand some of the lessons too. She was very thankful for your help.
You just waved your hand and said that it was nothing.
Soon both were hanging out outside of class: showing her around the city, taking her to your favorite places to eat, the mall, even each other's places.
She introduced you to her parents and her to yours. Her's were happy that she found a friend quickly that was helping her out and they were thanking you for it. Your's were happy that you've finally found a girlfriend.
You quickly corrected them as both you and Jihyo blushed. She knew what they were talking about since she was learning quickly.
But other than that, everyone was going smoothly...was...
"I don't know what to do bro." You were currently at your room, on your phone with another friend of yours, (FN).
"Easy, just ask her out. Simple."
"It's not that easy, (FN). Maybe for you, but for me-"
"Man you're really taking this hard...and since when did you start liking her that way anyway?"
"Last week, I took her out for dessert, you know the ice cream place at the mall."
"and when we were at the table together, I just imagined that we were on a date..."
"But haven't you already taken her out before and stuff."
"Yeah, but last week was...different. I've never seen her that way before, but the way she looked, ate, laughed...It was just ice cream, but I really felt like we were on a date...and I wanted to go on more with her."
"So just ask her out."
"I don't even know if she even likes me. What if she sees me as a friend only? Imagine this...
"Jihyo, I was wondering...umm...would you like to maybe...go out with me?" 
"Ohh...(YN)...I'm sorry," You said impersonating Jihyo's voice. "I...I don't have the same feelings as you.
"(YN)...I'm sorry."
"No it's fine really...um...can we just...forget about this..."
"Y-yeah...sure, she says and then after that, we both don't talk regularly and both start to avoid one another
Yeah, that's how you thought in your mind the scene was going to go as you told your friend about your situation.
"Listen (YN), no offense, but you're pretty stupid for thinking that that's going to happen."
"It's just...I don't know what to say to her...we've only been friends for a couple of months, but-"
"I know, I know, she's the best girl you've ever hanged out with, she's different, she's funny, cute, etc, etc. I get it." Your friend said cutting you off. "Look she's not going to say no to you, after everything you both do. Look I've got to go, but you better ask her out soon, I'm rooting for you." Your friend said as he hanged up after.
With a sigh, you laid in your bed, covered your eyes and prepared for tomorrow.
Yeah, it's been a week since your conversation.
You were really nervous and kept coming back to your initial theory of what might happen. But today was the day, you had all your courage and made it a mission to ask her out.
You were looking for Jihyo, but she wasn't where you would usually meet. You shrugged thinking she went on ahead.
You then walked into the lunchroom and looked at your usual table, but she wasn't there. You looked around...until you saw something that was hurting you.
Jihyo was sitting somewhere and someone had their arm around her shoulder.
'No...don't tell me...'
Jihyo then spotted you and got up from her table and went towards you.
"Hey (YN), sorry for not meeting you."
"No it's fine, it's just that, why are you over there?"
"Oh...well, you know Daniel right." You nodded slowly. "I wanted to wait till I thought we were doing well and it just so happens that that day was yesterday. Dan and I are in a relationship."
'...No way...' Your heart was dropping after this.
"R-Really, umm, when did he ask you out?"
"Maybe a couple of weeks ago, we already went on a couple of dates too. But I wasn't too sure about the relationship, but he was sweet and told me that we could take it easy." Jihyo happily said with a big smile.
There was one major problem with that...
Daniel was a playboy.
No one knew to expect you. 
You caught him on multiple times with different girls, sometimes being with someone else when he already had a relationship with someone.
You've seen him with a girl at school and on that same night, with someone else.
You hated this kind of people that treated women like 'trophies'. 
How you caught him is that you got a job at this restaurant, one of the best around actually...as a busboy, but it still was a job for you.
The worst part was that it was Dan's family restaurant.
And being one of the best around, your guess was that he brought them here to show off his wealth. He even has his table prepared whenever he wanted.
Good thing was that he wasn't that smart. He doesn't even notice you since you've never interacted with him, school nor work, but you saw him from afar, flirting and holding on to his ladies. It was always the same antics.
You didn't see the same girl often and you've seen only about 1 or 2 girls from school. Your guess is that he dated girls from other schools as well.
And now here he was taking Jihyo as well.
You wanted to say don't bother and go out with me instead, but you didn't...you couldn't...but she seemed so happy at the thought that you couldn't just say don't do it to her.
Even if you did, she wouldn't believe it anyway or even simply agree with you.
"That's great Jihyo." You said with a fake smile.
"Thanks (YN)... but that doesn't mean that won't hang out though. Today I'm going to sit with them if that's okay with you?"
"No, go ahead. I'll hang out with (FN) instead."
"Great thanks (YN)." And with that she left, leaving you miserable.
You've been hiding the fact that you still didn't like the relationship Jihyo has been on. You both still hang out, but whenever Jihyo brought his name up you couldn't help, but ignore her. You also spend fewer days together since she was now hanging out with Dan and his friends.
Saturday night came and it was your day off, you asked Jihyo if she wanted to do something, but she was busy studying for a test on Monday. At least she wasn't with Dan you thought. But your parents asked if you wanted to see the new Halloween movie that came out with them after the learned that you aren't going anywhere.
You nodded and got ready.
It was nighttime and you were leaving the movies with your parents, you both went to see that new Halloween movie that came out.
As you three were walking out, you saw someone at the side of your eye. Your eyes widened at the sight.
It was Dan and his friends...but that wasn't what caught your eye, Dan was with a girl...and it wasn't Jihyo. They were kissing with each other in line while his friends ordered the tickets.
'Damn it. I knew this was going to happen. Okay just need to take a quick-' but Dan then turned towards your direction, and you quickly turned around yourself and left.
'That was too close...' you turned around and saw them head inside.
'Well it's too late now, but at least I caught him. I knew it, I just knew something like this was going to happen...now for the hard part.'
You quickly went to find Jihyo, this wasn't something to do over the phone, but in person. You went early to school again knowing that she was going to be there, she was there earlier than you sometimes.
And it turns out she was.
She was at her locker grabbing stuff. 
You quickly went to her and she saw you while smiling.
"Morning (YN)."
"Dan's cheating on you." You whispered as Jihyo didn't seem to understand.
"Dan, he's cheating on you." You were assertive as Jihyo gave an short laugh.
"Heh, are you serious?" 
You nodded.
"I've caught him last night. I went to the movie theaters and saw him with another girl."
Jihyo shook her head.
"(YN), Dan told me he was going to the movies with a cousin of his that he hasn't seen in a while. I didn't go because I was studying. It was probably her."
"Jihyo, they were kissing." You whispered the last part.
"Kissing? Are you sure?"
"I'm pretty positive."
Jihyo looked away for a few seconds and turned back to you.
"Do you have proof? (YN) this is-I can't believe that."
You mentally sighed.
"No I don't, but Jihyo I know what I saw. You have to believe me."
She took some seconds thinking and you saw her lips purse.
"...I'll talk to him."
"Talk? Jihyo he-"
"(YN), I'll talk to him okay. I need to hear from him."
"He's going to lie Jihyo." 
"He's honest (YN)." You rolled your eyes.
"No he's not Jih-"
"Hey babe." You both looked to see Dan coming closer as Jihyo smiled even more at him.
He came close and the two hugged as you scoffed and gave a look at Dan.
"How are you doing?"
"Great, just talking to (YN)."
"Sup (YN)." You motioned your head to say hi.
"Hey sorry about yesterday," Jihyo nodded.
"It's okay, don't worry," Jihyo excused as you turned away from them and started walking, catching the eyes of her and Dan.
"Did I interrupt?" He asked as Jihyo looked at him.
"Dan, we need to talk." 
10 minutes passed by and students were starting to get into their seats. 
Eventually Jihyo came along as well and sat behind you whie Dan came in with his friends.
You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned as Jihyo leaned closer.
"I talked to him."
"And..." Of course, you knew what the answer was going to be.
"He said that he was with his family/friends and what you saw was him kissing her on the cheek, that was a cousin of his that he hasn't seen in a while. Even his friends confirmed it."
'That lying piece of-'
"He also said that I was the only girl he's ever had his eyes on. He said that he would never go behind my back. Even though we only been dating for some weeks now, but I can tell he was sincere in his words."
You couldn't say anything to argue that, what could you say. You didn't have proof.
"I know what I saw Jihyo."
"(YN) seriously, Dan is nothing like that okay. Just drop this." She said with a serious tone.
And after that, none of them said a word to each other. The whole day. It was hurting you, but you needed some kind of prove that Dan is cheating on her.
You walked home alone, you didn't bother saying goodbye to Jihyo.
About a good 10-minute walk from school and someone shouted your name.
"Hey (YN)."
You turned around to see the man you despise himself, Dan. Along with a couple of friends of his.
"Can I help you?" You asked.
"Yeah you can. So you're good friends with Jihyo, right?" You nodded.
"And as friends, I can understand how you would want to protect her."
"Where are you going with this?" You said as he had your full attention.
"Now I know that nobody knows about my...relationships that I had before. And somehow Jihyo knew about last night and of course, I had to sweet charm her into thinking I was the only one for her. Now I don't know how, but I know for a fact that she was told this...am I right." His friends then circled around you.
You looked around at the three.
"Jihyo deserves better. I know you're seeing someone behind her back." You said.
"Saw you last night...you were right by the way. Can't keep this a secret any longer from you."
"So it's true. Why?!" You said angrily.
"Why not, Sarah's cute and all, but Jihyo...with that body...I think I'll keep her for a while."
You clenched your teeth and formed a fist, but suddenly your chest felt pain and all the air was gone from your lungs as Dan kneed you in the stomach making you get on your knees.
You clenched your mouth and hugged your stomach as the pain was coursing through your body.
"If you ever, say anything to Jihyo again. I will personally make you suffer."
You got up after the three left you. You clenched your stomach. But the pain was going away. Now you know that it's true, you have one objective.
Catch him again.
It's been a week since the incident and you were now focusing on trying to catch Dan. You barely even talked to Jihyo.
You came up with a plan though.
Your plan was the restaurant. You haven't seen Dan yet for a while, but that means he hasn't brought Sarah (his other girl) here yet.
You asked for a shift for each night, it was going to be hard work and you didn't know when he might come, but you needed to catch him. You couldn't get all the nights, but four of them only.
You were praying that this night was his night to be here.
'Please...you know you want to bring her here.'
Luck was on your side today, as of course, Dan came through the entrance with the same girl as you saw him with last time.
You smirked as you waited till you got some photos of him doing something flirty with her.
It took a while, but you saw him putting his arm around hers and even gave a kiss on the cheek.
'Perfect' You thought as you scrolled through the photos.
The Next Day
You immediately went towards Jihyo's locker and there she was alone too. You both were always the first ones here. There was no one, but a couple of students walking around.
"Jihyo." You said as you fast walked to her. She turned towards her name and saw you.
"Hi (YN), look about last ti-" She said with a smile.
"I caught him. This time I have prove."
"Caught who?"
"Dan," Jihyo rolled her eyes, "I caught him cheating on you again, except this time I have some prove." 
"(YN), I'm not having this conversation again." She said with her tone getting agitated.
You didn't respond, but you took your phone out and showed the multiple photos that you took of Dan and the girl he was with.
Jihyo took the phone and looked through each one.
"See, now I know this must be har-"
"Have you been spying on us!?" She said angry.
"These are fakes aren't they." She looked up at you.
You just blinked a couple of times. 
Surely you didn't hear that right.
"What do you mean 'fakes'?" You said confused.
"(YN) this is the same exact place that we had our date a couple of days ago. We're even sitting on the same table...wait...have you been stalking him?" She said with a shocked look on her face.
"N-No, Jihyo look I-"
"Why are you so hellbent on making us break up?" She spat as you...
"...I-I'm looking out for you Jihyo. What other reason could I possibly have or need?"
"...you have feelings for me." She uttered as your heart raced.
While it wasn't how you wanted her to know, it wasn't the time to act timid.
"My feelings have nothing to do with this Jihyo. He's been cheating on you this entire time," You pointed at your phone. "Look at it again and tell me that these aren't fake." You pushed your phone forward as Jihyo stepped back.
"(YN), now you're taking this too far...you're starting to creep me out." Jihyo said worryingly, "...maybe...maybe we shouldn't see each other for a bit." Jihyo said.
Your head leaned back.
"Y-you can't be serious?! You think this is a joke Jihyo?!"
"Why can't you understand (YN) that he loves me and I love him."
"No (YN), you don't have the right to even speak! Dan is sweet and caring and he's been nothing but loving with me." Jihyo was getting angrier.
"And I haven't?! Who's been there for you since day one Jihyo! And now I'm suddenly the villain!" You pointed at yourself.
"Well you certainly aren't acting like a good person right now (YN)! Dan makes me happy! Why can't you get that!"
"He's only using you Jihyo, he wants to brag about getting you at his side! Jesus why aren't you getting this!"
Jihyo took a few moments.
"...you're jealous."
"Oh my-"
"No, you are. That's why you're trying so hard to get rid of Dan, so you can have me for yourself." She said accusingly.
"I told you my feelings-"
"Well it ain't happening. Dan is a lot of great things (YN), more than you can think! And right now, more than you! That's why I would choose him over you! Dan makes me feel wonderful and I want you to stay away from us!"
Your heart shattered at what she just said.
It was at that point that whatever you said didn't matter...not that you had anything else to say...what could you say?
You closed your eyes and shook your head.
"...do you what you want then," you muttered, "I was only looking out for you. And if you think it's best if we don't see each other, then, fine." You said while turning away, trying to keep your composure.
Jihyo then huffed her frustrations and turned around towards her locker. 
She couldn't believe what just happened. 
You were getting too far.
'I can't believe (YN). How could he just say things like that.'
Then she closed her eyes and took deep breaths. She opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was the inside of her locker door. 
It was with a two clips of selfies of you and her. Each photo had both of them smiling and goofing off.
She remembered each one when she and you took them in the photo booth machines in the mall. One for the first time they went there and the other wasn't that long ago with her new hairstyle.
She shook her head and closed the door after getting her materials. 
Two days have passed and it wasn't good for Jihyo.
She didn't mean what she said.
She was angry at what you were suggesting and lost it.
She liked Dan a lot, but she enjoyed being with you too.
You were right, you were looking out for her well being.
She was going to apologize to you the next day and talk about this more calmly but you didn't show up.
She called you but no answer.
After school, she went to your home, but you weren't their either as your parents wondered the same.
That's when Jihyo started to get worried.
She went and called her friends and asked, but no.
She called your friends but nothing either.
That's when Jihyo started to panic.
She remembered the last words she said about not wanting to see you for a while, but she didn't think you'd take it this hard.
Guess that's what happens when you break someone's heart.
Now she felt horrid about what she said about 'choosing Dan over you' and 'to stay away'.
That's not true at all.
You made her feel welcomed and happy too.
God she was an idiot.
If she hadn't lost it, this mess wouldn't be happening and if anything happened to you...she didn't know what she'd do.
And now, sitting on her desk, staring forward at the lone table while students around talked, she couldn't think of anything but you.
'Where are you (YN), I'm so sorry. Please be safe.
As class was about to start...
"Jihyo?" The teacher approached her, "Mr. (Principal) wants to see you in his office."
Jihyo nodded slowly.
"Is it about (YN)?"
"I don't know."
Jihyo's breath shook.
With that Jihyo sat up from her desk and with a heavy weight, proceeded outside the classroom, noticing the lack of emotions from other students, including Dan fooling around with his friends.
'Can't they see he's missing...'
With a couple of minutes walking, she made her way to the principal's office and knocked on the door.
"Come in,"
is what she heard and she turned the doorknob and stepped in...to see the principal, along with two officers.
She started to stress seeing them.
'No...no, i-it can't be-'
"Ms. Park, please sit." The principal waved at the empty chair as Jihyo sat down as her heart couldn't take it.
"Is (YN)-..." She couldn't bring herself to say what she thought.
"That's why we're here. We're from the (Location) police department, we're here to question students about him. His parents filed a missing report."
Jihyo felt her body go limp.
Ice in her veins.
And a loss of breath.
"Yes, now, Mr. (Principal Name) has informed us that you and (YN) are close. May I ask your relation to them?"
Jihyo's mind was scattered.
She just assumed you were at home moping.
"Ms. Park. I understand it's difficult to process, but we need your information."
Jihyo turned her head to the principal and then to the cops, one who had a notepad.
"...w-we're friends."
"And when was the last you spoke to them?" He wrote down her answer.
And that's, when the conversation of you and her came in like a flood.
"T-tuesday morning...a-are you sure he's missing?"
"His parents stated that he hasn't been in contact at all and based on the school cameras, he walked off the grounds shortly before school ended. You were the last seen talking to him in the halls."
Now Jihyo was starting to freak.
"May I ask what you were talking about?"
"...I-it was about my boyfriend...w-we were talking about...about..." Jihyo's breath rate increased.
"It's okay, take your time." The second cop suggested, "and take deep breaths. I know it's difficult, but we're doing everything we can to find him and every information helps." The cop explained as Jihyo nodded slowly.
"...we were talking uh, my boyfriend potentially cheating on me. I didn't believe him, we had an argument and he left."
"Did he say where?"
'What did I do...'
Jihyo shook her head.
"Did he say something that he was going to do?"
'I did this...'
Jihyo shook her head once more.
"He said that...that he was sorry about it and he left. I-I didn't see him after..." Jihyo rose her hand over her mouth, "I-I didn't mean to be rude-I-I-was mad at that point and-"
"It's okay Ms. Park, no one is blaming you." The principal lowered his hand but it was futile as Jihyo started to shake in her chair, "these men are looking for leads."
"Ms. Park, are you absolutely sure that he didn't say anything." The first cop asked as Jihyo shook her head as the first cop nodded.
"Well, then may we ask everything about (YN). We're hoping you have something new for us. Something that may lead us to somewhere."
Jihyo slowly looked up at the cop and nodded.
Jihyo hurried and ran towards the door of your home.
Immediately after school, Jihyo drove towards your place.
After finishing up questions, she went back to class and hurried for school to end.
She only gave information that they seemly already knew from asking your parents.
Favorite restaurants, places, etc.
Although nothing was new as the cops assured her that they're doing everything they can and she was excused.
And when Jihyo left the room, she went to the nearest bathroom stall...and cried.
You were missing and Jihyo blamed herself for it.
After sobbing for some time, even when class was almost over, Jihyo vowed to find you.
She had to find you.
"(YN)! Is that you!" Jihyo heard from behind the door.
The door swung open to reveal your mother with your father behind her
"J-Jihyo..." She said weakly as started to become emotional, "w-we don't know where (YN) is..."
"I know, the cops asked me about him."
"Oh god..." Your mom started to cry a bit. "We tried contacting him and now we have the police out searching, but...but..." She stopped talking as she broke down. 
Your father came over and consoled her.
"Jihyo, if you know anything, anything that could cause him to disappear, please tell us."
She broke your heart.
That's what happened.
"...N-no, I-I don't know. I'm going to look around as well."
"Maybe something at school, was he getting bullied?" Your dad asked.
Jihyo shook her head.
"My baby..." Your mom sobbed as Jihyo was almost at the same state, "(YN)..."
"Shh, he's okay (mom's name) he's okay, he's strong. Jihyo, help us find him," Your dad asked as Jihyo nodded.
"I-I'll look around..."
"Thank you," You dad said as he hugged your mom and ushered her back in, "I'll join as well," he said as he brought your mom back inside, instructing her to remain here.
Jihyo's eyes fell and her body felt like gravity increased by 100 times.
'I did this...'
Five hours later
Jihyo was sitting in her car, thinking of anything. 
ANYTHING that she could have missed.
It's been five hours since your parents and she couldn't find you.
She wished to every god and deity to find you sitting somewhere safe, but no.
It was getting night and Jihyo was all out of ideas on where you could be.
But she wasn't going to stop.
She'd search every corner of the city to find you.
'Where could he have gone...(YN)...maybe...maybe Dan knows something? After all, this started with him...but I'm hoping he didn't do anything.' She didn't think of Dan at all after these two days.
She texted and after a bit of not answering, she called him twice, but he wasn't answering either.
She scoffed and she drove towards his house to see if he was there. 
After a short drive, she arrived at his house, parked outside his pathway, went out the car and towards the door.
She rang the doorbell as she looked around the front yard.
"It's about t-" Jihyo noticed that Dan's eyes widened to the fullest and he was all in a pretty nice attire as well, "J-J-Jihyo!?" He then looked over Jihyo's head and back to her, making Jihyo wonder why he was acting strange, "W-What are you doing here? Damn it you should have called!" Dan demanded and had panic in his tone.
That was a bit much, but Jihyo didn't care at the moment.
"Twice I called you pabo. We need to talk, but I'm guessing this is a bad time." She said as she nodded.
"I-I'm just about to head out with family, so we'll talk later okay!" Dan said quickly as Jihyo sighed. 
"Fine, I'll talk to you later then, but I have one quest-"
"Jihyo just go." Dan said as Jihyo burrowed her brows.
"Don't tell me to just leave!" Jihyo barked back. "And why are you so paranoid?" She asked with venom in her tone as Daniel's eyes tightened.
"Just ask your damn question." 
Jihyo did not like that language.
"(YN) is missing. Do you know anything about it?"
Daniel scoffed.
"How should I know? Maybe he's just done with life."
Jihyo then rushed towards him as Daniel's eyes widened as the door was pushed open and Jihyo was in front of him with a glare that sends shivers down his spine.
"Don't! Don't you dare say something like that!" Jihyo pointed at his face, "this isn't a joke or laughing matter! (YN) is missing and I need to know if you know anything Kang Daniel!"
Jihyo was fuming and it was only going to be worse since...
Daniel's eyes widened and prayed to the gods for help.
Jihyo turned around and noticed a pretty nice yellow car was parked and someone stepped out the driver's seat and started to come towards them.
"J-Jihyo I'll answer anything, but you have to leave now." Daniel said fast as Jihyo kept her eyes on the person arriving.
A blond girl with a nice attire as well.
"Hey Dan~" Was the girl's tone as she stepped closer "Sorry for being la-and who's this?"Jihyo didn't know who she-...no...wait...
No, no she recognized who she was...she just can't figure it out...
"M-Marissa...c-can you give us a minute." Dan asked cautiously as Jihyo kept her gaze on the girl. 
"Sure babe~"
Everything in Jihyo froze.
"B-babe..." She repeated.
Then it hit her...
It was the same girl from your phone.
Jihyo froze and stared at the girl's appearance, it was exactly her and her saying babe...
She turned around and saw Dan's perplexed face.
Her frozen body was engulfed with fury.
"(Y-(YN) was right...you were cheating on me..." Her fist formed and her tone was cold.
Dan held his nose hard as he looked at Jihyo, who had a glare that looked like she was going to murder him.
"You bastard! You two-timing bastard! (YN) was right!" Jihyo shoved him as Daniel went back a step.
"We're done! We're so over! I don't ever want to hear or see you again you hear me!"
Jihyo screamed so powerful that it left Daniel and even the girl hurt in their ears as Jihyo stormed off.
"C-cheating?! You were cheating?!" Jihyo heard the other girl yell from behind, but she didn't turn around to observe.
She was so furious...and so blameworthy.
She, in quick time, got into her car, and drove away without looking back.
During the drive, she thought how incredibly stupid she was. 
You were right...
The whole time you were telling the truth and she didn't believe you because of affection for that piece of shit.
She drove you away from her because of that...
Because of her blindness and mistrust...
"(YN)...oh god...I-I'm so so-agh..."
The tears came down.
Jihyo was at her desk, by herself in the class. 
She came to school early to avoid that piece of garbage Kang Daniel, knowing he never arrives early to school
She was staring at her phone, nothing was going to distract her. 
The very millisecond it rings, she was going to answer and no one was to stop her.
All night last night, Jihyo cried and called you many times.
She felt horrible and felt every negative emotion in her as she was on her bed just calling and texting nonstop.
You were right...
You were looking out for her.
She should have known better.
And what hurt the most is that you could have been-
No, no she couldn't think of that ending.
Jihyo needed you to be with her ASAP and safe and she'll do whatever she can to have your trust and friendship back.
But she didn't even think that's possible now with what she said to you, but Jihyo will find a way no matter what.
"Jihyo?" Jihyo tensed up, she knew that voice.
It belonged to Leon, one of Dan's friends.
"How are you doing?" He asked but she didn't turn around.
"Ms. Park, Leon here would like something to you, I think you should listen." Another voice spoke up, she turned around to see the principal behind Leon, whose expression was hurt.
She didn't reply, nor did she want to talk to any one of them. 
If they were friends with Dan, then they were now nobody to her.
The principal nodded and looked down at Leon.
"Understandable, Leon." He spoke with a serious tone as Leon gulped.
"Listen Jihyo. I wanted to tell you that we got expelled," Jihyo's glare softened and her eyes were curious, why was he telling her this? "Mason and Dan included." 
"And?" She spoke with confusion as he looked downward.
"We threatened (YN)." Jihyo recoiled, "Dan even hurt him."
Jihyo stood up with lightning speed and rushed at him only for the principal to stop her in time as a couple of other students and the teacher was staring with awestruck looks as Jihyo swung her arms.
"You bastard! ALL OF YOU! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM LEON?!" Jihyo screeched with malice in her voice.
"Ms. Park, Ms. Park! I know you're disconcerted, but please lower your attitude. He knows nothing of (YN) after that." The principal fought against her grip as Jihyo lessened her movement, but kept her glare.
"...why? Why the hell would you hurt him?!" She barked at Leon as he looked down.
"Dan wanted to keep him shut, he told you that he was cheating on you." Jihyo's eyes widened and her whole body went solid. "He threatened him to keep quiet and...god I'm so sorry Jihyo, but I swear we had nothing to do with him after. I felt so guilty about it and I turned us in." He rubbed his arm as Jihyo remained still.
"The other two don't know about him telling me and all three will be expelled. Even though he says he's done nothing with (YN) after that, we fear that that bullying led (YN) to being scared and leaving." The principal added as Jihyo felt a dagger in her already wounded heart.
"Jihyo, I'm so sorry. I know it doesn't really mean anything now, but Mason and I were trying to find him too. We didn't mean-god we-I-I'm sorry..." Leon apologized, but it was meaningless as Jihyo didn't acknowledge him with the principal figuring that was it.
"Jihyo? Would you like to ask or say anything else?" The principal asked as she shook her head.
"I want him gone..." She muttered as he nodded.
"Leon let's go grab your belongings." He instructed him as Leon nodded with the principal walking forward and turning back to see Jihyo's heartbroken look, "And don't worry Jihyo, rest assured we'll find (YN)." He expressed up as she merely sat in response, as the principal felt horrible that she was like this and looked to see the teacher as she nodded at him. 
With one look at her, both males left the room as Jihyo sat with her face buried in her hands.
"Jihyo?" The teacher was near her as the other students watched, "I don't mind if you need to go home. Would you like to call your parents to leave?" She asked, "I'll send you-"
"...Okay. And I'll allow your phone to be on your desk, but silent please."
The teacher knew how much you meant to her, you were her first friend here.
"We'll find him Jihyo, we will." She spoke with a soft tone as she patted Jihyo's shoulder and left her to her desk, leaving Jihyo. 
Dan hurt you, he hurt you...
Jihyo couldn't 'believe it...
She couldn't believe she dated that monster...and she said that she'll choose him over you...
Jihyo started to shake and cry silently.
If she had believed you back then, you would still be here.
They would still have lunch and be close and...
Jihyo shook her head.
'(YN)...please come back...I'm sorry...'
News about your disappearance was all over the school and even news station.
The students in the class at the time gossiped and of course, like any rumor, it spread like wildfire.
Students were chatting about you which led to multiple guesses about why you left.
All Jihyo did was search around and hoped that you will come to school or her home soon. 
She and her parents helped your parents by looking for you at places you have been to.
Jihyo went to each spot that was both her favorite place to go each day, but nothing but hurt and sadness were brought to her as she recalled memories of each place.
She left messages, voicemails, and calls just about every time she picked up her phone hoping you will hear her and come back to her. Each one was apologetic about how she was and that she needed you.
Currently, Jihyo was on her bed, holding onto her phone. She hardly talks at school and rushes home and lays on her bed, watching and waiting on her phone to ring.
Her parents were worried, but they understood that you were important in her life. 
Even though it was only about three months of them knowing each other, you were her first friend here.
You got her adjusted to the school, to the language and showed her around.
And what did Jihyo do...
Break your heart.
Told you to stay away.
That she'd want...
Jihyo just held onto her phone for dear life, she felt empty on the inside and she just wanted to hear your voice, she wanted to be near you.
She just wanted-
Jihyo's eyes widened and answered right away.
"(YN)!" Her hopes were in the positives after what felt like an eternity...only...
It wasn't your voice.
"Who's this?" Jihyo asked sadly.
"It's (Mother's Name), (YN)'s mom." 
Jihyo sat up in bed.
"Did you find him?!"
She started to shake.
"W-where is he?" Jihyo asked frightened.
"Ms. (LN)?"
"...the emergency room."
And that's that. 
Thanks for taking a pause in your life to reading this. Vote/Comment if you want. And thanks again.
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bubblingcolaa · 5 months
Uhm.. I guess.. like.. TW: graphic descriptions of violence TW: implied death & blood/gore.? TW: spoilers. Yeah idk, just proceed with caution
Soo, I'm currently in the process of making an A.U. where the hunters "slowly" kill off everyone else and soon eachother and just.. death. It's all death.
I was just gonna info dump but unfortunately I'm sick and don't have the patience to draw everyone and their ghost designs. So I'd thought I'd just share what I have currently :) (also, I've only came up with the story as far as this so it works out.!)
First, an explanation of how I think ghosts work. (Sorry for crappy handwriting. Maybe I'll translate it later)
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(*also forgot to mention that if the person is screaming when they die, it gets cut off and then finished by their ghost self. So it'd be like AAA- -AHH. kind of. Also, when the person gets into their ghost form, ((if it's not a slow death where they feel their consciousness slip away)), it feels like getting air after being suffocated :3)
Anywho, canon deaths are canon deaths. Basically in this a.u everything happened the same until the whole man hunt with Ralph (this is where Ralph actually got caught and his head got put on a stick.)
So here's mulberry!
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And I didn't do piggy and Simon because I've been drawing piggy a lot so eh. And Simon has a lot of injuries/wounds and I don't feel like drawing that so yeah. Also, I didn't change much about their deaths.
Ralph is the same from my "ghost Ralph a.u." post. Although I forgot to mention that ghost Ralph's voice is very raspy and he can't raise his voice mainly because of his VOCAL CHORDS BEING SHREDDED.
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Now, here's where it gets uhm.. gruesome.
The next person who I would imagine would die is Maurice.
(pretend like I added a hunter paint design. I've been meaning to do that but ehhhh I don't feel like it.)
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I feel like Maurice would realize what the hunters is doing is really wrong, and tried to talk everyone out of it, trying to remind them that they're humans and that they don't kill people, but Jack ignored his rambling. And after a while, Jack got sick of his whining, and threats became actions, and he and Roger started to.. tear him apart, basically.
He's missing two fingers, a ear, a foot, a hand, and an eye. (He lost in that order.)
Don't know if I should make them have a merciful killing, by just like, stabbing Maurice in the heart or something to end his suffering, or for him to slowly die of infection, disease, and exsanguination. (Blood loss)
Uhm. Yeah. So, brutal.
I do have Sam and Eric's deaths made up but I don't really feel like drawing them. (Spoiler alert, they don't die together.)
So that's all I have for now, I'll keep yas updated!
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kizomu · 1 month
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aight people~! ☆
i did some doodlez of eevee hybrid Hikaru! (and minun hybrid Satoru, mainly their regular formz)
and i also had like a little plot description story thingy for it too XD
(alt text iz for if my handwriting iz unreadable)
keep in mind, i'm not az much of a writer (i wrote some crappy Pokemon fanficz before back in 2017-2020) so, if there'z anything wrong then i'm sorry qwq
(i won't be using my typing style so it can be easier to read)
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basically, Hikaru went missing so Kakeru, Satoru and Sayaka went out looking for him until Satoru heard something from the bushez which is revealed to be an Eevee that looks like Hikaru, Satoru called the others to see what he had found, and since Pokemon don't exist in Ape Escape, they just thought that it waz a little fox. eventually they brought the "fox" to the lab with the professor, because they think it was abandoned, they all decide to take care of it until it grew up, on top of looking for Hikaru and so, the fox was given the name "Star", suggested by Satoru because he used to call Hikaru that sometimes. a few weeks when Hikaru, or Star was alone, he somehow managed to transform back to a human, but the down side is that he still has the traits of an Eevee (ears, tail, fluffy collar, paws, nose) and who finds out about this? that's right, Satoru. after explaining to everyone that Hikaru got somehow mysteriously transformed into an Eevee hybrid and that he was fine, the search was over and Hikaru sometimes gets called Star by others.
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lil fun factz!
★ hybridz can use Pokemon movez if they're in their "human" form! and Hikaru'z movez would be: Baby-Doll Eyes, Swift, Tackle and Growl!
★ Hikaru can't evolve
★ Hikaru gave out a familiar feeling to the otherz while the search for him waz happening, especially Satoru and Kakeru
★ Kakeru'z more of a protective guardian type to Hikaru and waz basically worried that something bad happened to Hikaru
★ when Hikaru waz first found, he didn't have hiz band-aid and waz a bit injured
★ yez, Pipotchi iz here in thiz au, he would mostly hang out with Star since he too got that familiar feeling
★ i too have no idea why everyone didn't immediately recognized that it waz Hikaru at first
i'm not sure if i'm gonna still work on it, since i tend to drop many au/story ideaz (╥‸╥)
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Road to Her part 2 — based on Titans 2018
Warning miscarriage, smut again, and it’s kinda long
The second time it happened was because a of mission that went side ways; or what we thought was a mission.
It started on my birthday, well since Tamaran and Earth solar systems count days and year’s differently, it the day that Dick refers to as my Earth birthday. I woke later slightly later then usual because Dick had kept me up late with what called an “early birthday gift” in the form of multiple orgasams. It had been a few months since the miscarriage and we had only just started to have sex again. Though we had filled that gap with talking, we both found sex to be a great stress reliever.
Dick had me pulled tight agains his chest, still asleep and with him being able to wale at the slightest change, I don’t want to move away. We always slept more on my side of the bed, Dick could be a clingy sleeper him claiming that he loved my natural warmth I gave off more than it being the love we shared. But it being closer to my side table was just better for when Dick slept later than I did, I could reach for my phone and wait for him to wake up. I always felt bad waking him when he doesn’t get enough sleep.
As I reached for my phone there was a purple envelope propped up with my name written in gold in Dick’s handwriting. I grabbed it and turned it over to find a note: I wanted to be the first to give you a gift but please wait until I’m up to open this. With love, Dick.
“Well than,” I said to myself and started to get out of the bed.
“Kory,” Dick said sleepily at the suddenly movement. “ is everything alright?”
“Yes. Everything is fine, just going to the bathroom.” Sorry not sorry.
I did a shorten version of my morning routine and when I came out Dick was sitting up leaning against the headboard smirking, as he fanned himself with the purple envelope.
“This wouldn’t happened to be why you abruptly decided to get up would it?” Dick asked.
“Maybe, but you said to wait and after the work out we had last night I don’t know how much longer you be sleeping.”
I crawled over him on the bed before sitting up, with my legs on either side his, straddling him; one of his hand resting on my thigh as the other held my gift.
“Can I open it now?” I asked reaching for it.
“After what you just did? I don’t think so,” he replied.
I leaned in for a kiss, stopping just short of our lips meeting, “I’m sorry but why did you set it out if you wanted me to to wait?” I countered.
“I wanted to explain the gift a little, it’s 2 parts. This is the first and I thought it’d better if I said that before you opened it and had to fake a thank you. Or worse you went and said something to Donna and she called to yell at me.”
I kissed him then wrapping my arms around his neck because it was sweet how much though he had put into this gift.
“Wait,” I said pulling away, “ You thought I’d complain to Donna or Rachel before I said something to your face it the gift was crappy?”
“No but when they ask what I got you, they might think its something that it’s not. And I would’ve told them but I wanted to this on my own because you deserve it.”
“Well Grayson, that’s so sweet.”
“Happy Earth Birthday Kory,” Dick in between kisses and holding the last one.
The kiss get deeper as he rolls me onto my back and makes his way down until he’s between my thighs and pushing them open for him. He keeps eye contact as he licks between my folds and I shiver.
“Fuck Dick!” I say because that was hot.
“Your other gift from me is this but this is also for me,” he simply states and goes back to eating my wet pussy.
I grab a fist full of hair and pull him closer, who am I to object to this because he sure as fuck knows what his doing down there. Alternating between suck my clit and lips hard then soft, making them swell for later pleasures.
“Dick, that feels so good. Yes! Like that right there!” I pant, “Can’t take it.”
He’s solely focus on my licking my clit starting hard but slow. Building up that release and has me close to begging.
“Fuuuccck, Dick make me cum.”
He starts to suck on my clit but not hard enough for my release.
I cave “Please, I need to cum.”
I knew he was hold back because fuck my back arches off the bed, my feet plant bringing my hips up closer to Dick faces.
I’m lost in my haze I don’t how Dick manage to roll us and I’m now sitting on my face. Him licking away at my release and seeming to himself. As I try to catch my breaths, I try to push off him but his arms lock around my waist and pull me back onto his face as he sucks on my pussy lip again.
“Keep going then,” I say. Leaning forward to grab the headboard and ride his face. Dick’s grip loosens and is just as talented in this position.
No words just sounds escape my mouth from the way he’s eating me out right now, and has me cumming on his face for the second time this morning. I roll off him easily breaking his grip this time because I need a moment to breath.
He rolls over onto his knees, licking his mouth as he watch me catch my breath.
“I hope you like the present I got you as much the ones your getting now,” he says.
“You’re to have to wait until I get both before I decide.”
He pulls at my legs so I’m no longer leaning on the headboard but right below him. He opens my legs without resistance and lines up.
“Look forward to hearing the verdict,” he says.
I laugh a little, wrapping my legs around him so know that I want him in me. He’s slow and steady at first but as he speeds up and pushes into me harder he leans forward for a kiss steal the noises of pleasure his giving me.
Breaking the kiss he begins to whisper in my ear, “I love you Kory. Fuck, I’ve loved since that first training session and that has done nothing but grow.”
I came after that, Dick shortly after and I was sensitive that the feel his release had me cum again. I was too spent to get up so Dick went and got a cloth to clean us up. The short moment he was gone I was so content with the after glow, I started to actually glow when Dick noticed he smiled.
“Once you stop glowing and can walk we should go out for a birthday brunch,” he said.
“I can walk but waiting until after the glow is smart,” I retorted.
After brunch we wondered into an art gallery Dick had pointed out on the wall back to the tower. The space was large with bright lights and gave a cheery feeling, it made me question of this had been a random stop on my our walk. They were giving out champagne and Dick and I took a glass, sipping as we made our way around the gallery.
“This art is interesting,” I said to Dick.
“Is it similar to the art on Tamaran, in any way?” He asked
“Some of the paintings, like the landscape that just model what’s being painted. On Tamaran there’s many landscapes and Royal portrait around the palace, and a few head sculptures. I don’t recall other much of the art found in non royal places.”
With that sad thought I finished off my drink and headed to the bathroom, Dick followed.
“Kory, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you sad,” he said before I made it through the door.
“You didn’t, I promise,” I said.
When I came out Dick was waiting with a glass of water, some snacks and a smile.
“Is this for me?” I asked smiling.
He nodded, “I want to put the smile back.”
I kissed him on the cheek, squeezing his arm and the water before we continued on our. We made it about 4 paintings before Dick had to run but to the bathroom, releasing he never actually went.
I continue on my own at his request. The next painting that reminded me of the Vegas star system. I could feel the smile spreading across my face.
“Beautiful piece isn’t it?”
I turned to find a short thin man with dark brown un kept hair, in a rumpled grey shirt and khaki.
“Yes,” I agreed trying to both not be rude and also ignore the man.
“It’s a shame the artist didn’t follow model it after earth’s galaxy. Would’ve been better don’t think you?” He trying to continue the conversation.
“All galaxies have their beauty,” I said countering.
“But our is the best, wouldn’t you say? That why all these outsider come here,” his tone getting rude.
I gave him a contempt smile and tried to walk away from this xenophobic conversation but the man grabbed my arm.
“Earth is the best planet and all these outsiders are changing it!” he said voice rising.
“Sir let me go,” I said firmly.
“Say it. Say you agree with me,” he demand.
He seemed to have to no intention of dropping his hand, so I dropped him instead. I toasted my arm up to break his hold and gave him a shove, harder then I meant, as he tumbled back he fell into a server.
“YOU,” he shouted from the ground.
Staff came from every direction to help the 2 up from the ground. Security asking if everybody was alright and what happened.
“I was just discussing art and she pushed me out of the way,” he claimed.
“I was looking at this painting and he came up to me started making xenophobic comments, and when I tried to leave he grabbed and wouldn’t let go,” I stated.
Dick came out of nowhere and was helping the server, a young woman, to get back on her feet before coming to my side.
“She telling the truth,” the server said, “I was walking around saw her alone at the painting and saw the plate she was holding. I went to get from her but someone stopped me for a drink and when I turned back the 2 of them were there. She didn’t look like she liked the conversation and when she went to leave he grabbed her.”
A staff woman who looked like she was charge, touch her and pointed to man and than to the door. Security quick grabbed hold of the man and he was whisked out the door.
“I’m so sorry miss?”
“You can call me Kory.”
“Miss. Kory. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?”
“No it wasn’t your fault.”
“We’ll if that changes please let me know,” she turned and focused on Dick, “Mr. Grayson I’m so glad I got to see you again. You forgot to check off whether you wanted to pick up your art or want it delivered.”
I looked to Dick confused. “Dick what is she talking about?”
“Mr. Grayson here purchased the painting here, Among the Stars, for his girlfriend as a birthday present isn’t that sweet? He described her as his North Star. However the painting has to stay in the gallery for another week to complete the collection.”
Dick cleared his throat and he stepped closer to me, as the woman looked at us for the first time.
“Oh is this …?” she trailed off as Dick nodded.
“Did I ruin …? I am so sorry! I had meant to call you this afternoon but since you’re here I thought, again so sorry.”
“It’s alright,” he assured her and turned to me, “I meant for you to open the bill of sale this morning but we got distracted. And since we were passing the gallery I thought I’d show you the painting and see if I picked one you liked. Do you like it?”
“I love it Dick,” kissing his cheek.
“So,” the woman said, “Pick up or Delivery?”
“Delivery and please call before it leaves?”
“I will make a note. Thank you your business and again sorry about the surprise,” she said and left.
“This is so sweet Dick. It reminds of the Vega’s galaxy.”
“That was the hope. I know you’ve felt a bit lost over the past few month about losing the baby, and that when we have a baby you won’t be able to share some of the things from Tamaran you love. So when I came across this painting while looking for a gift I thought, maybe when you look at this you could feel like you’re in both places,” he said.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard say this much outside of speeches before mission. I felt my eyes start to tear up.
Dick phone chimed as I was about to respond.
“This better be an emergency,” he grumbled. As he read it his smiled returned. “Did you see everything you wanted?”
“Yes, why?”
“You’re final birthday surprise was just confirmed.”
“Another gift?” I asked. Dick said nothing as he led us to the door and back to the tower.
Dick had been silently refusing to answer my questions about the surprise gift. As the door opened I stepped out to him blocking his path.
“Dick what is this surprise? You’ve already given me an amazing painting, a lovely brunch, and 4 or-”
He cut me off with a kiss and started walking me backwards through the short hallway before spinning me around.
“SURPRISE!!!” They all shouted.
Rachel, Gar, Tim, Donna, Connor and Krypto were all standing under a banner that read Happy Earth Birthday Kory! in purple and gold paint.
“You guys,” was all I could say. They all vaguely claimed to be busy to this weekend to celebrate when I had asked them. Yes I’d been a little disappointed and grew to love the idea of celebrating birthdays the way earth does, with just close family and friends.
This was the first time we had all been together in awhile. The first couple of months when they found out about losing the baby, they each stopped by to check in with Dick and I. I swear Dick and Donna created a schedule, someone was there every few days but I’m glad Dick got just as much support that he was giving me, and Donna got a break from our grief.
“So what we’re saying about the gifts you’ve already received?” Gar teased.
“Oh! Dick just showed me the painting he found that looks like the Tamarean star system Vega. For the times I might be a little home sick.”
“Who knew Dick could be so sweet,”’ Connor continued to tease bumping Gard shoulder.
“Be more like Kory and you’d know,” Dick countered, “but she one of s kind. So I guess you’re out of luck.”
“I got to add an Amazonian flower to my greenhouse,” I said, “and it’s been thriving for 3 weeks.”
Recapping my earth birthday celebration to my alien gardening group. There were 6 of us who meet up monthly to discuss our experiences with gardening plant from our home world and Earth plants.
Last year for my birthday Connor had brought us to this Out of this World bar he learned was an alien focused place during his time with Superman. Often found in many cities if you knew where to look. They respect the age requirement of the person home world, so they would o my serve Dick, Donna, and I but allowed to Rachel, Gar, and Tim. Connor put up a bit of an argument stating that he was also Kryptontian but he still didn’t meet their age requirement.
“Sound like these Earth Birthdays are something but I still think how they count their ages weird,” Abby states, “only basing on the revolution of the sun. And not including moon cycles is just odd.”
“It’s not too late to change it, they’ve changed it before,” joked Mayx.
“I’m going to get another drink, before I have to rehash this debate again,” I say as I get up and suddenly feel a dizzy and grab the back of the booth.
“You alright Kory?” Hailee asks.
“Maybe you should just get some water?” Ciree suggests.
“I’m fine but waters probably a good idea.”
As I make my way to bar for some water I text Dick asking him to pick me up early.
“Hey, Kory another round?”
“Just a glass of water please Mike.”
He sets my water down on a napkin with some writing on it: another 2 heat based.
I nod as I drink my water and spill some in the counter, snugging his message. “I’m so sorry Mike I’m not what’s wrong with me today.”
“Trust water is the best thing that can be spilled on this counter,” he jokes.
I close out my tab and head back to my gardening group, “I’m going head out as soon as Dick gets here.”
“Well since your golden retriever just walked in have a good night,” Abby teases as she give Dick a nod hello.
“You really should join us one this nights Dick,” Mayx suggests.
“Thanks but since I’ve killed a cactus, I think I’m a lost cause,” Dick reply’s, “beside this is Kory’s space not mine.”
I stand leave and again feel dizzy, I grab onto Dick arm and he immediately grips me arms to steady me.
“Kory?” he worries.
“I’m alright,” I says after a moment, “just got a little dizzy again.”
“Again?” He asks.
“I just got a little dizzy earlier, but I’ll be fine. I’m going to lay down when we home.”
“Ok, let’s go,” he says leading with his arm around my waist to the car.
“That’s all the information I got: 2 more aliens with heat based abilities have gone missing,” I tell Dick the next morning over coffee. He’s been hovering all morning, still worried and even suggesting we call Dr. Haz’le but I feel fine today.
“Maybe we should look at the security footage from where the others last know locations we’ll see something different this time,” I suggest, “or we can go there and see if we find something new?”
“Are you feeling up to that?”
“Dick, I swear to X’hal if you ask me that one more time,” I talk a deep breathe. “You what know I’m going to stay here and monitor security and test heat signatures . Maybe will get an idea of how these guys are hiding them.”
I make my way towards the door not waiting for a argument.
“Kory maybe I should go, it could be a trap. You’re an alien with heat based abilities, similar to those that have gone missing not because I don’t think you can handle yourself,” Dick states.
“Nice try Grayson, that’s the exact reason I should go and if it is a trap I have total faith that you’d find me,” I says with a smile.
“Absolutely not!”
“It’s just recon Dick. We can have the team on standby.”
“Or I go with you and the team can track us both and if something happens they can be there within second.”
“Fine, we’ll both go.”
Gar and Rachel were excited to do a mission with us but after explaining they’d be monitoring security and heat readings as backup they were less excited.
“Alright we have your locations,” says Gar through the coms, “Kory have we ever checked your thermal imaging before, cause your off the charts right now.”
“Let me see,” Rachel says, “Gar’s right. Remember a few years ago at Star labs, they checks and it was nowhere near this level.”
“Korys alway been hot,” Dick says, “ Now can we focus, one of these stores must be used to vet for what they’re looking for.”
We walk down the street like a couple looking to do some shopping, I reach for Dick hand.
“That being alien with heat abilities, and why were using Kory as bait,” Rachel commented.
“Yes,” I say the same time Dick says “No.”
“Korys not bait, this is recon only,” Dick firmly states holding the door of our third store.
“We’ll don’t you the two of you make a lovely couple!” a cheery store lady says pulling a clips from behind her back, “my name is Glenda. Now before we get started I just have a few questions: what days the wedding?”
We’ve walked into a bridal shop.
“We haven’t picked one yet, we’re looking to get some estimates before deciding on the budget of attire,” response quickly. Touching Dick shoulder hoping he’ll snap out of whatever state he’s in.
“We’ve lost visual. Thermal scans show at least 5 people in the building,” Rachel tells us through chuckles.
“Alright,” she notes rapidly fire the questions from her list “what styles would you prefer?”
“I … I don’t know.”
“Would you be open to colours other then white?”
“Do you want your bridesmaids in a similar style and how many do you have?”
“No and maybe 3?”
“Is there a chance that your pregnant?”
“Um,” I say at the touchy topic.
“Is there a way we can just look around and let you know what we like to answer these questions,” Dick asks as he squeezes my hand.
“Of course please come find me when you’re ready.”
We make our way to some racks and pretend to shift through them.
“Hey, are you okay?” Dick asks.
“Yeah, the question just through me,” I says.
The lights flickered just then.
“Sorry about that folks, old building couldn’t handle the power surges like it used to,” Glenda calls. “Please enjoy some of the complimentary champagne.”
“Was that a power surge?” dick asks Gar and Rachel.
“Looks like it was something. I’ll keep looking into it,” Gar said.
I flipped through some more dresses with Dick, and Glenda came over with a flute of champagne and hand each of us one. Pulling the clipboard from under arm preventing any chance of protest she asks, “So find any styles you like?”
“This one,” I say pulling out the in my hand.
“Ah the ball gown is popular with those that wish to look like a princess on their wedding day. Cheers,” she says looking at our full glasses.
Dick and I look at each and take a snip. Glenda looks directly, “now why don’t you pick a few more you like before try them on and get a feel for them. I’ll be back in a few minutes for the other dresses, and let me know when your ready for a refill.”
“Thank you Glenda,” I say taking another sip the champagne.
“Gar can we get an update on that power surge?” Dick ask.
There’s no answer as I fake interest in a few more dress, pulling them and having Dick look at them.
“Let’s look at some them over by the window,” I say, hoping we can get in touch with Gar and Rachel. Dick follows behind me.
As we reach the rack, I stumble a little lightheaded. Dick catches me and leads me over to a black viewing couch.
“Is she alright?” Glenda asked appearing behind Dick.
“Kory, hey look at me,” he says., “keep you’re eyes open.”
I try to force them open to look at him, but they’re so heavy. The last thing I see is the worry in Dick’s eyes.
“Kory, Kory. Wake up, please wake up,” I says gently shaking her shoulders. I reach for her neck to get a pulse and take breath feeling its still there.
As I reach around for my phone to call Gar and Rachel, I don’t know why the com aren’t working, I feel a sting in my arm.
“What the fuck?” asking Glenda as I jerk away from the needle she jammed in my arm but she’s already pushed down the syringe.
“Thank you for bringing her to us. We’ll take it from here,” she states, “ move aside.”
I stand, moving in front of Kory, “she’s not going anywhere with you.”
“I think she is. We tend to water down the dosage with champagne but since you didn’t drink enough to affect you. That shot to your arm wasn’t as watered down,” Glenda says.
“Take me in her place,” I says, my words slurring a bit. Where are Gar and Rachel?
“Sadly you cannot provide what we want from her,” she shaking her head.
“Wwhhat … do you … wannnt with her?” I says watching her coworkers for any movement I won’t let them take her.
“Doesn’t matter you won’t be awake long enough.”
She’s right, I can’t stay awake anymore, I fall to ground against my will; my body and brain not listening as I scream at it to move to protect Kory.
“Dick, WAKE UP,” I hear Rachel scream.
I felt as if I was shocked, “where’s Kory?”
Rachel and Gar were front of me, Gar spoke “We don’t know. Whoever these people are, they mirrored heat signatures during the supposed power surge and had two people shift into you two, and leave the store and disappear.”
“Korys heat signature, you said it was off the charts. Can we track it?”
“It’s gone. After we’d tried to fix the coms and calling you a few times but nothing was going through. I’m sorry did but they must’ve taken her to wherever the others are to hide it,” Rachel tells me.
“How’d to find me?” I ask.
“Bruce’s tracker gave us the area, his sense of smell,” pointing to Gar “and me sensing you we found you. We’re about 5 block away from the store we lost sight of you,” Rachel says.
I move to get up, and head in the directions back to the store to get answers.
“How long was out?”
“Couple hours,” Gar says.
“So they couldn’t have gone far,” I say, “but they must’ve headed under ground. Likely the only way to hide abnormal heat signatures.”
“Where are you going? Cause we’re going to need information about who took her and a plan to get her back,” Rachel reasons.
Gar grabs my shoulder, “Connor and Donna are back at the tower doing a speedy deep dive into the stores background. We can make a plan with what they’ve found and you can tells us what happened before we found you.”
I stop understanding his reasoning.
“We’ll get her back Dick,” Rachel says. I nod at there words, knowing Kory would want us to make a plan before trying to save her.
Rachel creates a portal for us, something she learned since being more accepting of her powers, and we walk into the tower.
Donna and Connor turn to us, Donna comes over and squeezes me in a tight a hug, “we’ll get her back Dick.”
“Here’s what we found: the business is obviously a front, only been there a few months, but according to the satellite images the building has advanced tech built into it,” Connor tells us. “The building can mirror bodies to make it appear that people are still there when they’re not and shapeshifters wearing that same tech can model people leaving. And the walls are lined with lead.”
“The mirroring only works temporarily and takes a huge amount of power. The building essentially has there own power grid to maintain that, so wherever they’ve taken Kory and the others likely are far,” Donna says.
“They’re probably underground to and using their tech to hide heat signatures,” I say.
“That’s what we were thinking,” Donna agrees. “Before Gar left he suggested we use Bruce’s satellite to pull up previous thermal image of the missing aliens, scan the areas around the store to see if we can weed out how they’re hiding them.”
“Did you find any of them?” Rachel asks.
“We didn’t find but when we looked for Kory’s we found something,” Connor said looking to Donna.
“What?” I ask.
“Korys heat signatures were off the charts today,” Donna continued “so we looked back to see if this has been consistent for her.”
“Guessing by that sentence, Kory’s s has spike recently,” Gar says.
“Yes,” Donna says, looking at me until I make eye contact, “and this spike also happened a few months ago Dick. We’re pretty sure they’ve been monitoring Kory, more her powers, for awhile and when they saw this spike again, they wanted to know the how and why.”
“Fuck,” I say.
I wake up with a killer head ache and realize I can’t move my arms or legs.
“Good your awake!” That cheer voice says, “now if you could answer some brief questions we can get started.”
I turn to look at the voice, it’s Glenda from that shop Dick and I were searching for clues to the missing aliens. So I guess we found it.
“Where’s Dick?” I ask.
“He’s not of importance,” she says brushing off my question, “now a few months ago we noticed a spike in your heat signature and when you use your fire abilities. The spike lasted for a few weeks then dropped, and recently spiked again. Can you tell me why?”
“How long have you been watching me?”
“Please answer the question. If you don’t know the answer we’ll have run every test to find the answer.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say and begin to pull at my restraints and met with a painful zap.
“Please refrain from doing that and tell me why there has been a spike in you abilities,” she says tapping away on tablet.
“There’s been no spike,” I say, pulling again and met with a stronger zap. “Fuck! Why does it matter to you?”
“Because,” says a male voice, “these spikes have been reported in other galaxies just before a star dies and kills every planet in a supernova.”
“You,” I says. It’s the short guy from the art gallery who ruined my earth birthday surprise from Dick.
“Starfire, if you do not know the cause of these reading,” he continues “you should be working with us to helps us prevent you from going supernova and killing everyone on the planet.”
“Does it looks like I’m dying?” I ask annoyed.
“We understand that Tamaraneans have a longer life span than human and looks can be deceiving. So maybe this is what your people do to save your planet; leave to live out your last few years on another, and keep Tamara’s safe from dying stars.”
“That is the stupidity fucking thins I’ve ever heard,” I say. I get zapped again as I pull on my restraints.
“You should stop that. The table and restraints are designed to administer a shock when it sense resistance. And the shocks will only increase each time, including when it sense your abilities,” he informs me.
“And what gives you the confidence that you know my abilities well enough to know this room can hold me?” I say, my eyes and skin starting to glow with starfire because now I’m pissed.
He looks to Glenda and nods.
The next shock feels more like a tickle but it’s cold and it’s that cold that’s painful.
“I used to work for Mr. Luther before his death on Project Starfire. During that time I learned a lot about about you and once that project was completed, Mr. Luther asked me to continue researching you. Wondering if your power could rival that of Superman, work I’ve continued to work on for about the past 2 years, without any notable change until the last 5 months. Now tell me what changed?”
“I don’t know,” I say keeping my face neutral.
I was pregnant five months ago, and I realize I’m pregnant again, that’s what the changes have been. However they’ve been monitoring me, they must have detect it.
“I don’t appreciate lying Miss. Anders,” he says coldly, using my name for the first time. He walks over to Glenda and takes the tablet out of her hand and presses a few keys.
I’m hit with that cold shock again, this time longer and I scream.
“Now tell me what changed to cause the spikes?” he says calmly.
“Fuck you.”
“Set the shock to run for 3 minutes intervals every 15 minutes and see how her abilities react. Increase the interval to 5 minutes in an hour. If she won’t tell us we’ll run every test we’ve run on the others until we see the change,” he tells Glenda.
“But sir, the others didn’t survive all the tests,” Glenda states.
Dick and the team will find us, speaking silently to myself and our baby, we just have to hold until then.
“She will,” he states as they leave the room and the shocks start.
It likely wouldn’t be long before they learn Kory was pregnant with them looking for possible changes to her body to cause energy spikes.
I would do anything to get Kory and put baby back and I warned the team of this before we left the tower.
The team and I cut the power to the store and entered through the back. There were at least 3 employees, all of whom were there when Kory was taken, and we took them by surprise quickly. Rachel, Donna, and I spoke to them while Gar, Gar, and Tim who was for caught up on our way there, searched for clues.
“Now you can tell us where Kory nicely or one of my friend here is going to take the information,” I tell them.
“She’s dangerous right now but we’re going to help her. She needs to be with us,” one lady says.
“Dangerous?” Rachel asks.
“Her abilities are unstable, spiking and dropping in the past couple of months. She could kill the planet,” another lady says.
“Where is she?” I ask again trying to be patient but when it comes to Kory’s safety that has never been my strong suit.
“She must be stabilize,” the First Lady states.
“Hey I think I found something,” Gar calls.
“Stay on them,” I tell Donna and Rachel.
I make my way over to Gar, Tim, and Connor hovered over a tablet moving along the back wall.
“What is it?”
“There’s something behind the wall but there’s also something in the wall that were not sure happen if just created an opening,” Gar says.
“How long would it take to find the opening?” I ask anxiously.
“We don’t know,” Tim answers.
“We can’t wait for uncertainty,” I turn to ask Rachel to pull the information from the women’s mind, “Raven.”
I hear Rachel say “No” as the ground begins to shake. I grabbed the counter to catch my balance.
When the shaking stops I look back the guys and look towards Donna and Rachel. Donna is holding Rachel up, she looks like she in pain and when she looks at me I know it’s not her pain she feels but Kory’s.
“No,” I whisper back.
After an hour and a half of their shocks I feel it. That same pain I felt when I lost our baby the first time, my eyes start to tear.
I let the pain of losing her and the pain of the shock flow through me, combining it with my anger at this lab what they’ve done. I call my all my Starfire needing to let this pain and anger out, the pain for losing my baby again is overwhelming.
The explosion is a mini supernova; breaking my restraints and burning everything in the lab. I roll off the table, hugging myself and let the tears fall freely for how long I’m not sure.
“Kory? Kory!?” I hear familiar voices calling my name and start to get up. Making my way through the burned lab leaning against the wall as I go.
She’s the first one I see. Dick is right behind her, he pushing past to her and I fall into him, his arms wrapping tightly around me.
“Dick!” I cry into his shoulder.
“I got you. I got you Kory,” he says into my ear.
“Dick I,” I pull away to look into his eyes, I have to tell him “I … I was.”
Looking down I see one of my arms is still hugging my torso. Dick places a hand on my arm and I look up at him.
“I know,” he tells me, “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here sooner.”
“While searching for you we’d figured it out and Rachel felt your pain,” he says, “the same pain as before.”
I look towards the rest of the team, a mix of relief and sadness across their faces.
“Let’s go home,” Dick says standing pulling me up with him. When we’re standing me pick me up into his arms.
“Clear any of the remaining hard drives, and set up a virus’s for any computer that tries to access the files remotely,” he tells the rest of team as we leave.
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thesoulspulse · 2 months
Finally, some good news! It's not much but I'll take it. I just found the original doodles I made with some concepts of mine from an old fanfic that later became the namesake of this blog. It also contains most of the inspiration for Owen's main necromancy powers, such as using blue spirit flames, shared memories through his family bloodline, and the glowing butterflies only he can see. You'll have to excuse my crappy handwriting from back then but I corrected as much as I could in text form so you can get a general idea of what I'm saying.
For context the fanfic was "Twinless," a story about twins that came from a manga called Kyo Kara Maou named Yelshi and Saralegui. Yelshi is a necromancer and at the time that was all I knew about him along with how their mother traded her life for Saralegui's when he came into the world as a stillborn and had to be sent away for his own safety because the shadow of death threatened to reclaim her child. There's an anime adaptation for this series too but Yelshi doesn't exist in it at all. I didn't find out until later what Yelshi looks like until more of the manga was finally translated into English.
Manga: Yelshi is on the left and Saralegui is on the right. In my doodle though they look exactly the same so keep that in mind.
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Story Concept Doodles: Again, sorry my old writing is so hard to read. Lolz
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The Soul's Pulse: The ability to manipulate, compel or control another person's spirit by taking hold of the spirit's essence, otherwise known as 'the soul's pulse.'
Unlike hypnotism, this power can even control the souls of the dead. So, in other words, it is actually a form of necromancy that can be applied to the living but is especially potent on those who have experienced near death or whose souls are reincarnated.
This rare skill is used by looking into the eyes of the victim, if they are alive. and using one's own 'pulse' to control theirs. As for controlling the dead, this power requires the host to have a living link to the person being summoned, one who has a ‘blood memory’ of that individual...
In extreme cases, this power can be used to temporarily resurrect a spirit and act as their anchor to the living world. And lastly, there is another one that only one of the "Twin Kings” in the age-old prophecy can use to exchange one life for another who has died.
Wisps (candlights):
Wisps are spirits that are often attracted to those who possess the power of necromancy or over the soul's pulse! They usually only appear when a 'Flame' is lit or when a soul is lost and bound to the spirit world with unfinished business. Acting as guides, wisps tend to cluster around the objects or places that a spirit is bound to, sometimes even around possessed people.
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loserboyfriendrjl · 10 months
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[Dear Saintchaser, Congratulations on 3K! You’re amazing and you really deserve it tbh! Also, we’ll ignore this is a bit late and pretend it’s not, alright? I remember when I first found your page I kinda thought of you as a mini-celebrity (and I still do), lol. The first time you interacted with my blog I was hella excited, and now we’ve been mutuals for some time already. I really love your blog and your posts. Anyway, sorry for the sorta crappy handwriting. I wish you very, very well and good luck in life.
-Cruciomyself (Asher) <3]
(Also 🏞️ and/or 🎹 if you want to do any of them, and again, Congrats <3)
oh, i love this! i think dorcas, it’s a bit of a scraggly cursive but it’s easy to read, and thank you for the wishes! here is your pinboard, and here is your playlist
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hex-craft-art · 2 years
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Guess who replayed Stick of Truth recently
I replayed the whole thing at least 5 times to collect all the Steam achievements
Here’s some (mostly) quick drawings of some of my favourite South Park characters in their Stick of Truth outfits
I decided to have Pete and Firkle (the goth kids) holding hands because I have a headcanon that Pete kinda acts as Firkle’s older sibling and Firkle relies on him for comfort. IDK how to explain it, whatever
Pete and Firkle gave me hell when drawing holy shit
Also added a short conversation between Tweek and Pete. Sorry if you can't read my crappy handwriting
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sour-scree · 1 year
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Hi uh I feel like I should make an introduction post for whatever reason.
I’m Piper but you can call me Pipsqueak or Sour! (she/they) I really like listening to music and doodling random silly things whenever I feel like it because it makes me happy. I also have crappy handwriting and talk a lot sometimes.
I have a lot of special interests, but some things I’m currently pretty fixated on are object shows, LPS, lemon demon, tally hall, they might be giants, and a lot of children’s media/vintage stuff. Please talk to me about any of these as it would make me really happy :’)
I have an extremely inconsistent art style so sorry if it keeps changing constantly
Feel free to use my art as an icon, as long as you credit me somehow!!
I’ll probably post random rambles and art here relating to my own characters, or any of the interests labeled above. Feel free to request characters for me to draw uhh sorry if I don’t get to it though because I’m like super duper good at procrastinating. Anyway, hope you enjoy your stay, thank you!
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justalileepguy · 8 months
Pelipper Mail!
Its a Birthday Card. The front reads "To the old man in my life."
The inside reads "HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDPA." A highly compressed version of Happy Birthday also plays when its opened.
Handwritten, however is,
"hey whats up lily sorry for the crappy handwriting. happy birthday. i didnt have any good birthday cards so i asked corvi to get me one and this is what i got. wow 22 youre finally older than me. i will look to you for sage advice i guess.
your favorite, possibly second favorite, dork
The Pelipper also delivers a handmade cat toy, a stick with a string attached, and a tough black Corviknight feather tied to the end.
Thank you!
I mean honestly 22 isn't far off from Lileep and Cradily grandpa age haha. If you want any questionably sage advice I will be glad to provide it haha
[Video: Lily shaking the cat toy around Sils head. The cat looks annoyed at first, and meows something at Lily that makes the Lileep chuckle. After a few more seconds, however, Sil does indeed take the bait and pounce on the toy.]
Just because she's a little gremlin that can get into all my most vulnerable and personal secrets doesn't mean she won't still chase the toy :)
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jadeofalltrades · 2 years
Finished Double Life and all I could think was "I could make a Venn Diagram out of this"
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Love these weirdos, nobody does it like them <3
Anyways the vibes of this season were so chaotic and amazing, gonna go rewatch all of the povs again and no one can stop me
Edit: I have made amendments because you guys are so right Impulse and Bdubs are Unhinged
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“You’re going to be okay.”
spontaneous comfort fanart. i’m… going to try and stop a certain habit of mine.
i looked at a ref; also, this is a rough sketch, so forgive any inconsistencies or weird proportions lol.
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epwhales · 6 years
Something I've always wanted to see: Erik learning there's a whole group of fabs who love and accept him for who he is? Thanks!
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You deserve it, you silly skeleton man.
Okay, wow thank you so much for waiting so patiently!! Sorry this took so long to answer (this is one of the longer comics I’ve done so far). I was feeling a little sick since Monday, but my god your request and others’ have given me the energy to fight the cold!
My interpretation of Erik is pretty sappy and he’s a sad old skeleton man, but realistically I think he would either deny the affections for a while until he finally accepts them. Or maybe he even becomes more confident! Who knows.
Thanks for the request! I loved this!!
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