#i get that they're more recognisable or whatever but if you're writing about a specific type of bat
bat-connoisseur · 7 months
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WHY is this the first result for the hairless bat. that bat is not hairless. its not even in the same family. that's some kind of fucking myotis* and not the member of molossidae I wanted to see!!!!!
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consumeroflemoans · 4 months
So some more small stuff for the lighthouse AU, on an unrelated note I've also been considering giving myself an anon name considering my insistence on announcing myself along with the amount of asks I send in
Vil comes to in a tub of water looking up at the weirdest looking eighteen year old he's ever seen staring at him with all the subtlety of a screaming sperm whale
As mentioned when first meeting they did not get along, Vil was downright personally offended by Idias lack of effort and readiness to just give up, when he asked the guy who's supposed to keep everyone safe, who's supposed to be a wall between the inhabitants of the very waters he lives in and that which craves to invade them how to get out he was laughed at!
Idia cannot stand how much of a fuss Vil is making, like it's such a big deal to be trapped here, he's been doing it since he was like four feet tall and He's Fine and he just can't shake off the bitterness of having to endure this shit for longer after thinking that maybe, just maybe something could work out
But when you forcefully live together you're bound to see each other a lot, though Idia tries to spend as much time upstairs as possible because it's not like Vil could go there and Vil has definetly splashed Idia with the water in his tub at least once
In that regard I also think that as soon as they would start actually getting closer and being friendly with each other Idia would be constantly overthinking everything, you have to remember Idia hasn't even seen a living persons face in eight years, if your only exposure to what interaction is supposed to be like are the story books you took with you when you were ten, whatever writings the former keepers of the lighthouse left you with, believe me they weren't any more well-adjusted, and whatever the ghosts of the shipwrecked scream at you, while he's fully expecting for everything to go completly wrong, he's also... Eager he thinks, kind of excited he thinks, he hasn't felt that in a good while
So he's really intent on not fucking it up, takes out his most well loved books and scrunges up whatever melancholic reflection on past love he can get out of the diaries and the ghosts wailing and writes himself up a list of Things-That-Vil-Will-Definetly-Like, needless to say Vil is very confused
Vil doesn't have much knowledge on what happens above sea, there's a reason merfolk is only seen in myths and fables on land, but he tries to fill in Idia as best has he can on any major changes and advances made while he was absent and lets him compare what his books say with his own experiences
The whole tower is filled with tinkering and little knick knacks made out of whatever Idia could get his hands on while bored, Vil is fascinated, there's at least one of those incredibly elaborate marble runs set up throughout the tower though it's started catching dust by now, Vil specifically takes a liking to a small metal crafted merman Idia made out of some of the cutlery in his second year there, it used to be part of a lovingly made mobile (I'm not sure about that translation so I'm adding a description: One of those things you hang up and they have stuff hanging from them) with little figures of everything he wanted to see and everything he misses, with the sticks being made out of the wood from his and Orthos boat, that he used to stare at, it's long been stuffed into a drawer and the string has come loose, the metal has rusted, as Vil leaves it is with it clasped in his hands
Giving the symbol of your lost hope to the person you believe in more than anyone, who has made you believe more than anyone and such
When he looks around he notices something odd about the ceiling as well, someone drew on it, little dots of ink, some are connected, but they're smudged like someone tried to remove them and then he recognises that they're stars
The area around the lighthouse is an odd thing, the sky never seems to be visible, it's always equally dark and equally empty as if something had swallowed up every heavenly body or the universe itself was too scared to look upon these waters
Also great to hear the enthusiasm about the sea monsters, I always love when I can put some kind of creature into something, in the last ask I tried to imply that the place they're trapped in has something very wrong with it, what I was imagening was that the monsters do not evolve to fit the area they're in, but the very space and reality around them warps to fit itself to them ever so slowly, shifting the laws of nature which is also why the lighthouse keeper gets progressively more fucked up and non-human looking the longer he does his job
At some point Idia tries his damndest to put his weak noodle arms into action and "carries", more accurately drags, Vil all the way up the stairs of the lighthouse while his tail bumps into every step and Idia is wheezing out his breaths until they eventually reach the top and Vil gets to overlook the space they're trapped in for the first time as the light roams over the waves
POV Mer Vil Schoenheit learns what depression is
No but actually I love the thought of Vil and Idia disliking each other at first before getting to know each other. They’re very different people and they’ve had their idealized versions of each other shattered. But they’re stuck together so they have to get along.
Mmmmgm I love the thought of Idia reading books to Vil and explaining the concepts inside of them. Vil may not even be able to read human languages and even if he can, Idia’s not risking water damage on the only source of entertainment he has.
Vil watching Idia, fascinated by all these human concepts is so cute to me.
ALSO I love the thought of Vil being fascinated by little trinkets. The fish brain going oooh shiny.
Oooh damn I love your ideas with the lighthouse itself. The actual water adapting to fit the creatures that inhabit it is fascinating. Mmmgngn this could have some really fun horror aspects to it and man I love me some water based horror.
OMG IM SOBBJNG Idia with his twig arms trying to haul a whole ass fish man up a lighthouse is a hilarious thought. But Vil gets what he wants and that man is seeing the outside.
Man I want them to be happy so much, but also the angst here is too good. They deserve to kiss and also suffer
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loyalhorror · 1 year
🍊- what sort of language do you use when referring to yourself/your system? What’s your reasoning?
i alternate between considering myself "a person with DID", "a system of dissociated parts," and just like... "i have a DID system", idk. i generally use fairly medical terminology because a) it resonates more with me and b) i don't really like the anti-psychiatry stuff in wider DID circles even if i understand and agree with some aspects of it.
for alters, i kind of default to saying 'parts' and i think that's because i'm still kind of self-conscious about calling them alters because of the misinformation around DID? idk.
i also use 'multiple' rather than 'plural' for myself!
🍉- what are your collective interests?
we all vibe pretty hard with just like, character creation and roleplay/writing i think! also like, poetry/words/storytelling. there's something about narrative and the telling of stories that fucks with all of us real good.
🍇- do you have a big sweet tooth? Who’s the worst of the bunch?
hmm not really, i don't think? i (bard) am usually the one who eats/deals with all that shit anyway so i guess it would be me!
🍍- what’s one thing an alter/part loves, that another one hates?
max is one of the only alters that can really front strongly enough for his influence to override my own and that fucker loves black coffee, the freak. if i remember right, HAL also likes chamomile tea, which i HATE.
🍅- ..what’s your controversial opinion? (warning for sys.course i guess? but specifically just 'here's a misconception about disordered vs non-disordered multiplicity/plurality I see a lot', rather than any kind of 'you dont exist' bullshit)
A lot of people (I would argue most/all of them, honestly) who think they're endo.genic do, in fact, meet the criteria for DID but they think that because their alters only appeared later in life, or because their alters come from traumas that happened later in life, they don't/can't have DID.
That isn't how it works, though it's a very understandable misconception - it's kind of like... the initial trauma* happens in childhood and prevents your personality from fully integrating, but you might not necessarily have or remember having 'full alters' at that age, particularly not ones that take the form of anything you'd register as an alter as an adult.
*(which, again, can be anything - DID isn't caused by certain types of trauma, it's caused by prolonged childhood exposure to perceived danger that there's no perceived escape from, and that can be anything when you're a child)
Then as you get older, new traumas can split new alters or bring out pre-existing ones. It doesn't mean those new traumas caused your plurality - you already had a dissociative disorder to begin with, you just hadn't developed these particular symptoms of it yet. When I was a kid I still had DID, but Max (the first alter I recognised) didn't show up properly as his own entity until I was about 17-18 - until then I just thought I had weird episodes of being very detached or angry, and that my personality would 'shift' unpredictably, that my memory issues were caused by stress or ADHD or whatever else, etc etc.
Finally: I'm not saying non-DID plurality doesn't exist, because the human brain is fucking weird and I think denying someone's experience based off of "well I think it IS a childhood trauma disorder and not what you say it is" would be kind of fucking stupid (and I also don't personally think DID is the only form of plurality that exists anyway - I just think it's the only one that can be called a system of dissociated parts, you know? it's still plurality/multiplicity, just not necessarily the same as mine even if there's overlap). This is just a VERY common misconception I see a lot, where people think that their alters don't come from DID because it wasn't a childhood trauma that formed them, and it's like... No, the childhood trauma gave you the potential to form those alters in the first place. It's still--most likely--DID.
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palmviolet · 2 years
could you please tell us more about the eddie s1 fic? what inspired you to write it, what can you tell us without spoiling it.
hi! so originally i had the idea for better by you, better than me mainly because i wanted to see eddie and early seasons joyce interacting (coming from my joyce stan roots lol) and the angle to do that in a meaningful way was have him be involved from the beginning. i then saw a lot of tweets about eddie and s1 steve and what that would look like, so i got to thinking — it's also a very rewarding way to explore eddie's character, because you're looking at him nearly three years before the events of s4, so we can see what's changed, what's the same about him, how he got to where he is.
as for the fic itself, without spoilers, it starts at the very beginning of s1 and proceeds through the events of the show, with eddie getting increasingly involved, roped in by outside forces. each chapter roughly corresponds to an episode of the show, though there will be several chapters spanning the gaps between seasons. i'm at around 25k words so far and i intend to take it all the way to s4, and how that's different with eddie having known everything already (so we're looking at a wordcount of 150k+ lmao)
i've also been wanting to do a really deep, close look at eddie and the world of hawkins more generally for a while. this fic is going to be long and packed with detail and it's going to deal with the central themes of class dynamics and masculinity, specifically father-son dynamics, which are alluded to in the show but frequently neglected. whereas for better by you, better than me, they are the cornerstones.
i've got four playlists for this fic, each corresponding to a season of the show — they're completely period-accurate, so for example vol 1 features exclusively songs released in or before the week of the 6th of november 1983, and take into account what was popular in the charts around then etc. they can be found here: vol 1, vol 2, vol 3, vol 4.
finally, here's an excerpt from the beginning!
Bleary eyes and a clang from the door; Eddie wakes to raw ice in his chest and a gritty feeling in his mouth, like road salt. Padded bench thin and utterly uncomfortable beneath him. It takes a second for vision to meet brain and connect; he says a silent prayer for his neurons, fried by whatever Rick gave him last night, those precious little jumper cables. Maybe something really is listening, because, eventually, they spark. He recognises the room.
“He wakes,” someone says. The guy opposite him, an older guy with a belly, baseball cap pulled down over his eyes like a sleep mask. “Thought you were dead for a second there, kid, how much did you drink?”
i'm so excited to start posting it and i hope you enjoy it!
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my-reality-my-rules · 3 years
I was wondering how to stay motivated when you haven’t shifted yet but are starting to lose hope.
Thanks for answering my question!
Have a good day.
[thanks for this ask!]
well, one of the main things that kept me going were angel numbers. truthfully, if it weren't for them, I'd have thought shifting and manifestation were all just one big fat lie. it had been around two months after I'd discovered about shifting itself, and i was getting impatient on getting results. i haven't received any at all, save for the first night i actually tried it. I'll admit it was more on the toxic influence of social media then (ahem tiktok), and i had been a baby shifter who was severely misinformed on a lot of things. a lot of people said that asking for angel numbers helped! i called bullshit, initially. even though i was curious on trying out shifting, some part of me simply didn't want to engage in what i had then thought to be of the supernatural.
out of a desperate moment, i asked for the angel numbers. it doesn't have to be anything grand. just a small request. before sleeping, i laid awake for a while, just thinking about what it'd be like to finally shift. i thought of the things i could never have, not here, and made a last attempt for the night. that's it. it had only been a simple, 'Whoever or whatever's listening to me, from out there, just send me a sign, please. Angel numbers. Something small that reminds me why I started this in the first place.'. and i went to sleep.
it wouldn't be until after three or four days that i started receiving them. i do remember feeling discouraged about it, when i didn't immediately get the results i wanted. but slowly, they started appearing. on the time, on the number of likes a comment has, in books, in the length of a video, on things I'd type half-asleep (I'm not kidding on that last one lmao). it went strong for a few months, now that i think about it. and it felt nice, you know? to me, even if it felt like the angel numbers were more a reminder that i was procrastinating on shifting, at least i had something to keep me going.
another thing that's really been lifting my spirits up are subliminals! not necessarily shifting subliminals, if you will. manifestation ones, boosters, what have you. there's a lot of them on youtube, and there's usually a specific one for the intent you want to manifest. for this one, i highly recommend listening to moza morph, kapelsu, and Enchanted Workshop's subliminals! they're the ones i frequently use, and so far, they've been doing wonders for me. here's a link to my personal playlist, if you're interested. i add onto it every other day or so, when i find another sub that i like. I'm actually listening to it right now lol.
I've been in somewhat of a...well nothing's going wrong at the moment, but nothing right is, either. i didn't realise how demotivated i had actually been when i went on a subliminal binge last week. there's been a lot to do lately, and for some reason, listening to my favourite songs made me panic (??) instead of making me feel slightly relieved of the situation. so, i turned to subliminals. good lord, i actually finished most of my school tasks. christ that one luck/success really worked. i can't even put it in the right words—subliminals and subliminal makers are an absolute fucking godsend.
if you feel as if there's some kind of blockage when you're shifting, then try the smaller day-to-day-type subliminals first (ex., improved writing, clearer senses, better sleep, heightened attention span, get work done, etc.). build it up, and when you're comfortable enough, you can try moving on to shifting subs and/or guided meditations. the biggest tip that i can give when listening to them is to wholeheartedly assume you're already where you want to be. you need to believe in it, to see your results. it's all in the mind—which brings me to my next point.
i can't stress this one enough. if you truly think you can't, you won't. i don't remember the exact quote, or who even said this, but: your actions make your reality. you need to learn how to grow into yourself, to learn how to trust and love yourself.
a lot of people already say that, and it does get tiring to hear time and time again...but they're not wrong. listen, i absolutely abhor toxic positivity—and I'm not saying you should simply up and pretend your struggles are non-existent, because at the end of the day, they do tend to catch up to you. but they also help you heal, and build you to become a better person. maybe it's not what you want to hear, especially if you're at a low point in your life, but nonetheless, it rings true. you survive first, and then you live. it's a process.
shifting can take a lot out of a person, whether you're pursuing it or if you're simply gaining entertainment or inspiration from another's experience. mentally and emotionally, for the most part. it's important you look out for yourself, because again, who'd live out your dreams for you? people find themselves demotivated, but that shouldn't hinder their potential to do so much more. be so much more. I'm not saying this just as a reality shifter, but also as someone who wishes you all the best in general.
i hope this helps! have a good day as well, and happy shifting ❤️❤️
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 4 years
You've Met With A Terrible Fate, Haven't You? || BEN DROWNED
Pairing : Yandere! Ben Drowned X Reader
Genre : Fluff, Angst, Yandere
Summary : Appears as a normal dude, but plot twist he's really not.
Wordcount: 4k lol
WARNINGS : This is fic is labeled as Yandere, for those who don't know what it means: "Somebody who is sweet and kind at first glance. But when it comes to their love (crush)they will act obsessive and violent." - Urban dictionary, poorly (but still disgustingly) described dead people, I know Ben originally doesn't kill but in the story he does, idk? Shit written¿ 
Also disclaimer this is my first time I've tried doing a yandere and it's obviously not my strongest point. Hope you enjoy either way.
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You glance at the abandoned game console which your friend had dumped at your place earlier this day.
According to him, something was very, very, wrong with it. The Nintendo 64 was old, of course, but your friend mentioned not being able to pass the boss battle. He mentioned something along the lines of 'it keeps glitching and Link keeps dying'. In other words ' I know you're a hacker and I suck at this game, please hack it for me so I can feel less like a loser'.
You keep writing the email you're supposed to sent to your boss for another thirty minutes, before letting your curiosity lead you. 
Before you know it, you've plugged in the old console with more cables than originally planned because of how old it is, and with how modern your tv is. The first odd thing that strikes you is that there's only one account on it, and it's not labeled with your friend's name. 
Instead of 'Noah', it's labeled with 'BEN DROWNED' in bold passive aggressive letters.
Simply pushing it to the back of your mind, you start playing.
The second odd thing about the game is that the game has a specific date and it mentions how far BEN, or well, Noah is in the game. Yet when you click it, you have to start all over.
You shrug that off too, simply noting it as the game being old.
Before you know it, several hours pass, and you're finally at the boss battle Noah mentioned. Deciding to see if you can beat it first, you do not plug your laptop in at the Nintendo 64, and opt to play instead.
However just like Noah mentioned, you die as soon as you're close to winning and the game starts glitching.
It takes you barely ten minutes before you're fed up with it, and soon enough you plug your laptop in. You start up some programs and open up a few sites, quickly starting to work. Your fingers glide over the keys of your laptop as you type in the codes in order to hack the game, however after a few minutes, the game starts glitching heavily, and suddenly there's a sentence in bold red letters on the screen of your tv.
It says before the glitching becomes way too much, and some weird kind of red circle appears. Your eyes widen before unplugging the tv and game console, forgetting that your laptop is connected to it.
You miss the small glitches on the laptop screen.
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - -
He gritts his teeth as the access to his portal is suddenly denied, the power cut early enough to avoid him.
His red eyes wander in the green coded space, looking for an exit, something that'll make sure he can get his hands on whoever this is. Lucky for him, there's a small white space what'll lead to the outside of it.
Once he's trough, he realizes he's still close to his victim. In fact, he's even closer now.
He smirks as he realizes.
Killing her is fair game now.
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - »
You tap your chin as you look as the items on the shelf.
" Should I get the red one or green one?" You mumble to yourself.
" I'd recommend the green one. Green is always better." A voice from behind you startles you.
You whip your head around to look at the stranger who's talking to you.
Behind you is a male you don't recognise from anywhere. And as you start to study him, you realize he's quite handsome. He's got blonde hair, blue eyes and a rosy skin colour. He's wearing black ripped jeans, a dark green shirt, along with a black zip up hoodie, which is left open, he's got a few black ear piercings in his right ear, and has a gold chain around his neck, which disappears beneath his shirt, weighed down by a charm hidden away from your eyes. To top it all of, he's got a matching dark green beanie on top of his messily styled bangs.
" What? Did I say something wrong?" The blonde boy suddenly sweats.
You smile and shake your head.
" No, you didn't. I just tough I was alone here." You smile at him.
ØⱧ ₴₩ɆɆ₮ⱧɆ₳Ɽ₮, ɎØɄ Ⱨ₳VɆ₦'₮ ฿ɆɆ₦ ₳ⱠØ₦Ɇ ₣ØⱤ ₳ VɆⱤɎ ⱠØ₦₲ ₮ł₥Ɇ ₦Ø₩.
" I take that you talk to yourself then?" The male spits at you.
You're not sure if that's meant offensive or not.
" Um, yeah? I tend to do that sometimes yeah." You say, looking down at your hands who're still holding the red silk scarf and green silk scarf.
Đø₦'₮ ฿ɇ ₳₣ɽ₳łđ, ł ₩ø₦'₮ ⱨʉɽ₮ ɏøʉ. Øɽ ₩łⱡⱡ ł?
The unknown male's eyes soften subconsciously, looking at you with an emotion you're not familiar with.
" My name is Ben. What's yours?" 
Ben? Haven't you heard that somewhere before?
You smile at him, oblivious to the fact that you're talking to a killer.
" I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you Ben."
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - - » ᖽᐸᘉᓰᐺᘿS ᓍᖇ ᕼᘿᗩᖇᖶS ? ¿ »
His mind flooded with ideas.
There's so many options on what he can do to her.
Should he mess with her laptop?
Should he just kill her now?
Or should he become closer?
Maybe he should.
He looks at her trough the screen of the laptop, which is almost always open, today not being any different.
He watches her as while she watches something behind the laptop, from the sounds he can hear trough the mic, she's most likely watching tv.
Perhaps he should become closer to her.
Pull her closer only to have her blood staining his hands.
Oh yes, her blood shall soon become his.
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - - » ᖽᐸᘉᓰᐺᘿS ᓍᖇ ᕼᘿᗩᖇᖶS  ? ¿ » - - - ₭₦łvɇ₴
She doesn't realize it when her laptop suddenly starts itself up, nor does she know that there's a figure crawling out of it.
He stared at her with deciphering eyes, silently wondering how she isn't dead yet.
If this was anyone else, he'd had them killed already. Their blood would already be staining his face and she would already be screaming in pain and dispair.
Yet here she was, laying peacefully on her bed. Asleep, obviously not dead. 
He wonders exactly what he should do next. She doesn't know that he's standing right next to her. It almost makes him laugh.
She doesn't even know that he exists.
She doesn't know that he's here.
He glares at her before moving back into the world of codes and technology.
For now, she lives.
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - - » ᖽᐸᘉᓰᐺᘿS ᓍᖇ ᕼᘿᗩᖇᖶS  ? ¿ » - - - ₭₦łvɇ₴ - - - ᖴᗩᓰᒪ
" And then it suddenly started glitching and stuff. Weird isn't it?" You finish off your story as you look at your new friend, Ben.
After meeting in the grocery store, he had suddenly texted you. 
Not knowing how he got your number, you got concerned, and asked him. According to him, you had given it to him yourself. At first you didn't believe him, until he told you to check the time of his first message, which somehow was indeed around the same time you were in the grocery store. After that you just shrugged it off as that you forgot it yourself. After all, you knew yourself to be a person with the memory of a goldfish.
Today the two of you met up again, for the fourth time this week.
" Odd indeed. What did you do after that?" Ben asked, acting as if he's interested, even tough he's really not.
" I unplugged it. I think I'm gonna lay off hacking for a while." You shrugged, taking a sip of your drink.
Before he could even think of a response, there was an unknown woman at your table, also holding a cup of coffee.
" Y/N? Long time no see." The new woman greeted you with a smile, sitting down beside you on the booth.
Ben scowled at the newcomer.
Ⱨø₩ đ₳ɽɇ ₴ⱨɇ ₴ł₮ ฿ɇ₴łđɇ ₩ⱨ₳₮'₴ ₥ł₦ɇ ₩ł₮ⱨøʉ₮ ₥ɏ ₱ɇɽ₥ł₴₴łø₦
" Hey, Sara. It's indeed been too long. How are you?" You started chatting with Sara.
Meanwhile Ben's anger only grew.
" My names Ben." Ben suddenly dryly joined your conversation as he slammed his drink down onto the table aggressively, looking straight into Sara's eyes.
" Sorry. Didn't see you there. I'm Sara nice to mee-"
" Yeah, yeah, whatever. Leave. We didn't invite you to come sit with us." Ben spat at her, looking at her with an intense look in his eyes.
Both you and your friend turned to look at him in confusion.
" Is something wrong with me being here? Did I offend you?" Sara asked, genuinely concerned.
Ben was fuming now, on the inside. Who does this girl think she is? First she comes to sit at their table uninvited, then she's capturing the attention of his new favorite plaything, and now she's questioning him? She has to go.
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - - » ᖽᐸᘉᓰᐺᘿS ᓍᖇ ᕼᘿᗩᖇᖶS  ? ¿ » - - - ₭₦ŁVɆ₴ - - - ᖴᗩᓰᒪ - - - ᖇᘿᗷᓍᓍᖶ SᖻSᖶᘿᘻ
He heard her conversation with a male he certainly doesn't know trough her phone, using the microphone without her knowing.
According to what he knows, they're on a date. And according to her contacts, his name is Jaime. He can't find where they met, nor did he know why they met up.
But now that she's checked her reflexion one too many times, and made a pic of her full outfit to send to him, probably to mock him for not having her, ɏɇ₮, he realizes that she's on a date.
After some research by surfing quite literally trough the internet. It turned out this 'Jaime' person was Mexican, and had a soft persona. On his facebook page were pictures where he's working with animals or doing volunteers' work or overall just something where he's helping others. He found the black haired male pathetic, weak even.
In all honesty, even he himself didn't really find him a threat. Not when he looked like that and was overall just kind and bambi looking.
However, all his expectations are thrown out of the window when he hears them say their goodbyes.
" You know, I had a lot of fun tonight. You're really a nice person. In fact, I'd like to go on another date with you again." This voice was definitely that of a male's, probably Jaime.
" I agree. I had a lot of fun too." She said.
₣Ʉ₦? ⱧØ₩ ₵₳₦ Ł₮ ฿Ɇ ₳₦Ɏ ₣Ʉ₦ ₩Ł₮ⱧØɄ₮ ₥Ɇ?
" Good. Do you have a ride or would you like me to drive you home?-" He blocks out the rest of their conversation.
It appears that the good guy needs to go too.
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - - » ᖽᐸᘉᓰᐺᘿS ᓍᖇ ᕼᘿᗩᖇᖶS  ? ¿ » - - - ₭₦ŁVɆ₴ - - - ᖴᗩᓰᒪ - - - ᖇᘿᗷᓍᓍᖶ SᖻSᖶᘿᘻ - - - ᖇᘿᗷᓍᓍᖶ ᑢᓍᘻᕵᒪᘿᖶᘿ - ᓍᕵᘿᘉ ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ∆
" We should spend more time together." Ben says randomly as the two of you snuggle on the couch.
You giggle, your ears tinting red.
" We're already together all the time tough." You tell him softly.
" I know, but still. By the way, did your stupid date reply yet?" He asked, eyes focused on the tv in front of the two of you.
" No, and don't call him stupid." You pout, softly scolding him.
He grins at you with mysterious eyes.
You shrug it off, knowing it's part of him. The two of you have been hanging out for a while now. Almost three months to be precise. And you two have gotten very close. What used to be keeping distance and keeping the line between acquaintances and friends, had turned into friends or something more. You two almost hung out every day, you were basically attached to each other's hip now.
After a few peacefull moments, you excused yourself to the bathroom.
Right as you left, your phone rang.
He turned to look at the disturbing sound  his eyes widening at the name which is appearing on the screen.
He stumbled over the couch to pick it up, an unpleasant feeling of suprise rising whitin him.
" Y/N?! You have to listen to me! Ben is not who you think he is! He's this-"
" I'm this what?" Ben smirked.
Damn you were taking a long time in the bathroom, not that he minded.
The other end of the line was dead silent.
" Don't worry. You don't need to say anything. I'll come home soon. And trust me, once I am, you will never be able to speak a word again." He spoke, an eerie calm in his voice.
" Goodbye, Sara." He said before hanging up.
" Sara called?" Your voice suddenly startled him.
" What? Oh, yeah. But she was in a hurry so she said she'd call you later." He smiled innocently.
You nodded and the two of you resumed watching the movie.
" Isn't there a way, that we could spend more time together?" He suddenly wondered out loud.
You sighed and turned to face him.
" I'm sorry Ben, but I have a job and I like spending time with other people too. So I'm afraid not." You told him softly.
An idea coded itself into his mind.
JɄ₴₮ ₮ⱤɄ₴₮ ₥Ɇ, ɎØɄ'ⱠⱠ ฿Ɇ ₥Ł₦Ɇ ₴ØØ₦
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - - » ᖽᐸᘉᓰᐺᘿS ᓍᖇ ᕼᘿᗩᖇᖶS  ? ¿ » - - - ₭₦ŁVɆ₴ - - - ᖴᗩᓰᒪ - - - ᖇᘿᗷᓍᓍᖶ SᖻSᖶᘿᘻ - - - ᖇᘿᗷᓍᓍᖶ ᑢᓍᘻᕵᒪᘿᖶᘿ - ᓍᕵᘿᘉ ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ∆ - - - ᕲᓍᘺᘉᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ
You sighed in dispair in the night air as you walked home. Once again, you were rejected in a job interview.
A few days ago you were fired from the job you actually liked. You couldn't understand why either. You didn't do anything wrong, you were quite hardworking and always finished the documents in time.
Your supervisor looked afraid, terrified even when he told you to immediately pack your bags and leave, and ever since you just can't seem to get in anywhere. Not even the gas station wanted you in charge.
" Well hello there. What do we have here." A creepy voice suddenly sounded from behind you.
You turned around only to be greeted by a man with a creepy smile and even creepier, eye lid-less eyes. He was holding a knife, making his intentions obvious.
You didn't need to think twice about his intentions and whipped your phone out of your pocket with the intentions to call the cops and running.
The killer sadly isn't stupid, and has you on the ground under him whitin seconds.
Your phone's screen crack and slides to the other side, the dialed number not pressed on call yet.
" Don't cry sweetheart. It doesn't suit your pretty face. Don't fret, I'll make sure, you'll smile forever. " The killer tells you happily.
Both of you don't realize that your phone screen suddenly lights up in a green colour. Nor does either of you realize the figure crawling out of it.
The both of you don't realize, until the killer is off you and tackled down on the ground beside you.
" I've told you before. She's fucking mine. Go bother someone else." Ben's voice sounds suddenly.
You turn your head to look at him.
This time he does not wear jeans and a sweater. No  this time, he looks like he came straight out of a... Video game? He looks like Link, the main personage of the game which your friend Noah had dropped off at your place around six months ago. 
Ben never told you he was into cosplaying.
Your ears suddenly tinted pink as you realized, he called you his. Suddenly you felt a little giddy, the guy you like so much might actually like you back.
The killer underneath Ben growls out something you can't hear before throwing the shorter off him and leaving.
" Are you okay?" You ask him.
He turns to you with red eyes.
Red. Fucking. Eyes.
And that's not the only thing about his eyes that changed.
Instead of the usual white eyes have, his are now black.
And even there it doesn't end.
There's blood running down his eyes onto his cheeks, as if he's crying blood.
You take a step back.
What the fuck is this?
" Don't be afraid! I know I look a little... Weird, but it's all just part of my..... Cosplay." He explains.
You ponder over it.
He's never gave you a reason to not trust you right? Or did he? 
You ignore the instinct to run away from him, instead choosing to calm down and follow your heart, which is telling you to trust him.
" Come with me. You can stay at my place tonight." Ben tells you, holding his hand out to you.
You take it.
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - - » ᖽᐸᘉᓰᐺᘿS ᓍᖇ ᕼᘿᗩᖇᖶS  ? ¿ » - - - ₭₦ŁVɆ₴ - - - ᖴᗩᓰᒪ - - - ᖇᘿᗷᓍᓍᖶ SᖻSᖶᘿᘻ - - - ᖇᘿᗷᓍᓍᖶ ᑢᓍᘻᕵᒪᘿᖶᘿ - ᓍᕵᘿᘉ ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ∆ - - - ᕲᓍᘺᘉᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᕲᓍᘺᘉᒪᓍᗩᕲ ᑢᓍᘻᕵᒪᘿᖶᘿ ›
It took longer than expected to reach his house. The whole road to his house is creepy. Ben appartly lives in this supermodern house in the woods.
Which is off already, the woods are known troughout the whole town as mystery. According to urban legends, there's creatures loving in there who shouldn't exist. Because of that, there's barely any people there. According to Ben, everything is all clear and safe, and you trust him with your heart.
You don't question him after his answer and instead follow him into the,indeed very,modern little house which is situated hidden behind the trees.
You get directly hit in the face with a copper scent as soon as you step foot into his house.
" Would you like something to drink?" He asks you as you enter his house, neither of you bothering to take your shoes off.
" Just water please." You tell him as you study the place.
The inside of the small house is more modern than the outside, with a big living space and an open kitchen. There's also three doors in the hallway.
One to the bathroom, one leading upstairs and one leading into the basement.
" Here you go." Ben returns, handing you a glass of water.
" Thanks, aren't you going to take off your make up and lenses?" You ask him.
His smile fades a bit, and for a moment you think you've accidentally offended him, but he nods with a pout before you can think about it twice.
" Yeah, that's probably a good idea. The livingroom is at the end of this hallway, feel free to make yourself comfortable." He smiles before going upstairs.
You stand still for a moment in the hallway as an eerie feeling suddenly starts crawling up your spine.
You ignore it, and instead start walking towards the livingroom.
Until the sound of something falling reaches your ears.
A sound that is directed from the basement.
Your first idea is to call for Ben, to alert him that you two probably aren't alone.
You don't do that however, because it could just be something falling off a shelf, right?
And so you decide to investigate it yourself.
As soon as you open the door to the basement, you're directly hit in the face with a very prominent copper scent. The same on you already smelled when you entered his house, except it's way too strong and there's something eerily familiar about it which you just can't pinpoint.
You silently push the door open, and turn on the lightswitch to the basement. Behind the door is a stony staircase, the rest of the basement is hidden away behind a wall. Curiosity takes over you, and you make your way downstairs before you can think about it twice.
As soon as you near the bottom, you spot blotches of red. The deep red substance is spread like a trail from he bottom stairs onto the rest of the room.
And then it clicks in your mind. It's blood. That's also the smell in the air. Was the intruder injured?
You step down the stairs while following the blood trail with you eyes.
You stumble back in fear and unpleasant suprise at the sight that greets you.
There's dead people down here. Most of which you don't recognise, but a few you do. 
You gasp as you look into a pair of wide blue eyes.
She's sitting there, eyes wide open, with cuts all over. There's big ones in her rib case and near her organs, you can even see Intestines spread over the floor.
She's obviously dead.
But how come she's here?
Ben didn't do this? Did he?
Next to her is Jaime, who's eyes are closed but his chest is rising and falling.
He's alive.
You run over to him and shake him awake, not minding the blood that's now on your hands.
" Jaime! Please! Wake up!" You say desperately, tears now escaping your eyes.
" Y/N? Y/N! You have to get out of here. Ben, he's not who you think he is!" He tells you desperately.
" I'm not leaving you! Can you walk?" You ask him trough your tears.
" I'm chipped Y/N, you have to go. Get help. Ben's insane. He's a de-"
" Demon? Mass murderer? Failure? Dead? Is one of those what you wanted to tell her? How dare you lie to her! I'm none of those!" A voice suddenly booms trough the air.
You turn around while starting to shake. Jaime tries to hold you close to him with the little strength he has left. There Ben stands, still with red pupils and black eyes, dried red streaks still on his cheeks.
" Don't fucking touch her." Ben screams angrily, ripping you all but gently away from the male, causing you to tremble against him.
" Don't be afraid my love, he won't touch you again." Ben sushes you.
Is he really thinking that you're afraid of him?
" N-no. Let me go. Do-don't touch me." You tell him, pushing away from him.
He looks confused by your behavior.
" What's wrong baby? Please don't believe whatever lies he told you.-"
" What lies?! That you've killed my friend?! That you've killed these innocent people?! That you've chipped him?!" You yelled.
" They all deserved it Y/N! They're all in the way of our love!" Ben yells back desperately, stepping towards you.
" I don't even know these people!" You say, stepping back into the wall, knocking into a shelf.
You turn around to see what you knocked into.
Wait, is that the Nintendo 64?
" They all stared at you with sick twisted ideas! They really do deserve it." He tells you.
Suddenly it clicks in your mind.
" You're Ben from the game." You state.
He nods.
" Yes bu-"
" How?.."
" You clicked my game onto your computer remember."
" It was you wasn't it? You're the reason I've lost my job. You're the reason my friends all turned their back to me." You wishper, eyes now gathering in your eyes.
You've been so incredibly fucking stupid.
He's the reason your life has turned down the drain.
" Yes. But it's good right. Now we can finally be together." He says like a crazy man in love.
Which he is.
You start sobbing as you fall onto your knees realizing, all these people here. They've all died because of you.
" Hey, don't worry my live. We can now finally be together."
ɎØɄ'VɆ ₥Ɇ₮ ₩Ł₮Ⱨ ₳ ₮ɆⱤⱤŁ฿ⱠɆ ₣₳₮Ɇ, Ⱨ₳VɆ₦'₮ ɎØɄ?
 ᘜ ᗩ ᘻ ᘿ  ᓍ ᐺ ᘿ ᖇ.
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snowfianna · 4 years
Fable IV rant:
I'm so pumped up for the 23rd because everything has led me to believe that Fable 4 will be announced this year and the game's existence has been confirmed for a while anyway it's just a matter of time of when will Fable 4 show itself. It's a badly kept secret tbh.
So to those who don't mind a big rant or wish to add on to my rant- here we go!
Can you imagine how good the graphics would be for this game, we've all seen modern games, surely, and they're all bloody fantastic looking. Fable Legends is technically the most recent Fable game despite it being a free to play online game
and that it's cancelled
but it also had a gorgeous look to it all! And the character models did great justice to the concept art and honestly that has my hopes real high because I love the concept art of Fable, specifically from Mike McCarthy, so exaggerated and recognisable- yet in all the games I can confidently say they did not do justice to his character design, specifically for Reaver. Sure, he looks stunning in the third game, but not quite what he looks like in his concept art sadly.
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But also, since Fable was made in Unreal Engine (I'm pretty sure at least) we've seen examples of what can be done in Unreal Engine now and it's absolutely breath taking!
If you haven't seen here are some examples and they're so life-like.
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Moving on from graphics!
Since Playground Games is behind the development of Fable 4, they would be spectacular at an open spaced world, judging from the Forza games.
I always loved the open world feature added to Fable, it made things more adventurous and you could do so many things that weren't at all related to the main quest to progress the story and it was just thrilling to see there were other things going on! I'd love to just have my dog companion running through fields, fighting enemies left and right and finding buried treasure or forgotten chests.
Run into strangers who request aid in something silly or rather serious and it would be up to you with how you go about the quest or if you even accept it to get renown or gold. Cause a massacre in towns and villages, running off with low morality and plentiful loot- oh one could fantasise of this all day.
Story, characters, writing and voices.
Fable has always had a fun environment of fantasy and a rather good story (despite the curse of mundane or pathetic boss fights in which I hope Fable 4 breaks this cycle) but the one thing that's always kept me on my feet in the games is the writing and the characters. It always just tried not to take itself too seriously, throwing in absurd quests that probably requires cheese or a really weird-looking outfit. It always kept my attention rather than just pure edge and seriousness of life or death.
The characters are a given, the writing done for them all is perfect in my eyes, I love hearing the variations of how characters of NPCs interacted (enough so that I even bought two of the Fable books written by Peter David). Despite Fable 3 not being the greatest at it's time, I found myself absolutely enjoy the characters for how they were- I even cried over Walter's death because it genuinely felt like I lost somebody pretty close (RIP Walter🙏). The writing and the chosen voice actors were superb and I'd love more of it.
I hope this time we can receive a full story instead of how Fable 2 and 3 were where plenty of plot points and such were cut out due to time constraints- thanks Microsoft, very cool. I'm still in anguish when listening to the Developer's Diary 3 of Fable 3 hearing lines that were just never said in the final product and it was definitely not just additional lines that weren't required as it seemed to mention entirely different things that weren't in the game; i.e. Reaver talks about his pirates in Bloodstone and how he misses them- in the final product he never mentions it and it's even shown that he's tried to completely bury his pirate past for whatever reason.
The pacing in Fable 3 was rather strange too, it felt like the revolution should've lasted longer.
Another hope of mine is to have choices that aren't so painfully black-and-white because it's very obvious which is the good or bad option to a scenario- personally for me I'd like to be morally grey rather than pure good or pure evil.
They better have kept the mechanic of your actions affecting your appearance too to the point where you grow horns and get cracked magma-like skin or this slight glow and aura around you and this flawless skin. It kind of died down in Fable 3, only looking more tired or have completely black eyes and the good- eh yeah not much I can say for when you're good. Purity and corruption seemed to also vanish in Fable 3 (at least I think) since you couldn't really change prices of the homes you were renting out, unless I've been a big goof who didn't arrange the rent prices in the game because I didn't know how.
Combat in all the games was rather straight forward, especially in Fable 2 and 3 where everything was just easy to beat or you could get overpowered around the start of the game. I'd hope the combat improves greatly this time and even bring back real consequences to dying instead of immediate revival with some lost experience and a scar. We need more serious consequences to your actions (this can be applied to all decisions rather than just if you die in a battle) even if it's just having to reload the last checkpoint. Makes things more challenging this way.
Another thing is to make boss fights less repetitive and simple- sure I can forgive it if the boss is from around the start but if they had phases you had to keep ontop of and didn't rely on summoning a bajillion other enemies to strike you, I'd be ever so grateful.
And if there's other characters fighting along side you, I'd hope they'd genuinely be helpful and keep up to speed with the player. I'm sure the AI in the past was the problem for this as AI wasn't at its best during that time so characters fighting by you didn't do too much or just did whatever that wasn't helpful. Now though, AI has improved immensely (I mean look at The Last Of Us 2, the AI is👌) and due to this, I'm sure characters would make battles more fun and the characters be more involved with the fight and even story.
Mana should be brought back as well, in Fable 2 and 3 mana just ceased to exist so you could just endlessly and repeatedly use the same spells and it just gave you too much power and the enemies barely stood a chance.
We need challenges people- CHALLENGES!
Medieval times? Yes.
I love Medieval fantasy and as much as I like the Victorian era too, I didn't think it quite suited Fable, as fascinating as it was to see fantasy turn industrial, it kind of took away from the Fable feel that I so crave. If they have indeed brought the game back to medieval times it means more creatures and enemies are back rather than driven away or limited to the same handful of enemies.
We can all also agree the guns were overpowered, though I did like receiving the Red Dragon late in Fable 2 to absolutely mow down enemies, it was satisfying to say the least. However, guns were far too powerful for the game, so I demand the bows and crossbows back thank you very much- or even throwing knives- I'll take what I'm given.
I'd love to see more of the natural landscape rather than towns or buildings that took over once entirely natural areas (Millfields/Bowerlake). However, I won't object to ruins of old buildings taken over by nature.
Skeptical with Playground Games? Don't be.
Are you worried that Playground Games wouldn't do justice to Fable since it's not Lionhead Studios? Don't be, it's been noted that Playground Games has hired several ex-lionhead workers and plenty other skillful workers to ensure we get the best product. I have high hopes and expectations for Fable 4 even if it's developed under a different studio, I've seen great things from them and I will believe they'll deliver us only the best.
Side note to all this
I will crash and burn if I don't see a crumb of Reaver or Jack of Blades in Fable 4- I don't know how true any rumours are of Fable 4 with time travelling and Jack returning, but we'll just have to see. Reaver still remains as my absolute favourite character of all time and I'd love to see more of him, even see him before he was 'Reaver'.
Jack too, more of his lore is stated elsewhere rather than in the game itself and I'd love to see it all be brought into light and really expand on his lore and make it known- rather than have ever-loving Fable fans like me dig around for these rather delicious bits of canon information.
That's my big rant, feel free to share your thoughts and what you'd look forward to!
Have some accidental art leaks from a Playground Game concept artist- believed to be for Fable 4👀
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ossa-otiosi · 4 years
Alternative containers for jar spells!☄️
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I love jar spells just as much as the next guy! They're a great place for baby witches to start and they're helluva customisable- any size, shape, or ingredients you want. Not to mention they look cool as hell! But sometimes a jar just doesn't quite...work.
Maybe you just don't have a suitable one kicking around. Maybe you're in the broom closet, and a jar full of witchy ingredients would be too recognisably 'witchy' if it was found. Maybe you wanna carry it around with you, without ending up with broken glass in your bag. (Not a fun time).
Whatever your reasons, I got you covered!
💋Lip product containers💋
These would be discreet and perfect to carry in a purse or in your pocket! They're well suited to spell jars to ease verbal communication, for 'sweet talking' or persausiveness, or to help with clamming up in front of crowds and the like! Lip gloss or lipstick would also suit a glamour nicely.
💄 Chapstick in particular is an easy one. Just pull out the part that had the product on it, et voila! You might want to take the screw part out too, or you could just work around it.
💄 Once a lipsticks run out, you can pretty much do the same thing as you would with a Chapstick!
💄 The lip balm that comes in little pots is even easier to work with! Just wash it out once it's empty and fill it up with your ingredients.
These are among my favourite diy containers! They're perfect for spell jars to boost your creativity or to prevent artblock, as well as being good for manifestation. (Drawing is kinda the same as manifesting something, right?)
✏️ Container sharpeners are an obvious choice! Just take off the lid, pop the ingredients in, and gum up the sharp part with something so nothing falls out. Candlewax would be a good choice, especially if you wanna seal it with a candle like most jars.
✏️ Spent markers and highlighters are a little fiddly, but fun! You can take the nib parts with ink in them out of the end(s), then pull the 'guts' of it out with tweezers. Save the nibs, but you dont need to keep the inside part around. Then you can fill the empty casing up with your ingredients, and pop the end and nib back on to make it just look like an ordinary pen again!
✏️ The empty pots from paint testers are another good one to use, and ballpoint pens are easy to get a hold of and hollow out!
✏️ The color of the pen/marker/paint could be matched to your intent, too!
📷Photo film containers📷
Okay, so this one is probably only practical if you're into photography. But if you use a camera with film and have a few of em laying around, they make cute spell jars! These are useful for creativity and manifestation, again, but would also suit spell jars for aiding with memory, or for spells to make something stick around. Or you could make one for helping all your pictures turn out well!
📸 Just pop the ingredients in the container, no extra steps needed! I'm personally a fan of drawing a sigil on the lid or on the side.
💅Makeup containers💅
I know I already covered lip products, but all sorts of makeup containers would make good spell jars once they're used up! Mascara containers, concealer sticks, and nail polish bottles are among the most useful in my opinion, but you could really use anything. They're particularly suited to glamours and the like.
🖌️ For any containers that have an applicator/brush in them, like mascara or nail polish, you might wanna consider taking it to get some more room.
🖌️ It gives you a good excuse to keep that empty container with a really cute pattern on it! You could match the colors or types of the makeup to your intent.
🖌️ All of them are useful for glamours, but you can get more specific for other intents! You could use mascara for a spell designed to help you 'see', like ones that aid in finding things or being perceptive, for example.
🍬Sweet containers🍬
These are particularly suited for spell jars to 'sweeten' something! The only example that comes to mind while I'm writing this is tic-tacs, but anything that comes in a relatively sturdy container like a tub or box would be good!
🍭 Just like matching colors to intent, you could match flavors! Mint could be good for cleansing or awakeness, cinnamon for strength or wealth, etc.
🚿Hygiene products🚿
These would be great for health, vitality, or cleansing spell jars! Empty hand sanitizer bottles or soap containers would work great for this.
💧This one's a little specific, but I've seen little gumball machine type things in public bathrooms that dispense little chewable...toothbrush things? They look like this-
And the containers from them would be great for these!
Okay, so maybe these are veering a little out of spell jar territory. But lockets are amazing for any sort of spell that needs a container! They can be for any intent, they're super discreet, and you don't even need to carry them or worry so much about losing them.
💍 Most lockets are pretty small, so you obviously cant fit *loads* in there. But if you have some tiny crystal chips, they work great! Those, along with tiny amounts of dried herbs and single petals from dried flowers, all work great for little locket spell jars.
💍 Lockets normally have a place to put a photo in, and you can use that for a sigil to suit your intent! Or if you work with any dieties or other entities, you could put an image of them in there, if they're involved in your spellwork!
These would be great spell jar containers for health and vitality. Make sure you wont confuse these for your actual medicine! I know it'd be pretty hard to mix up the contents of a spell jar with your allergy meds, but still. 😅
💍 Any other jewellery with some kind of compartment would work too. I've seen rings which are basically tiny little lockets, which would also work great! You could even wear them on certain fingers to suit different intents. (I remember reading somewhere about each finger having different associations, but I cant find it. I remember the pinky finger being Mercury, though...?)
💚Medicine containers💚
💊 You could try matching a medications purpose to an intent, too. For example, a spell jar to help ease depression in a bottle that previously had depression medication in it, or a spell to keep away unpleasant things in a painkiller bottle.
💊 While we're on the topic- remember to take your meds today if you haven't! And always remember that magic is not a substitute for going to the doctor if you need it.
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All of these have their own associations to me, but theres nothing stopping you from using them for any intent- if you wanna make a spell for good health in a camera film canister, noones stopping you. I'm sure theres a million other containers I'm forgetting about, but these are the ones I personally find the most interesting or useful. I hope this has been of help!
Good luck and godspeed to you all! 💛
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