#i got a pack of glittery pink paws
vanillabat99 · 11 months
Turns out it's really easy to make earrings!! I picked up some charm packs and dangle earring hooks the other day, and all i have to do is put them together :3
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poppibranchlover · 4 years
Nine Lives, One Fight - Part 15
The story: Deep in the forest of Troll Town, there lies a mysterious tiny purple mushroom that has a secret magical ability. King Peppy calls this mushroom forbidden for all Trolls to go near it. One day, while Branch is out in the woods doing his survival research studying, he encounters it and, not knowing it is a regular mushroom, decides to harvest it and bring it home. But in the next morning, its magic effects transform him into a small blue cat! After being sent to the animal pound, his girlfriend, Poppy, finds him and decides to adopt him, although not recognizing it is Branch. Desperate to finish his research project due for a special event invented by Poppy, Branch is forced to learn how to behave like a pet cat and must figure out what caused him to become one.
You already seen what had happened in Part 14. Now get ready for Part 15!:
By the time Poppy and Branch got into the queen’s pod, it was already nighttime. They cleaned themselves up and then get ready for bed.
Not wanting to feel left out and having completed his main objective, Branch wanted to sleep beside Poppy rather than sleeping in isolation on the shelf near the window. She saw him on his bed feeling proud of himself and gently petted his head.
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“Goodnight, Mr. Tickle,” said Poppy. “You’re the best little kitten I’ve ever adopted!”
After kissing Branch’s forehead, she immediately went to sleep. Branch scooted closer to her and snuggled beside her, smiling and somehow enjoying his life as a cat.
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Halfway during his slumber, Branch started to wake up. He cautiously scanned the room and stared at Poppy, who was still sleeping. He knows he couldn’t waste any hour right now and he needs his Show-and-Tell project to be finished before morning.
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Branch stared at Poppy’s clock, trying to figure out what time it is now. Okay, I don’t have much time left, he thought to himself. I have to get to work before sunrise!
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Then he jumped out of the bed and sprinted to the dining table, where a giant red cloth is covering something underneath it.
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Branch carefully pulled out the cloth, revealing his construction equipment he had gathered from his bunker earlier this afternoon.
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Satisfied at his choice of duty, Branch crept under the table to admire his tools he needs to make his project. He was so eager to win the contest tomorrow that he wanted to get started right away.
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“All right!” he said triumphantly, cracking his knuckles and pulling out a neat-detailed blueprint. “In these clear well-written equational documents, I’m gonna know how to construct some stuff!”
Wiggles peeked from behind Branch’s trusty toolbox, holding up an eaten carrot. “How are you gonna do that?” he asked. “You’re just an ordinary tiny kitten!”
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Branch couldn’t believe Wiggles was asking some questions on how a cat can build inventions. He sighed with exasperation and told him “It’s going to be fine, Wiggles. I can really build a great invention of mine that easily. I have four arms, just like Cooper!” He held up a paw, showing five of his pads sticking under it.
Wiggles chomped on his carrot. “But each time you pick up a tool with your teeth, you’re gonna lose some momentum!” he warned.
Branch eventually saw what the tiny rabbit was doing just now. He pointed at the carrot and demanded “What are you even eating?”
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Wiggles stopped nibbling and examined his meal for a moment. It took him some time to remember where did he get it. “I think I just found it in a giant bowl of ‘white flowers’ on your owner’s pantry,” he answered meekly, trying not to be ashamed.
Branch was stunned. He can’t believe that that little bunny was stealing something from Poppy! “No, Wiggles. Those are cauliflowers,” he protested. “And you know where cauliflowers come from?”
“A flower garden?” asked Wiggles absentmindedly.
“Vegetables!” Branch corrected him firmly. “Cauliflowers are vegetables like that carrot you stole!”
“Okay, so what’s the difference between flowers or ‘cotton flowers’?” Wiggles wondered. “I didn’t even think-”
Branch tilted his head down to the floor and groaned with frustration. This rabbit is very dumb and doesn’t seem to know the world of Trolls very well. “Can’t you just get it right, little bunny?!” he insisted. “Don’t you remember the rule of staying here?”
“I did!” Wiggles said with a reassuring nod. “You said I follow exactly what you said!”
“Then why should I bring you here for a reason?” Branch asked, folding his tail between his back legs.
“Then what about your plan for that “so-called” Show-and-Tell party?” Wiggles snapped back. Branch just stepped back quietly. “You’re gonna waste some time when you keep talking to me and comment about my Thanksgiving dinner!” Then he paused for a second, seething. Branch was too startled to reply. The little bunny stared at his half-eaten carrot and shook his head with a sigh. “I shouldn’t be stealing that from Queen Poppy. I’m very sorry.”
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“Uh, that’s alright,” Branch told him, trying not to offend him even more. “She didn’t even eat any carrot like that, and I think you can deserve it.”
Wiggles was grateful for his words. He stared at Branch’s blueprint, and then at the night sky through a window. “It seems like time is flying so fast,” he said.
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Branch immediately knew what Wiggles was trying to tell him. He looked at the same window and realized what that meant. It is getting closer to the next morning. “I think you’re right, man,” he said. “I don’t have much time left before sunrise! I gotta get started!”
Wiggles was shocked. “Yes, but how are you gonna build a good structure like a—?”
But the plan is already happening very quick. Branch whipped out his tools and his wooden planks from his toolbox and got ready to work.
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Surprised that he was carrying a large saw despite his small cat size, Wiggles’ jaw dropped. “Oh….uh, well….that is fine,” he muttered nervously.
In a flash, Branch was already hammering and sawing some wood. He spent a few minutes of using his constructing tools and adjusting to his cat form at the same time. He exhausted himself from carrying his heavy tools for a little while and drank some cups of milk to energize himself...if it’s for the best that he needed some coffee.
Later, Branch put on his hard builder’s hat and began painting the wood. Holding a paintbrush in his mouth, he carefully painted the plank with a neat dark brown color. From a corner during his work, Wiggles nibbled his carrot along the way.
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Branch hammered, painted and drank tons of glasses of milk. He stayed up all night at work long putting the finishing touches to his latest invention. Despite being a cat, he can still think like a Troll. No longer bothered by the sheer excited swaying of his tail, he put on a welding mask and held up a blowtorch in his paw.
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When he was sure to have almost finished, Branch lifted up his welding mask to admire his work. He smiled with satisfaction, feeling like he was ready for Poppy’s newest party tomorrow.
I can totally win this! he thought. Those Trolls out there will think I will be the best hero when they see what I make! Hopefully I’ll earn a medal and be on first place!
“Tomorrow is another day,” Branch told himself.
The next day, Poppy’s Show-and-Tell Festival has already begun. Trolls everywhere gathered around the giant mushroom stage, where Poppy is addressing everyone else who were invited for the party. DJ Suki, the village’s resident disk jockey, played some thumping music that got everyone grooving, dancing and celebrating the occasion.
The Show-and-Tell festival was jam-packed with fun activities. Some Trolls who signed up to show their projects on stage proudly present them to Poppy, who is observing every single one of them. The party was a great success. The Trolls finished it off with a banquet filled with cupcakes, berries, flavored punch and cookies and a special oversized scrapbook they made together to remember the occasion.
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Poppy proudly went up on stage, holding a pink glittery microphone in one hand. She held up her arms wide and greeted her fellow crowd of excited Trolls. “Hello, Troll Village!” she proclaimed. “Ready to set your brains aflame?! Then I hope you are all as excited as I am! Welcome to my party of Show-and-Tell, where you’ll be able to show your opinions and tell us about them in order to get promoted as future leaders of the kingdom!”
“YAAAAAAAAAY!!!” all the Trolls cheered. “Hurray for Show-and-Tell Day!”
“And just you wait, there are some of the best contestants that will bring us a load of Troll-riffic inventions that they come up with!” Poppy added. “Sit back and relax as they will come up on stage to present their creativity to the rest of the world!”
Then Poppy jumped out of the stage to check on her best friends, who have their brilliant Show-and-Tell inventions ready to be submitted.
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“Okay, guys,” she reminded them proudly. “I hope you’re ready. Got your thingamabobs needed for this special day?”
The rest of the Trolls agreed with her reassuring words.
Deep down, Biggie was feeling scared. “I’m so nervous I felt so many Mr. Dinkleses in my stomach,” he said, his voice quaking with fear.
Guy Diamond put his arm to the big Troll’s shoulder to comfort him. “It’s alright, big fella,” he told him in his shimmery voice. “Y’all won’t be so jealous ‘cause my masterpiece will be a great hiiiiit!” He nodded to his shining glitter globe that was required to present to the rest of the crowd.
Cooper kicked his colorful ball with his front legs enthusiastically. “I’m SOOOO excited to show my favorite ball to everyone!” he exclaimed with utter excitement. “I’ll make a great king!”
Smidge was not sure of this idea. Not all Trolls wanted to be declared as winners because Poppy needs to select one Troll with the best invention. “I think you’ll be the king someday,” she said.
“Oh, come on, Smidge!” said Cooper. “I wonder what an actual king can do?”
“You’ll have to wait, Cooper,” Poppy told him. “When a Troll has the best project ever built, they would soon earn a medal.” Humming to herself, she went off to find Satin and Chenille, whose presentation about shampoo and hair conditioner were coming to fruition.
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When Poppy saw them, she greeted them happily “Hey, girls! You’re gonna be fine! Just present your projects and I’ll qualify each of them as top prize!”
“Yes, Queen Poppy,” Satin answered politely. “We’ll do our best. No arguing!”
“Sis, keep it together! We use the shampoo first!” Chenille protested.
Meanwhile, Branch was watching the festivities coming on. He knew the big celebration had begun. A tiny, secret part of him was to be still in Poppy’s contestant list despite still stuck in cat form. He jumped off the big mushroom that he, Poppy and the twins were standing on and ran over to his brand new creation, covered with a red tarp.
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Wiggles hopped closer to him, admiring his fantastic work. “Ooooh, now I wonder what you come up for this party?” he asked happily. “How well you are doing?”
“I’ll do great progress!” Branch said enthusiastically. “Besides, I worked so hard on this baby.”
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He pulled off the red tarp. Underneath it was a wooden machine that looked like an old-fashioned coffee grinder.
Branch introduced his latest invention. “Behold...my homemade Berry-Presser!”
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Wiggles was impressed. “Whoa, dude! It looks totally awesome!” he cooed. “But...what does it really do?”
Branch had spent lots of time all night inventing this mechanical grinder. He enthusiastically bounded back and forth in front of his invention and pulled out another basket of berries he had harvested yesterday as he explained the purpose of how it works. If Branch could get the rest of the Trolls to agree to this brilliant idea, it would ensure that he is able to be declared first prize.
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“Based on my precise calculation, I built this thing to ensure proper nutrition for the Trolls,” Branch explained. “It’s very simple. Harvest a berry or more, compress them inside and turn them into healthy drinks; the perfect combination of integrity and a touch of love!”
“Cool! What a great combo!” Wiggles cheered, hopping up and down. “Everyone will love your berry-making gizmo when they see it in action!”
“Yep!” said Branch. “When I come out on stage, Poppy is going to qualify me as a new leader. Isn’t it great? It’s like I’m going to rule with her!”
Wiggles gave a serious look on his face that said “Are you kidding me?”
“Time for me to hit the spotlight!” Branch said proudly. He started to leave with his Berry-Presser, but Wiggles grabbed his tail and pulled him back. Branch yelped in pain upon having his tail bitten by the rabbit’s teeth. “Ouch! What is your problem?” he asked.
“Before you go, one BIG problem…you’re just a cat, not a Troll,” Wiggles reminded him. “The entire village won’t notice or accept you and your project! You know what I mean? Animals don’t get qualified by Trolls!”
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Branch chuckled and pressed down Wiggles’ forehead with his paw, forming a frown on the bunny’s face. “Awww, Wigs. Don’t be so pessimistic,” he told him, smiling proudly. “You'll give yourself worry lines with all that nagging. They’ll know I made this little toy and Poppy will definitely promote me for sure!”
But Wiggles was getting worried that Branch’s plan is going to fail. He knew if he showed up on stage, Poppy and the Trolls will never understand him when he was about to present his invention. He tried to stop him before he can move on. “I’m being serious here! I told you Queen Poppy never recognizes you as a small animal!”
It was too late. Branch pushed his Berry-Presser and made his way to the backstage with the rest of Poppy’s friends.
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“Ugh, he’s gonna take low price,” Wiggles said sarcastically, exasperated as he watched Branch go into the party anyway.
A few minutes later, the Show-and-Tell presentation has finally begun. Poppy introduced Biggie and Mr. Dinkles on stage. “Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Biggie and Mr. Dinkles’ performance of the world’s most powerful “Mew” of the universe!”
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The crowd cheered as Biggie and his pet worm arrived on the stage. Mr. Dinkles was sitting on a chair, ready to play a piano. Biggie acted like a conductor and he waved his baton to cue his worm to start singing. While pressing the piano keys, Mr. Dinkles sang in a big, operatic voice as the rest of the Trolls watched the performance in awe.
“Now that’s what I call the world’s most powerful ‘Mew!’“ Biggie clarified, admiring at his beloved pet’s extraordinary talent.
When the performance finished, the Trolls cheered and Mr. Dinkles took a bow before hopping into Biggie’s arms. The big blue Troll hugged his worm tightly and bowed before the crowd as well before he left the stage.
Next, Guy Diamond appeared on stage with a poof of glitter showering all over the audience. Poppy made his introduction. “Brace yourself for the world’s most glittery Troll in the whole wide world! Guy Diamond!”
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When Guy landed gracefully on stage, he pulled out his glitter globe and shook it. Glitter showered around the plastic unicorn inside. “This wonderfully-glittertastic snowglobe SHIIIIIINES like a DIAMOND!!!” Guy explained with his iconic shimmering tone. “With this, you can SHIIIIIINE your whole world with LOTS OF GLIIIIIIITER!!!” 
The entire crowd cooed, impressed at the glitter Troll’s brilliant work. “Ooooooooooh!!!”
“I wish I can keep that! It’s got a tiny unicorn in it!” a Troll child said excitedly, pointing at the glitter globe.
“That’s some good stuff, Guy!” Poppy said as the glittery Troll left the stage, carrying his globe. “Next up, we have Cooper and his fantastic rainbow bouncy ball!”
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Cooper waddled his way to the stage, with his ball balancing on his head. “Hey, guys!” he said enthusiastically. “Let me show you my favorite super duper bouncy-douncy ball! Look what it can do!”
Then he started doing some tricks while playing with his soccer ball. Almost as fast as Cooper moved his four legs each time while getting the ball to balance on his back, all of the Trolls were amazed.
After ending his trick with a big finale, Cooper bowed at the cheering audience and gracefully danced away from the stage.
“This is gonna be a cinch. Two sisters, one mind,” Poppy announced on stage. “Put your hair together for the fashion sisters and their hair gel experiment!”
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Satin and Chenille appeared on the stage, pulling out their whiteboard depicting the shampoo and hair conditioner pictures. They held up two bottles of hair lotion as they challenged the Trolls to a quiz about where the shampoo originated in and how different is the hair conditioner, just like how they challenged Poppy to the same quiz yesterday.
“I know these answers,” Poppy whispered to Biggie, watching from the backstage.
Finally, the fashion twins come to the conclusion of their explanation. “In direct conclusion, we know that both shampoo and conditioner...” Satin began.
“...count like good HAIR GEL!!!” the girls said the last sentence in unison.
The Trolls roared with thousands of applause, and the twins bowed. “Thank you for seeing our presentation!” Chenille squealed. “Have a hair-tastic day!”
Later, during Smidge’s turn on presenting her Muscle Spirit treadmill on the stage, Branch curled up in a corner, watching the other contestants perform. Soon it will be his turn to be on stage, he will present his berry grinder invention to everyone, and finally he’ll be awarded first place. He can feel his destiny coming towards him.
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Branch looked at his invention and then at the stage, feeling quite ready to embrace his inner Troll. “Oh yeah,” he said with determination. “I’m ready to rule the world with you, Poppy.”
After Smidge completed her presentation, Poppy announced to her people “And for our very last contestant of the season, you may know him as the former village grump...let’s hear it for BRANCH!!!”
“Oh, that’s me!” Almost immediately, Branch can hear the loud cheering. He couldn’t believe it. All of the Trolls were now cheering for him, and now it is the time for him to show his face to everyone. He smiled with confidence as he pushed the berry grinder to the stage.
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“Come on up there, Branch!” Poppy said, just as Branch and his berry grinder finally showed up on the stage. Once he stopped pushing his invention, he greeted the audience. “Meow!”
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Instead of cheering for Branch, the crowd gasped. Even Poppy gasped as well. “Mr. Tickle, what are you doing here?” she asked, staring at Branch.
Everyone stared at the blue-haired cat in confusion. Then they all started talking at once.
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“Wait a minute. It’s just a cat,” a glitter Troll said, scratching his head.
“Who’d put a cat on stage?” a Troll asked, looking genuinely confused.
“Where is Branch? He’s supposed to be here!”
“Yeah, where is he?”
“Where is the last Troll?”
“We need him!”
“Branch! Branch!”
Branch looked at the confused crowd. Is it working? he thought. Am I getting through them? Am I gonna win first place? He hadn’t much luck getting their attention lately. But his face fell when he realized what is going on. “What’s happening?” he asked himself. “I thought they all liked my invention!”
Poppy tried to shoo him away from the stage. “Get back in the backstage. You’re not supposed to be here,” she told the cat. “I need Branch to show up and present his project.”
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“Meeeow! Meow! Meow!” Branch insisted, attempting to tell her that he is here to show his berry grinder to the crowd. “Meeeeeoooowww!!”
But it didn’t seem to work. This made Poppy think Branch is absent. She looked around while he tried getting her attention. “Where’s Branch?” she asked. “I swore that he should’ve arrived on time! Branch!” Then she fled off the stage and ran to search for him. Branch helplessly watched her leave.
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Behind Poppy, her friends watched her running away from the party. Biggie asked her “Poppy, what’s wrong?”
“We’re calling this party a hiatus!” she announced before disappearing into the distance. “There’s been a serious mistake here!” 
“What mistake?” Guy asked, not until the rest of the Snack Pack saw Branch on stage, meowing for Poppy to come back.
“Awwwww!” Cooper cooed. “Cute kitty!”
Branch felt hurt and defeated. Why didn’t Poppy recognize him, and what is wrong with being a cat? He glanced at the audience, who were still murmuring questions about him.
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“What should we do about this cat?” a Troll demanded.
“I wish Queen Poppy would cancel him off from the list in the first place!”
“I can’t believe she halted the party with a hiatus because of his absence!”
Branch watched in horror as the Trolls continued ranting about the disaster. He couldn’t watch this anymore, so he sprinted after Poppy.
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“Poppy, come back!” he yelled, jumping off the stage and making a run for it to follow her, leaving the Trolls surprised at his departure.
From backstage, Wiggles watched him go after Poppy, finally knowing that Branch’s attempt to show his project had failed.
                                              To Be Continued...
                                          Stay tuned for Part 16!
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whitetigerdemoness · 5 years
This chapter took longer because when I started it, I realized I had accidentally written myself into a corner. I think I got out of it in a believable way but we’ll see.
They say the pen is mightier than the sword. Penknight, having an absolute galaxy brain, thought ‘If I have both I must be unstoppable” 
Master post of all chapters
The silence in the penthouse room was broken only by the heartbroken sobbing of Ladybug, drowning out the cries of the various kwami. Marc barely registered Penknight gently guiding him to sit on the floor, in shock from the horrible images.
“It’s not him, Ladybug. It’s not-that’s not Chatnoir. It can’t be if they took his ring! Ladybug-shit.” Penknight hissed, leaping to his feet and drawing his sword. Marc hissed inward through his teeth when he saw what had drawn the akuma’s attention. Wiggling their way through the seams in the balcony doors was a horde of red butterflies. No one had to guess who they were after.
“Creation!” Penknight shouted, stabbing the doors. They, along with the windows, twisted into themselves cutting off the insects entry point. The few that had slipped through were swiftly sliced out of the air by the akuma, who was unaffected by their power by virtue of already being occupied by one of them. There were too many though. Viperion saw the errant bug the same time Marc did and hunched over Ladybug, trying to shield her with his body. Marc knew it wouldn’t be enough. Ignoring the pain in his leg, he lunged.
“Ah, Reverser. How good to see you again.” Scarlet Hawkmoth purred in his ear. Ladybug’s horrified, tear-streaked face was so close to his he could feel her breath. “Fitting that you should be the one to bring me Ladybug’s miraculous. After all the reverse of constant defeat is victory.” And the opposite of panic is calm, Reverser thought to himself.
“Reversion.” He said, reaching out to touch Ladybug’s face.
“Stay away from her!” Viperion shouted, knocking him back as Ladybug slumped in his arms. Penknight snarled and leapt at the snake hero, sparks flying when his sword met Viperion’s lyre. Reverser heard Chloe shout her transformation phrase, but he had other concerns. 
“What was broken should become whole.” He said, touching his leg. He noticed his black half was now red, like he had been drenched in blood. He didn’t like it.
“Viperion, Penknight, stop. I’m ok. Are you ok?” Ladybug asked Reverser, her voice emotionless. He nodded and stood.
“What did you do to her, Reverser?” Queen Bee demanded, keeping Sabrina behind her. Scarlet Hawkmoth echoed her in his head.
“He calmed me down, which I sorely needed. Seeing the Master and...what looked like Chatnoir dead took my sense from me. If Reverser hadn’t used his powers on me, I would be akumatized.” She said, glancing at the remaining butterflies uselessly battering the sealed doors.
“Why would he do that? Akuma don’t just help people out of the kindness of their non-existent hearts.” Queen Bee accused, ignoring Penknight when he coughed.
“Why wouldn't I?” Reverser asked, taking Penknight’s arm. “When I first became Reverser, it was because I wanted Nathaniel to accept me. He does now. My...drive? I guess you could call it, is gone.” Penknight beamed at him, leaning down slightly to touch foreheads.
“Hopefully some of the other Akuma feel the same way and decide to help us instead of Scarlet Hawkmoth.” Ladybug said, glancing back at the still playing news coverage.
‘You will not be one of them.’ Scarlet Hawkmoth growled in Reverser’s mind. He gasped as intense pain stabbed at his chest. He had to act fast, there wasn’t much time. Gathering what he could of his power as Scarlet Hawkmoth tore at him, Reverser grabbed Penknight by the back of his head and made one last reversion.
Marc clenched his eyes shut as he waited for the vermilion butterfly to over take him. The sensation was warmer than he remembered, and there was a strange pressure on his lips. Wait, what? Marc’s eyes shot open as he stumbled back (vaguely noticing the pain in his leg was gone), hands on his mouth. Penknight gave him a dopey grin that slowly turned thoughtful. 
“You did something to me.” The akuma said, thoughtfully touching his own lips.
“I’ll say.” Queen Bee snorted. When had she transformed? What happened to Ladybug? Marc spotted the uh, spotted heroine near the tv looking much better. Oh. He had already been akumatized and cured. That was fast.
“We’ll have to worry about that later.” Ladybug said. She gestured to the tv, where an akuma Marc had never seen before had taken over the broadcast. They were a man, wearing a white wolf skin cloak, the head of the beast covering their own. The akuma had a hooked staff, the crook gleaming sharply.
“Citizens of Paris! I am the Shepherd. For too long have these so called ‘heroes’ been aloud to run free. Join me in aiding Scarlet Hawkmoth to end this terrorist threat! Join the ranks of the Office of Akuma Affairs, claim your rightful power, and turn Paris into Akuma City!” An image of Penknight and Prism from the fateful interview yesterday flashed onto the screen. “A reward for the race-traitor calling himself ‘Penknight’ and his now human bride is being offered to the heroes who bring me their heads!”
“Bride? That’s moving a little fast, don’t you think? We haven’t even had a real date yet.” Penknight mused as Shepard continued to rant. Marc buried his face in his hands and groaned. 
“Great, now there’s an entire city full of akumas after me.”
“I’ll protect you.” Penknight promised. 
“Marc will be able to protect himself. The reason I came here was to gather allies, and now that the enemy is doing the same that goal is more important than ever. I am going to need all of you to keep the akumas at bay while I find the other heroes so we can, hopefully, rescue Chatnoir.” Ladybug said, holding out two miraculous. 
“Sabrina, Marc, these are the miraculous of the dog and the goat. Use them to protect Paris. When the mission is over, you must return them to me.” 
“Oh my gosh! Of course Ladybug!” Sabrina squealed, accepting the miraculous. The dog kwami zoomed over to her and began excitedly describing his powers.
“My name is Barkk, and I’m the kwami of loyalty! With my power, fetch, you can move an ally out of danger and to your side! To transform say, ‘Barkk, join the pack!’” Sabrina looked elated, while Chloe looked proud. Their friendship might be weird, Marc thought, but it was genuine. Where Sabrina had eagerly accepted, he hesitated.
“Are you sure Ladybug? I’m not exactly a fighter.” He really, really wasn’t. Just the thought of going into combat terrified him. 
“Me either really. That’s probably why Ladybug is pairing us.” The goat Kwami said. “I’m the kwami of dreams, I hate fighting. Sometimes though we have to fight if we want to protect all the beautiful dreams of peace.” Marc held out his hands so the little kwami could sit.
“You won’t need to fight with me around.” Penknight boasted, resting his sword on his shoulder and posing. For some reason the display made Marc incredibly sad. Up til now he had been thinking of Penknight as just Nathaniel, but more bold. That really wasn’t true, was it? The akuma might be part of who Nathaniel was, but he was missing all the other parts that made Nathaniel Nathaniel. Marc couldn’t leave him like this, and if defeating Hawkmoth was the only way then…
“I’m Ziggy, and I think we’re going to be friends.” The goat said, sensing his determination. “My power, sweet dreams, lets you send someone into a trance where their fondest dream is lived out. To transform say, ‘Ziggy, start counting!’”. Marc accepted the miraculous from Ladybug, then paused. What was he going to do with hair clips? His hair really wasn’t long enough to hold them in place. He clipped them to the top of his hoodie instead.
“Ok, Barkk, join the pack!” Sabrina’s hero outfit was, cute, in a word. She was predominantly brown and white, with a pair of floppy ears. A wagging tail (was it real?) was attached to the back of shorts that ended mid thigh. Oversized gloves looked like paws, the pads of her fingers pink. Her weapon seemed to be a...frisbee? Well, it fit with the theme. “I think my name will be...Retriever!” The newly dubbed heroine looked at Marc expectantly. Actually the whole room did. Oh boy, time to do this, he guessed.
“Z-Ziggy, start counting.” The transformation washed over him like warm sunshine. Oh, this felt much better than being akumatized. Marc looked down at himself to see a black and white body suit. That seemed to be a theme with his transformations. The two parts of his miraculous had come together to form clasps that secured a black, cottony cloak. Marc felt his head. The hood was up and were those...horns? He gave the curved objects a tug, feeling his skull tug back in protest. Sweet kwami, they were real. The final part of his getup was a wooden shepherd's crook that seemed to leave a trail of glittery light when it moved. Now that he thought about it, his bodysuit was a bit shinier than the other heroes too. Marc made a face, was it because he was gay? He definitely had some mixed feelings on this.
“Wow, they’re going to be able to see you coming a mile away.” Queen Bee helpfully commented. “Well, what are we calling you sparkles?” That was a good question. Ziggy had sad they were the kwami of dreams, right? Marc watched the light falling from his staff wink out on the carpet.
“...Stardust.” He decided. Chloe sniggered slightly. Penknight used his creation to dump about a gallon of actual glitter on her. “Now they’ll see you too.” He hmphed as she shrieked. 
“The extra visibility is a good thing seeing as we’re going to be distractions while Ladybug gets the rest of the team.” Viperion pointed out while Ladybug nodded.
“It shouldn’t take me long to find them, I know where most of them should be this early in the morning. I’m only going to spend half an hour looking. If I haven’t found everyone by then who we have will just have to do.” Ladybug turned to observe the few butterflies still floating about outside. She seemed too calm for the situation, considering how distraught she had been previously. Stardust wondered what had happened in the short time he had been akumatized to make her like that.
“Is everyone ready?” Ladybug asked. 
“As we’ll ever be.” Viperion said, backed up by nods from the rest. Ladybug smiled briefly, readying her yoyo.
“Alright heroes, let’s take back our city.”
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Reviews: YumeTwins June 19
It’s been a while since I’ve last done multiple reviews in one day, but I’m feeling pretty good tonight and since it’s too early for me to go to bed, I thought I would knock out my first of our June boxes!
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Contest & Photo Prize
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This month, the grand prize winner would receive this adorable Tuxedo Sam plushie, while the runner-ups received these cute Sanrio clear cases; perfect for things like holding your glasses, money, and various other small items.
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Meanwhile, the Yume Prize continues the Sanrio trend, with a bunch of kawaii Sumikko Gurashi and Pompompurrin goods; all serving some practical functions for both the day and evening~
Moving Bunny Ears Hat
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I think these suddenly gained popularity, which is why they are in this box this month :3 It’s a fluffy-soft cap that resembles a bunny with floppy ears and long paws, which when squeezed do this:
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These were available in either white or pink, and I also know there is a panda version too, but it wasn’t in the box.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
It’s very cute, and I love how soft and fluffy it is x3 I can wear it and cuddle it. The ear gimmick is a lot of fun, and on one hand the arms aren’t very practical so they might get in the way at times, but it’s not as bad as some other hats I’ve seen and it does a nice good keeping your head cozy without having much weight.
If anything I wish it had a little bit more detail though, because I keep thinking “I know its a bunny, but it looks like a sheep.“ and the details it does have are a teensy-bit messy on mine. It’s mainly little snips and seams of string that aren’t cut neatly or are sticking out.
Sparkly Kawaii Bowl
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Our next item is an adorable, colorful translucent bowl that features several unique drawings of the character representing it. The others include colors like pink, clear/white, red, blue, and feature Rilakkuma, Sumikko Gurashi, Doraemon, and My Melody. Each bowl has a diamond or gem-like appearance, and as you can see I got the Hello Kitty one x3 it’s very pale pink and white, pastel blue, lavender, hot pink, and pastel yellow on the images.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
What’s nice is that if you don’t want to use it for food (cold foods like snacks or sweets, because I don’t think this type of material could stand really hot things), you could use it as an item holder, for things like jewelry, makeup, knick-knacks, etc.
There isn’t really much to say about a bowl though, so I’m kind of rating it for the fact it’s really cute and I love hello kitty. But I would have been happy with any of them. I also think it goes well with the Party Animal theme.
Sumikko Gurashi Coaster
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I never really use coasters around here (I have some, but I never remember to grab them), but I couldn’t resist getting excited when I saw these, we all know how much I love Shirokuma~
Besides him, there was also Neko, Penguin, and Tonkatsu available, each with their little friend or personal item. The coasters are basic cork.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
The mage and detailing is pretty nice, and for a coaster it seems a little flimsy. If I bend it certain ways the paint cracks so I’m not sure how to say this will hold up durability wise... but in going with the theme, I think it’s a useful and cute item.
Sakura Kitchen Set
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Our next items are a 2-set (although I’m not sure if they actually are when sold, I’m thinking not?) featuring a pretty pink and white Sakura flower theme. These may not say party animal, but the cleanup is pretty important afterwards wouldn’t you say?
The little box is perfect for folding leftover food or packing some food with you on a trip, or just for a snack you might not finish- while the sponges... you know, help clean off things like dishes, or you can use them to clean the walls, floors, sink, whatever.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I feel like with these items there genuinely isn’t much I can say. Like I can see why these were included and I like the fun twist on the party animal theme, but if I really had to say anything, it’d be that I feel like the box should be bigger because I really don’t think it would be a good leftover bin; unless it was just a small snack or some dessert. I don’t know if it can be heated up, but I’m pretty sure it could hold hot items.
With spring passing when this box was released I also kind of like how this fits as a farewell spring item. I love sakura flower x3 they’re so pretty.
Sanrio Letter Set
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Letters and notes are pretty important when you plan to host a party, and with that this month we could receive 7 different Sanrio-themed sets. Each comes with 12 stationary, 6 envelopes, and 1 sheet of stickers.  
I wouldn’t say Pocaccho is my favorite Sanrio character; but next to Hello Kitty he’s the one I grew up with. So I always had a fondness for him.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I can’t say I have much use for stationery sets like this personally, but it’s a practical item and I still appreciate it. One day it could come in handy- like if I throw a party :D or whenever I send presents to friends I could use it. I always like to include a note, so this type of set is perfect in those situations.
One thing I did think was funny though is that the entire set is blue and white striped, as you can see. But when I turned over the set, I looked at the paper and its entirely pink and white! Kinda random, but it does include the various items from the front and still sticks with the theme.
Glitter Character Keychain
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Our final item is this adorable blind box featuring 4 sets of 4 character shaker keychains, each translucent with color detail and with unique glitter!
I got the sanrio set, so I could get Hello Kitty, Little Twin Star, Cinnamoroll, or My Melody. The other sets included Crayon Shinchan, Doraemon, and Sumikko Gurashi. Honestly I would have been happy with any of them, except for Shinchan because I don’t like that series.
These are worth 5 Sanrio points.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Well in terms of looks, I guess I could see the party animal theme in this. They’re very colorful and a lot of fun to shake and watch the glitter role around x3
♡ Cutie Ranking ♡
Content - 4.5 out of 5. Quality wise everything seems to be pretty decent and well-detailed. I like the items, but I know right away I might not use a few of them. At least not now. I like how they were practical and we had a nice variety.
Theme: 5 out of 5. This one left me a little complex again because almost all of the items do include animals. They all feature lots of colorful details, and mostly all of them could be used in relation to a party, before or after .I especially liked the clever way they included cleaning items for the after party.
Total Rank: 10 out of 10. I don’t have very much to say about it but, but I really liked this box. I liked the items from our last one but with the price we pay, and giving it more thought after I posted it I began wondering if it was worth it. We got a bunch of small items and I didn’t really think so, but this one is more worth it. The items are practical and come in a variety of sizes, mainly medium-big, and for just an any day or everyday scenario, these will be useful.
♡ Cutie Scale ♡
1. Glitter Character Keychain - I fell in love at first glance; I love clear things with pops of color, and I’m obsessed with glittery things. It was meant to be. I really wish we got more blind boxes like we used to~
2. Sparkly Kawaii Bowl - It’s gorgeous! I know I’ll use this item too, because it is a kitchen item and everyone eats. It would definitely catch attention from friends ;3
3. Bunny Ears Hat - It’s really cute and I love how soft it is... but I’m one of those people who feel stupid and is convinced they look stupid wearing hats. So I feel a little silly wearing it >3<
4. Sakura Kitchen Set - I like the items and it’s nice how we get 2 for the price of 1. Again, not sure I’ll use them much, but I like how they look at the very least...
5. Sanrio Letter Set - It’s very cute, I love the various Pochacco images, some of which I saw before and some I didn’t. I like the striped background especially x3 I love stripes.
6. Sumikko Gurashi Coaster - it’s very cute, but it’s pretty basic and I feel like this would be the item I use least; I also think it might be the most frail. Again I’m worried about its durability and how well the image will last over time. 
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Reviews: Kawaii Box July 19
Here we are guys, the Kawaii Box I’ll be reviewing tonight. I’ve had these pictures ready since Sunday but I blame my birthday and the delivery issues for the Lucky Treat as to why it took me almost a week...
Let’s hope the next one is quicker :D
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Word of the month: Ryokou - Trip
“Create the best summer vacation ever with this month’s selection of kawaii goodies!“
Happy Day Pill Organizer & Kawaii Candy Wrapper Hairclips
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For a summer holiday it can come in handy to have some little necessities with you, especially if they’re really cute ones. Both items are available in other designs/colors on Blippo.com.
First up is this little pill box, featuring a ball chain you can attach to a bag or purse, or even pants or belt loops for easy access to your vitamins or essential medication. I think you could even pack other tiny items, like a handy place to hold small jewelry, ear/nose plugs, contacts (maybe), little hair accessories, etc.
I’ve gotten a few other pill box containers, but they really do come in handy. Not only can I pack the above items, but I’ve also started taking vitamins these past two years, I also have an antibiotic I’m on right now, and I try to keep ibuprofen and stomach medicines on hand for me or others. Because I have a couple it also saves me room in my bed-side table.
So yeah, I’ve been making good use of them. 
Hair care and accessories can also be a necessity, clips provide an easy and quick method of getting hair out of the face. They also look adorable~
These clips are made to resemble wrapped candies or sweets, with a clear resin or plastic on front decorated with various items and a painted back, along with a vibrant semi-translucent clip. The clip quality is nice with little spiked pieces to weave through the hair and securely hold it, and the charm itself isn’t loose or flimsy.
I love their original hair clips (except for those neon nightmare ribbons from a few months ago), and these are very sweet and fun. The candy theme and colorful mix of vibrant and pastels makes them perfect not only for summer, but any occasion!
Aiko Headphone Case
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Next up is this adorable Aiko-chan case for... I assume earbuds? It says headphone but I don’t think they would fit in there. Anyway, it features a double-sided image and an attachable pink metal piece so that you can connect this to various items, or you could even loop something else through the strap if you wanted.
The inside is a basic black, with a half-mesh piece on one of the sides. It’s compact but you could definitely fit some decent things in here besides earbuds; like everything I listed above, a hand sanitizier, small makeup items, toothpicks or ear cleaners, mints, candy, a mini notepad or sticky note set, etc.
This is really cute, but I kinda wish the design was more... summery? Like using the one from the booklet cover, which is what they usually do.
Hello Kitty Mermaid Plushie
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Now this is what I’m talking about- although... this would have been a better match for the previous months box, with the mermaid items don’t you agree?
This is from a brand or company called Nakajima, and is part of a Sanrio Characters line. It’s officially worth or costs 20 Sanrio points, and I’m pretty sure its based on the much larger Hello Kitty mermaid plushies. I’ve seen a handful of them though so this could just be another catfish in the sea ;3 She has a light pink piece of tulle on her head adorned by a glittery felt star, with the same tulle around the top of the chest, and her tail is light purple with a shimmery, glittery hot pink semi-translucent fin. By the corner of her eye are two stitched stars in matching colors.
The plush is soft in the paws, but the head is more firm, with the tail just slightly softer. She’s well made and she even has a ball chain, so I could attach her to things as well if I wanted and bring her with me~
Icy Pastel Popsicle Pen
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As usual we got a fun pen, and these never fail to please when it comes to fun, cuteness, and theme matching. So this month we have a multicolored pastel popsicle-shaped piece attached to the nubbin’ of a pen lid. The pen itself is a plain, thin white tube and there is a fine tip; and as usual it’s available in a few other colors. I love popsicles too, so I made sure to add it to the other pens I enjoy using. 
There isn’t really much to say about the pen quality wise, other than the fact it needs a few minutes to dry. The pen can hold a line for a long time (as in, you don’t need to force flowage) and it can dot and write very easy and smooth.
Tiny Party Sparkly Stickers
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As usual we also get adorable stickers, and this month we have a set of adorable, glittery, pastel items perfect for not only a fun party during summer or a get-together with friends, but also add a sweet touch to various items- like letters, notes, photo albums, picture frames, etc.
The stickers are “barely puffy“ to give them a 3D look, and what I think is adorable is on the upper corner, where it lists this:
Calories: ???
Enjoyment: 110%
Happiness: 100%
I really like all of the stickers but I think my most favorite are the candy containers, the unicorn cupcake or ice cream, and the jelly desserts.
Happy Nikukyu Polar Bear Gummies
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We’ve gotten gummies like these before from Kawaii Box, and in a few other boxes, but usually they are cat or dog themed. To cool down from the warm summer weather, we’re invited to enjoy these chilling polar bear paw gummies, which as you can see are filled with a creamy gel. The bag is re-sealable and the entire bag is 102 calories- which I don’t really think is too bad. If you ate the whole bag it’d be a nice little snack.
I usually like these gummies, and they’ve never been filled before so this was a fun change. I also love soda flavors, and these are very yummy. The cooling effect lasts for a few minutes and is very soothing, it isn’t harsh or minty at all.
Korean DIY Kawaii Bracelet Set
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Fun for a rainy day or just a bout of boredom or some time to yourself, we have this cute and colorful jewelry set. It consists of several colorful charms in various shapes and sizes, and it has a long bundled up stretchy string.
I pulled out the more “random charms“ to show you guys, and there was several that I only had one of, like that heart, the flower, the big, that big rose. I had multiple of the heels, but I thought they were so random and cute I couldn’t help but include them. I also noticed a lot of spare little bits of plastic I can’t do anything with, and there was one or two pieces with extra plastic I’ll need to remove before use.
However... I actually kind of like how they look in the little jar, I’m a bit hesitant about using them. I might just leave them as is. But I’ll probably use a couple pieces.
Korean DIY Kawaii Cupcake Set
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I’ve done a couple of kits like this before, they’re a lot of fun and I love to see how different they are between each one. I do wish we could have a little more variety kit wise, but because they differ it’s not that bad. Plus there are color variations so you can have a lot of fun making these, then re-using them for re-ment or dolls, or just cutesy displays later.
So as you can see we have two frostings, along with 3 cupcake liners and 3 glasses, and four bottles of deco bits: Styrofoam balls, glittery green stars, fruits and random other canes, and various glittery bits.
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Here are 3 I did, including 1 cupcake and 2 drinks. I’ve gone ahead and did another cupcake sometime after this pic, but I still have 2 pieces left over and a little bit of the “frosting“, which is a lot like glue in terms of consistency and feel. When you finish, it has a smooth and puffy texture, but it hardens over time and loses the squishiness.
I believe there would be enough to finish the last 2 pieces, but I’m unsure. The cupcake isn’t entirely frosting, I used spare bits to fill the bottom, a squirt of blue frosting, then filled it in white.
It’s very fun, but I will warn you, from the experience I’ve had with these types of things you definitely want tweezers to use. It will make the job loads easier and less-messy.
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content - 5 out of 5: The items are well-made and really sweet, I like them all.
Theme - 2.5 out of 5: I felt like this could have been a lot better, I want to say at least half of the box was summery vacation themed
Total Rank: 8 out of 10 Cuties. I liked the items a lot, but I didn’t feel excited or super-thrilled with the box either. It was just good, not great or fantastic though, but you can’t please everyone and I still really liked it. The items are cute and colorful, and fun and practical. I can’t help but wonder what Augusts’ box will be like though, since both this one and the June one are both falling short on summer expectations. We’ll just have to wait to find out!
♥Cutie Scale ♥
1. Polar Bear Paw Gummies - These were delicious, I’d recommend them if you ever see them
2. Kawaii Hairclips - As I said above, I love the unique hair accessories we get from Blippo/Kawaii Box, I especially love these ones inspired by food items :3 I’ve worn them a couple of times and I really, really like them.
3. Popsicle Pen - It’s so cute, I just wish the pens tube wasn’t so plain. It’s a little boring, but I can understand the design choice.
4. Sparkly Stickers - I probably won’t use these because of how much I like them. Unless I just find the perfect place for them that is~
5. Pill Organizer - It’s very fun and I love the use of black as a pop of color to the soft pastels. It’s been easy to use and it came in handy freeing up space.
6. Hello Kitty Mermaid - It’s very cute and I’m obsessed with Hello Kitty, I don’t have a mermaid hello kitty, unless you count the large dress-up hello kitty doll I have, who was mermaid themed when I bought her.
7. DIY Bracelet Kit - Same as below, but I’m less-likely to actually touch it right now. I love looking at all the pieces~
8. DIY Cupcake Set - It’s very cute and fun, and relaxing too. But I’ve been there done that. 
9. Aiko Case - It’s very cute and small, I won’t be using them for earbuds or headphones but I know I can find a use for it in my bed-side table or purse. I still wish they used the design from the front though...
0 notes