#i got carrrrried away
queer-spectre · 2 years
Some MacCready Hcs
-always cold. His hands are especially are fucking freezing. He wrings his hands a lot rubs them together to try and warm them up.
-his cap and jacket both have a worn little tag on the inside, hand stitched with his initials — put there by Lucy in neat black thread.
-he and Hancock were passing friends for a bit before sole was thawed out, but became very close quickly once they spent some time on the road.
-Mac gets along famously with Cait, but hates that she—without fail—calls out his cursing with a shit-eating grin. Sole introduces the concept of a swear jar, which Cait thinks is funniest thing in the world.
-Mac is an excellent at herding drunken people, a highly admired skill in Goodneighbor, and later in any settlement. Probably from his years as mayor of little lamplight: he’s stern but even the drunks can tell it’s mostly affectionate.
-Magnolia is on a personal quest to (subtly) play matchmaker for him. Hancock is notably less subtle about it.
-one of the ways sole knew he really trusted them was when he somberly requested a mod on his rifle. He tried to pay and everything but sole would only accept payment in the form of helping them haul salvage across the waste. (Need more aluminum after those upgrades, after all).
-Mac’s jumpy and fidgety both, to an almost comical (or worrying) degree—unless he’s peering down a scope, where everything he can see is his to control.
-close combat makes him nervous, but he does a good job of hiding it. He hates it more if sole has him hang back while they go in close.
-his dry sense of humor was born from many years of not understanding the joke/metaphor as a kid.
-sometimes his deadpan is too good, and people don’t realize he’s joking, then he has to backtrack: which makes him all flustered and shit.
-while he cracks a grin easily, his actual laugh is rare. but when he does it’s full force: the loud, can barely breathe, eyes-watering kind.
-his letters to Duncan include drawings sometimes—usually encountered creatures or people he’s met. Per his kiddo’s request, there is a pretty decent sketch of sole tucked under Duncan’s bed—he likes knowing someone is keeping his dad safe.
-sole and Hancock collect the all the pens, pencils, and intact paper they can find for Mac. They never give it to him directly: it feels like too much to address it unless Mac wants to talk about his kid, so they just add it to his pack. Mac knows, and returns the favor in his own ways: gruffly shoving shotgun shells into Hancock’s hands, and a giving a variety of ammo types to Sole.
- once the dust settled, Mac and Duncan moved out to the commonwealth: diamond city for the first few years so Duncan could attend school with the other kids. Duncan and Nat are thick as thieves and cause endless (mostly harmless) trouble. Nick’s had to drag the pair out of trouble a few times, only sometimes reporting the shenanigans to their respective guardians.
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the-elven-jester · 1 month
Jangel was alone in the forest, heading on a long journey to the next town. He wasn’t a fan of going alone, but everyone in the party went their own ways, and there was no way he was staying in that town after battling that person or thing. His stomach growls loudly, letting a sigh out. “I got carrrrried away wanting to get to the next town that my body is screaming for food.” The half-breed looked around his surroundings, checking if it was safe to rest. It seemed like some lights were beaming through the tree’s leaves and pretty open. “This is perrrrrfected to rest a bit and refill my stomach energy back!” He chirps, swaying his puffy tail.
So he went over to a tree and sat in the shade, reaching into his bag to pull out his rations. He opened one of them; it was a loaf of bread. Licking his mouth, he took a big bite and chewed it. Jangels swallowed it down as he took another bite. 
His ears twitch to pick up a feral growl, getting him to react to stand up and drop the bread quickly. It was too late to counter the attack as he was about to pull his rapier out from the sheath. A giant wolf rushed out from hiding and tackled the half-breed to the ground, pinning him. Jangle lets out a hiss and flails his legs. The wolf snarls, drooling as some drips onto the half-breed head and face. He squints his eyes tightly, turning his head away and drooping his ears. Loud mewls come out from him.
“No! No! I’m going to be this wolf, wolf lunchhhhh! No one is herrrre!”
|| Jangel for the Au Jac ||
Within seconds the wolf had stopped moving, slowly being pulled back to see the Jester knight. Jacques himself, tossed over as he put his rapier away. "Ya need to be more careful."
He had told the other, notice who it was. "It's the little hyper fella from the party, what brings ya here?"
As he did look around now, if Jacc had to take a hint then. Jangle is alone, which now this is something being here alone dangerous things happen.
"Ya need to be back in town. As much wouldn't blame ya for what happened, but it's the only safe place ya have." Figure as much too, wouldn't blame Jangle. kneel down now. "Even get ya proper food, Jacc owes ya that. Can be a reward." As he said to the other.
"Com'on let's get going." Stood up and held his hand out.
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