#i got no clue
xxalphaclownxx · 3 months
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here’s the aleheather dynamic in my noah magica au :DD just ask me if u wanna know stuff abt the au, im rly proud of it
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mushroomcarrotstick · 7 months
choose: archer or felix [don't be biased-]
who are they? By name I'd say felix sounds hella cooler.
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stampsthemeow · 24 days
Creepypasta au stuff !!!!
Ages !!!!!
I'm too lazy to list everyone it's just all the pastas in my au plus OCS
Sally- 9
Ben- 12
Dale (OC) - 18 (bodily, technically he should be 19)
Nina- 18
JTK- 19
Twilight (OC)- 19
Zach (OC)- 19
Halo (OC)- 19 Kate- idk 19
Clockwork- 20 Jane- 20
Mary- 20
Liu- 20
Corrupt (OC) - 21 (bodily)
Caroline (OC) - 21 (bodily
Toby- 23
Missing (OC) - 27 (bodily)
EJ- 29
Charlotte & Casper- 35-40 ish (no exact age yet)
Tim- 36
Brian- 35
Jay- 35
Alex- 36
Slender- who fuckin knows
Lmk if I forgot anyone and I'll add em
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cerealflavor · 1 year
what happened after flower kid punched dr habit off the balcony. like did he just walk it off or what
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seraphhija · 8 months
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WHAT DOES THIS MEAN IT APPEARED IN IBISX PAINT AGAINST MY WILL idk how this happened . i drew this in a haze at 2-4 am. Got no idea sorry
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thatonepizzaman · 7 months
Uhhh what should I do today-
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mikumadds · 4 months
guys what is this walrus fairy thing everyone is talking about?
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
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time-woods · 7 days
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needed to draw more chimera yuri
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sillyparker · 2 months
me explaining to the the absolute nothingness infront of me why i wont do this one thing even if i slightly do it most of the time and giving reasoning as if anybody is listening or that my reasoning matters
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curlycue216 · 8 months
Was walking between one building on the college campus i work for to another and spotted a little baby snake on the sidewalk. Took a picture of it, shooed it into the grass, and went on my way. It wasn't until a few minutes later when i looked at the pic again that i was like "that's potentially a baby cottonmouth." Asked around to some coworkers, debated if it was maybe a hognose, it definitely isn't a garter snake, and finally sent the pic to campus police. Because one baby snake usually means there's more nearby.
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falling-mist · 1 year
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Is this secure enough or should I weave it back as well?
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frost-queen · 1 year
Hi friend how are you doing?
I'm doing okay. I played some Jedi Fallen order today and am currently wondering what I should write hahaha
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kcamberart · 3 months
swear to god i saw the coolest guy ever while i was leaving work
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you know you in the trenches when you step outta a shower and dry yourself with a used t-shirt
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ofswordsandpens · 10 months
actually I also wanna talk about the part where Percy convinces Bob to kill Hyperion because even though Percy never says anything outright sinister, the way he handles the entire situation with such cool ease, playing on Bob’s emotions... its so insane???
Because Annabeth’s reaction to the three of them encountering Hyperion reforming is: “oh this is bad we need to get out of here” She knows if Bob remembers himself, that it's not going to play out well for Percy and her. She also thinks about how they're being pursued and don't have a lot of time. Her solution to the problem, seemingly, is to leave.
But Percy's solution is to work the situation to his advantage. He re-affirms Bob's loyalty to him:
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Percy then re-establishes Bob's moral code: "Some monsters are good. Some are bad. This Titan is bad. He tried to kill me and a lot of people. He's not good like you are."
And it ends with Percy leaving the choice of whatever to do with Hyperion to Bob but of course, is it really what Bob chose to do? Bob decides to kill Hyperion. It's not what he may have done, if Percy hadn't intervened. But it's exactly what Percy was oh-so-sweetly leading Bob to do.
And listen, I'm not claiming that it was exactly morally bankrupt of Percy to take advantage of a once-evil titan who could get him and his girlfriend through hell in one piece. Percy, Annabeth, they manipulate monsters and enemies all the time. Annabeth ended the previous book with manipulating Arachne into weaving her own web. So it's not exactly like she's against using manipulative tactics, in theory.
But Bob, at this point, is not just some monster. He is so painfully sincere in his belief in Percy and their friendship, so yes, it does feel a bit sinister whenever Percy uses Bob... and he really uses Bob.
And I think what makes the scene so unsettling, it isn't just that Percy manipulated Bob, its how well Percy manipulated him. He manipulates Bob so well that Percy doesn't even have to kill Hyperion... because Bob does it for him. He manipulates Bob so well, that Annabeth couldn't tell if Percy was purposefully trying to manipulate the situation. (Newsflash, he most definitely was). Like holy shit.
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