#i got too lazy on trying to find a good font lol
littlecafe · 3 years
!!definitely, no company operates independently if 80 something percent of it is owned by a parent company, its just basic business. and they just released a shoot video for their next boygroup trainees? the timing is just very off
oh ya i agree completely the graphics have significantly downgraded since merging, nuests last album cover was so weird (but at least there was more effort in those teasers) and it was the same with their merch too...and now this one its just black text and pixelated numbers fdhsks
i saw theories this album was supposed to be for april...but now its a a disbandment album. even the concept to me doesnt match what a goodbye album would look like from them? the blank white previews really do make it clearer that they werent ready :(
ahh youre not wrong the two who resigned had the most schedules going on as of recent, so it made sense to me at first when they said the other three didnt sign...
(thanks for ranting w me i appreciate being able to talk about it >< ♥)
exactly!! i honestly can't believe there are people that don't see or understand that, even if this is kpop it's business and business runs the same everywhere
did they really??? a new boy group...wow.....oh wait i just searched it up i've seen this group mentioned before didn't they have a show or something i remember seeing some lyrics controversy but i won't derail this anymore lol but the timing sure is...something even if it's just a coincidence it's still rubbing some salt into the wounds....
even before the merger pledis has always been lazy with design lmao either that or they just don't budget a lot for it if they're paying someone for these (but what else is new, pledis is cheap) which reminds me of a nancy unboxing i watched a while back (i had to go find it, linked to timestamp), she mentioned that a fan found out one of svt's album color version was literally a direct inverse(?) of another one aka there was zero thought being put into color scheme....
i honestly try to erase romanticize's design choice out of my head like i gasped the first time i saw their teasers come out with that pls sakjhfdksfhs it was so ugly but i feel like another group had some similar design with some atrocious font spacing but i can't remember now i can only think of svt's the ode album but that "minimalistic" design would be more in line with what they did for nu'est the nocturne album which were also both......an interesting take on minimalism, font focused design (nct did something similar with their regular irregular era posters which i found much cuter)
honestly with pledis designs there's no vision which makes them pretty unmemorable, they're lucky the boys are pretty enough to make it work lmao their best work for me would be happily ever after album along with the website they made for it
yea...i've seen people suspecting the 10 year anniversary promos were supposed to lead up to the new album in april, it's so obvious this album was still in the works and got repurposed to be a goodbye album bc you're right the concept just doesn't make sense at all and they virtually have no design shdsfsdfdsf looking at the listed album goods too it's like nonexistent compared to any of their other album releases, they were really not ready to put this out
ugh...ok i thought so....this is 100% my cynical side speaking now that i've had more time to sit on it but i really don't like how they somehow managed to keep those with higher amounts of individual schedule (and possibly individual appeal) while the others just magically decide not to renew, sounds like someone was trying to min max profits, since despite nu'est doing well in korea, there's no doubt that managing 2 successful solo acts will be easier and less costly than kpop group promotions
also i was just so shocked jr would be one of the ones to not sign like maybe i'm delusional but that was like..did i read this wrong?? i just don't believe if he was given a proper chance to stay as nu'est that he would refuse that
but yes ofc!! it's nice to have someone to talk it out with since the situation got so ridiculous so fast, we all went from shocked and sad to collective frustration practically overnight lol
#talking about design tho and the merger yea that said parent group i'm not keen on their design vision either it's so hit or miss#but they have min heejin now but she's mainly working in their other division for girl group debut so she doesn't do any of the bg releases#search for her old work with sm and you'll find a ton! she really creates a good vision for designers to make good work#sm has been going more downhill now in the design without her i used to defend their design department so much#now they just embarrass me but their work for dream's hot sauce was good fingers crossed for glitch mode#key's bad love but he was his own creative director so lmao but they really brought his vision to life for real#yuehua has cute designs too i like woodz's equal and woops! eras#everything from scheduler to teasers to packaging was on point for those#astro's dream part 1 is also a memorable kpop design for me!!#i try not to think too much about the photos when taking in the designs unless it's meant to be photo driven#nice design is just a great added bonus for me in kpop which is why it's been so sad ever since covid bc it hit the visual sector the most#another group that puts out decent design concepts almost all the time during these times would be tbz#they have a lot of sm's old crew working for them too#absolutely derailing in tags but tying it back despite that company's world building their design has never been on par#once min heejin's work comes out for the gg whenever that will be then i will see again#question
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kdramaanalyst · 4 years
Spoilers ahead!!! Read at your own risk. Once again, I am not an expert and these are my personal opinions. If you have disagreements, let's talk it over. Don't judge me, let's judge the show together instead and have an understanding.
For the first drama that I am going to review, I chose The King: Eternal Monarch. A lot of viewers who supported the show with all of their hearts could still not get over its ending. Others who like to binge-watch are relieved because they can finally watch the entire series without waiting for a new episode to air. While some are still mulling over about watching it. Well, I hope I could help you with this review.
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• Introduction to the Drama
Short gist:
The story revolves around Lee Gon, present King of Kingdom of Corea. He witnessed his father’s death when he was young, an incident that haunted him until he grew older. Due to unfortunate circumstances, a legendary flute with powers called Manpasikjeok that can open different worlds was cut in half. He was able to get hold half of the flute, while the other half was obtained by Lee Lim, his uncle who killed his father. Lee Lim had been going back and forth two different worlds, plotting foul pursuits to fulfill his evil desires, and disrupting the peace between the two worlds. In order to restore balance and order, Lee Gon also traveled between worlds, meeting Jeong Tae Eul who soon became a significant person in his life.
If you've been watching Korean Dramas for quite a while now, you must be familiar with some of the characters of The King: Eternal Monarch, especially the lead.
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If you call yourself a k-drama fan and you don't know who Lee Minho is, give yourself a slap (just kidding, please don't take that seriously). Lee Minho has a good reputation because of his experience, acting skills and obviously, his gorgeous face. He has an impressive list of successful dramas and movies! Most of us probably knew him through his breakthrough role in Boys Over Flowers.
Meanwhile, Kim Go Eun, despite being fairly new to small screen (she first started appearing in movies), is also highly distinguished by a lot of k-drama fans. In all three dramas she starred in, including The King, she always got the lead role. His leading men are no joke either. And because of Kim Go Eun, many of us still wants to be the goblin's bride.
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Among the cast also includes the familiar faces of Woo Do Hwan, Kim Kyung Nam, Jung Eun Chae, and Lee Jung Jin.
Anyway, I'll try to share every thought I have from the first time I watched it until it ended. I will also try not to give so much spoilers because the drama just ended. I will talk first about my experience watching it and then I will list at the very bottom some of the issues I have and that list contains major spoilers so watch out for that. As you notice, I always warn you with spoilers using red font color.
• The Experience
When I watched the first teaser of the drama, I got intrigued and a little confused. What worlds are they talking about? Do they have super powers? Is this a historical drama? Questions were instantly formed in my head.
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It also reminded me of the drama Queen In Hyun's Man because of a similar scene where the leading man is riding his horse in the middle of the city and finding his woman. But that's just it, the two dramas are completely different. I just mentioned it because others may have felt the same way.
I don't usually watch dramas while it's still fresh. I wait for about two to three weeks before the schedule of the ending so I can binge watch without waiting so much. When I watched The King, there were already 12 episodes available on Netflix. Usually, I would finish 12 episodes in 1-3 days, and if the drama is really good and it's MY STYLE (i said that in an obviously fake Korean accent), I could watch it for an entire day.
However, I finished those 12 episodes in 2 weeks...
Why??? Why did it take me that long???
I wouldn't say I was bored, it's just that during the first few episodes, nothing caught my interest yet. I wasn't convinced that it was a good drama. There was nothing special and I didn't know what to look forward to that's why I couldn't watch it continuously. I got lazy. The pace was slow and the story build up was a little stagnant. It was too slow that I even started watching a long length saeguk just so I can watch something else.
I could have skipped some parts and dropped it but I continued watching and gave it a chance. Though it was a good thing that I didn't stop because as I watched more episodes, the story actually became more exciting. Finally, I saw some progress. I started to get invested in the drama after the eighth episode. That's when the story felt more alive. Finally, there were revelations, more conflicts arose, more emotions were shown, and the story got deeper. I began to appreciate the drama. However, I still don't like the fact that it took me 8 episodes before I started to like it.
• Points that I Liked About the Drama
1. The plot seemed like it's going to be too science fiction-y but it's just the right amount. I was worried that it might be too much for me to handle but it was just okay (i am a potato who dislikes thinking so much, but that depends on my mood lololol). I liked how there's a mix of history in the drama, as well as of politics but it still feels modern. There is a balance.
2. The distinction between the Kingdom of Corea and Republic of Korea is impressive. It's obvious that they put a lot of effort in building their vision of KOC to life.
3. Many people were saying that it's hella confusing and so much was going on. I don't think so. They actually made it easy for viewers to understand about parallel worlds. You don't have to study science facts just to get this drama's concept. I think the slow pace did its job well in this part.
4. The story is unpredictable. You never know what's going to happen next, that's the strength of The King's concept. Because of the two different worlds and the crazy number of characters, there could be a lot of possibilities and backstories.
5. The action scenes are commmendable. I liked the action scenes, the one during the last episode is probably my favorite.
• Points that I Didn't Like About the Drama
1. The slow pace. I don't think I still need to explain more but it totally ruined my whole experience of watching the drama.
2. Many characters didn't leave much impact. Their acting was great, however, I don't see a lot of personalities that standout. The most remarkable ones for me are the characters played by Woo Do Hwan. The other characters, especially the lead, the prime minister and the traitor were okay, too. The others were just bland and years from now, I probably won't remember most of them.
• The Ending (spoiler alert!)
The ending was good. It didn't feel rushed and everyone had a separate ending of their own. I just wished there was more Nari and Eunsup / Yeong and Seung A moment in the end, the conclusion was fine though. I don't like that Prime Minister Koo ended up in jail but Luna became a cop...
I just have one issue regarding the ending that they decided on. In the end they didn't show if Tae Eul became a queen. Well, it would be weird if she became one considering there is Luna in KOC. They can't be together in ROK, too because Gon's counterpart was able to live. So... what? They just kept traveling whenever they have time? Because if that's the case, doesn't that mean they will hide their relationship forever??? I liked that they ended up together but I wish they also kept this in mind. Because it kinda makes me sad. Lol.
• Final Thoughts
Overall, it was alright. It was over-hyped by netizens due to the amazing casting and promotions, but it's not bad at all.
Would I watch it again? No.
Would I recommend it? Yes. Give it a try! I honestly thought I wouldn't like it but I still did, even if it took me 8 episodes, I wouldn't say it wasn't worth it. If you enjoy fantasy dramas with complicated twists and conflicts, this drama is for you. Just have patience and prepare yourself mentally when you've reached the middle. This drama is gloomy and a little heavy, too. It was serious and has a very few humorous scenes.
I am giving The King: Eternal Monarch a 7/10. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
• The King: Eternal Monarch OST Top 5
There are 13 songs in total and everything is so good! I wish I got to hear more of the songs in the drama, some were just played briefly. I swear every song makes me feel things. Choosing just 5 songs is really hard. If you don't watch dramas but love music, give these a listen!!!
My Day Is Full Of You by Zico, Wendy
Orbit by Hwasa
I Fall In Love by Ha Sungwoon
I Just Want To Stay With You by Zion.T
Please Don't Cry by Davichi
Now I'll move on to some of my "issues". This section isn't really what you think. The word "issues" is just intriguing ㅋㅋㅋ but this is just a compilation of my opinions, observations, feelings and other stuff no one might care about in the series. If you have answers for my questions or if you can explain it for me, please enlighten me. Major spoiler ahead!!!
• Issues
1. During the time when Lee Gon was time traveling and finally got back to Repuplic of Korea, it probably took him a lot of time, right? He even took his time to take care of Tae Eul in the hospital. I wish they also showed what was happening in Kingdom of Corea during that time because he's a king and his absence might have caused a ruckus in his kingdom. I can even picture the palace lady Noh getting really worried as Lee Gon travels. The moment he came back, they only gave him updates as if everything was okay.
But since they didn't show it, I guess it is safe to assume that nothing much happened in his kingdom back then. 🤷‍♀️
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2. When Gon and Tae Eul met again in Gwanghwamun, why did Tae Eul hug him? In my understanding, at that period of time, Tae Eul only met him twice—once when she was 5 and once when she was 27. So why did she hug him suddenly as if she knows he's going to be a significant person in her life? Their dialogue when they met again when she was 27 wasn't even enough for her to act that way.
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3. I hope they also gave Nari more lines and importance. Maybe it's just me, but at first, I thought she and her KOC counterpart would have more significant roles. When I think of it, even without her, the story could still go on. Though this is just a minor issue. ✌
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4. Prime Minister Koo. She was a villain, but I didn't really hate her until the last 4-5 episodes (can't recall the exact episode, sorry), though I wouldn't say I hated her so much. I actually liked her at first! She's ambitious, fierce, independent and intelligent. She just got blinded by greed.
My issue here is, am I really supposed to feel like that? In my opinion, her character has the potential to become more heinous and despiteful. I was wondering why they didn't turn her into someone like that? She was just greedy, bitchy, a little sly and annoying.
5. Lee Gon's and Tae Eul's love for each other was a little shallow. Sure, the man who saved Lee Gon when he was a child, had Tae Eul's ID. But how sure was Lee Gon that the woman who owns the I.D. is not a villain? The woman in the ID could lead him to the man who saved him, yes, but it still bugs me how easily they fell in love especially on Lee Gon's part. Maybe I'm just thinking too much. I am sorry. 😅
In spite of that, I still liked their love progression. I didn't ship them that hard but their chemistry wasn't cringey and forced.
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6. The scene where Lee Gon gave Tae Eul flowers and then left, was a little confusing. It didn't break my heart, too. I just felt a little sad while watching that scene because Kim Go Eun's acting was good.
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7. Who the f is thay yoyo boy??? My guts tell me he's a part of the flute or something because he knows a lot. But I wish it was explained more. It looked weird how he just suddenly appears sometimes and suddenly talks some sense. He remains a mystery.
8. Why the f is Jeong Tae Eul a flat earther??? Well, at least she had a character development in the end. It just annoyed me lmao
9. I don't get why people keep comparing The King: Eternal Monarch to Goblin. Why??? They don't even have the same plot or concept.
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10. Court lady Noh was from Republic of Korea... What? Was that necessary?
Don't mind me. Don't mind me. Don't mind me.
Anyway I hate how tumblr wasn't able to save my draft when I was writing additional content. I lost half of it and it makes me furious!!! I had to redo the draft but I can no longer remember some of the things I wrote. I am sad because I lost something that can't be brought back again. This experience earned me a lesson.
That's it for my first review. What are your thoughts? I am a horrible reviewer, I know, but I will do better in the future. Thank you for reading!!!
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“Is that my shirt?" Uhh, any side, but maybe Roman and Virgil for this one?
I am breezing through these today I feel so powerful lol
(I expected this to be longer but it ran it’s course much quicker than expected and I couldn’t find a way to extend it and make it seem natural lol)
Word Count: 688
[ao3 link]
Virgil Sanders was the known clothes-stealer of the mind palace.
There were various articles of clothing from each of the other sides scattered about his own wardrobe. Eventually, the others just gave up trying to get their clothes back and allowed Virgil to swap the clothes he “borrowed” in and out as they lost the scent he was looking for for comfort.
But the other sides had never quite developed his habit for clothes stealing. Or, so he’d thought.
Virgil had been digging through his dresser looking for one of his favorite lounge t-shirts, perfect for lazy days and long naps. A shirt that actually belong to him, instead of one snatched from another side’s wardrobe. A shirt he was very protective over.
Only, his shirt was missing. It wasn’t where he always put it after laundry day: the column of drawers on the left, second drawer down, right side, towards the back. 
He must have simply forgotten it when the laundry got sorted, maybe it got mixed up in the wash. He left his room and walked down the hall, stopping to knock briefly on Patton’s open door.
“Hey, kiddo!” Patton said brightly, standing up from where he’d been placing shoes in his closet. “What’s going on?”
“Hey, Pat, have you seen my purple t-shirt? The one that says ‘petty’ on it in Disney font?” He asked, not so subtly peeking inside to look at the basket of clean laundry on Patton’s bed that he’d yet to put away.
Patton frowned and cocked his head in thought, humming. “Not that I know of. Let me check to see if there was a mix-up!”
Patton looked through his own drawers and through the basket of laundry while Virgil shifted from foor to foot anxiously in his doorway.
Patton shook his head. “Not here, kiddo, sorry. Maybe it got mixed up with one of the other’s? Or it’s still somewhere around the washer and dryer?”
Virgil nodded at him with a small smile. “Thanks, Pat, I’ll go check.”
“Good luck!”
Virgil poked into Logan’s room next, only to get the same outcome. He knocked on Roman’s door, but there was no answer, so he figured he’d check back later.
He started making his way downstairs to check if the shirt had gotten lost on the way to his room when he came across Roman scribbling furiously in a notebook in the common room.
“Hey, Princey, have you seen–”
Roman looked up and Virgil cut himself off, brows furrowing. He was wearing a purple t-shirt that read “Petty” in a Disney-like font. He was practically swimming in it, considering it was big on Virgil and Virgil was taller than the rest of them.
“Is that my shirt?” He asked once his brain rebooted.
“Uhhhh,” Roman drew the word out far too long, glancing back and forth between the shirt on his body and Virgil’s confused expression.
“In my defense, it’s very comfortable and you always put it back in the same spot so it’s easy to find.”
Virgil furrowed his brow. “Have – have you stolen it before?”
Roman shifted uncomfortably on the couch. “Um, maybe? You may be a lot more obvious about clothes stealing, but that doesn’t mean you’re the only one who does it.”
Virgil let out a surprised laugh and collapsed onto the couch next to Roman. “It suits you, I guess.” He teased.
Roman narrowed his eyes. “I’m genuinely not sure whether that’s a compliment or not. Did you just call me petty?”
Virgil smirked. “Can you deny it?”
Roman pouted. “No.”
Virgil grinned at him and leaned in close. “Too bad for me that I can’t deny how good you look in my clothes.”
Roman blushed and his eyes went wide. He glanced up at Virgil before looking back down at his notebook with a shy smile. Seems the Prince couldn’t quite take what he dished out.
Virgil laughed again and made himself comfortable cuddling up against Roman. The t-shirt he was already wearing was comfortable enough for a lazy day, and at least he still got to feel the fabric of his favorite shirt.
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plogan721 · 4 years
May I borrow your creative works?
Disclaimer: P. Lynne Designs is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.
  I want to turn your attention away from Covid and away from the riots for a moment to get back on track. 
Like the posts containing “Covid-19”, “Corona”, “Rona”, and other names I have been calling it, I could be talking about racism until I am blue in the face, stand up and sing soprano all day long.  It is an uncomfortable subject to talk about, but there should be active as well.  I do not have all the answers, but one of the actions should be an understanding of another person’s race, gender, and culture.  Even to this day I never could understand the problems that others have with African Americans and women or even American Indians.  All three I identify with, although I do not know what tribe my grandfather’s mother comes from. All people want to do is to live the life given to them. It is the ones who cause the problems in the very beginning (slavery for Africans and restrictions for First Nations and women) are the ones who fail to understand that we are all humans and we all have needed to thrive within this country.  I am done with this conversation, for now, let’s move on.
  Different types of creative works.   Photos by Pixabay.com
I am actually a pretty good soprano, reaching a C6 when I was a teen, for those of you who are musicians, for the rest of you, it is called a Mezzo-Soprano.  These days, I am just a soprano, or second soprano, inching closer and closer to a first alto.  Oh, I do not mind, as long as I have some ability to still sing soprano.  It is what I am comfortable at.  I blame allergies for this problem, as well as when you age, you lose some elasticity in your vocal cords.
In addition to being a content creator, a freelance writer and graphic designer, and singer, I am also a musician (almost classical trained), a dancer (ballet, jazz and contemporary, tap, and liturgical), and I know a little bit about computer coding.  All of these “hats” allow me to be creative and put my stamp on a piece of music, recording sessions, writings, choreographed works, and websites, if I put my mind to it. This brings me to a question that was asked on Quora.com, This person wanted to know if it was “okay” to use someone’s created media in their product for a video that he was making on YouTube.   He did not say YouTube per se, but I assumed that he was hinting towards YouTube or even Vimeo. He also wanted to know if that person can sue him. My answer to that was this:
“Yes, you can be sued. They might be nice and send you a cease and desist letter, asking you to remove the music. you really needed to ask permission from the creator if using the music is okay or not.
I want to leave you with two examples. The first one is I am also a creator of music. I am not perfect at it, and I have not published any of it online. If I had published my latest, which is called, Corners of my Mind, and someone did not ask for permission to use the music, I would write a cease and desist letter because I feel that I could go further with this piece of music before it was perfect in my eyes. I have several reasons for not being satisfied with this piece of music. one of them is the keyboard I originally recorded it on is limited in the potential that this piece of music deserves. Most of the time, people share to let others know of their process and to find out that someone who is too lazy to create their own music is using a taking credit for that piece is disheartening to me. It takes time to create a piece of music. Yes, computers make the job easier, but the work is still there, as thoughts of music are coming from the head of composers into something tangible for the world to enjoy, not the for the vlogger to take credit for their own personal gain.
Likewise, when I first started blogging, I used someone’s photo, and I forgot to give that person credit. A couple of years later, another blogger asked for my permission to use the photo. I could have said yes, but instead, I explained the situation, then I quickly changed the photo to prevent others from asking to use it.
I am not saying that you are lazy, but you must give credit and/or ask for permission before using the creative works of others.”
Explanation of the answer.
We would all like to be talented in the art of creating that perfect piece of music, a piece of art that will drive millions to see it, or even a t-shirt that speaks volumes, but not everyone can do it.  Some people are not interested in learning how, and there are some people who feel like they do not have a creative bone in their body.  Some are too shy to do it.  It does not mean that you are lazy, and I do not see the problem of a person sharing their works.  The problem lies when a person who worked hard on a piece is not given the credit they deserve when someone takes a copy and puts it on their project. 
We have all done it, even me, and I got caught.  Not by the original photographer themselves, but by another person, who wanted to share it on their website or blog.  I felt embarrassed by the gesture.  I wanted to say yes, because I placed the perfect font on top of the photo, centered it just right, and it was gold to me.  When I saw it, it was the perfect photo, and I could have placed any of my photos under the font layer, which I should have.  As soon as I replied to the blogger, I quickly went to my blog and replaced it with one of my photos.   To be honest, I did not remember that I had done it.
I also explained to the questioner on Quora that I am always nick picking about my latest piece of music called, “Corners of my Mind”.  I am always changing the speed of the music, the rhythm of the drum kit, and the instruments that would accompaniment the drum kit.  Most of it is slight deviations of the original song.  For the moment, on my Casio CTK 631 (made in 1998), I have a Rave for the drum kit (oh so 1990s), the tempo is between 78 and 84 BPM, and I created a piano 1, an organ 2 (which is as close to a Hammond B25 AKA church organ as I can get it), and a soft wave (I think, I am not looking at my keyboard at the moment).  I have had the song in a Trance rhythm, 105 BPM, a Piano 3 (created), saw synth, saw wave, you name it for instruments.  I have even changed notes and transposed it a couple of times.  I am due for a new keyboard, and my goal is a Yamaha Modx7, which is the latest Yamaha, with all the bells and whistles to make further changes to this song and to create plenty more with that came from.  I have played on the Yamaha Montage, which is a bit pricey for me. Apparently, Yamaha thought so too, so they created the Modx6,7, and 8 with the Montage powerhouse inside at a lower price point. And you thought all that I know about was social media, content, freelance writing, Disney, organization, decorating, and graphic design.  Give me a musical keyboard, a tutu, and some tap shoes, and you have seen nothing yet, LOL.  This was the reason I talked about Abby Lee Miller so bad back in 2012 if you have been reading this blog that long. (to this date, it has received over 2200 views)
OK, I got off track, time to pull it all together.
The point I am trying to make is If it takes that much thought into my little song, can you imagine how much I can mix it at a recording studio with all the bells and whistles that a recording studio can give.  It gives me chills when I know how much a recording engineer can do to a basic song to make it a hit.  It is things like these that make a composer tell a video maker to get their own music if all that person is going to do is make it into theme music for their little video.   I do not mind sharing my music, but since I spent all this time composing and having someone mix it for me, I better get the credit and it better get lots of air time.   This is the thought that goes through people’s minds like Beyoncé and Katy Perry and companies like Disney, as that thought turns into music like “Single Ladies”, “Roar”, and “Into the Unknown” from Frozen 2.
That is the reason I gave this person the answer he or she asked. 
I am talking about:
·         Photos
·         Graphic designs
·         Poetry works
·         Novels and e-books
·         Computer programs
·         Prototypes of products
And the list goes on and on.
“So, Patricia, I get it.  How do I solve the problem?”
First of all, do not beat yourself up for it.  Everyone makes mistakes, and with mistakes, there is a solution.  To prevent you from getting caught either by the creator of the media you want to use or by someone who thinks that you are the creator of the piece of media that they want to use going forward:
·         Ask Permission.  When you see a piece of media that you want to use, contact the creator of that piece.  As a writer, I put down my contact information on every piece of a blog post when I write for someone.  I used to do that with my own blogs, but Google got picky.
If you are a writer, you can do that too.  write a quick footnote like this:  Patricia is the writer and owner of My Ambiance Life, Home Prep, and P. Lynne Designs blog and website.  If you have any questions and/or want to reuse any of the material written in this post, please contact her at [email protected]. It is simple and to the point.  You do not have to write how you are the president of the Yacht club, you are the parents of 15 wonderful children, or that you own a plot of land in Shri Lanka. All of that information should be in your bio (or should it?).
·         Give Proper Credit:  When you contact the creator and they say it is okay to use that item, they will often times mention how they want to be credited.  I simply want to be credit as Patricia Logan-P. Lynne Designs or Patricia Logan-P. Lynne Designs’ The Writing Cove if it is a written piece.  If you are in the US, you should know the proper way to footnote something. Logan, Patricia, “May I borrow your creative works”, My Ambiance Life Blog.  The good news is a long time ago, you had to write the whole citation.  Now you can write a shorter version of it. The author, the name of the post sited, and the site.
·         When the creator says no or when you cannot contact them:  It is not you.  remember the example I gave the person on Quora.  The piece may not be shared because it is not ready.  It is in process or this maybe this person’s private piece.  You may wonder why share it in the first place?  There are many reasons why they have shared their works.  
·         Use royalty-free products.  For photos, I use Pixabay.  For music, I use Epidemic Sounds.  I do have a photographer friend who can help me with authentic photos and videos around town or I take them myself.  He is not free, and I would not have it any other way because he has a family to feed.
I want to stop right here with the last statement, a family to feed. The reason why most people do what they do is because of the passion, the dedication to the craft, and they have bills and a family to feed.  What a person does 9 times out of 10 will not amount to that of a millionaire unless the money they make either with their craft and skills, a 9-5 job, or both is to invest in something.  If half the things I have not learned how to do as a child or a young adult did not earn me a seat at the table to buy at least a tube of toothpaste, I found other ways of getting it.  That is what I call, earning multiple streams of income.  You cannot just sit and do nothing.
That statement I just mention is the statement that helps me sleep at night.  To know that if things are done properly, we would all win.  Asking the author for permission to use his/her materials and finding other ways to help yours when they say “no”, will allow you to make your passion and your job much, much easier, but hackers and scammers just. Do. Not. Get. It.  I hope you do.
I am done.  Be well. Stay safe.  I will talk to you later.  God bless you.
from Blogger https://bit.ly/3gJItJ7 via IFTTT
0 notes
surveystodestressme · 6 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 37
3501. Is ‘no glove, no love’ your STRICT policy?
i mean, no.  i’m on the pill so i don’t really care
3502. What is the best Epic movie (examples of epics: ben-her, gone with the wind, last temptation of christ)?
oh i don’t know
3503. Finish the sentence.
Hey, Hey we’re the: people.
People say we: suck
But we’re too busy: fucking
The time to hesitate is: never
You’re too: weak
It’s a nice day to: fuck
3504. Have you ever had 'missing time’?
i don’t even know what that means
3505. Have you ever sent an electronic greeting?
i don’t think so
3506. If you could send anonymous tips to people you knew who would never ever find out who sent them who would you send the following tips to?
doesn’t know when to leave: my mom
poor crotch hygiene: uhhh.. i don’t know
talks too much: an old co-worker
band/art/dream is going nowhere: hannah
most likely to get arrested: my brother
needs to get their life together: andy
bad taste in clothes: i don’t know
bad taste in music: paul
needs a hobby: mariann
3507. Are you more likely to download porn or disney movies?
3508. What is it with people?
who knows.
3509. Do you eat too much sugar?
i don’t think so
3510. Imagine you have a band. Let’s name your band.
Your band name is (adjective) (animals) Under Glass!
Could be better?
Let’s try again.
Noun (plural):
Your band is (adjective) (nouns) With Puppets
3511. Are you desperate but not serious?
not really.
3512. Was there a time when you were younger and it took less to get you excited?
yeah definitely
What did it take then?
anything really
What does it take now?
study stuff usually.
3513. Remember learning to write in elementary school?
uh huh
We spend 2 years learning to print..then they throw that out the window and teach kids cursive. Why?
because it’s important too
If cursive is so important and easy to read then why aren’t books printed in cursive?
some of them are, actually
Why aren’t cursive computer fonts more popular?
it looks more professional when things are written/typed in cursive so i think more professional websites or books are cursive probably
Why do business forms always say 'please print’?
sometimes cursive is hard to read
Schools are so preoccupied with teaching kids the complicated but traditional skill of cursive writing that more emphasis is put on that than on teaching kids how to clearly express their ideas through writing. I move that cursive writing become a jr. high school elective instead of a grammar school priority. Who’s with me?
i don’t really care either way.  i don’t even think they teach cursive anymore
3514. Can you think of anything else (besides cursive writing) that is unhelpful, yet traditional and unquestioned? What?
3515. Name one female celebrity who you would guess wears size ___ clothing:
3516. Have you ever been to a place where the restrooms were named in a clever way rather than just saying men’s and woman’s? I’ve seen Hens and Roosters, Bart and Lisa, Dudes and Babes…what have you seen?
i’ve seen stuff like that, but i can’t name any right now
3517. What is the 'message’ or 'point behind’:
Fight Club? to fight? idfk
Donnie Darko? people are fucked up
Minority Report?
A Walk to Remember? you never know where you can find love.
You’ve Got Mail?
3518. have you seen, and what are your thoughts about these movies:
The Hot Chick? lol a classic comedy, i love this movie
Maid in Manhattan?
Star Trek: Nemesis?
About Schmidt?
The Guys?
The Jimmy Show?
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers? it’s ok
Gangs of New York?
Two Weeks Notice?
The Wild Thornberrys Movie? i used to love the show but i don’t know if i’ve ever seen the movie or not
Smokers Only?
Treasure Planet?
The Santa Clause 2?
3519. START this sentence: ….and I think to myself, what a wonderful world.“
3520. What is:
Fahrenheit? a temperature
3521. Tell us about yourself in the third person for a bit:
3522. If someone breaks a law, should they be punished if they did not know it was a law?
yes.  they should be educated on the laws
3523. If it’s so much easier to learn languages when we are very young (and it is, something to do with the developing brain) why do they wait until jr high and high school to teach them?
that’s just how it is.  idk if parents wanted their kids to learn other languages when they were younger then maybe they’d teach them themselves or give them books or something
3524. Name a band you sort of like:
You are wearing that band’s t-shirt in a store. SUDDENLY some guy you don’t know comes up to you and goes, "Hey! You like (insert name of the band here)??!!”
This is obviously a really stupid question because if you didn’t like them you wouldn’t be wearing the t-shirt. Your witty reply is:
3525. If you were organizing cd’s in a music store what section would you put each of the following in (don’t forget the 'bargain bin’ section!):
Blink182 top hits
Depech Mode
Weezer top hits
Led Zeppelin
The Doors
Avril Lavigne 2000s hits
Nelly r&b
Manfred Mann
Iggy Pop
Pink Floyd
Guns N Roses
Shakira pop
Britny Spears pop
Ozzy Osbourne bargain
The Rolling Stones classic
The Beatles classic
Motley Crue classic
Bon Jovi classic
3526. Does coffee stimulate your mind or body more?
3527. Can you do 'six degrees of separation’ to anyone famous?
i don’t even know what that means
3528. What’s the oddest thing in your home?
3529. Do you find it odd when people who are not handicapped use the handicapped stall:
in the bathroom? no because sometimes at a workplace some people don’t have employee restrooms and may need to change or something and sometimes mothers go into the bathroom with their children, or if all the other stalls are full and someone really has to go to the bathroom.  so some circumstances are okay. 
in the parking lot? i’m not ok with this.
3530. Do you sometimes find yourself talking to yourself? Do you answer yourself back?
i talk to myself sometimes and occasionally answer back
3531. In your head do you call yourself 'I’ or 'you’ or both?
3532. What is the best excuse for why you haven’t done your homework?
i didn’t feel like it
3533. Someone tells you 'well there are black people, and then there are n*ggers’. What do you think?
yeah that’s ignorant. 
3534. Does culture shape behavior or does behavior shape culture?
culture shapes behavior
3535. What determines whether a person will be:
intelligent? put in some work
pretty? genetics
happy? positivity
successful? hardworking.
3536. What is social loafing? What is groupthink?
i have no idea
3537. I have an idea. let’s change the english language by making the words fewer, shorter and more concise. What do ya think?
3538. What are the physical symptoms of:
joy? involuntary smiles.
fear? it’s all in the eyes.
shame? blushing
3539. Here’s the scenerio…your little eight year old brother is hangin out in the house when you come in..and catch him watching the playboy channel!
What do you do/say?
i walk away
He says, “Why can’t I watch this?” What is your response?
i don’t care and walk away because he’s my brother not my child
Why do you respond that way?
bc i don’t care
3540. Who REALLY has a higher sex drive, girls or guys? How can you tell?
it usually depends on the age and the individual
3541. are you usually carefree?
most of the time
3542. Do you generally prefer reading to meeting people?
3543. Do you often long for excitement?
3544. Are you mostly quiet when you are with others?
usually, yes
3545. Do you often do things spur of the moment?
3546. Are you slow an unhurried in the way you move?
i don’t think so, quite the opposite actually
3547. Would you do almost anything for a dare?
3548. Do you hate being in a crowd who plays jokes on one another?
i don’t really care
3549. Do you enjoy wild parties?
on occasion
3550. Have you ever paid for something priced more than $5.00 in only change?
probably once or twice before
3551. Is racism still a big part of our culture?
sadly, yes.
3552. A drawing was shown to a person. The drawing showed a black man in a business suit standing next to a white man holding a razor. The person who saw this drawing was white and was asked to describe it to a second white person who had not seen it, who described it to a third, and so on. By the end of six rounds the final report often placed the razor in the hand of the black man and it is claimed he is waving it threateningly. What do you think of this?
i don’t really have an opinion
3553. How many famous people can you name who committed suicide?
too many honestly
3554. Do you have OCD?
3555. Are you more anxious or relaxed? anxious.
Insecure or secure? secure
Sociable or with drawn? more withdrawn probably
Original or conventional? original.
3556. Are you more emotional or calm? emotional
self pitying or content? content.
Fun loving or sober? fun loving.
Imaginative or down to earth? a little bit of both, i think.
3557. Are you more Friendly or aloof? friendly.
adventurous or cautious? adventurous
Broad or narrow when it comes to interests? broad.
receptive or closed to new ideas? receptive.
3558. Are you more good natured or irritable? ehhh a mix
soft hearted or ruthless? soft hearted
well organized or disorganized? pretty well organized.
Dependable or undependable? dependable.
3559. Are you more courteous or rude? courteous.
sympathetic or tough minded? sympathetic.
hardworking or lazy? lazy.
ambitious or easy going? easy going.
Anxiety Insecurity Emotionalism and Self Pity are traits of a neurotic personality.
Sociable, fun loving, friendly and adventurous are traits of an extroverted personality.
originality, imaginative, broad interests, and receptive are traits of an Open personality.
Good natured, soft hearted, courteous, and sympathetic are traits of an agreeable personality.
Well organized, dependable, hardworking and ambitious are traits of a conscientious personality.
3560. Do men and woman have little or a lot in common?
3561. Do you feel like any of the teachers you’ve ever had have REALLY cared about educating you to think for yourself?
very few of them, but yeah
Do you tend to try harder if they DO care?
3562. Have you ever been stereotyped? As what?
3563. Have you ever been discriminated against? For what?
3564. How often is your school and/or job closed due to weather?
not anymore, at least not for a while
3565. Who do you know that you believe does not masturbate?
i have some friends that said they’ve never done it but idk
3566. Does a cloned human being have a soul? Why or why not?
uhhh yeah, i’d say that eventually they become their own person and become a separate being from that of the person they were cloned from
3567. Finish the sentence: As the world turns..I only have one concern…that:
3568. What group in history has been the most oppressed?
a lot of different groups
3569. Have you read any biographies? Whose?
yes, plenty of them
3570. What are you obsessed with?
3571. Break out your decoder ring..(no hints this time)! t3ii9 8 i9f3 697 29h5 697 53ii j3 6974 hqj3?
3572. Do you crack your:
other? yes to all.
3573. Of the following powers which 2 would you pick for yourself? The ability to fly, breathe under water, turn invincible, change into animals, freeze and restart time, never gain weight unless you want to, heal people with your touch, have orgasms that last for an hour
never gain weight and breathing under water
3574. Do you chew your pencils and pens?
i put them in my mouth but i don’t chew on them
3575. Can you tell the exact point where your back ends and your butt begins?
3576. When you are bored do you picture everyone around you naked?
no? lol that’s weird
3577. What are some great holiday gift ideas for
guys: socks, underwear, tools
girls: clothes, shoes, makeup, perfume
3578. Who looks better naked, men or woman?
women for sure lol
3579. Do you sit in chairs or fall into them?
a little bit of both
3580. Has anyone ever
screamed your name during sex? no
moaned your name during sex? yes.
3581. Hershey’s kisses: mint, almond, hugs, plain. other?
3582. What’s the best slurpee flavor?
red, whatever that is? cherry, i guess
3583. What are five movies that you think someone would have to be living under a rock in iceland to not have seen?
mean girls, white chicks, titanic, jurassic park, home alone
3584. Of these words, which ones are funny:
What are some other funny words?
3585. Do you give good massages?
i think so
3586. What songs have been 'stuck’ in your head?
3587. What don’t most people know about your job?
it’s easy lol
3588. Is there anything you won’t say unless someone else says it first?
i don’t think so
3589. Do you need a little Christmas?
3590. Fake or real tree?
3591. Is your refrigerator running? You know what to do.
3592. How can you explain when there are few words you can choose?
3593. Who can it be now?
i love that song
3594. Where HAS Joe Dimaggio gone? And why does our nation turn it’s eyes to him?
3595. How often do you get headaches?
very often
3596. Have you ever worn fake eyelashes?
3597. What could you spend 24 hours in a row doing?
watching tv
3598. Is it Friday yet?
not quite
3599. Do you remember There was a time (ahaha) when people on the street were walking hand in hand in hand?/
3600. Do you talk to inanimate objects? on occasion
Do you try to get them to answer you? no.
Have they ever answered you? no.
0 notes
jumpsitehq · 6 years
Top 500+ Attitude Status New, Best, Cool, Short Quotes
We all have attitude, which we want to express from our Whatsapp Status. So, this time we have collected and updated Attitude Whatsapp Status for you. Today we are sharing Top 500+ Attitude Status New, Best, Cool, Short Quotes.
Attitude Status for Whatsapp in English
1. I'm not changed it’s just I grew up and you should try too. 2. I never insult people I only tell them what they are. 3. If you think I am BAD than you’re wrong, I'm the worst. 4. The biggest slap to your enemies is your success. 5. I always arrive late at the office but I make it by leaving early. 6. I’m sorry my fault. I forgot you’re an Idiot. 7. I don’t have a bad handwriting, I have my own FONT. 8. My attitude based on how you treat me. 9. Hakuna Matata!!! – The great motto to live life... 10. Yeah You - The one reading my status, Get Lost!
New Attitude Status in English
11. When a bird hits your window have you ever wondered if God is playing angry birds with you? 12. I know the voices in my head aren’t real but sometimes their ideas are just absolutely awesome! 13. I loved a girl and she broke my heart. Now every piece of my heart love different girls. People called it flirt that's not fair… 14. Dear Mario, I wasted my childhood trying to save your girlfriend. Now, you help me to save mine. 15. Me and my wife live happily for 25 years and then we met… 16. Childhood is like being drunk, everyone remembers what you did, except you. 17. I’m poor. I can’t pay attention in classroom. 18. When I'm good I'm best, when I'm bad I'm worst. 19. I’m cool but global warming made me hot. 20. Excuse me. I found something under my shoes oh its your Attitude.
Top Attitude Status for Facebook
21. If people are trying to bring you ‘Down’, It only means that you are ‘Above them’. 22. Please don’t get confused between my personality & my attitude. 23. My personality is who I am & my attitude depends on who you are! 24. I'm Not Special , I'm Just Limited Edition. 25. Everything that kills me makes me feel alive. 26. I enjoy when people show Attitude to me because it shows that they need an Attitude to impress me! 27. Stop checking my status ! Go get a Life! 28. Coins always make sound but the currency notes are always silent! that’s why I’m always calm & silent. 29. My “last seen at” was just to check your “last seen at”. 30. Life is too short. Don't waste it removing pen drive safely.
Whatsapp Status for Girls Attitude
31. Life will give you exactly what you need, not what you want. 32. I did lots of stupid things on social networking sites but atleast I never commented “Cute pic dear“ on girls profile picture. 33. Your Whatsapp status say’s online …..If your online then why aren’t you texting me 34. I started out with nothing and i still have most of it :) 35. I was not busy to be online… I had just gave up on my life when I picked up this girls phone and saw my contact name as “Free Recharge” 36. I will marry the girl who look as pretty as in her Aadhaar card 37. They say we learn from our mistakes. So I'm making as many as possible! Soon I will be a genius. 38. Sorry vegetarians we can’t pretend. 39. Waiting for Wi-Fi network. 40. I wish I had Google in my mind and antivirus in my heart.
Best Attitude Status for Whatsapp in English
41. Life is too short. Don’t waste it reading my Whatsapp status... 42. Tried to loose weight… But it keeps finding me. 43. I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by selling my car. 44. I’m looking for a bank loan which can perform two things..give me a Loan and then leave me Alone. 45. lazy People Fact #5812672793 You were too lazy to read that number. 46. Sleep till you’re hungry... Eat till you’re sleepy. 47. If your bad. Call me your Dad. 48. If I was asked what a friend looks like, I would seat next to you and hold you tight because you define what true friendship really is. 49. Friends are the family you choose 50. Good friends will share the umbrella. Best friends will steal it and yell: It’s Awesome, Now Run! 51. What is a Best friend? A single soul in two bodies. 52. Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one. 53. A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you. 54. True friendship is sitting together in silence and feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had. 55. Friends are notes to life's great songs. A melody that carries you along. 56. A best friend is someone who tells you the truth even when you don't want to hear it. 57. I don't have an attitude, I have standards for the people who are supposed to be my friends. 58. It is better to live alone. There is no friendship with a fool. 59. A true friend sees the first tear, catches the second an stops the third. 60. A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your hear.
Attitude Whatsapp Status in English
61. That awesome moment when you're telling a lie and your best friend notices and joins you. 62. My friends are the weirdest, most craziest people I know but I love them. 63. World is full of smiles, whenever friends are with me. 64. If friendship is your weakest point then your the strongest person in the world. 65. Good friends are like starts. You don't always see them but you know they're always there. 66. Fake friends believe in rumors. Real friends believe in you. 67. Never forget who was there for you when no one else was. 68. Every friendship doesn't change into love but every love begins with friendship. 69. A beautiful friendship can change people. 70. True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable.
Awesome Status for Facebook in English
71. A good friend would bail you out of jail but your best friend would be the one sitting next to you saying, damn that was cool. 72. A true friend is someone who never gets tried of listening to your pointless dramas over and over again. 73. Relation of friendship is greater then the relation of blood. 74. A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else. 75. A day spend with friends is always a day well spend. Attitude Status for Whatsapp Attitude Status for Whatsapp 76. Good friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, impossible to forget. 77. I’ve been using Google for 10 years and I have no idea who uses the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button 78. Everyone has an annoying friend. If you don’t have one, it’s probably you. 79. I love to walk in fog because nobody knows I'm smoking. 80. I'm not drunk, I'm just chemically off-balanced.
Awesome Whatsapp Status in English
81. Oh, so you wanna argue, bring it. I got my CAPS LOCK ON. 82. I'm so poor that I can't pay attention in class. 83. Warning!!! I know KARATE and few other oriental words. 84. I'm not virgin, my life fucks me every day. 85. I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people. 86. Save water drink beer. 87. Virginity is not dignity, It is just lack of opportunity. 88. Not all men are fools, some stay bachelor. 89. Phones are better than girlfriends, at least we can switch off. 90. I love my job only when I'm on vacation
Awesome Cool Status for Whatsapp in English
91. Friends come and go, but enemies remain and build up. 92. Behind every successful man is a surprised woman. 93. In my house I'm the boss, my wife is just the decision maker. 94. How is a poor man a lot like a rich man? they both have an iPhone. 95. Some people call me Mike, you can call me tonight. 96. Sometimes you succeed and other times you learn. 97. I always dream of being a millionaire like my uncle... He's dreaming too. 98. Scratch here ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ to reveal my status. 99. Not always "Available".. try your Luck.. 100. Time is precious, waste it wisely.
Cool Attitude Status for Facebook in English for Girls & Boys
101. I don’t wake up every day to impress you. 102. The only reason I'm fat is because a tiny body couldn't store all this personality. 103. God is really creative, I mean... just look at me. 104. When I drink alcohol... Everyone says I'm alcoholic. But... When I drink Fanta.. No one says I'm fantastic. 105. Sometimes all you need is love. Lol, just kidding, you need Money :-) 106. Today morning when I was driving my Ferrari, the alarm woke me up. 107. I want some one to give me a Loan and then leave me Alone. 108. I have enough money to last me the rest of my life, unless I buy something. 109. When you’re good, you’re good, when you’re awesome you’re me. 110. I'm jealous of my parents, I`ll never have a kid as cool as theirs. Advertisements 111. Can I take your picture? I love to collect pictures of natural disasters. 112. The only reason god made cousins so that parents can compare our marks. 113. When life gets tough, remember: You were the strongest sperm. 114. I don’t always lose my phone but when I do its always on silent. 115. The funniest thing in class is when the teacher cracks a joke and no one laughs. 116. When your ex asks if you can still be friends right after a break up, it's like having a kidnapper tell you to keep in touch. 117. AwesoME ends with ME and Ugly starts with U. 118. There's always that one person, who takes a few minutes to get the joke. 119. We live in the era of smart phones and stupid people. 120. ETC – End of Thinking Capacity. 121. I have 2-3 real friends, the rest are just people I socialize with. 122. Marriage is a "workshop", Where husband 'works' and wife 'shops'. 123. I need Six months of vacation, Twice a year. 124. Time is precious, waste it wisely. 125. Life is Short – Chat Fast! 126. Totally available! Please disturb me! 127. You can never buy Love....But still you have to pay for it. 128. I'm not lazy, I'm on energy saving mode. 129. Hey there whatsapp is using me. 130. Not always "Available" Try your Luck... 131. My "last seen at" was just to check your "last seen at". 132. I'd rather have honest enemies than fake friends. 133. Scratch here ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ to reveal my status :D 134. I believe there should be a better way to start each day... instead of waking up every morning. 135. I always dream of being a millionaire like my uncle!... He's dreaming too. 136. Sometimes you succeed... and other times you learn. 137. When inspiration does not come to me, I go halfway to meet it. 138. How is a poor man a lot like a rich man? They both have an iPhone. 139. Friends come and go, but enemies remain and build up. 140. I love my job only when I'm on vacation
Attitude Status for Whatsapp in English
141. Smile today, tomorrow could be worse. 142. Phones are better than girlfriends, At least we can switch off. 143. His story is History, My Story is Mystery. 144. Not all men are fools, Some stay bachelor. 145. Virginity is not dignity, It is just lack of opportunity. 146. Save water drink beer. 147. When everything comes your way.. Then you are on the wrong way. 148. 80% of boys have girlfriends.. Rest 20% are having brain. 149. People say, you can't live without love...I think oxygen is more important. 150. I talk to myself because i like dealing with a better class of people.
Attitude Awesome Whatsapp Status for Facebook
151. I am not virgin, My life fucks me everyday. 152. Warning! I know KARATE... And few other oriental words. 153. I am so poor that I can't pay attention in class. 154. I love to walk in fog, Because nobody knows I am smoking. 155. If you can't convince them, Confuse them. 156. When nothing goes right! Go left. 157. If you are gonna be two-faced, Honey at least make one of them pretty! 158. I am always right, Once I thought that I am wrong, But I was wrong. 159. I work for money, for loyalty hire a dog. 160. When I was born... Devil said, "Oh Shit...! Competition".
Cool Attitude Status for Whatsapp in English
161. I am not failed......My success is just postponed. 162. Some people are alive only, because it's illegal to kill them. 163. Mistakes are proof that you are trying. 164. Be a good person, but don't try to prove. 165. Nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. 166. Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently. 167. Whenever i think of quit smoking, I need a cigarette to think. 168. I don't have dirty mind, I have Sexy imagination. 169. If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up. 170. Silent people have the loudest minds.
Cool Attitude Whatsapp Status in English
171. Born to express not to impress. 172. The road to success is always under construction. 173. I will win, not immediately but definitely. 174. Laugh at your problems, everybody else does. 175. Never get into fights with ugly people, they have nothing to lose. 176. The longer the title the less important the job. 177. Good girls are bad girls that never get caught. 178. No, I’m not feeling violent, I’m feeling creative with weapons. 179. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt. 180. If I agreed with you we’d both be wrong.
Cool Attitude Status in English
181. The real reason women live longer than men because they don’t have to live with women. 182. Eat right, exercise, die anyway. 183. I may be fat, but you’re ugly – I can lose weight! 184. We have enough gun control. What we need is idiot control. 185. My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I am right. 186. I used to be indecisive. Now I’m not sure. 187. Knowledge is power, and power corrupts. So study hard and be evil. 188. Our generation doesn’t knock on doors. We will call or text to let you know we’re outside. 189. Don’t steal. That’s the government’s job. 190. I am willing to make the mistakes if someone else is willing to learn from them.
Best Attitude Whatsapp Status in English
191. If you do a job too well, you will get stuck with it. 192. Why do women always ask questions that have no right answers? 193. If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. 194. I'm not changed it’s just I grew up and you should try too. 195. I never insult people I only tell them what they are. 196. If you think I am BAD than you’re wrong, I'm the worst. 197. The biggest slap to your enemies is your success. 198. I’m sorry my fault. I forgot you’re an Idiot. 199. I always arrive late at office but I make it by leaving early. 200. I don’t have a bad handwriting, I have my own FONT
Attitude Awesome Whatsapp Status for Facebook
201. It is never too late to be what you might have been. 202. The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others. 203. Better to die on your feet than live on your knees. 204. I love the confidence that makeup gives me. 205. I will never be perfect, but I can be better. 206. Girls who do not ask for much, deserve it all. 207. Keep your heels, head, and standards high. 208. You are amazing just the way you are. 209. Always act like you are wearing an invisible crown. 210. What matters most is how you see yourself. 211. You were born to be real not to be perfect. 212. Listen to your heart above all other voices. 213. You are always with yourself, so you might as well enjoy the company. 214. Only make decisions that support your self- image, self- esteem, and self- worth. 215. I decide how I live and who I love. The choice is mine and no one gets to make my mind up. I decide and I choose. 216. I may not be the girl that everyone wants, but at least I am not the girl that everyone’s had. 217. Do not search for a man that will solve all your problems, he would not. Find one that would not let you face them alone. 218. I am not a backup plan, and definitely not a second choice. 219. Take charge of your attitude. Do not let someone else choose it for you. 220. I love being a girl because I am my Daddy’s little girl and that rocks. 221. Be yourself because an original is worth more than just a copy. 222. I am not what has happened to me. I am what I choose to become. 223. I will not allow anything outside of myself determine my happiness. 224. Someone asked me what is your attitude, then I simply replied, being single is my attitude. 225. What you think of yourself is much more important than what people think of you. 226. Do not compare yourself to others. If you do so, you are insulting yourself. 227. True happiness comes when you can look at yourself and like what you see. 228. The better you feel about yourself, the less you feel the need to show off. 229. Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in one’s own sunshine. 230. If you do not have respect for yourself, you would not get it anywhere else. 231. Someone else’s opinion of you does not have to become your reality. 232. It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else’s eyes. 233. A fruit salad is delicious precisely because each fruit maintains its own flavour. 234. Make a girl happy. That is the most amazing feeling she can ever experience. 235. I am not concerned with your liking or disliking me. All I ask is that you respect me as a human being. 236. You cannot compare me to the next girl. Because there is no competition. I am one of a kind, and that is real. 237. Every girl needs a good guy who can help her laugh when she thinks she will never smile again. 238. Sometimes I wish I was a little girl again, because bruised knees heal faster than broken hearts. 239. When a girl tells you about her problems, it does not mean that she is complaining, it means she trusts you. 240. All girls want is a guy who is taller than her so she can wrap her arms around his neck when they hug and kiss. 241. It’s not your job to like me. It’s mine. 242. Whatever boys can do girls can do better. 243. I am a girl. Do not touch my hair, face, phone, or boyfriend. 244. Women are wiser than men because they know less and understand more. 245. There is no market for your emotions so never advertise your feelings just display your ATTITUDE. 246. When guys get jealous it can be kind of cute. When girls get jealous World War III is about to start. 247. Smart girls open their mind, easy girls open their legs, and foolish girls open their heart. 248. It only takes one bad boyfriend to realize that you deserve so much more. 249. I have a new theory in life, what other people think of me is truly none of my business. 250. Treat me like a queen and I will treat you like a king. But if you treat me like a game, I will show you how it is played. 251. Dear Good Boys, do not worry having no girlfriend this time. Remember, bad boys will always have the best girlfriend but they will never have the best wife. 252. There is only one thing I have to say. You are lucky to have me as your sister. Just kidding! I am lucky to have you as my brother. 253. Better to be strong than pretty and useless. 254. I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it. 255. No matter what a woman looks like, if she is confident, she is sexy. 256. Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness. 257. A confident woman wears a smile and has this air of comfort-ability and pleasantness about her. 258. A girl should be like a Butterfly. Pretty to see and hard to catch. 259. A girl adding you to her Whatsapp is a modern sign of trust. 260. I consider myself a crayon. I may not be your favourite colour, but one day you will need me to complete your picture. 261. Be what you want to be, be the girl you supposed to be and forget the world. 262. Why cannot mosquitoes suck out my fat instead. 263. Every girls dream = to eat without getting fat. 264. If a girl tells you to leave her alone and you actually do then you have absolutely no brain cells. 265. Just because I do not start the conversation, does not mean I am not dying to speak to you. 266. I may not be the best, but I know that I am not like the rest. 267. When I joke they take it seriously. When I am serious they take it as a joke. 268. Thank you to every person who has ever told me I cannot. You are just another reason I will. 269. You cannot compare me to the next girl. Because there is no competition. I am one of a kind, and that is real. 270. An attitude is an inward thought that wiggles its way out. 271. Like me for who I am and not for who you want me to be. Take it or leave it. That simple. 272. Keep your face towards the sunshine, you will never see the shadow. 273. I keep my head held high and smile, because there are people who will kill to see me fall. 274. Never hate people who are jealous of you, but respect their jealousy because they are the ones who think you are better than them. 275. Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you. 276. Jealousy is a terrible disease. Get well soon. 277. Jealousy is the best compliment you can receive. 278. People would say bad things about you, because it is the only way their insignificant self can feel better than you. 279. Love all your haters, after all they are what makes you famous. 280. I do not care what the haters and naysayers say. If they make jokes about me, I will laugh because they will probably be funny. 281. Having haters is just a part of the business, and the more haters you have, the more people like you – that is how I view it, because I try to see the positive in things. 282. When there is so many haters and negative things, I really do not care. 283. The Internet is for haters. Everyone wants to knock somebody down, but it is cool. 284. I am sure there are some haters out there, but I just put my blinders on. 285. Now my haters are very high class people, so I feel like I have moved up. 286. Nations have come under the control of haters and fools. 287. I deal with haters on a daily basis. 288. You are going to have haters and you are going to have lovers. 289. Learn to use the criticism as fuel and you will never run out of energy. 290. Insecurity is an ugly thing, it makes you hate people you do not even know. 291. Haters only hate the people they cannot have or the people they cannot be. 292. Do not think that someone else is more blessed than you are, because we are blessed in different ways. 293. Jealousy is just a lack of self-confidence. 294. Remember: people only rain on your parade because they are jealous of your sun and tired of their shade. 295. Jealousy weakens life. Like the ice-cube in sun-light. 296. Thank you to all of you who talk bad about me thank you for making me the centre of attention. 297. You dream it, I did it, you are jealous admit it. 298. Jealousy is a waste of emotions. 299. A jealous husband does not doubt his wife, but himself. 300. Call me what you want, I will just call you jealous.
Cool Attitude Status for Facebook in English for Girls & Boys
301. Dear haters, do not criticize me for my flaws and mistakes when you cannot even see your own. 302. Jealousy is the fear of comparison. 303. You mostly do not have haters of you, but mostly you have haters of your success. 304. You just hate me because you are not me. 305. I never used to be jealous of anyone, and then I like you. I think I get it now. 306. You know you are awesome when people you do not even know hate you. 307. Nothing brings on jealousy like laughter. 308. People call it “jealousy” I call it “fear of losing you”. 309. Jealousy is just love and hate at the same time. 310. I am just someone, not that one. 311. The way I deal with you is the reflection of the way you deal with me. 312. If you want to improve your life, start with working on your attitude first. 313. The words coming out of my mouth are all of me – unfiltered, raw and real. Love it or hate it, it is up to you. 314. In love, if you fall easily on your knees, you will never win your happy ending. 315. Your attitude screams about the bursting colours of your soul and the rhythm of your heart without the need for any words. 316. Attitude is the mirror of your entire being. 317. Let people think what they want to think about you. It is none of your business anyway. 318. You would not find anyone like me. That is why I call myself ‘limited edition’. 319. Everyone is unique in their own little ways. 320. My attitude with love is simple – I do what I love and love will find me along the way. 321. Some people lives on the business of minding the business of other people. 322. I would rather be single and happy than be in a relationship and miserable. 323. I do not have time to dwell in pain because I am too busy enjoying the things that makes me happy. 324. Never apologize for showing your true colours. 325. My attitude is my unique gift which I am not obliged to explain to anyone. 326. My style is my business which means it is none of your business. 327. If I ignore you and your calls, it only means that I am too tired to deal with your foolishness. 328. Style is a reflection of your attitude and your personality. 329. I believe if you keep your faith, you keep your trust, you keep the right attitude, if you are grateful, you will see God open up new doors. 330. If you do not like something, change it. If you cannot change it, change your attitude. Advertisements 331. Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one. 332. Being sexy is all about attitude, not body type. It is a state of mind. 333. A positive attitude can really make dreams come true - it did for me. 334. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results. 335. Leadership is practiced not so much in words as in attitude and in actions. 336. Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. 337. Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character. 338. I will keep smiling, be positive and never give up! I will give 100 percent each time I play. These are always my goals and my attitude. 339. Each day, I come in with a positive attitude, trying to get better. 340. Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude. 341. Happiness does not depend on any external conditions, it is governed by our mental attitude. 342. Excellence is not a skill, it is an attitude. 343. For success, attitude is equally as important as ability. 344. Be sure what you want and be sure about yourself. Fashion is not just beauty, it is about good attitude. You have to believe in yourself and be strong. 345. A healthy attitude is contagious but do not wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier. 346. Virtually nothing is impossible in this world if you just put your mind to it and maintain a positive attitude. 347. The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude. 348. The only disability in life is a bad attitude. 349. Our attitude towards others determines their attitude towards us. 350. Attitude and enthusiasm play a big part in my life. I get excited about the things that inspire me. I also believe in laughing and having a good time. 351. Acting is magical. Change your look and your attitude, and you can be anyone. 352. Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you are going to live your life. 353. My attitude has always been, if you fall flat on your face, at least you are moving forward. All you have to do is get back up and try again. 354. Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman - not the attitude of the prospect. 355. Attitude is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than what people do or say. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. 356. Fairness is not an attitude. It is a professional skill that must be developed and exercised. 357. Your attitude will go a long way in determining your success, your recognition, your reputation and your enjoyment in being a lawyer. 358. My attitude is never to be satisfied, never enough, never. 359. The higher the better. It is more about an attitude. High heels empower women in a way. 360. Take the attitude of a student, never be too big to ask questions, and never know too much to learn something new. 361. Watch your manner of speech if you wish to develop a peaceful state of mind. Start each day by affirming peaceful, contented and happy attitudes and your days will tend to be pleasant and successful. 362. The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That is the day we truly grow up. 363. Morality is simply the attitude we adopt towards people whom we personally dislike. 364. A positive attitude is something everyone can work on, and everyone can learn how to employ it. 365. Our environment, the world in which we live and work, is a mirror of our attitudes and expectations. 366. Age and size are only numbers. It is the attitude you bring to clothes that make the difference. 367. Keep a good attitude and do the right thing even when it is hard. When you do that you are passing the test. And God promises you your marked moments are on their way. 368. Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears. 369. The remarkable thing is, we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. 370. The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes. 371. The ABC's are attitude, behaviour and communication skills. 372. It is the hopeful, buoyant, cheerful attitude of mind that wins. Optimism is a success builder, pessimism an achievement killer. 373. Always keep that happy attitude. Pretend that you are holding a beautiful fragrant bouquet. 374. Negative attitude is nine times more powerful than positive attitude. 375. Natural ability is important, but you can go far without it if you have the focus, drive, desire and positive attitude. 376. It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome. 377. You can do everything you can to try to stop bad things from happening to you, but eventually things will happen, so the best prevention is a positive attitude. 378. Always go into meetings or negotiations with a positive attitude. Tell yourself you are going to make this the best deal for all parties. 379. Character is the result of two things: mental attitude and the way we spend our time. 380. Always have an attitude of gratitude. 381. Eagles come in all shapes and sizes, but you will recognize them chiefly by their attitudes. 382. Commitment, belief and positive attitude are all important if you are going to be a success, whether you are in sports, in business or, as in my case, anthropology. 383. Anything can happen, so you have to control your attitude and stay strong. 384. Solidarity is an attitude of resistance, I suppose, or it should be. 385. Your attitude is contagious. 386. Cock your hat - angles are attitudes. 387. You cannot study comedy, it is within you. It is a personality. My humour is an attitude. 388. A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug. 389. And the attitude of faith is the very opposite of clinging to belief, of holding on. 390. Civilization is a method of living, an attitude of equal respect for all men. 391. The meaning of things lies not in the things themselves, but in our attitude towards them. 392. Spend some time this weekend on home improvement; improve your attitude toward your family. 393. The accounting of the sacrifice is, more than anything else, the attitude toward war memorials in our time. 394. Yes, we are still five little people with a noisy attitude. 395. Having a positive mental attitude is asking how something can be done rather than saying it cannot be done. 396. We awaken in others the same attitude of mind we hold toward them. 397. Attitude determines the altitude of life. 398. Most of us start out with a positive attitude and a plan to do our best. 399. When you are thwarted, it is your own attitude that is out of order. 400. Great effort springs naturally from great attitude.
Whatsapp Status for Girls Attitude & Boys Attitude
401. Success or failure in business is caused more by the mental attitude even than by mental capacities. 402. The ideal attitude is to be physically loose and mentally tight. 403. I need someone who sees the fire in my eyes and wants to play with it. 404. Boys lie more, but girls lie better. 405. Men hang out in bars for one of two reasons: Either they have no wife to go home to, or they do. 406. Forget the haters, because somebody loves you. 407. Do not hate me, just get to know me first! Loves you. 408. People with status do not need status. 409. Always trying to cool myself. 410. I forgive but I never forget. 411. Boys are great, every girl should have one. 412. Hate girls except the girl reading this. 413. I am cool but summer made me hot. 414. My Life My Rules. 415. It’s my life, so keep your nose out of it. 416. Be silent and let your success shout. 417. I am not lazy, I am just on my energy saving mode. 418. ATTITUDE is everything. 419. Mistakes are proof that you are trying. 420. I love my job only when I am on vacation. 421. I never make the same mistake twice. I make it five or six times, just to be sure. 422. My parents should be proud of me because I am addicted to Facebook not to Drugs. 423. My words are like a china phone. They have no guarantee. 424. Dream big and dare to fail. 425. Not all men are fools, some stay bachelor. 426. Life taught me lot of lessons but I bunked those classes too. 427. If you obey all the rules, you will miss all the fun. 428. Not always “Available”. Try your Luck. 429. When I am good I am best, when I am bad I am worst. 430. Yeah You – The one reading my status, Get Lost. 431. I will be back with my same attitude. 432. Do not play with me! Because I know I Can PLAY Better Than You. 433. I am not heartless, I just learned how to use my heart LESS. 434. If you do not like my attitude quit talking to me. 435. Being single is my attitude. 436. Never underestimate me because I am more than you think. 437. Your attitude may hurt me, but mine can even kill you. 438. I may not be perfect but I am always ME. 439. Born to be awesome. 440. I am actually a nice person. Until you piss me off. 441. Tried to lose weight. But it keeps finding me. 442. I am having technical difficulties with my attitude today. I apologize for my inconvenience this may cause you. Avoidance is suggested for safety. 443. I am not arrogant, I am just better than you. 444. Ask me no questions, and I will tell you no lies. 445. I can only please one person a day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow does not look good either. 446. If you are too open minded your brain will fall out. 447. Follow your heart but take your brain with you. 448. The road to my success is always under construction. 449. Personality is to a man what perfume is to a flower. 450. Born to express not to impress. 451. Sending my Selfie to NASA, because I am a star. 452. If you like me then raise your hands. If not then raise your standard. 453. I do not like to follow. I like being followed. 454. My style is what “I like” not what “others like”. 455. If you want to cry, use a tissue. Not your status. 456. Life is better when you are laughing. 457. I know who I am, and I am damn proud of it. 458. You have not ever seen my bad side yet. 459. Yes I am smiling. But you are not the reason anymore. 460. Attitude is like a price tag, it shows how valuable you are. 461. Down to earth, but still above you. 462. While you are chasing Pokémon, I am chasing my dreams. 463. Kill them with success and bury them with a smile. 464. I will not quit until I am living the life I once dreamt of. 465. Man of the year. 466. Do not be the same, be better. 467. Girls express their feelings via tears. Boys express their feelings via Beers. 468. Great minds think alone. 469. I am W.E.I.R.D Wonderful Exciting Interesting Real Different. 470. I know I am always. SPECIAL. 471. I am just cool like hot coffee. 472. The best is yet to come. 473. I was reminded that my blood type is Be Positive. 474. Sometimes I pretend to be normal, but it gets boring so I go back being me. 475. Only my name is enough. 476. The eyes are useless when the mind is blind. 477. Cry a river. Build a bridge. Get over it. 478. I am not fat, I am just easier to see. 479. I fell in love at first sight. I should have looked twice. 480. Take my advice — I am not using it. 481. Life is short. SMILE while you still have TEETH. 482. I define my own life. I do not let people write my script. 483. Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. 484. Only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude. 485. I am not old, I am youthfully challenged. 486. Alter your attitude and you can alter your life. 487. Men also have FEELINGS, for example they can feel HUNGRY. 488. Girls do what they want, Boys do what they can. 489. People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day. 490. I am a nice person with bad attitude. 491. I am not a Spider man nor a Superman, however I am Superhero for my Girl Friend. 492. You were born an original. Do not die a copy. 493. Being happy never goes out of style. 494. Behind every successful person lies a pack of haters. 495. Nothing is cooler and more attractive than a big comeback, and that will be me. 496. Only great minds can afford a simple style. 497. Believe in yourself. 498. I am not the kind of person who tries to be cool or trendy, I am definitely an individual. 499. Do not stop until you are proud. 500. I smile. Because I do not know WHAT THE HELL is going on.
Attitude Style Status Messages About Me And Myself
501. Keep moving! Nothing new to read. 502. I celebrate myself, and sing myself. 503. I am nobody, nobody is perfect, and therefore I am perfect. 504. Always wear your invisible crown. 505. You could not handle me even if I came with instructions. 506. Out of my mind. I will be back in five minutes. 507. I do not Care about Popularity. I Live In Reality. 508. Stay cool do not get freeze. 509. Keep talking you are making me famous. 510. When nothing goes right. Go left. 511. Looser. Is the one who creates a winner so, I do not mind loosing. 512. I did not lose my mind. I just sold it online. 513. My attitude my choice. 514. God is really creative, I mean. Just look at me. 515. I love being single. It’s almost like being rich. 516. Error: status unavailable. 517. I do not care what people think or say about me. 518. I will win not immediately, but definitely. 519. Be what you want to be NOT what others want to see. 520. Of course I talked to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice. 521. I do not need your Attitude because I have my own. 522. WARNING: U may fall in love with my face. 523. I am going to make the rest of my life, the best of my life. 524. Every man is the architect of his own fortune. 525. Sorry I cannot be perfect. 526. Read a book instead of reading my status. 527. My life my rules so, keep your nose out of my Business. 528. I have a disease called AWESOME. 529. I have reached a point in life where I feel it is no longer necessary to try and impress anyone. If they like me the way I am, good and if they do not, it is their loss. 530. I am not online, it is just an optical illusion. 531. If you do not like something change it, if you cannot change it, change the way you think about it. 532. Positive anything is better than negative thinking. 533. They can because they think they can. 534. Heaven is under our feet, as well as over our heads. 535. To different minds, the same world is a hell, and a heaven. 536. A child’s attitude toward everything is an artist’s attitude. 537. Smile when it hurts most. 538. Attitudes are more important than facts. 539. What you think again and again becomes your truth. Think right. 540. A positive attitude can really make dreams come true – it did for me. 541. Results are always hidden in thoughts and actions. 542. Attitude is your acceptance of the natural laws, or your rejection of the natural laws. 543. Our attitude toward life determines life’s attitude towards us. 544. Thinking harder is more important than working harder. 545. Humour prevents a hardening of the attitudes. 546. I want people to remember me as a full on entertainer and a good person. 547. You can overcome every hurdle with positive attitude. 548. Attitude-flexibility is the mentality that helps us to smoothly persevere through turbulent times. 549. A thinking man can never be brave. 550. The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm. 551. If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden. 552. Impossible is a word only to be found in the dictionary of fools. 553. Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. 554. Sorry Vegetarians We cannot Pretend. 555. You Are A Designer Of Your Own Destiny. Make It Better. 556. Fake People Have Image To Main. Real People just do not Care. 557. Congratulations! My Middle Finger Salutes Your Bad Attitude. 558. Watch Your Attitude. It’s The First Thing People Notice about You. 559. Your Attitude Belongs To You And its You Want To Have A Good One. 560. Smile In Front of People Who Hate You. Your Happiness Will Kill Them. 561. Single is not A Status. But it is A Word That Describe a Person Who Is Strong Enough to live and Enjoy Life without Depending On Others. 562. Coins Always Make Sound But The Currency Notes Are Always Silent! That’s why I am Always Calm and Silent. 563. If you wait to do everything until you are Sure It’s Right, you will Probably Never Do Much of Anything. 564. Dear Mario, I Wasted My Childhood Trying To Save Your Girlfriend. Now, You Help Me To Save Mine. 565. Just Because I do not have A Girlfriend, does not mean I am Alone, I Have a Food and Internet. 566. There is no buddy like a brother. 567. We all live under the same sky, but we do not all have the same horizon. 568. Whenever you are in conflict with someone, there is one factor that can make the difference between damaging your relationship and deepening it. That factor is attitude. 569. The world is full of cactus, but we do not have to sit on it. 570. If you expect nothing, you are apt to be surprised. You will get it. 571. What they call you is one thing. What you answer to is something else. 572. If you do not think every day is a great day try going without one. 573. It is our attitude toward events, not events themselves, which we can control. Nothing is by its own nature calamitous -- even death is terrible only if we fear it. 574. Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. 575. If a person gets his attitude toward money straight, it will help straighten out almost every other area in his life. 576. I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else. 577. Certain thoughts are prayers. There are moments when, whatever be the attitude of the body, the soul is on its knees. 578. It is not the position, but the disposition. 579. We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. 580. I would rather be first in a little Iberian village than second in Rome. 581. Life is a story, Make yours the best seller! 582. With Great power, Comes great electricity bill. 583. Silence speaks thousand words. 584. I do not hate Peoples, I just love Peoples who loves me. 585. Some men have Hundreds of reasons why they cannot do what they want to when all they need is one reason why they can. 586. Before I fall asleep, I always picture what it would feel like to fall asleep in your arms. It's probably the best feeling in the world. 587. It is our attitude at the beginning of every difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome. 588. I have reached a point in my life where I feel it is no longer necessary to try and impress any Person. 589. Nurture your mind with great and Positive thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think. 590. Life is full of surprises, so you may as well get used to it. 591. There is very little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The small difference is always an attitude. 592. There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it. 593. I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be. 594. Hope is a waking dream. 595. Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more. 596. When the world pushes you to your knees, you are in the perfect position to pray. 597. Nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. 598. The next time you feel slightly uncomfortable with the pressure in your life, remember no pressure, no diamonds. Pressure is a part of success. 599. It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome. 600. Our attitudes control our lives. Attitudes are a secret power working twenty-four hours a day, for good or bad. It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force.
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angeliquefreaque · 7 years
What is your preferred method of making aesthetics? (Programs, websites, where and how you find your images, the creative process in general?)
this is an interesting question! a rundown under the cut:
program: GIMP because i’ve used it for years (interface honestly sucks but it works)
websites/images: 99% of the time i use Pinterest, i also snag stuff off my dash (fashion, historical and whatnot) and when i’m really desperate i try googling. whenever i make an aesthetic, i look in my folders first which are organised vaguely by character and whatnot, then i go on a search binge and save everything i like into those folders for use another time. oh and on my main blog, i tag certain things as inspo so i can look through it later.
the process…sometimes i start with a character/pairing/theme i just feel like doing (or a request), sometimes i have an image lying around that inspires me to something. the colour scheme generally takes shape as i look for images and find that i’ve got good green ones or whatever (then of course the ones i want to use that AREN’T right, i have to fiddle with or abandon…this is the most arduous part, i think). i always want nice clear images of models to represent characters and while i have some regulars, i value the look of the photo more than using the same person every time. finding good faces is hard but it’s super important, both looks and expression (and whether it works in the composition). if it’s a pairing, finding suitable couple images is really hard but really worth it. then i like good strong ‘abstract’ images to fill it out, i always value something bold and quirky if i can get it (illustrations, especially vintage, and so on). vague imagery is not good. if i want text, i like to find something like old newspaper excerpts, i never just type something myself. i like strong colour schemes, contrast and impactful pictures, with everything very on-theme- if it’s a picture of flowers or something, then it’d better be really sharp and colourful. balance in the composition is really what makes aesthetics pop too- if you overanalyse my aesthetics, you’ll see multiple levels of balance to the images. the obvious ones would be putting the faceclaims in opposite corners and so on, but i also balance colour and other imagery carefully (although mostly just by feel, but sometimes with planning).
when it comes to the technical part, the size and quality of images is important to begin with, though since they’ll be small in the overall composition, they don’t have to be AMAZING and i do size up a little or mess with proportions if i need to and i can get away with it. i never like to end up with a blurry or grainy aesthetic. cropping is a real skill, lol- a totally unfitting image can look amazing if you crop right, this is particularly true of faceclaim/model pics. i’m cautious with greyscale images because fiddling with the colours can end up looking awful (i’m too lazy to colourise for real so i just tune the existing colour up), and i think using them too often as-is can look bland (i always mix greyscale pics with coloured ones). broadly speaking i up the contrast and whatnot on most pics, basic stuff. when using GIMP, i always make sure my canvas and images are exactly the right size (i stick to 1000x1400 usually, the two-column ones- that’s 8 images sized at 500x350, but i do change sometimes. there’s no ‘right’ size that i’ve found yet as far as tumblr’s shitty resizing goes). i use snap to grid to position things exactly right. i drop a ton of images i’m considering on the canvas, crop them, resize them and mess with them, then eliminate them as i go along and mess with the positions until it looks right. i don’t usually put gradients or anything over the entire thing, but i have on occasion.
generally, making aesthetics for me is about being really picky, really patient and really obsessed with fine detail, lmao. i also try to keep plenty of images on hand in ORGANISED folders. it helps to not give a fuck and do whatever inspires you (there’s a reason i do 90% nyo!austria). also look at other people’s aesthetics for inspiration and…what not to do (sorry).
as a general rule i don’t use fanart, cosplay or anything like that, it defeats the object for me. i also do not like seeing tons of quotations shoved in, especially of the emo teen variety, especially in bad fonts. very blurry, grainy, desaturated or otherwise bleh images are a no-go. super famous celebs as faceclaims is also jarring for me and i’m VERY fussy about how these characters look in my head (i’m okay with lesser-known celebs and somewhat-known models, lmao). for the record, i often mess with models’ eye colour for obvious reasons. extensive photoshopping is beyond me, though- i usually just tweak (though i HAVE edited a tattoo out, badly!)
what i DO like is pictures of food, i love food. illustrations, bits of wallpaper, newspapers, animal pics, shots of just lips/eyes/hair, single unusual objects, fashion, really funny/IC text posts, jewels, and a strong contrast of colours, etc…that’s pretty much what i like. oh and sexy images. i toyed with the idea of animated (explicit) gif aesthetics once but i’ve not done it yet…
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 37
3501. Is 'no glove, no love' your STRICT policy? i’ve been on the pill for 8 years and i’ve only had one sexual partner since then so not really. if sleeping with someone new, then yeah. 3502. What is the best Epic movie (examples of epics: ben-her, gone with the wind, last temptation of christ)? umm.. not sure. 3503. Finish the sentence. Hey, Hey we're the: people. People say we: are too nice. But we're too busy: living. The time to hesitate is: idk. You're too: boring. It's a nice day to: sleep.
3504. Have you ever had 'missing time'? no? 3505. Have you ever sent an electronic greeting? hahaha yeah. back when internet was dial-up, e-cards were all the rage. i sent them all the time. 3506. If you could send anonymous tips to people you knew who would never ever find out who sent them who would you send the following tips to? doesn't know when to leave: my bf’s brother. poor crotch hygiene: omg haha no one. talks too much: sara. band/art/dream is going nowhere: sean. most likely to get arrested: not sure. needs to get their life together: me. bad taste in clothes: no one really. bad taste in music: meh, i respect everyone’s taste in music. needs a hobby: my boyfriend lol. 3507. Are you more likely to download porn or disney movies? disney movies. 3508. What is it with people? who knows. 3509. Do you eat too much sugar? probably. 3510. Imagine you have a band. Let's name your band. Adjective: wild. Animal(plural): pandas Your band name is (adjective) (animals) Under Glass! Could be better? no. Let's try again. Adjective: Noun (plural): Your band is (adjective) (nouns) With Puppets 3511. Are you desperate but not serious? not really. 3512. Was there a time when you were younger and it took less to get you excited? yes. What did it take then? just getting out of the house. What does it take now? now staying at home makes me excited lol. 3513. Remember learning to write in elementary school? yes. We spend 2 years learning to print..then they throw that out the window and teach kids cursive. Why? i didn’t learn cursive at school. If cursive is so important and easy to read then why aren't books printed in cursive? Why aren't cursive computer fonts more popular? Why do buisness forms always say 'please print'? Schools are so preoccupied with teaching kids the complicated but traditional skill of cursive writing that more emphasis is put on that than on teaching kids how to clearly express their ideas through writing. I move that cursive writing become a jr. high school elective instead of a grammer school priority. Who's with me? 3514. Can you think of anything else (besides cursive writing) that is unhelpful, or unuseful, yet traditional and unquestioned? What? algebra. never used it after school. 3515. Name one female celebrity who you would guess wears size ___ clothing: 0? no. 5? 12? 16? 20? 3516. Have you ever been to a place where the restrooms were named in a clever way rather than just saying men's and woman's? I've seen Hens and Roosters, Bart and Lisa, Dudes and Babes...what have you seen? blokes and shielas and the hawaiian words for men and female. 3517. What is the 'message' or 'point behind': Fight Club? Donnie Darko? AI? technology may be able to surpass our intelligence. Minority Report? Solaris? A Walk to Remember? you never know where you can find love. You've Got Mail? 3518. have you seen, and what are your thoughts about these movies: Drumline? loved this! never thought i’d be into a movie about drumming. The Hot Chick? pretty funny. Maid in Manhattan? just the typical, cute, romantic comedy. Star Trek: Nemesis? About Schmidt? Evelyn? The Guys? Intacto? The Jimmy Show? The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers? Gangs of New York? Two Weeks Notice? The Wild Thornberrys Movie? Smokers Only? Treasure Planet? The Santa Clause 2? 3519. START this sentence: ....and I think to myself, what a wonderful world." i see them bloom, for me and you. 3520. What is: insanity? omg no. normal? farenheit? 3521. Tell us about yourself in the third person for a bit: no. 3522. If someone breaks a law, should they be punished if they did not know it was a law? most people know the law... unless it’s one of those really obscure ones. if this was a thing, a lot of people would claim not to know what they did was illegal. 3523. If it's so much easier to learn languages when we are very young (and it is, something to do with the developing brain) why do they wait until jr high and high school to teach them? if you start teaching a child another language they may not know the difference between their first and second language. that’s exactly what happened to me as a kid, i switched between the two without knowing which was which. 3524. Name a band you sort of like: dvsn. You are wearing that band's t-shirt in a store. SUDDENLY some guy you don't know comes up to you and goes, "Hey! You like (insert name of the band here)??!!" This is obviously a really stupid question because if you didn't like them you wouldn't be wearing the t-shirt. Your witty reply is: i sure do. 3525. If you were organizing cd's in a music store what section would you put each of the following in (don't forget the 'bargain bin' section!): Blink182 way too lazy to do this. Depech Mode Weezer Led Zeppelin The Doors Avril Lavigne Nelly Manfred Mann Iggy Pop Pink Floyd Guns N Roses Shakira Britny Spears Tool Ozzy Osbourne Madonna The Rolling Stones The Beatles Motley Crue Bon Jovi 3526. Does coffee stimulate your mind or body more? body. 3527. Can you do 'six degrees of separation' to anyone famous? i can do four lmao. my cousin’s friend acted in a movie with halle berry. done lol. 3528. What's the oddest thing in your home? idk. 3529. Do you find it odd when people who are not handicapped use the handicapped stall: in the bathroom? in the parking lot? yeah both. it’s rude. 3530. Do you sometimes find yourself talking to yourself? Do you answer yourself back? i only talk to myself in my thoughts. 3531. In your head do you call yourself 'I' or 'you' or both? both. 3532. What is the best excuse for why you haven't done your homework? i don’t have homework. 3533. Someone tells you 'well there are black people, and then there are n*ggers'. What do you think? omg that’s an instant ignore. i already know that person is arrogant and ignorant as fuck. i just hate that word. 3534. Does culture shape behavior or does behavior shape culture? first one. 3535. What determines whether a person will be: intelligent? some are born smart and some put in work to be smart. pretty? just their genetic makeup in a physical sense. happy? bubbly, cheerful personality. successful? hardworking. 3536. What is social loafing? What is groupthink? idk. 3537. I have an idea. let's change the english language by making the words fewer, shorter and more concise. What do ya think? no. 3538. What are the physical symptoms of: joy? involuntary smiles. fear? it’s all in the eyes. shame? blushing, hanging your head down. 3539. Here's the scenerio...your little eight year old brother is hangin out in the house when you come in..and catch him watching the playboy channel! What do you do/say? what are you watching? He says, "Why can't I watch this?" What is your response? you’re too young. Why do you respond that way? 8yo is too young to be exposed to sexual content imo. 3540. Who REALLY has a higher sex drive, girls or guys? How can you tell? it just depends on the individual. 3541. are you usually carefree? not really. 3542. Do you generally prefer reading to meeting people? i’m in between. depends on my mood. 3543. Do you often long for excitement? weekly. 3544. Are you mostly quiet when you are with others? if i know the group, then no. 3545. Do you often do things spur of the moment? not usually. 3546. Are you slow an unhurried in the way you move? no. 3547. Would you do almost anything for a dare? haha no. 3548. Do you hate being in a crowd who plays jokes on one another? i don’t mind. depends how far they’ll go though. 3549. Do you enjoy wild parties? i did when i was younger. 3550. Have you ever paid for something priced more than $5.00 in only change? probably. 3551. Is racism still a big part of our culture? sadly, yes. 3552. A drawing was shown to a person. The drawing showed a black man in a buisness suit standing next to a white man holding a razor. The person who saw this drawing was white and was asked to describe it to a second white person who had not seen it, who described it to a third, and so on. By the end of six rounds the final report often placed the razor in the hand of the black man and it is claimed he is waving it threateningly. What do you think of thiss? stupid. 3553. How many famous people can you name who committed suicide? i’d rather not. 3554. Do you have OCD? no. 3555. Are you more anxious or relaxed? anxious. Insecure or secure? insecure. Sociable or with drawn? in between. Original or conventional? original. 3556. Are you more emotional or calm? calm. self pitying or content? content. Fun loving or sober? fun loving. Imaginative or down to earth? down to earth. 3557. Are you more Friendly or aloof? friendly. adventurous or cautious? cautious. Broad or narrow when it comes to interests? broad. receptive or closed to new ideas? receptive. 3558. Are you more good natured or irritable? good natured. soft hearted or ruthless? in between. well organized or disorganized? organized. Dependable or undependable? dependable. 3559. Are you more courteous or rude? courteous. sympathetic or tough minded? sympathetic. hardworking or lazy? lazy. ambitious or easy going? easy going. Anxiety Inscurity Emotionalism and Self Pity are traits of a neurotic personality. Sociable, fun loving, friendly and adventurous are traits of an extraverted personality. orignality, imaginative, broad interests, and receptive are traits of an Open personality. Good natured, soft hearted, courteous, and sympathetic are traits of an agreeable personality. Well organized, dependable, hardworking and ambitious are traits of a conscientious personality. 3560. Do men and woman have little or a lot in common? depends on the individuals. there’s no answer to this. 3561. Do you feel like any of the teachers you've ever had have REALLY cared about educating you to think for yourself? eh, yes a couple. Do you tend to try harder if they DO care? yes. 3562. Have you ever been stereotyped? As what? not really actually. 3563. Have you ever been discriminated against? For what? yes, my race. 3564. How often is your school and/or job closed due to weather? never. it’s open 24/7. 3565. Who do you know that you believe does not masturbate? haha it’s not something i think about. 3566. Does a cloned human being have a soul? Why or why not? i honestly have no idea. probably not. 3567. Finish the sentance: As the world turns..I only have one concern...that: idk. 3568. What group in history has been the most oppressed? a lot of different groups, let’s be real. 3569. Have you read any biographies? Whose? yes. 3570. What are you obsessed with? sleep. 3571. Break out your decoder ring..(no hints this time)! t3ii9 8 i9f3 697 29h5 697 53ii j3 6974 hqj3? no. 3572. Do you crack your: knuckes? neck? back? other? yes to all. 3573. Of the following powers which 2 would you pick for yourself? The ability to fly, breathe under water, turn invincible, change into animals, freeze and restart time, never gain weight unless you want to, heal people with your touch, have orgasms that last for an hour never gain weight and heal people. 3574. Do you chew your pencils and pens? no. 3575. Can you tell the exact point where your back ends and your butt begins? no. 3576. When you are bored do you picture everyone eround you naked? no. 3577. What are some great holiday gift ideas for guys: cologne, clothes, alcohol. girls: makeup, candles, perfume. 3578. Who looks better naked, men or woman? women. 3579. Do you sit in chairs or fall into them? if i know the chair well i’ll fall into it lol.
3580. Has anyone ever screamed your name during sex? yes. moaned your name during sex? yes. 3581. Hershey's kisses: mint, almond, hugs, plain. other? plain. 3582. What's the best slurpee flavor? raspberry. 3583. What are five movies that you think someone would have to be living under a rock in iceland to not have seen? any disney classic. everyone would’ve seen at least one.
3584. Of these words, which ones are funny: beets? cumquat? pit? Piss-capades? fuzzy? What are some other funny words? no. 3585. Do you give good massages? yes. 3586. What songs have been 'stuck' in your head? none. 3587. What don't most people know about your job? it’s easy af. 3588. Is there anything you won't say unless someone else says it first? no. 3589. Do you need a little chrsitmas? huh? 3590. Fake or real tree? fake. 3591. Is your refrigerator running? You know what to do. yes. 3592. How can you explain when there are few words you can choose? idk. 3593. Who can it be now? idk. 3594. Where HAS Joe Dimaggio gone? And why does our nation turn it's eys to him? idk. 3595. How often do you get headaches? hardly ever. 3596. Have you ever woen fake eyelashes? yes. 3597. What could you spend 24 hours ina row doing? haha lay in bed. 3598. Is it Friday yet? it is actually. 3599. Do you remember There was a time (ahaha) when people on the street were walking hand in hand in hand?/ no. 3600. Do you talk to inanimate objects? no. Do you try to get them to answer you? no. Have they ever answered you? no.
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tortuga-aak · 7 years
10 things every college professor hates
Getty Images/Kevork Djansezian
I got this email from an Ivy League student when I arrived to give a speech. She was responsible for making sure that I was delivered to my hotel and knew where to go the next day:
Omg you’re here! Ahh i need to get my s--t together now lol. Jk. Give me a ring when u can/want, my cell is [redacted]. I have class until 1230 but then im free! i will let the teacher she u will be there, shes a darling. Perhaps ill come to the end of the talk and meet you there after. Between the faculty lunch and your talk, we can chat! ill take make sure the rooms are all ready for u. See ya!
To say the least, this did not make me feel confident that my visit would go smoothly.
I will use this poor student to kick off this year’s list of Professors’ Pet Peeves. I reached out to my network and collected some things that really get on instructors’ nerves. Here are the results: some of the “don’ts” for how to interact with your professor or teaching assistant. For what it’s worth, No. 2 was by far the most common complaint.
1. Don’t use unprofessional correspondence.
Your instructors are not your friends. Correspond with them as if you’re in a workplace, because you are. We’re not saying that you can’t ever write like this, but you do need to demonstrate that you know when such communication is and isn’t appropriate. You don’t wear pajamas to a job interview, right? Same thing.
2. Don’t ask the professor if you “missed anything important” during an absence.
No, you didn’t miss anything important. We spent the whole hour watching cats play the theremin on YouTube!
Of course you missed something important! We’re college professors! Thinking everything we do is important is an occupational hazard. Here’s an alternative way to phrase it: “I’m so sorry I missed class. I’m sure it was awesome.”
If you’re concerned about what you missed, try this instead: Do the reading, get notes from a classmate (if you don’t have any friends in class, ask the professor if they’ll send an email to help you find a partner to swap notes with), read them over, and drop by office hours to discuss anything you didn’t understand.
3. Don’t pack up your things as the class is ending.
We get it. The minute hand is closing in on the end of class, there’s a shift in the instructor’s voice, and you hear something like “For next time …” That’s the cue for the students to start putting their stuff away. Once one person does it, it’s like an avalanche of notebooks slapping closed, backpack zippers zipping, and cell phones coming out.
Don’t do it.
Just wait 10 more seconds until the class is actually over. If you don’t, it makes it seem as if you are dying to get out of there and, hey, that hurts our feelings!
4. Don’t ask a question about the readings or assignments until checking the syllabus first.
It’s easy to send off an email asking your instructor a quick question, but that person put a lot of effort into the syllabus for a reason. Remember, each professor has dozens or hundreds of students. What seems like a small thing on your end can add up to death-by-a-thousand-paper-cuts on our end. Make a good-faith effort to figure out the answer before you ask the professor.
5. Don’t get mad if you receive critical feedback.
If an instructor takes a red pen and massacres your writing, that’s a sign that they care. Giving negative feedback is hard work, so the red ink means that we’re taking an interest in you and your future. Moreover, we know it’s going to make some students angry with us. We do it anyway because we care enough about you to try to help you become a stronger thinker and writer. It’s counterintuitive, but lots of red ink is probably a sign that the instructor thinks you have a lot of potential.
6. Don’t grade grub.
Definitely go into office hours to find out how to study better or improve your performance, but don’t go in expecting to change your instructor’s mind about the grade. Put your energy into studying harder on the next exam, bringing your paper idea to the professor or teaching assistant in office hours, doing the reading, and raising your hand in class. That will have more of a payoff in the long run.
7. Don’t futz with paper formatting.
Paper isn’t long enough? Think you can make the font a teensy bit bigger or the margins a tad bit wider? Think we won’t notice if you use a 12-point font that’s just a little more widely spaced? Don’t do it. We’ve been staring at the printed page for thousands of hours. We have an eagle eye for these kinds of things. Whatever your motivation, here’s what they say to us: “Hi Prof!, I’m trying to trick you into thinking that I’m fulfilling the assignment requirements. I’m lazy and you’re stupid!” Work on the assignment, not the document settings.
8. Don’t pad your introductions and conclusions with fluff.
Never start off a paper with the phrase, “Since the beginning of time …” “Since the beginning of time, men have engaged in war.” Wait, what? Like, the big bang? And, anyway, how the heck do you know? You better have a damn strong citation for that! “Historically,” “Traditionally,” and “Throughout history” are equally bad offenders. Strike them from your vocabulary now.
In your conclusion, say something smart. Or, barring that, just say what you said. But never say: “Hopefully someday there will be no war.” Duh. We’d all like that, but unless you’ve got ideas as to how to make it that way, such statements are simple hopefulness and inappropriate in an academic paper.
9. Don’t misrepresent facts as opinions and opinions as facts.
Figure out the difference. Here’s an example of how not to represent a fact, via CNN:
Considering that Clinton’s departure will leave only 16 women in the Senate out of 100 senators, many feminists believe women are underrepresented on Capitol Hill.
Wait. Feminists “believe”? Given that women are 51% of the population, 16 out of 100 means that women are underrepresented on Capitol Hill. This is a social fact, yeah? Now, you can agree or disagree with feminists that this is a problem, but don’t suggest, as CNN does, that the fact itself is an opinion.
This is a common mistake, and it’s frustrating for both instructors and students to get past. Life will be much easier if you know the difference.
10. Don’t be too cool for school.
You know the student who sits at the back of the class, hunches down in his or her chair, and makes an art of looking bored? Don’t be that person. Professors and teaching assistants are the top 3% of students. They most likely spent more than a decade in college. For better or worse, they value education. To stay on their good side, you should show them that you care, too. And, if you don’t, pretend as if you do.
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