#i gotta make pancakes (or waffles) now
ribbittrobbit · 5 months
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lying in bed listening to wbn + feeling every tense social interaction with a level of stress comparable to being hunted for sport (i imagine)
(aabria rly built different bec my ass could never choose to confront my fantasy best friend)
i gotta go... sit with this... for a bit
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happyprincesscycle · 1 month
Grump and Pupp
Pairings: Grumpy!Billy Butcher x Sunshine!Reader
A continuation of the Grump and Pupp series. I've compiled a bunch of random Butcher and Reader moments:
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**The Breakfast Battle
It was a rare quiet morning in the house, and Butcher was trying to enjoy a peaceful breakfast. He’d just poured himself a cup of black coffee and was about to dig into a plate of eggs and bacon when you burst into the kitchen like a whirlwind of energy.
“Morning, Butcher!” you chirped, sliding into the seat across from him. “Whatcha eating? Ooh, eggs and bacon, classic! You know what would make that even better? Pancakes! And maybe some waffles. Or, wait, how about a full English breakfast? We could add beans, tomatoes, sausages—oh, and don’t forget the toast!”
Butcher glared at you over his mug. “I’m eatin’ what I’ve got. If you want the full works, make it yourself.”
You grinned, undeterred. “Oh, I could do that! But wouldn’t it be more fun if we cooked together? We could be like those cooking show hosts! We’d have matching aprons and everything.”
Butcher took a long sip of his coffee, trying to block out the mental image of you in an apron with your name stitched across it. “No aprons, no cookin’ shows, and no bloody beans. Now, piss off and let me eat in peace.”
You pouted, but only for a moment. Then you jumped up and started rummaging through the cabinets. “Fine, but I’m making us some pancakes! You’ll thank me later.”
As you banged the cabinets around the kitchen, Butcher could only watch in exasperation. His peaceful morning was officially over.
**The War for TV remote
It was movie night—though Butcher would have preferred to call it a ‘quiet night in’ if he had any choice in the matter. He slumped on the couch, ready to unwind with something violent and full of explosions, when you skipped into the living room with a stack of DVDs in hand.
“So, I was thinking,” you began, plopping down next to him. “We could watch something light and funny! Maybe a rom-com, or a Disney movie! How about ‘The Lion King’? You’ll love it—it’s got action, drama, and catchy songs! Oh, and talking animals, too!”
Butcher’s eye twitched as you held up the DVD. “Not a chance in hell,” he growled, snatching the remote before you could grab it. “We’re watchin’ ‘Rambo’.”
You gave him a pleading look, your lip quivering ever so slightly. “But Butcher, we always watch stuff like that! Just one time, can we watch something with a happy ending?”
“Nope,” Butcher replied, turning on the TV with finality.
Undeterred, you leaned in closer, your hand inching toward the remote. “How about a compromise? We’ll watch half of ‘Rambo,’ and then we can switch to ‘The Lion King.’ Fair?”
“Not fair,” Butcher shot back, tightening his grip on the remote. “You want happy endings, go read a fairy tale.”
Just then, you made your move—lunging for the remote with a grin. But Butcher was quicker, holding it out of your reach as you half-climbed onto him in a futile attempt to grab it. The two of you ended up in a ridiculous tug-of-war, with you laughing and Butcher grumbling under his breath.
Finally, you relented, falling back onto the couch with a huff. “Fine, you win. But one of these days, I’m picking the movie.”
Butcher smirked, settling back into his seat. “Over my dead body.”
**The Laundry Disaster
Butcher wasn’t one for domestic chores, but he liked things to be in order. So when he found you in the laundry room, surrounded by piles of clothes, he knew trouble was brewing.
“What the bloody hell are you doin’?” Butcher demanded, eyeing the mess you’d made.
You looked up from the mountain of laundry with a sheepish grin. “Laundry! I thought I’d help out, you know? But… I might have mixed up the colors a bit.”
Butcher’s eyes narrowed as he spotted a pair of his black jeans now sporting a very unwelcome pink hue. “You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me.”
“Okay, so maybe I used a bit too much detergent… and maybe I put everything in on the wrong setting,” you admitted, holding up one of Butcher's shirt that had turned pink. “But it’s the thought that counts, right?”
Butcher snatched the ruined shirt from your hands, his patience wearing thin. “The thought don’t mean much when all my clothes are buggered.”
You shrugged, still smiling. “Look on the bright side—at least you don’t have to do the laundry now! I took care of it for you.”
Butcher let out a low growl, rubbing his temples. “From now on, you stay out of the laundry room. In fact, stay out of any room with chores, period.”
You saluted him playfully. “Aye, aye, captain! But I’ll still help with folding, right? I’m great at folding!”
Butcher just shook his head, resigned. “Yeah, right. Folding me patience into a square, more like.”
**The Prank War
You were bored, which was never a good thing for Butcher. Whenever you got bored, trokuble followed. This time, you’d decided to amuse yourself with a little prank—harmless fun, you thought.
Butcher was in the kitchen, his back to you as he poured himself a drink. Perfect. You tiptoed up behind him and—snap!—popped a small party cracker right near his ear.
“WHAT THE FU—” Butcher jumped about a foot in the air, the drink sloshing out of his glass as he spun around to face you.
You burst out laughing, clutching your sides as you saw the look of pure murder in his eyes. “Gotcha!” you squealed, backing away slowly.
Butcher set the glass down, taking a deep breath. “You’ve got a death wish, don’t ya?”
You grinned cheekily, holding up another party cracker. “Maybe, but it’s worth it to see that face! Come on, Butcher, don’t be such a grump.”
He lunged forward, grabbing you by the arm. “Right, that’s it. You’re in for it now, sunshine.”
You yelped as he hoisted you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, carrying you toward the front door. “Hey! Put me down! Where are you taking me?”
“To the curb where you belong,” Butcher replied, though there was a hint of amusement in his voice.
You couldn’t stop laughing as he marched you outside, depositing you on the front step before turning to go back in.
“Come on, Butcher!” you called after him, still giggling. “It was just a joke!”
“Joke’s on you,” Butcher shot back, slamming the door behind him.
Of course, you weren’t deterred. Five minutes later, you were back inside, plotting your next prank with a grin on your face.
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hiro--aoki · 5 months
TWD Incorrect Quotes from my classmates
Tw: contains swear words, mention of sex, use of slut and maybe some other offense things, idk
Michonne: Because your minds are still developing you want to….
Y/N: Do drugs!
Michonne: Take more risks…
Y/N: Nah…
Michonne: A risk is any unsafe action or stupid, thoughtless and careless behaviour.
Carl to Y/N: Literally me.
*Coughs that sound like an erupting volcano*
Abraham: My tummy hurts.
Michonne: Can you name three risks?
Merle: Sex with no protection!
Carl: A gun with no safety on!
Y/N: Having a forehead as big as Merle’s!
Deanna: So, we have codes A, C and D.
Rick: Why not code B? Where’s the B????
Aaron: B-cause.
Glenn: You should b- ashamed of yourself…. I’m not funny
Maggie: You’re not funny
Deanna: So, code A stands for….?
Daryl: Ass!
Eugene: Acceptable!
Aaron: Yeah *fistbump*
Y/N: Nerd!
Deanna: What about code C?
Maggie: Coffee.
Eugene: Calculated!
Deanna: Yes! How about code D?
Abraham: Deez nuts!
Sasha: Dangerous!
Carol: Destructive!
Deanna: Yeah! You guys concern me!
Y/N: Ron, shut up you acoustic monk.
Glenn: Guys I accidentally wrote relationhips instead of relationships.
Carl: Y/N, has relationhips.
Y/N: What’s that supposed to mean?!?!
Y/N: Carl, has a shirt that says ‘ Roblox is life’ shirt, and he said it suits me.
Negan: Feel how soft my water bottle is.
Simon: Stop stroking your water bottle like that!
Michonne: What’s something that was legal, but was a destructive decision?
Merle: Weed!
Enid: I wanna jump off a cliff.
Y/N: I wanna kiss a 12 gauge.
Enid: My dad jumped out of a plane without a parachute…
Carl: My dad is a plane.
Andrea: My butt hurts.
Dale: *Gives strange look*
Andrea: You’re looking at me like you wanna fuck me.
Dale: What?
Shane: Ha!
Dale: No, I actually didn’t hear.
Amy: Real.
Negan: Did you wash your ass today?
Michonne: So, tell me an example of a safety risk?
Merle: Your mom
Michonne: …and some conatin cannabis
Judith: These gummies tastes funny.
*Watching a budget direct ad and Captain Risky comes on*
Jesus: Smash
Ron: Bro’s him
Daryl: I mean he has all the skills
Carl: Bluds the main character
Y/N: You look like a potato
Dwight: You look like a trash can
Y/N: Nuh uh
Dwight: Yeah uh
Negan: Dwight, keep working *Lightly caresses the shovel Dwight’s hand*
Y/N: Stop!
Dwight: Stop it I don’t like it!
Y/N: Yes, we are Sluts
Rosita: Sexy Ladies Under Tonnes of Stress
Y/N: I can’t make a decision that big, I can’t even tie my own shoes!
Enid: Please tell me you’re joking.
Y/N: I’m not, I tie them like a three-year old! Let me show you!
Enid: No, no thanks…
Y/N: Watch my feet! Watch my shoes. *Ties laces with two loops*
Enid: Ew *visibly cringes*
Carl: …I just asked if you wanted pancakes or waffles….
Glenn: Look how much funny shit we said today.
Daryl: I can’t it’s too black
Glenn: Ayo?
Daryl: I meant too dark!
Y/N: Nah!
*Glenn adjusts lighting*
Daryl: Now it’s too white!
Y/N: !!!
Daryl: Too bright! Too bright!
Negan: BALLS
Y/N: Gotta rizz ‘em with the ‘tism
Negan: I’m a Savior….save ya mom!
*Carl and Ron carrying a log*
Enid: For a second I thought that was in their ass’s
Y/N: I want them up my ass
Enid: What?
Y/N: What?
*Truck passes*
Daryl: Awww yeah, listen to tha’
Y/N: I can smell the air…
Daryl: No shit, sherlock!
Glenn: Don’t judge a book by it’s-
Eugene: Erm actually, it’s in the human instincts system, for us to make a quick judgement on a person appearance to determine whether they are friend or foe.
Y/N: Oooh, did I appear friend or foe when you first saw me?
Eugene: Well, when I first encountered you, you looked like you couldn’t hurt a fly, but since then, I have realised my mistake and have grown scared of you.
Rosita: He’s scared of everything…
Eugene: Not pickles!
Beth: What song do you wear?
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slutforsnow · 8 months
His Sunflower
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Chapter 4 :3
CW/TW: murder talk
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As the next 3 months went by, they were semi-peaceful. Sunni was happy, floating between her friend groups/study sessions and painting in her free time. When Sunni wasn't around Festus, Arachne, and Clemensia or Sejanus and Coriolanus, she'd be painting in her room or the empty art classroom after school.
Coryo and Sej were constantly following Sunni when she announced she was going with the girls, which almost always included Festus. They'd pretend they were doing school work for photography, when in all actuality, they were taking pictures of the 4 together to make sure Festus or the girls weren't getting handsy. It was unlikely for Arachne or Clemensia, but the duo had a feeling they two girls had something going on. If they were caught, which only happened twice, they claimed it was part of a club or taking photos for the art classes to use as references.
On the morning of 4th week's Sunday, Sejanus and Coryo agreed that it was time to tell Sunni why she shouldn't be sound the other 3.
"Morning, Sej!" Sunni greeted, sliding down the railing that led into the foyer as Sejanus trudged his tired body to the kitchen.
"Mornin', Sunni," He greeted with a yawn and stretching. "Listen, we gotta talk."
"About what?" She asked, grabbing a bowl of fruit from the marble and gold lined countertop. She grabbed herself a plate and began to add some waffles to it.
"About your... friendship... with Festus Creed," He told her, grabbing a plateful of pancakes that the Avoxes had made. Sunni giggled as she poured syrup on her waffles.
"I think you mean relationship." Sejanus almost choked on his pancake from how hard he had coughed. Her what now?
"Your... what?!"
"I'm dating Festus!" She exclaimed, beaming up at Sejanus before grabbing a fork and beginning to dive into her breakfast.
Sejanus had never been more horrified in his life. His cousin is dating FESTUS??? He'd rather her date his best friend over Festus.
"Tell me you're joking."
"Nope! He asked me out a few days ago; he asked me not to tell you or Cori—oh by the way, I gave Snow a new nickname! Better than calling him Coriolanus, ya know?" She began to ramble, and Sejanus felt like he was going to explode. He was going to wring Festus' neck like a wet rag.
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"She's WHAT?!" Coriolanus yelled before Sejanus cover his friend's mouth.
"Shut up!!" He hissed, looking around to make sure no one heard him
"Sorry, but she's dating Festus?! The dirtbag player?!" He asked, lowering his voice.
"Yes, unfortunately! I'm gonna wring his neck out-" Sejanus began before taking a deep breath to calm himself down. No one needed to hear his murderous thoughts yet.
"I'm getting the shovel," Coryo stated, standing before his icy stare landed on the couple. Sunni was giggling and laughing as Festus was pressing kisses all over her face. Jealousy shot through Coryo's body like caffeine. He was going to kill him.
"As much as I want you to, no. We can't go to jail," Sejanus replied, pulling Coriolanus down again to sit.
"Jail will be fine-"
"Bail fees. Remember what happened last time you went to jail?" Sejanus inquired.
"Shit. Well, what do we do then? Wait it out?" He asked, hoping Sej would have a plan.
"Double down on our... protective measures. But we can't do much without the possibility of Sunni catching on."
"Wait, isn't Clemmie hosting a party next week? To celebrate the end of mid-terms?" Coryo asked, getting an idea.
"Yeah, why? You got an idea to expose them for the phonies they are?"
"Yeah, it'll take a bit to put in motion, though. And before you ask, no, there's no murder. That's plan C."
"What's plan B?"
"Your idea."
"What idea?"
"Whatever idea you think of during midterms."
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Tags: @etfrin @hearts4court @snows-wife @delusionalbunni @kiraflowersworld @victory-scream0462 @curled-hair-red-lips @morallygrayboys @phoward89 @xoxo-eyeballs @thereeallink @graciouslyc @acidaciruela @wanda-maximoff-enthusiast @firstworldproblemthings @nowitsmissing
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jinnieboosworld · 12 days
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Strawberry Milkshakes
Eric Sohn x Fem Reader
Genre: Enemies to Lovers, Drama, Fluff
Summary: Eric Sohn loves his job working as a waiter at a 24 hour diner. So when the diner starts to lose its customers to a rival diner he has to go there to see what all the hype is about, and that’s when he meets you. A pink haired, neon colored- dressed, rollerblader, who makes amazing strawberry milkshakes.
Word count: 10,998
Part of the Meet Cute Series
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
The bell over the door of MiMi’s Diner gave a sharp jingle as it swung open. Eric Sohn, standing behind the counter, glanced up from the schedule he was reviewing. Only two customers walked in—a middle-aged couple who were familiar faces in the diner.
“Morning, Mr. and Mrs. Lee,” Eric greeted, trying to keep his tone upbeat, even though a creeping sense of worry had been gnawing at him for weeks now. “Same as usual?”
Mrs. Lee smiled, but there was something distant in it. “Not today, Eric. Just a couple of coffees to go.”
Eric’s heart sank. They always stayed for at least an hour, chatting and enjoying the pancakes or waffles MiMi was known for. “Sure thing,” he replied, watching them settle by the window, their eyes wandering in a way they never had before.
He turned to Kevin, the new and extremely energetic waiter who was already bouncing over to the counter. “Hey, Kev, two coffees for the Lees,” Eric said, running a hand through his hair.
“Two coffees coming right up!” Kevin chirped, his usual enthusiasm undimmed by the day’s lackluster start.
Eric sighed and stepped over to MiMi, who stood behind the register, scanning the empty seats around them. “Twelve customers today. That’s it,” Eric said quietly, leaning on the counter next to her.
MiMi shook her head, her expression one of concern. “I just don’t get it, Eric. We’ve been through slow times before, but this? It’s like they’ve all just vanished.”
Sunwoo, leaning through the serving window from the kitchen, chimed in. “Not vanished—just gone to that new place on 82nd Street. The Midnight Shake or whatever it’s called.”
MiMi waved her hand dismissively. “We’ve had competition before. We’ve always been fine.”
“Yeah, but this place is packed,” Sunwoo said, pulling his phone from his pocket. “I snapped this on my way back from lunch yesterday.”
He held out his phone, and Eric and MiMi both peered at the screen. The parking lot of The Midnight Shake was completely full, with people actually waiting outside.
Eric frowned. “I don’t get it. What are they offering that we aren’t?”
Kevin, carrying the Lees’ coffees over to the table, paused and looked back. “Maybe they’re putting something special in their shakes?” he joked, flashing a grin.
Eric didn’t laugh. His eyes narrowed at the image on Sunwoo’s phone. “There’s gotta be more to it than just shakes. Our food’s just as good, and we’ve got a loyal customer base.”
MiMi sighed heavily, resting her hands on the counter. “Maybe it’s time we check them out.”
Eric’s brow furrowed. He wasn’t ready to throw in the towel yet. “I don’t know… it feels weird, doesn’t it? Spying on the competition?”
MiMi glanced around the nearly empty diner. “Call it market research.”
Eric opened his mouth to respond but was interrupted by the sound of Kevin’s voice from across the room. “Have a great day, Mr. and Mrs. Lee! See you tomorrow, I hope!”
The couple offered a polite wave as they slipped out the door, and the bell’s jingle felt far too loud in the now-empty space.
Eric crossed his arms, staring at the door. “Maybe I should go see what all the hype is about. Just to see if we’re missing something obvious.”
MiMi raised an eyebrow at him. “You sure? I’d hate for you to get too worked up over this.”
Eric glanced back at her. “I’m not worked up. I just want to understand what we’re up against.”
Sunwoo smirked, crossing his arms. “Or who you’re up against. Word around town is their main waitress over there is quite the spectacle.”
Eric frowned. “Spectacle?”
Kevin bounced back over, clearly eager to join in the conversation. “Yeah, I heard she’s on roller skates! And apparently, she makes the best strawberry shakes in the city.”
Eric blinked. “Roller skates?”
MiMi shrugged. “If that’s what it takes to get people in the door…”
Eric shook his head, his jaw tightening. “Well, gimmicks don’t last forever. If it’s just a flashy waitress, we’ll be fine.”
Sunwoo chuckled. “Maybe, maybe not. I hear they’re doing something right. Could be worth your time to swing by and see for yourself.”
Eric clenched his fists, feeling a strange sense of competitiveness bubbling up. “Fine. I’ll check it out tomorrow.”
MiMi looked at him, her concern evident. “Just don’t do anything rash, Eric. It’s just a diner.”
But to Eric, it wasn’t just a diner. MiMi’s had been his life for the past eight years. He wasn’t about to let some new place run them out of business.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
“Why do I feel like I’m about to go into battle?” Eric muttered under his breath, checking his reflection in the window.
“You look like you’re about to audition for a movie,” Kevin teased from across the counter. “Just relax, man. It’s a diner, not a gladiator ring.”
Eric shot him a look. “I just want to understand what’s going on over there.”
“Whatever you say, boss,” Kevin replied with a smirk, hopping over to refill a few ketchup bottles.
Eric turned his attention back to the door, then squared his shoulders. He grabbed his jacket and took a deep breath. “I’ll be back in an hour,” he called over his shoulder.
“Good luck!” Sunwoo shouted, his laughter echoing through the kitchen.
Stepping out into the cool evening air, Eric made his way down the street. He was on edge, wondering what exactly he would find at The Midnight Shake. Roller skates? Strawberry shakes? It sounded ridiculous, but if it was taking away MiMi’s customers, then it was serious enough.
As he turned onto 82nd Street, the neon sign for The Midnight Shake came into view. It was garish, bright pink and blue lights flickering in the evening sky, casting a glow over the busy parking lot. He could already see the crowds through the windows.
It was packed.
Eric felt a mix of disbelief and frustration. How could they be drawing so many people? He steeled himself and made his way closer.
Before he could even reach the front door, he heard it—the unmistakable sound of roller skates on pavement. Eric glanced to the side, and there she was.
Y/N. She zipped out of the diner’s side entrance, rollerblades gliding effortlessly over the concrete, her neon-colored outfit clashing with the night sky. She had pink hair that caught the last rays of the setting sun, and in her hand, a tray of to-go orders.
Eric stopped in his tracks, watching as she navigated through a small crowd, expertly balancing the tray while weaving between people. She didn’t miss a beat.
He found himself staring, not just at her skills, but at the way she smiled at every customer she passed, like she knew them all personally. There was something magnetic about her presence.
She glanced his way for a split second, and their eyes met.
Y/N gave him a brief, puzzled look, clearly not recognizing him, before skating off toward a group of waiting customers.
Eric blinked, his chest tightening for reasons he couldn’t explain. He shook his head, clearing his thoughts.
“Focus, Eric. You’re here for a reason,” he muttered to himself as he pushed open the door and stepped inside.
The interior of The Midnight Shake was bustling with energy, a stark contrast to MiMi’s. The walls were decorated with retro neon signs, and the atmosphere was vibrant, almost chaotic.
As he stood at the entrance, trying to take it all in, a waitress in roller skates—Y/N—zoomed past him with another tray of milkshakes.
“Welcome to The Midnight Shake,” she called over her shoulder before disappearing into the crowd.
Eric clenched his fists. This was more than just a diner; this was a circus. And somehow, they were winning.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
The bell jingled softly as Eric pushed open the door of MiMi’s, stepping back into the familiar space. It should have felt like a comfort, but after what he had just seen at The Midnight Shake, it felt strangely hollow. The contrast between the two diners weighed on him heavily. The buzzing energy, the vibrant colors, the constant hum of activity—everything at that place had felt alive. MiMi’s, by comparison, seemed quiet. Too quiet.
“Back already?” MiMi’s voice floated over from behind the counter. She was wiping down the register, her expression a mix of curiosity and concern.
Eric gave a noncommittal grunt and hung his jacket on the hook by the door. “Yeah. It’s… packed over there.”
MiMi frowned, the lines around her eyes deepening. “What do you mean? Like busy?”
“Busy doesn’t even cover it.” Eric exhaled, running a hand through his hair. “It’s chaos. But organized chaos. People are everywhere, and they seem to love it.”
Kevin, who was leaning against the counter with a milkshake in hand, raised an eyebrow. “So what’s the deal? Are they just giving away free stuff or something?”
Eric shook his head, the image of Y/N on her roller skates still lingering in his mind. “It’s more than that. They’ve got this whole atmosphere. It’s loud, bright, like a party in there.”
Kevin laughed. “A party at a diner? Sounds like a gimmick to me.”
“Maybe,” Eric muttered, though he wasn’t sure if he believed that anymore. “But it’s working.”
MiMi placed the cloth down and crossed her arms. “Do they have better food?”
Eric shook his head. “It’s not that. Their menu’s not much different from ours. It’s the experience. That waitress on skates? She’s the one drawing people in. She’s… flashy, I guess. And she’s good with customers.”
“Roller skates? Seriously?” Sunwoo appeared from the kitchen, leaning against the frame of the door. “What is this, the 70s?”
“It’s ridiculous,” Eric agreed, but his voice lacked conviction. He couldn’t stop thinking about how smooth Y/N had looked as she weaved through the crowd, or how every customer seemed to leave with a smile after interacting with her. “But they’ve got something we don’t. And whatever it is, it’s taking our customers.”
Kevin took a long sip of his milkshake and shrugged. “Maybe we need to shake things up too. Get roller skates, or maybe start doing karaoke nights or something.”
MiMi sighed. “We’ve never needed to do gimmicks before. Our food’s always been enough.”
Eric rubbed the back of his neck, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on him. “Yeah, but if we don’t adapt, we’re going to lose everything. We need to find a way to stand out again.”
There was a pause, the silence hanging heavy between them. Kevin, always the optimist, grinned and clapped Eric on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, boss. We’ll figure it out. We always do.”
Eric offered a tight smile, but inside, he wasn’t so sure. He felt an unfamiliar sense of competition bubbling inside him, not just with the diner itself, but with Y/N. She wasn’t just another waitress; she was becoming the face of the place that was threatening everything he had built at MiMi’s. He couldn’t shake the feeling that this was personal.
Days passed, and the situation at MiMi’s grew more tense. Every shift seemed quieter than the last, and Eric could feel the frustration building in the air. Kevin kept trying to lighten the mood, but even his boundless energy couldn’t fully mask the growing worry that was settling over the diner
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
He didn’t have a plan, not really. Maybe he’d just walk by, see if things had calmed down. Or maybe he’d confront Y/N, see what she was doing that was so special. He didn’t know why, but he felt drawn back to that place, like he had unfinished business there.
As he approached, he could hear the familiar hum of the diner, the sound of people talking, laughing. And then, over the din, the unmistakable sound of roller skates on pavement.
There she was again—Y/N. She glided out of the side entrance, her tray stacked high with milkshakes, her pink hair catching the evening light. She didn’t notice him at first, her attention focused on the customers waiting by the curb.
Eric stopped in his tracks, watching her again. She was efficient, no wasted movement, but it wasn’t just that. She had this way of making every interaction feel personal, like every customer was her favorite. He could see why people were drawn to her, even if it grated on him.
As she handed the milkshakes off to a group of teenagers, Y/N glanced up and noticed him standing across the street. Her eyes narrowed slightly, a flicker of recognition passing over her face.
For a brief moment, neither of them moved. Then, with a quick motion, she pushed off on her skates and headed straight toward him.
Eric braced himself as she rolled to a stop in front of him, her arms crossed and a smirk playing at the corner of her lips. “Well, well. If it isn’t the competition.”
Eric clenched his jaw. “I’m not here to spy, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. “Right. Just happened to be in the neighborhood, huh?”
Eric held her gaze, refusing to back down. “Maybe I was just curious.”
“Curious?” Y/N’s smirk widened. “Or worried?”
His fists clenched at her tone, that playful edge she seemed to have. She was enjoying this, that much was clear. “Look, I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing here, but MiMi’s isn’t going anywhere.”
Y/N tilted her head, looking him over like she was sizing him up. “Oh, I’m not playing any games. Just doing my job. If people want to come here instead of your place, that’s on them.”
Eric’s jaw tightened. “You think it’s just that simple? You’re stealing our customers.”
“Stealing?” Y/N’s eyes sparkled with amusement. “No one’s stealing anything. Maybe they just like the shakes better over here.”
Eric took a step closer, his voice dropping lower. “It’s more than just shakes, and you know it.”
Y/N looked up at him, her smirk fading slightly. For a moment, there was something else in her eyes, something he couldn’t quite place. Then, just as quickly, she shook her head and pushed off on her skates. “Whatever you say, Mr. MiMi’s.”
She started to roll away, but Eric’s voice stopped her. “I’m not done.”
She turned back, raising an eyebrow. “Oh? What else is there?”
Eric opened his mouth to respond, but the words caught in his throat. He didn’t know what else to say. He wasn’t even sure why he had stopped her.
Y/N gave him a long look, then shrugged. “See you around, Eric.”
And just like that, she skated off, disappearing back into the busy diner.
Eric stood there for a moment, feeling a strange mix of frustration and something else—something he didn’t want to admit to himself.
As he turned to walk away, he couldn’t shake the feeling that this rivalry was only just beginning.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
The next few days dragged on for Eric. Every shift at MiMi’s felt like a reminder of how quickly things were slipping away. He could see it in the eyes of his coworkers too, even Kevin’s usually upbeat attitude seemed a little deflated. Each day was slower than the last, and the conversations in the diner were quieter, as if everyone was waiting for something to change.
“So, how’s business today?” Kevin asked one afternoon, his voice carrying an almost forced cheerfulness. He was leaning against the counter, tapping his fingers absentmindedly.
Eric didn’t even look up from the receipt he was staring at. “Same as yesterday. Dead.”
Kevin let out a dramatic sigh and slid into one of the stools by the counter. “You think MiMi’s gonna close down if this keeps up?”
“Not if I can help it,” Eric muttered, though the weight of his words felt heavier than he wanted to admit.
Kevin studied him for a moment, the usual energy in his voice fading. “You’ve been real quiet lately. You’re not seriously letting that other diner get to you, are you?”
Eric clenched his jaw. “It’s not just another diner. It’s her.”
Kevin blinked. “Who?”
“That girl on skates,” Eric snapped, his frustration boiling over. “Y/N. She’s the one pulling all the customers.”
“Ohh,” Kevin said, his voice suddenly full of interest. “Wait, wait, wait—are you mad because of the competition, or because she’s kinda hot?”
Eric shot him a glare. “This isn’t about that.”
“Uh-huh.” Kevin grinned, leaning closer. “Sure. But you gotta admit, there’s something about her, right?”
Eric’s mind flashed back to their brief confrontation, the way Y/N had looked so confident, so unbothered by the rivalry. “She’s annoying,” he said flatly.
Kevin laughed. “You sound like you’re in high school. Come on, man, if she’s the competition, why not make things interesting?”
“How exactly?” Eric’s voice was thick with sarcasm.
Kevin shrugged. “I don’t know, get creative. Push back a little. Or you know, maybe… ask her out.”
Eric scoffed, shaking his head. “Not happening. She’s the reason we’re losing customers, and I’m not about to make this personal.”
Kevin’s grin didn’t falter. “You sure about that?”
Eric didn’t answer. He turned his back on Kevin, pretending to busy himself with straightening the silverware at the tables. But no matter how much he tried to focus on the task, his mind kept drifting back to Y/N. To her teasing smirk. To the way she glided through the diner on her skates like she owned the place. To how she had brushed him off like he didn’t even matter.
The thought burned at him. This wasn’t just business anymore. It was personal.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
It was a late Friday afternoon when Eric found himself standing outside The Midnight Shake again, this time deliberately. He hadn’t told anyone he was coming, especially not Kevin, who would have had too many jokes about it. Eric wasn’t sure what had compelled him to return, but part of him was itching for another encounter with Y/N. He had convinced himself it was to see what else the diner was doing to pull customers away, but deep down, he knew it was more than that.
As he approached the diner, he noticed the same lively crowd, the parking lot full of cars, and the hum of conversation spilling out onto the street. But this time, he wasn’t just watching from across the road—he was going in.
Pushing open the door, he was immediately hit with a wave of noise. The place was packed, even more so than before. The neon lights flickered cheerfully, casting a warm glow over the booths filled with customers laughing and chatting. The atmosphere felt electric, like everyone was part of something exciting. And right in the middle of it all, as if she were the ringleader of the chaos, was Y/N.
She was gliding between tables, her skates moving effortlessly across the checkered floor. Her bright pink hair caught the light as she laughed at something a customer said, handing over a strawberry milkshake with a flourish. She didn’t even notice Eric standing by the door, and for a moment, he wasn’t sure whether to feel relieved or annoyed.
He took a deep breath and walked toward an empty spot at the counter, trying to blend in. The last thing he wanted was to cause a scene, but he couldn’t deny the strange sense of anticipation building inside him. Maybe he was hoping for another confrontation. Maybe he just wanted to prove that this place wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.
As he sat down, Y/N skated up to the counter, still not noticing him. She was busy making milkshakes, her hands a blur as she poured, blended, and garnished each one with whipped cream and a cherry. Her focus was impressive, and for a brief moment, Eric found himself watching her with a kind of reluctant admiration.
“Order up!” Y/N called out, pushing a tray of shakes toward the end of the counter.
And then her eyes flickered up—and landed on him.
Her expression shifted in an instant, from casual indifference to something sharper, more focused. She raised an eyebrow, skating over to where he sat. “You lost, MiMi’s?”
Eric met her gaze, refusing to back down. “Just curious about the competition.”
Y/N crossed her arms, leaning against the counter. “Thought you said you weren’t spying.”
“I’m not,” Eric replied, his tone even. “Just seeing what all the hype is about.”
Y/N tilted her head, her eyes narrowing. “And? What do you think?”
Eric shrugged, trying to appear unfazed. “It’s loud.”
She smirked. “That’s not what the customers think.”
Eric clenched his jaw, the frustration bubbling up again. “Maybe they’re just here for the novelty. Doesn’t mean it’s going to last.”
Y/N’s smirk widened. “You really don’t get it, do you? People come here because they like it. It’s not just about the food—it’s about the experience.”
“And what experience is that, exactly?” Eric challenged. “Skating around and flashing neon lights?”
She leaned in slightly, her voice dropping. “It’s about giving people something different. Something fun. They’re not just here for a meal—they’re here to have a good time. Maybe that’s what MiMi’s is missing.”
Eric’s eyes narrowed. “We don’t need gimmicks to keep our customers.”
Y/N straightened up, shrugging. “Maybe not. But you’re here, aren’t you?”
Eric opened his mouth to respond, but before he could, a group of customers called for Y/N from the far end of the diner. She glanced over, then back at Eric, her expression softening just a fraction. “Look, I get it. You’re mad because things aren’t going the way you want. But if you really want to know why people are coming here, you should stop thinking about it like a competition.”
Eric frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Y/N gave him a long, searching look. “It means you’re so focused on beating us, you’re not paying attention to what your own place needs. Figure that out, and maybe you won’t have to worry about us anymore.”
With that, she pushed off on her skates, rolling back into the sea of customers like she hadn’t just left Eric standing there, speechless.
The walk back to MiMi’s felt longer than usual. Eric’s mind was racing with everything Y/N had said, and he couldn’t shake the feeling that she had gotten under his skin in a way no one ever had before. It wasn’t just the rivalry anymore—there was something more to it. Something he couldn’t quite put his finger on.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
As he stepped into MiMi’s, Kevin was waiting by the door, his usual grin plastered across his face. “Well? How’d it go?”
Eric hesitated, then shook his head. “It was… fine.”
Kevin raised an eyebrow. “That’s it? Just fine?”
Eric didn’t respond. Instead, he moved behind the counter and started wiping it down, trying to focus on the mundane task to clear his head. But Kevin wasn’t letting it go.
“Come on, man. You went there for a reason. What’s the deal? Did you talk to her?”
Eric’s grip tightened on the cloth. “Yeah. We talked.”
Kevin leaned in, his grin widening. “And? Was she as annoying as you thought?”
Eric paused, the memory of Y/N’s words still fresh in his mind. “She’s… not what I expected.”
Kevin let out a low whistle. “Ohhh, so that’s how it is. You’ve got a thing for her.”
Eric shot him a glare.
Eric’s glare only made Kevin’s grin wider, the playful teasing written all over his face. “I don’t have a thing for her,” Eric muttered, turning back to the counter, scrubbing furiously as if it would help him escape the conversation. “She’s the competition. That’s all.”
Kevin let out a laugh. “Sure, sure. But you’re thinking about her, aren’t you? I mean, it’s been weeks since anyone’s gotten under your skin like this.”
Eric didn’t respond right away. The truth was, he had been thinking about her—more than he wanted to admit. But not in the way Kevin was suggesting. Or at least, that’s what he kept telling himself.
Kevin watched him for a moment before leaning closer, lowering his voice as if he were about to share some great secret. “Look, man, maybe she’s right. Maybe we’ve been so focused on trying to beat them that we’re missing what makes us special.”
Eric paused, his hands stilling on the counter. He’d been thinking the same thing ever since Y/N’s words had echoed in his head. Maybe MiMi’s didn’t need to change into something it wasn’t. Maybe it just needed to find a way to bring back the energy and excitement it used to have.
But before he could delve deeper into those thoughts, MiMi herself walked in from the back, looking around at the empty diner with a sigh. “Another slow day, huh?”
Kevin shrugged. “Could be worse. At least we’ve got the regulars.”
MiMi’s face softened. “Yeah, but we used to have so much more. I remember when this place was packed. People couldn’t get enough of our food, the atmosphere…”
Eric glanced at her, his heart sinking a little. MiMi had poured everything into this diner. It wasn’t just a business to her—it was her life. And if it failed…
“We’ll figure it out,” Eric said firmly, though he wasn’t sure if he was trying to reassure MiMi or himself.
MiMi gave him a small smile, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “I know you will. You’ve always had a way of bringing people in, Eric. Maybe you’ll find that magic again.”
Eric nodded, though his mind was already wandering back to Y/N, to the way she had talked about creating an experience, not just serving food. Maybe that was the key. Not trying to copy The Midnight Shake, but finding something that would make people want to come to MiMi’s again—something authentic.
The next day started like any other, slow and quiet. Eric showed up early, as he always did, to get everything ready for the day ahead. Kevin had rolled in not long after, full of energy as usual, chatting about random things that Eric only half-listened to.
But it wasn’t until later that afternoon that something strange happened.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Eric had been walking through the park after his shift, needing to clear his head and figure out a plan for MiMi’s. The sound of kids playing and people laughing filled the air, offering a brief distraction from the diner’s struggles.
As he rounded the corner, though, he saw something—or rather, someone—that made him stop in his tracks.
There, gliding effortlessly down the path on her rollerblades, was Y/N.
She hadn’t noticed him yet, too focused on weaving between people as she made her way through the park. She had on the same neon-colored outfit she always wore, her pink hair bouncing with each movement. She looked so carefree, so at ease, like she didn’t have a care in the world.
Eric felt a strange tightening in his chest. Part of him wanted to turn around and leave before she noticed him, but something else—something he couldn’t quite name—kept him rooted to the spot.
He watched as she skated toward a group of kids who had gathered by the park’s fountain. They were giggling and calling out to her, and she skidded to a stop, crouching down to talk to them. Eric couldn’t hear what she was saying, but the kids were laughing and pointing at her skates, and she was showing them some kind of trick, making them cheer.
For a moment, Eric forgot all about the rivalry. He forgot about MiMi’s, about The Midnight Shake, about everything. All he could think about was how different Y/N seemed outside of the diner. How she wasn’t just some competitor trying to steal their customers—she was a person. A person with a life outside of the neon-lit walls of her diner.
He didn’t realize he was staring until she looked up and caught his eye.
Her smile faltered for a second, but then it came back, though this time it was laced with something a little sharper. “You stalking me now, MiMi’s?”
Eric blinked, startled out of his thoughts. He cleared his throat, stepping closer but keeping his hands shoved in his pockets. “No. Just walking.”
She raised an eyebrow, pushing herself up to her full height, which wasn’t much taller than the kids she had been talking to. “And you just happened to be walking through this park?”
Eric shrugged, trying to play it off. “It’s a public park.”
Y/N let out a short laugh, shaking her head as she rolled over to the fountain, sitting on the edge. “Alright. If you say so.”
Eric hesitated, unsure of what to say next. He wasn’t used to this kind of conversation, especially not with someone like Y/N. But there was something about the way she sat there, casual and unbothered, that made him want to keep talking.
“So, do you do this every day?” he asked, gesturing to her skates.
Y/N glanced down at them, as if she had forgotten she was even wearing them. “Most days. Helps me clear my head.”
Eric nodded, though he didn’t know what else to say. He hadn’t expected to run into her, and now that he had, he wasn’t sure where to take the conversation. But Y/N didn’t seem to mind the silence. She just sat there, watching the kids play in the fountain, her expression thoughtful.
“You really care about that place, don’t you?” she asked suddenly, catching Eric off guard.
He frowned. “What place?”
“MiMi’s,” she said, looking at him. “It’s not just a job to you. I can tell.”
Eric wasn’t sure how to respond to that. He hadn’t expected her to bring it up, especially not here, in the middle of the park. But the truth was, she was right. MiMi’s wasn’t just a job to him. It was part of his life. It had been for years.
“Yeah,” he said quietly. “I do.”
Y/N studied him for a moment, her expression unreadable. Then she let out a sigh, stretching her arms over her head as she stood up. “Well, good luck with it. I mean that.”
Eric blinked, surprised. “You… mean that?”
She smirked, giving him a playful look. “Don’t get me wrong, I still want to beat you guys. But it’s nothing personal.”
He stared at her, trying to process her words. She wanted to beat them, but it wasn’t personal? How could it not be personal?
Before he could respond, Y/N pushed off the fountain and started skating backward, giving him a quick salute. “See you around, MiMi’s.”
And with that, she skated off, leaving Eric standing by the fountain, more confused than ever.
For the rest of the day, Eric couldn’t get Y/N out of his head. Her words, her teasing smirk, the way she seemed to float through life without a care—it was all swirling around in his mind, distracting him from everything else. He found himself replaying their conversation over and over, wondering what she really meant.
“Eric, you okay?” Kevin’s voice broke through his thoughts as they both wiped down the tables before closing time.
Eric blinked, shaking his head as if to clear it. “Yeah. Just… thinking.”
Kevin grinned, leaning on his broom. “About that skater girl, huh?”
Eric shot him a look. “I told you, it’s not like that.”
“Sure it’s not.” Kevin’s grin only widened. “But seriously, you’ve been acting weird ever since you ran into her. What happened? Did she say something?”
Eric hesitated. He didn’t want to tell Kevin everything, especially not about the part where Y/N had wished him luck. It felt too personal, too complicated to explain. “Nothing important,” he said finally. “Just the usual.”
Kevin watched him for a moment, his grin fading into something more thoughtful. “You know… maybe it wouldn’t hurt to talk to her. Like, really talk to her.”
Eric frowned. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, she’s obviously not the enemy,” Kevin said, shrugging. “Maybe if you stopped seeing her as the competition, you’d realize she’s just a person. A person who’s running a diner, just like you.”
Eric didn’t respond, but Kevin’s words stuck with him. Maybe he was right. Maybe this rivalry was more in Eric’s head than anything else. And maybe, just maybe, it was time to stop seeing Y/N as the enemy—and start seeing her as something else.
What that “something else” was, though, Eric wasn’t sure yet.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
The next few days passed slowly. Eric found himself slipping into a strange routine: wake up, go to MiMi’s, work a slow shift, and inevitably think about Y/N at some point during the day. Even though he tried not to, her words, her carefree smile, the way she seemed both competitive and friendly, stayed lodged in his mind.
Business wasn’t improving. MiMi had started adding more specials, offering discounts to try and bring customers back, but none of it seemed to work. It felt like they were trapped in a spiral, each day slower than the last.
“You’ve been quieter than usual,” MiMi remarked one afternoon as she refilled the sugar containers at the counter. “Everything okay?”
Eric wiped his hands on his apron, hesitating before answering. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking.”
MiMi chuckled softly. “You think too much, Eric. Sometimes you’ve just got to let things be.”
He smiled at her, appreciating the sentiment, but he knew it wasn’t that simple. He couldn’t just “let things be” when MiMi’s Diner was at stake. He felt responsible. Like it was up to him to figure out how to turn things around. And no matter how much he tried to push it aside, Y/N kept coming back to his thoughts, almost like a challenge he couldn’t quite solve.
Kevin, as usual, noticed right away.
“You’ve got that look again,” Kevin teased as they worked side by side that evening. “The ‘I’m thinking about the enemy’ look.”
Eric rolled his eyes. “I’m not thinking about her.”
“Yeah, right. Look, man, it’s okay if you are. Just admit it—you’re curious. It’s human.”
Eric sighed, leaning against the counter as he looked out at the empty diner. “It’s not just that. She’s… I don’t know. She’s different than I expected. I thought she’d be all about trying to take us down, but she’s not like that. And now I can’t stop wondering what it would take to really beat her.”
Kevin’s eyebrows shot up. “Really? You think this is about beating her? You sure you’re not trying to figure out something else?”
Eric shot him a look. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Kevin grinned, shrugging. “I don’t know, man. I just think there’s more going on here than you’re willing to admit. Maybe she’s not the competition you think she is.”
Eric opened his mouth to respond, but before he could, MiMi appeared from the back, her face lined with worry. “We’ve got a problem,” she said, holding up a flyer.
Eric frowned, taking the paper from her hands. It was an advertisement for The Midnight Shake, plastered with bold, neon lettering and a list of new specials they were rolling out, including a new menu of shakes that promised to be “unlike anything you’ve ever tasted.”
“New shakes?” Eric muttered, feeling a knot tighten in his chest. It wasn’t just that Y/N made incredible milkshakes—it was that she had somehow managed to make them a central part of their rivalry. And now she was pushing even harder.
MiMi shook her head. “We can’t keep up with this. We’ve tried everything—new specials, discounts, but it’s not enough. If we don’t figure out something soon…”
Her words trailed off, but Eric didn’t need her to finish. He could feel the pressure building inside him, the weight of their dwindling business pressing down on him harder than ever.
He folded the flyer in half, shoving it into his apron pocket. “We’ll figure something out. We always do.”
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
But the truth was, he wasn’t so sure.
It was later that week when Eric found himself wandering back through the park again. He hadn’t planned on it—it just sort of happened. The diner had been slow, his shift dragging by without any real distractions, and before he knew it, he was back at the place where he had first run into Y/N.
This time, though, he wasn’t caught off guard when he saw her.
She was skating again, weaving between people effortlessly, her neon outfit catching the sunlight and making her look like some kind of beacon. She hadn’t noticed him yet, but he found himself watching her again, his thoughts tangled in a mess of confusion.
Before he could decide what to do, she skidded to a stop by the fountain, just like before, and turned around—only this time, she saw him right away.
Her eyes narrowed, a smirk tugging at the corners of her mouth. “Back again, MiMi’s?”
Eric shoved his hands in his pockets, walking toward her but keeping a safe distance. “It’s a public park.”
She rolled her eyes, her smile widening. “You’ve got to stop using that excuse. You’re not very convincing.”
He shrugged, though his heart was beating faster than he wanted to admit. “Maybe I just like walking here.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow, pushing off the fountain and gliding closer to him. “Or maybe you’re just curious. Wondering how we keep beating you guys.”
Eric’s jaw tightened. “It’s not about that.”
“Sure it’s not.” She tilted her head, her smile teasing. “But I get it. You want to know what makes us special, right?”
He didn’t respond, but the look on his face must have given something away, because she laughed softly, shaking her head. “It’s not some big secret, you know. People like what they like. Maybe MiMi’s just… isn’t their thing anymore.”
Her words hit him harder than he expected, and for a moment, he felt that familiar surge of frustration. But then he remembered what Kevin had said—about seeing her as more than just the competition. And despite the teasing, there was something almost… sincere in her voice. Like she wasn’t trying to rub it in. Just stating a fact.
“Why do you care so much about beating us?” Eric asked suddenly, surprising even himself.
Y/N blinked, clearly taken aback by the question. She hesitated, skating in a small circle before answering. “I don’t know. I guess it’s not really about beating you guys. It’s just… I want to do well. You know?”
Eric nodded slowly, though he wasn’t sure he fully understood. Y/N wasn’t what he expected. She wasn’t just the enemy, the rival diner owner trying to take them down. She was someone who cared about what she did, just like he did.
But that didn’t change the fact that their businesses were in direct competition.
“So, what’s next?” he asked, trying to lighten the mood. “You guys rolling out new shakes or something?”
Y/N’s smile returned, this time with a hint of pride. “Actually, yeah. You’ll have to come by and try one sometime.”
Eric gave her a look. “You really think I’m going to set foot in your diner?”
She shrugged, turning to skate away. “You never know. Maybe one day you’ll be curious enough.”
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Back at MiMi’s, things were getting worse. The new shake specials had drawn even more customers away, and by the end of the week, they were barely scraping by. Eric could feel the weight of the situation every time he walked through the door. It was like a cloud that hung over the diner, growing heavier with each passing day.
MiMi wasn’t talking about it, but Eric could see the worry in her eyes every time she counted the register at the end of the day. Even Kevin had started to look more serious, his usual joking attitude replaced with something more somber.
One evening, after a particularly slow shift, MiMi pulled Eric aside as they were closing up. “I’ve been thinking,” she said quietly, her hands wringing together nervously. “Maybe it’s time to… consider some changes.”
Eric frowned. “What do you mean?”
MiMi hesitated, glancing around the empty diner before lowering her voice. “I’ve been thinking about selling.”
The words hit him like a punch to the gut. “Selling? You can’t be serious.”
She gave him a sad smile. “Eric, we can’t keep going like this. We’re losing money every day. If things don’t turn around soon, I’m going to have to close up shop.”
Eric felt a surge of panic. MiMi’s was more than just a diner to him—it was home. It was the place he had grown up in, the place where he had made countless memories. He couldn’t imagine life without it.
“There’s got to be another way,” he said, his voice more desperate than he intended. “We can’t give up.”
MiMi sighed, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I know you want to save this place, Eric. But sometimes… sometimes it’s out of our hands.”
Eric didn’t know what to say. He just stood there, the weight of her words sinking in, making everything feel even more impossible.
Eric didn’t sleep much that night. MiMi’s words echoed in his head, and every time he closed his eyes, he could see the neon lights of The Midnight Shake flashing like a warning. Selling? That idea gnawed at him, twisting his gut in knots. MiMi’s Diner was too important to just let go. He had to figure something out.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
The next morning, Eric dragged himself into the diner, trying to shake off the heavy feeling from the night before. As usual, Kevin was already there, his upbeat attitude grating in a way that usually wasn’t so bad.
“You look like you got run over by a truck,” Kevin said, pouring himself a cup of coffee. “Late night?”
Eric rubbed his eyes, sighing. “MiMi’s talking about selling.”
Kevin paused mid-sip, his expression sobering. “What? She can’t be serious.”
“Dead serious.” Eric grabbed a towel and wiped down the counter, trying to channel his frustration into something productive. “We’ve got to figure out how to turn this around.”
Kevin set his mug down, leaning against the counter. “Have you thought about… doing something drastic?”
Eric glanced at him, eyebrows raised. “Drastic like what?”
Kevin grinned, mischief dancing in his eyes. “You know… sabotage.”
“Sabotage?” Eric repeated, incredulous. “You can’t be serious.”
Kevin shrugged. “Why not? It’s not like they’re playing fair. They’ve been stealing our customers for weeks.”
Eric rolled his eyes. “We’re not stooping to that level, Kev.”
Kevin’s grin widened. “Fine, fine. But you can’t deny that it’d be fun.”
Eric shook his head, but couldn’t help the small smile tugging at his lips. Kevin was ridiculous, but at least he kept things from getting too heavy.
Their conversation was interrupted when MiMi walked in, her usual upbeat demeanor noticeably absent. She gave them both a tired smile, her eyes reflecting the strain of the last few weeks.
“We’re gonna get through this,” Eric said, more to convince himself than her.
MiMi smiled weakly, but didn’t say anything. She just busied herself with the morning routine, and for a moment, the diner fell into an uneasy silence.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Days passed, and the tension between MiMi’s and The Midnight Shake only grew. Word about their rivalry was spreading around town, and customers were starting to take sides. Some were loyal to MiMi’s, citing nostalgia and history, while others raved about the “fresh energy” at The Midnight Shake.
It didn’t help that the rivalry had started spilling over into more than just business. Flyers from The Midnight Shake were mysteriously appearing in MiMi’s parking lot, and rumors were swirling that someone from their team had been badmouthing MiMi’s to customers.
Eric hadn’t set foot in The Midnight Shake again, but he didn’t need to. He could feel the tension in the air, almost like it was personal now. And maybe, in a way, it was. He couldn’t shake the feeling that Y/N was involved in some way, even if he didn’t have any proof.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
The next time Eric ran into Y/N, it wasn’t in the park. It was purely by accident, at a small grocery store on the edge of town. He had been reaching for a carton of strawberries when she appeared on the other side of the display, her neon jacket standing out like a beacon.
They both froze for a moment, eyes locking across the strawberries. Then Y/N smiled—though it wasn’t her usual teasing grin. It was more like a challenge.
“Well, well, well,” she said, crossing her arms. “Fancy seeing you here.”
Eric raised an eyebrow. “I could say the same.”
She tilted her head, her eyes glinting with amusement. “You buying ingredients to make your shakes better?”
Eric didn’t bite, though part of him wanted to. “Maybe I just like strawberries.”
“Sure,” she said, though the teasing lilt was back in her voice. “You should try one of ours sometime.”
He placed the carton of strawberries in his basket, ignoring her suggestion. “No thanks. I’m not a fan of your diner.”
Y/N chuckled softly, her eyes sparkling with something he couldn’t quite place. “I could’ve guessed that.”
The exchange was casual enough, but there was an underlying tension that Eric couldn’t ignore. Every time they spoke, it felt like they were circling around something—something neither of them was quite willing to say out loud. Maybe it was the rivalry. Or maybe it was something else entirely.
“What’s it like over there?” Eric found himself asking before he could stop himself.
Y/N raised an eyebrow. “Over where?”
“The Midnight Shake. What’s it like running the place?”
She hesitated for a moment, like she hadn’t expected the question. Then she shrugged. “It’s busy. Chaotic, most days. But it’s fun.”
Eric nodded slowly, though he wasn’t sure what he had been expecting her to say. “And the rivalry? Is that fun, too?”
Y/N’s smile faded slightly, and for a moment, something like regret flashed across her face. But it was gone as quickly as it had appeared, replaced by her usual smirk. “What can I say? I like a good challenge.”
Eric didn’t respond, but his mind was spinning with questions he didn’t have the courage to ask. There was more to Y/N than he had realized, and he couldn’t shake the feeling that their rivalry was more complicated than just business.
As they parted ways, Eric couldn’t help but feel like something was shifting. The tension between MiMi’s and The Midnight Shake wasn’t going away anytime soon, but there was something else simmering beneath the surface. Something he wasn’t quite ready to face yet.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Back at MiMi’s, the rivalry only continued to escalate. Flyers and rumors were one thing, but it didn’t take long for things to get more direct. One afternoon, a customer came into MiMi’s, their voice low as they leaned over the counter.
“You hear about what they’re saying at The Midnight Shake?” the man asked, his tone conspiratorial.
Eric frowned. “What do you mean?”
The man lowered his voice even more. “They’re saying MiMi’s is on its last legs. That it’s only a matter of time before you guys shut down for good.”
A surge of anger flared in Eric’s chest, but he forced himself to stay calm. “Thanks for the heads-up.”
The man nodded, tossing a few dollars on the counter before heading out. As soon as the door closed behind him, Kevin appeared at Eric’s side, his expression serious for once.
“Did you hear that?” Kevin asked, his voice tight with frustration.
Eric nodded, gritting his teeth. “Yeah. I heard.”
“They’re spreading lies about us now? That’s low, even for them.”
Eric’s jaw clenched as he thought back to his conversation with Y/N. Could she really be behind this? He had started to think there was more to her than just the competition, but now… now he wasn’t so sure.
Kevin punched his palm, clearly itching for a fight. “We should do something about this.”
Eric shook his head. “We’re not going to stoop to their level.”
Kevin threw his hands up in frustration. “Then what are we going to do, Eric? Just sit here and let them run us into the ground?”
Eric didn’t have an answer. All he knew was that the rivalry was growing uglier by the day, and if they didn’t figure out a way to turn things around soon, MiMi’s might not survive.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
The following days at MiMi’s Diner felt like they were running on borrowed time. The rivalry between the two diners was at an all-time high, with rumors flying, subtle sabotage at play, and tensions running hot. Kevin’s attempts to keep things upbeat were faltering, and even MiMi was starting to lose the spark that once defined her.
Eric had kept his distance from The Midnight Shake, trying to focus on helping MiMi’s survive. But it was impossible to ignore the lingering thoughts of Y/N. He wanted to believe she wasn’t the type to spread lies or play dirty, but every day there were new rumors—new hits to MiMi’s reputation that seemed to come directly from their rivals.
On the fifth day, Eric was in the middle of prepping tables for the evening shift when MiMi stepped out from the back, holding a letter in her hand. Her face was pale, her hands shaking slightly.
“We’ve got trouble,” she said quietly, handing the letter to Eric.
He took it, unfolding the paper to reveal an official notice. MiMi’s was being sued by The Midnight Shake for defamation. The letter claimed that MiMi’s had been spreading false information about their business practices, accusing them of theft and underhanded tactics. It was a legal nightmare.
Eric’s stomach sank. “This can’t be real…”
MiMi nodded slowly. “I wish it weren’t. But they’ve got a case. Someone’s been spreading rumors about them, and they’re pinning it on us.”
Kevin stormed over, looking furious. “They can’t do this! We haven’t spread any rumors—if anything, they’ve been doing it to us!”
Eric clenched the letter in his hand. “We need to talk to them. To Y/N.”
Later that evening, Eric found himself standing outside The Midnight Shake, the neon lights casting an eerie glow on the sidewalk. His heart was pounding as he pushed open the door, stepping into enemy territory for the second time.
The diner was packed, but amidst the crowd, he spotted Y/N behind the counter, pouring strawberry milkshakes with practiced ease. She looked up, and their eyes met across the room. There was a flicker of surprise in her gaze, but she quickly masked it with her usual smirk.
Eric approached the counter, his anger barely contained. “We need to talk.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow, but didn’t say anything, motioning for him to follow her into the back.
Once they were out of earshot of the customers, Y/N crossed her arms, leaning against the wall. “What’s this about?”
Eric handed her the letter, his voice tight with frustration. “Your diner is suing us.”
Y/N unfolded the paper, her expression unreadable as she scanned the contents. “I didn’t know about this.”
Eric crossed his arms, trying to control his anger. “Didn’t know? Your diner is accusing us of spreading rumors and defamation. You’re ruining MiMi’s.”
Y/N met his gaze, and for a moment, something vulnerable flashed in her eyes. “Eric, I swear, this isn’t what I wanted. I didn’t want it to go this far.”
“Then why didn’t you stop it?” Eric asked, his voice sharper than he intended. “You’ve been playing this rivalry game for weeks. You’ve been part of this—fueling the tension, the competition.”
Y/N sighed, running a hand through her hair. “I never thought it would get like this. It was just supposed to be business, you know? A bit of fun competition. But… I guess it spiraled out of control.”
Eric studied her, searching for any sign of deception. But for the first time since they’d met, Y/N looked genuinely conflicted, like she hadn’t meant for things to go this far.
“I don’t know if I can fix this,” she admitted, her voice quiet. “The owner… she’s not someone who backs down easily. Once she smells blood in the water, she goes for the kill.”
Eric shook his head, his frustration mixing with disappointment. “This isn’t just a game, Y/N. MiMi’s is like family to me. If we lose the diner, it’s over for us.”
Y/N bit her lip, clearly wrestling with her thoughts. “Maybe… maybe there’s something we can do. Together.”
Eric frowned. “What do you mean?”
She straightened up, her expression determined. “I’ll talk to the owner. I’ll convince her to drop the lawsuit. But in return… we need to make peace between the diners. End the rivalry for good.”
Eric’s heart raced at the idea. “And what if it doesn’t work?”
Y/N’s eyes softened slightly as she met his gaze. “It has to work. For both of us.”
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
The next few days were tense, but Y/N stayed true to her word. She spoke with her boss, negotiating behind the scenes to drop the lawsuit and repair the damage that had been done between the two diners. Meanwhile, Eric worked to keep MiMi’s running, doing everything in his power to keep customers coming in.
It wasn’t easy. But slowly, things began to shift.
One evening, Y/N walked into MiMi’s for the first time since their rivalry had started. She didn’t wear her usual bright neon jacket or rollerblades. Instead, she looked almost subdued, a quiet determination in her eyes as she approached the counter where Eric was standing.
“Truce?” she asked, offering a small smile.
Eric studied her for a moment before nodding. “Truce.”
There was a long pause between them, the weight of the rivalry still lingering in the air. But something else had shifted, too—something unspoken, simmering beneath the surface.
“I’m sorry,” Y/N said quietly. “For everything. I never wanted things to get so out of hand.”
Eric’s expression softened, his anger fading. “I’m sorry too. I guess I let it get personal.”
Y/N smiled, a genuine smile this time. “Well, we did start off as enemies.”
“Maybe we don’t have to stay that way,” Eric said, his voice softer than he expected.
Y/N looked at him, her eyes searching his. “Maybe not.”
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
The rivalry between MiMi’s and The Midnight Shake wasn’t completely over, but it had changed. It was no longer about tearing each other down—it was about healthy competition. And through it all, Eric and Y/N found themselves growing closer, their animosity giving way to something neither of them had expected.
Maybe, just maybe, their story was only beginning. It had become routine—at least, it felt like it. Most evenings, when their shifts ended, Y/N would lace up her skates and glide around the block. Sometimes, she’d spot Eric leaning against a nearby lamppost, his arms crossed, a smug smile playing on his lips.
She tried to act annoyed when he popped up, but truthfully, she’d grown accustomed to the sight of him. He was always there, waiting to walk her home or invite her out for coffee.
Tonight was no different. Y/N spotted him from across the street, and before she could tell him to leave, he was already walking toward her with a familiar ease.
“You’re getting predictable,” Y/N teased, pushing herself forward on her skates.
“Is that a bad thing?” Eric asked, falling in step beside her.
She shrugged playfully. “Depends.”
“On what?” Eric glanced at her, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
“On whether or not you’re buying the coffee this time,” Y/N smirked.
Eric chuckled. “I think I can manage that.”
They wandered through the dimly lit streets, the evening air crisp as they sipped their drinks. Y/N was keenly aware of how natural it felt—this strange routine of theirs. The banter wasn’t quite as sharp as before, and though she’d never admit it out loud, she was beginning to enjoy his company.
As they reached the small park near her home, Eric slowed down, staring at the ground as if he was deep in thought.
“What’s on your mind, Sohn?” Y/N asked, noticing his sudden silence.
“I’ve been thinking,” he began slowly, his voice soft, “about how much time we’ve been spending together.”
Y/N felt her heart skip a beat. “What about it?”
“I don’t know… I guess I never thought we’d get along. Not after how things started.” He smiled at her, a little sheepishly this time, without his usual cocky edge.
Y/N stopped skating, turning to face him fully. “Yeah, well, I didn’t think I’d ever tolerate you either,” she admitted with a smirk, trying to lighten the moment. “But here we are.”
They shared a brief laugh, but it quickly faded into a comfortable quiet. Y/N wasn’t sure when it happened—when the annoyance she felt toward Eric melted into something warmer, softer. Maybe it had been gradual, over the course of their accidental meet-ups. Maybe it was the way he’d become more thoughtful, less insufferable. Either way, she didn’t hate him anymore.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Days passed, and soon, what began as a nightly tradition of walking home together grew into something more. Their conversations were no longer filled with competition or sarcasm; instead, they talked about their lives, their dreams, and the things they cared about beyond their rival diners.
One Friday, after work, Eric showed up outside The Midnight Shake, hands in his pockets, waiting for her like always. But tonight, there was something different in his demeanor.
“You’re here again?” Y/N teased, stepping out of the diner, wiping her hands on her apron.
“Surprised?” Eric quipped, flashing that familiar grin.
“Not at all. You’ve been here more than my regulars,” she joked, her voice laced with something lighter than the irritation she used to feel around him.
He glanced up at the sky, then back at her, his expression thoughtful. “I was thinking… how about we go somewhere different tonight?”
Y/N raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. “Different?”
“Yeah. There’s a new place that just opened downtown. Thought maybe we could check it out,” he suggested casually, but there was a flicker of nervousness in his eyes.
Y/N hesitated, but the idea of spending more time with him—even outside of their usual routine—was strangely appealing. “Sure, why not?”
The restaurant was quaint, nestled in the heart of downtown, far from their diners and the usual rivalry they were used to. It was dimly lit, with fairy lights strung across the ceiling, casting a warm glow over the tables. They found a booth near the back, and as they sat down, Y/N realized something she hadn’t before: this felt suspiciously like a date.
They ordered dinner, and the conversation flowed easily, like it always did these days. They laughed about work, shared stories about their childhoods, and talked about their favorite things—things they hadn’t thought to share before. But as the night went on, Y/N found herself growing more aware of the way Eric looked at her. His gaze wasn’t challenging or competitive like it used to be. It was… soft.
It wasn’t until the waiter brought them the check that Y/N froze, the realization hitting her like a ton of bricks. This wasn’t just two people hanging out. This was a date.
And judging by the way Eric was smiling at her, he realized it too.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
The next morning, Y/N entered The Midnight Shake with a sense of unease. Last night had been… something. Something unexpected, and something she wasn’t quite ready to admit to herself. But as soon as she stepped behind the counter, her unease grew tenfold—because sitting in one of the booths was Kevin, grinning at her like the cat who’d caught the canary.
“Morning, Y/N!” Kevin called out, far too cheerful for this early in the day.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, trying to hide her confusion as she adjusted her apron.
“Oh, you know, just grabbing a shake before my shift at MiMi’s,” Kevin said nonchalantly. But then he leaned forward, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “So, how was your date last night?”
Y/N blinked, her heart skipping a beat. “It wasn’t a date,” she said quickly, too quickly.
Kevin raised an eyebrow, leaning back in his seat. “Really? Because that’s not what I heard. Eric wouldn’t stop talking about it this morning.”
Y/N felt her face heat up. “He… he did?”
“Yup. And I gotta say, he looked pretty happy about it.”
She swallowed hard, unsure of what to say. Kevin wasn’t one to let things go, and she knew that if she didn’t leave this conversation soon, he’d start prying even more.
“I’ve got work to do,” Y/N muttered, grabbing a tray and heading to the back.
But even as she busied herself with the orders, Kevin’s words echoed in her mind. Eric wouldn’t stop talking about it. Maybe it had been a date, after all.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
A few days passed, and while Y/N couldn’t shake the feeling that something had shifted between her and Eric, she tried to ignore it. She had bigger things to worry about—like her mom, who had been asking more and more questions about where she’d been spending her free time.
It wasn’t until one particularly busy evening at The Midnight Shake that everything came crashing down.
Y/N was in the middle of making a strawberry milkshake when her mom walked into the kitchen, her arms crossed and a stern expression on her face.
“We need to talk,” her mom said, her tone leaving no room for argument.
Y/N set down the blender, turning to face her. “About what?”
“About Eric,” her mom said bluntly.
Y/N’s stomach dropped. “Eric?”
“Don’t play dumb, Y/N. I’ve seen you two together. I know he works at MiMi’s. And I know that you’ve been spending a lot of time with him lately.”
Y/N’s heart pounded in her chest. “Mom, it’s not—”
Her mom held up a hand, silencing her. “I don’t care if he’s a nice guy. I don’t care if he’s the sweetest boy in the world. He works for our competition. And you know how I feel about MiMi’s.”
Y/N felt a lump form in her throat. She had known this conversation was coming, but that didn’t make it any easier.
“I… I really like him,” Y/N admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. “And I know you don’t like MiMi’s, but Eric isn’t just a rival. He’s… he’s different.”
Her mom’s expression softened slightly, but she still looked conflicted. “Y/N, I don’t want you getting hurt. The rivalry between our diners is more than just business—it’s personal. You know that.”
“I know,” Y/N said quickly, “but this isn’t about the diners. It’s about me and Eric. And I need you to trust me on this.”
There was a long pause as her mom considered her words. Finally, she sighed, her shoulders relaxing. “If you really care about him, I won’t stand in your way. But you better make sure he’s worth it.”
Y/N felt a wave of relief wash over her. “He is, Mom. I promise.”
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
The next time Y/N saw Eric, she didn’t hesitate. She found him at MiMi’s, leaning against the counter like he always did, and without thinking, she marched up to him.
“We need to talk,” she said, her voice steady.
Eric raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised by her sudden assertiveness. “About what?”
“About us.”
Eric blinked, setting down the order he was working on. “Us?”
Y/N nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. “Yeah. I’ve been thinking… about everything. About how much time we’ve spent together. About how much I’ve grown to care about you.”
Eric’s expression softened, and he stepped closer, his eyes locked on hers. “Y/N…”
“And I realized something,” Y/N continued, her voice barely above a whisper. “We’ve been going on dates this whole time. Haven’t we?”
Eric smiled, reaching out to take her hand. “Yeah. We have.”
Y/N took a deep breath, her heart swelling with emotion. “So, let’s make it official. Eric… will you be my boyfriend?”
Eric’s eyes lit up, and without hesitation, he pulled her into a tight hug. “I thought you’d never ask.”
As they stood there, wrapped in each other’s arms, Y/N couldn’t help but smile. The rivalry between their diners might never end, but at least they had found something worth fighting for—each other.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
A/N: I’m on a writing streak, so sangyeon’s part will be out at the end of the week.
Taglist: @deoboyznet @a-dream-bookmark
24 notes · View notes
miyuhpapayuh · 1 year
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Her new commute to work being cut down by ten minutes gives her plenty of time to sit on her new balcony and gear herself up for the day.
“Hey,” a voice calls, making her turn back towards the sliding door. A half-dressed Leon comes into view with a plate in his hand.
“Don't forget your breakfast.”
Sitting it on the table by her, he presses a kiss to her forehead. She smiles down at the french toast, bacon and eggs and then smiles up at him.
“Aw, you tried something new on me!”
He chuckles, leaning down to kiss her lips.
“Yeah, I had to! Couldn't have you thinking I only make waffles and pancakes for the woman that makes my toes curl.”
She giggles, crossing her legs under the table. He saw it, too, his low laughter falling in line with hers.
“Ah, what a man!”
“I know,” he nods enthusiastically, “you deserve waffles, French toast, cinnamon bagels with extra cream cheese, biscuits and gravy,..” he continued rattling things off in between wet kisses against her face.
“I'm holding you to the biscuits and gravy, cause that's one of my favorites.”
“Noted. Now try it and tell me how you like it.” He says, resting his hands on the chair as she cuts into the french toast, taking a bite.
“Delicious, like I definitely expected! Mm, so buttery!”
He smiles, actually patting himself on the back and making her laugh.
“So glad you like ‘em, sweet stuff. I gotta head out or ima be late, but I'll call you on my break, okay?”
“Okay. I gotta head out soon, myself.” She says, going back for another bite of her food, before standing up to hug Leon.
“We hangin’ out tonight?” He asks, wrapping his arms around her shoulders.
“I was thinkin’ we could all meet up at my job, after work. You round up your friends, I'll bring my sisters. Sounds cool?”
“Yeah, that sounds real cool,” he smiles, “look at you, gettin’ everybody together!”
She playfully rolls her eyes, “go to work, Leon Avery.”
“Aw, ‘kay, Zora-Jean. I'm out the door now.” He replies, placing plenty more kisses to her lips.
“Mmkay, I'll seriously see you later.” She laughs at their, still entwined, fingers.
“Okay, okay. I love you.” One more kiss.
“I love you, too.”
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Sitting at work, looking pretty with nobody to bother her was the absolute best!
It had been almost a month since Cory was fired, and Zora got Linda to agree with her, that him being gone really did her business some good.
They'd had a full house, every night, like she'd been dreaming about, which is why she ran it by Leon to finally bring his friends by.
They'd finally been able to open up their entire floor for customers and use that dusty old jukebox in the far corner.
“Hell, we might be able to get some people in here to sing and things! You know how restaurants do events?? We could do that!”
“We could!” Zora smiles at her beaming boss. “I hope you're ready to host it up, tonight! Told Leon and his friends all about you!”
“Oh, I've been waiting for this! Friends of yours are friends of mine, you know that, dear!” Linda says to Zora.
“The hungrier, the better?” She asks, as they both fall out in laughter.
“Absolutely! I cannot wait to meet ‘em.”
As another busy day came to a close, she got a text from Leon, he was going home to change and wondered if she wanted to ride back with him.
She replied in agreement, mentally preparing for the hour she'd given herself, to pull herself together as she rushed home.
Thanking god for closet space again, she sifts through her dresses— unable to bare another pair of pants sticking to her— and lands on an orange and white sundress, immediately pulling it out and hopping in the shower.
While brushing her teeth and drying her body, she mulls over which sandals to pair with the dress, already hearing Nique telling her to go with black! Everything goes with black!
She's not wrong, but Nique would never hear that… again.
Pulling the outfit on, she stands in front of the mirror and squints, tilting her head to one side.
She pulls everything off and puts it back in its place, rummaging around for a totally different look in mind.
Stepping back in front of the mirror, she's rocking a white graphic t-shirt, tied in the back to show off the little bit of belly she wasn't self conscious about, a black skirt that hit mid-thigh and hugged her very well and red sandal-heels, showcasing her pretty brown legs in ways that are gonna make a certain somebody salivate.
“That's more like it.”
Dousing herself in a sandalwood and vanilla cloud, she fluffs her hair and grabs her phone, snapping a few pictures before heading back down the hallway.
Answering the door a beat after he knocks, she smirks at the way his jaw drops at her appearance.
“Don't go droolin’ on my new floor,” she quips, before grabbing the single white rose from his hand, putting it up to her nose.
“I ain't sorry. You look so damn good, baby.” He compliments, making her blush and pull him in for a kiss, which turns into a couple more.
“Thank you, it took me a minute to pull it together.”
“Yeah, me too. How I'm lookin’?” He asks, stepping back from her and spinning around for her. His all green ensemble was very on brand.
She fondly shakes her head. “You always look so good, boy. I'll be stealing this shirt next.”
“Ima start hiding my clothes from you,” he laughs.
“Oh, please! Don't act like I leave you bare.”
“Just about!” He jokes. “But, you ready to go, sweet stuff?”
“Yeah, I gotta head across the hall and see if Nique is ready.” She nods, as they head out of her apartment and across the way, where she knocks on Nique’s door.
Answering by poking her head out, she makes the couple snicker at her wide-eyed expression. Her hair was still in rollers.
"Hey friends!"
“Why are you not ready, yet?” Zora asks.
“Because you cannot rush perfection, Zora-Jean. You look scrumptious, by the way!”
“That's what I told her.” Leon smiles, earning a high-five from Nique.
“I'm almost done,” she turns her focus back to her friend. “Come inside and relax a little.”
Letting them in, Leon makes himself comfy on her couch while Zora follows Nique into her room to help her with an outfit.
“Okay, so are these grown, hard working men?”
“Yes, girl. First time I've seen a group of ‘em, up close.”
“Ooh, are they fine?? Be honest.”
“Yes, Nique. You think I'd be dragging all three of y'all down there if they weren't?”
“Listen, I just have to clarify. I know Leon is pretty, but his friends coulda been mud ducks and I've already had my share of them.”
“Trust me, you'll be pleased.”
“Okay, alright. Is this a plunging neck situation? Or is that too much?”
“Hm, considering it being a first meeting, yeah, let's save that for next time.”
“Okay, okay. How about this top?” She asks, pulling out a tan, long-sleeved crop top. “It accentuates my tatas.” She cheeses, making Zora laugh.
“Yeah, friend! This is actually cute, and now you can wear those khaki pants that I bought you!”
“Ooh, they make my ass look fantastic, too!”
“Hey Leon!”, the two hear from the living room, making Zora look at Nique, who shrugs.
“You don't know your own sisters’ voices or something?”
“I didn't ask you who it was, did I?” She quips with a raised brow.
“Nope, but you look clueless. They wanted to meet us here. I think Neoma bought—”
“D’ussé!” She shouts, making them laugh and hurry to get Nique fully ready, before they step out of her room and join Neoma, Lovita and Leon in the kitchen.
“Hey, baby sisters!” Lovita greets, handing Zora and Nique a shot glass. “Y'all look good!”
“Thanks, y'all do too! Lord, we pre-gamin’?”
“I feel like I'm back in college.” Leon snorts, making them laugh.
“I know! What are you tryna do to us, girl?”
“Oh, come on! It's just one shot! Start the night off right, right?”
“Right, yeah,” Zora nods, as do the others.
“Alright, then! To a good night!” She raises her shot and they follow suit, repeating her cheer and clinking their glasses to one another's.
“To a good night!”
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
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And a good night, it was.
After everyone got acquainted, Linda started them off with a round of cheesy potato bites, which Leon and Zora were super excited about.
“Don't be mad if these disappear while we're talking,” Darnell chuckles, plucking another one from the large plate.
“There's like sixty of them on the plate,” Neoma laughs, “if you inhale all of these, ima be concerned.”
“Right! You ate today, right?” Leon joins in on the taunting.
“Lay up off me, man. Yeah, I ate. And I'm gonna eat again.” He quips, making Nique and Neoma laugh, while Leon holds his hands up.
Lovita was too busy flirting with Clyde, and he was hanging on every word that left her glossed lips.
“Tell me your middle name ain't Alize,” he jokes, making her giggle a little too much for her liking.
“No, no. I love Lovita Alize Jenkins, though!”
“Who doesn't??” Zora says from across the table, catching her sister’s playful glare.
“She's right. Her and Cedric were my go-to. Too funny.”
“You remember they had those shirts with their faces on ‘em? I thought that was so cheesy and cute!”
“What? That's one of my favorite episodes!”
“Don't let them bother you. I love a man with an appetite.” Nique says to Darnell, grabbing another one of the bites for herself. He raises an eyebrow at her, to which she winks.
“Good to know,” he smirks, looking over at Craig, who's twirling one of Neoma’s twists around his finger.
“You are so pretty,” he says for the thousandth time, making her blush profusely.
“So are you,” she replies, feeling her insides burn as he flashes her a smile, those gold-capped canines peeking at her.
Everybody had matched off, making the head couple secretly high-five underneath the table and snicker to each other.
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Several appetizers and heavily poured drinks later, the couples sit along the bar and listen to the live band that Linda found.
It consists of three super sweet guys. The lead singer can blow down anybody's favorite singer, the drummer can beat down the best of drums in the most incredible ways and the guitarist definitely lets his talent speak for itself.
“They sound really good, don't they?” Linda asks the group, getting a gaggle of yes’s back.
“I'm glad you could finally expand, cause it's jumpin’ in here!” Nique comments.
“Me too! Get out there and have a dance for me, all of ya.” She nudges her, slyly pushing her against Darnell.
“Ima get Zora on you!” Nique jokes, before looking to her left, finding him already honed in on her.
“You know this song?” She asks.
“Nah, but we can learn it.” He says, holding his hand out for her to grab as they find a spot on the floor.
“Oop, looks like Nique got ‘em!” Leon points to the two, quickly getting swatted by Zora.
“That ain't take long,” Lovita giggles, her and Zora’s jaws dropping as Neoma pulls Craig away from the bar.
“Don't wait up, chicken!” She teases her older sister.
“C'mon, don't let her show you up like that.” Clyde says, placing his hand over hers.
Zora was cheesing so hard, Leon had to pull her away before she bursted and ruined their moment.
“You wanna dance with me, huh?”
“Badly.” He leans closer to her, giving her another opportunity to inhale the godly scent that was coming off him.
 “Wow, you smell good.” She blurts, unable to help herself.
“I was just about to say that about you, beautiful.”
“Let's go dance, handsome.”
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
“Tonight was so fun!”
“Yeah, it really was. We made off like real matchmakers.” Leon says, making them both laugh.
“We are real matchmakers! All we did was introduce them to each other and bam! Three new relationships, just like that!” She exclaims, plopping down on her bed and kicking off her sandals.
“Those hurt my feet,” she frowns, getting ready to contort her leg all types of crazy, til she's stopped by him pulling it up to his level, massaging it for her.
“Did you forget I was standing here or sumn?” He asks, chuckling after, at her harmless glare.
“No, you lank. I didn't think to ask.”
“You ain't gotta ask, baby. Put them purty feet on me, I'll get the hint.”
She giggles as he leans down and presses kisses to her feet. Her skirt began to ride up, as she quickly pulled it back down.
“All that ass in that skirt was a mystery to begin with!” He cracks, getting a harmless kick to the stomach.
“Shut up, it lasted the whole night!”
“You right.”
“I know. Gimme my feet back,” she laughs, tryna pull her legs from his grasp.
“Why? I was havin’ fun!”
“Sit down, at least. You're making me dizzy.” She says, patting the spot beside her.
He took a seat on her, now, deep navy blue sheets and pulled her legs into his lap, going back to rubbing her feet.
“Them drinks made you dizzy, don't do me.”
“Don't do— never mind,” she starts laughing, covering her face. He squints and laughs at her, even though he's not sure what's so funny. Her laugh was too damn infectious.
“Nothing,” she drags out, still laughing at herself.
“Zora,” he laughs, pulling her hand away from her face, “you gotta share it cause it's got you in stitches.”
“It's not even funny, that's what's so funny!” She gets out between giggles.
“You're so damn goofy, Jean.” He fondly comments.
“Aw, Avery!” She squeals, reaching up to pinch his cheek, making him laugh and swat her hand away.
“Pinchin’ my cheeks like my mama, girl. What's got you so giggly?” He asks again, leaning down to her level.
“I was gonna make a joke about doing you, but I couldn't get it out.” She softly laughs, trying to suppress it.
But the expression on his face made it come back to full giggles. Her back found her mess of pillows as she covered her face once again.
With another shake of his head, he watches his liquored-up girlfriend giggle her life away.
She was precious.
“Oh man, that's an ab workout for ya,” she says after she's calmed down, leaning up on her elbows to meet his gaze.
“You done, now?” He asks.
“Yeah,” she smiles, “I'm done, now.”
“Good. You know what I wanna do?”
Ch. 13
@thegifstories @blackerthings @sheabuttahwrites @ghostfacekill-monger @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @cecereads209 @abeautifulmindexposed @twistedcharismaaa @essaysbyciara @nayaxwrites
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catchyhuh · 1 year
breakfast facts
must eat as soon as he wakes up or he’s fucked. not even like fully a physical stomach thing its just mentally he Must start his day with food
kellogs commercial table. the cereal, two slices of toast, one butter, one jam, apple, like bacon and eggs n shit
scarfs it down in two seconds. as a result no one else will make his breakfast for him becuase its kind of annoying spending 2 hours cooking at 7am so the princess can inhale his perfectly crisp bacon like the poltergust 3000 
yes he complains when he has to do it himself. so every day yes. it just wasn't practical to do the whole shebang every day so he whittled it down to his toast and eggs. but you know if he could,
the king must feast. he gives himself a stomach ache damn near every day he gets his food the way he actually wants it
eats what’s provided honestly. you could say that about every meal but he just doesn’t care too much esp with his breakfast
he’ll complain (he’s particular about waffles and pancakes needing to be a certain amount of savory to justify them existing in a MEAL meal and not just as a dessert) but not too a huge extent. honestly he’ll eat whatever
doesn't have a huge appetite early in the morning, usually balances it out with a big lunch and even BIGGER dinner. he's gotta ease into those heavy hitters man he's delicate bro
cawfee. cuppa joe. He hates it. jigen doesn’t like it despite dressing like a keurig machine gijinka and having the symphonic cadence of a coffee grinder. it just doesn’t taste good to him (it's that deceptive scent dude) that said {sleep hcs incoming soon} sometimes he needs some to jumpstart him like an old car. again, complains, but goes through with it
special k commercial table. the cereal. the side bowl with random dollops of peanut butter and mixed other nuts and oats (?) i guess it’s oats, the GRAPEFRUIT oh i know she’s a grapefruit bitch!! pb honey spread on an English Muffin too. like some. idk there’s a cinnamon stick involved YOU GET THE VISUAL
funny thing is she doesn’t even eat half of it. she just goes with the muffin, bowl of mini wheats, maybe two pieces of grapefruit ingested as she leaves the table. whoever passes the table next is expected to handle leftovers. breakfast leftovers. that's an insane concept now that i type it out
cawfee. she either drinks it with a thousand disgusting artificially flavored creams or she chews the beans raw. presentation vs functionality is a key aspect of ms mine's internal struggle
complex relationship with fast food coffee shop chains as a result
another guy who loves the Big Breakfast by tom cardy but unlike lupin (who loves his beauty sleep too much to wake up early) and fujiko (who usually gets her non-lupin boytoy of the month to make it for her) goemon actually gets up asscrack of dawn early to prepare a meal fit for a king
perfectly fluffy rice. hand squeezed juice. absolutely decadent vegetables. impossibly picturesque omelette. but just normal ass sara lee bread though he doesn’t have THAT much time on his hands
funny thing is he's definitely the most normal about it. goemon just. eats his breakfast. he might raise his eyebrows in slight surprise at how good the eggs taste today or something but really its just. food. all these other weirdos either take 10 years to eat a piece of toast or just inhale their food but the guy who dresses and talks like its the 18th century wins the normal award here
has emphasized the importance of eating breakfast to others before despite easily functioning without it. wake him up at 4 say “no time for brekkie dude we gotta go steal the fire hydrant of the louvre” and he’ll be like Done no problems
zenigata: i know i mentioned it before but NOT HEALTHY BEHAVIOR DO NOT FUCKING EMULATE
he’s very bad about it VERY bad about it always getting yelled at by third parties. they go “what’d you have for breakfast” and he shrugs and they go "oh god did you even eat" "ONE BOILED EGG HAS PROTEIN IN IT!!"
its amazing the stature you can get while still being the guy who eats half a protein bar for breakfast and doesn’t actually sit down for a meal again until like 1 am. really i cannot emphasize enough don’t try this at home
HES JUST SO DAMN BUSY! but if he could he’d take anything. unlike jigen, who just doesn't wanna start a fight THAT early in the morning, zeni just loves every breakfast food! muffins eggs potatoes pancakes cereal the random ass fruit he LOVES it 
god help the hotel with a free breakfast when this guy comes in. or that is, if he didn’t sleep until 11 AM because he was up lupin-ing all night.
in conclusion: they would all love a trip to the mcdonalds breakfast menu drivethru. they all get a hashbrown. would you believe me if i said i only remembered the mcdonald’s commercials after typing that
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bluelolblue · 3 months
Raspberry, watermelon, and candy for Acheron!
Side note: raspberry watermelon sounds like a good candy flavor
Aayy it does sound like a good candy flavor AHAHA
That reminded me, I actually gotta work more on him! To explain Acheron even more soon!
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🖤 RASPBERRY - Are they a virgin? 🖤
OOH- well, in his previous lives, when his main form was a human... I'm sure he wasn't. Not necessarily that he had needs for that... but idk maybe he was ordered to LMAOO! So... who knows what human form Acheron will do now. Cuz in his demon wolf form, he is not doing it HHEEH, only in human form. So... I'd say he isn't, but now when he's Acheron, he could be (for now💀)
🖤 WATERMELON - What is their greatest reason to get out of bed? 🖤
To serve his Master Santino, of course! That's his purpose, and he is very happy to do so. Whatever Santino has planned, he is willing to do it. It makes him happy, and he is doing his duty. And he gets to hang out with Santino ^ ^
🖤 CANDY - Do they have a sweet tooth? 🖤
Hmm, he doesn't necessarily need food BUT he can still eat. He also found great interest in sweet stuff such as macarons, croissants, different types of cookies and cakes, pancakes, waffles, tiramisu, panettone, ice cream... honestly, whatever Santino had even once, he tried it and actually liked it HAHA. In his wolf form or human form. I'd say yes, he has a sweet tooth :3
Ask game
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hannah-heartstrings · 7 months
🍄 Mushroom: What is a quote you find comfort in? 🥞 Pancake: What is your favorite breakfast food?
Ooh, more cottagecore asks!
What is a quote you find comfort in?
"Every world has its end. I know that's kinda sad, but... That's why we gotta live life to the fullest in the time we have. At least, that's what I figure."
This one from Sonic and the Black Knight, it reminds me to stop worrying about the future and just do the best I can now. Also that something ending doesn't diminish its meaning.
That quote and game have been such a comfort to me at some of my worst times, which is why this is my blog header:
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Thank you, Sonic. 🥹
What is your favorite breakfast food?
If you mean food that's generally considered breakfast food, then waffles!
If you mean my favorite thing to eat for breakfast, then chicken cooked in herbs or marinade. It's easy for me to make, and starting the day with a lot of protein seems to reduce my chronic fatigue.
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spikershoyo · 10 months
Picture day! | No parings! Joel, Tommy, and kid Sarah | Fluff
Warnings and notes: cursing
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Today Joel had gotten up extra early for one soul reason: today was picture day at Sarah's school. He knew his young daughter never said anything about the generic hairstyles he would put her in. Ponytails, low buns, hair loose, and if he had the extra time, top buns.
But he knew that she was tired of them. So he promised his 7 year old daughter (and himself) that he was going to wake up early and do her hair any way she wanted. That made her smile over her bowl of Mac and cheese.
He had called Tommy before putting Sarah to sleep, asking if he could buy those pink and purple butterfly hair clips that Sarah's always talking about. His younger brother agrees, wanting to see his niece happy.
So, on that day Joel goes to Sarah's room and finds her still asleep. It was 6 in the morning, for heavens sake, too early for his little girl. He steps over to the low bed and kneels down, resting an arm on the bed as his other hand goes and rubs Sarah's back.
"Mornin', babygirl. Time to wake up." Joel's voice rings in Sarah's ears, making her groan. "Come on, baby. I gotta do your hair for picture day." At that Sarah slowly rises from her slumber.
She sits up and rubs her eyes, her hair a mess and her movements groggy. "Uncle Tommy is out in the store gettin' you the pins I promised. You go pick out your clothes for today while I shower." Sarah opens her eyes slowly, looking at her father.
She nods and yawns. "Ok, daddy." She sighs as her feet swing over the bed. Joel smiles and kisses her forehead before walking out of the room and stepping into the bathroom. "And don't fall asleep again!" He shouts out before closing the bathroom door.
After his shower he gets dressed and knocks on Sarah's door. "You dressed, babygirl?" "Yup!" He goes in and smiles. Sarah wears a lilac t-shirt with jean overalls on top. Her white sneakers lined up against her closet door.
Joel picks his daughter up and takes her sneakers. Sarah giggles as she holds on to her dad and puts her head on his shoulder. "What do you want for breakfast, baby?" "Waffles!" Joel sighs and sets her down on one of the kitchen tables and looks through the cabinets. "How about pancakes?" "Ok!" She smiles, just happy that she's getting something sweet for breakfast.
"Go brush your teeth while I cook, hun." Sarah nods and slips off the chair before running up the stairs and going to the bathroom. While Joel makes the batter for the pancakes her decides to call Tommy. He dials his brothers number and waits. "Yeah?" "Where the hell are you?"
"Theres traffic, Joel! I can't move if I'm stuck." "I know that, but I don't want you or us to be late. And I promised her these pins." "Shit...I-I know. I won't be long." Joel sighs and then shakes her head. He hangs up and gets to making the pancakes.
By the time Joel is done cooking and serves the pancakes, Tommy still isn't there and it's already 7: 14. Joel is stressed, to say the least. He just decides on brushing Sarah's hair and getting the bobby pins and hair ties out.
"What do you want me to do for your hair, baby?" "Space buns!" Joel purses his lips when he hears those words come out of Sarah's mouth. He's a bit clueless. "What are space buns, honey?" "It's two buns in your hair. I asked Angelica about them and it's like where bunny ears are but instead of bunny ears it's buns." Sarah rambles as she drowns her pancakes in syrup.
Joel nods, knowing what she means now. He takes one of the brushes and drags it gently over Sarah's scalp, dividing her hair in two sections (One of the mothers had shown him how to do it and he will forever be grateful of that woman) and focusing on one section first.
Joel is done with the first bun and doing the second one and he's pretty proud of himself. Sarah is on her second big pancake and is enjoying every bit of it. There will be an occasional 'ow' from her when Joel pulls too hard on her strands but he apologizes quickly.
Now Joel is done with both buns and Tommy still isn't here. He's panicking silently as he watches Sarah eat, not feeling any hunger himself, his coffee being the only thing keeping him sane.
"Daddy, where are myf pifns?" Sarah asks with her mouth half full and a bit of syrup on her cheek. He steps closer and wipes the syrup off of her face. "Don't talk with your mouth full, baby-" "I'm here!"
Tommy barges into his brothers house with a slightly crazy and energetic smile, pins in hand. He comes into the kitchen like a tornado, still fresh faced and with lots of hope in his heart. That's Tommy.
He smirks at his brother and bends down to kiss Sarah's forehead. "Mornin', sunshine." Tommy's Texas twang slips through as he greets his niece. "Uncle Tommy!" She beams at seeing her uncle and wiggles a bit in her seat.
Joel pats his brother's back as a silent 'thank you' to which Tommy respond with a nod. Joel shows Sarah the pink and purple butterfly pins and she giggles, knowing already what her father's stare means. "Thank you, Uncle Tommy." "Aw, don't mention it, sunshine." Tommy acts bashful as he puts his hands in his pockets.
Joel chuckles at his brother's antics and pops off a few pins from the carton and puts them in Sarah's hair. After he's done she smiles up at both of them. The two men can feel their hearts melt at the sight of Sarah, all cute and adorable.
"Alright, go get your school bag. We'll be in Uncle Tommy's truck." Joel says as he takes his own bag and keys. Sarah runs up the stairs once again and then zooms out the door, not too far behind Joel and Tommy.
After they pile into Tommy's brick-red truck the engine starts. "Ok, everyone ready?" Tommy asks as he checks Sarah through the rearview mirror. "Yep, we've got-" "WAIT!" Sarah shouts which makes both men panic and turn around.
"You gotta have this." She pouts as she snaps off two pins, one pink and one purple. She puts the pink one into Joel's hair and the purple one onto Tommy's. "Now we are!" She giggles. The brothers look at each other for a second.
"I think purple looks better on me." Joel deadpans. "Oh, shut up, you're just jealous that I'm wearing Sarah's color." Tommy teases before they rush off for picture day.
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yourmomxx · 1 year
warnings: none
word count: 2.6k
“Alright, everybody! Wake up! Time to get ready for school!”
Cameron Nolan dutifully rushed through the house and knocked on every still closed bedroom door available. For effect, he opened them at the same time and let some of the light stream in.
Entering his own bedroom, his husband was still lying in bed, turned to the other side.
“Mnh-nh,” he grumbled when Cameron tried shaking him awake.
“Yes-nh,” he softly coaxed. “Come on, get up. You’ve gotta set a good example. Also, the kids need breakfast.”
“You make breakfast,” Dylan grumbled, but he threw back the covers and sat up, nevertheless.
Cameron laughed softly. “Yeah, right, after that pancake-disaster when we were still dating?”
“It’s offensive you would even call what you made pancakes,” Dylan retorted, and pressed a sweet good morning-kiss to his husband’s lips.
“See?” Cameron grinned, “That’s why you’re the cooking man in this relationship.”
“Mhm. And what man does that make you?” Dylan asked, as he shuffled to their bathroom. He squinted at the lights blinding his eyes.
“The successful lawyer husband that will probably have to bail you out of jail at some point in our relationship.” Cameron came up behind Dylan as he brushed his teeth and wrapped his arms around his husband’s waist.
“Also, your arm candy at times.”
Dylan leaned forward and spit into the sink. He turned in Cameron’s arms and grinned at him. “That’s more like it.” Cameron smiled, and they both met in a loving peck.
“Alright, now I’m gonna go and make some edible breakfast for our kids.” Dylan wiggled out of Cameron’s arms. “Could you get Jake, please?”
Cameron pouted. “But I need to get ready!”
Dylan threw him a look. “Babe, you just need to get him awake and carry him downstairs. You’ll manage.” Another peck as he passed him by.
“Love you, you’re the best!”
Cameron groaned.
The Nolan Residence might be one of the most contradictory buildings in all of Westport. On one hand, the house included half a dozen different leisure spaces, like a cinema hall, pools for different occasions and moods, and hell, a small museum with collectibles from all over the world – most of them brought home by Dylan.
On the other hand, and here comes the controversy, they cooked their own meals. Crazy, right? In a town like Westport, it was. Why would you even have money if not to pay people to do the most basic tasks for you?
No, one of the first things that Dylan Nolan had established when the family first moved here, was that they would indeed not just lazily lay around and do nothing but look pretty.
Dylan Nolan liked cooking; he loved it. He caved, though, on one point, when they would have guests over, they would indeed hire a personal chef. Too much stress, Cameron had argued. It was a compromise.
Just as Dylan prepped some neatly cut strawberries next to the fresh waffles, footsteps neared the kitchen, and his daughter stood next to him. “Morning, Dad!” She greeted, and muttered a “Thanks” after he carefully placed the plate of waffles in her hand.
“Alright, that’s one,” Dylan counted, when she sat down at the table. Just then, Cameron walked in, a babbling two-year-old in his arms.
“Here you go, number two,” he said, and placed tiny Jake in his highchair opposite his sister.
Dylan also positioned a much smaller portion waffles in front of the toddler, cut in easily accessible pieces.
“Who’s taking them to school today?” He asked his husband, who had changed his clothes into an elegant suit.
“Can’t,” Cameron answered, “Some couple is suing their housemaiden because she made their morning coffee too hot. Say it was an attempt at ‘severe or even fatal injuries’.” He shrugged.
“You know, sometimes I ask myself why we moved to Westport,” Dylan remarked, “And then you tell me about court cases like this, and that makes me remember.”
Cameron smiled and pressed a kiss to his husband’s cheek. “As soon as I see the check, I stop asking any sort of questions, babe, believe me.”
Dylan tilted his head, agreeing, and frowned. “Alright, we have kids one, two – where’s number three?”
Without waiting for an answer, he strode over to the bottom of the staircase and shouted, “Cooper! Come down, breakfast’s ready!”
“Well, alright then.” Cameron leaned over and pressed a kiss into each of his children’s hair. “Have a good day at school today, sweetheart, have fun.”
“Thanks, Papa!” Kendra spoke. “You too, at work.”
“Will do ma’am.” And with a last kiss goodbye to his husband’s lips, Cameron Nolan was out the door.
“Papa!” Jake babbled after him from his seat.
Dylan put his hands on his hips and threw a look on his watch. “Samira should be here any minute to watch over Jake while we’re away. Kendra, are you all ready for school?”
The young girl nodded her head, and swallowed her last bite of waffles. Dylan raised an eyebrow.
“Really? Homework packed, Teeth brushed, two matching socks?” He added. Kendra rolled her eyes.
“Dad, I’m twelve!”, she complained. “You don’t have to check me every morning.”
Dylan lifted his hands in defense. “I’m just saying. It’s nothing that didn’t happen before.”
Kendra groaned but jumped off the chair and put her plate in the open dishwasher anyways.
“Alright, go put on your shoes.” Another glance at the watch. “Looks like your brother is coming with us, Samira is late. And where the hell is- Cooper!” He yelled again, this time before he even reached the staircase.
“Cooper Bradford! Our estate is like five minutes farther from the school than yours, and I don’t wanna be late! I really do not need to have that talk with Principal Ablin again! That guy makes me want to smash all my eardrums in with a plastic fork.”
“But Dad, you only have two eardrums.”
“I know sweetheart, it’s just a thing that Daddy says. Cooper!”
“I’m here, I’m here!” The thumping footsteps announced Cooper’s arrival before Dylan could see him.
“Finally! Boy, what took you so long?”
“I’m sorry, but my hair wouldn’t blow-dry right.” Cooper apologized, emphasizing his statement while fixing a loose strand. “Beauty like this takes time.”
Whatever you think of doing, don’t do it, Dylan reminded himself. “Alright, whatever. Waffles are over there, take some and then-“ Another glance at the watch. “Nope, forget it, you’re gonna have to eat the waffles in the car. Now, put on your shoes!”
Cooper rushed to the kitchen isle, snatched himself two waffles, and then sped to his sneakers. Dylan grabbed the car keys from the shelf, lifted Jake into his arms and walked out the door. In the time it took Kendra and Cooper to finally leave the house, he had already secured his youngest son in his car seat.
“Kids, you have to squeeze in the back. And-- uh-uh.” Dylan blocked Cooper’s way with his body and raised his eyebrows. “I warn you, Cooper Bradford,” he said. “One crumb of that thing-“ he pointed at the waffle, “- in my car, and you clean it. You understand?”
Cooper nodded eagerly. Maybe a bit scared.
When Dylan stepped away, the boy made a show of entering the car extra carefully.
“Alright, people! Everyone’s seatbelts fastened?” Dylan asked after he, too, sat down in the driver’s seat.
“Yes.” Came the unison answer from the back. At 8:05, the car finally left the driveway.
Bringing the kids to school was, by no means, as terrible as it could be. Both Kendra and Cooper had passed the age where he had to escort them to the doors, and had not yet reached the age where they would be embarrassed to be seen with their parent – or, in Cooper’s case, a guardian.
“Alright guys, have a great day at school!”
“Thanks, Dad!” “Thanks, Dylan! Goodbye!” Both car doors slammed shut, and only when he saw Kendra and Cooper take their places between their friends, he looked at Jake through the rearview mirror.
“Alright buddy, and what are we going to do now?” The loud honking of a car horn sounded over his youngest son’s silence.
“Alright, I’m going, Jesus Christ!” Dylan yelled back, at no one that could hear him, and made his way out of the line. “Be glad that my kid’s in the car with me, otherwise I’d swear at you.”
They turned out to run some errands. Cameron had wanted to change the curtains for a while, and Dylan took Jake with him to look at different samples of fabric and color. Jake was a big help, obviously, babbling at some beige tones, and pointing at a blue one with stripes yelling, “Papa!”.
Dylan sent his husband a picture of the fabric with the caption
Your son recognizes you by your tie patterns, by the way
When they returned home, Samira was there. She apologized a thousand times for being late, and Dylan told her that it better not happen again, because by God, this wasn’t the first time she had shown up late. And he couldn’t keep an unreliable babysitter hired, it’s not like there was a guarantee that he was always able to watch over Jake, that’s the exact reason she was here. Also, he wouldn’t say that the salary he paid was bad for the job she did.
Around the time Dylan wanted to get lunch started, his phone started ringing. It was Kendra on the other end of the line.
One of their teachers got sick, so her and Cooper got to go home earlier.
Don’t judge for that lack of excitement.
So, he put lunch on hold, told Samira to keep a close eye on Jake, and rushed to the car, which he then rushed to Westport Unified.
Like very sophisticated and well-behaved children, Kendra and Cooper were patiently waiting next to the parking spot when he pulled up and got in the car. Unlike very sophisticated and well-behaved children, they were both arguing as they did so.
Dylan took off, trying not to pay too much mind at the visible physical fight that was going on over who had claiming rights over which side of the car seat.
He had to notice with a disappointed frown that the house still looked the same when they came back, and no cleaning fairy had taken it upon herself to fix that mess of sneakers, or put away the newspapers sprawled over the coffee table.
Times like these, he cursed his own stubbornness to not hire someone for this.
Dylan made his way to the kitchen to pick up where he left off: preparing lunch. Too bad that his two devil tornadoes had something other in mind.
“Da-ad?” Kendra drawled, and batted her eyelashes at him. Dylan looked up from his cutting board. He raised his eyebrows questioningly.
“Could we get the key to the gaming room, please? Coop has a new game he wants to show me!”
Oh, so suddenly he was Coop again. Dylan put his knife down and perched his palms on the countertop. “Absolutely not,” he said, and their faces fell.
“You can’t just come home from school and demand to play video games the second you’re here. That’s way too much screen time for kids your age.”
“Well, we don’t have anything else we could do.” Cooper argued.
“You know what?” Dylan whirled around and pulled something from a lower shelf. He slammed a handful of books right in front of them. “Pick one. You’re both gonna go outside and read. Until I’m done with lunch. After that, I want your honest to God opinion on what you thought of it.”
“And what if we don’t want to?”
“Well, then I don’t care. Go outside and read. And, for the love of God, choose different places in the yard. Otherwise, that’s going to end in a disaster.”
With that, Dylan turned around and started cleaning the marble kitchen isle. Whatever they did from now on was not his problem anymore.
Cooper gave the books in front of him a suspicious look. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of those.” He picked up the one titled ‘Death on the Nile’ and turned it in his hands.
Kendra shrugged and pulled ‘The Body’ closer to her. “This one has horror. I’ll take it.”
She made her way to leave the house but stopped dead in her tracks and turned to Cooper one more time before she left. “Oh, and just so you know-“ She grinned, “I’m also taking the lakeside.”
Cooper gasped. “That’s not fair!” He objected, “That’s the pleasant side of the garden. I’ll have to take the streetside, where my only view are old houses and cars rushing by.”
“Not my problem. Called it first.” Kendra shrugged, annoying grin still plastered on her face, and went outside.
Cooper clenched his jaw and looked down at the book still in his hand. ‘Death on the Nile’.
Maybe it includes a guide, he thought.
With a last glance at his Godfather working in the kitchen, he, too, left the house. The path to the streetside of the estate was earthy ground, mostly created by children’s feet running through the grass way too often and keeping it from growing.
Cooper knew the way like the back of his hand.
On the end, a small bench was placed, it had been there since he could remember. Every crack in the old wood seemed to tell a story, the small K and C evidence of two children that were as close as siblings immortalizing their relationship forever in the hard material. Cooper sat down, cross-legged on the bench. The book weighed heavy in his hand, geez, it had many pages. But hey, nobody said he had to finish reading it. Just bridge over the time until Dylan had lunch ready.
The sun was reaching its highest point of the day, and burned down his neck, but Cooper didn’t notice. He was too busy gasping at the sudden death of Linett Ridgeway. He didn’t even realize when other people or cars passed him by.
Back in the house, Dylan had freshly bought pieces of meat sizzling in the pan. The salad had already been placed on the table, and Samira had been nice enough to set the dishes before she had gone home again for the day. Only thing missing were the fries, God, no meat without fries for his children.
Dylan grabbed next to the pan, where the sack of potatoes was placed, but his hand reached into emptiness. Confused, he looked around. On the kitchen isle, next to the salad dressing, under his cooking book. He laid his head back with a heavy sigh.
“Don’t tell me I forgot that goddamn thing in the car,” he muttered. Tell you what, something like that only happened to you when you had three kids to take care of.
Grabbing the car keys for the too maniest time today, Dylan left the house and made his way to the garage. The Ford Mustang was usually parked neatly next to Cameron’s Jaguar XF, that meant, when he was home.
With a sigh, Dylan opened the door to the backseat, and “Yes” found the sack of potatoes he’d been looking for. He was just about to close the car door again, and leave things be, when he saw it.
Dylan did a slow double take, but it was still there when he looked a second time. Throning on the cushions of the left side, basically laughing at him, was a smudge of whipped cream. On the floor, waffle crumbles spread all over the plastic mat.
Dylan slammed the car door shut with way more force than necessary.
I don't know why all the trees change in the fall But I know you're not scared of anything at all Don't know if Snow White's house is near or far away But I know I had the best day with you today
-The Best Day, Taylor Swift
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callsign-magnolia · 2 years
I Hope You Dance // Ch. 24
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A/N: This is cross posted to my Wattpad, so if this seems familiar that is why!
TW: Mental abuse, emotional abuse, slight physical abuse, death and loss.
Description: When Caila meets Rooster, sparks fly. But, she's already married, to a man who she thought loved her, and won't let her go. Rooster will fight for her, he just has to convince Caila to fight for herself.
Word Count: 6.8k
Chapter 23 | Masterlist
Four a.m. I have been awake for a whole forty-five minutes, I felt like my heart was racing and I had this insane amount of energy. I rolled onto my side, looking to Bradley who was still asleep even though his alarm was slowly getting louder. I reached over him, turning it off opting to wake him myself. I ran my fingers through his hair, his hands reaching out for me. One hand wrapped around my thigh, pulling it up and hooking it over his waist as the other wrapped around my lower back, pulling me close. I placed a few kisses along his forehead and brow before he placed a kiss on my chest, telling me he was awake. "Morning, honey." He chuckled, burying his face in my bare chest. "I don't wanna get up." I chuckled at him, my free hand scratching his back. "I know, but you gotta." 
He groaned and I kissed his forehead. "I'll make you're favorite, you have time." He sighed but nodded, rolling to sit up, the muscles along his bare back shifting as he stretched. I placed my hand on his back, making him turn to me. "Why are you awake? You've gotten to where you sleep a little longer." I shrugged. "I've been awake for over forty-five minutes." He raised a brow as he stood, stretching some more. "You okay?" I wasn't sure. I've been like this before and it was usually a feeling I got right before Aaron would come home. It was a rush to get everything done. "Yeah, I'm great." I said standing from the bed, stretching myself. 
With my eyes closed I never saw him come around the bed, so he startled me when his arms wrapped around me, our bare bodies pressing flush together. "Mm, you know we have a little time." He said before his lips attached to my neck. My breathing quickened, my mind immediately going hazy at the memory of last night. "You can't do quickies, so no." He groaned, his head resting on my shoulder. I let him hold me for another minute before I gently pushed his shoulder. "Go get your shower before you have no time to eat." He huffed but did so anyway, but not before placing a searing kiss to my lips. "You could always join, ya know." I rolled my eyes as I grabbed one of his shirts from the dresser. "Get your shower." I heard him chuckle before the door clicked shut. 
As he got in the shower I rushed downstairs, pulling out everything I needed to make waffles and bacon. I was halfway done when he finally came downstairs, his flight suit tied around his waist. "Why are you already in your flight suit? You usually wear your khakis or jeans." He shrugged. "Mav wanted us to get up in the air as early as possible today, figured not having to change would save time." I nodded as he kissed the back of my head. While I enjoyed my time at home, and with Rooster, I missed flying something terrible. Being in that cockpit was where I was meant to be. Thankfully I've had many distractions to keep me busy while I've been away. "What's going through that pretty head of yours?" Rooster asked, sliding me a cup of coffee. "I miss flying." I blurted out.
He sighed, stepping behind me and wrapping his arms around me. "I know you do, and everyone misses you Mags. Hopefully Cyclone will call you soon, then you can come back and help me kick Hangman's ass in the air." I chuckled at his words, knowing the on going rivalry between Rooster and Hangman would never truly end. "I hope he does too, but for now I have plenty of work to do." His hands ran up my sides as I flipped the last pancake. "Just wait till I get home? That bedframe is solid oak and heavy, I don't want you hurting yourself." I huffed as his lips found my jaw. "Do you doubt me?" I could feel him shake his head. "No, not at all. I just don't want you to get hurt." I chuckled at him. "I've got it Rooster. But if it makes you feel any better, then I'll wait till you get home." He smirked and kissed my head. "It really does make me feel better." 
"Good, now eat." I said handing him the plate of pancakes while I grabbed the bacon. We sat together, having just a quiet breakfast, which was so nice. But the time came for him to leave and I couldn't help the pout that came over me. "I guess I'll just do nothing till you get home." He chuckled, kissing my lips. "Or, you can go to Home Depot or Lowe's when they open and buy the stain you want for the bedframe." I smiled at him. "You got any power tools? I'll need a sander." He shook his head. "None, guess you'll have to buy some." I grinned at him as he reached into his wallet. "Take my card." I shook my head. "Rooster, no." He grabbed my hand, placing his card in my palm and folding my fingers around it. "Yes. I've been saving for this renovation, so take it and use it." I groaned but took it anyway. "Fine." 
He kissed my lips one more time before walking towards the Bronco. "I love you." He called and I waved as Dahlia groaned from her spot beside me in the doorway. "Love you too." I watched as he backed out of the driveway, and took off down the road. As he disappeared I jumped into action, putting away the last of the food and changing into an old t-shirt of mine and some running shorts. I grabbed his house key off the hanger and walked out, Dahlia trying to follow. "Stay here baby, you can't come with me." She pouted and sulked her way back to her bed before flopping down, making me giggle. I rushed over to his house, setting my stuff down and immediately making my way upstairs. I looked around his room, the green carpet spread all the way through the closet and the entirety of the upstairs. I huffed, walking over and stripping his bed of all sheets and pillows.
"Wash these now, they'll be clean when we're done." I said to myself before going downstairs and starting his sheets in the washer. I went back upstairs where I pulled his mattress out of the frame, propping the heavy item against the far wall. I looked down at the frame, seeing it was screwed together. With joinery I would've had to kick it apart, possibly ruining it but I could easily take out the screws and fill the holes. I got to work pulling out the slats that held up the mattress before I went on the hunt for a screwdriver. I looked in the kitchen, the hall closet, the roll top desk in the living room, the laundry room and even his closet in his room. "How does a man not have a screwdriver?" I asked before walking out to go back to my house. Dahlia got excited as I walked in, expecting me to play with her but I was focused on my task at hand. I went into the laundry room, pulling down the tool bag I had before heading for the door again when Dahlia stopped in front of me. 
I sighed as she stared at me with her big eyes, her black fur making them stand out. "Come on." I said turning around and heading for the back door. I opened the folding door, letting her run outside before I opened the gate between our yards. I laughed as she ran around, rushing through the gate. The sun was barely peeking over the coast, a dark orange covering the sky. I went back inside Rooster's house, going upstairs and started taking the bed apart. It was an agonizing process that took a whole two hours for me to finish. Once I did I lifted the pieces, finding they were definitely heavier than they looked. But I did it anyway, slowly taking the pieces downstairs one by one, and took them out back. Dahlia looked at me from her spot in the grass where she was sunbathing. "I got this. I don't need no man's help!" I cheered to myself before going back inside. I looked at the now empty space in the floor, the green carpet lighter where the bed was than the rest of the carpet. 
I looked to the dresser, it was large with an attached mirror. It was nicer than mine, being solid wood it would last longer. That's the thing about the eighties, a lot of stuff was better quality. So I decided to start in the closet. I walked over, it was a walk-in but not that big. Most stuff was on top of the shelves, but a few boxes were in the floor. I grabbed them, moving them up to sit on top of the shelves. One rattled around and I opened it, finding a bunch of VHS tapes without covers on them. I pulled one out, gasping at the title written on it, 'Bradley's first steps'. I moved the box finding an old VCR under it. "Oh my god, this is awesome!" I pulled the box, setting it on top of the dresser, along with the VCR before picking up the box that had been next to it. This one had a bunch of cassettes in it. I looked up, finding a silver boombox on the shelf. I squealed before grabbing it, hauling it downstairs and setting it on the mantle above the fireplace.
I pulled out a cassette, flipping it over and seeing it was Rod Stewart. I chuckled putting it in and hitting play. The upbeat music started and I smiled, turning it up and dancing my way back upstairs. I got everything out of the floor before I grabbed my pliers an started yanking up the carpet. The closet took me another two hours, picking up the staples took the longest. There were so many! Finally when I was done I realized I didn't have a utility knife to cut the carpet. I groaned, looking down at my watch realizing it was nine-thirty. Home Depot was open, and I decided now was as good a time as any to go pick up a few things so I stood, locking up the house. I grabbed Dahlia's leash, putting it on for her to go with me before we loaded up and headed to Home Depot. 
As we arrived I grabbed a buggy, rushing back to grab the stain I needed. I found a black stain that would work well and immediately went to find a sander. I looked around at them, trying to find one that would work well for what I needed. "Need some help?" I turned back to find a guy maybe an inch taller than me, blonde hair and dark brown eyes. "Um, kinda? I'm sanding a bedframe to stain it and I'm not sure which one would work." He flashed me a smile and I sent one back. "Then this one would work best. It's got plenty of power for what you're working on." I nodded tossing the box into the buggy. "I would also start with a higher grit then move down to smooth it out." He said motioning me to follow him. He walked me over to the aisle with the rest of the supplies I would need. "So, why are you sanding a bedframe?" He asked as I tossed a few things of sandpaper into the buggy. 
"Moving in with my boyfriend, his bedframe just needs an upgrade." He nodded. "So, where's your boyfriend?" I raised a brow. I have a feeling I know where this was going. "Work. He's a naval aviator." He raised his brows, nodding. "Ah, a sailor." I pursed my lips. "A pilot, but yeah." I looked back to the racks of sandpaper, feeling his stare on the side of my face. "So he's gone a lot?" I rolled my eyes but I don't think he noticed. "Only during the day." I saw him bite his lip, looking me over. "What about deployments?" I turned to face him quickly. "Thankfully we've only ever been deployed together since we've been a couple, so it's not a problem." I snapped and his eyes widened. "Wait, you're in the navy too?" I nodded, pushing the buggy away. "Are you a pilot too?" I nodded not looking back at him. "Yep." I said leaving him behind. I walked down the aisle that held curtains. I looked around finding a beautiful two tone grey set that would look beautiful in the living room, and a beautiful curved black curtain rod to hold them.
I grabbed a few last things, which included a few tools for Bradley. I got in line to checkout, standing behind an older gentleman who smiled at me before seeing Dahlia and turning his gaze. "I know who you are." I turned to find the guy from earlier approaching me quickly. I turned back, ignoring him as my heart rate sped up. "You're Caila Motley." I ignored him, keeping my gaze forward. "Hey." His hand landed on my shoulder and I turned, snapping at him and shoving his hand away. "Don't youevertouch me again!" I yelled, catching everyone's attention. His eyes widened as he leaned back. "I just didn't know if you heard me." I scoffed. "I did. I was ignoring you. That also doesn't give you the right to put your hands on me." He seemed taken aback by my words. "You can't do something like what you did and not expect people to recognize you." 
"What I did?" He chuckled. "You're practically a celebrity and cheated on your husband." I rolled my eyes at him hoping and praying that the line would move. "Then you couldn't handle him sleeping with someone else either so you killed that girl and pinned it on him." Immediately tears started down my cheeks, and I turned to him. "She may have slept with my husband, but she didn't deserve what happened to her and I'll be damned if you come up to me and throw it in my face. Sofuck off." I said, attempting to keep my composure. If I fly off the handle it'll make this whole situation worse, so taking the high road and keeping my voice down is the best way to go about this. "I hope you and that boyfriend of yours have the life you deserve." I chuckled. "Thank you." I said back, knowing it got under his skin but Bradley and I both knew we deserved all the good things in life. 
"You're a bitch." I bit my lip to keep my lips from curling upwards. I knew I could be a bitch but he's just mad he didn't upset me as much as he hoped. Which he did, but I wasn't going to let him know that. He stormed away as I was able to check out, the girl ringing me up giving me a sad smile. "Sorry, he's a jerk. We've been trying to get rid of him for awhile." I nodded. "Some people just have to have something to say." She nodded, giving me my total. "Can I split it between these two cards?" She nodded and I paid for half with my card before paying the other half with his. He told me to use the card, but he didn't say I had to use his card for all of it. I thanked the girl before grabbing my bags and hauling ass out of that store. I loaded Dahlia and the bags into the car before getting in myself. As soon as I got into the car the tears started. I knew that people would probably still be talking about the trial, it was literally last week but that was overwhelming. I partly blamed myself for Melissa's death, if I just hadn't said anything to her, then maybe it wouldn't have happened. 
After a few minutes I stopped crying, starting the car and going back home. Once I was home I let Dahlia out to the backyard and unloaded everything I bought. I took everything back over to Bradley's, kicking the boombox back on and going out back. I laid out the tarp I bought and moved one of the panels on it before setting up the sander and getting to work. As soon as I started I realized this was a great way for me to get out my frustrations and as time went on my mood got better, I felt elated for the most part, moving almost inhumanly fast to sand the entire bedframe and stain it. By two p.m. I was done, smiling at my handiwork and leaving it in the sun to dry. I went back inside realizing the tape had finished and took it out, swapping it out for Fleetwood Mac's album 'Tango in the Night'. I danced as the album started, rushing back upstairs and started yanking up the carpet again. 
I sang loudly to the album as I used all my strength to rip up the carpet, happy that I had made some progress. I cut the carpet off as I got to the dresser, I couldn't move it so I decided to work around it. I picked up the pieces of carpet taking them to the landing and dropping it down the the first floor, I wiped my hands as I went to the bedroom doorway pulling on the carpet some more, ripping it up within the hallway. I managed to get the entire hallway before cutting it off. I picked up those pieces and dropped them to the first floor as the front door opened. "Mags?" I smiled seeing Rooster walk through the door. I looked at my watch seeing it said four-thirty. "Hi my love!" I said, rushing down the stairs to hug him. I threw my arms around him as he hugged me with his free arm. "What did you do?" He asked looking to the torn up carpet. "Oh! I got the bed frame apart, bought the stain and a sander and got that finished and then I ripped up basically half of the carpet upstairs! I made so much progress today, and I even found an old boombox and some cassettes! I've been listening to it all day! Oh, but I do need help moving the dresser in your room to finish getting up the carpet and then we can move to the guest room-" "Mags." His voice was firm as I turned to him.
There was no smile on his face, just a blank look that I couldn't read. "What's wrong?" He looked around, his arms out and the bag of Chinese food in his left hand swaying. "What did you do?" He asked again and I furrowed his brows. "I got a jump start. I didn't have anything else to do today and I didn't want to leave the bulk of the work to you, you've been at work all day and-" "Caila." I stopped talking, realizing I was rambling and his use of my first name told me it was best to just stop. "You were supposed to wait for me." He said walking past me, walking into the kitchen to set down the food, seeing the bedframe outside. "What the hell?" I shrunk back into the wall as he looked outside. "I told you that I would help you!" I looked at my feet as he continued to look outside. "You don't get to just come in here and make all these changes!" I furrowed my brows. "I thought you agreed to these changes?" My heart sped up, scared I misinterpreted his words and screwed something up. "I did! But this is my house! I should be here for all these changes, this is why I wanted you to wait!"
My heart was racing at his anger, hating that I set him off. "My parents put their blood, sweat and tears into this house to make it home before my dad died! This is one of the last things I have of both of them!" I felt bad coming in here and doing all this now, the tears rolling down my cheeks solidified that thought. "Also that boombox out there and those tapes, they also belonged to my parent's! Why the hell were you dragging all this stuff out?!" He was yelling at this point and I was pressing my body back into the wall, hoping it would swallow me whole. "You asked me to move in. I was just trying to do the bulk of the work before I came back to base." I muttered and he scoffed turning back towards the counter. "I was trying to do something nice for you. You do so much for me that I wanted to do something just as meaningful for you." 
"Yeah, well you could've done some irreparable damage! At least when I do things for you I don't risk fucking up something that means more than anything to you!" I felt like everything was closing in on me, and I needed to get out. "I'm sorry." I muttered before making sure his key was off my key ring, leaving it on his counter along with his card before walking out. I rushed back over to my house locking the door behind me before sliding down it, sobs racking my body. Why can't I seem to do anything right in my relationship? It seems like every time I turn around I'm doing something to screw it up. I don't know how long I stayed like that but eventually I managed to pick myself up, walking to the back door, calling Dahlia in and closing the door and locking it. More tears streamed down my face as I rushed upstairs and into my room. I crawled over to my side of the bed, laying face down in my pillow just trying to breath deeply and soothe myself. 
After a few minutes I opened my eyes, looking out the window to see Rooster standing in his room, hands in his hair and a stressed look on his face. I looked away hoping he wouldn't notice me but when I looked back he had crouched down, his hands covering his mouth and a gleam in his eyes that told me he had tears building up. He looked over to me and I couldn't stand it, I immediately got up closing my blinds and laying back down. I felt awful. I never considered that it wasn't just his house, but something his parents left him and I went in and just started changing it. I felt like shit leaving him without his bed but I couldn't face him, not tonight. Because I knew I couldn't look at him without breaking down. I hated myself for upsetting him, but it seems like every time I turn around that was what I was doing. Tears streamed down my face as my thoughts ran rampant, eventually landing me in a dreamless sleep. 
I originally wasn't sure how long I was out for but I woke up to Dahlia pawing at me. I rolled over, seeing the clock said six-thirty and I jumped up. "I'm sorry Dahls! I fell asleep!" Her tail wagged quickly when she realized I was up to feed her, half an hour late but better late than never. As I stood though, I heard knocking on my front door. I peeked my head out of the bedroom door, seeing no one through the window by the door but the knocking continued. I slowly started down the stairs as Dahlia zoomed past me not at all concerned whose at the door, which tells me I shouldn't worry. If it was a stranger she would be barking and growling. I went to look through the peep hole I heard his voice, broken like he had been crying. "Mags, please." Tears immediately sprung to my eyes, my chest getting tight. "Mags, if you can hear me, please. You need to know how sorry I am, I never should've snapped at you. I never want to hurt you and I did. Please, I don't know how to function right now." 
I leaned my head on the door, my hand resting next to my head. "I guess you're not listening or you're ignoring me, either way you have to know how sorry I am." I wanted to open the door, but I knew I shouldn't. Not because he should suffer, not at all, but because I know I'll cry and fall right back into his arms and forgive him. I needed to be in a position to have a real conversation with him about this. To be able to tell him my feelings and explain everything to him without blubbering my way through it. "I still love you, Mags.Youmean more to me than anything else, pretty girl." A sob hit me as he walked away, his figure passing the window by the door. I hated this, I hate how I put myself in this position. Suddenly my phone buzzed with a text. I looked at it and saw it was a text from Rooster. 
I left your dinner on the front porch. Please get it before it gets cold. 💕
This man was so mad at me and still brought my food over to me, even though I wouldn't open the door for him. I gave it another minute to be sure he wouldn't be waiting on me, I opened the door, grabbing the bag and retreating to my kitchen. I opened the bag to find sesame chicken, rice and three egg rolls, what shocked me was how hot the food was. At the bottom of the bag was a note, pulling it out, I teared up again as I read it. 'The house feels so empty without you and I hate how I hurt you. I appreciate what you did and I'm sorry I didn't tell you that. I love you, Magnolia. - Rooster' I set the note down and pulled out my phone shooting him a text.
Thank you for supper ❤️
It was short and sweet, I wanted to talk to him but I knew I couldn't tonight. I fixed Dahlia's food before fixing mine and sitting in the couch, turning on the tv to a rerun of Criminal Minds. My phone buzzed and I wanted to wait to look at it but I couldn't.
Can you call me so we can talk?
I shook my head, knowing I just couldn't do it.
Not tonight, love you.
I knew I still needed to tell him that I loved him, because one of us may not wake up in the morning or he could have a training accident and I wasn't going to let our last words be part of an argument. 
I love you too, pretty girl❤️ 
I smiled and set my phone down, knowing that even if he was angry earlier that he still loved me. I ate my food, feeling a little better than I did earlier, but still upset with myself. After awhile it got late and I decided to go to bed, changing and crawling into the queen size bed. I still had this energy running through me, which made it hard to fall asleep and without Bradley it just made it harder. Dahlia laid next to me, taking up the other half of the bed as she stretched her long legs. I continuously looked to the clock watching time tick by and finally as seven a.m. rolled around I realized I wasn't sleeping, so I got up to take a hot shower. 
I stood under the steaming water, hoping it would relax me enough for a nap. I had been up for over twenty-four hours at this point and I wasn't tired one bit. As I got out of the shower I put on one of Rooster's shirts and grabbed my phone, going down stairs to curl up for a nap. Dahlia laid in her bed across from me after I fed her, giving me a confused look. Usually I would've gotten up, Bradley would've been here, but for this morning it was just me and her, just like it used to be. Bradley had text me this morning, just a simple I love you. I replied back with my own but nothing more, I needed to talk to him but what do I say? 'You agreed so I did what you asked and tried to take the work load off of you.' 
I just wanted to do something for him and I fucked that up. What was I to do or say? I was at a true loss here. I laid on the couch for a few hours, not sleeping before deciding to call my mom. The phone rang a few times before she answered. "Hi, sweetie." My eyes watered, hearing her voice brought me comfort. "Mama?" "What's wrong?" My bottom lip wobbled at her words before my tears slipped out. "Mama, I screwed up." She let out a concerned sigh. "What happened?" I bit my lip, choking back a sob. "Bradley and I agreed to move into his house together and he wanted to do some upgrades. We agreed to stain the bedframe and rip up the carpet to start so while he went to work yesterday, I was in a great mood and had all this energy so I went ahead and started." She hummed in acknowledgment at my words. "I ripped up most all of the carpet upstairs, all that was left was the landing and the guest room. But he was so upset when he came home. He told me to wait for him to help that morning but I've had all this time off and all this energy I wanted to do the work so he didn't have to worry about it as much. I just wanted to do something nice for him and he got mad! Am I wrong?" 
It was quiet for a moment before she spoke up. "You're talking awfully fast, Caila." I groaned rubbing my face before standing up, pacing in front of the coffee table. "Mom, please-" "Are you having a manic episode?" I furrowed my brows, scoffing at her words. "What? Why would you ask that, I've never had a manic episode." "You're pretty okay considering what you just told me, any other time you would be a sobbing mess but now you just sound irritated." I scoffed and rolled my eyes, going into the kitchen to pour myself some more coffee. "Yeah, because you just asked me if I'm having a manic episode. I'm fine." I said as I slammed the coffee pot into the sink. "Caila, I'm worried-" "I'm fucking fine mother!" I groaned before ending the call. 
"How dare she ask me if I'm having a manic episode." I muttered as I marched upstairs, changing into some workout clothes. I had to clear my head and a run around the neighborhood would do just that. I hooked up Dahlia, deciding it would do her some good to run with me, before heading out. It was eleven-thirty by this point and I was glad it was October so it wasn't scorching outside. I ran and ran as far as I could until I noticed Dahlia panting. I stopped, huffing before sitting under a tree in a patch of grass, facing the beach. "Come on, lay down." I said motioning Dahlia to follow. She did so, huffing and puffing as she did. I pet her gently as we sat there, giving us both time to to catch our breaths and cool down. I was so upset when I left I forgot her collapsible bowl and a water bottle. 
I now felt worse, knowing I didn't have what Dahlia needed. Why can't I seem to do anything right? I keep screwing everything up. We sat there for awhile just enjoying the breeze that blew by before my phone buzzed. Bradley's picture flashed across my phone and I stared at it, letting it go to voicemail before I saw the time on my phone. One p.m. so I stood, Dahlia following before we started a slow leisurely walk back to the house. I feel so out of sorts, I know something isn't right with me but for the life of me I can't figure out what is wrong. All this energy isn't normal for me, not sleeping isn't either. 
The walk home was quiet, Dahlia immediately emptying her water bowl as soon as I dropped her leash. I looked around the house it was clean, almost nothing out of place, I could try to sleep but I know it wouldn't work so instead I opted to meal prep for the next week. I spent the next few hours cooking chicken, all kinds of vegetables and some rice. I always felt better knowing I didn't have to do much cooking for the next week but it also kept me from eating junk food. My house smelled amazing and made me realize I hadn't eaten all day, I looked at the time seeing I had about thirty minutes before Rooster got home and inevitably would come over and knock on my door. I just wanted to be alone, I love him but I needed to be away from him. He says he's not mad, but people just say things, right? I shook my head, clearing the negative thoughts before feeding Dahlia early and going upstairs to change. I slipped on some jeans, a t-shirt, and my boots before grabbing my purse and keys. I decided to drive into downtown San Diego, the breeze blew through the jeep telling me of my departure from Fighter Town U.S.A. 
I drove, getting a brilliant idea as I passed a theater that was playing 'Halloween', deciding that stopping to see my favorite horror movie would be a great way to pass the time. As I was in line for tickets my phone buzzed, I expected Rooster to be calling but instead it was my dad. I stared at the screen for a moment before declining the call, of all the people I didn't want to talk to right now, he was high up on my list. I was still upset with him for pulling me from that mission. Me being pulled could've been the sole reason Maverick and Rooster almost didn't come home, and I don't think I could live in a world without Rooster. My emotions started running high as those thoughts raced through my mind, so I opted to sit in the back corner, away from people. 
I had never been more grateful to sit in a mostly crowded theater, watching a horror movie. If the movie wasn't distracting me, people's screams and yells were, making me giggle. Once it was done I decided to swing by a local Mexican restaurant and pick up some tacos for dinner, opting to sit in the jeep and eat them in the parking lot and just scroll through my socials. I took my time, not in any rush to get back home so I drove around San Diego just taking in the sights before my phone started ringing off the hook.
Rooster, Hangman, Phoenix, and even Mav had called me but I couldn't be bothered to answer so I just cut my phone off, spending another two hours just driving around before heading back to North Island. I was going to go straight home but I saw the Hard Deck coming into view and decided to stop, I knew Penny worked on Wednesdays and maybe she'd understand what I was going through. I pulled in not seeing any familiar vehicles, I was grateful for that, not wanting to run into anyone except Penny. I got out and slowly walked in, the bar was fairly busy but it wasn't crazy. I saw Penny frantically flitting around behind the bar, looking worried. I walked over to the bar, waiting for her to get a second. She rushed by me before turning back around, her eyes going wide. "Oh thank god!" She said rushing out from behind the bar, crushing me into a hug. 
"PETE!" I turned seeing she caught Maverick's attention. He let out a sigh when he saw me, saying something into his phone before coming over hugging Penny and I both. "What the hell is going on with you?!" Penny yelled at me, making me sink back into the barstool. "I just needed some space." She scoffed, her hands going into her hair. "Well telling someone where you went would be great! You're dad called Maverick after you yelled at your mom, then your mom called Rooster, then Rooster called Mav! We've had people out looking for you for hours!" I felt bad worrying everyone, it wasn't what I intended. "Penny, I really need to talk to you. Just us, please." Mav looked concerned but nodded to herm and walked behind the bar as Penny tossed her arm over my shoulder leading me out to the sandy parking lot. 
As she let go, I started pacing in front of her pulling on my thumbs. "Magnolia, you said you wanted to talk." I nodded, taking a deep breath to calm my nerves. "I feel like I'm losing my mind Penny. I have had this insane amount of energy, and my moods are all over the place. I was in a great mood yesterday, aside from being harassed at the home depot, but then after I pissed off Rooster I was sad and  now I've been irritated and pissed all day!" She nodded as I continued to pace in front of her. I looked at my watch seeing it said eight-thirty at night. "And it doesn't help I've been awake for just over forty hours. I stared at my window last night just thinking about what he was doing last night. Then my mom asked me if I was having a manic episode which, how dare she! I AM NOT MANIC!" I realized I screamed the last bit and Penny seemed startled. "I'm sorry." I said as I pinched the bridge of my nose.
"I shouldn't have yelled like that, I just-" "Caila, honey." Penny said as she grabbed my arms gently. "I think you need help." I shook my head as tears started to fall. "MAGS!" My shoulders fell as I heard his voice. I was so caught up in my own problems I completely missed the Bronco pulling in. "I'm not crazy, Penny. I'm not." I said as my voice cracked, Rooster running over. "No, Caila I don't think you're crazy, I just think you're under a lot of stress and have had a long year. I just think you need to see someone." I scoffed. "And let them do what?! Penny no matter what I do, it will probably cost me my career!" Rooster's hand grabbed gently grabbed mine. "But Mags, if you feel like this in the air-" "I've never felt like this in the air! Only when Aaron was coming home and I would panic!" Everyone froze at my words. 
"I feel like I'm losing my mind and I just want to be alone until I figure out what's wrong with me." I muttered as Rooster pulled me into his chest, rubbing my back as I cried. "When did you stop seeing Dr. Kleninger?" I pushed back from him, rolling my eyes in irritation. "Just before we left for the mission." His eyes widened as I wiped my face. "You didn't see your therapist throughout the entire time you've been on leave or during your trial?" I shook my head as Rooster groaned. "Oh, stop! My therapy appointments had little to do with you, so stop acting like it's a huge inconvenience!" His jaw dropped at my words. 
"Mags, I agree with Penny. Maybe you should see someone." I scoffed, starting towards my jeep. "I'm just worried about you Mags!" I stopped, turning back to him. "You don't have to feel bad just because you yelled at me, I get it, I screwed up! But I don't need you worrying about me! I did just fine on my own for a whole year before you came back into my life!" I yelled before fumbling my way into the jeep. "Don't come knocking on my door Bradshaw!" I said before tearing out of the parking lot, more tears streaming down my face once again.
@mak-32 @rosiahills22 @dhwanishah09
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manicpixiedgoblin · 2 years
Nervous Young Inhumans
Chapter Eight.
“So, uh, you remember when Mr. White didn’t want to let us be partners in chem?” Jesse chuckled between waffle bites.
Ellie laughed, “he said I’d let you do nothing all year. Which was true. I just wanted to sit next to you.”
“I got so lucky you liked that class,” he poured more maple syrup on his plate.
“God, if we’d been seeing Biochemistry I would’ve actually enjoyed it. Inorganic chemistry was never my thing.”
“What’s the difference?”
“You know,” she took a bite of his waffles and he took some of her pancakes, “one’s concerned with four elements mainly, and with organic processes. The other’s a mess only Walter White enjoys.”
He laughed.
“Ugh, and he wanted to pair me with that girl, what was her name?” El asked.
“Rachel,” Jesse laughed, “and you hated her because you thought we’d slept together.”
“C’mon! It’s been years now, admit it! It was before me!”
“Ellie-“ he shook his head, took a sip from his orange juice, “El, you were my first.”
She was genuinely confused. Her face showed disbelief, but Jesse nodded.
“You said-“
“I wanted to impress you, we were sixteen.”
She nodded, smiling.
“Well you know you were my first,” she shrugged, “actually, you’ve been my only.”
He looked at her wide eyed.
“No way.”
She nodded.
“I don’t know,” she took another bite of food, “everyone else I always pictured you there and I knew we’d make fun of them together. I never met anyone that made me feel that way. Like we were laughing at the same part of the joke.”
He smiled.
“Yeah, but it’s just sex, right?”
“It’s okay, I don’t expect you to say you also stayed chaste. I should sleep around more.”
He shook his head, furrowed his brow and made a disgusted face. He mouthed a no.
They ate breakfast, like he wanted.
Then she dropped him off at his aunt’s house and went back to work, thinking, hey, maybe we can be friends and one day we’ll laugh about being each other’s firsts.
Then laughing at that thought alone, knowing there was no damn way she’d ever stop feeling something this intense for him.
They kept texting, but they didn’t see each other for the next few days.
Ellie focused on work, which wasn’t hard, considering how demanding it was. Your life had to be pretty chaotic to be relevant besides a medical career.
Jesse was getting kicked out of his aunt’s house, trying to figure out what was next and refusing to tell El - he knew she’d agree to let him stay with her, but what good would that do? She’d not only worry about him then, but also see no way to justify what he’d been doing if he was fucking homeless.
Even when Walt suggested it, he just snapped harder at him.
Those days she was more actively involved in work than she’d been since she’d seen Jesse again.
Meanwhile, Jesse was touring through all his contacts trying to find a place to stay or a way to make his life work without making it obvious how much he needed El.
The messes that boy went through to avoid calling.
Jesse called her after a few days of ambiguous texting. She picked up in the hall of the hospital.
“Hey,” his voice came, “so, uh, how are you?”
“How are you? I drove by your aunt’s house,” she hesitated, “you’re really selling it, huh?”
“Oh, uh, yeah - figured it was time to get my own place.”
“Where are you now?”
“I’m in my new crib,” she heard him moving around in the background, “it’s actually sick, yo.”
“So you found a place! That’s so great, Jess!”
“Yeah, yeah, uh,” he hesitated, “uh, so - would you like to see it?”
“Yes,” she knew he could hear her smile on the other side, “I’d love to see it.”
“Come over, yeah, we can uh, cook or,” she heard something fall, “shit…”
“Yeah, or maybe takeout. I need to buy like furniture and kitchen shit still.”
“Takeout’s good.”
“Tonight at eight?”
“Hmm, I finish really late. Does tomorrow work?”
“Yeah! Yes, tomorrow works.”
“See you then. I gotta get back to work.”
“Same, same. Keeping busy, yo. I’ll see you later! Bye!”
He hung up.
Shit. He looked at the broken bong on the ground he’d dropped while playing with it, distracted by talking to El.
Jesse sighed, sweeping up the glass with his bare hands.
He was taking off his white hoodie when he opened the door.
“You found it!” he called, throwing it behind him and walking out to give Ellie a hug.
“Is this your car?” she asked, pointing.
“Yeah, uh,” he shrugged, “not the bouncing wonder but it gets me there.”
She smirked playfully.
“Ahhh,” he shook his head and laughed, “c’mon let’s get inside.”
There was no furniture anywhere, but the place was nice. Like decent-people nice.
“How’d you get this? Did you fake credit scores?”
“I, uhh, just talked to them. The owners renting the place.”
“Huh,” she looked around, taking her jacket off and finding nowhere to put it, dropping it on top of his on the ground. “It’s nice. Really nice, Jess. I’m happy for you.”
“Hell yeah,” he gave her another half hug.
“So what d’you wanna order?” he asked.
“Let’s do that.”
They were eating on the edge of his mattress on the floor, pages strewn around.
“How’d the last one turn out?”
“Check it,” he showed her the drawing, the edges stained with pizza grease. In it Ellie was wearing the bottom half of her scrubs and a sports bra, holding a gun towards the viewer.
She burst out laughing. “I love it,” she pointed to the gun with her pinkie while holding a pizza slice, “but I wouldn’t know how to use that.”
“Yeah, well, you learn.”
They smiled at each other.
She wiped her hands on a napkin and leaned back on the mattress.
“We need to get you a couch,” she said.
“I have a whole plan, feng shui, you’ll see,” he leaned back with her.
They stared at the ceiling, but she felt him turning every few seconds to look at her. It lasted almost thirty seconds.
Ellie turned to face him. Jesse turned and stared into her eyes, down at her lips, than back at her eyes again. They stayed that way for a moment.
“You want a beer?” she snapped out of it, standing up.
“Uhh, yeah,” he sat up and rested his arm on his knee, “sure yeah.”
“‘kay. Be right back.”
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splungecoyote · 1 year
TMI Tuesday - Food:
Wraps with filling? Pizza? Soup of any kind? Pasta? Burgers? Pancakes or waffles?
Also, would you try [vegetarian/vegan] substitutes?
I'd eat this everyday if I could!!! | Yum! Gimme! | A go-to comfort food | I'll eat it if it's put in front of me | Take it or leave it | I haven't tried it yet | If it's prepared a certain way... | Only if it's unrecognizable in the dish | I'd eat it to save my life | Why is this food???
Tacos are a fav, so I have this higher- but it depends on what’s inside, and how messy the wrap can get.
I'd eat this everyday if I could!!! | Yum! Gimme! | A go-to comfort food | I'll eat it if it's put in front of me | Take it or leave it | I haven't tried it yet | If it's prepared a certain way... | Only if it's unrecognizable in the dish | I'd eat it to save my life | Why is this food???
So many ways to make it so it’s not boring! I am picky about ingredients though.
I'd eat this everyday if I could!!! | Yum! Gimme! | A go-to comfort food | I'll eat it if it's put in front of me | Take it or leave it | I haven't tried it yet | If it's prepared a certain way... | Only if it's unrecognizable in the dish | I'd eat it to save my life | Why is this food???
I like it the most when it’s creamy enough to dip a nice crusty bread into. But not typically not outside cool days.
I'd eat this everyday if I could!!! | Yum! Gimme! | A go-to comfort food | I'll eat it if it's put in front of me | Take it or leave it | I haven't tried it yet | If it's prepared a certain way... | Only if it's unrecognizable in the dish | I'd eat it to save my life | Why is this food???
My fav pasta is Angel Hair, and my fav burger cooked temperature is medium rare
I'd eat this everyday if I could!!! | Yum! Gimme! | A go-to comfort food | I'll eat it if it's put in front of me | Take it or leave it | I haven't tried it yet | If it's prepared a certain way... | Only if it's unrecognizable in the dish | I'd eat it to save my life | Why is this food???
I used to be more of a waffles girl, but now I like them both. Pancakes are slightly easier to make.
Meat substitutes:
I'd eat this everyday if I could!!! | Yum! Gimme! | A go-to comfort food | I'll eat it if it's put in front of me | Take it or leave it | I haven't tried it yet | If it's prepared a certain way... | Only if it's unrecognizable in the dish | I'd eat it to save my life | Why is this food???
For health/environment reasons, I try to have vegetarian dinner every other day- so I’ve tried a lot of them. I gotta say, it’s easier to enjoy them if you think of them as another source of protein rather than a replacement for one.
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aubzikins · 1 year
Chapter 4: The Last Morning
Sure enough, as I was turning off my 6 am alarm, there was a knock at the door. I got up and answered, it was Felix, with an adorable sleeping face, wrapped up in his blanket.
“Good morning, Felix!” I say while brushing his bangs out of his face. He mumbles what sounds to be like Good Morning back and I laugh. “Give me a couple of minutes to brush my teeth and get changed and I’ll be right out,” I say. He nods and then waddles over to the kitchen, blanket, and all.
I brush my teeth, fix my hair, and put on my comfy jeans with a black T-shirt. After finding my glasses, I go ahead and pack up all my stuff. I already know that this will be the last bit of time to hang out with them and didn’t want to draw it out by having to pack my stuff afterward. I make the guest bed up, pack up my charger and then take my bag out of the room with me. As I make my way to the kitchen, I place it on the bench by the door.
When I walk into the kitchen, I see Felix has already started getting everything ready for us to cook: bacon, sausage, eggs, pancake/waffle mix. I wanted to make sure everyone had something they would enjoy. It was fun cooking with Felix and for a second, I felt like I could get used to this. “I gotta stop thinking like this”, I think to myself. “I will more than likely never see them again. I need to accept that.”
We spent the next hour cooking and singing along to Felix’s Spotify playlist. I sing quietly because I cannot sing to save my own life, but I still love singing along. Felix enjoys showing me his favorite songs and shares the links to my text messages.
I made sure to wash any pots and pans after we were done using each one. Felix told me the guys would probably start waking up at about 8 am. Around 730 am, we already had pretty much everything cooked and cleaned up.
My phone went off letting me know that my Uber had arrived. I knew that this morning was going to be goodbye, and I really don’t do well with goodbyes. Felix looked at me as I stared at my phone.
“What’s up? Wanna go wake everyone up?” he said smiling.
“Felix… I… um… I’m actually going to go ahead and head out.” I quietly said.
“What!?” he asked.
“I don’t handle goodbyes well and the past two days have been beyond amazing for me. I loved hanging out with you all. I wanted to make breakfast for everyone and just slip out quietly.” I tried holding back my tears.
“But the guys, they are going to be upset that they didn't get to tell you goodbye…” Felix looked like he was also going to cry.
I hug Felix and give him a kiss on the cheek, “I’m sorry Felix, I’m just not strong enough to say goodbye face to face with all of y’all. Saying goodbye to you is excruciating already. I’m so grateful to y’all for allowing me to hang out with you and experience the truly special bond y’all have. But now it's time for me to go back to my reality and for y’all to move on to the next stop.” I give him one last look and then go to walk away.
Felix grabs my hand, “Don’t do this, the guys...”
“I can’t, I’m sorry…” I pull my hand away, grab my bag and my shoes and rush out the door. I didn’t want to risk the chance of one of the others getting up or me turning around. I ran to the waiting Uber, got in, and tell the driver to take me to this park across town. I didn’t want to go home in case anyone went looking for me. Not like they would I thought… even though I’m trying to keep it together, I can't help but start to cry. This hurts more than I thought it would.
*********** Back at the air bnb ************
Changbin is the first of the 7 members to wake up. He walks out to the kitchen…
“Smells good!!! What did you guys make?” he doesn’t receive a reply. Confused, he walks into the kitchen to see Felix quietly crying. “Lix! What's wrong? What happened?”
“She left. She couldn’t say goodbye and she just left.”
“What? Who? Nia?”
“Yes, she helped make breakfast and clean everything up. Just when we were about to start waking everyone up, she said she couldn’t do it and left…” Felix said while wiping his tears.
“What the… we gotta tell Chan.” Changbin hugs Felix, “It sucks, it really does but we need to let the others know. “
Felix went to wake up Chan while Changbin got everyone else up and explained the situation. Chan wakes up and sees that Felix’s eyes are red and puffy… he jumps up. “Felix, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”
“Nia left before everyone got up. She said she couldn’t handle saying goodbye and that she needed to go. I tried to stop her but I was…” he says. Chan immediately hugs Felix and tells him “it's going to be okay. We have her address… we can just go say goodbye there.”
Seungmin is at Chan’s door. “She’s not going to be there Channie. If she’s anything like I think she is, she’s not going to home until after we are due to leave.”
“How does she know when we were supposed to leave?” Chan seems annoyed.
Felix looks up, “I’m sorry that is my fault. When we were planning to make breakfast, we were discussing a good time to make sure everyone could eat and have time left to pack, etc.”
Hyunjin walks into Chan's room and just hugs Felix. “We need to respect her decision. We know enough about her to know that she’s been on her own for a long time. We did kind of intrude on her life, knowing that we were only going to be around for a couple of days.”
“But… I wanted to say goodbye.” Chan says. He looks at his phone tempted to text her but he is still furious that she took the easy way out, in his opinion. But for the life of him, he cant understand why he is so angry with her.
Seungmin looks at Chan, “We need to eat and then get our stuff packed. Maybe text her when you calm down a bit more?” Seungmin walks out towards the dining room. Hyunjin walks with Felix, still hugging him, “We are gonna meet you out there.”
Chan sits on his bed, lets out a sigh, and stares at his phone. He decides to go ahead and text Nia knowing that she probably won't open it until she believes they are gone.
“I wish you would have said goodbye. But I understand. Please keep in touch, we truly enjoyed spending time with you.”
As He hit send, confused and frustrated, he put his phone in his pocket and walked out the door to join the others. Still trying to figure out why he was angry with her for leaving like she did.
******** At the Park ********
I’m in a quiet part of the park where there’s not a lot of foot traffic. This was the place I thought that I could get all my tears out but not be at home just in case. I know I've been here for a bit, but I decided to wait a while longer. I sigh as I feel my phone vibrate, wiping my tears, I look at the phone… it’s from Chan.
Chris: I wish you would have said goodbye. But I understand. Please keep in touch, we truly enjoyed spending time with you.
I opened my phone and read it. I know they are getting ready to leave. I want to text him, but I know that it's just going to cause issues. I looked at the time and see that it was 1145 am by now. I order an Uber and head home. I knew this was going to hurt but I didn’t think it would be this bad.
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lilbarnsey · 1 year
Domestic!Bucky x OC
She moans into his shoulder as she feels him tense slightly before he spilled into her, pushing her over the edge as well. She curses and gasps out his name as he stills inside of her. She held onto him, her hands gripping his shoulders as she began to shiver from her release.
Bucky lets out a grunt and a sigh as he releases himself. As he slows his pace, he leans over her shoulder and kisses her on the cheek again. “Did you miss this?” He asks quietly, his voice laced with a smirk. “It’s not often we get to make up for lost time.” He hums, his metal hand stroking her slowly.
"I miss you." She responds, kissing him slowly. The sound of their door opening slowly caused Erynna to quickly covered them both in their bed sheets as their son, Tucker, comes in rubbing his eyes. The 4 year old looked like he barely woke up as he walked to his parents bed, very oblivious to what had just transpired there.
“Well, look who’s up already,” Bucky says, his voice light and cheerful. He pulls off her, leaning on one arm. Tucker climbs in between the two, leaning against Bucky’s other arm. They smile down at the little boy.
“Morning, little man!” Bucky says. His voice is full of the warmth, kindness, and affection that is his hallmark. He puts a hand on Tucker’s head, rubbing him affectionately. Tucker, for his part, yawns in response and gives a sleepy smile.
Erynna makes sure the sheet is covering her entirely before she kisses the top of her son's head.
"You excited to go to Saturday school?" She asks Tucker who just shook his head no and buried his head into his mother's sheet covered chest. She let out a breathy laugh. "Is your brother up?" She asks, and Tucker shakes his head no.
“Well, looks like someone’s a little sleepy still,” Bucky says with a laugh. “I don’t blame you, little man. Waking up early on a Saturday is never fun.” He gives him another pat on the head. “Maybe we’ll have time for pancakes or something before school.” He grins, giving a mock salute. “Have fun, though, all right?”
Tucker whines, clearly not a morning person. But both parents were used to his fussiness in the morning.
"Hey hey, don't fall back to sleep, bub." Erynna tells Tucker who whines again. "You gotta get ready for school, sweetheart." She says softly. "I'll make you waffles for breakfast if you go get your brother up and get dressed." She offers and this causes Tucker to wake up, abet he's still a bit grumpy but he complied anyway and crawled his way to get off the bed and go to his brother and his room.
“Waffles, huh?” Bucky says teasingly. He lets out a laugh, his hand resting against Erynna’s shoulder. “Smart lady,” he says. “Always know exactly what’ll get them moving.” He hums. A moment later, a little boy’s voice echoes loudly from the hallway. It’s David, sounding even grumpier than his little brother.
“I’m up, I’m up!” He calls out. “I’m ready for school, mom!” There’s a loud thump, and then the sound of footsteps coming toward the room.
"I don't hear the sink running, go brush your teeth!" Erynna shouted from their room so David could hear her.
“Ugh, mom,” David whines, his voice carrying the same grumpiness as his younger brother. “I'm already on it, okay?!”
There's another pause, and then the sound of a faucet and the water running. "There," David says, his voice a little annoyed. "Happy now?"
Erynna raises her brows even though their son couldn't see it, she had a amused look at how sassy he was being with her. "Not until you tell me 'I love you, mom'!" She yells back with a grin.
There's a long pause before another reluctant voice can be heard through the wall. "I love you, mom." It's followed by a sigh and then some more grumbling.
Bucky snorts quietly, an amused smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Someone's having a bad morning," he whispers.
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